Meat Science 56 (2000) 203±209 Quality characteristics of pork patties irradiated and stored in dierent packaging and storage conditions D.U. Ahn *, C. Jo, M. Du, D.G. Olson, K.C. Nam Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3150, USA Received 1 February 2000; received in revised form 6 April 2000; accepted 6 April 2000 Abstract Patties were made from pork loin, individually vacuum- or aerobic-packaged and stored either at 4 or ÿ40 C. Refrigerated patties were irradiated at 0, 1.5, 3.0 or 4.5 kGy absorbed dose, and frozen ones were irradiated at 0, 2.5, 5.0, or 7.5 kGy. Samples were analyzed for lipid oxidation, volatile production and odor characteristics. Refrigerated samples were analyzed at 0, 1 and 2 weeks, and frozen ones after 0, 1.5 and 3 months of storage. With vacuum packaging, the lipid oxidation (TBARS) of both refrigerated and frozen patties was not in¯uenced by irradiation and storage time except for the patties irradiated and refrigerated at 7.5 kGy. With refrigerated storage, panelists could detect irradiation odor at day 0, but not after 1 week at 4 C. With frozen storage, however, irradiation odor was detected even after 3 months of storage. With aerobic packaging, the TBARS of refrigerated pork patties increased with storage time. The TBARS of pork patties increased as irradiation dose increased at day 0, but the eect disappeared after 1 week at 4 C. Nonirradiated patties were preferred to the irradiated ones at day 0 because of the signi®cant irradiation odor in the irradiated ones, but the o-odor disappeared after 1 week at 4 C. With frozen storage, patties irradiated at 7.5 kGy had higher TBARS than those irradiated at lower doses. Nonirradiated patties had higher preference scores than the irradiated ones for 1.5 months in frozen storage. Sulfur-containing compounds were responsible for most of the irradiation o-odor, but these volatilized quickly during storage under aerobic conditions. Overall, vacuum packaging was better than aerobic packaging for irradiation and subsequent storage of meat because it minimized oxidative changes in patties and produced minimal amounts of volatile compounds that might be responsible for irradiation o-odor during storage. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Irradiation; Storage temperature; Lipid oxidation; Odor; Volatile compounds 1. Introduction The number of reported outbreaks of Escherichia coli has increased rapidly and it is estimated to cause more than 20,000 infections and 250 deaths each year (Boyce, Swerdlow & Grin, 1995). Olson (1998) indicated that low-dose (<10 kGy) irradiation can kill at least 99.9% of salmonella in poultry and an even higher percentage of E. coli O157:H7. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved irradiation for poultry and red meats to control foodborne pathogens and extend product shel¯ife (Gants, 1998). One of the major concerns with irradiating meat, however, is its eect on lipid oxidation, color and o-odor production. The mechanisms of lipid oxidation in irradiated meat are not fully understood, but they are likely to be similar * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-515-294-6595; fax: +1-515-2949143. E-mail address: (D.U. Ahn). to those in nonirradiated meat. Therefore, the susceptibility of irradiated muscle tissues to lipid oxidation is closely related to the nature, proportion, degrees of saturation in fatty acids and the composition of phospholipids in cell membrane (Gray, Gomma & Buckley, 1996). Ang and Lyon (1990) reported that hexanal and pentanal had a strong correlation with TBARS and oodor related to lipid oxidation in meat. But, lipid oxidation alone cannot produce the characteristic irradiation odor because meat irradiated in an oxygen-impermeable package, which theoretically stops lipid oxidation, still produces irradiation odor. Ahn, Jo and Olson (1999) suggested that volatile compounds responsible for o-odor in irradiated meat are produced by radiation impact on protein and lipid molecules and are dierent from those of lipid oxidation. Patterson and Stevenson (1995) showed that dimethyltrisul®de is the most potent o-odor compound in irradiated raw chicken meat. Our recent study (Jo & Ahn, 2000) showed that irradiation produced characteristic volatile compounds from a meat model system 0309-1740/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0309-1740(00)00044-9 204 D.U. Ahn et al. / Meat Science 56 (2000) 203±209 containing leucine, valine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, methionine or cysteine by radiolytic degradations. This indicated that both radiolysis of proteins and lipid oxidation are important for o-odor generation in irradiated meat. But, the quality changes in irradiated raw meat with dierent packaging and storage conditions are not clear yet. The objective of this study was to elucidate the eect of dierent doses of irradiation on lipid oxidation, odor and volatile compound production in vacuum- or aerobic-packaged pork patties during refrigerated or frozen storage. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample preparation and irradiation Pork loins were purchased (less than 4 days after slaughter) from four dierent local stores and were individually ground twice through a 9-mm plate. Patties (approximately 80 g each) were made and packaged in bags of two dierent packaging materials: one half of the patties were packaged (ÿ1.0 bar) in oxygen-impermeable nylon/polyethylene bags (9.3 ml O2/m2/24 h at 0 C; Koch, Kansas City, MO) and the other half in oxygen-permeable polyethylene zipper bags (46, 2 MIL, Associated Bag Company, Milwaukee, WI). To minimize oxidative changes between sample preparation and delay before irradiation, those patties packaged with oxygen-permeable bags were repackaged in large vacuum-packaging bags (eight to 10 small packs per large vacuum-packaging bag, ÿ1.0 bar). One half of the patties packaged each in oxygenpermeable bags and in oxygen-impermeable bags were stored in a 4 C cooler and the other half in a ÿ40 C freezer overnight. The next day, individually packaged patties were removed from the big vacuum packs and placed in a single layer on carts. An electron-beam irradiation was performed using a Linear Accelerator (Circe IIIR, Thomson CSF Linac, Saint-Aubin, France). The target doses of refrigerated pork patties were 0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 kGy and those of frozen patties were 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 kGy. The energy and power level used were 10 MeV and 10 kw, respectively, and the average dose rate was 98.0 kGy/min. The max/min ratio was approximately 1.130.14 for 2.5 kGy, 1.110.18 for 4.5 kGy, and 1.090.12 for 7.5 kGy. To con®rm the target dose, two alanine dosimeters per cart were attached to the top and bottom surfaces of the sample. The alanine dosimeter was read using a 104 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance instrument (Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA). 2.2. Lipid oxidation The ¯uorescence 2-thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS) method (Jo & Ahn, 1998) was used to determine the extent of lipid oxidation in raw meat patties. Sample (5 g) was taken into a test tube (50 ml), 15 ml of deionized distilled water (DDW) was added, and homogenized with a Brinkmann polytron (Type PT 10/ 35, Brinkmann Instrument Inc., Westbury, NY) for 10 s at high speed. The meat homogenate (0.5 ml), sodium dodecylsulfate (8.1%, 200 ml), hydrochloric acid (0.5 M, 1.5 ml), thiobarbituric acid (20 mM, 1.5 ml), butylated hydroxytoluene (7.2%, 50 ml) and DDW (250 ml) were added into a test tube. The sample was vortexed and heated in a 90 C water bath for 15 min. After cooling for 10 min in cold water, 1 ml of DDW and 5 ml of nbutanol/pyridine solution (15:1, v/v) were added. The sample was vortexed and centrifuged 3000 g for 15 min, and the resulting upper layer was used for ¯uorescence reading. 2.3. Volatile compound analysis A Precept II and a Purge-and-Trap concentrator 3000 (Tekmar-Dohrmann, Cincinnati, OH) were used to purge and trap volatile compounds as described by Ahn et al. (1999), with some modi®cations. A gas chromatograph (GC, Model 6890, Hewlett Packard Co., Wilmington, DE) equipped with a mass selective detector (MSD, Model 5973, Hewlett Packard Co.) was used to qualify and quantify volatile compounds. Sample (3 g) was transferred to a 40-ml sample vial, and headspace was ¯ushed with helium gas (99.999% purity) for 5 s to minimize oxidative changes in meat during the waiting period before analysis. Sample was purged with helium (40 ml/min) for 14 min at 40 C. Volatile compounds were trapped using a Tenax/silica/charcoal column (Tekmar-Dohrmann) and desorbed into a column in the GC for 1 min at 220 C. A modi®ed column was used to improve separation of volatile compounds. An HP-Wax (7.5 m, 250 mm i.d., 0.25 mm nominal) column was combined with an HP-5 column (30 m, 250 mm i.d., 0.25 mm nominal) using a Glass Press-®t connector (Hewlett Packard Co.). A split inlet (split ratio, 49:1, inlet temperature 175 C) was used to inject volatile compounds into the column and a ramped oven temperature was used (7 C for 2.5 min, increased to 25 C at 3 C/min, to 120 C at 10 C/min, and to 200 C at 20 C/min). Liquid nitrogen was used to cool the oven below the ambient temperature. Helium was the carrier gas at a constant ¯ow of 1.2 ml/min. The temperature of transfer lines was maintained at 155 C. The ionization potential of MS was 70 eV; the scanned mass range was 46.1 to 550 to eliminate carbon dioxide peak, and the scan velocity was 2.94 scan/s. The identi®cation of volatile compounds was achieved by comparing mass spectral data with those of the Wiley library (Hewlett Packard Co.). Selected standards were used to verify the identities of some volatiles. Each individual standard was diluted with methanol, put in a 40-ml sample vial of the Precept II, purged and analyzed using the same method used for D.U. Ahn et al. / Meat Science 56 (2000) 203±209 meat samples. n-Hexanal and 2,3-dimethyldisul®de were purchased from Chromatography Research Supplies Inc. (Addison, IL) and Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI), respectively. The peak area (total ion counts103) was reported as the amount of volatile compounds released. 2.4. Odor intensity and preference An 11-member trained panel was used to evaluate the irradiation odor intensity and odor preference of both refrigerated and frozen pork loin patties. Training was performed at the initial stage for panelists to be able to determine characteristic irradiation odor and intensity using fresh pork patties irradiated at 5 and 10 kGy. Refrigerated patties were tempered about 20 min at room temperature (22 C) and frozen patties were thawed for 2 h at 22 C before presenting them to the sensory panel. Samples (3 g) were presented in a tightly capped scintillation vial (20 ml) and a 15-cm linear scale was used to rate the samples on each sensory attribute. Three questions were asked: irradiation odor intensity (very weak=0 and very strong=15) odor preference (highly acceptable=0 and not acceptable=15), and odor description. Panelists were given a sucient time (20 min or more) to evaluate four samples. 2.5. Statistical analysis Two-way Analyses of Variance (SAS, 1989) was used to determine the eect of irradiation dosage and storage conditions on the quality parameters of pork loin. Pork loins purchased from each of four dierent stores were used as replication, and signi®cance level was determined at P<0.05. The Student±Newman±Keul's multiple range test was used to compare dierences among mean values. Mean values and standard errors of the means (S.E.M.) were reported. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Lipid oxidation The TBARS of vacuum-packaged patties irradiated at 1.5, 3.0 or 4.5 kGy and stored at 4 C were not much dierent from those of the nonirradiated control at each storage time. However, the TBARS value of pork patties stored at 4 C for 1 week showed the highest among all storage periods. Vacuum packaging changes the gaseous environment at the meat surface: respiration of microorganisms at the meat surface or the meat itself produces CO2 and eventually the oxygen concentration within the pack falls below 1% while the CO2 concentration rises to 20% or more (Eustace, 1981). The compositional changes of gas could have involved the control of oxygen-dependent microorganisms or oxidative degradation of meat in the bag. 205 The patties that were aerobic-packaged and irradiated at 4.5 kGy had higher TBARS values than those irradiated at 1.5 kGy or the nonirradiated control (Table 1) at Day 0. The TBARS values increased sharply during refrigerated storage in aerobic packaging, but the eect of irradiation was not found at 2 weeks of storage. This result agreed with our previous work (Jo, Lee & Ahn, 1999) and could be interpreted as showing that storage condition or oxygen availability was more important for the development of lipid oxidation than irradiation. With frozen storage, the TBARS of pork patties irradiated at 7.5 kGy was higher than that of the nonirradiated control at day 0, but was not dierent after 1.5 and 3 months of storage (Table 2). Jo and Ahn (2000) also reported that the TBARS was higher in irradiated, vacuum-packaged pork sausage at 4.5 kGy dose at ®rst, but the irradiation eect disappeared during storage. Luchsinger et al. (1997) showed that TBARS values of both chilled and frozen boneless pork chops were stable, regardless of display day, dose and irradiation sources. Aerobic-packaged patties irradiated at 7.5 kGy had the highest TBARS, and the sample irradiated at 5 kGy had higher TBARS than those with 2.5 kGy or nonirradiated control during frozen storage (Table 2). TBARS decreased in patties irradiated at 2.5 and 7.5 kGy during the 3-month frozen storage, but the changes were small. This result indicated that the radiation chemistry of refrigerated and frozen meat could be different. Tarte (1996) reported that temperature has signi®cant eects on the formation of radiolytic products, and that the reactive intermediates of water radiolysis were trapped in deep-frozen materials and thus were kept from reacting with each other or with the substrates. During the warming process, however, they tend to react with each other rather than with the substrates (Diehl, 1995). 3.2. Irradiation odor intensity and odor preference Sensory tests indicated that the panel clearly detected irradiation odor from irradiated and refrigerated pork patties at day 0, but could not separate irradiation dose eect in both vacuum-and aerobic-packaged patties (Table 3). Rating samples that were in refrigerated storage for 1 and 2 weeks, the panel rated the intensity of irradiation odor in nonirradiated samples as high, indicating that by-products from lipid oxidation or other chemical reactions could mislead the panelists. The fact that nonirradiated pork patties stored for 1 or 2 weeks scored higher irradiation odor than the irradiated ones at day 0 supported this interpretation (Table 3). Although vacuum packaging minimized oxygen contact with pork patties, the residual oxygen inside of the bag and transferred oxygen from outside through the packaging ®lm could be responsible for the development of a certain degree of lipid oxidation and odor changes. 206 D.U. Ahn et al. / Meat Science 56 (2000) 203±209 Table 1 TBARS values (mg malondialdehyde/kg meat) of pork patties irradiated and stored at 4 Ca,b Irradiation dose (kGy) Vacuum packaging Aerobic packaging Storage (week) 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 S.E.M.c 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 S.E.M. 0 1 2 0.08c 0.22a 0.14b 0.08c 0.21a 0.12b 0.09b 0.24a 0.15b 0.10b 0.32a 0.16b 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.08by 0.34a 0.40a 0.07cy 0.45b 0.85a 0.11cxy 0.43b 0.65a 0.12cx 0.43b 0.82a 0.01 0.06 0.12 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.07 0.10 S.E.M. a b c Means with a dierent letter (a±c) within a column of the same sensory category is dierent (P < 0.05). Means with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row with the same packaging method is dierent (P < 0.05). S.E.M., standard errors of the mean. Table 2 TBARS values (mg malondialdehyde/kg meat) of pork patties irradiated and stored atÿ40 Ca,b Irradiation dose (kGy) Vacuum packaging Aerobic packaging Storage (month) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 S.E.M.c 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 S.E.M. 0 1.5 3 0.15y 0.16 0.13 0.18xy 0.18 0.14 0.21xy 0.18 0.15 0.23ax 0.20ab 0.12b 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.15z 0.15y 0.11z 0.19az 0.21ay 0.12bz 0.29y 0.28x 0.24y 0.39ax 0.32abx 0.26bx 0.03 0.02 0.03 S.E.M. 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 a b c Means with a dierent letter (a,b) within a column of the same sensory category is dierent (P < 0.05). Means with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row with the same packaging method is dierent (P < 0.05). S.E.M., standard errors of the mean. Table 3 Irradiation odor intensitya and odor preferenceb of pork patties irradiated and stored at 4 Cc,d Irradiation dose (kGy) Vacuum packaging Storage (week) 1.5 3.0 4.5 S.E.M.e 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 S.E.M. 10.3x 9.8 9.0 10.7x 10.3 9.6 9.9x 10.6 9.8 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.9y 5.7 6.5 7.8x 5.5 6.6 9.4x 6.6 5.4 7.7x 6.4 7.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 7.1b 13.2a 10.5ab 10.1 11.1 8.1 9.4 11.5 9.0 9.3 9.2 8.9 3.8by 7.9a 8.8a 9.4x 7.8 9.9 9.5ax 8.1ab 5.7b 8.7x 7.2 6.9 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 0 Irradiation odor intensity 0 2.9by 1 9.5a 2 8.9a S.E.M. Odor preference 0 1 2 S.E.M. a b c d e Aerobic packaging 1.3 1.2 1.2 0, very weak; 15, very strong. 0, strongly like; 15, strongly dislike. Means with a dierent letter (a,b) within a column of the same sensory category is dierent (P < 0.05). Means with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row with the same packaging method is dierent (P < 0.05). S.E.M., standard errors of the mean. 1.1 1.1 1.1 D.U. Ahn et al. / Meat Science 56 (2000) 203±209 207 Generally, frozen patties with aerobic packaging were described as bland and had no strong odor as did vacuum-packaged or refrigerated pork patties. No irradiation dose eect was found on the odor preference of pork patties with vacuum packaging (Table 3), but panelists preferred the odor of aerobic-packaged, nonirradiated samples to that of irradiated ones at day 0. Nonirradiated patties stored for 1 or 2 weeks in vacuum and aerobic packaging showed lower odor preference (higher score) than those of the day 0 (Table 3). Irradiation odor intensity increased in a dose-dependent manner in vacuum-packaged and frozen pork patties (Table 4). Irradiation odor lasted longer in frozen than in refrigerated pork patties and panelists could detect irradiation odor even after 3 months of frozen storage. Little changes in the TBARS of frozen samples during storage indicated that lipid oxidation may not be the major cause of irradiation o-odor. Panelists also detected irradiation odor in aerobic-packaged frozen samples at day 0, and the irradiation odor lasted for 1.5 months (Table 4). Panel preferred nonirradiated patties to irradiated ones until 1.5 months of frozen storage, which coincided with the intensity of irradiation odor in pork patties. Panelists characterized vacuum-packaged, irradiated and frozen meat odor as the following: rotten egg, sweet, bloody, cooked meat or barbecued corn, burnt, sulfur, metallic, alcohol or acidic. Those words were also found in other studies (Heath, Owens, Tesch & Hannah, 1990; Huber, Brasch & Waly, 1953). Similar odor description was obtained from aerobic-packaged, irradiated and refrigerated pork at 0 weeks, but other sensory traits such as sour, pungent, spicy, acidic and/or rancid appeared after 1 week of storage, probably because of volatile compounds formed by microbial and oxidative degradation of fat and other meat components. 3.3. Volatile compound analysis Pork patties irradiated at 4.5 kGy and refrigerated for 1 week produced higher n-hexanal than other irradiation doses with vacuum packaging (Table 5), but the amount of n-hexanal in patties nonirradiated or irradiated at 1.5 kGy increased at 1 and 2 weeks of storage. Irradiation had no eect on the production of n-hexanal in refrigerated, aerobic-packaged pork patties. Storage in aerobic conditions, however, signi®cantly increased the production of n-hexanal in all irradiated pork patties (Table 5). This indicates that oxygen availability is important for the progress of oxidative chain-reactions. Jo et al. (1999) indicated that both TBARS and volatile compounds in meat should be used to determine oxidative changes in irradiated meat accurately because the amount of hexanal decreased after 3 days of storage in both aerobic and vacuum packaging. Ahn et al. (1999) reported that irradiated muscle strips produced a few volatile compounds that were not found in nonirradiated meat. Most of them were sulfur-containing compounds and the amount of 2,3-dimethyldisul®de was the highest. Jo and Ahn (2000) reported that 2,3dimethyldisul®de was produced from irradiated oil emulsion containing methionine. The amount of 2,3dimethylsul®de in refrigerated and vacuum-packaged pork patties at 0 time rapidly increased with the increase of irradiation doses (Table 5), but nonirradiated sample Table 4 Irradiation odor intensitya and odor preferenceb of pork patties irradiated and stored atÿ40 Cc,d Irradiation dose (kGy) Vacuum packaging Aerobic packaging 2.5 5.0 7.5 S.E.M.e 0 Irradiation odor intensity 0 1.5az 1.5 5.1b 3 2.9aby 4.6yz 5.4 6.0xy 7.3xy 8.6 7.7x 10.4x 8.5 9.6x 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.1by 2.0by 5.8a 4.8x 8.7x 7.5 S.E.M. 0.8 1.3 1.2 1.4 0.9 1.3 Odor preference 0 1.5 3 3.5by 7.3a 6.4a 6.8xy 7.3 6.5 8.2x 8.6 7.6 9.2x 8.2 9.3 S.E.M. 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.4 Storage (month) a b c d e 0 1.2 0.8 1.3 3.1by 6.2aby 8.3a 1.1 2.5 6.0bxy 10.3ax 8.2ab 1.1 0, very weak; 15, very strong. 0, strongly like; 15, strongly dislike. Means with a dierent letter (a,b) within a column of the same sensory category is dierent (P < 0.05). Means with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row with the same packaging method is dierent (P < 0.05). S.E.M., standard errors of the mean. 5.0 7.5 S.E.M. 7.8x 7.3x 6.9 7.7x 7.9x 8.9 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 7.3bx 10.0ax 6.3b 1.0 7.8x 7.8xy 8.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1 208 D.U. Ahn et al. / Meat Science 56 (2000) 203±209 signi®cantly from day 0 because of the high volatility of this odor compound. Patterson and Stevenson (1995) suggested that dimethyltrisul®de was the primary contributor to the irradiation o-odor in meat. The amount of hexanal in irradiated sample was not changed during the 3 months of frozen storage in vacuum packaging except for the pork patties irradiated at 5 kGy (Table 6). However, irradiation increased the hexanal content in frozen samples. It demonstrates that irradiation can accelerate lipid oxidation in meat to produced no 2,3-dimethyldisul®de. During the 2-week storage, the amount of 2,3-dimethyldisul®de decreased signi®cantly except for the samples irradiated at 1.5 kGy. The pork patties with aerobic packaging also showed that the amount of 2,3-dimethyldisul®de in irradiated meat at 0 time increased dramatically with the increase of irradiation doses, but vacuum-packaged patties retained more 2,3-dimethyldisul®de than aerobic-packaged ones (Table 5). After 2 weeks of storage at 4 C, the amount of 2,3-dimethyldisul®de decreased Table 5 n-Hexanal and 2,3-dimethyldisul®de production (ion count1000) of pork patties irradiated and stored at 4 Ca,b Irradiation dose (kGy) Vacuum packaging Aerobic packaging Storage (week) 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 S.E.M.c 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 S.E.M. n-Hexanal 0 1 2 0b 35ay 26ab 0b 43ay 29a 30 59xy 134 21 116x 253 8 19 98 54b 173b 634a 31a 160ab 306b 46b 299b 1923a 48b 812ab 1976a 8 240 442 S.E.M. 9 7 60 97 138 52 397 397 2,3-Dimethyldisul®de 0 0z 1 0 2 0y 255z 142 72y 5338ay 104b 871by 10239ax 1670b 3946bx 0z 0y 0y 430az 55bxy 25bxy 3498ay 50bxy 64bx 6706ax 77bx 73bx S.E.M. 166 563 1040 ± 70 321 153 a b c ± 297 742 657 313 16 15 Means with a dierent letter (a,b) within a column of the same sensory category is dierent (P < 0.05). Means with a dierent letter (x±z) within a row with the same packaging method is dierent (P < 0.05). S.E.M., standard errors of the mean. Table 6 n-Hexanal and 2,3-dimethyldisul®de production (ion count1000) of pork patties irradiated and stored at ÿ40 Ca,b Irradiation dose (kGy) Vacuum packaging Aerobic packaging Storage (month) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 n-Hexanal 0 1.5 3 0z 0y 0y 52y 52y 110xy 55by 92by 260ax 99x 270x 270x S.E.M. ± 19 49 2,3-Dimethyldisul®de 0 1.5 3 0 0 0 0 607 0 S.E.M. ± 350 a b c S.E.M.c 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 S.E.M. 10 44 43 0by 0by 96az 74by 154ay 188ayz 99by 857ax 302by 288bx 1190ax 555bx 30 134 42 48 24 18 42 158 121 830 0 1605 150 0 414 374 ± 0z 0y 0y 0bz 121ay 0y 48y 502xy 0y 127x 1100x 96x 12 257 17 251 479 8 115 275 ± Means with a dierent letter (a,b) within a column of the same sensory category is dierent (P < 0.05). Means with a dierent letter (x±z) within a raw with the same packaging method is dierent (P < 0.05). S.E.M., standard errors of the mean. D.U. Ahn et al. / Meat Science 56 (2000) 203±209 some extent in vacuum-packaged conditions. Similarly, the amount of hexanal in aerobically-packaged, irradiated and frozen samples was higher than that of the nonirradiated samples with the same packaging and storage conditions (Table 6). The hexanal content in nonirradiated patties or irradiated ones at 2.5 kGy increased during storage. However, the amount of hexanal in patties irradiated at 5.0 and 7.5 kGy increased at 1.5 months and decreased at 3 months of storage, which could be caused by further oxidation of hexanal to hexanoic acid during the longer-term storage. The amount of 2,3-dimethyldisul®de in the patties stored at frozen conditions was relatively small and mostly disappeared during the 3-month storage (Table 6). No irradiation dose eect was found on the production of 2,3-dimethyldisul®de from vacuum-packaged, frozen pork patties except for day 0, mainly because of large variation in its content among replications (Table 6). In addition to 2,3-dimethyldisul®de, several other irradiation-dependent volatile compounds such as 2-propenal, methanethiol, and 2,3-dimethyltriul®de, 2-methylbutanal and 3-methylbutanal were also found. 4. Conclusion The use of vacuum packaging is more bene®cial than the use of aerobic packaging for irradiated meat because vacuum packaging minimizes oxidative changes. Aerobic packaging is not a good practice for the long-term storage of meat. But, aerobic packaging may be useful for short-term storage of irradiated pork patties because compounds that are responsible for irradiation o-odor can be reduced during the storage period. Acknowledgements Journal Paper No. J-18758 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA. Project No. 3322, and supported by the Food Safety Consortium. 209 References Ahn, D. U., Jo, C., & Olson, D. G. (1999). Analysis of volatile components and the sensory characteristics of irradiated raw pork. Meat Science, 54, 209±215. Ang, C. 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