I 9 tI Walter Baker Chocolate Factory: An Adaptive Reuse Exploration Fernando D. Castro By B.A., Columbia University, 1975 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Deqree of Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 1981 (c Fernando D. Castro 1981 The Author hereby grant ts to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribul te publicly copies of this thesis document in who]le or in part. Signature of Author -Dejartiient of Arciitecture February 11, 1981 Certified by Barry Zevin, Assistant Professor o)(AjWchitecture Thesis upervisor Accepted by MASSACHUSETTS OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 1 0 108 LBRARIES pNDIPtmental Professor Tmre Halasz, Chairman Committee for Graduate Students '1 MITLibraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: docs@mit.edu hftp:/llibraries.mit.eduldocs DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. The images contained in this document are of the best quality available. 1312 Abstract: Walter Baker Chocolate Factory: An Exploration of Adaptive Reuse by Fernando D. Castro Submitted to the Department of Architecture on March 10, 1981, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture. This thesis explores the processes of building evolution and the methods in which old buildings are recycled for continued use. Reuse is the process in which a building's life is extended through a preservation or alteration of its existing morphology. memories are both extended and interpreted; Aerial view of Walter Baker Chocolate Factory taken in 1965 when buildins were put on sale. It is a process in which designers try to renovate outdated structures into rich and diverse environments in which people can once again live and work. This thesis is a case study in reuse, in which I study the process of recycling several old industrial buildings. Factory sits The Walter Baker Chocolate on the boundary line between the Massachusetts Milton and Dorchester, straddling the Neponset River. morphology of the existing buildings, an artists' colony. towns of I discuss the and I explore their conversion into Reuse makes sense economically and environmentally, and also helps us preserve a connection to our ancestry, our cultural heritage, and our collective memory. In Working Places: C. Kidney says: the Adaptive Use of Industrial Buildings, Walter L I I I America, at least in its attitude toward material wealth, In the may be undergoing a major psychological change. recent past, it was a building, a car or a saucepan, was liable I whether anything made the day before yesterday, to 1 be scrapped. Today, this trend is beginning to reverse, and architects are looking to explore the potential for reuse of outdated buildings. exploration, Gelardin, selected the program that Ihave Bruner, and Cott used to create As a guide for my the architectural team of the "Piano Craft Guild", artists' colony in the South End of Boston. I have, however, an taken the freedom to tailor the program to fit the specific conditions extant at the east complex of the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Barry Zevin Assistant Professor of Architecture J -. I: Acknowledgments To the Memory of My Father I would like to extend my thanks to Professor Barry Zevin, whose patience and dedication made this thesis possible. His insights and criticism were extremely valuable throughout the duration of the thesis. Professors Imie Halasz and Edward B. Allen were of the utmost help as well. My deepest gratitude for the technical assistance provided by Mark Kane, Rafael Olguin, Paul Pressman and Eric Gustafson. My special thanks to August Schaeffer for his assistance and support during the final phases of production. and Michael Sela, whose advice, Thanks to peers Charles Triester support and humor made the experience bearable; to my friends Mark Kane and Paula Thelan for the tea and sympathy; to my cousin Melida Scarpetta for her affection and support. Thanks to James Moore who patiently edited the final draft, and finally, to Don, Karen, Nick, and Monica, my roommates, who put up with me during the last stages of production. Table of -TABLE Contents PAGE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 5 . ABSTRACT . . . PREFACE: ADAPTIVE REUSE AND CURRENT ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE. 6-12 . INTRODUCTION: . FORMS OF ADAPTIVE REUSE SECTION 1 I II III IV V . . . . . . . . . 13-17 . THE CONTEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . NEIGHBORHOOD MORPHOLOGY AND ITS ORIGINS . . . . . . . . . .21-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-27 CHARACTER OF EXISTING BUILDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33-35 .36-68 ORIENTATION OF BUILDINGS SELECTING THE BUILDING PROGRAM THE EXPLORATIONS . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37-56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45-56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57-68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64-68 PROGRAM AND PARTI FINISHED II . LANDSCAPE AS FORM-GENERATOR AT WALTER BAKER . SECTION 2 I . DRAWINGS REFERENCES OF TRANSFORMATION STUDIES ELEVATION . . . . . CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-70 FOOTNOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . -. 71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-73 . . . . I Preface PREFACE: ADAPTIVE REUSE AND CURRENT ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE In her book, Buildings Reborn: New Uses, Old Places, Barbaralee Diamonstein quotes urban designer Johnathan Barnett: Adaptive re-use of old buildings is also a form of architectural criticism; people reject many of the new buildings they see, preferring what they have In the same to what they expect to get instead. hears any more of a "remodeled" vein, one rarely Because the word connotes Why? apartment or house. More and more, people seem the junking of the old. to prefer what the past had to offer in the way of handcrafts, custom design of hardware and moldings, attention to details (newness still prevails, though, when it comes to choosing Ornamentation, decreed a crime by appliances). modernists, is no longer taboo but desirable, a from the glass-and-steel grid that epitorelief If you doubt the significance of mizes modernism. this trend, if you question whether people really do feel this need for embellishment in their me They tell talk to a rental agent. surroundings, the reference to a "landmark building" in an ad that 2 is the ultimate lure. The failure of modern architecture caused a crisis amongst architects. to satisfy these personal desires has Some have reacted by re-enacting the traditions of 19th century eclecticism and have begun to reproduce historical styles. The Getty Museum in California, replica of the Villa at Papiri. In England, for example, is an exact Raymond Erith and Quinlan Terry have produced some recent recreations of Georgian prototypes. Other designers, such as Robert Venturi, a master at caricaturing the cultural trends that shape the modern environment, have tried to take advantage of the crisis to advance their personal conceptions of modern L architecture. JENCKS. CHARLES -ir - a Garapie Rotunda cosmetics the New York critic and author of The Language of Post Modernism endorses Venturi's views while emphasizing semiotics as a discipline to help designers evaluate the aesthetics of buildings, "...to speak the common language of the culture first". The designer should logically start with an investigation of the semiotic group and always keep in his mind the varying views of the good life as seen by the people involved since architecture ultimately signified a way of life - something not 3 entirely understood by the Modern Movement. IBroadly speaking, these groups are classified in socio-economic terms by sociologists and market researchers, even though there is a lot of overlap and borrowing between groups, and there 4 are other forces at work. Both Venturi and Jencks accuse the Modern Movement of lacking a contextural foundation. 1977 "Cosmetics and Prefabrication" - architecture as a stage set. Jencks - the so-called Post-Modernist - follows many of Venturi's In their search for "freedom" from the architectural precepts. formal severity of Modernism, both men have given way to a selffr"7 indulgent architecture based on a social interpretation of contemporary culture. 7-- Charles Jencks, Welifieet Arcnieciure as prefaorication clus S I feel that their criticism is accurate but misguided: their interpretation of contexturalism is near-signted and shallow. I. 0 () Both men feel that buildings are objects/monuments. Objects/monuments are appropriate only to celebrate or to commemorate people or events from history. When monuments are used as containers for daily human activity, however, the livinq environment becomes fragmented and incomplete. Equivocacy, problems, reuse. ambiguity, and cliche are not recent inventions. These which abound in modern architecture, can also occur in adaptive Calvin Trillin addressed this issue in an article for the New Yorker. When old warehouses and abandoned factories all over the country started being scrubbed up into boutiques several years ago, we travelling people accepted them more or less the way we had accepted the advent of Holiday Inns - at first marvelling at their presence, and then grumbling that they all The brick exposed in Ghirardelli looked alike. Square in San Francisco tended to look like the brick exposed in Pioneer Square in Seattle, which had some similarity to the brick exposed in Old Town, Chicago, or Underground Atlanta or the River Quay in Kansas City or Larimer Square in Denver or Gas 5 Light Square in St. Louis. Trillin clearly summarizes the problem with much of today's adaptive reuse. 6 "Some of the historic renovations are chic and some are tacky." Meaningful - not "tacky" - architecture is both relevant to its context and truthful in its use of materials. The designer must pay attention to the existing vocabulary of form as well as to its geneology, and must look at both the building and its natural surroundings for the new design work. for clues Without this sensitivity, the meaning of an existing building can be easily lost or destroyed. Meaningful architec- ture and quality construction have always been worth saving, but this I. II attitude has only recently resurfaced in America. whelming American creed, has turned buildings of years of use they are to be discarded. Consumerism, the over- into objects; Buildings, after a number however, are essen- tial Darts of our lives as well as of the lives of those who came before us and those who will follow. As pieces of our collective heritage, they deserve to be respected and treated with a sensitivity towards their past history, their present use, Happily, and their future potential. this consumerist attitude appears to on the wane. In the near future, then, we may see an America that Should this be so, a has relearned frugality. region, understood as a delicate ecological mechanism, will be developed cautiously according to a comprehansive plan - and its scenery will benefit In the towns, vacant lots will be built greatly. upon, and abandoned buildings rehabilitated or land, even as in gotten rid of if too far gone: to squander. precious too be will the Netherlands, will be sort, whatever of Existing construction, gotten examined to see what further use can be Building materials, including decorative out of it. 7 work, will be salvaged, not broken up or burned. The Walter Baker Factory has a distinguished history. is presently abandoned - the victim of consumerism - sound and its materials are in good shape. for reuse. Although it it is structurally It has enormous potential Whether that potential is achieved depends on the designer's sensitivity to history, his understanding of structure and materials, and his awareness of the building's context. The factory can be seen as an ecological entity. facades of the buildings flanking painted a uniform white - At present, Adams Street and Pierce the Square are as if a coat of paint can unite the complex. In fact, these buildings not only date back to different periods, but f I they also have completely dissimilar styles. The Baker Company expanded rapidly, and because land was scarce and the topography awkward, buildings were haphazardly scattered around the site and randomly connected by bridges. Despite its heterogeneous develop- ment, however, this complex of buildings has an order to it. What appears to be a disorderly intrusion of buildings upon the river banks is actually also a richly layered architectural environment. In order to understand the potential of such an entitity, I outlined the hierarchial order under which the buildings currently exist and used these observations as a foundation for my design work. The first part of this thesis evaluates the observations that I made while preparing for re-design. The second part contains the actual design work and presents a personal expression of adaptive reuse. So that the reader will fully understand the background I brought into the observation process, I have first included a brief discussion of the prevalent forms of contemporary adaptive reuse. Kti~ Jencks' Semiotic Groupings LUCILLE BALL'S House. Berly Hills. c 1955. Movie Star House tourism has been a mass industry since the twenties. and maps are thankfully provided for visiting anthropologists The habitat and layout of these houses is so conventionalised as to constitute a norm: first a public street and sidewalk. then a layer of manicureo verdure discreetly signifying privacy, then tne rambling house in one of five acceptable styles; the garage to one side. Behind this the tennis court, swimming pool ant shrine room where the star s previous triumphs are shown to invited guests This screening room often doubles as an exercise and game room, since physical fitness and relaxation are the two major drives of this tribe. The 'California Colonial' of Lucille Balls house, with its raised eyebrow dormers. is the most popular style, followed closely by pseudo-Tudor. (Carol Barkin and Stephanie Vaughan). Swiss crolet Stye pitched root colonial cupola IL cabtorrtnma ranch style neighbor - aeStyie ~ fJ~5 begenVy --k - crnonmenta personal touch name - - - -*T- s9rweepingw - --- - -... -c -ro c rriage lamp -ds at ir POSts=p - g9 - - doorway --ranch style tence - KEVINFISHER.EnglishPopuler HouseAnalysi, 1976. This synthesis of several reigning trends in the market shows how and permissavethe popular English house is becoming. A pastiche of Japanese, American and English. modern and traditionaL urban and rural. Few architects would dare use such a language because of its impuinty.so the market remains open to the speculators. It is of course possible to use any language to send any message. eclectic 1 Suburban K ~ -. E~rcAh2t 'M4 2 Movie Star PORTMEIRION, view into Battery Square, showing seaside architecture and Italian campanile. This stage-set architecture has. not surprisingly. been used in several films and commercials. This was the first creation of a formula that was later applied, in a cheapened version. to communities such as Port Grimaud. and ride-through parks such as Disneyland. 3 Building in Nature RICHARD MEIER. Douglas House. Harbor Springs. Michigan. 1971-3. The villa in nature. enclosed. protected. and yet standing out as aran-made element. This Italian tradition. taken over equally by and the Le Corbusier and the upper classes contrasts the cooked, the untouched and the finished Here Meier uses a Corbusian syntax to represent the interior space. which is layered both horizontally and vertically through four storeys. (Ezra Stoller). Estate raw "If one wants to change a culture's taste and behaviour, or at least influence these aspects, as modern architects have expressed a desire to do, then one has to speak the common language of the culture first. If the language and message are changed at the same time, then both will be systematically misunderstood and reinterpreted to fit the convenThis is precisely tional categories, the habitual patterns of life. Pruitt-Igoe and what has happened with modern housing estates. (Charles Jencks, Pessac are the two most celebrated examples". "The Language of Post-Modern Architecture", p. 130). rc itecture as Decorated Shed 1. 2. 3. 4. Rural Architecture School by Francois Variations on the decorated shed. Week-End Home Project, 1977. Sketches for a Science Museum. Cointeraux Venturi uses his architecture as a critical comnent on contemporary culture. The "shed decorated at a monumental scale" is meant to portray modern architecture laughing at itself. Humor aside, however, society looks for more substance in its buildings and is generally left empty-handed. 1. rcdidd Ewk c r Rre.,..rn Aitu,, Af"ct,. 4gttcua~ elCArchiWci uxfrangan pr Francois CoAmerau.ancien expe ietarpenrjue j~tj [ Izir 7 N ii H Li. 7~ I .0QO~ - ~ I, c - [=7-t t. ~ Ii I LiT -I I Introduction FORMS OF ADAPTIVE REUSE There are three prevalent recycling, and transformation. seldom pure, forms of adaptive reuse: preservation, Although specific examples of reuse are and the methods usually overlap, each form possesses some distinct characteristics. 1. Preservation The preservationist attempts to bring a building back to its original state of existence. construction, Care is taken to recreate the original detailing, and ornamentation. However, liberties are sometimes taken when construction methods are no longer available for -e -ow At Quincy Market, to their original special state. attention was given to restoring buildings In many instances, the renovations left the Market more opulent than its initial design had ever been. use. Preservation generally implies a continuation or restoration of the building's original use. Quincy Market is a good example of the preservationist approach to reuse. 2. Pragmatic Recycling Building renovation usually attempts to accomodate a new use within an old building, using contemporary means of construction for any changes. Architects generally try to keep design intervention to a minimum and attempt to use the existing qualities and elements of the building as much as possible. the building's parti: Reuse through recycling usually preserves its diagrammatic organization, and physical arti- culation. In the introduction I quoted from Trillin's remarks on the tendency he calls it "cliche in adaptive reuse" -to - expose the masonry and beams which were part of the original building construction. Because modern construction no longer relies on individual craftsmanship, quite often it cannot match the quality of the older methods. Creating new structures and materials to match the qualities of the old would be far too expensive and labor intensive for economically successful reuse projects. Recycling, however, does not do away with ornament. It is very much a part of our architectural culture and manufacturers have found that there is always a market for second-rate imitations of classical proto- As discussed by Calvin Trillin, the designers of the PTano Craft Guild took no risks in recycling, continuing the parti of the original buildings and taking a minimalist approach throughout. - T - I. I y types. In fact, some of the most mundane works of modern architecture rely almost entirely on second-rate plastic replicas and cheap imitation classicism. The 60's witnessed a movement away from this trend and a revival of workmanship and quality. analogous to "cheap": quality. E;,.2_ -sdjaa-ach, a-----" ar'h The attitude developed that "plastic" was mass produced articles were felt to be without People once again became concerned with the propriety of a material for its task and the propriety of ornament to its material. This concern became a central issue in adaptive reuse projects. Fkrs. 4 and 5. Dwgraum of Oh fagads of S. Mana Novella David Pye, author of The Nature and Art of Workmanship, deals with the equivocacy of materials and construction, a problem which has begun to trouble architects. ...every material has, as a matter of objective fact, a specific nature, a fixed set of inherent properties which can be expressed or supressed rather as though it were a child when it is used: They are both essentially being brought up. concerned with design, and insist that the material shall not be shaped or treated so as to suppress the set of inherent properties which constitute its nature. 1 Fw. 7. Fagadeof S. Sebariao, MAntu. Recnuction of Alborn''s pojc of 1460 A good example of this minimilist approach to renovation can be found in the Piano Craft Guild where the original structure and walls were exposed and new construction was only added to create partitions between different use spaces. 3. Transformation The evolution of a formal Art historians write about representative examples from different periods of architecture. transformation as discussed The triumphal by Wittkower. arch and temple facade They comment on the evolution of form with the passing of time, and not that each generation invents its own combined over time to create 3---Plladmo. It Redemor, Ven 1576-92.FromRenortiSam..z= Mb-l Redemore fawde a new concept of the Renaissance church. L vocabulary based on assumptions established by previous generations. Transformation,in the terms of art historians, deals with the evolution of form through the invention and juxtaposition of architectural vocabularies. Rudolph Wittkower, in his book Architectural Principals in the Age of Humanism, cites the transformation of church architecture as one of the greatest achievements of the Renaissance. Alberti, Wittkrower claims, transformed the basilica, a prototype much used during the Middle Ages, from "Wall Architecture" to an architecture which used a 12 more expressive definition of its function as the house of God. Somewhat later, Palladio added the final touches to Alberti's work. Neither architect, however, used new forms; they merely juxtaposed vocabularies which had been used for other purposes - triumphal arches and pagan temples. The disassociation of these juxtaposed vocabularies from their previous meanings created the transformation. Were we to extend some of these concepts into adaptive reuse, we would be dealing with recyclable buildings as a series or architectural elements which are combined according to the rules of a specific vocabulary (wall architecture, for instance). Following the concepts of transformation, architects can intervene with different degrees of intensity. Some go as far as to use only the foundations of the original building and add new construction to the old structure. Unlike renovation, transformation, by definition, alters the building's parti. In my thesis, the need for an adeauate circulation system, definition of public areas and privacies, and the need for light forced me to make significant changes to the existing buildings. Since I was both adding and subtracting, I had to use an architectural vocabulary suitable to sustain these changes. I created such a vocabulary after examining meaningful reference examples of both adaptive reuse and new construction. [ Im _____j_r 18 Section 1 The Context F I Generator I. Landscape as Form~% I. LANDSCAPE AS FORM-GENERATOR AT WALTER BAKER The eastern complex of the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory has a strong morphological association with the water, which form the essential rocks, In fact, elements of its natural environment. the factory owes its very existence to the rapids: abundant water power, and escarpments were it not for its the site would never have been developed. Even as one stops on the bridge to look at the turbulent waters one can see the evolution of the mill begin to come alive. The heavy masonry walls which echo the forms of the steep escarpments anchor the building solidly 74W to the ground and provide a safe haven from which to watch the rushing river. It is as if the waters - like the flames in a fireplace - have ~ been successfully harnessed, and one feels the same thrill the rapids as in watching a fire. ~.,' watching The analogy can be taken further when one realizes that both the river and the keeping men alive. in fire serve a purpose in In fact, the BRA has recently passed a proposal to begin to use the river to supply Dorchester with "home grown" hydroelectric power. Anchorage and bridging are recurrent themes within the complex. Building 4 projects clear out over the water, which are bolted into the river bed. standing on steel columns Other buildings are interconnected by numerous bridges as if each structure was a ship on the bay with only a thin gangplank connecting it to other ships and the land. L andscape as the generator of form, F rench master, Corot. as depicted by the After studying a contour map and then viewing the actual landscape one can understand the analogy between the buildings and their site. The heavy masonry walls form a "footprint" for the buildings, providinga solid anchoring base from which the lighter structure springs. on- either side of the river, massive escarpments spring up from the water, rising high into the air and bushes. before they climax with a These escarpments topping of treesP form exquisitely chisled natural witness to an age-old evolutionary process. A OKXIZIWV sculpture,t Any attempt to add to this context must be made only with a sensitivity to and regard for the-existing natural beauties. Heri..ge.Park - ;-zriae Phtogrph t th is ake wes ofthe ompex a ak -Thtgaht -. to h r7gnthmswhc etdpcsteacoae ccrrpetdy laig hoghuZomlx th I. I Morphology II. Neighborhood II. AND ITS ORIGINS NEIGHBORHOOD MORPHOLOGY In his book, Streetcar Suburb: (1870-1900), Sam Bass Warner, Jr. The Process of Growth in Boston traces the urbanization process that took place in Boston after the Civil War. During those thirty years, Boston evolved into the metropolis that it is today. And, although War- ner focusses his attention primarily on the city proper, many of the patterns he develops apply equally well to the area around Lower Mills. He coins the term "romantic capitalism" to label the trends of upward mobility in the late 19th century society of immigrants who rose from the ranks of the impoverished workers to the upper classes. In a society of intense economic growth and confusion, people idealized village life and rural surroundings centered about the family and the community. This idealization marked, says Warner, "...the attempt by a mass of people each with but one small house and lot to achieve what previously had been the pattern of life of a few rich families with two large houses and ample land." He concludes: The grid plan of the suburbs did not concern itself It was an economically efficient with public life. geometry which divided large parcels of land as The arrangement of the they came on the market. blocks of the grid depended largely upon what farm The or estate came on the market at what time. -esult was not integrated communities arranged about common centers, but a historical and accidental traffic pattern. Where a railroad station and arterial streets came together,stores, churches, and sometimes schools were build to serve some of the needs of The old industrial relationship: millowner's house overlooking his mill. House c. 1860, picture 1880 In Dorchester, for the residents of the area. village clusters historic were there example, that grew with the increase of population around them: Meeting House Hill, Harrison Other Square, Codman Square, Lower Mills. clusters - cENTRAL sosTos such as Fields Corner, Grove Hall, and Columbia Square - were largely the workST of the new streetcar transportation network. Most characteristic of the new suburban order was the commercial strip which followed the main transportation lines and had no center Washington Street, Dorchester, from at all. ROXBURY I s, Codman Square to Grove Hall lacked any historic It was simply a long row of little center. stores which served those passing by and those living in the houses behind. 8 GDCE GROVE 4 Company officials situated the chocolate factory at an intersection of several major transportation routes. * The location also offered the highly desirable advantages of free hydro-electric power; in addition, I the river provided navigable water transit from the rapids to the ocean. ~cODMAN SQUARE The area around the mill did not develop into a crowded urban network. Rather, Lower Mills represented the idea of a rural community, very similar, on a smaller scale, to the town of Lowell. As Warner points out, however, there was little direct planning involved in the growth of Lower Mills. O, Facilities sprang up and became outdated. Companies found it easier to relocate and construct new facilities than to renovate or reuse existing ones. Nor did they usually bother to destroy the old buildings, but chose instead to simply abandon them. HYDE PAR MATTAPAN MILTON Major streetcar stops which even a century later remain as community nuclei. rii 0 ~0 Neighborhood Character ( 1Am. 5. 2.MO 1.& 2. Building 30-31 wrap around Adams Street like a small city fortification. 3. Milton, to the south, is an affluent middle-class community. 4. A small parking area, used as service area to the complex on Building 34. 5. The Dorchester Lower Mills. - section of 1-. 3. 4. 4 III. Orientation III. ORIENTATION OF BUILDINGS The first buildings in the Walter Baker complex date back to 1868 and were positioned to take advantage of the power supplied by the river. Later buildings were positioned wherever they could fit on the crowded site. As a result of initial positioning, later additions, and subse- quent urbanization of the surrounding locale, the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory currently presents several major orientations and directions. One can interpret these directions in a variety of ways, and I have included graphics to help illustrate the major factors. forms The site can be interpreted as a hand where the Pierce Mill the palm with fingers extending from it: the fingers are the Ware Mill, BR,A., eve vi-w. af L.tap. Park i ;t-or H-ri the Preston Mill, and Buildings 20, Mill forming the index finger. 21, and 22 with the Adams These Street i pmthv-vna-r'np" t' r Ri" e ilIsIi,th Ceta. ad anA i''11 it res-pe. r. Park - mp e Hannon ' oe Paru p.- o"'w fingers are bounded by or buried in the protruding escarpments of the river. Four major axes are generated in this organization. The primary access is Adams Street, and as one walks from the MBTA one is immediately attracted by the gate which forms a visible landmark and point of reference. Buildings A second direction is created as Adams Street wraps around 30 and 31. Another passageway begins at the gateway, perpen- dicular to Adams Street, and ends at a rack escarpment creating a third direction. Beginning as an alley, this space becomes a rather charming courtyard although at the moment it is isolated from the rest of the com- nnen--eninin (I88PI-O. th. the W.r- Ms l H--ll aieht th- AA- SI--n vro f -Adthe Pret"n.111 100, XA Pierce Mil l t11r). .I plex. For the purposes of this The footbridge creates a fourth axis. thesis I have included Building 38 (the Ware Mill) and Building 39 (the Ware Storehouse) which are located on this axis. The factory buildings themselves are directional, in keeping with the topography, the river, and the street. Industrial buildings, they were designed to be straight-forward and efficient: long and thin to admit lots of daylight and to facilitate the transmission of power via long belts and axles. a ~ml~ j'j Ii -fl 7-7~ ~, ~ 1=t V IV L4ZL~ L t-I-- L~ Both slides capture the key clues to the nature of site in its urban context: aloof, fortification-like. U-' Orientation of Buildings MAP (F PROPERTY IX MAJOR Insurance map depicting numbering system, date of construction, and defining area of study for the purposa of this thesis. AXES OF BUILDINGS 211 IV. Character of Existing Buildings IV. CHARACTER OF EXISTING BUILDINGS In 1966, students working on architectural preservation with Professor Seckler of Harvard, analyzed a building across the street from the chocolate factory. For the purposes of this thesis, their observations on that structure are considered to hold true for the Walter Baker buildings. _ 'The prosaic designation "Mill No. 4, Buildings A-B" seems somehow appropriate for this sturdy but stolid example of nineteenth century industrial architecture - impressive more for its durability and At the time continuing utility than its style. of its construction, the Baker Chocolate Company was rapidly expanding and improving its production facilities on both banks of the Neponset River at Milton's Adams Street bridge. Today the Baker Company has followed the migratory path of other New England industries southward in search of cheaper labor, but Mill No. 4 is partly rented and, with little difficulty, is being renovated for new industrial uses.' Construction is described in this manner: 'On the interior, timber floors lie upon a grill of iron The iron girders run from front and wood girders. (Adams Street) to rear, resting between cast iron columns; the wood beams are suspended from the iron by metal brackets and traverse the building from In Building B, however, the floor side to side. above the basement is of brick and is supported by masonry vaulting filled to floor level between iron girders. Most of the heaviest loading appears to have occurred on this surface.' "The plane, undisguised brick surf as...ad long been a part of this native tradition." 'In dramatic contrast to the techniques employed at the Baker site, the Menier Chocolate Works of Jules Saulnier had already pioneered skeletal construction ten years earlier at Noisel-sur-Marne. The anonymous industrial buildings of the St. Louis waterfront, rising between 1850 and 1880, mini had demonstrated with their iron and glass facades how utilitarian structures could be more amply lit and shed their masonry heaviness. And the years following the completion of Mill No. 4 (1883), William Le Baron Jenney's Home Insurance Building rose to punctuate the Chicago skyline.' 'About the architecture of the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory: In fixing the mill's architectonic treatment, its designers appear to have borrowed with partial success from contemporary masters while also unconsciously retaining much that was of value in a century of anonymous American architecture. The plane, undisguised brick surfaces, cleanly penetrated by doors and windows - such as exhibited by all the buildings in the Baker complex - had long been a part of this native tradition.' 9 The complex at Walter Baker is an example of an industrial prototype. The idea is to give an image to the company rather than to emphasize the manufacturing Buildings as such are sturdy structure process. witnesses to the prosperity of the firm. Existing Buildings VIEW EAST FROM BRIDGE 51 Existing Buildings Isv,'* -' rtrr~ ~ -, r . II im a too 1. 4L- -4.- I* ADAMS STREET FAI ADE L t Existing Buildings BACK VIEW OF BUILDINGS FROM ESCARPMENT V. Building Program Artists face a work space crunch The struggling artist. partk-uiarly with the redisco starving artists, very of the eity hv affltent professionikoston ai1eager to hvv condominlums miliar with all the problems facing creative peoplein their search for liv ing and working spaces Pineda lives with her husband. sculptor larold Tovitsh. on MarIbnrough street to the Back Blay, but they work in separate studios In the Fort Point Channel area behind South alone In a garret. Is a citche that re- fuses to go away Bit In the area in recent years. Industrial and carved out of structures originally de commercial building iofts have rplaced garrets. colective action has become the way to .olve housing and signed as wharf buildings. warehoses and manufacturing plants buiktings ideally suited to artists "Artitsts need space. light and porerty restudio problems. and ti mains a fact of life for many rreative penple. new galteries and exhibition spaces have emerged to give lwir work greater phtic exposure a suillable. Nevertheless. affordable work space remains one of finding the critical pronms facing Hoston said sense greater sculpor Marfreight elevators." oanna Pida. "and a ofhelnngto a eommuinity Is of and Ing Station. the fatest growing artits' community In the city. Other enclaves exist in the Snuth Fnd. Fenway. Chinatown's leather district. greater importance as well. For the past few years. Pinrda has headed ot fhe toston the iotuving Commit tee Visual ArlIsts Union. and she 1s fa .amaica Plain and. stightly further afilid. in Cambridge's Le humere arra. Somerville and Waltham. Noone has a solid estimate of the lowed the hixry housinr demand to detrov the artiss e-unmunitle's The i'uston Wharf to owns 3M numter of professional artists. but the BVAU1sent out a questionnaire to 3000 artists on its mailing list three years ago, and got 2000 rrplies Musiclans and other miltion square fee( of space In (th Fort Point Channel area and has begun m"nverting buildines into luxury condominiums The arlists now are organized. hopeful they can negotiate with their landlord for a future for themselves and their spaces The rot come can he predifted. because athe following articles show. every group ft arlisis has a different tale I tell performing artists would swell that census "'Artists like this area." said Pineda. "It Is a liveable city. with gonud museums. good music. an arttsts' union. and a way to join the artistic communIty We also feel we have a Wntto contribute In Roston. and the city has a chance In avoid the mis takes New York made when it al- two -JEFF MeL.AllAIL-IN Boston Sunday Globe, V. SELECTING THE BUILDING PROGRAM Included in this section is a copy of an article from the Boston Globe which describes the space crunch that artists are currently experiencing. is taking away the precious loft Speculative housing space that people in the arts need. thesis around an artists' colony, And, although I have centered my I have taken a larger group of users into consideration, attempting to think in terms of a person who needs not only a living space but also a space in which to work. There is a growing trend towards integrating home life and work life, and writers such as Alvin Toffler and Lewis Mumford have predicted scenarios in which people would rather work at home than subject themselves to a nine-to=five routine. (In one of my original thesis proposals I developed the concept of a self-supporting facility similar to the communes of the 60's, the urban housing cooperative of the 70's, and the July 1980 utopian communities from the 19th century. Due to the lack of an ade- quate program incorporating a real client, however, the proposed exploration proved unworkable.) The Walter Baker industrial buildings would not only be an ideal artists' colony, but is also worthy of renovation as a magnificent example of our architectural heritage. In addition, the community surrounding the complex would benefit by creating these cultural facilities. I have adopted the following program from the Piano Craft Guild to be used as a guideline for this design project: - Apartment units ranging from 400 to 1600 sq. feet - 30,000 sq. feet for gallery, lobby, resturant, and small business enterprises. - Theater with seating for 200 people, and a small reception area - Space for workshops and a small performing company - Service utilities Economics did not play a major role in making design decisions. As a design exploration, this thesis is intended to be an academic exercise in form-making; a more disciplined financial focus could easily form an entire thesis in itself. Michael B. Johnson's thesis deals with the renovation of the Close Factory in East Cambridge and provides a scenario which is not dissimilar to my own proposal. It is assumed that the renovation process will be (A initiated by a base or "seed" corporation. tenant's association would be the deal base The base corporation would purchase corporation.) and property from the Redevelopment building the Many municipalities, eager to stiAuthority. mulate development in decaying-areas, will sell old buildings to prospective developers at bargain prices. Thus, it is conceivable that a tenant's group or other private entity might be encouraged to undertake development of an existing building. Once the building and property are acquired, the corporation will obtain financing, either from a private agency, or from HUD under Section 312 for the actual renovation (up to $17,500 per unit). 56- Section 2 The Explorations dl I. Program and Parti I. PROGRAM AND PARTI I spent a large part of the semester developing a circulation sys- tem adequate for mixed use development. Throughout this period on defining and differentiating public and private areas. * I focused I used the patterns of movement in pedestrian networks as references and I studied the patterns that currently exist in such mixed use areas as the North End. At Lower Mills, a public path begins at the gateway on Adams Street, penetrates Building 20 and crosses over the small bridge between Buildings 28 and 39 and then leads back either to Adams Street or the MBTA. The private areas begin between Buildings 33 and 21 and between Buildings 21 and 25. public pathway: The North End provided a good reference lesser streets are screened from the busiest part of town, and while they are still public spaces, sonal qualities. they have special per- The pedestrian, who at first might overlook the side streets, is pleasantly surprised when he finds them. The resolution of the existing directional axes described earlier) system. for the (which was served as the organizing element for the circulation The notion of the link and the joint form an analogy to the circulation system and its open spaces. The link is the linear circu- "L'Escalier des Lavandieres" by 18th century French painter Hubert Robert, used as a visual reference to the gate-like 19 and 20. lation route and the joint is the point where two or more links meet. In this particular study, the topography and the buildings create a opening at Buildings circulation system similar to ones found in Mediterrean villages. I have penetrated through Building 20 making a gateway to the other side of the river, and I have created a joint or open space on either side of the gate. The joint between Buildings serves as a transition to a smaller 30, 31 and 32. Buildings 30, 30, 33, and 20 joint at the entrance of Buildings Because they were much too awkward for housing, 31, and 32 have been zoned for commercial and office space. The joint around these buildings also serves as a transition to the private housing area which is further defined by a gate between Buildings 20 and 33. The space between Buildings 30 and 34 and Buildings 19 and 23 is sufficient to allow vehicular access on special occasions. (This alleyway currently handles a considerable amount of traffic: it can easily accomodate an occasional truck or emergency vehicle.) In addition, deliveries can be made at the lot next to buildings 33 and 34. I have placed a gallery in Buildings 20 and 21 where artists can exhibit their work and share their ideas. The gallery is also a transi- tion to the theater lobby which is buried between Buildings 33 and 34 and Buildings 20 to 23. Though it could be an expensive piece of construction, the theater imparts a necessary vitality to the entire artists' complex. I have moved the elevator from the end of Building 21 over to the space next to the gallery in order to allow a more efficient circulation to the upper level units and to create a means of vertical access adjacent to the main gateway. The shed north of Building 20B has been removed to create a sunny space. Part of this space serves as an outdoor spill- over for the resturant and gallery. The space also serves as a transi- tion between Buildings 21 and 25 beyond the gate. I have also demolished Shed 20 C and created a deck for the resturant which can also serve as I, a point where people can simply relax and look at the landscape. Buildings 21 and 22 are so high that they block the sun from the spaces between Buildings 30, 33, and 34. The lack of southern exposure I would render these existing open spaces uninhabitable throughout much of the year. In addition, the existing axes through these buildings ter- minates in the sheer walls of the escarpments. So, for purposes of light, open space, and circulation, I have cut through Buildings 22 and 27 and formed the remaining buildings into a conclusive "spine". The Early efforts dealing with gallery! theatre space in open space formed by this cut is oriented in the direction of the river and also contains a level change which gives it additional richness. From either of these spaces one can follow a set of stairs in the northern terrace to the back of the spine, or one can go through a passageway into another open space. like the terraces in the hill This open space is to be landscaped towns to suggest a place where people might want to retreat and rest. The point between Buildings 20, 19, and 25 also serves as a transi- tion to the bridge, which can be repaired and converted into a charming thoroughfare. Because the bridge is wide enough for truck passage, it could also be used for some emergency vehicles and for special deliveries. Buildings 28 and 39 lack the enclosure and privacy found in other Buildings 20 and 21. buildings. space. Therefore, I have designated these structures The storehouses in Buildings 37 as office and 38 can be maintained as they currently exist or these buildings can be converted for use as an openair marketplace on weekends. Due to the proximity of the complex to the MBTA trolley and bus services, on-site parking can be kept to a minimum of 1.5 dwelling unit. parking spaces. With 40 dwellings on the site, spaces per this requires 60 Because of the lack of land on the eastern complex, one might put some of the parking on grounds across the street. A tenants cooperative could manage and maintain the open spaces and parking areas. The Red Line subway tracks will eventually be converted into recreational facilities as part of the plans to create the Heritage Park. Until then, the front lot of Building 38 and the space on the northern side can remain as a green walkway with some provisions for parking. 1--. Heritage Park Walkng, Jogging, andBiking 11 The Neponset riverfront offers a continuous opportunity for bicyclists, walkers, joggers, and is served at several points by the Red Line Pathways trolley extension. should be created on the higher riverbanks and along the marsh edge; access to these pathways should be created in accordance with the reconsnendations of the recent City report on Boston's Urban Wilds, which identiies several key acThe quisitions or easements. pathways themselves should be constructed with sensitivity envirto the area's fragile onmental features by remaining off the wetlands and by taking advantage of bridges and archways already in place. Between Butler Street and Cedar Grove, the Red Line trolley curves northward, leaving a pair of former Old Colony freight tracks running This along the marsh edge. spur is used but minimally, and if an alternative means users can be of serving its found, the lengthy process c' track abandonment should be This would allow attempted. eventual public acquisitioc of the right-of-way, and its conversion to part of the In the linear park system. interim, an easenent on the dry-land side of the tracks should be sought. Boating andPicnicking 12 tween the Ventura Street playground and the River is owned in part by the MDC and in part by a private property It should become the holder. site of both a public boat dock and the Park's major picnic area. This is the picnic grove to which the eastern riverfront walkways of the Mills will lead, and the view upriver into the gorge is dramatic. This area is within walking distance of 47-. - Potential joggingebecle path an abandoned rail nvrit-of,==. U Privateownership and dc velopmentofrthe riverbanL haivescreened off this potential re reationalresourcefrom the ipie who should most enoi i 4he residents of Dorchesw. atnapan, and Milton. Just east of the Heritage Park at the Mills, the opportunity exists to create attractive boating and picnicking areas on both sides In Dorchester, of the River. the hillside which lies be- / g,, 4 4 The Heritage Park at the Mils emphasiesconcentrated. active, largely educational activities in facilities that ae built. while the Heritage Park along the Neponset emphasimes diffuse, passive, more purehs recreational activities in an environment that is natural. - The state Department of Environmental Management is familiar with the concept plan (or the Heritage Park and itendsto support it. Potential Active Recreation Areas Conservation Areas Open to Walking & Biking '4 Mills Complex & Industrial Use ED M Museum 0 Heritage State Park Visitor Center Commercial Fie d Areas Existing Boat Doocks Proposed Public Boat Docks Pages 46 and 47 reproduced from the study "Dorchester Iower Mills" from the BRA regarding Heritage Park which bypasses the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory. Plans by the BRA are at the moment vague. Rather than following their proposals, I have made the assumption that in regards to my specific site, such recreation would only take place on the southern part of the river since most development on the northern side is already private and the topography much too steep to be of any use. On the left bank the soon-to-be-obsolete T track can, as the text explains, be used efficiently. S -- // H=I* -MHlton .I'* -= N L -- Midterm Plans b-~ ~-/~--- FIRST FLOOR PLAN GROUND FLOOR PLAN Midterm plans show original programatic concerns. Nevertheless, problems with building, light and orientation remain to be solved. The open-ended buildings make one believe that there is an ongoing network. However, beyond lies only a small patch of landscape and then steep escarpments and water. For this reason I have filled the space between Buildings 23 and 27 to give the project a sense of completion. On the following page there is a diagram where one can see how a new joint has been created with a path in the direction of the water and this built area eliminated. Concept ,1 Diagrams >~'-~ L ( .... UKmiN1T....AK RECREATIMOL VEHICULA. ACCESS EXISTENG EXISTING BUILDINGS* *VEHICULAR ACCESS Existing Buildings -- Vehicular Access. buildings before transformation. Drawing shows existing Existing organization relates Future Heritage Park developsolely to vehicular service access. ment will take place on southern bank of river. TRANSFORMATION DIAGRAM Concept Diagram of Transformation. The new public and semi/private paths related to a sequential order given to the new use. Vehicular access is still possible in new scheme as on the other drawing at the left. e Finished Drawings Finished Drawings Page Dorchester/Milton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 1. Site Plan *** 2. First Floor Plan with Context. . 3. Ground Floor Plan. 4. Adams Street Facades 5. North Elevation - Buildings 19, 20, 21, 6. South Elevation - Buildings 19, 20, 7. North Elevation - Buildings 19, 24, 8. South Elevation - Buildings 19, 24, 25, 9. Section A - A 10. . . ....... ..47 (Existing) 48 22, 23. 49 21, 22, 23. 50 25, 26, 27. 51 26, 27. 52 (looking west). . 53 Section B - B (looking east). . 54 11. Section C - C (looking east). . 55 D . 56 12. Section D - 44 (looking north) .-- ',236 4r) 4W !W so".1 -. A ft so Aj -I- N N % -DORCHESTER/MILTON SITE PLAN LOWER MILLS WALTER FERNANDO BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORYz--- ADAPTIVE D. CASTRO NIASTER'S T IES IS IASSACI'LSEITs INSTITI'TE OF TEICINOLOGY :: FALL 1980 REUSE EXPLORATION -1 0 0 204) 46 L~. I SEIuCE IL ARE~A/ PARKING ~t&(IOMMERCIAL ( .- rIt.OFF1CfrS I Ij Pr' U U WORKSM)PS i .3. N FIRST FLOOR PLAN WITH CONTEXT WALTER BAKERoCHOCOLATE FERNANDO D. CASTRO FACTORY w D ADAPTIVE MASTER'S THESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ooo FALL 1980 REUSE EXPLORATION 1"a r zzt0 I /I /! // 'N/117),~ ... 0; El 6T0 I VIE" 4(0) Ll L 0 0 0 ADAMS STREET FA(ADES WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORY FERNANDO D. CASTRO (EXISTING) De D ADAPTIVE REUSE MASTER'S THESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY n o o FALL 1980u 0 , ,. 20 EXPLORATION 49 FI- r= '4 R A I I I I U LI ii El U C3 ff E m THEATRE NORTH ELEVATION BLDGS. 19,20,21,22,23 WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORY ooo ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTERS NTHESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOIO(;V' FAIL IMU 5() I I I 0 Th D - - -- W r I TI 11 E. - L. -< L7 K I' L 'F Pr f 11L1 D I-IoL LI IW gHgi0 LI E111 6 K ~~-i~i ~ SOUTH E LEVAT ION BLDGS. 19,20,21,22,23 WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORY ioo ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTER'S THESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGV o oo FALL 1930 IN I5j i~*I I : KAi~ U * I'.- .1*--i. 'I! I m -E.g.' -7 I11111 ~If 51 Fl ]I ]I I 11 a 11I 'V NORTH IL ELEVATION ;b! '- LJ~ N I'LnilLI JI I i BLDGS. 19,24,25,26,27 WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORY ooo ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTER'S THESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOL.OGY coo FALL 1980 ~K21 Lilb 121- t52 SOUTH ELEVATION BLDGS. 19,24,25,26,27 WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORYooo ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTERS THESIS -1-- MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGVooo FALL IM T~ PT E E E E ]L ~I ~ lu I u I IN 1122D I 11 I'llI SECTION A-A (Jooking west) WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORY oo FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTER THESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGl'noc FALL 1980 ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION II| IllII .)4 .9 LLLl 11 fli E 4 uH I 4(nVri ol 000 0 0 I W4KSH4~ 2 1 I ODI 00 1 3 D 3 LJ I SECTION B-B (looking east) - WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORYooo ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTERS THESIS ;-.~ ~MASSACHU1SE:TTS INSTITUTE OF TE(HNOLOGV;Y FA~LL 1930 MAINTENANCE SECTION C-C (looking east) WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORYo0o FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTER'S THESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY coo FALL 1980 ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION 5(b) 1 11 jIL] U II~It1 II -- L L FE 11 EIoI!Di r7 r H9 III ~IIn 11 [ ]l I SECTION D -D ] 110 F, I lW211 IVY11 I H] Hll01I I -1 I E liI n ;1 I (looking north) WALTER BAKER CHOCOLATE FACTORY ooo ADAPTIVE REUSE EXPLORATION FERNANDO D. CASTRO MASTER'STHESIS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY oco FALL 190 11 i ]El E . III a I I I 57 II. References of Transformation II. REFERENCES OF TRANSFORMATION I have used three projects as references for a building vocabulary at Walter Baker. Belgium, The Housing for the Medical Lucien Kroll; by Belgian architect Emmons' Ghiradelli Square in San Francisco; also in San Francisco. Students at Louraine Wurster, Bernasi, in W --III\IIy r_ GhtrardelMlSquaft and and Joseph Esherick's Cannery, Kroll's project is entirely new construction, while the latter two projects are examples of adaptive reuse through transformation. Of the three references, Ghiradelli Square bears the closest resemblance to the Walter Baker Chocolate of buildings architectural from different Factory. Each complex consists styles and periods. In each case, a new circulation system gives the renovated complex new unity and identity. In Ghiradelli, the addition of two new buildings near the corner facing the Bay and the emphasis on the open created the transformation. spaces between The buildings now become a container for the interior spaces as well as terraces, which have been articulated through the use of screens, tains and seating areas. gates and other furnishings such as founNew construction is subdued high enough only to define the spaces it creates. I have taken a similar approach to redesigning the Chocolate Factory. The physical and visual hierarchy of spaces is intended to locate these spaces within their social context. There are, however, some important At Ghiradelli, an existing morphological entity has been transformed through the resolution of the original parti brought about by the completion of the city block and the division, via screens, of the large central volume into smaller, more manageable spaces. Compare with diagrams on page 43. ----------IL- IA V.' 0 do differences between Ghiradelli and Walter Baker. Lower Mills, Unlike Ghiradelli, at While the riverfront. one must deal with the landscape: Walter Baker is somewhat isolated from Dorchester, Ghiradelli is a shopping center, a public space, urban context. located right in the heart of an Therefore, the direct application of specific references from Ghiradelli to Walter Baker is not as effective or reasonable as an indirect connection to the inherent qualities of the references. 2. N SECTION C-C (EAST) 3. 1. 1. Exterior view of Ghiradelli 2. New corner additions 3. Screen-like partitioning of large square into smaller courtyards. -- ? 1,; The new aggregations at Ghiradelli provide subtle, indirect references Square for The corner additions act as W.B.C.F. backdrops, meant to define the spaces Interior aggregations draw they enclose. attention to the screen-like subdivision Detailing, throughout of the courtyards. the project, is somewhat mundane and low key. Compare with rest of elevation studies at the end of this section and with finished elevation drawinqs in previous chapter. SECTION A-A(WEST) The Cannery by Joseph Esherick is also in San Francisco and serves as a contrast to both Ghiradelli and Walter Baker. The buildings at the Cannery are more monolithic, with thicker walls and larger openings. Esherick uses the repetitive arches to create an exquisite variety of uses: gates, galleries, windows. The rich and heavy textures, are still true to the structure and its materials. however, The clarity of the structural elements and their contrast with Esherick's glass additions provide beneficial examples for the project at Lower Mills. 1. 2. 4. -& Although it is new construction, La Maison Medicale by Lucien Kroll is also a useful reference for Walter Baker because it possesses a physical relation to its landscape and its neighborhood. At La Maison Medi- cale, Kroll displays a major effort to deal with the spaces in between buildings. At the project, which is for a variety of users, he attempts to simulate the idea of the village: a self-contained entity which allows and stimulates personal interaction. Kroll's physical articulation of the buildings makes references to growing organisms: there is a concern 1. 2. 3. 4. U" Interior passageway Exterior view of building Floor plan Prototypical window/door opening Like Ghiradelli Square, the Cannery concerns itself with the creation of a pedestrian path throughout the complex. Instead of buildings of different styles as in Walter Baker Chocolate Factory or at Ghiradelli, there is a uniform vocabulary of heavy masonry throughout and variations are a propos to the complex. 3. for overall structure but there is also a concern for detail with many localized decisions. The footings of the buildings at the Maison Medicale, to Gaudi's buildings, are literally feet. Made from rusticated stone, they are outgrowths of the rocks and the ground itself. grows from the rustication to make walls and piers: organism. which refer Brick masonry the limbs of the The large glazing areas become the skin of the body which shingled areas and greenhouses create an analogy to a head. This three-part articulation is readily applicable at the chocolate factory. The footprints of the building are, the rock ledges. in fact, extensions of Like Kroll, one can extend local vocabulary into the 9 new construction as well as the areas that have disassembled and now - Future 9Sa , 2 Isomeinc pl*g Th. M.ct Contstruction! Concerrng the future Pro ... th...otr..ctior, TheFachste 3 - The Res.aum require new facades. In the main structure, masonry walls and piers 4 - TheEolUe 5 Th eure~u 6 MetroIUnck- can establish the link between new and old, and the old elements of metal flashing and shingles can be repeated in new roof construction. Finally, as a means of breaking the similarity between the two projects, and to establish contrasts between new and old, glazing can be added to the factory buildings to diminish the severity of the original construction and to lighten the intensity of the new additions. The Village, the venacular as the general organizing element in Kroll's Maison Medicale. Refere nces 3. 2,3,4 generating form from the clues 1. roof and light mateon the site. coming out of the masonry, rials 2. the masonry openings, 3. use of these clues for elevation studies. 1. -7-4 -) -,-:' noH u - -O -G 14 - .f 1. Professor Halasz's sketches regarding the Center use of masonry. left of sketch, Palazzo Farnese begun by Raphael, completed later by Michaelanqelo, hiqher ratio of wall vs. window Underneath, openings. later perversions of the palazzo prototype where the ratio becomes At lower right 50%-50%. A. Higher percentage of wall vs. openings B. The frame, C. 50%50% of open vs. wall, D. Same as A. but the masonry illustrating arch and erosion of wall. 4- w2. - j ~z -~~ - SECTION C-C (EAST) 5. Lucien Kroll's Maison Dominican at Froydam Belgium; 6, 7, 8 Maison Medicale at Kroll's work displays a calculated effort to generate form from the landscape and Louvian. It's building vocabulary reveals an anthropromorphic order and is a the vennacular. return to the origins of architectural order which the moderns seem to have forgotten in their high-brow vision of architecture as art. Kroll's vacabulary derives from how As shown by elements are put together and how they are generated by a common mainstream. it is the smaller elements that generate the larger order. these illustrations, 5. 7. 8. References F"' V SOUTH ELEVATION ELEVATION STUDIES BLDGS. 19,24,25,26,27 0 s a 20I 2 Reference - direct and indirect - to La Maison Medicale (as shown in the pictures on this The masonry has been used to page) can be found in the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory. generate a continuity from landscape to building, and the larger buildings, in turn, Compare studies "erode" to support the smaller, transparent additions and outgrowths. - -- - -above and at end of this section with finished elevation drawings in the previous chapter. -SECTION A-A (WEST) NORTH ELEVATION STUDIES BLDGS. 19,20,21,22,23 asaIL F Elevation Studies What follows is a graphic presentation of my adaptation of the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory, and, as can be seen, the new building vocabulary reflects the influence of the three primary references. Compare these studies with final drawings at the end of Chapter I, Program and Parti. Elevation Studies 1. North Elevation - Buildings 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. . . . . . . . . 64 2. South Elevation - Buildings 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. . . . . . . . . 65 3. South and North Elevations - 27 . 4. Section A - A . . . . 67 5. Section C - C (looking east) Same Scale as Previous Drawing . . 68 Buildings 19, 24, (looking west) and Section B - 25, B. . 26, . . . . 66 tt, (44 NORTH ELEVATION STUDIES BLDGS 19,20,21,22,23 '510 20 Ge) - -.- rr SOUTH rTrT r TI ,-- rI TT,.1 ELEVATION STUDIES BLDGS. 19,20,21,22,23 -i 66 -~. ~- I; i-I TI2ZZ7 SOUTH ELEVATION x6m T.W IF-==-:;. ---LRA 4 19 M L K I -- Im'-L -M I - -arm IF irr NORTH ELEVATION ELEVATION STUDIES BLDGS. 19,24,25,26,27 F 0 5 10 20 (67 1L~ II SECTION A-A (WEST) SECTION B-B(EAST) 0 5 10 20 ;((- SECTION C- C(E AST) Conclusion CONCLUSION Adaptive reuse is a new endeavor in the United States. formal research in this area is scanty. As such, The only existing publications tend to be pictorial surveys of the most noticeable projects of recent times. This design thesis has been an exploration of only the most rudimentary of the design issues involving the buildings at the Walter Baker Chocolate Factory. of adaptive reuse, Rather than being an intensive survey it is merely a case study of one direction that reuse and the contextural approach can follow. Many times during the duration of the thesis, I felt that certain issues could have become entire thesis topics in themselves. I still feel somewhat puzzled by the issues in the last chapter which deal with the notion of an architectural vocabulary and its construction. concept of an anthropomorphic The vocabulary that was raised by Lucien Kroll's work could use further study. A vocabulary and a building method appropriate to the vocabulary are both subjects which merit continued exploration. More than anything else, however, this thesis has been a rewarding educational experience, and I learned a great deal through my efforts to develop a sensitivity while enhancing the richness of these old buildings. Although my efforts aren't nearly up to the standards the buildings truly deserve, the opportunity to work with them has been extremely beneficial, and will undoubtedly have some effect on my future [ II direction. Architecture is currently in a state of confusion.- Part of the problem, I believe, stems from the recent misinterpretations of our role as architects. a vehicle for Is architecture only an art form: expressing the concerns and perceptions of a particular culture? Peo- ple also have to live in buildings, and as an environment for supporting and fostering human activities, architecture must have more than purely symbolic qualities. In recent times, many architects have seen them- selves as aesthetic sibilings of modern artists. Their attitudes - that architecture is primarily a three-dimensional art form - have led to social estrangement and environmental impoverishment. Adaptive reuse presents a way out of this dilemma. It is a prag- matic solution to an architectural problem - what to do with buildings that no longer "work" - and rebels at the notion that architecture is merely glorified art. It is essential that architects once again begin to develop more than their aesthetic sensibilities. They must be sensi- tive to the social and environmental ramifications of their work. Adaptive reuse presents a chance to develop these sensitivities. thesfis is a small effort in this direction. My r I -1 I 7'1 Footnotes FOOTNOTES 1. Walter C. Kidney, Working Places: (Penn., 1976), P. 3. Buildings. the Adaptive Use of Industrial 2. Barbarlee Diamonstein, Buildings Reborn: (New York, 1978), p. 15. 3. Charles Jencks, (New York, 1973), p. New Uses, Old Places. The Language of Post Modern Architecture, 130. 55. 4. Jencks, op. cit., p. 5. Trillin in Diamonstein, op. cit., p. 24. 6. Trillin in Diamonstein, op. cit., p. 24. 7. Kidney, op. cit., p. Sam Bass Warner, Jr., 8. (Cambridge, Mass.), p. 158. 3. The Process of Growth in Boston (1870-1900). 9. Peter Epstein, Allan Goodheart, Geoffrey Swan, unpublished manu(Harvard U., Cambridge, Mass., script on "Preservation" for Prof. Seckler. 1966). Michael B. Johnson, Renovation for the Closed Factory, A Proposal 10. (MIT, M. Arch. thesis, Cambridge, Mass., 1977), p. 11. for Urban Housing. 11. David Pye, The Nature and Art of Workmanship. (Camb. U. Press), p. 46. 12.& Rudolph Wittkower, Architectural Principals in the Age of (New York), p. 52, 91. Humanism. L F I Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, Christopher, A Pattern Language, New York: Oxford Univer- sity Press, 1977. Architecture d'Aujourd 'Hui, Joe Esherick's The Cannery, V. 43, August, September 1971. Architectural Forum, Joe Esherick's The Cannery, V. 128, #157, #5, June 1968. Benevolo, Leonardo, The Origins of Modern Town Planning, M.I.T., Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1971. BRA, a report by Harrington, Keefe & Schork Planners and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Architects. Dorchester, Lower Mills, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1979. BRA, Dorchester, Fields Corner, Neighborhood Profile, Boston 1979. Diamonstein, Barbaralee, Buildings Reborn: York, Harper & Row, 1978. New Uses, Old Places; New Hayden, Dolores, Nine American Utopias, MIT, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press, 1976. Hitchcock, Henry Russel and Philip Johnson, The International Style, New York: Jencks, W.W. Norton & Company, 1966. Charles, Modern Movements in Architecture, Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1973. Johnson, Michael B., Renovation for the Close Factory, A Proposal for Urban Housing, MIT, M. Arch. thesis, June 1977. Kidney, Walter C., Working Places, The Adaptive Use of Industrial Buildings, Pittsburg, Penn., Ober Park Assoc., Inc., 1976. Kroll, Lucien, "Architecture and Urbanism", November 1979. Lowell Historic Canal Commission, A report on the Lowell Historic Canal District, Lowell, MA, Jan 1977. McHarg, Ian L., Design with Nature, Garden City, New York: Museum of Natural History, Doubleday & Company, 1969. American I Mass. Department of Community Affairs, Built to Last: Washington DC, National Trust for Historic Preservation, The Preservation Press, 1977. A New Building in Historic Polhemus, Peter, The Present in the Past: Salem, Mass., MIT M. Arch. thesis, Feb., 1979. Tofler, Alvin, The Third Wave, New York, William Morrow & Company, Inc., 1980. Venturi, Robert, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, June 1978. Warner, Sam Bass Jr., The Process of Growth in Boston (1870-1900), Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press. Wittkower, Rudolph, Architectural Principals in the Age of Humanism, New York, W.W. Norton & Co. -Li