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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (2012) 1103–1106 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Radiation Physics and Chemistry journal homepage: Volatile compounds and odor preferences of ground beef added with garlic and red wine, and irradiated with charcoal pack Kyung Haeng Lee a, Hyejeong Yun b, Ju Woon Lee c, Dong Uk Ahn d, Eun Joo Lee e, Cheorun Jo b,n a Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Chungju National University, Jeungpyung 368-701, Republic of Korea Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Korea c Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeoungeup 580-785, Republic of Korea d Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3150, USA e Department of Food and Nutrition, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI 54751, USA b a r t i c l e i n f o abstract Article history: Received 18 May 2011 Accepted 30 October 2011 Available online 7 November 2011 Irradiation is the most efficient non-thermal technology for improving hygienic quality and extending the shelf-life of food products. One of the adverse effects of food irradiation, however, is off-flavor production, which significantly affects the sensory preferences for certain foods. In this study, garlic (5%, w/w) and red wine (1:1, w/w) were added to ground beef to increase the radiation sensitivity of pathogens and improve meat odor/flavor. Samples were irradiated at 0 or 5 kGy in the presence of charcoal pack. SPME-GC–MS analysis was performed to measure the changes in the volatile compounds and sensory characteristics of the samples. The amount of total volatile compounds produced from ground beef was greater when the sample was irradiated. When garlic and red wine were added to the ground beef, the amount of volatile compounds significantly increased, and the amount of volatile compounds increased even further after irradiation. However, when the samples were irradiated with charcoal pack, the amount of volatile compounds decreased significantly. Sensory evaluation indicated that charcoal pack significantly increased the odor preferences for both irradiated and non-irradiated ground beef added with garlic. These results indicated that addition of charcoal pack to ground beef could reduce off-odor problems induced by irradiation, and this effect was consistent even when certain additives such as garlic and red wine were added. & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Irradiation Charcoal pack Odor Garlic Red wine 1. Introduction Irradiation enhances free radical reactions, resulting in color changes, lipid oxidation, and odor changes, all of which can generate a negative impact on the consumer response and quality deterioration (Ahn et al., 2000). Jo and Ahn (2000a, 2000b) reported that sulfur-containing volatile organic compounds formed from sulfurcontaining amino acids are responsible for most of the characteristic irradiation off-odors in meat. In addition, meat and meat products are generally susceptible to oxidative deterioration principally due to the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids present in phospholipids (Du et al., 2002), which also results in quality problems upon irradiation. To relieve the off-odors of certain foods, researchers have studied active charcoal addition (Kim et al., 2008), silica (Chu et al., 2002), alumina (Einaga and Futamura, 2005), zeolites (Diaz et al., 2004), and the combination of a-tocopherol and charcoal pack (Sohn et al., 2009). Further, various phenol compounds (e.g., gallate and sesamol), which have been proven to have strong free radical scavenging activities, may help reduce off-odor production (Ismail et al., 2008). Kim et al. (2008) reported that charcoal packaging significantly n Corresponding author. E-mail address: (C. Jo). 0969-806X/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2011.10.026 decreased the off-odor of irradiated pork, as evaluated by gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is known to possess a variety of biological activities, including antimicrobial (Kim, 2002), anticancer (Lawson, 2000; Mousa, 2001), antioxidant (Farhath, 1997; Prasad et al., 1996) activities, and can prevent lipid oxidation (Thabrew et al., 2000). Red wine has also been evaluated as a potential source of antioxidant phytochemicals based on its phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity (Alonso et al., 2002). Yun et al. (2010) reported that natural food ingredients, including garlic, carrot, and red wine, increased the efficiency of irradiation in eliminating pathogens inoculated into meat products. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the effects of adding garlic and red wine to ground beef in combination with charcoal pack during irradiation on the reduction of offodors and enhancement of sensory characteristics. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample preparation and irradiation Ground beef, ground garlic, red wine (Carlo Rossi California Red, USA), and tea bag (T&C, Uiwang, Korea) were purchased from Author's personal copy 1104 K.H. Lee et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (2012) 1103–1106 a local market. Freshly ground garlic and red wine was mixed with ground beef (25 g) at a concentration of 5% (w/w, final concentration) and 1 (1 time of meat weight), respectively. Powdered charcoal (5 g, Shingi Co. Ltd., Mungyeong, Korea) was put into a tea bag (85 75 mm2) and sealed. The prepared samples (370.03 g) of ground beef with no ingredients, ground beef with garlic, and ground beef with red wine were transferred into glass bottles (diameter height¼4 14 cm2) for volatile analyses. The bottles were then sealed with a silicon/ PTFE septum and an open top cap. Half of the bottles were added with charcoal packs at the top of the bottles and the other half without charcoal packs. Preliminary analysis revealed that transfer of samples to the glass bottles resulted in a loss of volatile compounds. The samples were stored at 4 1C. Half of the prepared samples were irradiated the next day at a rate of 1 kGy/h to a final dose of 5 kGy using a cobalt-60 gamma irradiator. Dosimetry and other procedures were performed as described by Sohn et al. (2009). Table 1 Odor preference of ground beef added with ingredients and irradiated with charcoal pack. Added ingredient None Garlic 5% Red wine 1b 0 kGy 5 kGy Without charcoal With charcoal SEMa Without charcoal With charcoal SEMa 2.25b 3.00b 5.25 4.75a 5.25a 5.25 0.382 3.25b 0.445 3.50b 0.479 4.00b 6.00a 6.00a 6.50a 0.530 0.540 0.540 Scores were evaluated by 10 untrained panelists (1, extremely dislike; 5, neither dislike nor like; 9, extremely like). Values with different letters (a and b) within the same row differ significantly (Po 0.05). a b 2.2. Solid-phase microextration (SPME) gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) SPME fiber (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) coated with carboxen/ polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS, 75 mm thickness) was used to adsorb headspace volatiles. Before extracting volatiles, the fiber was cleaned at 250 1C for 5 min in the gas chromatography (GC) injection port and used immediately to prevent possible contamination. 2.3. Odor evaluation Odor preferences of the samples were evaluated immediately after irradiation by 10 sensory panelists who had previously experienced irradiation off-odors in different research projects but were not trained for any specific purpose. The samples were prepared the same as in the volatile compound analysis. Sensory panelists opened the glass bottles and sniffed each of the samples. Approximately 2–3 min in fresh air between the samples was provided. The responses of the panelists were expressed on a 9-point numerical scale (1, extremely dislike; 5, neither dislike nor like; and 9, like extremely). 2.4. Statistical analysis The experiment was repeated twice with two observations per trial. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). When significant differences were detected, the differences among the mean values were identified by Student– Newman–Keul’s multiple range test using SAS software with the confidence level at Po0.05 (SAS, Release 8.01, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Mean values and standard error of the means were reported. 3. Results and discussion When non-irradiated raw meats without any additives were compared, the sensory scores for the samples with charcoal pack in Standard error of the means (n¼4). Weight of red wine used for 1 time of meat weight. Table 2 Major volatile compounds (total area count 104) produced by ground beef irradiated with charcoal pack and stored for 7 days at 4 1C. Compound Day 0 Day 7 0 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 42.50 106.60b – 25.37a 28.77a – – – 31.87 122.70a – b b 3.73 – – 5 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 2.836 3.393 – 1.832 3.349 2.640 – – 84.47a – 141.33a 72.23 55.17 – – – 66.00b – 72.47b 50.07 45.73 – – – 0 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 4.327 – 7.093 10.144 6.883 – – – b – 33.20 – – 8.13 14.57a 13.07a 13.47a – 25.70 – – 14.73 b b 5 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 1.261 – 17.350 – – 3.057 0.776 0.755 – – 17.30a – – 16.63a – – – – 2.37b – – b – – – – 2.193 – – 2.100 – – Pentane 2-Butenoic acid Hexane 3-Methylbutanal 2-Methylbutanal Benzene 3-Methylpentane 3-Hydroxy-2butanone 1-Pentanol Hexanal 27.902 4.406 Heptanal Benzaldehyde 1-Octen-3-ol 2-Pentylfuran Dodecanal EthanolBenzene 2-Phenylethyl ester b 222.07 1-Hexanol 26.77a 227.10 – 5.232 82.083 – 34.90 297.33b – 37.27 384.33a – 2.403 17.011 – 20.80a 109.53 – b – 114.77a 3.207 35.097 18.80b 22.17 196.47 22.866 24.47 168.37 b 2.899 – 24.43 – – – 31.23a 70.23a 4.47 80.27 – 1.93 – 15.67b 50.53b 3.158 27.645 – 1.367 – 3.680 3.508 25.97b – – – b – 36.53 43.27a – 2.23 – 7.27a – 30.07 4.208 – 1.579 – 0.933 – 2.292 7.33 38.97 13.00a 3.87 2.60 – – – – b – – – – 2.706 13.943 1.983 1.370 0.942 – – 21.93 7.40 3.07 – 4.83a – – 25.43 8.60 – – b – – 1.728 4.219 2.168 – 0.641 – – Total volatiles 551.13 565.04 747.93 738.71 379.84a 72.70b 289.80 278.44 Values with different letters (a and b) within the same row with the same dose and storage day differ significantly (Po 0.05). 51.57a Author's personal copy K.H. Lee et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (2012) 1103–1106 the glass bottle were higher than that without charcoal pack (Table 1). Charcoal packs had effect on the higher sensory scores of garlic-added non-irradiated ones, whereas the samples with added red wine showed no difference with or without charcoal pack. Upon irradiation at 5 kGy, all the samples packaged with charcoal pack scored high regardless of the added ingredients. Sohn et al. (2009) reported that 10 kGy-irradiated ground beef combined with charcoal pack and added with a-tocopherol scored higher than the control group regardless of irradiation after storage. The present study confirms that even if certain ingredients are present in ground beef, the effect of charcoal pack is similar. 1105 In non-irradiated ground beef, the major volatile compounds are pentane, 2-butenoic acid, 3-methylbutanal, 2-methylbutanal, hexanal, benzaldehyde, bezeneethanol, and 2-phenylethyl ester (Table 2). Overall, the amount of total volatile compounds did not change with charcoal pack. Irradiation at 5 kGy increased the amount of volatile compounds produced, whereas charcoal pack did not result in any significant difference. After 7 days of storage at 4 1C, the amount of volatile compounds decreased, and adding charcoal pack further decreased the amount of volatiles in the non-irradiated sample. Ahn et al. (2000) reported that many of the volatile compounds formed by irradiation disappeared or Table 3 Major volatile compounds (area count 104) produced by ground beef added with garlic and irradiated with charcoal pack during storage for 7 days at 4 1C. Compound Day 0 Day 7 0 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 59.80a 3.95a 228.55a 22.85a – 112.40a b b b b b – b 6.70a 5 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 3.111 0.247 4.561 1.237 – 4.243 0.849 b 5.05a – – b – – 4.45a b – – 9.15a – – 0 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 0.177 0.177 – – 0.177 – – – 5.95b 37.75b – 8.45 – 11.55 – b 40.85a – 5.45 – 12.25 5 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal – 0.177 0.269 – 7.110 – 0.180 – 14.55a 29.55a – b – – – b b – 20.15a – – – 0.672 2.157 – 0.742 – – Propanal Carbon disulfide Thietane 3-Methylbutanal 2,3-dimethylthiirane Allyl methyl sulfide 3-hydroxy-2butanone 1-Pentanol Hexanal 3,30 -Thiobis-1propene Propyl-cyclopropane 1-Hexanol Heptanal Benzaldehyde 2-Butanal 1-Butylcyclohexene Diallyl disulfide 2-Phenylethyl ester 36.75a 401.35a 96.10a b 11.65b 12.60b 2.227 38.756 0.224 – 19.00 113.10 – 19.55 66.90 – 4.217 7.816 15.25a 121.90a 16.90 10.30b 70.90b 7.30 0.276 5.561 1.709 17.55a 213.15 14.90 b 186.30 – 0.884 10.075 3.394 – 112.30a 8.70a 130.85a – – 44.15a 28.90 – b b 3.00b – – b 17.95 – 8.273 0.141 19.487 – – 4.702 3.310 – – b 9.55 – – – 20.95a – – 3.30a 13.65 – – – 11.05b – – 0.283 1.471 – – – 1.579 98.95a b 7.15 28.95 7.40a 9.30a 14.50a – b 70.90a 6.80 24.15 b b b 6.95 1.025 2.475 0.729 2.261 0.071 0.495 1.202 1.662 b – 30.60 39.55b – b – 9.10 58.30a – 33.85 60.35a – 8.50a – – 1.626 – 1.325 1.226 – 0.636 – 2.263 Total volatiles 1286.65a 51.90b 167.65 128.05 384.00a 255.85b 368.95 367.45 5.485 Values with different letters (a and b) within the same row with the same dose and storage day differ significantly (Po 0.05). Table 4 Major volatile compounds (area count 104) produced by ground beef with red winea and irradiated with charcoal pack during storage for 7 days at 4 1C. Compound Day 0 Day 7 0 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal Ethyl ester acetic acid 3-Methyl-1-butanol 2-Methyl-1-butanol Hexanal Tetrahydrothiophene Tetrahydro-3-furanol Butanoic acid 2-Propenal 3-Methyl-1-butanol Hexanoic acid 2,4-Hexadienoic acid Benzeneethanol 2-Ethoxythiazole Pentanoic acid 18.23a 63.37a 28.87a – 1.13 1.93 – 3.63 5.17a 33.87 9.37 15.23 2.47a 4.37 b 52.67b 22.37b – – 3.47 – 4.30 b 26.87 11.83 21.03 0.60b 3.20 Total volatiles 187.64a 146.34b 0.332 1.117 0.429 – 0.801 0.724 – 0.388 0.165 2.273 1.891 3.517 0.435 0.726 5 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 11.77a 54.90a 23.63a 4.17 – – – 3.43a – 31.23 4.47 17.90 – 4.73 0.53b 41.07b 17.87b 6.63 – – – b – 23.30 3.37 17.13 – 3.47 156.13a 113.37b 2.039 1.775 0.872 0.965 – – – 0.094 – 2.645 0.598 2.114 – 0.595 0 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 23.07a 92.10a 43.43a – – – 7.83a – – 25.47a 25.93 34.70 5.07 4.07a 1.33b 48.80b 20.67b – – – –b – – 7.37b 16.80 30.43 2.20 b 261.67a 127.60b 0.947 2.714 1.200 – – – 0.613 – – 1.960 3.265 1.303 0.837 0.572 Values with different letters (a and b) within the same row with the same dose and storage day differ significantly (P o 0.05). a Weight of red wine used was 1 time of meat weight. 5 kGy SEM Without charcoal With charcoal 17.63a 77.13a 35.43a 8.10 – – – – – 23.23a 3.47 23.23 – 3.37a b 45.17b 19.60b 11.23 – – – – – 11.23b 2.83 23.27 – b 191.59a 113.33b 0.125 2.817 1.132 1.908 – – – – – 1.160 1.685 0.996 – 0.352 Author's personal copy 1106 K.H. Lee et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (2012) 1103–1106 decreased to very low levels after 5 days of storage under aerobic conditions, and the amount of total volatile compounds also decreased from 50% to 25% of the initial level. A totally different volatile profile was observed when garlic was added to ground beef (Table 3). Especially, sulfur-containing compounds such as including carbon sulfide, allyl methyl sulfide, 3,30 -thiobis-propene, and dially disulfide, which did not appear in the non-irradiated ground beef, were detected. However, adding charcoal pack reduced the amount of volatile compounds significantly. After irradiation at 5 kGy, the amount of volatile compounds decreased compared to that of non-irradiated beef without charcoal pack to a level basically the same as the samples with charcoal pack. After 7 days of storage, the amount of volatile compounds decreased significantly in the sample without charcoal pack (Po0.05) and further was reduced by charcoal pack. No difference was found in the sample irradiated at 5 kGy. When this analysis was carried out with garlic only (without ground beef and red wine) 19 different volatile compounds, composed of mainly sulfur-containing compounds, were identified (data not shown). Several alcohols not detected in the non-irradiated ground beef or non-irradiated ground beef with garlic sample were detected in the sample with red wine (Table 4). The amount of volatile compounds decreased with charcoal pack regardless of irradiation and storage time. Fifteen different volatile compounds, composed mainly of alcohols and acids, were identified, and charcoal pack greatly reduced the amount of volatiles when analyzed red wine only without ground beef and garlic (data not shown). Ahn et al. (2000) reported that the increase in radiationinduced sulfur-containing volatile compounds in meat was the result of radiolytic degradation of sulfur-containing amino acids. However, there was no sulfur-containing compound identified in the irradiated samples with red wine (Table 4). Previous studies (Kim et al., 2008; Sohn et al., 2009) also found that the amount of volatile compounds increased upon irradiation, although not always in a dose-dependent manner. Jo and Ahn (2000b) reported that volatile compounds produced and/or increased by irradiation are associated with lipid oxidation and/or radiolytic degradation of lipids, amino acids, and proteins. Food ingredients such as garlic and red wine might have antioxidative effects, which would help decrease lipid oxidation during storage. 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