Department of the Navy Human Research Protection Program Research Protocol Documentation for Investigators, IRBs, and Headquarters-Level Administrative Review Background: Department of the Navy commands, through their investigators and Institutional Review Boards (IRB), must maintain adequate documentation of human subject research protocols and IRB records. [32 CFR 219 and SECNAVINST 3900 series] Directions: Use the following chart to determine the documentation investigators and IRBs must retain and copies of documents commands must provide to DON HRPP for headquarters-level administrative review. Not all the items apply to every research protocol. N/A = Not Applicable Document Item Initial Review of New Protocol 1. Document granting approval to start research (including granting exemption) 2. Education and training documentation 3. Scientific review and approval Document 4. Approved research protocol – with version # and date 5. Instruments (e.g., psychological tests) 6. Questionnaires (e.g., diaries, demographics) 7. Data collection forms, CRFs 8. Recruiting, advertising materials, or letters of introduction 9. Subject information sheets 10. IRB-approved consent documents with expiration date/IRB stamp (all finals) 11. Parental Permission (same as above) 12. Child Assent (same as above) 13. Foreign Language Translations of Consent / Assent / Parental Permission 14. Other reviews (RAD Safety, RDRC, etc.) 15. Survey Approval (OPNAV) * 16. 17. 18. 19. Verification Worksheet (CIP only) Standards of Conduct/Attestations Resource Requirements (CIP only) Departmental Impact Statement (CIP only) Investigator File IRB File Send to DON HRPP X X X X X N/A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DON HRPP Document List - PI-IRB-HQR FINAL (Mod) 7 Nov 2006.doc Comments Have available for HQ review upon request or at site visit * Approval usually obtained after IRB review Document Item 20. CVs 21. FDA related documents, if applicable a. FDA letter for IND or IDE b. FDA Form1571 c. FDA Form 1572 d. Investigator Brochure, Investigator Drug Brochure (IDB) 22. Documents supporting Collaboration – Approval document from other collaborating institutions, when applicable 23. Command Endorsements – Documents recommending endorsement of the research protocol, when applicable 24. Agreements supporting research (JRRA, MOU, MOA, CRADA, etc.) as applicable 25. IRB minutes - Excerpt from minutes – initial review Continuing Reviews 1. Document approving continuing research 2. Continuing Review Report from PI 3. Original signed consent/assent/permission documents for all subjects 4. Document for expedited review procedure 5. IRB minutes (excerpt) for convened review Amendments 1. Document approving amendment 2. Amendments to the research protocol and/or consent documents (investigators change, changes in procedures, populations) 3. Document for expedited review procedure 4. IRB minutes (excerpt) for convened review Investigator File X IRB File X Send to DON HRPP N/A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X N/A X X X X X X X N/A X X N/A N/A X X N/A X X X X X X X X N/A X X N/A X X DON HRPP Document List - PI-IRB-HQR FINAL (Mod) 7 Nov 2006.doc Comments Have available for HQ review upon request or at site visit Have available for HQ review upon request or at site visit Document Item Unanticipated Problems-Adverse Events 1. Document with results of IRB review 2. Unanticipated problems or adverse event report/form 3. Document for expedited review procedure 4. IRB minutes(excerpt) for convened review Statements of Significant New Findings Documents informing subjects (letter to subjects, addendum to consent, revised consent document, etc.) FDA Annual Report FDA report form or letter Suspension/Reinstatement 1. Document reinstating research 2. IRB and Command review of suspension 3. Document suspending research 4. Document terminating research 5. IRB minutes(excerpt) for convened review Final Report / Withdrawal Notification 1. Document approving final report 2. Final Report 3. Withdrawal notification 4. Document acknowledging withdrawal 5. Document for expedited review procedure 6. IRB minutes (excerpt) for convened review Publications, Presentations, or Reports Copies of publications, presentation, reports based on the research protocol Investigator File IRB File Send to DON HRPP X X X X X X N/A X X N/A X X X X X X X X X X X X N/A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X N/A X X X X X X X X X X N/A X X X X N/A DON HRPP Document List - PI-IRB-HQR FINAL (Mod) 7 Nov 2006.doc Comments Have available for HQ review upon request or at site visit Document Item Other Documents Not Listed Above (Describe the document) Investigator File IRB File Send to DON HRPP X X N/A DON HRPP Document List - PI-IRB-HQR FINAL (Mod) 7 Nov 2006.doc Comments Have available for HQ review upon request or at site visit