Identification John M. Hauptman b. September 1946 Department of Physics

John M. Hauptman
Department of Physics
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
b. September 1946
Seattle, Washington
Telephone: 515-451-0034
B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Adj. Asst. Professor, UCLA, non-tenure track
G.H. Trilling
H.K. Ticho
Research and Professional Positions
2012-present NEXT experiment, institutional collaborator
2011-present CERN Team Leader, RD52 (DREAM)
2005-present Initiator and spokesperson, 4th Concept Detector
1995-present Professor, Iowa State University
1990-present Principal Investigator, Department of Energy
Associate Professor, Iowa State University
Assistant Professor, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory (US DoE)
Research Experience Summary with Annotations
Accelerator Physics (Berkeley, 1960s)
Bevatron Crew: Operator.
Design of Quadrupole Magnets: Design of 8” and 12” Narrow Quads (8QN and 12QN).
Electron Ring Accelerator: I designed the roll-out and acceleration magnetic fields.
I worked in the Accelerator Study Group with Dennis Keefe, L. Jackson Laslett, Glen Lambertson, Andy Sessler, et al., on the Electron Ring Accelerator, a new type of accelerator
which ultimately did not work due to the ‘negative-mass instability’ of the low energy electron ring. The magnet design work was done with Klaus Halbach’s new codes linda and
Bubble chamber physics (Berkeley, UCLA, SLAC, 1967-75)
25-inch K + p → K + p elastic scattering with pp → pp as a polarization analyzer.
82-inch Λp → all final states, and Ξ0 p → Λ, Ξ final states. Test of SU(3) symmetry; my thesis.
40-inch π − p → nπ 0 , nX baryon exchange scattering.
All three of these bubble chamber experiments were interesting (at the time); the 25-inch
resolved an ambiguity in the phase shift analysis of K + p elastic scattering; the 82-inch
was my thesis (conceived and designed by me as sole student, George Trilling was my
thesis advisor) and the first hyperon-proton experiment in the multi-GeV energy region;
this experiment used a calorimeter behind the 40-inch chamber at SLAC to trigger the
chamber on events with high energy neutral hadrons going forward.
High precision electromagnetic form factors (UCLA, Fermilab, 1975-79)
π − e− → π − e− elastic scattering in a LH2 target; we measured the π − electromagnetic form factor.
K − e− → K − e− elastic scattering in LH2 target; same for the (sū) state.
These experiments were in collaboration with the Tsyganov group from Dubna, USSR, and
were the very first Soviet-American scientific collaboration in the middle of the Cold War.
Scientifically, they were extremely difficult experiments, background rejections of 106 -to-1
required; sociologically, they were most interesting. I gave one-half of the Fermilab talk for
the πe experiment.
TPC: e+ e− at s = 29 GeV (Berkeley, SLAC, PEP4 TPC, 1975-88)
e+ e− → cc̄ → D∗ D̄∗ cross sections, D0 D̄0 mixing, fragmentation function, and σcc̄ .
e+ e− → c → D∗ fragmentation of c to spin-1 D∗ , Sung Park thesis.
e+ e− → q q̄ → jets, Energy-energy correlations: Hsiao-Ying Chao thesis.
The Berkeley TPC was the first TPC ever built (by Dave Nygren), followed in later years by
$1B worth of TPCs built worldwide. The two c-quark measurements were the first charm
physics by the TPC collaboration. I also simulated and designed the calorimeters of the
TPC facility. The c → D∗ paper was Sung Park’s PhD work.
DUMAND “Deep Underwater Muon And Neutrino Detector” (event reco, supernova trigger)
This experiment was a risky, gutsy and interesting experiment to search for point sources of neutrinos in the universe, like Whipple-Veritas, but neutrinos instead of photons. It was the technological
foundation and inspiration for AMANDA at the South Pole. The detector consisted of 200 20-inch
diameter PMTs on the ocean floor off the Kona coast at a depth of 5 km. It failed, in the end, but we
collected 12 hours of data before the power supplies inside the titanium box shorted. I did a detailed
GEANT simulation of the experiment and Kristal Mauritz wrote her masters thesis on this experiment.
D0: pp̄ at s = 1.8 TeV and at s = 1.96 TeV (Fermilab)
Top quark discovery: Myungyun Pang measured the mass of the top quark.
Higgs search, h → γγ Bryan Lauer thesis.
Hard diffraction: Kristal Mauritz thesis.
Quark Substructure: group work, Andy Green, whose thesis was a technicolor search.
Supersymmetry search (mSUGRA): John Zhou thesis.
New Higgs search: W hh → jjγγγγ: Oleksiy Atramentov thesis.
First test of CP violation in top quark production: Sehwook Lee
All of my students on D0 published their theses and took good jobs in high energy physics. All of
these publications (usually in Phys. Rev. Letts.) represented the best measurement in the world at the
CMS, Large Hadron Collider (CERN) Design and construction of high voltage distribution to HF
calorimeters. Simulation of quartz fiber calorimeters; beam tests of modules and HF wedges.
The work on CMS was funded by equipment funds at about $120K over the duration. This is the
only actual equipment contribution to the LHC from Iowa State University.
DREAM dual-readout calorimeters (CERN, RD52) A unique and highly successful instrumentation project in high precision hadronic calorimetry (led by R. Wigmans, TTU)
This instrumentation project has developed and thoroughly tested the best hadronic calorimeters
ever built; we have made several beam tests at CERN and published 25 papers. When the first test
was finished, I knew that we could use these calorimeters in an experiment - WTeV, then 4th.
4th Concept detector (Ames, the world) A highly creative detector design for a future lepton
collider. Initiated and led by me and G.P. Yeh at Fermilab (140 collaborators world-wide)
I have initiated a collaboration in high energy physics to build a new kind of high energy
physics detector, which we call “4th”. There are a dozen wholly new ideas in this detector, including a
nearly massless tracking chamber with 50µm spatial resolution and dE/dx track resolution of 3%; dual
readout calorimeters both fiber and crystal; several novel particle identification measurements from the
dual-readout; an iron-free muon system with a second solenoid to return the flux rather than an iron
yoke; new machine-detector-interface ideas to greatly reduce random beam motion and to control the
final focus optics; and, new ideas for high precision forward tracking. About one-half of these ideas
are mine, and the rest are by my colleagues Wigmans and Akchurin (TTU), Mikhailichenko (Cornell),
Grancagnolo (INFN, Lecce), etc. Let me remark that the only way we have survived against the three
large lab-supported detector groups is because we have new and innovative ideas.
NEXT: neutrino-less double-beta decay Responsible for calibration of the 100-kg detector; work
on design of the 1000-kg Xe detector.
Summary of work:
I have done almost everything there is to do in high energy physics: accelerator and non-accelerator
physics, electron and proton machines, physics and instrumentation, design and calibration. Often I
have introduced new ideas or techniques. This breadth has given me the broad skills necessary to
initiate and lead a new experiment such as 4th, including the social aspects or, as George Trilling once
remarked “you’ll get a degree is psychology, too”.
Teaching (in addition to normal courses) and Public Outreach Summary
Normal courses (every semester)
New courses “Newspaper Physics” (for first-year non-science students) , “Physics and Design of Big
Detectors in High Energy Physics” (graduate students), “Physics, Philosophy and the Scientific
Method” (honors students), “Physics for physics majors,” 241X-242X (new course in the Department, 2010), “Physics for Elementary Ed teachers,” Physics 102L (new course this semester,
Spring 2012).
(a) “Newspaper Physics” - a joint English-physics course in which the physics comes out of the
daily newspapers (about one-half from the New York Times), and the writing is extensive and
centered around the physics introduced in this course. It is a highly innovation and successful
course, part of the ISU Learning Communities. The English instructor is Jennifer Lowery.
(b) Graduate course on the “Physics and Design of Big Detectors in High Energy Physics” , which
was also very successful.
(c) I co-taught a new Honors course titled “Physics, Philosophy and the Scientific Method”.
Teaching-Research QuarkNet (with U. Iowa), my own “small-q” quarknet, and research-teaching
by involving ISU undergraduate students directly into actual experimental work at CERN
Public Discourse Many columns in the Des Moines Register, on physics, academic freedom, nuclear
weapons, sabbaticals, technology, spin-offs, nuclear weapons, teaching, Iran, etc., in general, and
high energy physics in particular.
Book “Particle Physics Experiments at High Energy Colliders”, Wiley-Berlin (released 2011)
Papers (out of roughly 390 refereed papers)
• John M. Hauptman, John A. Kadyk, and George H. Trilling, “Experimental Study of Λp and Ξ0 p
Interactions from 1.0 to 10.0 GeV/c,” Nucl. Phys. B125 (1977) 29
• J. M. Hauptman, L.J. Laslett, W.W. Chupp, D. Keefe, “Compressor Design for Intense Electron
Rings”, Proc. IX th International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, SLAC, May 2-7, 1974.
• K.H. Lou, J.M. Hauptman, H.E. Walters, “High Quality Quadrupole Magnets”, Proc. National
Particle Accelerator Conference, March 1969, Washington, D.C., UCRL-18558.
• ”Charged D∗ Meson Production in e+ e− Annihilation at s = 29 GeV,” Phys. Rev. D 34 1945
• “Observation of the Top Quark,” Abachi, S., et al., Phys. Rev. Letts. 74 (1995) 2632.
• “Direct Measurement of the Top Quark Mass,” Abachi, S., et al., Phys. Rev. Letts. 79 (1997)
1197; hep-ex/9703008.
• “Limits on Quark Compositeness from High Energy Jets in pp̄ Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV”,
Abbott, B., et al., Phys. Rev. D Rapid Communications 62 031101 (2000); hep-ex/9912023.
• “Hadron and Jet Detection with a Dual-Readout Calorimeter”, N. Akchurin, et al., Nucl. Instr.
Meths. A 537 (2005) 537-561.
• “Electron Detection with a Dual-Readout Calorimeter”, N. Akchurin, et al., Nucl. Instr. Meths.
A 536 (2005) 29-51.
• “Neutron Signals for Dual-Readout Calorimetry”, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 598 (2009) 422-431.
• “Dual-Readout Calorimetry with Crystal Calorimeters”, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A598 (2009) 710721.
• “Polarization as a tool for dual-readout calorimetry,” N. Akchurin, et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A
638 (2011) 47-54.
• “Detection of electron showers in Dual-Readout crystal calorimeters,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in
Phys. Res. A 686 (2012) 125.
Talks (out of roughly 135 talks.)
• “50T solenoids,” Low Emittance Muon Collider (LEMC) Workshop, Fermilab, 10-12 November
• “Detector Design Strategies,” LEMC, Fermilab, 10-12 November 2009.
• “New detectors for future colliders in high energy physics,” Shiraz University, Physics Department,
Shiraz, Iran, 3 January 2010; Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 4 January 2010; and,
Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Tehran, Iran, 6 January 2010.
• “Dual-Readout Calorimetry and 4th detector,” Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration
Meeting, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, 13-18 January 2010.
• “Measurement of the neutron fraction event-by-event in DREAM”, CALOR10, Int’l Conf. on
Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, Beijing, 14 May 2010.
• “New ideas for big detectors in high energy physics,” Korea University, Physics seminar, 18 May
• “Big detectors at big colliders,” INFN Lecce, Institute seminar, 21 March 2011.
• “The Evolution of Lepton Collider Detectors,” Int’l Conf. on Storage Rings, Frascati, 10 October
• “Recent Results in Dual-Readout Calorimetry,” Korea Int’l Linear Collider (KILC) 23-28 April
2012, Daegu, Korea.
• “NEXT-100 Calibration,” Collaboration meeting, NEXT, Canfranc, Spain, 7-9 May 2012.