Older, Wiser, Slower •

• •• • •
Tuesday, Seplembt't 1, 2009
Bye-Bye Bugs
Scientists are sorting
through t he 300 to eoo
distinct enemcarodors of
t he human bod y tofind
what repels mosquitoes,
Someofthe chemicals
are related to stress,In
t he Lab. Page D3,
' Mosq uitoes 11~'
t hrough a ll aeria l
SOU l) or c hemica ls,
but can horne in 0 11
those t hat draw
the m to humans'
Older, Wiser, Slower
............ ....,-..._"""'""
After,50, Avid Athfete ,~ Find Tha t to Stlly llealthy, Th ey Must Let. Go of the Need to Win
By (Uv", H".uH.
TY'm in my aortic ,oot, -Rae< all 1""
wan t : he sal", "but x""p your hean
..te be low 120, " far lower th a n most
pea ' wo, Jeout target>.
AmW:J eVCI"-nililg call> for more exerci", in AmeriCA, the .. isn1 m och
guidance on cutting bacic A:i th e baby
boom.... who fuc io:l mara thon a M triathlon crazes ",ter t he.. !<}s aro:I 60>,
the er "Dq!J"'<bOO ro mp'" iti",n"", CAn
bocome a t ....t to t heir stiffening
ioiots, rigid JI1I.lscles, han:Jcning a "" n",
aro:I high-milo_ hearts. And it doesn1
help th:o: ""ar ly <'\ICI"\' "'CI"cis< message
the y bear e mphasize, more It \ '" if
nobody wa nts to ac ~ owlcdge th at cxorcise "n1 lhe fountain of l"ut h.
1'b< n<>1'ain-oo-gain ...." ,... Ul\' 'ugthat you can Jce"p mallin g gai", if
youj"'t worlc hardo ~ " say. MarJe
a 51-~ ar-oJd a lhlclic roach once lo>ow n
'" th e world\ fittest man for winning
• six tronman Tr:iath ",n Wl,Id Champil offih ,p" As ro -llilthor of a new boo!<
! ca1lcd "Fn Soul, Fo Body ," Mr, Alirn u~ gu<s against fighting _
with more
lis h!~ Mo, AI"" ' ......'*'9 10 1992,
b""" on the t",,,lm W, "If _ can11 '"
"P on l he romp "' iti.. pan of i', if you
have to go a, fast at 50 '" you did a t
20, you wiU grind yoo"df into the
grOilOO a M bocome
out, bitte,
and ""hea llhy," he says ,
A growing numb... of e ", re i« ,den"'IS are que,,""'lltg t he mo,.,..an dhardo, phi losopby of fitness. and not
only for aging at hlct"' , A . rudy pubI"bed I"" year in , he Annal> of Behavioral Medicine 'cinforced other .....
cent "'search ' OOwing 'hal i""'n'ity
to dimini sh w view of p hysi cal
activity .. pleasant, ' Eville ...,e show,
f"" ling wotS< diJrtng exc",is<
I",n ,," te'to doing Ics>excrci<c in the
furu'", " saY' Fa ntel<imon Elc1<c\;aJei>,
, rudy and a p, ofesan author of
, or of I<in",,,,,,,gy at Iowa s...te University,
TaJeiog on new , pon, or elloilcnge,
can give long-used m",dc, a brea1<
while feeding w desi'" for new_Is.
says Matjorie Albohm, p",side nt of the
National Athletic Train....' A:isol:ialion,
who at 58 has become a ..,..,nt d",,""'"
P!ro.., turnto pa ge ill
1_ _