Lean Systems Engineering Panel on Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering Dr. Donna H. Rhodes, moderator Massachusetts Institute of Technology April 24, 2008 Brief History • • LAI held preliminary discussions in early 2004 • • LAI EdNet Working Group continued early work Panel on Lean Systems Engineering in June 2004 INCOSE Symposium INCOSE Working Group initiated in Jan 2006 INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering, http://www.incose.org http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Exploring Synergies of Lean Practices and Systems Engineering SE processes recognized as sound, but not always applied effectively “Lean” provides an approach to maximize value while minimizing wasted effort Synergies of lean practices and SE practices are being explored … + Systems Engineering Critical Questions Do synergies of lean practices and SE practices result in new concepts? Does a value-based approach result in increased potential for innovation? Can lean approaches be applied to accelerate the education and development of systems engineers? What are the research topics and potential case studies related to Lean and SE synergies? What are universities teaching today in regard to lean practices in systems engineering context? http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lean Systems Engineering PANEL PARTICIPANTS Moderator: Dr. Donna H. Rhodes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Panelists: Professor Earll Murman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Bo Oppenheim, Loyola Marymount University Colonel James Horejsi, US Air Force Mr. Ray Jorgensen, Rockwell Collins http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering LAI Conference April 24, 2008 Boston Hyatt Harborside Hotel Professor Earll Murman INCOSE Lean Systems Engineering Working Group INCOSE Lean SE Working Group • • • • • Initiated in Jan. 2006 in ABQ • Outgrowth of a LAI EdNet working group June 2006: 60 participants in Orlando April 2008: 89 names and growing WG Core Team (all volunteers, working in spare time.) Co-chairs identified with asterisk: • Dave Cleotelis*, Raytheon, FL • Ray Jorgensen*, Rockwell Collins, IA • Earll Murman, MIT, ret.; WG Core Team Member Emeritus • Bo Oppenheim*, LMU, Los Angeles • Deb Secor*, Rockwell Collins, IA LE for SE INCOSE Overall Strategy for the Lean Enablers I • • Audience: Industrial Systems Engineering practitioners • The grammatical form selected is a checklist of “do’s and don'ts” • Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering (LE for SE) are formulated under the headings of the classical Five Lean Principles plus the Sixth "People" Principle. • The Enablers are not intended to become a regulation or mandatory procedure. Thus, if a particular program or organization falls short of one or more of the Lean Enablers, this is not a reason yet to reject or resist the Enablers. The underlying philosophy is to apply Lean Thinking to capture the wisdom of best Systems Engineering (SE) practices, the do's and the don'ts of SE, an asymptote of excellence in SE, the way to make Systems Engineering as Value driven and as Waste free as possible. LE for SE INCOSE Selected Approach New Chapter or Appendix Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering Lean Enablers are not a tool or a process, but a way of Thinking! NEW - Lean Enablers Inside LE for SE INCOSE Overall Strategy for the Lean Enablers II • • • • The prototype should fit seamlessly into a future INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, expanded from bullet to text form, either as an Appendix or a Chapter, per INCOSE choice, with all Lean terms and Principles defined, explained, and with numerous examples. LE for SE should not: ¾ repeat information already covered in the handbook, e.g. requirements management, risk management, IPTs ¾ require considerable editing of the Handbook The present draft is based on the Handbook version 3.1 LE for SE should be framed in a broad enough way that it would fit into other SE reference sources such as company handbooks. LE for SE INCOSE Organization of the Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering into the Six Lean Principles 1. Customer defines value 2. Map the value stream: plan all end-to-end linked actions and processes necessary to realize value, streamlined, after eliminating waste 3. Make value flow continuously: without stopping, rework or backflow (valid iterations OK) 4. Let customers pull value: Customer’s “pull/need” defines all tasks and their timing 5. Pursue perfection: all imperfections become visible, which is motivating to the continuous process of improvement 6. Respect people LE for SE INCOSE Lean Principle 1: Value 1. Follow all practices for the requirements capture and development in the INCOSE Handbook. In addition: 2. Establish the Value of the End Product or System to the Customer 1. Define value as the outcome of an activity that satisfies at least three conditions: a. b. c. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The external customer is willing to pay for “Value” Transforms information or material or reduces uncertainty Provides specified performance right the first time Define value-added in terms of value to the customer and his needs Develop a robust process to capture, develop, and disseminate customer value with extreme clarity Develop an agile process to anticipate, accommodate and communicate changing customer requirements Do not ignore potential conflicts with other stakeholder values, and seek consensus Explain customer culture to Program employees, i.e. the value system, approach, attitude, expectations, and issues LE for SE INCOSE Lean Principle 1: Value 3. Frequently Involve the Customer 1. Everyone involved in the program must have a customer-first spirit 2. Establish frequent and effective interaction with internal and external customers 3. Pursue an architecture that captures customer requirements clearly and can be adaptive to changes 4. Establish a plan that delineates the artifacts and interactions that provide the best means for drawing out customer requirements. LE for SE INCOSE Lean Principle 2: Map the Value Stream (Plan the Program) 1. Plan the Program according to the INCOSE Handbook Process. In addition: 2. Map the SE and PD Value Streams and Eliminate Non-Value Added Elements 3. Plan for Front-Loading the Program 4. Plan to Develop Only What Needs Developing 5. Plan to Prevent Potential Conflicts with Suppliers 6. Plan Leading Indicators and Metrics to Manage the Program LE for SE INCOSE Lean Principle 3: Flow 1. Execute the Program according to the INCOSE Handbook Process. In addition: 2. Clarify, Derive, Prioritize Requirements Early and Often During Execution 2. Front Load Architectural Design and Implementation 3. Systems Engineers to accept Responsibility for coordination of PD Activities 4. Use Efficient and Effective Communication and Coordination 5. Promote Smooth SE Flow 6. Make Program Progress Visible to All 7. Use Lean Tools LE for SE INCOSE Lean Principle 4: Pull 1. Tailor for a given program according to the INCOSE Handbook Process. In addition: 2. Pull Tasks and Outputs Based on Need, and Reject Others as Waste LE for SE INCOSE Lean Principle 5: Perfection 1. Pursue Continuous Improvement according to the INCOSE Handbook Process. In addition: 2. Strive for Excellence of SE Processes 3. Use Lessons Learned from Past Programs for Future Programs 4. Develop Perfect Communication, Coordination and Collaboration Policy across People and Processes 5. For Every Program Use a Chief Engineer Role[1] to Lead and Integrate Development from Start to Finish 6. Drive out Waste through Design Standardization, Process Standardization, and Skill-Set Standardization [Morgan & Liker] 7. Promote All Three Complementary Continuous Improvement Methods to Draw Best Energy and Creativity from All Employees LE for SE INCOSE Lean Principle 6: Respect for People 1. Pursue People Management according to the INCOSE Handbook Process. In addition: 2. Build an Organization Based on Respect for People 3. Expect and Support Engineers to Strive for Technical Excellence 4. Nurture a Learning Environment 5. Treat People as Most Valued Assets, not as Commodities LE for SE INCOSE Credits for the Work on Lean Enablers Beta version was developed from Oct 07-Jan 08 by the INCOSE Lean SE WG Core Team: • • • • • • • • Earll Murman*, MIT, Core Team Co-lead Col. Jim Horejsi, SMC Mike Schavietello, Boeing Jim Zimmer, Toyota Larry Earnest, NGIS Deb Secor, Rockwell Collins Ray Jorgensen, Rockwell Collins Bo Oppenheim*, LMU, Core Team Co-lead * Prepared Alpha and Beta versions _________________________________________________________________ The Prototype was Versions 0-2 and Final were developed during Jan. 28 and April 1, 2008 by the Prototype Subgroup of INCOSE Lean SE WG: • • • • • • • • • • Larry Earnest (Northrop Grumman-IS) larry.earnest@ngc.com Roy Jorgensen (Rockwell Collins) rwjorgen@rockwellcollins.com Ron Lyells (Honeywell ABQ) ron.lyells@honeywell.com Bo Oppenheim** (LMU) boppenheim@lmu.edu Uzi Orion (ELOP) uzio@elop.co.il Dave Ratzer (Rockwell Collins) dlratzer@rockwellcollins.com Deb Secor (Rockwell Collins) dasecor@rockwellcollins.com Hillary G. Sillitto (UK MoD Abbey Wood) hillary.sillitto@incose.org Stan Weiss (Stanford Univ.) siweiss@stanford.edu Avigdor Zonnenshain avigdorz@rafael.co.il ** Coordinating Editor of the Prototype LE for SE INCOSE Panel on Lean Enablers for SE 2008 http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Validation of Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering Panel on Lean Systems Engineering LAI Plenary, Boston, April 24, 2008 Bohdan W. Oppenheim LMU and INCOSE Lean SE Working Group Validation • • Validation is critical in Systems Engineering Formal Validation of the Lean Enablers impractical • Would require studies of Programs executed under the • • guidance of the LEs which would take many years and close access to programs Two multi-phased “Pilot” validations performed instead • • After the Beta Release After the Present Prototype Release http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Validation of the Beta Release of Lean Enablers • Two Populations • 10 members of INCOSE Lean SE Working Group • 19 members of a Major American Aerospace Company (MAAC) • and both combined • Survey asked to rank for each of the 150 Enablers: • Importance (0-5, 5 = critically important) • Use in your organization (0-5, 5=used routinely) • An optional comment (e.g., not clear) http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Beta Results • • • 41 slides of results One sample shown below Observed in the results: 1. INCOSE and MAAC Results very consistent! 2. Both populations rank Importance very high (4-5) for most Enablers 3. Both rank Use much lower than Importance (about 1 to 2 points lower) • Conclusions: • Importance confirmed = We are on the right track • Use is low = Significant opportunity to improve SE practices • Lowest ranked Enablers eliminated or clarified http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sample Beta Results LE 1. Frequently Involve the Customer (Cont.) 0.0 1.5 Clarify requirements (7,19,5,19) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 1.5 Clarify requirements 1. Listen for unspoken requirements (8,19,6,19) 1.Listen for unspoken requirements INCOSE Importance 2.Formal w rittenenough: requirements allow not enough: 2. Formal written requirements not allow verbal elaboration and follow up x verbal elaboration and follow up (9,19,7,19) MAAC Importance Combined Importance 3.Create effective channels for 3. Create effective channels for clarification of clarification of requirements x requirements (8,19,6,19) INCOSE Use MAAC Use 4. Go to the spot and see for4.Go yourself to the spot (9,17,7,17) and see for yourself Combined Use 5. Do not replace direct human communication 5.Do not replace direct human x with software (8,19,6,19) communication w ith softw are http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Summary of Beta Results Ranking of Enablers' Importance and Use Number of Enablers (28 Respondents from INCOSE+MAAC) 100 80 60 Importance Company Use 40 20 0 0 - 0.9 1.0 - 1.9 2.0 - 2.9 3.0 - 3.9 4.0 - 5.0 Ranking http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Validation of the Prototype • Scope • 100 responses planned • 8 responses to-date, from across defense industry, ongoing • Survey asked to rank two phrases for each Enabler: • “It is Important” • “It is Used in the Industry (not necessarily in my company)” using the scale: -2 = strongly disagree -1 = disagree 0 = neutral 1 = agree 2 = strongly agree http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Summary of Prototype Validation Preliminary, based on 8 responses Ranking of Enablers' Importance and Use 120 100 Ave Importance = 1.55 Ave Use = 0.57 80 Number of Enablers 60 Importance 40 Use 20 0 -1.75 -1.25 -0.75 -0.25 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 Ranking http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Pilot Validation Results • • • Again, high ranking of Importance (Average = 1.55) Again, lower ranking of the Use (Average = 0.57) Conclusions: • Importance confirmed = We are on the right track • Use is low = Significant opportunity to improve SE practices http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology We need Volunteers to complete the Pilot Validation Survey • Please help the profession and fill out the Validation Survey (1 hr of work) • Give me your card or email address and I will send both the Prototype and the Survey Tool • • Try to create a charge number for your employees and ask them to fill out the survey (select only experienced Systems Engineers) We do hope that we are close to creating: • An excellent guide for Systems Engineers • Based on Lean Thinking • Which will strengthen the Value delivery • Vastly reduce waste • And make work more pleasant http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Panel on Lean Enablers for SE 2008 http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Creating Mission Assurance thru Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering Presented By Col James Horejsi Space and Missile Systems Center 24 April 2008 Logic? • • • • • If it’s documented, it can generally be measured If it can be measured, it can show progress If progress can be measured, people will know where things stand… Which might make me look bad Ergo, documentation is bad LE for SE INCOSE Background • Mission Assurance definition: • Actions taken to determine the right steps have or will be taken to achieve a desired end-state Right steps to the right goal • • Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering capture lessons experienced so they can be learned by others • Represent real-world experiences viewed through an academic perspective / framework LE for SE INCOSE Mission Assurance (MA) Process Improvement • • Objective: Perform MA Process Improvement collaboratively with industry and government teams Expected Outcomes: • Common understanding and definition of MA requirements, • processes, and expectations Draft MA baseline that will lead to: • Standard MA contract provisions and/or enabling language • Guidance on MA impact statements (assesses risk impact when MA • • • • provisions are reduced) Guidance on source selection criteria for MA Roles, responsibilities (accountabilities), and authorities of government and contractor Independent Review Teams Other specific and actionable projects that have the potential to improve MA practices across the enterprise Government feedback on contractors’ MA improvement plans and initiatives LE for SE INCOSE Baseline Process Model - Closed-loop Mission Assurance Process - •Spec & Std Tailoring Policies, Specs/Stds Best Practices Handbooks & Guides Data Deliverables •Technical Planning •Technical Data Sharing •Program Management Planning •Government/Contractor Working Group Relation •Critical Process Tailoring •KPP/TPM Criteria •Definitive Pedigree and Sell-off Criteria •Lessons Experienced •Best practices •Process Improvement •Education & Training Program Execution Assessment & Metrics •Gated Technical Reviews •MA Verification Assessment •Verification Management Process •Independent V&V •Configuration Status •KPP/TPM Mgmt. •Test Effectiveness •TLYF Deviations & Risk Assessment •Critical Process Escape Assessment •Schedule Slip Mission Readiness Certification Baseline Technical Program Planning, Command Media Tailoring, & Management Feedback & Improvement LE for SE INCOSE Baseline Process Model - Closed-loop Mission Assurance Process - •Spec & Std Tailoring Policies, Specs/Stds Best Practices Handbooks & Guides Data Deliverables •Technical Planning •Technical Data Sharing •Program Management Planning •Government/Contractor Working Group Relation •Critical Process Tailoring •KPP/TPM Criteria •Definitive Pedigree and Sell-off Criteria • Lessons Experienced • Best practices • Process Improvement • Education & Training Program Execution Assessment & Metrics •Gated Technical Reviews •MA Verification Assessment •Verification Management Process •Independent V&V •Configuration Status •KPP/TPM Mgmt. •Test Effectiveness •TLYF Deviations & Risk Assessment •Critical Process Escape Assessment •Schedule Slip Mission Readiness Certification Baseline Technical Program Planning, Command Media Tailoring, & Management Embed that Feedback & Perspective throughout Improvement LE for SE INCOSE Bottom Line • Put the Lean Enablers to work • Embed in our Command Media and program plans • Tailor to match our domain LE for SE INCOSE Panel on Lean Enablers for SE 2008 http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lean Enablers for System Engineering: Barriers to Value Raymond Jorgensen Rockwell Collins 24-Apr-2008 A New Order of Things • • • • • And it ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them. Thus it happens that whenever those who are hostile have the opportunity to attack they do it like partisans, whilst the others defend lukewarmly… Nicolo Machiavelli, written circa 1505, published 1515 http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lean System Engineering • Increase value to your system definition • Areas of waste: • • • • http://lean.mit.edu “… because the process said so.” – process barriers “We’ve always done it that way before.” – practice barriers “My business won’t allow that…” – cultural barriers “It’s too hard…” – tool barriers © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Process Barriers • One size process does not fit all • Improve Scalability • • • Help people understand why they need to do what they are required to do Help people understand when they can tailor out work Project management vs. product development • Understand value stream processes & behaviors: • • http://lean.mit.edu Add value to the product understanding: product development Increases likelihood of project success: project management © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Practice Barriers • Encourage advancement of the practice • Difficulty with practitioners distinguishing “what” is required vs. “how” to do something • • http://lean.mit.edu Tendency to treat everything in the process as required Recognize most process could be treated as “a practice” – simplify the process and define multiple flavors of the practice © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cultural Barriers • Knock Down Walls • Encourage open communication – keep thinking • • • transparent Lines of Control – delegate as much as possible, but keep leaders informed Encourage working together – we are part of the same team Keep conflict exposed – don’t allow it to simmer http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tool Barriers • Automation Enablement • (not enforcement) • Use tools to simplify work – don’t use them to force • behavior Encourage tools that decrease labor and increase contribution http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lean Enablers • Increase value to system definition • Evolving list of enablers – not a “definitive” list, but will • evolve over time Simple “guides” to leaner engineering (not rules) • Add your value! • http://lean.mit.edu What enablers have you discovered that remove barriers? • Process • Practice • Culture • Tool © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Behavior Cycle Culture impact dictates/ establishes Processes/ Practices Tools enabled through http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Behavior Cycle Culture influence influence Process/ Practice Tools influence http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Panel on Lean Enablers SE 2008 http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology QUESTIONS for PANEL Panelists: Professor Earll Murman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Bo Oppenheim, Loyola Marymount University Colonel James Horejsi, US Air Force Mr. Ray Jorgensen, Rockwell Collins http://lean.mit.edu © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology