CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY TRANSFER ARTICULATION AGREEMENT Between CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY and METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Clark Atlanta University (hereinafter referred to as CAU) and Metropolitcan Community College (hereinafter referred to as MCC) hereby enter into the following agreement governing the matriculation at CAU of Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree graduates from MCC, beginning with Fall Semester 2011 and continuing for a period of three years, after which both institutions may agree to renew, modify or let the agreement expire on the agreed upon date. During the period of this agreement, CAU will: 1. Accept students who have completed an associate degree in arts or science with junior level standing provided the following requirements are certified by MCC: • Student has a minimum cumulative grade point average of2.5; • Student has earned a minimum of 58 semester hours of eligible transfer credit, which includes only courses in which a grade of"C" or better was earned (Courses taken eight or more years previous to transfer will not be included in accepted transfer work); • Student has completed the agreed upon program of courses that are deemed to be equivalent to CAD courses; and • Student understands that he may need to complete additional prerequisites as required by the programs in which he/she enrolls at CAU. 2. Provide MCC students entering CAD equal access to registration, class enrollment and financial aid as other students attending CAU. During the period of this agreement, MCC will: I. Publicize the agreement among its students and faculty and identify potential students who would benefit from this articulation agreement; 2. Make available to prospective transfer students, through early advisement, information and requirements for admission to CAU, a description of all required CAD core curriculum courses and the equivalent courses at MCC; and 3. Provide prospective transfer students with up-to-date information on courses needed at CAU to complete the baccalaureate degree requirements. Both CAU and MCC will: 1. Monitor the academic performance of students enrolling under this agreement, identify problems, and work op ativel to facilitate the seamless transfer of students between CAU and MCC; and NotifY, 0 er of a y curricular changes relevant to this agreement in a timely manner. . Josep . I rovost and Vice P esident for Academic Affairs Clark Atlanta University 223 James P. Brawley Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30314 r;~J--?~ // ~-~ Mark James Chancellor Metropolitan Community College 3200 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 Clark Atlanta University And Metropolitan Community College Transfer Course-Articulation Agreement , Clark Atlanta University? Metropolitan COLLEGE COMPOSITION (6 Credits) Two Courses. A minimum grade of "C" is required for both courses. A minimum grade of "C" is required in CENG 105 before enrolling Community College COLLEGE COMPOSITION - (6 Credits) in CENG 106. CENG 105 -- English Composition CENG 106-- English Composition I (3) II (3) ENGL 101- Composition ENGL 102 - Composition and Reading I (3) and Reading II (3) N/A N/A FIRST-YEAR SEMINAR CGED - 100 First-Year Seminar I CGED - 101 First-Year Seminar II FOREIGN LANGUAGE/CULTURE (6 Credits) A two-course sequence is required. Courses must be in the same foreign language at the intermediate level are required. (200) FOREIGN LANGUAGE/CULTURE (7-10 credits) A two-course sequence is required. Two courses in the same foreign language at the intermediate (200) level are required. (3-5) (3 - 5) Note: MCC students will take the two-course the same foreign language at the elementary sequence in (100) level. The two-course sequence at the intermediate will be taken at Clark Atlanta. HISTORY (6 Credits) A two-course sequence is required. Refer to your major department for required sequence. Students HISTORY (6 Credits) A two-course sequence is required. may take the CHIS 201 and CHIS 202 sequence or CHIS 211 and CHIS 212 sequence or one of the following combinations. Political Science, History and Education majors should adhere to the curriculum guide of the department. CHIS 201-- The United States, Africa and the World I (3) or CHIS 211-- History of the United States before 1865 (3) HIST 120 - United States History to 1865 (3) HIST 121 - United States History Since 1865 (3) CHIS 202 --The United States, Africa and the World II (3) or CHIS 212-- History of the United States since 1865 (3) HUMANITIES (3 Credits) One of the following courses: CART -- 150 Art Appreciation (3) CHUM 228 -- Early Period: 1500 -1914/lnterdisciplinary Humanities I (3) CHUM 230 -- Modern Period: World War I - Present/ Interdisciplinary Humanities II (3) CMUS 119 -- World Music (3) CMUS 120 -- Music Appreciation CSTA 252 -- Theatre Appreciation (3) (3) HUMANITIES (3 Credits) One of the following courses: ART 108 - Surveyor Art (3) (or Art 150/151) HUMN 140 - Humanities Past and Present (3) HUMN 145 - Comparative Humanities (3) MUSI 108 -- Music Appreciation (3) MUSI 160 - Music of the World's Cultures (3) SPDR 106 -- Theatre Appreciation (3) SPDR 114 - Theatre and the Modern World (3) level (200) Clark Atlanta University And Metropolitan Community College Transfer Course Articulation Agreement COMPUTER LITERACY (3 Credits) CCIS 100 -- Information Technology Applications (3) :, Clark Atlanta and Computer Computer Literacy (3 Credits) CSIS 110 - Technology and Information Management (3) or CSIS 115 - Introduction to Microcomputer Applications (3) Metropolitan University Community College-Penn LITERATURE (3 Credits) One of the following coursed is required. A minimum grade of "C" is required in CENG 105 and CENG 106 before enrolling in World Literature. Students may take either course; each explores literature from different time periods. CENG 201 World Literature I LITERATURE (3 Credits) One Course in World Literature. ENGL 254 - World Literature I (3) CENG 202 World Literature ENGL 255 - World Literature II (3) II MATHEMATICS (6 -10 credits) Two-course sequence required. MATHEMATICS (6 - 8 Credits) Two-course sequence required. Refer to your major department CMAT--l03 Algebra I (3) CMAT--l04 Algebra II (3) Valley for required sequence. Non-Science and Non-Business Majors MATH 120 College Algebra and MATH 130 Trigonometry or MATH 150 PreCalculus or MATH 175 Calculus for Business and Social Science CMAT 105 -- Pre-Calculus I (3) CMAT 106 - Pre-Calculus II (3) CMAT 209-- Calculus and Analytical (Business Majors) CMAT 210 -- Calculus and Analytical Geometry I (3) Geometry II (3) MATH 180 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5) MATH 190 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (5) MATH 210 -Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (5) (Business Majors) CMAT 111- Calculus I (4) CMAT 112 - Calculus II (4) PHILOSOPHY/RELIGION (3 Credits) One course is required. PHILOSOPHY/RELIGION (3 Credits) One course is required. CPHI 105 -- Critical Thinking (3) CPHI 221 -- Introduction to Philosophy (3) CPHI231-- Ethics and Human Values (3) PHIL 100 - Introduction to Philosophy (3) PHIL 101- Philosophy of Religion (3) CREL 101 -- The Biblical Heritage (3) CREL 103-- African-American Religious Experiences I (3) CREL 104 - African-American Religious Experiences II (3) CREL 211 -- Introduction to Religious Studies (3) PHIL 200 - Logic (3) PHIL 102 - World Philosophy (3) CREL 250 -- Comparative Religion (3) CREL 251 -- Religious Ethics (3) PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credits) One of the following courses. Refer to your major department for required courses. CPSY211-- General Psychology (3) CPSY218 -- Human Growth and Development (3) CEDU 301 -- Educational Psychology (3) (Education PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credits) One course is required. Clark Atlanta University And Metropolitan Community College Transfer Course Articulation Agreement majors take this course.) Clark Atlanta University SCIENCE (6 - 8 Credits) A two-course sequence is required. Refer to your major department for required sequence. Non-Science Majors CBIO -- 101 Biological Science (3) CPHY - 102/102L Physical Science (3) or CPHY 104/104L -- Introduction to Earth Science (4) Science Majors CBIO 111/111L CBIO 112/112L CCHE 111/111L CCHE 112/112L CPHY 111/111L Metropolitan Community College-Penn Valley" SCIENCE (10 credits) A two-course sequence is required. Non-Science Majors BIOL 101- General Biology (5) BIOL 102 - Environmental Science (5) BIOL 104 - General Botany (5) PHYS 104 - Foundations of Physical Science (5) Science Majors- Biology Emphasis -General -- General -- General -- General -- General Biology I (4) Biology II (4) Chemistry I (4) Chemistry 11(4) and Modern Physics 1(4) CHEM 111- General College Chemistry I (5) CHEM 112 - General College Chemistry 11(5) PHYS 130 -- General Physics I (5) PHYS 131- General Physics 11(5) Science Majors- Chemistry Emphasis* CPHY 112/112L - General and Modern Physics II (4) *Students will need CHEM 221, CHEM 222, MATH 190, MATH 210, PHYS 220 and PHYS 221. SOCIAL SCIENCE (3 Credits) One of the following courses is required. SOCIAL SCIENCE (3 Credits) One Course is required. CSOC 105 -- Culture and Society (3) SOCI 130 - Sociology (3) CPSC 106 -- Politics and Global Issues (3) CECa 107 -Introduction to Economics (3) (Students who are required to take CECa 250, 251 or 252 should not take CECa 107 to satisfy the Social Science requirement; i.e. Business Administration, SOCI163 - Social Problems (3) ANTH 100 - General Anthropology (3) (or ANTH 110) ECON 210 Macroeconomics (3) ECON 211 Microeconomics (3) POLS Introduction to International Relations (3) Economics, Mass Media Arts and Social work majors) SPEECH (3 credits) One course is required. SPEECH (3 credits) One course is required. CSTA 101 Fundamentals of Speech (3) SPDR 100 - Fundamentals of Speech (3) (or SPDR 101) For Metropolitan Community College students: For the Associate in Arts degree: A student must complete a Writing Intensive course (AND either a Human Diversity course or leaning Community) as part of the degree requirements