Lawrence Allred, PhD

Lawrence Allred, PhD
Dr. Allred joined the UT Southwestern Office for Technology Development January,
1999 as Director for Technology Ventures, moving from industry where he had been in
R&D and technology transfer for eighteen years. He is active on the UT Technology
Transfer Management Council and is also a member of the Association of University
Technology Managers and the Licensing Executives Society. In industry as R&D
Manager and Technology Platform Leader for a multinational specialty chemical
company, Dr. Allred initiated and directed a variety of scientific projects usually involving
technology transfer with universities or other companies in projects on enzyme and
special protein development, bacterial toxins, control release technology, insect
pheromones, rain forest biology, and industrial biological projects in Africa, Australia,
China and South America. Dr. Allred led new product ideation and development teams,
developed worldwide purchasing strategies partnering with supplier companies for
critical raw materials, created new corporate strategies in biotechnology, environmental
technology and policies, and raw material development strategies. In addition to
technology management, he was lead negotiator on government relations working with
state and federal environmental regulatory agencies. Previously, Dr. Allred was clinical
assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, The Ohio
State University and was postdoctoral fellow at the University of Colorado, Department
of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. He received Ph.D. and MS degrees
in cell biology from the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Science at
Houston, and a BS in biophysics from the University of Houston.