NONLINEAR EFFECTS IN THE BETWEEN WAVES AND INTERACTION TOPOGRAPHY by RICHARD CRAIG B.S., DEININGER State University of New (1978) York at Albany SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY December © Massachusetts 1982 Institute of Technology 1982 Signature of Author Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography Certified by Thesis S 1/1-1-e dr Accepted by l Ce t au "R'M FRO MIT LIBR/ on Graduate Students |S'1 I taInAnDI 983 NONLINEAR EFFECTS IN THE INTERACTION BETWEEN WAVES AND TOPOGRAPHY by RICHARD CRAIG DEININGER Submitted to the Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on December 3, 1981, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT This thesis consists of three separate problems unified by two basic features. First, in all the problems a nonlinear effect either in the form of a wave-wave interaction or a wave-zonal flow interaction plays a key role. Second, all the problems involve the instability of a topographically forced wave for which resonance plays a key role. The method of multiple time scales is used to analyze each problem which exploits the assumptions of weak nonlinearity in each case as well as the assumption that the flow is nearly neutral or near resonance or both depending on the problem under consideration. In Chapter 2 the weakly nonlinear effects on the instability of a basic state consisting of a topographically forced wave in an inviscid, barotropic beta-plane model are studied. The results obtained differ substantially from those obtained when the basic state is a free Rossby wave. Here the basic-state wave is fixed in phase with respect to the mountain, while the amplitude of the topographic wave and perturbation evolve. The nonlinear feedback between the topographic wave and perturbation gives rise to an oscillation for a topographically subresonant zonal flow and an explosive nonlinear instability for a topographically superresonant zonal flow. In the subresonant case, the effect of the perturbation on the forced wave is a dissipative one, when averaged over the course of the nonlinear oscillation. The standing topographic wave interacts with the traveling instability on the topographic wave through the convergence of Reynolds' stresses which is suggestive of the way in which standing and traveling eddies interact in the atmosphere. In Chapter 3, under the assumption of quasi-resonant flow, the topographic instability of a normal mode of the Charney problem is examined and found to draw its energy from both the available potential energy of the mean flow and from the zonal momentum via form drag. No apriori truncation is necessary. The instability occurs for either superresonant or subresonant flow depending on the zonal and meridional scale of the topography. In addition it is limited to narrow bands in meridional wavenumber with relatively little dependence on zonal wavenumber. It is suggested that this may explain the more well defined meridional structure of blocking. In Chapter 4, the evolution equations are obtained for the instability of a small but finite-amplitude topographically forced nearly neutral Charney mode embedded in a mean shear flow. The topography is found to have a stabilizing effect on the baroclinic instability, but a new topographically induced stationary instability arises even for baroclinically subcritical flow. It is most easily excited in superresonant flow near resonance for narrow bands in meridional wavenumber. This topographic instability of the Charney mode draws its energy from the available potential energy of the mean flow and survives even in the presence of 0(1) Ekman friction if the Ekman friction is not too strong. Thus, it is suggested that the topographic instability of the Charney mode may be just as dynamically important as the baroclinic instability of the Charney mode. In addition, it is suggested that the normal modes of the Charney model, due to their topographic instability, are just as dynamically important as the baroclinically unstable modes of the Charney model in the presence of topography. Thesis Title: Supervisor: Dr. G. R. Flierl Associate Professor of Oceanography Massachusetts Institute of Technology AKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, thesis I would advisor, like to to express my gratitude to my Glenn Flierl. His scientific insight, open accessibility and patience has been a great help to me throughout my graduate studies. During benefit the early part of my graduate studies, of many Jule Charney. discussions with my advisor Through these discussions, I had the at that time, I developed an interest in topographically forced waves about which this thesis is concerned. inspiration My memory of him is a great to me. I have also greatly benefited from discussions with Joe Pedlosky, Ray Pierrehumbert and Peter Stone. These people have helped me see through some particularly troubling scientific problems. appreciated. Their help is much Thanks are also due Poala Malanotte-Rizzoli and K. K. Tung who served on my thesis committee and made helpful comments. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Arthur Loesch who introduced me to and sparked my interest in geophysical scientific fluid dynamics. discussions My stay at M.I.T. friendship of my I continue with him and his has been made fellow students. questions. friendship. enjoyable Their greatly appreciated as well as their to enjoy by the friendship is help with many 4 Most for importantly I would like to thank Elizabeth Cary her encouragement and support when it was genuinely needed. I'd like to thank Isabel Kole for her careful and speedy preparation of the figures and Francis Doughty and Rhea Epstein Finally, for their careful the support in typing the of the form of a thesis. UCAR Fellowship and NSF Grant ATM-76-20070 is greatly appreciated. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Overall introduction CHAPTER 2 Topographically forced wave instability at finite amplitude Section 1 Introduction Section 2 The model Section 3 Formulation of the nonlinear analysis Section 4 The nonlinear analysis Section 5 Concluding remarks APPENDIX A: Results for the Three-Term Truncation APPENDIX B: Forced Solution Coefficients CHAPTER 3 Topographic instability of the normal modes in the Charney problem Section 1 Introduction 40 Section 2 The model and basic equations 44 Section 3 Brief review of the Charney model 47 Section 4 Derivation of the nonlinear evolution equations for the topographic instability of the normal modes 52 Section 5 Topographic instability and its energetics Page Section 6 Multiple equilibria Section 7 Conclusions CHAPTER 4 95 The Charney mode under the influence of topography Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Effect of topography on an unforced growing Charney mode 100 Instability of a topographically forced Charney mode with very weak zonal flow at the ground 120 Influence of topography on the baroclinic instability of the Charney mode and its topographic instability 134 The topographically forced Charney mode and the influence of 0(1) Ekman friction 157 Conclusions 191 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 CHAPTER 5 REFERENCES 0'verall Conclusions 97 196 208 Chapter 1 Introduction Historically speaking, most stability problems with atmospheric applications have states treated zonally uniform basic which, in general, were allowed to vary in both the vertical and meridional directions. The assumption of zonality in these unforced and usually inviscid stability problems was considered justified as a rough approximation to the quasi-steady Hadley circulation and by its explaining various aspects of the observed global circulation. been success in In particular, such stability problems have successful in explaining the existence of the midlatitude cyclones by the structure of the most unstable modes arising from the assumed basic state. Of course as these wave disturbances grow the assumption of linearity breaks down which forces one to consider the effects of nonlinearity on the evolution of disturbance. The first systematic given in a paper by Pedlosky study of this sort was (1970) in which a small but finite-amplitude disturbance was shown the the to be able to modify linear instability such that the disturbance grew exponentially only in its nascent stage. In particular he demonstrated that as the baroclinic disturbance grows, decreases the vertical shear, on which it depends for growth. its This slows the growth of the disturbance and eventually causes decays it it to decay. Then as the disturbance the zonal available potential energy is replenished 8 until the disturbance again becomes unstable. In this manner an oscillation ensues due to the nonlinear feedback between the shear of finite-amplitude the zonal disturbance and the vertical flow. However, having established that the baroclinic disturbance can grow to finite amplitude, one is a further question. What are faced with the stability properties of the resulting wave disturbances? This question forces the consideration of more general basic states. As a prototype model of wave instability in the atmosphere Lorenz (1972) considered stationary one-dimensional the instability of a Rossby wave. Rossby wave is indeed unstable and He found that the suggested that such instability explained a portion of the unpredictability of the atmosphere. Gill (1974) considered a basic state Rossby wave which varied both cross-stream and downstream and showed is that, for small basic wave amplitude, the instability confined to a small portion of wavenumber space, which corresponds to the locus of wavenumbers satisfying the kinematic resonance conditions conditions) for three waves. (or near resonance For small amplitudes, instability is thus limited in wavenumber space, while instability, for larger basic wave amplitudes, Lorenz (1972), is much less limited studied by in wavenumber space. Gill refers to the instability as resonant instability for small basic wave amplitude and Rayleigh instability for large basic wave amplitude. The weakly nonlinear behavior of a resonant triad of waves has been examined by Longuet-Higgins and Gill (1967). In that work they described the nonlinear oscillation between the three resonant waves which ensues after the linear instability. Deininger, 1982) have the weakly nonlinear evolution of the Rayleigh considered type wave Recently I (i.e. initial stage of the instability. The result obtained was analogous to that obtained by Pedlosky fundamental (1970) but differed in a way due to the wavy basic state with as opposed I was dealing to the vertically sheared zonal Pedlosky's model. flow in Namely, there was a feedback between the growing perturbation and Rossby wave amplitude analogous to the feedback between the growing baroclinic wave and zonal shear in Pedlosky's case but, in addition, there was a feedback between the disturbance and Rossby wave phase. This phase feedback has no analog Pedlosky (1970) and was in the case considered by suggested as a possible mechanism for the nonconstant speed of progression of midlatitude high and low pressure systems. Lin (1980a,b) has studied the stability of the more realistic basic state consisting of a one-dimensional free neutral baroclinc wave embedded in a vertically sheared zonal flow. He demonstrates as one might expect that for strong wave amplitude as compared instability to zonal shear the is fundamentally wavelike, that is, the instability excites a spectrum of waves which is generally not centered at the scale of the most unstable mode of the 10 vertically sheared zonal For relatively weak flow alone. state wave amplitude the instability behaves like basic instability of flow but the vertically sheared zonal slightly modified by the presence of the wave. he considered a basic as well, the However, had state wave with meridional structure he would have found that a locus of other wavenumbers might also be excited corresponding to those neutral modes which can form a resonant unstable baroclinic mode. triad with most In fact Loesch (1974) considered the weakly nonlinear evolution of a weakly unstable baroclinic wave which formed a resonant triad with two neutral baroclinic waves. He demonstrated that as the unstable baroclinic wave draws available potential energy out of the mean flow it can be leaked to the neutral baroclinic modes via the resonant triad wave-wave interaction. Until now only free wave instabilities have been discussed. Another mechanism for distorting the zonal uniformity of the Hadley circulation involves the diversion of the zonal flow by topography. The linear stability of such a topographically forced wave has received relatively little treatment until recently. analyzed the linear Charney instability of a barotropic wave forced by the diversion of a uniform zonal topography. and Flierl (1981) In general flow by sinusoidal the instability of the topographically forced wave is due both to the shear of the forced wave and the way in which the disturbance interacts 11ii Thus, with the topography. the instability of the forced wave is shown to be unstable to Rayleigh or resonant triad In Chapter 2, instabilities as is the free Rossby wave. I examine the weakly nonlinear evolution of a topographically forced it wave and the traveling in an effort to understand instability which develops on in a simple internally consistent manner, the interaction of their atmospheric relatives. The basic technique employed in this regard is the method of multiple time scales and is the same as that used in the weakly nonlinear analysis of the free Rossby wave instability problem (i.e., Deininger, 1982). stated, we proceed as follows: The perturbation nonlinearity is required to be weak. That is to Briefly say, while the interaction between the basic state wave and perturbation is 0(1), with the interaction of the perturbation itself and with corrections to the basic state wave is required to be weak. Having made this assumption we choose the small amplitude parameter such that the weak nonlinearity balances the slow growth of the slightly unstable perturbation. The slow growth is attained by hinging the nonlinear stability analysis about the point of neutral stability. However, the results of the nonlinear forced wave problem in Chapter 2 differ markedly from those of the free wave problem. Therefore a comparison of the two problems will be particularly interesting. In the linear stability analysis of Charney and Flierl (1981), they also show that there is a limit for which the 12 triad type. instability is not of the Rayleigh or resonant In this limit, if the zonal superresonant, the flow is instability becomes stationary and to as a is referred instability. form-drag instability or topographic first examined in a paper by Charney and Devore It was (1979) in which they sought to explain the quasi-steady existence of anomalously high pressure (blocking). in certain geographical regions They suggested that stationary topographic the instability is responsible for the transition from the normal relatively zonal state of the atmosphere blocking situation as the zonal The mechanism for the as follows: An to the flow became superresonant. instability can be most simply stated increase in the topographically forced wave amplitude increases the form drag. This increase in form drag then decreases the zonal flow on which the forced wave depends. If the flow is superresonant flow increases the amplitude of the turn further decreases the the decrease in zonal forced wave which in zonal flow via the Clearly this cycle leads to instability. removes momentum from the zonal form drag. The form drag flow which increases the forced wave amplitude. The study of Charney and Devore (1979) was later extended to a two-layer baroclinic model by Charney and Strauss (1980) with no zonal flow at topographic instability is found but the ground. Again in this case the perturbation grows at the expense of the zonal available potential energy. The topography and therefore the form for this energy transfer. drag merely act as the catalyst Had there been nonzero flow at have been a conversion of there would also the ground zonal momentum by the In both the studies of Charney and Charney and Strauss (1980) an ad hoc Devore form drag. (1979) and severely truncated spectral representation of the motion is employed. led This has subsequent authors to consider ways of isolating the topographic (1979) did topographic instability in a more systematic manner. so in a barotropic model by restricting the features he considered infinite meridional extent. Hart to those of nearly In this manner he neglected the asymptotically small Reynolds stresses which were neglected in an ad hoc manner in the truncated models. taken in the forced wave instability Flierl (1981) The limit study of Charney and for which the wave instability reduced to topographic instability, corresponds to the assumptions made by Hart (1979) for the validity of his asymptotic theory. However, Hart's analysis remains unsatisfactory due to unrealistic the assumption of topography with nearly infinite meridional extent -- to begin with the very assumption which allowed the simplified analysis. An alternative approach has been taken by Pedlosky (1981), Plumb (1981a,b) and Jacobs (1979a,b) within the context of various models based on the analysis of the forced Duffing equation (Stoker, 1950). The asymptotic technique employed by these authors exploits the importance of the linear resonance in the topographic instability and the quasi-linear nature of the latter topographic instability. The point, based on the previous studies of topographic instability, says that the important sake of the topographic instability field topography and the zonal flow. interaction for the is between the wave As a result wave-wave interactions can be neglected, although this should be done in a systematic manner. To accomplish this, the flow was restricted to near linear resonance and weak nonlinearity. Both Pedlosky (1981) and Jacobs the barotropic model. topographic (1979a) worked within Pedlosky pointed out that instability may also occur for subresonant flow if the zonal wavelength is long enough. extended this study to a two-layer model at the ground as was the case Strauss (1980). however he did not consider a real boundary but rather he imposed a moving flow and wave field at zonal flow in the work of Charney and In an independent study, Plumb boundary which eliminated zonal He then with non employed a similar approach in the context of model, the (1981a) the two-layer topographic lower forcing on the lower the feedback between the zonal the ground. The topic of Chapter 3 is a study of the topographic instability in the continuously stratified Charney (1947) model, employing most closely, the asymptotic by Pedlosky (1981) baroclinic models. in the This barotropic technique used and two-layer study is undertaken in order to 15 the nature of the understand, in a deductive way, topographic instability in a simple continuously stratified model. Specifically the topographic instability of a normal mode of the Charney model is examined. The normal modes which are found on the long wave or weak vertical shear of the unstable Charney mode neutral stationary and curve, become therefore resonant only for a given eastward zonal velocity at the ground. the mode in question. Thus, The exact value depends on it is to be expected that the disturbance will draw its energy from both the available potential energy of the vertically sheared the topography acting as a catalyst momentum via side the form drag. and zonal flow with from the zonal As in the barotropic model this topographic instability might be thought of as a special case of a more general wave instability of the Rayleigh type, in which the topography acts as a catalyst for the instability of a normal mode of the Charney problem. In this limit the normal modes would not be unstable in the absence of topography. Plumb (1981b) and Jacobs have also considered the question of topographic in a continuously stratified model. those studies and mine will (1979b) instability The difference between also be discussed in Chapter In Chapter 4 the main topic of study is the of a small but finite-amplitude topographically 3. stability forced Charney mode which, of course, is embedded in a uniform vertically sheared flow. Note we distinguish between the neutral modes of the Charney problem and the normal modes of 16 the Charney problem, the latter of which can only become We will on a line or nearly neutral, neutral, in parameter space. be restricted to the nearly neutral Thus, parameter space. portion of a mode which Chapter 4 deals with can be weakly unstable even in the absence of topography in contrast to mind the subject of Chapter 3. attempt two questions we shall the baroclinic presence of flow and (2) in parameter regimes for flow is baroclinically stable due to the topography? One might view this (1980a,b) to to answer in Chapter 4. instability of the zonal does any new instability arise which the zonal fact brings sinusoidal topography (1) How does the presence of the affect This study as study of a neutral vertical shear flow in the the analog of Lin's wave embedded baroclinic in a limit of small but finite wave amplitude except, in the present work, the wave is forced by topography and not limited to strict neutrality because of its small amplitude. to that The method of analysis to study used by Pedlosky (1979) the amplitude dynamics of a growing Charney mode. is very similar finite In particular the analysis pivots about the point of neutral stability for the Charney mode. The method of multiple time scales is used to obtain the evolution of a weakly growing Charney mode under the assumption of weak nonlinearity and, present case, weak sinusoidal topography. For the purpose of summary I will reiterate the subjects to be discussed in Chapters 2, 3 and 4. In in the 17 Chapter 2 the finite-amplitude dynamics of the topographically forced wave instability in a barotropic model are discussed. The linear disturbance draws its energy from the shear of the this forced wave. linear instability is the topographic Chapter 3 the topographic the Charney model A special case of instability. In instability of a normal mode of is discussed. be unstable in the absence of This normal mode would not topography. The subject of Chapter 4 is the instability of a topography forced Charney mode which can be unstable in the absence of topography. will be shown, all the these topics involve nonlinear effects interaction between waves and topography. As in Chapter 2 Topographically Forced Wave Instability at Finite Amplitude 1. Introduction The interaction between standing and transient eddies in the atmosphere meteorologists. importance to is of fundamental In an observational interaction, Holopainen (1978) has study of this shown the vertically averaged horizontal fluxes of relative vorticity by smalland large-scale transient eddies maintaining the vertically eddies' vorticity balance. to be important averaged, annual mean, in standing In this chapter, as a first step in understanding the interaction between transient eddies in the atmosphere, the standing and a barotropic model will be studied in which the nonlinear evolutions of a stationary topographically forced wave and the travelling which develops on it are considered. instability The topographic wave is forced by the diversion of a uniform zonal current by sinusoidal topography. The tacit assumptions here are that the barotropic topographically forced wave will represent the vertically averaged standing wave in the atmosphere and the traveling, linear, barotropic disturbance which develops on the topographic wave will represent the large-scale vertically averaged transient atmospheric disturbances. Obviously, the cyclone-scale transient eddies properly represented in a barotropic model. representations of atmospheric cannot be Although these topographic stationary and large-scale transient eddies are crude, the interactions between them can be studied in a simply internally consistent manner in order to provide some insight into the interaction of their atmospheric counterparts. To study the problem of the interaction between a forced standing eddy and traveling disturbances which develop on it as instabilities, the finite-amplitude characteristics of linearly unstable perturbations to a topographically forced wave will be analyzed. The linear stability problem has been discussed by Charney and Flierl (1981). In order to study the nonlinear effects on the evolution of the perturbation and the topographic wave, the non-linearity is required to be weak. Then, as in Deininger (1982, hereafter referred to as DE), the method of multiple time scales can be used to close the problem for a slowly growing perturbation. In performing this analysis, it will be found that the nonlinear evolution of this topographically forced wave stability problem is markedly different from that of the free Rossby wave stability problem described in DE. This contrast will make the comparison of the nonlinear aspects of the topographically forced wave stability problem and the free Rossby wave stability problem particularly interesting. Clearly, the atmosphere is baroclinic; however, based on some preliminary calculations, the behavior to be described in this paper using the barotropic model to be discussed in the next section, does have a counterpart in baroclinic models. Therefore, the results of this chapter 20 should be regarded as providing a foundation for the understanding of stationary and transient wave interactions in more realistic baroclinic models. 2. The model The nondimensional vorticity equation governing the barotropic motion of a quasigeostrophic, homogeneous fluid on an infinite beta-plane, bounded in the vertical direction by an upper flat a lower corrugated plate a -- 2 V as topography, is 2 + J(, - horizontal plate and by + n) V2 = 0 (2.1) ax n=hB/ED variation. to act a + at where inviscid, is 0(1) and represents hB is the height of the the topographic topography, E=U/f the Rossby number, and D is the mean depth of 0L is the fluid. All other variables have their conventional meanings and are the same as those in DE. sinusoidal, The topography is assumed to be i.e., n = nO sine, (2.2a) 6 = kx + ly. (2.2b) where 3. Formulation of the nonlinear problem An exact solution of (2.1) for sinusoidal topography (2.2) whose stability Charney and the topographically forced wave Flierl solution (1981) studied, is + F sine, ' = -Uy (3.1) where nOU K 2 (U - and c (3.2) c) -K2 This solution exhibits a singularity when U = c, in which case (3.3) the Doppler-shifted wave field becomes stationary relative to the topography. analysis it will be assumed U-c=0(1), In the subsequent so the forced wave is topographically nonresonant. If * is the disturbance streamfunction which is to be superimposed on topographic wave solution, i.e., Y = -Uy p, + F sine + (3.4) substitution of (3.4) into (2.1) using (3.2) yields the problem for the perturbation streamfunction, which can be written a a 2 (-- + U--) V,2 at ax a + - * is c) a - 1 -- )(UV ay If K 2 (U - ax a x cosO(k o - + = - J(, 2 V). (3.5) ax infinitesimally small, justified and yields ) linearization of (3.5) is a a (-- + U-) at 2 a no + - + V2 ax K2 (U - ax x cos(k a a -- ay 1 -- )(UV ax (3.6) is a more general Eq. 2 + a) = 0. to (3.6) is of = e i Xt (3.6) form of the linear stability (1981). solved by Charney and Flierl problem c) The solution the form I P neien + *, n (3.7) with ln) = (kO, (kn, 10) + n(k,l). Substitution of (3.7) into (3.6) results in a recursion for the Pn quite similar relation in form to Gill's (1974) recursion relation for the stability of a free Rossby wave. It is nodan+iQn+l + (X + 6 n)Qn + nodan-1Qn-1 = 0, (3.8) where b d = K 2 (U - , (3.9a) c) 1 b = - (kl 0 - ik 0 ), (3.9b) 2 an = U - cn, Cn = Kn 2 B/Kn 2 , = kn 2 + 1n 2 , (3.9c) (3.9d) (3.9e) 23 6n = knan, (3.9f) Qn = Kn2 Pn. (3.9g) Solution of (3.8) will require the truncation of the infinite set of homogeneous equations (3.8). As in for Pn generated the free Rossby wave analysis of DE, by the qualitative nature of the weakly nonlinear dynamics can be reasonably represented by the two mode approximation, i.e., * = e iXt (P 0 ei6 0 + Plei61) + *. The analysis to follow can be carried out (3.10) for any finite trnucation and yield the same qualitative results, so the truncation of (3.10) is not as restrictive as it first may seem. The results of a three mode truncation of (3.7) are given in Appendix A. After truncating the sum (3.7) to (3.10) the infinite set of equations reduces to (X + 61)Q nOdalQ 0 + nOda 0 0 Qo = 0, 1 + (X + 60)Q 1 0 = 0. (3.11) For the nontrivial solution of (3.11) it is required that X= - ( 61 + 6 0 1 ) + -- 2 [(61 - 60)2 + 4nO 2 d 2 a1 a 0 ]1 / 2 2 (3.12) Then for instability to occur, ala 0 < 0 (3.13a) 24 is the mountain height must exceed a critical required and value which is - S(61 60)2 4d 2 ala Since it the perturbation was chosen 8/K 1 2 follows that along (3.13b) 0 < 8/K 2 such < a/K 0 2 . that K 0 2 Then, < K2 <K 1 2 , from (3.13a) with (3.9c,d) it can be seen that both subresonant and superresonant flow is possible within the parameter range corresponding to linear If instability. the topography is just slightly higher than nc by a small amount A(A << nc) such that no = nc + A, (3.14) the growth rate of the perturbation is proportional to A11 / 2 , i.e., Xi2 = -2d As in the 2 nc 2 alaoA. (3.15) free Rossby wave problem, (3.15) suggests the long time scale A1 1 /2 t T = as the one over which the nonlinear evolution will when the perturbation is allowed to be finite but Now the time operator a -- + at IAl1 /2 a . aT in (3.5) is replaced by occur small. 25 so (3.5) can be rewritten as a (- A11/ + 2 at a fnc +A + K 2 (U - c) - where a J(0, 2a + U -) aT ax V2 B-ax a cos6(k-- + - 1 ay a 2 -)(UV + B)9 ax V 2). (3.16) (3.14) was also used. appropriate expansion for It to choose now remains the , so the weak effects of nonlinearity and instability can be balanced. As in DE, the appropriate choice is S= A1I/ 2 4(1) + 2 IAI( ) + IA1 3 / 2 4( 3 ) + . .. (3.17) Substitution of (3.17) into (3.16) results in a series of problems for the successive powers of problem leads to the = 1 1 n=O 2 . The O(IA11/ 2 ) specification of the neutral perturbation already calculated. *(1) A11 / The neutral solution is A LnPoeiOn + * (3.18) where 61 + 60 On = L1 On - ( )t, 2 (61 - 60)Ko = 2dnalK2 2dncalKl 2 LO = 1. (3.19a) 2 (3.19b) (3.19b) (3.19c) 26 So far the analysis is essentially the the time stretching necessary in the analysis has not been done here. unnecessary. This is due wave is forced, causing same as in DE except free Rossby Doing so would wave later prove to the fact that the basic-state the basic state wave structure, produced by the self-interaction of the perturbation at the next order, to be nonresonant. As a result, the self-interaction of the perturbation produces a forced solution instead of producing a phase change of the basic state wave which coordinate. the in DE required the use of a stretched time This foreshadows the major difference between free Rossby and topographically forced wave analyses. This difference and the effects of nonlinearity will begin to be apparent at the next order. 4. The nonlinear analysis 0(IAI) The nonlinearity at is due to the self-interaction of the perturbation field. Using (3.18) to calculate the inhomogeneous terms at O(IAI), and retaining only those terms consistent with the original truncation, results in the equation (--+ at U -) -) vV 22) + + ax x cos6(k -- ay ax a a 1 -- )(UV ax 2 + B)9 K2 (U - c) = K + 2b(K 1 2 - ^ o 2 eie + K 1 L 1 --aT Po ei60 -~ 3T 2 2b(K 1 2 K 0 2 )L 1 - K0 2 2 0 ei6 - 1 )LlP01o2 ei6 + *, (4.1) where 61 = klx + flY - in - three inhomogeneous terms free Rossby wave analysis the 60) t , = (2k 0 + nk, 210 + nl). (kn,ln) The first (61 and in (4.1) are the same as therefore give rise to the particular solutions (2) 1 (2) e Pn = p n=O + (4.2) *, where (2) P1 2iL 1 aP 61 - (2) PO = 0 (2) *f = aT 60 and 1 (2) ei Fn A n + * (4.3) n=0 where (2) Fn ifn(PO)2 the fn are given term is analogous in Appendix B. The remaining inhomogeneous to the one which in the free Rossby wave 28 analysis was resonant and therefore produced a phase correction of the Rossby wave. nonresonant for basic However, here it is U*c and produces a forced solution in the state structure which represents an amplitude correction to the topographically forced basic state wave. This solution is (2) = FBeiO *B FB = ifB P0 + *, (4.4a) 2 (4.4b) , and (K 1 2 fB K 0 2 )(6 - 60)K02 2 2kncalKl This difference is due structure using 2 (4.4c) to the basic state being forced as The solution to O(IAI) in the basic free. opposed to being state - 1 (3.1), (3.2) and (4.4), is (nc + A) K 2 (U c) + A (K 1 2 - K0 2 )(6 kncalKl 1 - 6 0 )K 0 2 and has an interesting property. 2 IPl 2 ] sine, Note the O(IAI) (4.5) correction to the basic state wave is always a positive contribution to the effective basic wave amplitude which is defined as the coefficient of sine in (4.5). conditions al occur. > 0 and a0 This is so < 0 must be true For subresonant flow (U < c) since the for instability to the absolute value of the effective basic state wave amplitude decreases as the 29 perturbation grows, but flow (U > c) the increases. wave amplitude basic-state effective for superresonant Thus, for flow there seems to be a further superresonant destabilization which should be apparent when the behavior of PO is determined at the next order. The O(1A1 a / 2 ) problem can be written a + (-- 3 at 2 #p v ) 3 v2 + A 1 (2) AI K2 (U aT a x cose(k -ay J(4(1), v (3.18), 2 ,( a 1 -- )(UV ax 2 (4.2), )) terms only 3 c ) + c K 2 (U - to ei6 0 produce 3 6)( - c) ) c) 2 + 6),(1) 2 _ j(,( (4.3) and V2 , ), 1 (4.4), )). (4.6) the inhomogeneities of At this order only terms (4.6) can be evaluated. proportional ( -- a 1 -- )(UV ax a Using 8 ax a x cosO(k -- ay - + ) ax - 3 a -- U and eie forced 1 need be retained, solutions determine the behavior of PO on the which long time scale T. terms, becomes at + U -- ax nc a a a ) v2 (3 ) + B - ax ( ) the other are not needed After evaluating the relevant inhomogeneous -- as + K 2 (U - c) (4.6) to 2 wv x cos6(k -ay = aPl( 1 -- )(UV ax 2 A ) ida 0 K 0 2 P 0 + [K12 + [--- Al1 + 2ib(KO2 - - K2 )fBPOIP0 IAI aT + 2ib(K 0 2 - ) a)*(3 + K')flPo0P01 2 ] ida 1K 1 2 L 1 P - ei 6 1 2ib(K 1 2 - K2 )LlflP1pO 2 ] e i 60 (4.7) * the secularities from (4.7) results in the Removal of evolution equation for PO which d2P0 A dT2 ai2po + NPOIP0I IAI 2 = 0, (4.8) where the growth rate Xi 2 aiA 2 - agrees with the 2d 2f n ca linear la o, result (3.15). The nonlinear coefficient N = NB + NH, is comprised of a part due to the feedback with state, i.e., b 2 K0 2 NB = kK2 K 1 2 (K 1 2 - K02)(61 - al(U - c) 6o) the basic 2 31 K2 KO2 S[( 2 K02 and a part due )a + to the ( K12 - K2 K1 )a] KI2 , feedback with higher (K 0 2 - K 1 2 ) (K12 - K2) L1 (K12 - K2) The latter feedback is essentially the Rossby wave analysis. mechanism is unique to this (4.10) same as However, chapter. it can be seen for subresonant NB harmonics, i.e., bfl(61 - 60) NH the free (4.9) in the former feedback Upon examination of NB (U < c) flow discussed that > 0, which says the nonlinear feedback is stabilizing and therefore gives rise to an oscillatory exchange of energy between the effective basic perturbation. state wave amplitude and When this oscillation is averaged over one cycle, the effect of the perturbation reinforces the topographic wave. topographic wave is observational Sasamori This dissipative effect on the in qualitative agreement with the and numerical model results of Youngblut and (1980). But for superresonant flow NB < 0, nonlinear feedback is destabilizing and results in an explosive instability up in in This was to be expected showed which Po blows from the so the a finite solution at 0(IAI), time. which the effective amplitude of the basic state to be increased as the perturbation grew, causing it to be more unstable. This explosive instability is somewhat reminiscent of the form-drag Charney and Devore (1979) in flow. superresonant instability discussed by that it occurs However, the explosive is actually a distinct phenomenon. interaction of the topographically for instability here It arises by the forced wave with its perturbation via the convergence of Reynolds' stresses. Thus, this instability is independent due to the flow via the of form drag the form-drag (note NB instability is topographically forced wave form drag. However, whether or the explosive instability occurs actually depends on the sign of the the whereas interaction of the with a zonal not of nc), is independent full nonlinear coefficient N, not just NB. sign and magnitude of important. In fact, NH relative to NB is Thus also if NH is positive and large as compared to NB, the explosive instability could occur only near resonance where the analysis is not valid. specific Therefore, a numerical calculation of N is desirable. Unfortunately, I would not expect the calculation of N using the two-mode truncation to be representative of the N calculated using less restrictive truncations. Therefore, this calculation would not be meaningful until the convergence properties of N can be established, which is beyond the scope of the present work. As previously mentioned, the flow can be barotropically resonant only for unrealistically large values velocity for planetary-scale waves explosive instability unlikely. of zonal in this model, making the However, in a baroclinic system, resonances corresponding may be more easily realized zonal velocity required, to free baroclinic modes from the which may point of view of the allow the explosive instability to be more easily excited provided the topographically forced wave and vertically trapped. Also, linear instability are in a baroclinic model the baroclinic nature of the topogrpahically forced basic state (e.g., transient (e.g., Holopainen, 1970) as well as short wavelength eddies and Bottger and some large-scale Fraedrich, 1980) Therefore, extending this analyses worth further consideration. transient eddies can be accounted for. to a baroclinic model is The neglect of baroclinic and frictional effects in this study precludes any comparison of the present results with the atmosphere. A few remarks concerning truncation which apply to this analysis as well as that given in DE are in order. course of this analysis it has been convenient the perturbation (3.7) to (3.18); In the to truncate however, it is possible to carry out this analysis for any finite truncation. restrictive truncations the growth rate, nonlinear coefficient N of ai 2 , and For less the (4.8) are, of course, different from those given here and depend on parameters such as the phase speed and the critical amplitude, which are determined in the course of the linear analysis. It is known that successive estimates of the eigenvalue do converge to a value (although somewhat slowly in some parameter regimes) as the truncation is made less severe (Tung, 1976). Thus, ai we expect clear, 2 will converge to a finite value. however, that the is not nonlinear ocefficient N will converge to a finite value. nonlinear coefficient imply? What would a diverging It would nonlinearity is felt immediately and the weakly It suggest would then nonlinear analysis as well that the imply that as the linear stability analysis is meaningless in the region of parameter space in which N diverged. This is because the time scale of the nonlinearity is much faster than that of the linear instability when N diverges, which implies that separation of the linear instability and the nonlinear time scales used to close the problem is no longer valid. this case we might expect In turbulent behavior to be present immediately as opposed to the case of finite N where turbulent behavior may develop more slowly as the wavenumber spectrum fills out and stronger nonlinearity develops. Presumably, time 1AI-1/ this 2 longer valid. occurs over times scales after which the theory in longer than the this study becomes no Hence, the question of truncation is a serious one and whould be borne in mind in interpreting any study which employs truncation, such as the present work, or numerical 5. simulations where truncation is implied. Concluding remarks In this chapter the nonlinear evolution equations were obtained which govern the interaction between a topographically forced wave and its weakly unstable perturbation. This analysis, valid away from topographic resonance, showed that the topographically forced wave remained in a fixed position relative to the mountain while its amplitude was altered as the perturbation evolved. explosive instability occurs for superresonant which the analysis is not valid after a short smooth oscillatory exchange of energy the perturbation and topographic An flow for time and a takes place between wave for subresonant flow. When this oscillation is averaged over one cycle, the effect of the perturbation dissipative one. that of on the topographically This behavior forced wave is a is markedly different from the free-wave analysis by Deininger (1982) in which the phase of the basic-state Rossby wave was altered as the oscillatory exchange took place between the Rossby wave amplitude and perturbation. The mechanism behind study the nonlinear feedback in this is the convergence of vorticity flux, essentially the tilted trough mechanism. been shown by Holopainen (1978) i.e., This mechanism has to be important in the maintenance of the standing eddies' vorticity balance in the atmosphere. The preceeding analysis, then, is suggestive of a type of interaction which may occur between the topographically forced standing eddies and in the atmosphere. transient eddies 36 Appendix A Results for the Three-Term Truncation When (3.7) is truncated to *(1) = L 1 P 0 ei6l + p 0 ei0 + L- 1 POeie-1 (Al) where On = en + (A2a) Xrt, ncda0K02 Ln = , for n = +1 (A2b) 6n)Kn 2 (Xr + and Xr = (A2c) Xr + 60- the coefficients of (4.8) become 2 ai 2 al a-1 Hnc ), + ( - Xr + 61 Xr + N = 6-1 K0 2 - 8b 2 (KO 2 - K 2 ) K1 2 [-HkK 2 (U - c) [ al + Xr + 61 - K-1 2 x 4 a- 1 K-12(Ar + ] Xr + 6-1 (r + 61) K0 2 + 8nc 2 b 2 d 2 (K0 2 -K 2 )2 (K- 1 2 -K 1 2 ) HK1 4 K-1 - A K1 2 (Xr + 61) x (A3a) 2 (Xr + 6_ 1 )2 kK 2 (4U - c) [(K12-K2)(4K2-K_12)+(K_12-K2)(4K2-K12)] 6.-1) 1 + H K 2 )(K 1 2 - 2b ( 12 - dnc K1 4b(Kl 2 - K1 2 2 (K 0 K-1 2 K-1 2 K2 )(Xr - - 2 ) (K 2 K0 2 )fl + 61) 0o2)fo ( Xr + 61)( + r 6-1) 2b (K_ 1 2 - K 2 )(K_12 - K02)f_ dnc K- 1 2 1 (A3b) (K 0 2 2 - + 6-1i) K )(Xr where al a-1 (Xr + 61) fl 3 6_-1)3 [-ncd(K0 2 = Z12(61 + + b(K + (Xr 2 1 f- 1 = - - K0 2 2 - K2)f0 Xr) (A4b) )], -2 " K_12(6_ (A4a) [ncd(K O 2 1 2 + - K 2 )f 0 Xr) + b(K- 1 2 - K 0 2 )], (A4c) 1 2 fo = [4b(K - 4bdncal (K 1 2 - - 4bdnca-l (K 0 2 1 - K02)(6_ - K- + K-12)LL-1(61 I 2 )(6 + 2Xr)L 1 1 + 2 2 Xr)( 6 -1 + 2 Xr) 1 X,)L-l] (A4d) D = -4d 2 nc 2 a0[al + (61 + 2 Xr)(60 + (6_ 1 + 2 2 Xr) + a-1(61 + 2Xr)] Xr)(6-1 + and nc and Xr can be determined 3Xr 2 + 2(61 + ,nc 2 = Xr), + 61)Xr2 (A4e) from the two equations -1)Xr + 616-1 , d 2 a 0 (al + a- 1 ) Xr3 + (61 - 6 2 + [616-1 - nc 2 (A5a) d 2 a0(al + a-1)r nc 2 d 2 a0(al6_1 + a- 1 61 ) = 0. 2 (A5b) singularity in N when U = c/4 corresponds to a The resonance with the second harmonic of the basic-state wave and the analysis is not valid there. For the special in which 1 = kO = 0, one must go to the 0(1A1 closure as done in Deininger and Loesch 2 case ) to obtain (1982). Appendix B Forced Solution Coefficients fn are The fl = 2b(2Xr + 60 )(K 1 2 - K02)L 1 .. _.. .. S= K2D_ ... -4ncbdal(Kl 2 fO02D K02)L (Bla) 1 (Blb) where 61 + 60 Xr = ) - ( (B2a) and D = (2 Xr + 60) (2 Xr + 61) - 4nc 2 d 2 alao. (B2b) The barred quantities are K,2 = -k2 en = + 1, 2 8/K, (B3) an = U - 6, cn = kn(U - Cn) Chapter 3 Topographic instability of the normal modes in the Charney problem 1. Introduction The first theories of topographic and Devore, 1979; an ad hoc Charney and Strauss, simplification baroclinic models. was instability (Charney 1980) of barotropic Specifically, and were based on two-layer the ad hoc simplification the severely truncated spectral representation of the already simplified equations of motion. The primary effect of the particular truncation employed was wave-wave interactions but flow interaction. to neglect the ingeniously retain This wave-zonal the wave-zonal flow interaction was fundamental to the topographic instability. above cited studies remain unsatisfying due However, the to the nondeductive nature of the simplifications required to isolate the topographic instability. Hart (1979) was successful in eliminating the necessity of spectral truncation in a barotropic model with nearly this by considering topography infinite horizontal extent. study is the unrealistic The drawback of restriction placed on the topography in order to isolate the instability. Independently Jacobs (1981) studied the (1979a), Plumb topographic (1981a) and Pedlosky instability in barotropic and two-layer baroclinic models using another asymptotically valid technique which neglected This deductive method exploits in the topographic the wave-wave interactions. the role of linear resonance instability and its quasi-linear nature 41 discovered in the earlier studies. Specifically, the flow is assumed to be near linear resonance and weakly nonlinear. Thus the lowest order solution consists of a free, stationary, linear wave. Its amplitude is determined by the wave-mean flow nonlinearity which arises in the presence of topography as the flow is slightly detuned from resonance. As mentioned in Chapter 1, Plumb's (1981b) analysis is somewhat different since he imposes a propagating forcing. Of course a wave resonant with this forcing must be moving with it. Furthermore, as noted by Pedlosky (1981) there is no feedback affecting the topographic forcing. The purpose of this chapter is to remove one of the simplifications of the above cited models paralleling, most closely, the technique employed by Pedlosky (1981) to isolate the topographic instability in the layered models. Namely, the limiting assumption of a barotropic or two-layer baroclinic model will be removed. Here, topographic instability will be examined in a continuously stratified baroclinic model. The particular model to be used in this chapter and in Chapter 4 is the nonlinear version of the Charney (1947) model with sinusoidal topography, Ekman friction and Newtonian cooling. It is chosen for its relative simplicity which is due to the assumptions of constant vertical shear and constant Brunt-Vaisala frequency. The Charney model admits as its vertically trapped solutions both normal modes and unstable modes. The Charney mode is the most unstable mode. However, the unstable modes can become neutral on a curve in parameter space in which case they are referred to as neutral modes. The neutral modes should not be confused with the normal modes. The normal modes which owe their existence to the shear remain baroclinically presence of vertical neutral throughout parameter space as opposed to the unstable modes. near neutrality is The unstable modes Chapter In this chapter we examine the topographically 4. induced instability analogous the subject of to Pedlosky to a free, stationary determined by the Thus in a manner of the normal modes. (1981) the 0(1) solution corresponds Its amplitude is normal mode. topographically induced wave-mean flow interaction with a zonal flow slightly detuned from resonance. Weak Ekman also allowed to affect friction and Newtonian cooling are the dynamics. The principal differences between the layered baroclinic model and the continuous stratified baroclinic model are due to the way topography are model, Ekman in each included in each. friction enters layer. budget of in which Ekman friction and In the layered baroclinic the potential vorticity budget Topography enters the entire lower layer. the potential vorticity Thus potential vorticity is not conserved and multiple equilibria can balance between Ekman friction and topographic forcing. However, in the continuous model dissipation potential vorticity presence of result as a in the absence of internal is conserved even in the topography and Ekman friction. Therefore internal dissipation in the form of Newtonian cooling is included which destroys the conservation of potential vorticity in the interior. This along with the inclusion of nonlinearity makes possible the existence of multiple equilibria. Ekman friction alone is not sufficient to produce multiple equilibria in a continuous model. During the course of this work two other studies (Jacobs, 1979b; Plumb, 1981b) of topographic instability in a continuous model became known to me. Both authors consider a more general shear flow which makes their results less analytically explicit. complexity, Jacobs In fact, due to this additional (1979b) found it necessary to limit his consideration to the steady problem. The relative simplicity of the present model allows the derivation of the fully transient amplitude equations and an explicit expression for the growth rate of the topographic instability. Plumb's work also differed from the present work in the type of topography specified. He considered a propagating topography for the purpose of emulating previous studies of stratospheric warming. However this does not allow a feedback between the zonal flow and wave field at the ground. As will be seen, this feedback is a feature of the present study. 2. The Model The model to be used in this and the next chapter, consists of a quasigeostrophic continuously stratified fluid on a B-plane bounded horizontally by two vertical walls separated by a distance L, and bounded vertically by the ground with its sinusoidal topographic undulations and infinity. The basic density field is assumed to have a constant scale height H and constant Brunt-Vaisala frequency N associated with it. The basic state velocity field consists of a latitudinally uniform zonal flow with constant vertical shear. The flow at the ground is not zero. Thus the full nondimensional stream function * can be written = - (x,y,z,t) Uy - zy + We(x,y,z,t) (2.1) where x,y,z,t are the zonal, meridional, vertical and time coordinates, respectively. and z. In (2.1) U is independent of y The first two terms of (2.1) represent the basic state zonal flow while the third term represents the disturbance field. The variables have been nondimensionalized as follows: horizontal lengths by L, vertical distance by fL D = -N (2.2a) and horizontal velocities by 3U, U o = D --- 3z (2.2b) where 3U*/az is the constant shear of the basic zonal flow 45 in dimensional form. The parameter c measures magnitude of the basic state zonal velocity disturbance field. Using the above scaling, the for the disturbance under the the field to the version of the potential vorticity equation nondimensional takes the relative influence of Newtonian cooling form + z) [-+ (U at = - n(-- az h- I + q - -- ] ax 1 + eJ(4,II) ax -), az 2 (2.3) where H= + V2 - h-1 az 2 az (2.4) is the potential vorticity of the disturbance, q = 8 + h- and 1 (2.5) the operators J and V2 are defined by 3a ab J(a,b) E -. ax ay 2 V 32 -+ -ax 2 3y 2 a2 aa ab -. ax ay , . The nondimensional parameters 8 = 8*L h = H/D 2 8, h and n are /Uo (2.6a) , (2.6b) 46 n = L/(UoTN), where TN is (2.6c) the Newtonian cooling time and B* is the f. northward gradient of the Coriolis parameter At the bottom boundary just above the Ekman layer the vertical velocity must match the Ekman pumping velocity plus the vertical velocity due to topographyu. condition the nondimensional After using this lower boundary condition for € at z=0 can be written a -)-- + U at a a3 _a (-- ax az - - ax + a sJ(4,--) - J(,n) 1 - az - rV - E U nx - - az (2.7) where fL hB n = -(-) D Uo r 1 - SE 2 D In 6 (2.8) hB(x,y) is fL (--) Uo , (2.8a) , (2.8b) E = (2v'/f) 1 / 2 is the Ekman layer the elevation of the thickness and lower boundary above z=0. At the channel sidewalls the meridional velocity must vanish, i.e. = 0 at y = 0,1, 3a/x (2.9a) and as a result lim x+0 1 -2x x -x 32 ---- dx' = 0 ay3t must also be true. (2.9b) 47 The model as stated above is essentially the same model as formulated by Pedlosky (1979) except for the inclusion of topographic effects. It also could be thought of as the nonlinear version of the Charney (1947) model for baroclinic instability with the addition of Newtonian cooling, Ekman pumping and topography. 3. Brief review of the Charney model The analysis in this chapter and the next chapter exploits the simplifications that occur when the Charney mode or the normal modes of the Charney model are nearly resonant. This linear resonance occurs when these modes become stationary. Thus a brief review of the stationary neutral Charney mode and stationary normal modes of the Charney problem is necessary. In doing so we consider the linear, undamped version of the basic equations (2.3,2.7,2.9a) for the disturbance 4O in the absence of topography. a a [-- + at a2 2 + z)--][V (U They are o + at - az2 aoo - h-1 -] ax + q - = 0, ax (3.1a) a (--+ at _ U a ap 0 -)- ax az a 0 - = 0, ax (3.1b) Pox = 0 on y = 0,1. (3.1c) and 48 (3.1) A propagating wave solution of can be sought in the form 90 = A FO(z) (3.2) sin ly + *, eik(x-ct) where 1 is an integral multiple of i. into (3.1) results in the following Substitution of (3.2) vertical structure equations (z + U - (U - d 2 Fo c)(dz dF o c) -dz The equation Fo dF o dz 1 h = 0 on z K 2 Fo) + qF o = 0, (3.3a) = 0. (3.3b) for F o can be reduced hypergeometric equation with the 1 Fo = (z + U - c)e S= (z + U - c), (h - 1 - to a standard confluent transformation )z 2 (3.4a) F(E), (3.4b) where = (h- 2 + 4K 2 )1/ 2 , (3.4c) K 2 = k 2 + 12 (3.4d) The standard equation and associated condition takes the lower boundary form E FEE + (2-E)Fg h- 1 p(U-c)2[FE + ( (1-ro)F = 0, - p )F] 2p (3.5a) = 0 on E = Eo- U-c) (3.5b) 49 where B + h- 1 q ro - - 1/2 , (h- 2 + 4K 2 ) 1 (3.6) modes can be Both the neutral Charney mode and normal discussed relatively simply by considering only integral For integral ro, values of ro . solution to the as which Fo decays as z+o can be written Stegun, (3.5a) for (Abramowitz and 1964) F(S) = M(1-r o , 2, 5), (3.7a) where (1-ro)(2-ro)E 2 (l-ro)E M(1-ro,2,) + E 1 + 2 2 0 (1-ro)nEn +...+ +... ... = 2 3 x 2! (1-ro)m Em ,P I m=O ( )nn! x 2 ( )m (3.7b) m! and if a is any number (a)n = (a)(a+l)(a+2) ... (a+n-1); For a given integral ro (a) o = 1. there are two ways by which the lower boundary condition (3.5b) may be satisfied. E = Eo - On (U-c) either U = c, (3.8a) or (h-1_ Fg + ) F = 0 order 2In to distinguish between the two roots In order to distinguish between the two roots (8b) (3.8b) the (3.8a,b) the the convention in terminology adopted here is as follows: wave corresponding to the double root (3.8a) is referred to as the neutral mode and the wave(s) corresponding to the single root(s) of (3.8b) is(are) referred to as the normal The neutral mode becomes unstable for nonintegral mode(s). ro . The normal modes also exist for nonintegral ro and are vertically trapped waves propagating zonally through the shear flow. As will be seen later, the distinction between the modes is important since the two different modes require different treatments. types of Next we discuss the structures of the different types of modes when they are stationary. When ro=1, the solution (3.7) is simply F=1 for which it is only possible to satisfy (3.8a) not (3.8b). This single root for ro=l is known as the neutral Charney mode and is stationary when U=O. In this case the vertical structure is -Bo Fo(z) where qgo = Bo Miles = z/2 (3.9) = ze or equivalently -h-1 + (h- 2 + 4K2 )1 / 2 (3.10) (1964) has shown that near the neutral curve for the Charney mode, i.e. 6 = Bo - 6 with 161<<1, the growth rate is 0(61/2) for 6>0 and 0(63/2) (3.11) for 6<0. The 51 interest here is in the stronger (1979) points out that Pedlosky instability for which 6>0. a small amount of Ekman damping is enough to squelch the weak instability. that FO is zero at z=0. of The analysis of Chapter 4 makes use these facts concerning the Charney mode as in Pedlosky But in Chapter 4 the purpose is to study the effect (1979). of Notice topography on the baroclinic instability and its equilibration. then (3.7) implies If r 0 =2, F (5) and = 1 - 1 - 5, 2 (3.12) (3.6) becomes 2p = 8 + h-1 (3.13) In this case there is both a neutral mode which becomes unstable for nonintegral rO and a normal mode. and Using (3.12) (3.13) in (3.5b) it can be seen that the normal mode becomes stationary when 28 (3.14) The vertical structure function for this simplest stationary normal mode is 1 -(h Fo(z) = (z+U)[1 - where - (z+U)] 2 p and U are given by This normal mode has In addition, e - 1)z (3.15) (3.13) and an analytic 1 - 2 (3.14), respectively. continuation for all for higher values of ro more normal modes ro>l. 52 exist. are a-i normal modes In fact for any rO>1 there where a is the next integer larger than ro. However, to keep the calculations relatively simple the example in section 5 is restricted to the r0=2 normal mode. I do not expect the restriction to integral ro to alter the fundamental physics of the problem. In fact, as we will see in section 4, the derivation of the evolution equations which govern the destabilization of the normal modes by topography, is independent of ro . Of course, the numerical results would certainly depend on the structure of the normal modes and therefore on ro . This dependence should perhaps be investigated in the future. 2.4 Derivation of the evolution equations for the normal modes of the Charney problem in the presence of topography The method of analysis used to describe the behavior of the normal modes of this continuously stratified baroclinic model is analogous to that used in the barotropic and two layer baroclinic model by Pedlosky Pedlosky's work, (1981). Here as in the analysis pivots about the resonance of a normal mode described in the last section. This occurs for some value of the zonal current, say ur, which depends on the mode considered and the various parameters in the problem such as B, k, h, and r O . However, it is not necessary at this point to specify which normal mode is to be dealt with. It suffices to say that the concern here is 53 the stationary normal modes of with one of problem which exist for either the Charney integral or nonintegral rO . In the absence of nonlinearity and damping, a normal resonant with topography grows secularly in time. mode In this occurrence, weak nonlinearity and order to prevent included and the flow is slightly detuned from damping are resonance, i.e. with s<<1 we choose 2 r = = n (4. la) r', e2n', ( U = ur + e 2 A'. In addition (4.1c) the sinusoidal topography is required to be The appropriate choice for topography weak. is n = E3 b = E3 Meikx sin ly + *, where 0(E 3 ) * represents (4.1d) the complex conjugate. The choice of topography in this case differs from the choice made in the baroclinic case discussed by Pedlosky (1981) but the same choice made in his barotropic analysis. for this is The reason reverts to the properties of the normal modes in each case. Here, as in Pedlosky's barotropic case, the preexisting zonal flow directly forces wave in which case only O(e3) significant 0(e 3 ) the 0(1) stationary topography is required for wave-topographic interaction. In his baroclinic case he chooses a prescribed zonal flow which does not directly force the stationary wave. In this case an 0(E 3 on the ) wave-topographic interaction depends 54 zonal momentum from the upper to lower mean transfer of 0(s) This, in the presence of 0(e) topography, forces an layer. wave which interacts with the topography at 0(3). O(e2) As in Pedlosky (1981), given the above choices, the otherwise stationary normal mode evolves on a time scale T = E2 t. (4.2) If we substitute (4.2) along with (4.1) into the governing (2.7) and (2.9) they become equations (2.3), (Ur+Z)- E2(_ = - + q- ax + A'--)l-sJ(p,) at ax a2 - 2 n'(- az a _a24 - ur - a = - at - E2r' 2 2 , 3a 2 a - h a A'-)--- at ax az e2 Urbx - n . -) az 2(-. + 3x (4.3a) ax 3¢ eJ(,--) E3 J(4,b) az (4.3b) ax on z = 0 and (4.3c) Ox = 0, lim x+W x 1 f -- 320 - C2 2x -x dx' = 0 ayaT (4.3d) on y= 0,1. Substitution of the asymptotic series = €0 + E 1i + 62 2 + ** (4.4) 55 into (4.3) results in a sequence of upon removal of determine linear problems, which the secularities at the behavior of each order, will the stationary normal mode and topographically induced zonal flow. The 0(1) the problem for 0 is 2 (Z+Ur)-- (V ax a2 0 ur azax - a2 0 4o + o - h az 2 a3o -= ax o ----) + q-ax ax = 0 (4.5a) (4.5b) on z = 0, 0 and leads to the specification of what stationary normal mode of is to 0(1), the Charney problem. a free As discussed in section 3, it can be written €0 = AFO(z) eikx sin ly + * (4.6) where FO satisfies d 2 Fo (z + Ur)(---dz 2 dFo ur dz - h - 1 Fo = 0 dF o --dz - K 2 Fo) + qF o = 0, (4.7a) on z =0, (4.7b) and the value of the zonal current required depends on which mode is chosen. It the purpose of the derivation in this for resonance ur is not necessary for section to make specific the normal mode under consideration, but it necessary to limit the is initial spectrum to just one mode thereby neglecting resonant triad interactions. 56 Nevertheless, the restriction in the is self consistent. single mode initial spectrum to a is a consequence of This the weak nonlinearity. The O(e) problem can be written (z - J( + ur)--+ q --ax ax ax Ur ---3z3x Upon integration of , Ho) (4.8a) ) -az J( 0 o, - 0o (4.5a,b) once on z=0. in x the (4.8b) relations q Ho = " €O , Z + Ur 3 o 1 az ur = -- are obtained. (4.9a) z = 0, on (4.9b) Using (4.9a,b) in the Jacobian nonlinearity of (4.8a,b) it is easily seen that the right hand side of (4.8a,b) vanishes since 40) = 0. J(4 0 , As a result (4.8a,b) reduce to 32€1 - ur azax which are av1 ax a31 32 1 2 -- (V2 ax (z+ur) 1 + - - az 2 h -) az 3a1 = 0, + q ax = O on z = 0, (4.10b) identical in form to the 0(1) problem Therefore a solution with the same structure as be added at (4.10a) this order. (4.5a,b). (4.6) might However, this solution can be 57 eliminated by renormalizing 40. Alternatively, if 40 is fixed as specified in (4.6) we need solution at not this order. Based on the experience of Pedlosky a new nontrivial solution (1981a,b) must be included which corresponds correction include the similar to the zonal current. (1981) and Plumb satisfying to a wave (4.10a,b) induced This solution which can be written €1 = 1j (4.11) (y,z,T), has the potential vorticity a 2 z1 H1 a 2 ¢1 ¢i1 - +-- - h-1 az 2 ay 2 (4.12) az Its evolution and structure will be determined by the removal of zonal secularities at 0(E3). might have been zonal by secularities at 0(s the wave Ekman included at 0(1). field friction. and Thus, is 2 its However, removal of the ) would show that damped by Newtonian if the 0(1) zero initially, it would remain obviates Such a solution 0 is not forced cooling and zonal correction were so forever which of course introduciton. Having specified the free stationary normal mode and the zonal current, we proceed to higher order where the effects of topographic forcing, damping and wave-mean flow nonlinearity appear and determine the evolution of flow. the 58 The problem at 0(E2) a aH2 (Z+ur)--ax + qax is a a 2 - (- + A'--) aT ax a2 o - J(1PIo) -n ' - h- (- 32 a 2 axaz - Using J( 1 a 2 (-- =- ---- ax aT , --- ) az (4.1d), a + r'V 0o, 1) (4.13a) ao a*1 A'--) ---ax az J( (4.9) the o,-) az - n'--az (4.6) and J( ao --- ) az 1 az 2 Ur Ho - on z = 0. (4.13b) inhomogeneous terms of (4.13) can be evaluated and rewritten as a12 (z+Ur)--ax - n'K - + q 2 ax a Fo = [q----(-- + ikA' z+ur aT AFo(sin ly) - Fo ikqA ---z+ur a2 ur 2 a a 2 2 [ax + r'K 2 AFo (sin ly) Fo a + ikA' (ur 9T - ikAF o (4.14a) + n')A(sin (4.14b) The removal of the secular terms the amplitude equation for A. accomplished operator which ly) (sin ly)]eikx + Olyz on z = 0. can be ly) ly) Oly(sin ly)]eikx + *, axaz ikFoAJly(sin + n')A(sin by first from (4.14) results in Removal of the secularities operating on corresponds to multiplying adjoint solution of the homogeneous (4.14a) with the (4.14a) by the side of (4.14) and integrating over the domain, i.e. the operator is -z/h f Fo 0 where 1 - dze f z+ur ( ly) e-l dy2(sin kx ( ), 0 ) denotes a zonal average. This will ensure the validity of the expansion (4.4) by removing those inhomogeneous homogeneous operator terms which have a projection on the solutions of to (4.14a), and using (4.7a,b), (4.14). results in the equation a Fo(O)f the integrating by parts a number of times 1 - Application of dy2(sin ly) e - ikx 0 - - ax a3 2 ["--2] az 1 ur z = 0 W -z/h aA Fo 2 dz = (-- + ikA'A + n 'A) q f e aT 0 2 (z+ur) W - n'K 2 f A -z CO Fo 2 --z+ur -z/h 0 Fo -z/h (--+ur- x f dze ikA f (z+ur) f dze 0 1 dz - 0 x Fo 2 /h e dy 2 (sin 2 ly) 0 1 ly - ikqA f dy2(sin 2ly) 0 2 )2 Oly• (4.15) 0 Substitution of the boundary condition (4.14b) into (4.15) with the definitions 1 Pl1 f 0 2 sin 2 1 ly dy, 1y 'H (4.16a) -fU1 u f ly dy = sin21ly (4.16b) 2 sin2ly ul dy 2 u1 (4.16c) yields Fo(O) Ur 2 + 2 r'K aT Ur ik A(ullz Ur 1 - ull) Ur = z=0 Fo 2 -z/h x qf dz - n'K (z+u) 2 A f 2 aA (-- + ikA'A + n'A) aT Fo2 dz -_z+ur -z/h O e 0 - - ikA'A + n 'A) Fo2 (0) - 2 Fo (0) A + ikFo(O)M -- aA (-- -2 e 0 Fo 2 ® -z/h ik f e 0 - qull] [(z+ur)pll dz, (4.17) (z+ur) 2 or equivalently O aA + ikA'A + n'A)[q (- F o 2 (0) 2 [r' + K A 0 e ikAf (z+u r A(ullz - Ur z+ur - [(z+ur)pll )2 Fo 2 (0) ik dz] - 2 e 0 Ur 2 Fo2 -z/h 0 Fo F,2(0) dz - - 0 -z/h 2 (z+ur) 2 -n' ur + e 0 aT - f F0 -z/h - qull] 1 _-- ull) Ur dz = ikFo(O)M. z=0 (4.18) This is the equation governing the evolution of the wave amplitude A which is forced by sinusoidal topography of amplitude M, damped by Ekman friction and Newtonian cooling and which interacts with the correction to the zonal flow. 61 flow is as yet However, the correction to the zonal undetermined; thus, we seek an equation for correction driven by the wave be obtained from the 0(E 3 the zonal flow Such an equation can field. ) zonally averaged problem which is written aIl 32(1 --+ n'(--- haT az 2 + J(0 2 = 0 ,fo) 3201 1 3D1 -- ) + J( az o,112 ) (4.19a) , a2~1 D1 + r' + n' 3y 2 aTaz + J(0 2 az a¢2 -) az + J(co, a o , --- ) + J(o 0 , b) = 0. 3z (4.19b) the time change of In (4.19a,b) the first terms represent x-independent potential vorticity and respectively. thermal terms temperature Terms proportionaln' and r' damp the O(s) and momentum fields respectively. of (4.19a,b) can be rewritten as J(fo,n2) + J + J(fo,,2z) (02, J(2, Ho) oz) = -ay (Vo = (voe2 ay where Vi = The Jacobian ix, 2 + V2 fo), + (4.20a,b) V260), (4.20a,b) 8i = Thus, iz- it is clear the nonlinear terms convergence of produced by the meridional wave the fluxes of potential vorticity the wave field in the meridional field in (4.19a) and flux of heat at (4.19b). the phase shift topography. the convergence of the ground produced by The final term of form drag caused by relative to the represent the Note Ekman (4.19b) represents in the wave field friction and form drag do not act directly on the interior of described by (4.19a), discussed by Pedlosky boundary condition It zonal in contrast (1981). to the the flow the layered cases Rather they only enter in the (4.19b). is possible to evaluate the nonlinear terms of flow equations (4.19a,b) or, the equivalently according to (4.20a,b), the convergence of potential vorticity and heat fluxes without explicitly calculating To do this we first use (4.5a,b) to rewrite 2 and H 2 . the potential vorticity and heat fluxes as a -ay a (vo2 + v2Ho) = - a _ _2a2 -- (vo2 + v20) = ay ay aH 2 o ax - o (- - ay q z+ur a 2 -), ax (4.21a) 1 3 2 - -) axaz ur 3x (4.21b) + + Then by substituting the O(E2 ) equations (4.14a,b) into (4.21a,b) in order to eliminate the 0(e2 ) variables in terms 63 of the 0(1) wave field, the convergence of the fluxes can be written Fo 2 (z) a (voHI2 ay + 2n'K + v 2 Ho) 2 a IA1 2 - (z) ] - (sin F 0 2 (0) 2 + v26o) Fo 2 (0) 2 r'K ur 2 = z=0 Finally using 1A1 ] Ur 2 a - - (sin ay 2 (sin A* M)- 2 ly), 2 ly) - ikFo(0) (4.22b) (4.22a,b) to evaluate the in the equations for the zonal current in terms of the 0(1) wave field, (4.19a,b), a2 ¢ 1 az 2 a3 32 1 --. (----+ 3y 2 aT aD 1 h- 1 -) az [- r + 2 n') (-aT )2 (sin 2 ly) x-- 3¢ 1 - az 2 h - ) az K 2 Fn 2 (z) q (z+u yields 3201 + n'(-- Fo 2 (z) + (4.22a) ly) (4.20a,b) and nonlinear terms 2 + 2n') a (-+ 2n') aT [ a - x (AM* 2 ay Z+Ur a (vo, -ay a (--aT [-q (Z+Ur) Fo 2 = + 2n' ] A1 2 z+ur = 0 (4.23a) a2 t a32 1 a 1 + + r' aTaz ' az 2Fo 2 (0) - r'K + [. - 3y 2 2 ] 1A1 2 F 0 2 (0) 1 Ur 2 a (--- + 2 n') aT a - (sin21y) = 0 . (4.23b) 64 In obtaining (4.23b) note the form drag term present in (4.19b) has been cancelled by a term of the same form but opposite sign arising from the evaluation of the nonlinear As a result, both the convergence of the term in (4.19b). flux of potential vorticity in (4.23a) and the meridional sum of the form drag and the convergence of the meridional flux of heat at the ground in (4.23b) produced by the wave field are written solely in terms of wave transience and There is no explicit topographic contribution to damping. the wave forcing of the zonal flow which consists of the convergence of the meridional potential vorticity flux and the sum of the form drag and convergence of meridional heat flux. Therefore, as in Pedlosky (1979, 1981) the wave forcing of the zonal flow vanishes, as it must according to the noninteraction theorems, for steady waves in the absence of friction. However, just because there is no explicit contribution from topography in the wave forcing of the zonal flow does not mean the wave forcing is completely In fact, from the energy independent of the topography. form of the wave field evolution equation (4.17), i.e. 0 -z/h e [qf 0 Fo 2 (Z+ur) 2 r'K 2 n') |A 2 = [ z+ur 2 Fo 2 (0) ] Ur 1A1 2 2n'K 2 - a Fo 2 (0) dz] e 0 - a (-+ aT F0 2 -z/h x dz - ikFo(O)(AM* .- Ur 2 - (- + 2n') aT A M), (4.24) 65 it is easily zonal seen that the wave transience forcing of the flow in the absence of damping is due to the topographic form drag. Thus, the form drag drives the wave transience which then drives the zonal according to flow correction (4.23a,b). In general, at every height z the meridional flux of potential vorticity has contributions due to the convergence Reynolds stress and meridional heat of both -z/h a -- -z/h (vo112 + V2 1o) -z/h a + -e az (e.g. i.e. Pedlosky, 1979), e flux (Voe 2 = -e (U o V 2 ay + u 2 Vo) + V28 0 ) (4.25) Thus both terms contribute to the wave forcing in (4.22a) and in the interior zonal flow equation (4.23a) which is the convergence of this potential vorticity density weighted vertical integral of c x (z-ur) dz] 2 1A1 2 (sin 2 ly) -z/h e 0 + 2n'K z+ur ® f 2 + 2n') (-aT Fo 2 S-z/h f e 0 = - then integrate a Fo 2 dz o (4.25) and to obtain e qf [- -z/h To show this we use the (4.22a) in over the vertical domain However, the integral of the convergence of the Reynolds stress vanishes. meridional flux. (uo2 + u 2Vo)dz - (vo 2 + v2 0o ) z= 0 (4.26) Then using the meridional integral of the evaluation of the convergence of the heat flux at the ground (4.26), eliminate the heat flux in (4.22b) to in we obtain -z/h [- -z/h Fo2 (Z) oe qf a dz (z+ur) 2 0 + 2 n'K 2 f (+ 2n') aT 0 x A dz] x 2 (sin 2 ly) = - f - [ - ur 2 a + 2 n') (-aT z+ur a -z/h - e 0 Fo 2 (0) Fo 2 (z) c e (uov 2 + u 2 vo)dz ay 2Fo 2 (0) r'K - 2 ] A1 2 (sin21y) ur + ikFo(O)(AM* - A*M) sin 2 ly. (4.27) Now, if the modular wave field equation (4.27), the desired result obtains, 0 f -z/h e o (4.28) integral of the convergence of meridional momentum flux is zero. redistributes i.e. a (uov 2 + u 2 Vo)dz = 0. ay Therefore the vertical convergence of (4.24) is used in As a result the the momentum flux at each height z merely the x independent potential vorticity 1 in the vertical but does not alter f e-z/h(vo f e-z/h E2 + v 2 1O) dz and Eq. H1 dz. (4.28) also has a consequence on the vertically integrated x-independent momentum balance. In general, the 67 vertically integrated x-independent momentum can be changed only by friction such as Ekman friction, the vertically integrated Coriolis torque due to the wave induced meridional circulation and the vertically integrated convergence of the Reynolds stress. By (4.28) the last of these is zero leaving only friction and the Coriolis torque to alter the vertically integrated zonal momentum. The Coriolis torque can be related to the form drag using the zonally averaged heat and mass conservation equations for the wave induced meridional circulation. However, we can more directly obtain an equation for the changes in the vertically integrated x-independent zonal momentum in terms of friction and form drag, by first multiplying e-z/h times (4.23a) or equivalently times a2 (1 a - a2 1 (---- -h-1 az2 ay2 aT a + a2,1 1 + n' -) a 1 - (- 3z2 az a h- -) az a - -- (uov 2 + u 2 v o ) + ez/h , e-z/h (vo6 2 + V28o), az ay and integrating in z using (4.28) to obtain a -- aT a2 ¢ 1 (- + ay2 1 a2c - az 2 a( 1 1 - h--. ) a = _- - az ay (Uo 2 + u2 v o ) a + ----e-z/h (Voe 2 + v26o), e-z/h az (4.29) Then using the evaluation of the heat flux at the ground (4.22b) and the bottom boundary zonal flow equation (4.23b) in (4.29) and integrating once in y using the sidewall 68 boundary condition (4.3d), the desired relation can be written aul f 0 r' =- dze-z/h U1 (z=0) aT + ikFo(0)(AM* - A*M)(sin 2 ly), (4.30) where 1 /3ay. ul = -a Thus the vertically integrated momentum at a given latitude is damped by Ekman topographic friction at the ground and form drag at the ground. The forced by the ;sign of the topographic effect depends upon whether or not the wave is leading or lagging behind the topography. Note the form drag here is proportional to AM*-A*M as it is in the barotropic case discussed by Pedlosky (1981). However, this is in contrast to his barocliic case where the form drag is proportional to this (dA/dT)M* - (dA*/dT)M. Again is a reflection of the different properties previously alluded to of the 0(1) stationary waves in each case. Pedlosky's two-layer baroclinic case the 0(1) wave is nonzero in the upper layer only and directly forced by the topography. development of transient form drag (in the absence of wave field forces an 0(s) proportional to dlAI 2 /dT. friction) zonal flow stationary therefore is not As a result, relies on the In the following essentially process: the 0(1) in the lower layer This interacts with the O(e) topography to produce an 0(2) wave field in the lower layer 69 The 0(E proportional to dA/dT. 2 to produce an 0(E the topography ) wave then 3 ) interacts with form drag proportional to This is in contrast to the present (dA/dT)M* - (dA*/dT)M. case and Pedlosky's barotropic analysis where the normal mode of amplitude A is directly hence, forced by the topography and it directly interacts with the 0(E 3 ) topography produce an 0(E 3 ) In closing to to AM*-A*M. form drag proportional this section we restate the evolution equations and compare them to those derived by Plumb the nonlinear equations describing The closed set of (1981b). flow interaction topographically induced wave-mean consists of (4.18), (4.23a,b). With ul = - a 1 /3y they can be rewritten aA 0 -z/h (--- + ikA'A + n'A)[q f e 0 aT Fo 2 (0) + K A[r' -n' ur x O -z/h f e 0 f F0 )2 dz 2 (0) Ur 2 ] Fo 2 dz] e - ikA 2 (z+ur) 0 Fo2 [(z+ur)pll - qull] dz (z+ur) 2 aull Fo 2 (0) A (--+ ik --az ur aul a a2 u 1 (----I +--2 2 az ay aT Fo 2 (z) [- 2 (z+ -z/h C 2 F0 h-1 .) az a (z+ur) 2 aT + n'( aul - az (4.31a) ikFoM, = a2 u 1 ul (- q 1 - ull) z=0 ur h- 2 - ) az Fo2(z) + 2n')lA12 + 2n'K 2 A 12 z+ur 70 32 x --ay2 (sin) 2 (ly), (4.31b) a2 u 1 au I = + r' + n'--az 3y 2 aTaz 32u1 F0 2 (0) [ ur 2 a (--+ aT 2n')IA1 2 a2 Fo 2 (0) - 2 ur r'K21AI 2 ] (sin21y), (4.31c) ay2 where a2 u 1 f- P11 = 2 (sin21y) (- 0 1 ay2 a 2 uI + az 2 - h 1 aul -)dy, az (4.32a) 1 Ull 2 (sin 2 ly) ul dy. = f 0 (4.32b) The zonal velocity ul must satisfy the boundary condition (4.33) aul/3T = 0, on y = 0,1. The evolution equations in the (4.31a,b,c,d), even absence of Newtonian cooling and Ekman friction differ fundamentally from those derived by Plumb (1981b). in contrast to Plumb's model the present model does not a top which here eliminates reflection. have the possibility of any spurious However, since the normal modes of the Charney problem are vertically trapped, the constraint of would First, a top not alter the basic physics of the wave mean flow interaction. parallel other More importantly, Plumb, imposed forcing lead by his desire treatments of stratospheric to 71 warmings, is not considering real topographic forcing which in effect eliminates the feedback between the zonal flow and wave field at the ground. This is evidenced by the absence of the entire right hand side of (4.31c) and the last term on the left side of (4.31a) in his comparable equations (2.26) and (2.39). This is not important for the existence of the initial topographic instability. Such a feedback is only necessary when describing the later stages of real topographic instability. However, the presence of the feedback does alter the growth rate obtained. 72 5. The topographic instability and its energetics In this section we shall demonstrate the existence of the instability analysis, only (4.31) become aA (-- + ikA'A)[q aT -z/h - e ikA f 0 Fo 2 (0) u-----r ur 32u 1 3y 2 3T aT -z/h f 3T3z F0 e (Z+ur) 0 2 dz - 2 (0) ------ ] Ur 2 Fo2 -- 2 [(z+ur)pll - qull] dz + ikA (e+r-- aull (---az - Ull) = (5.1a) ikFo(O)M, z=0 ur 32U1 + ---- - h-1 a3 2 Fo aul -___ = 2 diAl (z) 2 _ 3 z (Z+Ur) 2 dT ly), Fo 2 (0) diAl 2 dT ---Ur-----dT Ur 2 1 Fo2 (z+ur )2 a2 (sin 2 x -2 ay 32u in the absence of damping Without damping the evolution will be demonstrated. equations In order to simplify the instability. the topographic (5.1b) 2 32 -3y2 (sin 2 ly), (5.1c) on z = 0, and aul/ 3T on y = 0,1. = 0, (5.1d) 73 The steady examine (5.1) whose stability we will solution of is Fo(O)M As = Fo 2 (O) A'(qI1 Ur 2 Uls (5.21) O, 0 (5.2b) where Il = Fo 2 -z/h f e dz 0 (z+Ur) 2 For simplicity M and therefore As is taken to be real. The steady solution corresponds to a topographically forced wave. Since the wave is steady and inviscid, by know there is no form drag associated with it. resonance (A' = 0) (4.27) we Note exact can't be considered because the steady wave amplitude would be infinite in the absence of damping. The instability of the topographically forced wave (5.2) can be studied by linearizing solution. A = As ul = Therefore if we write + A' ' , the linearized equations are (5.1) about the steady 74 aA' (-- + ikA'A')[qI aT S--- U' l l ) = 1 - Fo 2 -z/h - ur 2 qu'll] - x [(Z+ur)p'll Fo 2 (0) f ikA s e (z+ur) 2 0 dz + ikA Fo 2 --ur s au'll (--az O, Ur z=0 (5.3a) 32 u' 32 u' 1 S(---- + 2 3z ay 2 aT a dAr' a2 x ---ay2 dT (sin - 2 Ur aTaz au'1 - h 1 ---- ) = - 2q az As (Z+ur) 2 ly), 2 dAr' 32 -As dT ay2 2 (sin is the real part of A'. where A', Fo 2 (z) (5.3b) F0 2 (0) a3' 1 2 1 ly) on Z=0 , (5.3c) A'i will be the imaginary It is particularly easy to calculate pll by part. integrating over the (5.3b) by -2 sin21ly and multiplying meridional domain using the definition of this (4.32a). The result is Fo 2 (z) ap 1 1 - 2ql 2 (z+Ur) 2 3T dAr' As ---dT , which when integrated in time yields P11 = - 2q1 2 F 2 (z)A2 ) (z+r (5.4) 75 the purpose of plus a constant which for to zero. problem can be set equal forced to solve In order to obtain ul we are sought u' (5.3b-d) the solution to ul is (1979), Following Pedlosky directly. the stability in the form 1 uj = sin jy, (z,T) j (5.5) (5.5) satisfies Note where j = Jn, J = 1,2,3,.... sidewall boundary condition (5.1d). the zonal flow equation (5.3b,c), the Substituting (5.5) into multiplying each by sinjy, integrating over the meridional domain and time yields - az 2 h- 1 2 uj = - 8q1 2 j2-412 az Fo 2 (z) x AsAr' , (z+ur) auj - 2 (5.6a) 81 2 j (1-(-1) Fo2(0) AsA'r j2 3z J ) Again, in obtaining - on z=0. Ur 2 412 (5.6b) (5.6a,b) since the concern stability problem and is the not the initial value problem, the constants arising from the initial value problem are taken to be zero. The solution to (5.6a) is of the form j (1-(-1)J) uj = -8ql 2 AsAr' j2 - 412 (Bj(z) + Cje-aJz), (5.7) 76 where 1 aj = 1 + (4h 2 2h - (5.8) forced solution of the equation and Bj(z) is the 32Bj 1/2 + j2 ) Fo 2 (z) aBj - - h1 @z 2 j2Bj = az (Z+ur) 2 . (5.9) The constant Cj can be obtained by demanding (5.7) satisfy the lower boundary condition (5.6b). solution The result of this is aBj(0) F 0 2 (0) ) ----+ --az qur 2 1 = Cj that the cj Then by (5.5), , (5.10) (5.7) and (5.10) the correction to the zonal current can be written J j(l-(-l) u' 1 1 + aj which = C j Fo 2 8q42 j2 _ 412 aBj(O) (O) (- + ) e-ajz] qur 2 1 + aj 32q1 4 = C j F 0 2 (0) ( (5.11) 2 (4.16b) yields (1-(-1)J j (j2 _ 412) AsAr' [Bj(z) aBj(0) + qu sin jy, az in combination with u'll [Bj(z) AsAr' ) az e-ajz] (5.12) 77 Finally, using (5.4) and (5.12) in the linearized wave field equation (5.3a) to write the wave-zonal flow interaction terms of wave amplitude results in the following in equation for the wave amplitude A'/aT + ikA'A' - ik N O As 2 Ar' = 0 (5.13) where Fo No = - 2 - (qIj 0 2 {ql f )-1 Ur 2 j (j F 0 2 (0) 2 - qur 2 (1-(-1) Fo2(0) j (j 2 - F 0 2 (0) 1 +-- ( aj + qur 2 dz 2 [Bj(z) Fo2(0) 32q1 4 ur J ) j 412)2 2 (1-(-l)J) . (j2 - 412)2 3Bj(O) -)}. az Separating (5.13) (z+Ur )2 (Z+Ur) dz - + 2 Fo 4 Fo2 -z/h x [ qur e ff e 412)2 0 aBj + ---. )e-ajz] z ( -z/h 0 (1-(-1)J)2 + 32q 2 14 1 + --aj (0) [Bj(O) (5.14) into real and imaginary parts and solving for the imaginary part yields d2 A dT -= k 2 (A'NoAs 2 - A' 2 ) Ai. 2 If a solution (5.15) is sought Ai = Ai(O)eOT in the form (5.16) 78 the growth rate a is given by = (A'NOAs 2 =2/k2 From (5.17) we see A' 2 ). (5.17) the topographically forced wave is unstable whenever IA'NOI > 0, (5.18a) 1 > A'. (5.18b) and IN O As 2 Thus in this continuously stratified case as in Pedlosky's (1981) and Plumb's (1981a,b) analyses, instability exists for either super- or sub-resonant flow, depending on the sign of NO . if NO>O According to occurs on the (5.18), superresonant side of resonance whereas for N 0 <0 the opposite is true. NO is (1981) the instability analogous equation It is E2 (3k to the quantity (3.7). In his interesting to note that 2 -1 case the 2 )/8 in Pedlosky's side of resonance on which the topographic instability occurs depends on the relative meridional and zonal scales of the topography. the present case it also depends of the Charney mode excited. In on the vertical structure However, the exact parameter dependence of N O on zonal and meridional wave numbers and vertical structure is extremely complicated. As a result, an explicit calculation of N O is done only for the normal Charney mode with the simplest vertical structure (i.e. r0 =2) Figure under the Boussinesq-like assumption >>h -1 . In (3.5.2a) the regions for which N O is positive and M 14 1312 II 10 9 8 U NSTABLE 7 6 NEUTRAL WAVES 5 NEUTRAL 4 WAVES 3 2 I -I 0 Fig. (3.5.1) I 2 Stability regime in 3 4 ,i," space for the topographic instability of the ro=2 normal mode of the Charney problem assuming and taking z1I. I0 9 8 / / -) 7 6 5 I -I- * 4 -I 3 2 -II O (+) * / - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 8 9 10 k Fig. (3.5.2a) Regions of wavenumber space for which N>O and N<O. In the region below the dot-dashed line, the quantity & S3k-t/8 is greater than zero. This is the counterpart in Pedlosky's (1981) barotropic analysis to the more complicated N of the present analysis. 81 negative are shown. NO is positive in a band centered at 1 = 4.75 and in a wedge centered at above the dot-dashed line region space for which topotropic 1 = 1.5 for k<6.5. The is the region of wavenumber the nonlinear coefficient in the barotropic instability analysis of Pedlosky (1981) is greater than zero, i.e. e 2 (3k 2 -1 2 ) >0 8 Thus it is clear the regions for which the topographic instability occurs for subresonant or superresonant flow differ markedly from the barotropic model to the baroclinic model considered here. to the fact This is due contains information on the vertical that now N O structure as well as information on the horizontal structure of the mode. Figure k=1=1.0 (3.5.1) regimes the stability of the normal mode (for which NO>O) are plotted against the topography height M and the detuned zonal flow A'. feature of this diagram is its demonstration that less topographic height is required for instability is approached. of topographic instability is In This The principal is reminiscent of the earlier studies instability which showed that topographic However, as M is a quasi-resonant phenomenon. increased, the topographic further from resonance. instability can be excited In Figure (3.5.2b) the stability regimes in wavenumber space are shown. of the topography, quite closely as resonance Due to the strength the regions of instability to where N O plotted in Figure correspond (3.5.2a) is I UNSTABLE I NEUTRAL WAVES I IUNSTABLE I 0 :) I 2 Fig. (3.5.2b) 3 4 5 I I I I 6 7 8 9 10 Stability regime in wavenumber space for the topographic instability with A=LO and =1M.O 0 I Fig. (3.5.2c) 2 3 4 5 k Same as (b) 6 except 7 8 )'=--.0 9 10 and M =S.O . 0 I 2 Fig. (3.5.2d) 3 4 5 k 6 Same as (c) except 7 8 '= -/.0 9 10 and / A = 7,5. greater than zero. These are, as we have already mentioned, the only regions in which the instability can occur for superresonant flow when NO>O. However, note that not all waves with larger zonal wavenumber which could be unstable when No>O, are unstable. Thus, the instability is limited to the larger scales for which No>O. In Figures (3.5.2c,d) the stability diagrams in wavenumber space are plotted for the subresonant flow A' = -1.0 and increasing topographic amplitude M = 5.0 and M = 7.5, respectively. As the size of topography is increased, the regions of instability, which now occupy regions in Figure (3.5.2a) for which NO<0, grow toward larger values of k. Figures (3.5.2c,d). This can be seen by comparing These regions of instability avoid, as they must, regimes where NO>O which can be seen by comparing Figures (3.5.2c,d) to Figure (3.5.2a). Above the existence of the topographic instability was demonstrated for the normal modes of the Charney problem. In order to better understand this study of topographic instability we now investigate its energetics. The equation for the wave field energetics of the inviscid topographic instability is a3 c 4 _ I 3T e 0 2 2 oy + coz]dz 2 -z/h 6 = s6 -z/h 1 2 - [ox + e [Hox P2y + c2x coy] uly dz + E4 f -z/h 4 e [#ox 4 c2z + 2x loz] 0 E 4 Ur + where of [ a --az (Ur + z) dz [ obx] + 0(e 6 ) ] represents (5.19) the meridional average. The left side (5.19) is the time change of total wave energy, kinetic The terms on the right side of plus available. (5.19) are the rate of conversion of mean in their order of appearance flow kinetic energy to perturbation kinetic energy by the Reynolds stress, the rate of conversion of mean available potential energy to perturbation available potential energy by the eddy heat flux, and the rate of conversion of mean flow kinetic energy to perturbation energy by the form drag. Note the Reynolds stress conversion of energy from the horizontally sheared part of the zonal flow is O(s6) and therefore negligible compared to the 0(e4) terms. This due to the absence of horizontal zonal flow. The 0(4) energy balance, i.e. a C -z/h -- f e aT 0 x [Cox €2z shear in the 0(1) is 2 1 2 - [Lox + 2 + €2x Poy + 2 oz]dz = 0 -z/h e 0 oz] - (Ur + z)- dz + ur az (5.20) is somewhat different than that of the case considered by Pedlosky (1981). [Obx], layered baroclinic Here both the heat flux conversion of energy from the vertically sheared part of the zonal flow and the form drag conversion of energy from the zonal flow contribute to the topographic instability. later conversion was O(E 6 (1981) case since the 0(1) ) in Pedlosky's zonal flow was zero Thus, only the heat flux conversion instability in his case. topographic and Devore in the lower layer. contributed to the In barotropic models of (1979) and Pedlosky (1981) both the topographic the heat baroclinic instability such as those discussed in Charney conversion contributes Thus, The to the only the topographic form drag conversion, form drag instability. singly responsible for instability in previous barotropic models, and flux conversion, topographic singly responsible for the instability in previous baroclinic models, are responsible for the instability in the present baroclinic model. It is a simple matter to calculate the contributions to the time change of the total wave energy in the wave energy equation (5.20). The left side of using the solution (4.6) for (0, (5.20) can be calculated integrating by parts employing the equations for the vertical eigenfunction (4.7a,b). The result for the time change of the total wave energy is a -z/h I -aT e 0 1 - 2 C (q f 0 1 2 - [ox 2 -z/h e 2 + Coy + F0 2 (0) F0 2 -- z+ur 2 oz]dz dz - --- diAl 2 ) -- ur dT (5.21) 88 The two terms on the right side of (5.20) must the y-averaged version first integrate by parts in z and use between relation of the and heat flux flux, the vorticity Reynolds [Vo6 + V26o] 2 = e-z/h [voH2 + V2 vorticity flux and the heat flux at the ground the wave amplitude yields the heat -z/h + €2x 4oz] [Cox €2z e 0 -z/h Fo 2 f e 0 z+Ur C 1 + - ikur Fo(O) 2 Using the 0(1) form drag dz (AM* - ol]. (5.22) (4.22a,b) to write the Then using the inviscid form of 1 - (q 2 stress (4.25), i.e. -e -z/h az f the conversion, we flux To calculate the heat (5.21). result add up to in terms of flux conversion a 3z (Ur + z)dz F 0 2 (0) diAl 2 ur dT - A*M). (5.23) solution (4.6) and (4.1d) to calculate the term yields 1 ur[#obx] Thus, the field - ikur Fo(O) 2 sum of the heat drag conversion wave - (AM* - (5.24) flux conversion (5.24) is equal to the energy and is A M). proportional from the inviscid form of (4.24), i.e. (5.23) and form time change of total to 31A1 2 /3T. We note -z/h [qj F0 2 F0 2 (0) diAl ] dz- e (z+ur ) 2 0 2 r 2 dT = -ikFo(O)(AM *-A* M) is entirely due to the presence of the wave transience Thus, topography. (5.25) the topography has acted as a catalyst causing a normal mode of Charney problem, which is stable to the usual baroclinic instabiltiy, to be unstable. 6. Multiple equilibria In the interest of completeness, we now briefly discuss the evolution of the lead to the initial linear instability which will consideration of the special requirements for multiple equilibria in this continuously stratified model. The nonlinear complex amplitude equation corresponding to the fully nonlinear set of (5.1a-d) inviscid evolution equations is simply dA + ikA'A dT 1 - ikNoA (1A1 2 2 JA(0)1 ) = ikA'As, (6.1) where A s is given by (5.2a) and A(O) the amplitude. 2 This describes the oscillations which occur after the is the initial value of inviscid nonlinear initial instability. We note however, that these oscillations never lose their memory of the initial of viscosity thus condition. far. This is due to the neglect Therefore, we now consider the 90 damped equations (4.31a-c) of this continuously stratified baroclinic model. This is done to show the existence of the multiple equilibria to which the instability may tend hence losing sight of the initial value. Such multiple equilibria have been shown to exist in previous barotropic models, layered baroclinic models, and in the continuously stratified model considered by Jacobs (1980). All the multiple equilibria previously calculated were the result of a balance between the form drag and the damping. In barotropic models Ekman friction is sufficient to produce However, this is not necessarily the multiple equilibria. case in baroclinic models. In a layered baroclinic model Ekman friction only enters into the energy budget of the layer on which it acts. As a result, a two layer model only determines the wave amplitude remains in a lower Ekman layer in the zonal flow in the lower layer. infinitely degenerate. terms of The upper layer In a continuously stratified model the situation is even more severe where the Ekman friction only determines the zonal flow at the ground. interior is left infinitely degenerate. The Therefore in order to completely determine the steady problem, an internal dissipation is necesary. In the present model, the internal dissipation is the Newtonian cooling. (4.31a,b,c), i.e. We now consider the steady form of Fo 2 (0) Fo 2 (0) ikA'(q 2 - 1 2 F0 2 (0) + r'k 2 )A + [n'(qI 1 - k 12 - ]A - ikA U I F0 qull]dz e [(z+ur)Pll (z+ur) 2 0 Ur - F0 2 -z/h _ + ik ) Ur 2 2 (0)_ aull 1 A (--- ull) ur az ur = ikFo(O)M, z=0 (6.2a) 41 2 Fo 2 (z) u) 2 (z+ur) 2 aul Sh 1 az 32-U U 3z 2 2 [(Z+Ur)k 2 - q] I1I cos 21y (6.2b) a2TUl aul r' ---az2 41 2 Fo 2 (0) (n' n'az ur - r'urK 2 ) A 2 cos 21y 2 (6.2c) on z=0, where f I1 = I -z/h e 0 Fo2 (z+Ur ) 2 -z/h Fo 2 ---f e 0 z+ur dz (6.3a) 00 12 = dz (6.3b) The steady problem (6.2a,b,c) is similar to the one considered by Pedlosky (1979) where Newtonian cooling was also introduced to break the conservation of potential vorticity study, in the interior of the steady limit of the fluid. Here, as in that (4.31b) is singular in the y 92 layers at boundary according steady narrow the sidewalls whose widths to T 1 / 2 as the solution approaches the steady state is approached, the Therefore, as a steady state. to narrow transient This singularity gives rise interval. zonal flow equation (6.2b) is valid over a larger (6.2b) can As a result domain. portion of the meridional be steady zonal used to calculate the frictionally induced flow. for the zonal flow and substituting the result Solving in the steady (6.2a) results into the steady wave equation complex amplitude equation for Separating A. that into real and imaginary parts yields Fo 2 (0) -kA'Ai + (qI1 + r'K 2 - )-1 r 22 Fo 2 (0) -------- ]Ar ur Fo2(0) kPAi - [n' (qI1 2 + Ai2) (Ar (qIl = 0, (6.4a) F0 2 (0) Fo 2 (0) kA'Ai + - )-1 [n' (qI K212) 1 Ur 2 2 + r'K 2 Fo2(0) - K 2 12 ) - 2 Ur 2 ]Ai + kPAr (Ar Ai 2 ) = kA'As, + (6.4b) ur where As is given by (2.5.2a) and P is Fo 2 (0) P = (qI1 = )-1 {- 2 Ur 2 0 Fo x (u(z) -z/h e f Fo2 - (z+ur) 2 2 + De-z/h)dz z+ur ((z+ur)K 2 -q)] [412 (z+ur) 93 C e f + 2q Fo 2 -z/h Fo + 2 (u(z) + De-z/h)dz - 0 2 (z+ur) 2 (0) . ur 2 h-1 D - (0) - z ^ (u(0) + D)]}, 1 ur A [u (6.5) where u is the forced solution of Fo 2 (z) A uzz - h-1 U z = [(z+ur)K 2 - q] 2 (z+ur,) and D -41 n'Uz(0) = 2 Fo r'u(0) 2 n' (0) 2 2 ) ( ... 41 - r'urK ur + h-ln, r' It is very difficult to solve However, in the limit of small 41 2 r' 2 + h-inr (5.33a,b) in general. friction it is relatively simple to show the existence of multiple equilibria. '+0 keeping can be found the ratio in the Ar = Ar(O) Ai Note = + r'/ fixed a solution to r' (6.4a,b) form n' Ar ( 1 ), (6.6a) 1 ) (6.6b) + n' Ai( from (6.4a) Ai (0 PAr( 0 )3 + A'A( 0 The cubic ' If ) vanishes. ) - A'A s = 0 (6.7) has multiple real multiple equilibria exist when Ar( 0 ) satisfies (6.7) roots or equivalently, 94 A'/P < - 27/4 A 2 s . (6.8) The essence of this result only for found a sufficiently detuned zonal flow. This was also to be the case in the earlier studies of topographic instability. that is that multiple equilibria exist The result (6.8) is particularly analogous to obtained in the barotropic analysis of Pedlosky (1981) where it is also demonstrated that for sufficiently detuned flow. upper bound multiple equilibria exist In addition, he finds an on the detuning parameter for multiple equilibria to exist which is inversely proportional to the Ekman friction. Therefore as the Ekman friction is decreased the range of the detuning parameter for which multiple equilibria occur becomes larger and in fact becomes infinite as the Ekman friction approaches zero. present study, the condition Ekman friction approached (1981), it is not possible the limit of very small upper limit, the larger. (6.8) was obtained assuming zero. As is to obtain friction. the case an upper in Pedlosky limit on A' in In order to obtain this Ekman friction must be allowed In contrast to the case calculation In the to be studied by Pedlosky, this is technically difficult and therefore is not carried out here. Previous studies (e.g,. Jacobs that we can expect one of (1979)) the equilibria to be unstable. However, to describe the evolution of the the unstable have demonstrated equilibrium requires the solution away from solution of the fully 95 transient and damped evolution equations (4.31a-c) which is beyond the scope of the present work. 7. Conclusions In this chapter, the fully transient evolution equations were derived governing the topographic instability of a general normal mode of the Charney problem. These evolution equations include the wave-zonal flow interaction at the ground not found by Plumb (1981b) due to the nature of the forcing used in his problem. The growth rate of the topographic instability was obtained in analytic but unclosed form for the normal mode of the Charney model with the simplest vertical structure under a Boussinesq-like assumption. Thus, this calculation is not quite as explicit as that in the two-layer model (Pedlosky, 1981), but it is easier to follow than the analogous calculation in the study of topographic instability in a continuously stratified model by Plumb (1981b). It was found that while the wave-zonal flow interaction at the ground (not present in Plumb's (1981b) analysis) is not required for the existence of the topographic instability, this interaction does modify the growth rate of the disturbance. The topographic instability is excited most easily near resonance as in earlier studies and exists for both subresonant and superresonant flow depending on the sign of the nonlinear interaction coefficient N O . Multiple equilibria also exist in this model for a sufficiently detuned flow as in the 96 earlier studies. superresonant The regions of subresonant and instability differ markedly from those in the barotropic model. In the present model the superresonant instability is very limited in meridional wavenumber. This strong dependence of the instability on meridional wavenumber is due to the strong meridional dependence of the nonlinear wave-mean flow interaction. The fact that meridional dependence is not a feature of the barotropic analysis of Pedlosky (1981) suggests that this is due to the more realistic vertical structure in the present model. However, the role of the channel walls in this regard should be investigated in the future. The subresonant instability is not so limited in meridional wavenumber but for both subresonant and superresonant flow the larger zonal scales are most easily excited by the topographic instability. Overall this suggests that the topographic instability is quite sensitive to the vertical structure of the mean flow and normal mode under study. The strong dependence on meridional wavenumber suggests that given the zonal flow in the atmosphere, one might be able to locate a stationary instability with a fairly well defined meridional structure. However, we must be cautious about the applicability of the instability found at very large space scales in this model. At these scales, the quasi-Boussinesq approximation breaks down and moreover, the quasi-geostrophic theory begins to break down. Thus more realistic models of the large-scale atmospere should be considered in the future. 97 Chapter 4. 1. The Charney mode under the influence of topography. Introduction In this chapter we examine the behavior, in the presence of topography, of the Charney mode which is either weakly stable or unstable and embedded in a uniform shear flow. The two questions to be answered are: (1) what effect does topography have on the unstable Charney mode and (2) does the presence of topography lead to instability in parameter regimes which in teh absence of topography would be stable? The studies in the next four sections follow the work of Pedlosky (1979) quite closely with the important exception that weak topography is allowed as well as a weak uniform zonal flow in some cases. In each section either the size of topography or the size of the weak zonal flow are altered in order to examine the above stated questions in different parameter regimes. Pedlosky (1979) considered the finite-amplitude dynamics of a weakly unstable Charney mode. To examine this oproblem he employs the method of multiple time scales and pivots the analysis about the point of neutral stability to obtain the necessary time scale separation. The expansion parameter is then chosen such that the amplitude of the weak instability can be determined by the wave-mean flow nonlinearity. We shall see that this wave-mean flow nonlinearity will be important in modifying the instability. In Section 2 the effect of sinusoidal topography on an infinitesimal weakly-growing Charney mode, of the same 98 the topography, will structure as (1981) studied this question in a two-layer baroclinic model and found the effect There is a to be stabilizing. in section 2 difference between his analysis and the one which is a consequence of structure of neutral wave amplitude does not vanish it is necessary to require that topography only the neutral two-layer model the In the baroclinic wave in each case. Thus Pedlosky be studied. in the lower layer. it be in phase with the so as not to produce a form drag. produced by the transient growing wave. Form drag is phase shifted part of the In the continuous model the neutral Charney mode vanishes at the ground making such a requirement unnecessary but the form drag is still produced only transient phase-shifted part of the wave. The effect of of the Charney topography on the instability 2 is a result of the topographically by the mode in section induced wave-zonal flow interaction at the ground. Section 3 is quite similar to section 2 but a very weak uniform zonal flow is allowed. flow by the topography The diversion of this zonal forces a nearly neutral Charney mode. The presence of this forced wave futher alters the stability properties of the previous section by of the wave-mean flow further modification interaction at all depths of the fluid. In section 4 the size of increased again. As a result the uniform zonal flow is the topography must be assumed to be weaker in order that the Charney mode is not too 99 strongly forced. The consequence of this the portion of the wave-zonal feedback at was solely responsible for modifying the section 2 and partially responsible is to eliminate the ground which instability in section 3. in However, the uniform zonal velocity is now so large that the advective time scale associated with it is of the order of the long time scale for the wave-mean flow interaction. Therefore, the weakly unstable Charney mode is now propagating at the speed of the zonal flow in the absence of topography. Plumb (1979) considered an analogous problem in the two layer model with propagating topography. analysis is restricted to weak However, he was baraclinic stability. able to show even in baroclinically stable parameter regimes that there was topography were strong enough. an instability the neutral modes stationary and therefore coherent with the forced wave which allowed a strong wave-zonal leading to the instability. energy if the He found taht as the topographic height increased, one of became His for the instability potential energy In addition, it was shown the is drawn from the available of the mean flow. examine this effect flow interaction In for baroclinically section 4 we will subcritical flow and also the effect of increasing topography on teh propagating baroclinic instability supercritical flow). problem to that Ekman (i.e., also for baroclinically Section 5 contains an analogous considered in section 4 but with friction and small Newtonian cooling. strong 100 2. Effect of topography on a stationary weakly growing Charney mode. In the previous chapter modes of the nearly stationary normal the Charney problem were shown to be unstable due to the wave-mean flow interaction for which the topography acted as a catalyst. in altering In this chapter the role of topography the baroclinic instability of the stationary, nearly-neutral Charney mode is examined. this alteration is due to We will show that the topographically induced modification of the wave mean flow interaction which, absence of topography, arises in the from the finite-amplitude equilibration of the stationary, weakly unstable Charney mode. Pedlosky (1979) studied the equilibration of the weakly growing Charney mode in the absence of topography. The present analysis is identical to that in his section 3 with the important exception that weak O(s) topography sinusoidal is included here. The analysis pivots about the stationary neutral Charney mode for which, according to 1/2 Bo + h-1 = (h- 2 + 4K 2 ) (3.3.10), (2.1a) , and U = (2.1b) 0. As described in seciton (3.3), if is perturbed from the value defined by (2.1a) by an amount of 0(62), 6 = Bo - E2 6 , i.e., (2.2) 101 the growth rate choice of the is for 0(e) 6 > 0. This fact motivates long time scale T = et. If (2.1a,b), (2.3) (2.2) and (2.3) are used in the potential vorticity equation (3.2.3) and the Newtonian cooling is assumed 0(- to be very small z --- the + qo -m ax ax qo = So + h-1 = - (n << 2 )), (3.2.3) e-- - becomes ), ax aT (2.4) where (2.5) Upon inspection of (2.4) it becomes apparent that there is a singularity near the ground. near the the 0(e) ground "O(E)) slow time scale for z ~ 0(1) shear of (z This is due the advective of the to the fact that time scale matches temporal evolution, whereas the advective derivative due to the vertical the basic state flow is 0(1). In order to deal with this critical layer singularity, the inner independent variable z e is defined. (2.6) The inner stream function 4(x,y,C,T) satisfies the potential vorticity equation then 102 A a T x Sa = -J 2 - 3a 2 ch-1 2 (e, a ) + E(q - E26) ax a - 62V2 + - 3~ E h- 2 2V 2 ~ ), + a C2 subject A 32a a -- )(- + (-- A ac (2.7) to a boundary condition at the ground. If we choose the topography according to n = eb = eMeikx (sinly) (2.8) + * and if the Ekman spinup time is assumed to be of the order of the long time scale, i.e., r = er' (2.9) then the lower boundary condition for on =0 can be written A - A - 3T A + J (, ax -- ) = ac r' - J(,b). (2.10) Therefore, the potential vorticity equation defines the outer problem for whereas (2.4) the potential vorticity equation (2.7) and lower boundary condition (2.10) A define the inner problem for in powers of solved e A . By expanding both both the outer and 4 inner problems can be independently yielding the equations amplitude and the associated zonal and for the wave flow correction. Then the problem can be closed by the asymptotic matching of the inner solution to the outer solution which passes 103 information about boundary the effect of topography and other lower information in € to the fluid away from the boundary described by €. the outer problem. We begin by considering The appropriate outer expansion is € = Using po €1i + (2.11) + 2~ 2 + (2.11) .... in the outer potential results in a sequence of problems C. The 0(1) vorticity equation (2.4) for consecutive powers of problem is affo a¢0 z --+ qo = ax ax 0, (2.12) and leads to the specification of a single stationary neutral Charney mode which can be written o = AFo(z)eikx (sinly) + * , (2.13a) where -aoz/2 Fo(z) and = ze , (2.13b) Bo is given by (2.1a). It is interesting to note that the vertical eigenfunction given in (2.13b) vanishes at z=0. Therefore the stationary neutral Charney mode does not interact directly with the In addition note that topography to produce €o near the ground is form drag. only O(s), i.e., so ~ €eAeikx (sinly) + *. (2.14) 104 As a result the inner solution which will match the neutral Charney mode will be O(e). It will be helpful to keep this in mind when we get to the inner sequence of problems. The O(e) outer problem can be written anHI 31 ax -8oz/2 dA qo - + qo - z - e eikx(sin ly) + * dT ax (2.15) where the 0(1) solution has already been used to evaluate the inhomogeneous terms. 1 1 = -- dA -- The full solution to (2.15) is -aoz/2 eikx(sin ly) + * e + 01(y,z,T), ik dT (2.16) where Dl is the O(e) correction of the zonal flow. It will 1 is be apparent at the next order that the introduction of necessary due to the forcing provided by the self The solution (2.16) has only interaction of the wave field. x-independent potential vorticity, i.e., 2 1 a2 1 HI + ----- =- ay2 The O(e) az 2 h-1 ... 1 (2.17) az solution (2.16) remains O(e near the ground, thus requiring the matchable inner solution to be O(e). Since the transient wave part of 1 does not vanish at the ground we can expect form drag to be produced by its interaction with topography which in turn alters the zonal flow. In addition, determined that if from the inner problem at O(e) it is 1 does not vanish at the ground, the zonal 105 l1 (y,O,T), the ground at flow correction will with interact Thus we the topography thereby altering the wave amplitude. the presence of a wave-zonal anticipate due flow feedback loop to the presence of topography which is in addition to flow feedback loop the topography independent wave-zonal in his section 3. discussed by Pedlosky (1979) clearly However, to the consideration of see this requires the inner We postpone this until after sequence of problems. 2 consideration of the final outer problem at 0(e The O(e an2 z -- 2 + ) outer equation 3 2 q ax is TI1 -- o + - ax ). --- - J(o 0 ax 3T ,fl 1 ) - J(1o)* (2.18) The zonally average version of (2.18) can be written 2 2 -- (-aT 3y 2 + a_ a _ = h-1 -) 3z 2 - J( 1) - 1o) (2.19) The nonlinear terms in (2.19) are easily evaluated using the solutions at previous orders (2.13) and (2.16). After doing so (2.19) becomes 32 (---- 3 -- 1 3y 2 3T diAl 2 a2 321 + 1 - -o - h- 1 az 2 -) = qo z e 3a a (sin 2 ly), xdT (2.20) Dy which describes the evolution of the zonal of the fluid in terms of the transient wave still required. field. flow in the body forcing provided by the A lower boundary condition on 01 is 106 for We now seek the equation and 0(E) the 0(1) to evaluate solutions wave-like the terms of (2.18) yields inhomogeneous 1a2 2 = ikSFoAeikx + qo z -ax ax a n1 ikF o -ay - Using amplitude. the wave (sin ly) + * a 1 Aeikx (sin ly) + * - ik ay Fo Sqo-- Aeikx (sin ly) + *. z Removal of the secularities from desired amplitude equation. (2.21) (2.21) results in the This can be accomplished by (2.21) by multiplying Fo e-z/h (--) z e - ik x 2 (sin ly) and integrating over the domain. The resulting solvability condition is 1 f 6 dy 2 (sin ly) e-1 i x ¢2 (x,y,O,T) =- 0 qo 2 A aull - dze-qoz (zpl - Af 0 --- ) + Aull (O,T), az (2.22) where 1 P11 2(sin = 0 2 an 1 1y) ay dy, (2.23a) and ull = - f as 1 1 2(sin21y) 0 ay dy. (2.23b) 107 In order to obtain the amplitude equation, 42 (x,y,0,T) must first be found. Thus, the sequence of inner problems is considered next for the purpose of determining ¢2 (x,y,0,T) a lower boundary condition on the zonal and obtaining flow correction ¢1. The appropriate inner expansion takes A A A A 2 S= €o + E~1 + C However, no 0(1) which ¢2 + *.. (2.24) * recall from the outer problem function near the form the ground is 0(e) or that the outer stream higher order. inner solution is matchable to the outer solution requires o = 0. The first of (2.25) nonzero inner solution appears at O(c). In view inner equations can be written (2.25) the O(s) a a 15C = 0. (-+ 5--) aT ax (2.26a) = aT3C The Therefore 0 on = 0. (2.26b) ax solution to (2.26a,b) which can be matched to the outer solution is €1 Matching to O(s) = (D 1 C + C 1 ) eikx(sin ly) + * + fl (y,t) (2.27) the inner solution (2.27) to the outer solution up it is found 108 1 dA ik dT D = A(T), 1 fl = DI(Y, As a result of final (2.28a) (2.28b) O T). (2.28c) (2.28a,b,c) the O(s) inner solution takes the form 1 dA -) = (AC + ik dT 1 From the (sin eikx consequence of this (2.29) -- )(--aT ax a (--- + a 2 2 ) inner problem. are aTa oAe i k x + (sin ly) + *) = 0 2 (2.30a) v2 2 r'v2 - The in the presence of bottom topography The 0(e2) inner equations A - A J(l 1 ,b) - J(jl, -) ac ax where the inhomogeneous terms in been evaluated (2.30b) the vorticity equation have using the O(s) the definition of qo (2.5). equation (y,O,T). zonal flow at the ground. will be apparent in the O(E already 1 inner solution (2.29) it is now clear there is both nonvanishing wave and a2 + * + ly) solution (2.29) and The solution of the vorticity (2.30a) is Bo ^ 2 2 - 2 + * + CX2 Aeikx (y,T). (sin ly) + * + (C 2 +D 2 )eikx(sin ly) (2.31) 109 If is substituted (2.31) into the lower boundary condition (2.30b) and a zonal average condition on the zonal aX2 aT In a 2 01 + r' --ay 2 the lower boundary is taken, flow is obtained, i.e., ^ (v1 ,6 1 ). a (y,O,T) - (2.32) ay (2.32) X2 is as yet undetermined, , v1 = 81 = ax and the Jacobians have been rewritten to make contribution to the wave forcing due to the interaction of the This portion of the additional wave-zonal (2.32) would The nonvanishing at the ground with the topography. the presence of topography. form drag and from the convergence of heat flux at the ground. clear the form drag 0(s) wave is field forms an essential feedback loop due to The heat flux contribution to Using exist even in the absence of topography. (2.29) to evaluate the right side of (2.32) yields a2 t 1 ax2 - + r' aT ay 2 d (y,O,T) = - [1A1 zonal + AM* + A*M] dT a x -- (sin 2ly), ay from which it 2 (2.33) becomes clear that the wave forcing of the flow at the ground is due to the wave transience. 110 When the and O(E O(E) 2 respectively, are substituted into condition Note 3a 1 (M + A) -ay next to last from the term 2 ) lower boundary (y,O,T). (2.34) the zonal in (2.34) that the other necessary ingredient is for the topographically induced portion of the wave-zonal flow feedback loop. (2.34) D 2 is as yet undetermined as is X2 in (2.33) In To determine these quantities ¢2 (x,y,,T) in (2.22). the outer solution is Taylor expanded about z=0, So -F2_2 + 2 - 4 = A[e 1 dA (1 + E --ik dT + This with the topography. flow at the ground interacts and the O(e (2.31) (2.30b), the wave-like portion yields r'K 2 dA 1 3D 2 + = ----k2 dT ik aT C2 and (2.29) ) solutions P25C- a3 1 ... ] Bo -2 + ly) (sin eikx + * 3 - + e5 1 (y,O,T) ... )eikx (sin ly) (y,O,T) + C2 2 (x,y,O,T) + 0(e i.e., ), (2.35) az and matched to the inner solution, i.e., 1 S= + - E2 +- (AC {_- dA --- )eikx ik dT ao _ 2 (A + M) 2 a3 ay (sin + * ly) 3D 2 1 A + D 2 C + -+ ik aT r'K + c(1 2 (y,O,T) dA + k2 dT 1 (y,O,T)} + E2 CX2 + O(E3) eikx (sin ly) + * (2.36) 11i The results are a3 1 X2 = (y,O,T) (2.37a) az 8 dA 2ik dT D2 = 2(x,y,O,T) x eikx (2.37b) Oo d 2 A = [--2k 2 dT 2 r'k 2 dA + ----k2 dT 3I (A+M) -ay (sin ly) + *. (y,O,T)] (2.37c) Substitution of (2.37c) into the solvability condition (2.22) and substitution of (2.37a) into condition for equation for the zonal flow the zonal flow the lower boundary (2.33) yields, along with (2.20) already obtained, the final closed set of nonlinear equations. d2 A dT 2 - 2r'K --8o 2 dA 2k 2 6A dT 8oq 2 2k 2 aull --- )dz + --- Mull az ao a2 u 1 a2 u + (---az 2 ay2 a -aT diAl 2 x - 2k 2 A +-f 8o 0 They are e-qoZ (zp11 (O,T) = 0, (2.38a) aul h-1 .- ) =- qoe-S 0 z az a2 - dT 1 0 the ay2 (sin21y), (2.38b) 112 32 u 1 (y,O,T) aTaz + |A 1 2 a2 ) - + r' a2 u 1 --ay2 (y,O,T) d = dT + A*M (AM* (sin 2 1y), 2 (2.38c) ay where ul = (2.39) ay and aul = 0, (2.40) aT on y = 0,1. The set of equations (2.38a,b,c) governs the equilibration of the weakly unstable stationary Charney mode in the presence of topography and the associated wave mean flow interaction. Pedlosky except (1979) to those derived by They are identical (his equations for the presence of the (3.47), (4.4a)) form drag term in (2.38c) and the presence of the last term in (2.38a) which represents the interaction of the topography with correction at the ground. (4.3) and the zonal These terms are flow responsible for the topographically induced portion of the wave mean flow interaction. We now investigate their effect on the wave mean interaction. This requires the solution of which entails the elimination of pll amplitude equation (2.38a). flow (2.38a,b,c) and ull from the It is a simple matter to solve 113 for P 1 1 in keeping terms of wave amplitude in mind its definition 1 P11 = f 2(sin 2 0 32 u x 32 u 1 (-- h - 1 -- az 2 Multiplying 2 2 1y) ) dy (2.38b) by 2(sin P11 = - q 0 1 2(sin 0 az (1A1 2 - 2 1y). integrating over the in time yields domain and once meridional 1 f - aul 1 + -- ay 2 in aH 1 dy 1y) -ay IA( 0 ) 12 )e- Ooz (2.41) , to obtain order 1 ull = f 2(sin 2 1y) ul dy, 0 first the solution of ul must be found. is sought in the ul = ulj If a solution to ul form (z,T) sin jy, j (2.42) where Using J = 1i, 2, 3, = Jfr, j to solve (2.38b,c) -8qo1 uij = (Boqo-j x (e-Soz - 2 2 j )(j 2 j2 aj qo -41 for 2 ... . ulj(z,T) [( A1 yields 2 - IA(0)12) ) e-ajz + Bje-ajz] (2.43) 114 where 1 1 + (j -- = aj 2 + 1/2 -) 4h 2h 2 (2.44) and r'j dBj --- + ---dT aj Bj j2 aj = - j2 a - (AM* aT Boqo + qoaj From (2.43), 2 j2 )( AI 2 (1 - qoaj - IA(0) 12) + A*M). (2.45) If ull can be calculated. the result is substituted in (2.38a), the amplitude equation becomes d2 A 2r'k 2 +- dT + Z NjBj] 2 dA 2k 2 6 A + A[No(1A1 2 - dT Boqo IA(0)1 2 ) 2 + M[Qo(IA1 2 - IA(0)1 2 ) + QjBj] = 0, (2.46) where 16qo14(1-(-1)J) 2 2k 2 No Bo j 2 - (Boqo so j2)(j2-412)2 ( 0 +qo q(aj + qo) Bo+qo qo(aj + qo) qo1 2 (qo + so)2 (2.47a) 2k 2 Nj = --- so (B oqoj2)(j2-412)2(qo+a j ) (2.47b) 115 2k 2 Qo = --8 o J 16qol 4 (1-(-1)J)2 2 ( oqo-j 0 )(j 2 -41 2 j2 )2 ), (1 - -j qo 0 (2.47c) 16qol4(1-(-l)J) 2 2k 2 Qj - 2 (Boqo-j2)(j2-412) Bo (2.47d) The solution of the coupled amplitude equations (2.45) and (2.46) determines the evolution of the wave amplitude given the inital conditions. In general they are very difficult to solve. in the absence of friction the effect of the instability However, topography on the linear baroclinic is easy to see. linearized version of Consider (2.45) and the inviscid (2.46), i.e., 2k 2 6 d2 A - QjBj = 0, A + M 2 oqo 0 dT 2 8oqo - j (2.48a) j2 Bj = (AM* + A*M). (2.48b) qoaj If, for simplicity, A and M are assumed elimination of Bj d2A dT 2 2 to be real, the from (2.48a) yields A = 0, (2.49) where 2 -2 Boqo- (M 2 k6 j2 Qj J goaj Boqo 2 2.50) (2.50) 116 From the growth rate (2.50) it is easily seen that the instability towards topography modifies the baroclinic stability provided Boqo - j2 SQj qoaj j = 64M Indeed this is the case. k 2 14 ---Bo j 2 In (1-(-1)J)2 > aj(j 2 -41 the stability 0. )2 (2.51) fact each term of the sum is zero and the sum converges. greater than 2 In Fig. diagram plotted in topographic (4.2.1) amplitude M and supercriticality 6 space when the Boussinesq-like approximation ao the topographic >> h-1 is made. It clearly shows that as amplitude increases the baroclinic instability is stabilized and that as the supercriticality is increased the topographic amplitude required for stabilization is greater. The physical mechanism stabilization is as follows: for this topographic As the baroclinically unstable wave grows, a wave, phase shifted from the initial baroclinic disturbance, develops, which interacts with the topography to produce the form drag which according to (2.38c) modifies the zonal shear at the ground in such a way as to stabilize the baroclinic wave. Closer examination of the growth rate rewritten in the form 2k 2 2 a [32 M 2 14 So 6 (1-(-l)J)2 - M] I q0 2 j aj(j 2 - 412)2 (2.52) 117 reveals that the topographic stabilization is most effective for waves with short meridional Furthermore, for those scales (1-(-1)J) 3214 j aj(j 2 - >> 1). for which main effect of topography limit the baroclinic This 2 (2.53) 412)2 the baroclinic instability stability 14 6/qo 2 M2 > scales. scale (i.e., is rendered stable. on baroclinic instability instability are plotted in is to to the larger meridional is apparent in Fig. regimes Thus the (4.2.2) in which the k,l space under the Boussinesq-like assumption 8o >> h-1. This stabilizing effect of topography was also noted by Pedlosky the context of a two layer model. (1981) in He also pointed out the presence of topography caused the that inviscid nonlinear oscillation to be asymmetric about zero amplitude. Inspection of the present amplitude equations (2.46) in their inviscid limit reveals (2.45) and this to be the case here also. The stabilization of the baroclinic instability by topography is of special interest in Namely, while the previous chapter. light of the result topography destabilizes the normal modes of the Charney model via topographic it instability, Charney mode. stabilizes Thus, the in baroclinically unstable in the presence of topography the 118 NEUTRAL WAVE S UNSTABLE -6 -4 -2 Fig.(4.2.1) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Stability regime diagram vs. M and 14 S 16 18 20 for k=1=1.0. 22 24 119 10 1 1 I NEUTRAL I 5j ' WAVES 41 I- I I 0 0 UNSTABLE I I I I I I I I I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k Fig. (4.2.2) Stability regime diagram in k,l space for fixed topography M =.5 and supercriticality E=12.0. In the absence of topography the entire range of wavenumbers would be unstable. 120 normal modes are at least as dynamically important as the baroclinically unstable modes in the Charney model. 3. Instability of a topographically forced Charney mode with very weak zonal flow at the ground. In this section we will see how the stability problem of section 2 is altered as the zonal flow at the ground is increased enough to force a small but finite-amplitude Charney mode near neutrality. In section 2 we studied the effect of topography on a weakly unstable infinitesimal free Here and in sections 4 and 5 the stability of Charney mode. a topographically forced nearly neutral Charney mode embedded in a shear flow will be examined. The wave is forced by the diversion of the zonal flow by the sinusoidal topography. The difference between this and the next section is due to the choice of the size of the zonal velocity at the ground and the topography. Here the choice of topography is the same as in the last section but now a very weak zonal flow will be allowed at the ground, i.e., U = 62 A'. (3.1) Except for the presence of this weak zonal flow all aspects of this analysis are identical to those of the last seciton. Then if (2.3), (2.1b) is (2.6), replaced with (3.1) (2.8) and (2.9) but the choices are made as and inner problems, respectively, become before (2.2), the outer 121 z + qo ax ax 2 - A' -+ ax aT J( 2 ), ax (3.2a) and a aa cA' + aT (qo + e -- )(ax a~2 - + ax - 6)-- + J( 4 , --ax aC2 - h- a 1 2 2V) + - sh- 1 + E2V 2 ) = 0 a (3.2b) subject to A A A SA' - E2 A'bx - on - axac aT a A + - J(¢, ax --- ) 3C2 = - Er 2 eJ(¢,b), (3.2c) z=0. Again outer and inner expansions of the (2.24) will be used. that Before proceeding it (3.2a,b,c) differ form (2.11) and is useful to note from their counterparts in section 2 only by the presence of terms proportional to A'. Examination of these terms in (3.2a,b,c) reveals that they all have a zero zonal average. (2.38b,c) for the zonal flow obtained in the previous section also obtain here, a - aT 32 u 1 --- 3y2 Therefore, the equations 32 u + 1 - az2 h i.e., 1 aul -) az diAl 2 = - qoe- 0o z dT 122 a2 (sin21ly), x 3y2 (3.3a) a2 u 1 32u1 (y,O,T) + r'-aTaz ay 2 + A 2 a2 )-(sin Dy2 2 d (y,O,T) = dT ly). (3.3b) Thus it is only possible for the wave equation. the additional field problems are different the outer and terms to alter In fact a further examination of (3.2a,b,c) reveals that only the O(e result (AM* + A*M 2 ) outer and from those inner wave field inner wave in section 2. solutions As a up to O(c) are the same as in section 2 which are * = Aze-aoZ/ 2 eikx x e- * = , 0 oz/ 2 eikx E dA (sin ly) + * + ik dT (sin ly) + * , (3.41) and (A 1 dA + -- ) ik dT eikx (sin ly) + * (3.4b) respectively. Now we turn to the consideration of the O(c2) problem. Using (3.4a) to evaluate the the 0(E2) outer equation outer inhomogeneous terms for the wave field takes the form 123 a 2 z-- (V22 + ax 32 - - ik Fo - h Aeikx (sin a 32 1 (ay ay 2 x (sin ly) + * 3 1 --- )Aekx(sin ly) az Aeikx (3.5) ly) e-lK x 0 - Af h'- . 1 2(sin ax '8D Fo 1 qo ly) - ik -ay z (sin The solvability condition for f 32 + qo ly) + ikSFoAeikx(sin ly) a2 1 + -3z 2 30 1 --- ) Aeikx az 1 h- 3z2 Fo ikA' qo z = 3a2 -) az 2 6 ¢2 (x,y,O,T)dy = A'A + --- A qo 2 - dze-qoz (zplI 0 (3.5) is aull -) + Aull az (O,T). (3.6) In (3.6) it appears as if the term A'A will play a role in the amplitude equation. contribution However, shortly we will see that a from the lefthand side of (3.6) will cancel with A'A on the right Now the O(e 2 side of (3.6). ) inner problem will be considered whose solution when matched to the outer solution will determine €2(x,y,O,T). If (3.4b) is used inhomogeneous terms, can be written the O(e 2 to evaluate the ) inner wave field equations 124 a2¢2 --= a 2 a8 --- 2 - (sin (3.7a) eikx (sin ly) - ik(A + M) Oly The wave ly) + * a 2 --= -ikA'Aeikx ax - x BoAeikx solution to r'K (sin (2 ly) (3.7a) dA ik ikA'Meikx (y,O,T) 2 + eikx (sin ly) (sin which dT ly) + * (3.7b) can be matched to the outer solution is 8o 8Bo ¢2 2 Aeikx =- 2 x eikx (sin ly) (sin ly) + (- o d2A 2k 2 dT 2 C2 = [ + A' (A Matching + M)] the lower boundary condition It is r'k 2 dA a4 1 ------ + (A + M) --- (y,O,T) + k2 dT ay eikx (sin ly) + *. (3.9) ¢2 to ¢2 yields ¢2 (x,y,O,T) = C 2 eikx where C 2 is given by (3.9). condition + C2 ) (3.8) C 2 can be determined. 8 -2ik dT + * When (3.5) is substituted into (3.7b), dA (sin ly) Using + *. (3.10) (3.10) in the solvability (3.6) we obtain the wave amplitude equation 125 d2 A 2r'k 2 -+ dT 2 ao - dA dT 2k 2 6 2 oqo 0 aull 2k 2 ) dz + --M ull az Bo 2k 2 A + -A f e-qoZ ao 0 2k 2 A, (O,T) = - M. ao Equation (3.11) differs from its counterpart only by the presence of the (zP11 (3.11) in section 2 inhomogeneous term. No other terms proportional to A' arise because the advective time scale associated with the weak zonal which is an order slower than the flow s 2 A' is 2 ) long time scale. The coupled set of equations (3.11) and a steady solution of the O(C (3.3a,b) allow form qo 2 A 'M As = 6 (3.12a) Uls = 0 (3.12b) The study of the stability point of this section. forced wave. This is the of this steady solution the It corresponds to a topographically Notice the wave has a resonance at point at which the neutral become stationary relative to happens to correspond to is 6 = 0. propagating the topography. It the stability threshold waves also for an infinitesmal baroclinic wave in the absence of topography. Thus we expect the instability of the on whether the flow is superresonant (6<0). forced wave to depend (6>0) or subresonant In any case, in order to avoid the resonance, the 126 following stability analysis must be restricted to values of 6 which are 0(1). If the Ekman friction is assumed to be negligible, the evolution equations, when linearized about topographically forced wave solution d 2 A' 2k 2 6 8oqo 2 2 dT 2k 2 + --So M u'll a 2 u' (2A 2 1 - + 3y x e-qoz (zp'll 0 - au'Ill ----) dz az (3.13a) ( aT f (3.12a,b) take the form (O,T) = 0, a 2 u' 1 a - 2k 2 A' + -As Bo the az - 2 (sin 1 qoe-aoz = - 2 ly), (3.13b) 82u1 (2A s = au' -) az a2 dAr' ) --ay 2 dT (y,O,T) h-1 aTaz dAr' dAr' a2 -+ 2M --) ay 2 dT dT (sin 2 ly), (3.13c) au' au' 1 1 ---(O,z,T) aT (1,z,T) = 0, aT where Ar' and and Ai' (3.13d) are the real and imaginary parts of the perturbation wave amplitude A' and M is assumed to be real for simplicity. The small amplitude solution of (3.11) consists of a baroclinically unstable mode plus a topographically forced wave. Thus, the equation for the perturbation wave amplitude (3.13a) now involves the interaction of the perturbation zonal flow with both the forced wave and the 127 topography which modifies the baroclinic is in contrast to flow was only Also in section 2, case, only interacts with the perturbation zonal forced by the interaction of distubance with However, the topography. the perturbation zonal flow is also interaction of forced wave. the wave in the wave disturbance with the Thus in addition section there the present forced by the topographically to the topographically induced modifications of the wave-mean flow the last This the previous section where the perturbation zonal flow at the ground the topography. instability. interaction in is a further modification due to the presence of the forced wave. Thus, the stability problem is altered fundamentally. The linearized equations for the perturbation zonal flow (3.13b,c,d) can be solved just as the nonlinear zonal flow equations were solved in the last resultant perturbation zonal section. flow is substituted When the into (3.13a) the resulting perturbation wave equation is d 2 A' 2k 2 6 0o qo 2 4k 2 M 2 A' dT 2 qo24. + --6 2 ao [ ao 62 (X 1 + X 2 ) + X 3 ] Ar' (3.14) rate a = kc, The growth c2 +- qo 4 A' 2 X o corresponding qo4A' 2 X o 6 I qo 2 - 2M 2 [ + 62 to (3.14) is qo2A' " 6 (X 1 + X 2 ) + X 3 ]} (3.15) 128 where Bo - 2k X0 2 No (3.16a) ao X1 = 2k- 2 Qo (3.16b) oqo - 8o Nj --j 2k 2 X2 = X3 8o Qj = I j 2k 2 where No, Nj, J2 ) ( qoaj Boqo - (3.16c) J2 ( ) qoaj (3.16d) Qo and Qj are defomed by respectively. The term responsible the baroclinic instability brackets of in (2.47a,b,c,d) for the stabilization of section 2 is X3 in (3.15) which is always greater than the square zero. The remaining terms in the square brackets are due to the presence of the forced wave. Their effect on the instability depends on their sign and relative magnitudes. In order to evaluate the nonlinear coefficients Xo, X 1 , X 2 and X 3 more easily, the Boussinesq-like approximation Bo >> h - will be made. 1 c 2 = K l (3.17) Using (3.17) the dispersion relation becomes 16K 4 A, 2 6 {-4K 2 - 2M 2 [ 62 Xo 8K 2 A, + 6 X1 + X3]} , (3.18) 129 where 1 (m + 214 xo =- 1)) 0 r5 m= 1 (m K + - - 1 -)2((m - 2 7T i K (- - 1 _)2 12 .)2 2 72 5 16K1 2 (3.19a) 214 X 1 = X2 = _ it 5 m=1 (m K 1 + - - -) ((m - 2 i 1 -)2 12 - )2 72 2 (3.19b) X3 From 214 _ = i5 m=1 1 (m - -) 2 (3.19b,c) it is easy than zero. 1 ((m and - 12 -- )2 iT2 2 (3.19c) to see X 1 , X 2 and X 3 are greater show that X0 to Xo is stabilizing and stabilizing for Thus the relative signs 6 determine whether or not the all relation and therefore the The term the terms but the largest and magnitudes of A' term proportional to X 1 in (3.18) is stabilizing or destabilizing. the is greater for extremely large scale waves. proportional to X 3 is always scale waves. .)2 Numerical calcuations than zero except proportional - The dispersion instability depends on whether flow is eastward or westward. When the flow is 130 M I I I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUTRAL WAVES NEUTRAL WAVES II I I I I UNSTABLE I -6 -4 -2 Fig. (4.3.1a) and Z =1.0. 0 2 4 6 8 Stability regimes in 1 , 10 12 14 16 18 space with k=1=1.0 20 22 24 131 M NEUTRAL NEUTRAL WAVES I I II UNSTABLE I[ -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 8 Fig.(4.3.1b) Same as (a) but A =-1.O. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 132 baroclinically supercritical (6>0) the term proportional to X1 is stabilizing for eastward flow (A'>O) and destabilizing for westward flow (A'<0). Just the opposite is true for baroclinically subcritical flow (6<0). However, it seems clear that overall, we should expect an increase in topography to be stabilizing. The numerical computations displayed in Figs. (4..3.1a,b) and (4.3.2a,b) bear this out. In Figs. (4.3.1a,b) we have plotted the stability regimes in M,6 space for A' = 1.0 and A' = -1.0 respectively. The eastward flow case shows stronger stabilization than in the westward flow case. The eastward flow case is also more stable than the A' = 0 case of Fig. (4.2.1). This is due to the interaction of the forced wave with the perturbation zonal flow. The westward flow case in Fig. (4.3.1b) is less stabilized than the A' = 0 case of Fig. (4.2.1). This is a result of the term in (3.18) proportional to X1 which can be destabilizing for westward flow (A'<0). However, on the whole topography is stabilizing except for unlikely parameter regimes. We will close this section by considering the wave-field energetics. In general the total wave energy can be modified by the conversion of mean flow kinetic energy to perturbation kinetic energy by Reynold's stress, conversion of mean flow kinetic energy to perturbation energy by the form drag and conversion of mean available potential energy to perturbation available potential energy by the eddy heat flux. In the present case, the energy budget can be written 133 a C3 C f aT + 2+ oz2dz 2 I ly + S1x 4oy] e-z/h [ ox [#ox 1z + ~Ix Ooz] ---- 0 4 + (A' ~lyy dz a(z) 3 c e-z/h f e3 + 2 [o 0 :5 = 1 e-z/h_ dz 3z Oly)[obx] - z=0, [ where Eq. (3.20) ] is a meridional avrage and (3.20) shows the total ( ) is a zonal average. energy is modified primarily by the conversion of available zonal potential energy. The other contributions are one or two orders of magnitude smaller. (3.20) but A' = 0. same as zonal The energetics of the previous section are the flow at the ground Thus it is clear that has altered the O(e 2 the instability problem but leaves the leading order energy budget unaltered. In the next be O(E) but the section the zonal topography will (3.20) but - Oly flow at the ground will be O(e 2 ) instead of O(s). The leading order energetics will remain unaltered from the term [ obx] z=0 will fall to 0(e modified 5 further. ). ) However, the instability will be 134 4. Influence of topography on the baroclinic instability of the Charney mode and its topographic instability. The topic of the present section is, of the last topographically forced Charney mode near baroclinic neutrality. In the zonal the Charney mode flow which the absence of the order of forced last section the uniform topography it has interest. is allowed baroclinic the topic section, the linear instability of a small but finite-amplitude flow as was is so weak that in no effect on the problem to In this section, the uniform zonal to be stronger such that the stationary weak instability of the last slowly propagating weak baroclinic section will become a instability in this section. Nevertheless, the present analysis is very similar to that of the last two sections and section 3 of (1979). This will allow the discussion of its development to be considerably more brief. about Pedlosky Again the analysis pivots the stationary neutral Charney mode which, absence of forcing, in the will grow or decay on the long time scale T = et, (4.1) if 6 = Bo - (4.2) 26 and r = e2 r' As in section 3 this weak instability is against the forcing and (4.3) then balanced the usually stabilizing 135 nonlinearity, but now the weak advection of the Charney mode by the uniform zonal flow also comes into play. The wave is forced by a stronger weak uniform zonal current flowing over the topography than in the last section. choose the magnitude of this current such time scale associated with it matches the disturbance which is also flow interaction. We that the advection the e-folding time of the time scale of wave-zonal Therefore we write U as U = e' Then the appropriate choice e2 b = e 2 Meikx n = With (4.5) the (4.4) for ly) + * (sin , (4.5) This approach was also used (1979) in a two-layer model topography is an order of magnitude last section. is forcing will be balanced against the growth, friction and nonlinear terms. by Plumb the topography Note that the smaller here than in the As a result the topographically induced portion of the wave mean flow interaction of the ground the last two sections will be an order weaker. in Thus it will be negligible to the order of interest here. Substituting outer, (4.1-5) into (3.2.3) and (3.2.7) the inner and lower boundary equations can be written + z -ax - ax + ( aT ' )T -ax + 26 ax - J(, H), (4.6a) 136 a a + (-- + -- A' aT 32 a -- ax )(- ax - £26) - - J - 3a 2 2 E (qo A + S2V2 h- - 3a 2 ax + ) ,2V a - (4, 2 + ac 22 S - a - 1 h ), sc (4.6b) and a2 -aTa - 2 + A' -axac - -- + J( ax 3a a , -) 2 = er'V2¢ - E2A'bx ac E2 J( 4 , b), respectively. (4.6c) In (4.6a,6b,6c), 4 and 6 are the inner stream function and inner vertical coordinate, respectively as in the previous sections. Expanding 4 and 4 as before, i.e., = o + CEl + E2 €2 + **., (4.7a) *.., (4.7b) AA € = + C€i + E2 d2 + and substituting into (4.6a,6b,6c) results in a sequence of equations for both the inner and outer problems. The outer problem as defined by solved in section 2 except the 0(1) outer (4.6a) is identical for the presence of to that the -£A'Hx term. Thus equation is the same as (2.12) whose solution is the stationary neutral Charney mode, o = Aze-aoz/ 2 eikx (sin ly) + * , i.e. (4.8) 137 At O(e) the the effect 0(1) of the solution (4.8) additional the O(s) term outer is felt. Using problem can be written as an 1 ap ax x It ax (sin has the ly) 1 (ik + * (4.9) 2 (sin eikx + * (4.10) 1 = a2 01 + , - haz 2 (4.11) az the solution (4.10) from the term -EA'Ix is not phase shifted relative to the neutral Charney mode solution. interaction with the 0(1) solution As a result its in the O(E2) problem does not produce additional wave flow. to a¢1 that the contribution to additional of (4.10) contributes vorticity ay 2 zonal ly) (y,z,T). a2 s 0(1) eikx . dA + A'A)e-aoZ/ dT the potential Note 2 dT Again only the x-independent part 1 e-8oZ/ solution 1 = + €1 dA + ikA'A) qo (- - + qo z -- Because of this fact and outer forcing of the because the 0(s) potential vorticity remains x-independent, the result of the O(c2) outer problem is the same describes the evolution of the transient wave forcing and as in section 2 where (2.20) zonal flow in terms of the (2.22) is the solvability 138 condition on the wave-like inhomogenieties. (2.22) is condition 1 6 f dy2(sin ly) e- 1kx 2 (x,y,O,T) =- qo 2 0 - -aull dze-qoz (zpI Af - -- 0 )+ Aull(O,T), az (4.12) where pll and ull are defined by (2.23a,b), Again p2 (x,y,,T) forces us for to turn to the consideration of the inner problem its determination as well as for the purpose of Based on the experience of the O(s) near respectively. is undetermined by the outer problem which obtaining a lower boundary condition on the limit The solvabiliy zonal flow. section 2 the solution to inner problem can easily be obtained by taking the of the 0(1) the ground. and O(s) outer Thus the O(s) solutions inner (4.8) solution is and (4.10) found to be 1i =(AC 1 + - dA - + A'A) eikx(sin ik dT ly) + * + 4 1 (y,O,T) (4.13) Since the O(s2) inner problem differsn substantially from that of section 2, careful consideration. If we use evaluate the inhomogeneous terms, can be written a (-+ A' aT more it will be given more (4.13) as well as the O(e2) (4.5) to inner equations as a 32 a a + ax -)(-----a 2 ax 2 + oAeikx(sin ly) + *) = 0, (4.14a) 139 A A 32¢2 32¢ ---+ ' aT3 A a 2 axa + * - ikAeikx x (sin ikA'Me i k x ly(y,O,T) (sin ly) + * - + * - ly) 1 dA -= r'K 2 (- - + A'A) eikx(sin ly) ax ik dT 2 r' 32 1 3y2 diAl (y,O,T) 2 a (sin 2 ly) dT ay (4.14b) As opposed 2, 2 to the O(e ) lower boundary condition in section (4.14b) contains additional terms proportional to A'A and the forcing A'M but does not contain a form drag term and interaction term between the topography an and the zonal flow correction at the ground which formed the topographically induced portion of the wave mean 2. As before, the solution flow interaction in section (4.14a,b) is of the form ^o 2 2 Aeikx (sin ly) - + * + (C 2 x (sin ly) + * + 5 -az 2 + D2 4) eikx (y,O,T) (4.15) Matching this solution to the otuer solution yields Bo D2 2 1 dA (-+ A'A) ik dT ¢2 (x,y,O,T) = C 2 eikx (sin Substituting the O(e 2 (4.16a) ly) + * ) inner solution (4.16b) (4.15) along with 140 (4.16a) into the (4.14b) then lower boundary condition yields Bo d 2 A + 2k 2 dT 2 C2 2 ir'K dA iBoA' dT k 3¢i A'A + A'M - A -ay + k o80A2 A r'K 2 k2 2 dA dT (y,O,T), (4.17a) and (y,O,T) a321 aT3z 3a2 1 (y,O,T) + r' ay 2 diAl 2 a (sin21ly) - dT ay (4.17b) The later result is the required lower boundary condition on the zonal Use of flow. (4.16b) along with (4.17a) in the solvability condition (4.12) results in the wave amplitude equation which along with (2.20) and (4.17b) form the closed set of equations governing this damped and This set of equations is flow interaction. d2 A + 2(ikA' --2 dT 26k 2 - - ) 2 forced wave mean dA r'K 2 ) + (2ir' + Bo dT 2k 2 A + -A 8o f kK 2 - A' Bo W e-qoz (zpll 0oqo O 2 - k2A, aull --- ) = az 2k 2 A'M, So (4.18a) 3 aT 32u, 32u1 (--+ az 2 3y 2 - h-1 aul .) az dJAl _ q=e-o- 2 32 z (sin21y) dT ay 2 (4.18b) 141 2 3a a2 u 1 1 ---(y,O,T) + r' 3aTz diAl 2 a2 (y,O,T) 2 ay (sin dT 2 ay 2 ly). 2 (4.18c) The zonal velocity is also subject to the sidewall boundary condition aul 0, - aT (4.19) on y = 0,1. The equations the equations Pedlosky (4.18a,b,c) and (3.47), (1979) except (4.3) and (4.19) are identical to (4.4a,b) obtained by for the presence of terms proportional to the weak zonal velocity A' and an inhomogeneous M. term proportional to the topogrpahic amplitude We now consider the linear instability of topographically forced wave the in the absence of Ekman friction whose steady amplitude is 2A'M As = Bo('2 + By 26 oqo 2 2 (4.20) (4.20) is the topographic real, then As also is. subcritical A'2 This = amplitude is assumed to be Note that for baroclinically (6<0) flow As becomes infinite when 26 -. . 2 This corresponds to a resonance which occurs when the corresponds to a resonance which occurs when the 142 subcritical propagating neutral mode becomes stationary relative to the topography. In contrast to section 3, since the advective time scale of the zonal flow EA' is the same as that of the wave-mean flow interaction, the resonance to the stability transition point no longer corresponds for an infinitesimal baroclinic wave. Nevertheless, based on the experience of the two previous chapters we can expect the resonance to play an important role in the instability. Our inviscid However, stability analysis the stability analysis must avoid this point. in section 5 will include friction which will allow this restriction to be removed. Linearizing the evolution equations the steady wave solution d 2 A' dA' ---+ 2ikA' dT dT 2 2k 2 + -- As o a 3 2 u' ( -. 2 aT ay x dAr' ---dT a 2 u' e-qoz 26 k2 (A' 2 1 a2 u + (zp'll - A' -) 2 au'll --) az dz = 0, (4.21a) au' 1 1 -az + 80qo 0 h-1 2 ) = - qoe- 0o 2A s (4.21b) dAr' 1 z az 32 --- (sin21y), 3y 2 (y,0,T) 3T3z (4.20) yields m f (4.18a,b,c) about a2 = 2A s (sin dT 3y 2 2 ly), (4.21c) 143 au'1 - 0 3T (4.21d) on y = 0,1. The definitions of P'll a 2 u' 1 P'll = - 2(sin 2 1y) 0 ( 1 ay 2 and u'll are a 2 u' 1 + az 2 - h -1 au' 1 ) dy, az (4.22a) 1 U'll = - f 2(sin 2 1y) u' 1 dy 0 The last (4.22b) term in (4.21a) represents the interaction of forced wave with the perturbation zonal (4.21b,c) the disturbance zonal flow interaction of disturbance. the topographically According to is forced by the forced wave and the wave Thus there is a feedback loop between the forced wave and which flow. the the disturbance wave field and is key in the instability of the zonal flow forced Charney mode. Again the zonal velocity can be obtained by solving (4.21b,c,d) as in previous sections. used in (4.22a,b) to write P'll and wave amplitude alone. into (4.21a) the The u'll When P'll and result can then be in u'll terms of the are substituted folowing linear equation for the perturbation wave amplitude is obtained: d 2 A' dA' ---- + 2ikA' -- k2 2 dT dT 26 (A' 2 + )A' Soqo 2 + 2NoAs 2 Ar' = 0, (4.23) where Ar' is the real part of the perturbation amplitude and 144 2k = k 2 No 2 o J j2 (ooqo-j 2 q0 qo(aj + qo) 2 )(j) -41 2 5o (------ )2 o+qo 12 (qo + (4.23) is split into result (1-(-l)J)2 N' 8 If 16qo1 4 80) 2 the real and imaginary parts the is d 2 Ar' ----2 kA' dT 2 dAi' - dT 26 k2 (A' 2 + -)Ar' aoqo 2 + 2NoAs 2 Ar ' = 0, (4.25a) d 2 Ar' dT 2 where Ai' dAr' + 2 kA' -- k2 dT 26 (A' 2 + ---- )Ai' $oqo 2 is the imaginary part of A'. associated with a2 - = 0, The growth (4.25b) rate a (4.25a,b) is (N'As2 + A' 2 26 {(N'As 2 + A' 2 - t -) Ooqo 2 k2 26 + (A' 2 + --)[2N'As2 2 $oqo - (A, 2 + 26 .)2 aoqo 2 26 . )]1/2 $oqo 2 (4.26) The first thing to note about (4.26) is that where A' appears it does as A' ground order (A'>O) 2 so remarks approximation flow at the also apply to easterly flow at the ground. to simplify the calculations approximation for westerly the Boussinesq-like ao >> h-1 will be made. Under this In 145 qo = aj = j Bo (4.27a) ao = = Jr (4.27b) 2ao n (4.27c) where a0 = (4.27d) As a consequence of (4.27) the nonlinear coefficient (4.24) reduces to 1 m + 2 2k 2 L 4 No = (ao-1) m= m=1 z2a o (m + ao - 1 -)2 2 ((m - 1 _)2 2 - 16aoL2 and (4.28) the growth rate (2.7.26) reduces to a2 6 (N'As k2 + (A' 2 + 2 + A 2 -)(2N'As 4K 3 4K 3 2 2 + A' 2 )4K3_ {(N'As 6 - 4K 3 where J 1 m = - + 1i, L= i 2 No and N' k2 )2 - 4K 3 1/2 (4.29) 146 No>O for all but implies that the smallest meridional wavenumber. the nonlinearity would stabilize a baroclinically growing wave as in Pedlosky the contribution to the growth rate (1979). However, (4.29) from the terms proportional to N' is not necessarily stabilizing. this This To show the parameter regime of (4.29) will be considered corresponding to baroclinic stability of an infinitesimal disturbance, i.e. 6 < 0. Plumb (4.30) (1979) discussed this parameter regime in the context If of his two-layer model. V is defined such that 4K 3 (4.31) and the steady wave amplitude in (4.29) is rewritten as A'2M2 2K2(2 = the growth k (4.32) rate takes the form a2 - u2)2 - 2 [A' + ,2 + 2 N'A' 2 M2 _] K2(A,2 - U2)2 _ {[A,2 + 12 N' A' 2 M 2 + K2( K2(,2 + (A' 2 + p,2) [ (A' 2 - 2) 2)2 - (4.33) 2N'A' k2 k2(A'2 2 - 2 M 1/2 2)2 2)2 147 If (4.33) are the operations within the curly brackets in carried out When a2 /k 2 <0 the modes are propagating, but real. a 2 /k 2 is easy to see that a 2 /k 2 must always be it >0 one mode becomes unstable. are assumed to be zero for If the moment, the when nonlinear effects (4.33) reduces to a2 = - - k ; 1)2 (A' 2 (4.34) whose roots correspond to a slowly propagating mode (+ sign) and to a faster propagating mode increasing the (-sign). forcing a small amount, which mode's phase speed we can determine is decreased. which will become unstable. Now, by This is the mode For small forcing a 2 /k 2 can be approximated by a2 . k2 N'A' = - (A' T 2) 2 M2 K2(12- When the zonal A' 2 - A' U2 ) 2 flow is subresonant, U nonlinear effect. i.e. (4.36) Thus, increase due Indeed this is the case. see that there is no instability possible However, - if the 12 > 0 to the we expect both of them to remain stable. A, 2 (4.35) 12 < 0 the phase speeds of both the modes flow. - + From (4.33) it is easy to for subresonant flow is superresonant, i.e. (4.37) 148 (4.35) shows that the nonlinearity decreases the phase speed of the slower mode while increasing mode. Thus the slower mode is expected to be unstable. This decrease increases the speed of the faster in phase speed continues as the forcing until 2N'A' 2 M 2 = K2 (A, 2 - V2)3 (4.38) a2 /k 2 = 0 for the slower mode. at which point From this point on the disturbance is in phase with the forced wave which allows a coherent interaction between the perturbation, forcing forced wave and mean flow. Therefore, as the increases further such that 2N'A, 2 M 2 > K2 (A, 2 instability occurs. destabilizing - p2)3 (4.39) Thus the nonlinear effect is here. Recall that as 4K 3 increases the flow becomes more baroclinically subcritical. As U is increased toward A', a resonance is approached which the slowest baroclinically subcritical becomes for neutral mode stationary relative to the topography. Thus, since the neutral modes are slower as resonance is approached, less topographic height should be necessary to excite the stationary instability. Figure As is shown by (4.39) and (4.41), less topography is required to make the flow 149 unstable as resonance is approached. This behavior is similar to that of the topographic instability discussed in Chapter 3 which is also more easily excited near resonance for superresonant flow only. This stationary instability, then, might be thought of as the topographic instability of the Charney mode as opposed to the topographic instability of a normal mode of the Charney model. We now consider the parameter regime of (4.29) corresponding to the baroclinic instability of an infinitesimal disturbance, i.e. 6 > 0. (4.40) In this case U is defined as 1~=- 4K 3 (4.41) and the growth rate is written as a2 k2 = - + K 2 N'A'2M2 [A,'2 - k2(A,2 N'A' ( 2 2N'A' K2(A '2 2 M2 2 + + (A' 2 M2 1/2 + ] 2 + 2 ±_ {[ 2, 2 + U2)2 + U2)[ _ (A' 2 + p2) U2)2 (4.42) Here, when the topographic forcing is zero, the instability corresponds to an unstable baroclinic wave propagating as the speed of the zonal velocity, i.e. modes for the unstable 150 K (4.43) forcing M is increased by a small amount, the growth As the rate of the unstable modes is decreased. This is easily seen by an examination of te approximation to (4.42) for M, i.e. small N' A' a + iA' - 2 M2 2 + - 2UK 2 (A' k (4.44) p2) The phase speed is also modified but this effect is of higher The numerical order. calculations shown in Figure (4.41) demonstrate that this tendency continues until the quantity in curly brackets in N'A' K2(2 2 M2 N'A' 4A' 2 2 + (4.42) is equal to zero, i.e. 2 M2 [ + )2 + 4A2 _ .2] K2 (A, 2 + U2)2 = 0 (4.45) at which point the growth rate vanishes leaving neutral propagating waves of equal phase speed. As M is increased further, this quantity continues to increase. The result is to cause the phase speeds of the two modes to diverge. The mode whose phase speed is decreased with increasing M becomes stationary when M is increased enough 2N'A' 2 M2 = .... K2(A,2 + p2 ) 2 and becomes 2N' A' A'2 + such that 2 2 (4.46) unstable when 2 M2 S> K2(A,2 + U )2 2 A' 2 + U2 (4.47) 151 Therefore, the role of topography depends on its size. Smaller topography tends to stabilize the propagating baroclinic wave which grows at the expense of the mean vertical shear. the presence of However, as the topography becomes larger, the topographically forced wave modifies the nonlinear wave-mean flow interaction enough an unstable disturbance. to give rise to This instability, which still draws its energy from the available potential energy of the mean flow, occurs because the neutral propagating wave disturbance becomes stationary relative to as M is increased and wave. This is the for which transition 6<0. therefore coherent with the forced same instability mechanism as in the case In fact, line the forced wave in Figure (4.41) note how the from neutral waves to the stationary instability continues smoothly from negative to positive super-criticalities. Thus, the Charney mode occurs supercritical baroclinic the topographic instability of for both subcritical and flow. Also of interest is the dependence of the instability on wavenumber space, all else being (4.4.2a,b,c), for three different fixed. values In Figures of the shear supercriticality, the regions of stationary instability, propagating instability and neutral propagating waves have been plotted vs. both k and 1. The most striking feature of these figures is the relatively weak dependence of the instability on k and the very strong dependence negative shear supercriticality (6<0) on 1. For the only instability 152 STATIONARY INSTABILITY NEUTRAL PROPAGATING WAVES INSTABILITY WAVES -12 -10 Fig. (4.4.1) -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 The regions of the topographic amplitude and shear supercriticality S 6 A , , space for which there are neutral waves(N), stationary(S) or propagating(P) instabilities. The calculation was done with A'=1, k=l1, and 1=1. 153 10 I 9. I I I 7 N I 6- 5- II 4- I 0 I 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 k Fig. (4.4.2a) For negative shear supercriticality the regions of zonal and meridional wavenumber space for which there are neutral waves, stationary or propagating instabilities. calculation A'=1, A'1 =1 and a =-1. In the 154 10 9 8 I N 7 6 IS 23- N L P 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k Fig. (4.4.2b) ( 8 =1). Same as (a) except for positive shear supercriticality 155 N ) N I S p IIIP 4 I 6. I L I P N 3 O 0 N rI I I I I I I II I 2 3 4- 5 6 7 Fig. (4.4.2c) Same as (b) except S =3. I 8 9 10 156 possible is of very k<8 the stationary type and narrow bands centered at shown in Figure (4.4.2a). 1=1.75 for k<4 and 1=4.75 for This instability which relies nonlinear wave-mean flow interaction remains on the virtually unchanged for positive shown is limited to two in Figures (4.4.2b,c). of propagating unstable However, when 6>0 wider bands instability begin to appear which tend to get wider as k gets larger. For 6=1 these bands are centered at As the flow becomes more baroclinically 1=3.25. 1=.75 and shear supercriticalities as for larger 6=3 two additional instability centered at 1=6.5 and bonds of propagating 1=9.5 develop. Thus, for larger supercriticality, the propagating instability is not limited to the larger meridional supercriticality. stationary To summarize, scales as it is it can be said instability or topographic its existence to the topographically for smaller that the instability which owes induced wave-mean flow interaction is limited to larger meridional scales while the propagating instability which is essentially a baroclinic wave modified by the topographically induced wave-mean flow interaction is limited to larger meridional scales for only weak supercriticalities. Furthermore, instability tends to occupy the larger the baroclinic instability, under the the topographic zonal scales while influence of topography tends to be more effective at shorter zonal scales. Finally, an increase in topographic amplitude tends to stabilize the barolcinic instability of the zonal but gives rise to a new topographic In the next section instability. we will examine friction on the instability of the flow the role to strong forced wave. 157 5. The topographically influence of 0(1) forced Charney mode and the Ekman friction The subject of this section stronger is a study of the effect of friction on the instability of a topographically The basic approach is forced Charney mode near neutrality. the same as in section 4 in that the analysis pivots about the neutral Charney mode which is weakly forced diversion of weak zonal by the flow by topography and made weakly unstable by letting B = Bo- , 2 6 (5.1) The nonlinearity due to the wave mean flow interaction is then balanced against the linear growth or decay and forcing terms in order to obtain an equation for the wave amplitude. However, in the present analysis both the Ekman friction and Newtonian cooling are assumed to be stronger than iin section 4. is assumed to be 0(1). In fact Ekman friction This modifies the properties of the instability. of these modifications is the purpose of this Pedlosky (1979), The study sction. in section 5, studied the nonlinear evolution and eventual equilibration of the weakly unstable Charney mode in the presence of the absence of forcing. identical to that except forcing. Here The present F2n, Ekamn friction but problem is for the inclusion of as in Pedlosky parameter is assumed to be 0(e n = 0(1) in essentially topographic (1979) the Newtonian cooling 2 ), i.e. (5.2) 158 As a result, is O(e 2 the growth rate associated with ) as opposed to O(E) in appropriate long time scale is T = section 4. the instability Therefore, . Et the (5.3) This slower long time scale necessitates a change in the definition of the inner independent variable C, which now becomes S= z/ 2 . (5.4) As previously mentioned, the wave forcing is provided by the diversion of a weak zonal topography. that flow by sinusoidal Again the uniform zonal velocity is chosen such the advection time scale associated with it is of the same order as choice for the e-folding time scale. the uniform zonal velocity is U = C2 A' . (5.5) The topography is 0(e) as in section 4, n = eb = eMeikx(sin ly) z ax (5.6) inner and lower equations can be written + qo -ax - 2 (aT + A' E J(, - E2n C) ' ( ;z 2 -)I ax + e2 6ax 3 32 - i.e. + *. Under the above assumptions the outer, boundary In this case, the - h- 1 az (5.7a) 159 a a + (A' + [aT aa4 2 aC S + e 2 (qo - + E,4V 2 ) s2 h-1 - )--]( ax a a2 1 J(, 26)- ax a + c2h-1 - E asc 3 + 4 V 2 p) a2 - n'( E2 - h- 1 ), 2 3a (5.7b) ar and A a32 + A' aTaC - 1 32 rV 2 - 1 + -J(4, - axac n'.. ac ax a¢ -- ) = ac s e J( ,b) e2 A'bx - (5.7c) respectively. Again, by expanding the outer and inner stream functions € and p as = o + C#1 + E2 + **. , (5.8a) 42 + *. , (5.8b) A A S= '2 + fo 01 + ,2 we begin consideration of the resulting sequence of outer As is now the usual the 0(1) and inner problems. outer problem leads to the specification of the neutral Charney mode which is written as -8oz/2 = €o = Aze Aze e±KX~Kx e! (sny-+-(59 (sin ly) + * . (5.9) 160 Keeping (5.9) in mind, the 0(c) outer equation takes the form n1 z -ax a€1 + qo ax = 0, (5.10) to which the only new solution €1 = D1 is (5.11) (y,z,T). It will become apparent that this solution represents the 0(s) zonal flow correction forced by the self interaction of the wave fields. Using the solutions at previous orders to evaluate the (5.9) and (5.11) inhomogeneous terms of the 0(c2) equation becomes an 2 z -ax a¢ 2 dA F + qo = [Eqo (-- + ikA'A + n'A)-- + (ik6 ax dT z n'K 2 )Fo A - - Fo ikFoIIlyA + ikqo z ulA]eikx(sin ly) + * (5.12) where -Boz/2 Fo(z) = ze (5.13) Attempting to remove the secular results terms from in the solvability condition 1 f dA 6 + A'A + -A qo 2 ik dT 1 2 (sin ly)e -lK x 0 (5.12) as before ¢2 (x,y,O,T) dy - 161 - K2 --qo 2 n' ik + Aull " - 1 aull --) -qoz )A-Af dze (zp 1 1 - az 0 (O,T) . (5.14) Evaluation of the term on the left hand side of (5.14) will lead to the determination of the amplitude equation for the wave. However, € 2 (x,y,O,t) to do so requires the knowledge of which can only be determined through the asymptotic matching of € and € after consideration of the 0(e 2 ) inner problem. Thus, we are forced to postpone the final evaluation of (5.14) until then. We now consider the 0(e3) zonally averaged problem. (5.11) is used, it takes the a 32 (b1 a321 -(-+ 3y 2 az 2 aT = - J (0o, R2) - J(0 2 form 3 1 -) az h 1 If + 3201 ,1 n' (--- h-1 az 1 -- ) az , Ho), (5.15) or equivalently a 321 a2 ¢ 1 3a -(-+ --aT ay 2 az 2 a ay where o (R2x qo + -z 321 1 h-1 -) az + n'( 3z 2 3 h-1 1 - ) az €2x), (5.16) the relation 1o = - qo -z o (5.17) 162 was used as was integration by parts in x. Jacobian terms of (5.15) are put (5.16) it is easy to see that When the into the convenient form in (5.12) can be used to eliminate the 0(e2) variables in (5.16), which have not been 0(1) explicitly calculated, in terms of the known field. The result of doing a a2 3I~2l (+ 3T ay 2 az 2 -Bo = qoe z diA1 2 [----dT so is 2 aa -) 3z h wave + n' 1 1 (- -) - h 3z 2 zK2 + 2n'(1 - -) q0 2 az a (sin 2 1y). A1 2 ] ay (5.18) This is the desired equation for the forced by the transient and zonal flow correction internally damped wave field. The next step is to solve the sequence of inner problems obtain Since 2 (x,y,O,T) and a lower boundary condition on tl. the only wave-like solution up to 0(e (5.9) which also becomes 0(E2) O(e2). 2 (y,z,T) must have a counterpart in the O(s) 0(s) zonal inner it is easy to inner solutions However, the outer O(e) zonal since tl need not ) is given by near the ground see that there are no matchable wave-like, until to solution tl inner problem necessarily vanish at the ground. solution is written fl(y,T), If the the 0(e) zonally averaged lower boundary condition yields a2f r' ay2 0, (5.19) 163 which implies fl (5.20) = 0 Then matching fl to 1 which the l1(y,O,T) yields (5.21) = 0 (y,O,T) is the desired lower boundary condition inner solution is at most 0(s We now push on-to the O(e2) 2 Thus, on el. ). inner problem which A [-- + (5 + a')-- +n,] - = , 3a 2 ax 3T (5.22a) A 32 a2 2 axa 3T3 The solution of solution ¢2 3 2 - + A' - 2 2^ + rV 02 + 3a2 n' - ax (5.22b) 3a (5.22a) which will match to the outer is = + C2) eikx (sin ly) (A + * (5.23) , where C2 can be determined by requiring (5.23) A'bx that the satisfy the lower boundary condition 1 C2 = ik + rK2 + rK 2 dA (-+ ikA'A + dT solution (5.22b). It is ikA' n'A) + M. ik + rK 2 (5.24) Matching the inner solution (5.23) to the outer solution yields 42 (x,y,O,T) = C2 eikx (sin ly) + * 164 which becomes 1 ¢2 (x,y,O,T) = [ dA (-- + ikA'A + n'A) dT ik + rK 2 ikA' + rK2IMI eikx (sin ly) + * ik + rK 2 S (5.25) when (5.24) is used. Now that ¢ 2 (x,y,O,T) is determined, it is a simple matter to obtain the equation for the wave amplitude. Substituting (5.25) into the solvability condition (5.14) and performing the indicated operations yields the following equation for the wave amplitude, i.e. A dA + ikA'A + (-- k2 + --- n'A) K2 ) - [n'(qo2 - qo 2 dT n' ikA + - (6 - go 2 -- ) rK2 1 + Ak 2 i ( C )f rK 2 r 6] - k -qoz e -- aull (zp - 11 --- )dz 3z 0 k 2 A' + - M = 0 rk 2 (5.26a) which along with the following set of equations for the zonal flow, i.e. a3 -- 3T a3 a2,1 a21 (---- ay + 2 - 3z 2 32(1 1 - h-1 -) az + n'( 3s 1 - az h -1 -) az 2 165 -so z = qoe dIA [--dT 2 zK2 + 2n'(1 - -) qo 2 tAt 2 a ] (sin ay 2 ly), (5.26b) 1 (Y,O,T) = 0 , (5.26c) and -0 (5.26d) aTay on y=0,1 form the closed set of equations describing the evolution of the wave-zonal flow interaction. Notice that the wave equation (5.26a) is first order in time as opposed to second order in time which was the case in previous The strong friction present in this case is sections. responsible for this decrease in order. decrease order was in first Such a frictional noted by Pedlosky (1970) in the context of the two layer model. The the zonal (1979). zonal flow equations (5.6b,c,d) flow equations (5.23), are identical to (5.24a,b) of Pedlosky The equation for the wave amplitude (2.8.26a) is the same as Pedlosky's wave amplitude equation (5.27) except for the presence of a term proportional to the weak zonal velocity A' and an inhomogeneous term proportional to the topographic amplitude M. This topographic inhomogeneous term forces a wave whose stability we will now study in the absence of Newtonian cooling. equations Assuming n'=O, the amplitude (5.26a-d) take the form 166 0 dA - (A' + ik + s)A - ksfA + Ak(f-i) f dT -qoz e 0 aull x (zp - 11 ---- ) dz + kfA'M = 0, ax a2 a 3a2 1 -(---aT ay 2 (5.27a) 1 1 + --az 2 - h-1 -oz ) = qo e diA1 2 a . .- - (sin21y) dT ay (5.27b) az ¢ 1 (Y,O,T) = 0 ;2t (5.27c) a2 1 (O,z,T) - aTa 2 1 aTa 2 (l,z,T) = 0 (5.27d) where the inverse friction parameter, f is defined 2 = k/rK (5.28a) and the supercriticality parameter, s f, s, is defined 6/qo 2 = (5.28b) The steady topographically forced wave solution of (5..27a-d) is [fs As = fA' f If M is real, 2 + i(A' s 2 + (A' + s)]M + s) 2 (5.29) the real part of As reaches a finite maximum when A' + s = 0. Since the maximum is finite it is possible to explore the nature of the instability near this resonance. This is in contrast to the case in section 4 167 where the analysis stability was resonance because the lack of valid away only from to an infinite friction lead response at resonance. For simplicity, M will amplitude equations same Fourier sections, + Asi (A' and A'r and in the disturbance + s)A' - ksfA' + 2k(f-i)NoAs wave A'r (5.30) Asi are A'i are previous (Asr = 0, A'i) Asr and y used solved using form takes the dA' -+ ik dT for they are in technique the linear equation amplitude A' where expansion the linearized about the (5.27a-d) are topographically forced wave (5.29) and the When assigned to be real. the real the real and and imaginary parts imaginary of As, parts of A'. Under the Boussinesq-like approximation h-1 the << B0, nonlinear coefficient, K1 No - 4 - (I N6 m=l1 the NO, takes form 1 k (m + i 1 - -)[(m 2 - 1 12 -)2 2 "2 12 ]2) 8K 2 (5.31) which is nearly always greater than zero and the supercriticality parameter becomes s = 6/4K 2 . (5.32) 168 Note in (5.30) that as the increased the steady wave makes the last term of topographic amplitude problem the forced wave and the perturbation forced by the the forced If interaction of the zonal in previous linear stability in the interaction between increased which As (5.30) only when the topography represents is hence altering the (5.30). term which arises sections this As is (5.30) larger, stability characteristics of amplitude is nonzero, topographically flow which in turn the perturbation wave field and wave. A'. is assumed to be proportional to eaT in after much algebra, the dispersion relation for (5.30), a can be written NoM2 a = sf f2s2 + k + 2NoM 2 f 2 A, 2 (A, f2 s 2 + (A' In the absence of Thus, zero. disturbance case the zonal A , 2 f (A' + {[ + s) + s) - Recall = sf 2 (A' f2s2 + + s) 2 2 f (A' 3 ]2 + s) 2 1/2 } + S)2 (5.33) topography, the forced wave amplitude is interaction between flow is nonexistent the dispersion relation k NoM2 A, 3 ± i(A' + s) forced wave and when M=0. In this the (5.33) reduces to . (5.34) s = 6/4K relation for 2 f = k/rK 2 . This is the dispersion an infinitesimally small Charney mode near and is 169 neutrality under the influence of strong Ekman friction. For s>O the propagating Charney mode is unstable while for s<O the propagating Charney mode decays. However, in the presence of Newtonian cooling, absent here, Pedlosky (1979)showed that there is a minimum supercriticality K2 6c = k2 rn' (3K 2 + h- 2 ), (5.35) which must be exceeded for instability to occur. We will now examine how the baroclinic instability of the Charney mode is altered as the topographic amplitude is increased. If the topographic amplitude is small, the dispersion relation will reflect at least a relatively weak interaction between the perturbation mean flow and the forced wave which will help us understand the full dispersion relation (5.33). NoM2 A' a - f 3 sf - ± f2 s 2 k 2 For M<<1, (5.33) reduces to + (A' + s) NoM2 f 2 A' 2 ... (A' + s)[f 2 s 2 + i(A' {1 + s) 2 ' + O(M4 ) . (A' + s)2] (5.36) We can see immediately from (5.36) that the small increase of topographic amplitude stabilizes the baroclinic instability for s>O and further stabilizes the baroclinic stability for s<O. The phase speed is decreased for A'+s>O and increased for A'+s<O. From Figures (,b,c) which are plots, for A'=1.0 and various values of the Ekman parameter r, of the regions in topographic amplitude, 170 supercriticality space instability (PI), it is is propagating propagating decaying stationary decaying waves (SI), which there for (SD) and waves stationary instability clear that this stabilizing topographic amplitude is increased influence of further. The next transition as M is increased depends on the 6 and value of r. instability two persists terms in sf (2) - 2 until either f - 2 s (A' + s) 2 (5.37) 2 + 2 (A' + s) 2 first f 3 2NoM2 f + s)2 f 2 s in (5.33) becomes in Figures (4.5.1a) the (A' + s) + s) 2 that occurs in all (4.5.1a,b,c) except where r=.2. As to a transition from to a propagating decaying is the situation for In the case (1) next transition is from 6>3.0 cases in friction is the Ekman transition occurs at larger supercriticality. satisfied, 2 (A' possibility corresponds This this + A' (5.38) wave regime. increased 2 2 > 0. instability regime given first A 2f3 a propagating plotted the i.e. (A' The sum of i.e. negative, the quantity in curly brackets NoM 2 A, Figure the (1) < 0, f2 s 2 + positive, supercriticality 6>0 the regime of propagating (5.33) becomes NoM or For (PD), values of M for a where (5.37) is the propagating decaying wave regime to the stationary decaying wave regime 171 The next transition is (5.38) is satisfied. and occurs when to the regime of stationary instability which occurs for I[ NoM 2 A' f 2 s -2 2 + 2 (A' f 2NoM2 f 3 + S) + 2 f2 s 2 + 2 A' 2 + s) (A' (A' + s)2 NoM 2 A' 2 f3 - (A' + s) 2 1>1 sf - f2 s2 (5.39) + (A + )2 At this point there is an interesting difference between the transition to the stationary instability here where r is 0(1) and the transition to the stationary instability in the inviscid case discussed in the last section. In the last section, before the transition was to occur, the phase speed of one of the neutral modes was slowing down as the topographic amplitude increased. As the topographic amplitude increased further, the neutral mode became stationary relative to the forced wave. Therefore, the neutral mode became coherent with it and could easily draw energy from it leading to the instability. However, here in the presence of friction the mode becomes stationary and yet i-t still decays until the topography is increased (thereby enhancing the interaction between the perturbation zonal flow and forced wave) enough to overcome the friction. In summary, the inviscid case becomes unstable as soon as the mode becomes coherent with the forced wave but in the viscous case the topography must increase past the point where the waves are stationary to enhance the wave mean flow interaction enough to become unstable. vir 10 19 8 SD St 7 6 5 4 PD PD -9 -8 -7 -6 Fig. (4.5.1a) amplitude M -5 -4 -3 -2 -I 4 5 Regions of SI, PI, SD, PD (see text for definitions) plotted vs. topographic and supercriticality S with S =1.0, r=.2, k-1.0, and 1=1.0. 6 7 8 173 When the (5.37) is not, sf sf the second possibility - i.e. NoM 2 A 2 f 3 2 + (A' + s)2 f2 > 0 > 0 (5.40) first and only transition is instability regime to the This occurs in Figure also (5.38) is satisfied but from the propagating stationary instability regime. (4.5.1a) where r=.2 for 6>3.0. This is a uniquely viscous result. When the flow is regime of propagating transitions decaying subcritical instability. as M increases if waves (6 and The s<O) there is no succession of from a regime of propagating to a regime of stationary decaying waves as (5.38) is satisfied, to a regime of stationary instability when the succession of (5.39) is transitions satisfied. That as M is increased is, if A' + s > 0 (5.41a) A' (5.41b) When + s < 0 the only transition is from a regime waves to one of propagating decaying of stationary decaying waves. stationary instability in the region where satisfied. A' + s There is no (5.41b) is If = 0 the dispersion relation (5.33) reduces to (5.41c) 174 SD PD PD -9 -8 Fig. (4.5.1b) -7 -6 -5 -4 Same as (a) but r=1.0. -2 -1 1 2 175 M 14 -' 13 - 12 - II I0 9 8 PD PO 7 6 5 4 3 2 -9 -8 Fig. (4.5.1c) -7 -6 -5 -4 Same as (a) but r=5.0. I II I -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 176 = - c which A'f - NoM 2 f ± NoM 2 f, (5.42) says there are only stationary decaying modes present for any topographic amplitude M. instability is again limited superresonant A' + s Thus, the stationary to what might be called a flow for which > 0. This is suggestive of its topographic origins. A further comparison of Figures (4.5.1a,b,c) reveals several interesting features. First note that the stationary instability seems to transcend the supercriticality boundary 6=0 while the propagating instability does not. The latter requires 6>0. As was pointed out in the last section, this is due to the fact that the propagating instability is really just a topographically modified baroclinic supercriticality is required while instability the instability the stationary relies on the presence of zonal available potential energy. Figures (4.5.1a,b,c) the stationary for which the forced wave to tap However, instability in all under the the influence of large friction requires a larger topographic amplitude as resonance is approached. previously mentioned In fact, there is no stationary as instability A' + ( 0. This discussed is in direct contrast in section 4 where to the inviscid case the topographic amplitude for 177 required for approached, A instability decreases including the point of interest second point the transition in Figure distinguish (4.5.1c) is that as not on M. where friction is This some and from the vertical is at which resonance occurs. lines become more vertical, highly dependent on 6 but evident as resonance increased, that is to say, is particularly lines may be hard the stationary instability is limited to a very narrow region in 6. stationary instability is squeezed more closely near the side of resonance as superresonant In addition, the friction is increased. This we should keep in mind when we examine the instability and decay for waves plotted vs. k,1 The third the propagating decaying waves, especially This discuss the This is also a useful fact stability regimes in k and ground is eastward (A'>O) dispersion relation (5.33) A' also as A'. whether the the ground (4.5.2) the stability when we feature not the (A'<O). There, flow at the Here in the appears not only as A' Thus, the viscous flow at mind in section 4. of whether or westward in 1 space. strongly damped flow has another instability is independent figure for larger values of to keep present in the inviscid case discussed the point of small area in the diagrams of interest is friction. relatively regions of waves and stationary propagating for r=5.0. to 2 but instability does depend on is eastward of westward. regimes in M,6 space are westward flow at the ground A'=-1.0 with plotted for the r=1.0. The progression of stability transitions as M In 178 M 14 SD 13 12 II P PO 10 9 SI 8- 7 6 5 4- pl 32 1 -2 -I Fig. (4.5.2) 0 I 2 3 4 Stability regimes plotted vs. westward flow at the ground, 5 6 7 i and & for the 8 A =-I.0 and Ekman friction r=1.0. 9 10 179 increases is essentially the same as that just discussed for A'=1.0. In addition, Figure (4.5.2) shows that there are only propagating decaying waves for 6<0 and that the stationary instability occurs only near 6=8.0. Furthermore, at 6=8.0 the stationary instability occurs for every value of M. This is due to the shifting of the line for which A' + S = 0, from 6=-8.0 to the supercritical value 6=8.0 when A'=1.0 is changed to A'=-1.0. When A'+s=O the dispersion relationn (5.33) reduces to (5.42) which shows that there is always at least one growing mode for which the growth rate is c=f if A'=-1.0 which is in agreement with the numerical results. The instability occuring about A'=1.0 is baroclinic and not topographic. Finally we note that since the region of SI is near the resonance defined by A'+s=O the region of SI in k,l space will be near the circle defined by k2+1 2 = -6/(4A') = 6/4. Thus, when A'<O the stationary instability occurs around the resonance A'+s=O but for A'>O the stationary instability occurs only for superresonant flow, i.e. A'+s>O. We will now examine the regions in k and 1 space of propagating instability (PI), propagating decaying waves (PD) and stationary instability (SI) for A'=1.0. Figures 180 (4.5.3a,b,c) are 6=-2.0, the 1.0, and 6.0 respectively. stability regime diagrams for 1.0, respectively and of plot figure for r=5.0 and for r=5.0 wavenumber regime. and There are 6<0 is r=1.0 and 6=.05, not shown regimes of r=.2 and (4.5.4a,b,c) are 6=-2.0, (4.5.5a,b) are 6=.01 and from PD to SI friction but 0.5 and the same type respectively. since A the entire decay stationary decay near the especially they are too small for smaller to be drawn. values of Recall from M 6 stability diagrams that regions of PD were small also. In the present diagrams because of the Let us friction. subcritical occurs first compare diagrams In Figures (4.5.3a) and flow (6<0), in very wavenumber it is particularly As the only grow to the left for instability present is the in the inviscid case of section 4, narrow bands space (4.5.4a) which are in 1. The rest of is one of the propagating to include it the decaying waves. to positive values, propagating instability appear increased. true for a given value of the supercriticality is increased band of there choise of parameters made. stationary type. As Figures Figures for space is occupied by the propagating transition vs. the stability regime diagrams first for larger k values as These wedges develop between small k and 6 is the bands of stationary instability which stay essentially the same as is increased. 6 is increased The wedges of PI for 6 develop more rapidly in k as larger values of location in 1 tends to be a friction but independent of r. the This can be 181 ISI I IPD 6 ISI IPD 2 S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 k Fig. (4.5.3a) Stability regimes vs. k and 1 for fixed topographic amplitude M =1.0 and r=.2, S =.2. See text for the definition of SI, PD, and PI. 9 182 10 IPI S I 8I 7- PD 6 PI 5. 0 4- SPI I PD I 2- I 0 Pt 1 3 4 6 5 k Fig. (4.5.3b) Same as (a) but g =1.0. 7 8 9 10 183 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 k Fig. (4.5.3c) Same as (a) but 8 =6.0. 7 8 9 10 184 I 8 ISI I H- 5 I PP I SI I 21 I I S I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 k Fig. (4.5.4a) Stability regimes vs. r=1.0 and 9 =-2.0. k and 1 for V=1. 0, 10 185 OL O I 2 3 4 5 k Fig.(4.5.4b) Same as (a) but 6 7 8 9 10 186 10 PI I 9 I PD I IPI PD 7I 4- I I 0 I Pi I I 2 3 I 4 5 6 k Fig. (4.5.4c) Same as (b) but 1.0. 7 8 9 10 187 SI SP1 PD 5. IP 0 I I I II I 2 3 4 5 I i I I 6 7 8 9 k Fig. r=5.0 (4.5.5a) and Stability regimes vs. k and 1 for =.01. 44 =1.0, 10 188 I 7P1 6. 0 5- 4. 3 3PI I 6 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 k Fig. (4.5.5b) Same as (a) but S =.05. 7 8 9 10 189 seen by comparing easily values of r and 6. the figures keeping mind the in As r gets larger the regions of SI become smaller and in fact disappear for r=5.0. also to be expected from the M vs. 6 stability This is diagrams wich showed a decreasing region of SI as r increased. Nevertheless, when regions of SI do appear they appear in approximately the same bands in 1 independent of the friction. As already mentioned, the center of the wedges of PI in 1 also tend to be independent of 1. there are no bands of SI such as in Figures Thus, even when (4.5.5a,b) for r=5.0, the wedges of PI still develop around those bands in 1 which contain the stationary instability for lesser values of r. This discussion can be summarized by making three points. First, the bands of stationary instability transcend the supercriticality boundary 6=0 while the wedges of propagating instability are limited to 6>0. This is due to the different nature of the two types of instability. The propagating instability is essentially a topographically modified baroclinic instability which, of course, requires supercritical flow (6>0) while the stationary instability which also feeds on the zonal available potential energy requires sufficient topographic amplitude which increases the interaction between the forced wave and perturbation zonal flow thereby instigating the instability. The second point to be made is that the 0(1) Ekman friction stabilizes the stationary instability and the propagating instability. 190 The final point is that the introduction of large viscosity has made the instability depend on the direction of the zonal flow at the ground. For eastward flow at the ground the stationary topographic instability is confined to superresonant flow which exists closer to resonance as the friction is increased. ground, If the flow is westward at the the stationary instability is confined to one side. near resonance but not However, when the flow is westward, the nature of the stationary instability is baroclinic instead of topographic. 191 6. Conclusions In this chapter we have concerning considered two questions a Charney mode embedded in a shear either weakly baroclinically subcritical flow which is or supercritical using a weakly nonlinear theory. First, what of growing Charney mode and topography on a baroclinically second does where section 2 we found that stabilizes the topography strongly infinitesimal baroclinic stabilizing mechanism is due to the zonal flow and wave at the ground. phase shift develops relative produces a form drag. vertical shear near the ground stabilizing instability except As to the topography which The form drag modifies towards stability, hence be flow at the forced. section 3 allows a very weak zonal finite-amplitude considered. section 2 but Thus forced The results differ somewhat again topography is found additional for wave-zonal flow which is the stability of a small topographically baroclinic instability except The the diversion of the a Charney mode via flow by the topography. The the mean the disturbance. enough to force scales. The the wave grows a ground by which a topographic wave might analysis of scale. feedback between the In section 2 there is no uniform zonal but to instability those waves with a very large meridional zonal the effect there would otherwise be none? In for the presence of topography lead is Charney mode was from these of to stabilize the the very large meridional flow feedback due to the 192 presence of the responsible for the differences feedback depends on the This If flow. the uniform this additional than essence stabilizes is ground flow if the at of sections the ground is 3 is in section 2. that topography largest meridional scales all but the flow at the ground is allowed to be relatively larger; time scale associated with e-folding time scale of the earlier section 4 the propagating baroclinic stabilized by scale. In in fact the the same as found which sections. In This is small meridional The scale. zonal induced stationary is most easily excited near to the The resonance corresponds point at which neutral mode becomes stationary relative the topography. the instability is addition, a topographically subcritical flow at the is less effective for waves with small instability is resonance. for waves of of the The results differ the presence of topography. especially true stabilization it is the disturbance. from those of Thus is very weak. both sections 4 and 5 the uniform zonal substantially eastward, than advection a the uniform zonal the ground is westward flow at 2 and 3. topography more stabilizing less stabilizing Charney mode when the In zonal between section 2 and direction of feedback makes in section 2 but the topography the topographically forced Charney mode is The instability whose available potential energy occurs as source is to the zonal the disturbance becomes stationary relative to the forced wave which allows a strong coherent interaction between the perturbation, forced wave 193 superresonant flow and occurs baroclinically values of meridional instability limited to very narrow centered at moderate and (1979) low from large the topographic in a two-layer baroclinic by a strong wave-mean have a counterpart The zonal scales. found by Plumb model, marked In wavenumber wavenumber which extend scales to moderate to is either supercritical. in meridional wavenumber zonal flow which topographic instability is space the bands for subcritical or is limited instability The topographic and mean flow. flow interaction, does in the continuous baroclinic Charney model. In section 5 the effect of 0(1) topographically forced Charney mode consequently instability the effect of Ekman found in section the analysis differ according or westward baroclinic zonal flow at Ekman friction on the is studied friction on 4 is examined. to the presence of an eastward the ground. The stabilization is least effective topographic scales. the topographic The results of For eastward flow instability is again stabilized by large meridional and topography. for large zonal or The stationary instability is in nature and is most easily excited resonant flow. In addition, the in order for is large to begin with and flow must be this instability to develop. it is If in near superresonant the friction increased the topographic instability is harder to excite and confined closer to resonance. This baroclinic instability is in contrast which fills the to the propagating more of wavenumber space 194 friction as is Charney mode under is due This increased. the influence of which changes the vertical phase from the mean flow. Ekman 0(1) Ekman friction the friction to draw energy so as shift is increased this shift becomes more destabilizing. phase In wavenumber space instability is confined to very narrow bands topographic the As nature of to the in meridional wavenumber but not limited in zonal wavenumber. The story at the ground. baroclinically instability occurs In subcritical serves the The stationary to make it a stationary growing large meridional instability as opposed this scales where the otherwise be a the Charney mode easily near resonance zonal clear the topographic scales. or is less for superresonant flow most and to that similar narrow bands in meridional wavenumber for larger small zonal stabilization of the Charney problem. found for is a new topographic there instability of the normal modes chapter shows that instability except Furthermore, excited The topography one. the inviscid work of baroclinically instability flow and is not in nature but rather baroclinic. topography stabilizes what would effective. instability for The propagating baroclinic flow. is again stabilized. to a propagating Overall the flow is westward is no this case there for both sub- and superresonant topographic only is quite different when Thus, It is found limited for to space and most easily on this basis, instability and baroclinic it is instability 195 of the Charney mode are However with be observable. topographic instability. observability of in 0(1) Ekman instability becomes more the baroclinic mode separate phenomena friction the scarce as compared to This makes less clear, the the topographic the atmosphere. and therefore may instability of the Charney 196 Chapter 5 Overall Conclusions In this thesis I have considered three separate problems concerning the instability of a topographically forced wave. The topographically forced wave considered in each problem is of a different type. In Chapter 2 the amplitude of the stationary, barotropic, forced, plane wave is 0(1). As a result, a traveling instability which develops upon this wave can produce a spectrum of waves which interact with the forced wave and amongst themselves as the instability grows to finite amplitude. The assumptions of weak nonlinearity and weak growth have been made to make the problem analytically tractable. This study provides a self-consistent model for the interaction of the barotropic components of the planetary scale stationary and transient waves in the atmosphere. The study suggests in the atmosphere the possibility of an explosive instability when the zonal flow is superresonant and an oscillation between the planetary scale stationary and transient eddies due to the convergence of Reynolds stresses for subresonant flow. However, there are a number of assumptions made which make difficult the direct comparison of the model with the atmosphere. on the long time scale required by the theory, effects become important in the atmosphere. First, frictional As in other weakly nonlinear stability studies the introduction of small friction may lead to chaotic behavior in time associated 197 with multiple friction 0(1) quasi-steady may lead equilibration (e.g. states Second, limiting baroclinicity is an important some planetary scale transient (e.g. 1980) state factor in the A baroclinic the baroclinic nature eddies (e.g. can model Bottger and the existence of the cyclone scale eddies and the placement scale eddies relative to the (e.g. Neihaus, to expect 1980; of the cyclone planetary scale stationary Fredriksen, 1979). It is the relative location of the cyclones to the stationary wave to be important in modeling the interaction between the stationary and transient waves in the atmosphere. Based on some preliminary seems a two-layer baroclinic calculations, it analysis might be carried through in much the same way as the barotropic one Chapter 2. of Perhaps more 1970) in the atmosphere. importantly, a baroclinic model reasonable and and the planetary scale stationary eddies Holopainen, eddies 1971) the neglect of the model to the atmosphere. model would be capable of modeling Fraedrich, steady to finite-amplitude (Pedlosky, 1970). application of Pedlosky, The details of in this calculation are left for future study. Yet another important restriction has been placed on the problem, that of weak nonlinearity. to expect that the results of removing would depend on strong the the degree of It seems reasonable this restriction truncation employed. nonlinear behavior of the model within The the context severe truncations employed in Chapter 2 could be of 198 examined by numerically solving an ad hoc truncated version of the nonlinear stability problem. In this way the amplitude of each wave in the perturbation is no longer linearly related to each other and it might be determined if the explosive nonlinear instability remains when the weakly nonlinear assumption is removed but the truncation remains severe. In addition, if the severity of the truncation were lessened in this ad hoc truncated model, the cascading of energy in wavenumber space also becomes possible. This effect might also kill the explosive nonlinear instability. The resolution of the survivability of the explosive nonlinear instability is important since such a strong instability would likely dominate other instabilities in the atmosphere. To determine whether or not the nonlinear instability occurs when the flow is superresonant in the barotropic model, requires the calculation of the feedback between the instability and its harmonics. It is possible that such a feedback is large and stabilizing, hence eliminating the nonlinear instability except near resonance for which the analysis is invalid. However, the calculation depends on the truncation and hence is postponed until the convergence of the entire nonlinear coefficient can be examined. We might also ask if the instability can still play a role in a baroclinic model. I would expect this to be the case at least in a two-layer baroclinic model. However, it is clear that although the initial tendency of the explosive 199 its instability may be meaningful, not. it Thus, process, seems term behavior is long likely that an important physical Above, as yet undetermined, has been neglected. weak nonlinearity or that the assumption of have suggested However, there are truncation may be responsible. possibilities which might be examined within a weakly nonlinear model. two other the context of first possibility The I is the inclusion of a small amplitude propagating wave with the spatial structure of This may produce the the topography. feedback necessary to stabilize the nonlinear instability. Another possibility (perhaps in combination with the previous one) is to confine the fluid would produce additional nonlinear force a correction of this zonal flow with the zonal This to a channel. interaction which would flow. The interaction of could the topographically forced wave be stabilizing. In the remainder of this thesis I investigated various types influence of topography on the possible in a continuously stratified, specifically the Charney model. studied are neutral to the zonal flow. westerly zonal the A constant shear model, baroclinically given normal mode becomes topography for a value of the current which depends on which normal mode is The stationary normal mode then topography which interaction. of modes first type of modes the normal modes which are stationary relative to the chosen. The the can resonate with leads to a significant wave mean The simplifications which occur when the flow 200 normal mode is wave-mean is nearly stationary are exploited flow interaction. The second type of mode studied the Charney mode which is unstable to the However, it becomes neutral on a line simultaneously zero. stationary if In this case, topography is assumed exploited zonal flow. in parameter space and the zonal flow at the ground the neutral mode can is interact with the to produce a significant wave-mean interaction. to study the flow The simplifications which occur when the flow to be weakly unstable and nearly stationary are to study this wave-mean flow interaction. In Chapter 3 I have extended the study of topographic instability examine to a continuously stratified baroclinic model the topographic instability of Charney problem. and near scales The flow is assumed resonance, which allows to be instability, As the instability is more easily potential the mean flow and energy of momentum via form drag. barotropic study of excited near from both the available In a manner from the similar zonal to the topographic instability by Pedlosky instability can occur superresonant the to be weakly nonlinear in earlier studies of topographic its energy over the the method of multiple resonance but draws the mode of used to obtain the evolution equations without the use of truncation. (1981), a normal to for either subresonant or flow and would develop with a high centered topography which would move upstream as quasi-steady state was approached. wavenumber space for which the the However, the regions of topographic instability of 201 the normal mode of very weakly on the zonal scale. Therefore, the instability earlier models, the simpler narrow bands that the stationary topographic a defined meridional upstream as to This suggests instability may be structure but less well instability causes state initially the topography which would move the quasi-steady state Charney and Devore zonal scales. feature of the development of highs centered over the peaks of as is limited instability would have the The zonal structure. additional to in contrast in the atmosphere at planetary zonal scales with fairly well defined scale and only in meridional wavenumber and is more for planetary zonal easily excited observable superresonant or depend strongly on the meridional subresonant somewhat problem is the Charney (1979) is approached. first suggested, Then, if topographic the transition in the atmosphere from the to the blocking state, blocking would propagate upstream initially, involve planetary zonal scales and the meridional structure of blocking would definition than be the case. its zonal Blocks tend and have planetary zonal structure. have better Indeed this seems to to propagate upstream initially scales and a meridional which consists of a split jet. structure However, I remain somewhat baffled as to why the instability is so selective meridionally. It is possible the meridional walls of the channel are artifically playing a role in the meridional selectivity. This seems somewhat unlikely due to the absence of such selectivity in the barotropic channel model 202 study of topographic instability by Pedlosky (1981). Nevertheless the question of the geometry requires role of the channel further investigation. To this end a similar study might be done with spherical geometry. would also be helpful instability in another respect. effects can be important. scales quasigeostrophic theory begins the stratification be The topographic is more easily excited at planetary scales for which spherical Therefore, This inclusion of at least Also at planetary to break down. the additional term in the thermodynamic equation which can important at planetary scales as discussed by White (1977) would be another worthwhile extension of the present theory. There are two other questions concerning the applicability of the analysis to the atmosphere. analysis the flow was assumed to be In the near global resonance with a single component of the topography. Such resonance is likely at the planetary scales in the atmosphere as long as the wave can't propagate meridionally to any significant extent. However, a resonant response localized topography is less presence of likely especially in the friction which would damp moved away from the topography. only applicable to small scale the response as it Therefore, the analysis is to the large atmospheric is confined by a meridional waveguide. scales if the wave The response of atmosphere to localized topography involving a resonance" remains an open question. "local the 203 Another assumption made in the course of was that of weak nonlinearity. instability As is concerned, this However, the assumption far as form a resonant topographic is not a serious restriction. limits the interaction of topographically unstable wave with other which the the analysis triad with the waves. Those interaction would be an interesting which the removal of make future study of study after the weakly nonlinear assumption would 4, the instability of a small finite-amplitude stationary topographically mode embedded in a mean shear flow but forced Charney is examined. The analysis hinges on the neutral stability curve nonlinearity is assumed. these assumptions With evolution equations for the zonal In problem, the we topography seek to find out whether stabilizes or destabilizes instability and and weak the flow are obtained using the method of multiple time scales. if the presence of studying this presence of the baroclinic topography leads to any instability. In the second section, the problem treated exceptional to A sense. In Chapter new waves topographically unstable wave will interact most easily with it. this the since the force a wave. zonal flow at The effect of the ground is somewhat is too weak topography on the infinitesimal growing baroclinic wave is studied and to be strongly stabilizing except large meridional scales. for This stabilization is due to the found form drag which 204 develops as the wave grows and which alters the mean shear near the ground thus stabilizing the instability. In the subsequent sections, a uniform zonal flow is present which by its diversion by the topography produces a small but finite-amplitude topographally forced Charney mode near neutrality. Its instability in the presence of the uniform vertically sheared flow is studied. The instability feeds on the available potential energy of the shear flow. Again the effect of topography is stabilizing on the baroclinic instability. This makes less likely the possibility that baroclinic instability leading to a growing Charney mode is the source of the planetary scale transient waves as was suggested by Hartman (1979). Furthermore, it seems likely that this would also be the effect of topography on the Green modes which has also been proposed as the source of the planetary scale transient waves. However, the calculation concerning the effect of topography on the Green modes still remains to be carried out. A new stationary instability develops even in parameter ranges which are baroclinically stable characterized by a strong wave-mean flow interaction. This strong wave-mean flow interaction is due to the disturbance becoming stationary relative to the strong interaction with it. forced wave, which allows a It is most easily excited near resonance and the flow must be superresonant for it to occur. Thus the instability is reminiscent of the topographic instability of the normal mode. As a result, we 205 refer to it as the topographic instability of the Charney mode. This instability is also limited to narrow bands in meridional wavenumber and is more easily excited at larger zonal scales as is the topographic instability of the normal modes of the Charney problem. Therefore, the topographic instability of the Charney mode may be responsible for the existence of the baroclinic component of the planetary scale stationary eddies in the atmosphere. This might be tested by examining if the planetary scale stationary eddies have a better defined meridional structure than zonal structure. Knowledge of the position of the finite-amplitude stationary wave relative to the topography would also be useful information for an atmospheric test of the theory. Unfortunately, this involves the technically difficult search for the finite-amplitude quasi-steady states of the model. Due to its difficulty, this is left for future consideration. The presence of 0(1) Ekman friction reduces the growth rate of the topographic instability and if Ekman friction becomes strong enough the topographic instability disappears. This casts some doubt on its realizability in the atmosphere. In addition, there are several features of the analysis which make the applicability of the analysis to the atmosphere questionable. The analysis pivots about the neutral point of the Charney mode. Also in the absence of a zonal flow at the ground this neutral Charney mode is stationary which allows it to resonate with the topography. 206 Therefore the interaction between the topography and the wave is strong. The effect of topography on the barolcinic instability and the existence of topographic instability of the Charney mode away from the neutral curve is unclear. Compounding this problem is that for more realistic vertical profiles of the zonal wind there may be no neutral points (e.g. Geisler and Garcia, 1977) and even if there are neutral points, the waves may not be stationary. Therefore this problem requires further investigation before the actual effect of planetary scale topography on the transient and stationary planetary scale eddies in the atmosphere can be ascertained. Nevertheless, if in the atmosphere there are no neutral modes, it seems physically reasonable to expect the topography to most readily influence those baroclinic waves which travel the slowest relative to the topography. Based on the various problems considered in this thesis it is clear topography has a profound influence on atmospheric flow. The conclusions are as follows: First, in the atmosphere the interaction between the planetary scale topographically forced stationary eddies and transient eddies which may develop as an instability on the stationary waves is fundamentally different than the interaction between a free stationary wave and the traveling instability which develops on it. In fact the interaction between the topographically forced wave and its instability may lead to an explosive growth for superresonant flow. 207 Second, planetary scale baroclinically stable modes in the atmosphere become unstable in the presence of topography for selective meridional scales. The selectivity in meridional scale may explain why blocking has a better defined meridional structure than zonal structure. Finally, propagating planetary scale waves which are baroclinically unstable are stabilized by the presence of topography. Thus, it seems somewhat unlikely that the source of the planetary scale transient eddies is the baroclinic instability of the zonal flow. However, the presence of topography leads to a planetary scale stationary instability which feeds on available potential energy of the flow. This instability may provide a source for the planetary scale transient eddies in the atmosphere. On the whole the effect of the planetary scale topography on the atmosphere is to act as a catalyst for the removal of energy from the zonal available potential energy and/or the zonal momentum. 208 References and K. H., Bottger, wavenumber-frequency Phys. Atmos., Charney, J. G., 1980. Fraedrich, 53, G. J. Meteor., and J. G. 1979. Devore, equilibria in the atmosphere and 36, Sci., Charney, J. G. and G. Flierl, R. blocking. Oceanic 1981. G. M. and D. Deininger, R. C. wave 39, J. Atmos. analogues of Wunsch, eds., MIT 504-548. planetary wave 1980. Strauss, sytems. J. 1982. amplitude. Deininger, 135-162. 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