JFS: Food Chemistry and Toxicology Effect of Antioxidants on the Production of OffOdor Volatiles and Lipid Oxidation in Irradiated Turkey Breast Meat and Meat Homogenates ABSTRACT: The addition of gallate, sesamol, trolox, and tocopherol was effective, but sesamol, sesamol + tocopherol, and gallate + tocopherol were among the most effective antioxidants in reducing thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, volatile production, and off-odor intensity in turkey breast homogenates. Also, these 3 antioxidant treatments were effective in controlling lipid oxidation and off-odor intensity in both vacuum and aerobically packaged patties. However, aerobic packaging was better than antioxidant treatments in reducing off-odor intensity of irradiated turkey patties. Antioxidants had no effect on redness, but increased lightness and yellowness of irradiated turkey breast. It was concluded that a combination of antioxidant and aerobic packaging was more useful than antioxidant and vacuum packaging in controlling off-odor problems in irradiated raw turkey meat. Keywords: antioxidants, lipid oxidation, volatiles, turkey meat, packaging Introduction I RRADIATION PRODUCES A CHARACTERISTIC AROMA AND ALTERS MEAT flavor, which both significantly impact consumer acceptance. The principle of irradiation-using electron beam is that a stream of high-energy electrons propelled out of an electron gun is absorbed by materials in which the ionizing energy becomes reactive ions or free radicals ( Woods and Pikaev 1994; Josephson and Peterson 2000). Hydroxyl radicals produced by ionizing radiation can increase lipid oxidation (O’Connell and Garner 1983; Thakur and Singh 1994), and myoglobin and fat oxidized by these free radicals in irradiated meat cause discoloration, rancidity, and off-odor in meat (Murano 1995). Antioxidants can react with peroxyl or alkoxyl radicals and terminate the chain reaction of peroxidation by scavenging chain-propagating radicals, and thus can prevent lipid from oxidation (Morel and Chisolm 1989). Antioxidants such as free radical terminators or metal chelating agents are commonly used in meat to reduce lipid oxidation and improve sensory quality of cooked meat (Hsieh and Kinsella 1989; Chen and Ahn 1998). Free radical scavengers such as butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene were very effective antioxidants in both raw and cooked meat (Ahn and others 1992), indicating that lipid oxidation is most likely progressed by the free radical mechanisms. Natural antioxidants such as sesamol and quercetin were effective in preventing lipid oxidation in both irradiated raw and cooked pork during 7-d storage (Chen and others 1999). Our studies showed that off-odor production in meat by irradiation is closely related to the reactions of free radicals with meat components (Ahn 2002; Ahn and Lee 2002; Lee and Ahn 2003). Addition of antioxidants in meat, therefore, can reduce the production of volatiles by lipid oxidation and radiolytic degradation because some antioxidants can scavenge or quench free radicals generated by irradiation. The objective of this study was to select antioxidants or combinations of antioxidants that effectively control oxidative changes and off-odor production in irradiated turkey breast meat. A 2-step study was conducted: the 1st step was to screen the best antioxi- © 2003 Institute of Food Technologists Further reproduction prohibited without permission dants or antioxidant combinations in reducing oxidative changes and off-odor production in irradiated meat homogenates; the 2nd step was to determine the effect of selected antioxidant treatments on the volatiles and sensory characteristics of irradiated ground turkey breast meat. Because oxygen plays an important role in lipid oxidation and volatiles of irradiated meat, both aerobic and vacuum packaging were used during irradiation and storage. Materials and Methods Sample preparation Raw turkey breasts were purchased from 4 local grocery stores. The meats purchased from each grocery store were treated as a replication. Gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid), sesamol (3,4methylenedioxyphenol), and L-carnosine (-alanyl-L-histidine) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.), and ␣-tocopherol (tocopherol) and Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid) were purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. (Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A.). Selected antioxidants were prepared either in distilled water or corn oil before use. Meat was ground twice through a 3-mm plate and used to prepare meat homogenates or patties. For the meat homogenate study, 50 g breast meat was homogenized with 200 mL deionized distilled water, using a Waring blender (Dynamics Corp. America Co., New Hartford, Conn., U.S.A.) for 1 min at high speed. Individual antioxidants (gallic acid, tocopherol, trolox, sesamol, carnosine—1 mM each final concentration) and combinations thereof (tocopherol plus gallic acid, tocopherol plus sesamol, tocopherol plus carnosine, trolox plus gallic acid, trolox plus sesamol, and trolox plus carnosine—0.5 mM each final concentration) were added to meat homogenates. Before irradiation, 10mL portions of each treatment were transferred to sample vials, flushed with helium gas (99.999%) for 5 s at 40 psi, and capped. All samples were irradiated at an average dose of 0 or 3.0 kGy using a Linear Accelerator (Circe IIIR; Thomson CSF Linac, Saint-Aubin, France). The energy and power level used were 10 MeV and 10 kW, respectively, and the average dose rate was 99.3 kGy/min. To conVol. 68, Nr. 5, 2003—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 1631 Food Chemistry and Toxicology E.J. LEE AND D.U. AHN Antioxidants on volatiles of irradiated meat . . . Table 1—Volatile compounds of turkey breast meat homogenate with different antioxidants added 0 kGy Volatiles Control G S C 3 kGy Tr T SEM Control G S C Tr T SEM 104 Food Chemistry and Toxicology Acetaldehyde 0 0 Pentane 2083a 1772a 2-Propanone 8306a 5446b Hexane 2921a 793c Ethanol 1651b 1028d 2-Propanol 2401a 772d 2-Butanone 0 0 3-Methyl butanal 0 0 Benzene 0 0 1-Heptene 0 0 Heptane 0 0 Pentanal 724a 287c a 2,3-Pentanedione 563 491a Dimethyl disulfide 0 0 Toluene 0 0 Octane 154a 132ab a Hexanal 12430 8295c 1-Penten-3-ol 267b 196c 1-Pentanol 269a 0d Heptanal 162a 0b Total 31931 19212 Total ion counts × 0 0 0 0 0 6350 5745 5535 6244 4647 6370 0b 2268a 0b 1428a 225 3181a 1501b 828b 3347a 759b 2954a 5761b 7655ab 6206ab 7398ab 584 11090 a 8742ab 7755ab 6149b 8392ab 9824a 0d 0d 0d 1847b 134 1879 1046 1651 2011 1624 1792 1164c 1907a 818e 771e 30 348a 268a 0b 0b 0b 276a 1011d 1453c 939d 1836b 100 2486a 1807ab 1175b 1649ab 1377b 1491b 0 0 0 0 0 269 264 353 218 244 229 0 0 0 0 0 756a 724a 468b 476b 362b 345b ab b b ab b 0 0 0 0 0 323 281 283 330 281 370a 0 0 0 0 0 149b 148b 125b 147b 215b 1178a 0 0 0 0 0 222b 255b 0c 235b 257b 387a 0d 380b 0d 253c 22 601a 399c 191e 491b 130e 295d 301bc 387b 233c 356b 25 328a 277ab 166bc 240abc 131c 217abc 0 0 0 0 0 1472a 688b 593b 1282a 651b 1783a 0 0 0 0 0 909b 819b 774b 885b 776b 1150a 133ab 154a 89c 116b 7 574a 596a 583a 526a 411b 586a 1351e 9141b 1274e 3097d 100 8681a 5641b 1927d 6314b 766d 3637c 0e 359a 161d 344a 10 274a 165c 0d 213b 0d 127c 0d 191b 0d 147c 8 151a 110b 0c 119b 0c 0c 0b 0b 0b 0b 3 168a 129ab 0d 66c 0d 99bc 9721 23895 9720 17593 40211 29605 22407 30942 21023 33110 497 458 808 266 41 232 36 67 19 48 30 24 31 155 54 37 396 14 6 17 G, gallate; S, sesamol; C, carnosine; Tr, Trolox, T, ␣-tocopherol. a to eValues with different letters within a row with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. firm the target dose, 2 alanine dosimeters per cart were attached to the top and bottom surface of a sample vial. The alanine dosimeter was read using a 104 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Instrument (Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, Mass., U.S.A.). The max/ min ratio was approximately 1.39 (avg.). Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), volatiles, and sensory characteristics of irradiated meat homogenates were determined. Three of the most effective antioxidant or antioxidant combinations in reducing offodor production and TBARS in meat homogenate were selected for a meat patty study. For the meat patty study, nonirradiated and irradiated controls (no antioxidant added) and 3 antioxidant treatments that produced the least off-odor volatiles and lipid oxidation from the previous meat homogenate study were used. Patties (100 g) were prepared after adding an antioxidant or an antioxidant combination (1 mM, final concentration) to the ground meat and mixing for 3 min to ensure uniform distribution of antioxidants. Half of the patties from each treatment were individually packaged in polyethylene oxygen-permeable bags (Associated Bag Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A.), and the other half were vacuum packaged in high-oxygenbarrier bags (nylon/polyethylene, 9.3 mL O2/m2/24 h at 0 °C; Koch, Kansas City, Mo., U.S.A.). Turkey meat patties were irradiated at the same conditions as in the previous homogenate study. Lipid oxidation, volatile profiles, color, and off-odor intensity of raw patties were determined after 0 and 5 d of storage at 4 °C. and others 2001). The meat sample was purged with helium gas (40 mL/min) for 14 min at 40 °C. Volatiles were trapped using a Tenaxcharcoal-silica column (Tekmar-Dohrmann) and desorbed for 2 min at 225 °C, focused in a cryofocusing module (–80 °C), and then thermally desorbed into a capillary column for 60 s at 225 °C. An HP-624 column (8.5 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 1.4 m nominal), an HP1 column (60 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 m nominal; Hewlett-Packard), and an HP-Wax column (6.5 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 m nominal) were connected using zero dead-volume column connectors (J&W Scientific, Folsom, Calif., U.S.A.). Ramped oven temperature was used to improve volatile separation. The initial oven temperature of 0 °C was held for 1.5 min. After that, the oven temperature was increased to 15 °C at 2.5 °C/min, increased to 45 °C at 5 °C/min, increased to 110 °C at 10 °C/min, increased to 210 °C at 20 °C/min, and then was held for 3 min at that temperature. Constant column pressure at 22.5 psi was maintained. The ionization potential of the mass selective detector (Model 5973; Hewlett-Packard) was 70 eV, and the scan range was 19.1 to 400 m/z. Identification of volatiles was achieved by comparing mass spectral data of samples with those of the Wiley Library (Hewlett-Packard). Standards were used to confirm the identification by the mass-selective detector. The area of each peak was integrated using the ChemStation (HewlettPackard), and the total peak area (pA*s × 104) was reported as an indicator of volatiles generated from the sample. TBARS analysis Determination of volatile compounds A purge-and-trap apparatus (Solatek 72 and Concentrator 3100; Tekmar-Dohrmann, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.) connected to a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (HP 6890/HP 5973; HewlettPackard Co., Wilmington, Del., U.S.A.) was used to analyze volatiles produced (Ahn and others 2001). The minced meat sample (3 g) or meat homogenate (3 mL) was placed in a 40-mL sample vial, and the vial was flushed with helium gas (40 psi) for 5 s. The maximum waiting time of a sample in a refrigerated (4 °C) holding tray was less than 4 h to minimize oxidative changes before analysis (Ahn 1632 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 68, Nr. 5, 2003 Lipid oxidation was determined by the TBARS method (Ahn and others 1998). Sample (5 g) was placed in a 50-mL test tube and homogenized with 15 mL deionized distilled water using a Brinkman Polytron (Type PT 10/35, Brinkman Instrument Inc., Westbury, N.Y., U.S.A.) for 15 s at high speed. The meat homogenate (1 mL) was transferred to a 13 × 100-mm disposable glass tube and butylated hydroxyanisole (50 L, 7.2% in 70% ethanol) and thiobarbituric acid (20 mM)/trichloroacetic acid (15% wt/vol) solution (2 mL) were added. The mixture was vortex-mixed and then incubated in a 90 °C water bath for 15 min to develop color. The sample was then JFS is available in searchable form at www.ift.org Antioxidants on volatiles of irradiated meat . . . Table 2—Volatile compounds of turkey breast meat homogenate with different antioxidants combination added 0 kGy Volatiles Contr T+G T+S T+C Tr+G Tr+S 3 kGy Tr+C SEM Contr T+G T+S T+C Tr+G Tr+S Tr+C SEM Total ion counts × Acetaldehyde 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6350 5772 6315 6806 5016 4935 6361 537 Pentane 2083a 1408b 468c 1999a 0c 0c 506c 152 3181a 1354b 1181b 3076a 902b 911b 1082b 396 2-Propanone 8307 6505 7120 7409 6256 5129 5824 764 11090 a 9930ab 9664ab 9776ab 7599b 8704ab 7593b 631 Hexane 2921a 1541bc 2281ab 2190ab 576c 1731abc 644c 302 1879 1357 1934 2473 1882 2298 1398 322 Ethanol 1651a 881b 570e 0f 666d 521e 744c 18 348b 366b 463b 0c 336b 0c 933a 73 2-Propanol 2401a 1305c 1083c 1088c 1412c 1320c 1684b 79 2486a 1921ab 1767ab 2086ab 1501ab 936b 1765ab 277 2-Butanone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 243 283 283 215 288 287 22 3-Methyl butanal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 756a 488b 502b 687a 451b 369b 347b 70 Benzene 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 323 315 355 365 270 287 330 26 1-Heptene 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149b 675a 650a 672a 146b 139b 140b 27 Heptane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 222b 230b 264b 357a 0c 0c 0c 30 Pentanal 724a 288b 0c 299b 0c 0c 0c 18 601a 315b 161c 311b 0d 123c 122c 24 2,3-Pentanedione 563a 328b 22bc 280bc 237bc 203c 245bc 25 328a 307a 251a 295a 0b 0b 247a 39 Dimethyl disulfide 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1472a 1021ab 1297ab 1485a 712b 747b 749b 140 Toluene 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 909bc 1075ab 1051ab 1135a 763c 719c 830c 57 Octane 154a 136ab 88c 138ab 110bc 97c 125ab 8 574a 599a 637a 633a 422b 581a 710a 45 Hexanal 12430 a 6843b 906d 5905c 554d 371d 829d 222 8681a 2345c 1657cd 3871b 702d 769d 920d 247 1-Penten-3-ol 267a 190c 0 d 225b 0d 0d 0d 13 274a 0c 190b 145b 0c 0c 0c 17 1-Pentanol 269a 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 18 151a 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 6 Heptanal 162a 0b 0b 134a 0b 0b 0b 9 168ab 130b 87c 204a 0d 0d 0d 14 Total 31932 19425 12173 19667 9811 8851 10601 40211 28443 28709 34660 20917 21806 23814 T + G, ␣-tocopherol and gallate; T + S, ␣-tocopherol and sesamol; T + C, ␣-tocopherol and carnosine; Tr + G, trolox and gallate; Tr + S, trolox and sesamol; Tr + C, trolox and carnosine. a to dValues with different letters within a row with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. cooled in cold water for 10 min, mixed, and centrifuged for 15 min at 3000 × g. The absorbance of the resulting supernatant solution was determined at 531 nm against a blank containing 1 mL deionized distilled water and 2 mL of thiobarbituric acid/trichloroacetic acid solution. The amounts of TBARS were expressed as milligrams of malondialdehyde (MDA) per kilogram of meat or per 4 L meat homogenate (equivalent to 1 kg meat). Color measurement Color was measured on the packaged surface of samples with a Labscan spectrophotometer (Hunter Associated Labs Inc., Reston, Va., U.S.A.) that had been calibrated against white and black reference tiles packaged in the same bags as those used for meat packaging. CIE L- (lightness), a- (redness), and b- (yellowness) values were obtained using an illuminant A. An average value from 2 random locations on each sample surface was used for statistical analysis. Odor characteristics and off-odor intensity Ten trained sensory panelists characterized overall odor characteristics of the samples. Panelists were selected based on interest, availability, and performance in screening tests conducted with samples similar to those to be tested. The panelists selected were trained for aroma attributes of turkey breast meat, including irradiated and antioxidant-treated products. During training, a lexicon of aroma terms to be used on the ballot was developed, and references to anchor the rating scale were identified. To determine offodor intensity, samples (5 g) stored for 5 d at 4 °C were placed in glass scintillation vials that had been labeled with three-digit numerical codes. Sample containers were closed and the sample temperature was brought to 25 °C before presenting to panelists. All treatments (control-nonirradiated, control-irradiated, antioxidantirradiated) within a packaging type were presented to each panelist and the order of presentation was randomized. Sensory panelists JFS is available in searchable form at www.ift.org were asked to rate the intensity of off-odor on 9-unit linear scales (1, none; 3, slightly; 5, moderately; 7, very much; 9, extremely). Statistical analysis Data were analyzed using the generalized linear model procedure of SAS software (SAS Institute Inc. 1995); Student-NewmanKeul’s multiple range test was used to compare the mean values of among antioxidant treatments. Student t-test was used to compare differences between irradiated and nonirradiated means. Mean values and standard error of the means (SEM) were reported. Significance was defined at P < 0.05. Results and Discussion Effect of antioxidants on turkey meat homogenates Irradiation and antioxidants affected the production of total volatiles in turkey meat homogenates (Tables 1 to 2). Irradiation increased the production of total volatiles, but antioxidant or antioxidant combinations reduced them. Trolox and Trolox combinations were the most effective, but sesamol, tocopherol plus sesamol, tocopherol plus gallate were comparable to Trolox treatments in reducing the production of total volatiles. Most of the irradiationdependent off-odor volatiles are related to the radiolytic degradation of amino acids and lipids by hydroxyl radicals. Therefore, we suggest that the decreased production of off-odor volatiles by antioxidants is accomplished through the free radical scavenging or inactivation reaction of antioxidants. Many new volatiles, mostly aldehydes (acetaldehyde and 3methylbutanal) and dimethyl disulfide, were generated from turkey breast meat homogenates after irradiation. Irradiation increased the amount of aldehydes and dimethyl disulfide, but most antioxidants and antioxidant combinations reduced the amounts of aldehydes and sulfur compounds. Among the individual antioxidant treatments, sesamol was the Vol. 68, Nr. 5, 2003—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 1633 Food Chemistry and Toxicology 104 Antioxidants on volatiles of irradiated meat . . . Table 3—TBARS of nonirradiated and irradiated turkey meat homogenate with antioxidants Table 4—Off-odor intensity of nonirradiated and irradiated turkey meat homogenates and patties with antioxidants Irradiation dose 0 kGy Food Chemistry and Toxicology Control Gallate Sesamol Carnosine Trolox ␣-Tocopherol ␣-Tocopherol + gallate ␣-Tocopherol + sesamol ␣-Tocopherol + carnosine Trolox + gallate Trolox + sesamol Trolox + carnosine SEM 3 kGy Irradiation dose SEM mg MDA/4 L homogenate 0.66bx 1.36ax 0.07 0.40by 0.86az 0.05 0.27byz 0.80az 0.02 byz ay 0.32 1.14 0.03 0.25byz 0.76az 0.02 0.32byz 0.90az 0.04 0.30byz 0.77az 0.03 byz az 0.30 0.80 0.03 0.28byz 0.85az 0.03 0.27byz 0.79az 0.04 0.27byz 0.76az 0.03 bz az 0.23 0.77 0.03 0.03 0.04 0 kGy Turkey meat homogenate Control Gallate Sesamol Carnosine Trolox ␣-Tocopherol ␣-Tocopherol + gallate ␣-Tocopherol + sesamol ␣-Tocopherol + carnosine Trolox + gallate Trolox + sesamol Trolox + carnosine SEM 5.13bw 3.75bxy 3.00bxyz 3.88ax 2.13bz 2.38byz 1.75bz 1.75bz 2.75bxyz 2.38byz 1.75bz 1.75bz 0.36 a,b Values with different letters within a row are significantly different ( P < 0.05). x-z Values with different letters within a column are significantly different ( P < 0.05). SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. most effective in reducing total volatiles, aldehydes, and sulfur compounds produced by irradiation. Sesamol reduced the amounts of aldehyde, dimethyl disulfide, and total volatiles by 51%, 60%, and 44% of the irradiated control, respectively. Shahidi and Pegg (1994) reported that aldehydes contributed the most to oxidation flavor and rancidity in cooked meat, and hexanal was the predominant aldehyde. Ahn and others (2000a) reported that dimethyl disulfide was the major sulfur compound responsible for irradiation off-odor. Chen and others (1999) also reported that sesamol was effective in reducing volatile production in irradiated turkey meat during 7 d of storage. Toluene (methyl benzene) was detected in irradiated turkey meat homogenate only. Du and others (2001a, b), however, detected benzene and toluene in both irradiated and nonirradiated broiler meats. Ahn (2002) and Ahn and Lee (2002) showed that benzene and toluene could be produced from Turkey meat patties Control (0 kGy) Control (3 kGy) Sesamol (3 kGy) ␣-Tocopherol + gallate (3 kGy) ␣-Tocopherol + sesamol (3 kGy) S.E.M. 3 kGy SEM 7.38ax 6.25axy 5.50ayz 6.00bxyz 4.88ayz 5.38ayz 4.88ayz 4.63ayz 5.00ayz 4.50ayz 4.50ayz 4.25az 0.42 0.43 0.42 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.42 0.35 0.40 0.42 0.37 Aerobic Vacuum package package 2.88by 5.00ay 5.00bx 7.63ax 2.88by 5.50ay 3.25by 5.88ay 2.63by 5.00ay 0.28 0.38 SEM 0.41 0.23 0.39 0.36 0.23 a,b Values with different letters within a row with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). w-zValues with different letters within a column of the same sample are significantly different ( P < 0.05). SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. 1, none; 5, moderately; 9, extremely. both irradiated and nonirradiated amino acid homopolymer and liposome containing amino acid homopolymers. This indicated that toluene was produced from the components naturally present in meat even without irradiation. Two antioxidant combinations showed synergistic effects in reducing the production of off-odor volatiles in turkey breast meat homogenates by irradiation (Table 2). However, 3-antioxidant combinations had no additional effect to those of 2-antioxidant combi- Table 5—Volatile compounds of turkey breast meat patties with different antioxidants added in aerobic packaging at d 0 0 kGy Volatile compounds Control Sesamol 3 kGy G+Toc S+Toc SEM Control Sesamol G+Toc S+Toc 1081b 24760 b 665 7924 3433 770b 169 13699 b 1053a 183 159b 642b 183 266b 799b 444 146c 56376 1398b 23757 b 593 8140 3417 766b 190 14770 b 986a 194 211b 709b 216 302b 831b 503 220ab 57203 1044b 22226 b 580 8016 3303 711b 180 14308 b 865b 237 188b 635b 191 252b 742b 420 178bc 54076 SEM 104 Pentane 2291a 2-Propanone 34406 a Hexane 0 Ethanol 2515 2-Propanol 3188 2-Butanone 838 1-Heptene 0 Dimethyl disulfide 0 Toluene 0 Octane 229a Hexanal 665a 1-Pentanol 785 Styrene 503 1-Hexanol 351 1-Octen-3-ol 1926a Nonanal 708 2-Trimethylsilyl benzoic acid 220 Total 48625 69b 27217 b 0 2334 3234 631 0 0 0 141b 285b 681 408 264 900b 738 195 37723 110b 28483 b 0 2314 3279 659 0 0 0 128b 286b 773 477 323 1082b 775 187 39871 Total ion counts × 753b 294 3566a 26401 b 1743 34031 a 0 0 691 2396 137 8136 3259 224 3999 616 70 986a 0 0 193 0 0 22551 a 0 0 1096a 174ab 23 307 204b 47 1475a 710 76 1098a 380 81 257 265 30 520a 890b 93 1770a 626 93 643 172 22 265a 36846 81584 352 1585 47 160 204 51 14 1243 31 36 32 56 20 26 47 103 18 a to c Values with different letters within a row with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). G + Toc, gallate and ␣-tocopherol; S + Toc, sesamol and ␣-tocopherol. SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. 1634 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 68, Nr. 5, 2003 JFS is available in searchable form at www.ift.org Antioxidants on volatiles of irradiated meat . . . Table 6—Volatile compounds of turkey breast meat patties with different antioxidants added in vacuum packaging at d 0. 0 kGy Volatile compounds Control Sesamol G+Toc 3 kGy S+Toc SEM Control Sesamol G+Toc 1012b 18893 b 229b 7582 3275 587b 180 352c 29287 b 996 208b 205b 529b 452b 328b 1049 447 2103 339 1649 1064 76018 1386b 17841 b 187b 7014 3049 538b 180 643b 24553 b 882 263b 326b 606ab 771ab 547ab 1571 674 3157 460 2443 1569 73829 S+Toc SEM Pentane 3632a 2-Propanone 31015 a Hexane 198a Ethanol 2119 2-Propanol 3211 2-Butanone 722a 1-Heptene 0 Ethanethioic acid S-methyl ester 0 Dimethyl disulfide 0 Toluene 0 Octane 333a Hexanal 1394a 1-Pentanol 784a 2,9-Dimethyl undecane 590a Styrene 754a 2,2,5-Trimethyl decane 1420a 2,2,4,6,6-Pentamethyl heptane 667a 2,3,8-Trimethyl decane 2828a 2-Methyl-5-propyl nonane 513a 2,6-Dimethyl octane 2508 2,2,5-Trimethyl hexane 1107 Total 59162 1074b 19531 b 0b 2016 2861 521b 0 0 0 0 147b 165b 603b 583a 557ab 1435a 577a 2692a 404a 2412 1321 40509 1097b 18959 b 0b 1974 2766 468b 0 0 0 0 183b 163b 593b 198b 376b 671b 242b 1160b 224b 930 707 33263 Total ion counts × 845b 237 5416a 17635 b 2034 27373 a 0b 7 283a 1980 107 7255 2705 237 3680 445b 27 790a 0 0 181 0 0 1047a 0 0 36480 a 0 0 1014 0c 13 363a 184b 67 1611a 567b 48 849a 326b 60 893a 455ab 86 717a 1039ab 165 1751 463a 72 987 2128ab 349 4385 361ab 45 673 1781 413 3287 1193 182 1700 35347 109136 1207b 430 18748 b 1386 181b 14 7718 168 3186 224 536b 36 178 21 712b 50 24543 b 2550 923 48 218b 30 359b 117 608ab 69 791ab 91 507ab 86 1561 168 691 139 3287 626 481 83 2528 469 1619 183 76065 a-c Values with different letters within a row with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). G + Toc, gallate and ␣-tocopherol; S + Toc, sesamol and ␣-tocopherol. SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. Table 7—Volatile compounds of turkey breast meat patties with different antioxidants added in aerobic packaging at d5 0 kGy Volatile compounds Pentane 2-Propanone Hexane Ethanol 2-Propanol 2-Butanone Toluene Octane Hexanal 1-Pentanol Styrene 1-Hexanol 1-Octen-3-ol Nonanal Total Control Sesamol 4728a 16685 a 1835a 5408 5967 517 0 194a 797a 1931a 357 915a 3854a 422 43610 573b 11288 b 1395b 4769 5701 377 0 131b 252b 577b 267 200b 695b 368 26593 G+Toc 1695b 13078 b 1270b 4666 5324 467 0 141b 138b 677b 326 232b 787b 278 29079 3 kGy S+Toc SEM Control Total ion counts × 104 806b 361 3675a 12015 b 940 22109 a 1281b 131 946 4532 754 5979 4853 383 2702 413 55 827 0 0 553 116b 10 233 185b 59 2901a 544b 120 1968a 258 51 229a 197b 67 713a 622b 271 3944a 242 56 380 26064 47159 Sesamol G+Toc S+Toc 928b 17526 b 1023 6279 2570 701 580 194 202b 547b 191b 222b 613b 297 31873 1153b 17891 b 980 5940 2484 619 577 171 189b 649b 184b 223b 711b 255 32026 1037b 17400 b 985 6157 2556 698 600 230 199b 558b 205b 211b 576b 397 31809 SEM 265 1089 152 192 197 59 36 27 175 88 7 21 117 54 a,b Values with different letters within a row with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). G + Toc, gallate and ␣-tocopherol; S + Toc, sesamol and ␣-tocopherol. SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. nations (Nam and Ahn 2003). Among the antioxidant combinations, sesamol plus tocopherol and gallate plus tocopherol were the most effective in reducing the amount of total volatiles, aldehydes, and S-compounds in irradiated turkey homogenates. Although carnosine is known as an antioxidant in meats (Chan and Decker 1993; Lee and others 1999), it had little antioxidant effect in irradiated turkey homogenates. Carnosine concentrations in beef, turkey, chicken, and fish range from 10 mM to 70 mM (Plowman and Close 1988) and are much greater than the amount (1 mM) used in this study. Irradiated turkey homogenates had higher TBARS values than nonirradiated homogenates, but all antioxidants except carnosine JFS is available in searchable form at www.ift.org at the 1-mM level significantly lowered the TBARS of irradiated turkey homogenates (Table 3). Sesamol was superior to other antioxidants and significantly reduced the TBARS of turkey homogenates. TBARS values of turkey homogenates treated with antioxidant combinations also showed similar trends as in individual antioxidants. Among the antioxidant combinations, however, gallate plus tocopherol and sesamol plus tocopherol were more effective than other combinations in inhibiting lipid oxidation, and these 2-antioxidant combinations reduced TBARS of irradiated turkey homogenates by 41% and 43% of the control. Yoshida and Takagi (1999) reported that the combination of sesamol plus ␥-tocopherol was efficient in inhibiting hydroperoxide formation in oils. Vol. 68, Nr. 5, 2003—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 1635 Food Chemistry and Toxicology 104 Antioxidants on volatiles of irradiated meat . . . Table 8—Volatile compounds of turkey breast meat patties with different antioxidants added in vacuum packaging at d 5. 0 kGy Volatile compounds Control Sesamol G+Toc 3 kGy S+Toc SEM Control Sesamol G+Toc S+Toc SEM 104 Food Chemistry and Toxicology Pentane 2-Propanone Hexane Ethanol 2-Propanol 2-Butanone 1-Heptene Dimethyl disulfide Toluene Octane Hexanal 2-Pentanol 2,9-Dimethyl undecane Styrene 2,2,6-Trimethyl octane 2,2,5-Trimethyl decane 2,2,4,6,6-Pentamethyl heptane 2,3,8-Trimethyl decane 4-Octanone 2-Methyl-5-propyl nonane 2,6-Dimethyl octane 2,2,5-Trimethyl hexane Dimethyl trisulfide 2,8-Dimethyl undecane 2,3,6,7-Tetramethyl octane 3,3-Dimethyl hexane Heneicosane 1-Octen-3-ol Nonanal Total 3773a 22442 a 0b 17599a 2798 489a 0 0 0 215 387a 669a 739a 666 302a 1917a 709a 3936a 179a 497a 3106a 1868a 402 1614a 251a 412a 357 1543a 311 67181 1200b 13386 b 137a 10386 c 2559 207d 0 0 0 202 136b 446b 175b 338 82b 640c 271b 1361b 61b 262b 1106b 724b 199 619b 0b 233b 202 558b 349 35839 Total ion counts × 1510b 1271b 249 14756 a 16920 b 13314 b 1556 23622 149a 110a 14 695 17085 a 13488 b 1003 12200 2680 2561 199 3289 372b 272c 19 862a 0 0 0 272 0 0 0 40895 a 0 0 0 982ab 183 160 21 590a 0c 103b 17 2781a 502b 475b 44 1044a 616a 866a 100 757b 594 623 91 527 291a 329a 46 341ab 1364b 1473b 130 1808 615a 681a 86 790 3011a 3288a 324 3651 132a 170a 13 236 435ab 458ab 52 500 2364a 2444a 248 2692 1501a 1507a 146 1913 359 379 51 605 a a 1271 1262 124 1933 172a 228a 26 162ab 391a 389a 35 443 331 338 44 382 b b 631 578 74 3883a 244 242 35 429 53723 47009 123040 2594b 20985 555 9537 2975 576b 250 43059 a 1091a 334b 267b 549b 526b 363 279b 1348 558 2832 191 451 2160 1634 399 1632 185ab 370 320 686b 317 97023 2561b 1807b 17376 16747 403 414 8145 8831 2681 2596 518b 474b 207 207 30447 b 14312 c 869b 945ab 319b 259b 259b 279b 507b 463b 1258a 1425a 306 803 448ab 585a 2089 2473 915 1045 4485 4872 192 223 616 717 3378 3865 2105 2243 554 656 1934 2020 145b 238a 609 657 454 539 627b 530b 267 256 84674 70481 752 1750 81 973 171 35 32 2014 48 40 206 66 140 113 67 280 132 654 33 85 472 297 78 175 21 119 81 227 55 a-c Values with different letters within a row with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). G + Toc, gallate and ␣-tocopherol; S + Toc, sesamol and ␣-tocopherol. SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. Sensory evaluation showed that irradiation increased off-odor intensity in turkey homogenates, and panelists could easily distinguish odor differences between nonirradiated and irradiated homogenates (Table 4). Most antioxidant or antioxidant combinations were effective in reducing off-odor intensity, but sesamol was the most effective among individual antioxidant treatments. Turkey homogenates with antioxidant combinations had lower off-odor intensity than individual antioxidant treatments, but gallate plus tocopherol and sesamol plus tocopherol were superior to other antioxidant combinations. On the basis of TBARS, volatiles, and sensory results, sesamol, gallate plus tocopherol, and sesamol plus tocopherol were selected for the next study with turkey breast meat patties. Trolox and Trolox combination had very strong antioxidant effect and were effective in reducing off-odor volatiles in irradiated meat homogenates, but Trolox was excluded from consideration because it is a synthetic antioxidant and used as a reference. Table 9—TBARS of nonirradiated and irradiated turkey meat patties with antioxidants 0 day 5 day 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM mg MDA/kg meat Aerobic package Control Sesamol ␣-Tocopherol + gallate ␣-Tocopherol + sesamol SEM Vacuum package Control Sesamol ␣-Tocopherol + gallate ␣-Tocopherol + sesamol SEM 1.51x 0.36y 0.42ay 0.30y 0.04 1.48x 0.37y 0.32by 0.32y 0.08 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.02 4.19x 0.43y 0.56y 0.58y 0.22 3.85x 0.62y 0.63y 0.69y 0.21 0.41 0.07 0.09 0.06 0.65x 0.35y 0.31y 0.25y 0.03 0.64x 0.35y 0.32y 0.30y 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.02 1.19x 0.44by 0.47y 0.49y 0.09 1.26x 0.62ay 0.61y 0.63y 0.10 0.16 0.05 0.07 0.08 Effect of antioxidants on turkey breast meat patties a-bValues with different letters within a row with the same storage time are significantly different ( P < 0.05). w-yValues with different letters within a column with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. Irradiation, antioxidants, and packaging methods influenced the amounts and profiles of volatiles in turkey breast patties (Table 5 and 6). All antioxidant treatments tested were effective in reducing the amounts of total volatiles by more than 30% of the irradiated control at d 0. Huber and others (1953) reported that the use of antioxidants such as ascorbate, citrate, tocopherol, gallate esters, and polyphenols was effective in reducing the odor of irradiated meat. Hexane, 1-heptene, dimethyl disulfide, and toluene were newly generated from turkey breast meat patties by irradiation. Among them, the critically increased volatile was dimethyl disulfide, which is known as the major volatile of irradiation off-odor (Ahn and others 2000a). Patties packaged and irradiated in vacuum conditions produced higher amounts of total volatiles and sulfur volatiles than aerobically packaged patties because the volatiles generated by irradiation stayed inside the packaging bags. The 1636 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 68, Nr. 5, 2003 JFS is available in searchable form at www.ift.org Antioxidants on volatiles of irradiated meat . . . Table 10—CIE color values of nonirradiated and irradiated turkey meat patties with antioxidants L-value Control Sesamol Tocopherol + gallate Tocopherol + sesamol SEM a-value Control Sesamol Tocopherol + gallate Tocopherol + sesamol SEM b-value Control Sesamol Tocopherol + gallate Tocopherol + sesamol SEM 0 kGy 3 kGy 50.74 ay 51.52 axy 52.62 axy 53.26ax 0.56 47.02 by 47.97 by 51.04 bx 50.67 bx 0.58 5.50 5.42 6.01a 5.94 0.42 13.06 a 14.07 a 14.05 a 13.76 a 0.54 Vacuum package 5 day SEM 0 kGy 3kGy 0.72 0.55 0.55 0.41 46.72 az 48.03 ay 49.82 ax 49.88 ax 0.44 44.78 by 45.64 by 47.04 bx 47.56 bx 0.49 4.84 4.91 4.58b 5.04 0.40 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.43 3.66by 4.89x 4.26bxy 5.05x 0.34 9.80b 11.14 b 10.63 b 11.44 b 0.49 0.63 0.47 0.51 0.44 10.56 by 11.88 bx 12.04 bx 12.32 bx 0.42 0 day SEM 5 day 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM 0 kGy 3kGy SEM 0.48 0.36 0.44 0.56 44.65 z 46.33 y 49.09 ax 48.89 x 0.52 44.71 y 46.22 xy 47.12 bxy 48.07 x 0.75 0.48 0.76 0.64 0.68 43.98 y 43.54 y 45.63 x 47.00 x 0.51 43.38 y 43.61 y 46.03 x 46.73 x 0.59 0.55 0.68 0.46 0.52 4.70a 4.79 5.10a 5.27 0.35 0.35 0.39 0.29 0.36 5.23b 5.40 4.87 5.60 0.34 7.48ax 6.22y 5.01y 5.19y 0.44 0.50 0.37 0.40 0.27 6.38 6.22b 6.01b 6.24b 0.43 6.49y 7.60axy 7.19axy 8.02ax 0.40 0.46 0.48 0.36 0.35 12.03 ay 14.35 ax 13.64 ax 14.27 ax 0.46 0.43 0.52 0.37 0.44 10.38 y 11.34 axy 11.26 axy 12.07 ax 0.33 10.14 x 9.16bxy 7.66by 7.96by 0.53 0.58 0.41 0.44 0.29 10.82 a 11.00 a 11.40 a 11.72 0.41 8.65by 9.47bxy 9.79bxy 10.81 x 0.45 0.52 0.45 0.35 0.39 a-b Values with different letters within a row with the same storage time are significantly different ( P < 0.05). x-z Values with different letters within a column with the same irradiation dose are significantly different ( P < 0.05). SEM is standard error of the means. n = 4. addition of sesamol (1.0 mM, final concentration), sesamol plus tocopherols, or gallate plus tocopherol (0.5 mM each, final concentration) decreased the production of sulfur compounds as well as total volatiles in irradiated turkey meat patties (Table 5 and 6). After 5 d of storage, the profiles and amounts of volatiles of irradiated turkey patties changed dramatically from d 0 depending on packaging and antioxidant treatments (Table 7 and 8). Large proportions of most volatiles and almost all sulfur volatiles detected in irradiated turkey patties at d 0 disappeared after storing the patties under aerobic conditions for 5 days. With vacuum packaging, however, the amounts of total volatiles and dimethyl disulfide in irradiated turkey patties increased after 5 d of storage. This confirmed our previous results that S-compounds produced by irradiation volatilized rapidly under aerobic packaging conditions (Nam and others 2002; Nam and Ahn 2003). Therefore, aerobic packaging conditions were more beneficial than vacuum packaging in terms of controlling irradiation off-odor if the lipid oxidation is not a serious problem during the storage of irradiated raw meat. Sesamol plus tocopherol was the most effective in reducing the amounts of sulfur compounds in vacuum-packaged irradiated turkey patties. TBARS values of turkey breast meat patties were affected by antioxidant, packaging methods, and storage time (Table 9). Aerobically packaged control meat had higher TBARS values than vacuum-packaged control meat. All antioxidant treatments were effective in controlling lipid oxidation of turkey patties both in aerobic and vacuum packaging. Chen and others (1999) also reported that phenolic antioxidants were effective in reducing lipid oxidation in aerobically packaged irradiated turkey patties at d 0. After 5 d of storage, the TBARS of the control increased dramatically, but that of antioxidant-added patties were about the same as that of the nonirradiated vacuum-packaged control. No difference in TBARS among antioxidant treatments was found. The use of free radical scavengers was expected to minimize color changes, but antioxidants had no effect on the a-value of turkey breast patties (Table 10). The redness (a-value) of vacuum-packaged turkey breast meat was increased by irradiation, and was higher than those of aerobically packaged meats. Millar and others (1995) reported that irradiation increased pink color (redness) in JFS is available in searchable form at www.ift.org raw chicken and turkey breast, and the increased pink color was stable during refrigerated storage. Luchsinger and others (1996) reported that increased red color in irradiated pork was more intense and stable with vacuum packaging than aerobic conditions during refrigerated storage. Nam and Ahn (2002) reported that carbon monoxide production by irradiation was related to the pink compound and Nawar (1985) reported that irradiation-induced free radicals stimulated carbon monoxide production through the radiolytic changes in lipids. The lightness (L-value) of irradiated turkey breast decreased with the increase of storage time, especially under vacuum conditions (Table 10). Sesamol increased L-values of turkey breast, but gallate plus tocopherol and sesamol plus tocopherol were superior to sesamol. Irradiation had no effect, but antioxidants increased the yellowness (b-value) of turkey breast in both packaging conditions. Overall color data of turkey patties during 5-d storage indicated that antioxidants had no effect on redness, but increased the lightness and yellowness of irradiated turkey breast, especially under vacuum-packaging conditions. Sensory evaluation showed that irradiation and antioxidants influenced off-odor intensity of irradiated turkey (Table 4). Panelists easily distinguished odor differences between nonirradiated and irradiated turkey patties. Panelists characterize the irradiation off-odor as a “sulfury,” “boiled sweet corn,” or “steamed or rotten vegetable.” Ahn and others (2000b) described the irradiation odor from irradiated turkey as “barbecued corn-like.” Sensory panelists detected lower off-odor intensity in irradiated turkey patties with antioxidants because many volatiles responsible for the irradiation off-odor were volatilized in aerobic conditions at d 5. The off-odor intensity of aerobically packaged, irradiated control meat was higher than that of nonirradiated control (Table 4). Although, lipid oxidation-dependent volatiles such as aldehydes play minor role on off-odor intensity of irradiated meat, higher hexanal content in aerobically packaged irradiated meat should be responsible for the high off-odor intensity in that meat (Table 4 and 7). All antioxidant treatments were effective in improving sensory characteristics of both vacuum and aerobically packaged meats, but sesamol plus tocopherol treatment was superior to other antioxidants. This result is in accordance with lower total and sulfur compounds in sesamol Vol. 68, Nr. 5, 2003—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 1637 Food Chemistry and Toxicology Aerobic package 0 day Antioxidants on volatiles of irradiated meat . . . plus tocopherol–treated turkey patties compared with other treatments under vacuum conditions. Conclusions S ESAMOL , SESAMOL PLUS TOCOPHEROL , AND GALLATE PLUS tocopherol decreased the production of off-odor volatiles and lipid oxidation in irradiated turkey breast meat homogenates and patties. Irradiation increased off-odor intensity, but storage under aerobic conditions significantly reduced the intensity in irradiated raw breast meat patties. 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Direct inquiries to author Ahn (E-mail: duahn@iastate.edu). JFS is available in searchable form at www.ift.org