Li 2 0 2 in Li-0 2 Batteries: Catalytic Enhancement of Electrochemical oxidation and Thermophysical Transformations ARCHAVES by MA SSACHUSETTS INSTf E OF TECHNOLOGY Koffi Pierre Yao B.S. Mechanical Engineering JUN 2 5 2013 University of Delaware, 2010 LIBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2013 V 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. . Signature of A uthor...................................... K-i-) .. . .................. ...... ........ Department of Mechanical Engineering >. M Mo 12012 Z Certified by................................................... ........ /Yag Gail E. Kend A ccepted by..................................................... Shao-Horn rofes or of Mechanicl Engineering A eT iSupervisor -- .................. David E. Hardt Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Graduate Committee 1 2 Li 2 0 2 in Li-0 2 Batteries: Catalytic Enhancement of Electrochemical oxidation and Thermophysical Transformations By Koffi Pierre Yao Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 10, 2013 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT Electrification of transportation in the United States is of importance in reducing dependence on foreign oil and curtailing global warming. However, optimal market penetration of electric vehicles is confronted with the prohibitive cost and limited energy capacity of current state of the art lithium-ion battery packs, factors which limit range below 300 miles. Lithium-air (Li-air or Li-0 2 ) batteries could deliver more than three times the gravimetric energy of Li-ion batteries at potentially reduced cost by replacing transition metal oxide cathode with formation of lithium oxides (Li 2 0 2 and Li 20). Being in its infancy, the Li-0 2 technology faces multiple challenges such as inadequate round trip efficiency (below 80%), low power capability, poor cycle life (less than 100 cycles) and thermal safety concerns. This thesis is concerned with the poor oxidation kinetics of the discharge product Li 2 0 2, root cause of poor round trip efficiency, and the thermal stability of the candidate discharge products Li 20 2 and Li2 0. Catalysis of the Li 20 2-oxidation by LaCrO 3, Bao. 5 Sro. 5 Coo.8Feo.20 3 (BSCF), LaNiO 3 , LaMnO 3+8, and LaFeO 3 was systematically investigated. It was found that LaCrO3 , reported with the lowest activity in aqueous OER, shows a threefold higher activity compared to BSCF, reported with two orders of magnitude higher activity in aqueous OER. We postulate that efficient catalysts affect the surface energy landscape of Li 2 0 2 at interfaces to result in larger proportions of low oxidation-overpotential surface orientations and, therefore, enhanced Li 2 O2 -oxidation at lower overpotentials. Regarding the thermal stability of Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0, X-ray diffraction revealed significant decrease in the c/a ratio of the lattice parameters of Li 2 0 2 from 280 'C to 700 'C, which are attributed to the transformation of Li 2 0 2 to Li 2 02-6 . Upon further heating, a lithium- deficient Li 2-6O phase appeared at 300 'C and gradually became stoichiometric upon further heating to ~550 'C. XPS measurements showed growth of Li2 CO 3 on surfaces of Li2 0 2 and Li 2 0 at 250 'C attributable to chemical reactions between Li 2 0 2 /Li 2 O and carbon-containing species. The origin of the high activity of LaCrO 3 and experimental understanding of the mechanism of Li 20 2 oxidation are currently underway. Thesis Supervisor: Yang Shao-Horn Title: Gail E. Kendall Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 4 5 Acknowledgements I (Koffi Pierre Yao) am indebted to Professor Yang Shao-Horn for the opportunity to undertake this intellectually challenging study in spite of my limited knowledge of the tools involved at the time. This work has provided me with a greater understanding of XRD, TGA, and XPS and also a working knowledge of DFT and its applications. I would like to thank my father and mother for all the support. Acknowledgements in this thesis will not do little justice to them, and as such, I elect to keep the extent of my thanks implied. I am truly grateful to my "big brother" for the endless pep talks. I am further grateful to Dr. Fanny Barde (Toyota Motor Europe, Belgium) for insightful discussions and her attention to details. Her probing questions tremendously improved the rigor of my investigation of the perovskites in Li-0 2 batteries. I am surely grateful to the MIT electrochemical energy lab members for the tremendous support, be it by providing scientific information or by inviting me to Friday night beers. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi (under the funding of a TOTAL Graduate Student Fellowship) and Yi-Chun Lu in the electrochemical energy laboratory. DFT simulations were performed by Dr. Yueh-Lin Lee in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. Processing of XRD was done in collaboration with Dr. Alexis Grimaud in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. Investigation of the catalytic activity of perovskites in Li-0 2 batteries was supported by Toyota Motor Europe at Toyota Motor Europe, Research & Development 3, Advanced Technology 1, Hoge Wei 33 B, B-1930 Zaventem, Belgium. Investigation of the thermal stability of Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0 was supported by the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies of the DOE (DE-AC03-76SF00098 with LBNL), U.S. Department of Energy's U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center for Clean Vehicles (Grant DE-PI0000012), Office of Naval Research (ONR) under contract numbers N00014-12-1-0096 (MIT) and N00014-12WX20818 (NSWCCD), and the Ford-MIT Alliance. 6 Table of Contents 16 1 Introduction and backgrounds........................ 16 M otiv atio n ..................................................................................................................... 1.1 16 Li-0 2 batteries: advantages and working principles ................................................. 1.2 19 C hallenges in Li-0 2 batteries ...................................................................................... 1.3 19 1.3.1 Inadequate pow er capability ................................................................................. 20 ............................................................................................ life cycle 1.3.2 Inadequate 1.3.3 Inadequate round trip efficiencies: a combination of slow kinetics and parasitic 21 chem istries in Li-0 2 cells................................................................................................. 2 Scope of this thesis............................................................. 2.1 2.2 Thermal Stability Studies of Li 2O2 and Li 20............................................................. Catalyzing the Li 2 0 2 -oxidation in Li-0 2 ............... ....... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 .. . 30 30 3 Catalyzing the Li 20 2-oxidation in Li-0 2 batteries using 33 ABO 3-type perovskites........................................................... ABO 3 -Perovskites as a self-consistent platform for systematic study of Li 20 2 -oxidation 3.1 33 in L i-0 2 cells ............................................................................................................................. 37 Exp erim ental................................................................................................................. 3 .2 38 3.2.1 Synthesis of the perovskite oxides........................................................................ 40 3.2.2 Electrode ink preparation...................................................................................... 41 3.2.3 E lectrode film casting ............................................................................................ 42 3.2.4 Electrochem ical testing.......................................................................................... 45 Results and Discussion ............................................................................................ 3.3 ................ Li202 commercial 3.3.1 Effective electro-oxidation of preloaded .............. . . 45 45 3.3.2 Electrode background subtraction........................................................................ 3.3.3 Catalytic performance of LaCrO 3, LaMnO 346 , LaNiO 3 , Bao.5 Sro. 5 Coo.8 Feo.2 0 3 , and L aF eO 3 perovskites............................................................................................................... 3.3.4 Strongly diverging activity patterns of perovskites from H2 0-OER to Li 20 2 -OER 3.3.5 Proposed origin of observed divergence between H20-OER to Li 2 0 2 -OER ..... C on clu sion .................................................................................................................... 3.4 49 52 52 56 4 Thermal Stability Studies of Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0: Combined In Situ XRD, DFT, and XPS Studies upon Heating ................... 58 Crystal structure of Li 20 2 and Li 20 .......................................................................... 4.1 Previous studies of the thermal transformation of Li 2 02 . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 ........... Exp erim ental................................................................................................................. 4 .3 4.3.1 In situ X -ray diffraction (XRD )............................................................................ 4.3.2 In situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)................................................. 4.3.3 Density functional theory (DFT) calculations ..................................................... 4.3.4 Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)...................................................................... Results and discussion ............................................................................................... 4.4 7 58 59 62 62 63 64 68 70 4.4.1 In situ X -ray D iffraction ........................................................................................ 4.4.2 In situ XPS analysis of Li 2 0 2 and Li20 ................................................................. C on clu sion s................................................................................................................... 4 .5 5 Perpectives ........................................................................ 8 70 78 90 92 List of figures Figure 1: Estimated gravimetric and volumetric energy density of LiCoO 2 and 02 (Li 2 0 2 ) as the positive electrode with carbon (C6) or Li as the negative electrode. The cell voltages used for C-LiCoO 2 , C-Li 2 0 2 , Li-LiCo0 2 , and Li-Li 20 2 are 3.7 V, 2.45 V, 4.0 V, and 2.75 V, respectively. Neither catalyst, carbon, nor electrolyte were included in the calculation for 02 cells. The positive electrode (LiCoO 2 or Li 2 0 2 ) is assumed to be lithiated and an additional two times excess lithium is used as the lithium negative electrode. Figure and caption reproduced from Ref. [6] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry........... 17 Figure 2: Ragone plot comparing gravimetric energy and power of Li-ion (LiCoO 2 , LiFePO 4, and LiNio 5Mno.50 2 and Li-0 2 positive electrodes tested in non-carbonate electrolytes and normalized to the positive active electrode weight only. Li-0 2 electrodes include Vulcan Carbon (VC), carbon nanofibers (CNF), Super P carbon, freestanding hierarchically porous carbon (FHPC graphene), and pristine Nao.44 MnO2 nanowires/Ketjen Black (P-ZMnO2/KB). The Li-0 2 values were normalized to the weight of the electrode in the discharged state (C + Li 20 2 or C + catalyst + Li 2 0 2 , excluding binder) and were calculated based on the reported average discharge voltage and total gravimetric capacity (for energy) or current (power). The upper limit in the gravimetric energy of Li 2 0 2 was calculated assuming a discharge voltage of 2.75 VU. Figure and caption reproduced from Ref. [6] with 18 permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry. ........................................................... Figure 3: Schematic of the discharge (left) and charge (right) of a Li-0 2 electrochemical cell... 19 Figure 4: (a) 0 K-edge FY, (b) 0 K-edge TEY, and (c) C K-edge TEY/FY XANES spectra of electrodes discharged to 1000 (at 250 mA- g~Icabon) and 4700 mAh-g-Icarbon (at 100 mA- g~ Carbon) on the 1st discharge. The reference spectra of commercial Li 2 0 2 (90%, Sigma Aldrich), commercial Li 2 CO 3 (99%, Alfa Aesar), and pristine VACNTs (FY for C K-edge) are included. (d) Schematic of discharge products formed at low and high capacity on VACNTs on the 1st discharge. Figure and caption reproduced from figure 3 of reference 23 [21]; Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. ......................................................... Figure 5: Composite electrodes (Super P/a-MnO 2/Kynar) that contain the discharge products individually were subjected to charging in 1 M LiPF 6 in propylene carbonate under 02. (a) FTIR spectra of the as-prepared electrodes and the charged electrodes for each of the compounds, together with the spectrum of a pristine electrode. (b) The corresponding charging curves at 70 mA g~carbon. Since the theoretical capacities of the different compounds vary, to aid comparison the capacities are all normalized to unity (theoretical capacities: Li propyl dicarbonate 1000 mAh-gcarbon, 2 e-/mol; Li 2 CO 3 1500 mAh-gcarbon, 2e-/mol; CH 3 CO 2Li 750 mAh-g-carbon, le /mol; HCO 2 Li 750 mA h/g, le/mol). (c-e) MS gas analysis at the end of charging under 02 of CH 3 CO 2 Li (c), C 3 H 6 (OCO 2 Li)2 (d), and HCO 2 Li (e). Note that unmarked peaks arise from fragments of C0 2 , H2 0, 02, and Ar. (f) Gas evolution measured by DEMS on oxidation of a composite electrode containing Li2 CO 3 in response to a stepwise increased current under Ar. Figure and caption reproduced from Figure 5 of reference [32]; Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society......................... 26 Figure 6: Schematic of molecular orbital splitting of the transition metal 3d band engendered by hybridization of the metal 3d and oxygen 2p orbitals during adsorption. ........................ 33 Figure 7: The relation between the OER catalytic activity, defined by the overpotentials at 50 tA cm 2 ox of OER current, and the occupancy of the eg-symmetry electron of the transition 9 metal (B in ABO 3). Data symbols vary with type of B ions (Cr, red; Mn, orange; Fe, beige; Co, green; Ni, blue; mixed compounds, purple), where x = 0, 0.25, and 0.5 for Fe. Error bars represent standard deviations of at least three independent measurements. The dashed volcano lines are shown for guidance only. Figure and caption adapted from reference [53]. 34 Reprinted with perm ission from AAAS. ........................................................................... Figure 8: Variations of charge voltage and gas compositions (helium not included) during the first charging process for the Li 2 0 2/Fe 3 O4/SP/PVDF electrode in a carbonate electrolyte. Figure and caption adapted from reference [58], with permission from Elsevier. ........... 37 Figure 9: Phase purity of as-synthesized perovskites investigated by X-ray diffraction. Optimal purity of each perovskite is observed. Minor impurity phases estimated to less than 1% (peaks not very visible from scaling) were detected for LaCrO 3 and LaMnO3 ....... ...... . . . 40 Figure 10: Schematic of electrode ink preparation. Component mass ratios were set to perovskite:vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion binder = 3:1:1:1 (carbon content = 41 0.21±0.05 mg cm-2 ...................................................... homogenized the to right, left From synthesis. ink following of electrodes Figure 11: Fabrication ink is drawn on an aluminum foil using a #50 Mayer-rod; upon evaporation of isopropanol, half-inch diameter electrodes are punched and dried at 70 'C in a Buchi* B-585 oven. Loading, drying and returning the electrodes to the glovebox using the Buchi* oven 42 prevents exposure of the electrodes to ambient atmosphere............................................. 4 at and post-charging lines) black Figure 12: X-Ray diffractions of as-fabricated (Uncharged, VLi (Charged, red lines) perovskite catalyzed Li 20 2-prefilled electrodes. For all five perovskite-catalyzed electrodes, the strongest peak of Li 2 0 2 at ~34.97 from the (101) crystallographic plane disappears after charging, indicating its effective oxidation. Keys: (*) Li2 0 2 crystal Cu Ka peaks locations; (o) Corresponding perovskite Cu Ka peaks locations. Residual LiClO 4 salt and aluminum substrate peaks are indicated on the figure. As intended, 47 no catalyst peaks are visible in the Vulcan carbon-only electrode. .................................. Figure 13: Representative SEM images of pristine (Uncharged) versus post-charging at 4 VLi Of Ba0 5Sro. 5Coo.8Feo. 2 0 3 and LaCrO3 catalyzed Li 20 2-prefilled electrodes. Key: (o) corresponding catalyst particles locations; (o) Li 20 2 particles location. After potentiostatic charging at 4 VLi, no trace of Li 2 O2 particles can be observed by SEM in the charged electrodes. The same is observed for all other catalyzed electrodes studied within this report. 48 .......................................................... .. (b) and BSCF-catalyzed (a) on performed subtraction Figure 14: Examples of background LaCrO 3 -catalyzed electrodes at 4.0 VLi. Little change is observed in the final current (Net activity of electrode), which highlights the negligible magnitude of parasitic currents compared to actual Li 20 2 -oxidation currents. Negligible and featureless current curves of the electrode with no Li 2 0 2 compared to electrode with Li 2 0 2 confirms that the observed performance of peroxide packed electrodes is due to effective oxidation of Li 2 02. ...... . . 49 Figure 15: Potentiostatic electrochemical performance of perovskite-catalyzed electrodes (perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion = 3:1:1:1 mass ratio) at 4.0 VLi (carbon content = 0.21±0.05 mg cm-2). (a, b) Mass-specific activity of electrodes with BSCF, LaNiO 3, LaMnO 3+6 , LaCrO 3 and LaFeO 3 compared to an uncatalyzed Vulcan carbon electrode (Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion = 1:1:1 mass ratio). An increase in the 50 electrode current output is observed after addition of the perovskites. ........................... nafion Figure 16: (a) Catalyst area-specific activity of (Perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated = 3:1:1:1 mass ratio) versus filling of eg* antibonding orbital. (b) Area-specific activity of 10 (Perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion = 3:1:1:1 mass ratio) electrodes normalized to the combined [Carbon+Catalyst]-total surface area. The average area-specific activity of baseline carbon is added (dotted line). Activities of LaCrO 3 and Bao 5Sro 5 Coo8Feo.20 3 are well above that of baseline carbon, which proves their activity cannot be explained by mere surface area effects but rather actual catalysis. Catalytic effects from LaNiO 3 , LaMnO 3+6 , LaFeO 3 , and La 0 .5Cao. 5FeO 3-6 are less unambiguous, and considered comparable to carbon, considering experimental errors.................................. 50 Figure 17: (a) Mass-specific activity vs. potential for LaCrO 3, BSCF compared to Au/C, Pt/C, Ru/C (Pt,Ru,Au:Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 = 0.66:1:1; Perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li202 = 3:1:1, mass ratios) and VC-only reported previously 24 (b): Surface-area specific activity vs. potential for the same electrodes. Considering that there is ~12 to 20 times more surface area in the noble metal electrodes (~60 m 2 catalytic/gcarbon) compared to the perovskite electrodes (3-5 m2catalytic/gcarbon), the present activity of LaCrO 3 and BSCF is close to that of Pt/C and Ru/C on a surface area basis. Tafel slopes are ~250 mV/decades..................... 51 Figure 18: Linear sweep voltammetry following an hour long discharge at 2.25 V. Figure and caption adapted from Figure 2e of reference [65]. Copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag 54 Gm bH & Co. K GaA , W einheim ........................................................................................ Figure 19: (a) Primitive hexagonal unit cell of Li 20 2 (space group P6 3 /mmc 6 6 ). (b) Primitive face 58 centered cubic unit cell of Li 20 (space group Fm3m 68). ..................................................... Figure 20: Atomic supercells of Li 20 2 used in DFT-simulation of Li2 0 2. Oxygen and lithium ions are represented by red and green spheres respectively. The blue sphere depicts the 65 location of introduced oxygen vacancies during simulation............................................. Figure 21: Atomic supercells of Li 2 0 used in DFT-simulation. Oxygen and lithium ions are represented by red and green spheres respectively. The black sphere depicts the location of 66 introduced Li vacancies during sim ulation........................................................................ In a) XRD; in situ by investigated Figure 22: Temperature dependent phase evolution of Li 20 2 situ scanning at 50'C steps from 25'C to 700 'C and back to 25'C (Coarse XRD); b) In situ scanning at 10'C steps from 200 'C to 400 *C (Fine XRD). Crystallographic peaks are 70 coded by colors: blue: Li 2 0 2 , red: Li 20 and black: LiOH. ................................................ 700*C to 25"C from steps at 50'C Li O of XRD in situ coarse 20 range to 60' Figure 23: Full 30 2 2 71 an d b ack to 2 5'C ................................................................................................................... Figure 24: Evolution of species lattice parameters during thermal decomposition of Li 2 0 2 . a) a and c parameters of Li 2 0 2 and Li 20 during heating from room temperature to 700 'C. Lattice parameters of Li 2 0 2 between 200 'C and 300 'C (square symbol) are collected in a separate experiment at 10 'C temperature steps (fine XRD). Notice the lattice shrinkage of Li 20 2 from its expanded state in the vicinity of the phase transformation temperature (~280'C). b) Experimental c/a ratios in Li 2 0 2 during thermal treatment compared to DFTsimulated c/a ratios as a function of oxygen vacancies. Trend match in c/a ratios from experiment and DFT suggests that thermal treatment of Li 2 0 2 results in formation of oxygen vacancies between 280 'C and 310 *C prior to phase change. Comparison of DFT and XRD-extracted lattice parameters are strictly interpreted in terms of trends and not ........ .................. 72 quantitatively. . . . ..................................................................................... Figure 25: (a) Calculated Li 2 0 2 total energy vs. unit cell volume with GGA-PBE in this work. The corresponding bulk modulus and the first pressure derivative of the bulk modulus of Li 2 0 2 at zero pressure fit with third-order Birch-Murnaghan equations of state are 71.12 and 4.30 GPa respectively. (b) Calculated volumetric thermal expansion coefficients 11 between T=27~327 *C at zero external pressure based on the quasi-harmonic Debye model. 67 DFT data were obtained in collaboration with Dr. Yueh-Lin Lee in the 73 electrochem ical energy laboratory................................................................................... Figure 26: Experimental lattice volume change in Li 2 0 2 (referenced to the expanded lattice volume at 280 'C) during thermal treatment compared to DFT-simulated lattice volume change as a function of oxygen vacancies. In the same fashion as the experimental and calculated c/a ratios, a good trend match is found between the experimental and calculated volume changes that confirm the formation of oxygen vacancies in Li 202 close to the conversion temperature. DFT data were obtained in collaboration with Dr. Yueh-Lin Lee in 75 the electrochem ical energy laboratory ............................................................................... Figure 27: Temperature dependent phase and lattice evolution in Li 2 0 investigated by in situ XRD. a) Li 20 remains stable, experiencing a fairly linear thermal expansion (29.2- 10-6 K-) from 25 'C to 700 'C (commercial Li 2 0). b) The lattice parameters of Li 20 from phase transformation of Li 2 0 2 remained noticeably lower than those of commercial Li 20 between 300 0C and 550 'C suggesting a lithium-deficient Li 2-6 0 phase (see Figure 29 for DFT calculated lattice parameters of Li-deficient Li 2 O) that progressively reaches Li 2 0stoichiometry with increasing temperature. Error bars are the reliability factors generated by the Fullprof software reflecting uncertainty in the profile fitting...................................... 76 Figure 28: Full 30 to 700 20 range coarse in situ XRD scans of Li 20 at 50'C steps from 25'C to 77 700'C and back to 25'C ................................................................................................... a function Figure 29: Dark blue: ratio of lattice parameters of Li 2 0 formed from Li 2 0 2 (adefect as of temperature) decomposition to those of commercial Li 2 0 (astoich as a function of temperature). Light blue: ratio of DFT-simulated lattice parameters of Li-defective LizO to those of DFT-simulated stoichiometric Li 2 0. A good trend match these ratios is found that supports the postulate of a lithium deficient phase of Li 20 being formed at initial stages of decomposition of Li 2 0 2 to Li 20, which gradually becomes stoichiometric. DFT data were obtained in collaboration with Dr. Yueh-Lin Lee in the electrochemical energy laboratory. 78 .......................................................... Figure 30: XPS spectra of lithium-oxygen compounds used in this study. The dotted red lines mark the position of the main LiOH peak in Li Is and 0 Is according to literature references. 6,97 The LiOH material is covered by Li 2CO 3 and therefore appears shifted in the 0 Is and Li Is photoemission regions compared to the literature values. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT 80 electrochem ical energy laboratory.................................................................................... Figure 31: Temperature dependent in situ XPS spectra of Li 2 0 2 pellet in (a) C Is, (b) Ols, and (c) Li Is regions. Atomic percentage of C, 0, and Li in Li 2 0 2 , Li 2 CO 3 and Li 20 obtained from quantitative component analysis of (d) C Is, (e) Ols, and (f) Li Is spectra. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT 81 electrochem ical energy laboratory................................................................................... Figure 32: Discharge curve for Vulcan carbon electrode discharged at 100mA/gcarbon in 0.1 M LiClO 4 in DME to -1600 mAh/gcarbon. XPS spectra of this electrode is presented in Figure 33. XRD profile of a similarly discharged vulcan carbon electrode is reported by Lu et al.5 and shows the presence of Li 2 0 2 . XRD does not probe the thin surface Li 2 CO 3 layer present 83 in this discharged electrode............................................................................................... Figure 33: XPS spectra comparing electrochemically formed Li 2 0 2 (in a discharged carbon Li-0 2 electrode) to Li 2 0 2 heated to 350 *C. Carbonate formation via chemical in presence of 12 carbon-containing species likely contributes to the formation of Li 2 CO 3 . XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT 84 electrochem ical energy laboratory................................................................................... (c) and Ols, (b) Is, C (a) in Figure 34: Temperature dependent in situ XPS spectra of Li 20 pellet Li Is regions. Atomic percentage of C, 0, and Li in Li 2 0 2 , Li 2 CO 3 and Li 2 0 obtained from quantitative component analysis of (d) C Is, (e) 01s, and (f) Li Is spectra. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT 85 electrochem ical energy laboratory.................................................................................... 290.0 at Figure 35: Temperature dependent in situ XPS of Li 20 pellet calibrated to Li 2CO 3 peak eV above 300 *C. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi87 Chun Lu in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. .................................................. 13 List of Tables Table 1: Literature values for Li20 2 -oxidation activities under various cell conditions ........... 28 Table 2: SEM calculated particles size and surface areas of the perovskites investigated..... 41 Table 3: Examples of activity reversal patterns from Li 20 2-OER to H2 0-OER found in literature. 53 ............................................................................................................................................... Table 4: Theoretical overpotentials for Li 20 2-oxidation as a function of surface orientation. 54 Table data adapted from reference [64]............................................................................ Table 5: Literature data of Li 2 0 2 phase transformation under various heating conditions ..... 59 Table 6: Lattice vectors of the simulated Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0 supercells. 51 , i,6, and jp are the lattice vectors of the Li 20 2 8-atom (Li 2 0 12-atom) primitive cell represented with the lattice parameters of a = 3.183 A and c = 7.726 A (a(Li2O)= 4.65 A) -LiO0 -LiO0 i 0 and cel cll' cell' 2 form. vector Cartesian the in (a p2 b 2 , and j 2) 20 0 Li SLi202 64-atom cell' 64-atom cell' -b 2 64-atom cell are the lattice vectors of the Li 2 0 -110 110 -D1,0 -D 0 2 32-atom and 64-atom -D 0 2 the Li20 23 2 2 cell are aeUeL cell', 96-atom b 96-atom d6-atom cell' , b c 48-atom cell and an 5'2 2 lattice vectors of the 48-atom and 96-atom supercells, respectively. All the supercells are constructed by linear combination of the primitive cell lattice vectors............................ 67 and 5%'2 Supercells, a482 atom suerelsan cell', '% 4-ao cell' , 14 15 1 Introduction and backgrounds 1.1 Motivation Curtailing global warming and achieving national energy security by lowering dependence on foreign oil are pressing challenges for almost all nations today. The United States import approximately 55% of its crude oil consumption. The transportation sector in the United States accounts for ~70% of the nation's petroleum consumption and 30% of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions as of 2012.2 Therefore, introduction of C0 2-free fully-electric (EV) and reduced emission hybrid (HEV) vehicles to replace hydrocarbon-burning internal combustion engines would help reduce the nation dependence on oil import and lower atmospheric CO 2 down to its safe level of 350 ppm.3 However, market penetration of electric vehicles is confronted with prohibitive costs (greater than $600 kWh' at the pack level) and low energy per unit weight (~120-200 Wh kg') of current state-of-art lithium-ion batteries resulting in typical ranges below 300 miles. 4 1.2 Li-0 2 batteries: advantages and working principles Rechargeable lithium-oxygen (Li-0 2) batteries have the potential to provide gravimetric energy three times or greater that of conventional Li-ion batteries 45 . The advantage of Li-0 2 systems stems from their anticipated lighter weight as the heavier transition metal intercalation materials in Li-ion are replaced by a light porous cathode structure. As shown by Yi-Chun et al.6 (Figure 1), replacement of the typical LiCoO 2 in a Li-ion setting with Li 20 2 formation in a Li-0 2 setting could triple the expected gravimetric energy density of a cell using metallic lithium anode. Although, more moderate gains are calculated for the volumetric energy density and both gravimetric and volumetric densities using a LiC 6 cathode. In practice, laboratory Li-0 2 cathodes 16 have demonstrated gravimetric power and energy approximately threefold that of several typical Li-ion battery materials (Figure 2)6, albeit without important caveat discussed later. Altogether, the Li-0 2 electrochemistry holds obvious advantages over Li-ion that justify the current scientific interest. 2500 2500 2384..lo f2000 -2000 2040 2002 1500 1500 LL 1000 > 99 1000 L LL 500o 600 E E a 0 0 >LICoO. UL20 2 LICoO. LIA 4 2 Figure 1: Estimated gravimetric and volumetric energy density of LiCoO 2 and 02 (Li 2O2 ) as the positive electrode with carbon (C6) or Li as the negative electrode. The cell voltages used for CLiCoO 2 , C-Li 2 0 2 , Li-LiCoO 2 , and Li-Li2 0 2 are 3.7 V, 2.45 V, 4.0 V, and 2.75 V, respectively. Neither catalyst, carbon, nor electrolyte were included in the calculation for 02 cells. The positive electrode (LiCo0 2 or Li 2 0 2 ) is assumed to be lithiated and an additional two times excess lithium is used as the lithium negative electrode. Figure and caption reproduced from Ref. [6] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry. The structure of Li-0 2 cells is fundamentally described as a stack of metallic lithium anode, an electrolyte layer, and an oxygen and electrolyte permeable porous cathode (typically carbon although a nanoporous structure of gold has been demonstrated 7). The discharge reaction in an Li-0 2 battery is the reduction of 02 with lithium ions to form an oxide of lithium. (Figure 3, left): (1) 2Li + 02 <- Li 2 0 2 at 2.96 V8'9 ; or lithium oxide (2) 4Li + Only Li 2 0 2 is confirmed upon discharge of Li-0 2 cells1 0 12 . Recharge 02 ++2Li 2 0 at 2.91 V8 ' 9 . of the battery results in the decomposition of the Li 2O2 deposit regenerating the lithium metal anode and clearing the 17 cathode structure for subsequent discharge (Figure 3, right). Mechanistic studies have shown that 013 formation of Li 2 0 2 proceeds through the sequence shown schematically below.1 ' b 02 02+e- I +Li+ +Li02 LiO 2 r UNi Mn.0 WI Disproportionation 2Li02 FHPC Graphene [17]: 2 CNF (16] S103 \ LiFePOe VC[ 102 Super P [14) P-ZMnOJKB (13] 10 103o Gravimetric Energy (WhIkg .,) 102 4 Figure 2: Ragone plot comparing gravimetric energy and power of Li-ion (LiCoO2 , LiFePO4,-and LiNio5 Mno ,O 2 and Li-0 2 positive electrodes tested in non-carbonate electrolytes and normalized to the positive active electrode weight only. Li-0 2 electrodes include Vulcan Carbon (VC), carbon nanofibers (CNF), Super P carbon, freestanding hierarchically porous carbon (FHPC graphene), and pristine NaoMnO 2 nanowires/Ketjen Black (P-Z-MnO 2/KB). The Li-0 2 values were normalized to the weight of the electrode in the discharged state (C + Li 20 2 or C + catalyst + Li 20 , excluding binder) and were calculated based on the reported average discharge voltage and total gravimetric capacity (for energy) or current (power). The upper limit in the gravimetric energy of Li 20 2 was calculated assuming a discharge voltage of 2.75 VU. Figure and caption reproduced from Ref. [6] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry. 2 Little experimental evidence has been found for the strict reversal of the above sequence during recharge and a direct two-electron decomposition of Li 2 O2 is postulated to explain experimental observations.' 0 Yi-Chun et al.' 4 proposed that initial stage of recharge proceeds though delithiation of the Li 2 0 2 surface to arrive at LiO 2 which subsequently disproportionate to oxygen. On the other hand, the bulk of Li 2O2 appears to go undergo a two-phase (solid Li 20 2 directly to 02 gas) decomposition characterized by a plateau during galvanostatic charging. 18 e e Negative Electrode Electrolyte Positive Electrode Negative Electrode Electrolyte Positive Electrode 2Li'+2e-+0 2 - Li2 0 Li20 2 2 -2Li' +2e- +02 Figure 3: Schematic of the discharge (left) and charge (right) of a Li-0 2 electrochemical cell. Promising gravimetric energy densities notwithstanding, the Li-0 2 system face severe obstacles to becoming industrially viable. Extensive research efforts have been devoted to improving the performance of Li-0 2 batteries including round-trip efficiency 5 , power capability5 and cycle life7'1'17". An additional road block is the instability of common organic carbonate and ethers used as electrolyte solvents most laboratory cells. The round trip efficiency of Li-0 2 batteries is of particular interest in the present thesis. 1.3 Challenges in Li-0 2 batteries 1.3.1 Inadequate power capability The geometric power capability of Li-0 2 batteries is a major disadvantage with regard to their application in designing EVs. In fact, while Li-ion cells can easily deliver 30 mW cm-2 , current laboratory Li-0 2 batteries will only offer -0.3-3 mW cm-2 with severe decay in cell 19 voltage as current is increased.1 8 Cell voltage was found to drop from 2.7 V to 2.4 V when geometric current is increased from 0.05 mA cm 2 to ~1 mA cm-2 on Vulcan carbon (uncatalyzed) cathodes. 5 The observed low power of Li-0 2 batteries has been attributed to electron transfer limitations stemming from the highly insulating discharge product Li 20 2. Measurements performed by Viswanathan et al.19 suggest a conductivity on the order of 10-12 S-cm 1 for the electrochemically formed Li 20 2.6 The picoSiemens range conductivity results in ~0.1 V drop in voltage for every nanometer of Li 20 2 formed and corroborate the rapid drop in discharge plateau as rate is increased.5 Resistive Li 2 0 2 is not the only limitation to higher rates, however. The kinetics of Li 20 2 formation are also sluggish and contribute significantly to increased overpotential at moderate rates. 1.3.2 Inadequate cycle life Laboratory Li-0 2 cells have not been cycled beyond 100 cycles and the moderate cycling 20 (10-50 cycles) reported resulted in substantial decline in cell capacities.16, Although recent work by Peng and coworkers 7 demonstrates cycling up to 100 cycles, said Li-0 2 cells required a cathode of noble nanoporous gold which sacrifices storage density and large scale economic feasibility. The short cycling stability of Li-0 2 cathodes which are mainly based on carbon matrices is shown to result from permanent deposit of parasitic carbonates from carbon corrosion and electrolyte decomposition. 2 ' Viable Li-0 2 technology is thereby far from the 1000-cycles target for 10 years of service-life in electric vehicles set by the U.S Advanced Battery Consortium. Nonetheless, cycle life is secondary to efficiency, power, and storage capability; an optimally operating cell needs be developed prior to resolving cycling. 20 1.3.3 Inadequate round trip efficiencies: a combination of slow kinetics and parasitic chemistries in Li-0 2 cells Sluggish electrochemical kinetics The discharge reaction proceeds with a Tafel slopes of 150 mV decades- 23 while recharge displays -250 mV-decades-' with and without catalysts. 2 4 The Tafel slope is extracted from the following equation (Eq 1) characterizing the kinetics of electrochemical reactions on surfaces at sufficiently high overpotentials: a77 Blog(i) (Eq 1) 2.3-RT a-n-F where il, i, R, T, a, n, and F are, in that order, the overpotential, the electrical current, the ideal gas constant, the process temperature, the transfer coefficient of the reaction, the number of electrons involved in the rate limiting step, and Faraday's constant. This formula suggests a Tafel slope of -60 mV-decades-1 for one-electron reactions and -30 mV-decades-I for 2-electrons reactions at room temperature and assuming a maximum transfer coefficient of one.2 5 The Tafel slope values reported in Li-0 2 cells are much larger than values predicted from the above formula given the fact the maximum number of electrons involved in the formation of Li 2 0 2 or Li 20 would be two. These large Tafel slopes point to either very low transfer coefficients (in the order of 0.2-0.4 on discharge and 0.1-0.3 on recharge) or more complex coupled electron transfers and chemical reactions that deviate from the Tafel description. We note that the small transfer coefficients could be explained by the large changes in material phase from gas to solid during discharge and vice versa during charge in the framework of the Marcus theory. The apparent insensitivity of the large Tafel slopes to catalysis23 2 4 suggests that gains in efficiency would have to be achieved through increase of surface exchange current densities, denoted by i0 21 in the Butler-Volmer equation (Eq 2) below. This observation, in turn points to catalysis, the traditional means of enhancing exchanging currents in electrochemistry. nF i = i0 [e-aIi _ - nF1a 1]2 25 (Eq 2) Sluggish kinetics are certainly major contributors to the large voltage hysteresis between discharge and charge at rather low applied rates. However, it is worth noting that the sluggish kinetics cannot be entirely decoupled from the formation of parasitic products during operation of Li-0 2 cells. Carbonate formation due to the organic solvent of the electrolyte Owing to their close similarity with lithium ion batteries (Li-ion), Li-0 2 research employed much of the same carbonate-based organic aprotic electrolytes. However, in contrast to Li-ion batteries which are based on the intercalation/deintercalation of lithium cations within accommodating material structures, discharge of Li-0 2 cells proceeds through the cathodic reduction of molecular oxygen by electrons from a lithium anode to superoxide 02; The strong nucleophile superoxide26,27 attacks positive positively charged centers of the aprotic solvents in the absence of protons, resulting in the poor stability of carbonate solvent2 8 otherwise stable in the superoxide-free Li-ion batteries. In fact, the superoxide formed during the first reaction step is highly reactive towards most organic carbonates such as propylene carbonate (PC), ethylene carbonate (EC), Dimethyl carbonate (DMC), and ethyl-methyl carbonate (EMC)29-32 and also 33 ethers such as tetraglyme (TEGDME), 1,3-dioxylane, 2-methyltetrahydrofuran . Chemical reduction of the electrolyte solvent by superoxide anions in presence of lithium cations results in excessive formation of Li 2 CO 3 , C 3 H6(OCO 2 Li) 2 , HCO 2Li, CH 3CO 2Li, esters, C0 2 , and H2 0 in lieu of the desired Li 20232, 33 . Although ethers such as glymes and dimethoxyethane are found more stable towards reduction by the superoxide 34' 35, steady buildup of unwanted solvent 22 degradation products occurs during cycling of Li-0 2 cells (Figure 4).2'3 The presence of unwanted discharge products from degradation of the electrolyte solvent impedes fundamental investigation of the Li 20 2 decomposition during recharge. *1 I 4 0 z 30 Photon Energy 540 535 545 55 Photon Energy (eV) (eV) L i O a "LoW" capacity (-1000 mAhIg) 'igh- capacity (-4700 mAWge) 0 282 294 Photon Energy Morphology on First Discharge (V) Figure 4: (a) 0 K-edge FY, (b) 0 K-edge TEY, and (c) C K-edge TEY/FY XANES spectra of electrodes discharged to 1000 (at 250 mA- g1carbon) and 4700 mAh-g Carbon (at 100 mA - g1Carbon) on the 1st discharge. The reference spectra of commercial Li2 0 2 (90%, Sigma Aldrich), commercial Li 2 CO 3 (99%, Alfa Aesar), and pristine VACNTs (FY for C K-edge) are included. (d) Schematic of discharge products formed at low and high capacity on VACNTs on the 1st discharge. Figure and caption reproduced from figure 3 of reference [21]; Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. 23 Carbonate formation due to the carbon support used in most cathode structures Formation of lithium-carbonate compounds in the Li-0 2 is not limited to the decomposition products of carbonate and ether electrolyte solvents (designation: electrolyteLi 2 CO 3 ). Using X-ray photoelectron 3 ' and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy 2', it has been reported that reaction of Li 2 0 2 (or LiO 2 ) with the carbon matrix of the cathode is responsible for the formation of about a monolayer of Li 2 CO 3 (designation: C-Li 2CO 3) at the immediate interface of the solid discharge deposit. The presence of this monolayer during subsequent recharge is possibly responsible for a 10-100 fold decrease in the exchange current at the carbonjLi 2 0 2 interface.3 1 This Li 2CO 3-layer fundamentally changes the surface of the cathode structure, impacting cycle life and performance. Formation of parasitic Li-salt reaction products Thus far, it has been made clear that formation of Li 2 0 2 during discharge of Li-0 2 batteries is undesirably accompanied , often superseded, by formation of lithium carbonates and alkyl-carbonates which negatively affect reaction kinetics, increasing overpotentials and reducing round trip efficiencies and cell cyclability. It is also the case that Li-0 2 batteries suffer a third parasitic reaction pathway due to the nucleophilic nature of the superoxide anions formed on discharge. Common lithium battery electrolyte salts such as lithium bis(oxalato)borate, lithium perchlorate, lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, and lithium hexafluorophosphate are found to decompose to form parasitic deposits (Li 2 C2 0 4 , LiB 3 0 5 , LiCl, LiF)36,37 24 Low round trip efficiencies Altogether, of Li-0 discharge using batteries 2 currently available electrolytes compositions results in the formation of Li/solvent, Li/carbon and Li/salt parasitic species arising mostly from the reactive nature of the superoxide anion inevitably formed during discharge. These unwanted discharge products adversely affect the kinetics of discharge/charge of Li-0 2 batteries and reduce cyclability. For qualitative estimation of the effects of the parasitic reaction products on the kinetics of Li-0 2 batteries, the Gibbs free energies of formation of Li 20 2 , Li 20, 3 8 39 Li 2 CO 3 and LiCH 3CO 2 at standard temperature and pressure are provided below. ' 2Li + 02 2Li + 02 2Li + C + (Reaction 1) L i 2 02 AGf(Li 2 02) = -571.91 kJ/mol _ Li 2 0 2 AGf(Li 2 0 2 ) # 2 02 = -561.91 kJ/mol - L i2 CO3 AGf(Li 2 CO3 ) Li + 2C + 3H + 02 - LiCH3 C0 2 = (Reaction 2) -1132.1 kJ/mol AGy(LiCH 3 CO 2 ) = -663.6 kj/mol (Reaction 3) (Reaction 4) Thermodynamically, these larger free energies of the parasitic discharge products suggest that the presence of Li 2 CO 3 and LiCH 3 CO 2 in the electrode will increase the required overpotential for recharge (products decomposition) of the Li-0 2 cells. This assessment is substantiated experimentally by Freunberger and coworkers 32 by charging of the above-mentioned four main carbonate parasitic species (Figure 5b). By preloading a super P/a-MnO 2/Kynar cathode with commercially obtained Li 2 CO 3 , C 3 H6 (OCO 2 Li)2 , HCO 2Li, or CH 3CO 2 Li, and charging thus assembled Li-0 2 cells at 70 mA-g1 Carbon in IM LiPF 6/PC, the authors report charging potentials of ~3.8-4.2 V for Li2 CO 3 , ~3.75 V for HCO 2 Li, -3.8V-4.0 V for CH 3CO 2Li and -3.5-3.8 V for C 3 H 6(OCO 2 Li) 2 . Notably, the charging of those compounds releases copious amounts of CO 2 , H2 and H2 0 (Figures 5c-f). Those decomposition voltages are much greater than the 3.5-3.65 V range found for oxidation of Li 2 0 2 in the same type of cathodes.4 0 25 a b A U C 10, 45 4 ........ 105:... a te 3 C 1 ... SC H2 .... 2.521 0 10 0.5 01 H2O .. I 0 10 20 30 40 50 CO2..20 Mass (m/z) (/) Normalized capacity Uformated1 010 - n0 r 10 ~ co2 2 0 H2 Qu2CJ3 10-10L io U 0 10-10 102030 405 0 10 0 1------------Mass (emz) ---. Mass (mz) 5 a --- -- 20304050 iupropyl di carbonate 0c pristine electrode 0 2000 500 1000 1500 Wavenumber (cm- ) )time u 0 0 250 200 400 600 800 (mn) 1000 1200 1400 Figure 5: Composite electrodes (Super P/a-MnO2 /Kynar) that contain the discharge products individually were subjected to charging in 1 M LiPF 6 in propylene carbonate under02. (a) FTIR spectra of the as-prepared electrodes and the charged electrodes for each of the compounds, together with the spectrum of a pristine electrode. (b) The corresponding charging curves at 70 rnAg1Cabon. Since the theoretical capacities of the different compounds vary, to aid comparison the capacities are all normalized to unity (theoretical capacities: Li propyl dicarbonate 1000 remol; CH 3 C 2 Li 750 mAhgCbonI e 0AgCasbon 2 elmol; Li 2 C 3 1500 mAgs'Cbod 2 /mol; HC0 2 Li 750 mA h/g, le-/mol). (c-e) MS gas analysis at the end of charging under 02 Of CH 3 CO 2 Li (C), C 3 H6 (0 fragments (d), and HC0 2 Li (e). Note that unmarked peaks arise from and Ar. (D)Gas evolution measured by DBMS on oxidation of a 2 Li)2 Of C0 2 , H 2 0, 02, composite electrode containing Li 2 CO 3 in response to a stepwise increased current under Ar. Figure and caption reproduced from Figure 5 of reference [32]; Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society. McCloskey et al. 31find from first approximation electrochemical and charge transfer modeling that C-Li2 CO 3 would decrease the exchange current density during charge by a factor of 10 to 100 just as the electrolyte-Li2CO3 would also drive up required charging overpotentials. A 26 similar finding appears in the work of Albertus et al. 4 ' who find an exponential increase in cathode resistance with increasing deposit of materials likely of carbonate nature. Low round trip efficiencies in Li-0 2 cells is a cumulative consequence the low power capability from resistive Li 20 2 , slow kinetics of reduction and oxidation, and the pervasive formation of parasitic products. Current efficiencies reported in the literature have not exceeded 80%, even under catalysis from noble metals to transition metal oxide. 16 ,24 ,40 ,42 ,43 Most energetic losses occur on charge. Power (energy) loss on discharge is ~12% of the stored energy (most discharge occur around 2.6 V at rates of ~70-100 mA-g'ICarbon (0.1 pA-cm- 2carbon) with little variation from catalysts4 3 and cell OCV is 2.95 V for Li 20 2 formation) compared to an average of 30% excess energy input required on charge (charging typically requires ~4 V and above using uncatalyzed porous carbon cathodes). E icicencydischarge = Thermodynamic stored energy - Dischargeenergy Thermodynamic stored energy 77discharge = Eff icienc arge = dreg . 100% - 12% (Eq 3) Chargeenergy - Thermodynamic stored energy 100% Thermodynamic stored energy = lcharge- 100% = 30% (Eq 4) Erey It is thus logical that short term efficiency improvement efforts be directed towards catalyzing the oxidation of Li 2O 2 (charging) which displays much worse kinetics compared to discharge. Significant resources have been devoted to identifying such reaction promoters for the recharge of Li-0 2 battery as summarized in Table 1. 27 Catalyst Electrolyte used Rate (mA g~ Charging voltage Carbon) (V) -3.6-3.7 Pt/NC Ru/NC Au/NC -3.6-3.7 0.1 M LiClO4 1,2 Dimethoxyethane -4.2 Vulcan Carbon (VC) -4.1 SP/a-MnO 2 NW SP/ a-MnO 2 bulk SP/EMD -3.55 -3.7 -3.7 -3.85 -4.0 -4.12 -4.15 SP/Co3 0 4 SP/CuO SP/NiO SP/a-Fe 2 0 3 Super P (SP) SS/Fe 30 4 1 M LiPF 6 Propylene carbonate 70 -4.25 -3.8 ~4.25 -4.35 -4.25 -4.75 -4.0 1 M LiPF 6 Propylene carbonate Li-0 2 cell (Carbon/Catalyst 4=3 4 4 95/2.5 molar ratio) ' Li-0 2 cell (Carbon/Catalyst 95/2.5 molar ratio)45 -3.83 44 MnO 2 -4.0 KB/Pristine Nao. 4 4 MnO2 Ketjen black (KB) KB/Lead ruthenate KB/Bismuth ruthenate Ketjen Carbon (KB) Li 2 0 2-prefilled (SP/Catalyst/Li202 = 40 1/1.7/1 mass ratio) -4.0 KB/Acid leached Nao Li 20 2-prefilled (VC/Catalyst/Li202= 1/0.66/1 mass ratio) 24 -4.3 SS/Co 3 04 SS/CuO SS/CoFe 2 04 SS/EMD Super S (SS) SP/a-MnO 2 NW SP/NiFe 20 4 (183m 2/g) Cathode structure -4.15 -4.0 -4.0 -4.2 1 M LiPF 6 TEGDME KB/ 20.1 La 1 .7Cao. 3Nio. 75Cuo.2504 -3.62 Li-0 2 cell (KB/Catalyst = 1/0.4)46 Li-0 2 cell (KB/Catalyst = 1/1)47,48 Li 20 2-prefilled (KB/Catalyst/Li 20 2 = 1/0.3/0.3)49 Table 1: Literature values for Li20 2-oxidation activities under various cell conditions 28 29 2 Scope of this thesis 2.1 Thermal Stability Studies of Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 O The above introduction listed representative findings of a great many investigations of the Li-0 2 electrochemistry. The safety aspect of the rechargeable Li-0 2 batteries, which is one of the most important considerations in practical applications, has yet to be considered to date. In general, inorganic peroxides are highly reactive and may undergo violent decomposition reactions due to their weak 0-0 bonds50 . The activation energy for decomposition of the Li-0 2 discharge product, Li 2 0 2 , is reported at ~50 kcal/mole5 1 , in good agreement with reported decomposition enthalpies of most known, highly reactive peroxides such as K20250. Consequently, the thermal stability of the Li-0 2 reaction products, Li 2 0 2 and possibly Li 20, is of critical importance toward the realization of the practical Li-0 2 batteries. In the present thesis, we investigate the structural and chemical changes occurring in Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0 at elevated temperatures. This contribution is valuable to gaining basic initial insights into thermal behavior of Li-0 2 independently of the specific cathode structure chosen. Foreseeable extensions to this work are discussed. 2.2 Catalyzing the Li 2 O2-oxidation in Li-0 2 The round trip efficiency and rate capability of Li-0 2 batteries is undeniably a major and most noticeably considered obstacle to their practical application. The need to improve surface exchange current densities to boost charging rates invokes the use of catalysis. Efforts to enhance the Li 20 2 -oxidation have demonstrated that charging voltage can be lowered (as compared to pure carbon cathodes) using traditional noble metal catalysts as well as inexpensive metal oxides. Harding et al.2 4 demonstrated, using the same method utilized herein, that a two order of 30 magnitude increase in electrode activity could be achieved on charge using the noble metal catalysts platinum and ruthenium. More recently non-noble transition metal oxides have been used to influence both the charging of Li-0 2 cells 4 3 ,4 6 ,4 7 ,52 and Li 20 2-prefilled 4 0' 4 9 electrodes (Table 1). For example, MnO 246 (70 mA g-carbon, 1 M LiPF 6 tetraglyme, 3.8-4.0 VU charging), pyrochlores 47' 48 (70 mA g~1carbon, 1 M LiPF 6 tetraglyme , 3.9-4.0 VU charging), and La 1 .7 Cao. 3 Nio. 7 5Cuo.25 0 4 layered perovskite 4 9 (20 mA gIcarbon, 1 M LiTFSI tetraglyme, 3.62 VU charging) significantly decreased the oxidation potential of Li 2 0 2 . Nonetheless, the variety of testing conditions used (applied rates, cut-off voltages, the amount of Li 20 2 present in the electrodes prior to charging, electrolyte employed etc...) impedes potential understanding of the mechanics of Li2 0 2 -oxidation based on trends, a technique ubiquitously used in the study of aqueous oxygen reduction and evolution. 53-5 6 In this thesis, we employ the versatility of perovskite oxides and their advantage as a systematic catalyst system to investigate the Li 20 2 oxidation reaction with the goal of improving recharge rates and gaining mechanistic insights into oxygen evolution involved in the oxidation reaction. We begin with a report on results obtained on the catalysis of Li 2 0 2 oxidation by ABO 3-type perovskites. Later, we detail findings on the thermal transformation of Li 2 0 2 and Li 20 at elevated temperatures. 31 32 3 Catalyzing the Li 2 O2-oxidation in Li-0 2 batteries using ABO 3-type perovskites 3.1 ABO 3-Perovskites as a self-consistent platform for systematic study of Li 2 O2-oxidation in Li-0 2 cells Investigation of the H2 0-oxidation in aqueous 0.1 M KOH by Suntivich et al. 53 provides an immediate set of candidate catalysts for the systematic study of the Li 2 0 2-oxidation reaction involved in the charging of Li-0 2 batteries. Such systematic study has the potential of not only revealing fundamental processes involved Li 2 O2-decomposition but also material descriptors for guided search of future high-activity catalysts. Antibonding states e // Transition Metal 3d t2g* t OER / Oxygen 2p eg Bonding states Figure 6: Schematic of molecular orbital splitting of the transition metal 3d band engendered by hybridization of the metal 3d and oxygen 2p orbitals during adsorption. In their investigation, Suntivich et al. E take a molecular orbital approach to describe the oxygen-evolution (OER) activity of the perovskite oxides in aqueous 0.1 M KOH. More specifically, the electron distribution of the surface transition metal 3d into eg* antibonding orbitals (Figure 6) is found to describe the interaction strength of the perovskite with the 33 adsorbed oxygenated species during OER. This hypothesis led to a strong volcano correlation between the antibonding eg* occupancy of perovskites catalysts and their aqueous OER activity (Figure 7). The volcano correlation is proof that the antibonding eg* filling of the perovskite is a proxy to the strength of interaction of oxygenated adsorbates involved in the rate determining step (as defined in the Sabastier principle: neither too weak nor too strong binding of adsorbates for optimal heterogeneous catalysis). 1.4 , . . . , . , @ /= 50 ptA cm LaNIO3 15 1.6 LaCOO3 LaoCa 5MnO - LaMnu LaMnOW 1.7 BaSrCoWe2O3 LaCa.CoOH LaMnNi.O, La CaFeO LaMnOa LaCrO3 1.8 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 e, electron Figure 7: The relation between the OER catalytic activity, defined by the overpotentials at 50 RA cm 2,x of OER current, and the occupancy of the eg-symmetry electron of the transition metal (B in ABO 3). Data symbols vary with type of B ions (Cr, red; Mn, orange; Fe, beige; Co, green; Ni, blue; mixed compounds, purple), where x = 0, 0.25, and 0.5 for Fe. Error bars represent standard deviations of at least three independent measurements. The dashed volcano lines are shown for guidance only. Figure and caption adapted from reference [53]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. As seen in Figure 7, Bao. 5Sro.5Coo. 8Feo.20 3 (BSCF) was shown to have high activity toward H20oxidation in 0.1 M KOH aqueous media as a result of its optimal eg*-occupancy (eg ~ 1). The remaining perovskites with eg*-occupancy much less or much greater than one, display diminished activity compared to BSCF. Here, we systematically examine whether such a correlation exists for Li20 2-oxidation reaction in the relatively stable 0.1 M LiClO 4 DME 34 electrolyte using electrodes pre-packed with commercial Li 202.28, 5 7 This approach has many advantages as detailed in the experimental section. 35 36 3.2 Experimental It is clear that discharge and subsequent recharge of Li-0 2 batteries in available electrolytes would result in biased findings regarding the intrinsic electrochemistry of Li 20 2 oxidation. In the present work, we are concerned with probing the catalytic oxidation of Li 202 using perovskite catalysts. Consequently, we bypass the oxygen reduction step involved in the discharge (unequivocally identified as the primary source of non-Li 2O 2 byproducts) by preloading ex-situ chemically synthesized Li 20 2 . In so doing, we gain control over the amount of Li 2 0 2 loaded within each cathode structure (defined discharged state) under study. 0.3 - 5 * -%CO2 * 0.1 ,a 0 4 S 12 16 Time (hours) 20 24 Figure 8: Variations of charge voltage and gas compositions (helium not included) during the first charging process for the Li 20 2 /Fe30 4 /SP/PVDF electrode in a carbonate electrolyte. Figure and caption adapted from reference [58], with permission from Elsevier. Furthermore, the chemical nature (stoichiometry of the Li2 0 2 , eventual contaminants...) is maintained constant across the various cathodes compositions under investigation. We highlight here that oxidation of ex-situ synthesized Li2 0 2 manually loaded in a cathode structure has been shown to proceed with minimal side reactions, releasing molecular oxygen and benign amounts of CO 2 (only toward the end of recharge) 58 as shown with differential electrochemical mass 37 spectrometry (DEMS, Figure 8). The methodology allows a systematic performance comparison of various perovskite catalysts during the oxidation of Li 20 2. We hope that such a systematic study will inform later design of Li-0 2 batteries as progress is made towards discovery of more stable electrolytes. Vulcan carbon (VC-only) and five perovskites including LaCrO 3 , Bao. 5 Sro. 5 Co 0 .8Feo.2 0 3 (BSCF), LaNiO 3, LaMnO 3+6 , and LaFeO 3 (selected to span the meaningful range of eg-filling from eg = 0 to eg 2.0, Figure 7) were investigated. All perovskites and Li 20 2 (Alfa Aesar, Purity: > 90%, ball milled to -345 nm) powders were ball-milled separately using a planetary ball mill (Pulverisette 6, Fritsch Inc., sealed argon-filled zirconia crucible) at 500 rpm. Ballmilling of Li 2 O2 was performed with the crucible sealed in a "heat-seal" bag filled with argon. This measure is necessary to avoid reaction of the Li 2 0 2 with ambient moisture and CO 2 which would result in excessive formation of undesired surface Li 2 CO 3 and LiOH. Electrodes were synthesized by preloading the ball-milled commercial lithium peroxide (Li 20 2 , Alfa Aesar, Purity: > 90%) in the perovskite-catalyzed matrix of Vulcan carbon (Vulcan XC72, Premetek Inc., 100 m2. Carbon). 3.2.1 Synthesis of the perovskite oxides Two methods were used to obtain the perovskites investigated in the present thesis: coprecipitation and nitrates combustion. All methods have been reported previously, therefore, are described briefly below. Co-precipitation": This method was used for the synthesis of LaCrO 3, LaNiO 3 and LaMnO 3+6 . Nitrates of lanthanum and the transition metal (99.98%, Alfa Aesar) were mixed in de-ionized water (Milli- Q water, 18 MQ-cm) at metal molar ratio of 1:1 and total concentration of 0.2 M. The solution 38 was subsequently titrated using an aqueous 1.2 M solution of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (100%, Alfa Aesar) resulting in precipitation. The precipitate was then filtered and collected to dry. Finally, the precipitate powder is heat treated in a tube oven at -1000 'C under dry air for approximately 10 hours. Nitrate combustion5: This method was used for the synthesis of Bao.5 Sro.5 Coo. 8Feo.2 0 3 and LaFeO 3 . Nitrates of the rare earth and transition metal cations (Sigma Aldrich, >99.99%) were mixed in a 2000 mL beaker at the required molar ratios of cations and total metal concentration of 0.2 M. Approximately, 0.1 M glycine was added to the mixture and homogenized using a magnetic stir plate. The mixture was heated until full evaporation of the water, followed by combustion of the solid deposit within the beaker on the heating plate. The powder was collected and heat treated under dry air at ~1000 'C for 24 hours in a tube furnace. Investi2atingz phase purity of the perovskite by X-ray diffraction Purity of the synthesized perovskites was investigated using a PANanalytical X'Pert ProTM X-ray diffractometer with copper Ka wavelength (k = 1.5418). All obtained materials were confirmed to be optimally pure (Figure 9). Some minor impurities estimated below 1% of the total perovskite phase were observed for LaCrO 3 and LaMnO 3 and are not expected to influence the subsequent electrochemical studies. 39 - -J - A A 20 40 30 LaFeO 3 50 20 CuKa A BSCF ....... --k LaM nO3 A /-'LaCrO 3 -- 1 80 60 70 Figure 9: Phase purity of as-synthesized perovskites investigated by X-ray diffraction. Optimal purity of each perovskite is observed. Minor impurity phases estimated to less than 1% (peaks not very visible from scaling) were detected for LaCrO 3 and LaMnO 3. 3.2.2 Electrode ink preparation Carbon, perovskite oxide catalyst, Li 20 2 , and lithium-exchanged nafion binder (Ion Power USA, LITHion TM , 7.2 wt% binder) were homogenized in isopropanol (IPA) by probe pulse sonication at 40 W for an hour (Figure 10) inside an argon-filled glovebox (MBraun Inc., H2 0 0.1 ppm and 02 < < 1 ppm). Component mass ratios were set to perovskite:vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion binder = 3:1:1:1 (carbon content = 0.21±0.05 mg cm-2). The high mass loading of the catalysts was chosen to compensate for the low surface areas of available perovskites (Table 2) in order to resolve the effect of the perovskites on the Li 20 2-oxidation. In the case of Vulcan-only electrodes, mass ratios were set by simply omitting the perovskite from 40 the electrode to have Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion binder = 1:1:1. The viscous slurry thus obtained was then casted on an aluminum foil. Carbon C 1X C§ O 0 0---Tip Oxide Cat. 3X sonication L 1X O0 L Li2 0 2 L LiNafion iX ,- O 40 W pulses L. 1hour L & Mixing in ~2 mL isopropanol Figure 10: Schematic of electrode ink preparation. Component mass ratios were set to perovskite:vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion binder = 3:1:1:1 (carbon content = 0.21 0.05 mg cm-2). Oxide BSCF64.2L9 LaMnO dvia (nm) Surface Area (m /g ) 574.53 1.821 LaNiO 3 206.114.8 LaFeO 454.05 1.981 LaCrO,' 951.08 G.,94.6 Table 2: SEM calculated particles size and surface areas of the perovskites investigated. 3.2.3 Electrode film casting Upon synthesis of the inks, electrodes were fabricated by liquid film coating on an aluminum foil using a #50 Mayer rod, still within the same argon filled glovebox. Half-inch diameter electrodes (area = 1.27 cm2) were punched after complete evaporation of the IPA. The drying glass tube of a Buchi* B-585 vacuum oven was inserted into the glovebox chamber, loaded with the freshly fabricated electrodes, sealed full of argon, and brought to 70 'C for at 41 least 12 hours (Figure 11). All fabrication tools were dried in a convection oven at 70 *C overnight prior to use. No instance of exposure to atmospheric moisture occurred from fabrication of the electrodes to drying to cell construction; the chemical integrity of the preloaded Li 2 0 2 is maximized (as discussed in section 2, atmospheric exposure of Li2 O2 can significantly compromises its surface). Drying in Buchi* Oven Mayer-Rod #50 Al. foil Punching of 1/2 inch diameter electrodes Ink coating on Aluminum foil Figure 11: Fabrication of electrodes following ink synthesis. From left to right, the homogenized ink is drawn on an aluminum foil using a #50 Mayer-rod; upon evaporation of isopropanol, halfinch diameter electrodes are punched and dried at 70 'C in a Buchi* B-585 oven. Loading, drying and returning the electrodes to the glovebox using the Buchi* oven prevents exposure of the electrodes to ambient atmosphere. 3.2.4 Electrochemical testing The above described electrodes were tested for their electrochemical performance within 2electrodes cells (TJ-AK; Tomcell Japan Inc.) as described elsewhere. 24 Electrochemical cells made of a lithium anode, 150 tL of 0.1 M LiClO 4 1,2 dimethoxyethane electrolyte (Novolyte USA, H2 0 < 20 ppm) on two Celgard* C2500 separators, and the fabricated cathode were assembled in an argon-filled (H2 0 and 02 contents below 0.1 ppm) glovebox and electrochemical data were collected using a Solartron 1470 (Solartron Analytical, UK). The 42 catalytic performance of each electrode was defined as the net current output after "background substraction". 43 44 3.3 Results and Discussion 3.3.1 Effective electro-oxidation of preloaded commercial Li 2 O 2 X-Ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of pristine (not yet electrochemically charged) electrodes show peaks assigned to the crystalline perovskites catalysts used. In addition to the perovskite peaks, a strong peak at ~34.97 assigned to the (101) crystallographic plane of preloaded Li 2 0 2 is observed in all electrodes (Figure 12). Secondary peaks are also observed which unambiguously confirm the presence of crystalline Li 2 0 2 within all electrodes. After potentiostatic charging at 4 disappears from all electrodes along with all secondary peaks VLi, the primary peak at -34.97 due to Li 2 02 (Figure 12). The preloaded Li 2 0 2 is effectively oxidized, and the observed electrode current can safely be attributed to the intended Li 20 2-oxidation. Figure 13 provides scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of as-prepared (uncharged) versus charged electrodes for representative LaCrO 3 and BSCF catalyzed electrodes. Upon charging, all electrode structures feature empty spaces with size matching the observed -350 nm diameter of preloaded Li 2 02 particles. The presence of Li 2 0 2 in the uncharged electrode and their subsequent disappearance after charging indicate effective removal of Li 2 0 2 by electrochemical oxidation. 3.3.2 Electrode background subtraction An important concern during the oxidative electrochemistry in this study is the eventual significant parasitic oxidation of the cathode structure (carbon + perovskite catalyst) in lieu of the desired Li 2 O2-oxidation. XRD and SEM data presented above provided proof of reasonably complete removal of Li 2 0 2 . Nonetheless, we ensure minimal parasitic oxidation of the cathode structure by studying the electrochemical response of so-called "background electrodes". Electrodes fabricated without the reactant Li 2 0 2 (perovskite:Vulcan carbon:lithiated nafion 45 binder = 3:1:1, designated "background electrode") are polarized at 4.0 VU. As shown in Figure 14, little current is observed from the background electrodes. This result further substantiates that the current measured in the Li 20 2-packed electrodes is due to Li202-oxidation. Net mass-specific current (normalized to carbon mass, imass) of the background electrode is subtracted from that of the Li 20 2-prefilled electrodes in the time domain to arrive at "net currents" (Eq 5, Figure 14). __ imass - Iobserved -electrode inet ~~ mass Q -15 [mA - gcarbon] Carbon mass -background ~ mass (Eq 5) Sm'carbon ] (Eq Eq66) = ftjme=o inet -adt [mAh gcrbon] iarea = 1net ' cataostmass (Eq 7) Catalyst Area [MA -m 2 ] (Eq 8) Cell capacity is calculated by integrating the "net current" in time (Eq 7). Area-specific currents (normalized to the true area of the perovskite catalysts reported in Table 2) are also calculated from the "net current" (Eq 8). Catalyst activity towards Li2 0 2-oxidation is quantified using both the net mass-specific current and the net area-specific current seen from each Li 20 2-prefilled electrode. In the case of surface-area specific activity, the mathematical average of current is considered in the range of 10 to 60% of the total charge Li 20 2-charge loaded in each electrode. Our electrodes were prefilled with ~1168 mAh-gcarbon equivalent to a mass ratio Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 equal 1:1. 46 C+U 20 2 (No perovskite) electrodes C+LaNIO 3+L2 02 electrodes Charged Charged JL-J Uncharged Unchargedq z 40 30 20 50 60 20 40 30 20 CuKa I0 50 60 20 CuKa C+LaFeO3 +U2 0 2 electrodes C+LaMnO 3 +6 +U 2 0 2 electrodes 0 0 0 Charged Uncharged 30 20 40 50 60 io o 40 50O 6D 20 CuKa C+LaCrO 3+U20 2 electrodes . 50CO.8F 0 .20 3+U20 2 C+8e 0 5 Sr U. electrodes 0 0 I 20 30 I 40 I 50 I 60 20 CuKa II 20 30 40 50 60 20 CuKa Figure 12: X-Ray diffractions of as-fabricated (Uncharged, black lines) and post-charging at 4 VL (Charged, red lines) perovskite catalyzed Li2 0 2 -prefilled electrodes. For all five perovskitecatalyzed electrodes, the strongest peak of Li20 2 at ~34.970 from the (101) crystallographic plane disappears after charging, indicating its effective oxidation. Keys: (*) Li2 0 2 crystal Cu Ka peaks locations; (o) Corresponding perovskite Cu Ka peaks locations. Residual LiClO 4 salt and aluminum substrate peaks are indicated on the figure. As intended, no catalyst peaks are visible in the Vulcan carbon-only electrode. 47 Uncharged electrode 1 im Charged electrode 0 4-, (N _j 0. U U -o Figure 13: Representative SEM images of pristine (Uncharged) versus post-charging at 4 VU of Ba0 .5 Sro.5 Coo.8 Feo.2 0 3 and LaCrO3 catalyzed Li 20 2-prefilled electrodes. Key: (o) corresponding catalyst particles locations; (o) Li 2 0 2 particles location. After potentiostatic charging at 4 Vi, no trace of Li2 O2 particles can be observed by SEM in the charged electrodes. The same is observed for all other catalyzed electrodes studied within this report. 48 100 Electrode w/ Li20 2100 et activity of electrode Net activity of electrode electroderode 10 10 Background electrode: Backgroun NO Li 2O 0 20 40 60 80 0 10 Time (hrs) 20 30 40 Time (hrs) Figure 14: Examples of background subtraction performed on (a) BSCF-catalyzed and (b) LaCrO 3 -catalyzed electrodes at 4.0 VU. Little change is observed in the final current (Net activity of electrode), which highlights the negligible magnitude of parasitic currents compared to actual Li20 2-oxidation currents. Negligible and featureless current curves of the electrode with no Li 20 2 compared to electrode with Li 20 2 confirms that the observed performance of peroxide packed electrodes is due to effective oxidation of Li 2 0 2. 3.3.3 Catalytic performance of LaCrO3, LaMnO3+8, LaNiO 3, Ba0 . 5Sr 0. 5Co0 . 8Fe 0.2 0 3 , and LaFeO 3 perovskites Net mass-specific activity under perovskite catalysis at 4.0 VU are presented in Figures 15a-b. Increase in gravimetric current over that of the baseline uncatalyzed Vulcan carbon is observed for oxidation of the preloaded Li 20 2 . All tested electrodes deliver between ~800 to ~1000 mAh-gcarbon net charge out of the estimated 1168 mAh-gCarbon equivalent of Li 2 0 2 - preloaded. Therefore, approximately 70 to 80% of the expected Li 2 O2 is oxidized by all electrodes at the applied voltage of 4 VU, which is in agreement with the absence of Li 20 2 signal from the XRD and SEM presented. Although observed net mass-specific activities from all perovskite-catalyzed electrodes is greater than that of uncatalyzed carbon (-30-125 mA-g-Carbon for the perovskite-electrodes versus -20 mA-gcarbon for uncatalyzed carbon), the possibility of surface area effect is investigated using area-specific activities (Figure 16). 49 a) BSCF a 4.0 VU 0 LaCrO b) 4.0 VU 0 LaNiO L~O. 100 Carbon Carbon 0 0 400 200 600 800 1200 1000 Net charge (mAh/g ,b) Net charge (mAh/gc,w) Figure 15: Potentiostatic electrochemical performance of perovskite-catalyzed electrodes (perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li 2 0 2 :lithiated nafion = 3:1:1:1 mass ratio) at 4.0 VU (carbon content = 0.21±0.05 mg cm-2). (a, b) Mass-specific activity of electrodes with BSCF, LaNiO 3, LaMnO 3+8,LaCrO 3 and LaFeO 3 compared to an uncatalyzed Vulcan carbon electrode (Vulcan carbon:Li 2 0 2 :lithiated nafion = 1:1:1 mass ratio). An increase in the electrode current output is observed after addition of the perovskites. 10a) @4.0 Ve b) @4.0 Vu 0.1 00 09 90 -_ 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.01 0 0 -~ -- o46 a 00 e ectrorn Figure 16: (a) Catalyst area-specific activity of (Perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li 2O2 :lithiated nafion = 3:1:1:1 mass ratio) versus filling of eg* antibonding orbital. (b) Area-specific activity of (Perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 :lithiated nafion = 3:1:1:1 mass ratio) electrodes normalized to the combined [Carbon+Catalyst]-total surface area. The average area-specific activity of baseline carbon is added (dotted line). Activities of LaCrO3 and Bao.5 Sro.5 Coo.8 Feo. 2O 3 are well above that of baseline carbon, which proves their activity cannot be explained by mere surface area effects but rather actual catalysis. Catalytic effects from LaNiO 3 , LaMnO 3 +8 , LaFeO3 , and Lao. 5Cao.5FeO 3.6 are less unambiguous, and considered comparable to carbon, considering experimental errors. 50 From Figures 16a-b, we observe that the surface area activities of BSCF and LaCrO 3 catalyzed electrodes are well above that of the carbon-only baseline while activities from LaNiO 3, LaMnO 3+6 , and LaFeO 3 are considered similar to that of uncatalyzed carbon (accounting for experimental errors). Motivated by their more discernible catalytic effect on Li 2 O2 -oxidation, we proceed to investigate the performance of BSCF and LaCrO 3 as a function of applied potential from 3.8 VLi to 4.1 VLi (Figure 17). The superior Li20 2 -oxidation activity of BSCF and LaCrO 3 compared to uncatalyzed Vulcan carbon and Au/C is notable at all applied potentials, as quantified both on mass and surface area bases. Strikingly, the area-specific activity of LaCrO 3 rivals that of highly active and nanodispersed noble metal Pt/C and Ru/C reported previously (Figure 17b). 24 b) a) 1000 AO10 10 .1 I1 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 IE-3 3.4 3: 3.6 3: 3.8 4. 4.0 4. 4.2 44 4.4 4. 4.6 Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Figure 17: (a) Mass-specific activity vs. potential for LaCrO 3, BSCF compared to Au/C, Pt/C, Ru/C (Pt,Ru,Au:Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 = 0.66:1:1; Perovskite:Vulcan carbon:Li 20 2 = 3:1:1, mass ratios) and VC-only reported previously 24 (b): Surface-area specific activity vs. potential for the same electrodes. Considering that there is ~12 to 20 times more surface area in the noble metal electrodes (-60 m 2 catalytic/gcarbon) compared to the perovskite electrodes (3-5 m 2 catalytic/gcbon), the present activity of LaCrO 3 and BSCF is close to that of Pt/C and Ru/C on a surface area basis. Tafel slopes are ~250 mV/decades. The mass-specific activities of BSCF and LaCrO3 being intermediary to that of uncatalyzed 2 carbon and the noble metals can be attributed to their micron-sized particle (0.5-1pm, ~1 m .g for the perovskites) reported in Table 2 compared to nanometer-size particles for the noble 51 metals (5-10 nm, ~100 m2 -g for the noble metals). The Tafel slopes on BSCF and LaCrO 3 , estimated to ~ 250 mV/decades, are in good agreement with that observed on for the noble metals and uncatalyzed carbon electrodes. These similar Tafel slopes indicate similar ratedetermining steps on all surfaces utilized for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) involved in Li 20 2-oxidation. 3.3.4 Strongly diverging activity patterns of perovskites from H 2 0-OER to Li2 O2 -OER The area-specific activities of the five perovskites studied are plotted against their eg* orbital filling in Figure 16a. Area-specific activities are ordered as follows: LaCrO 3 >> BSCF > LaNiO 3 LaMnO 3+8~ LaFeO 3. No volcano-shaped trend vs. eg-electron count was observed for the activity of the perovskites during the OER from Li2 0 2 -oxidation. This is in contrast to the clear volcano trend identified by Suntivich et al. 53 during the OER from H20-oxidation in 0.1 M KOH (Figure 7). Furthermore, LaCrO 3 (the lowest activity perovskite in aqueous OER) is found to have -4 times higher area-specific activity than BSCF (the best aqueous OER catalyst) during non-aqueous OER from Li 20 2 -oxidation. Again, this result contrasts starkly against more than two orders of magnitude higher activities found for BSCF compared to LaCrO 3 in aqueous OER. 3.3.5 Proposed origin of observed divergence between H 2 0-OER to Li 2O 2 - OER Researching the literature on aqueous H20-oxidation and Li 2 0 2 -oxidation, additional reversals in activities activity trends are identified and summarized in Table 3. Consequently, the case of BSCF vs. LaCrO 3 is not isolated and points to significantly different reaction mechanics from H20-oxidation to Li 20 2 -oxidation. We note that the conventional electrocatalysis for H2 0- 52 oxidation mainly concerns the liquid H2 Olsolid (electrode) interactions, while the Li 2 0 2 oxidation is strongly influenced by the interactions between both solid Li 2 0 2 and solid (electrode) and solid (Li 20 2 ) and liquid (electrolyte). This difference is expected to contribute to the differences in OER activity trend observed in aqueous and nonaqueous environments. H 20-OER Li 2 O2 -OER LaCiO>B> La iO0 (bt MnO 2 > Co 304 MnO2 < C0 3 0 4 Table 3: Examples of activity reversal patterns from Li20 2-OER to H20-OER found in literature. We hypothesize that the observed Li 20 2-oxidation activity is governed by the ability of the catalyst to promote and/or stabilize oxygen rich Li 2-x02 species. LiO 2-like species observed by Raman spectroscopy and SQUID display a low charging potential below 3.5 VLu at 62.5 mA g~ Carbon-60 We note in that regards that C0 3 0 4 , MnO 2 and Cr0 2 (surfaces of LaCrO 3 are likely covered with oxides of chromium parentage as is the case for most chromium oxide surfaces 61) surfaces have comparable calculated oxygen affinity in the range of 1.64-3.08 eVs4, 62 which may aid in stabilizing such an electrically conductive 63 oxygen rich Li2 -x02 layer at their interfaces with bulk Li 20 2. We reasonably speculate that interfacing of the metal oxide with the Li 2 0 2 particles results in modification of facets (surface orientations listed in Table 4) distributions on the Li2 0 2 Wulff shape. 64 In effect, the surface energy landscape of Li 2 0 2 would be influenced by the presence of the metal oxide, eventually biasing the surface to favorable terminations such as (1 1 01).64 Such mechanism rooted in enhancing the oxidation of Li 2 0 2 via preferential stabilization of low overpotential surface orientations would explain the catalyst-invariant 3.2 VU onset potential for Li 20 2 -oxidation (Figure 18). 65 This onset potential is in agreement with the smallest required overpotential of 0.2 V for Li2 0 2 -OER calculated on (1T 01) surface facets. 53 UhAA Figure 18: Linear sweep voltammetry following an hour long discharge at 2.25 V. Figure and caption adapted from Figure 2e of reference [65]. Copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Within the scope of the present postulate (1T 01) all terminations would be available regardless of the catalyst employed. The catalyst would only dictate the relative proportion of each termination so as to define attainable rates of oxidation at the various potentials (without changing the onset of oxidation). This observation is somewhat in line with the work of Black et al.6 s who suggested transport rather generation of Li 2 xO2 to be responsible for observed enhancements. Further studies are ongoing to understand the origin of the differences in the OER mechanism in aqueous and nonaqueous media. Surface orientation (IT 01) (1T 00) (1121) (0001) (1120) Overpotential1 (V) 0.2 ;;27 3 A 6 Table 4: Theoretical overpotentials for Li 20 2 -oxidation as a function of surface orientation. Table data adapted from reference [64]. 54 55 3.4 Conclusion To summarize, we carried a systematic study of the catalytic activity of LaCrO 3 , LaMnO 3+6 , LaNiO 3 , Bao. 5 Sro.5 Co 0 8 FeO.20 3 , and LaFeO 3 towards recharge of Li-0 using electrodes preloaded with Li 20 oxidation of the preloaded Li 20 2 2 2 batteries in to circumvent parasitic discharge products. Effective was observed redundantly by XRD, SEM and electrolysis. Compared to uncatalyzed carbon and the other perovskites, LaCrO 3 and BaO. 5 SrO.5 Coo.8 Feo.2 0 3 display much enhanced oxidation of Li 2O2 . In particular, the area-specific activity of LaCrO 3 equaled that of highly active nanodispersed noble metal catalysts Pt/C and Ru/C reported. Pt/C and Ru/C were reported with hundredfold gravimetric currents compared to uncatalyzed Vulcan carbon. Interestingly, LaCrO 3 having two orders of magnitude lower activity in H2 0-oxidation showed approximately 3-4 times higher activity towards Li 20 2-oxidation compared to BSCF, one the highest activity perovskite in H2 0-oxidation. This strong inversion in activity trend underscores major divergences in the OER process from H20-oxidation to Li20 2-oxidation. We postulate that catalysis during Li 20 2 -oxidation relies on the modification of surface chemical stoichiometry of the reactant at the interface of the catalyst with Li 20 2 ; oxygen rich surface orientations of Li 2.mO2 are shown to have a lower oxidation potential from theoretical studies. Available cyclic voltammetry data indicate little change in onset potential regardless of the catalyst used but enhanced oxidation beyond the onset. We speculate that changing relative distributions of surface orientations on the Wulff shape of the Li 20 2 particles in presence of the so-called catalyst would explain the invariant onset followed by enhanced oxidation at higher potentials. In the following section, we present a preliminary study on the thermophysical properties of Li 2 0 2 and Li 20, the two possible products in a Li-0 2 cell to address thermal safety. 56 57 4 Thermal Stability Studies of Li 2 O 2 and Li 2 0: Combined In Situ XRD, DFT, and XPS Studies upon Heating 4.1 Crystal structure of Li 20 2 and Li 20 Li 20 2 crystallizes with a hexagonal symmetry in the space group P6 3 /mmc. 66 Along the caxis, the unit cell can be described by stacks of lithium planes followed by oxygen planes. The unit cell can be described as a A(Li)B(0)C(Li)B(O)A(Li)C(O)B(Li)C(O)A(Li) stack (Figure 19 a).67 Li20 adheres to a cubic antifluorite (face centered cubic) lattice, with an O-Li motif (Figure 19b). The crystal lattice is a stacking of A(O) planes followed by B(Li). The unit cell is a simple A(O)B(Li)A(O)B(Li)A(O) stack. The thermophysical properties of Li 2 0 2 , which undergoes significant structural and chemical changes at elevated temperatures, is of scientific interest. (a) (b) Figure 19: (a) Primitive hexagonal unit cell of Li 20 2 (space group P6 3/mmc 66). (b) Primitive face centered cubic unit cell of Li 2 0 (space group Fm3m 68) 58 4.2 Previous studies of the thermal transformation of Li 2 02 The thermal stability and structural evolutions of Li 2 0 2 at elevated temperatures have been investigated by ex situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) and various thermal,6 9 7 2 The thermal decomposition temperatures obtained from these studies are summarized in Table 5. Environment Author et O Tsentsiper al. 5 ' Tnenov Li 2O2 Decomp. Temp. (*C) xygen/Nitrogen Investigation method >270 Thermostatic heating, Differential manometer, KMnO 4 titration ~297 Adiabatic scanning calorimetry /Vacuum a. Tanifuji et al.7 Vacuum/Argon Table 5: Literature data of Li 2 0 2 phase transformation under various heating conditions Rode et al.6 9 reported that the thermal decomposition of Li 20 2 occurs around 315 'C under dry air (283 'C under vacuum) via progressive loss of oxygen to reach Li2 Oi.0 5 at 375 'C as determined by chemical titration. The thermal decomposition temperature of Li 20 2 is consistent across a number of studies; Li 2 0 2 is found to decompose to Li 2 0 above 300 'C using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis in air, vacuum, and inert - . In addition, Tsentsiper et al.5 1 suggested that the decomposition of Li 2O2 at atmospheres70 72 fixed temperatures between 270 *C and 320 'C under nitrogen, oxygen, or vacuum proceeds via a 59 solid solution of Li 2 0 2 -Li 2 O (by ex situ XRD and KMnO 4 titration) that shifts in favor of Li 20 only after ~50% of the Li 20 2 has decomposed. While the thermal decomposition at elevated temperatures5,69-72 and surface reactivity 2 1,3 1 of Li 20 2 and Li 2 0 have been investigated by ex situ characterizations, little is known about the real time changes in the bulk structure and surface chemistries of Li 20 2 and Li 20 as a function of temperature. Such a study is needed to understand the stability of Li 20 2 and Li 20 and their decomposition mechanisms in order to devise strategies to enhance the safety characteristics of rechargeable Li-0 2 batteries. In this thesis, we report the crystallographic and surface chemistry evolution of Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0 at elevated temperatures using in situ techniques including Xray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and density functional theory (DFT). A significant decrease in the lattice parameters of Li 2 0 2 between 280 'C and 310 'C was noted and attributed to temperature-induced oxygen defects formation within Li 2 0 2 prior to its conversion to Li 2 0. The formation of oxygen defects in Li 20 2 upon heating is further supported by DFT calculation. In situ XPS studies of Li 2 0 2 as a function of temperature revealed a change in surface chemistry to Li 2 0 beginning at 250 'C along with the appearance of Li 2 CO 3 , which is attributed to a reaction between surface Li 20 2 and hydrocarbon species. The implication of the evident chemical reactivity between Li 2 0 2 and carbon will be discussed in the context of carbon-based Li-0 between Li 20 2 2 electrodes. The implication of the evident chemical reactivity and carbon revealed here for Li-0 discussed. 60 2 batteries using carbon-based electrodes is 61 4.3 Experimental 4.3.1 In situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) Lithium peroxide (Li 20 2 , Alfa Aesar, purity greater than 90%), and lithium oxide (Li 2 0, Alfa Aesar, purity: 99.5% metal basis) were used as received. All powders were stored in an argon glovebox with moisture and oxygen content below 0.1 ppm until used. The starting Li 2 02 powder sample contains LiOH and Li 2 CO 3 impurities estimated to ~13% and -1%, respectively, from room temperature XRD data. The thermal stability of Li 20 using a PANanalytical X'Pert Pro 2 and Li 2 0 were investigated X-ray diffractometer, in Bragg-Brentano geometry, equipped with an Anton Paar* HTK-1200N environmental and temperature control stage. Samples were mounted in a corundum (A12 0 3 ) sample crucible under ~10-3 mbar vacuum. X-ray profiles were collected in two separate experiments for 37 minutes each: the first, from 25 C to 700 C (sample temperature) at 50 C steps (designated "coarse XRD") and the second, from 200 C to 400 'C at 10 C steps (designated "fine XRD"). The time-averaged heating rates were 1 C/min for the coarse in situ XRD and 0.5 C/min for the fine XRD. The diffractometer was configured to 45 kV and 40 mA using copper wavelength (Ka = 1.5405980 patterns were recorded in continuous scanning mode with a step size of 0.0167 0 A). Diffraction from 15 to 72 in 20. Exposure of samples to air prior to reaching 1 mbar vacuum was below 5 minutes. The main impurity phase, LiOH, persisted up 300 *C but became barely detectable beyond 350 'C. These impurity phases are not expected to influence the crystallographic changes in the main Li 20 2 phase under investigation. The lattice parameters of Li 2 0 2 (space group P6 3 /mmc) were extracted by profile fitting of the twelve reflections available in the scanned range with emphasis on the goodness of fit of the (002), (100), (101), (102), (004), (103), (110), (104), (102), (200), 62 (201) and (105) reflections. Those of Li 2 0 (space group Fm3m) were extracted from (111), (200), (220), (311) and (222) reflections. Lattice parameters extraction was performed using the FullProf software, 73 and confirmed using Highscore Plus X-ray analysis software. 4.3.2 In situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) XPS spectra of Li 20 2 , Li 20, LiOH (99.95%, monohydrate, Aldrich), Li 2CO 3 (90%, Alfa Aesar), and discharged Li-0 2 electrodes were analyzed using a Physical Electronics model 5400 X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. Data were collected using a non-monochromatic Al K, (1486.6 eV) X-ray source operating at 400 W (15 kV and 27 mA) and ~5- 10-8 mTorr vacuum. The X-ray source was located at 54.7 relative to the analyzer axis, and samples were analyzed at an electron takeoff angle of 45'. For Li2 0 2 , Li 2 0, and Li 2 CO 3 , about 300 mg of powder was loaded into a die in an argon-filled glovebox, and then removed from the glovebox and pressed in a dry room (<0.05% relative humidity) to form a pellet. The pellet was then transferred from the dry room to the introduction chamber of the XPS without further exposure to ambient conditions. LiOH was spread on electrically conductive carbon tape in the argon glovebox. Multiplex spectra of various photoemission lines were collected at high resolution using an analyzer pass energy of 22.35 eV, an increment of 0.1 eV/step, and an integration interval of 50 ms/step. To compensate for sample charging effects, all spectra of LiOH, Li 2 CO 3 , Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0 were calibrated with the C Is photoemission peak for adventitious hydrocarbons at 285.0 eV,74 while spectra for the discharged VC electrode were calibrated to 284.6 eV 75' 76 considering contributions from adventitious hydrocarbon at 285.0 eV and carbon black at 284.4 eV.7 5 XPS data were collected from Li 20 2 and Li 20 at room temperature and during heating in the XPS chamber at 150, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 C. XPS data were collected after sample outgassing was minimized and the analysis chamber pressure stabilized. Curve fitting and atomic 63 percentage analysis for chemical components in the Li Is, C Is and 0 Is regions were performed with CasaXPS analysis software, using a Shirley background and Gaussian-Lorentzian curve to fit each line-shape. Full widths at half maxima were constrained to be less than 2 eV for all components. Relative sensitivity factors used for Li Is, C Is and 0 Is were 0.028, 0.314 and 0.733 respectively. The standard deviation in atomic percentage assignments was set to 5% for Li 20 2 , and calculated according to the standard formula for Li 2 0, since two heating experiments were performed. 4.3.3 Density functional theory (DFT) calculations Spin polarized calculations were performed with the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) 77' 78 using Density Functional Theory (DFT) and the Projector-Augmented plane-Wave (PAW) method 79' 80. Exchange-correlation was treated in the Perdew-BurkeErnzerhof (PBE)8 1 generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with electronic configurations of 2s and 2s2p for valence states of Li and 0, respectively. An energy cutoff of 450 eV was chosen for Li 20 2 and Li 2 0 bulk geometric optimizations, and full relaxation (both lattice vectors and ion coordinates) was performed with a force tolerance of 0.02 eV/A or less. For Li 20 2 bulk calculations, the Brillouin zone was sampled by Monkhorst-Pack k-point meshes of 5x5x2, 3x3x3, and 2x2x 1 for the 8-atom hexagonal unit cell 8 2, 32-atom, and 64-atom supercells, respectively. Relaxed lattice constants of the 8-atom primitive unit cell are in agreement with Cota et al. (a=3.183 A and c =7.726 A).66 The simulated supercells are created from linear combination of the 8-atom primitive unit cell lattice vectors as listed in Table 6 and depicted in Figure 20. Oxygen vacancy calculations were performed by removing an 0 atom from the perfect bulk in 32-atom, and 64-atom supercells, which corresponds to defect concentrations of 1/16, and 1/32, respectively. 64 8-atom unit cell MA aL C0 32-atom supercell 64-atom supercell Figure 20: Atomic supercells of Li 20 2 used in DFT-simulation of Li 2 0 2. Oxygen and lithium ions are represented by red and green spheres respectively. The blue sphere depicts the location of introduced oxygen vacancies during simulation. For Li 2O bulk calculations the Brillouin zone was sampled by Monkhorst-Pack k-point meshes of 4x4x4, 3x3x2, and 2x2x2 for the 12-atom Fm3munit cell, 48-atom, and 96-atom supercells, respectively. The relaxed lattice constant of the 12-atom Li 2O primitive unit cell is in agreement with Islam et al.'s DFT study (a(Li 20)=4.65 A in this work vs. a(Li 2O)=4.64 A in Islam et al.'s work), where the calculated DFT lattice constant of Li 2O is slightly larger than the experimental values (4.61 A at room temperature and 4.57 A extrapolated to 0 K). Lithium vacancy calculations were performed by removing single or multiple Li atoms from the perfect 65 94 Allk 7 ow*000 0 O0 D S D~00 4 12 atom unit cell (Li 20) (Li vac. conc. = 0) 000 12 atom unit cell (Li vac. conc. = 2/8 = 1/4) %000 ob.4 10gr 000 00 000 0% 000 0o0000 II II 48 atom unit cell 48 atom unit cell (Li vac. conc. = 4/32 = 1/8) (Li vac. conc. = 2/32 = 1/16) IL 'I F 96 atom unit cell 96 atom unit cell (Li vac. conc. = 2/64 = 1/32) (Li vac. conc. = 1/64) Figure 21: Atomic supercells of Li 2 0 used in DFT-simulation. Oxygen and lithium ions are represented by red and green spheres respectively. The black sphere depicts the location of introduced Li vacancies during simulation. bulk, 12 atom, 48-atom, and 96-atom supercells with Li-vacancy concentration of 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4, for obtaining the relationship of lattice constant change vs. Li vacancy concentration. Graphical representations of Li 2 0 supercells used in our simulation are presented in Figure 21. 66 Lattice vectors in the Cartesianvectorform Li 2 O 2 Li 2 O 8-atom unit cell 12-atom unit cell d5 = [ a, 0, 0] dp2 [ 0, a(Li2) =-a ao63S2 bp=[2 ,2a,0p= 2)0 jp 2 = c] 0, SP= [ 0, =2aa p1 Li2O2 32-atom cell pl i202 _ dLi2O 48-atom cell Li2O 4 8-atom 64-atom supercell p2 b p2 p2 p2 __ cell __ -LiO c 2 48-atom cell Li2O2 C =C pl 32-atom cell Supercell lattice vectors [ 0, 0, a(Li 2 0)] 48-atom supercell 32-atom supercell 32-atom cell [ a(Li 20), 0, 0] = p2 96-atom supercell -Li2O2 0i2 64-atom cell Li202 64-atom cell p p p 64-atom cell Li 0 96-atom cell p2 p2 96-atom cell p Table 6: Lattice vectors of the simulated Li 2O2 and Li 20 2 p2 Li2O LiO2 (ip 96-atom cell supercells. d , b,, and JP1 , bp 2 , and Jp2) are the lattice vectors of the Li 2 0 2 8-atom (Li 2 0 12-atom) primitive cell represented with the lattice parameters of a = 3.183 A and c = 7.726 A (a(Li 20) = 4.65 Cartesian vector form. 32-atom cell' 0 , 2 2 3-ao cell' I 32-atom cell and 5 , 64-atom cell'I b 64-atom cell'I 2 64-atom cell D2O cell' 2 lattice vectors of the Li 2 0 2 32-atom and 64-atom supercells, and d 48-atom celI 48-atom A) in the are the - 2O cell C48-atom are the Li 20 lattice vectors of the 48-atom and 96-atom C2 ,b and 5 a da96-atom cell' b 6ao cell'I 96-atom cell supercells, respectively. All the supercells are constructed by linear combination of the primitive cell lattice vectors. 67 4.3.4 Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) Thermogravimetric analysis was performed on an 8.9 mg sample of Li 2O2 at a rate of 1 'C/min under inert high purity helium (Airgas, UHP300, 99.999%) balance gas (10 mL/min) and nitrogen (Airgas, 99.999%) sample gas (90 mL/min) using a TA Instruments* Q50 thermogravimetric analyzer. An Li 20 2 sample was mounted in a platinum pan and the analyzer was allowed to equilibrate for 20 minutes with gas flow prior to data collection. Exposure of the sample to air prior to insertion in the inert atmosphere was kept below 5 minutes. 68 69 4.4 Results and discussion 4.4.1 In situ X-ray Diffraction XRD data collected in situ during heating of Li 20 2 are shown in Figure 22 (32' to 360 20range), and profiles in the full 20 range from 30' to 600 are included in Figure 23. At room temperature, all expected peaks of Li 2O2 are observed in addition to peaks attributable to LiOH. The LiOH phase is estimated to ~13% of the total material and is not expected to significantly influence the structural changes reported for the main Li2 O2 phase under study. The crystal structure of Li 2O2 can be described by a hexagonal unit cell with space group P6 3/mmc, which has lattice parameters of a = 3.142 A and c = 7.650 A at room temperature. No significant changes were observed in the XRD peaks of Li 2 0 2 and LiOH with heating up to 250 *C. (b) (a) 03 4000 25C .= 8 01 5000C ~70000, R 2800C 3300"C C250"C 2200C 1 000 32 33 34 20 [Cu Ka] 200"C 2CCD 17 35 36 32 33 35 34 20 [Cu Ka] 36 Figure 22: Temperature dependent phase evolution of Li 2 0 2 investigated by in situ XRD; a) In situ scanning at 50*C steps from 25*C to 700 *C and back to 25'C (Coarse XRD); b) In situ scanning at 10'C steps from 200 *C to 400 'C (Fine XRD). Crystallographic peaks are coded by colors: blue: Li 2 0 2 , red: Li 20 and black: LiOH. 70 0 0 0 x = Li2CO3 or Al 2O3 ( CC4 CN~ JC4i C4 0 3350 0[u 20 0C'%1 i 455 I 55 0 60 I - | -0 LO) CN' 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 20 [Cu Ka] Figure 23: Full 30 to 60' 20 range coarse in situ XRD of Li 2O2 at 50'C steps from 25'C to 700*C and back to 25*C. All peaks were found to shift to lower angles with increasing temperature as a result of thermal expansion. The absence of any changes besides the expected shift to lower angles of the peaks does not support a phase transformation from a-Li 20 2 to P-Li 2 O2 reported previously. 69 Profile fitting of XRD peak positions of Li 20 2 allowed for the determination of the Li 20 2 lattice parameters as a function of temperature (Figure 24). Volumetric and lattice parameters thermal expansion were calculated based on equations (Eq 9) and (Eq 10). The volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of Li 2 0 2 was found to be -73 11-10-6 K', and the thermal expansion coefficients along the a and c axes were found to be 35.0±1.9 -10~6 K- (R2 = 0.98544) and 71 29.9±3.6-10-6 K-1 (R2 = 0.93042), respectively. The volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of Li 2 0 2 was found to be -73±11-10-6 K-1, and the thermal expansion coefficients along the a and c axes were found to be 35.0±1.9 -10-6 K-' (R2 0.98544) and 29.9±3.6-10~6 K-1 (R2 = = 0.93042), respectively. It is interesting to note that the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient found in this study is considerably larger than the values of 40 to 50- 106 K- obtained from previous abinitio calculations. 67 av 1 dV = V(RT ) dT ca = (Eq. 9) 1 da a(RT) dT (Eq. 10) S in Li20 2 - 0.0 0.1 0.2 7.75 (a) CU2 7.65 . 4.70 a1 Q .4.65E 2.42 7.60 3.16. 2.43 ( 4.6 4.6 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 4.55 Temp. [*C] L2 2..e-experim. c/a vs. temp. 0 DFT c/a vs.0-vacancy 2.41180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 Temp. [OC] Figure 24: Evolution of species lattice parameters during thermal decomposition of Li 20 2. a) a and c parameters of Li 2O2 and Li 2 0 during heating from room temperature to 700 "C. Lattice parameters of Li 20 2 between 200 "C and 300 *C (square symbol) are collected in a separate experiment at 10 'C temperature steps (fine XRD). Notice the lattice shrinkage of Li 2O2 from its expanded state in the vicinity of the phase transformation temperature (-280*C). b) Experimental c/a ratios in Li 2O2 during thermal treatment compared to DFT-simulated c/a ratios as a function of oxygen vacancies. Trend match in c/a ratios from experiment and DFT suggests that thermal treatment of Li 2O2 results in formation of oxygen vacancies between 280 *C and 310 'C prior to phase change. Comparison of DFT andXRD-extracted lattice parametersare strictly interpreted in terms of trends and not quantitatively. 72 The volumetric thermal expansion coefficient found in this study is in good agreement with values (69- 10~6 80- 10-6 K- between 27 ~ 327 *C, Figure 25b) calculated from the quasi- harmonic Debye model using the GGA-PBE total energy versus volume relationship fit with the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state. In contrast, coefficients reported using the local density approximation (LDA) are underestimated67 . Overall, the fact that the experimental values are within the GGA and LDA predictions is consistent with general observation that LDA tends to overestimate bond energies in solids (shorter bond distance and too large bulk moduli), while 84 8 5 GGA provides proper corrections. ' -1.36 80 (b) 78 (a) -1.38 2 ,76 o74 2 -1.40 uw 0)0 9-1.42 -1.44 300 e 72 70 68 500 400 Volume (Bohr3 ) 600 0 100 200 Temp. [oC] 400 300 Figure 25: (a) Calculated Li 2 0 2 total energy vs. unit cell volume with GGA-PBE in this work. The corresponding bulk modulus and the first pressure derivative of the bulk modulus of Li 20 2 at zero pressure fit with third-order Birch-Murnaghan equations of state are 71.12 and 4.30 GPa respectively. (b) Calculated volumetric thermal expansion coefficients between T=27-327 *C at zero external pressure based on the quasi-harmonic Debye model.6 7 DFT data were obtained in collaboration with Dr. Yueh-Lin Lee in the electrochemical energy laboratory. Upon heating to 300 'C and higher, the XRD patterns changed significantly and new peaks appeared and grew in intensity at the expense of Li 20 2 peaks with increasing temperature (Figure 22 and Figure 23). These new peaks can be indexed to cubic Li 20 with the strongest (111) peak at ~340,86 indicating a phase transformation from Li 2 0 02). 2 to Li 2 0 (Li 2 0 2 -> Li 2 0 + 2 In situ XRD data collected at finer temperature increments (fine XRD) show that the onset temperature of Li 2 0 2 decomposition is in the vicinity of ~280 *C (Figure 22b), which is in 73 agreement with previous work by Rode et al.69 and Tanifuji et al. 72 . The small differences in the decomposition temperatures of Li 2 0 2 to Li 20 can be attributed to dissimilar heating rates. 72 The conversion of Li 2O 2 to Li 20 was found complete beyond 350 C (no XRD-detectable peaks of Li 20 2 ) and Li 20 remained stable until 700 'C. It is interesting to note that the onset and complete decomposition temperatures of Li 20 2 in vacuum are considerably lower than those in air reported previously (having an onset of~315 C by Rode et al.6 9 and ~325 C by Vol'nov 70 , Table 6). The lattice parameters of hexagonal Li 20 2 were found to decrease prior to decomposition to Li 20 from 250 'C to 300 'C (Figure 24), which can be attributed to the loss of oxygen from Li 2 0 2 resulting in lattice shrinkage. To provide further insights into the physical origin of the lattice contraction, the ratio of the c to a lattice parameter is shown as a function of temperature in Figure 24b. This c/a ratio and the unit cell volume change are compared with weight loss from a Li 2 0 2 sample in a thermogravimetric measurement (Figure 26). The sharp reduction in the c to a ratio at 280 C coincides with the onset of weight loss, which suggests a change in the stoichiometry of Li 20 2 associated with the release of oxygen from Li 2 0 2. 022- peroxide groups are arranged along the c-direction in the Li 2O2 structure (Figure 19a). Oxygen loss would lead to the formation of oxygen 02- species with ionic radius (-1.38 A in a 4-fold coordination 8 7) smaller than the 0-0 bond distance reported for lithium peroxide (do=o ~ 1.55 A);66 this situation would explain the contraction along the c-direction of the peroxide. This hypothesis is supported by our DFT studies of the equilibrium crystal structures of oxygen-deficient lithium peroxide (Li 2 02-6 ), where increasing oxygen deficiency (increasing 6 in Li2O2-s) reduces the c/a ratio, as shown in Figure 24b. A similar trend match is found for the experimental lattice volume contraction compared to the computed volume (Figure 26). 74 0.00 8 in Li2 O 2 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.8 0 0.6 o 1Q 0.4g -o- Expejimental AVN -2 vs. Temperature o DFT IVN vs 8 -3 0.2 I- 0.0 270 280 290 300 310 320 Temp. [OC] Figure 26: Experimental lattice volume change in Li 2 0 2 (referenced to the expanded lattice volume at 280 'C) during thermal treatment compared to DFT-simulated lattice volume change as a function of oxygen vacancies. In the same fashion as the experimental and calculated c/a ratios, a good trend match is found between the experimental and calculated volume changes that confirm the formation of oxygen vacancies in Li2 0 2 close to the conversion temperature. DFT data were obtained in collaboration with Dr. Yueh-Lin Lee in the electrochemical energy laboratory. In situ XRD profiles and the lattice parameters of commercial Li 20 (space group Fm3m) as a function of temperature are presented in Figure 27a. The full pattern in the 20 range of 300 to 700 is displayed in Figure 28. Again, very minor peaks attributable to LiOH are observed. The presence of LiOH on all oxides of lithium studied here is a consequence of their reactivity with trace moisture that could not be avoided during sample loading in the X-ray spectrometer. No crystallographic change was observed for Li 2 0 upon heating to 700 'C. A linear thermal expansion coefficient of -29.2±0.8- 10-6 K- was found for Li2 0 between room temperature and 700 0C, in reasonable agreement with the findings of Hull 8 3 and Kurasawa 8 (33.6+0.8-10-6 K-). 75 25*C 500 OC 70000 200"C 60*C I25*C 32 4.72 33 55 34 28 [Cu Ka] 56 57 (b) 4.70 E 4.68 Commercial Li 0 heated a- 4.66 S4.64. S4Li20 4.60 - from phase transf. of Li 0 2 2 - - - --_ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temp. [*C] Figure 27: Temperature dependent phase and lattice evolution in Li 20 investigated by in situ XRD. a) Li2 0 remains stable, experiencing a fairly linear thermal expansion (29.2-10- K-) from 25 0C to 700 *C (commercial Li 2 0). b) The lattice parameters of Li 20 from phase transformation of Li 2 0 2 remained noticeably lower than those of commercial Li 20 between 300 0C and 550 'C suggesting a lithium-deficient Li 2.0 phase (see Figure 29 for DFT calculated lattice parameters of Li-deficient Li 2 O) that progressively reaches Li2 0-stoichiometry with increasing temperature. Error bars are the reliability factors generated by the Fullprof software reflecting uncertainty in the profile fitting. 76 0 00 NC 2 [CuKa 0 A 0 LO 30 35 40 45 50 55 20 [Cu Ka] 60 65 70 Figure 28: Full 30 to 700 20 range coarse in situ XRD scans of Li 2 0 at 50*C steps from 250C to 700*C and back to 25'C. Interestingly, the lattice parameters of Li 20 obtained from decomposition of Li 20 2 were found to be consistently lower than those of commercial Li 20 between 300 0C and 500 'C (Figure 27b). This difference gradually disappeared at 500 C and higher. As reported in previous theoretical and experimental works8 9 ~91, the predominant defects in Li 20 are cation point defects (either Li vacancy or Li Frenkel-pair), which indicates that Li 20 transformed initially from Li 20 2 might be lithium deficient relative to Li 20 and gradually approaches the equilibrium Li 2 O stoichiometry and structure upon further heating. This postulate is substantiated by DFT simulation of a lithium-defective Li 2 0 phase presented in Figure 29. The behavior of the 77 lattice parameter of the nascent Li 20 formed from Li 20 2 at ~300 *C and above is found to follow that of the calculated Li 2 -60 where decreasing lithium defects relative to oxygen results in the a parameter slowly increasing towards its stoichiometric value. The disappearance of the lattice parameter difference between the commercial Li 20 and Li 2O from conversion of Li 20 2 above 500 'C suggests annihilation of Li vacancies upon heating through further oxygen loss in such a temperature range. The synergistic use of in situ XRD, DFT and TGA presented here provides structural information for the Li 2 0-Li 2O 2 solid solution suggested previously.51 Li-defect in Li2 0 (6)from DFT 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.000 Li20 from phase 0 transf. of Li20 0.996 OO6 Q 0.992 o 0.988 0.984 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Temp. [*C] Figure 29: Dark blue: ratio of lattice parameters of Li 20 formed from Li 20 2 (adefect as a function of temperature) decomposition to those of commercial Li 20 (astoich as a function of temperature). Light blue: ratio of DFT-simulated lattice parameters of Li-defective Li 20 to those of DFTsimulated stoichiometric Li 2 0. A good trend match these ratios is found that supports the postulate of a lithium deficient phase of Li 20 being formed at initial stages of decomposition of Li 2O2 to Li 20, which gradually becomes stoichiometric. DFT data were obtained in collaboration with Dr. Yueh-Lin Lee in the electrochemical energy laboratory. 4.4.2 In situ XPS analysis of Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 O XPS analysis of Li 20 2 , Li2 0, LiOH and Li2CO 3 at Room-Temperature The surface chemistries of lithium-oxygen reference compounds were examined using XPS at room temperature. Figure 30 shows 0 is, Li Is and C Is XPS spectra of reference Li 2 0 2 , 78 Li 2 0, LiOH, and Li 2 CO 3 at room temperature. The main 0 Is photoemission peak from the Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 CO 3 samples are located at 531.2 eV and 532.1 eV, respectively, which is in reasonable agreement with reported binding energies for Li 20 2 (531.5 eV) 9 2 and Li 2 CO 3 (532.2 eV).7 The Li Is peak of Li 2 02at 54.5 eV and Li 2 CO 3 at 55.4 eV are in agreement with reported values for Li 20 2 (~54.7 eV) 93 and Li 2 CO 3 (55.4 eV). 75 The main 0 1s peak from Li 2 0 is centered at 531.1 eV. This binding energy is not in agreement with values reported for Li 20, neither at low temperatures (between 530.0 and 530.5 eV 94 '95 at -248 temperatures (528.5 eV at 600 oC 96 ). C and -238 *C ) nor at high Tanaka et al. 96 have reported surface coverage of Li 2 0 by LiOH in the event of moisture exposure with XPS peak at 531.0 eV. This peak assignment is further supported by the presence of saddle peaks at 20.48' and 32.58' on the XRD profiles of Li 20 at room temperature (Figure 28). Interestingly, the binding energy of the main 0 Is photoemission peak for the LiOH at 532.0 eV is similar to that of Li 2 CO 3 but significantly deviates from previously reported values for LiOH (531.096 - 531.5 eV9 7). It is likely that the surface of the LiOH sample is covered by Li 2CO 3 given the similarities between photoemission peaks for Li 2 CO 3 and LiOH. Peaks attributable to Li 2 CO 3 are also observed during XRD of LiOH at room temperature. This hypothesis is further supported by the Li Is spectra, where the binding energy of the LiOH at 55.4 eV agrees well with that of Li 2 CO 3. 75 79 CO 3 C-C C 1s LiOH 01S LiOH Li is LiOH LiOH LiOH L 2O L 2 CO 3 L1iCO 3 3 U1202 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 Binding Energy (eV] i2 2 U_____________L202 Li 2 536 528 534 532 530 Binding Energy (eV] 526 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 Binding Energy [eV] Figure 30: XPS spectra of lithium-oxygen compounds used in this study. The dotted red lines 96 97 mark the position of the main LiOH peak in Li Is and 0 Is according to literature references. , The LiOH material is covered by Li 2 CO 3 and therefore appears shifted in the 0 1s and Li Is photoemission regions compared to the literature values. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. In situ XPS analysis of Li 2 0 2 at Elevated Temperatures The changes in the surface chemistry of the Li 20 2 powder at elevated temperatures were examined via in situ XPS as a function of temperature. Formation of Li 20 and Li 2 CO 3 on the surface of Li 20 2 was clearly noted upon heating the Li 20 2 pellet to 300 'C and higher. Figures 31 a-c show the C Is, 0 1s and Li Is spectra of the Li2 0 2 pellet upon heating in the XPS chamber from room temperature to 500 'C, and Figures 3 1d-f show atomic percentages of components within each region as a function of temperature. 80 CO (a) Li 2O2/LiOH Li2C0 31 2 (b) i, 0 \%-40 LiO2 LiOH LiCO,| LiO Li2O O s Li Is (c) *C 350 *C 300 *C 250 *C 150 *C RT 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 Binding Energy [eV] 8. -2 -6 4'L Li2 50 (e) C is 10 (d) ,40 c-c /LiOH Li20/LiOH (f) O 1s Li Is 22 240. 30 O2 Li2CO 2CO320 Li2O .0 20' 10 Lii2C 2CO, 2Li2 0 0 r0. 0 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature rC] 0 100 200 3 400 500 Temperature [*C] 0 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature [*C] Figure 31: Temperature dependent in situ XPS spectra of Li 2 0 2 pellet in (a) C 1s, (b) Ols, and (c) Li is regions. Atomic percentage of C, 0, and Li in Li 2 0 2 , Li 2CO 3 and Li 20 obtained from quantitative component analysis of (d) C Is, (e) Ols, and (f) Li Is spectra. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. C is region The spectra show two different components. A peak of aliphatic chains at 285.0 eV, which can be assigned to the hydrocarbon on the surface of Li 2 0 2 , was found to decrease with increasing temperature (Figure 3 1a and Figure 3 1d). The intensity reduction in the hydrocarbon peak is accompanied by the growth of a peak at 290.0 eV as temperature is increased. This new 81 peak at 290.0 eV can be attributed to the CO 3 2- groups in Li 2 CO 3. 75 The simultaneous reduction of hydrocarbons and increase in Li 2 CO 3 can be explained by chemical reactions of adventitious carbon species with surface Li 2 0 2 below 250 'C and with the Li 2 0 2 -Li 2 O solid solution formed at higher temperatures (Figures 3 1e-f). 0 is region The main photoemission peak at room temperature is at 531.2 eV, which is consistent with the presence of surface Li 2 0 2 , surface LiOH, or a mixture of Li2 0 2 and LiOH on the surface. 92 ,94 ,96 ,97 Upon heating to 250 C and higher, the 0 is signal broadened and split into two new peaks centered at 532.0 and 528.6 eV, which can be attributed to the formation and growth of Li 2 CO 3 75 and Li 2 0, 96 respectively. The onset of phase transformation to Li 2 0 observed at 250 C on the surface of the Li 2 0 2 is shown clearly by the component analysis in Figure 3 1e, which is in good agreement with the decomposition temperature from in situ heating XRD (Figure 22b). At 350 C, only ~13% Li 2 0 2 remains from both the Li Is and 0 Is spectra, indicating almost complete decomposition of Li 2 0 2 to Li 2 0. This is in reasonable agreement with the disappearance of Li2 0 2 XRD-peaks past 350 C (Figure 23). Li is region As Li Is binding energies of LiOH and Li 2 0 2 overlap, 96 -98 the room temperature Li Is peak at 54.5 eV may correspond to surface Li 2 0 2 , surface LiOH, or a mixture of Li 2 0 2 and LiOH on the surface. Upon heating to 250 C, the Li Is signal was found to considerably broaden and split into two peaks centered at 53.6 eV and 55.4 eV at 500 C, in agreement with the 0 Is spectra. The lower binding energy peak at 53.6 eV can be assigned to Li 2 0 68 while the higher binding energy component corresponds to Li 2 CO 3 .75 Onset of transformation to Li 2 0 is observed as early as 250 'C on the surface of Li 2 0 2 as shown by component quantification (Figure 31 e). 82 This early onset coincides with saddle decay in the lattice parameters extracted from fine in situ XRD (Figure 24a, fine XRD). The formation of carbonate-type byproducts such as alkyl carbonates and Li 2 CO 3 in Li-0 batteries with carbon-based oxygen electrodes has been well 2 documented. 2 1,3 1,3 2 ,9 9 In particular, McCloskey et al. 3 1 showed, using isotope labeling in a Li-0 2 cell, that a monolayer of Li 2 CO 3 forms at the interface of the cathode carbon matrix and the electrochemically deposited Li 20 2 . Such reaction is predictable from the thermodynamically 31 38 favorable chemical reactions displayed below. ' Li 2 0 2 + C + 02 # Li 2 CO 3 AG = -542.4 k]/mol (Reaction 5) AG = -166.5 kj/mol (Reaction 6) Li 2 02 + CO 2 LizCO3 + 2 Oz Li 2 02 + CO Li 2 CO 3 AG = -423.7 kj/mol (Reaction 7) 2Li 2 0 2 + C Li 2 0 + Li 2 CO 3 AG = -533.6 kj/mol (Reaction 8) 3.0 2.8-~2.6 'Z 2.4 0. 2.22.00 400 800 1200 1600 Charge [mAh gCarbon Figure 32: Discharge curve for Vulcan carbon electrode discharged at 10 mA/gabon in 0.1 M LiClO 4 in DME to ~1600 mAh/garbon. XPS spectra of this electrode is presented in Figure 33. XRD profile of a similarly discharged vulcan carbon electrode is reported by Lu et al.5 and shows the presence of Li 20 2. XRD does not probe the thin surface Li 2 CO 3 layer present in this discharged electrode. 83 C is LUIs O2 2ULi at 350*C Li202 at 350 *C Li20 at 350 *C 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 Binding Energy [eV] 536 7 534 532 530 528 Binding Energy [eVJ 526 59 5857 5 5554535251 50 Binding Energy [eV] Figure 33: XPS spectra comparing electrochemically formed Li202 (in a discharged carbon Li-0 2 electrode) to Li 2 0 2 heated to 350 C. Carbonate formation via chemical in presence of carboncontaining species likely contributes to the formation of Li 2CO 3 . XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. Our in situ heating XPS results lends further support to the hypothesis that Li 2CO 3 detected in the discharged oxygen electrode (Figure 32 and Figure 33) may in part come from the strong chemical reactivity between Li 20 2 and carbon in Li-0 2 cells.'2 1 31 84 In situ XPS analysis of Li 2 0 at elevated temperatures The C Is, 0 Is, and Li Is XPS spectra of the Li 20 upon heating to 500 0C are shown in Figures 34a-c and the corresponding atomic percentages of individual components as a function of temperature are shown in Figures 34d-f. LiOH LiCO ' 3, LiOH (a) C is C03 (b) Li2CO,, ' ' Ol 0 1S Li,CO, 500 *C .450 0C 400 *C 350 *C 300 *C 250 *C 1500C RT 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 Binding Energy [eV] Binding Energy [eV] --- 5 *- (d) C-C 40 4 3 Li2CO3 2 O1s 50 (e) C1s U LiOH L 0 30 OA E 20 Li2CO 0 10 :2: 1 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature rC] 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature [*C] Temperature [C] Figure 34: Temperature dependent in situ XPS spectra of Li 20 pellet in (a) C Is, (b) Ols, and (c) Li Is regions. Atomic percentage of C, 0, and Li in Li 20 2, Li 2CO 3 and Li 2 O obtained from quantitative component analysis of (d) C Is, (e) Ols, and (f) Li Is spectra. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. 85 C Is region Similar to Li 2 0 2 , the spectra show two different components over the entire temperature range (Figure 34a). The peak at 285.0 eV corresponding to aliphatic hydrocarbon species on the surface of the Li 20 was found to decrease with increasing temperature, reaching ~1.3% of total atomic composition at 500 'C (Figure 34d). In a similar fashion to Li2 0 2 , chemical reactions between adventitious carbon species and surface Li 20 or LiOH upon heating results in reduction of hydrocarbon species and simultaneous growth of Li 2 CO 3 (increase in the intensity of the C Is peak at 290.0 eV). Several pathways exist for Li 2 0 to form Li 2 CO 3 by reaction with carbon 38 00 species, three of which are listed below. "1 Li 2 0 + CO2 # Li2 CO 3 Li 2 0 + CO + 102 Li 2 0 + C + 02 AG = -176.5 kJ/mol # Li 2 CO 3 AG = -433.7 kj/mol Li 2 CO 3 AG = -570.9 kJ/mol (Reaction 9) (Reaction 10) (Reaction 11) 0 is region The 0 Is spectrum (Figure 34b) shows one component centered at 531.2 eV at room temperature, which is consistent with LiOH, as discussed previously. Upon heating above 150 'C or starting at 250 *C , this peak was found to broaden, and split into two peaks at 528.6 and 532 eV, corresponding to Li 20 9 6 and Li 2 CO 3 , 5 respectively. At 300 'C and higher, a systematic shift to higher binding energies was observed and this shift was also found in the Li Is region, and discussed in detail below. Furthermore, less than 5% LiOH is detected in both Li Is and 0 Is spectra, indicating nearly complete decomposition of the LiOH surface layer to reveal Li20. Li Is region At 250 'C, the peak originally centered at -54.5 eV corresponding to LiOH present on the surface of the Li 2 0 was found to shift to -53.6 eV. This shift can be attributed to the removal 86 of surface LiOH and appearance of Li 2 0 on the surface. Upon heating to 300 C and higher, a systematic shift of this component to higher binding energies was observed, resulting in a spectrum at 500 C with the main component at ~55 eV (0.9 eV higher than at 250 0C). At 500 0C, the peak positions of the components originally assigned to Li 2 O and Li 2 CO 3 cannot be assigned to any of the three main compounds under investigation by XPS and XRD, or literature values for other lithium-oxygen compounds. Since no structural changes were detected by XRD upon heating of Li 2 0 (Figure 27a), we hypothesize that these shifts arise due to differential charging as more resistive Li2 0 begins to replace surface hydrocarbons and dominate the surface above 300 *C. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that systematic shifts in the binding energy of Li2 0 become negligible when the Li 2 CO 3 peak at 290.0 eV (XPS spectra collected from the Li 2 0 at 300 C) were used for binding energy calibration for spectra at temperatures greater than 300 0C instead of aliphatic carbon at 285.0 eV (Figure 35). LIOH 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 Binding Energy [eV] 51 50 292 290 LIOH Li2CO 2 3 CI CO LiIs LICO LiO Li 3g: U2? 288 286 2482280 Binding Energy [eV] 536 534 532 Li0 530 01 528 526 Binding Energy [eVA Figure 35: Temperature dependent in situ XPS of Li2O pellet calibrated to Li2CO3 peak at 290.0 eV above 300 C. XPS data were obtained in collaboration with David Kwabi and Dr. Yi-Chun Lu in the MIT electrochemical energy laboratory. 87 The rate of growth of Li 2 CO 3 is more pronounced on the surfaces of Li 20 2 compared to Li 2 0 surfaces although the predicted carbonate forming reactions are thermodynamically favored on Li 2 0. The increased surface reactivity of Li 2 O2 compared to Li 2 0 can be explained by the formation of non-stoichiometric and likely more unstable phase (more positive Gibbs free energies) such as oxygen deficient Li 2 02-6 and lithium deficient Li 2. 6O during thermal decomposition. Li 2O2 is utilized as CO 2 scrubber in air purification systems in sealed environments because it is known to readily reacts with ambient CO 2 around 200 C 101,102. The extremely low oxygen partial pressure in the XPS chamber may have been a factor in the apparent resistance of Li 20 to carbonate formation since a large fraction of possible pathways requires 02 as reactant (Reactions 10 and 11). In the case of Li 2 0 2 , molecular oxygen is required only in reacting with pure carbon (Reaction 5). It is not clear whether the apparent stability of Li 20 toward Li 2 CO 3 formation can be realized in Li-0 2 cells. Li-0 2 batteries typically operate at 1 atm oxygen partial pressure; Li 2 CO 3 will likely still form in presence of the carbon matrix regardless of the discharge product being Li 20. 88 89 4.5 Conclusions In this study, we examine structural and surface compositional changes of Li 2 0 2 and Li 20 upon heating via in situ XRD and XPS techniques. In situ XRD reveals that the c/a ratio of the hexagonal unit cell of Li 20 2 decreases significantly in the temperature range from 280 to 310 'C. The decreased c/a ratio can be attributed to oxygen loss from Li 20 2 forming oxygen-deficient Li 202 6 , which is supported by DFT calculations. In addition, a lithium-deficient Li 20 phase appears at 300 'C from thermal decomposition of Li 2 0 2 , which gradually approaches Li 2 0 stoichiometry upon further heating. In contrast, the structure of Li 2 0 was shown to remain stable upon heating to 700 0C, confirming that the bulk structure of Li 20 is much more stable than that of Li 2 0 2. In situ XPS results show that Li 20 and Li 2 CO 3 appear and grow on the surface of the Li 2O2 starting from 250 'C. The formation of Li 2 CO 3 may result from chemical reactions between hydrocarbons (in the XPS chamber and absorbed on the Li 2O2/Li 2 0 surfaces) and the surfaces of Li 20 2/Li 2 O starting at 150 'C. Our study identifies strong surface chemical reactivity between Li 2 0 2 /Li 2 O and carbon-containing species, which highlights the challenge and importance of developing stable carbon-based electrodes for rechargeable Li-0 2 batteries. The decomposition temperatures of Li 2 0 2 and Li 2 0 electrodes with carbon and electrolyte in Li-0 cells might be different from those of Li 20 2 2 and Li 20 shown in this study, which should be examined in future studies. Our findings on the thermal stability of Li 20 2 and Li 20 provide the fundamental insights required to make informed decisions in future designs of practical Li-0 2 batteries. 90 91 5 Perpectives The systematic study of catalysis of Li 20 2 -oxidation oxidation using ABO 3 -type perovskites has uncovered an intriguing aspect of Li 20 2 decomposition electrochemistry and promotion of reactions. Indications that "electrocatalysis" of Li20 2-oxidation may proceed not in the traditional sense of absorption and desorption of solution-labile intermediates but rather by structural and/or crystallographic modifications of the reactant provides an opportunity for important new scientific approaches to boost the recharge kinetics of not only Li-0 2 batteries. Such approach may later be applied broadly to other metal air and metal sulfur batteries with crystalline products. More specific to this work, further experimental understanding of the origin of the unexpected high activity of LaCrO 3 is critical and is underway. It is also imperative to obtain conclusive experimental and/or computational evidence (and rebuttal thereof) for the many mechanisms proposed in the literature regarding the role of catalysts in Li-0 2 batteries. We believe the present work provide yet another critical piece to the puzzle of the Li-0 2 electrochemistry and merits future consideration. This work has also provided pseudo real time insights into the mechanics of decomposition of Li 2 0 2 that will potentially serve to predict the behavior of mixtures of Li 2 0 compounds involved in the Li-0 2 2 and other cell based on chemical reaction principles. However, it is necessary to extend these experiments to the empirical study of mixtures encountered in the Li02 cell. In particular, Li-0 2 cells currently tested in laboratories are comprised of nanopowders of carbon, metal or metal oxide catalysts and organic solvents. In light of the reactivity of peroxides reported by Clark5 0 especially in contact with organics, it will become critical to ensure the thermal stability of Li-0 2 battery assemblies prior to any industrialization. To that goal, we propose systematic and exhaustive studies of mixtures Li 2 0 2 and any potential 92 candidate material (cathode packaging...) for use in Li-0 2 structure material, catalyst, electrolyte salt and solvent, batteries. 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