HDFS 591M: Pre-Practicum Fall, 2006 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Telephone: E-Mail: Class Time: Class Room: Class Web: Dr. Ronald Jay Werner-Wilson 1321 Palmer Building Tuesdays from 9-10:30, Thursdays from 2-3:30, and by Appointment 294-8671 rwwilson@iastate.edu Wednesdays from 9-10:30 Clinic Hours for Observation to be Arranged 0333 Palmer Building http://www.public.iastate.edu/~hd_fs.591m/ Required Reading: 1. Brock, G. W. & Barnard, C. P. (1999). Procedures in Marriage and Family Therapy (3rd Edition). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 2. Iowa State University MFT Program Clinic Administrative manual. Iowa State University Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic.1 3. Reading Packet. 4. Werner-Wilson, R. J., Enders, L.E., & Joanning, H. (1998). Iowa State University MFT Program Assessment Notebook. Iowa State University Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic.1 Course Objectives: 1. To learn and practice conceptual skills, including (a) assessment, (b) case planning, and (c) case management. 2. To learn and practice therapeutic relationship building. 3. To become familiar with clinic policies and procedures, as outlined in the Administrative Manual. 4. To learn and practice essential principles of professional dress, conduct, and ethics for marriage and family therapy. 5. Review requirements for MFT licensure and clinical membership for the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Accommodation for Disabilities Any student needing accommodation for a disability should present their approved accommodation request form from Disability Services to the instructor in order to plan accommodations. Course Requirements: 1. Complete all assigned readings prior to class and participate in activities and discussion. 2. Complete all assignments in a timely manner. 3. Participate in Youth and Shelter Services (YSS) On-Call Project. 4. Demonstrate clinical readiness: Demonstrate adequate helping skills to facilitate the therapeutic process. This will occur via a therapy simulation that will be videotaped. Complete and document a minimum of 15 hours of observation of clinical cases from behind the mirror. Demonstrate adequate knowledge, understanding, and willingness to abide by policies, procedures, and forms contained within the Administrative Manual. Demonstrate adequate knowledge of technical equipment in the clinic. Demonstrate the emotional capability to maintain strict confidentiality and ethics. Demonstrate a thorough familiarity with and a willingness to abide by AAMFT’s Code of Ethics. Grading: Grading will be pass/fail (S/U). 1 A copy will be provided to you by the clinic. Course Outline Week Date Course Theme Introduction One 08/23 Two 08/30 Three 09/06 Four 09/13 Five 09/20 Six 09/27 Seven 10/04 Eight Nine 10/11 10/18 Ten 10/25 First Contact Eleven 11/01 Initial Stage Treatment Procedures B & B Ch 4 Twelve 11/08 Middle Stage Treatment Procedures B & B Ch 5 Thirteen 11/15 Termination Procedures B & B Ch 6 Fourteen 11/22 Thanksgiving Break Fifteen 11/29 Sixteen 12/06 Specialized Treatment Procedures B & B Ch 7 Procedures for Challenging Situations B & B Ch 9 Risk Management Procedures B & B Ch 12 Seventeen 12/13 Clinical Observation Crisis Couns. Clinic Office Procedures Clinic Equipment Assessment Basic Therapy Skills Topic Overview of Pre-Practicum Responsibilities AAMFT Membership Licensure Material Ethics & Responsibilities 1. Confidentiality 2. Emergency Procedures 1. Observation Etiquette 2. Observation Forms 3. Professionalism 4. Dress Standards 5. Use of Clinic Facilities YSS: On-Call Collaboration Reading Material YSS: On-Call Collaboration Location: Rosedale Shelter Clinic Forms; Note Taking B & B Ch 8 Video Equipment Telephone Equipment Psychometric Assessment Clinical Assessment AM pp. 10-12 Finals Week AM pp. 1-2, 14-15; Lukas 9, 11 AM pp. 23-24; Reader 1-4 B & B Ch 8 AM pp. 29-31 Assessment Handbook B & B Ch 2; B & B Ch 1; AM p. 4 Reading Packet Conceptual Material 1. Walsh, F., & Scheinkman, M. (1989). (Fe)male: The hidden gender dimension in models of family therapy. In M. McGoldrick, C. M. Anderson, & F. Walsh (Eds.), Women in families (pp16-41). New York: Norton. 2. Alexander, J. F. (1988). Phases of family therapy process: A framework for clinicians and researchers. In L. C. Wynne (Ed.), The state of the art in family therapy research: Controversies and recommendations (pp. 175-187). New York: Family Process Press. 3. Doherty, W. J., & Colangelo, N. (1984). The family FIRO model: A modest proposal for organizing family treatment. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 10, 19-29. Aspects of Therapeutic Relationship 4 Luborsky, L. (1994). Therapeutic alliances as predictors of psychotherapy outcomes: Factors explaining the predictive success. In A. O. Horvath & L. S. Greenberg (Eds.), The working alliance: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 38-50). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pre-Practicum Observation Form Name:_____________________________________________Observation Date:_______________ Therapist:__________________________________________ Case Number:_______________ Phase of Therapy (Alexander, 1988) What Is the Therapy Phase (Alexander, 1988)?_______________________________________________ What is the therapist doing that is consistent with Alexander’s (1988) recommendations?______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ FIRO STAGE (Doherty & Colangelo, 1987) Identify the three most important topics of concern introduced by the client in this session. For each concern, identify the FIRO stage. Topic of Concern 1.___________________ Examples of Topic 1. __________________________________ FIRO Stage 1._____________________ __________________________________ 2.___________________ 2. __________________________________ 2._____________________ __________________________________ 3.___________________ 3. __________________________________ 3._____________________ __________________________________ According to the FIRO model, which of these problems should be addressed first? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gender Issues In this case, how does gender affect the topic of concern identified above?__________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ In this case, identify the sources of power in the family for each participant: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Therapeutic Alliance How does the therapist use personal experiences (Keith, 1987) to influence therapeutic process? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ From a scale of 1 (low) to high (10), rate the therapeutic alliance between the therapist and each person in session: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________