Marine Marine Biology 103, 231-234 (1989) ssi BlOlOQY © Springer-Ver/ag 1989 Precision of the mean and the design of benthos sampling programmes: caution revised J. A. Downing Department dc Sciences Biologiques, Univcrsite dc Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succursalc' A', Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7, Canada Abstract Early attempts at the calculation of requisite sample numbers were based on guesses or assumptions about the Normative variance functions can be used to accurately pre spatial distribution of benthic animals. Elliott (1971) pro dict sampling exigencies, but such empirically derived for vided a genera] framework for such calculations, by showing mulae are continuous functions that can predict levels of that the required number of samples (nr) must be a function sampling precision that cannot logically occur in discrete of the average number of organisms found per sampling unit population samples. General formulae are presented that (m), the variance of this mean (s2), and the required level of allow calculation of upper and lower boundary constraints precision (D = ratio of standard error to m) [see Eq. (1) of on levels of sampling precision. These boundary constraints would only have a significant influence on sampling design Riddle 1989]. The problems with this approach are that s2 is not known a priori, s2 varies significantly with m in natural where populations are so sparse that samples consist mainly populations (e.g. Taylor 1984), and the degree of spatial of presence-absence data. A previously published empirical aggregation (and thus .v2) varies in space and time (e.g. equation for the prediction of requisite sample number for Kosler 1968). Elliott (1971) has suggested that the required the estimation of a freshwater benthos population correctly shows that using a small sampler can result in an up to .v2 estimates can be made by assuming that animals are randomly distributed (i.e., s2 = m) or by assuming that spa 50-fold reduction in the amount of sediment processed, re tial distributions conform to the negative binomial distri gardless of these constraints. A previously published empir bution with some common value of k (i.e., s2 = m2/k + m). ical equation for the prediction of sampling variance, based Analyses have shown, however, that benthic organisms are on over 3 000 sets of replicate samples of marine benthos rarely randomly distributed (Vezina 1988) and that common populations, suggests that the use of small samplers over /c-values are notoriously elusive (Elliott 1971); therefore large ones requires the processing of between one-half and such assumptions are inaccurate. Recent marine sampling one-twentieth of the sediment for the same level of precision. guides (e.g. Mclntyre etal. 1984, Omori and Ikeda 1984) It is concluded that discussions of sampling optimization have not added significantly to the solution of this prob should be based on knowledge of real sampling costs. lem. Estimation of the requisite number of samples should be based on the best available prediction of the expected sam pling variance. I (e.g. Downing 1979) and others (e.g. Morin Introduction 1985, Vezina 1988) have therefore combed the literature for data on sampling .y2 in order to produce empirically derived The spatial distribution of marine organisms is a long-stand normative equations to predict the most probable s2 to be ing problem in ecology (Lussenhop 1974). If marine organ encountered under various sampling conditions. As has isms were uniformly distributed in space, then a single sam been pointed out by others (e.g. Taylor 1980), these norma ple could accurately characterize the population density. If tive variance functions should not be expected to work per organisms are randomly distributed or aggregated, as is fectly under all conditions, but, on average, work better than often the case (Mclntyre etal. 1984), then many samples all competing general variance algorithms, especially those must be taken in order to obtain an acceptable level of based on the untenable assumptions of randomness or con precision. The measurement and prediction of spatial varia stant k. The three purposes of the article (Downing 1979) tion in natural populations is of obvious practical impor criticized by Riddle (1989) were to empirically characterize tance to population biologists. the aggregation of freshwater benthic invertebrates, and to 232 J. A. Downing: Benthos sampling programmes: caution revised Tablc 1. Area of marine sediment that must be processed to obtain a level of precision (i.e., Z) = SE/m) of 0.2, divided by sediment area that must be processed for the same precision using a sampler of I 000 cm2. (Average organism densities, m, and standard errors of replicate samples, SE, are expressed on m"2 basis.) Predicted sample areas were obtained by substituting Vezina's (1988) Eq. (4) into Riddle's (1989) Eq. (1) to predict the requisite sample number (nr), rounding these n, upward to the nearest integer > 1, and multiply ing these values by the sampler area. No cells in this analysis yield a minimum calculable precision (Dmin) >0.2 (see Eq. 3 of present a: paper) 0 20 40 60 NUMBER OF REPLICATE 140- S 80- I S 60- r r1 40- 20ii ■ iiiiii 10 1 IIIIIIII 1 IIIIIIII B I 1 IIIIIU 101 1 IIIIIIII 1 108 IIIIIIII 1 Size of sampler (cm2) Density (no. m~2) ( ^100- 0- If SAMPLES r— >_ 120- U. 80 1 20 50 100 250 30 0.41 0.50 0.59 50 0.41 0.51 0.59 100 0.41 0.51 300 0.41 500 0.42 500 750 1000 0.72 0.83 0.92 1.00 0.73 0.88 0.94 1.00 0.60 0.75 0.86 0.96 1.00 0.50 0.60 0.75 1.00 0.60 0.75 0.83 1.00 1.00 0.53 1.13 1.00 1 000 0.24 0.30 0.35 0.50 0.50 0.75 1.00 5 000 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 10 000 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 IIIIII 10T SAMPLER AREA (cm2) Fig. 1. Cumulative-frequency distributions of (A) number of repli cate samples, and (B) area covered by quantitative sampling devices in all benthos articles published in "Marine Biology" from 1979 through 1987. Sample sizes in the two graphs are different because some articles used more than one sample number or sampler and some articles failed to report sample number and/or sampler sizes ination. (1) That, for some combinations of sampler size and benthos density, my sampling algorithm (Downing 1979) predicts levels of precision that cannot exist; (2) that I have overestimated the savings in sediment processing that can be realized by taking larger numbers of smaller freshwater ben thos samples than is customary; (3) that savings in sampling cost in marine benthic studies are much less than in freshwa ter research. Below, I generalize Riddle's first point, deriving equations for calculating the minimum and maximum possi apply a normative variance algorithm to the transformation ble precision of m < 1 for all sampling plans, I refute Riddle's of data on freshwater benthos populations, and the estima second conclusion, and demonstrate that the third conclu tion of the required sample number. The conclusion of the sion is drawn prematurely. few pages of Downing dealing with sampling design is: "Where processing sediment makes up the greatest portion of the sampling labor, the amount of work necessary to gain Limits to variance and sampling precision any level of precision decreases as the density of the popula tion .. . increases. The amount of work necessary increases Because choice of sample number and size are based on the with the size of the sampling device." Because freshwater relative size of .v2 and m, and because benthos samples con benthic ecologists were taking few replicate samples (median sist of discrete numbers of organisms, it is important to /; = 2, mode = 2) with large samplers, and receiving very low recall that not all s2's can be calculated for all m. s2 is precision (high Z)), I concluded: "This situation could easily calculated thus: be remedied by taking many samples with a small sampler, thus increasing precision without much increase in effort." .v2 = IX2-(IX)2In (1) (Downing 1979). A review of the relevant articles published in "Marine Biology" from 1979 through 1987 (Fig. 1) shows where IX2 is the summation over all samples of the squares that this same problem exists in marine benthic ecology of observations in each replicate sample, IX is the summa today (median n=4, mode = 3). Vezina's (1988) empirical tion of the observations found in all replicate samples, and analysis of over 3 000 sets of marine benthos data shows that n is the number of replicate samples, m is calculated as IX/n, the same general recommendation holds for marine benthos, and, because samples consist of discrete counts of organ if one assumes (as shown by Wildish 1978) that sediment isms, IX must always be an integer. processing is the most costly step in the estimation of a marine benthos population (Table 1). Based on six sets of replicate samples taken at only two Variances of population counts therefore have distinct, logical upper and lower limits. The minimum .s2 (s^in) of a set of population counts is found where the numerator of sampling sites with only two different samplers, Riddle Eq.(l) (1989) has advanced three conclusions that require re-exam- IX2 = (IX)2in. The .v^|n can only be zero where IX is evenly is closest to zero and therefore closest to J. A. Downing: Benthos sampling programmes: caution revised 233 1.1 in one replicate sample, leaving all other samples empty. In this case. EX = (EX)2 (4) and because EX=nm, max (5) n-l therefore: v2 = (6) and: (7) Regardless of the uniformity or heterogeneity of a popula tion's spatial distribution, population estimates can never have a level of precision better than that calculated from Eq. (3) or poorer than that calculated from Eq. (7). The 0.0 0.2 0.4 AVERAGE NUMBER 0.6 0.8 1.0 PER SAMPLER analysis of "singletons" presented by Riddle (1989) is a special case of Eqs. (2) and (6) where s^in=s^ax=m=\jn and therefore Dmin = Dmax = 1 (Eqs. 3 and 7). The prudent Fig. 2. Maximum calculable precision for all possible average num bers of organisms per sampling unit for sample sizes (/») from 2 through 50. Small sample sizes (low /?) are found toward, upper right in this figure, while large sample sizes (e.g. « = 50) form lower left-curved boundary of the data cloud. Calculations were made researcher should employ Eq. (3) to calculate a priori whether the requisite level of precision is logically possible given the number of samples, the size of the sampler, and the prevailing organismal abundances. using Eq. (3) Efficiency of large numbers of small samples divisible by n. Therefore, as perceived by Riddle (1989), even Eq. (3) shows that eight of the 56 density/sampler-size cells perfectly uniform populations will show some apparent spa that I provided for illustrative purposes (Table 6 of Downing tial variation in population density (i.e., .v2>0) if IX \s not evenly divisible by //. Riddle suggests that this is most serious 1979) contained required sample numbers that were too conservative. In spite of this, my previous conclusion for the at m<\ (i.e., EX<n), but derives no general means of calcu freshwater benthos that "small diameter samplers are most lating the maximum possible precision (Dmin or minimum efficient in obtaining high levels of precision", and the SE/w) obtainable for samples where m < 1. This is an impor conclusion implied by my illustrative tables that sediment area sampled using 20 cm2 instead of 1 000 cm2 samplers can be reduced by as much as 50-fold, remain unaltered. This is because the smallest number of samples that will tant step because it would allow ecologists to avoid sampling plans requiring a level of precision that is logically unattain able. If IX<n, then s^m is calculated: allow estimation of precision is 2, and therefore the greatest EX-(EX)2 in (2) n-l labour-saving is to be obtained at high densities of organ isms (Table 2). The smallest amount of sediment to be pro because the most uniform possible distribution of EX organ cessed for a given precision is always found for the smallest isms in the n samples is found when all samples contain sampler for which the required precision is logically possible either one organism or no organisms (EX2 = EX). Eq. (2) yields positive .v,^in for all sets of samples where EX<n. (Table 2). This shows that Riddle's (1989) contention that Substituting nm for EX in Eq. (2), rearranging and simplify 5 000%) of sampling effort may be gained by using samplers ing yields: "Downing's... conclusion that massive savings (1 300 to of small surface area does not hold." is incorrect. My con \0.S (3) clusion holds for the freshwater benthos as long as sampling effort is measured as sediment processed. where nm must be an integer and m must not be greater than The few sets of replicate samples analyzed by Riddle 1. This equation is plotted in Fig. 2 for values of /; from 2 (1989) suggest that near Belhaven Bay and in Loch Creran, through 50 and all possible values of m, showing that Dmin small-diameter core tubes offer only about a 20% savings in tends to decline with increased m and n, but that Dmjn<0.2 sampling effort over the use of Van Veen samplers. This may is nearly impossible for m< 0.35, regardless of the number of be true for his sampling gear at these two sampling sites, but samples taken. the 3 000+ sets of observations analyzed by Vezina (1988) The logical upper limit to the variance of population counts (5^ax) occurs where all of the EX animals are isolated suggest that, in general, small-diameter corers should achieve £> = 0.2, requiring the processing of between one-half 234 J. A. Downing: Benthos sampling programmes: caution revised Table 2. Area of freshwater sediment that must be processed to obtain a value of D (SE/m) of 0.2, divided by area that must be processed for the same precision using sampler of 1 000 cm2. Pre dicted sample areas were obtained from Downing's (1979) Table 7 turn their attention to tests of the important cost assump tions. One should not be too concerned about the precision of predictions of the standard errors of estimates of the (as corrected in 1980). Dashes indicate cells with Z>min>0.2 (see density of sparse populations sampled with small samplers Eq. 3 of present paper) (e.g. Riddle 1989), because these data would be primarily Density (no. m~2) 20 30 50 100 ysis by techniques based on the normal distribution anyway. 250 500 750 000 0.69 1.04 .06 .00 0.67 1.00 .08 .00 0.67 1.00 .00 .00 0.18 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.67 1.00 .00 .00 0.20 0.35 0.75 1.00 .13 .00 0.05 0.02 0.13 0.25 0.50 0.75 ().75 .00 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 .00 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 .00 _ _ 50 - - 100 - - 300 - 500 0.08 1000 5 000 10 000 presence:absence data and would not be amenable to anal Size of sampler (cm2) _ My discussion of sampling efficiency has now been verified for other benthic faunae (e.g. Downing and Cyr 1985, Vezina 1988, Riddle 1989). In general, less sediment must be processed for similar levels of precision if small samplers are employed. Exacting, comparative cost-benefit analyses of sampling schemes are imprudent without real estimates of sampling costs. Literature cited and one-twentieth the sediment collected with larger sam plers (Table 1). Riddle's results could be reconciled with Vezina's if the populations at Riddle's two sampling sites were more uniformly distributed than is the rule for marine benthos, or if the two sampling techniques he employed yielded less divergent heterogeneity (m~2 basis) among samples than would be expected based on their size (Vezina 1988). Schemes for the optimization of sampling programmes require data on sampling costs. Both my discussion of the efficiency of sampling the freshwater benthos and that of Riddle (1989) for the marine benthos rest on the assump tions that the cost of taking additional samples is negligible compared to sediment processing costs, that the sediment processing cost rises linearly with sediment area sampled, and that the cost of processing a cm2 of sediment is indepen dent of the size of the sampler employed. Available data (e.g. Wildish 1978) suggest that the first of these assumptions may be true for marine benthos. The fact that the remainder of these assumptions is untested accounts for the fact that cost analyses accounted for only one paragraph of my orig inal article (Downing 1979; p. 1461). For the freshwater macrophyte-dwelling invertebrates, where costs have been studied in detail, neither of these assumptions are met (Downing and Cyr 1985). Cost analyses for stream benthos suggest that smaller samplers are more efficient for dense populations and larger samplers are more efficient for sparse ones (Morin 1985). Now that marine ecologists can make accurate a priori estimates of .v2 of benthos populations and the probable precision that will be obtained by taking differ ent numbers of samples of different sizes (Vezina 1988), those interested in sampling-survey optimization should Downing, J. A. (1979). Aggregation, transformation, and the design of benthos sampling programs. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 36: 14541463 [See also corrected Table 7 in: Corrections to recent publi cations. Can. J. Fish, aqual. Sciences 37: p. 1333 (1980)] Downing, J. A., Cyr, H. (1985). Quantitative estimation of epiphytic invertebrate populations. Can. J. Fish, aquat. Sciences 42:15701579 Elliott. J. M. (1971). Some methods for the statistical analysis of samples of benthic invertebrates. Scient. Publs Freshwat. biol. Ass. 25: 1-160 Koslcr, A. (1968). Distributional patterns of the culitoral fauna near the isle of Middensee (Baltic Sea, Rugia). Mar. Biol. 1: 266-268 Lussenhop, J. (1974). Victor Hensen and the development of sam pling methods in ecology. J. Hist. Biol. 7: 319-337 Mclntyrc. A. D.. Elliott, J. M., Ellis, D. V. (1984). Design of sam pling programmes. In: Holme, N. A., Mclntyrc, A. D. (cds.) Methods for the study of marine benthos. Blackwell. Oxford, p. 1 -26 (IBP Handbk No. 16. 2nd ed.) Morin, A. (1985). Variability of density estimates and the optimiza tion of sampling programs for stream benthos. Can. J. Fish, aquat. Sciences 42: 1530-1534 Omori. M., Ikeda, T. (1984). Methods in marine zooplankton ecol ogy. John Wiley & Sons, New York Riddle, M. J. (1989). Precision of the mean and the design of ben thos sampling programmes: caution advised. Mar. Biol. 103: 225-230 Taylor, L. R. (1984). Assessing and interpreting the spatial distribu tions of insect populations. A. Rev. Ent. 29: 321 -357 Taylor, W. D. (1980). Comment on "Aggregation, transformations and the design of benthos sampling programs". Can. J. Fish, aquat. Sciences 37: 1328-1329 Vezina, A. F. (1988). Sampling variance and the design of quantita tive surveys of the marine benthos. Mar. Biol. 97: 151-155 Wildish, D. J. (1978). Sublittoral macro-infaunal grab sampling rcproducibilily and cost. Tech. Rep. Fish. mar. Serv. Can. 770: 1-14 Date of final manuscript acceptance: June 1, 1989. Communicated by J. Mauchline, Oban