AUG 15 1966 IbWESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF DISTURBANCE 0. UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH OF BOSTON BLUE CLAY. by NIIS -FREDRIK BRAATI]EN BS.C.E. Northeastern University (1964) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1966) _a_0 Signature of Author _".4_0__ rin,(May 20._1966 Einee Department of 0 Certified by aThosls Supervisbr Accepted by ............. Chairman, Departmental Committee on raduate Students 1-IBRARIES ii03 ABS2RCT INVESTIGATICK OF EFFECTS OF DISTURBANCE ON UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH OF BOSTON BLUE CIAY. by NII5 -FREDRIK BRAATHEN Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering on May 20, 1966 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. This investigation examined thia effects of sample disturbance on the behavior of Boston Blue Clay during undrained shear. A hypothetical field condition was simulated, and different amounts and types of disturbance was induced into the samples. Earlier investigations have determined a correlation of disturbanae with effective stress on the sample prior to shear. At the same time overconsolidated samples were tested in accordance with Ladd and Lambe's method. The general result was that the "perfect" sampling" 4%u could be estimated on the basis of strength reduction versus overconsolidation ratio using the ratio of the perfect sampling effective stress to the preshear efkeetive stress ( & ). Investigation of stress-strain data show that disturbance reduced the modulus of elasticity consideraby, even below that obtained with the overconsolidated samples. A direct application of the stren th reduction vs O.C.R. was used to correct UU tests iith measurements on undisturbed samples from the M.I.T. campus. The corrected this way agreed very well with the theoretical estimate of the in situ AS f9r triaxial compression. Thesis Supervisor: Title: iii . The author whishes to acknowledge the assistance of the following persons and organisation: Professor C. C. Ladd, who provided encouragement, constructive criticism, and enthusiastic interest. Karin Ruud Braathen, who typed the manuscript and contributed encouragement* Elin Marie Braathen, who contributed generously of her time to do the drafting. The Waterways £xperiment Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who sponsored the research. iii -age Title Page i Abstract ii Acknowledgment iii Table of Content iii 1. Introduction. 3 2. Background 2.1 Field Stresses. 3 2.2 Origin of Disturbance 4 2.3 Methods to Correct for Disturbance 6 2.31 Casagrande and Rutledge Method 7 2.32 Calhoon Method 8 2.33 Schmertman Method 9 2.34 Ladd-lambe Method 10 2.341 Correction of from UU Test. 10 from CIU Tests 10 2.342 Correction of 2.35 Seed, Noorany and Smith 2.351 Method No. 1 3. 11 11 29352 " " 2. 13 2.353 " " 13 3, Testing Program. 15 3.1 General Aim 15 3.2 General Data on Sample Preparation and Triaxial Test Procedure 15 3.21 Sample Preparation 15 3.22 Triaxial Test Procedure 17 iiii page. 3.3 Triaxial Testing Series 3.31 7sats to Establish E16 3.311 IN and d 20 r- - vs Tests 20 20 3.312 CK0 -W and CK.-(7 21 3.32 Tests to Check Established Curve 21 3.321 Cyclic Undrained Tests 21 3.322 UU Tests 22 3.33 Presentation and Discussion of Test Results 23 3.331 Isotropically Consolidated Test Series 23 3.332 Anisotropically Consolidated Test Series 3.333 Cyclic Isotropic Test Series 24 26 3.334 Cyclic Anisotropic Test Series 26 3.335 UU Remolded Test Series 27 3.34 Final Discussion 27 3.341 General Result of Testing Program 3.342 Use of Methods to Correct for Disturbance 3.35 Effect of Disturbance on Stress - Strain 27 28 Characteristics 32 3.36 Application of Theory of Data from M.I.T. Campus 33 3.37 Final Conclusions 34 3.38 Proposed Future Research 34 3.39 List of References 36 3.40 Figures 38b 3.401 List of Figures 38b 60 4. Appendix 4,1 4.2 Summary Tables of Test Results -q Plots 61 73 iii 4.*3 Stress - Strain Plots for Individual Tests 82 4.4 Summaries of Individual Tests 99 4.5 List of Symbols 157 4.6 Types of Triaxial Tests 159 1. 1. Introduction: For design problems where immediate stability is the problem, a total stress analysis assuming #vo is generally used. Basically it is assumed that no drainage takes place during construction. There is therefore a need to determine the in situ undrained shear strength. A field vane test will give "in situ" values directly but unfortunately there is a basic problem of interpretation of the kind of strength measured with a vane. Another approach is to take so- called "undisturbed" samples and test them in the laboratory. Since the effective stresses in the sample is reduced due to stress release and disturbance during the sampling process and handling in the laboratory, it is impossible to test a sample with the same water content and effective stress condition as in situ. By reconsolidating the samples to the in situ stress condition, the water content would be lower than in situ and the shear strength higher. approach is to run an unconsolidated-undrained (UU) water content. Another test at the natural This usually results in underestimation of in situ 4S, for triaxial compression. The latter could result in a costly overdesign whereas the former generally results in unsafe designs. This investigation.was aimed at correcting the S.& values obtained from UU tests to where they agree better with A&.in triaxial compression for a perfect sample i.e. one with no disturbance. Only the undrained shear strength in compression is considered and reduction due to difference in failure plan orientation and reorientation of principal stresses is neglected. A hypothetical field condition was created in the laboratory 2. by consolidating samples of Boston Blue Clay (prepared from a slurry) to a certain horizontal and vertical stress. Then some of these samples wrS tested at this "field" condition to give a "field"j,. One sample is unloaded undrained and sheared in compression to give the .f, of a "perfect" sample. Other samples were disturbed by stress release, shearing, and/or remolding by hand. Data from these tests were then used to check the existing methods for correction of disturbance. The possibility of improvement of some of these methods was also investigated. 3. 2.1 Field stresses. For stress conditions in horizontal soil beds at rest (geostatic stresses) the following equations have been developedy The total vertical stresselv, is equal to the total unit weight of soil, , times the depth 3, The water causes a pore pressure at the same elevation. If a hydrostatic condition exists this can be calculated as follows; where iwis the unit wiight of water and kAis the height of the water table above the point in consideration. The horizontal stress is indeterminate according to static considerations. In the special case where no lateral strain in the ground has taken place, we define the ratio of horizontal to vertical as Ko. effective stress, Effective stress is defined as total stress minus the pore pressure and gives Civ 0 W' and - L. M4. Several methods of estimating K0 have been proposed. There are expressions developed from elastic models and empirical approaches. Timoshenko and Goadier (1951) used linear stress-strain relationship of a semi infinite medium to calculate K,: ( ( (, is Poissons ratio) 4. Jaky (1944) developed an expression for Ko that is usually a good approximation for normally consolidated clays: K, = 1 -sin, Experimental work by Brooker and Ireland (1965) seemed to indicate that Ko is closer to (0.95 - sing ) for such soils. Rowe (1957) proposed to use Hvorslev's friction angle parameter A in the expression Ko tan2 (4 -4). Measurements of K6 has been obtained by measuring lateral pressures in oedometer tests and by attempting to keep lateral strains negligible in triaxial specimen during consolidation, with varying amount of success. See figure 2.1-1 (Ladd, consolidation for some soils. K 1965) for values of K vs over- varies from about 0.5 for normally consolidated soils to well over 2 for heavily overconsolidated samples. 2.2 Origin of Disturbances To determine undrained shear strength of a certain soil bed, "undisturbed" samples are usually taken at desired depths and tested in the laboratory. Unconfined compression and unconsolidated-undrained triaxial tests are common means of determining 4&.. However there is a large discrepancy between 6& *sand the maximum shear stress measured in UU tests on "undisturbed" samples. A good example is found in strength data obtained on Lada clay from Ottawa, Canada. Coates and McRostic (1963) report these findings for clay at a depth of 55 to 60 ft. 5. Type of Test and Sample 1. Field Vane 2. (tons/ft2 ) 0.85 Unconfined compression and triaxial 3. a) 2 in, dia. open drive 0.6 b) 3.4 in dia. fixed piston 1.1 c) block sample 1.6 CIU triaxial, consolidated to overburden pressure a) 2 in. dia. fixed piston 0.9 b) N.G.I. piston sampler 1.35 c) block sample 1.65 The clay is moderately plastic, overconsolidated, and very sensitive with a high liquidity index. Fig. 3.36-2 shows on an extensive testing program performed on "undisturbed" samples from M.I.T. Campus. Since the obviously remolded samples (determined by visual examination and 4 measurements) had the lowest strength, a sizeable part of the strength loss is due to disturbance. For common tube sampling, disturbance occurs during the following operations: a) Stress release due to removal of overburden as the boring progresses. b) Stress release during removal of boring equipment. c) Compression induced when sampler is pushed into the soil. 6. d) Shear stresses developed between walls of sample tube and sample both during sampling and during extrusion of sample. e) Stress release when sample is removed from tube. f) Stresses developed during test preparation as trimming and mounting of sample. shows how the effective Figure 2.2-1 (Ladd and Lambe 1963) stresses might change during these operations. the in situ stresses. Point A represents At P the original anisotropic stress condition is teduced to an isotropic stress condition, undrained. Since this is the minimum amount of stress change we can possibly achieve in "undisturbed" sampling, this is the condition called "perfect" sampling hereafter. as Vps. where The effective stress at this point is refered to This parameter is calculated by (Ladd and Lambe 1963): is the "A"factor for the undrained ss release of shear stresses. This expression is good for both normally and overconsolidated samples. Point G refers to the actual sample's stress condition after sampling and trimming, and the isotropic effective stress is at this point denoted f . This stress can be determined by measuring the residual pore pressure. confining pressure is zero, atmosphere. .&**4Uprovided Since the L4is less than one It is, however, preferable to use a confining pressure CWb high enough to ensure a B-factor equal to unity so that Iyi- a -(A where%= confining pressure and 1A measured pore pressure. 2.3 Methods to correct for disturbance: It seems logical to divide the change in effective stress 7. during sampling and trimming into two different factors. release of the deviator stress (egi to an isotropic stress condition with First the W%) brings the sample, undrained, u'O'WUu disturbance reduces the effective stress from . Secondly "gross" 4*P,6 -. qe& (See figure 2.2-1). Corrections for differences in undrained strength between "perfect" samples and in situ strength seems to be relatively minor. ,Ladd and Varallysy(1965) report a 2-15% decrease in A"" c. for a variety of soils so the effort of this testing program is directed towards methods of correction for "gross" ,isturbance. 24 2,1Casagrande and ..tItledge (1947): (See figur .11 fgure 2.31-1) The first method proposed for determining the strength of completely undisturbed samples was advanced by Casagrande and Rutledge (1947) They utilized the results of a series of isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial tests and a standard oedometer test. By plotting the relationship between strength and water content at failure for isotropically consolidated striaxial. tests with consolidation pressures higher than the preconsolidation pressure and. extrapolating this relationship back to the natural water content, the strength of a sample at the natural water.content, can be determined. Actually there would be a series of such relationships corresponding to different degrees of disturbance. Since the samples used to establish the 6% vs to are somewhat disturbed too, the extrapolated value will not fully compensate for the effects of disturbance although it generally will be somewhat higher than the unconsolidated undrained strength of samples with the same amount of 8. disturbance initially. 2.32 Calhoon Method (1956): (See figures 2.32-1 and -2) Calhoon proposes the following elaborate procedure to improve the Casagrande-Rutledge method: 1. Extrapolate the field -virgin consolidation curve from: one undisturbed oedometer test using a thick a) specimen (#* b) one undisturbed oedometer test using a thin specimen ("n c) 1.5 in.) .75 in.) one remolded oedometer test using a speciman thickness of either a) or b). 2. Determine the triaxial consolidation curve and undisturbed. compressive strength curve from CIU and U tests. 3. The remolded consolidation curve from either oedometer or CIU tests on remolded samples and the remolded compressive strength curve from CIU and U tests on renolded samples are plotted. 4. The percentage of remolding in the undisturbed triaxial specimens is determined. 5. The field compressive-strength curve for the average natural water content or void ratio expected in the field is determined. The percent disturbance is deduced from the ratio yz/xz on figure 2.32-1 based on oedometer tests. Calhoon then proceeds to correct the stobtained from the actual "undisturbed" samples by 9. yvz2/xtzt. setting yz/xz By doing so it is assumed that only trimming produces sample disturbance. The disturbance ratio yz/xz, is based on both anisotropic and isotropic consolidation tests and neglects the effect of K on the location of the4&a& relationships. The method besides require time consuming testing program. 2.33 Schertnann Method (1956): (See figures 2,33--1 and 2.33-2) There is an apparent parallelism of strength vs water content relationship and the consolidation curve at pressures above the preconsolidation pressure for soil samples having equal degree of disturbance. To use this observation for correction of disturbance, first determine the most probable field consolidation curve from a oedometer test on a good undisturbed sample, then run CIU tests on both "undisturbed" and fully remolded samples to construct the strengh-water content relationships. Theoretically these data should yield two straight lines on a LO vs log S*A-plot that intersect at point # (figure 2.33-2). Now draw the field 4f& through point 0 and parallel to field consolidation curve. The main objection to this procedure is the need for equalvj disturbed samples to establish the field strength vs water :content curve. This is very difficult without some measure of the amount of disturbance. foregoint method, Futhermore although this method is simpler than the it still requires an extensive testing program. A 10. great uncertainity with the method is the parallelism assumed in the consolidation strength vs water content curves. Appreciable errors in strengths may result from a small error in fixing the slope of the field strength curve. Z.34 Ladd and Lambe methods (1963) 2.341 To correct test data obtain from unconsQlidated undrained test. The authors propose that the decrease in effective stress caused by disturbance has an effect comparable to that caused by -.. 4'&#m( rebound of CIU tests on samples with disturbance). It to minimize is therefore proposed to determine a curve of vs OCR for a series of CIU tests with maximum past pressure Then the residual effective stress of the actual a* specimen is measured ( ' ). By treating the ratio of 4 to rr as an overconsolidation ratio, we can use the curve obtained from the CIU tests to correct the undrained shear strength data from the actual disturbed specimen. 2.342 (See fig. 2.341-1). from CIU tests. To obtain correct In terms of Ivorslev's strength parameters: where EL Hvorslev cohesion. Hvorslev friction angle. Hvorslev equivalent pressure. 11. It is assumed that the volume change caused by the consolidation of CIU samples to pressures between on A w and 4 . during undrained shear and therefore on We are not affected by disturbance. has little effect Thus Ai and By futher assuming that Ais also unaffected by disturbance, the last term,t fAw We. , would be V independent of disturbance. Thus the strength increase due to lower f caused by disturbance, is calculated from change in Hvorslev cohesionpie&a comparable to the volume decrease upon reconsolidation to OS To use this method, determination of the Hvorslev strength parameters is needed together with an isotropic consolidation curve for the soil. Both these methods are based on empirical observations of the form of test data and used as engineering approximations for strength corrections. 3.35 Seed, Noorany and Smith (1963). 3.351 Method No 1. The undisturbed sample strength is calculated by means of the following equation, Ig, for a perfect sample, is found by extrapolation of test data on slightly disturbed samples as follows. Eight good quality "undisturbed" samples from the same location are needed. All samples are mounted in cells capable on measuring residual pore pressure. The 12. effective stress in each sample is measured, ("A. - ), , and compared with the effective stress for perfect sampling (calculated by the equation given in section 2.2). Three pairs of the samples are gently disturbed to achieve a good range of degrees of disturbance in the four pairs of samples. unconsolidated-undrained, On sample from each pair is then sheared The other samples are consolidated to the perfect sampling stress and then sheared undrained. Both series are tested with pore pressure measurements. - ( is used as a measure of disturbance and plotted versus If values obtained by the eight specimen in fig. 2.351-1. For a perfect sample ( *p& -q& the same if value. to (ftpv - W ) 4 and the WU and MYU should give On this basis the actual test data are extrapolated )= 0, and If for perfect sampling determined. Hvorslev's parameters are determined by a series of tests on The authors describes two additional overconsolidated samples. methods for obtaining these parameters that seem daubtful, especially the Noorany method of using results from CA UI and CrAI tests consolidated to the same stresses. points on a ( error's in ?e and These two tests will plot as two very close ) vs 4-unless graph that leave room for sizeable they are combined with other results. The Bishop and Henkel method of using the spread in results of normally consolidated samples has the same drawback if the soil exhibit any amount of normalized behavior. By using these three somewhat uncertain values (.a. Fe) into the calculation of "perfect" sample strength, the combination of error in each individual value may be sizeable although the individual errors are small. 13, Method No 2, (Figure 2.352-1) 2,352 The same testing program as described in method No 1. is performed but the results are plotted with undrained shear strength . instead on If versus disturbance, ( - d ). disturbance decreases, the difference inJ64from be equal for the two types of tests. .%& @ and I tests For a sample with no disturbance the shear strength should decreases. the I As the amount of uas By drawing two converging curves can be determined directly. This method seems much more appealing than the first method because of its simplicity. Method Nojh 2.35 (Figure 2.3-l) This method uses data from a series of fte. j,to plot.SA, vs water content. tests with The more disturbed the sample By extrapolating this curve the greater thewmduring consolidation. back to in situ water content the perfect strength can be determined directly. Aside from the basic uncertainty of extrapolation, the determination of the in situ water content is very difficult. Consider- able scatter is usually found in samples from the same ground location. By using V, instead of water content this problem could be eliminated however. The basic problem with these three methods are that they work well only for slightly disturbed samples. increases the spread in (4' time (U2s - is ) - T If the amount of disturbance ) will be small and at the same will be large. Since the sought value is found by extrapolating back to (iTV* aW ) a small error in the actual values will be multipled by the large extrapolation needed to find 14, the sought value. These methods are, however, somewhat interrelated but not so much so that they can be used to check each other. 15. 3s Testing Program. 3.1 General aim of testing program. During the past years considerable amounts of testing has been done at M.I.T. in the field of sample disturbance. This effort has been limited mainly to correct for the reduction in.S64due to disturbance as compared with $ for perfect samples. The basis for this correction has been the method proposed by Ladd-Lambe and described earlier in this report. The testing program has consisted of two parts, First a vs series of triaxial tests were aimed at establishing overconsolidation ratio and its dependency upon the K-ratio. Secondly an unknown amount of disturbance was induced into "perfect" samples and the resulting undrained shear strengths was used to check the relationship established in the first part of the testing program. 2.2 General Data on Sample Preparation and Triaxial Test Procedure. 3.21 Sample Preparation. In this testing program Boston Blue Clay was the only soil tested. up. The clay was obtained from field pits, air dried, and ground Ten kilos of this dry powder was mixed into a slurry with tap water at a water content of about 400% and passed through a No 200 sieve. about 24 The salt content (NaCl) of the fluid was then increased to g/l. By allowing the slurry to settle and removing excess water, the water content was reduced considerably. Then the soil was heated to about 7000 stirred, and placed in a 9.5 in diameter 16. consolidometer under vacuum. A consolidation pressure of 1.5 kg/cm2 made a 4.5 in. high cylinder of soil with enough material for about 18 triaxial test samples (L = 8.0 cm # A = 10.0 cm2 ). A more detail description of the consolidometer and its use is in Wissa (1961). this manner a uniform supply of clay was obtained. In The method yielded a clay with strength properties similar in many respects to those of a natural, normally consolidated clay of moderate sensitivity. Two batches of clay was stored submerged in Mobilect Transformer Oil No 33 in a humid room unrtitsage. The water content of these batches were 42.5± 05%, liquid limit 45.5%, plastic limit 23.2% and specific gravity 2.77. Grain size distribution is given in fig. 3.2-1. Towards the end of the testing program there was a shortage Instead of making up another batch of samples it was of samples. decided to use samples already prepared the same way for another project. The only difference was the salt content (16 g/l NaCl) and water content (co = 38.5%t 0.5%). 44 p Atterberg limits are "J= 42.7%, 23.9%. A hypothetical "field" stress condition was selected at qc= 6.0 kg/cm2 anda. 3.0 kg/cm2 . The vertical stress of 6.0 kg/cm 2 was judged large enough to eliminate preconsolidation and disturbance effects (1.5 kg/cm4C 6.0 kg/cm2 ). Ko = 0.5 was selected on basis of earlier tests on Boston Blue Clay. Figure 2.2-1 showed KO vs O.C.R. for some clays including Boston Blue Clay, 17. 3.22 Triaxial Test Procedure: All tests were performed in standard Clockhouse and WykehamFarrance triaxial cells with exception of the cyclic compression extension and UU tests. Geonor cells were already equipped with top caps fastened to the pistons in such a way that they could be used for extension tests. It therefore was natural to use these cells for the cyclic compression extension tests. A Clockhouse cell was equipped with a very fine porous stone and a pressure transducer to measure residual pore pressures in the UU samples. The lead from the bottom pedestal to the transducer is made as rigid as possible to keep the flow of water into the sample an absolute minimum (see figure 3.22-1). The transducer was connected to a BLH Strain Indicator Model 120 with A.C. power pack. The four arm gridge on this instrument provided a very stable voltage supply and at the same time measured the output from the transducer. Sensitivity on this setup was about 1/1000 kg/cm2 and the calibration factor stayed constant for over 3 months through intermittent work. Since an absolute transducer was used, however, there was experienced some difficulty with variations in barometric pressure. This could easily be prevented in the future with use of a transducer measuring the gauge not absolute pressure. Loading frames: The Geonor and Wykeham-Farrance loading frames were used for all the tests. To insure proper pressure equalization for the tests with pore pressure measurements the strain rate was set at 1$ per'hour. 18. For the UU tests on the other hand a typical strain of unconfined testing was used, about A,/min. Pore pressure Measurements) All. the samples tested were sheared undrained. A N.G.I. null system was used to measure pore pressures in the samples during shear with exception of the UU tests.. A description of their use can be found in Ladd and Varallyay (1965). To decrease the responce time the equilibration was improved by use of filter strips. In the cyclic tests no filterstrips were used because of unknown contribution to the measured deviator stress. To insure full saturation all the samples 2 were back pressured to 3.0 kg/cm , at least during last step of consolidation. The following procedure was used to measure 4 1. Standard triaxial size sample (10 cm2 .9 8,0 cm) for UU sampless is trimmed. 2. Excess water is removed from the top of bottom pedestal and the sample placed on the pedestal of a cell like the one shown in figure 3.22-1. Membranes, top cap and 0-rings are placed and cell filled with water. The capillary pore pressure will attempt to suck water from the pore pressure line into the sample. Since the pore pressure line is constructed extremely rigid, only a minute amount of water will flow into the sample before the pressure difference between the sample and the pore pressure line becomes zero. the pressure in the sample. Then the transducer records The fine porous stone, which has 2 a bubbling pressure in excess of several kg/cm , is needed to 19 . prevent the sample from sucking water from stone into the sample. 3. The sample is kept at zero confining pressure (measured with a mercury column) until a constant residual pore pressure is recorded. 4. Effective stress is then, . Sc The confining pressure is raised and an increase in pore pressure is observed simultaneously. If the sample is saturated, the B parameter will be unity and the value of will be constant. But if the sample has some trapped air, the increase in,.#pe pressure will be slightly less than the increase in confining pressure, 5. a B = The confining pressure is increased until M . / &qr.(B-factor equal to unity and: 2 Usually confining pressures of 1 to 3 kg/cm are enough to ashive B equal to unity. Consolidation: The steps are summarized in tables 4.1-1 and 4.1-3. Because of testing error the consolidation pressure for the first isotropically consolidated samples was indreased from 1.5 kg/cm 2 do the to 5.1 kg/cm 2 instead of 3.0 kg/cm . It was then decided to same for the rest of the isotropically consolidated samples. Anisotropic consolidation was obtained by loading the piston with dead weights. For each increament the cell pressure was increased first and dead weight equal to deviatior stress times area of sample 2 200 plus the force excerted by the cell pressure on the piston (area of piston times cell pressure) was added a few seconds later. Calculations: The calculations in this testing program was handled the same way as in Ladd and Varallyay (1965). calculated from A = Area during shear was --where g is axial strain and -4 preshear area. Corrections for deviator stress: Filter Paper Correction (F,.) % Strain Correction, 0-2 Co (%)/ 2- 2 to' (, kg/cm A.10 0"610 Piston Friction Correction. % Strain Correction, % of (q-K 0-2 0 2-4 0.5 446 1 6-8 1.5 8-10 2 ) etc. 3.3 Triaxial Testing Program: 3.31 Tests to Establish 3,311 CItJ and =COI vs O.C.R. 21. A series of one normally consolidated and three overconsolidated (O.C.R. = 2, 4, and 8) isotropically consolidated undrained tests with pore pressure measurements were performed in order to establish the initial correction curve i.e. 3.312 vsO .C.R. CK -UI and CK -Icu. To investigate effects of K on the curve above, five samples 2 were consolidated toirg..= 6.0 kg/cm 2 and 4Lc.= 3.0 kg/cm . One was sheared in compression directly to give "in situ"5 1,,. All the other tests were unloaded, undrained, to an isotropic stress condition to determine 4Wrs directly. One sample was then sheared in compression to give Sk. at "perfect" sampling. isotropically to The remaining samples were rebounded 2 e,= 1.5, 0.75, and 0.25 kg/cm and sheared undrained with pore pressure measurements. 3.32 Tests to Check Established Curve. To test the reliability for the strength vs overconsolidation ratio as determined in the first part of the testing program, two different approaches have been used to induce disturbance and measure the corresponding undrained strengths. 3.321 Cyclic Undrained Tests. A series of cyclic tests with pore pressure measurements and a slow strain rate (1% pr. hour) were run. isotropically to n Two samples were consolidated = 6.0 kg/cm2 and sheared by cycling between compression and extension. Each time the samples crossed the r'i line, additional excess pore pressure built up, yielding another value of C. 22. The following shear in compression then gkve the corresponding. The number of cycles was limited. As ' value. decreased the effect of cycling had smaller and smaller effect on AW% because the sample started to behave more and more overconsolidated. increasing instead of decreasing as it As shear progressed I did in the first was couple of cycles. Three samples were anisotropically 4nsolidated to iW. = 6.0 kg/cm2 and Eq between = 3.0 kg/cm2 . and the 'I line while the remaining two where taken into .) extension during the cyclic shear. As %'W One was sheared by cycling The number of cycles was limited. decreased the effect of cycling had smaller and smaller effect on Acs because the sample started to behave more and more overconsolidated. 3.32 : UU Tests. Since the most typical test for obtaining undrained shear strength is an unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test with strain rate. about to 1% per min., it seemed sensible to do likewise. kgcm One sample was isotropically consolidated toV. 6.0 22 and another consolidated anisotropically to<Wc= 6.0 kg/cm2 and 2 qac= 3.0 kg/cIa. Then both were "sampled" i.e. dismantled and re- mounted in the modified cell for residual pore pressure measurements, and sheared. The residual pore pressure was measured again after the sample was unloaded undrained to isotropic stress. If the4*6measured was high enough, another cycle of shearing and unloading was done. was continued until the bN became insignificant9 remolded by hand and a new~g and £%L measured. This Then the sample was 23. 3.33 Presentation and Discussion of Test Results. Isotropically Consolidated Series. 3.331 (Consolidation data summarized in table 4.1-1 and figure 3.331-1. Strength data summarized in table 4.1-2 and figures 3.331-2 and 4,2-1). The undrained shear strength of samples consolidated isothe 2 trpcly o60 tropically to 6.0 kg/cm is needed for construction for the vs log O.C.R. curve. The following list is a summary of the E.,,from the normally consolidated samples in this series. Test -o (kg/cm2 ) 77 -P 1.695 6.0 .282 23 42.0 31.6 14.8 2.04 6.01 .340 23 42.6 31.1 14.6 1.94 5.98 .324 23 42,4 31.1 16.0 CII--CyC-E P20 1.865 6.06 .308 16 38.4 29.9 11.2 CU-P21 2.005 6.06 .330 16 38.5 MTC-CyC-E P9 'U -CyC-E P10 Average It Wb g/1 NaCL 2).(kg/cm2 0l.584/ w 30.0 9.2 = is difficult to explain the large variation in Examination of figure 3.*31-will point out a large (.282 - .340). discreppancy in , at the same consolidation pressures between the samples with 16 g/l NaCl and those with 23 g/l. however that P20 and P21 have a range of The foregoing table indicates (.308 o, - 330), that lies entirely within the range obtained with the samples prepared with 23 g/l NaCl. So the salt content seems to have little effect even though the water content at failure is quite different. 24. The overconsolidated samples are more difficult to evaluate directly because only one sample was tested at each consolidation pressure, but they can be compared to each other. kg/cm2. = 3110 and Figure 4.2-1 gives Comparing stress-strain characteristics in figure 3.331-2 we find that the samples behave as expected i.e. with increasing overconsolidation, 0 &, A4,and A-factor decrease while increases. The peculiarity in the stress-strain curve of P2 is probably due to improper seating of the piston in the top cap. versus O.C.R. is plotted in figure 3.331-3. The 3.332 Anisotropically Consolidated Test Sgries. (Consolidation data summarized in figure 3.332-1 and table 4.1-3. Strength data in figures 3.332-2 and 4.2-2 and table 4.1-4). The following table summarizes undrained shear strength obtained fron, normally consolidated samples (K = K). .:4(kg/cm2 ) Test em2 CK U-CyC-E P15 1-93 5.99 .322 CK 0 U-CyC-E P16 2.00 5.99 .334 Average 2.2 .328 The results from CK U-CyC-P14 were n&t included in the table above because the sample was slightly overconsolidated prior to shear due to aln error. The &5.'Wd~s measured by CK0-=I "A= 1.94/6.09 P7 is higl} however = .318 or only about 3% lower than5,from CICQU 25. tests. 10±t 5 Ladd and Varallyay (1965) report that the difference is per cent less than the in situ strength in compression. use of 10% reduction would bring du.O down to 1.77 kg/cm The 2 for e. = 6.00 kg/c;2 was established by averaging the effective stress measured after unloading from K0 to K .-P1. - P12 - P13 tests gave a40av 1. 01 -UU P7 and CKo- 8 2 2 = 3.48 kg/cm (3.60 to 3.22 kg/cm ). Since there has been done very little investigation into the overconsolidated range of B.B.C. there is no way of checking the results from Pll - P12 - P13 except against each other. found in figure 4.2-2. The p-q plott can be Figure 3.342 summarizes the stress-strain behavior. There are no known irregularities in these tests. With the results of this overconsolidated range available vs O.C.R. should be possible. a similar curve Since all these samples have undergone a stress change somewhat similar to actual sampling it becomes natural to use the "perfect" sampling stress as a reference point. is used. vs So The results are tabulated below and plotted in figure 3.331-3. CKO-CIOU-Pll .92 CKO-CIOi-PJ2 1.13 CKT,CIFUb-P13 1.38 .25 .75 1.5 2 S=1,77 kg/cm 13.9 -516 4.64 .635 2.32 -776 26. 3,.33 Cyclic Isotropic Test Series. (Summarized in table 4.1-5). The.s., measured in the first cycle of these tests varies highly (2.04 - 1.865 kg/cm2). It was therefore decided that in order to have reasonable agreement between the tests regarding the reduction in strength with disturbance, the initialjre measured would serve as 1.% Dij . Since sis equal toZ' basic error is involved. for these isotropic tests no Examining the stress-strain plot and the p-q plots, the effect of disturbance indeed has a similar behavior to that of overconsolidation. The only peculiarity discovered in all the cyclic tests, including the UU tests, is the S shape on the stress-strain curve of the last cycle (see figures 4.3-9, 4.3-10, 4.3-14). The strength increases gradually to 5 - 6% and then increases more rapidly before finally leveling off. No such behavior was observed in the stress- strain behavior of the overconsolidated samples (P.2 figure 3.331-2). The stress-strain data are summarized in table 4.1-5. Figures 4.2-3 and 4.9-4 contain the p-q plots. SII The 6s relationship is plotted in figure 3.333-1. 3.334 Cyclic Anisotropic Test Series. (Stress-strain characteristics are summarized in figures 4.3-11, 4.3-12, 4.3-13 and tables 4.1-6 and. 4.1-7). The anisotropically consolidated samples sheared cyclic also had some variation in the initial4t.. for "perfect" sampling was selected as 1.77 kg/cm 2 for all the tests, however. As the stress- Strain plots show, the 4fdrops as the number of cycles increased. The "workharening" phenomena observed in the isotropic test, also occurred 27. to the anisotropically consolidated samples, although only for the tests sheared in cyclic compression-extension. CK0 U-CyC P-14 that was sheared in cyclic compression, did not exhibit this behavior. time there seems to be no logical explanation. At the present Careful check of the testing equipment and procedure used did not reveal any possibility for relative movements in the aparatus used for strain measurements nor any irregularities with the proving rings. 3.335 UU Remolded test series. (Stress-strainccurves in figures 4.3-15 and 4.3-16. Stress characteristics are summarized in table 4.1-8) As shearing progressed, too. 4 dropped and %Va. decreased The behavior was quite similar to the one observed in the much slower cyclic tests. The range in % by remolding the sample by hand. shearing failed to reduce performed during shear. . was increased in the UU tests This was done after additional Pore pressure measurements were not With such a high strain rate (9. = - 1 %/hr.) the samples will not equalize the pore pressures fast enough to permit meaningful data. 3.34 Final Discussion. 3.341 General Results of Testing Pro,:ram. The results at an extensive testing program on the behavior of normally consolidated samples of Boston Blue Clay with a salt content of 16 g/l are reported by Ladd and Varallyay (1965). The following table shows the agreement between the results of these two testing programs. 28. This testing program Ladd & Varallyay 0.317 0.285 CKOU 0.328 0.33 CK -TiI 0.318 0.28 CKOU - 10% 0.297 0.297 The "field" strength, .. from C[0U, is in very good agreement. But both the isotropic and the "perfect" sampling strengths are high. As- already mentioned earlier in the discussion of the tes results it was felt that 10% reduction inA60 CK U was a much more representative 0 figure than . 0 pas obtained in CK -IUU-P7. and the large differences in are hardto explain. Both the range in between the two testing programs There seems to little correlation between and the relative strengths of the tests. Close examination of the time allowed for consolidation at the last step reveal that all tests had 7000 min. or more. The strengths measured do not correlate with the length of application of the last consolidation pressure. 3 .3 42 Use of Methods to Correct for Disturbance. Casagrande-Ruthledge, Calhoon, and Schmertmann proposed methods which basically involve extrapolation of water content (or e) vs log A%& plot (from CIU data) to the in situ water content (or Ce to obtain the strength of a "perfect"-sample. ) These methods require reconsolidation of samples with various degrees of disturbance via CIU, CAU, and oedometer tests. The tesing program for this thesis was intended only to induce and hopefully to predict the effects of sampling from ft-~hythetical in situ condition. Therefore none of the 290 samples were reconsolidated after the disturbance was induced. So, unfortunately it is impossible to evaluate these three methods. Seed, Noorany, and Smith's methods can be evaluated with available data. Method No. 1: The strength of a perfect sample is determined by evaluation of the following theoretical equation: / / ).. , Ore Hvorslev's parameters (2'c and ) could be determined for Boston Blue Clay at constant water content for different over- consolidation ratios with =C tests. But since it is already established that the cyclic tests behave overconsolidated as qr drops, we have direct measurements of Figure 3.342-1 andi at constant water content. show the resulting parameters,. provided the needed information to estimate I The cyclic tests also Figure 3.342-2 shows If plotted against disturbance as re'conmended by Seed, Noorony, and Smiith (1964). The resulting If from the anisotropic cyclic tests averages .50 as compared to .22 for CK E--P7. 0 too high ,S&4 P7, however, .has shown . and may warrant some caution in use of results, Ladd and Varallyay (1965) report an average If from Cxo-tJUC of 0.50. So with use of A = 0.50, Ee= .745 kg/cm2, e = 180. 3.48 . sin 180 f .745 cos 180 1+' (2-(0.50) - 1) sin 180 = 1.80 kg/cm2 which is low compared to CK -t-P7 but agree withda4t minus 10%. 30, The small difference is probably due to contributing errors in the determination of the parameters. Method No. 2; 5 vs disturbance i.e. ( figure 3.342-3. 4-po -;Ws ) is plotted in The isotropic tests plotted so far to the right on the figure that any extrapolation back to (4 -6 ) is meaningless. The anisotropic tests, however, yielded a better spread in s averaged 1.81 kg/cm2 (vs 1.77 kg/cm2 (- - ). S.4 estimated from .Da CK 0U minus 10%). This method is simple and seems to give good agreement with other methods. Method No0 3: Unfortunately none of the tests in this testing program were reconsolidated after disturbance so there are no data for evaluation of method no. 3. Correction of Data from UU lest with Ladd and Lambe's aethod. The simplest way of checking this method is to see how well the curves of vs agree with the curve of for the different types of disturbance vs O.C.R. Figure 3.333-1 summarizes the results of the cyclic tests and the UU tests. The isotropically eonsolidated samples sheared in cyclic compression extension are the only tests that fall narrow band. outside of a fairly Close examination of testing procedure and even an additional 31. test (CIU-CyC-E P20) did not yield any hints as to reasons behind this behavior. As for the rest of the tests they do agree reasonably well with the experimental curve established by CIU and CIOU tests. It is used to plot the anisotropically 2 consolidated samples should be somewhat higher than 1.77 kg/cm since S *% reasonable to believe that the .- all these samples yield data ploting above the CIOU curve. The general shape of the curves for the different types of tests is the same, however, this leads one to believe that a sample consolidated anisotropically and sheared cyclic in a UU type test would yield enough data to establish Futhermore if the sample was first unloaded the shape of the curve. undrained and then sheared,i same sample. and -04 ould be determined with the In this way the methods testing can be reduced greatly. First only one good sample is needed. cut down considerably. Secondly the tine for testing is Only pore pressure equalizations for 4.and "g take time4 since the sample can be sheared at a strain rate of - - 1% per min., Extension of the Ladd-Lambe method into the overconsolidated range would be desireable. Use of the same curve to correct for dis-. turbance in overconsolidated camples can be explained easiest the following ways 1. Determine the overconsolidation ratio by oedometer tests (as an example use O.C.R. = 2). 2. Measuree and .on triaxial size sample in cell similar to that one in figure 2.2-1 (say -55 kg/cm2 and 1.20 kg/cm2 respectively) 3. Estimate from the equation in section 2.2 (for our example :320 use 2.20 kg/cm2 ). 4. Then use portion of curve established as explaned in foregoing paragraph and the lower scale in figure 3.342-4 2.20/.55 = 4, 0.8/0.6 * 4D'e ( s = 1.20 (pt. B), 4a9 1.20 = 1.60 kg/cm 2 (pt. A. = The original abscissa can be -used directly however by using O.C.R. times (i.e. use of 2 4 . 4 = 8 on the upper abscissa is synonymus with 4 on lower abscissa). 3.35 Effect of Disturbance on Stress-Strain Characteristds. Disturbed samples always show a much lower stress-strain modulus than good undisturbed sample during compression to reach the same level of stress. This behavior has long been used to judge the quality of "undisturbed" samples. It was therefore natural to examine the test data in this testing program the same way with the possibility in mind of correlating disturbed and undisturbed modulus in a manner similar to the strength correction. A close look at figures 3.35-1 and 2 reveal that noe such possibility is apparent. All the overconsolidated samples (CK -CIOU and CIOU's) exhibit a much higher stress-strain moculus than the samples disturbed by shear or remolding for the same preshearU . Again it is shown that the results are independent of type of test used to induce disturbance. Even the isotropically consolidated tests sheared in cyclic compression and extension follow the general trend. It is believed that before any futher conclusions are made that a similar series of test be run where extreme care is taken to achieve the same 3. W0, We. prior to shear. During investigation -of the results of this triaxial program difficulty was experienced in evaluation of time effects on ,stress-strain behavior and slight variations in the initial stress condition. 3.36 ApplIcation of Theory on Data from M.I.T. Campus. For two of the more recent buildings at M.I.T., the Student Center and the Center for Advanced Engineering Studies, a number of "undisturbed" samples were taken. undrained (UU) From each sample an unconsolidated- triaxial test was performed. stress was determined (at a B factor of one). Before shear the effedtive Since extensive testing of the remolded Boston Blue Clay has' shown that it closely resembles the natural BBC it was natural to try to see how the Ladd-Lambe method would estimate Sa.QpS,. Figure 3.36-1 shows the in situ stress condition below two buildings plus calculated@'g" and measuredqivalues. Tables 4.1-9 and 4.1-10 give the summarized data from these test series. On figure 3.36-2 the result of the corrected values are compared with estimated in situ Zt. and 6 q, for perfect sampling at these two sites. The strength estimates are from Ladd and Luscher (1965) based on several types of triaxial testing om BBC from M.I.T. campus. The uncorrected values are all lower than the estimated.ab for perfect sampling. By using the curve on figure 3.333-1 to correct these dAta, the results are much closer to the estimatedJs, for perfect sampling but still on the conservative side. The two points falling very high are actually falling outside of the well defined range in figure 3.333-1. The Ie values, measured on these samples were so low compared with the estimated qy.sthat there should be no difliculty in predicting that these samples 34. were badly disturbed before testing0 The discrepancy at higher overconsolidation range may be attributed to possible error in the estimated Luscher (1965) point out that the estimated.. .Jm curves. Ladd and is taken from samples consolidated to high pressures and rebound whereas the soil in situ is believed to have been precompressed by partial drying and therefore may have lower strengths, 3.3? Final Conclusions. The general conclusion of this testing program seems to indicate that the Ladd and Lambe's method works very well for correcting disturbance on "undisturbed" samples of Boston Blue Clay. The large number of tests proposed by Ladd and Lambe to establish the correctioncurve can be drastically cut by using a sample consolidated to -4 unloaded undrained, 'we and s, IW sheared, unloaded again and shear in cycles while is measured for each cycle, (see section 3.342 under "Correction of Data from UU Tests with Ladd and Lambe's Method" for closer discussion of this test). The investigation of stress-strain behavior points out, however, that at the precent it is difficult to correct for disturbance in Youngs Modulus. 3.38 Proposed Future Research. First of all there should be done some UU cyclic tests (as proposed in section 3.342) both for normally and overconsolidated samples with the same soil and the same hypothetical field condition. 350 This would serve to extend the proposed method into the overconsolidated region. Next step would be to take an "undisturbed" sample of Boston Blue Clay consolidated it same way as the tests above. to 'qir. m;4We and shear it the The correction curve established would be used to correct the UU tests withf* measurements of M.I.T. Campus. At the same time it could be checked against the curve established on the rerolded samples. A closer investigation of stress-strain modulus and the effect of disturbance is warranted. As mentioned earlier there does not exist any method for correcting for disturbance. 36. - 3,39 List of References. w4The Measurements of Soil Bishop, A.W. and Henkel, D.J. (1962) Properties in the Triaxial Test. Ed. Arnold, London ?2nd Edition". (1965) "Earth Pressures at Rest Related Brooker, E.W. and Ireland, H.. to Stress History", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-15. Calhoon, M.L. (1956) of a Clay" "Effect of a sample Disturbance on the Strength Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 121 pp. 925 - 939, Casagrande, A. and Rutledge, P.C. (1947) -"Cooperative Triaxial Shear Research", Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss, Coates, D.F. and McRostic, G.C. (1963) Leda Clay", Horn, HM, (1964) on Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils, NRC-ASTM Sy. AS'TK STP No. 361, pp. 459 "Some Deficiency in Testing - 470, "Recommended Procedures for Undisturbed Sampling Fermit Memorandum No. 1v of Clay on The X.I.T. Campus". Department of Civil Engineering M.I.T. Jaky, J. (1948) February 1964 (unpublished) "Pressures in Silor", Proceedings, 2nd Inst. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. II, 1. 16. Ladd, C.C. and Lambe, T.W. (1963) "The Strength of Undisturbed Clay Determined From Undrained Tests" Proceedings. on Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils ASTm/NRC Symp. ASTM July 1963. 37, Ladd, C.C. (1964) "Stress - Strain Modulus of Clay from Undrained Triaxial Tests", ASCE Settlement Conference. Ladd, C.C. (1964) June 1964, "Stress - Strain Behavior of Anisotropically Consolidated Clays During Undrained Shear". Conference, Sixth International International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 1965. Ladd, C.C. and Varallyay, J. (1965), "The Influence of Stress System on the Behavior of Saturated Clays During Undrained Shear". July 1965 Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.I.T. Research Report R 65-17, Soil Publication No. 117. Ladd, C.C. and Luscher, Ulrich (1965 "Preliminary Report on the Engineering Properties of the Soils Underlying the M.I.T. Campus" Fermit Report December 1965. Research Report R65 - 58. Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.I.T. Soil Publication No. 185. Lambe, T.W. and Whitman, R.V. (1964) Mechanics" "An Introduction to Soil School of Engineering, M.I.T. September 1964. Lambe, T.W. (1951) "Soil Testing for Engineers" John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Preston, W.B. (1965) "The Effect of Sample Disturbance on the Undrained Strength Behavior of Boston Blue Clay". Department of Civil Engineering, M.I.T. Rowe, P.W. (1957) Equilibrium". " cez 5.14. Thesis, (unpublished). Hypothesis for Normally Loaded Clays at Proceedings, 4th Int. Cinf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 38. Schmertmann, J. (1956) Discussion of Paper, Disturbance on the Strength of a Clay", Vol. 121 *Effect of Sample Transactions, ASCE, pp. 939 - 950. Bolton Seed, H., Noorany, O.and Smith, I.M. (1964) "Effects of Sampling and Disturbance on the Strength of Soft Clays". Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, February 1964. Wissa, A.E.Z. (1961) "A Study of the Effects of Enviromental Changes on the Stress - Strain Properties of Kaolinite". Dept. of Civil Engineering M.I.T. X.S. Thesis. 38b 3.401 List of Figures. Fig. No.: Title: Page: 21,-i KO vs O.C.R. 2.2-1 Hypothetical Stresses for a Normally Consolidated 39 Clay Element During Tube Sampling.. 40 2.31-1 Casagrande and Ruthledge Nethod. 41 2.32-1 Calhoon Method. 41 2.32-2 41 2.33-1 Schniertmann Method. 42 2.341-1 Ladd-Lambe 42 2.351-1 Seed, Noorany, 2.352-1 " and Smith Method No. 1. 43 " No. 2, 43 " No.3. " " " 2.353-1 " 43 3.2-1 Grain Size Distribution. 44 3.22-1 Cell 14odified For Measuring. 45 3.331-2 for Isotropically Consolidated vs log 3.331-1 S~amples. 46 Summary of CIU and CIOU Stress - Strain Data. 47 vs Overconsolidation Ratio. 3.331-3 3.332-1 4 vs log q"re for Anisotropically Consolidated 49 Samples. 3.332-2 48 and CKO-CIOU Stress - Strain Data, Summary of CK -IJU 51 vs 3.333-1 3.342-1 Hvorslev's Parameters for BBC. 3,342-2 Afvs( - . 50 , ). 52 53 38c Fig.No.: .342-3 3 .342-4 Page; Title: 5. vs C %j \ ) 54 Proposed use of Standard Curve in the Overconsolidated Range. 55 3.35-1 Youngs Modulus at F.S. = 2 vs O.C.R* 56 3.35-2 Youngs Modulus at F.S. = 2 vs Effective Stress Prior to Shear 57 3.36-1 In situ Stresses and Sampling Stresses for BBC. 58 3.37-1 Correction of UU Tests on "Undisturbed" Samples from M.I.T. Campus. 59 ~5. o 0 .L .8aslon y lz4-- C 7 ay --- x---- PZ2 -R'~5 M.I.T 15 2-V~ HneZ ardI 6Sovja, /96, 2Q.6 I]-- R U London~ Clay rnolclecz L/ 65 5iremplorz, W2c 5i-S&'2ea R.0o U lb /Is a. '77 1.o 6Ovc vm= verhizal 'rta ><z," c on2s oZcaZn rz'r P-CLSI ,'orw' nw&_Sr e- m w-lrn 0. / A 8S /S 7z-*w7 A./ iu./ -/ - //yp 0 M4e Z'C*-alZ Cor25zd.oZca/eol JZT-5SeS £fzcy iZ,-mren-Z ,71 /t40r720zZ-1y a 7'07- cuZ.'zy TL4&&e As7o7' acluaZ -z amZ2Zv 6LIdu Ile- 16 ~3 Y AB N 627 -~x -,;iL izd'e £ xrZ435ion /rom Z7C-Cavdaiori and~c wa1~r' rit * 7 1?9vn~ and a.0 1/0lZ*Or~ZoZa-/ LY11&C-Z4V&e moual7rdrng :,--Z oi.iaz 1UZ 5lress Zesi a:h 4-di 0 am me ead 7. 196-5. ~..5/- / ~a..5a9 r7w2~Z~ J,2 .~iAs - 5 k J2Zlcd Z I d &Ze7 f Lor-I -e rz Z. 1/,5 IV '.5 U vs5 IV -5 z'r'e..s-s y 0 IwU'e .-. 3R - / ri~zz Co 4alror'o -Pe-'72 OZdd ZY .. 5 1ass- CIrtreP CLZ rZted clhU ei~waiit6 - 7 3 - / R. jLre_ 6 ch me r --------- w -------- yLLr'e ma27-2 ec I I_ a/c czar'ue.0 S omawhai' -3a mp Ze cZL 5&-ZLalreZ OaZdur~zeci -samp~s >3 -5a4'7p/e-s. oil,, ZV 7 l .4 a dcZ 2P,. - es s -S,- 3.411- .4 a..rnhe g'.3 161t / Zey 0.C.T P. e-m -ysZryt'1 0- D . /J'horavrzy -In Y1 arzZ -/ A.$351-/ AleiAed A~2 CIZ U,- C/" eSi 5 WZA2/ ~ -514 LI LI LZ L Ze.5Zs 0--=, - -a=,) 0 0 - I:- Z-4 LTP e AleZ/20cz ,0. 3.5-/ he 3 -5 ZMCr' - 7 Z2. r2-Z cor7z ze-,2 Z t3 N N raj c /Z N4 &.15 ttaryzy ci i-S W-Z 7/'2 at72ow-dZ 57a 0/ '5 - a12d /slr'aue 7om ZY i'eZ -S £eeo &-Z a! 16 3< GRAIN 707r SIZE DISTRIBUTION -- aL/i MIT 06don conbrnz SAND CLASSIFICATION - 100 3 Pemo1L2ed COARSE - - - -_ -- MEDIUM ABZUe 23 C.Lay - SILT FINE I CLAY COARSEj MEDIUM V- - FINE - - COARSE - - - - - - MEDIUMI FINE - - - - - 90 80 70 x-- 60 w50 z z 30 a20 10 0 10 1.0 0.1 IDIAMETER 0.01 IN MM 0.001 0.0001 r yzr-e J. Q -/ mv-wmp- .4 o ac ny 'pL-ioz 75~e- 4/7eccalzt' -5z,-e-5 &,/z~5w~6oz25 .eacl an~d 5 Z &,7O / ~'~Zt l'~ca.L 7 Z' pdr'eh- A C 2I4s~HY -S aiur',aecjL I 0o;2e-.~~ssre rn-ean- w'Ly yA wznzd L9/ ,pr'e~ ~ur'~ Zr'crn5 a~cer~ CA 14-a' Of a~ra4rc (SamP/2y. 4: 0o0 V0 0.0or 0,1 o~- Al5 V C-lu / c . - Cy -.4L- -e )09 P /0 .715. 60 \~0 /9 /0A 142 16P1 4, -Os. 0 0 2 30, 9 c a Ln 17X ia Z '2/ 12 /V 3.z~' 5 ,&V/ I/ a - a l- / a " ;.Ck C) "'.^in 0 '7~ .cr 00 4 00 SCA'o - SZp1 o C/6 --cio ,a C90 - C/O" /p9. C.0" P13. -7 cytc PA/ V CA'o 2-' 016 C-10; A,, I 0.l p P/ - - Cyc /S. 0.5 0.5 /0 /0 16 A.o A~i ~5o 16 Po 00.6 30 .~o so 6o P7 .. 0 '4 P/3 A/ T7C23332-2 /0e 6 0 49 /0 - 3 2 - P7 .2 2 4' 6 / 12 p7 p/s -Os -4 0 6 2 L I 8 - I /2 / p7 4 P13 p12 -> 0o 2 2 1/ 475r/s I -'/r & /0 /2 /a /2 7-y re-. SU-e Sz m~ 40 l - 0 In a] 0 CI~I 071 ' - 0 I & l P CJ 3 .331 3 7F: aCm7 lA~~ a-~5 OlJPr"CO.25ZZY/4&aiw2. zit'e. -/ 5.~3 ~sIs ~ e 5 v V5 Zh n iii V. A Inj 0 o v N 0 * N eX N Cyc~zc.. N 0.6.- 0 t: ZL/Z L * Comp7res5Z0*72 Z-O-J N. N. N. * 4 L-Ve- 17-0 772 11ga7'e- 5. :33/ - N. /. !If) 0.,/. v O.A. ;gc. / A /6 & y9 0. ci -R 6.11 e~5zn 5. 3-VR - / J,4hrr5ze4vi5 zrdzz f Zd 0-3k!S/C,7 9 -:56.0 a'mee' Ao r 5Z- .5/ @4' c e-Pe ~U0 *.A4 ce. / Je, 0.3 11 Ul q) Zi5ozl lb -tY P/0 OA T,;ZI 7-u 0 a/ 0.4' U-57FF 0.5 0. 6 - P16 ,3R.1 ) I. r -- 7, S/lea -Shea,-ane;ie 5 o W~&C-LTd P9 9-C-.Z P/0 o * /01 4 PRO 06/ 090 c2E3 0 . / 5p:- - 'gC7 - C . SL Y-C P/o CY A 0 3.3 3-/g - /0 Pr'opo5ec/ -/ l-Lse o/ .5iarnccr'd efulra~. - T/i727-e Ovepcon-soZic/cdec/ -? A'-,e 25 (nOrMalZy 1.0 0 '.. COXnga 6io I ZIOY ( 0 Ve71C02 !: 5 Zic &0 7?ar~. 56. rI -/ 7i355 AlOCi.4duS /OzLnyS O e-O- ZO~caiz,n CKo - = E7-u - -SaAp&iy oP 7adcZc? atZ * * Cho 092 7?aiw. aic, a-iou. cyczze~com--.~o N 0 WoC.O T2S. Js1Obpzc,-. 10'~A. cCAC- comr0e12o eyct~ ~r~z; er2. toY2 e.'zTa-n Z2ZI zsolr'aicaZi C07nsozdae-l 111/1/0 cz2 0oZda zaez +AQ .5 A 00 ZmiM, 4C. e40 da' *a 0A /0 S 6 /0 I 6 0 -32 16 v)o~cl 07' 3: 3.,5-eounys £000 A rMaCZ.A&, /600 /6oo 00ve ally on ho 1wa/edZ 1*100 cons os zdzz 60 w~m k 9' ,Aear rem > /a'v K ar=Z * y /000. 0 * .9oo oVA - V 02 0 00 .5 3 j*1 ly 5 5 6 ~=S It hQna 0.5 1.5 A0 1.0 0.3 0 J/ 0 .9~0 13.6 '3,0 .30 r] yL~r'c J~i s~it.4£ir'..sse-~ a2dC J-66 - / -5.3 amPh/z25 -- - -go / z / -3 .o / N 'I. / K / (~4 / / / N - - 5c) i / II9 6o IIcZ A 0 -805 IC .-4SA, . Ud z-znn6-az'7-ze-cz 0 - LSl'een_/2 6/e~ar 0, 6 0.6 0.4 6.36 - 7! ure. Correc orz /0 /0 o/ A. LZLL una/iuwbed - Aampkes | cZz 4uZ I" .. C. CAWS & o 7gr A 0 A./T7 "' % A A on zes i Acm Carnpzz5. I V6 / .su~ [Si. /r £z. upresan C P$6 12 lo . -C /or' per./ec 3. L . crmpreesaoo. 2 -50 0-~---. 0 / !5i -5Z4 .a .sz. -A /oQy 0/ pe-t/ec sarhny . 3. C. / N X * L~.. Z.1 / '3 Nj C'9.&S .smpAng . 72 -5iZ4 -5& ./-c0- 2..Ve-n .s cr2 A 0 // 0 -S yasrZ5e s izZnazes / > (I S I -70 >-. 0 .4 K - The -60. add . z 2 4 Ac 7' / 5 Om /965 1 9$6 -S 60. 4. Appendix Page: 4.1 Summary Tables of Test Results. 61 4.2 i-q Plots . 73 4.3 Stress - Strain Plots for Inidvidual Tests. 82 Summaries of Individual Tests. 99 .4.4 40 List of Symbols 157 4.6 Types of Triaxial Tests 159 610 4.1 SUMARY TABLES OF TEST RESULTS. Tabe ,.4/ -I/ CorzLsob2&azoz *- LDaia Ar7 -''?so ?'4/ 4.o Z!, 06,W /Ar JsohropzczaZ y 9 1117 IA)1n p~z.7 146-* -. 80-04-J-o v C-1 42 .A. - IvoY rA 66 VA 9,4 3. c/o". v P5 9o /53/3 959 /7.12 48 5VY 1..~91,6a *t*4.L-329 - -Af 660 ' 9?4 '5 5 -i5'q-.8A -A L7- Teb,. ConSL,5ZcZ7 - 6.1 -4 I *. 4 1gr 19/0-/1W5 -. 1117 -6ago 39 9KJ2~ '45 3A -. 5 . , ?4 - 15 50 N 0 ii p 99 8.7~ 4 P/0 il 4:'~ -".0 6I v .1/ 6 es/!.. V a./a. 8.96~~~~~ C- / v'6 -/4 , 97 - -S .... Z' -- %/'- ~-A .~ ,'46 - 770 1.5 A410 44 . o__ __ ___ wse~ 3655~J %..L. C. / InA ~ 7:o 914' ss'*~ + - -440r -6v-a6r43 7'tm'.- m AV oahyfin £/7 /56s6 17 - prnor /4066 5531 /6/9 A 6A03 ~-SP/ -. 4 -16 Ic .s. *.B.6/e2/ *3 All?3. ?5 _ rabz8 ~S717262Ca Te-5Ls. <-i £-0l2650ZZcaZ of laia J130o~zca~j /%,072 ,qzzs 5--. e- Z,in OC 3R.0/ 3 C. 4'~3Z~ 6.o 4' 7D 9 926 p go 5 3.a 9A~ , R. 31 / 1,5:o/ 13oo 35 6. o/ I 6o6 Jo 3o9l o04/ /0 o ~6 s0o le hg l a-' &/0 3.60 0 Yv 552 39a! .63 // ?/o e l4's 6.o 8 o, 06 /-3.8 -5.c5 /00 -15' i 5 5.~ ;10.2 ~ -. ,'$9 -39 3J -33 ~ .0 IF .3.1 Aci/ o-R 40 ~ ~ 9/ 0936a -17' / P2.9 196,5 36622o.6 Is77 tc ~ * .0 6 R#6 ~ 6 - /6 100 I'm -!! Ta7"'-Ve 4/ - . cor'-- n azzor .Data 5 7/ 7/U/0We' 19. ', s o r-so~ oZoZalecZ £/T2L0ropzccdy Ze/ / >i_0 /6 .,/1 /V/i / / 11 /69,60 4 /A9 1/9 / -i / V //9? '' .* .r -f 1 X C1->_ 1. P Annis ]9aia /,o r /A // y2 ______ 9~s/8 39. V .1 /6 Z - -oi -99 -/.33-9 _I_/73' 3 // .0£9.~o A e J98 0 J )YO' - '/R.g C "o 9 s4 .3., V '/ -. / 789 'Z/ - 84/ //3 - /08 5 -/eo -/35 .. -/.' 633 99 R~zt /0'7 1/1o "/8' 6/05 /55, 6955 /690 F2.6 C. Al'o -. .91 .3.59 e. 4/ - * .95 6o /StO 25 9. ~ ~ - 98 .o- '6 -. 5 -. /0/ 80 // g ~./5a -. 65 -- 1/ -/96 / -9. 53 -. - / -Om XD55 _ .9O8 36A /8oA 7o 5976 r -"/'.' 338 /.oo 6.97 . zlr -2.9 -'/'6 3.3 999 32.1 /002g 7 z' e. 2 ."O/ 0 /666 /7"ZX / A" 2,e/" / 10 /-38r% r . /55/ -. 'o -/46 -/.R3 -0.3/ 56 /81 6 9/ 9 /5/6 1/91566 /00Y z9 -/68 - -/04 -' 56 -. /49 30/5 -/357 - /5R3 "/ -- /516 86 -/46 .96 90 /-.0 /508 /?70 /17% /89 /39/ /320 -. 9 -/Vo -. 3 -1/ -/13 -/15 -/os -/5- //1 - /00 -~ / -. 99 - /23 - /03 -. 9/ 5'/ ~ e. z2J. 9 -/-05 j-/. / -. 8'2 255 .3.A A -r.5 6528 /090 Vy"1o*/ /' / -. -. 92 A ?'o5 Ze/'r'amrr 0' /358 66'6 59 g 6oo / 991/26. g A-3 25 2 "7 WV- 7-a&LZe- iSr-e5 ,f 47mcwJ r - ~z s~ler a;;~~~~~~~~~~~~7 - )Z C h. S ~ ~4i _ FA aX OX~~ "- a, . -, _~Aa fJ ~- r - - cz I2 G\ . -7 Li 1 /W2 "n en irs,/ zrE.,as f9ZZ-s I7res lz z~/ la/& 60r2.5 nirz'opica-4 /o 3Y4.o *- 400 53.00 1 Oyg 5.0 .9 /07 R.0~91 0c, V, 9~2so ~ 6 go 8 - . 9 .0 4' RAO6 L-- ~ b/~c5)04' /00 R.0 //iI/! .o o Js-/s2. ~ /, ~ < 0 Tab& 4/-S 3 z4zn l72QlC c/| -5.eareCZ Z12 o Zi-'opzczd4' ? 5omp2pr:&.SZO72 yC. Zc a2zc _________________________________ \~i ZI .4/g 0,'/ R o -1 2./., .6.o 4 -3 3.o. o-'1 A ov S. 946- .3 /00a M= me.. l 9 p ~ -- - - --5 ) r -- Cx 'ns07-x. 9 (07 o) Idj U 11rzc/~av- 2 ecZ 6Z72is !zC za -o J-96 /oo .3..3o .o t I &-_ 5,,- .4 3/ .? I - -- )&a /n x4 a 7 09 k.o4 -S CSed-S 71'Z A /C 2O f~m6 9'Y' 1o - 70 _ /A' 3// _. .~9 2 s-q 8-.8 /0-3 3'6 6 /6.7 /9- /00 e- /7 - /27 /4.o I6/ . S.s S.o' -3.o /9/ d/6 -/3A ./ -. / / /26 /'V 827 /.' /&4 &d3.. /. .0 9!6 -76 /"' 6 00/ 3.Of 2.a0 5.79 A8i 3./S V/*' 3. 0./;t .099 5.o -'-3 . 9S -, 30 / .... 4.A6 .. /95 'V7 / 4 9 9-o ' 98' /'9 -- /8'/ '-.48 /9 -. Roe 5ptff a'.o /&/ Ala 2.84 97 4. .o4 935 1-vo L.78: 3.1,'7 /3 / 9 5.94 . /- P70 0/ -. 'oo . / /94 / .*09 /94 .85 /.RC /-o a 49q 785 /4/9 .6 -. /6 / 69 i Aa 9s . i 4' /140 /00 .9. /9 && /30 .59o 9' 0 '3 -2Q 17 /04/ 97 /975 A9 .- - -_9 L Tra~re fy aZz C- 4"'/- Is4 n2 6. COamp Mrnm-Y 0/' A" ~5 1212 /2~'L2c O2~Zc~ec r'e..~ sz~Orz. / ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? /,703 e4?.7~o V~63 ~ 95to3& 898 R.981 0.09 I -b.szSe5 g.0o RX0 Z2 Vr2 1,1 ON 4 Qq /-as 45. -y's ! /--117 4 -- 6 -- -6y /.tr R* .5.-uI. o - 4,,- 6. ~sc4 30-1 ,qg st'e9e.Z 2/Z T'abe 6ummazy -Y1/-7 Zez Ao - consolidcded o7-' arcal e-so S: - Compr C3yc z LAoZ-&4Zed £/ rsza F i NI U W-s /. a, i p S-3 Z" I i TeSZ5 AL 9 p 9 n3) max/e4 t ., Cn i ' i r i . (- O,- a- 4' £ I.L @ % '-0 N -9 .,Ix .. xt / V.3 .s5 9 v44s /'v /06 -l J..a . 31/0.5 561 R. / / ?3 /4 /66 ." 6.24 /.4- 9.'3 /,3. '/ /.3 / ' /4' .3 /46 __lOS S.4O 'AO- 143 /a =e 6. -' 0, -9/ . /1t /145 ,.o M'sw // I . - A1 o A - -3.qq 9V6 -/4 /44O +10/ +'o so .*337 5'/o6 oYI /I .3o 9Roo k'J3 .016 ZZ 0/ _ R.9/ - .04/ 6.96 /5 4.1 /,/,s a 5e.4t6 .0/ .4 31 6'-/ 3Z/ T'9 70/ 7'ea- t / /s, 4.2- .2. 3.59 re- - / o9 166~ 369 .93Z ,7 //11 -&36 1 9$ ./9 /Jo / .omzlJ~s'/6 ecz 3,6 70o0 oA .633 I./..3 oo .0/ Q000 geo q7'o 0.a4 + / ' N 68 /w /1.3 .160 ______ /0.5061e -Oc-/ . zzi' 9 7 90 Go iabde, -35 4</ IYo - -S,-,7nry, . or' 6ons 0Z024ZacZ la-a!f CYCZCe. m7 ea~ zw-"&s C gzz -si'e-sse-s ZRenoved P, .,'/5 /5* 3 .,3A/ 77? / zry 6. N R '~ 0 s~ / .qo ~- /A Relzte a272d haleci ,0Aa /.'/5~oce~Z% zo W~ COron,zfxdazorz ceZ. y 4a,Zd A'ml~d .1/zd 77 ce/I 3e 6,. .09 1A'om- -/a,"m~ e-sx 6 q.3 /t.29 "'A k~ p~ 4'-! /7 C70 //9o 14 Ta I,ze- -V / - 9. TcL&Z& ~ ~ ~ ~~ -om ~ -31U.4ckJ-2/z ~ ~ ce,1-iZ5 ~ ~ Al. / 'r ~ "?- . a Sz-m~ /~1Z ZFI e L 1'ed 5 eza' -7* L~ampzt~5. fZZ / Tss -9 e-%e-.S /2 - -G -- i Cy 4 R.R.'0-/Q66 1 /61 0. 6+ -3/$ l.6+ 0.69 .35,9 ~.40 5'o '7'/ ZZ/ /91 e.,1 /S-/ k6 1/50 .8S 5. 0.69 29 0.68( -Y6, 36.1 /6 0.4A Ooto 39S 96 0,06 J. oh J.o -6 L,03 ,~9,T 0-35 .?6 II 9, 9.1o' 09.61 5.;e 3JA .5 s~.7 7 /9 . 13) 36 /+ +'.7 ~ K 69 .6 ~ 2 .92 /.3+' .0 ~3~8 .899 - /0 86o Pa-)o Z, 43. si4s IraZue s 0.OA, /6 Z ( '~o ) d8 oX. 6- /8 /00 g6 . TabZye- 4(/ -A9 ceriler' 10r'- -S~umm)7 gdvzar.ced 1&1 7' o/' 5 IS &y-dr1y s "/,-S arr1'c 072r ze-s , d2 o A- /rn -5 23,f eampzzs. Al.!/ 77 U. 9r- /6 -5' /5 /. U?-2 60.. z I ZZ11 - -6R 33 396 /4. .49 A 5 /-19 .47 /;r. *' /3 OZ 7 98o 21 /0 - 13 X/ or 7~o -1ot t6 /0.0 4~ .,49r 59.6 ge~ o 8: .9 /0 6-4 16 /5 -y 81/c5 A 9 &9. 2/66 to 1/ 6 6/1 94'9 -.6oo /33-1' A65 U/c' - 16A 6 Z1/c' - 19 /0/ a o -0 -7( /64' .08 - /1 .3I /-0 A0.61 h0. c A/' /0 A.1 /0 .8 7TalZ7Ze/ Surn '/i-// rnar'y £-eZA o,,, 00erc.r.-S0oZ ZcieCl LZZ 29 ala nt501 7'opicaZ/y 7-& Ts z s. _ l c- /Cm 6 7 /%om 0 . . £ z... is. Iz~rZ~'~c .- N -b - - - - - 2i .84'i 9A3~ 4<, 36 _____1.89.86 ffO 7- 777 a ZfZ A'~o 7ra15 CO7.-5 o zyae-d sz 4c Aqlcrl l9/.5751 -5i' . 1 cr- _5hear 73. 4.2 pi-q PLOTTS. Z,-Q/£ A i' S e--, -PaZ4 c1 4- c 10 T"ds A-, orz .es~ I -yQ 0 00 1.00 1.9 o0 6t Oj 64 LI ~o 6.0 ;DdA~S~~5s CHO -LLZL-P7 X< c Ko c,:z/-p 0 /.3 PIAL5 .38 / c /!/- 0-I 7o-7 c9,rnl-50 bop2D'r -oz-. Tles s On -8 23 C. 76. 7~u'e <AZ-3 P9 cIU C4- c c 6.o I/%,?O 1L~ . 01 1.5ft I- f u . %-Wrfl, . --?1Z A' d5 /'llZ. -_a x 0 ~~~~R 6.00 1653 13.36 only /Ae con,or~ 5 ia2 a/ -ped/A 7 v/Ziee 00 0'- /0 C /0 R. o C 20 /0 6--/ iTlem 6.o 77.- P/dYfo'czCy2 i 9 .01 On,4/ ihe c~esozdpae/A p~o r4rx. 6 13 0 J.0 0 (306,0 7'-. /~yw'e P-7 ~ - pioi 6? C o Z-Cye of P/'/ W1cm C. I, 33*/.. x -9 /Z/Y az R3 C- c 3.01 J - 6.oo - .oo .. So i/ 9 IC~A k/ x 0 /55 /. Os 0 nly comp7essiona, pa/zh piozi. ri 0 0 /.0 ,5o a -/I(A + WS), 9/cm rnA ela = Joo -I 4, 1 *~'2 7~w'e p - pZl.i o / 'o ZZ - 2 - P /6. Sm WIe OcleA atz. R3 -9/1 - s.. = r - n 5 ?9 v.oc - LIJA77 /a 13.3 Only c smp s sor2.a.Z p a Z12 plolle-. NK .01 0 /0 0 0 ,5.0o /0 p - '4 ( -~ + ~ ky 0 ,~ A/r /i M s8 . fz9 ~ ur'e~ *~'<~, - '7 Ipoil of C/<o/- Cy.C -. P /6. cm'/cm 5- 34 jo/. /eLe. /V l, -/ A g.5Y/L vNaz. 5e. "5 Cm .600 4 77A m U. g. .,i.i / o5 .VO Only comp e-swnrao pa.JA po/ieel. /0 0- --- L- 0 .Zo A.o 6.0 VA ( + ), 3. 0 7izur.e g. S- Zo i c. t&. 6. 06 - 50 .''. /6 A Aa e. /Yn Cycl-. 6.06 0 5 /5'r ,a 1 /0 0 00 /0 /0o So 5.0 13.0 6.0 y7,l .4 6.0 6. o 82. 4,3 2'TRM, 3 TERAIN PLOT,', FOP, INIiDVIDU TESTS Y/o Ue o l P -5Z/o ~ /C A/4l/ ol .71 6.0oY/ /CZ 1Y. 6-ql 16 d<o /0 / 0 49 A 4 0 44, A /0/ '6 _5ia .. 5ka2r2 '/ 8q. ,3.0o P,."2 zC'a 3/ ziior liijlr o0' /0 tjx 1/6 L I AI 85. A.0 o6. -f4'916c/ini, 0.AV ......... 0 0 0 &/0 4'6 =*k'e o F 6.6o 55 ' Ao 6w5 oy I / /'/1* 5. 98 .3c 0 Ad 10' x'610' J. oo 9Con~ 11 Oo. .50 e-% 0'lc, Pc? ~i x 0 9 Al V If: 6 5 6 '5 ,d /1 /0 /4", /0; '1 0 13 Al 3 0 29 i~1 b" III 0.6 0i 0.5 0 8 91 gxzaz 5 17-allrz /0 11/0 89 . Jo - 0- A -I O4 C- - A 4^ 8 P /0 3.oo I/rnm 41 /A 3 4/ - .69 /0 /W/ /0 '4, UeM IhI "V,#4(0- £ A 4 6 zo0 6 0 1A 8 /A/ S414 L4 £ A A/.4, P.xiaZ 8 /0 6 /D ban " A/ T7a -s o CKo aloLL - P// 6Ov S. o '3'e ./. 91 0/1 0-9 AZ- Z i=a !lc1 g .L. .o- o1 g f' a6 0L /A 4 /0 '0' 0 *OA 14 0 cl&,a Sazia % 92.* .3.0 3.oo0/0 Scm .0 o0' /0 /9 J.o 0.6 0.i/ 0 4' 4 6L0/ cAPiia2Z 5Z-aV"Z 5/ 93. 4/0 - /6 44 3 -/ p t/o zz - ey l w- C. ;-3 R,3 - 5,.Y'9 ' 72'g 5 Y/z /Vacz. IV x A. .io S0 /0 //' / 55 / 0.3 4' 0 0 A 5 /5s 0 0.6 u 0 J 6 7' Sol 0 lb1 lb~ /0 0 / .54'56 7 i ~.ib 05 0 0 9 4, .5 6'xiazZ 3r ai * o 6 7 -.oo 4 cM - m wm - -- .,-0 . ,F76~~4'-51ra5t, - 8'r'aC7* Co 5o ho aea PZIOZ 'Vo S. ,--^or, .23,23 C (-Saa) C one.-4zL'-eye1 '30 1 Zo. 0 /0 -. 0 0 6 S10 A4'6 -1/ lb Iii C .80 /0 4,1 Ile All 1 0 N .Ao 0 6 60 A 4, 4" a 6 R.YA-az 6 Z-X 7 /0 /D z/ I.,,, 95. f7&6 M3 -/3 C/ o1d - ye- . 5% c - P /6 5 q o - /' 1;~~ x /0 S0 /05 "/0 4/ 1 0 0 A -/ 6 /0 /A /4, '50- 13 C A I /0 /4, 0 0.5 // O~t ii .0 0 I, 6 Ao '9x,221 5b'a~trz ~ 96. 4 -5 Ao /6 9/~z o aS 0m A 6. C, A/aLY ~ 0 0 0 4<o A/ ID 6 is S 8/0 I .. .. ..... . . . ............. I) 30 C 9.0 '1 0 0 -06 /0 8 0 CA 7 rrza/ 5zraln* % 1A -10 £.% -iZia S = (a5) A2m S~n!Ar' p /4 -6c.r - 3 00 Y 1 a cz /6 / e x0 1 - 0 lo 0 3 -Y u-,iza 7 16 5 .. s bnax2 6 /0 /,a j - - -- T- wp.r--, I------ - -- l 1cG '+3 -16 p /; - 6.oo AernmA .0o x 0 Z. .96 0 0 0 0 / '5 .l/ 16 5 . &Y 7 ID I I W 4, r 99. 4.4 SU,2ARIES OF INDIVIDUAL TESTS. CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TEST NO. S, % %/e W, DEPT. OF SOIL INITIAL 21 PROJECT PRESHEAR /V TESTED ALL BY STRESSES ELAPSED TIME DATE W~o IN AXIAL ) _ (6 STRAIN, % ( C 3) - . obb . 1.7 . Zoo S-25 .30__ .33 /-A 1. 4 4 . 2.19 . 48 3.01 1.97 a.S' ZL 5 2.ys _ _ot .3 llr7 (2) au FOR A 3 =o o$;7 /-9( 2 2.23 2.30 .233 q S3 f 2.7/ .93S' .'37 . 2Z.9/ 5. & 4F? . go Z-l /. v. Ag.5. /I /. Al .. -S .5, !; -3.Y W.cwx J.S /.o'AZ |- /Do _g& - T 0 0 _ 6 _ -a 1./3 /6 't.34 _. LU5 /4 -. ji 5 Z9 W 6S . I/ ov_ R . _ _ . 3.4Z .A .0 a/297 . V____ /_ 3.q- 1. &V FOR COMPRESSION 1.6z .Z 147S 3.__ 2 V7 z _ g? 2 FOR EXTENSION TESTS /Z___ '7.-; 1.44"j REMARKS: _ 3.3 a / 3. 13 f J-.-7 .__ /_ .. s. TESTS /- S /.___ A____ /.Ass/,' /. & s A/~ v. 1- _ _ J .7. 74- 1. K 5' VS-.472 S. Vb 9'/.6637 A _ ILW Ii Z45 -- A6 A =N _ _. e . V. A _ __ _ _ _/ /13 / .S AV9tr 937 -S 7s-s r&.597 /o k /&.6_ sii J6 y / _ 07-I - /f 5 & .o9 _ T.2 *'/ S.7 .5 - 4 Ji 4 -50 -:53o _. /v-5 / .W.57 .714 2.Z .1.9 4. 3.3% 33( PATH ___________ a __6 Z 2 2/ o - 9O (0,4000 6.0 o 1.Y '/ 0. 9 3,07 .7 &3 s_J2 .X. z 1.6 3 33 lo-91 FOR o 2o'j STRESS 4 RATE q -68 2 f.7 7 u STRAIN ____ &2i% "'~.a0r3 J it- , A - 1. t ., .S0 P.PR SHEAR (3 1 0Z 3.3(o 9.___ 3.3_ I_ _ . , 3 37 /o.2/ .31 /0.2/ 1 .3 CORRECTED S..2. /. /. 6.92 7rb / TECHNOLOGY DURING , ac= 1c 2. -s~ts Z. Y? -f. 7z 2.47 -.. V7 X.2 S- f 3 .407 2 VS 3-.3i t. S77 6-17 4.63 s .1 6 -?f -.75 6 oe 0 - 79 2-7s 33/ 2.0-S 3./ s A.6 / _JW 4 Z //J 33 1.s3.20 I. zo 1-34 3.27 1-453 .3 27 1.7a . 27 Z.oV Z.-39 - 4 -Az 4 3. A /z .4 r / /2/ -. OF CONTROLLED 3C e INSTITUTE SHEET / 7te 43 s- .91 /-71f .6.5 019,91. /4+ 1 .4 / 204/ /./. -o /.. 41q' 67 / f 0. b SUMMARY PRESHEAR o O.2 .2- /.7S-4 Z .SO a -.1.9 /oo ,.// 7i A,cm2 (2) 6. S- £32 ? -64. - 7 90 4fo Au /-3 -.. :,. t cm DATA MASSACHUSETTS l4t'/.!,*Ieo HISTORY 3 / ./o .76 133 L, _ 6c 4.o . cc 040- C $0 TEST - CIVIL ENGINEERING, TYPE CELL STRESS PRESHEAR o hi 77 Gs= V, TRIAXIAL 3047 .3.fe _.__/ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST NO . PROJECT TESTED e W, % e34 / W40/4 SOIL ALL LABORATORY, / BY - AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % /5 PRESHEAR ( _ (5:3) 31 61 - 37 DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, S, % V, cc 9N9IA L, cm A,cm STRESS MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY INSTITUTE c /0//o ' - 7S CONTROLLED 0R % U.=0*_ / ff -Z2 A r a RATE - PATH 4 SHEAR V STRAIN " 4XOOQ STRESS a, / S-Or (3) 121 au A tz./ DURING P.PR. P ac Au TECHNOLOGY = / (2) 3 OF SHEET PRESHEAR HISTORY/0 /0 Fc /.39 DATA c 6:3) U3 - 2 TYPE CELL Gs IN ELAPSED TEST PREAR DATE STRESSES TRIAXIAL / q / p 7 3.__ 0 o) CORRECTED FOR (2) c-3 =o AU FOR I d45 A = A _ Au&o a c- A (T FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS REMARKS: CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL LABORATORY, NO. 9:OLl TEST PROJECT TESTED " c-i.' IN ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % PRESHEAR (&1 - 03) 0o .oor VY IC Y-. .23. ,49 .3 1.2j (0 .77 -Z - .5/ 2-/3 / 2-/342G2.431 2. 2.32 3. o -2. NO /. __9 . ? Z.. i.L1 7.73 1 -1G -7.xZ 7. k7 k-S3 q. /R . /onse -Oi (2) IT .7./4 FOR as =o . /-4 2-,4 4-" 4o . .3 / /7, z.? i. 4 . . I/ (3) 2SS .;z9 7 A 3.31 /.S- = Z./2 /. -s32? 2 3/ze'..g 2 7 0 7.2 A = Au-ACT 0 Aca-- a a- FOR SION 4/ .352 -3 7332 - EXTENSION TESTS 7 #Of 7-? -55.9 Z-.4M /. __.__ _&( __ Z.?- S 1.37 -A 23 R _ ____ 7.9 __&7_5 _.9_. _ /.2 TESTS _ _ ____.9t Z. J,'PLO COMPRS _9_ _7_.__ /47S A.X7 _ _3 - V___ .t5' . //7 2., _._7 2.95 '.?. .67 2La Z. 7-7 o r 2 .6s-s' J. 7 -3./p loy . .c m ' So . . -& -a5!. 4 A _ 2 .9 /0 /g3/ VZ STRESS 2. . /S PATH s7 __?_ ....____ ' V.7 .45 31 2.64 -4w ..E 2 /.L. /Z / " . V. /7. A' SOc .Soo .3 -O STRAIN o004 z .94 .- 69 7 Z.9f .. L__7 6 . RATE - . 1517 . Y7X 2.q4 .(ad 2..?34 2 34 / 1.90 4 4? /..Qfe 2 /-410/as 2.-71 ...Zg . 40? 2.4?3 IS44 -. % 0a pr o 3 .o (-s- 0 K 9 . ff. -. .. /Z? 2Z33 /70 '57 . Z/6 2. 'y4 2-S7 2-43 /tr FOR -ex - Z. lr CORRECTED Au 1 / __1- 79 1 /106.6-4 XJ (w ___ /y' q /.40 -55 1 2 Z6 9'.<f f 1.-27 .3. q1- ___ 7 ____ @ 00 Us= .7c . N/4S .3.49 ' CONTROLLED 7 (3) . -2AQ .2. V? 3.V- voc'.5. 23. /.6 1 39L. - './ . . .. /.230 /.___/ 1-4 3- .9 2 -3 .q27 .73 Au SHEAR IE A 3C , - TECHNOLOGY DURING P. PR.= a3 C au(- a 7i9f OF c= j 0ac= (2) t2 - 52.59 a:,c qw - a tr2.enEs, -3 INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR 0. HISTO 6= / SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS ./ Ic STRESS FT -3 t L, cm A,cm DATA 2 TYPE CELL _ .Cqa -02 .2.9t . %IV, cc 3P7 aZ? Gs TEST - CIVIL ENGINEERING, . PRESHEAR 4.S DATEr/ STRESSES S, INITIAL 10"0= 4&?0- 7*74 BY DEPT. OF e W, % 1:/04?ope SOIL ALL MECHANICS TRIAXIAL v1 2.7 _. . _t_ _ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, c TEST e W, % TRIAXIAL TEST DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, V, cc S, % IL, cm - DATA SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS A,cm2 INSTITUTE t IC c PROJECT ALL DATE STRESSES ELAPSED TIME A PRESHEAR AXIAL STRAIN, 77 Gs= IN- (51 - 5 ) % U, CONTROLLED c= // af - 3 7__ 47.2 ___ ?.Z ..cs .573 ..I__1 3.# 3 -L. .irk . . ,.3 .33 3 .27 A43±112# 2 4Y 2 9 2_M411 -?-'S7 . 99 _470 (3)- ' 79' FOR 3-SY FOR 0-3 =o 7 P -2 67 "9 7 .3 L.3 . 9 ? '0. -2 A = A A = u-&c 7.2xlb - Z97! A9 'Z_6 7 /..35 r8 .2017 5'- FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS __7 _'1 -y .. 3 . ff -2227 . .-IQ 2.j/ I. 3z 24fS /. 3 3 0 Z. 3-s .2. . ';. z . Ms-O . .Zy -- ________ __/_ Al. .. /"2b -6 2 5 .?2 4( AY '372--pl . (3) ,2 5i 9 Z. 2.__ 2.3 2/. 2./76 2.700 75 .'4 .7 3,6.4637'.1,2 .17 . V.4 -1 .27 421 . 9 0 __ 2.Z3-s___X ET -3 = .. S.3 -03. 7C 1 2 2 63 - 1160- 31 . .S3 CMRSIO 4 4.7 .. ____ _ /7 1.13S . 3o l u .q94 /1S4 , 2 - /./I 545~ _.3 __ A 2.".' /-5 (1 CORRECTED to_ _.4_7 J4 -1 , _9 ._ V/_ V _l /.Z .307 3.53 .o 3 6jak /.S /-? .o5 T- q-5 -. z .- ?.7 2._S46 .4-97_-S vq .7.59/ -779 .__ 01S .23/ -2 .3 /40/ -9.90 ,27 .' /ox 133 .7.27 . 49/ Z .3-39 33 . __--91. AevJ /- /.1 /./ 32xiAM_iOz q71 AL . .. //2.1 271 x. -/ 3.,09 .91s - ol _2 .32 ~..3/1 27t *. ___ Z -- :./ 4 __/ __ S._3 o 7 7_/ /. 1.07 STRESS /,s-_ . .7 PATH STRAIN r q - / 7e RATE (3) / -?k %R UB = A 1c a A7 ,97 U AU (FO 3 3* Oac= / SHEAR o' (2) 3 /epz .'/t r-1" -c/ /Ls ___Y. CELL TYPE HISTORY STRESS _ d&c Szs- & (z) au DURING PPR BY TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR SOIL TESTED OF SHEET REMARKS: /S go '..3 5.40r'I I I- 9 .4 1 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST - NO 44/ SOIL INI T IA PROJET PRESHEAR TESTED ALL BY = DATE STRESSES IN AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % o ,3 S 1 S, % TYPE CELL STRESS 7 7/ / .oN'.49 .1_________4ZJ?5 .9 .196 .,qg .z. .V7 -/./6 Z./ .20 ._7 /Zi*4 2./ .2, /3 2.V7 Z' .S-? z _ .~4x /.3 .I19. .T . Z '-22 J13 /30 1-30 --39 / . 2 ao / 4. _ _ 2L1 /.z Y_ 7 _____ 07 /TA .2.2 /.ox23 /13 - v 0I CORRECTED au FOR FOR 0-3 au =o 0 76 .77 . 5(f P . .3Y4 8~ -o . / - A*> -0/ AS _/ o./ __ . - . o/ 3/ .t . $ ./7 .Az -. . Sly/ -. /6 A/ 40e .J A = A = Au- a 0-- Aq __ ___/_ _ __-_ 4a 9.7 . 3 FOR EXTENSION 0/0 AckS -.. 3 C--o71 --. AL -.- .o3 . 07 4-. .? - C COMPRESSION _/ .1711 ____ . 7_ .j7 /.x .0/ /.I ___ _ _ __.7/__ _o_ _ f o7 -- FOR _3/ // . -. 0:6 s-0 S__1__ 3-3 ___ 7Z- .' . -.o/ /a . , ._ .t- .063 Ox .%373 -- 04 -s-.$73 -- 09 J //e.V i -7 --. n /9 d've (3) . __ - . V37.J7 Z6 ,4)d ,L ./. .1 -Z/ -. 7 a % . -37 .77 _ W- 3_6, .37 . 03 s. .41r-. .. 9./7 2.,W & 27 ?. ._ 62.3z Sfa W .27 /0. .2 ___ __. -I.O 7 V7 (2) :7 .Y ___ /./7 __ 7.7Z /.7/.____i STRESS '4/;", ./ L.S /,C7 - z .3-V ./ _____ oo6 .3 . Cz -.21_2 /i.t / 2/ . Z ' / .. 30 .2% .S 2 7 . :et* 3 /7S .s3 .39 .2 s /40.s -.. o .17 /5J-7S . 2 STRAIN * RATE e%nI~ e t- Tr p - 45&// .o - q A 0 SHEAR PATH .-A (3) Zu ____ CONTROLLED % 1 v qcm.- (2) TECHNOLOGY DURING P.PR.= /400 7aC =s 01c OF tc = PR 7 7K U:C= * Au .7 -7 .f 7 uIc= 0ic -Rc HISTORY. FW / 3 INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR S./o 1O. SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS L, cm A,cm l // 0-3 076 ./ . V, cc O X77 DATA 2 (21 d) a oa e TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, - (II 3r0 W, % L PRESHEAR ELAPSED LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL TESTS TESTS -. S -05~/ REMARKS: /to 1/.3 / v/../// -1,q Y..6 .A - 23 /7 7A' _ ___ -'&_ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TEST N , PROJECT 46 TESTED ALL e AXIAL STRAIN, % PRESHEAR II) (6 - (i) CORRECTED au FOR .13 ,600. 61 FOR &a-3=0 * (3) 3./h 3??-. 3-/V 3. A = A - A Au-A() a a-- A;, r OF TECHNOLOGY PaRc HP.PR.= U= .O4 Au DURING CONTROLLED % / COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION -. TESTS STRESS 4'>o6 Tcc/ ".4bewlf /ewC4 - q /. / - FOR SHEAR STRAIN -'t7 (3) A 1/3 RATE PATH . p a ____-.__. .3-64 -. 3-22 INSTITUTE SHEET tc = *ac AU /-3 3 SUMMARY PRE SHEAR 5:1M 74 ac- d (2) g Y.7 234 /. MASSACHUSETTS A,cm2 MA/ HISTORY STRESS d3) :,3 c DATA 7 TYPE CELL 23L /7-'. /.3Z cm IL, J G IN TIME cc V, - PREHER03- DATE STRESSES S, % TEST CIVIL ENGINEERING, DEPT. OF 3NITIA lwv BY ELAPSED (2) e W, % - SOIL TRIAXIAL cb ___/._/_ ___ /. /A /.7 REMARKS: TESTS ____________________ ____________________ I I CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS 4f NO. TEST LABORATORY, TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, cc S, % V, e W, % TRIAXIAL DATA MASSACHUSETTS cm A,c2j IL, SUMMARY INSTITUTE ALL BY PRESHEAR AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % -. ~O~.//3 -.671 -. 8/ _ -. 07 .*3 ~47 z - Z0 3_ .37 3-9x lf /2 1 /A 3.7 3.3 3-59 ,. 7 3.3/ _ -/ 6-11 3 24 / S 3-41/. 3.32_AS"Z x; 67 _s~'0 / CORRECTED (i) (2) Au FOR FOR &A- I/ 3,o6_ /27 3 =0 T. . .2 I .K- . -.5' as2M!-S /.51 __, 47 461 3 3 33S %.: % Z./ . i /,3. KY v__ .7 . V,19 /Zt 33 vz .4 y 7 FOR COMPRESSION A = -A FOR EXTENSION 107 / ._65 .3 /.- -7 TESTS Z. .7 /45 TESTS /. REMARKS: .2o 1-3 -7 S /.1, ____ ___9 .3-3/ _z L-3 0 ./.3 __ / S.O .77q- ____ 3-7/ /Ss? 3/,7 /61 /.6 4.4. 30 7g 2 .2 - 0 _7 _I.; -.aZr' 2 Zvo _ 7 . .39 1-76Z A _-_,_ 73 427 /. & .537-/-76 . OF 76 .0-3. 3-.63 .E3.61 /-K .3.2 Zs .asb / / 1 3. Z6 . 4&__ .- - /. Y__ el. (31 - f.2.6i 3z Zq C71S 29./7 ff. SA /V -3 2 - -. jI 3..Z f_ AS Y7 STRESS e 0 ___ 276 . 37,06 31 STRAIN PATH _37_ -7 -70 7ZW S3O 2S& b_ -92 (2) --. Y_ RATE -_ .Y/6 .. /s V-S/ a __/3-) /-0z // _ .972-. Us= T.06 --- .z % SHEAR /c -I.V 3/ .02 X79 3. Y3 /1.57 / /.7Z . /.43 7 238 3 09 3 7_ ____ Z. 2o 3) o .oo 6J -Ai/ V. / .?7/2. 7 s ST ( 5 a7 .6g I-SO s-7 33p 393 Z30 CONTROLLED 9 p4 ( 30 o A57 5.2 Uac= - c 71-73) /./A /- 3 6? 607 . 3 ,73 __ TYPE CELL HISTORY STRESS _2_ SZ / Z.77 Gs= IN ELAPSED DURING P.PR. DATE STRESSES TECHNOLOGY tc = 6 c TESTED OF PRE SHEAR C PROJECT SHEET Z7 i _*?. _ 1 Z- 7 -7 - LABORATORY, SOIL MECHANICS TEST TESTED BY DATE STRESSES ELAPSED IN c) 0 .0/ .0/ - 5:) ,.oe .17 .03 .63 79 ./7 .25 3,24 .58 . 79 .3.6 3.77 3.&S .Yz p ___ 2 __ _ 2.* _2-. 2?9 L x .o/ 2.6 . 0! ' _.__ -*o 3./o 03 ,6 3.1 S . 37 A.97 / A-of e-vo .V S-. Lo 2-sT ,t. W_ A.t,! -. ( /6 -9 CORRECTED au FOR a- 3 =o R 5 3.J/ 2.7 .5 .. 97 06 Z___ -/ S . 2 /. Z <73 6l . = A A 0-- auA6 - , _ __ V ___ .6 ox -op .?9 _ ______ _ _ ___ 1? 4f _Z /106 /.9/ 3.1 / - X.23 3-6/ _. 3.®r __ 1.q 2 S.7 3.20 3. o V /9 7-s' / _7 2.-37 - . .7/3. . 6v - 3#/ EXTENSION -. TESTS TESTS REMARKS _ /30 3.Y z9 FOR ____ / zlr J. V40 .71 COMPRESSION ____ _.1.03_7 - 1.09 FOR .V6 3.9 1. 3. . 'Z2 // _ /-__ ,-. . 4. / /. -/6 J/ / /.26 /.87,' ./ 4, A 9A of /of I~I I1 (3) . /A 339 2-7 . $ /.f 3 <. ___/ - 3. X __-_ FOR 7:__ 1 3._ 2 99' 3 b7 ~ All, . ___ _9 S 7/ 79 ox . L /43 .72 _ 1_ /.3- .Y 5 .9 c 4.o 6.40 __3 2.t3 .2. -. 7 *of .49 .o7 opZ 2. /30 -. 7-2 2-s . T. z t__ Z6 . 2 . ZCF -. ip -. So__.3L 1. // IP q A _5__ 2~. .V 7.04 (v I L .7 .2 X-.02/1__ 7- V7 -. 27 /* J. ex)AWA4h.usi'o r C ot (3) (2) 5 /-st JA1/. /, 46 .5 21 365 ?./7 au PATHCg/ef../' 19-o/C'V/64 STRESS 406 RATE .0 6' STRAIN CONTROLLED Ao II SHEAR DURING UB -- TECHNOLOGY P.B R a3 C _ / /9 7Z 73 /.9 7.9 -. a7 . / .4,2 v___K2 .3 .1. 20 4.73 Z./ . _ .oo v ./7 Z ./_6 i a 7/7 2S1 7.o4r / .g,6 Zo .3. 4f __ .___.__28 /57 /.47 /;?_ /.w 6. yt, f- 2.97 . 0# Z. (2) OF tc= .// -- SHEET PRESHEAR Au lkk / 6.oc 01.o INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS /goo- HISTORY. :1c SUMMARY DATA A,cm2 f TYPE CELL STRESS PRESHEAR AXIAL L,cm . Gs= _____ STRAIN, % TIME (2) ? PRESHEAR PROJECT () V, cc S,% INITIAL SOIL ALL DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, e W, % NO.OC TEST - TRIAXIAL CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED - _. -.3C 35/ 2.9 X Y. .7 7/2 7 . y 7.3._. 1 -. *./_ _ _ V5 _ _ _ _ "ql CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SC Ce i SOIL PROJECT L TESTED BY ALL O1 AXIAL __:.?3L . /7 $7 -. .~77 CORRECTED au FOR 0-3 ul =o (1 f s ,& cc cm L, -/. /' -/9 a/r. /.-Y3 7 /.f 2.sL (3) . 92 . DURING CONTROLLED .. 3. SHEAR STRAIN STRESS %R.% 4> RATE PATH 3 -O= 0 6./c / /". o o' , / * Au r Ag &u c (21 (3) q A 3.37 Vo /- TECHNOLOGY P.R ac HISTORY a- 27 .. OF 7 8, 00A./ (2) - INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR A,cm2 TYPE CELL STRESS - 03) 51c -/JS7 FOR V, MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY ulc=tc~ /a . 77 Gs PRESHEAR STRAIN, % % CIVIL ENGINEERING, DATA :3c IN TIME (2) /. 14 7 DATE STRESSES S, e W, % DEPT. OF TEST - 8C PEHA ELAPSED (o LABORATORY, MECHANICS P NO. C TEST IL TRIAXIAL - 74_/ -. .5 -. 327 ./ 3- VS--' A = FOR COMPRESSION A = Au-&0) a-,- a o' FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS P .9 /.~'g -7I4 REMARKS: (y) r __ ___ ___ ___As CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST LABORATORY, NO.C W, NTL SOIL .7,c PROJECT TESTED ALL k74 BY _ Gs = TYPE NA STRESS -. 75 -. 52 .o/ ._ $A.23 . 7)A /-_ __ _ . _ .7 .q7 /7 jdt LZ &15 _ /3.2 1,6 144 / .oo 1.70 .7 __ . 6/ _ .3 _ __ 7M .23 7,J 7 W 330 p ,7 J __,_ 3.94 _. Z& .319 694 -?.oz z A-10 ~~ yo X 432' Y__ S06 S3z (i) CORRECTED 121 au FOR FOR &a0-0 -.-- S o -- 6// w.9/ I94I _ _0_ .. s T. 3 VY -. /l? S.6 /, .09 _. /.h/$ A -7 . . _ ._-. FOR .30 3._ ___ 1. .3.30 -3. llA.L 2.'?3 1. oz _ __-_ _ 2.5Z 2 _3 -Y/--. .* Y ,Y P 3.21 . -20 V2 FO C- 3. 68 \. -. 1 __ z ZS .3 *.P75 CMPRSSIN|TST FOR COMPRESSION TESTS N EXTENSION -. TESTS REMARKS ._ _T_3 _ ?qIw__ &__._._ _-_ ,/31.7 A =u-a- _6 _38 .1 /_ . Au - &(T sow RATE PATH -. r- 2 I9.L . g I.L3 L_ .7 ,2-79 |-sc .1 Y9-V54 .L U k I-/ .83 . o 076 . 09 .7 ~ m CRRETEDFOR .. F i, 7 AoFA=E o STRESS 1.7 . 31 7.? 2.I .23 .79 2.3/ 1lv2. t.7 -g-7 .. I A1.72 2._ . .Z_ . 3_ 30 .zs 1,33 / _p (6.s .-G3 -S7 - ys - .. 39 .74 /9 J34 0 AK7 /..2 /. / 30 -27 /. 2 Y $ / .- 7/ - t9 22L .J .s' -62 /2Z 9./0 .V3 7.93 -. 20 % U SHEAR STRAIN (3A _ 0 / 3F /_ 3__ __7_S3 TECHNOLOGY DURING PR a3C Au . 314 3.9 .1_ OF CONTROLLED 77ac= , Z3 . 36 -SY 62 .& 44f -Voo V.5123 /.4-3 9.66-. 4i .3V 3.Y7 . 773 323 / INSTITUTE ( 1c /-f i 4w 2.:? 4; Z3L 3f .7 2 .07 _ MASSACHUSETTS SHEET PRE SHEAR tffOm /Tr Z.9 /7 .4/ 163 /.0/ / SUMMARY HISTORY 6 -1c DATA A,cm2l CELL 2 - STRAIN, % cm .79 -?7 PRESHEAR L, ENGINEERING, - F, Ctc= AXIAL TIME cc IS, % V, TEST 6/ PRER3/./ _ A- lh* IN STRESSES ELAPSED DATE _ DEPT. OF CIVIL e % TRIAXIAL - _/2 /.09 ' .9 .9___ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS INO TEST / C - e SOIL LABORATORY, ~ C~ e W, % TRIAXIAL TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, S,% cc V, DATE IN AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % 77 Gs ?f ELAPSED PRESHEAR qpO L o( _ - TYPE CELL STRESS Au (2) -Z - 126 . .. /. V/ ///37 444 zV . S A7 s- V.,. 7' Nov 2 /3.Z .)/ .3 -. 50 /Z. o -. /A -- SM|.79 77#-7 /-.9 wCORRECTED (2) Au FOR 1/1 S FOR a0,= 0 Air_ V /.22 . /94 . J.g/ J. ..2 . o V / /f V / .V. /f Z.-. L/ /. /.o */7 .7 .. 3 I I.3 13)Ot zz-(3) A ZFOR . .3 RATE B= ua PATH A,7cm4 p rre .- _-77_ 3 1t ./6 . . / ./ / .ozs .9 -. sTo --. o9a ,s ./4w -. 1/o /. 97 -. /7/ / -Z7 . .57 so Vol -. 22 26 -. 29 _ FOR COMPRESSION A = A ca FOR EXTENSION STRESS /&M _ 7 . 7 .1 3 _. .9 _ __ 77 .Z7 3.31 -J 6 fa.79 7.2_;_ .A- aC J. C) _ 9A3 4L ./6 _3 _ 7-x20 / 95 L/. [ /-_ .7 ._70 _ _/ _ _ _.___ .63 ._ A-Z -.- -9 , . s27 ___- = . .Z73 .? . - ..34 -S_.7 COPRSSONTET A . 3,5T - /3Z -. & __ _--_- -. STRAIN _____ .A . 06 -49_/ A V7X-7 2.27 /-72 _. /.7S Z.J/ .g is .j/_97 Z_77 - .47 SHEAR v) .16q7 .3 3/ ./ .7-Z -. 24 -_Z_-. .C J/1 . 97 - - 37 -. 23 /__ -. .'/ ?o -. 23 7/. 2 -. 23 . . 23 .z /.03 L /6 . /5 -. 3 |.Y .Z P.c= R R,% 4-.a q -. 2o _._ .09-Chatl//74J -/ /_/ o 74a (3) (2) M 2J .72 a ___ . DURING __ . /4.6 C ' .3 6 299 d..o .- 7 47% 4..0 S Z.. //a/ 65 'V-c *o s -. //Y J.72b : V-0; 4 -. 3 _.23 ____/ _ V-. _3 _/ _ .if _. / A7/ V 2f , 1 c -= dL A ZI/ .76 -3 ./// 7 V e ru 7 /. TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLED e 0*4 . COA 5:3) .13 A/)' S HISTORY o^ cc .7' / OF 61 c BY STRESSES INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR 6:c C TESTED SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS L,cm A,cm2l = PROJET ALL DATA TESTS TESTS REMARKS: e9 .Is * __ ,g 1 174 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED c/le SOIL LABORATORY, /e 4c TEST NoC// MECHANICS W, % TRIAXIAL TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, e S, % V, cc cm L, DATA SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE SHEET OF TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR Acm2 DURING SOIL CONTROLLED TESTED ALL BY DATE STRESSES ELAPSED IN DDC AD (1) AXIAL ( - 2 ___ .__ U40 / /-1. 7 _/7 _ /7.3/ /7 3 /Ae CORRECTED au FOR FOR A0-3 =0 .3 .6 /23 . 37 .2. . -/ ~ I .1 / -/06 .241 1,4/3Y .7 /3 ,oo /-2 .bo. il I /.1/ 7/. 27 -;-7)c 3.Z3 7.7 .1?3.3 (3) Au A A = (T' - A a 0-- a 0, _ ZX/ ./ 9g.z, - 3 ./s -/ .66 /9 EXTENSION ew o 5/ o',f-0& G (r 7 .3 ./ 7 -. V FOR P .1_ -#3 .Zi -2 COMPRESSION PATH- / .. :? -. 3. .2V!.# -. /27-._ FOR STRESS If . .AZi- "9 / TESTS _ _ -. 4.S0 --- - TESTS ._7_ z .. 67 .!9fe _. t'3 - b-o o o 06 ._-_ W *~o no q /.ok _ % .of.s".g .~3.Sa.2 uB= A . -S 3 C STRAIN 6 RATE % (3 (2) - .2p .20 s -r P== P.PR.= //#, (flo - ./ V 33 ,26 ,?r . 3cc a ' HebT R Y . /_ . 4-3 /.6 /.7 .9. 4 TES &U w/ . /-* . -. 7 ,3" 3* -/_ .34> 23 eRcecUICTnDV I. o/d 4.V.7 ej 0ac (2) r'c 30 - / (2) ) -. 23 /0.7 () 3 f. TYPE CELL Gs STRAIN, % TIME _ j PER%// PROJECT SHEAR 3 REMARKS( /./_ /37 g 7Z _-_ _ _ _ __ _ -s."- 2 _ _ _ __ _ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL LABORATORY, TEST NO TRIAXIAL W,% Ie S, cc % V, L, TEST ENGINEERING, SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF SHEET TECHNOLOGY PRE SHEAR DURING CONTROLLED -Tc= 4 ,1nc= A PROJECT TESTED DATE AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % - o SS -3/$4 45- -? ./s ./7 ._ ,3 .6X .79 9.7VZ _o A?.? 2. .-f ,/ . IV/ . 3 7F .q 7 5..f 3_6 _. ar. A9,* /.o? I-So ;L'Cf . Jo - /.3,97 /.7 ,7 /_I ./7 -/--3 S.9 -e r/ 76 3/ / 3 --A S3- .73. f 1--. 25 Zs -- 7fl- .V - /. 43 1- . 371 CORRECTED au FOR FOR __ &a-03 0 __ _ .o7 _ 641 Au- (3) A A 60-r = a -a, &a- A0(T -J -J Q / f 3 . - _ _ _ Zif~g Z. SV&0- z 76 -- S 4 -. g .3 -. 91 -M6 _ _e_971 -.. S 7 _ 34o A/ j 3-6 3.33 a./f dog34 -. 2o 7- EXTENSION ___ _ ia /6 .63 . / 4 Zf- . o FOR _ .7 7 V.3/ f 7 _ COMPRESSION _ _ _ _ _ /.o/f 3.77 FOR 7 /.9 /fl .s Z-40 ow/ -/.69 ?5 1-/. /3 1 Z.5 X.5 z v .07 __ V. 9. V.7t 5.;// ? S.-7P 3 fa d 46 S.V< 7 W '_ /df/ 7/ 7.S375 Z. 'Av !6/.7"2< , /-73 A.s/ 7/ S.4$7 1 3 .9__ .o £fS 4:cm .;_ 43 ex2 3.79 44 9 96 C.7 .r./ 46t 49..7 __ _ J6.7 -J 4p -. . F..7 /f -Z. /I . .ag .73 ._76 .'w - -1/ Itl304 i Tr 0 ./5 52.7_ /-6 .3. /A /4 -g /.09 3.z 'Zl 4r /c Aa -e . s /.f-.3/ !K94 6 3p-/5 3 VT V3 766 . J3o- dl. 7 -/ , /-A -. /7 6 1.47 7 Ze 22/ .0 276 0 /1 V -- ' rml&o q /to 54 _ I .d. 2 .3.60 X. !./ Z 52 74 ?Ar --. .I'll - d!b% (3)) A .34 40 . pj .7J 3 q< -. 7 /. -r.07 /. Z6 /.x /.7/ -. 67 / .. /.Io 6 .774 19 Z 3 Zf Z// -747. 1Y / A*Z (2 0 9. 7. 2.9v z5 7 31 /.7X317 /oo /06 .A 3.3 -7J* AU - au rat- STRESS K PATH A. r04o -- (2) c-- SHEAR STRAIN RATE P.P R% GOacu _ - 63 ) :1-c 1t.35 | ( 77TYPE HISTORY _ STRESS PRESHEAR () ELAPSED = Gs * IN CELL 95n*0- 0 6 3c BY STRESSES ALL (2) DATA cm IAcm2 SOIL Il - -/. TESTS TESTS REMARKS &) 1'-W. :. e/. yo - /I4 C 1o 1 I 17 I II _ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST LABORATORY, N e W, % C SOll INIT IAL TRIAXIAL DEPT. OF CIVIL S, % ff V, ,. cc IL, TEST ENGINEERING, cm DATA MASSACHUSETTS A,cm2 DATE BY STRESSES IN ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN,% ___/ Gs Z 77 PRESHEAR _ (1 _ A - 3) 33 -. 2<S' -/. 37 -. // -/-3o .4 3.72 3.V3 Au Tac PAT H 6 ' S e'./.% ~oz~dar 'v S 9 z.___ zs -/. - . S - RATE STRESS q zMW . u ~ 4AL % SHEAR STRAIN (3) 3 c au d TECHNOLOGY DURING P. R R e--C7~ (2) / ~I t" HISTORY _ o - 5: OF CONTROLLED TYPE CELL 6 STRESS INSTITUTE SHEET , 3c TESTED SUMMARY PRESHEAR PROJECT ALL - 2. 37 . ____ '3 () (2) CORRECTED au FOR FOR 0-3 =o RR R;; N @i I I 1 1-111- 1 - I,--- A = &3) FOR COMPRESSION A FOR EXTENSION AU a0 -lo-opp.0 ---- - -- - TESTS 7 REMARKS TESTS - , -- -1--l- - I p I P - U a ZY CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED OIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TEST NO. e W, % TRIAXIAL DEPT. OF CIVIL S,% V, cc TEST ENGINEERING, - DATA MASSACHUSETTS ul c STRESSES 4 DATE PRESHEAR AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % (1 .x /oo 67 -0 .&7 03.2 3_39 7 .30 7,/7 I.6/ 7/,6 //7 -62g 2.43 S2 .71 Ic au FOR 0-3 =o 4: /I.V 3 - . /./S 2 2 109 of32z / /6 397 A//7 JS 9 3.V2 36/ 347 V.73 /-2 Vl / v'.(' - - 44 zz -s__/ .73 .SJ .7 .7z .7/ - .47 'Y. JSo ?-7,Sr S. X.g SW .SW .v A4 (31 .o A = A _ S__ . Z_ /1 2.g /-<99 12. J O .1/6 1,.73. .o? /-79 3.40 .1/7 /Q? /.400 /vc V- _/7 2 JU 7. 1.77 7r /.f V7 ! -/ .4 #7 50--7 FOR COMPRESSION 0rAOr FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS REMARKS ( __ ./6 . o,/ s.7 c . ;%r ___ /,c -. 3 -- 7- P.- r 7.S57 Z/70 . 37 4./.2 d PATH oz 70 /.70 . .6 STRESS /.__ .7_ J6 -.7C.40 .- 37 ,.16 .2z Z/ /.2'// - - % P -. .4,>44 2T ./. ._ /lo3 71 ./ ./ Z /f- /.b/ 6 STRAIN /6A RATE 9a q /.zo 1-76~ CONTROLLED SHEAR (31 A .2 -r_/.32 .7V 25 -VM/ FOR /o (2 £.__ 205 - /7/ I/ 305 7 (2) /. Ax /120 '. AU AU 7L/ X6/7 DURING q (2) g/Tr 230 TECHNOLOGY HISTORY a3) /.2 M ./2./-7 /./ f/ CORRECTED - ueo& -/A23 -- / -0. ( STRESS 5=c A T YPE C E LL (5Z Gs IN ELAPSED (0 P.PR. 3c i BY OF tc= PROJECT 4 TESTED INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR L,cm Acm2 SOIL ALL SUMMARY (~~a ~c) TEST CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED cle /4/rdc5 SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, O W, % c Nf e TRIAXIAL DEPT. OF CIVIL S, % V, cc TEST - ENGINEERING, cm IA,cm2 L, TESTED ALL d"-71 BY DATE STRESSES ELAPSED TIME IN L ( _ .7L S6 t -o - -36 .. I /3'. _yo /_ 97 __7 7_9_6_ 97 3o6 -__ /V -SW 2.S I3 73 /? 13 - IY3 7/1 - .2 // /__ 12 -- 3o /35- - _ (2) au FOR -/. / ///_-- c =o - R. -07 . . - --. 09 a H Y- -. '/ .7 37 I ;u,72/ / y A -. 2_5_ -. 2? --. -- 33 A = a a- _ FOR COMPRESSION -AO0 FOR EXTENSION a q, 2. TESTS _7_ Z _o _ _ 2.4?/ Ijo../o /. /.y -&S TESTS _ /.3 .67 7-.SS ____ Z93 .. -Z/_-_/ 63 REMARKS: _ 3R7 4 /7 i. /0.9 0.9 /0 __ , ____ .76 ._7_ 1 9. 6-< - /4 .7 , -. 22 S_& -,6 / = /J /. 7-4? 2.7 1/_75_ .9pi :V &i.p _ .- sy _/- /7Y .<_ 9 IO /.22 /-5 /57 / _. /-,T7 . ,.7/ (3) .9? -13 - / -.- / /091 .995 '-- -/0 /-74 a -- 3- o //C PATH -0-rC oo h /.6 -- 3s-/ 21/9 3 i-/S _7 t -. 3$ 3 _ FOR 40-3 9 . ZI2 --. Z6 .// STRESS ""/Ca --.. 1734 6 /.3 -. /7 5 -0 23 /7, 34 ./3 w . U. w . 13 .. 34 9s / -- -2-4p 4./o - 9.9 . 23 . 20- -. vu ?k64 -- -7- ,7/ / --2 /o 4._& 3 / 7/ .22 _ S STRAIN 1120a (3) __. .o / - /__ 0) CORRECTED /-f J V.20 -l . AV. L -o/ //3: /3/1 __/__--___.___. 73 4 V7 /0 39 .- 't _ /3-1 _ (2) ,9 . //13 /_7 /.// ? /. RATE CV _.03 3/Z /0_ AtwI 4A6% SHEAR r o S7 _ tPR . P.PR z /<rA .f .al/ .117 TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLED 3c9- .3e=C le Au OF DURING UB= / HISTORY (2) c _ 9 STRESS - 03) '3 el 5.6 323 a TYPE CELL dac PRESH EAR uF ( INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR .&/sdtSu -7 Gs= '1IIV AXIAL STRAIN, % _ / PREHEA SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS SOIL PROJECT Z DATA .- 4 ___ _ 3 .7S7_ - 7S7Z ,f.? .981, _ _ - CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST NOC/LhC 4 LABORATORY, /16 IC~A7 e W, % TRIAXIAL DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, S, %I V, cc L, TESTED ALL 5 '7I4 4 BYkJri41d STRESSES IN DATE TA AXIAL STRAIN, % 3 /$ STRESS Z T1 / -: 37 -/6 <<5 70s .97 ./7 .6o ._p -7/ ./A .7/ .. ?. .77 .? 2. .4 2 FOR a0 -= o A A Au= &(T, T Au a, & (T- A 0, -!q/06 - ?Cf4-. />, S-S .. 4363 3 1 b. 121 ;p 77330 -. zz -z --. 3-2 7-.9 FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION y DURING -. 1/2 /.7 . -Z/ 75 TESTS TESTS us = 6,00 Ir-FICtJ-/e STRESS C6 PATH j.40 exl-AV-~ - p Or a . 7/Z s7 - 3_ V7 -. 1/ ' . -. 06 /-17 --- // -- / /-/7 REMARKS STRAIN .3&,?_ /___ -3,6 zo -3. Jo / ,7 .l. -- 09 RATE P.P R. SHEAR (2 q - .'.61 - u 7'cZ .7S' vss , ZA 21 2 / VT 11 .~~~~~~ FOR A A 2 .29 / .7.z . /i 37 42 -1 3.V4 5 374 / ~ .. /3' f' -?3 1413 2.6 Z l.d/ Au au 04 ___ 7__ _ 53 9_ 4 /2/ ~ /' (2) * /.z ./. -37 6-2r '2ZZI.20 (1)CORRECTED :/ d'C47 .457 .___ V. TECHNOLOGY %0 - 0'ac TYPE CELL HISTORY OF CONTROLLED 9 A(2) Ta _-. INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR ( - u3) -ic .3 MASSACHUSETTS 63c= -- PRESHEAR TIME SUMMARY .. CEL "TYPE . Gs IN ELAPSED 3 5 9,e'pC DATA cm IA,cm2 SOIL PROJECT TEST - Z7o 2.7/-/ 7s33o,9 .Y / ("W _.29 /7 Z. t.o./ . 3- _ ___ _7 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS -C/oe7/ o NC) TEST INITIAL PROJECT TESTED Aaw7%V DATE STRESSES Gs IN AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % () - ( -732 / ~ -. 3./A 0 3ZT 4 i .3 .31 -s- .Z / ./ .. 07 .65 .% 16 ~ . 7/ . 07 -9/ /.o / ..- 4 (i CORRECTED (21 au FOR FOR &o-3 = o 24 //. . -. 0o . 1. . ~ .7 (3) ? A = _ A = 0 . .15 . /4- /b -o3 -ov, FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION TESTS 2 .32jr .3 35 /-. 's.'o ,9 -Y - ,57 -/-07/ .- 7 . -.Z/ .70 .Ap -67 .z z5-7 TESTS .. 2.C .2Vz -5,/. .2 .3/5.s, ' . O ./ 4 ./o . /lr Ig/?-0 67 .4-19 !** -e r~, -F REMARKS: .73 _ _, _76 .Z .q7 . 4/ / . .60 ' . - 03 .2 " -o0 7. '4.041/ . .? _ . 4r_ /.--. 7- ? ., 77 _ .o / -- z&:? /6 .I 7 .. A.V .2X OZ Y // _ ~_ A. 34 *5 /y Z f2 S // 4/00126 - w 33 753s .Z~ j V Vz 1/ 1/ . /a ~ /./ - /5 -Yoz ./ AZ (3) ._a -YC PATH Zi- STRESS '"!' J 6*'yav RATE ____%_ UB -0%4 IV. .0 . /o ._= SHEAR STRAIN A /of/0~. /A 1.1 91./' 39 - // .17 /- 3/ //2 . 9f./ Z.1 sy .7 .79 .7 ,07 As-.07 .7& -.99 , 46 Au 0-- /.ft . ./" ~ /-3 TECHNOLOGY DURING P.PR M -- //.7Z_ 34 _.24 .JM CELL C. -. 27 -3 3 --. OF CONTROLLED 3c= .!V__/ 74/ 2 .- AS INSTITUTE SHEET o 4tC= a- 0 J5 3z73 o 7// -..nz33 .76 . / al '? .b -3 f _ 7Z,/ 9. SUMMARY PRESHEAR Sc= /d3 /.__ ~ .__ IS TYPE S73 '. /7___//3 --. 2 (2) .4.4 /_'. A,cm HISTORY 1 A3// --. -. 074 .77f/oo STRESS cm L, DATA MASSACHUSETTS .. 77 = o3 .5ozo -___/_ _7. cc % V, &3) a-, ac -/ -. 3 PRESHEAR ELAPSED S, .p PRESHEAR 74 BY TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, e W, % SOIL ALL LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL _ _0__ _ TRIAXIAL CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED MECHANICS SOIL eltO& TEST N 0 LABORATORY, e W, % - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, L,cm A,cm V, cc S,% TEST -/ PROJECT TESTED ALL STRESSES - Y ?d DATE BY xo-l'owz or 400, IN ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % (1) i a 77 PRESHEAR STRESS ._ 79 /g . /-94 (2) a u FOR _ /.1 ./7 . &c-3 = - (2 ~ 2.37 7.3 443? -n 30 .q-. 27 .- . . Zf ./ 2 Z. 37" V.9 z /1 _ s .V7 .592 c A = -c A = - /g OM aT TECHNOLOGY DURING CONTROLLED c= P.PR.=_ us= 0ac= - % RATE SHEAR STRAIN V , STRESS '6 0*07 PATH 29 FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION q , - . -. /21 /3/ . -.1/.32 . __/ , / -. /JZ . 9/ -- /S2 . 9Z -. 2y -- .F - (3) ./ -. 73 -. ,-. 4'-Z6 -. Z 44-36 --- 2./9 -1 -177' ;Z (3) o 3'/- 7S V.S7 .y / 757 1 /._/. FOR au c Z 3:3.1 1.76 /-Sr.3 t CORRECTED / OF SHEET HISTORY. .7.'V. 2.2? f c? _ C- __ _ _ .or _ 7/9 _ TYPE CELL | 1au 3 7 /iI t 3c= G () c INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS a:,C= 3 - SUMMARY PRESHEAR PRE SEAR 6 DATA 2 INITIAL Sol - _/W_./ -/9 $ -. -- S TESTS TESTS q0 _./_ _ I6 ,_ _.29 __ 3 -. REMARKS: ___ _ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST N R/*' -/oa TESTED C BY PRESHEAR ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % ( 0 -. 1.? i .5 00 - a1 /3' g49 A 91. -. -75 7 . -. . ?7TYPE Uc 3 .o .1. S7s 7 izI. 5.9 otm /. 4 -- / 7-. .0S ___ i2J4I ,_ . i . -7t/.10 . .S7 .. . OtF / -. .V. . 8#//3. $27/.25 961 ~ 2 / 3 /.- 4 (2) au FOR .A 7-77 A*,c- FOR = o TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLED tc= P R T a A--- % RATE PATH . v - t. kcd .. SHEAR STRAIN ______ STRESS 60MA019C20hS ,. -o: (3) - p r 0cl /. fS <-c / _. / 3 /3 -?6 . .7/i 23 _ __ -. 34 -. 3/ 6 /46f S3O. .o . //o / C , -4/ ._2_ .211 __ .3Z _ J. 33 . / r .s __ T _ _ _ A = = Aar , 2 3 .r -/3 FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION *g :d _ 7 ._a . 7_ . #2 2W -.57 .- 291d zzo . 63 1.04 . &;7 / #Ar // . ,__z . . .Yf 7__ r __ _ __ _ _- s'.V Zk 3 4M'/.?y A e ./7 . ?f .07/ ~7T Lso.7 .77 ,QZ .73 ' 1-76 2 77/ ./-os/e (3) .92_ y -._ -3z %. 3.3 Z V -%-5' X, . -To -Z t0 27 Ao- 4' Il -77 w CORRECTED / .43 /.481.9/ V /A4 e 7'.? // 1 /62 J. /&//Z 13 9 z/2/ 7A-'$. (2) - !I l0/o7 G o.70 - ffic a:c = - 2 |__ OF DURING 0uac == AU 6 -. INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR a.w /.95 /./' MASSACHUSETTS A 3 2.o -- S. SUMMARY -J ___ . A,cm /AU 9 ( cm HISTORY STRESS 1 3 L, CELL (21 3 3.3/ . 1616 7 ._3.___ _ cc i $#i.$i;0 i U3) 3. -3.30 .?/ .7 _ % V, 3.7"1 57A& /. 76 23. 3 A. S /-rx -.. 3(-. // 3vo .6 /a V3 - o.2 ?Y/..3. ~S -. -. S, DATA 2 /Z 7.a I. Gs IN TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, PREEAR DATE STRESSES e 0% INITIAL PROJECT ALL W, eef~d~ SOI Lt LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL 4 se/2 .92, ie 7/ - TESTS REMARKS: TESTS - - --------- TRIAXIAL CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOlL MECHANICS TEST 4 PROJECTA1 ELAPSED IN s ?- AXIAL (1) _.__ (e V # _. - . ./_/ 3J (2) au FOR .7 &0- 3 = ? 2-/ 3 o - . A -_ / -- // (3) A - A = STRAIN STRESS 6o FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION zi -IIs/. i /__9/_ A.__ /./2 _ __ /. TESTS .o _. / opy I ///# _s? _ 1/,q REMARKS: __ 2_ -. 4sv /.41 TESTS _2 __ /. 7 -.1 --/SZ1 - &06Z / //os-- -. _ /.n 7 ./97 _ -,063 -/13 7. = RATE PATH U8= -W /// -.__7 4__--_/_/A -- 33f --- /Z 57- V. S7 3.3/ -. /0 . % r -5sZ -/ Ao-3 745 . CONTROLLED c= SHEAR (3) _ _7 _/. -. :7 .7 96 .2C, - , e/- FOR -. 3. __ TECHNOLOGY DURING A ___ / OF P.PR.= 'ac = Au 4_? -VO--/--/// 1 - -. 313- ' 9/. ' f 9 INSTITUTE PRESHEAR A,cm2 AU 3 / -. V o) CORRECTED 5 8 .__ L.S /? MASSACHUSETTS HISTORY. W- I o 3 ' ____ STRESS (2) c M722jv O.M Z I- TYPE CELL SHEET SUMMARY e e3) 2S-6 Z..7:2 _./_ PRESHEAR :3 1 __/_ ____ -'~t p 77 Gs= STRAIN, % TIME cm L, DATA t INITIA DATE STRESSES cc V, - '3C= BYg TESTED ALL - V'7 4 S, % e W, % SOIL DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, LABORATORY, NO. TEST __9 9 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST NO. SOIL - C/aU MECHANICS ALL I L,cm DATA DATE IN PRESHEAR AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % 0. (I - r ~~~~4 -. -. 31 -. 27 o. $0 S. 3 zx..s 3. - z. /c 4> 007 o .1/71 /- . 33r' . . 9sa$2 - /3 //01 271 / . __k. . .$3R Zoz /.oo 2/y / 2z0 /. _ 03Z 3T /- 3. 39 FOR a03 =0 o 2/z i72 /. _2 / -T, . Fly g3z37 /03 s 3 Z~ 31w 3.76 //3.7 S 9 339 S vv 74 - , 2. 40 , .z . . V7 . . .7 .39 .37 .V .54Y .M35 A = A .3. As xz e esz7 . CM9 bl/E 297 /0 2. 7.o/ & Aar FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION TESTS REMARKS: _ __ /.0_7 2r. 67 . . /._/ /___o 2. -/JZ32 ;M ___ _ ___ __3 _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _7_.76/._ 3 TESTS /__ /9Z .03 .oe {--_ /_7 .z7 - %__ .74 /-77 /_ /_ V7 -72 '/ -. e. /.'7 L3 Z 2.-7 (3 ____ 0 o ST .s3o7 __6 .3_ /o /1 339 23? . . .207 ?.9& 3./o L&A g _*V .0 /o- ._4 -' AJ.i;.LC- ._/__ 173 7/ Y/ 1 a Ur . 4 ,og f2Y/9 27/ S-w FOR /00 STRESS /- .21g 3. * /r .b/ I7S .3 1.3 . Y_ i-. z .02Ii2 Zz Y.0 7'-a / . / z /s . /7 /2 .~h // I4 /_7 . 29C 9 - zz :. _._7 _ _ () CORRECTED & . t.3 . 9 - i _s/ /5 /-So /V.0 /- dt - /.v /Z7-0 I/.o - -6 V.Ytl/3 516 PATH §WJ4c. k- C cA - q 333 -. Zo /" .S4 1,07 u 3=S 4c STRAIN 0 RATE % _ SHEAR (3) A / 3 /. /6' -. /2 20 CONTROLLED S"I i 4(. c-omwb (2) 0 _/_ 0 S au TECHNOLOGY tc= Or a u / OF DURING P.R R 07ac= -Aw 2 9_ . -7 HISTORY o F7 2/3 /17? -. o39~ 7 STRESS ) IF3 o ,-% TYPE CELL INSTITUTE SHEET PRE SHEAR A,cm2 Ze-S Gs SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS ,c BY STRESSES au S,% V, cc PR6EAR7 ELAPSED (2) DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, W, %e - TEST - PbV. / PROJECT TESTED LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL _ _ __ _ -~, CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST SOIL NO. TESTED - /-/-g PRESHEAR AXIAL - 3) .85 2.70 t / Z<6Y /_.__ /7/ /1 au FOR /r. ao-3 = o 3. 36 .94 ' (2) -76 A,cm2 02/0 t 5:Ic 4: Z/ _ 131 .(L .7 3.27 3.4 A A A A __A_0_ - &CAd A 0- A (r Tac= OF TECHNOLOGY DURING CONTROLLED c= %_ P. RR.= SHEAR STRAIN &_" RATE STRESS r PATH Us=- (3) u A _ . 2/3 2/6 5 .5 . 5. . FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS / 2 A 75 REMARKS __ ___ . __ 2zzs __ ks / ZJ 2/5 5 / Z/5 2./ti 21 /,/ 2? s 2 .57 ___ 2v$2.37S . 2o/ .5S' 4 r /.__ . Rs 3* - 5/,/# 3372 25.33 INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR d 2l' u 73.? ij,7% -. , cm 4 MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY HISTORY __ q1 . i9. s STRESS dr /_-T3 /0_ FOR TYPE CELL __ 3)3 9 / /____K.1 () CORRECTED 77 Gs=- IN STRAIN, % L, DATA :3C DATE STRESSES TEST - CIVIL ENGINEERING, Mmr 7/w, PREHERa?. 4"% BY TIME DEPT. OF S, % V, cc $ $ $ W, % e -NIT7A 2 ELAPSED (2) LABORATORY, vAeC-w PROJECT ALL 4 A MECHANICS TRIAXIAL _ __ __ _ _ _ -- ---------V. . CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, IS, % V, cc IL, cm TESTED ELAPSED INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DURING TYPE CELL CONTROLLED Uc= - O P. PR.= O s (Yac % RATE SHEAR STRAIN &-' STRESS -o v C.b.2C* PATH -I PRESHEAR AXIAL Il % 253 ., 5.22 .' - .73 -__ 3 5 /.s . .. -3/ o 5"C" 0- . 67 q.3 Z 3o ?.Sv S5 22J.2/YPIZ-__ -. 6 7 .1 .2 -. 747 /7 ./ 0 J.//?.oo-/. 57/ L90 L47- .7 7 2. / .79 3 A A a - _m 7 i__ /- 7 . //. / /'I 7 4 94 EXTENSION /.PJJ - 6vl --. -. n -o 2 . 3 3 .s .77 FOR /-47 /70 / COMPRESSION __._ 9 _0 ___ _.7 / 0 - 7f FOR a Tr .:.27. ,e . Ae3Z3 q /Y .00 29. .3 /. . (3) A // 3.b /.__.____..007 //7 ./o f /. /o -. I /___ /0- .? / V7 -4-3 2.2 /.4 2? X7 -1. /471 ..15 - FOR a- 3 = /.4 Au au /. 4P3 2.9/- 5 3?9/.9 /c ___ //3 - d: O,/Or3 3 Set %.92 .3/ /.*f 3.7S HISTORY (2) o 3!:9t .___ STRESS 03) 6c a .?/z - ( ( .ox CORRECTED -r77 s SHEET PRESHEAR Tsc=JO G IN STRAIN, FOR MASSACHUSETTS % DATE STRESSES (2) au SUMMARY aic /V BY TIME DATA A,cm2l PrC PROJECTA&Pe/ (> e W, % NO SOIL ALL LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL 1 -41, TESTS TESTS 3 ._ 14 3.9 3. /.3 /.I 3.27 .' -/ S1 --. 5 4w# .* ---. 3S --Z7 .; -. a REMARKS: 3 7_ _ _ -0. _ 233 F 33 =/2. " 100C7 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST LABORATORY, W, % e NO z SOILL_ TRIAXIAL DEPT. OF CIVIL S,% V, cc TEST ENGINEERING, ALL DATA SUMMARY INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS OF TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR L,cm A,cm2 DURING CONTROLLED DATE TYPE CELL G7 ds *'r O P. R R.= 3C BY STRESSES SHEET 'e PROJECTA&c TESTED - .3 a, UeA IN PRESHEAR ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % (1) . 3' . 3/ Z.3 7Y .. - 7_? 2 33/.oo / .1 J.3 2.6Z7 / Z3 / 1 L8 . i ±hL~g /737 /SZ2/3/V 20 7 6S 7 5.,/7 g . .I 3/I .33 7 9Z / / . /_ .37 ._ AS614f - 0006 PAT H .. Ar"C0. W f / 2/ 1_ . a pFr Z.330 730 . .' _r/ /-7,?7~' f__ .3 ,7.1 .Y6 /25f 139 .22 -/.3/3 /6 /.o / o - .3TO 4b 2p 7W q A o - RATE STRESS 900 (3) AU au al /5 3 a c .'39. 071 C-ic.4 (2) c o? HISTORY - 6:3) 3 (I STRESS % SHEAR STRAIN _7 3 .z __ ZS& .___ 2 ?/ /.xs 7 9 - 3 .6 N -L:. I7-4 2.17 0) (2) CORRECTED AU FOR FOR a- ____ W / Roc- .1s '2 _ ./ : .39 a A (31 =o 0 M m101164,04 W ' . 7F A aU - A0- FOR COMPRESSION A AU-A() FOR EXTENSION ac0- a, ._2 - - TESTS 2/ /6 REMARKS TESTS 11 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS Of TEST NO SOIL TESTED cc IL, cm A,cm2l A IN AXIAL (e - PRESHEAR STRESS 40 d' /. A /.S3.4o :o .if -7f _S~ /09 to 1.0 .1 &.FITS 9.469 .1/7 .1 V. o' 64 au FOR OF SHEET TECHNOLOGY DURING CONTROLLED s' /-i Al /.0 2M2,7 Zo / /o 2A- FOR /A &a- 3 =o . (3) A A = -AOT aaG,- AO, se "Cdc A - e F .~ RATE -04 PATH 6 ' d _____ MSr A~ q o .z .Y32 .7 .900 ._ .9 .7sr .s ~ . a2 /oo 52 EXTENSION f /61 -. 34 .- 7 FOR .. 729 / /-X( -._ .76 -7/ t2o 9-3/G ./.33 /o/ / .9 .Z A /.A 1 /39 7 YZ gs J.' -- /30.0 z~fi TESTS _ 2r _ s _/7_Z_',/ . . 4 .7- 43A '4 6 .2/0 /.af .- 5 .75/ 2.77 b17- - .__ /37 5 A./7 .1/ COMPRESSION .391 a . .! FOR - /.__ .S ___.Vv ~ -.S7 .1 r/ //6 /ez = % STRESS /sMg z1 oo .7/ p R.3= A 3." c = "P. SHEAR STRAIN (3) (2 u b A6 3..7 e 6 p-& Iv. 16 25- CORRECTED INSTITUTE a:c =U AT & Tu Xs7 ,7 0V 07 572 e-7 / /.;' .7. ? qT J. *;.24 2 .6 0 .T Z 4c? /-2 2. ~~~~ AP HISTORY a:a-, __ AS Al.37 CELL ___________ (2) -3 tpF /z Z./6 .__ Z 7 TYPE 6:3) 3 ./7 X Z7 Gs= de - STRAIN, - SUMMARY PRESHEAR :3c = DATE !!/-/A& STRESSES DATA MASSACHUSETTS d TIME (2) V, ENGINEERING, - =c= BYWAit ELAPSED II) S, % e W, % DEPT. OF CIVIL TEST VC PROJ E C To ALL LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL 6 ?. /7 7.-W -723 Z./.9 //& /o - . -/ z4.17 REMARKS TESTS _______________I CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TESTED S, % e W, % DEPT. OF TRIAXIAL CIVIL ENGINEERING, cc V, TEST - cm IL, TESTED BY $eg A,cm2l ALL DATE t;/ IN STRESSES ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % 10 &!C PRESHEAR (l a: a /± _.__ ___ 19 -8 2 /2.L Z2 /Z-7 .015j 7 /3 V 2.m& 292 /V y-. ) CORRECT ED (2) & u FOR FOR &0-3 = 0 ,9 9_ .93 .___ 3 3 !39 7 <S_ 3.45 3. . o5P A A _ = = Au-A FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION I, _ _/ 6/ __ -7 9/ 29 , 37 /2v 73W TESTS TESTS REMARKS: /Y _ Z-/2 2? 2/_ ____ s"/ _o_ _ ____ p 4-10 / /oo . . . ._ .___ . VF 7 . 0? - 7/ZJ.Y. 37*' YO/ 131 .22 32. 067 0 ./7 .77 ./Z . 7 37S .23Y . 9 . . 77 .157 . 3 . /,ef PATH if'e-. _ 14 .0 .4 .2 _ STRESS a pr -_ . .Y RATE STRAIN * q5T.. 'r/67/r /Tr o ':* q 0 /S7 Z. S$4 //-Z ff 337 .5 226 3-:3 CONTROLLED % SHEAR (3) A 0 I DURING P.R = R. AP Au 0- /. /2/ // //.7 FDIG u 1o3 /o- 9 .vi _, 2 /1 0qArA70t4 /5-3 /.02 /oZ .03 ice HISTORY TECHNOLOGY 4 (2) c3 4 STRESS OF Rc P 6 S TYPE CELL 4c= 53) - INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR 4.?, 4 77 Gs 1o () __/_ / 7 PRSEA 4I~ SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS az3c= PROJECTESSEIN DATA 72-2z 2 zo __ X. /_2_ /. _._ ____e -J I,' CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST NO. LABORATORY, TEST DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, e W, % TRIAXIAL - DATA SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS S, % V, cc L, cm IA,cm2 INSTITUTE TESTED ALL BYM l STRESSES ELAPSED IN PRESHEAR AXIAL II STRAIN, % TIME Gs TYPE CELL .___ o .__o? ( J') /.f 323 /7/, o 2g /2.T ZZ 26 .Z 7/ 9MJ9271 26 5 / /9- / V/ ~22. // 2/7 /of . . . ((CORRECTED (2) Au FOR FOR a0-3 = 0 /s7 .2 .plo.s . 36 o 7 2 2Z3 . 1.3z . . 2 Z. 34f (3) A6 9 I /-3.9 2'J 9-'r-| .. d' 1. % -.C Au .7 P .7-lDp &c -. 7 .RX / z6 / 407 79 ! ?7 .76 - 64 COMPRESSION A FOR EXTENSION TESTS 0d .A9 (rO 9,5_0 60 /.J -Y6 A.3 A 7Y /.r -63 o s/ 7 .4 FOR /.SI /.. / 4 /S37 / z6 / 9 - -ss A = p q . SS .2I .3l (3) (21 A u STRESS RATE h-e: y .5 SHEAR STRAIN PATHU 9 U = .01' 3 /M1.Y/.M2 /.07 4Zf/ (2) c Mr/.I#6 &$ Fac = - &e L ISTORY H 3-u) -:1 Y7 7. STRESS DURING CONTROLLED P.P R.= Z" lp a:, DATE TECHNOLOGY c R TJ6;91,-& &! OF PRESHEAR c C C PROJ EC SHEET I9?4i 9 7 __s_ .3 3/ 3._&? 3.Z .054 X_ 5/- REMARKS TESTS -j CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED 2 SOIL MECHANICS TEST NO. SOIL A zCx5 W, % ALL STRESSES ELAPSED PRESHEAR AXIAL _ . (CII - ~.24 VY/ _c .W~~~' STRESS $oe /.9 Jr.s 3._ ?So XV /07 S 2/9 / I Ab!37 2AF 3.97 (I (2) CORRECTED Au FOR - FOR &0-3 = *__?A7 o III 0 /15_ ?Sq. Y7 /0/ A = A = A 0-- A 0, p-a 0o 2. V/ 393 .A?- 2!r .73 / 7 .Ai ./S _ z9 rza V /.T /S7 Vs 5 Y FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION 23/' /7 REMARKS% __ _236 _ 1 6 __/ Z-.Z3 /.4 TESTS . .4W3 .07 3*07 3. / 1 _ __-- _ /5 // ,6,? TESTS ' . /6 2/ _ .9/ // CC ~ _Z _ __/_ /. // _ __/_ _ Z__. .__/ -4 RATE 4 S2 7 ?S-/ . . _ STRESS /. gs Awa.-e E q / 4S x 7 131 . .25 . SHEAR STRAIN ______ PAT HC4IC;? ,x .tSz . CONTROLLED % A =.r93 ~ //Z Zi~ 4Z . - ./4 f /. __ 6 0- C go__ TECHNOLOGY (3) (2) ?YZ OF DURING P.PR.= 3c UWac A SM10 e/--./ Au INSTITUTE SHEET CIc_____c_=_ e 0 107 .6 / __/_ /3 '4I 83 ode I 3 So 4 -?/p .4 . 94f SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS 4>0&P .2 /C? /ro . zil 7 4 , DATA PRESHEAR HISTORY ZZ .67 /Z _ a @u X JA/7 /_ / /c - 2 god T YPE CE LL A (2) -- .16 L,cm A,cm e TYP a/ .07 * V, cc &3) a~ - .V/ () S,% 7 Gs IN STRAIN, % TIME g e dp). PRESHEA DATE BY TEST DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 12 NT PROJECT TESTED LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL ___, __-W_ _ /. /1. _ _ ar CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, NnCcC'FlA TEST If SOL NIT AL PROJECT PRESHEAR TESTED ALL DATE 0-14S BYAA4 STRESSES ELAPSED TIME AXIAL ( / __ _____ 7 4 /s /. .7_- _ _ . -__._-_/- -. _ .2_ .zg /. ./ - .- .3 .-. ._ ____ () CORRECTED (2) Au FOR .30 /., FOR ar -=o (31 A A a.<? -. - ___/_ 7 I 3.2)' 27 ___ ___ GA ____VM.c -3',(/ N V__3227 ? fo /.q -X ._ 7 .__ 22-.5 __/ __ . _/ __ 3/ _ -. ___ ____ _/ -. sy . ____ -/ --.6/_X .7 FOR EXTENSION _.;__ -/27 .___0 .. 5 _ ...-. ..... S0-.3 TESTS _ _ _os 4 , . 7- ~ .77 yf' ._ TESTS __ 2. .S-. i-i/.1 44. .? COMPRESSION .R. .S7 __ ____ __21 FOR 7__ -..1-.o -./ . 7 _ -.--. _ . /7 /-/ _. _/_ REMARKS 4 SFr Ao-r- &(3, 7 . .0o33x/Y _ -. /o -. 1 ____to9_ -. 7 -. / 2/ ./4-04 O Y 2/3 77 .7z .9.2/z /f . 1.. 4.Y . 23?/ / .&s? . / .- PATH r. / 2_/./ /.[4-:a 1 -. 72 1.33 ./zs /. Y/iZ .2z 3Ji _ /-7 STRESS ~ Z.o 3yiY /.o0s /I _f L / _4 . -,9 7. 9f/ -. .9 Z7V. .q 9/7 _ ___ - /L _.L 4 rWe o - - I7C 0 d q . 633 / /6 0V;_ 0 . ' . / STRAIN P. R.= A %" RATE us= A _7,9 /__ _ <F.~7 - 27 CONTROLLED 3 o/ SHEAR (3) u 3 _.3/ TECHNOLOGY DURING o'r /aw .37 .4 V7 .o OF 169 p t = ac a -- /oo 67 9 c Fi ,O & 3 7 /96 .S/ _ZI3_9___./ _ /i 4? INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR HISTORY 4403. . 2 6 STRESS SUMMARY s /rc 1,7o -. 9 -7/ .9-IS .44 _.0 a,12 21 67 2-F 79' L, cm Acm DATA MASSACHUSETTS TYPE CELL 9-"i O s o 1Z 70 CIVIL ENGINEERING, V, cc - ac / 2 7 PRESHEAR STRAIN, % S, % /b TEST - / Gs IN e W, % DEPT. OF TRIAXIAL ) _ _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED 7' ' cc e SOIL MECHANICS ' -CoC TEST N - W, % e INIT IAL d SOIL e c PROJECT44"/ TESTED ALL BY STRESSES TIME IN PRESHEAR AXIAL I _ t - 5 3 % 5 .Z .22 (2) CORRECTED Au FOR FOR a 3 =o 2 Y HISTORY _ / 4- .3 72 29.2 / Zo1 5 e -F ___ - ~ __ _ - 0 .o /3. /.ca -- 14". W--. .sos .7 (3) yu& 9, g 4.2w.6 ?( A = (3 A = / - A - a-, -a -. 2/ 0 --. 22 o-/3/ - FOR COMPRESSION /7, -29 .27 / .146 .? a FOR EXTENSION 2 -." d'" CSS V9 r _ . /_ _ _/0 /',71C./ %- 4 . 229 ... _ L5 .9 - _._ -- -- e?9 3> _9 / -___ -, TESTS STRESS X4F o3f.f ________.oz/5 /'.3 sos PATH .33 o0r- .07 ./f ____-/7-ot .53izi STRAIN ____ RATE a.. P . .~7 ./ 0 SHEAR (3) .77 -. % uB A c 0 Mc '-". 0 _ .,!: f TECHNOLOGY DURING P.PR.= acC 7._/ 3 OF CONTROLLED (21 u .I./ -/Z__ 22 __ 2~~ _ /_ 7- INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR c. . .1/ 2 SUMMARY c Au 3 V .7 7 o) TYPE CELL /. .3c .37 MASSACHUSETTS . -33 ./.32 DATA L, cm A,cm2 (2) 10 6. _iox__ -, 77 a/ - a3C= 1., STRESS 3 /2 ./09/dip .0 7.91 7 S, %IV, cc TEST ENGINEERING, U'|&O L& o# ) c ' - DEPT. OF CIVIL . Gs I STRAIN, ,/?F PRESHEAR DATE ELAPSED LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL /- // /.3 3 / .75/Y6 . . REMARKS TESTS __ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TEST NO. e W, % TRIAXIAL TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, S, % V, cc IL, cm /O 6.DTGs BYDATE STRESSES ELAPSED TIME IN AXIAL STRAIN, PRESHEAR 477Z .zi9- _,_ /1/5 /9 -JL /.4 FOR FOR ao 3 30/ 21 = -k a_ S, ZAA4 J./ 2.0 46-o /-/56.6/ _2 _ .3o03 / 2.3/ UB (2 ,g9V /-76Y .S- 1.7 3 .- S- .7Z - . 2op . 7 . 3/ J. . /-V _/_ /.z ~_ __ /06 4.43 2 A = 0, FOR ACOMPRESSION A = AuA aa-- a 0 FOR EXTENSION /, Z.L 4Vi TESTS REMARKS: STRAIN STRESS K c )vc1o 7 V33 tip I op _/ -J /.75 3 175 4 f /.39 /./7 .s? 3.2_ 31.5_ V -.; .6/.i .7 TESTS 6 PATH D9 f2- -S2 3 Y /&V . J9 . . RATE q .46 . % SHEAR (3) ./f - J .0/ V? ZS7 Z. 39 K _ ;.// /7 76 .7-00 2. ac= Z17s, . TECHNOLOGY c= PPR.= /00 A u g- . .2/ . /l 21 _ 21 Au A) OF DURING e:||#7.<- /a 40 / SHEET CONTROLLED 3c 4.sf X 10 ~ - ._(3) o $9 3 z- I. HISTORY ) A3 a ', - 27z 124 7 -. 77 CORRECTED STRESS _ .-. 77 _ _ TYPE CELL % O &u INSTITUTE Fic = cf TESTED (2) SUMMARY PRESHEAR PROJECT I) MASSACHUSETTS A,cm2l SOIL ALL DATA _ _ _ A /C CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TEST NO DEPT. OF S, % e W, % TRIAXIAL CIVIL ENGINEERING, cc V, TEST - IL, cm A,cm2 * -i-/O! TESTED BYA16!A. STRESSES A- IN ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % /CF4-" -/2 .ZZ ._1__ o _ A .7'6 2.22 W /_ 23/ 2.39 2.1 fV LC /. t4 3. I / _jr 27 "f so ;$$3 .// ?-53 .I _, 2' 69r .7-l3 .&72 o/ -. o q_Al .34 V.7/ Z.t .361 . - .49 / . /9 /./ A . .347 - /9 . -6 AU FOR FOR 0- 3 =0 .26 13) A A 7 .93 .3 . . o -0) . 2, . o .- /.-/ . .93 /.6o 2 /,79 . _ -30. _2 COMPRESSION - Am FOR EXTENSION Z__ / .6 V7 TESTS TESTS REMARKS: o It zo i- .37 ?./z 3..0 .&_._ _ ._ _ _ __ _ _ V5.2 9 .4z _. 7_. O-.Z .9 /.2 FOR 3 .315 -1.7/ ..3 /__/.7_ -. / V?. V _ . 72 .70-./ __- . /.// 2 // .73 . _b X.3j oi .YV 9 2y 79 (I _ 32 5 .7 = Ao--a 0-r A . Z.5 ___. -. . oi 6 . . s -. /s . .C6 . /37 -. 2 .73 f C b e~ci4y.v.ko '.v p . ._.v? . ___, 3.5. ___ o) CORRECTED .-- 7 31/7 .01 _3 _ -- . o 1.$ oz q 440 X 91 . /.24 PATH - STRESS RATE %l" ,U13= *. SHEAR STRAIN (31 Au cA .P . e.P.RR.= = 7 .97 .Z 293 . S5i /.Z6 3c UFac = C /1/3 .2 f5o 17,- E// r.4/66.Zo.3 /-__ u /r DURING CONTROLLED Bc= V''''j HISTORY (2) c- .__._ 5 TYPE CELL 2 4O~ STRESS PRESHEAR TECHNOLOGY PRE SHEAR YPE C , 077 Gs= (5 - T3) .___ .__ .6 .7 2 PRESHEAR , 5 DATE SHEET OF INSTITUTE ic PROJECT (2) SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS SOIL ALL DATA t =mwi CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL LABORATORY, W, % NO e S, cc % V, ENGINEERING, IL, m A,cm2 INITIAL 5:C PREHEA a3 BY A DATE PRESHEAR ( ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % .SO .927 .6U /J6' Z 6s~ P/ A_e 770 /7 7777 2.25 _Zi 997 V. z-;7 .7/ ._p - ./ z/0 _ /.67 -/.77 FOR FOR a-3 =o --,.2t -/-7 ./ 9. - -o . /V- S-: . .__ .g .27 . .07 . ./7 -7 ./ // ./ -7 . I -i/- V9. r' .3 2 / . . -___ _. _ = u-&a0 aq,- o, .0 - -__,Y__ - / o-5 -. _ /__ V7 FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION -. ir _ v77 -. , ____ A f STRESS f~ ;fe- &fPgCw- I __ ._ 30 /-'6 //3 ____ __27 _/_/-3_./ _ .9.S ___ 7.34 -230 ___ ___ _/ ,30Z -__ _ _ __-_ 5 _ .S-V ./o1 ,o .&_ (3) / -.. .07 e /_. --_ 7 ..-- ~ /./9 -. .g. ./o .272' . '-"*?/ PATH l.o' or 6A f z zOL .26 /_70 -20 /-3Z -. /A,_ /AV STRAIN I RATE -.- 2 .3 /1. 'os", Z/.ve 35 -/o A'>. /m6/ / .±9 27-3 i/ i Z CONTROLLED P% -. 27M -. 11/ 2 i' -. 0/ o-./- -. i= SHEAR r .4 /7/17._ - . 77 -/.___-. Z _.._ 39b-. 2.Y .o 7 TECHNOLOGY B .oet' ._ - 4 os OF (3) (21 - _ 7 .W 3 -"I .97 - 14-.9 (2) au 3.~: 3 A?/ . /./-.9-5 (i) CORRECTED -Y6 . S./. . 6 -.. , 3.s Zo6J2 1 6- _ 9 .9!7 /.009 . r. u - P. R R.= A ?9 q o /.2 /. // .7 .T 2 7_± a SHEET DURING - au cA c/or J./L =z tc ? -of., - (2) J u1l.- / S;70 HISTORY STRESS INSTITUTE ac TYPE CELL ) ./848 -. b .7 ___ - -3) * , ML 77 Gs = IN STRESSES SUMMARY PRESHEAR PROJECT ALL DATA MASSACHUSETTS SOIL TESTED - TEST TRIAXIAL -. TESTS .63____ _ .___ 6 -_9 2CS-lo -M~5 __ - -Y _ _ REMARKSt TESTS I CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED c e OlL TEST C NO MECHANICS a INITIAL PROJECT Z ALL K PRESHEAR BY1&o DATE _ * IN STRESSES ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % _ ( 5 PRESHEAR .39 s~zs .1)4- -33 30 ____ 7464 . / .29 3s *SS /_.__._ CORRECTED (2) au FOR .. 4f FOR a- /6I 6'7L /. w 3s Z.ZS 5 2 s S9/ 2.?L -23 A = -COR a A= oFOR -Am '&0-- A 0, -07 .o/ -. 07 FOR --. COMPRESSION . EXTENSION -05 re .. c -. 092 --. TESTS STRAIN C 6c STRESS qo CV /o%.10 _3_ /Z ,Z6 16i? - ._ -/ A3 . 3 t . -. 2/ P ATH . .07 / .. / L. ATE R PTr -:o -Z 3 .. E97~ -. 7&L Z-o ,s ,49 3%99 V.9 au UB0gc % SHEAR J-..r q - .23 ONTROLLED P.PR.= .gO . /-56 131-1C. =o ..2Z. 7/ .S3l Z7 .S V" 7 Cl * .57 // . TECHNOLOGY (3) (21 A , ./2 /.3 .17 ____ _7_. .32 ./3 r./3 z ,z /3. .77 .30 OF DURING a3C c Au INSTITUTE SHEET c= 6.Ic F AU A/ SUMMARY PRESHEAR (2) .3 .2- -C7 -3/ 6.90 S, % V, cc L, cm IAcm2 24A 40E.g 1o 71-3 DATA MASSACHUSETTS HISTORY /. ... ./z STRESS or --n - -6y .c . 7 DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, ) - 6c TEST - TYPE CELL d Gs 0 I) -/00 (i) e W, % C- SOIL TESTED LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL 9 .31 .. X/ .M_ . .70 -6 .90 -' ,9 7 /./_ / /.0 -1 /- // /./ 2z _ I /. __ /A. -7Z 1.71 ___ ____./9 REMARKS: TESTS 11 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL LABORATORY, )A,.C-P1? NO.CZ-W( TEST MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL S, % V, cc cm L, TESTED ' P BY TIME 6 C A IN AXIAL STRAIN, % 0 as PRESHEAR TYPE STRESS MASSACHUSETTS A,cm2 .3 TECHNOLOGY DURING CONTROLLED CELL t4 - .- 3C P.P R, aoc =-u ,a (2) u 3 (21 __ STRAIN STRESS * P PATH r C.. j-, /" HISTORY SHEAR RATE * &. ol:; cal (C'--a.c A q Fr: 33 _::_p.-_ t. *s'o _ __ _ _ _ 3. / /z .?.T - /./ 7y oI z (.01 27 4s__ _ _ _ _ _ _____ &~4Is-o ..32,9r~ '6/a 2.27 FOR OF PRESHEAR So 2.__ .z 4So S Au INSTITUTE SHEET 3. /o S5Z :. (2) SUMMARY :7.77 /.2/ ) CORRECTED DATA __ /.70 .237 ? T- - 0:3) II Q .*36 __ _ Gs= - AD 264f4 . 4 s PREPHEARs DATE STRESSES ELAPSED ~ 4 A~ TEST ENGINEERING, Xt/T1AL PROJ ECT ALL e W, % SOIL TRIAXIAL FOR &a-,=o Z7toc Noe__ __ ___ . A7 3 A = FOR COMPRESSION A = FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS REMARKS: _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST LABORATORY, - a7 Nn.~lb ZA INITIAL PROJECT T?TESTED - BY r L, 7".3 m 47 cm IA,cm2 STRESSES ELAPSED IN AXIAL c'r3 (j7 -~ is- .33 ___ /. 3 1 (2 ~ /3 1 au (2 / 51c __-_ _ - j&±/ -Us= ~ ~~~?--~I-- A * q _ _ _ _1_2 _ RATE 9<5 STRESS STRAIN PATH A 'a.os/otpz'I r- / le q A _ SHEAR - P PPR 3C 0'ac= _ /-__ _ TECHNOLOGY HSOY : 3) TE STRAIN, % OF DURING PRR/ dJlc TYPE CELL STRESS PRESHEAR INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR &vv ALL MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY CONTROLLED A1/ -:777 Gs IV, cc DATA 7 PRESHEAR DATE TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, S, % Ie W, % SOIL TRIAXIAL 5P uatol _ _ 0 96 //$Z 4L 0 6./a 3 Jos- 0' __ _ 2/.92__/_ 15~ _I _ 7 .A 2. > 0 . _ . -IS 5.-%4 ,27 /3 /?.2s .9- 3 __ _._ £.sC .33 Io~~_ /_ (iI CORRECTED (2) AU FOR _ 9-_ _ FOR &O- 3 = AU- Aar (31 A A 0 -- --- .-- iR Ri iR I i- m - " - Gi-, I - 1 11 '11- - 0raO0 I - ___ _ FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION -- TESTS REMARKS TESTS -- - I I -- l -- - --- - " CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED S OIL MECHANICS oo_ TEST Z PROJECT TESTED 4 - BY - DATE IN _ STRESSES _ ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % _ _ _ (1) -3 STRESS O M3 &1 (2) o - SHEAR STRAIN ej) at. : 6 h STRESS / . (3- i> __ _ 'c __ _ 6.,' 2.7 6.98 tcz9 I loz ,o33.2-4 0/ ' e 4 RATE PATH lAIN -' q _ DURING U3 &ac AU __ TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLED tc= P. PR, U3 C Au (2) OF INSTITUTE u C= //C -3) SHEET PRESHEAR HISTORY c __ O SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS /6/ 0| -2 DATA L, cm A,cm2 TYPE CELL PRESHEAR _ (5 - ) ___ PRESHEAR _ cc V, z / Gs= __ _ TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, S, % e W, % INITIAL SOIL ALL LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL .0 .:6 .XY1 /3 1..7 3-sr e23. 67 ./ /~ /7 I7 __ ___/__ 3.3 9 Z.W .___ k 2/. ___ 3.67 IW , __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ /7 to CORRECTED (2) au FOR _ FOR Ao 3 = _ o (3) A = 13T, A __ AuA&) a,- 4(7 FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION __'_ __ _ TESTS TESTS _ REMARKS: _ _2_ _ g o.e _ CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST NO. SOIL C 7Cc PROJECT ALL BY DATE STRESSES ELAPSED TIME t AXIAL ( J.6Y /-76 ;Q.6 32 / ___ Z.__ ( 6) - Uc _ STRESS CELL OF TECHNOLOGY ______ DURING CONTROLLED % STRAIN STRESS 0/< 14I4.f. RAT E P PATH UB= ,ac= SHEAR HISTORY F Au au /-r (3) (2) Tc A cio q I __ ___ 3 /2 INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR a3c TYPE _________ (2) ___ 2 P.PR.=- U3 3,76 S.o L,cm A,cm MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY tc = O3) 3 ( V, cc DATA PRESHEAR PRESHEAR STRAIN, % S,"% ENGINEERING, - INITIAL G IN DEPT. OF CIVIL e W,% .' TESTED LABORATORY, TEST TRIAXIAL 3.36 __ _ __ _ ____ ---a .08/ .076 /*2 /___ . /2/ 2/6 _/_2/ -'07 3/ _/-3221 _ , 5___6 03 ______ .11.3__ / IZ I 'trZ 3 '/f 3/ o) CORRECTED (2) Au FOR _ FOR &a-,=o _ __./ 10 s (3) A = - FOR COMPRESSION A = Au A FOR EXTENSION &a--A(3 TESTS TESTS __ REMARKS: _ ___ _ Z _ _ I -~ I-l/e CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST LABORATORY, P7 NO 77 INITIAL iY6 PROJECTd BY A STRESSES IN TESTED ALL DATE AXIAL TIME STRAIN,% (5 277 ()) r. o o 1o /9 .0 sAS /3/7 .0 /t b~~6-01 s-.17 t.-Or .000- S. Ic 4. 3.M S6L Ar // 27 oz . 2.79 .GY . /3. .__ __ __Y_ . 2s ._ /z . /. au FOR 0 3-3o /.7/ /. 7/ /-'1 . api - - FOR 0-3 3.70 2.73 . 36 .77 Z7 (2) L 9/ ,: ." . 6S_0. So 3.73 _3. f_ CORRECTED ZZ/ ;_ 2/9. (I 273 1.zz Z.@ -1.79 =0 / -. 4zc .& z _7 *.53 . 5?3 1 3.33 x.Y 3.59 S__" 2J3 /06 $.. /.0 0 S.. 9 g9 EXTENSION __7 __ __ IV. W __7_ _ __ / /5 ____. 34 3 3_ 2d3 /.I .__ q_? , _y_ REMARKS _ _ __ _/_ TESTS _._/ __ __ // TESTS C /C _.7/_ 57_ 7_3 //49 1 /2/.f STRESS , (TO -r _./A _ _ -S7 L4L/ ._ FOR a 0)- & 0, 6 7s.K ___ -a, A = p -m~ Y COMPRESSION 6 I__ , FOR PATH .652 /..? 57z 'f &2 7%7$4 / /S* . c?! 667 4 7_ . k 77 . 3 A AU -46r _ A =- o STRAIN 4600 RATE 0&s.r ._ . T-7 CONTROLLED SHEAR (3 o . .23 TECHNOLOGY cow )u ____ /-9 AM- .3 / 7 ___ .$0 // //f Z/ (I -ZZ .6Z q .652 3.30 77 -. . .? G A (2 .V-6 0 1,07 .Gz-. /_7 5 A 7 Z<77 2CC/ .'s /4 . __ OF RP = eq o-sfr 6 .5M SHEET DURING P.PR= 0,c AU /.z/ / / /t7/ . . 3.02 V/ ioo 30 4.7L / 3 ._____________ . Zig'g / 1/1/ / T INSTITUTE O'ac=- 6. HISTORY STRESS MASSACHUSETTS - _______ - e.47 .0 CELL SUMMARY PRE SHEAR O . DATA A,cm2 27Jo. TYPE -c . L,cm T Gs= PRESHEAR ELAPSED S,%FVcc a?,7. ~ PRESHEAR t TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, %e W, TRIAXIAL I '/Z2.q- _ _ __/ ) _ _ __ _ A? c/ LABORATORY, SOIL MECHANICS TEST I NO . ALL 44KDATE STRESSES ff3 PRESHEAR AXIAL STRAIN, % 0) (d /.Z7 / 74 i/tr1 , /.572 /.43/ 1.6/ /z/ .,2 33/ . 45Y .? /.20 S-Z6 . z9 / - /. el /.2 - /. /s.o .1 , 2 /.O 1.2 /20 2. 1-153 A.3 'k 2.e3 . /Y- 2.V .7 9 .V4 3.456 3.o z67 f. /o /./ F03 2. 2so / ?3Z7 . /.2 s .. 7so .2-/5 V.Y./3 77 2Z7 V.o/2 .75 4-' S,/ 7.0-4 3.36E__ z L _ 7. 77 3 -- ?9 _i 3 /1 1/. -3Z 2 V7 /. V,5- R 3L .3. 6;K .979 de v -. si . 6b | 35r3 -- (2) Au FOR FOR _ 0-3 =o / /. y3 -. 73 V9 .7 - 3.7-7 _ _ (3) A = . 7' 2 . ,SM 5 '/ .S76 .5gz 4 56.o f5 -_,76 7 T4.? .65 -. 53_//0 Zk 24 -. 3 / , 7 010 .-54 . _ . 7 v/ia ./ /S-Z -52. /7/ / /6 ZS7 .'./5 /ZS1.4/ ./OR' .1607 /75S .0&6 .7s- .- 34 .4f- 2/3 /114 . 62 ./?$4 - PATH __ - 6*7 __ £ RATE STRESS 7 .70Z 7.!r. 5o 0, -3.7u 3/6 3. 66 .37 3.7S- .30 -9 SS . 3z- -037 /s Y/ .--S VS 52.7,6 2.7 2$5 A4 -. ox 3 0. _Zt t/ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.4/3 17 -SPPrI-e Z%/25r 2 --/-. ?z- 2 . zz A. Z$1 A .2 _ 91' . oo/ S-f . A7 -_ /of i,3.9 .SS STRAIN r .37 /- /7 Y.!R3 -. CORRECTED 1.31 3.~/ % / UB A ' /2 CONTROLLED A. e3 A A2= -7e5s SHEAR (3) (2 Au eO /-7 /. o sI 3 -2//43.3 Au TECHNOLOGY DURING P.PR. - ac .- 3 Av. (2) - OF tc = 0-04r. ac= 4 HISTORY INSTITUTE SHEET PRESHEAR TYPE CELL STRESS SUMMARY MASSACHUSETTS 7 77 . Gs= D IN TIME DATA S, %IV, cc I L, cm IA,cm2l PRESHEAR BY ELAPSED I) CIVIL ENGINEERING, DEPT. OF - ulc= PROJECT TESTED e W, % TEST 4c I SOIL TRIAXIAL CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED .37- / # .1/7 . dq% 7S- . 73 V -3{.P FOR A = AFOR COMPRESSION EXTENSION TESTS REMARKS (/) TESTS I -7 'yrz* C-r CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST NO. LABORATORY, 4-Ar e W, % TESTED ALL . VS' PRESHEAR AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % ( J (I - 0 .. ~/ .. ,5 1 . . 72 . .46 2S __6 VO 17 7/ S . (?/ .9' 2 Au FOR 71 400 9 -. . t6 ofee _ 3-72z . -,og-.2. - 3 ~- 9/4 ? 7 - . /. . .Z44 6 ____ AZC7 FOR -A0 3 = 7' .6 o ____ / $ Mf Aau - &AUr - A 0, (31Ao A Au Am a a-- A (3 - TECHNOLOGY DURING tc= CONTROLLED P.PR.= RATE u PATH 64r/rkC AP4l d tc SHEAR STRAIN O STRESS d .4eerG ye,7?~~d i vz Z . 7.5 4307$ - 5' . / . 17z -70/ ..7- V-z ____- o7+ _ 7. s _ -7S . ./cr _ _ -73 - 46Z-r .. ev (7.-.5s--r /017.~$ / ___ __ r /_ *- Yv/. /YJ _-/ 47T -Y/..//7S 23$r -. ___-: - 79 /__/_ 7__ - /____. _763 - 2 3. s OF Cr _. IS.% (2) -. 1.4 .397 9 A__A /s 37 - -/.go . / V7Z 3.72 .30 -s'7 I-6 Zi7C- i 3.3 Zo 37 oz /x /. . Yz ./ INSTITUTE SHEET (3) (21 AU o// JZ. .77 . . 4. Au e-"" I1r a . .70 ___ 7.J3V r O5/O1 . * 0'ac= /' HISTORY (2) S-34 .J3 ((CORRECTED STRESS C-3 _/ ./ // __ _/._ ffic- TYPE CELL U3 ) a:,c A/ 2.7.7 SUMMARY PRESHEAR ero TYPE CEL Gs D IN ELAPSED L, cm A,cm2 % V, cc ac= 1 7 DATA MASSACHUSETTS evc BYDATE STRESSES TEST - DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, S, GN7TIAL. PROJ ECT A TRIAXIAL -. ~~Zap /o -- Zo? /.7 -- ? FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS REMARKS: 3 __q __ _ ___ ____ -I CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST MECHANICS - NO. W, % SOIL ef PROJECT TESTED ALL BY DATE ! STRESSES ELAPSED AXIAL ( STRAIN, % R-'g 0 (1 6:1 3) PRESHEAR J. - t o7 .9 6 (ft -99f.9 .27 ./o . VV4. 3.77 J. 7. os 7.2 o A.9b x J.S7 . 27 2. 6-.9' .a 9 og./ A .9 6./Z ' /.73 J. V2 . _/ A. i. 2.4 .633 3.96 .? 3-16V 3.97 .AS41 /."9 .64/ . / .± /.77 S. 7 9 6770 "//. S469 .4. 61-66 54 AYV ._0 562 -0/ ___/ !% / / ('(CORRECTED FOR A =o RF . - &.// 2.9 >6 0 .4 (31 .V S5bf A = A A= a3 lpe - /-A.M Zof Z.2a A -07/ .SZ ./07 9!./so . P?__ . /S7 S* .XSJ 7/,2 -7 / -17 2./1 9 2.4.7 -. 3 3S/ .I / 100 % 0 3- RATE SHEAR STRAIN 0 . PATH 0 STRESS v'6 0 |e' . 3-.? .20 . Z.4 o9L f./o .. 3 .9 .L .a /.5" .9 .. /5 41 /. a 4/ .4,7 FOR COMPRESSION a -AO(y Au-, FOR EXTENSION .0-__ 6./f/ - 4S V. /o c. 3 9 .77 .Y .7/19 . /.2o / * h_/ .5_-7/. 7 6/ If__ .1 A_ / R.?_ .4 t/7 "8 / Ck! TESTS .9_/_ ._ .9 TESTS dl.7_3 Y. .682 . &2_ /.Z. REMARKS: /.922 /.9 92 /. 99 Zoo .., o8 2 oa 2.. ___Y7 __ 6Wi .&p. 462 . _.o StYi . /76 . S-.27 .2 IF 1. 07 J. 37 -. .5- / 1../ 3.39 '. 50 72 1./o /.314 '$ 7o .24 /o _- _______ IV 9 --- 22 ._u .0 S a Ur 0 7 A.ti8 . .17 2,5V RPRc= us 6-72 &.V7 4./ Z X9$ . DURING CONTROLLED P.PR.= q - . OZ . 023 /V. &.Z / /. TECHNOLOGY (3) (2 0 . . .4' ./ 6.24 /-./& .16 /84.4 /29 7 . L4? /7 _56 Y.6 7.o /.S / JS.' -7.-5- .0 3 0-1 /.049 .. ,VV - .A62! . Au . .RO .2f .&c7 13.07 1.72 oo OF PRESHEAR = Au Ls INSTITUTE SHEET * A df/c.,0, 3-O.-37S,. .6 .7 .-- 7S' ,/C/. S ,fc - .3- HISTORY 17 /- -qq 3./ 3.49 /.s, .04 6.2 /. .17 3./ .529 .3-22 . 1.3/ a.&r SUMMARY / oo 6.o 7 0 ~ /-Y & 2/ S&a 2.70 -7S .09 1. 1.' 7 DATA MASSACHUSETTS TYPE CEL L0ac STRESS - cm IA,cm2 L, (2) (73 0 64 2.9k cc / O3) 2 -.-75G . 3q .L3 . 7. -52 IV, TEST CIVIL ENGINEERING, . . .PI. . DEPT. OF S, % Ie . 22U -1 FOR Jec Gs = ac o -2 . INITIAL PRESHEAR TIME au "/ N -0 (2) LABORATORY, TRIAXIAL _ 4z S S._7 3. 7 3._9 3. A-& _t_ o/ __7 Now 'I' TRIAXIAL CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST E NO. AD SOIL ~ S5ie ALL NIF(3 BY STRESSES ELAPSED TIME DATE IN %Ca. *77 - -o2 . .. - .39 .70,9- _27 7og _7 ._ 3.49 A/.- 5.72 . u) CORRECTED Au So Y.ff FOR FOR ~ ~ P 4// F . ~ ~ 9 ;0 V ly, NOW" -T 7 ?2 , 4R 72 7 7/ / A 13) A &a-=o , 9 :51. eZ47 .19-1 .T.3(7 d6 3. /0 /19 t__7_S _ A A(o a (T- A a- 4 'I- ~ * . 57_ _.__. 6./_ .2 7.7>JZSL./ ./ z.62 .- Y/ _ ______ _ . 2V ._ T.7/a <7 .?717- 0 -,M 2. ed.O 6./ 76L Z17 0// I/ l~qi4a0 £ SS 0ell -7 :7F'-20 .. 07 '7A. T.Y.97 , _ - .. _-6 7.5 /z 7_ V ." .5_6_ /./S- .i 5.5/22Z /-/6 £. e PATH .ST p .3 _ 0/6 Us= 90Z RATE SHEAR STRAIN (3) I. /A 45.5 /4f /.23 /..b- 'SV V 291WS-Z 7.06 ol . .L7 -'e7 % P. PR * A .3 V 63 /c~' 77i. /.s-z3% - 9 _V _V ___ Au ___ _ DURING 0c= " 0'ac o /. /o .$2bY7//3A .'/ .__.t _./_,__2% W_______ (2) . 22 .<6 53c= Auic o 46 HISTORY 3) TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLED -~ STRAIN, % a0 (2) STRESS PRESHEAR )(n ic TYPE CELL OF PRE SHEAR I9o67o?9.3 Gs= % L, cm A,cm % V, cc INSTITUTE SHEET 2 3 W. PRESHEAR __1_22_" AXIAL e S, -30-0. L4CLINITIAL PROJECTE-K44 TESTED % W, SUMMARY DATA MASSACHUSETTS DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, LABORATORY, M TEST - - .76 S./S v /76 SA .2 / SolV .?/ */ 94/6 .7 /9___ 3714 1-?S____lS-9 ic/7/ A_/0 A/6 v o FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION /.o7 44 TESTS TESTS REMARKS: ' t -s 3 7o 3 69 346 g3Zfz ?. . 00 _-7_ I CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED LABORATORY, SOIL MECHANICS TEST C SOI ALL %IV, cc R jN.TSAIfl L, cm A,cm 9o BY DATE STRESSES ELAPSED IN PRESHEAR AXIAL I - y TYPE STRESS 4 HISTORY 400rl 3) A (2) STRAIN, % TIME .2 __ 9 . .ISS" u CONTROLLED - *eo 5ac P.R R.= UB= 1=10. Cme-&r< RATE 3ee SHEAR STRESS STRAIN * C PATH - % 4e (3) c -. --- q A Mrs ' _ DURING s pr __r _ o 2.c7 3.97 Io..o 7Zs _ .2C -*/7S 0 o 4 AO'VC 0-/-1) .,6 .07 TECHNOLOGY tc= aIc )L OF SHEET PRESHEAR 5 3c. CELLC7/{ INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS /0 77 Gs= _ SUMMARY DATA 2 / PRESHE07A3 PROJECT TESTED DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, W, % e S, > .0. 0 TEST - TRIAXIAL __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ . V*A9 .7/L .- f 734 /./9y .77 /3 f. 2. /. / 6_ /.5 / _q.7q8 447/9 . V7 Zo 3_ ___ o .*/ o) CORRECTED (2) au FOR ____;ee __- 73 397 /c-/9 469? .* f./ .36 /- FOR __ /,Z53 -/9 .74 ___ _sZ _ J._ / f. .&C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___/__ .(31 a-3 =o T FR _ 9_ _ __ - FOR COMPRESSION Au~a0--= ao, FOR EXTENSION A =-,a A - --------------- _ TESTS TESTS REMARKS: _ _ _ 7/' CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TEST e W, % DEPT. OF CIVIL S, % V, cc RN.IA PROJECT TESTED ALL TEST ENGINEERING, BY DATE Gs= IN o/ -- '0 ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % (Ie (' ~ /.7 7 . .7 .63 HISTORY d /fr INSTITUTE SHEET OF TECHNOLOGY c= lc= 3 ec 3c ./ DURING CONTROLLED RATE P.PR.= PAT H L. B= 5ac 4.*o||. Ge (2) 0 MASSACHUSETTS h/ 63) (3 SUMMARY au (3) 2 c u - A SHEAR STRAIN STRESS ''f * V 4 5 "'I C 4 -' -e '"'"" p q Tr __ '-'.4 /1 O .20 _ - d: ) STRESS DATA PRE SHEAR TYPE CELLC-//- - PRESHEAR - cm IAcm2 L, T STRESSES __ TRIAXIAL _. I3.7 __ _ _ 2./7 Z.2 -- M Vc 7t 7_ /..5 ,_.Z/ _ .27 /. _ _ .26 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /- 0) CORRECTED FOR FOR 03 =o _ _ _ _ 7/ .52 (2) au s a -/oi3 (3) A = A - _- FOR COMPRESSION -&(- FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS REMARKS: _. _ _ 6 # SOIL MECHANICS TEST PROJ EC T TESTED ALL CC C AS! BY DATE PRESHEAR _____ IN STRESSES %e W, PRESHEAR ELAPSED AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % (a :)()(m - 0:3) :,3 73V c S, % V, cc L, cm 'NmIA *. V./n I ? aLp LNf 1. Gs 77 1 STRESS 5: = 7.1 31 A-. 0 41 1 77/,d q Au TECHNOLOGY DURING CONTROLLED A A (2) P. PR.a 4E 9. us= : 3 q - PATH £14 STRAIN STRESS - / 19"' .3. q - 3 a.aim eft I RATE SHEAR r e 5 pr I d 0.fz .71A .279 . 20 Z / 3c= aac= 30& S 6"y 9 u(2) OF PRESHEAR A,cm2 Au 3 U3 A INSTITUTE tc TYPE CELLCA- HISTORY SHEET SUMMARY DATA MASSACHUSETTS DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, LABORATORY, l, .zr TEST - TRIAXIAL CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED C-5&-v -6 S-39 1.36w .4WU .L~ __ __ _ _ __ J./o -7/ . ki /.261.67 /.4 ;?./& /-6 _ _ _ ___ (i) CORRECTED (2) au FOR .. % .372 .67 .2_ FOR ac-3=O /.4/0 A2.07 1.1 S2' j. 2. _ _ 3_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ 2.7/__ _ _ _ _ _ Z. 713 __.7_ (3) A =& A -aT A A - A 0r Au - Am, FOR COMPRESSION FOR EXTENSION TESTS TESTS REMARKSt __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ m UNCONSOLIDATED -UNDRAINED SOIL TEST )D7-/6 '6o NO. b SOIL A MECHANICS / W, % l INITIAL PROJECT TESTED LABORATORY, DEPT. OF S, e $ % " TRIAXIAL CIVIL V, cc Rao L, DATE ALL STRESSES % e cm ' G6 TYPE CELL C' TEST - DATA MASSACHUSETTS AXIAL TIME STRAIN,% 3 / -. 7' 1'. *'o ..-00bO - RATE STRAIN PATH ' STRESS_ mJ -P .a* -c B CONTROLLED SHEAR 0 - 1 / 00 SAMPLE 3 DESCRIPTION 0p 677 DURING (21 0) /S*-? vjf TECHNOLOGY 0-c PRESHEAR ELAPSED SHEET PRESHEAR PRESHEAR IN OF u ,o 417 ** SUMMARY INSTITUTE A,CM2 4fi.e/to, FINAL BY ENGINEERING, _AFTER TRIMMING .303 147 .95' .37c 3 V.or 7Z A679 .796 ._4 (1) CORRECTED (2)Au FOR FOR &0-=o 4 __--_- 7 /6:_o___ Jz- F __ __AT _ REMARKS FAILURE UNCONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST MECHANICS LABORATORY, NO. OF S, % INITIAL 5 C PROJECT TESTED e W, % C SOIL 4 DEPT BY DATE ALL STRESSES IN L,cm Vcc DATA MASSACHUSETTS TIME AXIAL - 31, . 437 DURING Tc CONTROLLED 0 RATE B Au I/" STRAIN 11__ STRESS 0 PAT H 1.00 SAMPLE A DESCRIPTION q AFTER . 37/ - 7_ .9D I. SHEAR (2) STRAIN, % *0 TECHNOLOGY 1. ocl .67 PRESHEAR a-c - A (I OF 3z E SHEET PRESHEAR PRESHEAR ELAPSED INSTITUTE u dg* TYPE CELL SUMMARY A,CM2 00 G A- TEST - CIVIL ENGINEERING, & FINAL TRIAXIAL TRIMMING P-11:17 . 970 -? 1- 3. / 3.g .Z A cr _ 7 _ _L __ .In _____sr_ AT FAILURE .!&7 i/2.lip (1) CORRECTED (2)au FOR FOR O-3-=o -|-- - - --.-- - - - REMARKS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNCONSOLIDATED -UNDRAINED SOIL TEST NO &'o(l) 74-AW a DATE. ALL STRESSES IN ef/Cd"r ELAPSED TIME AXIAL s G DEPT. OF TRIAXIAL CIVIL S, % V,cc 7J 7 g s% 2 /a 0/0" INITIAL FINAL BY4 e W, % PROJECT TESTED LABORATORY, -U7-3-/ A SOL MECHANICS TYPE TEST - ENGINEERING, L,cm (1) [ SUMMARY INSTITUTE OF SHEET TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR A,cm 0Oc f o/ck DURING cc u CONTROLLED 0 RATE % 4% CELLcAS 4 STRAIN, % DATA MASSACHUSETTS c SHEAR STRAIN STRESS_ 3 .Ir PAT H PRESHEAR a-c PRESHEAR 8 * g SAMPLE (2) Au '3 / (73 7 V A DESCRIPTION q AFTER TRIMMING v I 4= X0 /.y I4W %e. 3 I -~ Co Is 6436 .07Z F59r Zoo IL4*7__ /094 7 WC.A /.f &/ /.7.oc 7 / oA~ Z~~_ 9z-sd__ (1) CORRECTED (2)Au FOR FOR &a-=o 7 _ ____ _9 __ z _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ _ _ _ AT REMARKS: FAIL UR E UNCONSOLIDATED -UNDRAINED SOIL TEST MECHANICS LABORATORY, NO. PROJECT TESTED BY A. .// FINAL ,.5 // TRIAXIAL CIVIL Vcc TYPE TEST - ENGINEERING, CELL DATA MASSACHUSETTS # 0-c ~-29 . Sb / AXIAL (W .203 /.27 W.5 .3's .(-/7 RATE . SHEAR STRAIN STRESS_ 3 C) -c B C (2) SAMPLE Au 73 .3I CONTROLLED PAT H PRESHEAR STRAIN, % SHEET TECHNOLOGY DURING u PRESHEAR TIME OF PRESHEAR IN ELAPSED SUMMARY INSTITUTE L,cmI Acm2 4y IkQ1 /0LL4 2. G DATE ALL STRESSES INITIAL OF S, %I e W,% SOIL DEPT. A q DESCRIPTION p _ _ _ _ AFTER __3 TRIMMING .57 Zzz *7 ___ 86 .77 L4z . .&S- /~ .__ ___/_ A4/ 9t,. (1) CORRECTED (2)au FOR FOR &a-=o 1 j z _ _ _ _ _ _ AT _ _ _ REMARKS _ _ _ _ _ FAILURE UNCONSOLIDATED -UNDRAINED SOIL TEST DEPT. OF S,% e W, % X SOIL CIVIL IVcc BY , DATA MASSACHUSETTS DATE6 7 21 GV9 f TYPE CELL C-1 319 O (D 37 ___y IirL-~ (Z) d/ 42 DURING (c ) 64- CONTROLLED au 7 _ SHEAR STRAIN - ' c B .ISAMPLE A DESCRIPTION qp TRIMMING _AFTER (POO_ STRESS PAT H PRESHEAR 52 TECHNOLOGY RATE . 7S G, (I AXIAL OF SHEET PRESHEAR u c IN STRAIN, % TIME INSTITUTE 2 PRESHEAR ELAPSED SUMMARY FINAL NF 3 ALL STRESSES TEST - ENGINEERING, L,ccm INITIAL CfE PROJECT LABORATORY, 0 NO. TESTED MECHANICS TRIAXIAL __ __ _ _ __ - _ - - -- 0 AT (1) CORRECTED (2)au FOR FOR &0-,=o REMARKS: FAILURE UNCONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST NO. MECHANICS Z/ PROJECTC DATE BY ALL STRESSES INITIAL Z.3 .1 FINAL 3Y G0 DEPT. OF e W, % 1 SO LJ8C TESTED LABORATORY, S, % CIVIL V,cc 2. A ENGINEERING, L,cm f#, A49g9{ 9 - TRIAXIAL TYPE (1) AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % O (.27 25{l .131 -l3 3.2. .16 INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR A,cm2 .O OF SHEET DURING u Tc CONTROLLED RATE CELL Au - A/ ) - cpa (.6 PRESHEAR a-c PRESHEAR 8 STRAIN STRESS ___ A PAT H 00 - lb DESCRIPTION q _AFTER 1. TRIMMING f ___ I- _-9 5: SHEAR SAMPLE A b -oc@(0s~as MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY (2) /I .-- 637 9 DATA '/o// IN ELAPSED TEST - H .197 ~.- a -_ zo 26L o .1.-216 L --- 149".-22.6 1ojZ-9-__3 lo.9 7 -r 12.1 12.7 7 (1) CORRECTED (2)&u FOR FOR AT 3 =o AT . 232 . zi3 .237 .2vl'/ ZV77 ,_ _ _ _ REMARKS _ _ _ __ _ _ FAILURE o"IIIIIIIII UNCONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY, TEST NO. C, - TESTED DATE ALL STRESSES % CIVIL G n 4- Z AXIAL TIME STRAIN, % (0) MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY INSTITUTE A,cm 2 OF SHEET TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR DURING o'c u 0 /ap CONTROLLED RATE M- CELL IN ELAPSED DATA Lsc - TYPE 4f _ TEST - ENGINEERING, L,cm Vcc 0 FINAL BY OF INITIAL C177Z- PROJECT S, e W, % SOIL DEPT. TRIAXIAL ( ) SHEAR STRAIN - PAT H PRESHEAR o-c PRESHEAR 8 -9 7 SAMPLE (21 I-, (/3 Au A DESCRIPTION qp AFTER .679 STRESS a TRIMMING .o3 - o ____s .23k .0 76 . -- .7-,n . 37 ./7 . S-5,zz /.9 .-. 6 ' /__L/ Ii 60___ 60 _ _ __ .379 z3 -. L. 7-3 J4 _ .779Z~ AT FAILURE //.s-.76 ,?, 1Y. k -77 Z /7± 17-4 "77 .77 (1) CORRECTED (2)au FOR FOR _ __7 REMARKS: Aa- 3 =o I 1111MIIIIII UNCONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST MECHANICS LABORATORY, NO. PROJECTC 1 TESTED e , %'/ INITIAL 4 DATE 12Z IN 1 Vcc ENGINEERING, L,cm TEST - DATA MASSACHUSETTS TIME AXIAL RATE F SHEAR STRAIN _ STRESS __ . PAT H / -c B / . SAMPLE 3 DESCRIPTION _ TRIMMING _AFTER _ _I . 6_ 7 /._ 1 CONTROLLED (2) I 0e DURING Tc CELL.) PRESHEAR (0I .079 SHEET TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR /00 i TYPE c STRAIN, % OF u PRESHEAR ELAPSED SUMMARY INSTITUTE A,cm2 . Z G S, % TRIAXIAL CIVIL * 3 i17J FINAL 4 BY ALL STRESSES A1 , DEPT. OF - - .76 2.03 1a __j On w is 77 .0/L AT _ _ _ _ __ (1) CORRECTED (2)au FOR FOR &a0-=o REMARKS _ _L _ FAILURE _ ~~~~~~~1 UNCONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL TEST MECHANICS NO i SOIL W, % '7 DEPT. OF S, % e FINAL 7I6 DATE BY ALL STRESSES IN TRIAXIAL CIVIL V,cc j INITIAL PROJECT TESTED LABORATORY, j TEST - ENGINEERING, L,cm DATA MASSACHUSETTS Acm2 TYPE TIME S -c B SAMPLE DESCRIPTION __AFTER TRIMMING .VS / z'oi 6791 .3S 700 .W I _ *' AT A/O ___ 19.4 (1) CORRECTED (2),u FOR FOR &a,=o STRESS_ *.3 ._ /Z. A PAT H qp 0 SHEAR STRAIN (2) STRAIN, %uA '/I3 .07? RATE 3 75 * PRESHEAR (I DURING CONTROLLED 070 CELL ' AXIAL SHEET TECHNOLOGY O-C u PRESHEAR ELAPSED OF PRESHEAR J g. 4D oo M1 GSZv SUMMARY INSTITUTE __._ . V9 REMARKS: _ _ __ L' FAILURE %/A%. UNCONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED SOIL MECHANICS TEST NO. & W, % ' SOl1. FINAL DATE BY ALL STRESSES ELAPSED TIME 7 INITIAL PROJECT TESTED LABORATORY, 3 e /ft l. Z /o6 TYPE G (a AXIAL I S, % /02 IN STRAIN, % DEPT. OF TRIAXIAL CIVIL V,cc .0 TEST ENGINEERING, L,cm - DATA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE 2 OF SHEET TECHNOLOGY PRESHEAR A,cm ho 1c u DURING Tc /3 CELL SUMMARY CONTROLLED SHEAR STRAIN PRESHEAR o-c PRESHEAR B (2) SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 3dAI3 .~ STRESS PAT H .A AFTER ±i7 /__ ___ RATE - TRIMMING ___/_ /3 7 ./Z 507 -1Y7 4/ _ _ _ / (1) CORRECTlED (2)au FOR FOR &0-,=o *AT FAILURE .69 REMARKS: UNCONSOLIDATED -UNDRAINED SOIL TEST MECHANICS LABORATORY, SOIL INITIAL PROJECT TESTED IN ALL STRESSES TIME DATE Y (1) CORRECTED (2)au FOR PRESHEAR DURING u O CONTROLLED CELL SHEAR STRAIN a u V STRESS_ .- PAT H PRESHEAR a-c PRESHEAR B SAMPLE A q DESCRIPTION p _AFTER _ . Sb ,o TRIMMING _ _ LT~ .$,-_ 4-77 .41 . a' ___ /V _ 1-~94 _ _ _ _ _ - o -& AT FAILURE .76 1-.1 - 77 -77 .1.9 12.!t 1:9. 1 .77 -77 FOR SHEET TECHNOLOGY -0 .22 &a=o 2 OF (21 /3 .23 Itto SUMMARY INSTITUTE RATE TYPE I. S7 lo.S' A,cm ef9o of. _ .(o L,cm DATA MASSACHUSETTS 7 (I STRAIN, % -*79 TEST - ENGINEERING, r IC AXIAL TRIAXIAL CIVIL Vcc l Zf G, OF S, % .7 FINAL Z BY ELAPSED e W, % NO. DEPT -_- .76 REMARKS: 157. Types of Triard.4 Tests. an elevated bar over letters denoting a type of shear test, indicates that pore pressures were measured during shear, compression test on isotropically normally consolidated sample4. compression test on isotropically overconsolidated sample. compression test on "perfect" sample after K0 consolidation. Perfect sampling denotes an undrained release of K0 stresses to attain an isotropic state of stress (Ladd and Lambe, 1965). CKO-CIOU compression test on isotropically consolidated sample after K Ko, consolidation, i.e. sample is consolidated to unloaded undrained to attain an isotropic state of stress (4 W and then consolidated isotropically to where ClJI-CyC-E 4 C cyclic compression-extension test on isotropically consolidated sample. GO-CyC cyclic compression test on KO consolidated sample. CK0 U-CyC-E cyclic compression-extension test on Ko consolidated sample. CI-UU compression test on isotropically consolidated sample rebound to zero total stress before shear. CK0 -UU compression test on KO consolidtted sample rebound to zero total stress before shear. 1589 Iist of S4!bo)s. vertical and horizontal total stress ~"mv vertical and horizontal effective stress major and minor effective stress maximum past consolidation pressure consolidation pressure (isotropic) consolidation pressures (anisotropic) effective residual stress after perfect sampling effective residual stress after actual sampling We, e.. 4. void ratio unit weight total unit weight unit weight of water Ste ratio of horizontal to vertical effective stress ratio of horizontal to vertical effective stress when no strain is taking place in the direction of minor stress J4 Skemtons A-factor = " " " during unloading = Skemtons A-factor at failure undrained shear strength PC undrained shear strength at perfect sampling Ce undrained shear strength at sampling Hvorslev's cohesion parameter Hvorslevts friction angle parameter Hvorslev's equivalent pressure overconsolidation ratio = or - 4 159. * OEquivalent "overconsolidation" ratio = Ua strain in major and minor stress directions pore pressure residual pore pressure £4 water content liquid limit plastic limit 44~ natural water content 3 depth preshear crossectional area of triaxial sample Le. preshear length of triaxial sample S degree of saturation piston friction /d- filter strips