Brownian motion (cont.) 18.S995 - L03 order terms, it follows from Eq. (1.15) that Basic idea ⌧ @t p(t, x) ' (1 ⇢) p(t, x) + 2 ` Split dynamics ⇢into [p(t, x) `@x p(t, x) + @xx 2 • deterministic part (drift) 2 ` (diffusion) x) + `@x p(t, x) + @xx • random part[p(t, 2 tains the advection-di↵usion equationSDE @t p = u @x p + D @xx p 5 PDE (i) jump a fixed distance ` to the left with probability , or (ii) jump a fixed distance ` to the right with probability ⇢, or (iii) remain at its position x with probability (1 ⇢). Assuming the process is Markovian (does not depend on the past), the evolution of 1.1.2 that Biased random walk (BRW) the associated probability vector P (t) = (P (t, x)) = (Pj (t)), where x = `j, is governed by Consider one-dimensional hopping process on a discrete lattice (spacing `), defined such the masteraequation that during a time-step ⌧ a particle at position X(t) = `j 2 `Z can either P (t + ⌧, x) = (1 ⇢) P (t, x) + ⇢ P (t, x `) + P (t, x + `). (i) jump a fixed distance ` to the left with probability , or (1.15) Technically, ⇢, and (1 ⇢) are the non-zero-elements of the corresponding transition (ii) jump fixed distance withthe probability matrix W =a(W Wij `>to0 the thatright governs evolution ⇢,of or the column probability ij ) with vector P (t) = (Pj (t)) = (P (t, y)) by (iii) remain at its position x with probability (1 ⇢). Pi (t + ⌧ ) = Wij Pj (t) (1.16a) P (t + n⌧ ) = W P (t). (1.16b) Assuming that the process is Markovian (does not depend on the past), the evolution of themore associated probability vector P (t) = (P (t, x)) = (Pj (t)), where x = `j, is governed by or, generally, for n steps the master equation n P (t + ⌧, x) = (1 ⇢) P (t, x) + ⇢ P (t, x `) + P (t, x + `). (1.15) The stationary solutions P are the eigenvectors of W with eigenvalue 1. To preserve normalization, one requires Technically, ⇢, and (1 i Wij = 1.⇢) are the non-zero-elements of the corresponding transition matrix W = (Wij ) with Wij > 0 that governs the evolution of the column probability Continuum limit Define density vector P (t) = (Pj (t)) = (Pthe (t, y)) by p(t, x) = P (t, x)/`. Assume ⌧, ` are small, so that we can Taylor-expand Pi (t + ⌧ ) = Wij Pj (t) p(t + ⌧, x) ' p(t, x) + ⌧ @t p(t, x) or, more generally, for n steps (1.16a) (1.17a) 2 Continuum limit Define the density p(t, x) = P (t, x)/`. Assume ⌧, ` are small, so that we can Taylor-expand p(t + ⌧, x) ' p(t, x) + ⌧ @t p(t, x) `2 p(t, x ± `) ' p(t, x) ± `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x) 2 (1.17a) (1.17b) Neglecting the higher-order terms, it follows from Eq. (1.15) that p(t, x) + ⌧ @t p(t, x) ' (1 ⇢) p(t, x) + `2 ⇢ [p(t, x) `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)] + 2 `2 [p(t, x) + `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)]. 2 (1.18) Dividing by ⌧ , one obtains the advection-di↵usion equation @t p = u @x p + D @xx p (1.19a) with drift velocity u and di↵usion constant D given by2 u := (⇢ ` ) , ⌧ `2 D := (⇢ + ) . 2⌧ We recover the classical di↵usion equation (1.12) from Eq. (1.19a) for ⇢ = time-dependent fundamental solution of Eq. (1.19a) reads r ✓ ◆ 2 1 (x ut) (1.19b) = 0.5. The Neglecting the higher-order terms, it follows from Eq. (1.15) that p(t, x) + ⌧ @t p(t, x) ' (1 Time-dependent solution ` ⇢) p(t, x) + 2 ⇢ [p(t, x) `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)] + 2 `2 [p(t, x) + `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)]. 2 (1.18) Dividing by ⌧ , one obtains the advection-di↵usion equation @t p = u @x p + D @xx p (1.19a) with drift velocity u and di↵usion constant D given by2 u := (⇢ ` ) , ⌧ `2 D := (⇢ + ) . 2⌧ We recover the classical di↵usion equation (1.12) from Eq. (1.19a) for ⇢ = time-dependent fundamental solution of Eq. (1.19a) reads r ✓ ◆ 2 1 (x ut) p(t, x) = exp 4⇡Dt 4Dt (1.19b) = 0.5. The (1.20) Remarks Note that Eqs. (1.12) and Eq. (1.19a) can both be written in the current-form @ t p + @ x jx = 0 (1.21) with j = up D@ p, (1.22) We recover the classical di↵usion equation (1.12) from Eq. (1.19a) for ⇢ = time-dependent fundamental solution of Eq. (1.19a) reads r ✓ ◆ 2 1 (x ut) p(t, x) = exp 4⇡Dt 4Dt = 0.5. The (1.20) Remarks Note that Eqs. (1.12) and Eq. (1.19a) can both be written in the current-form @ t p + @ x jx = 0 (1.21) with jx = up D@x p, (1.22) reflecting conservation of probability. Another commonly-used representation is @t p = Lp, (1.23) where L is a linear di↵erential operator; in the above example (1.19b) L := u @x + D @xx . (1.24) Stationary solutions, if they exist, are eigenfunctions of L with eigenvalue 0. 2 Strictly speaking, when taking the limits ⌧, ` ! 0, one requires that ⇢ and D remain constant. Assuming that ⇢ + = const, this means that (⇢ ) ⇠ `. 6 change such that u and (useful later when discussing Brownian motors) the higher-order terms, it follows from Eq. (1.15) that p(t, x) + ⌧ @t p(t, x) ' (1 ⇢) p(t, x) + `2 ⇢ [p(t, x) `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)] + 1.2 Brownian motion 2 `2 1.2.1 SDEs and discretization rules [p(t, x) + `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)]. 2 (1.18) The continuous stochastic process X(t) Diffusion equation with constant drift described by Eq. (1.19a) or, equivalently, Eq. (1.20) y ⌧ , one obtains the beadvection-di↵usion equation can also represented by the stochastic di↵erential equation @t p = velocity u u @x p +dX(t) D @=xxupdt + p 2D dB(t). (1.25) (1.19a) Here, dX(t) = X(t + dt) X(t) is increment of the stochastic particle trajectory X(t), 2 andwhilst di↵usion given by an increment of the standard Brownian motion dB(t) =constant B(t + dt) DB(t) denotes 3 (or Wiener) process B(t), uniquely defined by the following properties : 2 ` ` u(i):=B(0) (⇢ = 0 with ) representation ,probability D := .of 1. (⇢ + ) Path-wise ⌧ 2⌧ (ii) B(t) is stationary, i.e., for t > s di↵usion equation from distribution as B(t (1.12) s). (1.19b) ? typical trajectories 0 the increment B(t) B(s) has the same the classical Eq. (1.19a) for ⇢ = = 0.5. The dent fundamental solution of Eq. (1.19a) reads (iii) B(t) has independent increments. That is, for all tn > tn 1 > . . . > t2 > t1 , r variables B(t ✓n ) B(tn 1 ), .2.◆ the random . , B(t2 ) B(t1 ), B(t1 ) are independently 1 their joint distribution (x ut) factorizes). distributed (i.e., p(t, x) = exp (1.20) 4⇡Dt 4Dt (iv) B(t) has Gaussian distribution with variance t for all t 2 (0, 1). (v) B(t) is continuous with probability 1. Note that Eqs. (1.12) and Eq. (1.19a) can both be written in the current-form The probability distribution P governing the driving process B(t) is commonly known as the Wiener measure. @ t p + @ x jx = 0 (1.21) Although the derivative ⇠(t) = dB/dt is not well-defined mathematically, Eq. (1.25) is in the physics literature often written in the form p Ẋ(t) = u + 2D ⇠(t). (1.26) the higher-order terms, it follows from Eq. (1.15) that p(t, x) + ⌧ @t p(t, x) ' (1 ⇢) p(t, x) + `2 ⇢ [p(t, x) `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)] + 1.2 Brownian motion 2 `2 1.2.1 SDEs and discretization rules [p(t, x) + `@x p(t, x) + @xx p(t, x)]. 2 (1.18) The continuous stochastic process X(t) Diffusion equation with constant drift described by Eq. (1.19a) or, equivalently, Eq. (1.20) y ⌧ , one obtains the beadvection-di↵usion equation can also represented by the stochastic di↵erential equation @t p = velocity u u @x p +dX(t) D @=xxupdt + p 2D dB(t). (1.25) (1.19a) Here, dX(t) = X(t + dt) X(t) is increment of the stochastic particle trajectory X(t), 2 andwhilst di↵usion given by an increment of the standard Brownian motion dB(t) =constant B(t + dt) DB(t) denotes 3 (or Wiener) process B(t), uniquely defined by the following properties : 2 ` ` u(i):=B(0) (⇢ = 0 with ) representation ,probability D := .of 1. (⇢ + ) Path-wise ⌧ 2⌧ (ii) B(t) is stationary, i.e., for t > s classical equation (1.12) from 1.2di↵usion Brownian distribution as B(t motion s). (1.19b) ? typical trajectories 0 the increment B(t) B(s) has the same the Eq. (1.19a) for ⇢ = = 0.5. The dent fundamental solution of Eq. (1.19a) reads (iii) B(t) has independent increments. That is, for all tn > tn 1 > . . . > t2 > t1 , 1.2.1 SDEs and discretization rules r variables B(t ✓n ) B(tn 1 ), .2.◆ the random . , B(t2 ) B(t1 ), B(t1 ) are independently 1 theirprocess (x described ut) factorizes). distributed (i.e., joint distribution Thep(t, continuous stochastic X(t) by Eq. (1.19a) or, equivalently, Eq. (1.20) x) = exp (1.20) can also be represented 4⇡Dtby the stochastic 4Dtdi↵erential equation (iv) B(t) has Gaussian distribution with variance t for all t 2 (0, 1). = u dt (v) B(t) is continuous with dX(t) probability 1. + p 2D dB(t). Note that Eqs. (1.12) and Eq. (1.19a) can both be written in the current-form (1.25) ThedX(t) probability distribution P governing the driving process B(t) is particle commonly known as X(t), Here, = X(t + dt) X(t) is increment of the stochastic trajectory the Wiener measure. @t p++dt)@x jxB(t) = 0denotes an increment of the standard Brownian (1.21)motion whilst dB(t) = B(t Although the derivative ⇠(t) = dB/dt is not mathematically, (or Wiener) process B(t), uniquely defined by well-defined the following properties3 : Eq. (1.25) is in the physics literature often written in the form p (i) B(0) = 0 with probability 1. Ẋ(t) = u + 2D ⇠(t). (1.26) 1.2 1.2.1 Brownian motion SDEs and discretization rules The continuous stochastic process X(t) described by Eq. (1.19a) or, equivalently, Eq. (1.20) can also be represented by the stochastic di↵erential equation p dX(t) = u dt + 2D dB(t). (1.25) Here, dX(t) = X(t + dt) X(t) is increment of the stochastic particle trajectory X(t), whilst dB(t) = B(t + dt) B(t) denotes an increment of the standard Brownian motion (or Wiener) process B(t), uniquely defined by the following properties3 : (i) B(0) = 0 with probability 1. (ii) B(t) is stationary, i.e., for t > s distribution as B(t s). 0 the increment B(t) B(s) has the same (iii) B(t) has independent increments. That is, for all tn > tn 1 > . . . > t2 > t1 , the random variables B(tn ) B(tn 1 ), . . . , B(t2 ) B(t1 ), B(t1 ) are independently distributed (i.e., their joint distribution factorizes). (iv) B(t) has Gaussian distribution with variance t for all t 2 (0, 1). (v) B(t) is continuous with probability 1. The probability distribution P governing the driving process B(t) is commonly known as the Wiener measure. Although the derivative ⇠(t) = dB/dt is not well-defined mathematically, Eq. (1.25) is in the physics literature often written in the form p Ẋ(t) = u + 2D ⇠(t). (1.26) (ii) B(t) is stationary, i.e., for t > s distribution as B(t s). 1.2 0 the increment B(t) B(s) has the same Brownian motion (iii) B(t) has independent increments. That is, for all tn > tn 1 > . . . > t2 > t1 , randomand variables B(tn ) B(tn 1rules ), . . . , B(t2 ) B(t1 ), B(t1 ) are independently 1.2.1theSDEs discretization distributed (i.e., their joint distribution factorizes). The continuous stochastic process X(t) described by Eq. (1.19a) or, equivalently, Eq. (1.20) can be has represented the stochastic (iv)also B(t) Gaussianbydistribution withdi↵erential variance t equation for all t 2 (0, 1). p (v) B(t) is continuous withdX(t) probability = u dt 1. + 2D dB(t). (1.25) SDEs in physicist’s notation The probability distribution P governing the driving B(t) is commonly known as Here, dX(t) = X(t + dt) X(t) is increment of the process stochastic particle trajectory X(t), the Wiener whilst dB(t) measure. = B(t + dt) B(t) denotes an increment of the standard Brownian motion 3 Althoughprocess the derivative ⇠(t) = dB/dt notthe well-defined mathematically, Eq. (1.25) is (or Wiener) B(t), uniquely definedisby following properties : in the physics literature often written in the form (i) B(0) = 0 with probability 1. p Ẋ(t) = u + 2D ⇠(t). (1.26) (ii) B(t) is stationary, i.e., for t > s 0 the increment B(t) B(s) has the same The random driving function distribution as B(t s).⇠(t) is then referred to as Gaussian white noise, characterized by (iii) B(t) has independent increments. That is, for all tn > tn 1 > . . . > t2 > t1 , the random variables B(t=n )0 , B(tnh⇠(t)⇠(s)i h⇠(t)i = 2 )(t B(t s), 1 ), B(t1 ) are independently (1.27) 1 ), . . . , B(t distributed (i.e., their joint distribution factorizes). with h · i denoting an average with respect to the Wiener measure. (iv) B(t) has Gaussian distribution with variance t for all t 2 (0, 1). 3 Note that, since X has dimensions of length and D has dimensions length2 /time, the Wiener process 1/2 B(v) in Eq. (1.25) has units time . probability 1. B(t) is continuous with The probability distribution P governing the driving process B(t) is commonly known as the Wiener measure. Although the derivative ⇠(t) = dB/dt is not well-defined mathematically, Eq. (1.25) is 2.1 SDEs and discretization rules Stochastic differential calculus e continuous stochastic process X(t) described by Eq. (1.19a) or, equivalently, Eq. (1.20) n also be represented by the stochastic di↵erential equation p dX(t) = u dt + 2D dB(t). (1.25) re, dX(t) = X(t + dt) X(t)Note is increment of the trajectory Ito’s formula that property (iv) stochastic implies thatparticle E[dB 2 ] = dt. This X(t), justifies the ilst dB(t) = B(t + dt) heuristic B(t) denotes increment standard change Brownian motion following derivationan of Ito’s formula of forthe the di↵erential of some real-valued 3 Wiener) process B(t),Funiquely defined by the following properties : function (x) dF (X(t)) i) B(0) = 0 with probability 1. := F (X(t + dt)) i) B(t) is stationary, i.e., for t >= s distribution as B(t s). = F (X(t)) 1 F 0 (X(t)) dX + F 00 (X(t)) dX 2 + . . . 0 the increment B(t) B(s) has the same 2 h i2 p 1 F 0 (X(t)) dX + F 00 (X(t)) u dt + 2D dB + . . . 2 0 F That (X(t))is, dX for + DF all00 (X(t)) tn >dB tn2 +1 O(dt > .3/2 . .); > t2 > t1 , (1.28) = i) B(t) has independent increments. the random variables B(tn ) B(tn 1 ), . . . , B(t2 ) B(t1 ), B(t1 ) are independently hence, in a probabilistic sense, one has to leading order in dt distributed (i.e., their joint distribution factorizes). dF (X(t)) = F 0 (X(t)) dX + D F 00 (X(t)) dt v) B(t) has Gaussian distribution with0 variance t for all t 2 (0, 1). 00 0 = [u F (X(t)) + D F (X(t))] dt + F (X(t)) p 2D dB(t). (1.29) v) B(t) is continuous with probability 1. 0 It is crucial toPnote that, duethe to the choiceprocess of the expansion the coefficient e probability distribution governing driving B(t) is point, commonly known Fas(X) in front of dB(t) is to be evaluated at X(t). This convention is the so-called Ito integration e Wiener measure. rule. In particular, it is important to keep in mind that nonlinear transformations of Ito Although the SDEs derivative ⇠(t) = dB/dt is not well-defined mathematically, Eq. (1.25) is must feature second-order derivatives. the physics literature often written in the form Discretization dilemma Topclarify the importance of discretization rules when dealing = ua + 2Dgeneralization ⇠(t). with SDEs, let usẊ(t) consider simple of Eq. (1.25), where drift u (1.26) and di↵usion 2.1 SDEs and discretization rules Stochastic differential calculus e continuous stochastic process X(t) described by Eq. (1.19a) or, equivalently, Eq. (1.20) n also be represented by the stochastic di↵erential equation p dX(t) = u dt + 2D dB(t). (1.25) re, dX(t) = X(t + dt) X(t)Note is increment of the trajectory Ito’s formula that property (iv) stochastic implies thatparticle E[dB 2 ] = dt. This X(t), justifies the ilst dB(t) = B(t + dt) heuristic B(t) denotes increment standard change Brownian motion following derivationan of Ito’s formula of forthe the di↵erential of some real-valued 3 Wiener) process B(t),Funiquely defined by the following properties : function (x) dF (X(t)) i) B(0) = 0 with probability 1. := F (X(t + dt)) i) B(t) is stationary, i.e., for t >= s distribution as B(t s). = F (X(t)) 1 F 0 (X(t)) dX + F 00 (X(t)) dX 2 + . . . 0 the increment B(t) B(s) has the same 2 h i2 p 1 F 0 (X(t)) dX + F 00 (X(t)) u dt + 2D dB + . . . 2 0 F That (X(t))is, dX for + DF all00 (X(t)) tn >dB tn2 +1 O(dt > .3/2 . .); > t2 > t1 , (1.28) = i) B(t) has independent increments. the random variables B(tn ) B(tn 1 ), . . . , B(t2 ) B(t1 ), B(t1 ) are independently hence, in a probabilistic sense, one has to leading order in dt distributed (i.e., their joint distribution factorizes). dF (X(t)) = F 0 (X(t)) dX + D F 00 (X(t)) dt v) B(t) has Gaussian distribution with0 variance t for all t 2 (0, 1). 00 0 = [u F (X(t)) + D F (X(t))] dt + F (X(t)) p 2D dB(t). (1.29) v) B(t) is continuous with probability 1. 0 It is crucial toPnote that, duethe to the choiceprocess of the expansion the coefficient e probability distribution governing driving B(t) is point, commonly known Fas(X) in front of dB(t) is to be evaluated at X(t). This convention is the so-called Ito integration e Wiener measure. rule. In particular, it is important to keep in mind that nonlinear transformations of Ito Although the SDEs derivative ⇠(t) = dB/dt is not well-defined mathematically, Eq. (1.25) is must feature second-order derivatives. the physics literature often written in the form Discretization dilemma Topclarify the importance of discretization rules when dealing = ua + 2Dgeneralization ⇠(t). with SDEs, let usẊ(t) consider simple of Eq. (1.25), where drift u (1.26) and di↵usion = [u F (X(t)) + D F (X(t))] dt + F (X(t)) 2D dB(t). (1.29) It is crucial to note that, due to the choice of the expansion point, the coefficient F 0 (X) in front of dB(t) is to be evaluated at X(t). This convention is the so-called Ito integration rule. In particular, it is important to keep in mind that nonlinear transformations of Ito SDEs must feature second-order derivatives. Numerical integration Discretization dilemma To clarify the importance of discretization rules when dealing with SDEs, let us consider a simple generalization of Eq. (1.25), where drift u and di↵usion coefficient D are position dependent. Adopting the Ito convention, the corresponding SDE reads p dX(t) = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t), (1.30a) where from now on the ⇤-symbol signals that D(X) is to be evaluated at X(t). The simplest numerical integration procedure for Eq. (1.30a) is the stochastic Euler scheme p p X(t + dt) = X(t) + u(X(t)) dt + 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) where, for each time step dt, a new random number Z(t) is drawn from a standard normal distribution4 . If the driving process p B(t) is Eq. (1.30a) were a regular deterministic function, such as for example B(t) = ⌧ sin(⌦t), then Eq. (1.30a) would reduce to a standard inhomogeneous ordinary di↵erential equation (ODE). For ODEs, it typically does not matter whether one computes the coefficients5 u(x) and D(x) at the start point X(t) or the end point X(t + dt). Mathematically, this is due to the fact that, for well-behaved deterministic driving functions, upper and lower Riemann sums yield the same value when letting When you see an equation like (1.30a), then always ask which discretization rule has been adopted! 4 That is, a Gaussian distribution with mean µ = 0 and variance 5 Assuming the functions u and D are sufficiently smooth. 2 = 1. where from now on the ⇤-symbol signals that D(X) is to be evaluated at X(t). The simplest numerical integration procedure for Eq. (1.30a) is the stochastic Euler scheme Discretization dilemma To clarify the importance rules when dealing p of discretization p + dt) = aX(t) + generalization u(X(t)) dt + of 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) with SDEs, letX(t us consider simple Eq. (1.25), where drift u and di↵usion Ito vs. backward-Ito coefficient D are position dependent. Adopting the Ito convention, the corresponding SDE where, for each timedilemma step dt, a To new random number Z(t) is drawn from a when standard normal Discretization clarify the importance of discretization rules dealing reads 4 with SDEs, us driving consider process a simple B(t) generalization of Eq. (1.25), driftdeterministic u and di↵usionfuncdistribution . Iflet the isp Eq. (1.30a) were awhere regular p dX(t) dt + then 2D(X) D example are position dependent. Adopting the Eq. Ito⇤ dB(t), convention, the corresponding tion, coefficient such as for B(t) == u(X) ⌧ sin(⌦t), (1.30a) would reduce to (1.30a) a SDE standard reads inhomogeneous ordinary di↵erential equationD(X) (ODE). For ODEs, itattypically does not matwhere from now on the ⇤-symbol signals that is to be evaluated X(t). The simplest p and D(x) at the start point X(t) or the end 5 ter whether one computes the coefficients u(x) numerical integration procedure Eq.dt (1.30a) is the ⇤stochastic dX(t) =for u(X) + 2D(X) dB(t), Euler scheme (1.30a) point X(t + dt). Mathematically, this is due top the fact that, p for well-behaved determinwhere from now on+ the that is to beyield evaluated at X(t). The when simplest istic driving functions, upper and signals Riemann sums same value letting X(t dt)⇤-symbol = X(t) +lower u(X(t)) dtD(X) + 2D(X(t)) dtthe Z(t), (1.30b) integration procedure for Eq.varying (1.30a) isstochastic the stochastic Euler such scheme dt !numerical 0. If, however, B(t) is a rapidly process, as the Brownian where, for each time step dt, a new random number Z(t) is drawn a standard normal p p from motion, then the corresponding lower and upper Riemann sums in general do not converge 4 X(t + dt) = X(t) + u(X(t)) dt + 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) distribution . If the driving process is Eq. (1.30a) were a regular deterministic funcp B(t)when to the same value anymore. Therefore, dealing with SDEs of the type (1.30a), it is tion, such as for example B(t) = ⌧ sin(⌦t), then Eq. (1.30a) would reduce to a standard important convention. where,to forexplicitly eachordinary time specify step dt, athe newintegration random number is drawnit from a standard normal inhomogeneous di↵erential equation (ODE).Z(t) For ODEs, typically does not mat4 For instance, the so-called backward Ito SDE with coefficients u and D , denoted 5 is Eq. (1.30a) were a regularBdeterministic . If the driving terdistribution whether one computes the process coefficients and D(x) at the start point X(t)Bor thefuncend by p B(t) u(x) tion,X(t such+as for Mathematically, example B(t) = this ⌧ sin(⌦t), then (1.30a) reduce to adeterminstandard point dt). is duepto theEq. fact that, would for well-behaved dX(t) =and uB (X) dtRiemann + (ODE). 2Dsums •ODEs, dB(t), (1.31a) inhomogeneous ordinary di↵erential equation For itsame typically does notletting matB (X) istic driving functions, upper lower yield the value when 5 one computes u(x) and D(x) atprocess, the startsuch pointasX(t) or the end dtter !whether 0. If, however, B(t) the is acoefficients rapidly varying stochastic the Brownian 6 point X(t + dt). Mathematically, this is upper due toRiemann the fact that, well-behaved is defined as the upper Riemann sum motion, then the corresponding lower and sums for in general do notdeterminconverge istic driving functions, upper and lower Riemann sums yield the same value when letting p to the same value anymore. Therefore, when dealing with SDEs of p the type (1.30a), it is dt X(t ! 0.+ If, however, B(t) is a rapidly varying stochastic process, such as the Brownian dt) = X(t) + u (X(t + dt)) dt + 2D (X(t + dt)) dt Z(t). (1.31b) B the integration convention. B important to explicitly specify motion, then the corresponding lower and upper Riemann sums in general do not converge For instance, the so-called backward Ito SDE with coefficients uB and DB , denoted by to the same value anymore. Therefore, when(1.31b) dealing with SDEs ofTo thereemphasize, type (1.30a), for it issame Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the backward Ito scheme is implicit. p important specify integration convention. functions u ⌘ to uBexplicitly and DdX(t) ⌘ D=B ,uthe (1.30) and (1.31) produce trajectories (1.31a) that follow (X) dt + 2D • dB(t), BEqs. B (X) instance, 7 the so-called backward Ito SDE with coefficients uB and DB , denoted by di↵erentFor statistics . The analog of the Ito formula (1.29) for a nonlinear transformation of p defined as theSDE upperreads Riemann sum6 the isbackward-Ito simply dX(t) = uB (X) dt + 2DB (X) • dB(t), (1.31a) p p X(t + dt) = X(t)0 + uB (X(t + dt)) dt 00+ 2DB (X(t + dt)) dt Z(t). (1.31b) 6 dF (X) = F (X) • dX D F (X) dt is defined as the upper Riemann sum B p 0 00 0 p p reemphasize, Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the[ubackward (1.31b) isFimplicit. To same = dt + (X) 2D • dB(t). for B F (X) ItoDscheme B F (X)] X(t + dt) = X(t) + uB (X(t + dt)) dt + 2DB (X(t + dt)) B dt Z(t). (1.31b) functions u ⌘ uB and D ⌘ DB , Eqs. (1.30) and (1.31) produce trajectories that follow (1.32) 7 di↵erent statistics . The analog of the Ito formula (1.29) for a nonlinear transformation of Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the backward Ito scheme (1.31b) is implicit. To reemphasize, for same 4 the backward-Ito SDE reads simply 2 That is, a Gaussian with mean(1.30) µ = 0 and and (1.31) variance = 1. trajectories that follow functions u ⌘ u distribution and D ⌘ D , Eqs. produce Compare with do NOT give same results when dt → 0 5 B B 7 Assuming the functions u and D are sufficiently smooth. where from now on the ⇤-symbol signals that D(X) is to be evaluated at X(t). The simplest numerical integration procedure for Eq. (1.30a) is the stochastic Euler scheme Discretization dilemma To clarify the importance rules when dealing p of discretization p + dt) = aX(t) + generalization u(X(t)) dt + of 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) with SDEs, letX(t us consider simple Eq. (1.25), where drift u and di↵usion Ito vs. backward-Ito coefficient D are position dependent. Adopting the Ito convention, the corresponding SDE where, for each timedilemma step dt, a To new random number Z(t) is drawn from a when standard normal Discretization clarify the importance of discretization rules dealing reads 4 with SDEs, us driving consider process a simple B(t) generalization of Eq. (1.25), driftdeterministic u and di↵usionfuncdistribution . Iflet the isp Eq. (1.30a) were awhere regular p dX(t) dt + then 2D(X) D example are position dependent. Adopting the Eq. Ito⇤ dB(t), convention, the corresponding tion, coefficient such as for B(t) == u(X) ⌧ sin(⌦t), (1.30a) would reduce to (1.30a) a SDE standard reads inhomogeneous ordinary di↵erential equationD(X) (ODE). For ODEs, itattypically does not matwhere from now on the ⇤-symbol signals that is to be evaluated X(t). The simplest p and D(x) at the start point X(t) or the end 5 ter whether one computes the coefficients u(x) numerical integration procedure Eq.dt (1.30a) is the ⇤stochastic dX(t) =for u(X) + 2D(X) dB(t), Euler scheme (1.30a) point X(t + dt). Mathematically, this is due top the fact that, p for well-behaved determinwhere from now on+ the that is to beyield evaluated at X(t). The when simplest istic driving functions, upper and signals Riemann sums same value letting X(t dt)⇤-symbol = X(t) +lower u(X(t)) dtD(X) + 2D(X(t)) dtthe Z(t), (1.30b) integration procedure for Eq.varying (1.30a) isstochastic the stochastic Euler such scheme dt !numerical 0. If, however, B(t) is a rapidly process, as the Brownian where, for each time step dt, a new random number Z(t) is drawn a standard normal p p from motion, then the corresponding lower and upper Riemann sums in general do not converge 4 X(t + dt) = X(t) + u(X(t)) dt + 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) distribution . If the driving process is Eq. (1.30a) were a regular deterministic funcp B(t)when to the same value anymore. Therefore, dealing with SDEs of the type (1.30a), it is tion, such as for example B(t) = ⌧ sin(⌦t), then Eq. (1.30a) would reduce to a standard important convention. where,to forexplicitly eachordinary time specify step dt, athe newintegration random number is drawnit from a standard normal inhomogeneous di↵erential equation (ODE).Z(t) For ODEs, typically does not mat4 For instance, the so-called backward Ito SDE with coefficients u and D , denoted 5 is Eq. (1.30a) were a regularBdeterministic . If the driving terdistribution whether one computes the process coefficients and D(x) at the start point X(t)Bor thefuncend by p B(t) u(x) tion,X(t such+as for Mathematically, example B(t) = this ⌧ sin(⌦t), then (1.30a) reduce to adeterminstandard point dt). is duepto theEq. fact that, would for well-behaved dX(t) =and uB (X) dtRiemann + (ODE). 2Dsums •ODEs, dB(t), (1.31a) inhomogeneous ordinary di↵erential equation For itsame typically does notletting matB (X) istic driving functions, upper lower yield the value when 5 one computes u(x) and D(x) atprocess, the startsuch pointasX(t) or the end dtter !whether 0. If, however, B(t) the is acoefficients rapidly varying stochastic the Brownian 6 point X(t + dt). Mathematically, this is upper due toRiemann the fact that, well-behaved is defined as the upper Riemann sum motion, then the corresponding lower and sums for in general do notdeterminconverge istic driving functions, upper and lower Riemann sums yield the same value when letting p to the same value anymore. Therefore, when dealing with SDEs of p the type (1.30a), it is dt X(t ! 0.+ If, however, B(t) is a rapidly varying stochastic process, such as the Brownian dt) = X(t) + u (X(t + dt)) dt + 2D (X(t + dt)) dt Z(t). (1.31b) B the integration convention. B important to explicitly specify motion, then the corresponding lower and upper Riemann sums in general do not converge For instance, the so-called backward Ito SDE with coefficients uB and DB , denoted by to the same value anymore. Therefore, when(1.31b) dealing with SDEs ofTo thereemphasize, type (1.30a), for it issame Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the backward Ito scheme is implicit. p important specify integration convention. functions u ⌘ to uBexplicitly and DdX(t) ⌘ D=B ,uthe (1.30) and (1.31) produce trajectories (1.31a) that follow (X) dt + 2D • dB(t), BEqs. B (X) instance, 7 the so-called backward Ito SDE with coefficients uB and DB , denoted by di↵erentFor statistics . The analog of the Ito formula (1.29) for a nonlinear transformation of p defined as theSDE upperreads Riemann sum6 the isbackward-Ito simply dX(t) = uB (X) dt + 2DB (X) • dB(t), (1.31a) p p X(t + dt) = X(t)0 + uB (X(t + dt)) dt 00+ 2DB (X(t + dt)) dt Z(t). (1.31b) 6 dF (X) = F (X) • dX D F (X) dt is defined as the upper Riemann sum B p 0 00 0 p p reemphasize, Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the[ubackward (1.31b) isFimplicit. To same = dt + (X) 2D • dB(t). for B F (X) ItoDscheme B F (X)] X(t + dt) = X(t) + uB (X(t + dt)) dt + 2DB (X(t + dt)) B dt Z(t). (1.31b) functions u ⌘ uB and D ⌘ DB , Eqs. (1.30) and (1.31) produce trajectories that follow (1.32) 7 di↵erent statistics . The analog of the Ito formula (1.29) for a nonlinear transformation of Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the backward Ito scheme (1.31b) is implicit. To reemphasize, for same 4 the backward-Ito SDE reads simply 2 That is, a Gaussian with mean(1.30) µ = 0 and and (1.31) variance = 1. trajectories that follow functions u ⌘ u distribution and D ⌘ D , Eqs. produce Compare with In particular 5 B B 7 Assuming the functions u and D are sufficiently smooth. SDE with coefficients (uB , DB ) can be transformed into a stochastically equivalent Ito SDE oneadapting obtains an SDE that (u, is stochastically equivalent to Eqs. (1.31). by theIto coe↵ficients D) accordingly. More precisely, by fixing Another discretization convention, that is popular in the physics literature is the Stratonovich-Fisk discretization, u = udenoted D = DB (1.33) B + @x Dby B, p uS (X) dt + equivalent 2DS (X) dB(t), (1.34a) one obtains an Ito SDEdX(t) that is= stochastically to Eqs. (1.31). Another discretization convention, that is popular in the physics literature is the 8 and defined as thediscretization, mean value of denoted lower and Stratonovich-Fisk byupper Riemann sum p+ u (X(t + dt)) u (X(t)) S = uS+(X) dt + 2DSS (X) dB(t),dt + (1.34a) X(t + dt) dX(t) = X(t) p p 2 p8 + upper 2DS Riemann (X(t + dt)) and defined as the mean value 2D of lower and sum S (X(t)) dt Z(t). (1.34b) 2 uS (X(t)) + uS (X(t + dt)) X(t + dt) = X(t) + dt + Similarly to Eq. (1.34), by fixing p p 2 p 2DS (X(t)) 1 + 2DS (X(t + dt)) dt Z(t). (1.34b) u = uS + @x DS ,2 D = DS (1.35) 2 Similarly to an Eq.Ito (1.34), fixing one obtains SDE by that is stochastically equivalent to Eqs. (1.31). Stratonovich SDE From a numerical perspective, the 1non-anticipatory Ito scheme (1.30b) is advantageous = uSposition + @x Ddirectly Dfrom = Dthe (1.35) for it allows to compute theu new previous one. For analytical S, S 2 calculations, the Stratonovich-Fisk scheme is somewhat preferable as it preserves the rules 9 of ordinary one obtains di↵erential an Ito SDEcalculus, that is stochastically equivalent to Eqs. (1.31). From a numerical perspective, the non-anticipatory Ito scheme (1.30b) is advantageous 0 dF (X) = F dX(t) (1.36) for it allows to compute the new position (X) directly from the previous one. For analytical calculations, the Stratonovich-Fisk scheme is somewhat preferable as it preserves the rules whilst the backward Itocalculus, rule bears 9 certain conceptual advantageous from a physical point of of ordinary di↵erential view [DH09]. However, as mentioned before, in principle one can transform back and forth 0 between the di↵erent types of SDEs, of the di↵erent discretization schemes is dF (X)i.e., = Fneither (X) dX(t) (1.36) intrinsically superior. Various transformation and their generalizations to higher dimensions whilst the backward Ito ruleformulas bears certain conceptual advantageous from aspace physical point of each SDE formulation has advantages & disadvantages X(t + dt) = X(t) + u(X(t)) dt + 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) where, for each time step dt, a new random number Z(t) is drawn from a standard normal 4 Discretization dilemma To clarifyprocess the importance of rules when dealing deterministic funcdistribution .dt, If athe driving B(t) is discretization Eq. (1.30a) were a regular where, for with eachSDEs, timeletstep new random number Z(t) is drawn from a standard normal p us consider a simple generalization of Eq. (1.25), where drift u and di↵usion ⌧(1.30a) sin(⌦t),were thena Eq. (1.30a) would reduce to a standard 4tion, such as for example B(t) = distribution . If the driving process B(t) is Eq. regular deterministic funccoefficient D are position dependent. Adopting the Ito convention, the corresponding SDE p di↵erential inhomogeneous ordinary (ODE). For ODEs, it atypically the importance discretization rules when to dealing tion, such reads asDiscretization for exampledilemma B(t) = To⌧ clarify sin(⌦t), thenequation Eq.5 of (1.30a) would reduce standarddoes not matter SDEs, whether computes the coefficients u(x) and D(x) atu and thedi↵usion start point X(t) or the end with let usone consider a simple generalization of Eq. (1.25), where p inhomogeneous ordinary di↵erential equation (ODE). For ODEs, it drift typically does not matdX(t) = u(X)5Adopting dt + this 2D(X) dB(t), (1.30a) D are dependent. the is Ito⇤due convention, the corresponding SDE point X(t + position dt). Mathematically, tothe thestart fact that,X(t) for well-behaved determinter whether one computes the coefficients u(x) and D(x) at point or the end Ito coefficient reads driving upper andD(X) lower Riemann sums yield the same value when letting now on functions, the ⇤-symbol signals that is to be evaluated at X(t). The simplest point X(t where + istic dt).from Mathematically, this is due to the fact that, for well-behaved determinp dt ! 0. If, however, B(t) is a rapidly process, such as the Brownian numerical integration procedure Eq. (1.30a) is sums thevarying Euler scheme dX(t)lower =for u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤stochastic dB(t), (1.30a) istic driving functions, upper and Riemann yield stochastic the same value when letting motion, then the corresponding lower sums in general do not converge pand upper p Riemann dt ! 0. If,where however, B(t) is a rapidly varying stochastic process, such as the Brownian from now on+ the thatdtD(X) is to be evaluated at X(t). The simplest X(t dt)⇤-symbol = X(t) signals + u(X(t)) + 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) to the same value anymore. Therefore, when dealing with SDEs of the type (1.30a), it is motion, then the corresponding lower for and sumsEuler in general numerical integration procedure Eq.upper (1.30a)Riemann is the stochastic scheme do not converge important to explicitly specify the integration convention. where, for each time step dt, a new random number Z(t) isitdrawn from athe standard normal pfunctions, pitstraightforward For sufficiently smooth coefficient functions, is to backand and to the same value anymore. Therefore, when dealing with SDEs of type (1.30a), it isback For sufficiently smooth coefficient is straightforward to transform transform 4 X(t + dt) = X(t) + u(X(t)) dt + 2D(X(t)) dt Z(t), (1.30b) distribution . If the driving process B(t)backward is Eq. (1.30a) were a regular deterministic funcFor instance, the so-called Ito SDE with coefficients uaBgiven and backward D by B , denoted p types forth between di↵erent types of SDEs (see Appendix A). That is, a backward Ito important to explicitly specify the integration convention. forth between di↵erent of SDEs (see Appendix A). That is, given Ito tion, such as for example B(t) = ⌧ sin(⌦t), then Eq. (1.30a) would reduce to a standard p SDE with (u , DBSDE )be can be transformed into aBastochastically equivalent where, for each timecoefficients step dt,B a, D new random number Z(t) is drawn from standard normal SDE with coefficients (u can transformed into austochastically equivalent ItoSDE SDE For instance, the so-called backward Ito with coefficients and DB , denoted by Ito B )B backward-Ito inhomogeneous ordinary di↵erential equation (ODE). For ODEs, it typically does not matdX(t) = u (X) dt + 2D (X) • dB(t), (1.31a) 4 B B 5 (u, distribution . If the driving process B(t) is Eq. (1.30a) were a regular deterministic funcby adapting the coe↵ficients D) accordingly. More precisely, by fixing ter whether one computes the coefficients u(x) and D(x) at the start point X(t) or the end by adapting the coe↵ficients p(u, D)paccordingly. More precisely, by fixing tion,X(t such+as for example = this ⌧ sin(⌦t), then Eq. (1.30a) would reduce to adeterminstandard (1.31a) point dt). Mathematically, is to the fact for well-behaved dX(t) = B(t) uB (X) dt + due2D •that, dB(t), B 6(X) inhomogeneous di↵erential equation typically does notletting matis driving defined asordinary the upper upper Riemann u =sum u(ODE). @xFor Dyield , theDitsame = Dvalue (1.33) B + B ODEs, B istic functions, and lower Riemann sums when u = u + @ D , D = D (1.33) 5 B u(x) and x B B ter whether one computes the coefficients D(x) atprocess, the start point X(t) or the end 6 dt ! 0. If, however, B(t) is a rapidly varying stochastic such as the Brownian p p is defined aspoint theX(t upper Riemann sum + dt). Mathematically, this is due to the fact that, for well-behaved determinone obtains an Ito SDE that is stochastically equivalent to Eqs. (1.31). X(t dt) = X(t)lower + uand +Riemann dt)) dt + dt)) dt Z(t). (1.31b) motion, then the + corresponding upper sums 2D in general do+not converge B (X(t B (X(t driving functions, upper and is lower Riemann sums yield same when letting one obtains an Ito SDE that stochastically equivalent tovalue Eqs. (1.31). p p Another discretization convention, that is the popular in the physics toistic the same value anymore. Therefore, when dealing with SDEs of the type (1.30a), it is literature is the dtAnother ! 0.=If,X(t) however, is a+convention, rapidly stochastic process, the physics Brownian (1.31b) X(timportant + dt) + uBB(t) (X(t dt)) dtvarying + denoted 2D + dt)) such dt as Z(t). B (X(t discretization that is popular in the literature is Stratonovich-Fisk discretization, by to explicitly specify the integration convention. Unlikethen Eq.the(1.30b), the backward Ito Riemann scheme sums (1.31b) is implicit. To reemphasize, forthe same motion, corresponding lower and upper in general do not converge For instance, the so-called backward Ito SDE with coefficients u and D , denoted by B B Stratonovich-Fisk discretization, denoted by pSDEs functions u ⌘ u and D ⌘ D , Eqs. (1.30) and (1.31) produce trajectories to the same value anymore. Therefore, when dealing with of the type (1.30a), it isfor same that follow B B Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the backward Ito scheme (1.31b) is implicit. To reemphasize, dX(t) = u (X) dt + 2D (X) dB(t), (1.34a) p S S 7 p important to explicitly specify the integration convention. di↵erent statistics . ,The theB (X) Ito •formula (1.29) for a nonlinear transformation of dX(t) = uBanalog (X) dt +ofand 2D dB(t), (1.31a) functions u ⌘ u and D ⌘ D Eqs. (1.30) (1.31) produce trajectories that follow B B dX(t) = u (X) dt + 2D (X) dB(t), (1.34a) For instance, the so-called backward SIto SDE with coefficients uB and DB , denoted by Stratonovich S 8 7and defined asSDE the backward-Ito reads simply the mean value of lower and upper Riemann sum 6 formula (1.29) for a nonlinear transformation of di↵erent statistics . The analog of the Ito Summary the p is defined as the upper Riemann sum dX(t) = uB (X) dt + 2DB (X) • dB(t), 8 (1.31a) backward-Ito SDE simply p and defined asreads the mean value upper Riemann sum 0 of lowerpand 00 u (X(t)) + u (X(t + dt)) S S (X)X(t F (X) • dX D F (X) dt B X(t + dt)dF = X(t) + u=B+(X(t += dt)) dt + 2D (X(t + dt)) dt Z(t). dt) X(t) + dt +(1.31b) B 6 p is defined as the upper Riemann sum 00 2 0 0 p 00 p 0 dF (X) = F (X) • dX D F (X) dt u (X(t)) + u (X(t + dt)) = [u F (X) D F (X)] dt + F (X) 2D • dB(t). B S S B B Bsame p p p 2D (X(t)) + 2D (X(t + dt)) Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the backward Ito scheme (1.31b) is implicit. To reemphasize, for S S p dt) X(t)00+dt + 2DB (X(t X(t + X(t dt) =+ X(t) u= + dt)) dt Z(t). dt +dt(1.31b) Z(t). (1.34b) B (X(t + dt)) 0 + 0 produce 2 functions u = ⌘ uB[uand D ⌘ D , Eqs. (1.30) and (1.31) trajectories that follow B (1.32) F (X) D F (X)] dt + F (X) 2D • dB(t). B B B p p 2 7 di↵erent statistics . The analog of the Ito formula (1.29) for transformation of p for same +is implicit. 2DaS nonlinear (X(t + dt)) Unlike Eq. (1.30b), the backward Ito2D scheme (1.31b) To reemphasize, S (X(t)) (1.32) (1.34b) 4 2 Similarly to Eq. (1.34), by fixing the backward-Ito SDE reads simply That is, a Gaussian distribution with mean µ = 0 and variance = 1. dt Z(t). functions u ⌘ uB and D ⌘ DB , Eqs. (1.30) and (1.31) produce trajectories that follow 5 7 2 Fokker-Planck equations 1.2.2 Fokker-Planck Fokker-Planckequations equations 1.2.2 ther types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall foc Since other types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall focus other types how of SDEs can can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall (FPE) focus part onSince discussing one derive a Fokker-Planck equation for th in this thispart partonondiscussing discussinghow howone onecan canderive derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the in a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the r-Planck equations lity density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE p pp dX(t)= = u(X) dt + 2D(X) 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). Ito SDE, we(1.37) (1.37) focus of SDEs can bedX(t) transformed into an equivalent shall dX(t) u(X) dt + ⇤ dB(t). = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.3 scussing one can derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the Thehow PDFcan can formally definedbyby The PDF bebeformally defined DF can be formally y function (PDF)defined p(t, x) by for p(t, a x) process X(t) described by the Ito(1.38) SDE = E[ (X(t) x)]. p(t, x) = E[ (X(t) x)]. (1.38) p p(t, x) E[p, p,we (X(t) x)]. (1.3 To obtain an evolution equation we consider To obtain an evolution equation=forfor consider dX(t) = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.37) ain an evolution equation for ormally defined by d d p= E[ (X(t) (X(t) x)].x)]. E[consider t= p,@t@pwe dt dt (1.39) (1.39) To to to thethe di↵erential d[ (X(t) andand findfind Toevaluate evaluatethe therhs., rhs.,weweapply applyIto’s Ito’s formula di↵erential d[ (X(t)x)]]x)]] dformula @t p = E[ (X(t) x)]. ⇥⇥ ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 E[d[ x)]] E E(@dt x))x)) dXdX + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) dt E[d[(X (X = x)]] (@ (X(Xx)]. + D(X) x) dt p(t, x) E[==(X(t) X (X(t) ⇥ ⇥X X ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 == E E(@(@ u(X) + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) x) dt. dt. X X(X(X x)) x)) u(X) + D(X) X (X(t) (1.3 (1.38) uate the rhs., we apply Ito’s formula to the di↵erential d[ (X(t) x)]] and find ution equation forused p,that we consider Here, ⇤ dB] 0, 0, which follows from thethe non-anticipatory Here,we wehave have used thatE[g(X(t)) E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB]= = which follows from non-anticipatory ⇥ ⇤ definition byby recalling that definitionofofthe theIto Itointegral. integral.Furthermore, Furthermore, recalling that 2 E[d[ (X x)]] = E (@X (X x)) dX + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt ⇥d @X (X x) = @x (X x), ⇤ (1.40) 2 @X x)x)]. =u(X) @x (X x), (1.40)(1.39) @t p = = E[E (@X(X(t) (X(X x)) + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt. we wemay maywrite write dt we have used that E[g(X(t)) ⇥⇤ dB] = 0, which follows from ⇤ the non-anticipato Fokker-Planck equations 1.2.2 Fokker-Planck Fokker-Planckequations equations 1.2.2 ther types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall foc Since other types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall focus other types how of SDEs can can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall (FPE) focus part onSince discussing one derive a Fokker-Planck equation for th in this thispart partonondiscussing discussinghow howone onecan canderive derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the in a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the r-Planck equations lity density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE p pp dX(t)= = u(X) dt + 2D(X) 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). Ito SDE, we(1.37) (1.37) focus of SDEs can bedX(t) transformed into an equivalent shall dX(t) u(X) dt + ⇤ dB(t). = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.3 scussing one can derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the Thehow PDFcan can formally definedbyby The PDF bebeformally defined DF can be formally y function (PDF)defined p(t, x) by for p(t, a x) process X(t) described by the Ito(1.38) SDE = E[ (X(t) x)]. p(t, x) = E[ (X(t) x)]. (1.38) p p(t, x) E[p, p,we (X(t) x)]. (1.3 To obtain an evolution equation we consider To obtain an evolution equation=forfor consider dX(t) = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.37) ain an evolution equation for ormally defined by d d p= E[ (X(t) (X(t) x)].x)]. E[consider t= p,@t@pwe dt dt (1.39) (1.39) To to to thethe di↵erential d[ (X(t) andand findfind Toevaluate evaluatethe therhs., rhs.,weweapply applyIto’s Ito’s formula di↵erential d[ (X(t)x)]]x)]] dformula @t p = E[ (X(t) x)]. ⇥⇥ ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 E[d[ x)]] E E(@dt x))x)) dXdX + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) dt E[d[(X (X = x)]] (@ (X(Xx)]. + D(X) x) dt p(t, x) E[==(X(t) X (X(t) ⇥ ⇥X X ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 == E E(@(@ u(X) + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) x) dt. dt. X X(X(X x)) x)) u(X) + D(X) X (X(t) (1.3 (1.38) uate the rhs., we apply Ito’s formula to the di↵erential d[ (X(t) x)]] and find ution equation forused p,that we consider Here, ⇤ dB] 0, 0, which follows from thethe non-anticipatory Here,we wehave have used thatE[g(X(t)) E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB]= = which follows from non-anticipatory ⇥ ⇤ definition byby recalling that definitionofofthe theIto Itointegral. integral.Furthermore, Furthermore, recalling that 2 E[d[ (X x)]] = E (@X (X x)) dX + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt ⇥d @X (X x) = @x (X x), ⇤ (1.40) 2 @X x)x)]. =u(X) @x (X x), (1.40)(1.39) @t p = = E[E (@X(X(t) (X(X x)) + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt. we wemay maywrite write dt we have used that E[g(X(t)) ⇥⇤ dB] = 0, which follows from ⇤ the non-anticipato Fokker-Planck equations 1.2.2 Fokker-Planck Fokker-Planckequations equations 1.2.2 ther types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall foc Since other types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall focus other types how of SDEs can can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall (FPE) focus part onSince discussing one derive a Fokker-Planck equation for th in this thispart partonondiscussing discussinghow howone onecan canderive derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the in a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the r-Planck equations lity density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE p pp dX(t)= = u(X) dt + 2D(X) 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). Ito SDE, we(1.37) (1.37) focus of SDEs can bedX(t) transformed into an equivalent shall dX(t) u(X) dt + ⇤ dB(t). = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.3 scussing one can derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the Thehow PDFcan can formally definedbyby The PDF bebeformally defined DF can be formally y function (PDF)defined p(t, x) by for p(t, a x) process X(t) described by the Ito(1.38) SDE = E[ (X(t) x)]. p(t, x) = E[ (X(t) x)]. (1.38) p p(t, x) E[p, p,we (X(t) x)]. (1.3 To obtain an evolution equation we consider To obtain an evolution equation=forfor consider dX(t) = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.37) ain an evolution equation for ormally defined by d d p= E[ (X(t) (X(t) x)].x)]. E[consider t= p,@t@pwe dt dt (1.39) (1.39) To to to thethe di↵erential d[ (X(t) andand findfind Toevaluate evaluatethe therhs., rhs.,weweapply applyIto’s Ito’s formula di↵erential d[ (X(t)x)]]x)]] dformula @t p = E[ (X(t) x)]. ⇥⇥ ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 E[d[ x)]] E E(@dt x))x)) dXdX + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) dt E[d[(X (X = x)]] (@ (X(Xx)]. + D(X) x) dt p(t, x) E[==(X(t) X (X(t) ⇥ ⇥X X ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 == E E(@(@ u(X) + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) x) dt. dt. X X(X(X x)) x)) u(X) + D(X) X (X(t) (1.3 (1.38) uate the rhs., we apply Ito’s formula to the di↵erential d[ (X(t) x)]] and find ution equation forused p,that we consider Here, ⇤ dB] 0, 0, which follows from thethe non-anticipatory Here,we wehave have used thatE[g(X(t)) E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB]= = which follows from non-anticipatory ⇥ ⇤ definition byby recalling that definitionofofthe theIto Itointegral. integral.Furthermore, Furthermore, recalling that 2 E[d[ (X x)]] = E (@X (X x)) dX + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt ⇥d @X (X x) = @x (X x), ⇤ (1.40) 2 @X x)x)]. =u(X) @x (X x), (1.40)(1.39) @t p = = E[E (@X(X(t) (X(X x)) + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt. we wemay maywrite write dt we have used that E[g(X(t)) ⇥⇤ dB] = 0, which follows from ⇤ the non-anticipato Fokker-Planck equations 1.2.2 Fokker-Planck Fokker-Planckequations equations 1.2.2 ther types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall foc Since other types of SDEs can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall focus other types how of SDEs can can be transformed into an equivalent Ito SDE, we shall (FPE) focus part onSince discussing one derive a Fokker-Planck equation for th in this thispart partonondiscussing discussinghow howone onecan canderive derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the in a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the r-Planck equations lity density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE probability density function (PDF) p(t, x) for a process X(t) described by the Ito SDE p pp dX(t)= = u(X) dt + 2D(X) 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). Ito SDE, we(1.37) (1.37) focus of SDEs can bedX(t) transformed into an equivalent shall dX(t) u(X) dt + ⇤ dB(t). = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.3 scussing one can derive a Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) for the Thehow PDFcan can formally definedbyby The PDF bebeformally defined DF can be formally y function (PDF)defined p(t, x) by for p(t, a x) process X(t) described by the Ito(1.38) SDE = E[ (X(t) x)]. p(t, x) = E[ (X(t) x)]. (1.38) p p(t, x) E[p, p,we (X(t) x)]. (1.3 To obtain an evolution equation we consider To obtain an evolution equation=forfor consider dX(t) = u(X) dt + 2D(X) ⇤ dB(t). (1.37) ain an evolution equation for ormally defined by d d p= E[ (X(t) (X(t) x)].x)]. E[consider t= p,@t@pwe dt dt (1.39) (1.39) To to to thethe di↵erential d[ (X(t) andand findfind Toevaluate evaluatethe therhs., rhs.,weweapply applyIto’s Ito’s formula di↵erential d[ (X(t)x)]]x)]] dformula @t p = E[ (X(t) x)]. ⇥⇥ ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 E[d[ x)]] E E(@dt x))x)) dXdX + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) dt E[d[(X (X = x)]] (@ (X(Xx)]. + D(X) x) dt p(t, x) E[==(X(t) X (X(t) ⇥ ⇥X X ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 == E E(@(@ u(X) + D(X) @X @(X(t) x) x) dt. dt. X X(X(X x)) x)) u(X) + D(X) X (X(t) (1.3 (1.38) uate the rhs., we apply Ito’s formula to the di↵erential d[ (X(t) x)]] and find ution equation forused p,that we consider Here, ⇤ dB] 0, 0, which follows from thethe non-anticipatory Here,we wehave have used thatE[g(X(t)) E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB]= = which follows from non-anticipatory ⇥ ⇤ definition byby recalling that definitionofofthe theIto Itointegral. integral.Furthermore, Furthermore, recalling that 2 E[d[ (X x)]] = E (@X (X x)) dX + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt ⇥d @X (X x) = @x (X x), ⇤ (1.40) 2 @X x)x)]. =u(X) @x (X x), (1.40)(1.39) @t p = = E[E (@X(X(t) (X(X x)) + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt. we wemay maywrite write dt we have used that E[g(X(t)) ⇥⇤ dB] = 0, which follows from ⇤ the non-anticipato E[d[⇥ (X ] = E (@X ⇥ = E (@X 2 ⇤ + D(X) @X x)]] = E (@X2⇥ (X x)) dX (X(t) ⇤x) dt 2 (XE[d[x)) + D(X) x) ⇥d= @EX(@(X(t) ⇤ (XdX x)]] x))dtdX + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt X (X 2 ⇤ ⇥ (X ⇤ x) dt. (1.39) 2 = (X(t) x)]. = E[ ED(X) (@ x)) u(X) + D(X) 2 @X (X(t) X t p u(X) (X @x)) + @ (X(t) x) dt. = E (@ x)) u(X) + D(X) @ (X(t) x) dt. X X (X dt X t E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB] =used 0,E[g(X(t)) which follows from the non-anticipatory Here,used we have that E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB] 0,which which follows from the non-anticipatory we have that ⇤ dB] = =0, follows from the non-anticipato s., we apply Ito’s formula to the di↵erential x)]] and find gral. Furthermore, by Ito recalling that definition of the integral. Furthermore, by recalling thatd[ (X(t) on of the Ito integral. Furthermore, by recalling that ⇤ (1.40) (1.40) x), 2 x)]] = E (@X @(X x))x)dX +@xD(X) @x), x) dt X (X(t) (X = (X (1.4 X ⇥ ⇤ we may write 2 = E (@X (X ⇥ x)) u(X) + D(X) @X (X(t) ⇤x) dt. ⇥ ⇤ write 2 E[d[ x)) (X u(X) x)]]+ = E (@x@x(X(t) (X x)) = E ( @x (X D(X) x) u(X) dt + D(X) @x2 (X(t) x) dt ⇤ =@x2 E[D(X) @= (X(X(t) x) u(X)] dt (X(t) x)] dt. = that @x E[ E[g(X(t)) (X x) u(X)] ⇤ dt⇥+ x)] dt.+ @x2 E[D(X) x E[0, ed dB] which follows from 2 the non-anticipatory @X (X x) = ⇥ @x (X x), @X (X x) = @x (X E[d[ (X x)]] = E ( @x (X x)) u(X) + D(X) @x (X(t) x) dt o the integral. Furthermore, recalling that 2 Using another property of the by -function of -function = @x E[ (X x) u(X)] dt + @x E[D(X) (X(t) x)] dt. f (y) (y x) = f (x) (y x) f (y) (y x) = f (x) (y @ (X x) = @ (X X x nother property of the -function x), x) (1.41) (1.41) (1.40) we obtain 2x) f (y) x) = f (x) (y 2 (y E[d[ (X x)]] = @ E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @ x)] dt x x E[D(x) (X(t) = @x E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @x E[D(x) (X(t) x)] dt 2 2 @x {u(x) E[ (X = x)]} dt + @ ⇥ x = @x {u(x) E[ (X x)]} dt + @x {D(x) E[ (X(t) x)]} dt 2{D(x) E[ (X(t) ⇤x)]} dt ain x)]]@x {u(x) = pE @(x[D(x)p]} @x (X x)) u(X) + D(X) @ (X(t) x) dt = = dt. @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} dt. x 2 = @ E[ (X x) u(X)] dt + @ E[D(X) (X(t) x)] dt. 2 (or Smoluchowski) x Combining this with Eq. (1.39) yields the Fokker-Planck equation x E[d[ (X x)]] = @ E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @ E[D(x) (X(t) x)] dt . (1.39) yields the Fokker-Planck (or Smoluchowski) equation x x 2 @ p = @ {u(x) p @ [D(x)p]} . {D(x) E[ (X(t) = @ {u(x) E[ (X x)]} dt + @ t . x x x x @ p = @ {u(x) p @ [D(x)p]} (1.42) t x perty of xthe -function = @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} dt. (1.42)dt x)]} (1.4 E[d[⇥ (X ] = E (@X ⇥ = E (@X 2 ⇤ + D(X) @X x)]] = E (@X2⇥ (X x)) dX (X(t) ⇤x) dt 2 (XE[d[x)) + D(X) x) ⇥d= @EX(@(X(t) ⇤ (XdX x)]] x))dtdX + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt X (X 2 ⇤ ⇥ (X ⇤ x) dt. (1.39) 2 = (X(t) x)]. = E[ ED(X) (@ x)) u(X) + D(X) 2 @X (X(t) X t p u(X) (X @x)) + @ (X(t) x) dt. = E (@ x)) u(X) + D(X) @ (X(t) x) dt. X X (X dt X t E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB] =used 0,E[g(X(t)) which follows from the non-anticipatory Here,used we have that E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB] 0,which which follows from the non-anticipatory we have that ⇤ dB] = =0, follows from the non-anticipato s., we apply Ito’s formula to the di↵erential x)]] and find gral. Furthermore, by Ito recalling that definition of the integral. Furthermore, by recalling thatd[ (X(t) on of the Ito integral. Furthermore, by recalling that ⇤ (1.40) (1.40) x), 2 x)]] = E (@X @(X x))x)dX +@xD(X) @x), x) dt X (X(t) (X = (X (1.4 X ⇥ ⇤ we may write 2 = E (@X (X ⇥ x)) u(X) + D(X) @X (X(t) ⇤x) dt. ⇥ ⇤ write 2 E[d[ x)) (X u(X) x)]]+ = E (@x@x(X(t) (X x)) = E ( @x (X D(X) x) u(X) dt + D(X) @x2 (X(t) x) dt ⇤ =@x2 E[D(X) @= (X(X(t) x) u(X)] dt (X(t) x)] dt. = that @x E[ E[g(X(t)) (X x) u(X)] ⇤ dt⇥+ x)] dt.+ @x2 E[D(X) x E[0, ed dB] which follows from 2 the non-anticipatory @X (X x) = ⇥ @x (X x), @X (X x) = @x (X E[d[ (X x)]] = E ( @x (X x)) u(X) + D(X) @x (X(t) x) dt o the integral. Furthermore, recalling that 2 Using another property of the by -function of -function = @x E[ (X x) u(X)] dt + @x E[D(X) (X(t) x)] dt. f (y) (y x) = f (x) (y x) f (y) (y x) = f (x) (y @ (X x) = @ (X X x nother property of the -function x), x) (1.41) (1.41) (1.40) we obtain 2x) f (y) x) = f (x) (y 2 (y E[d[ (X x)]] = @ E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @ x)] dt x x E[D(x) (X(t) = @x E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @x E[D(x) (X(t) x)] dt 2 2 @x {u(x) E[ (X = x)]} dt + @ ⇥ x = @x {u(x) E[ (X x)]} dt + @x {D(x) E[ (X(t) x)]} dt 2{D(x) E[ (X(t) ⇤x)]} dt ain x)]]@x {u(x) = pE @(x[D(x)p]} @x (X x)) u(X) + D(X) @ (X(t) x) dt = = dt. @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} dt. x 2 = @ E[ (X x) u(X)] dt + @ E[D(X) (X(t) x)] dt. 2 (or Smoluchowski) x Combining this with Eq. (1.39) yields the Fokker-Planck equation x E[d[ (X x)]] = @ E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @ E[D(x) (X(t) x)] dt . (1.39) yields the Fokker-Planck (or Smoluchowski) equation x x 2 @ p = @ {u(x) p @ [D(x)p]} . {D(x) E[ (X(t) = @ {u(x) E[ (X x)]} dt + @ t . x x x x @ p = @ {u(x) p @ [D(x)p]} (1.42) t x perty of xthe -function = @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} dt. (1.42)dt x)]} (1.4 E[d[⇥ (X ] = E (@X ⇥ = E (@X 2 ⇤ + D(X) @X x)]] = E (@X2⇥ (X x)) dX (X(t) ⇤x) dt 2 (XE[d[x)) + D(X) x) ⇥d= @EX(@(X(t) ⇤ (XdX x)]] x))dtdX + D(X) @X (X(t) x) dt X (X 2 ⇤ ⇥ (X ⇤ x) dt. (1.39) 2 = (X(t) x)]. = E[ ED(X) (@ x)) u(X) + D(X) 2 @X (X(t) X t p u(X) (X @x)) + @ (X(t) x) dt. = E (@ x)) u(X) + D(X) @ (X(t) x) dt. X X (X dt X t E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB] =used 0,E[g(X(t)) which follows from the non-anticipatory Here,used we have that E[g(X(t)) ⇤ dB] 0,which which follows from the non-anticipatory we have that ⇤ dB] = =0, follows from the non-anticipato s., we apply Ito’s formula to the di↵erential x)]] and find gral. Furthermore, by Ito recalling that definition of the integral. Furthermore, by recalling thatd[ (X(t) on of the Ito integral. Furthermore, by recalling that ⇤ (1.40) (1.40) x), 2 x)]] = E (@X @(X x))x)dX +@xD(X) @x), x) dt X (X(t) (X = (X (1.4 X ⇥ ⇤ we may write 2 = E (@X (X ⇥ x)) u(X) + D(X) @X (X(t) ⇤x) dt. ⇥ ⇤ write 2 E[d[ x)) (X u(X) x)]]+ = E (@x@x(X(t) (X x)) = E ( @x (X D(X) x) u(X) dt + D(X) @x2 (X(t) x) dt ⇤ =@x2 E[D(X) @= (X(X(t) x) u(X)] dt (X(t) x)] dt. = that @x E[ E[g(X(t)) (X x) u(X)] ⇤ dt⇥+ x)] dt.+ @x2 E[D(X) x E[0, ed dB] which follows from 2 the non-anticipatory @X (X x) = ⇥ @x (X x), @X (X x) = @x (X E[d[ (X x)]] = E ( @x (X x)) u(X) + D(X) @x (X(t) x) dt o the integral. Furthermore, recalling that 2 Using another property of the by -function of -function = @x E[ (X x) u(X)] dt + @x E[D(X) (X(t) x)] dt. f (y) (y x) = f (x) (y x) f (y) (y x) = f (x) (y @ (X x) = @ (X X x nother property of the -function x), x) (1.41) (1.41) (1.40) we obtain 2x) f (y) x) = f (x) (y 2 (y E[d[ (X x)]] = @ E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @ x)] dt x x E[D(x) (X(t) = @x E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @x E[D(x) (X(t) x)] dt 2 2 @x {u(x) E[ (X = x)]} dt + @ ⇥ x = @x {u(x) E[ (X x)]} dt + @x {D(x) E[ (X(t) x)]} dt 2{D(x) E[ (X(t) ⇤x)]} dt ain x)]]@x {u(x) = pE @(x[D(x)p]} @x (X x)) u(X) + D(X) @ (X(t) x) dt = = dt. @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} dt. x 2 = @ E[ (X x) u(X)] dt + @ E[D(X) (X(t) x)] dt. 2 (or Smoluchowski) x Combining this with Eq. (1.39) yields the Fokker-Planck equation x E[d[ (X x)]] = @ E[ (X x) u(x)] dt + @ E[D(x) (X(t) x)] dt . (1.39) yields the Fokker-Planck (or Smoluchowski) equation x x 2 @ p = @ {u(x) p @ [D(x)p]} . {D(x) E[ (X(t) = @ {u(x) E[ (X x)]} dt + @ t . x x x x @ p = @ {u(x) p @ [D(x)p]} (1.42) t x perty of xthe -function = @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} dt. (1.42)dt x)]} (1.4 Ito-FPE = = @x {u(x) E[ (X x)]} dt + @x {D(x) E[ (X(t) @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} dt. x)]} dt Combining this with Eq. (1.39) yields the Fokker-Planck (or Smoluchowski) equation @t p = Backward-Ito FPE @x {u(x) p @x [D(x)p]} . (1.42) 10 For comparison, an analogous calculation for the backward-Ito SDE p dX(t) = uB (X) dt + 2DB (X) • dB(t), (1.43) gives @t p = @functions, @x p] . x [uB (x) p itDis B (x) For sufficiently smooth coefficient straightforward to transform(1.44) back and forth between di↵erent types of SDEs (see Appendix A). That is, a given backward Ito Compared with the Ito FPE (1.42), the di↵usion coefficient DB now enters in front of the SDE with coefficients (uB ,however, DB ) canthat be transformed intoFPEs a stochastically equivalent gradient @x p. Note, the two di↵erent coincide if one identifiesIto theSDE by adapting the coe↵ficients (u,: D) accordingly. More precisely, by fixing coefficients as in Eq. (1.33). A summary of Fokker-Planck equations for the three di↵erent stochastic integral conu = uB +and @x D D =inDarbitrary (1.33) ventions (Ito, Strantonovich-Fisk backward-Ito) space dimensions can be B, B found in Appendix A. one obtains an Ito SDE that is stochastically equivalent to Eqs. (1.31). Another discretization convention, that is popular in the physics literature is the Stratonovich-Fisk discretization, denoted by