Freshwater Biology (1988) 20, 365-374 The abundance of phytophilous invertebrates on different species of submerged macrophytes* HELENE CYRf and JOHN A. DOWNING Department de Sciences Biologiques, University de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada SUMMARY. 1. We tested Krecker's model (1939) which states that the abundance of invertebrates per unit macrophyte biomass varies with plant species and is higher on plants with finely dissected leaves than on plants with broad leaves. The abundance of invertebrates was measured in thir teen lacustrine macrophyte beds in southern Quebec, Canada. The model was tested for the total abundance of invertebrates and for the abundances of Chironomidae, Cladocera, Cyclopoida, Gastropoda, Hydracarina, Ostracoda and Trichoptera. 2. More epiphytic invertebrates were found on the dissected Myriophyllum spp. than on the broad-leaved Potamogeton amplifolius Tuckerm, P. robbinsii Oakes and Vallisneria americana Michx. (P<0.01). More invertebrates were also found on P. amplifolius than on P. robbinsii or V. americana (P<0.01). The total abundance of invertebrates was not systematically related to the degree of plant dissection. 3. The abundances of Chironomidae, Cladocera, Cyclopoida, Gastro poda, Hydracarina, Ostracoda and Trichoptera varied on different plant species (P<0.01). Contrary to Krecker's hypothesis, however, macro phytes with finely dissected leaves {Ceratophyllum demersum and Myriophyllum spp.) did not in general support more invertebrates per unit plant biomass than plants with large leaves {Potamogeton amplifolius, P. robbinsii and Vallisneria americana). Introduction The invertebrates living in lacustrine submerged macrophyte beds are very abundant (Gerking, 1964; Guziur, Lossow & Widuto, 1975) and pro ductive (Lim & Fernando, 1978; Cooper & *A contribution to the Groupe d'dcologie des eaux douces de l'Universit£ de Montreal. tPresent address: Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, Millbrook, NY 12545, U.S.A. Correspondence: Dr John A. Downing, Depart ment de Sciences Biologiques, University de Mon treal, C.P. 6128, Succursale 'A', Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3J7. Knight, 1985). They constitute a major food source for fish (Gerking, 1962; Crowder & Cooper, 1982; Mittelbach, 1984; Keast, 1985) and breeding waterfowl (Krull, 1970; Danell & Sjoberg, 1980; Drobney & Fredrickson, 1985; Murkin & Kadlec, 1986) and, because of their abundance, could be an important link in energy transfers in lakes (Miura et al., 1978; Dall et al., 1984, Kolodziejczyk, 1984; Kairesalo & Koskimies, 1987). It is therefore important scientifically and useful to the management of fish and waterfowl, to determine the factors influencing the distribution of epiphytic inver tebrates within and among lakes. 365 366 H&ltne Cyr and John A. Downing The abundance of phytophilous invertebrates (Rosine, 1955), might act as sieves that filter and is related to the biomass of macrophytes (Vin accumulate phytoplankton and detrital particles cent, Lafontaine & Caron, 1982; Downing, from the water (Rooke, 1984,1986b) and might 1986) but most authors agree that epiphytic offer more protection to the invertebrates from their predators (Harrod, 1964; Dvorak & Best, 1982). invertebrates are not equally abundant on all plant species (Soszka, 1975; Gerrish & Bristow, 1979; Rooke, 1986a, b). Krecker (1939) sug from qualitative observations, that gested, plants with dissected leaves support sys tematically more invertebrates than plants with broad leaves. Plants with dissected leaves would provide more substrate for the growth of peri- phytic algae (Dvorak & Best, 1982) which is an important food source for invertebrates (Down ing, 1981; Cattaneo, 1983), would offer more surface area for the support of invertebrates Krecker's model has been confirmed by some studies in lakes and streams (Andrews & Hasler, 1943; Rosine, 1955; Gerking, 1957; Gerrish & Bristow, 1979; Dvorak & Best, 1982; Rooke, 1986a, b) but some contradictory observations exist (Bownik, 1970; Krull, 1970; Kofinkova, 1971). The model could provide an important tool in fisheries and wildlife management but its predictions have never been tested quan titatively in different macrophyte beds. This FIG. 1. The plant species among which the abundance of epiphytic invertebrates is compared, (a) Ceratophyllum demersum L., x3/i; (b) Myriophyllum sp., xVt; (c) Utricularia sp., x¥*\ (d) Potamogeton amplifolius Tuckerm, x%; (e) P. robbinsii Oakes, x% (f) Vallbneria americana Michx, xVs. Redrawn from Fassett (1957). Phytomacrofaunal abundance versus plant type 367 research presents a test of the hypothesis that the cients are proportional to the abundance of abundance of invertebrates is higher on plants invertebrates collected per unit macrophyte biomass. The regression coefficients associated with finely dissected leaves than on plants with broad leaves. with six plant species (Fig. 1) were compared to test Krecker's model. Methods The abundance of epiphytic invertebrates is rel Thirteen sites were sampled in ten lakes within a 150 km radius of Montreal, Quebec (45°31'N, 73°36'W). We chose very different macrophyte beds (Table 1) in an effort to seek ated to plant biomass, macrophyte bed charac general patterns of invertebrate distribution. teristics and sampling date (Cyr & Downing, The macrophyte beds were monospecific or 1988). We therefore used a regression technique (Downing, 1986), to estimate the regression mixed and average macrophyte standing stocks ranged from very low (9 g trr2) to greater than the world average (397 g m~2; Duarte, Kalff & Peters, 1986). Macrophyte beds were located in coefficients associated with the biomass of different plant species. These regression coeffi TABLE 1. Characteristics of the thirteen sites and date of sampling (SD; 3 July is day 1,26 August is day 55). The average measures of plant standing stock (PBA), proportion by weight of sediment water (SWC) and organic matter content (SOC), total phosphorus concentration in the water around the macrophyte bed (TP), and rooting depth of the macrophyte bed (Z) are presented for each site with their standard deviations in parentheses. Macrophyte species composition includes all plant species, in decreasing order of importance, that represent more than 1%, by dry weight, of the total macrophyte biomass. The plants are: C, Chara sp.; CC, Cabomba caroliniana; CD, Ceratophyllum demersum; EC, Elodea canadensis; I, Isoetes sp.; J, Juncus sp.; M, Myriophyllum spicatum and M. humile in Lake Des lies; NF, Najas flexilis; NH, Nitella hyalina; P, Potamogeton sp.; PA, P. amplifolius; PE, a mixture of P. epihydrus and P. gramineus; PR, P. robbinsii; S, Sagittaria sp.; U, Utricularia sp.; VA, Vallisneria americana. PBA Lake SD (g m"2) Brome 34 9 SWC _ SOC _ (17) Champlain (Baie Venise) 42 Champlain (Kings Bay) 54 Des lies 55 Echo Fournelle Ludger Magog 88 12 7 27 40 276 (177) Memphremagog 0.014 1.8 (0.2) VA, M, P 3.1 (0.1) VA, PR, M, PA, EC 2.2 (0.2) M, PR, I, S 12 (0.005) (2) (2) 65 0.36 (0.02) 0.021 (0.003) 63 (120) 0.48 (0.03) 0.013 (0.003) 256 (116) 0.96 (0.01) 0.014 8 (0.003) (2) 40 (84) 0.48 (0.02) 0.033 (0.004) 131 0.28 (0.06) 0.020 (0.008) 38 (12) 7 11 0) 1.9 (4) (0.2) PA,J, U, C, NH, PR 1.4 PR, EC, M, (0.04) 0.60 (0.10) (0.008) 48 (80) 0.32 (0.03) (0.000) (1) 76 0.19 (0.02) 0.007 (0.002) 12 0.46 (0.02) 0.027 (0.004) 10 Memphremagog 21 (Cove Is. Bay) (30) 28 182 (108) PA 12 0.026 (0.004) 28 0.035 12 0.022 1.4 (0.01) PR, PA, EC 85 (86) 48 ' 2.0 (0.2) 1 0.40 VA, EC 32 397 (428) Memphremagog (Three Sisters) 1.7 Macrophyte species composition (0.2) (8) 0.25 (0.06) Z (m) (2) 14 (Sargent Bay) Quenouilies - 16 (88) (108) Massawippi - (88) TP Qig h1) (7) (0.04) CD, P 2.7 (0.2) M 2.0 P, M, VA (2) (0.6) 7 3.0 (0.4) M, PR, VA, PE, EC 1.4 (0.1) P, VA, CC, NH, EC, NF 1.6 (0.00) PR (4) (2) 368 Helene Cyr and John A. Downing oligo-mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes at depths 1985). Depth of the water column at each site between 1.4 and 3.1 m. The plants were growing was also measured (±0.1 m) at six points along on sediments ranging from sand to silt and con the transect. Average measures of plant stand tained little organic matter. ing stock (twenty-five samples), sediment char Each macrophyte bed was sampled once in acteristics (twenty-five samples), total July or August 1984. The phytophilous inver phosphorus concentration (six samples) and tebrates were collected in 6 litre plastic box rooting depth samplers gently closed over plants (Downing, measures) were calculated for each site. Sam of the macrophyte bed (six 1986). Fifteen to twenty samples were randomly pling dates were transformed to numerical days distributed at different depths in the bed, on (3 July as Day 1 to 26 August as Day 55; Table 1) either side of a 50 m transect. We collected 231 and included in the analysis. samples. The amount and species composition The abundance of invertebrates collected in of macrophytes from which the invertebrates each box sample was related to the biomass of were collected varied among samples. In the plants in the box, averages of macrophyte bed laboratory, the plants were thoroughly washed characteristics and sampling date, using forward to detach the invertebrates, separated by species stepwise multiple (Fassett, 1957), dried at 60°C and weighed (±0.1 Logarithmic or fourth-root transformation was mg). The invertebrates retained on a 100 //m applied to measures of invertebrate abundance linear regression analysis. filter were preserved in 80% ethanol (with 1% and plant biomass to achieve normality and glycerin to prevent desiccation), separated into homoscedasticity of the residuals. For each major taxonomic groups and counted at 16 x invertebrate taxon we obtained an equation of magnification. the form: We collected amphipods, cladocerans, copepods, flatworms, gastropods, insect larvae, isopbds, leeches, nematodes, oligochaetes, ostracods, tardigrades and water mites (Hydracarina). In many samples oligo chaetes were found broken probably from the contact of unanaesthetized animals with the ethanol, and could not be counted. They are omitted from the analysis presented here. Macrophyte bed characteristics were measured and averaged at each site. Areal plant standing stock was determined using twenty-five 112 cm2 quadrats (Downing & Anderson, 1985) collected at the same time as box samples, but distributed at different random locations along the 50 m transect. The plants from each quadrat were dried at 60°C and weighed (±0.1 mg). A sample of the top 10 cm of sediment was col lected from the centre of each emptied quadrat using a hand-held 5.6 cm diameter corer. The homogenized sediments were dried at 60°C to constant weight to determine water content and subsequently ashed at 550°C to constant weight to determine organic matter content. Total phosphorus concentration in the water was measured in six samples collected 15-30 cm below lake surface, at 10 m intervals along the transect. Total phosphorus was measured by the ascorbic acid colorimetric method following a Yi=blXl+b2X2+. . . bkXk+a where Yt is the transformed abundance of inver tebrates from taxon H\XX to Xk are transformed macrophyte biomasses collected in the box sam ples, environmental variables and sampling day, b\ to bk are fitted coefficients, and 'a' is the stochastic error term. The regression coefficients associated with the biomass of different macrophyte species are pro portional to the number of invertebrates col lected per unit plant biomass (Downing, 1986). Therefore, a comparison of invertebrate abun dance on different plant species was achieved through Mest comparisons of regression coeffi cients (Baillargeon & Rainville, 1979, p. 728). This analysis was repeated for total inverte brates, Chironomidae, Cladocera, Cyclopoida, Gastropoda, Hydracarina, Ostracoda and Trichoptera. According to Krecker's model, the regression coefficients associated with the finely dissected Ceratophyllum phyllum spp. and demersum, Myrio- Utricularia sp. should be higher than the regression coefficients of the broad-leaved Potamogeton amplifolius, P. robbinsii and Vallisneria americana. Results persulphate digestion (American Public Health Multivariate analysis showed that the abun Association, American Water Works Associa dance of epiphytic invertebrates was signifi tion & Water Pollution Control Federation, cantly related to plant biomass, macrophyte bed Phytomacrofaunal abundance versus plant type characteristics and sampling date. Together, these variables explained 51-70% of the dissection. In the multivariate equation for total invertebrate abundance (Table 2), the regres sion coefficients associated with the biomass of Myriophyllum spp., P. amplifolius, Utricularia variability in transformed invertebrate abun dance (Tables 2 and 4) and are discussed in detail elsewhere (Cyr & Downing, 1988). In this article sp., C. demersum, P. robbinsii and V. americana were compared with Mests. Several differences were found (Table 3). Myriophyllum spp. sup ported more invertebrates than the broad leaved P. amplifolius, P. robbinsii and V. americana (P<0.01). The finely dissected C. demersum and we concentrate on the regression coefficients associated with different species 369 of macro- phytes, employing environmental characteris tics and sampling date to correct statistically for the effect of physical, chemical and temporal differences among sites. Utricularia sp., however, did not support higher The total abundance of invertebrates col invertebrate abundances than the broad leaved lected per unit macrophyte biomass was not sys P. amplifolius, P. robbinsii and V. americana (P>0.2). Significant differences were also found tematically related to the degree of plant TABLE 2. Tabular form of the multivariate equation relating the fourth root of total invertebrate abundance (without oligochaetes) to the fourth root of the biomass of plant species, macrophyte bed characteristics and sampling date (adjusted R2=0.59, F=27, n=186). The regression coeffi cients are all significantly different from zero (P(r)<0.05) and are pre sented with their standard errors. The abbreviations for plant species and macrophyte bed characteristics are as in Table 1. V is the stochastic disturbance term. The units for the regression coefficients associated with each plant species are (numbers)0-25/^)025. Independent variables Regression Standard coefficients errors (M)0.25 3.2 2.5 2.4 2.0 (PA)025 (U)0.25 (CD)0-25 (PR)0-" (VA)0-*5 PBA 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.001 1.9 1.4 0.006 -1.9 Z soc SD 0.2 11 0.005 52 0.038 4.5 a TABLE 3. T-test comparisons between pairs of regression coefficients associated with the biomass of macrophyte species for the total abundance of invertebrates (Table 2). No Bonferonni correction for multiple comparisons was applied to the significance levels. (ns,P>0.01; **P<0.01;***P<0.001) Ceratophyllum Myriophyllum Utricularia spp. sp. Potamogeton amplifolius Potamogeton robbinsii americana ns ns ns ns ns * * *** * * * ns ns ns ** * * demersum Myriophyllum ns Vallisneria spp. Utricularia sp. Potamogeton amplifolius Potamogeton robbinsii ns 370 Helbne Cyr and John A. Downing among broad-leaved plants. More invertebrates cant were collected on P. amplifolius than P. robbin differences in the number of invertebrates g"1 sii or V. americana (P<0.01). macrophyte supported by various plant species (Table 5). Comparisons of the five most com We also sought relationships between the abundance of Cyclopoida, Chironomidae, Gastropoda, Cladocera, mon differences macrophyte (P<0.01), species suggesting entering the Hydracarina, multivariate equations (C. demersum, Myrio- Ostracoda and Trichoptera and the degree of phyllum spp., P. amplifolius, P. robbinsii, V. plant dissection. A comparison of the regression americana), however, showed no tendency for coefficients in the equations for each inverte plants with dissected leaves (Fig. la, b, c) to brate taxon (Table 4) revealed several signifi support more invertebrates than broad-leaved TABLE 4. MuUivariate equations relating the number of phytophilous invertebrates collected in box samples to the biomass of plant species, macrophyte bed characteristics and sampling date. All equations are highly significant (P(F) <0.0001). The adjusted /?2, the F value and the sample size (n) are presented for each equation. The invertebrate taxa are: CHIR, chironomids; CLAD, total cladocerans; CYCL, cyclopoids; GAST, gastropods; ACAR, water mites; OSTR, ostracods; TRIC, trichopterans. All abbreviations for plant species and macrophyte bed characteristics are as in Table 1. Adj. i?2 Equations (CHIR)0-25=2.3(J)0-2S+1.8(PA)0-2S+1.7(PR)0-25-l-1.7(M)O25+1.2(CD)O25+O.7(VA)0-25 0.59 34 231 0.70 58 193 0.51 30 199 log(GAST)=8.2(J)+1.0(P)+1.0(PA)+0.5(PR)+0.3(VA)+0.3(M) -0.006 PBA-0.9SWC-37SOC+0.04TP+1.0Z-0.02SD+0.6 0.63 29 199 (ACAR)"-25=2.0(PR)«-25+1.8(PA)025+1.0(CD)"25+0.6(VA)n25+0.5(M)02S-0.002PBA 0.51 34 229 (OSTR)°-25=2.5 (CD)0-^+2.1 (VA)° 2S+1.6 (PR)"-25 +1.6 (U)O:25+1.4 (EC)0■*+1.2 (M)"25 +0.8(PA)°-25+0.8(P)°-25-0.005PBA +0.1TP+1.1Z-0.6 0.70 47 224 log(TRIC)=16.0(NH)+l.l(CC)+0.8(CD)+0.7(PA) +0.4(PR)+0.2(M)+0.0007PBA+0.02TP +0.01 SD-0.3 0.52 24 197 +0.005 PBA+0.04TP-1.1Z+0.01SD+2.9 log(CLAD)=0.49(M)+0.48(P)+0.39(PA)+0.15(PR) +0.002 PBA+41 SOC-0.8Z+0.02SD+2.3 (CYCL)o-25=1.4(M)025+1.3(PA)°-25+0.6(PR)025 +0.004 PBA+50 SOC-0.5 Z+0.01 SD+2.0 +0.03 TP+1.3 TABLE 5. T-test comparisons between pairs of regression coefficients associated with the biomass of macrophyte species for seven invertebrate taxa (Table 4). For each comparison, the plant species on the left had a significantly (P<0.01) greater (+), no different (ns) or lesser (-) regression coefficient than the plant species on top. No Bonferonni correction for multiple comparisons was applied to the significance levels. The invertebrate taxa are: 'C, Cyclopoida; 'D', Chironomidae (Diptera); *F\ Cladocera; 'G', Gastropoda; 'H\ Hydracarina; 'O\ Ostracoda; T\ Trichoptera. Myriophyllum Ceratophyllum demersum spp. Potamogeton amplifolius Potamogeton robbinsii americana 1(O) 3 (D,H,T) 0 1(O) 3 (D,H,T) 0 0 0 3 (D.0.T) 3 (D,H,O) 0 (+) 0 (ns) 4(C,D,F,O) (-) (+) 3 (G,H,T) 2 (C,F) 3 (D,G,O) 2 (H,T) 1(D) 2 (G,H) 4 (C,F,G,T) 2 (D, H) 3 (D,G,H) 0 1(0) (+) (ns) (-) Myriophyllum spp. Potamogeton amplifolius Potamogeton robbinsii (ns) (-) (+) (ns) (-) KH) 1(0) Vallisneria 1(0) 2 (D,H) 2 (G,O) 0 Phytomacrofaunal abundance versus plant type plants (Fig. Id, e, f). The comparisons between the dissected C. demersum and Myriophyllum spp., and the broad leaved P. amplifolius, P. robbinsii and V. americana yielded fewer signifi cant differences (38%: eleven out of twenty-nine comparisons) than comparisons between broadleaved plants (73% eleven out of fifteen com parisons). Moreover, where significant (P<0.01) differences were found between dis sected and broad-leaved plants, only 36% (four out of eleven) of the comparisons detected higher invertebrate abundances on dissected plants (Table 5). Some results contradictory to the predictions of Krecker's model were also found. More gastropods, water mites and trichopterans were collected on P. amplifolius than on Myriophyllum spp. (P <0.001), while no invertebrate taxon was more abundant on Myriophyllum spp. than on P. amplifolius (Table 5). No systematic difference was found between the abundances of invertebrates on the dissected C. demersum and on the broader P. amplifolius, P. robbinsii or V. americana (Table 5). Ceratophyllum demersum supported more ostracods than P. amplifolius but fewer water mites than P. robbinsii. The differences found in the abundance of invertebrates on different macrophyte species were inconsistent with Krecker's model. Discussion It appears that characteristics other than plant dissection determine the suitability of macro phyte species as invertebrate substrate. Epiphy tic invertebrates were most abundant on Myriophyllum spp. and P. amplifolius, which were among the most and least dissected plants examined (Table 3). Myriophyllum appears enigmatic because several authors have found more invertebrates on Myriophyllum spp. than on other submerged macrophyte species (M. alterniflorum: Rooke, 1986a, b; M. spicatum: Krecker, 1939; Andrews & Hasler, 1943; Karassowska & Mikulski, 1960; Keast, 1984), whereas others present contradictory evidence (M. spicatum: Krull, 1970; Soszka, 1975). In this study, Myriophyllum is the only plant genus to support Krecker's predictions on a large scale. Other dissected plant species (C. demersum, Utricularia sp.) did not support significantly more invertebrates than broad-leaved plants 371 (P>0.05; Table 3). The lack of significant differ ences for other dissected plant species, however, should be interpreted with caution since both C. demersum and Utricularia sp. were found only in one macrophyte bed (Table 1). P. amplifolius has broader leaves but supported more inver tebrates than P. robbinsii and V. americana. Andrews & Hasler (1943) also reported more invertebrates among P. amplifolius than V. americana. The total abundance of epiphytic invertebrates did not always vary as predicted by Krecker. Similar results were found when the same analysis was repeated on the seven most abun dant invertebrate taxa. More differences in invertebrate abundance were found within the broad-leaved plant groups than between the dis sected and the broad leaved plants (Table 5). The theoretical support for Krecker's model is mostly based on the reasoning that plant surface area increases with leaf dissection. This, however, is not strictly the case. Vallisneria americana has the highest surface area per unit biomass (1417 cm2 g"1) followed by Elodea canadensis (800 cm2 g"1), P- lucens (340-840 cm2 g"1), M. exalbescens (761 cm2 g"1), P. richardsonii (546 cm2 g"1), Batrachium sp. (520 cm2 g"1), M. spicatum (320 cm2 g-I) and P. perfoliatus (280 cm2 g"1; Kofinkova, 1971; Kowalczewski, 1975; Gerrish & Bristow, 1979). Plant morphology moreover is highly plastic (Spence, 1976; Chambers & Kalff, 1985) result ing in variations of surface to biomass ratios among macrophyte beds. It is therefore not surprising that plant species that appear to be highly dissected do not systematically support more invertebrates per unit plant biomass than broad-leaved plant species. The different taxa of epiphytic invertebrates were not distributed in the same way among plant species. Chironomids were less abundant on V. americana than on Myriophyllum spp., P. amplifolius or P. robbinsii (Table 5), cor roborating the observations of Gerrish & Bristow (1979) and Keast (1984). Cladocerans and cyclopoids were more abundant on Myriophyllum spp. and P. amplifolius than on P. robbinsii (Table 5). Gastropods were more abundant on P. amplifolius than on Myriophyllum spp., P. robbinsii or V. americana (Table 5). Larger plants might be more suitable to support heavy crawling invertebrates. Elodea canadensis often supports more gastropods than 372 Helene Cyr and John A. Downing finer, more fragile plants {Ranunculus, Chara, (e.g. teal, wood ducks) require protein rich food Myriophyllum: during breeding and nesting periods (Drobney Kuflikowski, 1974; Soszka, 1975), although this is not always the case (C. & Fredrickson, 1985) and complement their diet demersum; DeCoster & Persoone, 1970). The with amphipods and large insect larvae (Moyle, structure of plants possibly limits the abundance 1961; Danell & Sjoberg, 1980; Drobney & of gastropods. Pip & Stewart (1976) also sug Fredrickson, 1985). The macrophytes support gested that gastropods are limited by the abun ing the largest abundance of these invertebrates dance and nutritive quality of periphytic algae. should be most important to the support of fish Differences in algal abundance is unlikely to be and waterfowl populations if we assume that the responsible for the differences we observed. We invertebrates on all plant species are equally found more gastropods on Potamogeton than accessible to their predators. No quantitative Myriophyllum although there is no evidence to data are available to support or refute this suggest that amplifolius, Potamogeton P. lucens, P. spp. (e.g. P. assumption. Of the macrophyte species investig perfoliatus, P. ated, the highest relative abundance of inver richardsonii, P. robbinsii) support higher algal tebrate biomass Kalff, 1980; S. Lalonde, pers. comm.). No data amplifolius, and for waterfowl, on P. amplifolius and P. robbinsii (Table 5). These predictions are available to compare the nutritive quality of must be used with caution since: (1) the models (Kowalczewski, 1975; Cattaneo & food for fish was found on P. algal communities on different plant species. from which they are derived need to be tested Ostracods were more abundant on C. demersum with independent data, and (2) invertebrate biomass and production should also be and on V. americana than on Myriophyllum spp. or P. amplifolius (Table 5). Campbell & Clark (1983) found more ostracods on plants covered considered. We found that the abundance of epiphytic with dense clumps of filamentous algae. Unfor invertebrates per unit plant biomass varied tunately, the composition of algal communities among plant species. Several invertebrate taxa on the macrophyte species we studied has not exhibited differential colonization of macro been compared. Trichopteran larvae were less phyte species but this was not related in a sys abundant on Myriophyllum spp. than on P. tematic way to the degree of leaf dissection. amplifolius and P. robbinsii (Table 5), cor roborating the results of Keast (1984). Water mites were more abundant on P. amplifolius and Acknowledgments on P. robbinsii than on Myriophyllum spp. or V. americana (Table 5) but too little information is We thank D. Miron and Y. Rochon for their available on water mite ecology to interpret this help on the field, and B. Pinel-AHoul, A. Cat finding. The abundance of epiphytic invertebr taneo and an anonymous reviewer for comments ates is probably related to a suite of factors on the manuscript. This research was supported including plant morphology, surface texture, by the Canadian National Sportsmen's Fund, epiphytic algal growth and community composi the Natural Science and Engineering Research tion, nutrient content of plant tissues, and pre Council of Canada, and the Minister of Educa sence of defensive chemicals. Whatever the tion of the Province of Quebec (FCAR). macrophyte characteristics affecting invertebr ate abundance, our analysis demonstrates differ ences in the colonization of different References macrophyte species that are not directly related to plant dissection. Identifying and quantifying the patterns of preferential use of plants by epiphytic inverte brates could be useful for the management of littoral fisheries and waterfowl. Fish feeding in macrophyte beds (e.g. largemouth bass, sunfish) prey mostly on cladocerans, gastropods and insect larvae (Gerking, 1962; Fryer, 1963; Fairchild, 1983; Mittelbach, 1984). 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