Agreement for Completion of Incomplete Grades Form

Office of Registration and Records
University of Wisconsin Stout
Agreement for Completion of Incomplete Grades Form
This form must be completed by Faculty member and Student in order to issue a grade of
“incomplete” Please Carefully review policies and procedures for this form and then return to:
Registration and Records
109 Bowman Hall
Menomonie, WI 54751
Student Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Student ID#:
Stout Email Address:
Degree Program:
Course Information
Course Number:
Course Title:
Section Number:
Instructor Name:
Highest Grade Possible if Assignments and Deadlines are Not Met:
Conditions of Course Completion
Description of Assignment:
Due Date for Completion:
Description of Assignment:
Due Date for Completion:
(Please continue Conditions of Course Completion on Separate sheet, if necessary.)
Student Signature:
Instructor Signature:
Department Chair Signature:
Office Use Only
Date Processed:
Registration and Records Office
109 Bowman Hall
Menomonie, WI 54751‐0790
(715) 232‐2121 – Phone
(715) 232‐2436 – Fax
Assignment of an Incomplete “I” grade requires a written agreement between the instructor and student
specifying the time and manner in which the student will complete the course requirements
Incompletes should be requested or granted for extenuating circumstances that are:
beyond the student’s control and/or
could not have been anticipated early enough in the semester to warrant a withdrawal
Examples of acceptable reasons to request/grant an incomplete:
Significant and unexpected illness of self or close family member
Death in the family
Called to active duty in the military
Incompletes should not be requested or granted for:
Personal convenience
Student attended only a few or no class sessions
Student is busy with requirements for other courses
Student believes they can get a better grade with additional time
It is the course Instructor’s right and responsibility to determine deadlines for completion of all work listed
on the contract
The University allows up to one year for completion of the Incomplete. The Instructor may specify any
time limit from one day to one year. Exception: students called to active military duty are allowed up to one
calendar year following their discharge from active duty to complete their incomplete grade. An “I” must
be removed by the student up to one year from the date the “I” is received. However, on the Incomplete
Form the Instructor can assign a due date prior to one year. When a final grade is assigned by the
Instructor, it replaces the “I” and a notation appears on the transcript. If the Incomplete is not removed
within the time limit, the “I” becomes an “F” on the student’s transcript. If extenuating circumstances
warrant it at the time of expiration, an additional extension of up to one year can be requested by the
student. If the Instructor approves the request, a Change of Grade form is used to facilitate the extension. A
one year limit will be assigned unless noted otherwise. The Department Chair approval is required for this
time extension.
If the student does not meet the Instructor’s requirements for completing the course by the established time
limit, the Instructor may issue a grade based on the coursework already completed. Instructors are under no
obligation to grant additional time, or to serve as Instructor beyond the specified date. If the student does
not complete the course by the deadline, the student will be required to pay tuition if the course is retaken.
Important note: In order to complete “I” grade, students are not allowed to “sit in” on future offerings of the
same course number without registering. If the student cannot complete the contract work without attending
further classes, the student will receive the grade earned and may re-register for the course.
The student must contact the Instructor before the last day of class
If the Instructor deems that circumstances warrant “I”, the Instructor and student will discuss specific
guidelines, conditions, and/or time limits for course completion, and the consequences of failure to
complete outstanding coursework.
This understanding will be documented through the use of the “Agreement for Completion of Incomplete
Grades Form”
The student and Instructor should each retain a signed copy, a third copy should be retained in the
department office, and the original copy forwarded to Registration and Records