Lecture 5: Systems of Equations 1. (SUR) So, you’ve got a model with more than one equation: eg, consumer demand is about modelling how all expenditure shares vary with prices, expenditure and demographic characteristics. a. Yi j = X i j β j + ε i j , j = 1,..., M , i = 1,..., N . i. i=1,..,N indexes people, and j=1,..,M indexes equations. Note that the X’s can differ across equations, as well as, of course, the parameters β . We will assume the normal things about the error terms: mean zero for each equation, homoskedastic for each equation. We will allow for cross-equation correlations in the error terms, but no correlations across people i. j ii. iii. ε i = [ε i1 ,..., ε iM ]' (1) b. c. E [ ε i ] = 0 M ∀i , E [ε i'ε i ] = Σ ∀i , E [ε i'ε j ] = 0 ∀i ≠ j Write out the regression equations as a stack of observations for each equations Y11 ε11 M M Y 1 YN1 X1 0 β 1 ε 1 ε 1N 0 Y = M = M , X = 0 O 0 , β = ... ε = M = M Y M Y1M 0 0 XM β M ε M ε1M M M M M YN ε N E [ε ] = 0 MN , E [εε '] = Ω σ 11 I N Ω = Σ ⊗ I N = M σ I M1 N i. If we knew Σ L σ M 1I N σ 11 L σ M 1 O M , Σ = M O M σ L σ MM I N M 1 L σ MM then, this could be estimated by GLS: premultiply everything by Ω −1/ 2 and run OLS on the stack. We would have all the small sample properties of OLS if we assumed normality. d. Σ , then we could find a consistent estimate of it, In contrast, if we didn’t know µ , and then premultiply everything by Ω µ construct Ω , and run OLS on the stack. This is called feasible GLS (FGLS), and we can use only asymptotics (though we don’t need to assume normality). What is a consistent estimator for Ω ? How about do OLS on the stack, collect −1/ 2 e. the big vector of sample errors e = e '... e ' ' (which is a vector of length MN—N errors in each of M equations), and then calculate 1 M Ω = {ω jk }, ω jk = E [ε jε k ], { } µ= ω µ jk , ω µ jk = 1 Ω N N ∑e e i =1 i j k i f. This FGLS strategy is called “seemingly unrelated regression” (SUR) because the only connection across equations is in the disturbance terms—they are otherwise seemingly unrelated. g. Cool thing: If X j = X K ∀j , k , then FGLS is identical to eq-by-eq OLS.