Cynthia Fraga Rizo, PhD, MSW

Curriculum Vitae
Cynthia Fraga Rizo, PhD, MSW
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work
325 Pittsboro Street CB #3550, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3550
Phone: 305-244-7046,
Intimate Partner Violence; Sexual Assault; Trauma; Child Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence;
Cultural Competency; Immigrant Populations; Latinas; Marital Health; Mental Health; Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy; Motivational Interviewing; Intervention Development and Evaluation
Introduction to Social Work; Human Behavior and the Social Environment Courses; Research Methods;
Crisis in the Lives of Women; Intimate Partner Violence; Trauma and Violence; Writing and Managing
Grants; Program Development and Proposal Presentation; Theory; Introduction to Social Statistics and
Data Analysis; Discrimination and Oppression; Evaluation of Social Work Interventions; Advanced
Statistical Courses (e.g., SEM); Measurement (Scale and Survey Development); Qualitative Research
Doctoral Candidate, School of Social Work
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Fall 2008 – May 2014 (Cleared on March 25, 2014)
Dissertation: The Coping Efforts of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: Scale Development and a
Preliminary Examination of Validity, Reliability and Feasibility (Rebecca J. Macy – Chair)
Masters of Social Work, School of Social Work
Florida International University, 2005-2007
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Florida International University, 2001-2005
Magna Cum Laude
Assistant Professor. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
January 2014 – Present.
Instructor. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
May 2013 – December 2013.
Research Assistant. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
August 2008 – August 2013.
Instructor. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Summer 2012.
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Teaching Assistant (Teaching Practicum). School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Fall 2010.
Health Educator. Adolescent Behavior and Lifestyle Evaluation, Community Based Intervention
Research Group, Florida International University. August 2007 – August 2008.
Research Assistant. School of Social Work, Florida International University. May 2007 – August 2008.
Research Assistant. Community Based Intervention Research Group, Florida International University.
May 2006 – August 2007.
Social Work Intern. Mailman Center for Child Development, Domestic Violence Center. Miami, FL.
August 2006 – May 2007
Social Work Intern. Miami Behavioral Health Center, Crisis Unit. Miami, FL. January 2006 – May
Group Counseling Intern. Fellowship House. Miami, FL. August 2004 – December 2004.
Passed Dissertation Defense with Distinction, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 2013.
Outstanding Doctoral Student, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012-2013.
Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012-2013.
Passed Qualifying Examination with Distinction, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, 2011.
Phi Beta Kappa, Florida International University, 2005.
Golden Key Honor Society, Florida International University, 2005.
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Florida International University, 2005.
Research Assistant, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Principal Investigator: Rebecca J. Macy, PhD, ACSW, LCSW
August 2008 – Present
Research assistant on a project funded by The Duke Endowment to evaluate the effectiveness and
implementation of Mothers Overcoming Violence through Education and Empowerment (MOVE), a
parenting intervention for justice-involved partner violence survivors and their children. Work tasks
included conducting systematic literature reviews and writing IRBs as well as collecting, entering and
managing data. Facilitated interviews and focus groups with survivors, their children, and service
providers. Collected longitudinal survey data from survivors across three time points (i.e., pretest,
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posttest, and three month follow-up). Conducted data analysis with qualitative and quantitative data using
various statistical software programs, including SPSS, Stata, and ATLAS.ti. Worked on manuscript
preparation, report writing, and presentation of research findings.
Research Assistant, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Principal Investigator: Betsy Bledsoe-Mansori, PhD, LCSW
May 2010 – May 2011
Research assistant on a project funded by NIH and NIMH to adapt and evaluate the feasibility of an
intervention to address depressive symptoms in a community sample of low-income, low-English
proficiency mothers. Work tasks included coding, analyzing, and interpreting qualitative data. Worked on
manuscript preparation and presentation of research findings.
Health Educator, Community Based Intervention Research Group, Florida International University,
Miami, FL
Principal Investigator: Eric Wagner, PhD
August 2007 – August 2008
Health educator on a five year, randomized control trial funded by NIAAA to evaluate the effectiveness
of Motivational Interviewing with an adolescent population of at-risk substance users. Received training
and supervision in Motivational Interviewing. Work tasks included screening and recruiting participants
as well as collecting longitudinal survey data across five time points (i.e., baseline, three months, six
months, nine months, and one year follow-ups). Delivered intervention consisting of brief advice,
personal feedback report, or motivational interviewing.
Research Assistant, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Principal Investigator: David Cohen, PhD, LCSW
May 2007 – August 2008
Independent research assistantship. Work tasks included accessing and evaluating literature regarding
existing withdrawal scales for psychotropic medications.
Research Assistant, Community Based Intervention Research Group, Florida International University,
Miami, FL
Principal Investigator: Mark Macgowan, PhD, LCSW
May 2006 – August 2007
Research assistant on a two year project funded by NIAAA to understand factors influencing group
treatment effectiveness among adolescents with alcohol and other drug problems. Work tasks included
using SPSS for managing data, coding qualitative data, and assessing inter-rater agreement.
Principal Investigator (Dissertation): The Coping Efforts of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: Scale
Development and a Preliminary Examination of Validity, Reliability and Feasibility; University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC
Dissertation Chair: Rebecca J. Macy, PhD, ACSW, LCSW
January 2012 – Present
Principal investigator on a three-paper, mixed methods dissertation project to develop and conduct a
preliminary evaluation of an instrument to measure the coping strategies used by intimate partner violence
survivors. Scale development will be informed by a review of relevant literature, existing measures, and
interviews with intimate partner violence survivors and service providers. Preliminary evaluation of the
scale will include expert review, cognitive interviewing, and piloting the scale.
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Principal Investigator: Program Evaluation of the Durham Multi-Agency Collaboration to Enhance
Service Delivery to Immigrant Victims; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social
Work, Chapel Hill, NC
Co-Investigator: Rebecca J. Macy, PhD, ACSW, LCSW
January 2011 – Present
Principal investigator on a qualitative project to evaluate the Durham Collaboration’s efforts to provide
services to immigrant Latina and South Asian survivors of violence against women. Work tasks included
designing the study in collaboration with the participating community agencies and writing the project
IRB. Recruited participants and facilitated interviews and focus groups. Other tasks included transcribing,
coding, and analyzing qualitative data using ATLAS.ti. Worked on manuscript preparation, report
writing, and presentation of research findings.
Principal Investigator (Research Practicum): Latent Class Analysis of Assailant Coercion Tactics Prior to
Sexual Assault Incidents; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work, Chapel
Hill, NC
Research Practicum Advisor: Rebecca J. Macy, PhD, ACSW, LCSW
January 2010 – Present
Principal investigator on a secondary data analysis project using person-centered methods to uncover
common constellations of sexual assailant coercion tactics to inform bystander-based sexual assault
prevention curricula. Work tasks included managing the database, conducting exploratory analysis,
performing latent class analysis, and conducing post hoc analysis. SPSS and Mplus were used for all data
analysis on this project. Worked on manuscript preparation and presentation of research findings.
Principal Investigator: Feeling Around in the Dark: MSW Students and Domestic Violence; University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC
January 2009 – May 2009
Principal investigator on a qualitative project to examine MSW students’ knowledge about intimate
partner violence. Work tasks included designing the study, recruiting participants (i.e., MSW students and
professors), and facilitating semi-structured interviews. Conducted a document review of all MSW syllabi
for intimate partner violence related content. Other tasks included transcribing, coding, and analyzing the
qualitative data using ATLAS.ti as well as preparing a research report.
Published/Accepted for Publication
Macy, R. J., Martin, S. L., Nwabuzor, I., & Rizo, C. F. (in press). What do domestic violence and sexual
assault service providers need to know about survivors to deliver services? Violence Against Women.
Ermentrout, D. M., Rizo, C. F., & Macy, R. J. (2014). “This is about me:” Feasibility findings from the
children’s component of an IPV intervention for justice-involved families. Violence Against Women.
Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1177/1077801214539856
Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2013). Characteristics, needs, and help-seeking of partner
violence victims mandated to community services by courts and child protective services. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 83(4), 588-599.
Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., Guo, S., Ermentrout, D. M. (2013). Changes in intimate partner violence among
women mandated to community services. Research on Social Work Practice, 23(6), 624-638.
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Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., Johns, N. B., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2012). Directors’ opinions about domestic
violence and sexual assault service strategies that help survivors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0886260512459375
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Rizo, C. F. (2012). An innovative program for justice-involved partner
violence victims: “No man is worth me getting locked up.” Journal of Family Violence, 27, 453-464.
Webber, K. C., Rizo, C. F. & Bowen, N. K. (2012). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Elementary
School Success Profile for Teachers. Research on Social Work Practice, 22, 77-84.
Macy, R. J., Johns, N., Rizo, C. F., Martin, S. L., & Giattina, M. (2011). Domestic violence and sexual
assault service goal priorities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26, 3361-3382.
Rizo, C. F., & Macy, R. J. (2011). Help seeking and barriers of Hispanic partner violence survivors: A
systematic review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16, 250-264.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Johns N. B. (2011). A review of family interventions for
intimate partner violence with a child focus or child component. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16,
144-166. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2011.02.004
Under Review
Bledsoe, S. E., Rizo, C . F., Wike, T., Killian-Farrell, C., Wessel, J., Bellows, A. O., & Doernberg, A.
(under review). Low-income pregnant adolescents with depression: Perceptions of perinatal depression
and psychiatric services. Birth.
O’Brien, J., Ermentrout, D. M., Rizo, C. F., Wen, L., Macy, R. J., & Dababnah, S. (under review). “I
never knew which way he would swing…:” Exploring the roles of substances in the lives of systeminvolved intimate partner violence survivors. Journal of Family Violence.
Rizo, C. F. (under review). Intimate partner violence related stress and the coping experiences of
survivors: “There’s only so much a person can handle.” Journal of Family Violence.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., O’Brien, J., Pollock, M. K., & Dababnah, S. (under review).
Perspectives of CPS- and court-involved survivors of partner violence on research with their children.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
In Preparation
Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Killian, C., Rizo, C.F., Johnson, N.P., Hamer, R, Wessel, J., Doernberg, A.,
Squires, M., Thorp, J., Meltzer-Brody, S. (in preparation). A comparison of Latino and African American
pregnant adolescents: Findings from a prospective study of perinatal depression in minority adolescents.
Killian, C., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Rizo, C.F., Pollard, N. J., Haemer, B., Wessel, J., Thorp, J& MeltzerBrody, S. (in preparation). Trauma, adolescent motherhood, and perinatal depression: Results from a
prospective epidemiological study.
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Macy, R. J., Guo, S., Rizo, C. F., Ermentrout, D. M. (in preparation). Changes in parenting and mental
health among women mandated to community services by the CPS and/or court systems.
Pollock, M. K., Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., & Rizo, C. F. (under review). Hope for Children: A
novel, collaborative program for partner violence exposed children.
Rizo, C.F, Beeber, L.S., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Kanafil, K., Killian, C., & Martinez, M. (in preparation).
A qualitative study of decision making among low-income Latina mothers with depression.
Rizo, C.F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Killian, C., Wike, T., Wessel, J., & Olarte, A. (in preparation). A
comparison of perceptions of perinatal depression and mental health treatment in low-income
racial/ethnic minority adolescents: Are there racial/ethnic differences? Brief report.
Rizo, C.F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Killian, C., Pollard, N. J., Haemer, B., Wessel, J., & Meltzer-Brody,
S. (in preparation). Risk and protective factors for perinatal well-being in low-income adolescent mothers:
Results from a prospective epidemiological study of adolescent mothers.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., & Nurius, P. (in preparation). Latent class analysis of assailant coercion tactics
prior to sexual assault incidents.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., & Taboada, A. (in preparation). Special needs of immigrant partner violence
survivors and challenges to providing appropriate services.
Webber, K. C., Rizo, C. F., & Bowen, N. K. (in preparation). Using a person-centered approach to inform
interventions: Exploring protective and risk profiles.
Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., Rizo, C. F., Killian, C., Bellows, A., Doernberg, A., Sommer, A. R., & Wike, T.
(2013). Adapting IPT to treat perinatal depression in low-income adolescents: Findings from a mixed
methods feasibility study conducted in public health prenatal care clinics. Archives of Women’s Mental
Health, 16(Suppl 1), S1-S146. doi:10.1007/s00737-013-0355-x
Killian, C., Rizo, C.F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Pollard, N. J., Brody, S., & Meltzer-Brody, S. (2013).
The relationship between trauma, adolescent motherhood, and perinatal depression: Results from a
prospective epidemiological study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 16(Suppl 1), S1-S146.
Published/Accepted for Publication
Rizo, C. F. (2013). Revictimization. In J. L. Postmus (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Violence and Abuse.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Rizo, C. F., & Macy, R. J. (2012). Program evaluation of the Durham Multi-Agency Collaboration to
Enhance Service Delivery to Immigrant Victims. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of
Social Work. Chapel Hill, NC.
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Under Review
Presented/Accepted for Presentation
O’Brien, J., Lanier, P., Rizo, C. F., Macy, R., & Redmond, P. (2015, July). Assessing the quality of the
parenting interaction among CPS- and court-involved mothers of young children who are intimate partner
violence survivors. Poster to be presented at the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
Colloquium, Boston, MA.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R., O’Brien, J., Lanier, P., & Redmond, P. (2015, July). Helping CPS- and courtinvolved moms who are intimate partner violence survivors with their parenting and mental health. Paper
to be presented at the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Colloquium, Boston, MA.
Rizo, C. F., O’Brien, J., Lanier, P., Macy, R., & Redmond, P. (2015, July). Examining parenting quality
and dyad interactions between female CPS- and/or court-involved partner violence survivors and their
young children using observational methods. Paper to be presented at the Innovations in Domestic and
Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference, Greensboro, NC.
O’Brien, J. E., Rizo, C. F., & Ziemba, N. (2014, October) Substance use among justice and/or CPS
involved IPV survivors: A qualitative study. Paper to be presented at the Council on Social Work
Education Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, FL.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., & Redmond, P. H. (2014, May). Promising strategies, pilot findings, and
lessons learned from a novel intimate partner violence program for mandated moms and their children.
Workshop presented at the National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Orleans, LA.
Reynolds, A., Dababnah, S., Rizo, C. F., Ermentrout, D., & Macy, R. J. (2014, February). “The novel
isn’t over yet:” Evaluating the long-term impacts of a program for service-mandated partner violence
survivors. Poster presented at the 2014 Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and
Practice Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., …. Rizo, C. F. (2014, January). Adapting interpersonal psychotherapy to treat
perinatal depression in low-income adolescents: A trauma adapted approach. Paper presented at the
Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San Antonia, TX.
Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., Killian, C., Rizo, C. F., Pollard, N. J., Haemer, B., Wessel, J., & Meltzer-Brody,
S. (2014, January). Risk and protective factors for perinatal well-being in low-income adolescent
mothers: Results from a prospective epidemiological study of adolescent mothers. Paper presented at the
Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Killian, C., Rizo, C. F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Pollard, N., Meltzer-Brody, S. (2014, January).
Deconstructing the effects of interpersonal violence, childhood trauma, and loss on perinatal depression
in adolescent mothers. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference,
San Antonia, TX.
Rizo, C. F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., Killian, C., Sewell, W. C., Johnson, L. V., Wike, T. L., Wessel, J.,
Bellows, A. O. (2014, January). Racial/ethnic differences in minority adolescents’ perceptions of
perinatal depression and mental health treatment. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and
Research Annual Conference, San Antonia, TX.
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Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. E., Redmond, P. H. (2014, January). Innovative strategies for
successful recruitment and retention of vulnerable populations in community-based intervention
research: Examples from a multi-year project with court and CPS-involved partner violence survivors
and their children. Workshop presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference,
San Antonia, TX.
Killian-Farrell, C., Rizo, C. F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Meltzer-Brody, S. (2013, November). Trauma
and perinatal depression in adolescent mothers: Results from a prospective epidemiological study. Paper
accepted at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. withdrawn
Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., Killian-Farrell, C., Rizo, C.F., Bellows, A. M., Doernberg, A., Sommer, A. R., &
Wike, T. (2013, November). Treating depression in pregnant, low-income adolescents: The role of
interpersonal trauma. Paper presented at the 2013 Perinatal Mental Health Meeting: Optimizing Maternal
Treatment to Improve Infant Outcomes, Chicago, IL.
Killian-Farrell, C., Rizo, C. F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., Pollard, N. J., Thorp, J., & Meltzer-Brody, S.
(2013, November). Trauma history and perinatal depression in low-income adolescent mothers: A
fundamental social problem. Paper presented at the 2013 Perinatal Mental Health Meeting: Optimizing
Maternal Treatment to Improve Infant Outcomes, Chicago, IL.
Rizo, C. F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., Killian-Farrell, C., Sewell, W., Johsnon, L.V., Wike, T., Wessel, J.,
& Bellows, A. O. (2013, November). Racial/ethnic differences in perceptions of perinatal depression and
mental health treatment in low-income minority adolescents. Poster presented at the 2013 Perinatal
Mental Health Meeting: Optimizing Maternal Treatment to Improve Infant Outcomes, Chicago, IL.
Reynolds, A., Rizo, C. F., & Macy, R. J. (2013, November). Beyond violence: Longitudinally evaluating
a program for service-mandated survivors of partner violence. Paper presented at the Council on Social
Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Rizo, C. F. & Taboada, A. (2013, November). Latina and South Asian immigrant partner violence
survivors: Needs and collaborative service-delivery. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work
Education Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., Guo, S., & Ermentrout, D. (2013, April). Does a novel community-based
program improve violence perpetration and victimization among justice-involved partner violence
victims? Poster presented at the 2013 Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice
Conference: Collaborative Approaches to Prevention and Intervention, Greensboro, NC.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., Guo, S., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2013, April). Helping mandated moms who are
intimate partner violence victims with their parenting. Poster presented at the 2013 Innovations in
Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference: Collaborative Approaches to
Prevention and Intervention, Greensboro, NC.
Macy, R. J., Guo, S., Rizo, C. F., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2013, January). Does a novel community-based
program improve violence perpetration and victimization among justice-involved partner violence
survivors? Paper to be presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San
Diego, CA.
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Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., Guo, S., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2013, January). Helping mandated moms who
are intimate partner violence victims with their parenting. Paper to be presented at the Society for Social
Work and Research Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., & Nurius, P. S. (2013, January). Person-centered analysis of assailant coercion
tactics used prior to sexual assault incidents. Paper to be presented at the Society for Social Work and
Research Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Smokowski, P. R. (Organizer), Webber, K. C., Rizo, C. F., Cotter, K., Robertson, C., & Smokowski, P.
R. (Discussant). (2013, January). Examining early adolescents’ risk and protective profiles to inform
youth violence prevention. Symposium to be presented at the Society for Social Work and Research
Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Bledsoe-Mansori, S. E., Rizo, C. F., Killian, C., Olarte, A., Doernberg, A., Sommer, A. R., & Wike, T.
(2012, October). Adapting IPT to treat perinatal depression in low-income adolescents: Findings from a
mixed methods feasibility study conducted in public health prenatal care clinics. Poster presented at the
International Marcé Society Conference, Paris, France.
Killian, C., Rizo, C.F., Bledsoe-Mansori, S.E., Pollard, N. J., & Meltzer-Brody, S. (2012, October).
The Relationship between trauma, adolescent motherhood, and perinatal depression: Results from a
prospective epidemiological study. Paper presented at the International Marcé Society Conference, Paris,
Rizo, C. F., Macy, R. J., & Taboada, A. (2012, March). Special needs of immigrant partner violence
survivors and challenges to providing appropriate services. Paper presented at University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Eighth Annual University Research Day, Chapel Hill, NC.
Webber, K. C., Rizo, C. F., Bowen, N. K., & Smokowski, P. R. (2012, February). Using a personcentered approach to inform interventions: Exploring protective and risk profiles. Poster presented at the
Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.
Macy, R. J, Rizo, C. F., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2012, January). Pilot findings from a novel program for
justice-involved partner violence survivors. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research
Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Rizo, C. F., Bledsoe, S. E., Wike, T., Killian, C., Olarte, A., Doernberg, A., & Sommer, A. (2012,
January). Advancing evidence-based practice for adolescent perinatal depression: Results from a mixedmethods feasibility study of adapted interpersonal psychotherapy. Paper presented at the Society for
Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Bledsoe, S. E., Rizo, C. F., Wike, T., Killian, C., Olarte, A., Sommer, A. R. & Doernberg, A. (2011,
April). Addressing health disparities in perinatal depression: A mixed methods feasibility study of a
culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate intervention for low-income minority adolescents. Paper,
From Disparities Research to Disparities Interventions: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for the Future
of Behavioral Health Services, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Mental Health, and
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Arlington, VA.
Ermentrout, D. M., Rizo, C. F., & Macy, R. J. (2011, January). Delivering therapeutic parenting and
support group services to legally-involved IPV survivors and their children in community-based settings.
Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
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Webber, K. C., Fraga, C. M., & Bowen, N. K. (2010, January). Teacher perceptions of classroom
behavior: Factors assessed with the ESSP. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research
Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Ermentrout, D. M., Fraga, C. M., & Macy, R. J. (2009, November). The MOVE parenting after violence
intervention: A preliminary process evaluation. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education
Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., Montijo, N. J., Fraga, C. M., Hay, A. (2009, April). The MOVE
parenting after violence intervention: A preliminary process evaluation. Paper presented at Women’s
Health Research Day, The Center for Women’s Health Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
Rizo, C. F., & Gill, V. (2013, March). Special needs of immigrant partner violence survivors and
challenges to providing appropriate services. Paper to be presented at the Women of Color and HIV:
Fifth Annual Community Forum, Chapel Hill, NC.
Rizo, C. F. (2010, November). Hispanic adolescents: Culture, dating violence, and help-seeking. Paper
presented at North Carolina Hispanic Symposium: Teen Pregnancy Prevention for Hispanic/Latino
Youth, Chapel Hill, NC.
Confronting Oppression and Institutional Discrimination. School of Social Work, Master’s Course,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2015.
Human Development in Context I: Infancy to Adolescence. School of Social Work, Master’s Course,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2014.
Evaluation of Social Work Interventions. School of Social Work, Master’s Course, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2014, 2015.
Seminar in Service Learning (APPLES Internship Program). School of Social Work, Online
Undergraduate Course, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2012, 2013.
“Overview of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the United States.” Injury as a Public Health
Problem. Master’s Course.
“Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the Lives of Adolescents” with Ms. Ashley Givens. Adolescent
Mental Health: Theory and Practice, Master’s Course. School of Social Work, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. September 2014. School of Global Public Health, Department of Epidemiology,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. November 2014.
“Using Qualitative Research to Guide Scale Development.” Qualitative Research Methods, Doctoral
Course. School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 2014.
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“Understanding the Social Justice Issue of Intimate Partner Violence.” Seminar in Service Learning
(APPLES Internship Program), Undergraduate Course. School of Social Work, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. February 2012, February 2013, February 2014, February 2015.
“Understanding Intimate Partner Violence and the Experiences of Latina/Immigrant Survivors.”
Immigration Law Clinic. School of Law, University of North Carolina. September 2013, September 2014.
“Interpersonal Violence.” Treatment of Trauma and Violence, MSW Course. School of Social Work,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. November 2010.
“CBT Interventions: Behavioral Interventions.” Treatment of Trauma and Violence, MSW Course.
School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. October 2010.
“Cultural Competency Training”
with Mrs. Jennifer O’Brien. North Carolina Victim Assistance Network – Victim Service Practitioner
Certification Academy. Raleigh, NC. March 2014.
“Domestic Violence and Children”
with Ms. Trishana Jones. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Charlotte, NC.
January 2013.
“Understanding and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence”
Mountain Area Health Education Center. Asheville, NC.
August 2012.
“Domestic Violence and Children”
with Ms. Trishana Jones. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Asheville, NC.
July 2012.
“Domestic Violence and Children”
with Ms. Trishana Jones. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Raleigh, NC.
April 2012.
“Domestic Violence and Children”
with Ms. Trishana Jones. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Columbia, NC.
March 2012.
“Domestic Violence Basics and the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Parenting”
with Ms. Trishana Jones and Ms. Vivette Jeffries-Logan. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic
Violence. Goldsboro, NC.
February 2012.
“Domestic Violence Basics and the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Parenting”
with Ms. Trishana Jones and Ms. Vivette Jeffries-Logan. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic
Violence. Jacksonville, NC.
February 2012.
“Domestic Violence Basics and the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Parenting”
Cynthia Fraga Rizo
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with Ms. Trishana Jones and Ms. Vivette Jeffries-Logan. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic
Violence. Rocky Mount, NC.
February 2012.
“Domestic Violence Basics and the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Parenting”
with Ms. Trishana Jones and Ms. Vivette Jeffries-Logan. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic
Violence. Elizabethtown, NC.
January 2012.
“Domestic Violence Basics and the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Parenting”
with Ms. Trishana Jones and Ms. Vivette Jeffries-Logan. North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic
Violence. Reidsville, NC.
January 2012.
“Developing North Carolina Practice Guidelines for Latina Survivors of Partner Violence.” Junior
Faculty Development Award. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. PI: Cynthia Fraga Rizo
($7,492). 2015.
“The Coping Efforts of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: Scale Development and a Preliminary
Examination of Validity, Reliability and Feasibility.” John B. Turner Dissertation Award. School of
Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. PI: Cynthia F. Rizo, Faculty Advisor:
Rebecca J. Macy, ($500). 2012.
“A Qualitative Exploration of IPV-Specific Coping Based on the Perceptions and Experiences of IPV
Survivors and Service Providers.” Anne-Linda Furstenberg Fund for Qualitative Research Fellowship,
School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. PI: Cynthia F. Rizo, Faculty
Advisor: Rebecca J. Macy, ($1000). 2011.
ATLAS.ti. (2009). Scientific Software Development GmbH, Version 6.0.
AMOS. (2011). Statistical Programming for the Social Sciences, Version 20.0.
MPLUS. (2010). Mplus, Version 6.1.
SPSS. (2010). Statistical Programming for the Social Sciences, Version 18.0.
STATA. (2012). Stata Statistical Software, Version 12.0.
Regression Models: Linear, Logistic, and Multilevel Linear Models
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Latent Variable Models: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Models
Person-Centered Models: Latent Class and Latent Profile Models
Train the Trainer Workshop on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Community Education, April
Grant Reviewer
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Special Emphasis Panel, 2014
Journal Reviewer
Feminist Criminology
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Journal of Family Violence
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Journal of Primary Prevention
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Psychology of Violence
Violence Against Women
Violence and Victims
Leadership Team Member, Alamance for Freedom Coalition. 2013-present.
School of Social Work
Member, Admissions Committee, 2014
Member, Diversity Committee, 2014
Member, Faculty Search Committee, 2014
Student Representative, Doctoral Program Committee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
School of Social Work, January 2011-May 2011.
Doctoral Student Mentor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. School of Social Work, 20092010, 2010-2011
Service to UNC Graduate School, Masters Students
Second faculty reader for Master of Science in Nursing project/thesis. Cheryl Green (2014)
Council for Social Work Education
Society for Social Work and Research
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Updated: January 2015
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