O R I G I NA L A RT I C L E doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00916.x SEX ALLOCATION BASED ON RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE CONDITION Lisa E. Schwanz,1,2,3 Fredric J. Janzen,1,4 and Stephen R. Proulx1,5,6 1 5 Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 2 E-mail: Lisa.Schwanz@gmail.com 4 E-mail: fjanzen@iastate.edu Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106 6 E-mail: proulx@lifesci.ucsb.edu Received June 25, 2009 Accepted November 11, 2009 Traditional models predict that organisms should allocate to sex based on their condition relative to the condition of their competitors, tracking shifts in mean condition in fluctuating environments, and maintaining an equilibrium sex ratio. In contrast, when individuals are constrained to define their condition absolutely, environmental fluctuations induce fluctuating sex ratios and the evolutionary loss of condition-dependent sex allocation in short-lived organisms. Here, we present a simulation model of temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) in fluctuating environments that specifically examines the importance of relativity in defining individual condition. When relativity in condition is allowed to evolve, short-lived organisms evolve switchlike TSD reaction norms and define their condition relative to the annual temperature distribution, thus preventing biased cohort sex ratios in extreme years. Long-lived organisms also evolve switchlike reaction norms, but define condition less relatively and experience biased cohort sex ratios. The predictions are supported by data from painted turtles, where TSD reaction norms exhibit pivotal temperatures of sex determination that partially track mean annual temperature. Examining relativity in amniotic vertebrates provides a conceptual framework for multifactorial sex determination and suggests new ways of exploring adaptive hypotheses of sex allocation by focusing on the importance of frequency-dependent selection on sex. KEY WORDS: Charnov–Bull, climate change, information theory, mutual information, Trivers–Willard. Sex allocation theory has provided a remarkably successful framework for predicting investment in offspring sex or in egg versus sperm for invertebrates and plants (Charnov 1982; Wrensch and Ebbert 1993; Hardy 2002), yet sex ratio biases in amniote vertebrates seem unsystematic and often are explained a posteriori. The frequent mismatch between theory and empirical data in amniotes raises doubts as to whether adaptive sex allocation occurs in these taxa and highlights the need for expanded study focusing on long-lived organisms. Many hypotheses of sex allocation for amniote vertebrates are based on condition dependence of sex allocation (Charnov 3Current address: School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811 Australia. C 1331 1982; Cockburn et al. 2002; West 2009). An individual invests in sons versus daughters or eggs versus sperm depending on individual condition, such as resource availability, body size, or incubation temperature. That a sex-specific fitness advantage of body size might select for size-dependent sex allocation was first proposed for sex-changing invertebrates (Ghiselin 1969). Subsequently, the Trivers–Willard hypothesis (TW; Trivers and Willard 1973) proposed that offspring sex in mammals may be linked to maternal condition if condition influences the lifetime fitness of one offspring sex more than the other. Charnov and Bull (1977) (see also Bull 1981) expanded condition-dependent sex allocation to environmental sex determination, providing an adaptive hypothesis for the occurrence of temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) that proposes developmental temperature is C 2010 The Society for the Study of Evolution. 2010 The Author(s). Journal compilation Evolution 64-5: 1331–1345 L I S A E . S C H WA N Z E T A L . the fitness-altering condition that determines investment in ovaries or testes (Gutzke and Crews 1988; Janzen 1995; Shine 1999; Warner and Shine 2008). Condition dependence in sex allocation has been expanded to sex biases based on individual size, paternal quality, parental rank, hatching order, and season (Werren and Charnov 1978; Charnov 1979a; Burley 1981; Silk 1983; Bednarz and Hayden 1991; Daan et al. 1996). According to sex allocation theory, sex allocation should be based on individual condition relative to the condition of competitors, not on absolute condition (Charnov et al. 1978, 1981; Charnov 1982; West 2009). The TW hypothesis predicts that mothers of relatively good condition should invest more in sons than mothers of relatively poor condition (Trivers and Willard 1973). This is because each sex competes for lifetime reproductive success only with members of the same sex, so that the quality of a son or daughter is defined only with respect to their sexual competitors (other sons and daughters in the population). If sex allocation were based on absolute condition, a year with extreme condition values would vastly overproduce one sex, and frequency-dependent selection on sex would favor a mutant that produced the rare sex. The resulting prediction is that the optimal sex allocation versus condition reaction norm should be relative, shifting in response to changes in the population distribution of condition, and that an equilibrium cohort sex ratio would be maintained. When individuals are not allowed to define their condition relatively, substantial fluctuation in condition distributions and, therefore, cohort sex ratio is predicted to lead to the loss of condition-dependent sex allocation (Bull and Bulmer 1989; van Dooren and Leimar 2003; Leimar et al. 2004; Schwanz and Proulx 2008). Charnov et al. (1978) provided the first empirical demonstration of relativity in condition-dependent sex allocation (i.e., dependence of sex allocation on relative condition rather than absolute condition) with the timing of sex change in a protandrous shrimp. Sex change provides a simple framework for theory and has yielded some of the best empirical examples of relativity in condition-dependent sex allocation (Warner et al. 1975; Leigh et al. 1976; Charnov 1979b, 1982; Charnov and Bull 1989a; Charnov and Skuladottir 2000; Kuwamura et al. 2002; Chen et al. 2004). The importance of relative condition for sex allocation has also been addressed for egg and sperm production in simultaneous hermaphrodites (St. Mary 1994; DeWitt 1996; Angeloni and Bradbury 1999; Ohbayashi-Hodoki et al. 2004), for sex determination in organisms with environmental sex determination (Blackmore and Charnov 1989; Conover et al. 1992), and for parasitoid wasps expressing sex allocation in a TW fashion (Charnov et al. 1981; Ode and Heinz 2002; West 2009). These examples of relativity in invertebrates and fish reveal the signature of frequency-dependent selection on sex and, thus, support the adaptive nature of sex allocation in these taxa. 1332 EVOLUTION MAY 2010 Do amniote vertebrates show similar reliance on relative condition for sex allocation? Confirmation would provide compelling support for sex ratio patterns as adaptive strategies by demonstrating the central role of frequency-dependent selection on sex. In predicting the occurrence of relativity in condition-dependent sex allocation, three assumptions are implicit. First, organisms must experience temporal or spatial fluctuations in condition distributions. If the environment is invariant, it is unlikely that a relative strategy would arise, and one condition-dependent strategy based on absolute condition may be adaptive (Charnov et al. 1981). Second, a physiological mechanism must be possible for translating information about the environment into sex allocation. Third, knowledge (even if indirect) must exist of the condition distribution of competitors. In gonochoristic organisms, where generations overlap, the condition distribution of competitors may not be known if individuals are incapable of sampling competitors of the same cohort, or if competitors derive from past cohorts of different condition distributions or from future cohorts of unpredictable distributions. In this case, an optimal “average” strategy based on the normal range of distributions may arise. For many amniote vertebrates then, relativity in sex allocation decisions may be limited by overlapping generations (overlap of different cohort condition distributions in competitors), physiological limitations of sex ratio manipulation, and lack of information (West and Sheldon 2002). Previous theoretical work shows that overlapping generations per se do not change how offspring fitness is measured to predict sex ratios (Schwanz et al. 2006). Still, no explicit theoretical examination of the importance of relative versus absolute condition for sex allocation has been conducted (West 2009). Here, we model sex allocation when condition-dependent strategies are allowed to vary from “completely absolute” to “completely relative.” We substantially expand a simulation model (Schwanz and Proulx 2008) to explore how life span and environmental fluctuation influence the evolution of relativity in reaction norms of TSD. Finally, we demonstrate how relativity can be examined empirically by utilizing data from a long-lived organism with TSD, the painted turtle. With this focal species we test the falsifiable prediction from our model that partial relativity should operate even in long-lived species. Model Methods We examine the evolution of a sex versus temperature reaction norm in a simulated population (using MATLAB 7.1, MathWorks, Natick, MA). Each generation of the simulation, an annual mean temperature for the population, T ann , is chosen from a global tem2 perature distribution with mean T glob and variance σglob . Offspring in that generation experience a clutch-specific developmental temperature, t, chosen from the annual distribution with mean T ann S E X A L L O C AT I O N BA S E D O N R E L AT I V E A N D A B S O L U T E C O N D I T I O N 2 and variance σann . The amount of environmental fluctuation is described by the ratio of the interannual (global) variation to the 2 2 intraannual variation, σglob /σann . Each individual in the population has a sex versus temperature reaction norm given by an equation for a sigmoidal curve (Girondot 1999; van Dooren and Leimar 2003) Pr(male) = g1 + (g2 − g1 ) 1+e −(t−(g3 +g5 (Tann −Tglob ))) [ ] g4 . (1) In this equation, g 1 is the probability of being male at extremely low temperatures, g 2 is the probability of being male at extremely high temperatures, g 3 is the inflection point of the curve (the pivotal temperature, T piv ), g 4 is the inverse of the “slope” of the curve (essentially no TSD occurs with g 4 > 10; Schwanz and Proulx 2008), and g 5 is the component that represents the degree of relativity and multiplies the annual “shift” in temperature (the difference between that year’s mean temperature and the global mean temperature, T ann − T glob ). When g 5 = 1, the pivotal temperature (g 3 ) moves laterally in equal magnitude to the departure of the annual mean from the global mean, and the strategy defines developmental temperature completely relatively. When g 5 = 0, the pivotal temperature is the same every year, regardless of the annual mean temperature, and the strategy defines developmental temperature completely absolutely. For 0 < g 5 < 1, the pivotal temperature partially tracks annual fluctuations in mean temperature. g 5 > 1 may evolve and represents an overresponse to shifting annual mean temperatures. The evolution of this functional form of condition-dependent sex allocation requires individual knowledge of the mean annual condition and a mechanism to vary the pivotal condition (i.e., to have g 5 > 0). For TSD, we propose that breeding females have knowledge of the mean annual temperature and can vary nesting or egg traits to alter the pivotal temperature of their embryos (see Empirical Test). Schwanz and Proulx (2008) provide detailed description of the simulation model. Population size remains constant at N = 1000, with density-dependent survival of juveniles. Each clutch per generation is assigned a developmental temperature given the chosen annual mean temperature, and individual sex is determined by developmental temperature and individual reaction norm. Juvenile survival, adult survival, and adult reproductive success (fecundity or fertility) may be influenced by incubation temperature (t). Suppose that male and female juvenile survival to adulthood, S m and S f , can be described by sigmoid curves, Sm = Sm min + (Sm max − Sm min ) 1 + e(−(t−Tglob )βm ) S f = S f min + (S f max − S f min ) , 1 + e(−(t−Tglob )β f ) and because they must be bounded by zero and one. Survival to firstyear adults is determined by sampling individuals from clutches based on relative juvenile survival. In the simulations presented here, male and female adult survival, p m and p f , and reproductive success, F m and F f are maintained at specified values. Mutation of all reaction norms components (g 1 , g 2 , g 3 , g 4 , and g 5 ) occurs prior to sex determination for 2% of offspring. For these mutants, change in the value of g 1 , g 2 , g 3 , and g 5 is chosen randomly from a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 0.01 (g 1 , g 2 , and g 5 ) or 0.02 (g 3 ). Change in the value of g 4 is chosen from a uniform distribution (range: 0–5) and randomly subtracted or added (Schwanz and Proulx 2008). g 5 is constrained to be greater than zero, and mutations that lead to values less than zero are assigned g 5 = 0. We explored evolution of the TSD reaction norm under four values of annual adult survival, p (0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), 2 2 /σann = 0.5, and three environmental fluctuation regimes (σglob 2 2 2, 3; σglob + σann = 1.5). The results presented here are for simulations where we provide selection for TSD by specifying a sex-differential fitness advantage of incubation temperature in juvenile survival only—females but not males gain in juvenile survival as t increases (β f = 0.5, β m = 0). At the start of each simulation, the population does not demonstrate TSD or relativity and is homogenous for genotypic components (g 1 = 0.5, g 2 = 0.5, g 3 = 22, g 4 = 1, g 5 = 0). All simulations were run for 10,000 iterations. For some of the p = 0.95 simulations, directional movement in the reaction norm components was observed near the 10,000th iteration. For this parameter value, all simulations were continued an additional 10,000 iterations. The effect of the additional time was minimal but discernable, so results for p = 0.95 after 20,000 iterations are presented here. At the end of each simulation, the mean values for the genotypic components in the population were calculated. Additionally, we followed the mean and variance of incubation temperatures seen in the pool of 2 ) adults following new recruitment each year (T Adults and σann,Ad for 1000 additional generations following the completion of each 2 2 /σann = 2. We then calculated the variance in mean run where σglob adult temperature among years (σ2glob,Ad ). Ten replicate runs were completed for each parameter value set, and the means of these runs are presented. To describe the degree of interdependence of sex and temperature in a given year, we used an index of the information shared between sex and the annual temperature distribution, known as annual mutual information (AMI). This measure provides a single index of TSD that incorporates the entire shape of the reaction norm (g 1 , g 2 , g 3 , g 4 , and g 5 ) as well as the temperature distribution (Schwanz and Proulx 2008). Due to its reliance on natural temperature distributions, AMI is ecologically relevant. In addition, AMI evolves as the reaction norm evolves, describing in a single measure the relationship between sex and temperature. AMI is highest EVOLUTION MAY 2010 1333 L I S A E . S C H WA N Z E T A L . when the reaction norm is switchlike and the pivotal temperature is near T ann . To compute AMI, we modified calculations for mutual information from Schwanz and Proulx (2008). Whereas our previous calculation of mutual information was based on the global 2 2 + σann ) temperature distribution (mean T glob and variance σglob and is a universal measure across environments, AMI is based on an annual temperature distribution (mean T ann and variance 2 σann ) and provides an environment-specific measure of mutual information (Appendix A). This distinction allows us to explore how relativity influences the relationship between temperature and sex in different environments. The influence of g 4 (slope of 2 (annual variance in develreaction norm), g 5 (relativity), σann opmental temperatures), and T ann (mean annual temperature) on AMI is illustrated in Figure S1. Model Results RELATIVITY For all parameter space examined, individuals showed some degree of relativity (mean g 5 > 0; Fig. 1). In semelparous populations (p = 0), individuals had a completely relative strategy, almost perfectly tracking the mean annual temperature (T ann ) with their T piv (g 3 : Fig. 2). The degree to which individuals defined their incubation temperature relative to the annual mean diminished as average life span increased (Fig. 1), although even long-lived organisms (p = 0.95) demonstrated a small degree of relativity (Fig. 2). The degree of environmental fluctuation had little effect on the degree of relativity (Fig. 1). In our simulations, the mean incubation temperature seen in the pool of adults (T Adults ) fluctuated annually, and the degree of fluctuation among years depended on life span (Fig. 2). In semelparous organisms, fluctuations in T Adults matched fluctua2 = 1, σ2glob,Ad = 1.08), whereas the degree of tions in T ann (σglob fluctuation in T Adults in populations with p = 0.5, 0.75, and 0.95 was a fraction of fluctuations in T ann (σ2glob,Ad = 0.36, 0.15, and 0.03, respectively), and less than the evolved degree of relativity. Because individuals compete for lifetime fitness with the pool of adults they encounter over their life span rather than with just their cohort, the degree of relativity that evolves is likely responding to fluctuations in T Adults rather than T ann . Analytical explorations confirm that the optimal degree of relativity should decrease as life span increases (Appendix B). Individuals face selection to produce the rare sex and selection to maximize survival given the temperature effects on female survival. Maximizing the geometric mean of the product of male and female offspring production is equivalent to finding a local evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) (Charnov 1986, 1988; Tuljapurkar 1990). Without relativity, this leads to a trade-off between achieving “optimal” allocation at different mean annual temperatures and a shallow reaction norm for TSD. With relativity, this leads to a sharp reaction norm for TSD that tracks mean annual temperature. In contrast, very longlived organisms spread their reproduction over a large sample of years and compete in mating pools over a large sample of years. These factors combine to cause the operational sex ratio (OSR) to be stable and to cause the offspring sex ratios of individual parents to be averaged over the exact distribution of yearly temperatures. This means that individual parents benefit by increasing the product of male and female offspring production over their life span, which can be accomplished by using a fixed reaction norm for TSD. Thus, for species with effectively infinite life span, no relativity is the unconstrained optimal solution for TSD. Based on invasion analyses (Appendix S1), the degree of relativity that evolved in our simulated populations of semelparous ( p = 0) and short-lived ( p = 0.5) individuals had a strong selective advantage over an absolute strategy, whereas the relative strategies that evolved in populations of moderate- and long-lived individuals (p = 0.75, 0.95) appeared to be selectively neutral. This was reflected by the tendency over time of mean g 5 to increase and then be maintained at constant levels in short-lived organisms but to vary over time for long-lived organisms (Fig. S4). However, relativity in long-lived organisms did not appear to be solely an artifact of the high mutation rate specified in the simulation. Across adults, g 5 largely displayed a normal distribution, even for long-lived organisms (Fig. S5), suggesting that stabilizing selection may be operating. In addition, when mutation was removed from the simulation and evolution continued, g 5 > 0 was most often maintained in all replicates (Fig. S6). SHAPE OF THE REACTION NORM Evolved relativity (g 5 ) as a function of annual adult survival and environmental fluctuation. Figure 1. 1334 EVOLUTION MAY 2010 AMI when T ann = T glob provides a measure of how switchlike the reaction norm is; that is, it describes the relationship between sex and temperature in an average year (Fig. 3A,B). When the reaction norm could not be defined by relative temperature S E X A L L O C AT I O N BA S E D O N R E L AT I V E A N D A B S O L U T E C O N D I T I O N Figure 2. The mean evolved temperature-dependent reaction norms (columns one and two) and annual temperature fluctuations from representative simulations (columns three and four) for different adult annual survivals: p = 0 (first row), p = 0.5 (second row), p = 0.75 (third row), and p = 0.95 (fourth row). The first two columns show the probability of developing into a male as a function of temperature when the evolution of relativity is constrained (g 5 = 0; first column) or unconstrained (second column), for three different years (fifth row; T ann = T glob [22; solid line], T glob + 1 [dashed line], and T glob + 2 [dotted line]). Panels in the first column show the single reaction norm (solid line) that is expressed in every year. Panels in the second column show three different reaction norms expressed depending on T ann (T glob = solid line; T glob + 1 = dashed line; T glob + 2 = dotted line). Columns one and two show mean genotypes from 10 replicate runs. The third column shows deviation from T glob in mean T Adults (black lines) and mean T ann (gray lines) for 1000 generations following 2 the end of four representative runs. The mean σann,Ad of 10 replicated runs is shown. From the same 1000-generation simulations, the change between two consecutive generations in T Adults is plotted against the change in T ann , and the mean slope of the relationship 2 2 /σann = 2. from ten replicate runs is shown in the fourth column. For all, σglob (g 5 constrained at 0), AMI at T ann = T glob was high for longerlived organisms but was low in short-lived organisms (Fig. 3A), indicating that TSD was lost in semelparous organisms and in short-lived organisms in highly fluctuating environments. When the reaction norm was allowed to be defined by relative temperature (g 5 unconstrained), a high and fairly uniform AMI in the average environment (more switchlike reaction norm) evolved across parameter space (Fig. 3B), indicating the maintenance of similar a shape of the TSD reaction norm regardless of life span or environmental fluctuation. AMI ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS Examining how AMI changes as T ann moves away from T glob provides a measure of relativity. If reaction norms are perfectly relative, then AMI does not decline across different years. When reaction norms were constrained to be based only on absolute condition (g 5 constrained at 0), AMI was higher for longerlived than shorter-lived organisms across different years (i.e., T ann = T glob , T glob + 1 or T glob + 2), except in a +2 year, where AMI was universally low (Figs. 3C,E,G). AMI was low for shorter-lived organisms across years because the evolved EVOLUTION MAY 2010 1335 L I S A E . S C H WA N Z E T A L . Annual mutual information (AMI) for TSD reaction norms constrained and unconstrained in the evolution of relativity. (A, B) AMI across adult survival and environmental fluctuations for constrained (g 5 constrained at 0; A) and unconstrained (B) simulations; T ann = T glob . (C–H) AMI across years (T ann = T glob , T glob + 1, T glob + 2) for different adult survival values, shown for constrained (C, E, G) Figure 3. 2 2 2 and unconstrained (D, F, H) simulations and for σann = 1 (C, D), σann = 0.5 (E, F), and σann = 0.375 (G, H). For C–H, line dashing corresponds to annual adult survival as shown in legend. reaction norm was shallow (Fig. 2), whereas it was low for longerlived organisms in a +2 year despite switchlike reaction norms because T piv was far from T ann , producing a biased sex ratio (Fig. 2). In contrast, when condition could be defined relative to T ann , AMI in extreme environments was higher for shorter-lived organisms than for longer-lived organisms (Fig. 3D, F, H). Shorter-lived organisms maintained high AMI across years because they had switchlike reaction norms and tracked T ann strongly (high g 5 ; Fig. 2). Longer-lived organisms had reduced AMI in extreme years despite having switchlike reaction norms because they had 1336 EVOLUTION MAY 2010 only a weakly relative strategy (low g 5 ; Fig. 2), thus T piv was far from T ann and extreme sex ratios would result. Empirical Test Our model suggests that organisms should allocate to sex based on their condition relative to the annual mean condition rather than on their absolute condition. Empirical examination of sex allocation according to relative condition has rarely been presented for amniote vertebrates. Here, we examine the role of relative condition for a moderately long-lived turtle with TSD. This serves to illustrate the application of a “relativity” approach to empirical S E X A L L O C AT I O N BA S E D O N R E L AT I V E A N D A B S O L U T E C O N D I T I O N data and to test the model prediction that long-lived organisms should exhibit partial relativity. If individuals in populations allocate to sex based on relative condition rather than on absolute condition, then sex versus condition curves for the population should shift laterally among years dependent on the annual condition distribution, and the intercept or inflection point of such curves should be related positively to mean condition, as seen in our simulated populations (Fig. S7). Under complete relativity, T piv and the annual mean condition correspond 1:1, and the offspring cohort sex ratio does not change across years. When individuals track the environment incompletely, as predicted for long-lived organisms, the inflection point and annual mean condition exhibit a shallower correspondence. Detecting relative strategies in populations with partial relativity may be more difficult because of this shallower relationship. In painted turtles (Chrysemys picta), embryos develop as males under cold incubation temperatures and as females under warm temperatures (Schwarzkopf and Brooks 1985; Weisrock and Janzen 1999; L. E. Schwanz, R.-J. Spencer, R. M. Bowden, and F. J. Janzen, unpubl. ms). The data analyzed here were collected from a population that nests on an island in the Mississippi River near Thomson, IL. This population has been studied for 20 years, and details on its nesting ecology and the field research methods can be found elsewhere (Janzen 1994a,b; Morjan and Janzen 2003; Schwanz et al. 2009). Annual adult survival is estimated as 0.83 (R. J. Spencer and F. J. Janzen, unpubl. data). For most nests laid each year, data are available on nest vegetation cover and nest sex ratio (for surviving nests). For a subset of nests since 1995, temperature profiles of nests are known. Most embryos experience their temperature-sensitive phase of sex determination in July, and July nest temperatures are a good predictor of nest sex ratio (Weisrock and Janzen 1999; L. E. Schwanz, R.-J. Spencer, R. M. Bowden, and F. J. Janzen, unpubl. ms). Nest temperatures in July depend on July air temperature and vegetation cover (Morjan and Janzen 2003). Therefore, annual fluctuation in climate alters the annual mean of nest temperatures in the population and variation in vegetation cover provides much of the intraannual variance in mean 2 2 /σann = 1.94). Cohort sex ratios fluctuate nest temperatures (σglob among years (0%–100% male hatchlings) and correlate strongly with mean July air temperature (Janzen 1994a; L. E. Schwanz, R.-J. Spencer, R. M. Bowden, and F. J. Janzen, unpubl. ms). We tested whether partial relativity in sex allocation exists in this population, as predicted by our model. For each year between 1995 and 2006, we plotted nest sex ratio versus mean nest temperature in July and established sigmoidal curves to estimate inflection points for each year (Annual T piv ). Annual T piv is the population-based pivotal temperature that represents the mean of individual T piv . Sigmoidal curves could not be established in 2004–2006 because of low nest survival in 1 year and mostly male hatchlings being produced in the other years. Figure 4. Annual T piv is positively correlated with the mean of the July nest temperatures in a year, indicating that developmental temperature is defined at least partially relative to the population mean. Two measures of “annual mean temperature” were used as predictors of Annual T piv . The first was mean July air temperature. The second was the mean of all nest temperatures laid at the nesting beach. To determine the annual distribution of nest temperatures, we used vegetation cover and July climate to estimate mean July temperature for each nest that was not directly recorded (Morjan and Janzen 2003). Annual T piv was correlated positively with the mean of the nest temperatures in July (Fig. 4, r2 = 0.62, P = 0.011, slope = 0.47 ± 0.14; estimate ± SE). Because the mean of nest temperatures is correlated with mean July air temperature (r2 = 0.82, P = 0.0008), Annual T piv was also weakly correlated with annual climate (r2 = 0.337, P = 0.1012, slope = 0.37). Thus, a nest with an intermediate temperature (say, 26◦ C) produces mostly females in a cold year when it is a relatively warm nest (e.g., annual mean nest temperature of 24◦ C and Annual T piv of 25.5◦ C). In contrast, a nest of the same temperature produces mostly males in a warm year when it is a relatively cold nest (e.g., annual mean nest temperature of 27◦ C and Annual T piv of 27◦ C). Intriguingly, Annual T piv matches T ann at high T ann , but lies above T ann at low T ann . This pattern is consistent with that predicted in our analytical explorations when organisms are allowed to vary their degree of relativity (g 5 ) across T ann rather than having a constant g 5 as in our simulations. In accordance with our prediction, this population of painted turtles appears to exhibit relativity in its condition-dependent sex allocation, with Annual T piv shifting in response to changes in climate and the distribution of nest temperatures in the population. Because the slope between Annual T piv and the annual mean nest temperature is substantially less than one, this finding represents only partial relativity. The overall effect for the cohort sex ratio EVOLUTION MAY 2010 1337 L I S A E . S C H WA N Z E T A L . is to reduce, but not eliminate, sex ratio biases elicited by climate fluctuations. MECHANISTIC HYPOTHESES What could be the mechanisms for relativity? Two mechanistic components may be involved—the physiological means of altering the “pivotal condition” and the translation of environmental cues to physiology. We suspect mechanisms will be highly species-specific, so here we discuss potential mechanisms for the apparent relativity observed in painted turtles. First, climate could influence sex hormones in egg yolks, which appear to affect sex determination in painted turtles, as they are correlated with T piv (Bowden et al. 2000). A decrease in yolk estradiol:testosterone (E:T) in warm years could shift T piv to warmer temperatures (i.e., a greater likelihood of developing as male at a given temperature). Across reptiles with TSD, sex determination is strongly influenced by exogenously applied steroid hormones, whereas the influence of natural maternal yolk steroids remains debated (Elf 2003; Radder 2007). This physiological mechanism in painted turtles could be linked to the environment via correlations between winter and summer climate. Females deposit yolk in eggs between September and April (Congdon and Tinkle 1982), and warmer winters (September–April) are positively associated with warmer Julys near the field site (Schwanz and Janzen 2008). It is plausible that warmer winters are associated with differences in food resources, social interactions, or physiologies that lead to altered circulating hormones in females, thus altering hormonal deposition in yolk (Bowden et al. 2000; Janzen et al. 2002; Bowden et al. 2004). Relationships between annual climate and yolk hormones have not been investigated. Alternatively, sex determination may depend on aspects of temperature that are more integrative (e.g., constant temperature equivalents; Georges et al. 2004) rather than on mean temperature. For example, if July climate influences the amplitude of the nest temperature profile, then an average nest in a cold year (e.g., 24.5◦ C) and an average nest in a warm year (e.g., 26.5◦ C) may have the same constant temperature equivalent (temperature above which half of all development occurs), and the same sex probability. Indeed, the underlying thermal dependence of developmental rates may provide a “built-in” mechanism of relativity that simultaneously contains information about the annual mean (if nest fluctuations are correlated with annual climate) and the physiology to connect information with phenotype. Testing this hypothesis and its implication for optimal cue use requires analyses beyond the scope of this article but is a fruitful avenue to pursue. Discussion Sex allocation models often describe simple life histories where individual condition is defined relative to the population distri- 1338 EVOLUTION MAY 2010 bution. The importance of assessing relative condition during sex allocation has been demonstrated empirically for many invertebrates and fish where condition is compared to a short-term distribution (e.g., Charnov et al. 1978, 1981; West 2009). Recent sex allocation models have incorporated the complexities of overlapping generations but have constrained individuals to define condition according to a global mean condition distribution (Bull and Bulmer 1989; van Dooren and Leimar 2003; Leimar et al. 2004; Schwanz and Proulx 2008). In this article, we examined the importance of defining condition based on absolute versus relative terms for the sex allocation of organisms across different life spans and in environments of different degrees of annual fluctuation. We found that when relativity is allowed to evolve freely, the degree to which condition is defined relative to the annual mean condition depends strongly on the life span of the organism. Semelparous organisms show complete relativity, perfectly tracking changes in mean annual condition. The degree of relativity decreases as life span increases until organisms with high annual adult survival exhibit only a modest degree of relativity that appears effectively selectively neutral. RELATIVITY, EVOLUTION OF TSD, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE The increased importance of relativity in condition for shorterlived organisms is evidenced by the evolution of temperaturedependent reaction norms of sex determination. When organisms are not allowed to define their condition relative to the annual mean condition, fluctuating environments lead to extreme biases in cohort sex ratios (when switchlike TSD reaction norms show low AMI in extreme environments). The cost of biased cohort sex ratios is high in short-lived organisms because few cohorts overlap to reproduce, leading to strong selection for production of the rare sex each year. This process leads to the evolutionary loss of TSD (Bull and Bulmer 1989; van Dooren and Leimer 2003; Schwanz and Proulx 2008). For these organisms, the ability to define condition relative to the annual mean provides a large fitness advantage in the face of frequency-dependent selection on sex under condition-dependent sex allocation, and leads to the persistence of condition-dependent sex allocation (switchlike TSD reaction norms). For longer-lived organisms, the cost of fluctuating cohort sex ratios in fluctuating environments appears to be low due to the overlap of generations. Thus, when condition must be defined absolutely, switchlike reaction norms are maintained despite biased cohort sex ratios (low AMI) in extreme years. In addition, there is a comparatively smaller advantage to defining fitness relative to the annual mean condition and relativity evolves only to a minor degree. Reduced relativity in long-lived organisms is likely due to two components. First, there is reduced selection to track S E X A L L O C AT I O N BA S E D O N R E L AT I V E A N D A B S O L U T E C O N D I T I O N cohort fluctuations. Individuals experience reduced frequencydependent selection on sex in a given year because overlapping generations reduce biases in adult sex ratios. Longer-lived organisms compete for lifetime fitness across more cohorts, hence more condition distributions, and adult condition distributions do not fluctuate as widely as cohort distributions. That is, longerlived organisms experience a broader competitor distribution that incorporates the multiple condition distributions seen within the lifetime of an individual, which effectively lowers the perception of environmental fluctuation. Second, temperature effects on fitness (here, female juvenile survival) are based on absolute temperature and lead to selection to optimize female survival. In longer-lived organisms, the reduced need to produce the rare sex allows organisms to determine sex in a manner that more closely maximizes survival gains. That the evolved degree of relativity in our simulation exceeds the degree of fluctuation in adult distributions may be due to stronger selection for relativity near the global mean temperature caused by the sigmoidal shape of the female fitness curve. We found support for one prediction of our model, namely that long-lived organisms would show partial relativity, by examining patterns of TSD in a population of painted turtles across years over which mean temperatures fluctuated. Despite a low likelihood that developing embryos have direct knowledge of the annual mean temperature distribution, we found that the pivotal temperature of the sex versus temperature reaction norm shifted among years. In comparatively warm years, a warmer July nest temperature is required to produce a 50:50 sex ratio compared to cool years. The mechanism underpinning this annual shift is unknown, but may include responses of maternal physiology or behavior to climate or a more complex nature of sex determination that relies on integrating incubation temperature rather than simple averaging. Interestingly, the empirical pattern also suggests that painted turtles may vary their degree of relativity depending on the mean annual temperature, a possibility that was not explored with our simulations. A strong test of the theory would be a comparison of relativity across species with different life spans. The data are not available currently to address this question in organisms exhibiting TSD, but will hopefully become available in the future. For example, a suitable intraspecific comparison to the Illinois painted turtles could be provided by a population of painted turtles in Nebraska that has greater annual adult survivorship than the Illinois population (Iverson and Smith 1993). Interspecific comparisons may be provided by Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii, Emydidae; Congdon et al. 1993) or the more distantly related pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculpta, Carettochelidae; Georges 1992). The evolution of relativity in condition-dependent sex allocation suggests that populations should be impervious to directional environmental change because extreme sex ratios are prevented. If sex allocation strategies are not based on relative condition, directional change in environment or condition induced by unnatural situations (e.g., climatic warming, habitat degradation, supplemental feeding) may yield consistently biased sex ratios and decreased population viability. We show that long-lived organisms may be more vulnerable to directional environmental change. For these organisms, relativity is predicted to be only partial, to be relatively neutral, and to fail to prevent extreme cohort sex ratios in environmentally extreme years. These predictions match our findings for our painted turtle population (Janzen 1994a; L. E. Schwanz, R.-J. Spencer, R. M. Bowden, and F. J. Janzen, unpubl. ms). Thus, the consequences for demography and implications for conservation differ substantially between relative and absolute reaction norms. RELATIVITY AND ADAPTIVE SEX ALLOCATION IN AMNIOTES The prediction that all organisms, even long-lived ones, should depend on relative condition at least partially during sex allocation suggests new approaches to examine sex allocation in the confusing sex ratios of amniote vertebrates. For the study of TSD, this approach provides a conceptual framework for the emerging data supporting a multifactorial nature of sex determination (Elf 2003; Radder et al. 2009). In many species with TSD or temperaturesensitive sex reversal, factors other than temperature, such as steroid hormones, egg size, and maternal diet, are increasingly shown to contribute to sexual differentiation (Bowden et al. 2000; Warner et al. 2007, 2009; Radder et al. 2009). Multiple mechanistic underpinnings may be explained at an ultimate level by the fitness advantages of defining condition relatively. That is, reproductive females and developing embryos are predicted to incorporate cues other than absolute incubation temperature when sex is being determined, so multifactorial sex determination may be expected. To examine the importance of relativity in empirical data from any system of condition-dependent sex allocation (e.g., TW Hypothesis), sex allocation relative to local-condition distributions may be examined across populations that differ in condition distributions (all else being equal) or within a population where shifts in condition distribution occur over time. Where sex allocation decisions occur repeatedly within the lifetime of a single individual, shifts over time in the relative condition of an individual should lead to sex allocation shifts, even if absolute condition remains the same (i.e., plasticity in sex allocation). Individual plasticity has provided some of the strongest evidence for adaptive sex allocation in vertebrates (e.g., Komdeur et al. 1997). In particular, a single physiological condition could lead to different sex ratios across years if the distribution of physiologies shifts and changes relative condition. This finding refutes the main nonadaptive hypothesis for sex ratio biases that contends EVOLUTION MAY 2010 1339 L I S A E . S C H WA N Z E T A L . female-biased sex ratios produced by mothers of poor condition may be a physiological side-effect of the vulnerability of sons to poor developmental conditions (i.e., one sex requires more energy during development; Clutton-Brock et al. 1985). Because our model assumes that “condition” is randomly distributed (similar to Charnov 1982; Pen and Weissing 2002; Schwanz et al. 2006; Wild and West 2007), some caution should be exercised when applying the predictions to those birds and mammals in which condition is inherited or in which relative condition is maintained among breeding individuals across years (Leimar 1996; Wild and West 2007). The study of relative condition has rarely been approached directly in birds and mammals (e.g., Blanchard et al. 2005), yet relativity has implications for the structure of empirical data. Analyses that clump data across diverse years could obscure annual patterns of sex allocation. In addition, the degree of relativity expressed by individuals will determine whether the primary sex ratio for the population reflects a stable evolutionary equilibrium (Frank and Swingland 1988; Charnov and Bull 1989a) or fluctuates around a putative equilibrium. Researchers have previously examined relative condition indirectly by using maternal rank as the condition variable, which is by definition relative in the population. Maternal behavioral dominance has been linked to sex biases in many mammals (Clutton-Brock et al. 1986; Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1993; Hewison and Gaillard 1999) and is a better predictor of offspring sex than maternal morphological condition across ungulates (Sheldon and West 2004). Changes in maternal glucose and body condition are better predictors than absolute values in several mammals (Fisher 1999; Cameron and Linklater 2007; Cameron et al. 2008), suggesting that offspring sex is linked to relative changes in condition rather than absolute condition. Thus, previous work in birds and mammals and our present work in reptiles suggest that organisms may partially define their condition relatively when making sex allocation decisions. Although the best test for adaptive hypotheses of sex allocation examines the underlying fitness structure, demonstrating relativity would provide strong support for adaptive hypotheses of sex ratio biases in two ways. First, it provides a signature for frequency-dependent selection on sex, which is the evolutionary mechanism of adaptive sex allocation theory. Second, it refutes the main nonadaptive hypothesis for sex ratio biases. Thus, directly examining relativity may be a fruitful avenue of research for exploring the adaptive value of offspring sex ratios. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank O. Bochmann, J. Bragg, H. Hua, and K. Roh for discussion on the simulation model. We thank the many members of the Janzen Lab who have contributed to collection of the field data. E. Charnov provided valuable discussion during development of the ideas in this article. Earlier versions of the manuscript were improved by comments from J. Brown, E. Charnov, A. Kodric-Brown, J. Millar, R. Moses, I. Pen, and several anony- 1340 EVOLUTION MAY 2010 mous reviewers. Access to Thomson Causeway was provided by the U.S. Army Corps and Engineers and collecting permits were obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Support for the field work was provided by National Science Foundation grants (DDIG BSR-8914686, DEB-9629529, UMEB IBN0080194, LTREB DEB-0089680, IBN-0212935), as well as the ASIH Gaige Fund, Sigma Xi, and the Department of Zoology and Genetics at Iowa State University. While conducting the research and writing the article, LES was supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biological Informatics. LITERATURE CITED Angeloni, L., and J. Bradbury. 1999. Body size influences mating strategies in a simultaneously hermaphroditic sea slug, Aplysia vaccaria. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 11:187–195. Bednarz, J. C., and T. J. Hayden. 1991. 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This measure is both an indicator of how effective the reaction norm is in transferring information from temperature to sex, and how well the relative nature of the strategy copes with between year variability. AMI(x) is the difference of the joint entropy between annual temperature and sex (HTS) and the sum of the entropy associated with sex (HS) and the entropy associated with annual temperature (HT). Note that both the distribution of temperatures and the realized sex of offspring implicitly depend on the mean nest temperature within the year (x). Specifically, AMI(x) = HTS − (HT + HS). The entropies are given by HT = Pr(t) ln(Pr(t)) dt, 1342 EVOLUTION MAY 2010 (A1) (A2) Pr(male | t) Pr(t) dt × ln Pr(male | t) Pr(t) dt + Pr(female | t) Pr(t) dt × ln Pr(female | t) Pr(t) dt HS = (A3) and HTS = + Pr(male | t) Pr(t) ln(Pr(male | t) Pr(t)) dt Pr(female | t) Pr(t) ln(Pr(female | t) Pr(t)) dt, (A4) where Pr(t) = 2 1 ( −(t−x) ) 2(σ2 ) e ann , 2 2π σann Pr(male) = g1 + (A5) (g2 − g1 ) 1+e [ −(t−(g3 +g5 (x−Tglob ))) ] g4 [as in Eq. 1], and Pr(female | t) = 1 − Pr(male | t). (A6) Values presented in the article are normalized to range between 0 and 1 by dividing all values by ln(2). Note that when strategies are perfectly relative, AMI(x) is actually independent of x. AMI(T glob ) is a measure of how effective the reaction norm is at producing females at high temperatures and males at low temperatures. The extent to which AMI(x) decreases as x moves away from T glob is a measure of the populations’ ability to maintain sex ratios as the within-year mean nest temperature varies. Comparison of reaction norms across different environmental fluctuations 2 2 2 (σglob /σann ) is slightly complicated by the role of σann in calculating AMI (see Fig. S1). Appendix B LIMITING CASES FOR THE INVASION DYNAMICS OF TSD MUTANTS Here we develop analytical results for limiting cases of population structure in the absence of drift by assuming population sizes are effectively infinite. This allows us to take expectations over all possible nest temperatures within years based on the assumed Gaussian distribution of temperatures. We consider two limiting cases, semelparity and effectively infinite life span. Under semelparity, the geometric mean of the mutant R 0 is an appropriate fitness measure (Seger and Brockman 1987). Evolution of TSD under semelparity, no relativity Under semelparity the OSR fluctuates every generation because the mean temperature in the environment is random. To approximate the phenotypic evolutionary dynamics we assume a simple model where haploid zygotes determine their adult sex and therefore only need to track the number of undifferentiated zygotes S E X A L L O C AT I O N BA S E D O N R E L AT I V E A N D A B S O L U T E C O N D I T I O N produced in the next generation per undifferentiated zygotes in the current generation. A rare sex ratio mutant will have a stochastic growth rate that is approximately determined by the geometric mean of this multiplier. The invader spreads into the resident population on average if this exponent is greater than 1. This can be expressed as ⎛ ⎛ Pr(t | Tann )M I (t) dt ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ )log λ = exp ⎜ Pr(T ann ⎝ ⎝ 2 Pr(t | Tann )M R (t) dt ⎞⎞ Pr(t | Tann )FI (t) dt ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ dTann , + ⎠⎠ 2 Pr(t | Tann )FR (t) dt (B1) Evolution of TSD under semelparity, with relativity Our simulation model assumes that reaction norms follow a specific, albeit flexible, functional form and that the TSD strategy can be shifted relative to the mean annual temperature whenever g 5 does not equal 0. These assumptions place some biologically realistic constraints on the strategic TSD responses that can be achieved. In this section we examine the features of the unconstrained optimal strategy. Recall equation B1 which defines the stochastic invasion exponent for an invader strategy. We can simplify this by defining the mean production of male and female offspring for specific annual temperatures as 2 (t) dt, M̄ I (Tann ) = r I (Tann , t)Sm (t)N Tann ,σann where Pr(Tann ) represents the probability of a particular annual temperature, Pr(t | Tann ) is the probability an individual egg experiences temperature t given the annual temperature is T ann , M I (t) and M R (t) represent the number of surviving male offspring per invader and resident, and FI (t) and FR (t) are the number of surviving female offspring per invader and resident (e.g., Charnov 1986). This expression can, in principle, be used to calculate the invasion exponent for an arbitrary temperature distribution and offspring production functions and is analogous to equation 9 in Van Dooren and Leimar (2003). It also follows that a small change in the allocation strategy that increases the geometric mean of Pr(t | Tann )M R (t) dt · Pr(t | Tann )FR (t) dt will invade (see Tuljapurkar 1990). Although we cannot in general solve for the set of parameters g 1 , g 2 , g 3 , g 4 that maximize this expression, we can use numerical methods. We used a simulated annealing algorithm implemented in Mathematica and found that TSD reaction norms similar to those observed in the simulations. Given this formulation we can consider the effect of a sharp 2 is small. In this case, a population with reaction norm when σann a sharp reaction norm would produce male-biased clutches (low T ann ) or female-biased clutches (high T ann ). Only when T ann is very close to the pivotal temperature will both sexes be produced. Thus, the product of male and female function will be very low in years with extreme temperatures, biasing the geometric mean of this product downwards. A strategy with a shallow reaction norm for TSD, in contrast, would produce a similar product of male and female function regardless of the year and can therefore invade. Figure S2 shows this effect for one set of parameter values. This can be thought of as a trade-off between matching the production of each sex to the conditions favorable to it and achieving some reproduction in years with extreme annual temperatures. Thus, when between-year variance is relatively high, shallow reaction norms are favored. F̄ I (Tann ) = 2 (t) dt. (1 − r I (Tann , t))S f (t)N Tann ,σann These equations express the notion that the TSD strategy codes for a temperature- and relative temperature-specific probability as developing into a male or female combined with a temperature- and sex-specific probability of surviving. Equation B1 now becomes F̄ I (Tann ) M̄ I (Tann ) 2 (Tann )log + dTann . λ = exp N Tglob ,σglob 2 M̄ R (Tann ) 2 F̄ R (Tann ) (B2) Recall that the { M̄ I (Tann ), F̄ I (Tann )} terms depend in turn upon the r I (Tann , t) function. We would like to find the strategy r I (Tann , t) that is uninvadable. If we find a strategy whereby the invader achieves a lower multiplier in every possible annual temperature then we are guaranteed that λ < 1. The term inside the logarithm will be less than one whenever M̄ I (Tann ) · F̄ R (Tann ) + M̄ R (Tann ) · F̄ I (Tann ) < 2 M̄ R (Tann ) · F̄ R (Tann ). Inequality B3 Under the relativity scenario, the developing offspring have information about both T ann and their own developmental temperature. Thus, a strategy that makes inequality B3 true for all other strategies for that specific T ann will be uninvadable. As has been previously shown, the globally uninvadable strategy in a constant environment is to choose a critical value tcrit (Tann ) below which only males are produced and above which only females are produced that maximizes the product of male and female function (Charnov 1986; Van Dooren and Leimar 2003). The unconstrained solution in a fluctuating environment simply maximizes the product of male and female function by shifting the pivotal temperature. Any relativistic strategy that has a pivotal temperature too far from the mean annual temperature will make very few of one sex and therefore achieve a small product. The optimal pivotal temperature does not track mean annual temperature exactly, however, because the degree of nonlinearity in EVOLUTION MAY 2010 1343 L I S A E . S C H WA N Z E T A L . the sex-specific mortality schedule depends on the mean annual temperature. For the parameters used in this study, the optimal pivotal temperature approaches the mean annual temperature when mean annual temperature is high (because female survival is relatively constant at higher temperatures) and is shifted above the mean annual temperature for lower mean annual temperatures (See Fig. S3). Because our simulations constrain the pivotal temperature to linear shifts, the observed TSD reaction norms represent a compromise weighted by the contribution of each annual temperature to the geometric mean of the mutant growth factor. The limit of infinite life span At the opposite end of the spectrum from the limit of semelparity lies the case where life span is effectively infinite. In this limit, each individual reproduces over a characteristic sample of annual temperatures. The appropriate fitness measure is the arithmetic mean of the number of zygotes produced per mutant zygote. Because individuals live for many breeding seasons, there are no temporal fluctuations in the OSR, and there is no selection on reducing the variance in sex ratios produced. This also means that there is no selection for relativistic strategies because the mating competition faced by a developing offspring will not be limited to individuals who developed in the same annual condition. On the other hand, there is direct selection against a relativistic strategy because a greater number of offspring can be produced if females are produced at temperatures conducive to their survival, even if this means waiting for the right annual conditions to produce them. In this case, the ESS sex allocation strategy is one that maximizes H = log[ M̄ · F̄], where M̄ and F̄ are the mean relative number of male and female offspring averaged over all clutch temperatures, irrespective of the mean temperature in each given year. Thus, 2 (t) dt 2 (Tann ) dTann N Tglob ,σglob M̄ = Pr(t, Tann )Sm (t)N Tann ,σann (B4) 1344 EVOLUTION MAY 2010 F̄ = 2 (t) dt (1 − Pr(t, Tann ))S f (t)N Tann ,σann 2 (Tann ) dTann . ×N Tglob ,σglob (B5) For nonrelativistic strategies the probability of developing as a male does not depend on the annual mean temperature and these expressions become 2 M̄ = Pr(t)Sm (t)N Tglob ,σglob 2 (t) dt +σann F̄ = 2 Pr(t)S f (t)N Tglob ,σglob 2 (t) dt. +σann In this formalism, a sex allocation strategy defines the function Pr(t), which is realized as a pair ( M̄, F̄). There is a single function mapping clutch temperature to sex ratio that maximizes H. This allocation strategy can be defined as a mapping between clutch temperature and clutch sex ratio, (t). For a fixed seasonal distribution of t, the optimal strategy is to produce all one sex below a threshold temperature and the other sex above the threshold, such that (t) = 0 for t < tcrit and (t) = 1 for t > tcrit (Charnov and Bull 1989b; Van Dooren and Leimar 2003). Any relative strategy that depends on Tann in a nontrivial way will have Pr(t, Tann ) = (t) for some values of (t, Tann ). By rewriting equations B4 and B5 we have M̄ = Pr(t)Sm (t) Pr(t, Tann ) Pr(Tann | t) dTann dt, F̄ = Pr(t)S f (t) (1 − Pr(t, Tann )) Pr(Tann | t) dTann dt. If the inner integrals equal (t) and (1 − (t)), respectively, then we achieve the values of M̄ and F̄ that maximize H. Thus, any strategy that on average maps (t, Tann ) to (t) will be equivalent to the optimal strategy. However, the optimal function (t) is 0 or 1 almost everywhere, and therefore any relativistic strategy will cause a deviation from (t) and will therefore be selected against. S E X A L L O C AT I O N BA S E D O N R E L AT I V E A N D A B S O L U T E C O N D I T I O N Supporting Information The following supporting information is available for this article: Appendix S1. Invasion Analysis. Figure S1. Annual mutual information. Figure S2. Fitness under semelparity without relativity. Figure S3. Optimal pivotal temperature. Figure S4. Mean g 5 over 50,000 generations for individual runs: p = 0 (dashed gray line), p = 0.5 (solid gray line), p = 0.75 (dashed black line), two replicate runs with p = 0.95 (solid black line). Figure S5. Frequency distributions of g 1 , g 2 , g 3 , g 4 , and g 5 among adults at the end of representative runs (Generation = 10,000 for p = 0, 0.5 and 0.75; Generation = 20,000 for p = 0.95). Figure S6. The influence of mutation on mean relativity (g 5 ). Figure S7. Annual T piv as a function of T ann . Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article. Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. EVOLUTION MAY 2010 1345