Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 Ž2002. 73᎐79 Effect of ionizing radiation on quality characteristics of vacuum-packaged normal, pale᎐soft᎐exudative, and dark᎐firm᎐dry pork 夽 K.C. Nam, M. Du, C. Jo, D.U. AhnU Animal Science Department, Iowa State Uni¨ ersity, Ames, IA 50011-3150, USA Accepted 2 November 2001 Abstract Normal, pale᎐soft᎐exudative ŽPSE., and dark᎐firm᎐dry ŽDFD. pork Longissimus dorsi muscles were vacuum-packaged, irradiated at 0, 2.5 or 4.5 kGy, and stored at 4 ⬚C for 10 days. The pH, color and lipid oxidation of pork were determined at 0, 5 and 10 days of storage. Volatile production from pork loins was determined at Day 0 and Day 10, and sensory characteristics at Day 7 of storage. Irradiation increased the redness of vacuum-packaged normal, PSE and DFD pork. However, the 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances ŽTBARS. values of three types of pork were not influenced by irradiation and storage time. Irradiation increased the production of sulfur ŽS.-containing volatile compounds, such as mercaptomethane, dimethyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, methyl thioacetate, and dimethyl disulfide, as well as total volatiles in all three types of pork. Normal pork produced higher levels of total and S-containing volatile compounds than the PSE and DFD pork did. The volatiles produced by irradiation were retained in the vacuum packaging bag during storage. Although the odor preference for the three meat types of pork was not different, the panelists could distinguish irradiated meat from the non-irradiated. Industrial rele¨ ance: Several US meat companies have already started test-marketing irradiated meat products. Irradiation and the subsequent storage of pork improved the color of PSE and DFD pork, and showed generally similar effects on the production of volatiles, except that there appeared to be a lower level of S-volatiles in the PSE than in the other two samples. This indicated that irradiation can increase the utilization of low-quality pork ŽPSE and DFD.. DFD pork, in particular, which has shorter shelf-life than the others, could benefit the most from irradiation because the shelf-life of DFD meat can be extended significantly by both the methods of vacuum packaging and irradiation. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Irradiation; Vacuum packaging; pH of pork; Color; Volatiles; Sensory characteristics Industrial rele¨ ance: Meat quality related to chemical aspects can be significantly influenced by irradiation. This study aimed to determine and compare the effects of irradiation on lipid oxidation, off-flavor, color and sensory characteristics of vacuum packaged normal, pale-soft-exudative ŽPSE. and dark-firm-dry ŽDFD. pork. Overall, irradiation increased redness, off-odor intensity and S-containing volatiles. Vacuum packaging irradiated PSE and DFD were not different from normal pork in lipid oxidation, volatile production and sensory preference. Consequently vacuum packaging and irradiation may offer an interesting combination process especially for DFD pork. 夽 Journal Paper No. J-18874 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA 50011. Project No. 3322, supported by the Food Safety Consortium. U Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-515-294-6595; fax: q1-515-294-9143. E-mail address: ŽD.U. Ahn.. 1466-8564r02r$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 4 6 6 - 8 5 6 4 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 0 5 8 - 3 74 K.C. Nam et al. r Inno¨ ati¨ e Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (2002) 73᎐79 1. Introduction Irradiation can provide consumers with meat with reduced risks from pathogens and parasites. Radiolytic products are neither unique nor toxicologically significant in terms of the quantities found in irradiated meat ŽSwallow, 1991; Thayer, 1994.. Fox et al. Ž1989. reported that vitamin losses from irradiated chicken at doses up to 3 kGy and from pork at up to 1 kGy were not nutritionally significant. Meat quality related to chemical aspects, however, can be significantly influenced by irradiation. Murano Ž1995. reported that radiolysis of myoglobin and lipids by irradiation could lead to discoloration and rancidity or other off-odor production. Apart from microbial spoilage, lipid oxidation is the primary process by which quality loss of muscle food occurs ŽBuckley, Morrissey & Gray, 1995.. Initiators of lipid oxidation in irradiated meat are hydroxyl radicals generated by the interaction of ionizing energy with water molecules in muscle tissues or in meat products ŽThakur & Singh, 1994.. Regardless of packaging type, irradiated raw pork patties produced more volatiles than non-irradiated ones and developed a characteristic aroma immediately after irradiation ŽAhn, Olson, Jo, Chen, Wu & Lee, 1998.. The odor of irradiated meat was also characterized as a barbecued corn-like odor ŽAhn, Jo & Olson, 2000a.. Lebepe, Molins, Charoen, Iv and Showronski Ž1990. reported that irradiated vacuum-packaged pork had a fairly stable bright red or pink color. The degree of color changes by irradiation can vary depending on animal species, muscle types and locations in a muscle, but are commonly related to the oxygen availability of meat at the time of irradiation and during storage. Vacuum packaging Žor controlled atmosphere packaging. of meat is a very satisfactory measure in preventing color and rancidity problems in raw meat during storage ŽRanken, 1987.. The ultimate pH of meat is also known to be a crucial factor of meat quality. Depending on the ultimate pH and color of meat, pork can be classified as normal, pale᎐soft᎐exudative ŽPSE., or dark᎐firm᎐dry ŽDFD.. The distribution and proportion of free and bound water in normal, PSE and DFD pork are different, and their biological membrane function should be different as important barriers to deteriorative changes that can affect meat quality ŽStanley, 1991.. PSE pork could be more susceptible to oxidative changes and could produce more off-flavor volatiles than normal or DFD meat upon irradiation because of its denatured muscle membrane structure. Chen and Waimaleongora-Ek Ž1981. concluded that the lower the pH values in the raw chicken meat samples, the higher the TBARS values. Ahn, Jo, Du, Olson and Nam Ž2000b. reported that vacuum packaging was better than aerobic packaging for irradiation and subsequent storage of meat because it minimized oxidative changes in pork during storage. The objective of this study was to determine and compare the effects of irradiation on lipid oxidation, off-flavor, color, and sensory characteristics of vacuum-packaged normal, PSE, and DFD pork. The results of this study could provide information on irradiation effects related to the pH of the meat, and could be useful to treat efficiently each different grade of pork for irradiation. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample preparation and irradiation Twnety-four pork loin Ž Longissimus dorsi . muscles, which consisted of each of eight normal ŽpH 5.7᎐5.8., PSE ŽpH 5.4 or less. and DFD ŽpH 6.2᎐6.8. meat Žeight replications., were purchased from a local packing plant. The pork loins were trimmed of all surface fat, and the lean muscle was sliced into 3-cm-thick steaks and vacuum-packaged in nylonrpolyethylene bags Ž9.3 ml O 2rm2r24 h at 0 ⬚C: Koch, Kansas City, MO, USA.. After packaging, they were stored overnight at 4 ⬚C and then were irradiated at 0, 2.5 or 4.5 kGy using a Linear Accelerator ŽCirce IIIR, Thomson CSF Linac, Saint-Aubin, France.. The energy, beam power and conveyor speed were 10 MeV, 10 kW and 38.7 mrmin, respectively. The average dose rate was 92.0 kGyrmin and the maxrmin ratio was approximately 1.12 for 2.5 kGy and 1.15 for 4.5 kGy. To confirm the target dose, two alanine dosimeters per cart were attached to the top and bottom surfaces of the sample. The alanine dosimeter was read using a 104 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance instrument ŽEMS-104, Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA, USA.. Then, the pork steaks were stored at 4 ⬚C for up to 10 days. The pH of the meat samples was measured after 0, 5 and 10 days storage after homogenizing samples with nine volumes of deionized distilled water ŽDDW.. Color and lipid oxidation in vacuum-packaged irradiated pork loins was determined at 0, 5 and 10 days, volatile production at 0 and 10 days, and sensory characteristics at 7 days of storage. 2.2. Color measurement Color measurements were conducted on the packaged surface of samples with a Labscan spectrophotometer ŽHunter Associated Labs Inc., Reston, VA, USA. that had been calibrated against white and black reference tiles packaged in the same bags as those used for meat packaging. Hunter L- Žlightness ., a- Žredness., and b- Žyellowness. values were obtained ŽAmerican Meat Science Association, 1991. using a setting of D65 Ždaylight, 65-degree light angle.. An average value from K.C. Nam et al. r Inno¨ ati¨ e Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (2002) 73᎐79 two random locations on each sample surface was used for statistical analysis. 2.3. TBARS analysis The fluorometric 2-thiobarbituric reactive substances ŽTBARS. method ŽJo & Ahn, 1998. was used to determine lipid oxidation in raw meat. A minced sample was weighed Ž3 g. into a test tube Ž50 ml., 9 ml of deionized distilled water ŽDDW. was added, and the mixture was homogenized with a Brinkman polytron ŽType PT 10r35, Brinkman Instrument Inc., Westbury, NY, USA. for 15 s at high speed. The meat homogenate Ž0.5 ml., sodium dodecylsulfate Ž8.1%, 200 l., hydrochloric acid Ž0.5 M, 1.5 ml., thiobarbituric acid Ž20 mM, 1.5 ml., butylated hydroxytoluene Ž7.2%, 50 l., and DDW Ž250 l. were added to a test tube. The sample was vortexed and heated in a 90 ⬚C water bath for 15 min. After cooling for 10 min in cold water, 1 ml of DDW and 5 ml of n-butanolrpyridine solution Ž15:1, vrv. were added. The sample was vortexed and centrifuged at 3000 = g for 15 min, and the resulting upper layer was read by a fluorometer ŽModel 450, BarnsteadrThermolyne, Dubuque, IA, USA. with 520 nm excitation and 550 nm emission. The amounts of TBARS were expressed as milligrams of malondialdehyde ŽMDA.rkg meat. 2.4. Volatile compound analysis A purge-and-trap apparatus ŽPrecept II and purgeand-trap 3000, Tekmar-Dohrmann, Cincinnati, OH, USA. connected to a gas chromatographrmass spectrometer ŽGCrMS, Hewlett-Packard Co.. was used to analyze the volatiles responsible for the off-odor in samples. Two grams of the minced meat sample and one pack of oxygen absorber ŽAgeless type Z-100, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical America, Inc., New York, NY, USA. were placed in a 40-ml sample vial, and then the vial was flushed with helium gas Ž99.999%. for 5 s. The maximum holding time in a refrigerated Ž4 ⬚C. sample tray before analysis was less than 10 h to minimize oxidation during the holding time. The meat sample was purged with helium gas Ž40 mlrmin. for min. Volatiles were trapped at 30 ⬚C using a TenaxrSilica gelrCharcoal column ŽTekmar-Dohrmann., desorbed for 2 min at 220 ⬚C, focused in a cryofocusing unit at y100 ⬚C, and then thermally desorbed into a column for 30 s at 220 ⬚C. A combined column ᎏ an 8-m HP-624 column Ž6% cyanopropyl phenyl q 94% dimethyl siloxane co-polymer, 250 m i.d. with 1.4 m nominal. and a 44-m HP-1 column Žpolydimethyl siloxane, 250 m i.d. with 0.25 m nominal. combined using a zero dead-volume column connector ᎏ was used for volatile analysis. Ramped oven temperature was used Ž0 ⬚C for 2.5 min, increased to 10 ⬚C @ 2.5 ⬚Crmin, to 80 ⬚C @ 10 ⬚Crmin, to 150 ⬚C @ 20 75 ⬚Crmin, to 180 ⬚C @ 10 ⬚Crmin, and held for 1 min.. Inlet temperature was 180 ⬚C. Liquid nitrogen was used to cool the oven to below ambient temperature. Helium was the carrier gas at a constant pressure of 20 psi. The ionization potential of MS was 70 eV and the scan range was 33.1᎐300 mrz. Identification of volatiles was achieved by comparing mass spectral data of samples with those of the Wiley Library ŽHewlett-Packard Co.. and standards when available. The area of each peak was integrated using ChemStation software ŽHewlett Packard Co.., and the total peak area ŽpAU s. = 10 4 was reported as an indicator of volatiles generated from the meat samples. The peaks produced by mass spectral data were grouped into five major volatile classes ᎏ alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, sulfur ŽS.-containing compounds and hydrocarbons ᎏ and reported. 2.5. Sensory analysis The intensity and preference of odor of samples by irradiation dose within a same pork type were determined at 7 days of storage by 76 sensory panelists. Panelists also compared the odor characteristics of the meat among three meat types within a same irradiation dose. Training sessions were conducted to familiarize panelists with the irradiation odor, the scale to be used, and with the range of attribute intensities likely to be encountered during the study. For the evaluation of odor, samples containing 3 g of muscle in coded, capped glass scintillation vials were presented to each panelist in isolated booths. A 15-cm linear hedonic scale anchored with the words ‘no irradiation odor’ and ‘very strong irradiation odor’ and ‘not preferable’ and ‘highly preferable’ at opposite ends, were used to rate the samples on the intensity of irradiation odor and preference of irradiation odor. The responses from the panelists were expressed in numerical values ranging from 0 Žno irradiation odor or not preferable. to 15 Žstrong irradiation odor or highly preferable. to the nearest 0.1 cm. 2.6. Statistical analysis The experimental design was to determine the effects of different meat type, irradiator storage time on lipid oxidation, volatiles content, and color changes in samples during a 10-day storage period. Data were analyzed using SAS software ŽSAS Institute, Inc., 1990. by a generalized linear model procedure, and the Student᎐Newman᎐Keuls multiple range test was used to compare differences among means. Mean values and standard errors of the means ŽS.E.M.. were reported. Significance was defined at P- 0.05. K.C. Nam et al. r Inno¨ ati¨ e Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (2002) 73᎐79 76 Table 1 The pH of vacuum-packaged normal, PSE and DFD pork Longissimus dorsi muscle affected by irradiation dose and storage time at 4 ⬚C Storage time Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 UU S.E.M. 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 4.5 kGy U Norm PSE DFD Norm PSE DFD Norm PSE DFD S.E.M. 5.76b 5.62bc 5.62b 0.08 5.42c 5.47bc 5.37c 0.02 6.36a 6.36a 6.36a 0.07 5.66bc 5.61bc 5.58b 0.04 5.43c 5.42c 5.33c 0.03 6.35a 6.47a 6.40a 0.06 5.66bc 5.63b 5.58b 0.04 5.47c 5.49bc 5.33c 0.03 6.43a 6.38a 6.40a 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 a᎐c Means with different letters within a row are different Ž P - 0.05.. Abbre¨ iations: PSE, pale᎐soft᎐exudative; DFD, dark᎐firm᎐dry. S.E.M.: standard error of the means among meats within a storage time. UU S.E.M.: standard error of the means within a meat type. U 3. Results and discussion 10 days of storage.. The exact reason for this phenomenon is not known, but the residual oxygen in the vacuum packaging bag could have oxidized myoglobin at the early part of the storage time. Meat type and irradiation did not affect b-values. Irradiated PSE and DFD samples at 4.5 kGy showed an increasing trend in b-values during storage, but yellowness has little effect on the overall color of meat. 3.1. Effect of irradiation on pH and color The pH values of non-irradiated and irradiated normal, PSE and DFD pork ŽTable 1. showed that irradiation had no effect on the pH of all three pork types. The original ultimate pH of normal, PSE and DFD meat was also maintained during the 10-day storage period. Irradiated, vacuum-packaged pork loins had Ž P0.05. greater a-values than the non-irradiated samples, and the increase of a-values in pork loins was irradiation dose-dependent in all three pork types ŽTable 2.. Earlier findings also showed that irradiation increased the redness of pork in vacuum packaging ŽLuchsinger et al., 1996; Nanke, Sebranek & Olson, 1998.. The a-value in three types of pork with vacuum packaging decreased after 5 days of storage, but increased after 3.2. Effect of irradiation on TBARS ¨ alue The overall TBARS values of vacuum-packaged pork loins were trivial levels regardless of meat type, irradiation, and storage time ŽTable 3.. At Day 0 and Day 10, DFD pork had lower TBARS values than the normal or PSE pork. DFD pork was stable and resistant to both irradiation- and storage-dependent quality changes. Although DFD meat is more susceptible to bacterial spoilage than the other pork types, irradiation Table 2 Color L- a- and b-values of vacuum-packaged normal, PSE and DFD pork Longissimus dorsi muscle affected by irradiation dose and storage time at 4 ⬚C Norm PSE DFD Norm PSE DFD Norm PSE DFD L-¨ alue Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 S.E.M. 50.5b 49.9bc 54.2ab c 1.3 59.6ax 52.3abz 55.8aby 1.1 43.4d 43.1d 47.2de 1.6 52.0bx 48.8cy 52.4bcx 1.0 60.6ax 54.7ay 56.9aby 0.9 47.2cx 42.8dy 49.5cdx 1.5 52.4b 48.4c 56.6ab 1.3 57.2a 54.6a 59.5a 1.4 43.0dxy 40.9dy 46.0ex 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.6 a-¨ alue Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 S.E.M. 5.8cx 2.6dz 4.4cy 0.4 3.7dy 2.9dy 5.2cx 0.5 6.8cx 3.6dy 6.2cx 0.6 9.8bx 7.1by 8.6bxy 0.6 9.7bx 7.3bz 8.7by 0.3 10.4bx 6.0cy 10.3abx 0.6 12.9ax 10.0ay 11.3axy 0.6 12.4ax 9.7ay 11.4ax 0.6 11.9ax 9.4ay 11.0abx 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.7 11.2y 9.8bcy 11.7x 0.3 12.5x 10.7aby 11.7xy 0.4 9.5 9.1cd 9.4 0.8 10.1xy 8.7dy 11.6 0.6 11.0 10.1ab 9.6 0.6 11.7y 10.8ab 12.1 0.8 9.5y 8.7dy 10.7x 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 b-¨ alue Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 UU S.E.M. 0 kGy 2.5 kGy U Storage time 11.1 10.0ab 11.1 0.4 4.5 kGy 12.2 11.0a 12.6 0.2 S.E.M. a᎐e Means with different letters within a row are significantly different Ž P - 0.05.. x ᎐ z Means with different letters within a column are significantly different Ž P- 0.05.. Abbre¨ iations: PSE, pale᎐soft᎐exudative; DFD, dark᎐firm᎐dry. U S.E.M.: standard error of the means among meats within a storage time. UU S.E.M.: standard error of the means within a meat type. K.C. Nam et al. r Inno¨ ati¨ e Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (2002) 73᎐79 77 Table 3 TBARS values of vacuum-packaged normal, PSE and DFD pork Longissimus dorsi muscle affected by irradiation dose and storage time at 4 ⬚C Storage time Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 UU S.E.M. 0 kGy Norm 2.5 kGy PSE DFD TBARS Žmg MDArkg meat. 0.09ab x 0.11ab 0.07b y 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.10ab x 0.09bc 0.07d 0.04 0.03 0.01 U 4.5 kGy S.E.M. Norm PSE DFD Norm PSE DFD 0.11abx 0.08xy 0.10abxy 0.06 0.15ax 0.09y 0.11aby 0.10 0.09ab 0.08 0.07d 0.01 0.12ab 0.10 0.14a 0.07 0.10ab 0.10 0.11ab 0.07 0.10ab 0.10 0.08d 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.09 a᎐d Means with different letters within a row are significantly different Ž P- 0.05.. x ᎐ y Means with different letters within a column are significantly different Ž P- 0.05.. Abbre¨ iations: PSE, pale᎐soft᎐exudative; DFD, dark᎐firm᎐dry. U S.E.M.: standard error of the means among meats within a storage time. UU S.E.M.: standard error of the means within a meat type. with vacuum packaging could extend the shelf-life and increase the utilization of even DFD pork. Our results agree with those of Yasosky, Aberle, Peng, Mills and Judge Ž1984., who reported that the ultimate pH of ground pork was negatively correlated with the TBARS values of pork after 12 days of storage at 2 ⬚C. Low pH values in meat play an important role in lipid oxidation by denaturing antioxidant proteins, disrupting cell structure, and exposing membrane lipids to free radicals. The distribution of water and its location, where hydroxyl radicals are formed by irradiation and storage, could be critical for the irradiation-dependent reaction. Therefore, it was expected that the denatured membrane structure of PSE pork would make it more susceptible to lipid oxidation than normal and DFD pork. However, irradiation and subsequent storage did not increase lipid oxidation in three types of pork with vacuum packaging because no oxygen was available for hydroperoxide formation. The difference in TBARS among the three types was caused only by the pH of the pork. 3.3. Volatile compounds in irradiated pork At Day 0, non-irradiated PSE pork loins produced the highest amount of alcohols Ž98% of which was ethanol., but produced the lowest amounts of ketones and aldehydes among the three pork types ŽTable 4.. S-containing compounds in all three meat types increased with irradiation. The amount of S-containing volatiles in irradiated normal pork was higher than that of the PSE and DFD pork. The increase of irradiation dose from 2.5 to 4.5 kGy had a minimal impact on the production of most major volatile groups, except S-containing compounds of DFD pork. The major ketones identified were 2-propanone and 2-butanone, and the major aldehydes were acetaldehyde, 3-methyl butanal, pentanal, and hexanal. Sulfur-containing volatile compounds were mercaptomethane, dimethyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, methyl thioacetate, and dimethyl disulfide, and they increased greatly Ž P- 0.01. after irradiation, regardless of meat types. Patterson and Stevenson Ž1995. found that dimethyltrisulfide was the most potent off-odor compound, and that the changes that occur following irradiation were distinctively different from those of warmed-over flavor in oxidized meat. Ahn et al. Ž2000b. reported that S-containing volatiles such as dimethyl disulfide produced by the radiolysis of amino acids were responsible for the off-odor in irradiated pork. They also assumed that the off-odor production in irradiated pork was caused by the compounding effects of lipid oxidation products and radiolytic products of amino acid side chains. After 10 days of storage, the amounts of alcohols in non-irradiated normal pork and ketones in non-irradiated PSE pork were the highest of all as of Day 0 ŽTable 4.. The amounts of S-containing volatiles in irradiated pork increased after 10 days of storage, and were also irradiation dose-dependent in all three pork types. PSE pork produced the least amount of S-containing volatiles after irradiation. Irradiated pork produced more hydrocarbons than non-irradiated after 10 days of storage. The amounts of total volatiles in both irradiated and non-irradiated normal pork were higher than those of PSE and DFD pork. 3.4. Sensory characteristics of irradiated pork Irradiation dose influenced Ž P- 0.05. the intensity of irradiation odor and the acceptance of the meat odor ŽTable 5.. Irradiation increased Ž P- 0.05. the intensity of irradiation odor in all three pork types, but there was no difference among meat type. The result of the irradiation odor intensity was consistent with that of S-containing volatiles produced ŽTable 4.. Therefore, S-containing volatiles could be a representative irradiation odor detected by panelists. The acceptance of the meat odor was adverse to the irradiation odor intensity. As the irradiation odor intensity increased, the preference of meat odor decreased. Most trained panelists rated irradiation odor as an off-odor. Hashim, Resurrecccion and MacWatters Ž1995. showed that irradiating uncooked chicken breast and thigh produced a characteristic bloody and 78 Storage time 0 kGy Norm 2.5 kGy PSE 4.5 kGy DFD Norm PSE DFD Norm S.E.M. PSE DFD Peak area ŽpAU s. = 104 Day 0 Alcohols Ketones Aldehydes S-compounds Hydrocarbons Total volatiles 2770b 11 501a 1309ab 134c 1511 17 613b 17 543a 286c 945bc 1155b 1720 22 571a 2959b 1838c 1691a 55c 1130 8047c 1121b 6742b 539c 3111a 2229 14 539b 553b 356c 565c 895b 1621 7314c 0b 97c 367c 1009b 1584 3274c 206b 1139c 390c 3361a 2611 8526c 458b 489c 771c 1128b 3363 6793c 0b 614c 508c 2814a 1542 5923c 724 1415 138 191 245 1868 Day 10 Alcohols Ketones Aldehydes S-compounds Hydrocarbons Total volatiles 1957b 27 948a 328bc 211d 1302cd 32 654a 15 748a 432c 227bc 903d 1207de 19 167bc 82d 275c 149c 77d 914e 1590d 197d 2703c 265bc 6683a 3542a 14 247bc 1490b 1670c 301bc 1364c 1978c 7479cd 135d 670c 184c 4461b 1390cd 7530cd 633c 17 312b 533a 7631a 3161a 31 178a 1278b 1808c 417ab 2411b 2822b 9684c 154d 650c 152c 6298a 1766cd 9797c 286 1735 49 459 177 1824 a᎐f Means with different letters within a row are significantly different Ž P- 0.05.. S.E.M.: standard error of the means among meats within a storage time. Abbre¨ iations: PSE, pale᎐soft᎐exudative; DFD, dark᎐firm᎐dry. K.C. Nam et al. r Inno¨ ati¨ e Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (2002) 73᎐79 Table 4 Relative production of volatiles in vacuum-packaged normal, PSE and DFD pork Longissimus dorsi muscle affected by irradiation dose at storage time at 4 ⬚C K.C. Nam et al. r Inno¨ ati¨ e Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (2002) 73᎐79 Table 5 Sensory characteristics of vacuum-packaged irradiated normal, PSE and DFD pork Longissimus dorsi muscle refrigerated for 7 days Irradiation UUU Norm PSE DFD S.E.M. 4.37ay 9.56ax 10.14ax 0.30 3.95aby 8.31bx 8.32bx 0.36 3.14bz 6.83cy 8.58bx 0.33 0.34 0.32 0.33 8.51x 5.72by 5.26y 0.38 8.75x 6.01by 5.89y 0.35 9.58x 7.23ay 6.34y 0.34 0.35 0.32 0.35 Uz Irradiation odor intensity 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 4.5 kGy S.E.M. UU Acceptance of meat odor 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 4.5 kGy UUUU S.E.M. a᎐c Means with different letters within a row are significantly different Ž P- 0.05., n s 76. a ᎐ c Means with different letters within a column are significantly different Ž P- 0.05., n s 76. Abbre¨ iations: PSE, pale᎐soft᎐exudative; DFD, dark᎐firm᎐dry. U Irradiation odor intensity: 0, no irradiation odor; 15, very strong irradiation odor. UU Acceptance of meat odor: 0, not preferable; 15, highly preferable. UUU S.E.M.: standard error of the means among meats within an irradiation dose. UUUU S.E.M.: standard error of the means among irradiation dose within a meat type. sweet aroma that remained after the thighs were cooked, but was not detectable after the breasts were cooked. Panelists could easily distinguish odors of irradiated and non-irradiated meat, but not among the three meat types. 4. Conclusion Irradiation increased redness, off-odor intensity, and S-containing volatiles regardless of the pH of vacuumpackaged pork. Irradiation of pork with vacuum packaging increased the red color even in PSE pork. With vacuum packaging, irradiated PSE and DFD pork were not different from the normal pork in lipid oxidation, volatile production, and sensory preference. Therefore, DFD pork, which is more susceptible to rapid bacterial growth due to its high pH than the others, could benefit the most from irradiation because the shelf-life of DFD meat can be extended significantly by the method of both vacuum packaging and irradiation. Irradiation and vacuum-packaged storage of meat may be desirable for long-term storage, but may reduce the acceptance of irradiated meat due to its retained high level of S-volatiles. 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