New Varieties for the Desert Citrus Industry Glenn C. Wright Extension Citrus Specialist University of Arizona Lemons Early season sizing Precocity High yields Cavers Lisbon Early size Good yield Fruits throughout tree Vigorous Limonero Fino 49 Winter lemon of Spain Early size Good yield Thorny Fruits throughout tree Vigorous 645 700 565 600 484 500 403 400 323 300 242 200 161 100 81 0 Harvest Year 20 02 -2 00 3 20 01 -2 00 2 20 00 -2 00 1 19 99 -2 00 0 0 19 98 -1 99 9 19 97 -1 99 8 Annual Yield (lbs. per tree) 800 Allen Eureka Cascade Eureka Cavers Lisbon Cook Eureka Frost Nucellar Lisbon Limoneira 8A Lisbon Limonero Fino 49 Prior Lisbon Rosenberger Lisbon Villafranca 1008 a a a a 700 882 ab 600 ab ab ab ab 500 630 b 400 504 300 378 200 252 bc ab bc cd bcd cd d d 126 0 ka be rg Eu re sb o n R os en on ei ra C oo k Li 8A rL is bo n n Li m Pr io is bo la el uc os tN Fr rL f ra nc a l la Eu Al le n Fi ro on e m Vi 49 no sb o Li rs Li C av e re ka 0 bc er Li C sb as on ca de Eu re ka a 100 n Yield (lbs. per tree) 756 Approximate yield in field boxes per acre (based on 24 x 24 ft. spacing) 800 10/16/2002 Harvest 2/24/2003 Harvest Selection Letters indicate significant differences, within harvest dates or for total yield (bold letters), between selections tested. There was no significant effect of selection upon second harvest yield. 2002-03 Block 17 Lemon Packout - 10/16/02 Harvest Cultivar Cascade Eureka a Cook Eureka ab Allen Eureka bc Villafranca a b bc Limoneira 8A Lisbon c Frost Nucellar Lisbon bc Cavers Lisbon bc abc ab ab a b c c 30 40 50 60 Packout (%) Letters indicate significant differences, within fruit sizes, between cultivars tested. 70 bc ab a 20 c c b 10 c c c Prior Lisbon bc 0 abc bc b bc Limonero Fino 49 abc c b c c d 80 90 100 75 95 115 140 165 200 235 285 2002-03 B lock 17 L em on P ack ou t - 2/ 14/ 03 H arv est C u ltiv a r C ascad e E u reka a C o ok E u reka ab A llen E u reka bc cd L im o n ero Fin o 49 bc L im o n eira 8A L isbo n ab a bc Fro st N u cellar L isbo n cd a d R osen berger L isbo n 0 10 ef a 20 30 40 bc cd e 50 60 P a ck ou t (% ) L etters in dica te sign ifica n t d iffe ren ces, w ith in fru it sizes, b etw ee n cultiv ars tested . c a a cd 75 95 11 5 14 0 16 5 20 0 23 5 28 5 c a bc a P rio r L isbo n bc de f ab ab C av ers L isbo n ab a d c bc d ef ab bc c f cd a bc V illafran ca f d 70 80 90 100 1999 -2003 Block 22 Lemon Yields 250 450 187.5 300 250 125 200 150 62.5 100 Approximate yield in field boxes per acre (based on 24 x 24 ft. spacing) 350 50 0 Harvest Year 20 03 20 02 - 20 02 20 01 - 20 01 20 00 - 20 00 0 19 99 - Annual Yield (lbs. per tree) 400 Limoneira 8A Lisbon Cavers Lisbon Limonero Fino 49 Femminello Santa Teresa 400 AB ABC 300 ABC BCDE CDE 250 DE 200 bcd EF efgh fg 252 def a cdef bc bcd def cde cdef cd 126 ab bcd def 0 Al le n Eu re ka Ar an ci no C Be as rn ca a de E C ur av ek er a s Li sb C oo on k Eu re ka C or pa Fe Li ci m m on m ei in ra el lo 8 Li A m L is on bo er n o Fi no 49 Pr im of Sa io nt ri a Te re sa Vi l la f ra nc a 0 G f g a bc ef 50 cde EF bcde FG 100 bc b bcde 150 bcde 378 BCD BCD Approximate yield in field boxes per acre (based on 24 x 24 ft. spacing) 350 Yield (lbs. per tree) 504 A Cultivar Letters indicate significant differences, within harvest dates or for total yield (bold letters), between cultivars tested. Oct. 14, 2002 Harvest Feb. 17, 2003 Harvest 2002-03 Block 22 Lemon Packout - 10/14/02 Harvest Cultivar Limoneira 8A Lisbon a cd de cde Cavers Lisbon Limonero Fino 49 Femminello e Santa Teresa de 0 ab ab d 10 20 30 a abc a a 40 50 Packout (%) Letters indicate significant differences, within fruit sizes, between cultivars tested. 60 75 95 115 140 165 200 c d ab a d bc bcd a bcde abc ab 70 ab 80 90 100 2002-03 Block 22 Lemon Packout - 2/17/03 Harvest Cultivar bcd Limoneira 8A Lisbon ab Cavers Lisbon abcd Limonero Fino 49 abcd Femminello abc 10 ab 20 30 40 50 60 Packout (%) Letters indicate significant differences, within fruit sizes, between cultivars tested. 75 95 115 140 165 200 235 285 de a a cd 0 cde bc d Santa Teresa bcde 70 abcde 80 90 100 New Lemon Acquisitions Limonero Fino 49 Cavers Lisbon Walker Lisbon Taylor Eureka Lapithotiki Genoa Old Line Monroe Lisbon Dr. Strong Li G C ultivar pi th ) ik i a ne on ek ot ur Li sb on b La ld Li rE (O e sb 90 yl o oa ro Li 150 Ta en on ng n on bo sb is Li rL 8A ke ro ra St ei M r. on al 120 D m W Yield (lbs. per tree) 180 ab 121 ab bc 97 c 73 60 d 30 0 48 24 0 Field Boxes per Acre (Based on 30 x 30 ft. spacing) 2 0 0 2 -0 3 B lo c k 1 4 L e m o n Y ie ld s 145 a Mandarins Precocity High yields No granulation Easy peeling Seedless Fallglo Mandarin Excellent size Good yield Does not typically granulate Easy to peel Early Seedy! Seedless budwood available soon Fallglo Mandarin W. Murcott Afourer (Delite) Easy to peel Does not apparently granulate in the desert Late fruit (December January) Not very seedy especially if isolated Smaller fruit (Medium and Large) Market window? 11/5/99 2/28/00 11/5/99 2/28/00 TDE’s and Gold Nugget Seedless, easy peeling Yield? Market window? Mandarin Trials in progress or planned Fallglo Trial – Terminated October 2002 Seedless Fallglo Yuma – Jan. 2004 (bud seedlings) Delite Phoenix – April 2002 (planted) Yuma – June 2003 (planted) Yuma – April 2004 (bud seedlings) TDE 1-4 Yuma - April 2004 (bud seedlings) Gold Nugget Phoenix – April 2002 (planted) Yuma – April 2004 (bud seedlings)