MPOUT This set of files is used to test multi-precision input and output. Multi-precision numbers are defined by IT 1 X IB IX (1) IB J IX j 1 (1) J 1 The first test number is PI from ../../brent/example.for. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 58209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170680 The sign has been dropped, but otherwise the value is unchanged from the IT=30 that it was generated with. This means that the IB values go from 0 to 16383. This will be changed by SUBROUTINE MPNORM(IX,N,IT,ITT) MPBOB.FOR From ..\..\brent\tmpmulb.for BD=B BDP=BD**(XTEMP3(2)-1) TEMP3=BDP*XTEMP3(3) DO I=4,18 WRITE(1,*)I,XTEMP3(I) BDP=BDP/16384 TEMP3=TEMP3+BDP*XTEMP3(I) ENDDO TEMP3=TEMP3*XTEMP3(1) Bounds B=16384D0 After a call to MPNORB.for, IX(j)<16384. Thus each term in the sum in(1) is less than or equal to B. Thus M X B IX 2 j IX j 2 j 1 16 B IX 21 j (2) j M 1 The second sum in the second term is SS 16 B IX 21 j B IX 21 M 1 j M 1 16 M 1 B j (3) j 0 Extend the sum to infinity and utilize 1 z j to find 1 z j 0 16 M 1 j 0 B j 1 1 1 1/ B So that SS BIX 2M and M M B IX 2 B j IX j 2 X B IX 2 B j IX j 2 B M j 1 j 1 -16 The error in double precision is 10 . That is B-M/ B-1<10-16. This implies (1-M)log(B)=-16 or (1-M)=-16/log(B) or M=1+16/log(16384) = 4.8 5 The code dpmp.for –(tested in ..\ ..\..\brent\ will also be used to convert final inverse to double precision. Code for finding JE M AL10=LOG10(|X|)=IX(2)*log10(B)+log10( B j IX j 2 ) j 1 PRINT*,' AL10 = ',AL10 IF(AL10.GT.0)THEN NP10=AL10+1 ELSE NP10=AL10 ENDIF PRINT*,' POWER OF 10 ',NP10 Log10(|X|) Log10(16384)~ 4.2144199392957367329923445261429 M LOG10(|X|)=IX(2)*log10(B)+log10( B j IX j 2 ) j 1 Code for finding C R2=10**(NP10-1) PRINT*,' O OF M ',R2 DO I=1,JC IT1=R1/R2 R3=R1-R2*IT1 PRINT*,' IT1 = ',IT1 R1=R3 R2=R2*1D-1 ENDDO Making an “exact” decimal number Pi1/2=1.7724538509055160272981674833411 according to the calculator. A normalized term has internal digits 231=2147483648 so that pi can be set as IPI(1)=0 IPI(2)=1772453850 This can then be divided by 1000000000, and then normalized to give a number that is “exact” to 10 digits. – In practice internal multiplications limit this to 105, but it can be done twice. If the first 16 digits are input as real*8, the binary representation leaves numerous digits beyond 16