Office of International Affairs, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., NL 3.252, Dallas, TX 75390-9011; 214-648-0010 Please complete all of the forms in this package and provide the additional documents listed below. The completed checklist items should be sent, together with the completed prospective trainee application, to the International Affairs liaison for your department (see attached list.) Copies of documents are accepted. Please email all documents together or forward as a package via Campus Mail at MC 9011. For information or assistance with the application materials contact the Office of International Affairs at 214-648-0010. Please feel free to encourage the prospective trainee to also contact us with questions. There is additional visa information as well as pre-arrival information for the visa holder on our website at Documents Needed from Sponsoring Department to Request J-1 Visa Sponsorship Completed J-1 Visa Departmental Application (attached) Completed J-1 English Assessment Certification (attached) Completed and signed “Export Controls Questionnaire” For Postdoctoral Research Trainees or Postdoctoral Fellows, Only: Copy of Approved Offer Letter For M.D.s who will have incidental patient contact (teaching, research, and/or observation positions) prepare a “5-Point Letter” on letterhead for signature of Chair and Executive Vice President & Provost (see sample text, attached) On-Boarding Checklist and PeopleSoft Instructions for Non-Recruited Fellows Last updated 12/17/2015 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER AT DALLAS J-1 Visa Request Form (To be completed by Department sponsoring Exchange Visitor) Rev. December 9, 2015 Visitor____________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ (_____) Male First Middle (_____) Female (___) Married Occupation Date of Birth___________________ (___) Single Citizen of_______________________________________ at Home___________________________ Family Name UTSW can issue sponsorship documents in any increments of time up to five years if funding is stable. By requesting more than one year, you are confirming that funding is expected to be available for the entire period. If funding is from a source other than UTSW we must receive official documentation from the funding source for the period of document validity. Please specify the period for which you would like the document to be issued: Date document is to begin Date document is to end UTSW Job Title ___________________________________________________ Dept.____________________________________________________ Objective of Visit (Describe in layman’ s terms the nature of the research or academic pursuit in which visit will engage): Principal Investigator_______________________________________________ Mail Code________________ Administrative Contact_______________________________________________________ Extension______________________ Extension__________________ UTSW Sub-ledger Number __________________________________________________________ Fax__________________ Depart ID# ________________________________ OR Federal Express Account Number _______________________________________________ Postdoctoral appointees must receive minimum funding in accordance with Postdoc Pay Plan. Faculty members must receive minimum funding of $45,000/year. Paid by UT Southwestern $_______________per year/month Check one: (Employee) __________ or (Fellow) _________ U.S. Government Agency $_______________ per year/month Foreign Visitor’s Government US$_______________________________________ Other Organization(s) $_______________ per year/month Name________________________________________________________________ Personal Funds $_______________per year/month ( For visits of three months or less only) For M.D.s Only Will the exchange visitor’s work involve (check one) _____ hands-on patient contact or _____ clinical observation If hands-on patient contact, will it be as a consequence of the primary purpose of teaching or research? Yes_____ If yes, please attach a 5-point letter. ___________________________________________ Signature (Principal Investigator) _______________________ Date No_____ International Affairs Contact Us: ___________________________________________ Signature (Department Chairperson) ______________________ Date 214-648-0010 Office of International Affairs Documentation of English Language Proficiency for Prospective J-1 “Research Scholars,” “Professors,” and “Short Term Scholars” Sponsored Under the UT Southwestern Exchange Visitor Visa Program Instructions: Effective January of 2015, new regulations of the U.S. Department of State require that J-1 Exchange Visitor Program Sponsors implement a procedure to determine that a prospective J-1 visa holder has “sufficient proficiency in the English language, as determined by an objective measurement of English language proficiency, successfully to participate in his or her program and to function on a day-to-day basis.” [22 CFR 62.10(a)(2)] Please complete the information below to indicate whether the indicated prospective J-1 visa holder has sufficient English language proficiency to function on a day-to-day basis both in and outside of the lab. The completed form signed by the mentor and Departmental Chair, must be returned to the Office of International Affairs with the documentation indicated on our J-1 visa checklist before the visa document will be issued. Name of Prospective J-1 Visa Holder: Name of Mentor: Proposed Job Title: Department: Based on the indicated assessment method below (please mark one) I confirm that the above individual has sufficient English language proficiency to participate in his/her program and function on a day-to-day basis inside and outside of the lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. _____Undergraduate or graduate degree earned at Institution where curriculum is taught in English _____TOEFL score,, should be at least 80 TOEFL iBT (550 paper-based) _____IELTS score,, should be at least 6.5. _____Certification by UT Southwestern Mentor: I certify that I, or my native English speaking delegate, conducted an interview in English with the prospective J-1 visa holder as indicated below. It is my conclusion that s/he has sufficient English language proficiency to successfully participate in the proposed program and function on a day-to-day basis both inside and outside of the lab: a) Face to face interview in English completed on / / b) Videoconference interview in English completed on ___ / / Signature of Mentor Date: Printed Name of Mentor: I am aware that my faculty member certifies that this trainee meets the English language requirement for J-1 visa holders based on the criteria indicated above. Signature of Chair/Director: Printed Name of Chair/Director: O//IO Visa Procedures/J-1 Visas/J-1 English Assessment Certification 1 Last updated: 01/30/2015 Date: Export Controls Questionnaire Complete this form to request a review of the technology and information to which an invited international visa holder may have access while working at UT Southwestern. Both the prospective visa holder and the technology and information to be made available to the visa holder must be approved by the university’s Compliance Officer to determine whether or not an export controls license is required. If it is determined that an export license is required, no access to controlled technology, technical data or information by the prospective visa holder may be permitted until the export controls license is received. Please include the original, completed questionnaire with the rest of the visa application materials to be delivered to the Office of International Affairs, NL 3.252. Please visit the Export Controls website for additional information: I. INFORMATION ABOUT PROSPECTIVE VISA HOLDER Name of Prospective Visa Holder Exactly as it Appears in Passport: Family Name: Date of Birth: Given Name: ______ ______ ______ (Day) (Month) (Year) City and Country of Birth: Country of Citizenship: II. Passport Number: HOME COUNTRY ADDRESS Street and Number: City: Province: III. Postal Code: Country: ADDRESS IN UNITED STATES IF ANY Street and Number: State: IV. Middle Name(s) City: Zip Code: INFORMATION ABOUT INSTITUTION IN HOME COUNTRY Name of Home Country Institution: ___________________________________________________________________ Name of Immediate Supervisor at Home Country Institution: ______________________________________________ V. INFORMATION FROM SPONSORING DEPARTMENT Name of Principal Investigator/Supervisor: Primary Departmental Affiliation: Mail Code: Last updated on 1/30/2014 Campus Phone Number: UT Southwestern Title: FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH Generally, most research conducted at UT Southwestern is excluded from export control rules because of the fundamental research exemption. However, under certain circumstances, these fundamental research exemptions may be lost or do not apply. Fundamental research is defined as basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguished from proprietary research and from industrial development, design, production and project utilization, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national security reasons. VI. INFORMATION ON THE RESEARCH PROJECT UNDER WHICH THE VISA HOLDER WILL BE WORKING: a. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement give the sponsor the right to approve/disapprove publication (excluding reasonable reviews for possible patents and/or sponsor proprietary information)? Yes_ No b. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement reference U.S. export regulations or security restrictions (beyond a mere statement to comply with the law)? Yes_ No c. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement prohibit the involvement of non-U.S. persons or persons from certain countries or require prior approval from the sponsor? Yes_ No d. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement require UTSW to identify foreign nationals including their citizenship? Yes_ No e. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement prohibit access to projects materials/data/information by non-U.S. citizens? Yes_ No f. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement allow the sponsor to claim resulting information as proprietary or trade secrets? Yes_ No g. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement restrict the dissemination of research results? Yes_ No h. Does the research statement of work or any language in the agreement indicate the project has an obvious military nature? Yes_ No *If yes to any of the above, the fundamental research exclusion may be lost and an export control issue may exist. Contact Export Controls Officer for further review. i. Does this project involve a foreign sponsor, foreign collaborators and/or travel outside of the U.S.? Yes_ No If yes, name the country of sponsor, collaborator or travel destination: Last updated on 1/30/2014 DUAL-USE RESEARCH In the life sciences, dual-use research “encompasses biological research with legitimate scientific purpose, the results of which may be misused to pose a biologic threat to public health and/or national security.” Generally, the term tends to refer to technologies that have both a civilian and a military use. The dual-use research dilemma in the life sciences refers to the conundrum of producing and publishing research within the life sciences that is directed toward or intended to improve public health, animal health or agricultural productivity, but, in the hands of a rogue state, terrorist group or individual, could be used to impair public health. VII. RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT a. Will the Visa Holder be working with one or more of the Select Agents or Toxins found on the Health and Human Services or Food and Drug Administrations’ list? For information about select agents and toxins see: Yes_ b. Can any equipment or materials used in conjunction with the research project be considered to be of “dual-use”? Yes_ VIII. IX. No No Please provide a one paragraph description of the work to be performed, and the “controlled” technology and/or information, if any, to which the prospective visa holder will have access at UT Southwestern: SIGNATURES: Signature of Principal Investigator/Supervisor: Signature of Department Chair or Center Director: Printed Name of Department Chair or Center Director: Last updated on 1/30/2014 Date: Date: Office of International Affairs The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center DEPARTMENTAL CHECKLIST TO REQUEST A VISA AND APPOINT “NON-RECRUITED” FELLOWS (EXCEPT POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARS) IN PEOPLESOFT HCM The visa and on-boarding instructions below apply to all visa holders. Instructions for PeopleSoft HCM appointments apply only for the following job titles: Visiting Senior Fellow, Visiting Junior Fellow, Visiting Reciprocal Fellow, Research Intern, Clinical Observer, postdoctoral scholar titles, clinical trainee titles, Extended Access for Recruitment, and Contractor. • • • • • A. For on-boarding of Postdoctoral Scholars see For on-boarding of clinical residents and fellows contact The Office of Graduate Medical Education @ 214-648-9276 Your HR Recruiter will handle PeopleSoft HCM appointments for Classified staff For faculty appointments contact the Office of the Dean of Medicine or the School of Health Professions, as appropriate For graduate student appointments contact Deborah Evalds, 8-0714, or the appropriate Graduate School of Biomedical Science Program Coordinator How to Initiate the Visa Sponsorship Process: Initiate a visa sponsorship request through the Office of International Affairs as soon as you are notified of a mentor’s intention to invite an international visitor to campus. The visa process may be initiated as early as 6-8 months, but no less than 3-4 months, before the expected arrival date of the international visitor. 1. Access the appropriate visa application checklist under “Visa Information” at: 2. For Postdoctoral Scholars you must also complete the checklist items at 3. Forward visa checklist link to prospective international visitor; encourage prospective visitor to contact International Affairs for assistance in meeting documentary requirements 4. Instruct prospective visitor to send documents required for visa request to you so that you can forward them as one package with the departmental documents to International Affairs. 5. When all required documents for visa request are received or completed, print relevant visa checklist, organize documents in checklist order, and provide package to International Affairs, NL 3.252, MC 9011. We can be most efficient and effective when we receive one communication with all of the completed documents necessary to initiate the visa request. 6. International Affairs will prepare visa document/petition, notify department and prospective non-recruited fellow when document is issued or petition approved, and forward the visa documents to the international visitor via Federal Express if s/he is abroad. B. The PeopleSoft HCM On-Boarding process for international visa holders may require up to five business days to be completed. We strongly recommend that international visitors plan to check in with International Affairs at least five business days before their official employment will begin, if possible. The international visitor must meet with an International Affairs representative and be cleared for hire before the HCM form reflecting the official position can be approved. International Affairs will work with you to explore options for early clearance on a case by case basis assuming current valid visa documentation is in place. C. If it is not possible for the international visitor to check in with International Affairs five business days before the desired start date and it is crucial that system access be in place on the first official date of employment you may choose to submit a PeopleSoft HCM “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” form for the purpose of “extended access” as outlined below: (NOTE: If you choose to do this, additional HCM forms with the full details of the official appointment will be required once the Employee ID is available and effective date of official employment is known.) To create an HCM “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” form for “extended access”: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log in to PeopleSoft HCM From UT Southwestern MSS navigate to “Add New Person (Not Recruited)” and “Request Add New Person” Effective date can be day after form is submitted For “Relationship” select “Extended Access” Biographical Details: a. Select correct prefix b. Enter name Process to Appoint International Non-recruited “Person of Interest” in People Soft HCM O//B4INTL/People Soft Documents/People Soft HCM Non-Recruited Fellow Checklist Last update: 09/28/2015 Page 1 c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Select name suffix Enter SSN or if none, enter xxx-xx-xxxx Enter correct date of birth Select ethnic group if known For “Gender” select “Male” or “Female” (do not select “Unknown”) Highest Education Level – select highest degree earned Marital Status—select if known Citizenship Status – select “Visa Holder (Temporary)” 7. Contact Information—enter street address in U.S. if any, and current telephone and E-Mail address. If no U.S. address, leave blank. 8. Job Information: a. Complete “Business Unit,” “Department,” “Supervisor,” and “Location” as appropriate b. For “Job Code” enter “RECRF” for “Recruitment Fellow” c. For “Full/Part” select “Part-Time” 9. The rest of the fields will automatically populate 10. Comments—Enter a brief statement as to the reason for requesting the extended access prior to the official employment date 11. Submit and note the Transaction ID D. Overview of the “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” Appointment Process for Research Fellows Employee Paid 100% Budget Salary by UTSW 1. OPTIONAL “EARLYACCESS” See instructions under (C) above to create POI form for “extended access” 2. Create “Add a New Position” form for paid UTSW appointment; wait for approval and record Position Number Employee Partially Funded by UTSW and Partially by an External Entity 1. OPTIONAL “EARLY ACCESS” Non-Employee 100% “Paid Direct” by an External Entity 1. OPTIONAL “EARLY ACCESS” See instructions under (C) above to create POI form for “extended access” See instructions under (C) above to create POI form for “extended access” 2. Create “Add a New Position” form reflecting portion paid by UTSW; wait for approval and record Position Number 2. Create “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” form to with the correct “Relationship” and “Job Code” as indicated on the attached table. In the “Comments” section, indicate the source and amount of the “paid direct” funding. 3. Upon approval of new position, create “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” form: a) Enter EMPL ID from (1) above b) Enter POSITION # from (2) above PROCESS COMPLETED 3. Upon approval of new position, create “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” form: a) Enter EMPL ID from (1) above b) Enter POSITION # from (2) above c) Enter Subledger and Salary Information 4. POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARS ONLY: a) Create a second “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” to reflect external portion of pay b) Use Job Code PRHII to ensure eligibility for out-of-pocket fellow benefits under UT Select Process to Appoint International Non-recruited “Person of Interest” in People Soft HCM O//B4INTL/People Soft Documents/People Soft HCM Non-Recruited Fellow Checklist Last update: 09/28/2015 PROCESS COMPLETED Page 2 E Step by Step Instructions for Completion of the “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” Form: (NOTE: Do not submit final appointment form until visa stamp is issued and airline ticket purchased OR visa application is sufficiently advanced such that employment effective date can be determined with relative accuracy.) a. b. c. Effective date – date position will begin Relationship to UT Southwestern (review and select correct value from attached table) If EMPL ID already issued, click the checkbox for “Existing Employee” and search for the person; this will populate biographical data (d) – (k,) below.) If not, enter (d) – (k) manually. d. First name as it appears in passport e. Middle name, if any, as it appears in passport f. Last name as it appears in passport g. Social Security Number (if none enter “xxx-xx-xxxx”) h. Date of Birth i. Ethnic Group j. Gender –Select “male” or “female” as appropriate k. Highest Education Level l. Citizenship Status – select “Visa Holder (Alien Temporary)” m. Address –Current U.S. address, if any (if no U.S. address leave blank) n. Phone Number o. Email Address p. Position Number: If paid by UTSW, search and select number from the approved “Add a New Position” form. This will populate the “Job Information” on the HCM form reflecting the paid portion of the position. q. Job Information: For appointment that is 100% “paid direct” you must complete these fields manually i. Expected End Date: Leave blank or enter date appointment will end, if known ii. Select correct Business Unit, Department, Supervisor, and Work Location iii. Job Code: Use the attached table to identify the correct job title for the visa holder iv. Enter correct Job Code, Regular/Temporary, Full/Part Time, Standard Hours, and FTE information. NOTE: For partially UTSW paid individuals not eligible for benefits, enter an FTE value of .0003 a. Rate Code: i. NAANNL for salaried individual ii. STIPND for stipend fellow iii. Leave blank if no UTSW pay b. Comp Rate: If paid through UTSW enter salary or stipend amount to be paid c. Frequency: If paid through UTSW enter “Annual” or “Hourly” d. Comments: i. If visa holder is partially paid by UT Southwestern and partially “paid direct” from an external source please indicate the source and amount of “paid direct” funding in here. (See exception for Postdoctoral Scholars in [D] above.) ii. The sum of the Comp Rate and “paid direct” amount must meet minimum funding requirements for the job title and must match visa sponsorship request. F Whenever possible, international visitors should plan to arrive at UT Southwestern about five business days prior to the start date of their UTSW activities and be cleared through International Affairs. This will enable International Affairs to approve the pending “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” form before the official employment date to allow an Employee I.D. to be created in HCM and used to schedule New Employee Orientation and request systems access. Alternatives for an early check-in may be possible on a case-by-case basis. Please discuss with your International Affairs liaison. To schedule the initial International Affairs appointment for a prospective visitor, please call 214-648-0010. G International Affairs will only approve an “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” form for the official start date and title after the visitor has checked in and contingent upon receipt of all required documentation including: a. Original passport(s) b. Original DS-2019 form(s), I-20 forms and/or I-797 H-1B Approval Notice(s), and other documents reflecting all previous presence in the US. c. Original Form I-94 or printed electronic version d. Copy of Social Security card (if any) e. J-1 Visa Holders: Documentation of health and medical evacuation and repatriation insurance meeting U.S. Department of State requirements. H Please contact your International Affairs liaison (see at any stage of this process for assistance.) Process to Appoint International Non-recruited “Person of Interest” in People Soft HCM O//B4INTL/People Soft Documents/People Soft HCM Non-Recruited Fellow Checklist Last update: 09/28/2015 Page 3 ADDITIONAL PEOPLESOFT HCM TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL ON-BOARDING 1. To provide UT Southwestern employee health insurance benefits, you may need to submit a PeopleSoft HCM “Add Additional Pay” form for partially “paid direct” Postdoctoral Scholars and certain partially paid direct fellows. For information and instructions see: 2. Once Employee ID is available, schedule New Employee Orientation and arrange for UT Southwestern Badge to be issued: a. Contact Molly Howard Muether, HR Recruitment, 214-648-5241, to schedule NEO and provide information needed to create employee badge b. Be prepared to provide the information reflected in PeopleSoft HCM>Workforce Administration>Job Information>Job Data, to include: i. Person Type (Person of Interest, Employee, Student, Intern, etc.) ii. Employee ID iii. PeopleSoft Department Number iv. Job Title v. Academic Title (populated by completion of HCM “Licenses and Education” screen as described in (2) above. 3. Be sure to have visa holder complete the new employee packet before the scheduled arrival and start date and send it to The packet is available at: NOTE: This guide should be used to along with UPK’s and other user materials developed by the PeopleSoft HCM Team to provide specific detail regarding how to appoint international employees that are considered “non-recruited fellows.” Additional resources for creation of relevant PeopleSoft HCM forms include: • PeopleSoft HCM job aids: • PeopleSoft UPK Training Library: • Office of Postdoctoral Affairs checklist for appointment of Postdoctoral Scholars in PeopleSoft HCM: • PeopleSoft HCM Manager Self Service (MSS) “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” Department User Guide (available from PeopleSoft Team, IR) Process to Appoint International Non-recruited “Person of Interest” in People Soft HCM O//B4INTL/People Soft Documents/People Soft HCM Non-Recruited Fellow Checklist Last update: 09/28/2015 Page 4 PeopleSoft HCM “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” Guide for Selection of “Relationship” for International Visa Holders JOB TITLE JOB CODE JOB CLASS EMP: Partially/Fully Paid by UTSW? N/A %FTE “RELATIONSHIP” COMMENTS POI POI: 100% “Paid Direct YES Visiting Senior Fellow VSFEL .0003 Full Paid Direct Paid by outside organizational source Visiting Senior Researcher 0803 Classified N/A YES .0003 Fellow Paid partially/fully by UT Southwestern Visiting Junior Fellow VJFEL POI YES N/A .0003 Full Paid Direct Paid by outside organizational source Visiting Junior Researcher 0802 Classified N/A YES 1.0 Fellow Fully paid by UT Southwestern Visiting Reciprocal Fellow VRFEL POI YES N/A .0003 Full Paid Direct Paid by outside organizational source Visiting Reciprocal Researcher 0807 Classified N/A YES 1.0 Fellow Fully paid by UT Southwestern Visiting Faculty POI YES N/A .0003 External Instructor Paid by outside organizational source Faculty N/A YES 1.0 Fellow Paid fully by UT Southwestern Research Intern 0744, 0734, 0724, 0714 0744, 0734, 0724, 0714 9912 POI YES N/A .0003 Student Intern Must be enrolled in U.S. college/university, paid by outside source Visiting Graduate Student 0806 Classified N/A Yes 1.0 Graduate Student Assistant 9910 Classified YES N/A .0003 Student Intern Graduate Student Assistant 9910 Classified N/A YES 1.0 Student Worker Grad Student Fellow GSxx POI YES N/A .0003 Student Intern Student Intern STUIN POI YES N/A .0003 Student Intern Student Intern 9921 Temporary N/A 1.0 Student Worker Visiting Faculty Process to Appoint International Non-recruited “Person of Interest” in People Soft HCM O//B4INTL/People Soft Documents/People Soft HCM Non-Recruited Fellow Checklist Last update: 09/29/2015 YES Student Worker Page 5 Grad. Student enrolled at other U.S. institution Undergraduate domestic/international student, externally paid Undergraduate domestic/international st udent, paid by UTSW Enrolled in UTSW degree program and paid a from an external source Grad. Student enrolled at other U.S. institution, paid by outside source Grad. Student enrolled at other U.S. institution but paid by UTSW PeopleSoft HCM “Add a New Person (Not Recruited)” Guide for Selection of “Relationship” for International Visa Holders JOB TITLE JOB CODE JOB CLASS POI: 100% “Paid Direct” EMP: Partially/Fully Paid by UTSW? % FTE “RELATIONSHIP” MUST BE: COMMENTS Clinical Observer OBS POI YES N/A .0003 Observer Paid by outside source Residents RES/PTC POI YES N/A .0003 Resident Paid by affiliated hospital Clinical Fellow-ACGME 6801 ATP N/A 1.0 Fellow Paid by UT Southwestern Clinical Fellow-Non-ACGME 7801 ATP YES 1.0 Fellow Paid by UT Southwestern Postgrad Research Trainee 4805 ATP N/A 1.0 Postdocs Paid salary partially/fully by UTSW Postdoctoral Research Fellow PRHII POI N/A 1.0 Postdocs Paid by an outside funding agency RECEM (Recruitment Employees) POI N/A N/A .0003 Visiting Researcher Non-Employee Researcher Paid, and visa sponsorship provided, by external organization Extended Access for Prospective Employee RECEM (Recruitment Employees) POI N/A N/A Extended Access Temporary status to enable creation of EMPL ID for use in requesting access and scheduling New Employee Orientation Process to Appoint International Non-recruited “Person of Interest” in People Soft HCM O//B4INTL/People Soft Documents/People Soft HCM Non-Recruited Fellow Checklist Last update: 09/29/2015 YES YES YES YES Page 6