Empirical Relationships of Phytomacrofaunal Abundance to Plant Biomass and Macrophyte Bed Characteristics1 Helene Cyr2 and John A. Downing Departement de sciences biohgiques, University de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succursale "A", Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3f7 Cyr, H., and J. A. Downing. 1988. Empirical relationships of phytomacrofaunal abundance to plant biomass and macrophyte bed characteristics. Can. j. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 45: 975-984. The abundance of phytophilous invertebrates was measured in 13 macrophyte beds and was related, using multiple regression analysis, to the biomass of macrophytes among which the invertebrates were collected, the average plant biomass growing per unit lake area, water and organic matter content of the sediments, total phosphorus concentration in the water, rooting depth of the macrophyte bed, and sampling date. Quantitative analyses are presented for chironomids, cladocerans, cyclopoid copepods, gastropods, water mites (Hydracarina), ostracods, and trichopterans. R2 values for the regression equations ranged from 0.43 to 0.81. The abundance of invertebrates was best related to the biomass of separate plant species, but equations based only on total plant biomass sometimes had equivalent R2 values. In general, the abundance of phytophilous invertebrates was pos itively related to areal plant biomass, sediment organic matter, and lake trophic status and negatively related to depth. The abundance of phytophilous invertebrates generally rose throughout the sampling season. The sign of the relationship with sediment water content, however, varied among invertebrate taxa. Macrophyte beds with high areal plant biomass, in lakes with high total phosphorus concentration, support the greatest abundance of potential invertebrate food for fish and waterfowl. L'abondance des invert6br£s phytophiles a £t6 mesurSe dans treize lits de macrophytes; grace a une analyse par regression multiple, l'abondance a e"t£ rapproch6e de la biomasse des macrophytes ou les invert6br6s ont ete prelev6s, de la biomasse moyenne des plantes par unite" de surface lacustre, de la teneur en eau et en matieres organiques des sediments, de la concentration en phosphore total dans I'eau, de la profondeur d'enracinement du lit de macrophytes et de la date d'6chantillonnage. Des dosages ont 6t£ faits dans le cas des chironomid£s, des cladoceres, des cope'podes cyclopidSs, des gastropodes, des hydrachnes (Hydracarina), des ostracodes et des trichopterans. Les valeurs R2 obtenues gr£ce aux Equations de regression variaient entre 0,43 et 0,81. Les meilleurs rapports ont £t§ obtenus entre les invert6br6s et la biomasse des especes v6g6tales conside>£es une a une, mais les equations ou il n'&ait question que de la biomasse v6ge"tale totale avaient parfois des valeurs R2 gquivalentes. En ge'ne'ral, l'abondance des inverte"br6s phytophiles 6tait en correlation positive avec la biomasse ve"g§tale du secteur consid£re, avec la teneur en matiere organique des sediments et avec le niveau trophique du lac, mais en correlation negative avec la profondeur. G6ne>alement, on capturaitde plus en plus d'invert£br§s phytophiles a mesure que la campagne d'6chantil tonnage progressait. Le fait que le rapport avec la teneur en eau des sediments 6tait soit positif, soit nSgatif, dSpendait, cependant, des taxons d'invertebras considers. Les lits de macrophytes a biomasse £lev£e dans les lacs a la concentration Slevee en phosphore total recelent la plus grande abondance d'invertebre's qui peuvent servir a I'alimentation du poisson et de la sauvagine. Received January 26, 1987 Accepted February 25, 1988 Requ le 26 Janvier 1987 Accepts le 25 fevrier 1988 (J9109) The littoral zones of lakes sustain a highly diversified, abundant, and productive invertebrate fauna, especially when vegetated (Gerking 1964; Pieczynski 1977; Lim and Fernando 1978; Gilinsky 1984). The phytophilic invertebrates are very abundant, usually from 2 to 10 times more abundant than littoral benthos (Pieczynski 1973; Soszka 1975; Vincent et al. 1982), and could therefore play an important role in energy transfer in lakes (Miura et al. 1978). Epiphytic invertebrates represent an important source of food for juvenile and adult fish (Mittelbach 1984; Keast 1985) and for waterfowl (Krull ■Publication No. 331 of the Groupe d'ecologie des eaux douces de I'UniversitS de Montreal. 2Present address: Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, Millbrook, NY 12545, USA. 976 1970). The abundance of insect larvae in macrophyte beds is also related to insect pest problems in lakeshore areas (Stimac and Leong 1977). It would therefore be of theoretical and of practical interest to predict the abundance of invertebrates in macrophyte beds. Despite their numerical importance, very little is known about the distribution of epiphytic invertebrates, probably because most work has been based on few, often qualitative samples. Many studies are still based on qualitative sampling, done by hand, with dip nets or with buckets (e.g. Gilinsky 1984; Scheffer et al. 1984). More quantitative samplers are available but many of these samplers yield inaccurate estimates of inver tebrate abundance (Downing and Cyr 1985; Downing 1986). Most published results are therefore biased. The problem is Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.. Vol. 45, 1988 worsened by the limited sampling on which most studies are based, despite the notoriously high variability in invertebrate abundance found within and among macrophyte beds (Mrachek 1966; Soszka 1975). In most studies, few replicate samples (n) are collected within a macrophyte bed (e.g. Menzie 1980: n = 2; Crowder and Cooper 1982: n = 3; Dvorak and Best 1982: n = 1; Vincent et al. 1982: n = 2; Rabe and Gibson 1984: n = 1) and few macrophyte beds (h) are sampled (e.g. Mittelbach 1981,1984: h = 2 and 3, respectively; Biggs and Malthus 1982: h = 3; Cattaneo 1983: h = 1; Keast 1984: h = 3; Rooke 1984, 1986a: s = 1 in both cases). Most authors agree that the abundance of plant-dwelling invertebrates in a macrophyte bed is related to the abundance of aquatic plant species (Downing 1986), the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment (Vincent et al. 1982), predation (Crowder and Cooper 1982), competition (Paterson and Fernando 1971), or the emergence of insects (Stimac and Leong 1977). Although suggestive, these results are either semiquantitative or are based on data from few sites and lakes, and they have not yielded any model for predicting the abundance of phytophilous invertebrates. We tested the hypotheses that the abundance of invertebrates in different macrophyte beds is related to (1) the biomass of macrophytes and (2) macrophyte bed characteristics, including plant density, sediment quality, lake trophic status, and rooting depth. The abundance of phytophilous invertebrates is usually positively related to plant density (Macan and Kitching 1972; Crowder and Cooper 1982). Dense macrophyte beds could, for example, reduce fish predation (Crowder and Cooper 1982), increase total periphyton biomass by providing more colonizable substrate (Kowalczewski and Pieczynska 1976), increase silt sedimen tation favorable to detritus feeders (Petr 1968), and reduce wave action detrimental to loosely attached epiphytic invertebrates (Dejoux and Saint-Jean 1972). Sediment quality has also been suggested to influence the distribution of benthic invertebrates (Cole and Weigmann 1983; Vodopich and Cowell 1984). It might therefore be related to the distribution of epiphytic inver tebrates which overwinter in the sediments and colonize the plants again in summer (Menzie 1980; Cattaneo 1983). We also expect a positive relationship between the abundance of plantdwelling invertebrates and the concentration of total phospho rus in the water, suggested by the relationship found between total phosphorus concentration and the biomass of epiphytic and planktonic algae on which epiphytic invertebrates feed (Cattaneo and Kalff 1980; Downing 1981; McQueen et al. 1986). L MEMPKREMAGOG m COVE ISLAND BAY Fig. 1. Location of the sampling sites. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 45, 1988 911 Table 1. Characteristics of the 13 sampling sites. The average measures of areal plant biomass (PBA), proportion by weight of sediment water content (SWC) and organic matter content (SOC), total phos phorus concentration in the water around the macrophyte bed (TP), and rooting depth of the macrophyte bed (Z) are presented for each site, with their standard deviations in parentheses. Macrophyte species composition includes all plant species, listed in decreasing order of importance, that represented more than 1% of the total macrophyte biomass: C, Chara sp.; CC, Cabomba caroliniana; CD, Ceratophyllum demersum; EC, Elodea canadensis; I, Isoetes sp.; J, Juncus sp.; M, Myriophyllum spicatum and M. humile in Lake Des lies; NF, Najasflexilis; NH, Nitella hyalina; P, Potamogeton sp.; PA, Potamogeton amplifolius; PE, a mixture of Potamogeton epihydrus and P. gramineus; PR, Potamogeton robbinsii', S, Sagittaria sp.; U, Utricularia sp.; VA, Vallisneria americana. The sampling day is a numerical date ranging from day 1 (July 3, 1984) to day 55 (August 26, 1984). PBA Lake Brome (Eagle Island) Champlain (Baie de Venise) Champlain (Kings Bay) Des lies Echo Fournelle Ludger (g/m2) Memphremagog (Sargent's Bay) Memphre'magog (Three Sisters (Cove Island Bay) Quenouilles (m) 16 1.7 (2) (0.2) 32 (8) 0.25 (0.06) 0.36 0.014 12 (0.005) 0.021 (2) (0.1) 7 2.2 (88) (0.02) (0.003) (2) (0.2) 0.48 0.013 (0.003) 0.014 11 (1) (0.01) 8 2.0 (0.003) 0.033 (0.004) 0.020 (0.008) 0.026 (0.004) 0.035 (0.008) 0.022 (0.00003) (2) (0.2) 12 1.9 (0.2) 63 (120) 256 (116) 40 131 397 (428) 85 (86) 48 (80) (0.03) 0.96 (0.01) 0.48 (0.02) 0.28 (0.06) 0.40 (0.04) 0.60 (0.10) 0.32 (0.03) — (4) 1.4 2.7 (7) (0.2) 12 2.0 (0.6) 3.0 (0.4) (2) 7 (1) 0.007 12 1.4 (4) (0.1) 182 (108) 0.46 (0.02) 0.027 10 1.6 (0.004) (2) (0.00) At each site, 15-20 samples of plant-dwelling invertebrates were collected by gentle closure of a 6-L plastic box (Downing 1986) over plants. The samples were distributed at random points along either side of a SO-m transect positioned parallel to shore. Each sample was also taken at a randomly chosen VA, PR, M, 54 PA, EC M, PR, I, S PA 55 12 PR, PA, EC 7 PA, J, U, C, NH, PR 27 40 CD, P (0.002) Phytomacrofauna Samples 42 PR, EC, M, 0.19 bed, and the sampling date. The sampling date was included as a covariable in the analysis to compensate for seasonal trends in invertebrate abundance. VA, M, P 1.4 (0.02) which they were found, the characteristics of the macrophyte 34 (0.04) 28 Sampling day VA.EC 38 76 Thirteen macrophyte beds of mixed plant species were sam pled from 10 lakes within a 150-km radius of Montreal, Quebec (45°31'N, 73°36'W), during July and August 1984 (Fig. 1; Table 1). Macrophyte beds larger than 100 m2 were sought at sites differing in trophic status and depth and were selected to vary in plant density and species composition. The abundance of phytophilous invertebrates was estimated at each site and related, by regression analysis, to the biomass of plants among Macrophyte species composition (12) (30) Methods 978 (jAg/U 1.8 (0.2) 3.1 — Island) Memphremagog Z (88) 276 (177) 65 (108) Massawippi (Ayer's Cliff) SOC 9 (17) 88 (84) Magog SWC TP M 14 P, M, VA M, PR, VA, 1 48 PE, EC P, VA, CC, NH, EC, NF PR 21 28 height along the plant stems to estimate the average abundance of invertebrates, regardless of their vertical distribution. We included a wide range of macrophyte abundance and macro phyte species composition into the samples to maximize the range of applicability of our regression equations. The volume of each phytomacrofauna sample was reduced by filtration through a 100-|xm Nitex-mesh filter funnel (Likens and Gilbert 1970) and the samples were kept cold during trans port to the laboratory. The invertebrates retained on the 100-|im filter were then carefully washed from the macrophytes and preserved in 80% ethanol (with 1% glycerine to prevent desiccation; Cyr 1986). The macrophytes were separated by species (Fassett 1957), dried at 60°C to constant weight, and weighed (±0.1 mg). All invertebrates in 231 samples were counted at 16 x magnification and separated into major taxonomic groups. We collected amphipods, cladocerans, copepods, flatworms (Turbellaria), gastropods, insect larvae, isopods, leeches, nematodes, ostracods, tardigrades, and water mites (Hydracarina). Oligochaetes were often found broken in the samples and were therefore not counted. The abundance of oligochaetes varied among sites and their omission underesti mates, although not in a systematic fashion, the total counts of Can. J. Fish. Aquat. ScL, Vol. 45, 1988 invertebrates. The phytomacrofauna samples provided data on the abundance of invertebrates and on the biomass of plants supporting them. Macrophyte Bed Characteristics In each macrophyte bed, we measured the biomass of macrophytes per unit lake area, some sediment characteristics, the total phosphorus concentration of the water surrounding the plants, and the depth at the site. At each site, 25 quadrat sam ples of plants (112 cm2; Downing and Anderson 1985) were randomly collected along the 50-m transect used for phytomacrofaunal sampling. The macrophytes were separated by species, dried at 60°C to constant weight and weighed (±0.1 mg). A sediment sample was taken by a diver at the center of each harvested quadrat, using a 5.6-cm-diameter handcorer. The overlying water in the core tube was gently poured out and the top 10 cm of sediments isolated for analysis. The sediments were homogenized and the percentage water and organic matter content measured. The sediment water content was calculated as (WW - DW)/WW where WW is sediment wet weight and DW is the weight of sediments dried at 60°C to constant weight. The sediment organic matter content was estimated as the ash-free dry weight and calculated as (DW AW)/DW where AW is ash weight from sediments burned at 550°C to constant weight. Water samples for total phosphorus analyses were collected 15-30 cm below the lake surface at 10m intervals along the 50-m transect. Phosphorus analyses were performed by persulfate digestion, followed by the ascorbic acid colorimetric method (American Public Health Association et al. 1985) with readings taken after 45-60 min. Water depth in the macrophyte bed was also measured (± 0.1 m) at 10-m inter vals along the transect. Average measures of macrophyte bio mass per unit lake area (25 samples), sediment water and organic matter content (25 samples), total phosphorus concen tration of the water (6 samples), and rooting depth of the macro phyte bed (6 measures) were calculated and macrophyte species composition was noted at each site (Table 1). Sampling dates were entered in the regressions using a day number ranging from day 1 (July 3,1984) to day 55 (August 26,1984) (Table 1). Statistical Analysis The relationships between the abundance of invertebrates, the biomass of macrophytes, macrophyte bed characteristics, and sampling date were quantified using forward stepwise lin ear multiple regression analysis. Separate analyses were per formed for each of the common taxonomic groups encountered and for the total of all invertebrates. The variables used in our analyses were transformed to nor malize the residuals and equalize their variances. We trans formed the abundance of chironomids, cyclopoids, water mites, ostracods, and the total abundance of invertebrates to their fourth root ((Y)°■2S), the abundance of cladocerans to logarithms (log(10), the abundance of Bosmina longirostris, Camptocercus sp., Chydorus sphaericus, Eurycercus lamellatus, Sididae, gastropods, and trichopterans to log(F + 1), the abundance of other chydorid cladocerans to log(l/(y + 1)), and the biomass of plant species to either fourth root ((X)°2S) or to logarithm (log(X + 0.0001)). Arc-sine transformations for percentages (Draper and Smith 1981, p. 239) were attempted on the ratios of water and organic matter in the sediments, but did not improve the fit of the regression or the distribution of the resid Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Set, Vol. 45, 1988 uals. Data on the five environmental variables and sampling day were left untransformed. Two series of regressions were performed: (A) including the total biomass of macrophytes collected in the phytomacrofauna samples and (B) including the biomass of each macrophyte spe cies collected in the phytomacrofauna samples. For each inver tebrate taxon, we obtained two equations of the form Y, = bxXx + bj(2 + ... + bJCk + a where K, is the transformed abundance of invertebrates from taxon i, Xx toXk are transformed macrophyte biomass collected in the phytomacrofauna samples (either total in equations of type A or separated by species in equations of type B), envi ronmental variables and sampling day, bx to bk are fitted coef ficients, and a is the stochastic error term. Only variables with regression coefficients significantly different from zero (P(f) < 0.05) were retained in the equations. We obtained equations relating the abundance of each invertebrate taxon to the biomass of plants among which they were collected, macrophyte bed characteristics, and sampling date. Significance of the regres sion coefficients b{ to bk was taken as validation of the rela tionship between the abundance of epiphytic invertebrates, the biomass of macrophytes, and macrophyte bed characteristics. Results and Discussion Both hypotheses were upheld. The regression coefficients for macrophyte biomass and macrophyte bed characteristics were often highly significant. The abundance of phytophilous inver tebrates was therefore related to biological, physical, and chem ical characteristics of the habitat and varied in a consistent way throughout the sampling period. Multivariate relationships were fitted for the total abundance of invertebrates, the total abun dance of cladocerans, and the abundance of 12 other inverte brate taxa (Tables 2 and 3). All equations were highly signifi cant (P(F) < 0.0001) and explained 43-81% of the variance in transformed invertebrate abundance. In most cases, transformations permitted valid analyses to be performed. Unfortunately, the equations for the cladocerans B. longirostris, E. lamellatus, the gastropods, and the trichopter ans had heteroscedastic residuals even after transformation of the dependent and independent variables (Cyr 1986). In all cases, the heteroscedasticity of the residuals resulted in an overestimation of both the overall regression F-values and the tvalues for each regression coefficient (Gujarati 1978, p. 199). Too many significant F- and f-values were therefore found (type 1 error). Given the high significance of these equations (P(F) < 0.0001; Tables 2 and 3) and of their regression coefficients, however, the results are probably robust to such departures from the homoscedasticity assumptions. We could not fit equations with unbiased, normal, and homoscedastic residuals for invertebrate taxa that were rare or absent in several lakes, namely amphipods, cladocerans such as Daphnidae (including Ceriodaphnia sp., Daphnia sp., Simocephalus sp.), llyocryptus sp., Macrothrix sp., Ophryoxus sp., and Polyphemus sp., calanoid and harpacticoid copepods, Hirudinea, insects belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Diptera (Ceratopogonidae and Tipulidae), Ephemeroptera, Lepidoptera, Megaloptera, and Odonata, isopods, nematodes, tardigrades, and turbellarians. The abundance of the most common taxa, however, was strongly related to the biomass of macro phytes, environmental characteristics, and sampling day. 979 Table 2. Multivariate equations relating the abundance of phytophilous invertebrates to total plant biomass collected in phytomacrofaunal samples (BPL), macrophyte bed characteristics, and sampling date (SD). All equations are highly significant (P(F) < 0.0001). The adjusted R2, the Fvalue, and the effective (n) are presented for each equation. Invertebrate taxa: CHIR, chironomids; CLAD, total cladocerans; BOSM, Bosmina longirostris; CAMP, Camptocercus sp.; CHYD, Chydorus sphaericus; ALON, other Chydorinae; EURY, Eurycercus lamellatus; SIDA, Sididae; CYCL, cyclopoids; GAST, gastropods; ACAR, water mites (Hydracarina); OSTR, ostracods; TRIC, trichopterans; TOTAL, all invertebrates retained on a 100-[x filter, excluding the oligochaetes. The abbreviations for macrophyte bed characteristics are as in Table 1. Adjusted R2 Equation (CHIR)025 = 3.2(BPL)O25 + 0.004 PBA + 0.03 TP - 1.0 Z + 0.01 SD + 1.5 log(CLAD) = 0.49 log(BPL) + 0.002 PBA - 0.5 SWC + 47 SOC - 0.7 Z + 0.009 SD + 2.9 log(BOSM) = -0.21 log(BPL) + 0.009PBA - 1.4 SWC + 97 SOC - 0.08 TP - 1.6 Z + 0.03 SD + 1.8 log(CAMP) = 0.73 log(BPL) - 0.002 PBA + 0.04 TP + 0.6 Z - 0.01 SD + 0.38 log(CHYD) = 0.29 BPL + 0.9 SWC + 65 SOC + 0.03 TP - 0.8 Z + 0.03 SD - 0.1 log(l/(ALON)) = -0.55 log(BPL) - 0.003 PBA - 1.7 SWC - 38 SOC + 0.6 Z - 0.03 SD - 0.1 log(EURY) = 0.20 BPL - 1.6 SWC + 40 SOC + 0.03 TP + 0.6 Z - 0.04 SD - 0.2 log(SIDA) = 0.25 log(BPL) + 0.001 PBA - 2.1 SWC - 0.5 Z - 0.02 SD + 3.5 (CYCL)023 = 2.1 (BPL)025 + 0.001 PBA + 50 SOC + 0.02 TP + 0.3 log(GAST) = 0.46 BPL - 0.006 PBA - 0.8 SWC - 40 SOC + 0.03 TP + 0.8 Z - 0.02 SD + 1.1 (ACAR)025 = 2.7 (BPL)025 - 0.01 TP - 0.8 Z + 0.02 SD + 1.3 (OSTR)025 = 2.3 (BPL)025 - 0.004 PBA + 0.09 TP + 0.8 Z + 0.02 SD - 1.3 log(TRIC) = 0.33 BPL - 7 SOC + 0.02 TP + 0.009 SD + 0.1 (TOTAL)0 25 = 4.3 (BPL)025 + 0.002 PBA + 58 SOC + 0.04 TP - 0.9 Z + 0.03 SD + 1.3 F 0.62 76 0.68 0.75 0.43 0.63 68 193 87 199 231 0.49 0.76 0.57 0.50 36 56 33 106 54 50 0.56 38 0.43 0.56 0.43 0.61 44 58 38 49 231 198 197 199 198 199 199 229 224 197 186 Table 3. Multivariate equations relating the abundance of phytophilous invertebrates to the biomass of plant species, macrophyte bed charac teristics, and sampling date (SD). All equations are highly significant (P(F) < 0.0001). The adjusted R2, the F-value, and the effective (n) are presented for each equation. The abbreviations for invertebrate taxa are as in Table 2; plant species and macrophyte bed characteristics are as in Table 1. Adjusted Equation R2 (CHIR)025 = 2.3 (J)025 + 1.8 (PA)025 + 1.7 (PR)025 + 1.7 (M)025 + 1.2 (CD)025 + 0.7 (VA)025 + 0.005 PBA + 0.04 TP - 1.1 Z + 0.01 SD + 2.9 0.59 34 231 log(CLAD) = 0.49 M + 0.48 P + 0.39 PA + 0.15 PR + 0.002 PBA + 41 SOC - 0.8 Z 0.70 58 193 0.79 75 199 0.56 0.66 59 231 45 198 0.62 32 197 0.81 145 199 0.60 34 198 0.51 30 199 0.63 29 199 0.51 34 229 (OSTR)025 =2.5 (CD)025 + 2.1 (VA)025 + 1.6 (PR)025 + 1.6 (U)025 + 1.4 (EC)025 + 1.2 (M)025 + 0.8 (PA)025 + 0.8 (P)025 - 0.005 PBA + 0.1 TP + 1.1 Z - 0.6 0.70 47 224 log(TRIC) = 16.0 NH + 1.1 CC + 0.8 CD + 0.7 PA + 0.4 PR + 0.2 M + 0.0007 PBA 0.52 24 197 0.59 27 186 + 0.02 SD + 2.3 log(BOSM) = -0.191og(CD) - 0.191og(VA) - 0.08 log(M) - 0.06 log(PR) + 0.009 PBA - 2.0 SWC + 89 SOC - 0.09 TP - 1.4 Z + 0.03 SD + 0.3 log(CAMP) = 0.23 log(PA) + 0.16 log(M) - 0.14 log(VA) + 0.03 TP + 0.2 Z + 1.2 log(CHYD) = 1.3 CC + 1.3 CD + 0.5 M + 0.3 VA + 1.5 SWC + 60 SOC + 0.2 TP - 1.0 Z + 0.04 SD + 0.1 log(l/(ALON)) = 0.17 log(VA) - 0.13 log(M) - 0.20 log(U) - 0.24 log(PA) - 0.005 PBA - 1.3 SWC - 31 SOC + 0.02 TP + 0.8 Z - 0.03 SD - 1.8 log(EURY) = 0.54 M - 1.1 SWC + 30 SOC + 0.03 TP + 0.4 Z - 0.03 SD + 0.1 log(SIDA) = 0.22 log(NH) + 0.08 log(PA) - 0.13 Iog(U) - 0.14 log(PR) + 0.003 PBA - 1.3 SWC + 20 SOC - 0.02 TP - 0.9 Z + 3.2 (CYCL)025 = 1.4 (M)025 + 1.3 (PA)025 + 0.6 (PR)025 + 0.004 PBA + 50 SOC - 0.5 Z + 0.009 SD + 2.0 log(GAST) = 8.2 J + 1.0 P + 1.0 PA + 0.5 PR + 0.3 VA + 0.3 M - 0.006 PBA - 0.9 SWC - 37 SOC + 0.04 TP + 1.0 Z - 0.02 SD + 0.6 (ACAR)025 = 2.0 (PR)025 + 1.8 (PA)025 + 1.0 (CD)025 + 0.6 (VA)025 + 0.5 (M)025 - 0.002 PBA + 0.03 TP + 1.3 + 0.02 TP + 0.01 SD - 0.3 (TOTAL)025 = 3.2 (M)025 + 2.5 (PA)025 + 2.4 (U)025 + 2.0 (CD)023 + 1.9 (PR)025 + 1.4 (VA)025 + 0.006 PBA + 52 SOC - 1.9 Z + 0.04 SD + 4.5 Macrophyte Biomass in the Phytomacrofaunal Samples The abundance of phytophilic invertebrates was in general positively related to macrophyte abundance (Table 4), corrobo rating the suggestions of Gerking (1957) and Krull (1970). The only exception is the cladoceran B. longirostris which was neg atively related to the biomass of macrophytes (Table 4). Bos mina longirostris are found both among macrophytes and in 980 open water (Pennak 1966; Gliwicz and Rybak 1976). Within macrophyte beds, however, we found more B. longirostris when fewer plants were collected, suggesting that they were more abundant in the water around the plants than directly on the plants. The abundance of the eurytopic C. sphaericus (Pennak 1966; Lim and Fernando 1978), on the other hand, was posi tively related to the biomass of macrophytes (Table 4). When undisturbed, C. sphaericus, like other chydorids, spends most Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 45. 1988 Table 4. Signs of regression coefficients associated to total plant biomass collected in the phytomacrofaunal samples (BPL) in the equations of type A (Table 2) and to the biomass of each plant species in the equations of type B (Table 3). Partial /-"-values, a measure of the variation in invertebrate abun dance explained by each variable, are given in parentheses; "ns" indicates that the regression coefficient is not significantly different from zero (P(t) > 0.05); symbols for the species of macrophytes are as in Table 1. TypeB Dependent Type A variable BPL CC CD EC J M NH P + ns + ns + + ns ns Chironomidae (166) Cladocera + (12) (7) ns ns ns ns ns — ns ns (77) Bosmina longirostris Camptocercus sp. — (14) + (26) + ns ns ns ns Sididae + + + ns ns (4) (9) — + ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns + + + + ns ns ns + ns + ns ns ns ns ns ns ns + (75) Total + (169) + (10) ns + ns ns (8) ns (54) Trichoptera ns ns + ns + ns ns (67) + (9) (9) ns + + — (30) ns ns (79) (36) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns + ns + ns ns + ns + (7) (68) ns ns + ns + (7) ns ns ns (19) + + + (24) + ns ns + + (13) ns (6) (18) ns ns ns — — ns ns + (21) ns (13) ns + (140) + (79) + (38) + ns + (8) + ns (4) ns + (16) + (58) ns + (87) ns (5) ns ns (11) + ns (50) + + (55) + + (12) ns (113) (157) (30) (8) + (47) (14) (32) + + + (14) (63) (145) Ostracoda VA (5) (6) (88) Hydracarina ns U (79) (66) Gastropoda (18) ns (15) (15) Cyclopoida (5) ns + PR (41) (20) + + (45) (39) Eurycercus lamellatus ns (10) (76) Chydorus sphaericus Other Chydorinae8 + + (82) (99) (8) + (66) PA + + (11) + (5) (73) ns ns (66) + (57) + + (6) (16) "The signs of regression coefficients in the equation for the transformed abundance of Chydorinae (log(l/(K + 1)) were inverted to facilitate comparison with other invertebrate taxa. of its time attached to solid surfaces (Fryer 1968). Chydorus sphaericus is perhaps more dependent on submerged plants, at least for support, than is B. longirostris. Eurycercus lamellatus is a weed-frequenting cladoceran that is commonly found on Myriophyllum spicatum (Fryer 1963; Flossner 1964). Its abun dance in our samples was also strongly related to the biomass ofMyriophyllum spp. (Table 4) which alone accounted for 54% of its variance. Sida crystallina is usually found attached to broad-leaved plants, especially Potamogeton (Smyly 1952; Entz 1947). The abundance of Sididae, composed mostly of 5. crys tallina and of some Diaphanosoma sp., was positively related to the biomass of the broad-leaved Potamogeton amplifolius but also to the filamentous macroalgaMte//a hyalina and was neg atively related to the biomass of the narrower Potamogeton robbinsii and of the delicate Utricularia sp. (Table 4). The abun dance of other taxa and of total invertebrates was positively related to plant biomass. Some invertebrate groups seem to colonize various plant spe cies preferentially, while others seem to be equally attracted to any plant substrate. Comparison of the adjusted R2 values of the equations including total plant biomass (type A) and the biomass of separate plant species (type B) shows that the abun dance of gastropods, water mites (Hydracarina), ostracods, and trichopterans was best related (highest R2) to the biomass of Can. J. Fish. Aqua!. Sci., Vol. 45, 1988 particular plant species. These equations explained between 7 and 13% more variation in invertebrate abundance than the equations including only total plant biomass (Tables 2 and 3). This supports the general belief that epiphytic invertebrates are related differently to plant species (Andrews and Hasler 1943; Soszka 1975; Gerrish and Bristow 1979; Rooke 1986b). On the other hand, the abundance of chironomids, most cladoceran taxa, and cyclopoid copepods was related equally well (AR2 < 0.05) to the biomass of separate plant species and total plant biomass (Tables 2 and 3). Detailed comparisons of the abun dance of epiphytic invertebrates among different plant species are presented elsewhere (Cyr 1986). Environmental Variables Biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of the macrophyte bed environment also accounted for variability in the abundance of phytomacroinvertebrates, as suggested by many authors (Stimac and Leong 1977; Vincent et al. 1982; Scheffer et al. 1984). The abundance of most invertebrate taxa was positively related to the average biomass of plants growing per unit lake area (Table 5). Cladocerans were most abundant in macrophyte beds with high areal plant biomass, corroborating the qualita981 Table 5. Signs of regression coefficients (+ and -) associated to macrophyte bed characteristics and sampling day (SD) in the equations of type B (Table 3). The symbols and partial F-values (in parentheses) are as in Table 1. "ns" indicates a regression coefficient that is not significantly different from zero (P > 0.05); a dash (—) indicates that the variables were not included in the analysis. Dependent PBA variable (g/m2) Chironomidae SWC SOC + + longirostris Camptocercus sp. SD _ + (17) ns (68) Bosmina Z (m) + (29) Cladocera TP (u-g/L) + ns sphaericus Other Chydorinae1 (219) (149) — + — — (271) (57) (335) (218) (135) ns — — + + ns + (77) Eurycercus lamellatus Sididae ns + + (39) (141) + (19) - (32) + (70) Cyclopoida + — (49) ns Hydracarina Ostracoda + (30) + (66) + (24) + - - (116) (14) - — - (56) — Total (56) + (57) — (12) ns + (44) + (85) + (65) ns (9) - + (155) (117) - (38) + (41) — + (92) - (149) ns (165) - (17) (151) ns ns + (84) + (5) - (32) ns ns + ns + (49) ns (60) (7) + (6) + - + - (7) + (30) (21) (66) Trichoptera + (27) (46) (50) Gastropoda — + (58) Chydorus (34) ns + (20) ns + (65) — (110) + (56) 'The signs of regression coefficients in the equation for the trans formed abundance of Chydorinae (log(l/(F +1)) were inverted to facilitate comparison with other invertebrate taxa. tive observations of Smyly (1952). The abundance of Sididae, chironomids, and trichopterans was also positively related to areal plant biomass. These invertebrate taxa are important prey of littoral fish (Gerking 1962; Fairchild 1982), and their large abundance in dense macrophyte beds could therefore result from reduced fish predation (Crowder and Cooper 1982). High areal plant biomass, on the other hand, supported few gastropods (Table 5), contrary to the expectation of 0kland (1983). The abundance of many taxa of plant-dwelling invertebrates was also related to sediment quality (Table 5). Sediment water and organic matter content were strongly related to the abun dance of most cladoceran groups (P < 0.0001; Table 5), corroborating the qualitative observations of Smyly (1952). Sediment characteristics are indeed likely to influence at least the distribution of chydorid cladocerans which are found both among the vegetation and in the sediments (Fryer 1963, 1968). The abundance of gastropods was negatively related to sedi ment water content, possibly from the lack of support offered by fluid sediments (0kland 1983). The effect of sediment water content varied among invertebrate taxa, while the organic mat ter content was mostly positively related to invertebrate abundance. The abundance of most invertebrate taxa was positively related to total phosphorus levels in the water (Table 5). This is not surprising, since the biomass of epiphytic and planktonic 982 algae, on which the invertebrates feed (Downing 1981; Cattaneo 1983), is also positively related to the total phosphorus concentration in the water column (Cattaneo and Kalff 1980; McQueen et al. 1986). The abundance of B. longirostris, Chy dorinae (excluding Camptocercus sp. and C. sphaericus), and Sididae, however, was negatively related to total phosphorus concentrations (P < 0.05; Table 5). Young (1945) and Quade (1969) also found 5. crystalline mostly in clear littoral zones with low periphyton biomass. This is possibly due to the inhib itory effect of high seston concentration on the feeding of S. crystalline (Downing 1981). In general, more epiphytic inver tebrates were found in eutrophic lakes. Depth has a significant influence on the abundance of most taxa of plant-dwelling invertebrates. We sampled macrophyte beds growing between depths of 1.4 and 3.1m. The total abun dance of epiphytic invertebrates was negatively related to depth (P < 0.0001; Table 5), corroborating the observations of Soszka (1975). Various invertebrate taxa, however, responded differently to depth. The abundance of gastropods was posi tively related to depth (P < 0.0001; Table 5), contrary to the observations of Stariczykowska (1960), who found no differ ence in gastropod abundance on either of five plant species between shallow and deep (about 5 m) portions of the littoral zone. Chironomids, on the other hand, were negatively related to depth (P < 0.001; Table 5), a result which is consistent with the observations of Entz (1947) and Vodopich and Cowell (1984, benthic Procladius culciformis) but different from those of Soszka (1975). Cladocerans and cyclopoid copepods were also more abundant in shallow macrophyte beds (Table 5). Seasonal Effect We sampled all macrophyte beds in the shortest time possible to minimize seasonal variability in invertebrate abundance among sampling sites. Sampling each macrophyte bed took about 130 person-hours of laboratory and field work (see also Downing and Cyr 1985) and sampling trips were spaced as closely as possible. All phytomacrofauna samples were col lected during July and August, excluding the fall period where the largest increase in invertebrate abundance is usually observed (Smock and Stoneburner 1980; Rooke 1986a). Despite these precautions, the abundance of most invertebrate taxa in our samples increased systematically through the summer (P < 0.05; Table 5), as suggested by Mrachek (1966), Soszka (1975), Keast (1985), and Rooke (1986a). The introduction of sampling date in the multivariate equations helped explain up to 25% more variance in invertebrate abundance among samples (Cyr 1986, appendix F). Total invertebrate abundance and the abun dance of chironomids, cladocerans, cyclopoid copepods, and trichopterans increased through the summer (P < 0.05; Table 5). Our results differ from those of Mrachek (1966) who found, within a lake, a decrease in the abundance of chiron omids and no variation in trichopteran numbers throughout the season. The abundance of gastropods per unit plant biomass, on the other hand, decreased from July to August (P < 0.0001; Table 5). Plant biomass therefore increases faster than the abundance of gastropods, as suggested by Pip and Stewart (1976), but slower than the abundance of most other inverte brate taxa. Potentially Advantageous Macrophyte Beds for Fish and Waterfowl Before our equations can be used for the prediction of phytomacrofaunal abundance, they should be validated using indeCan. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 45. 1988 pendent observations (Berk 1984). Unfortunately, this is impos sible, since so few quantitative data have been published on the abundance of epiphytic invertebrates. Our results, however, can be summarized for practical use in fishery and waterfowl man agement. These results must be used carefully, since the acces sibility of invertebrates also influences their availability as food for fish and waterfowl (Crowder and Cooper 1982; Gilinsky 1984). Large cladocerans (E. lamellatus, S. crystallina), gas tropods, and insect larvae are the most important food source for fish (Gerking 1962; Fryer 1963; Fairchild 1983; Mittelbach 1984). Macrophyte beds supporting large abundances of these invertebrates could potentially be the most important for fish eries. Our sampling sites ranged from low plant biomass per unit lake area to biomasses greater than the world average (310 g/m2; Duarte et al. 1986), had a wide range of sediment water content, generally low organic matter content, and were located in oligomesotrophic to eutrophic waters, depths of 1.4-3.1 m. Macrophyte beds with high plant biomass per unit lake area, covering sediments of low water content in eutrophic lakes, yielded the highest abundances of fish food organisms per unit macrophyte biomass (Table 5). Crowder and Cooper (1982), however, found that the feeding efficiency of fish decreased with increasing plant density and that fish grew best at inter mediate plant density. Within the range of our sampling sites, sediment organic matter content and depth did not affect the abundance of fish food invertebrate taxa in any consistent way. Waterfowl feed mostly on amphipods and aquatic insect larvae (Moyle 1961; Danell and Sjoberg 1980). We found no consis tent pattern in the distribution of amphipods, which were only rare components of the phytomacrofauna in 10 of our 13 sites. The abundance of chironomid and trichopteran larvae per unit plant biomass, however, was higher in macrophyte beds with high areal plant biomass located in shallow macrophyte beds in waters of high total phosphorus concentration (Table 5). Because the size of macrophyte beds is the prime determinant of the total abundance of phytophilous invertebrates in lakes (Smirnov 1963; Glowacka et al. 1976), general enhancement of macrophyte abundance could lead to increased fish (Durocher et al. 1984) and waterfowl abundance. This research has shown, however, that macrophyte species composition, macro phyte standing stock, sediment characteristics, total phospho rus concentration in the water around the plants, rooting depth of the macrophyte bed, and sampling date are also strongly related to the total abundance of phytomacroinvertebrates and to the abundance of individual invertebrate taxa. The abun dance of invertebrates in the littoral zones of lakes is a multi- variate correlate of many characteristics of the littoral habitat. Acknowledgments We thank D. Miron and Y. Rochon for patient field work and A. Cattaneo, B. Pinel-Alloul, N. C. Collins, and an anonymous reviewer for comments on the manuscript. 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