Qualtrics Survey Software 1 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... 2011 Blue Hen Poll - "For Students, By Students" Informed Consent Welcome! 2011 Blue Hen Poll www.udel.edu/bluehenpoll Welcome to the 4th annual Blue Hen Poll (BHP), a public opinion survey analyzed by students, for students. The BHP research team is an undergraduate research group investigating the opinions of undergraduates at the University of Delaware. Again, the survey is designed by students, for students, and our purpose is to help your opinions be heard. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary and your responses will be kept confidential. We want to understand your honest opinions and there are no right or wrong answers to the survey questions. We request, but do not require, that you answer every question. That will allow the analysis to be more reliable and meaningful. The survey results are being collected by an independent research support unit at UD (Information Technologies' Research & Data Management Services, [RDMS]). Your responses will be held by RDMS throughout the survey's field period, after which, RDMS will provide the study team with your anonymous responses, which will be kept secure and confidential. The results of the analysis will only be reported in summary format which will not link the responses to any individual student. You must be 18 or older to take this survey. By continuing with this survey, you are indicating that you are 18 or older. At any point in the survey, you may choose to stop participating. To leave the study, simply close the web browser before you press the SUBMIT button at the end of the survey. Any responses you previously made after completing a page will be saved. If you have any questions concerning the study, you may contact Dr. David Wilson (bluehenpoll@udel.edu or 831-1935), Dept. of Political Science and International Relations, University of Delaware. If you have questions about your rights as a subject or about any issues concerning the use of human subjects in research, please contact the Chair, Human Subjects Review Board, University of Delaware (302-831-2136). The survey should take you between 10 and 12 minutes to complete. The Blue Hen Poll research group appreciates your participation in this important study. We hope that you will find the questions interesting, and attend our public presentation of the results in Trabant Multipurpose Room A at 12:30pm on the 5th of May this year. Sincerely, The 2011 Blue Hen Poll Research Team www.udel.edu/bluehenpoll PLEASE CLICK ON TO THE NEXT PAGE BELOW TO START THE BLUE HEN POLL. Satisfaction with the University of Delaware Q1. Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with the UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE? 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 2 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Q2. How likely are you to recommend the UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE to a friend or associate as a place to attend college? Very Unlikely Unlikely Likely Very Likely Evaluating Services at the University of Delaware Q3. Next, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of the following services: Neither Dissatisfied Very nor Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied I Don't Know Q3b. The overall QUALITY of public transportation on campus Q3d. The availability of locations for small group study in the library Q3c. The HOURS of the fitness facilities on campus Q3a. The overall QUALITY of Student Health Services Q3e. The University's COMMUNICATION about future construction plans Q3f. The overall QUALITY of classrooms at UD Evaluating the University of Delaware Q4. What grade would you give each of the following: A (Excellent) B C (Average) D F (Failing) I Don't Know Q4c. Trabant Student Center Q4a. The overall JOB PERFORMANCE of UD President Harker Q4d. Perkins Student Center Q4b. The professors you have at UD Q4e. Your ability to access the campus Wifi Q4f. The UDSIS (Student Information System) Q4g. Sakai Student-Faculty Interaction and Opportunities Q5. Now we are interested in how often faculty and students reach out to each other for various activities. Please indicate how often faculty or professors at the UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE have provided you with the following activities, and how often you have sought out the activities : Faculty have offered You shave sought out Q5c. Emotional support and encouragement Q5a. Encouragement to pursue graduate study 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 3 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... Faculty have offered You shave sought out Q5d. An opportunity to work on a research project Q5b. A letter of recommendation Q5e. An opportunity to publish research or written work Academic Advisement: How many majors? Q6. How many academic majors do you currently have? Select from the drop-down list below. Academic Advisement: More than One Academic Major Q7. We understand you have more than one major, but we would like you to think about THE MOST "CHALLENGING" MAJOR you have, OR if they are equally challenging, THE FIRST MAJOR you picked up at UD. USE THIS ADVISOR TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ABOUT ACADEMIC ADVISORS. Have you EVER met with your academic advisor for this major? Yes No Can't recall Academic Advisement: More than One Academic Major Q8. SINCE SCHOOL BEGAN last fall, HOW OFTEN have you met with this academic advisor at UD? Q9. Overall, how satisfied are you with this academic advisor? Very Dissatified Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Academic Advisement: Single Academic Major Q10. Have you ever met with your academic advisor at UD? Yes No Can't recall Academic Advisement: Single Academic Major 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 4 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... Q11. Since school began last fall, HOW OFTEN have you met with your assigned academic advisor at UD? Q12. Overall, how satisfied are you with your academic advisor at UD? Very Dissatified Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Academic Advisement Q13. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: After my meeting(s) with my advisor, I feel like ALL of my questions are answered. Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Q14. If you had to choose from the list below, where would you say you get the BEST advisement guidance from? My assigned advisor Other professors, not my assigned advisor Other UD staff, who are not professors Fellow UD students UD printed/online resources SOUND OFF! on Academic Advisement Q15. SOUND OFF: Do you have any comments you would like to make about Academic Advisement? If so, we'd love to hear your thoughts. If not, please proceed to the next page. Ratemyprofessor.com Q16. How familiar are you with RATEMYPROFESSOR.COM? Very familiar Moderately familiar Not too familiar Not at all familiar Ratemyprofessor.com 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 5 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... Q17. Have you ever given a professor evaluation on RATEMYPROFESSOR.COM? Yes No Q18. How often do you visit RATEMYPROFFESSOR.COM when you want to know something about a professor? Never Not Too Often Very Often Always Instructor Evaluations Q19. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements Neither Agree Strongly nor Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Q19d. Making instructor course evaluation scores public will lead to professors inflating grades for better ratings. Q19c. Most students evaluate professors based on expected grade in a class. Q19a. Instructor course evaluation scores should be made public. Q19b. I always put a great deal of thought into my instructor course evaluations Winter Session Q20a. Did you have full/part-time employment during THIS PAST WINTER SESSION? Yes, I did work full/part-time No, I did not work full/part-time Winter Session Q20b. Which of the following best describes your employment during this past winter session? Worked the same job as I did during the fall semester Found employment off campus, outside the Newark, DE area Found employment off campus, in the Newark, DE area Found employment on campus Other Winter Session Q21. Please indicate which of the following best describes your CONNECTION TO ACADEMICS DURING THIS PAST WINTER SESSION. I participated in a STUDY ABROAD program I ATTENDED CLASSES ON UD’s CAMPUS 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 6 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... I TOOK CLASSES AT ANOTHER college or university I DID NOT TAKE CLASSES Other Study Abroad Participation Q22. Have you ever participated in a Study Abroad program? Yes No Educational Experiences at UD Q23. Rate HOW MUCH INFLUENCE the following have had ON YOUR ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE at UD. None at all Only a little A fair amount A great deal I Have not experienced Q23a. Participating in a First Year Experience/First Year Seminar at UD Q23b. Completing a muti-cultural course requirement at UD Q23c. Completing a Discovery Learning Experience course at UD Q24. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. "Since I've been at UD...." Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Q24a. I have become more intellectually curious. Q24b. I have developed a strong passion for learning. Q24c. My experiences have transformed me into a more global citizen. Q24d. I have become more connected to communities (e.g., groups, people, and organizations) beyond the University. Stress and Health Q25. On a one-to-five rating scale, where 1 means no stress at all and 5 means an extreme amount of stress, how would you rate the amount of stress you have on a daily basis? Q26. Please characterize your general level of health since school began last fall. Would you say your health has been: Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor Stress and Health 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 7 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... In a TYPICAL WEEK, how often do you: Never Once a week 2-3 Times Almost Every per week every day single day Q27a. Go to a gym to exercise Q27b. Exercise outside (not including walking to and from class) Q27c. Take a multi-vitamin Q27d. Eat breakfast Student Behaviors: Impact Q28. In your opinion, HOW MUCH OF A PROBLEM are the following behaviors among University of Delaware students? Not at all a problem Small problem Medium sized problem Large problem "The" major problem Q28a. Usage of Adderall without prescription Q28b. Underage consumption of alcohol Q28c. Academic cheating Q28d. Unprotected sexual activity Q28e. Use of marijuana Texting During Class Q28aa. Do you feel that TEXTING (i.e., sending and receiving text messages) DURING CLASS is a "right" that cannot be taken away by a professor, or a "privilege" to be determined by the class' professor? A right that cannot be taken away by a professor A privilege to be determined by the professor I do not know Safety and Security Q29. Overall, how would you rate the University of Delaware's EFFORTS to keep its students safe and secure. A failure Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent Q30. How safe do YOU personally feel from physical harm or violence on and around the UD campus? Very Safe Safe Unsafe Very Unsafe Post-Graduation Plans Q31. Today, how confident do you feel that your education at the UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE has prepared you for life after graduation? Not at all confident Somewhat confident Fairly confident Very Confident 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 8 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... Q32. Which of the following BEST describes your post-graduation plan? Graduate or Professional School Full-Time Employment Part-Time Employment Take time off from work and school Military or Public Service Undecided Something else Do Your Opinions Count? Q33. Please indicate whether you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree with the following statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Q33a. UD administrators don't care much about what I think. Q33b. I don't feel like I have a say in decisions at UD Q33c. There are organizations at UD that will represent my interests as a student. Student Experiences at the University of Delaware Q34. We are interested in the RANGE OF EXPERIENCES that students have on campus. Please indicate whether or not you have experienced any of the following since the school year began last August (please check all that apply). Fallen asleep during class Wished you had chosen to attend another college or university Experienced a stressful problem with your personal finances Been embarrassed by one of your professors Attended an official UD Blue Hen sporting event Gotten so sick you had to miss AT LEAST 1 week of classes "E-Book" Technology Q35. If your course instructor offered you a choice between a printed text book, and a lowerpriced electronic book (“e-book”) which would you prefer to use? Printed text book Electronic text book It would not make a difference to me Q36. How supportive or unsupportive are you toward the university moving to only using electronic text books? Very Supportive Somewhat Supportive Somewhat Unsupportive Not at all Supportive 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 9 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... SOUND OFF! on the Issue of E-Books Q37. SOUND OFF: Do you have any comments you would like to make about E-Books at UD? If so, we'd love to hear your thoughts. If not, please proceed to the next page. TItle IX Policy Title IX is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding. It states that: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance..." Because of the imbalance of male and female athletes in the running and field programs, and in order to remain in compliance with Title IX, UD decided to reclassify the men's cross country and outdoor track & field teams to Club status; which means they no longer compete at the NCAA-sanctioned varsity level. Q39. How much do you support the decision to reclassify the men's cross country and outdoor track & field teams? Very Supportive Somewhat Supportive Somewhat Unsupportive Not at all Supportive Don't know enough to say TItle IX Policy Q40. Putting yourself in the position of UD Athletic Director Bernard Muir which of the following courses of action would you take? PAY MORE TO INCREASE WOMEN'S ATHLETICS: Continue the periodic expansion of programs for women to comply with Title IX requirements at a higher cost for the University KEEP COSTS THE SAME AND ADJUST MEN'S ATHLETICS: Adjust the current offerings (e.g., cutting some men's programs) to provide equitable and proportionate participation opportunities for men and women at UD SOUND OFF! on the Issue of Title IX or athletics at UD Q40a. SOUND OFF: Do you have any comments you would like to make about Title IX or athletics at UD? If so, we'd love to hear your thoughts. If not, please proceed to the next page. 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 10 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... Student Government Association (SGA) Q41. Since coming to the University of Delaware, HOW MUCH attention have you paid to the activities of UD’s Student Government Association (SGA)? A great deal of attention A fair amount of attention Very little attention No attention at all Q42. How responsive do you think SGA is to the concerns YOU have as a student? Very responsive Somewhat responsive Somewhat unresponsive Very unresponsive Attention to Politics Q43. Different people pay varying degrees of attention to politics. Would you say that you are VERY MUCH interested, SOMEWHAT interested, NOT MUCH interested, or NOT AT ALL interested in politics? Very much interested Somewhat interested Not much interested Not at all interested Political Involvement Q44. Last fall, did you: Yes No Can't recall Q44a. Vote in the 2010 mid-term elections Q44b. Attend a political event at UD (e.g., speeches, debates) Q44c. Wear a button, hat, t-shirt, or sticker that represented your political views Q44d. Join a political group Demographics Tell Us About Yourself We would like to be able to determine how well our data represent all students, and knowing some background information will help toward that end. Q45. What is your gender? Male Female Q46. What year are you at the University of Delaware? Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Q47. If you had to guess, how many hours on average do you study EACH WEEK? If you are unsure, just 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 11 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... give us your best estimate. 0 - 5 hours 6 - 10 hours 11 - 15 hours 16 - 20 hours 21 - 30 hours 30 hours or more Tell Us About Yourself Q48. Do you currently live in a UD residence hall, at your family's home, or have off-campus housing which is not your home? I live in a UD residence hall I live at home I live in off-campus housing, not my home (e.g., apartment with or without a roomate) Other Q49. When you are not in college, IS YOUR HOME in the United States, or abroad in another country? United States Abroad, not in the United States Tell Us About Yourself Q50. What is your home state? Tell Us About Yourself Again, we would like to be able to determine how well our data represent all students, and knowing some background information will help toward that end. Q51. What race/ethnicity are you? (Please check all that apply) White/Caucasian Black/African-American Hispanic/Latino Asian/Pacific Islander Native American Indian Other SOUND OFF Q52. We would like to hear any additional comments that you have about the University of Delaware, your fellow students, or the topics or details related to the Blue Hen Poll. 3/16/2011 10:34 AM Qualtrics Survey Software 12 of 12 https://udel.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/PopUp.php?PopType=SurveyPrin... 3/16/2011 10:34 AM