Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case The cubic Szegő equation and spectral multiplicity Sandrine Grellier Université d’Orléans- Fédération Denis Poisson HANDDY/ june 2013 from joint works with Patrick Gérard (Université Paris sud) Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Introduction The cubic Szegő equation : a toy model of a non dispersive Hamiltonian system. A complete integrable system which admits two Lax pairs related to Hankel operators. Action-angle variables constructed for data in a generic open set corresponding to simple spectra of the Hankel operators. Main goal : consider non generic data corresponding to multiple spectra of the Hankel operators and construct generalized ”action-angle” variables. Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case The cubic Szegő equation L2+ (T) 2 = {u ∈ L (T) : u = ∞ X û(k)eikx } , k=0 Z Symplectic form ω(u, v ) = Im(u|v ) , (u|v ) := uv T Π: L2 (T) → L2+ (T) the Szegő projector. The cubic Szegő equation : (S) i∂t u = Π(|u|2 u) . dx , 2π Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case A Hamiltonian system (S) i∂t u = Π(|u|2 u) . A Hamiltonian system for E(u) = 1 4 Z T |u|4 dx . 2π Other conservation laws : Z Z dx 2 2 dx 2 kukL2 := |u| , kukḢ 1/2 := −i∂x u · u . 2π 2π T T s (T) = H s (T) ∩ L2 (T), s ≥ 1 . Global flow on H+ + 2 Extension to initial data in BMO+ (T) by P. Gérard and H. Koch. Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case The Lax pair structure Hankel operator of symbol u : Hu (h) = Π(uh), h ∈ L2+ . Hu is anti-linear, non self-adjoint but (k|Hu (h)) = (h|Hu (k)). T|u|2 (f ) = Π(|u|2 f ). P P S the shift operator S( n≥0 an einx ) = n≥0 an ei(n+1)x Ku = Hu S = S ∗ Hu the shifted Hankel operator. Theorem [P. Gérard & S.G. (2008/2011)] (S) is equivalent to d d Hu = [Bu , Hu ] and Ku = [Cu , Ku ]. dt dt 1 Bu = 2i Hu2 − iT|u|2 , (anti-selfadjoint) 2 Cu = 2i Ku2 − iT|u|2 , (anti-selfadjoint) (Hu , Bu ) and (Ku , Cu ) Lax pairs for (S). Similar to KdV (Lax, 68), cubic NLS 1D(Zakharov-Shabat, 72). Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Isospectrality d U = Bu U , U(0) = I , then U(t) unitary operator dt (Bu = 2i Hu2 − iT|u|2 anti-selfadjoint) Let U(t)∗ Hu(t) U(t) = Hu0 , Hu(t) isospectral to Hu0 . d V = Cu V , V (0) = I , then V (t) unitary operator dt (Cu = 2i Ku2 − iT|u|2 anti-selfadjoint) Similarly, let V (t)∗ Ku(t) V (t) = Ku0 , Ku(t) isospectral to Ku0 . In particular, the rank of Hu and the rank of Ku are preserved by the flow. Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Explicit formula Theorem [P. Gérard & S.G. (2013)] 1 1 Let u0 ∈ H+2 (T), and u ∈ C(R, H+2 (T)) be the solution of equation (S) such that u(0) = u0 . Then 2 2 2 u(t, z) = ((I − ze−itHu0 eitKu0 S ∗ )−1 e−itHu0 u0 | 1) , z ∈ D . u(z) = X û(n)z n = ((I − zS ∗ )−1 u|1) , z ∈ D . n≥0 since û(n) = (u|S n 1) = ((S ∗ )n u|1) . Then write u = Hu (1) = U(t)Hu0 U(t)∗ (1)... Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Finite rank case Recall Ku = Hu S. Key point : Hu S = S ∗ Hu : Ku2 = Hu2 − (·|u)u. d +1 d V(d) = u, rank(Hu ) = , rank(Ku ) = . 2 2 By Kronecker (1881), complex d-submanifold of rational functions (as functions of eix ). 1 (ρ2j (u))1≤j≤[ d+1 ] non zero eigenvalues of Hu2 , 2 2 (u)) 2 (σm 1≤m≤[ d ] non zero eigenvalues of Ku , 2 2 ρ21 (u) ≥ σ12 (u) ≥ ρ22 (u) ≥ . . . Define V(d)gen := V(d) ∩ {ρ21 > σ12 > ρ22 > . . .} dense open subset of V(d). Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Action angle coordinates in the generic case Let u be in V(d)gen . Let uj be the orthogonal projection of u on ker(Hu2 − ρ2j I) then there exists ϕj so that Hu (uj ) = eiϕj ρj uj . Similarly, let uk0 be the orthogonal projection of u on ker(Ku2 − σk2 I) then there exists θk so that Ku (uk0 ) = e−iθk σk uk0 . Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case The action angle diffeomorphism Theorem [P. Gérard & S.G. (2012)] Let Ωd = {(λ1 , µ1 , λ2 , . . . ) ∈ (R∗+ )d ; λ1 > µ1 > λ2 > µ2 > . . .} . 2 2 2 ρ1 σ1 ρ2 The map χd : u 7→ , , , . . . , (ϕ , θ , ϕ , . . . ) is a 1 1 2 2 2 2 diffeomorphism from V(d)gen onto the manifold Ωd × Td , with ! ! X ρ2j σj2 ω= d ∧ dϕj + d ∧ dθj . 2 2 E= X j ρ2j 2 !2 − X k σk2 2 !2 . Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Link with cubic Szegő Theorem (P. Gérard - S.G. 2012) Let u0 ∈ Vgen (d) with χd (u0 ) = (( (ρ01 )2 (σ10 )2 (ρ02 )2 0 0 0 2 , 2 , 2 , . . . ), (ϕ1 , θ1 , ϕ2 , . . . )). i∂t u = Π(|u|2 u), ρ2 σ12 ρ22 2 , 2 , . . . ), (ϕ1 , θ1 , ϕ2 , . . . )) = (ρ01 , σ10 , ρ02 , . . . ) , θk = −σk2 t + θk0 . is equivalent to χd (u) = (( 21 , (ρ1 , σ1 , ρ2 , . . . ) ϕj = ρ2j t + ϕ0j , u(0, ·) = u0 with Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Extension to infinite dimension Let u so that Hu and Ku are compact : u ∈ VMO+ (T) (Hartman 1958). Generalization on VMO+,gen (T) subset of VMO+ (T) corresponding to spectra so that ρ1 > σ1 > ρ2 > · · · → 0. Same statement χ : VMO+,gen (T) 7→ Ω∞ × T∞ is a homeomorphism. Let u0 ∈ VMO+,gen (T) with χ(u0 ) = ((ρ0j , σj0 ), (ϕ0j , θj0 )). i∂t u = Π(|u|2 u), u(0, ·) = u0 is equivalent to χ(u) = ((ρj , σj ), (ϕj , θj )) with (ρj , σj ) = (ρ0j , σj0 ) ϕj = ρ2j t + ϕ0j , , θk = −σk2 t + θk0 . Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case An example u0ε (x) = eix + ε ∈ V(3), hence u ε ∈ V(3) u ε (t, x) = aε (t)eix + bε (t) , 1 − pε (t)eix For ε = 0, |u00 | = 1, hence u 0 (t, x) = e−it u00 (x) = e−it+ix . M(Hu2ε ) 0 = 1 + ε2 ε ε 1 , M(Ku2ε ) 0 The eigenvalues of Hu2ε are ρ2± = 1 + 0 ε2 2 = 1 0 0 0 ± ω, ω := u0ε ∈ Vgen (3) as u00 is non generic. pε (t) = − √ 2i 4+ 2 /2 ε2 sin(ωt) e−itε . ε 2 . √ 4 + ε2 Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case F IGURE : Though p0 (t) ≡ 0, pε (t) may visit small neighborhoods of the unit circle at large times. Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Consequence : No action angle neither Birkhoff coordinates around u00 ! Otherwise, for initial data in a compact neighborhood of u00 , the solutions would stay in a compact set. This is in strong contrast with KdV (e.g. Kappeler-Pöschel ) or with 1D-cubic NLS (e.g. Grébert-Kappeler-Pöschel). However, every single trajectory of (S) in V(d) is quasi-periodic (P. Gérard–SG 2012). This is not the case for some perturbations of (S) (see Haiyan Xu (2013)). Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case The general case Recall Ku2 = Hu2 − (·|u)u. If ρ2 is an eigenvalue of Hu2 of multiplicity m, then the eigenspace of Ku2 for ρ2 has multiplicity m − 1 or m + 1 : |dim ker(H2u − ρ2 I) − dim ker(K2u − ρ2 I)| = 1. In the first case, we say that ρ2 is a dominant eigenvalue of Hu2 . In the second case, we say that ρ2 is a dominant eigenvalue of Ku2 . The number of dominant eigenvalues for Hu2 and for Ku2 is always the same. We call it q(u). Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Angles and Blaschke products Blaschke products of degree k : k Y z − pj Bk := , pj ∈ D . 1 − pj z j=1 Inside a dominant eigenspace of Hu2 , E := ker(Hu2 − ρ2 I), the action of Hu is described by an angle and a Blaschke product, as follows ρuρ = e−iϕ bm−1 Hu (uρ ) . uρ the orthogonal projection of u onto E, m := dim(E), bm−1 ∈ Bm−1 Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Angles and Blaschke products Similarly, inside a dominant eigenspace of Ku2 , F := ker(Ku2 − σ 2 I), the action of Ku is described by an angle and a Blaschke product Ku (uσ0 ) = e−iθ b̃`−1 σuσ0 . uσ0 the orthogonal projection of u onto F , ` := dim(F ), b̃`−1 ∈ B`−1 Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case ”Generalized action angle variables” Denote by VM,L (d) the set of u ∈ V(d) such that Hu2 , Ku2 have a given number q of dominant positive eigenvalues, with prescribed multiplicities M = (m1 , . . . , mq ), L = (`1 , . . . , `q ). We define a mapping χM,L on VM,L (d) giving 1 The dominant eigenvalues of Hu2 and Ku2 in the set Ω2q , 2 The angles in T2q , 3 The Blaschke products. If VM,L (d) is non empty, VM,L (d) is a real manifold and this mapping χM,L : VM,L (d) → Tq := Ω2q × T2q × q Y j=1 is a diffeomorphism. Bmj −1 × B`j −1 Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Link with cubic Szegő Equation Let u0 ∈ VM,L (d) with (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) χM,L (u0 ) = ((ρ1 , σ1 , ρ2 , . . . ), (ϕ1 , θ1 , ϕ2 , . . . ), (bj , b̃j )) The solution of i∂t u = Π(|u|2 u), u(0) = u0 is characterized by (0) (0) (0) (ρ1 , σ1 , ρ2 , . . . ) = (ρ1 , σ1 , ρ2 , . . . ), (0) (0) (bj , b̃j ) = (bj , b̃j ) ϕj = ρ2j t + ϕ0j , θj = −σj2 t + σj0 . Extension to general data in VMO+ (T) : same statement. Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Application : traveling waves revisited Solutions of (S) of the form u(t, eix ) = e−iωt u0 (ei(x−ct) ) , ω, c ∈ R . Theorem [P. Gérard & S.G. (2009)] 1/2 A function u0 in H+ is a traveling wave with c 6= 0 and ω ∈ R iff there exist non negative integers k and N, k ≤ N − 1, α ∈ C so that αz k u0 (z) = 1 − pz N Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Let u be a traveling wave so that u(t, eix ) = e−iωt u(ei(x−ct) ). Then 2 t+ϕ ) 0 ρuρ (t) = e−i(ρ Ku (uσ0 (t)) = bm−1 Hu (uρ (t)) 2 σe−i(−σ t+θ0 ) b̃`−1 uσ0 (t) . gives ρ2 = ω + c(m − 1) , σ 2 = ω − c(` − 1) and bm−1 (e −ict −ic(m−1)t z) = e m−1 Y z − pj eict j=1 1 − pj eict z = bm−1 (z) Hence bm−1 (z) = z m−1 , b̃`−1 (z) = z `−1 . Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Assume q(u) ≥ 2. ρ21 = ω + c(m1 − 1) > σ12 = ω − c(`1 − 1) > ρ22 = ω + c(m2 − 1) . Impossible, hence q(u) = 1 and ρu = e−iϕ z m−1 Hu (u), Ku (u) = σe−iθ z `−1 u As SKu (u) = SS ∗ Hu (u) = Hu (u) − kuk2 = Hu (u) − (ρ2 − σ 2 ), we get z m−1 ρ2 − σ 2 . u(z) = σ ρ 1 − ρ e−i(ϕ+θ) z m+`−1 Introduction The cubic Szegő equation Lax pair Consequences Action angle The general case Perspectives Is VM,L (d) non empty for any M, L ? Expected : the restriction of the symplectic structure on VM,L (d) is ω= q X j=1 d ρ2j 2 ! ∧ dϕj + d σj2 2 ! ∧ dθj .