AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Terrence A. Smith for the degree of Master of Science in Industrial Engineering presented February 26, 1993. An Experimental Investigation of Scheduling NonIdentical Parallel Processors with Sequence-Dependent Set-up Title: Times and Due Dates. Redacted for Privacy Abstract Approved: Dr. Sabah Randhawa An experimental investigation of factors effecting scheduling a system of parallel, non-identical processors using a series of experimental designs was carried out. System variables included were processor capacities relationships, sequencing and assignment rules, job size, and product demand distributions. The effect of the variables was measured by comparing mean flow times, proportion of jobs tardy, and processor utilization spread. Results of the study found that system loading and set-up times play a major role in system performance. Grouping jobs by product will minimize set-up times and hence mean flow time and tardiness at the expense of controlling individual processor usage. Factors involving processor capacities and assignment rules tend to have no affect on any of the system performance measures. Variability in job size and product demand tended to give flexibility in controlling individual processor utilization. cCopyright by Terrence A. Smith February 26, 1993 All Rights Reserved An Experimental Investigation of Scheduling Non-Identical Parallel Processors with Sequence-Dependent Set-up Times and Due Dates by Terrence A. Smith A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed February 26, 1993 Commencement June 1993 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering in charge of major and Manufacturing Redacted for Privacy Head of Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduat 0 chool Date thesis is presented Prepared by id February 26, 1993 Terrence A. Smith ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS would like to thank the members of my graduate Dr. Christopher Biermann, Dr. Eldon Olsen, and Dr. Katherine Hunter-Zaworski, for their guidance and support during my academic career at Oregon State University. The I committee, giving of their time and advice were instrumental success. to my I would especially like to thank my major advisor, Dr. Sabah Randhawa for his wisdom, patience, and support in guiding me through the course of study and the preparation of this thesis. And lastly I must thank my wife, Janice for without her constant support and encouragement, this thesis could not have been possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 Research Objectives Nomenclature Literature Review EXPERIMENTAL ........ METHODOLOGY. ......... . . System Definition Performance Measurement Experiment Variables and Settings Experiment Design Job Sets Statistical Evaluations Simulation Description 13 15 16 16 17 Experiment One Experiment Two Selection of Effects for Experiments Three and Four Experiment Three Experiment Four DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 7 7 8 8 III. RESULTS IV. 1 2 3 ........ Mean Flow Time Proportion Jobs Tardy Processor Utilization Spread Relationship Between Performance Measures Summary of Conclusions Future Research / Enhancements 18 22 29 31 36 . .41 42 44 47 51 51 52 V. REFERENCES 54 VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY 55 VII. APPENDICES A B C D E Experiment Data Experiment Results Set-up Time Matrices Experiment Job Sets Spreadsheet Explanation 59 60 64 68 70 78 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 2 3 Page Proportion Jobs Tardy Interaction: Order Size Distribution versus Loading 46 Processor Utilization Spread Interaction: Set-up Time versus Loading 49 Spreadsheet Illustration 80 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 20 21 Experimental Factors and Settings Used in Experiments 1-4 Estimated Effects for Mean Flow Exp 1 ANOVA for Mean Flow Exp 1 Regression Coeffs. for Mean Flow- Exp 1 Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 1 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 1 Regression Coeffs. for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 1 Estimated Effects for Processors Utilization Spread Exp 1 ANOVA for Processor Utilization Spread Exp 1. Regression Coeffs. for Processor Utilization Exp 1 Spread Estimated Effects for Mean Flow Exp 2 ANOVA for Mean Flow Exp 2 Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 2 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 2 Estimated Effects for Processor Utilization Spread Exp 2 ANOVA for Processor Utilization Spread Exp 2 Summary of Results Experiments One and Two Significant Effects Estimated Effects for Mean Flow Exp 3 ANOVA for Mean Flow Exp 3 Regression Coeffs. for Mean Flow Exp 3. Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy 22 23 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 3 Regression Coeffs. for Proportion Jobs Tardy 24 Estimated Effects for Processors Utilization Spread Exp 3 ANOVA for Processor Utilization Spread Exp 3. Regression Coeffs. for Processor Utilization Spread Exp 3 Estimated Effects for Mean Flow Exp 4 ANOVA for Mean Flow Exp 4 Regression Coeffs. for Mean Flow Exp 4 Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 4 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 4 Regression Coeffs. for Proportion Jobs Tardy Exp 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . . . . 14 19 19 20 . 21 . 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 33 . 31 32 33 33 34 34 Exp 3 27 28 29 30 21 21 21 Exp 3 25 26 20 20 34 . 35 35 35 37 37 37 38 38 38 Table 33 34 35 36 Page Estimated Effects for Processors Utilization Exp 4 Spread ANOVA for Processor Utilization Spread Exp 4. Regression Coeffs. for Processor Utilization Exp 4 Spread Summary of Results Experiments Three and Four Significant Effects and Two-Factor Interactions 39 39 39 40 An Experimental Investigation of Scheduling Non-Identical Parallel Processors with Sequence Dependent Set-up Times and Due Dates I. INTRODUCTION A common situation in manufacturing and service industries is that of assigning tasks (work) to machines or workers (processors) that do not have equal capabilities and capaciThree objectives of interest in assigning work may ties. include: insuring that all tasks, or as many as possible, are competed on time; to spread the work load equally among the processors; and to minimize the average time for work to flow through the system. This thesis will investigate how processor, sequencing, assignment, and product job variables can affect the achieve- ment of the three objectives listed above. Research Objectives The primary objective of this project is to identify system variables that affect the performance of schedules for parallel, non-identical processors in terms of mean flow time, proportion of jobs tardy, and processor utilization spread. The results obtained will serve as a foundation for later research to develop heuristic decision rules for scheduling these systems. 2 A secondary objective of this research is investigate any dependence between the three performance measures listed above. Nomenclature Many of the terms used in this thesis have unique definitions that may not be consistent with lay usage and merit clarification. The purpose of this section is to identify key terms and clarify their meaning. Tasks Jobs are any work, job, or order to be carried out. are individual, distinct, demands for a product or In the context of this study, task, job, and order can be used interchangeably. service. Processor ing a task. is any person or machine capable of undertak- A parallel processor is the situation when a task can be done by more than one processor but only one processor can actually work on the task. An example would be a typing pool where any one of a number of workers could type a Nonidentical processors are processors that do.not have the same capacities and/or capabilities. Other examples include an airline assigning a type of aircraft to service a route, a document, but only one person can be assigned the task. textile plant assigning a job to a loom, and a paper plant assigning products to different paper machines. Performance Measure is a criterion for judging the impact of changes in the input to a system. is synonymous with independent variable. In this study several effects of interest were chosen to investigate their impact on a system of interest. Effect 3 Sequencing is ranking of tasks, products, processing on a processor. etc. for It does not include assignment and is not the same as scheduling. it is, however, a part of scheduling. Scheduling involves assigning tasks to processors and sequencing them for the most efficient use of resources subject to system constraints and due date requirements. Preemption allows tasks being processed to be interrupted so that another with higher priority can be processed. The original job is then completed at some future time. Literature Review The occurrence of parallel, non-identical processors is quite common in both manufacturing and service industries. It is therefore surprising to find very little research has been carried out in this area. Marsh [1973] and Guinet [1991] have carried out the two more notable studies. In his Marsh was primarily concerned at evaluating optimum solutions to scheduling parallel, non-identical processors to minimize total set-up time. 1973 Ph.D. dissertation, As part of his investigation, he also analyzed computa- tional time necessary to develop the optimal solution. His findings were that the computational time requirements made solving for an optimum solution prohibitive for all but the simplest systems. Marsh's work included evaluation of different optimization techniques but focused heavily on the branch-and-bound dynamic programming technique. In Guinet's study of scheduling textile production facilities, which abound in parallel, non-identical processor systems, an attempt was made to minimize the mean flow time 4 which would in turn minimize the mean tardy time. His investigation, like Marsh's, included sequence-dependent setup times. Guinet also evaluated the computational time requirements using an 80386-SX computer operating at 16 MHz. He found that a 100 job, 5 machine schedule took 53 minutes to Adding 25 jobs increased the time to 136 minutes. compute. And this portion of his study had not introduced the complexi- ties of sequence-dependent set-up times. His research was based on a linear programming approach. A common observation of both of these studies is that obtaining an optimum solution for all but the smallest systems is not practical in common, everyday scheduling situations. In general, an understanding of how relationships between the parallel processors, scheduling system, and product and job distributions affect system performance may lead to decision satisfactory schedule. rules that can give a feasible, Although the schedule may not be an optimum, the tradeoffs in programming and computation time to allow for more frequent, and hence accurate, schedules will be beneficial. Possible quantitative methods for analyzing parallel, non-identical processors include: 1. Linear Programming 2. Branch-and-Bound Queuing Theory 3. 4. Simulation at first glance appears to be an As mentioned by excellent method of analyzing the system. Linear programming, Marsh and others, scheduling this system appears to follow the However, the nonclassical traveling salesman problem. reversible, sequence-dependent set-up times foil this method for three reasons. First, after one pair of jobs is selected as a sequence, the reverse must be eliminated. For example if 5 Job 4 is selected to follow job 7 on processor A, all set-up times involving 7-4 and 4-7 on all processors must be elimi- nated, typically by changing the set-up times to infinity. This makes the problem non-linear. Secondly, this approach assumes minimization of set-up time which may not always be the objective. For instance the objective may be to level processor utilization. And thirdly, should the first two problems be resolved, using linear programming on a daily basis for updating and controlling schedules is not feasible due to both programming and computational time requirements. The branch-and-bound method was evaluated by both Marsh and Guinet. They both found that it is not an efficient method in terms of programming and computational time requirements. The third possibility considered was adapting queuing theory [Winston, 1991]. Processors can be considered to be servers with various service time levels and the jobs are customers. Service times are related to order quantities and By defining priority queuing disciplines, scheduling and assignment rules could be modeled. Grouping jobs by product could be handled by using a multiple queue while ungrouped jobs, scheduled individually, would use a single queue, multiple server system. However, the method processor capacities. breaks down in not being able to handle the sequence-dependent set-up times. Queuing theory is further restricted to well- defined distribution forms for arrivals and service times. The most common distributions encountered are poisson arrivals and exponential service times. 6 Simulation was used because it allows complex systems to be modeled without being limited by the assumptions inherent analytical models. interaction between variables and complex distribution forms can be modeled with relative ease. However, to be effective, simulation results need to be carefully analyzed. in Furthermore, The experimental design approach allows a systematic examination of factors when little or no information is available about them. A large number of factors can be screened quickly and accurately. Significant factors can be identified and singled out for further study. Results of an experimental study can provide an excellent base for a later validation using simulation software. 7 II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY There are three main steps in this investigation. The first step was to screen variables for significance using two statistically designed experiments (experiments one and two). The next step was to analyze the results of the screening experiments and select significant variables for detailed study. The third step was to run detailed, response surface experiments using these variables (experiments three and four). A detailed description of the methodology follows. System Definition The framework of the system investigated in this study consists of three processors and seven products in the initial screening experiments. The screening experiments found that product demand distribution did not affect system performance_ so the number of products was increased to ten for the final experiments. There were multiple tasks for each product with varying quantities and due times. Distributions for job and product quantities were varied as an experimental variable. The system is static with all processing at time zero. tasks available for Preemption was not allowed. $et -up time matrices were generated using a random number generator. The matrices were the same for each processor. Set-up times between tasks for the same product line are zero. The set-up times are sequence dependent and not reversible, i.e. the set-up time changing from product A to B is not necessarily the same as going from product B to A. 8 Performance Measurements The three performance measures included in the scope of this study are Mean Flow Time, Proportion of Jobs Tardy, and Processor Utilization Spread. The Mean Flow Time is defined as the amount of time a job spends in the system from the time is available for processing until it is completed. For the purpose of this study, the flow time for each job will be equal to its completion time since all tasks are available at time zero. In general, a smaller mean flow time is desirable as it indicates work is flowing through the system in a faster manner. it This is consistent with current business and manufac- turing philosophies, such as Just-in-Time, of minimizing workin-process. The Proportion of Jobs Tardy measures the proportion of jobs that are completed after their due date. The goal of any operation is to have zero late tasks. The Process Utilization Spread measures how evenly jobs are distributed among the processors. It is simply the difference in the rate of usage percent capacity used between the heaviest and least scheduled processors. Depend- ing upon an organization's goals, it may be desirable to use all processors equally or to try to run a minimum number of processors so that unneeded capacity can be shutdown to reduce costs. Experiment Variables and Settings System related 9 Processor Spread (abbreviated A:Pr_Spread in experiments) is the range of capacities of the processors under study. This variable will identify if the differences in capabilities between process- ors will affect the system performance. This effect was only studied in experiments one and two. For this study, the processor capacity spread, in units per hour, is 20 and 80, low and high, respec- Using a mean processor capacity of 100 units per hour, the low setting will set the slow tively. processor at 90 units per hour and the fast processor at 110 units. The difference is 20 units. Processor Distribution (B:Middle_Pr) investigates whether the location of the middle processor, either closer to one end of the Processor Spread described above, or in the middle of the spread affects the system performance. This effect was only studied in experiments one and two. The settings used in this study are 50% and 75% of the spread. At 50% of spread, the processor will have a capacity equal to the mean of 100 units per hour. At 75% of spread, the middle processor capacity will be 105 or 120 units per hour for spreads of 20 and 80 units, respectively. Loading, or per cent of capacity scheduled (C:Percent_Ca) will evaluate how system performance changes as the system loading approaches capacity. Loading is determined by summing the capacities of the processors for the scheduling period. Jobs are accepted for scheduling until the sum of the job quantities is equal to the desired loading (percent of total system capacity). Loading was studied in all four experiments run under this study. The low 10 setting was 75% and the high was 90%. Lower loadings were not used because they would not challenge the proportion of jobs tardy criteria while loadings heavier than 90% would have a high likelihood of all jobs being tardy. Set-up Time (D:Set_up_Tim) is the amount of time needed to change over from one product line to another. The set-up time distributions will be discrete uniform. Distributions will be varied to analyze the effect on performance. In experiments one and two the settings used were uniform distri- butions of U[0,3] and U[0,12]. In experiments three and four the settings used were either 0 (zero) set-up time or U[0,5]. Sequencing and assignment rules Grouping (E:Grouping) is when all tasks for each product are grouped together and run as one "super" This technique is often used in the chemical industry where it is referred to as campaigning. job. Grouping jobs by product family is known to reduce total set-up time. The significance of the set-up time reduction was evaluated with this variable. The variable setting was either no grouping or all jobs grouped by product. Ranking for Processor Assignment (F:Pr_Assign) is the rule for ranking jobs for assignment to a processor. Three common rules for ranking are shortest processing time (SPT) first, longest processing time (LPT) first, and earliest due date (EDD) first. 11 Basic scheduling theory for a one machine system maintains that the mean flow time is minimized by sequencing jobs in non-decreasing order of processing time, first. shortest processing time (SPT) Reversing the order to rank tasks in de- creasing order of processing time, longest process- ing time (LPT) tends to minimize differences in processor utilization. Mean tardiness is minimized by sequencing jobs in non-decreasing order of due dates, earliest due date (EDD) first. By reducing the mean tardiness, the proportion of tardy jobs should decrease. When jobs are grouped by product, the sum of the job quantities for each product are analogous to processing time. Ranking by SPT, for grouping, is simply ordering products in increasing order of demand. The grouped equivalent of EDD is referred to as Weighted Average Due Date (WADD) [Smith, 1992]. The WADD is calculated by summing the product of the quantity and due date for every job in the group, then dividing by the sum of the quantities for the jobs in the group. For this study the two settings used were to rank jobs/groups by either LPT or EDD. Processor Assignment (G:Pr_Ass_Ord) determines which processor a task (or product) is assigned to. The most common rule calls for assigning tasks to the next available processor. If more than one is available, then the rule should specify whether it goes to the fastest or slowest processor. In this 12 experiment, the variable is whether to assign the job/group to the fastest or slowest available processor. Processor Sequencing (H:Pr_Grp_Seq) determines how jobs/groups (products) will be sequenced after they have been assigned to a processor. The two conditions for this effect are either to run in the same sequence as it was assigned to the processor, or to optimize the sequence to reduce set-up times based on the set-up time matrix. Job Sequence (I:Job_Seq) is how tasks are sequenced within a product group, when appropriate. variable settings are SPT or EDD. The Job related Product Demand Distribution (J:Product_Di) investi- gates how the relative demand for individual prod- ucts affects system performance. Two situations will be evaluated. The first assumes the demand for each product is equal so each product will have tasks requiring the same amount of processor capacity. The second setting assumes the Pareto effect where 20% of the products are represented by 80% of the demand. Job Size Distribution Job_Dis) will evaluate whether fixed job sizes or a distribution of job (K: sizes improves system performance. A normal distribution will be used to generate the variablequantity tasks. In experiments one and two the two settings used were job quantities with a normal distribution mean of 1000 units and standard devia- 13 tions of either 50 or 300 units. In experiments three and four the contrast was increased by using one level with a fixed quantity of 1000 units and the other with the N[1000,300] distribution. Other Set-up Considered (L:Setup_Con) explores whether including set-up times when assigning tasks to processors affects system performance. The alternative is to ignore set-up times until after all tasks have been assigned to processors. Set-up times would then be included in the analysis of the system performance. The experimental variable (or effects) and their settings are summarized, by experiment, in Table 1 on the following page. Experiment Design The experimental designs were generated by a commercial software package (Statgraphics 5.1). The first two experi- ments were designed to screen the main effects and interactions for significance. Plackett-Burmann screening matrices were used as they are powerful, statistically derived designs to evaluate main effects in a minimal number of runs. Experiment one folded Plackett-Burmann design of resolution IV to evaluate main effects only. A is a 24 run, folded Plackett-Burmann design is constructed by doubling a resolution III design. The original matrix is doubled by adding the negative of the original design matrix. The high number of degrees of freedom (13) allows for a very powerful test of the main effects at the expense of evaluating effect 14 Table 1 Experimental Factors and Settings Used in Experiments 1-4 Effect Experiment 1 A:Pr_Spread Low (-) 2 x x High (+) 20 80 20 80 B:Middle_Pr Low (-) x x 50 50 High (+) 75 75 C:Percent_Ca Low (-) High (+) D:Set_up_Tim Low (-) High (+) E:Grouping Low (-) High (+) F:Pr_assign Low (-) High (+) G:Pr_Ass_Ord Low (-) High (+) H:Pr_Grp_Seq Low (-) High (+) I:Job_Seq Low (-) High (+) J:Product Di Low (-) High (+) K:Job_Dis Low (-) High (+) x x 75 90 75 90 x U[0,3] U[0,12] x U[0,3] U[0,12] x No Yes x No Yes x LPT EDD x LPT EDD x Slowest Fastest x Slowest Fastest x Chrono Optimi Chrono Optimi x 75 90 90 x x U[0,5] x SPT EDD x Equal Pareto x Equal Pareto x N[1000,50] N[1000,300] 0 U[0,5] Yes, not a variable x Chrono Optimi x N[1000,0] N[1000,300] x No Yes High (+) Chrono Optimi x 75 0 L:Setup_Con Low (-) U N 4 x x SPT EDD x N[1000,50] N[1000,300] 3 uniform distribution normal distribution chronological order order based on set-up optimization x N[1000,0] N[1000,300] 15 interactions [Plackett, 1946]. Experiment two is a 32 run, sixty-fourth fractional factorial design, also of resolution IV, that gives up eight error degrees of freedom in order to evaluate confounded second order interactions. Since the two-factor interactions are confounded, they can not be evaluated individually. However, they will indicate whether there are any significant interactions that should be planned for in subsequent experiments. After experiments one and two were run and the significant effects identified, 2' full-factorial experiments were designed that would explore the significant effects in detail. Full-factorial experiments have a Resolution of V+ which means all combinations of the effects are examined. Interactions up n-factors, where n is the number of effects under study, are available for study. However, including all possible interactions requires the use of all 2' degrees of freedom which eliminates the possibility of correcting for experimental error. To overcome this shortcoming, all interactions greater than second order were ignored. The three-, and four-factor interactions were pooled to provide an estimate of the error term. This procedure is commonly accepted as the probability of three- and four-factor interactions being significant is very remote. Job Sets The job sets used to evaluate the effects are listed in Appendix D. They were constructed using a commercial spreadsheet program (Quattro Pro 3.0). Product type, quan- tity, and due date were all generated from a built-in random number generator and Normal Distribution Tables. 16 The mean job quantity for jobs in all four experiments was 1000 units and the processor capacity mean was about 100 units per hour. The scheduling window was 156 hours in experiments one and two and 100 hours for experiments three and four. This led to each experiment running an average of about 40 jobs. Statistical Evaluations Statgraphics 5.1 was used to generate the experimental designs and calculate the necessary statistics. The calculations included main effects, two-factor interactions, analysis of variance tables, and regression calculations. All graphs necessary to clarify and interpret data where also generated by the Statgraphics software. Simulation Explanation The simulation was carried out using a spreadsheet program. An example of one run and an explanation of the spreadsheet mechanics is contained in Appendix E. The simulation was run by inserting the appropriate job set into the spreadsheet. The ranking of the jobs was then manipulated manually per the settings specified in the experiment design. The spreadsheet was programmed to calculate all performance measurements. These measurements were transferred into Statgraphics for generation of the necessary statistics. 17 RESULTS III. The worksheets showing the conditions for each run and the response variables are in Appendix A. The estimated effects and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tables for each experiment are listed below. Discussion is reserved for the next section. The estimated effects are calculated using Yate's Algorithm [Box, 1978]. The effect is interpreted as the change in the performance measurement as a independent variable is changed from its "low" level to its "high" level. The +/value indicates the confidence interval for the effect. For the purpose of this research all confidence levels are 95% unless specifically stated otherwise. The ANOVA tables were also calculated using Yate's Algorithm. The Sum of Squares (SS) measures deviations from the predicted values obtained using the estimated effects. The key parameter in the ANOVA table is the P-value. Values less than 1 minus the confidence level (in this case 1 .95 = 0.05) indicate significant effects and interactions. In experiments two, three, and four, interactions greater than second order were assumed to be insignificant so that their Sum of Squares could be pooled to estimate the error. This is a commonly used assumption in experimental designs. Regression coefficients can be calculated from the raw data to determine a line of best fit [Walpole, 1989]. These coefficients are only meaningful for significant effects so only significant effects were calculated. The general form of the regression equation for each response is y = bo + b1 * x1 + b22 * x2 18 where bo is a constant, bi is the coefficient for each independent variable i, and xi is the value of independent variable i. When xi is a qualitative effect, it takes the value -1 or +1 depending upon the setting of the variable. Regression coefficients are used to define an equation for predicting a response given the input variables (effect values). Two measurements used to evaluate the accuracy of the equation are the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination. The multiple correlation coefficient measures how well the equation fits the data on a scale of -1 to 1. Zero indicates there is no fit, -1 indicates a perfect, negative correlation, and 1 indicates a perfect fit. The multiple coefficient of determination (R2) is the square of the correlation coefficient. (r) It indicates what proportion of the variation in the response is accounted for in the regression equation. Experiment One The calculated statistics for experiment 1 are contained in Tables 2 10. Since this experiment was of a PlackettBurmann design, no interactions were examined. Variables identified as being significant on a 95% level for each of the three performance measurements were as follows: Mean Flow Set-up Time Grouping Processor Sequencing 19 Job Sequence Product Demand Distribution Proportion of Jobs Tardy Processor Sequencing Processor Utilization Spread None Table 2 Estimated Effects for Mean Flow mean flow A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_up_Tim E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product_Di = = = = = = = 79.6094 -1.6625 -0.935833 8.11889 7.61083 11.0775 0.254167 -2.08917 12.2725 8.96083 7.18417 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 1 1.52285 2.8894 2.8894 3.85254 2.8894 2.8894 2.8894 2.8894 2.8894 2.8894 2.8894 Standard error estimated from total error with 13 d.f. (t = 2.16092) Table 3 ANOVA for Mean Flow Effect Sum of Squares A:Pr_Spread B:Middle Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_up_Tim E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product_Di Total error Total (corr.) R-squared = 0.82405 16.583438 5.254704 222.467704 347.548704 736.266037 .387604 26.187704 903.685538 481.779204 309.673504 651.195054 3701.02920 DF 1 1 1 1 1 Exp Mean Sq. 16.58344 5.25470 222.46770 347.54870 736.26604 1 .38760 1 26.18770 903.68554 481.77920 309.67350 50.09193 1 1 1 13 1 F-Ratio .33 .10 4.44 6.94 14.70 .01 .52 18.04 9.62 6.18 P-value .5809 .7546 .0551 .0206 .0021 .9322 .4900 .0010 .0084 .0273 23 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.688704 20 Table 4 Regression Coeffs. for Mean Flow constant D:Set_up_Tim E:Grouping H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:ProductDi = = = = = = Exp 1 78.5946 3.80542 5.53875 6.13625 4.48042 3.59208 Table 5 Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy mean pro.tar A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_up_Tim E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product_Di = = = = = = = = = = = 20.6414 4.4275 1.3225 4.60111 7.47583 4.44917 5.16083 0.755833 12.6058 3.90083 0.1175 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 1 2.67438 5.07428 5.07428 6.76571 5.07428 5.07428 5.07428 5.07428 5.07428 5.07428 5.07428 Standard error estimated from total error with 13 d.f. (t = 2.16092) Table 6 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Effect A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_up_Tim E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product_Di Total error Total (corr.) Sum of Squares R-squared = 0.481053 DF Mean Sq. 117.61654 10.49404 71.44950 335.32850 118.77050 159.80520 3.42770 953.44220 91.29900 1 1 117.61654 10.49404 71.44950 335.32850 118.77050 159.80520 3.42770 953.44220 91.29900 .08284 1 .08284 2008.37032 13 154.49002 3870.08636 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Exp 1 F-Ratio .76 .07 .46 2.17 .77 1.03 .02 6.17 .59 .00 P-value .4079 .8012 .5155 .1645 .4057 .3277 .8854 .0274 .4638 .9821 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.0818627 21 Table 7 Regression Coeffs. for Proportion Jobs Tardy constant = H:Pr_Grp_Seq = Exp 1 20.0662 6.30292 Table 8 Estimated Effects for Processor Utilization Spread mean pr.ut.sp A:Pr Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent Ca D:Set_up_Tim E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq = = = = = = = I:JoTD Seq J:Proauct_Di = 21.574 -10.707 -8.82702 -2.27952 -5.48202 -18.3613 17.9604 -4.46131 9.88964 8.08964 10.7446 Exp 1 +/- 5.07299 +/9.62531 +/9.62531 +/- 12.8338 +/9.62531 +/9.62531 +/9.62531 +/9.62531 +/9.62531 +/- 9.62531 +/- 9.62531 Standard error estimated from total error with 13 d.f. (t = 2.16092) Table 9 ANOVA for Processor Utilization Spread Effect Sum of Squares DF A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent Ca D:Set_up_Tim E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq 687.84231 467.49822 17.53725 180.31559 2022.82586 1935.44683 119.41963 586.83007 392.65381 692.68395 7226.43908 I:Joi;_Seq J:Product_Di Total error Total (corr.) 14329.4926 R-squared = 0.495695 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Exp 1 Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 687.8423 467.4982 17.5372 180.3156 2022.8259 1935.4468 119.4196 586.8301 392.6538 692.6839 555.8799 1.24 .2861 .3854 .8636 .5847 .0788 .0848 .6555 .3229 .4247 .2845 .84 .03 .32 3.64 3.48 .21 1.06 .71 1.25 23 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.107768 Table 10 Regression Coeffs. for Processor Utilization Spread No significant effects. Exp 1 22 Experiment Two The calculated statistics for Experiment Two are contained in Tables 11 16. Since this experiment has confound- ed effects, a regression equation could not be calculated. Interactions greater than second order were used to increase the degrees of freedom of the error estimate. Variables identified as being significant on a 95% level for each of the three performance measurements were as follows: Mean Flow Loading (Percent Capacity) Set-up Time Confounded Interaction AD + CI + EJ + FG Proportion of Jobs Tardy Loading (Percent Capacity) Set-up Time Ranking for Processor Assignment Job Size Distribution Processor Utilization Spread Grouping Product Demand Distribution Confounded Interaction AD + CI + EJ + FG 23 Table 11 Estimated Effects for Mean Flow mean flow A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Gr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product_Di K:Job_Dis AB + CF + GI AC + BF + DI AD + CI + EJ AE + DJ + HI AF + BC + DG AG + BI + DF AH + CJ + EI AI + BG + CD AJ + BK + CH AK + BJ + FH BD + CG + EK BE + DK + GH DR + CK + EG CE + DH + GK EF + GJ + IK + + JK HJ FG + HK = + + + FK = EH = DE = + FI = + + FJ = + = = = IJ = 79.2359 3.78688 4.20688 16.3444 12.2331 7.16437 1.47062 2.22187 4.63062 3.54813 5.88937 2.39562 1.28438 0.834375 9.70812 0.210625 1.20313 0.374375 0.799375 7.34312 3.11562 0.976875 0.679375 0.596875 6.72313 2.72687 4.40937 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 2 1.63831 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 3.27662 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) 24 Table 12 ANOVA for Mean Flow Effect A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up Ti E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_seq J:Product Di K:Job_Dis AB + CF + GI AC + BF + DI AD + CI + EJ AE + DJ + HI AF + BC + DG AG + BI + DF AH + CJ + EI AI + BG + CD AJ + BK + CH AK + BJ + FH BD + CG + EK BE + DK + GH BH + CK + EG CE + DH + GK EF + GJ + IK Total error Sum of Squares + JK + HJ + FG + HK + FK + EH + DE + FI + FJ + IJ Total (corr.) R-squared = 0.93842 114.72338 141.58238 2137.10875 1197.19478 410.62615 17.30190 39.49383 171.54150 100.71353 277.47790 45.91215 13.19695 5.56945 753.98153 DF Exp Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 1.34 1.65 24.88 13.94 4.78 .00 .13 .01 .06 .3000 .2554 .0041 .0135 .0804 .6769 .5347 .2167 .3283 .1322 .5049 .7152 .8117 .0314 .9519 .7322 .9146 .8194 .0751 .3950 .7806 .8460 .8645 .0954 .4517 .2362 1 114.7234 141.5824 2137.1088 1197.1948 410.6262 17.3019 39.4938 171.5415 100.7135 277.4779 45.9122 13.1970 5.5695 753.9815 .35490 1 .3549 11.58008 1.12125 5.11200 431.37188 77.65695 7.63428 3.69240 2.85008 361.60328 59.48678 155.54070 429.44999 1 1 1 5 11.5801 1.1213 5.1120 431.3719 77.6570 7.6343 3.6924 2.8501 361.6033 59.4868 155.5407 85.8900 6973.87877 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 .20 .46 2.00 1.17 3.23 .53 .15 .06 8.78 5.02 .90 .09 .04 .03 4.21 .69 1.81 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.618205 25 Table 13 Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy mean pro.tar A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product Di K:Job_Dis AB + CF + GI AC + BF + DI AD + CI + EJ AE + DJ + HI AF + BC + DG AG + BI + DF AH + CJ + EI AI + BG + CD AJ + BK + CH AK + BJ + FH BD + CG + EK BE + DK + GH BH + CK + EG CE + DH + GK EF + GJ + IK = = + JK HJ FG + HK = + + + FK EH DE = = = + FI = + + FJ = IJ = + + = 31.8906 5.25625 -1.63125 15.3687 9.71875 -8.74375 -10.1437 -2.25625 -6.26875 1.78125 3.36875 16.9562 5.44375 1.26875 4.21875 -3.84375 1.55625 5.96875 7.18125 5.15625 -7.35625 -1.71875 -1.24375 -1.93125 -4.95625 -5.70625 3.98125 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 2 1.77382 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 3.54765 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) 26 Table 14 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Effect A:Pr Spread B:Miadle_Pr C:Percent Ca D:Set_Up_Ti E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product Di K:Job_Dis AB + CF + GI AC + BF + DI AD + CI + EJ AE + DJ + HI AF + BC + DG AG + BI + DF AH + CJ + EI AI + BG + CD AJ + BK + CH AK + BJ + FH BD + CG + EK BE + DK + GH BH + CK + EG CE + DH + GK EF + GJ + IK Total error Total (corr.) Sum of Squares 221.02531 21.28781 1889.58781 755.63281 611.62531 823.16531 40.72531 314.37781 25.38281 90.78781 2300.11531 237.07531 12.87781 142.38281 118.19531 19.37531 285.00781 412.56281 212.69531 432.91531 23.63281 12.37531 29.83781 196.51531 260.49031 126.80281 503.43156 + JK + HJ + FG + HK + FK + EH + DE + FI + FJ + IJ 10119.8872 R-squared = 0.950253 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Exp 2 Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 221.0253 21.2878 1889.5878 755.6328 611.6253 823.1653 40.7253 314.3778 25.3828 90.7878 2300.1153 237.0753 12.8778 142.3828 118.1953 19.3753 285.0078 412.5628 212.6953 432.9153 23.6328 12.3753 29.8378 196.5153 260.4903 126.8028 100.6863 2.20 .1985 .6696 .0075 .0408 .0569 .0354 .5592 .1375 .6420 .3956 .0050 .1855 .7389 .2878 .3281 .6837 .1533 .0988 .2058 .0928 .6535 .7438 .6151 .2212 .1686 .3127 .21 18.77 7.50 6.07 8.18 .40 3.12 .25 .90 22.84 2.35 .13 1.41 1.17 .19 2.83 4.10 2.11 4.30 .23 .12 .30 1.95 2.59 1.26 31 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.69157 27 Table 15 Estimated Effects for Processor Utilization Spread mean pr. ut. A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product_Di K:Job Dis AB + CF + GI AC + BF + DI AD + CI + EJ AE + DJ + HI AF + BC + DG AG + BI + DF AH + CJ + EI AI + BG + CD AJ + BK + CH AK + BJ + FH BD + CG + EK BE + DK + GH BH + CK + EG CE + DH + GK EF + GJ + IK sp. + JK + HJ + FG = = + HK = + FK + EH + DE = = = + FI = + FJ + IJ = = = 32.7187 7.8125 -4.8125 14.0625 9.0625 39.9375 -10.3125 -15.0625 -8.3125 6.8125 33.9375 5.5625 -0.1875 2.4375 38.9375 3.5625 -16.9375 -11.9375 5.3125 -1.0625 -0.6875 -0.5625 6.3125 -4.8125 -14.3125 5.0625 -17.5625 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 2 5.13469 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 10.2694 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) 28 Table 16 ANOVA for Processor Utilization Spread Effect A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti E:Grouping F:Pr_Assign G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seq I:Job_Seq J:Product_Di K:Job_Dis AB + CF + GI AC + BF + DI AD + CI + EJ AE + DJ + HI AF + BC + DG AG + BI + DF AH + CJ + EI AI + BG + CD AJ + BK + CH AK + BJ + FH BD + CG + EK BE + DK + GH BH + CK + EG CE + DH + GK EF + GJ + IK Total error Total (corr.) Sum of Squares 488.2813 185.2813 1582.0312 657.0313 12760.0312 850.7812 1815.0312 552.7813 371.2812 9214.0312 247.5313 + JK + HJ + FG + HK + FK + EH + DE + FI + FJ + IJ .2813 47.5312 12129.0313 101.5313 2295.0313 1140.0312 225.7812 9.0313 3.7812 2.5313 318.7812 185.2813 1638.7813 205.0313 2467.5313 4218.4062 53712.4688 R-squared = 0.921463 DF Exp 2 Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value .58 .22 1 488.281 185.281 1582.031 657.031 12760.031 850.781 1815.031 552.781 371.281 9214.031 247.531 1 .281 1 47.531 12129.031 101.531 2295.031 1140.031 225.781 9.031 3.781 2.531 318.781 185.281 1638.781 205.031 2467.531 843.681 .4889 .6638 .2292 .4269 .0115 .3614 .2024 .4633 .5432 .0214 .6168 .9863 .8242 .0127 .7463 .1600 .2975 .6323 .9227 .9499 .9590 .5719 .6638 .2222 .6479 .1479 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1.88 .78 15.12 1.01 2.15 .66 .44 10.92 .29 .00 .06 14.38 .12 2.72 1.35 .27 .01 .00 .00 .38 .22 1.94 .24 2.92 31 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.513072 29 Selection of Effects for Study in Experiments Three and Four The results of experiments one and two (Table 17) were not conclusive as to which effects warranted closer study. Grouping (E) was identified in two of the six cases as being significant. Since it is difficult to apply sequencing rules in a consistent fashion between grouped and ungrouped jobs, it was decided to run two separate experiments, one not grouping jobs (experiment three) and one grouping jobs (experiment four). In order to keep the number of runs reasonable, the number of effects was limited to four so full factorial experimental designs could be used. By using a full factorial design two-factor interactions could be identified because there would be no confounding. A four-factor design requires 16 runs per experiment, 32 runs total for both experiments, while a five-factor design requires 32 runs per experiment for a total of 64. Loading (C) and Set-up Times (D) were found to be significant in two and three of the six measurements so they were to be used in both experiments. Job Size Distribution (K) was included in both experi- ments even though it was only found to be significant in affecting the proportion of orders tardy. It is worth investigating in detail because of the debate between whether using fixed lot sizes is better than allowing lot sizes to vary in manufacturing operations. The results of the first two experiments were inconclusive. Processor Sequencing (H) was also found to be significant in two cases. However it is more related to grouped jobs so it was included in experiment four only. discussed further in the next paragraph. The reasoning is 30 Table 17 Summary of Results Experiments 1 and 2 Significant Effects Mean Flow Effect E 1 E 2 Prop. Tardy E 1 E 2 Pr.Ut.Sp E 1 E 2 A:Pr_Spread B:Middle_Pr C:Percent_Ca D:Set_up_Tim x E:Grouping x x x x x x F:Pr_Assign x G:Pr_Ass_Ord H:Pr_Grp_Seci x I:Job_Seq x J:Product_Di x x x K:Job_Dis x L:Setup_Con Confound. Interact. x x 31 Experiment three added a new variable referred to as "Set-up Considered". During the running of the first two experiments, the question arose of whether set-up times should be included when jobs/groups were being assigned to a proces- sor or ignored until the jobs had already been assigned and were being sequenced. To allow the set-up times to be considered during assignment requires the jobs to be sequenced on the processor in the order they are assigned since set-up times are sequence dependent. This was another justification for running separate experiments for grouped and ungrouped jobs. It is also why the processor sequencing effect was evaluated in experiment four only. Job sequence (I) was not included for further study because it has been investigated extensively in the literature [Johnson, 1974] and was only significant in one of the first two experiments. The results of the screening experiments indicated that no new information could be expected and with a limit of four effects, did not warrant further study. The other effect identified as significant was Product Demand Distribution (K). It was not included for further study because of the four effect limitation. Experiment Three Experiment three is a full 24 factorial design. It used the results of experiments one and two to focus on effects that were identified as being significant. experiment four with It is identical to the exception that experiment four grouped all tasks by product while experiment three scheduled each job independently. This eliminated Grouping as a variable. matrices. They both used the same job sets and set-up time 32 calculated statistics for experiment three are contained in Tables 18 26. Interactions greater than second order were used to increase the degrees of freedom of the error estimate. Variables identified as being significant on a 95% level for each of the three performance measurements were as follows: The Mean Flow Percent Capacity Set-up Time Job Size Distribution Two factor interactions involving Percent Capacity and the other two main effects. Proportion of Tasks Tardy Percent Capacity Set-up Time Processor Utilization Spread None 33 Table 18 Estimated Effects for MEAN FLOW mean flow C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim K:Job_Dis L:Setup_Con CD CK = = CL DK DL KL 51.1506 10.1788 10.0613 0.66375 -0.05375 1.37875 0.85375 0.01375 -0.27375 -0.05375 -0.29375 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 3 0.146658 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 0.293316 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) Table 19 ANOVA for MEAN FLOW Effect Sum of Squares C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim K:Job_Dis L:Setup_con CD 414.427806 404.915006 1.762256 .011556 7.603806 2.915556 .000756 .299756 .011556 .345156 1.720681 CK CL DK DL KL Total error Total (corr.) 834.013894 R-squared = 0.997937 Exp 3 DF Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 1 414.42781 404.91501 1.76226 1204.26 1176.61 5.12 .0000 .0000 .0731 .8637 .0053 .0334 .9649 .4030 .8637 .3626 1 1 1 .01156 .03 1 7.60381 2.91556 22.10 8.47 .00076 .29976 .01156 .34516 .34414 .00 .87 .03 1 1 1 1 1 5 1.00 15 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) Table 20 Regression Coeffs. for MEAN FLOW constant C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim K:Job_Dis CD CK = = -4.8325 0.678583 -2.5525 -5.0275 0.0919167 0.0569167 Exp 3 = 0.993811 34 Table 21 Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy mean pro.tar C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim K:Job_Dis L:Setup_Con CD CK = = = = = = = = CL DK DL KL = = = 43.3756 35.4612 36.0862 10.1588 -0.69875 12.0663 13.8612 2.55125 -1.79625 -0.69875 -2.55125 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 3 3.8325 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 7.66501 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) Table 22 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Sum of Squares Effect C:Percent_ Ca D:Set_Up_Tim K:Job_Dis L:Setup_Con CD CK 5030.00101 5208.86976 412.80081 1.95301 582.37756 768.53701 26.03551 12.90606 1.95301 26.03551 1175.04678 CL DK DL KL Total error 13246.5160 Total (corr.) R-squared = 0.911294 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Exp 3 Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 5030.0010 5208.8698 412.8008 1.9530 582.3776 768.5370 26.0355 12.9061 1.9530 26.0355 235.0094 21.40 22.16 1.76 .0057 .0053 .2424 .9318 .1763 .1303 .7561 .8264 .9318 .7561 .01 2.48 3.27 .11 .05 .01 .11 15 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.733882 Table 23 Regression Coeffs. for Proportion Jobs Tardy constant C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim = = = -151.661 2.36408 18.0431 Exp 3 35 Table 24 Estimated Effects for Processor Utilization Spread mean pr.ut.sp C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim K:Job_Dis L:Setup_Con CD CK CL DK DL KL 8.65 -2.0625 6.135 -3.2125 -2.0675 0.7725 -1.245 0.215 -1.3275 -2.0675 2.04 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 3 1.2841 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 2.5682 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) Table 25 ANOVA for Processor Utilization spread Effect Sum of Squares C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Tim K:Job_Dis L:Setup_Con CD DF 1 1 1 Total error 17.015625 150.552900 41.280625 17.098225 2.387025 6.200100 .184900 7.049025 17.098225 16.646400 131.913350 Total (corr.) 407.426400 15 CK CL DK DL KL R-squared = 0.676228 1 1 1 Mean Sq. 17.01563 150.55290 41.28062 17.09823 2.38702 6.20010 1 .18490 1 1 7.04903 17.09823 16.64640 26.38267 1 5 Exp 3 F-Ratio P-value .64 .4665 .0625 2663 .4655 .7787 .6533 .9374 .6325 .4655 .4711 5.71 1.56 .65 .09 .24 .01 .27 .65 .63 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.0286833 Table 26 Regression Coeffs. for Processor Utilization Spread No significant effects or interactions. Exp 3 36 Experiment Four Experiment Four is also a full 24 factorial design. The calculated statistics for Experiment Four are contained in Tables 27 35. Interactions greater than second order were used to increase the degrees of freedom of the error estimate. Variables identified as being significant on a 95% level for each of the three performance measurements were as follows: Mean Flow Percent Capacity Set-up Time Processor Sequencing Interaction between the percent capacity and optimizing the processor sequence. Proportion of Jobs Tardy Percent Capacity Job Size Distribution Interaction of these two main effects Processor Utilization Spread Percent Capacity Set-up Time Job Size Distribution All two factor interactions of these three main effects. The results from Experiments Three and Four are summarized in Table 36. 37 Table 27 Estimated Effects for Mean Flow mean flow C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis CD CH CK DH DK HK = = = = = = = = = = = 47.0856 7.66375 2.01375 -0.25375 -0.67375 -0.10375 0.21375 0.12875 -0.47125 0.08875 -0.15375 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 4 0.0906629 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 0.181326 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) Table 28 ANOVA for Mean Flow Effect Sum of Squares C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis CD CH CK DH DK HK Total error DF Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 234.932256 16.220756 1 234.93226 16.22076 .257556 1.815756 .043056 .182756 .066306 .888306 .031506 .094556 .657581 1 1786.34 123.34 1.96 13.81 .0000 .0001 .2206 .0138 .5978 .2915 .5166 .0483 .6502 .4438 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 255.190394 Total (corr.) Exp 4 R-squared = 0.997423 .25756 1.81576 .04306 .18276 .06631 .88831 .03151 .09456 .13152 .33 1.39 .50 6.75 .24 .72 15 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) Table 29 Regression Coeffs. for Mean Flow constant H:Pr_Grp_Seq C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti K:Job_Dis DH = = = = = = 4.935 -1.26875 0.510917 1.00687 -0.336875 -0.235625 Exp 4 = 0.99227 38 Table 30 Estimated Effects for Proportion Jobs Tardy mean pro.tar C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis CD CH CK DH DK HK = = = = = = = = = = = Exp 4 15.3175 +/- 0.65541 14.73 +/- 1.31082 1.6 +/- 1.31082 4.1675 +/- 1.31082 -16.415 +/- 1.31082 -0.675 +/- 1.31082 4.1675 +/- 1.31082 -14.14 +/- 1.31082 0.4625 +/- 1.31082 -1.6 +/- 1.31082 1.8125 +/- 1.31082 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) Table 31 ANOVA for Proportion Jobs Tardy Effect Sum of Squares C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis CD 867.89160 10.24000 69.47222 1077.80890 1.82250 69.47223 799.75840 CH CK DH DK HK Total error Total (corr.) Exp 4 DF Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 1 867.8916 10.2400 69.4722 1077.8089 1.8225 69.4722 799.7584 126.28 1.49 10.11 156.82 .0001 .2767 .0246 .0001 .6338 .0246 .0001 .7422 .2767 .2253 1 1 1 1 1 1 .27 10.11 116.36 .85562 1 .8556 .12 10.24000 13.14063 34.36500 1 10.2400 13.1406 6.8730 1.49 1.91 2955.06710 R-squared = 0.988371 1 5 15 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.965112 Table 32 Regression Coeffs. for Proportion Jobs Tardy constant C:Percent_Ca H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis = = CH CK = = = = -65.6975 0.982 -20.8375 69.5625 0.277833 -0.942667 Exp 4 39 Table 33 Estimated Effects for Processor Utilization Spread mean pr.ut.sp C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis CD = = CH CK DH DK HK = = = = = = = = = 15.7425 2.205 0.68 -0.15 9.715 -2.07 0.15 -3.405 -0.125 1.37 0.35 +/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/- Exp 4 0.200471 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 0.400943 Standard error estimated from total error with 5 d.f. (t = 2.57141) Table 34 ANOVA for Processor Utilization Spread Effect Sum of Squares C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis CD Total error 19.448100 1.849600 .090000 377.524900 17.139600 .090000 46.376100 .062500 7.507600 .490000 3.215100 Total (corr.) 473.793500 CH CK DH DK HK R-squared = 0.993214 Exp 4 DF Mean Sq. F-Ratio P-value 1 1 19.44810 1.84960 30.24 2.88 1 1 1 .09000 .14 377.52490 17.13960 587.11 26.65 .0027 .1507 .7275 .0000 .0036 .7275 .0004 .7710 .0189 .4315 1 .09000 .14 1 46.37610 72.12 1 1 1 .06250 .10 7.50760 11.68 .49000 .64302 .76 5 15 R-squared (adj. for d.f.) = 0.979642 Table 35 Regression Coeffs. for Processor Utilization Spread constant C:Percent_Ca D:Set_Up_Ti K:Job_Dis CD CK DK = = = = = = = 3.615 0.147 11.725 23.585 -0.138 -0.227 0.685 4 40 Table 36 Summary of Results Experiments 3 and 4 Significant Effects and Two-factor Interactions Effect Mean Flow Prop. Tardy Pr.Ut.Sp E 3 E 4 E 3 E 4 C:Percent_Ca x x x x D:Set_up Tim x x x H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis x E 3 E 4 x x x x x x x L:Setup_Con CD x x CH x CK x x x CL DH x DK x DL ( x indicates significant effect) indicates effect not included) 41 IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Before discussing the results in terms of the performance measures, an explanation of the non-significant variables is in order. The system variables, "Processor Spread" (A) and "Proces- sor Distribution" (B) were not found to be significant in any experiment under any measurement. As processor capacity spread is increased, more of the workload is shifted to the faster processors. However, the scheduled load in terms of capacity is not influenced by the distribution. Factors such as grouping and set-up time have a far greater impact that effectively masks any influence by the processor capacity variables. A surprising result was that the "Ranking for Processor Assignment" (F) was not found to be significant in any situation. The loading of the system has such a dominant influence on the system that the Ranking effect cannot be detected. The "Processor Assignment" (G) variable was also insignificant in all cases. This is not surprising as it is only used to break ties between two or more processors that are available at the same time. Since the chances of two processors being available at exactly the same time, except for the start time zero, are very remote, the variable was never really used. In all four experiments time was recorded to 0.001 hours. 42 Mean Flow Time Experiments one and two indicated five main effects significantly influence mean flow times. The level of loading in terms of percent capacity was significant in three of the four experiments and marginally significant (p=0.0551) in the fourth. This result is totally consistent with expectations. As the loading increases, the time to complete all tasks increases and in a static system the average completion time is equal to the mean flow. The effect increases the mean flow by 16 to 20% when the quantity of tasks increases from the 75% to 90% level. Increasing set-up time also increased the mean flow, again consistent with expectations. Experiments one and two used two different set-up time distributions (U[0,5] and U[0,12]) while the last two used either no set-up times or a U[0,5] distribution. Mean flow times increased by 10 15% when set-up times were increased from U[0,5] to U[0,12]. When going from no set-up time to U[0,5] when tasks are not grouped by product increases mean flow by almost 20%. If tasks are grouped by product, the same set-up time distribution only increases mean flow by about 4%. Experiment one estimated that grouping tasks by product decreased the mean flow time by 13.9%. The average mean flow time was about 8% lower on the grouped experiment four than the ungrouped experiment three. Both experiments used the same job sets and set-up matrices. This is attributed to the fewer number of set-ups required for grouped jobs. The number of set-ups is equal to the number of jobs/groups minus the number of processors. Grouped jobs require a maximum of 4 set-ups (experiments one and two) or 7 set-ups (experiment four). However the maximum number of set-ups required for 43 ungrouped jobs ranged from about 17 (20 jobs, 3 processors)to Ungrouped jobs were requiring from 2.5 to almost 6 times as many set-ups. Assuming an average set-up time of two hours 40. per set-up, grouped orders require about 8 to 14 hours for set-up time compared to 34 to 80 hours for jobs scheduled independently. Sequencing the product groups to minimize set-up times by set-up time matrix optimization was found to reduce mean flow times by 15.4% in the first experiment. The fourth experiment did not confirm the significance of sequencing groups. The first experiment also confirmed the literature that ranking tasks by SPT also decreases mean flow time. The final significant effect was product distribution. As the product demand distribution goes from equal to a Pareto distribution, i.e. 20% of the product groups are responsible for 80% of demand, the mean flow increases by 9%. Conclusions: Increased loading and set-up times will increase mean flow time in a static system. To minimize mean flow, tasks should be grouped by product whenever set-up times are required. The relationship between processors in terms of capacities has no effect on the mean flow times. Neither does the method for ranking groups/tasks for assignment to the processors. When more than one processor is available to process a job or product group, it doesn't matter which processor the job or group is assigned to. 44 Proportion Jobs Tardy Experiment one only had one significant effect, processor sequence. Optimizing the sequence on a processor to minimize set-up times decreased the percent of jobs tardy by 12.6%. Experiment two indicated four effects were significant at the 95% confidence interval: loading, set-up time, ranking for processor assignment, and job size distribution. factor interactions were significant. No two- Both loading and set-up time effects on the proportion of tardy are as expected. As loading increases, the probability of jobs being late should and does increase. As loading increases from 75 to 90% of capacity, the percentage jobs of tasks tardy increases by about 15%. distributions from U[0,5] Increasing set-up time to U[0,12] increases the percent jobs tardy by almost 10%. Ranking product groups by weighted average due date (WADD), or jobs by EDD when grouping isn't used, will result in 10% fewer tardy jobs than ranking by LPT. This result follows theory reported in the literature that sequencing by EDD will reduce the mean tardy time and hence proportion of jobs tardy [Johnson, 1974]. Experiment three confirmed that increasing loading and set-up times increased the proportion of jobs that were tardy. With no grouping used, increases of about 36% in tardy jobs were found for both loading and set-up times. Experiment four, with grouping, estimated that loading increase would result in 15% more tardy jobs. the Set-up times didn't have a significant effect due to the reduced number of set-ups required when jobs are grouped by product. 45 Experiment four confirmed the preliminary experiment findings that optimizing the group sequence on a processor was significant, as was the job size distribution. As the job distribution widens, the percentage of tardy jobs decreases by 16%. This finding is surprising and cannot be explained at this time. Further research of this phenomenon would be beneficial as new manufacturing philosophies are size stressing the use of either smaller or variable lot sizing. The two-factor interaction between loading and job size distribution was very significant with a p-value of 0.0001. At 75% loading the proportion of tardy tasks is the same for both job size distributions. However, at 90% loading the propor- tion of tardy jobs is about 38% for the fixed job size compared to about 8% for the variable job size. tionship is shown This rela- graphically in Figure 1 on the next page. This interaction can be responsible for up to 14% of the tardy jobs. The two-factor interaction between loading and processor group sequencing is also significant but only accounts for 4% of the tardy jobs. Conclusions: Loading significantly effects the proportion of jobs that are tardy, regardless of whether product grouping is used or not. Set-up times are only significant when product grouping is not used. Job size distribution and processor group sequencing are important when tasks are grouped 46 Two-Factor Interaction Job Size Distribution vs. Loading t 13 25 0 --'c 20 0 .-e. a 15 2 o_ 10 75 90 System Loading ( %) 9 Job Size Fixed --00 Job Size Varied Figure 1 Proportion Jobs Tardy Interaction: Order Size Distribution versus Loading 47 by product. In general, allowing job sizes to vary, rather than using a fixed lob quantity will minimize the proportion of jobs tardy. This _is especially true_at higher system loadings. Processor Utilization Spread The results of experiment one did not identify any effects as significant at the 95% confidence level. At the 90% confidence interval, grouping by product and the ranking of groups or tasks for assignment to processors were significant. Grouping increased the difference between processor use by about 18%. Ranking groups or tasks by LPT reduces the spread by 18% compared to ranking by EDD/WADD. Experiment identified grouping, product demand distribution, and a set of confounded, two-factor interactions two as significant. The confounded interactions included the one between the two main effects listed above. A comparison of the effects indicates that the two-factor interaction between grouping and the ranking is the likely significant interaction. By grouping tasks by product in the second experiment, the processor utilization spread increased by almost 40%. As the product demand distribution moves away from equal demand to the Pareto position, the spread increased by 34%. The interaction between these main effects show an increase of 39%. The average processor utilization spread in experiment three (ungrouped tasks) is about one-half of average spread in experiment four (grouped tasks), consistent with experiment two. 48 The ungrouped study in experiment three had no signifi- cant main effects or two-factor interactions at the 95% confidence level. Set-up times were significant at the 93% level, however. Experiment four, with tasks grouped by product, found loading and job size distribution to be significant. The two- factor interactions involving all combinations of loading, set-up time, and job size distribution were significant. The main effect of set-up time must then be considered significant since it was significant in an interaction. Job size distribution has the biggest effect on the processor spread, about 10% wider when the job size is allowed to vary. The other main effects and interactions are 4% or less. The two-factor interaction between loading and set-up time is displayed in Figure 2. When there are no set-up times in the system, the processor utilization spread increases dramatically as loading increases. When set-up times are distributed U[0,5] there is essentially no change in the spread. At the lower loading, utilization is more equal without set-up time, but as the loading increased the lack of set-up time causes a wider spread than the set-up time conditions. Apparently, as loading increases, set-up times can actually function like small jobs by filling in and levelling the utilization. Conclusions: Grouping jobs by product will tend to increase the difference in processor utilization. This is explained by the decreased flexibility in going from many small jobs to, in effect, a 49 Two-Factor Interaction 1 'Set-up Time vs. System Loading 17.5 -0 17 cts Pal 16.5 u) c 1 "trsi. 15.5 0 D 8 14.5 --=: 1 0 8 14 Ci: 13.5 1 90 75 System Loading (%) a No Set-up Time a, Set-up Time U[0,5] Figure 2 Processor Utilization Spread Interaction: Set-up Time versus Loading 50 If seven jobs are divided few large jobs. between three processors then the probability of being able to level processor usage is very small due to the lack of fine tuning. As the number of jobs is increased, and the size of each job decreases, it is easier to balance processor usage due to the higher degree of The negative side detail and hence control. of the smaller job sizes is the strong possibility of more set-ups. If the goal is to maximize usage on one Or more processors and minimize usage of others so as to shut down excess production, it will again be desirable to use smaller jobs for the finer degree of control. As loading increases in systems with productgrouped jobs, set-up times tend to level pro- In this case, set-up cessor utilization. times function as small jobs in order to help level processor usage. This finding may not hold in all cases. function of the It may very well be a between relationship the magnitude of the set-up times, the job processing times, and the scheduling window. Further research on these relationships could help define them in stronger terms. Fixed size jobs tend to reduce processor utilization spread when tasks are grouped by product. This effect cannot be explained within the scope of this project. possible this result may be It is very explained by evaluating the effect product demand distribu- 51 tion has on processor utilization in conjunction with the first conclusion stated above. Relationship Between Performance Measures Regression analysis was used to determine if any one of the performance measurements could be used to predict another. The three performance measurements had little if any correla- tion indicated they are independent. The processor utilization spread is almost totally independent of the other two measures with a coefficient of determination less than 0.10 for every experiment and performance measure. Mean flow time and the proportion of tasks tardy showed slight correlation with coefficients of determi- nation ranging from 0.20 to 0.50. Summary of Conclusions The results of this study can provide the following guidelines for system design and scheduling heuristics. In general the relationships between processor capacities need not be considered. Jobs will be assigned to the next available processor which will naturally level usage with faster processors handling more jobs than slower processors. It is no surprise that mean flow time and the proportion of jobs tardy increases as system loading and set-up times increase. Increases in set-up times can be minimized by grouping jobs by product. 52 Grouping jobs by product is beneficial at high loadings as it minimizes non-productive time used for set-ups. Optimizing the group processing sequence on a processor will decrease set-up time further. Mean flow times and the proportion of jobs tardy will be decreased at the expense of controlling the difference in processor utilization. Scheduling jobs individually gives more control in scheduling individual processors, either levelling or preclud- ing specific processors at the expense of more set-up time, and longer mean flow times and tardy jobs (when set-up times are required). Sequencing individual jobs by SPT will reduce mean flow time on a processor. Sequencing by EDD on a processor will reduce the mean tardy time but not necessarily the proportion of jobs tardy. Future Research/Enhancements A natural extension of this study would be to propose and validate heuristic decision rules for scheduling. These heuristics could then be incorporated into a software program, possibly incorporating artificial intelligence and/or expert systems, to schedule parallel, non-identical processors for both services and manufacturing. Other areas of study suggested by this study include dynamic systems, and the possible application of queuing theory to solve scheduling problems. Further research would also be valuable in validating these results. The references used in this research, with the exception of Smith (1992), investigated similar areas that do 53 not overlap this area. Since this study was based on statis- 95% confidence level, it leaves a very small possibility for error which should be investigated. tics at a 54 V. REFERENCES Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., and Hunter, J.S., Statistics for Experimenters, John Wiley & Sons, pp 323 324+, 1978. Guinet, A., "Textile Production Systems: a succession of nonidentical parallel processor systems", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 42, 8, 655-671, 1991. Johnson, L.A. and Montgomery, D.C., Operations Research in Production Planning, Scheduling and Inventory Control, John Wiley, pp 321-349, 1974. Marsh. J.D., Scheduling Parallel Processors, Ph.D. Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1973. 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Appendices 60 Experiment Data Appendix A: Experiment 1 Response variables Experimental factors No. A B C D E F G H I J Name Pr_Spread Middle_Pr Percent_Ca Set_up Tim Grouping Pr_Assign Pr_Ass_Ord Pr_Grp Seq Job_Seq Product_Di Low High 20 0.5 80 0.75 U[0,3] Yes LPT Slowest Optimize SPT Equal Units 0.75 0.90 U[0,12] No EDD % % hrs Fastest Chrono EDD Pareto Cont. No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No. Name 1 2 3 Units Mean Flow hrs Propor Tar % Pr_Ut_Spre % Effect Setting run A 1 2 Small Small Large Small Large Small Large Large Small Large Small Small Large Small Small Small Large Large Large Large Large Small Large Small 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.90 0.90 U[0,12] U[0,3] U[0,3] U[0,12] U(0,12] U(0,3) U[0,12) U[0,3] U[0,12] U(0,3] U(0,12] U(0,3) U(0,3) U(0,3] U[0,12) U[0,3) U[0,12] U[0,3] U[0,12] U[0,12) U[0,12] U[0,3] U[0,3] U[0,12] No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes LPT EDD EDD EDD EDD LPT LPT LPT LPT EDD EDD EDD LPT LPT EDD EDD EDD EDD LPT LPT EDD LPT LPT LPT Fastest Fastest Slowest Slowest Slowest Slowest Slowest Fastest Fastest Slowest Fastest Slowest Slowest Slowest Slowest Fastest Fastest Fastest slowest Fastest Fastest Fastest Fastest Slowest CHRONO CHRONO CHRONO CHRONO OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE CHRONO OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE. OPTIMIZE CHRONO CHRONO OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE CHRONO OPTIMIZE CHRONO OPTIMIZE CHRONO CHRONO OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE SPT SPT SPT EDD SPT SPT EDD EDD EDD EDD EDD EDD SPT EDD SPT SPT EDD EDD EDD SPT SPT EDD SPT SPT 80/20 80/20 Equal Equal 80/20 Equal Equal Equal 80/20 Equal Equal 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 Equal 80/20 80/20 80/20 Equal Equal Equal 80/20 Equal a) (15 a) Ri U) a) I ca, o dP (I) Cf) )-1 0 4-) I I I 0 Ft 04 rx-4 a) z E tt oZ Or1NM U) (N1 TH c) u) CI 4-) E-4 (11- -H a) En u) o 4J a) C 0 0 -1 4i I'd al cp .-1 cD c) , LC) ,-I u) E11 ,. tfl (i) 75 0 U) 0 S:11 a U) w -.4 ,--i o I 0 10'-alti) U) Ig.9 I ri:1ir00 I (z) 01 4-1 C -H a) 0 -4-) a) PI 4--1 14-1 c) 0 CD /-1 04-Z c) ei.)(1)(1)00000000 >-1 ZZZZZZZZ >-1 4--) N N U) O U U) -H rC Cr) ,-, m -r-1 CD Ll) CD .-) (i) 0 RI 04 134 CO N CA D>i 41 TL, 0 U) E--- (c1 C.) -H a) -L.) 0 0 I E -1 0),-1 EH o 3 o 00 in cp- Z01-1 (al r-I (1 r"-' VI C.) 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VD r- oo 0H CV ri ri H ri ri H ri rA 1-1 N N N N N N N N N N m m m HNm 00 N 00 N 00 N CO CO N 00 00 N 00 00 N CO N N N N N N CO N CO CO N CO CO N CO N .1 N 01.0 Ul 62 Experiment 3 Experimental factors No. Name C:Percent_Ca D:Set_up_Tim K:Job_Dis L:Setup_Con Response variables Low High Units 75 90 % U[0,5] N[1000,300] Yes hrs units 0 0 No Effect Settings run C 1 75. 90. 75. 90. 75. 90. 75. 90. 75. 90. 75. 90. 75. 90. 75. 90. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 0 0 0 U[0,5] U[0,5] 0 0 U[0,5] U[0,5] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] 0 0 0 0 U[0,5] U[0,5] 0 0 N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] 0 0 0 U[0,5] U[0,5] 0 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cont. Yes No No No No. Name 1 2 3 Units Mean Flow hrs Propor_Tar % Pr_Ut_Spre % 63 Experiment 4 Experimental factors No. Name C:Percent_Ca D:Set_up_Tim H:Pr_Grp_Seq K:Job_Dis Response variables Low High Units 75 90 % 0 U[0,5] Chrono N[1000,0] hrs Optimize N[1000,300] Cont. Yes No No No Effect Settings run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C D H K (%) (hrs) (%) (units) 75. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 75. 90. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 90. 75. 0 0 U[0,5] 0 U[0,5] U[0,5] 0 0 0 U[0,5] 0 U[0,5] U[0,5] 0 U[0,5] U[0,5] Optimize Optimize Chrono Chrono Optimize Chrono Optimize Chrono Chrono Optimize Optimize Chrono Optimize Chrono Optimize Chrono N[1000,0] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,0] N[1000,0] N[1000,0] N[1000,0] N[1000,0] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,0] N[1000,300] N[1000,300] N[1000,0] No. 1 2 3 Name Units Mean_Flow hrs Propor_Tar % Pr_Ut Sp % 64 Appendix B: Experiment Results Experiment 1 run Mean Flow (hrs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 106.33 67.21 79.59 96.58 73.26 59.04 83.08 74.46 69.49 66.13 74.72 92.71 79.03 78.12 76.56 76.27 103.13 75.89 99.04 71.47 62.61 83.55 65.47 72.53 Propor_Tar (%) 46.2 21.2 14.3 33.3 25.6 9.1 37.5 20.0 0.0 11.1 26.8 15.4 31.3 0.0 0.0 2.5 31.7 18.8 34.3 16.7 9.1 35.3 17.1 24.4 Pr_Ut_Sp (%) 5.3 84.1 14.8 57.1 53.1 11.2 13.4 24.2 46.8 32.6 6.5 84.4 3.9 2.3 1.9 1.1 19.8 10.9 143.6 8.8 2.4 11.4 12.8 12.9 65 Experiment run Mean Flow (hrs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 63.28 78.53 92.58 68.93 113.17 88.78 75.79 78.95 70.08 122.04 78.86 71.98 71.68 81.53 63.99 60.46 69.90 76.37 78.86 80.14 97.75 102.76 61.65 79.97 66.47 101.51 68.14 76.9 65.37 65.15 87.82 76.15 Propor_Tar (%) 13.5 2.8 40.5 36.1 40.5 34.9 15.6 45.9 17.1 64.4 38.6 28.6 29.7 40.0 20.0 31.4 2.8 26.8 46.3 2.4 68.3 46.5 32.5 43.9 8.6 41.7 42.9 0.0 28.6 43.2 21.4 2 Pr_Ut_Sp (%) 2 14 148 65 167 91 9 1 12 42 15 10 7 11 7 21 49 14 2 9 23 9 39 112 32 29 6 9 5 21 49 17 66 Experiment 3 run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mean Flow Pro_Tardy (hrs) (%) 42.63 50.00 50.86 61.96 40.81 51.04 50.08 62.04 42.63 50.00 51.16 62.62 40.81 51.04 49.51 61.22 9.09 29.62 18.18 92.59 18.18 44.44 63.63 74.07 9.09 29.62 18.18 100.00 18.18 44.44 50.63 74.07 Pr_Ut_Spre (%) 6.46 6.59 15.60 20.59 7.54 1.74 13.69 5.26 6.46 6.59 14.14 5.62 7.54 1.74 6.02 12.82 67 Experiment 4 run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mean Flow Propor_Tar (hrs) (%) 42.64 50.07 52.11 49.22 52.06 52.14 50.28 42.64 50.28 43.17 41.76 44.74 44.51 41.74 51.18 44.83 4.54 11.11 3.70 3.70 44.44 33.33 40.74 9.09 33.33 9.09 9.09 4.54 9.09 4.54 11.11 13.64 Pr_Ut_Sp (%) 7.08 19.70 20.30 19.70 12.00 12.00 15.38 7.08 15.38 23.40 19.40 22.50 8.08 19.50 20.30 10.08 68 Appendix C: Set-up Time Matrices Experiments One and Two Set-up Time Matrices U[0,3] FROM de f g 1 1 2 3 0 1 1 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 3 2 3 TO a a b c 3 1 1 b 2 c 2 0 d 2 2 1 e 3 0 2 2 f 3 0 3 0 3 g 2 0 3 0 3 0 2 U[0,12] a a b c d e f g 6 1 11 1 6 2 7 12 11 12 6 6 10 7 12 10 1 4 2 8 b 4 c 6 4 d 2 4 7 e 6 1 7 9 f 6 9 10 2 9 g 5 10 0 4 3 9 12 69 Experiments Three and Four Set-up Time Matrix U[0, 5] From To a b c d e f g h i j a 0 4 3 3 4 4 1 2 4 2 b 2 0 3 3 3 1 4 3 1 2 c 5 5 0 2 4 3 1 2 2 2 d 1 4 3 0 2 4 4 3 3 5 e 5 3 3 3 0 3 5 2 3 4 f 3 3 3 5 0 0 3 4 4 2 g 4 4 2 1 5 1 0 2 3 3 h 3 3 2 3 1 4 3 0 0 2 i 1 2 4 0 1 5 5 2 0 2 j 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 0 70 Appendix D: Experiment Job Sets Experiments One and Two Job Sets Pareto Product Demand Distribution Jobs N[1000,300] # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 R.N. 0.518 0.362 0.289 0.198 0.129 0.037 0.774 0.271 0.655 0.531 0.374 0.51 0.63 0.812 0.589 0.275 0.222 0.172 0.174 0.725 0.349 0.21 0.95 0.718 0.175 0.242 0.564 0.01 0.071 0.051 0.687 0.533 0.918 0.635 0.879 0.29 0.35 0.402 0.115 0.226 0.303 0.965 0.699 Product b a a a a c b a b b a b b b b a a a Due Date 132 84 156 84 132 84 156 84 84 108 156 84 156 156 156 156 84 156 a 60 b 108 a a f 60 84 60 b 132 a a b c d d b b e b b a a a a a a f b 60 108 156 132 132 84 156 108 156 132 108 108 132 108 156 60 156 60 60 R.N. 0.9363 0.1241 0.5375 0.5662 0.208 0.1422 0.7476 0.4492 0.9938 0.8994 0.1833 0.9929 0.8037 0.8461 0.3808 0.4589 0.5296 0.2474 0.1038 0.6894 0.5824 0.9593 0.6257 0.1107 0.2886 0.1239 0.9493 0.9307 0.9702 0.7714 0.0524 0.8908 0.8794 0.0614 0.5538 0.6797 0.9085 0.6477 0.2486 0.8709 0.7494 0.4022 0.269 Z 1.52 -1.15 0.09 0.17 -0.81 -1.07 0.67 -0.13 2.5 1.28 -0.9 2.45 0.85 1.02 -0.3 -0.1 0.07 -0.68 -1.26 0.5 0.21 1.74 0.35 -1.22 -0.56 -1.16 1.64 1.48 1.89 0.74 -1.62 1.23 1.17 -1.54 0.14 0.47 1.33 0.38 -0.68 1.13 0.67 -0.25 -0.62 Job QTY CUM TOTAL 1456 655 1027 1051 757 679 1201 961 1750 1384 730 1735 1255 1306 910 970 1021 796 622 1150 1063 1522 1105 634 832 652 1492 1444 1567 1222 514 1369 1351 538 1042 1141 1399 1114 796 1339 1201 925 814 1456 2111 3138 4189 4946 5625 6826 7787 9537 10921 11651 13386 14641 15947 16857 17827 18848 19644 20266 21416 22479 24001 25106 25740 26572 27224 28716 30160 31727 32949 33463 34832 36183 36721 37763 38904 40303 41417 42213 43552 44753 45678 46492 71 Equal Product Demand Jobs N[1000,300] # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 R.N. 0.9323 0.3622 0.4075 0.9476 0.5250 0.1348 0.7402 0.8516 0.4804 0.1429 0.2218 0.3455 0.7173 0.9980 0.9357 0.5424 0.6487 0.1453 0.3742 0.6634 0.9928 0.5946 0.7355 0.9749 0.8342 0.2946 0.8684 0.7990 0.1668 0.6974 0.4742 0.0192 0.9064 0.8105 0.9241 0.2525 0.1040 0.7827 0.8032 0.6113 0.8461 0.8217 0.0380 Product g Due Date e 108 132 132 108 108 84 132 132 156 108 108 156 108 108 84 132 84 84 156 108 g e 60 132 f 108 108 108 c c g d a f f d a b c f g g d e b c g f c g f b 60 60 84 e 132 132 108 84 84 84 132 108 156 132 108 108 f 60 f 132 132 e d a g f g b a f f a R.N. 0.022 0.124 0.538 0.566 0.208 0.142 0.748 0.449 0.9940 0.899 0.183 0.9929 0.804 0.846 0.381 0.459 0.530 0.247 0.104 0.689 0.582 0.959 0.626 0.111 0.289 0.124 0.949 0.931 0.970 0.771 0.052 0.891 0.879 0.061 0.554 0.680 0.909 0.648 0.249 0.871 0.749 0.402 0.269 Z -2.02 -1.16 0.09 0.17 -0.81 -1.07 0.67 -0.13 2.5 1.28 -0.9 2.45 0.86 1.02 -0.3 -0.10 0.07 -0.68 -1.26 0.49 0.21 1.74 0.32 -1.22 -0.56 -1.16 1.63 1.48 1.88 0.74 -1.62 1.23 1.17 -1.54 0.14 0.47 1.34 0.38 -0.68 1.13 0.67 -0.25 -0.62 Job QTY CUM TOTAL 394 652 1028 1051 757 679 1201 961 1750 1384 730 1735 1258 1306 910 969 1022 796 622 1147 1063 1522 1096 634 832 652 1491 1444 1564 1222 514 1369 1351 538 1042 1141 1402 1114 796 1339 1201 925 814 1456 2111 3138 4189 4946 5625 6826 7787 9537 10921 11651 13386 14641 15947 16857 17827 18848 19644 20266 21416 22479 24001 25106 25740 26572 27224 28716 30160 31727 32949 33463 34832 36183 36721 37763 38904 40303 41417 42213 43552 44753 45678 46492 72 Pareto Product Demand Distribution Jobs N[1000,300] # R.N. Pro 1 0.4171 0.9393 0.3592 0.8960 0.1521 0.0029 0.9738 0.7995 0.2658 0.1850 0.5394 0.8316 0.6363 0.2421 0.6883 0.4141 0.2704 0.5584 0.9755 0.7636 0.7280 0.3454 0.1813 0.5899 0.7314 0.4838 0.3417 0.0094 0.3315 0.9762 0.1089 0.5988 0.7655 0.0335 0.6968 0.3070 0.6512 0.4341 b d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 a d a a f b a a b c b a b b a b f b b a a b b b a a a f a b b a b a b b R.N. 6.1309 100.0220 4.3683 52.9071 75.2404 36.3717 146.7467 117.8707 94.4757 32.3206 3.7215 41.4123 82.1179 52.6815 17.2142 109.5937 88.8742 118.5565 116.1869 5.4631 64.5606 2.5806 111.4354 80.5314 107.9344 75.7539 22.3729 142.8812 70.2004 16.9191 69.2647 43.6502 104.0883 38.3114 25.2483 44.5062 111.7759 7.9879 Due Date 60 108 60 60 84 60 156 132 108 60 60 60 84 60 60 132 108 132 132 60 84 60 132 84 108 84 60 156 84 60 84 60 108 60 60 60 132 60 R.N. 0.687 0.707 0.048 0.258 0.220 0.742 0.232 0.798 0.063 0.273 0.464 0.883 0.514 0.720 0.255 0.802 0.842 0.856 0.617 0.909 0.192 0.702 0.604 0.486 0.7269 0.773 0.866 0.915 0.963 0.831 0.894 0.392 0.683 0.953 0.916 0.847 0.973 0.792 Z 0.49 0.55 -1.66 -0.65 -0.77 0.65 -0.73 0.84 -1.53 -0.61 -0.09 1.19 0.035 0.585 -0.66 0.85 1 1.06 0.3 1.34 -0.87 0.53 0.26 -0.035 -0.6 0.75 -1.11 -1.38 -1.79 0.96 1.25 -0.27 -0.48 -1.68 1.38 1.02 1.93 0.82 Job QTY CUM TOTAL 1147 1165 502 805 769 1195 781 1252 541 817 973 1357 1010.5 1175.5 802 1255 1300 1318 1090 1402 739 1159 1078 989.5 820 1225 667 586 463 1288 1375 919 856 496 1414 1306 1579 1246 1147 2312 2814 3619 4388 5583 6364 7616 8157 8974 9947 11304 12314.5 13490 14292 15547 16847 18165 19255 20657 21396 22555 23633 24622.5 25442.5 26667.5 27334.5 27920.5 28383.5 29671.5 31046.5 31965.5 32821.5 33317.5 34731.5 36037.5 37616.5 38862.5 73 Pareto Product Demand Distribution Jobs [1000,50] # R.N. Pro 1 0.2321 0.0490 0.2324 0.0190 0.4841 0.4021 0.7258 0.6375 0.3223 0.4520 0.9840 0.5869 0.3700 0.4594 0.2908 0.8197 0.8383 0.1248 0.9760 0.8908 0.8451 0.8679 0.7319 0.2205 0.2244 0.1482 0.0067 0.2669 0.9376 0;1500 0.9595 0.4032 0.9436 0.7031 0.2113 0.0497 0.1390 0.2609 0.3759 0.3539 0.7262 0.1081 0.1064 0.4685 a a a a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 b b b b a b f b a b a c c a f d c c b a a a a a d b e a e b a a a a a a b a a b R.N. 14.66 149.99 52.85 36.84 85.88 119.74 109.48 131.29 65.24 121.37 106.83 135.66 114.97 48.55 26.75 15.90 131.82 109.60 98.35 69.76 50.37 23.65 121.24 71.24 139.38 49.41 22.82 143.71 124.85 29.43 150.80 72.74 3.31 105.58 75.66 147.17 48.53 149.35 116.52 4.57 136.52 76.01 61.43 56.41 Due Date 60 156 60 60 108 132 132 132 84 132 108 156 132 60 60 60 132 132 108 84 60 60 132 80 156 60 60 156 132 60 156 84 60 108 84 156 60 156 132 60 156 84 84 60 R.N. 0.573 0.731 0.843 0.989 0.889 0.428 0.105 0.365 0.646 0.114 0.249 0.384 0.034 0.225 0.288 0.465 0.915 0.777 0.296 0.865 0.834 0.978 0.541 0.376 0.174 0.264 0.944 0.314 0.337 0.697 0.880 0.174 0.553 0.221 0.930 0.830 0.333 0.562 0.699 0.078 0.321 0.024 0.330 0.668 Z Job QTY CUM TOTAL 0.18 0.62 1.01 2.29 1.22 -0.18 -1.25 -0.35 0.38 -1.2 -0.68 -0.29 -1.83 -0.75 -0.56 -0.09 1.37 0.76 -0.53 1.1 0.97 2.02 0.1 -0.32 -0.94 -0.63 1.59 -0.48 -0.42 0.52 1.175 -0.94 0.13 -0.77 1.48 0.96 -0.43 0.16 0.52 -1.42 -0.46 -1.97 -0.44 0.43 1009 1031 1051 1114 1061 991 938 982 1019 940 966 986 908 962 972 996 1068 1038 974 1055 1048 1101 1005 984 953 968 1080 976 979 1036 1059 953 1006 962 1074 1048 978 1008 1026 929 977 902 978 1022 1009 2040 3091 4205 5266 6257 7195 8177 9196 10136 11102 12088 12996 13958 14930 15926 16994 18032 19006 20061 21109 22210 23215 24199 25152 26120 27200 28176 29155 30191 31250 32203 33209 34171 35245 36293 37271 38279 39305 40234 41211 42113 43091 44113 74 Equal Prod. Distribution Jobs [1000,300] # R.N. Pro 1 2 0.6692 0.7576 0.0544 0.2466 0.2872 0.4679 0.2829 0.8468 0.3648 0.4070 0.7723 0.6667 0.4967 0.9184 0.3877 0.7424 0.4757 0.7576 0.2605 0.6002 0.8706 0.4870 0.9510 0.3234 0.5316 0.1807 0.5020 0.1681 0.0089 0.5399 0.4750 0.9986 0.5314 0.2673 0.8948 0.2970 0.5504 0.6313 0.4507 0.6693 0.7510 0.5183 0.3149 0.0180 e 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 f a b c d b f c c f e d g c f d f b e g d g c d b d b a d d g d b g c d e d e f d c a R.N. 109.29 143.99 35.12 56.30 155.23 73.18 4.44 66.19 145.22 67.90 112.75 25.81 54.10 120.25 149.59 24.62 64.02 71.24 10.55 19.36 89.38 86.73 48.66 130.47 7.71 64.61 37.29 69.04 36.52 5.17 77.55 98.02 30.98 51.38 14.52 101.86 37.72 118.05 147.46 29.03 18.98 85.79 33.15 81.27 Due Date 132 156 60 60 156 84 60 84 156 84 132 60 60 132 156 60 84 84 60 60 108 108 60 132 60 84 60 84 60 60 84 108 60 60 60 108 60 132 156 60 60 108 60 84 R.N. 0.915 0.564 0.899 0.179 0.335 0.622 1.000 0.834 0.356 0.303 0.627 0.244 0.351 0.206 0.085 0.866 0.102 0.624 0.658 0.623 0.005 0.057 0.719 0.637 0.169 0.361 0.218 0.638 0.514 0.495 0.507 0.992 0.850 0.550 0.889 0.620 0.629 0.949 0.909 0.931 0.045 0.078 0.485 0.571 Z 1.37 0.16 1.28 -0.92 -0.43 0.31 3.5 0.97 -0.37 -0.52 0.32 -0.69 -0.38 -0.75 -1.37 1.11 -1.27 0.32 0.41 0.31 -2.58 -1.58 0.58 0.35 -0.96 -0.35 -0.78 0.35 0.035 -0.01 0.02 2.41 1.04 0.13 1.22 0.31 0.33 1.64 1.34 1.48 -1.7 -1.42 -0.04 0.18 Job QTY CUM TOTAL 1411 1048 1384 724 871 1093 2050 1291 889 844 1096 793 886 775 589 1333 619 1096 1123 1093 226 526 1174 1105 712 895 766 1105 1010.5 997 1006 1723 1312 1039 1366 1093 1099 1492 1402 1444 490 574 988 1054 1411 2459 3843 4567 5438 6531 8581 9872 10761 11605 12701 13494 14380 15155 15744 17077 17696 18792 19915 21008 21234 21760 22934 24039 24751 25646 26412 27517 28527.5 29524.5 30530.5 32253.5 33565.5 34604.5 35970.5 37063.5 38162.5 39654.5 41056.5 42500.5 42990.5 43564.5 44552.5 45606.5 75 Pareto Product Distribution Job Set Jobs [1000,300] # R.N. Pro 1 0.4171 0.9393 0.3592 0.8960 0.1521 0.0029 0.9738 0.7995 0.2658 0.1850 0.5394 0.8316 0.6363 0.2421 0.6883 0.4141 0.2704 0.5584 0.9755 0.7636 0.7280 0.3454 0.1813 0.5899 0.7314 0.4838 0.3417 0.0094 0.3315 0.9762 0.1089 0.5988 0.7655 0.0335 0.6968 0.3070 0.6512 0.4341 0.0236 0.4759 0.4973 0.7640 0.4756 0.9530 b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 d a d a a f b a a b c b a b b a b f b b a a b b b a a a f a b b a b a b b a b b b b e R.N. 6.13 100.02 4.36 52.90 75.24 36.37 146.74 117.87 94.47 32.32 3.72 41.41 82.11 52.68 17.21 109.59 88.87 118.55 116.18 5.46 64.56 2.58 111.43 80.53 107.93 75.75 22.37 142.88 70.20 16.91 69.26 43.65 104.08 38.31 25.24 44.50 111.77 7.98 87.35 5.10 74.80 105.31 65.59 146.40 Due Date 60 108 60 60 84 60 156 132 108 60 60 60 84 60 60 132 108 132 132 60 84 60 132 84 108 84 60 156 84 60 84 60 108 60 60 60 132 60 108 60 84 108 84 156 R.N. 0.687 0.707 0.048 0.258 0.220 0.742 0.232 0.798 0.063 0.273 0.464 0.883 0.514 0.720 0.255 0.802 0.842 0.856 0.617 0.909 0.192 0.702 0.604 0.486 0.273 0.773 0.133 0.084 0.037 0.831 0.894 0.392 0.316 0.046 0.916 0.847 0.973 0.792 0.807 0.844 0.379 0.658 0.784 0.182 Z 0.49 0.55 -1.66 -0.65 -0.77 0.65 -0.73 0.84 -1.53 -0.61 -0.09 1.19 0.035 0.585 -0.66 0.85 1 1.06 0.3 1.34 -0.87 0.53 0.26 -0.035 -0.6 0.75 -1.11 -1.38 -1.79 0.96 1.25 -0.27 -0.48 -1.68 1.38 1.02 1.93 0.82 0.87 1.02 -0.31 0.41 0.8 -0.91 Job QTY CUM TOTAL 1147 1165 502 805 769 1195 781 1252 541 817 1147 2312 2814 3619 4388 5583 6364 7616 8157 8974 9947 11304 973 1357 1010.5 1175.5 802 1255 1300 1318 1090 1402 739 1159 1078 989.5 820 1225 667 586 463 1288 1375 919 856 496 1414 1306 1579 1246 1261 1306 907 1123 1240 727 12314.5 13490 14292 15547 16847 18165 19255 20657 21396 22555 23633 24622.5 25442.5 26667.5 27334.5 27920.5 28383.5 29671.5 31046.5 31965.5 32821.5 33317.5 34731.5 36037.5 37616.5 38862.5 40123.5 41429.5 42336.5 43459.5 44699.5 45426.5 76 Experiments Three and Four Job Sets Equal Product Demand Distribution Jobs N[1000,300] No. RN 1 0.822953 0.215139 0.379618 0.65652 0.373074 0.478204 0.136756 0.38025 0.382113 0.314183 0.593435 0.519263 0.588362 0.221106 0.843583 0.899246 0.719384 0.755867 0.305574 0.704404 0.94239 0.781723 0.730705 0.80845 0.223795 0.316375 0.175556 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PROD 8 2 4 7 4 5 1 4 4 3 6 5 6 2 8 9 7 8 3 7 9 8 7 8 2 3 2 RN DUE RAND Z QTY 0.667126 0.394835 0.840016 0.610077 0.006617 0.470106 0.672707 0.5833 0.292239 0.51591 0.780473 0.118545 0.711778 0.115287 0.119477 0.759983 0.15785 0.226594 0.377659 0.442456 0.443661 0.982512 0.723211 0.606399 0.736538 0.72637 0.919262 67 0.729765 0.61 0.943612 1.59 0.332635 -0.43 0.914145 1.37 0.198815 -0.85 0.534022 0.09 0.608462 0.28 0.766637 0.73 0.189644 -0.88 0.032019 -1.85 0.323178 0.46 0.51552 0.04 0.982336 2.1 0.165338 -0.97 0.162563 -0.98 0.35286 -0.38 0.879596 1.17 0.403229 -0.25 0.654815 0.4 0.210376 -0.8 0.651763 0.39 0.368504 -0.34 0.865072 1.1 0.618264 0.3 0.180057 -0.92 0.357978 -0.36 0.405357-0.24 1183 1477 871 1411 745 1027 1084 1219 736 445 1138 1012 1630 709 706 886 1351 925 1120 760 1117 898 1330 1090 724 892 514 29 84 66 11 47 67 58 29 52 78 12 71 12 12 76 16 23 38 44 44 98 72 61 74 73 92 CUM QTY 1183 2660 3531 4942 5687 6714 7798 9017 9753 10198 11336 12348 13978 14687 15393 16279 17630 18555 19675 20435 21552 22450 23780 24870 25594 26486 27000 77 Equal Product Demand Distribution Jobs N[1000,0] No. RN 1 0.843188 0.43597 0.276138 0.637592 0.929091 0.634809 0.103389 0.866971 0.611064 0.369952 0.428488 0.08407 0.912183 0.090206 0.634567 0.956134 0.990847 0.741294 0.145327 0.160351 0.169527 0.881515 0.563405 0.372075 0.432023 0.038613 0.600733 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PROD 8 4 3 6 9 6 1 9 6 4 4 1 9 1 6 10 10 7 1 2 2 9 6 4 4 1 6 RN 0.986991 0.612727 0.666013 0.788185 0.266987 0.053027 0.690956 0.919715 0.164006 0.164736 0.782431 0.070333 0.932348 0.433852 0.294393 0.982291 0.991461 0.824742 0.405255 0.562704 0.30361 0.845276 0.622711 0.190381 0.473905 0.982063 0.131331 DUE 99 61 67 79 27 5 69 92 16 16 78 7 93 43 29 98 99 82 41 56 30 85 62 19 47 98 13 QTY CUM QTY 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 78 Spreadsheet Explanation Appendix E: The spreadsheet used to evaluate system performance in An example this study was developed using Quattro Pro 3.0. follows at the end of this section. The paragraph headings, below, refer to designated sections on the example. A The first four columns are general job data: the job number in the order it was generated, product (a j), due date (hour), and the quantity (in units). B The next set of columns are partitioned for each of The rate is the processing time. It is calculated by dividing the job quantity by the processing rate (capacity) of the The set-up time is the time specific processor. needed to change from the previous product to the The completion time is the comcurrent product. pletion time of the previous job plus the processing time for the current job. When required, the set-up time is added. the processors A, C B, and C. The third set of columns calculates the completion time, lateness, and tardiness for each order. The mean and standard deviation for each of these measures is calculated at the bottom of the columns. Although lateness was not considered in this study it was useful in calculating tardiness. Lateness is calculated by subtracting the comple- tion time from the due date (time). lateness indicates an early completion. A negative Tardiness is then calculated as the maximum of lateness or zero. 79 D The area under the processor columns calculates the The amount of capacity used on each processor. calculation for processor utilization is the completion time of the last order run on the processor divided by the length of the scheduling window (either 156 or 100 hours depending upon the experiment). The Processor Utilization Spread was calcu- lated by subtracting the smallest processor utilization from the largest. E These two figures count the number of jobs and the total quantity of the jobs. F The figures in this area represent the mean flow, mean lateness, and mean tardiness and the standard deviation for each. G This section analyzes the proportion of capacity used for set-up, processing and total use. The processor utilization spread is calculated from this data. Note: In this example the extremely high set-up time requirements have made the schedule impossible All three processors require more to complete. all processor utilizations time than is available are greater than 100%. H The proportion of jobs tardy was calculated by counting the number of tardy jobs and dividing it by the total number of jobs scheduled. 80 (60 (CI) Capacity = Due MACH A QTY RATE PrDate City # Capacity = 70 Set : COMPLET: Up MACH B 5 d 11 745 0.00 15 h 12 706 0.00 14 b 12 709 10.13 10.13 12 e 12 1012 0.00 10.13 0.00 17 g 16 1351 0.00 10.13 13.51 18 h 23 925 13.21 26.34 9 d 29 736 0.00 3 Set RATE Capacity = 100 ::MACH C COMPLET:: RATE Up 10.13 -1.87 0.00 7.06 :, 7.78 15.52 15.52 3.52 3.52 23.57 :: 0.00 15.52 23.57 7.57 7.57 0.00 23.57 :, 0.00 15.52 26.34 3.34 3.34 26.34 0.00 23.57 :: 5.66 24.18 24.18 -4.82 0.00 24.18 42.34 13.34 13.34 35.79 35.79 -2.21 0.00 35.79 40.20 -3.80 0.00 46.38 46.38 2.38 2.38 46.38 59.87 12.87 12.87 46.38 49.79 -2.21 0.00 55.76 55.76 -2.24 0.00 55.76 64.90 3.90 3.90 67.15 2.15 2.15 80.36 13.36 13.36 3 26.34 14.77 42.34 ;, 0.00 26.34 0.00 42.34 ,: 8.62 20 g 44 760 10.86 40.20 0.00 42.34 :: 0.00 40.20 0.00 42.34 ,: 8.59 59.87 0.00 42.34 :; 0.00 49.79 :: 0.00 49.79 :: 9.28 64.90 :, 0.00 8.38 4 44 1117 0.00 6 e 47 1027 14.67 10 c 52 445 0.00 59.87 4.45 8 d 58 1219 0.00 59.87 0.00 4 g 61 1411 0.00 59.87 14.11 24 h 65 1090 0.00 59.87 0.00 64.90 :! 80.36 0.00 64.90 :, 80.36 11.83 78.73 :: 80.36 0.00 1084 15.49 1 h 67 1183 0.00 13 f 71 5 0.00 1630 23 g 75 1330 0.00 16 0.00 5.73 0.00 67 0.00 -4.94 :, 0.00 a -5.27 7.06 7.06 1120 7 5.73 5.73 5.73 1477 ' TARDY ;: 38 5 LATE :, 29 i COMPLE COMPLET: Up 7.06 2 b 21 Set 0.00 7.06 19 c 3 130 , 80.36 :: 3 1 2 78.73 13.30 3 , . 5.73 2 3 3 2 0 3 0.00 0.00 12.54 95.03 :: 0.00 4 67.15 : ' , 67.15 :: 67.15 :: 78.73 11.73 11.73 83.68 :: 83.68 12.68 12.68 20.0? 83.68 :, 95.03 20.03 83.68 i 76 886 12.66 97.01 :: 0.00 95.03 :, 0.00 :: 97.01 21.01 21.01 26 c 76 892 0.00 97.01 :: 0.00 95.03 :: 6.86 3 93.55 :, 93.55 17.55 17.55 25 b 77 724 0.00 97.01 :: 0.00 95.03 :, 5.57 5 104.12 ,: 104.12 27.12 27.12 11 f 78 1138 0.00 97.01 :, 11.38 107.41 :, 0.00 104.12 107.41 29.41 29.41 3 d 84 871 12.44 0 109.46 !: 0.00 107.41 H 0.00 104.12 109.46 25.46 25.46 27 b 93 514 0.00 109.46 :: 0.00 107.41 :: 3.95 0 108.07 108.07 15.07 15.07 22 h 98 948 0,00 109.46 :: 9.48 4 120.89 :: 0.00 108.07 120.89 22.89 22.89 89.46 20 109.46 99.89 21 120.89 83.07 25 108.07 127 27050 , :: 4 0.89 0.20 1.09 1 1.00 0.21 1.21 0.83 0.25 1.08 : : : ,; 8.82 61.22 M.Flow M.Late 35.12 HRS USE HRS AVAIL USED 120.89% 272.42 300.00 90.8% 108.07% SET UP HRS % USED 66.00 9.83 M.Tard 9.56 10.69 s s U 12.82 %= PROCESSOR UTILIZATION SPREAD 22,0% TOTAL USED , 338.42 No. Tardy: % CAPACITY= 112.81% Pro. Tardy: Figure 3 Spreadsheet Illustration 19.00 1-4 70.37*'