Invited Talks John Hauptman, Jan. 2012

Invited Talks
John Hauptman, Jan. 2012
1. ”Λp Interactions in the Momentum Range 1-10 GeV/c”, San Francisco APS Meeting, 2 Feb
2. ”The Λp Interaction above 500 MeV/c”, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Research Progress
Meeting, 11 Jan 1973.
3. ”The Λp Interaction”, UCLA High Energy Seminar, June 1974.
4. ”An Informal Report on the Vanderbilt Conference on New Results in Particle Physics”,
UCLA High Energy Seminar, March 1976.
5. ”The Pion Form Factor”, Fermilab Colloquium, October 1976.
6. ”The Pion Form Factor”, Cal Tech High Energy Seminar, November 1976.
7. ”Calorimeter Analysis”, TPC Group Meeting, October 1978.
8. ”SLAC Test Results from Model A”, TPC Group meeting, November 1978.
9. ”Electromagnetic Calorimeter Design and Analysis”, Cal Tech noon seminar, 7 June 1979.
10. ”Design and Analysis of Gaseous Proportional Calorimeters”, Fermilab High Energy Seminar, 4 October 1982.
11. ”Initial Operation of the TPC Detector at PEP”, ISU High Energy Seminar, February 1982.
12. ”Report on the EPS Conference at Brighton”, ISU High Energy Seminar, 7 Sept 1983.
13. ”Physics with the TPC Detector at PEP”, ISU High Energy Seminar, 1 Feb 1984.
14. ”D∗ Production”, TPC Group Meeting, 26 Feb 1984.
15. ”Status of High Energy Physics”, Iowa Academy of Science, Iowa City, 27-28 April 1985.
16. ”High Energy e+ e− Physics: Past, Present and Future”, ISU Physics Colloquium, 29 Oct
17. ”W Identification”, Snowmass Seminar, it Int’l Workshop on the Superconducting Supercollider, Colorado, July 1986.
18. ”Super Collider Physics”, ISU Seminar, February 1986.
19. ”Two New Detector Ideas: A High Precision Vertex Chamber and a Super Collider Calorimeter”, Department le Phys. des Particles Elementaires, Saclay, France, 10 June 1987.
20. ”Review of Intermediate PT Jet Spectrometers”, Workshop on Experiments, Detectors, and
Experimental Areas for the Super Collider, Berkeley, 7 July 1987.
21. ”Report on the Vanderbilt Collider Conference”, ISU Seminar, 2 Dec 1987.
22. ”The Super Collider”, Cornell College, 18 Jan 1988.
23. ”Why the Super Collider”, American Assoc. of Physics Teachers, Iowa Section (keynote
speaker), 22 Oct 1988.
24. Four High Energy Journal Club talks on ”Neutrino Oscillations”, ”Second Class Currents
in τ decay”, B 0 − B̄ 0 Mixing”, ”Measurement of αS ”, March 1988.
25. ”Why the Super Collider,” Coe College, January 10, 1989.
26. ”Why the Super Collider,” ISU Physics Department Colloquium, November 20, 1989.
27. ”Radial Drift Chambers,” Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, December 6, 1989.
28. ”Why the Super Collider,” Luther College, November 28, 1989.
29. ”LEP Z0 ’s and the Super Collider,” Gustavus Adolphus College, December 11, 1989.
30. Many short talks at SDC (Supercoducting Super Collider) collaboration meetings (19891991), mostly on calorimeters, both central and forward.
31. ”From the Z to the SSC,” ΣΠΣ Zone Meeting, Main Speaker, Morningside College, Sioux
City, March 31, 1990.
32. ”Coil Effects on Calorimetry,” International Workshop on Solenoidal Detectors for the SSC,
KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, invited talk, April 23, 1990.
33. ”|η| >3 Calorimeters and WL WL Scattering,” ibid., Tsukuba, Japan, April 24, 1990.
34. ”Simulation of the DUMAND Detector,” Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Tokyo, 17 May
35. ”GEANT Simulation and Reconstruction in DUMAND,” Workshop on Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations, 17-20 November 1991, Fermilab.
36. ”Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations,” ISU High Energy Seminar, 4 December 1991.
37. ”Experiments on the Problem of Mass,” ISU Physics Department Colloquium, 20 January
38. ”Physics of WW Scattering” and ”Forward Calorimeter Geometries,” SDC Forward Calorimeter Review, SSC Laboratory, 24 January 1992.
39. ”Glasses in High Energy Physics,” one-third of an MSE Departmental Colloquium, 6 October 1992.
40. ”The Super Collider and the Problem of Mass,” Coe College Physics Department Colloquium, 18 November 1992.
41. ”Experiments on the Problem of Mass,” NE Missouri State University, 24 February 1993.
42. ”Silicon Detector Simulation,” Pixel Detector meeting, Superconducting Super Collider,
Santa Fe, NM, 18 April 1993.
43. ”A Deep Under-Sea Physics Experiment,” Benedictine College, 3 December 1993.
44. “Discovery of the Top Quark,” Physics Department Colloquium, Iowa State University,
March 6, 1995.
45. “Discovery of the Top Quark,” Physics Department Colloquium, Coe College, Dec. 4, 1995.
46. “The Top Quark,” Iowa City Area Science Center Forum, broadcast live on National Public
Radio, Feb. 5, 1996, and taped for public television.
47. “Discovery of the Top Quark,” 14 April 1997, Osborn Club, ISU.
48. “New Phenomena Searches at D0,” 12 June 1997, VII Blois Conference, Seoul, Korea.
49. “Experiments, Plans and Dreams in High Energy Physics,” 14 Oct 97, Coe College Physics
50. “Atanasoff’s Computers,” 14 Feb 1998, Guest Lecturer, ΣΠΣ, week-long series, Augustana
College, Rock Island, IL.
51. “Bremsstrahlung, bremsstrahlung, bremsstrahlung,” ISU Physics Dept. Colloquium, 1
March 1999.
52. “Jet Physics,” Int’l Conference: Physics in Collision, 1999 Madison, WI, June 1999,
53. “High Energy Outreach to High Schools”, Iowa Science Teachers Section, Iowa Academy of
Sciences, Des Moines, 14 Oct 99.
54. “Physics at the Highest Energies”, invited after-banquet talk, Illinois and Iowa Science
Teachers, American Association of Physics Teachers, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL,
29 Oct 99.
55. Summer 2000: several talks on accelerators, statistics, top quark discovery, Higgs nondiscovery, detectors and symmetry to Iowa QuarkNet Institute and ISU REU program.
56. Summer 2000: several talks on particle detectors and physics to Korea University physics
57. “High Energy Outreach to High Schools in the American Midwest”, AsPEN Workshop,
UNESCO supported, Chonbuk National University, Chonju, Korea, 9-15 July 2000.
58. “Digital x-ray Reconstruction for Mammography”, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 18 July
59. “Hard Diffraction, BFKL Dynamics, and Subjet Multiplicity”, APS DPF2000 Conference,
Columbus, Ohio, 9-12 August 2000.
60. “Search for Quark Substructure and Large Extra Dimensions in Nature at Fermilab”, Drake
University, 20 September 2000.
61. “High Energy Physics in Iowa High Schools”, Iowa Science Teachers Meeting, Iowa Academy
of Sciences, Des Moines, 26 Oct 2000.
62. “Search for Quark Substructure and Large Extra Dimensions in Nature at Fermilab”, Gustavus Adolphus College, 2 Nov 2000.
63. “Search for Quark Substructure and Large Extra Dimensions at Fermilab (later CERN)”,
Coe College, May 2001.
64. “Searching for New Physics at the Tevatron Collider”, Texas Tech University, Physics Department Colloquium, 29 Nov 2002.
65. “Physics Wherever You Can Find It”, ISU Physics Department Colloquium, 16 September
66. “Physics Wherever You Can Find It”, Coe College Physics Department Colloquium, 7
January 2003.
67. ”Discovery of the Top Quark”, Grinnell College, 20 Jan 2004.
68. ”Newspaper Physics”, Learning Community Institute, ISU, 27 Feb 2004.
69. ”Physics at High Energies and Broad Political Reach”, Institute of Science and Society,
ISU, 30 March 2004.
70. ”Newspaper Physics”, Learning Community Institute, Scheman Building, ISU, 12-13 May
71. ”Dual Readout Calorimeter”, Linear Collider Workshop, SLAC, 7-10 Jan 2004.
72. ”Gas Cerenkov Calorimeter as a Luminosity Monitor”, Linear Collider Workshop, SLAC,
7-10 Jan 2004.
73. Outreach: 1969 Moon Lnanding Panel, ISUComm, Memorial Union, 2 Feb 2004; Honors
Seminar students, Jischke, ISU, 2 Mar 2004.
74. ”Teaching Physics”, ISU Physics Colloquium, 1 March 2004.
75. ”Review of Luminosity Calorimeter Technologies”, International Conference on Linear Colliders (LCWS04), Paris, France, 19-23 April 2004.
76. ”The Importance of W → q q̄”, International Conference on Linear Colliders, Paris, 19-23
April 2004.
77. ”Dual Readout Calorimetry”, International Conference on Linear Colliders, Paris, 19-23
April 2004.
78. “Newspaper Physics”, Learning Community Institute, Ames , May 2004.
79. “Newspaper Physics,” Learning Community Conference, Kansas City, Missouri,
80. “Newspaper Physics”, Learning Community Institute,” Ames, May 2005.
81. “A Fourth Concept Detector”, INt’l Workshop on the Linear Collider, Snowmass, Colorado,
18 August 2005.
82. “The 4th Concept Detector”, ICFA/ILC Workshop, Vienna, Austria, November 2005.
83. “4th Concept Detector”, ICFA/ILC Linear Collider Workshop, Banglaore, India, 9-13
March 2006.
84. “Muon Identification and Pion Rejection in 4th”, ibid. Bangalore, India.
85. “Philosophy and Feasibility of Dual Readout Calorimetry”, Int’l Conference on Calorimetry
in High Energy Physics, (CALOR06), Chicago, IL, 5-9 June 2006.
86. “4th calorimeter plans”, ICFA/ILC Linear Collider Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, July
87. “4th Concept”, ICFA/ILC Workshop, Valencia, Spain, 6-10 November 2006.
88. “4th Concept Beam Plans”, Fermilab Test Beams Workshop, Fermilab, 17-19 January 2007.
89. “The 4h Concept Detector for the International Linear Collider”’, Cornell University, High
Energy Seminar, 29 January 2007.
90. “The 4th Concept Detector”, International Workshop on the Linear Collider (BILCW07),
Beijing, China, 4-7 February 2007.
91. “Jet Energy Resolution in Calorimetry”, ALCPG Meeting, Fermilab, 6 April 2007.
92. “Hadronic Calorimetry: as easy as 1, 2, 3, ... readouts”, Fermilab, ALCPG, 10 May 2007.
93. “Overview of 4th dual-readout calorimetry”, DESY Calorimeter Review, Hamburg, LCWS07/ILC07,
29 May - 4 June 2007.
94. “DREAM Data: 20-300 GeV”, ibid.
95. “Compensating and Dual-readout Calorimetry”, DoE/NSF, ANL, 19-20 June 2007.
96. “The 4th detector for the International Linear Collider,” High Energy Seminar, INFN and
Departmenti FIzici, Lecce, Italy, 8 July 2007.
97. “4th Concept Detector”, IRGEN07, SLAC, 17-21 Sept 2007.
98. “Compensating and Dual-readout Calorimetry,” DoE/NSF Review, ANL, 19-20 June 2007.
99. “Iron vs. no-iron Muon Detection,” Fermilab, ALCPG, 22-26 October 2007.
100. “Dual Readout calorimetry status and plans,” ibid.
101. “Dual Readout beam test: BGO and neutrons,” ibid.
102. “Update on analysis of neutron signals,” DREAM collaboration meeting, CERN, 17-18 Dec
103. “Recent results in dual-readout calorimetry: beam test data and simulation”, TILC08,
Sendai, Japan, 3-6 March 08.
104. “Estimate of neutrons event-by-event in DREAM”, CALOR08, Pavia, Italy, 24-28 May
105. “4th Detector LoI group”, ECFA08, Warsaw, Poland, 9-12 June 2008.
106. “4th MDI issues and IP design”, ECFA08, Warsaw, 10 Jun 2008 (given for Alexander
107. “Recent results and plans in dual-readout calorimetry”, ECFA08, Warsaw, Poland, 10 June
108. “Parrticle Identification in 4th”, LCWS08, 15-20 Nov 2008, Chicago, USA.
109. “The 4th Concept”, HE Seminar, Texas Tech University, 4 December 2008.
110. “Particle Identification in 4th,” LCWS08, 15-20 Nov 2008, Chicago, USA.
111. “The 4th Concept,” HEP Seminar, Texas Tech University, 4 Dec 2008.
112. “Dual-readout, Particle Identification, and 4th,” Technology in Particle Physics, TIPP09,
Tsukuba, Japan, 12-17 March 2009.
113. “Report on 4th,” Rome meeting of DREAM collaboration, 16 March 2009.
114. “Design of a New Detector (“4th”) for e+ e− Physics,” KEK Laboratory, seminar, 14 April
115. “MDI and magnetic configuration of the 4th detector,” Tsukuba ILC Meeting, TILC09,
Tsukuba, Japan, 17-21 April 2009.
116. “Push-pull for 4th,” Tsukuba ILC Meeting, TILC09, Tsukuba, Japan, 17-21 April 2009.
117. “Top anti-top in 4th,” Tsukuba ILC Meeting, TILC09, Tsukuba, Japan, 17-21 April 2009.
118. “Dual-readout: recent results and possible futures,” Tsukuba ILC Meeting, TILC09, Tsukuba,
Japan, 17-21 April 2009.
119. “A New Detector Concept,” Low Emittance Muon Collider Workshop, Fermilab, 8-12 June
120. “New Ideas for Big Detectors in High Energy Physics,” Truman State University, Kirksville,
MO, Sept. 9, 2009.
121. “Dual Readout Technology for 4th Concept Calorimeter,” American Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas, 2009, Albuquerque, NM, 28 Sept. 3 Oct., 2009.
122. “Stable Charged Particle Identification Signatures,” American Linear Collider Workshop of
the Americas, 2009, Albuquerque, NM, 28 Sept. 3 Oct., 2009.
123. “Muon ID and Measurement in the 4th Detector,” American Linear Collider Workshop of
the Americas, 2009, Albuquerque, NM, 28 Sept. 3 Oct., 2009.
124. “New detectors and colliders in high energy physics,” ISU Physics Colloquium, 31 August
125. “50T solenoids,” Low Emittance Muon Collider (LEMC) Workshop, Fermilab, 10-12 November 2009.
126. “Detector Design Strategies,” LEMC, Fermilab, 10-12 November 2009.
127. “Dual-Readout Calorimetry,” LEMC, Fermilab, 10-12 November 2009.
128. “New detectors for future colliders in high energy physics,” Shiraz University, Physics Department, Shiraz, Iran, 3 January 2010.
129. “New ideas for future detectors in high energy physics,” Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, Iran, 4 January 2010.
130. “New ideas for big detectors in high energy physics,” Institute of Physics and Mathematics,
Tehran, Iran, 6 January 2010.
131. “Teaching Physics,” ISU Physics Colloquium, 11 January 2010.
132. “Dual-Readout Calorimetry and 4th detector,” Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration Meeting, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, 13-18 January 2010.
133. “Measurement of the neutron fraction event-by-event in DREAM”, CALOR10, Int’l Conf.
on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, Beijing, 14 May 2010.
134. “New ideas for big detectors in high energy physics,” Korea University, Physics seminar, 18
May 2010.
135. “Big detectors at big colliders,” INFN Lecce, Institute seminar, 21 March 2011.
136. “The Evolution of Lepton Collider Detectors,” Int’l Conf. on Storage Rings, Frascati, 10
October 2011.
137. “The Evolution of Lepton Collider Detectors,” INFN, Lecce, 16 October 2011.
138. “Recent Results in Dual-Readout Calorimetry,” Korea Int’l Linear Collider (KILC) 23-28
April 2012, Daegu, Korea.
139. “NEXT-100 Calibration,” Collaboration meeting, NEXT, Canfranc, Spain, 7-9 May 2012.