Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 649–652, 2005 Copyright 2005 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Rainfall and Depredation of Nests of the Painted Turtle, Chrysemys picta KENNETH D. BOWEN1 AND FREDRIC J. JANZEN Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 USA ABSTRACT.—It is commonly thought that predators use olfactory cues to find turtle nests and that these cues are diminished by rainfall. We studied the relationship between rainfall on the date of oviposition and depredation of nests of the Painted Turtle, Chrysemys picta, on a major nesting beach between 1996 and 2003. We analyzed two scenarios: rainfall versus no rainfall on the date of oviposition; and no rainfall versus intense or weak rainfall on the date of oviposition. For the first scenario, we found no consistent association between rainfall and nest depredation before hatching. In 1996, rainfall on the date of oviposition appeared to increase the chance of nest depredation; in 2000, it appeared to decrease the chance of nest depredation; and there was no statistically significant relationship in the remaining years or overall. In the second analysis, the relative amount of rain was associated with nest depredation before hatching. Nests constructed on days with a larger amount of rain were less likely to be depredated than nests constructed on days with no rain or smaller amounts of rain. Nests constructed on days with smaller amounts of rain were more likely to be depredated than nests constructed on days with no rain. Rates of nest depredation are high in many turtle populations, which could result in intense selection pressure on the behavior of nesting females (Spencer, 2002). If a subset of females reproduces successfully while others do not, the genetic structure of the population could be affected dramatically (Scribner et al., 1993). Unfortunately, little is known about the factors affecting nest depredation. A logical first step toward understanding the ultimate consequences of nest depredation is to determine its proximate cause(s). Predators are commonly thought to use olfactory cues to find turtle nests. Legler (1954) suggested that the urine expelled by female Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) during nest construction might aid predators (including Raccoons, Procyon lotor) in locating nests. Congdon et al. (1983) hypothesized that the scent trails of female Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingi) leading to and from the nest, as well as odors associated with the nest itself, were the major cues used by nest predators (primarily Raccoons and Red Foxes, Vulpes vulpes) to find nests. Spencer (2002) found that artificial turtle nests containing eggs were more likely to be depredated (by Red Foxes) than those without eggs. Thus, turtle urine, general body scent, and egg odor all may serve as olfactory cues for mammalian predators of turtle nests. Rainfall potentially interacts with the scent of nests and nesting turtles, but there is confusion regarding its effects. Legler (1954) hypothesized that nest odors might be dissipated by rainfall and that nests surviving to a rainfall event were less likely to be subsequently destroyed. Burke et al. (1995) suggested that the emergence of some turtles to nest during rainstorms might be an antipredator mechanism for eliminating olfactory cues associated with nests. In contrast, Congdon et al. (1983, 1987) noted that the probability of nest depredation declined with the age of the nest but that the few nests that were depredated well after 1 Corresponding Author. Present address: 886 East Blanchard Road, Shepherd, Michigan 48883, USA; E-mail: oviposition were destroyed during or after rainfall. It is possible that, in some cases, rainfall intensifies the cues used by predators to find nests or that predator activity increases following rainfall. In this study, we tested for an association between rainfall and the depredation of Painted Turtle nests. Specifically, we determined whether rainfall on the calendar date of oviposition had any effect on the likelihood that a nest would be destroyed by predators before hatching. We also tested for an association between the relative amount of rainfall on the date of oviposition and nest depredation. Therefore, we provide a test of the hypothesis that rainfall is associated with the depredation of turtle nests. MATERIALS AND METHODS Data presented here represent a portion of a longterm study of the nesting ecology of C. picta ( Janzen, 1994) at the Thomson Causeway Recreation Area (TCRA) near Thomson, Illinois. The Thomson Causeway is a ;450 3 900 m island near the eastern bank of the Mississippi River, and it contains a ;1.5 ha nesting area that is bordered on the east side by a 200 m wide slough from which most turtles emerge to nest (for a more complete site description, see Kolbe and Janzen, 2002). Raccoon, Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis), and Fox Snakes (Elaphe vulpina) have all been observed destroying turtle nests at TCRA. Our experience suggests that these are the major nest predators at the site, but we cannot rule out the influence of other potential predators such as Red Fox and Virginia Opossums (Didelphis virginiana). Chrysemys picta nest from May to July in most areas (Ernst et al., 1994). We monitored the nesting beach at TCRA every nesting season from 1996 to 2003. Each day, the nesting beach was searched intensively for female turtles once every hour from dawn until dusk. Once an observed turtle had finished nesting, we mapped the location of the nest using nearby landmarks (e.g., trees). Each nest was then checked periodically for evidence of depredation until late September (the time by which hatching in all nests is completed; FJJ, pers. obs.). We obtained daily 650 SHORTER COMMUNICATIONS TABLE 1. The relationship between rainfall on the date of oviposition and depredation before hatching of Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) nests. When an odds ratio is one, the odds of depredation are equal regardless of rainfall. Chi-square tests were interpreted at a 5 0.05 with one degree of freedom. Year Rainfall # Nests depredated # Nests surviving % depredated Odds ratio v2 P 1996 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 16 21 3 19 16 34 27 103 19 71 21 170 43 113 51 124 196 655 18 67 36 96 26 84 6 47 26 46 0 14 48 162 37 110 197 626 47.0 23.9 7.7 16.5 38.1 28.9 81.8 68.7 42.2 60.7 100 92.4 47.2 41.1 57.9 53.0 49.9 51.1 2.83 6.2 0.01 0.42 1.9 0.17 1.52 1.2 0.27 2.05 2.3 0.13 0.47 4.5 0.03 0 1.7 0.19 1.28 1.1 0.3 1.22 0.6 0.43 0.95 0.2 0.66 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total precipitation data for the nesting season from the United States Army Corp of Engineers Lock and Dam 13 approximately 12 km south of the study site, although we were unable to determine the exact timing of rainfall on any given day. We tested for an association between rainfall on the date of oviposition and nest depredation using contingency table analysis. We treated rainfall (vs. no rainfall) on a given calendar date as the ‘‘explanatory’’ variable, and the number of nests constructed on that date that were depredated before hatching (vs. number of nests surviving until hatching) as the ‘‘response’’ variable. Each turtle nest was used only once in the analysis. We also added year as a ‘‘control’’ variable, allowing us to explore the possibility of differing effects of rainfall among years (Agresti, 2002). Evidence for association between rainfall on the date of oviposition and nest depredation was based on chi-square tests of independence interpreted at a 5 0.05 with one degree of freedom. The null hypothesis was that nest depredation before hatching and rainfall on the date of oviposition were independent. We interpreted the nature and strength of association between these variables using odds ratios (for calculation and discussion of odds ratios, see Agresti, 2002). We were also interested in the effect that large differences in the amount of rain on the date of oviposition might have on nest depredation. Using the distribution of the amount of rainfall that fell during the nesting season from 1996 to 2003, we compared the number of turtle nests depredated before hatching (response variable) among oviposition dates with rainfall amounts in the lowest and highest quartiles and dates with no rain (explanatory variables). We used a Chi-square test of independence with two degrees of freedom, and odds ratios were used to determine the nature of any association. We also performed pairwise Chi-square tests among the three categories. We divided alpha by three (a 5 0.017) because each nest was subjected to three statistical tests in this analysis. Our null hypothesis was that nest depredation before hatching and the relative amount of rainfall on the date of oviposition were independent. We were unable to perform a year-by-year analysis in this case as a result of small and widely varying sample sizes in the rainfall categories. Thus, we were restricted to analysis of data combined across all years. We used only days with rainfall when calculating quartiles. From 1996 to 2003, there were 79 days with rainfall (out of 260 total days) during the C. picta nesting season. The mean rainfall on these days was 0.99 cm (1.37 SD; range 5 0.02–6.1 cm). The upper (75%) quartile was located at 1.27 cm, and the lower (25%) quartile was located at 0.2 cm. RESULTS The intensity of nest depredation varied greatly from year to year, as did the relationship between rainfall and nest depredation (Table 1). For example, the odds ratios were close to one in the years 1998, 2002, 2003 and in all years combined, suggesting that nests were equally likely to be depredated before hatching regardless of rainfall on the date of oviposition. In 1997 and 2000, the odds ratios were close to 0.5, suggesting that nests were twice as likely to be depredated before hatching when there was no rain on the date of oviposition. However, in 1996 and 1999, the odds ratios were greater than two, suggesting that nests constructed on days with rainfall were at least twice as likely to be depredated before hatching. The odds ratio was zero in 2001 because no nests constructed on days with rainfall survived to hatching. Predation on nests was particularly intense during 2001. The null hypothesis of independence was rejected for 1996 and 2000 (Table 1). There was a statistically significant association between the relative amount of rainfall and nest depredation (Table 2). Odds ratios and pairwise comparisons suggested that nests were less likely to be depredated before hatching when rainfall on the SHORTER COMMUNICATIONS date of oviposition was in the upper quartile as compared to days with little (v2 5 12.1; P 5 0.0005) or no (v2 5 7.15; P 5 0.008) rain. In contrast, nests were more likely to be depredated before hatching when rainfall on the date of oviposition was in the lower quartile than when there was no rain, although this trend was not statistically significant at the corrected alpha (v2 5 4.14; P 5 0.04). DISCUSSION Olfactory cues associated with nests and nesting turtles are thought to be important clues for nest predators, and rainfall may improve the probability of nest survival by weakening these cues (Legler, 1954; Whelan et al., 1994; Burke et al., 1995). However, there is some evidence that olfactory cues do not affect nest survival and that cues associated with nests do not diminish with time. Using artificial turtle nests, Hamilton et al. (2002) found no effect of the presence of olfactory cues on nest survival. Wilhoft et al. (1979) noted that depredation of artificial nests can occur without secretions from female turtles or egg scent. Snow (1982) found that Painted Turtle nests were depredated regardless of age and suggested that the gradual weakening of cues associated with nests, if it occurs, may have little to do with nest survival. There was a relationship between rainfall and nest depredation at our site. This relationship was temporally inconsistent (and generally negligible) when considered at the level of rainfall versus no rainfall. Across all eight years of this study, the relative amount of rainfall on the date of oviposition was associated with nest depredation. Specifically, nests appeared less likely to be depredated before hatching if they were constructed on days with larger amounts of rain but more likely to be depredated before hatching if constructed on days with smaller amounts of rain. The design of our study does not allow us to form firm conclusions regarding the use of olfactory cues by nest predators. However, Raccoons (Zeveloff, 2002), Striped Skunks (Nams, 1997), and most snakes (Greene, 1997) are known to use chemical cues while foraging. One potential explanation for our results is that heavy rain might be effective in eliminating such cues associated with nests but that light rain might intensify nest odors when compared to days with no rain. Still another possibility is that rain influences predator activity. Fox Snakes, for example, are active during summer rains (Ernst and Ernst, 2003). In this view, small amounts of rain might increase nest depredation by making predators more active, whereas large amounts might decrease predator activity, or increase predator activity but effectively diminish nest cues. These hypotheses, although speculative, are testable and merit future study. There are several caveats to our study. Foremost, we were unable to control for the timing of rainfall. For example, rainfall during or after nesting is likely to have a greater effect on nest survival than rainfall before nesting. Future studies should attempt to control for this variable. Also, we in effect defined survival as nests remaining intact from oviposition to hatching. A ‘‘dead’’ nest used in our analysis might have been depredated within hours of oviposition or several weeks after oviposition. It is possible that destruction 651 TABLE 2. The relationship between the relative amount of rainfall on the date of oviposition and depredation before hatching of Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) nests. Nest depredation was compared among oviposition dates on which the amount of rainfall was in the upper quartile, days on which rainfall was in the lower quartile, and days on which there was no rain for the period 1996 to 2003 (nesting season only). When an odds ratio is one, the odds of depredation are equal regardless of rainfall. The Chisquare test was interpreted a 5 0.017 with two degrees of freedom. The notation ‘‘UL’’ refers to the odds ratio for upper quartile and lower quartile, ‘‘LN’’ refers to lower quartile and no rain, and ‘‘UN’’ refers to upper quartile and no rain. # Nests # Nests % Odds Quartile depredated surviving depredated ratio Upper 38 65 36.9 Lower 69 45 60.5 No rain 648 633 50.6 v2 P 0.38 12.2 0.002 (UL) 1.5 (LN) 0.57 (UN) of a nest days or weeks after oviposition might have little to do with rain on the date of oviposition, that is, much can happen in the intervening period to affect nest survival. Rain on the date of depredation, for example, might play a larger role in such a case. Consideration of the amount of time that elapses until nest depredation and the inclusion of additional explanatory variables should be part of future work on this topic (Dinsmore et al., 2002). Furthermore, we were unable to partition our analysis of the relationship between nest depredation and relative amount of rainfall by year. Thus, the cumulative analysis we performed provides only a relatively rough idea of what is transpiring at TCRA. Finally, it is important to note that the results of this study may not be directly applicable to other species of turtle, which can differ substantively in nesting ecology (Ernst et al., 1994). Turtles may emerge to nest during rainfall events for reasons other than avoidance of nest depredation. Wilson et al. (1999) suggested that Striped Mud Turtles (Kinosternon baurii) move to and from nesting habitat during rainfall to minimize evaporative water loss. Rainfall may also facilitate nest construction by moistening the substrate (Seabrook, 1989). Regardless, the fact that many turtles emerge to nest on days with no rainfall suggests that other factors affect the decision-making process of gravid females (Spencer and Thompson, 2003). Nest predators may find turtle nests using nonolfactory cues such as visual disturbance (Spencer, 2002), nesting females on the beach (Congdon et al., 1987; Eckrich and Owens, 1995), and the proximity of other nests (i.e., high nest density; Valenzuela and Janzen, 2001; Marchand and Litvaitis, 2004). Visual cues could be affected by rainfall in much the same way as olfactory cues. Future research should focus on identifying the specific cues used by nest predators to find turtle nests (Hamilton et al., 2002; Spencer, 2002) 652 SHORTER COMMUNICATIONS and on determining how turtles (or managers) might attempt to minimize these cues. Artificial turtle nests (Marchand et al., 2002) will be useful tools in these endeavors. Finally, we wish to emphasize that analyzing data from only one year at this site would likely have been misleading, underscoring the importance of long-term field studies (Tinkle, 1979). Temporal variance in patterns of nest depredation is a potential reason for discrepancies between previously published studies of this phenomenon. Indeed, overall levels of nest depredation and edge effects on nest depredation vary yearly at TCRA (Kolbe and Janzen, 2002) and likely elsewhere, and this variation should be taken into account whenever possible. Acknowledgments.—We thank numerous members of the Janzen Lab and Turtle Camp crews for participating in field research at TCRA over the years and the Army Corps of Engineers for continued permission to work at the site. We also thank R. J. Spencer and three anonymous reviewers for comments on the manuscript. Animals were observed under permits from the Illinois DNR and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and in accordance with approved COAC protocols from Iowa State University. KDB acknowledges the support of a Graduate College Fellowship from Iowa State University. 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