LJmrtol. Oceanogr., 32(3), 1987, 673-680 © 1987, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Effect of interreplicate variance on zooplankton sampling design and data analysis1 Abstract—The variance of replicate marine and freshwater zooplankton samples is related (r2 > 0.99) to the mean population density and the volume of the sample taken. A general variance relationship calculated from 1,189 sets of repli cate samples taken throughout the world is pre sented. This function can predict the variance of both marine and freshwater samples taken with several types of sampling gear. Only 12% of in dividual taxa examined showed variance rela tionships that departed significantly from this general function. The variance function shows how the requisite number of samples decreases with increased population density, sampler vol ume, and lowered precision requirements. The X0-2 power transformation is recommended on empirical grounds, although caution is advised in the use of all data transformations. Most agree that zooplankton sampling variability is large (e.g. de Bernardi 1984; Fasham 1978; Malone and McQueen 1983; Omori and Ikeda 1984). Quantitative pre diction of sampling variance is important for two practical reasons. First, all zoo plankton population ecologists must decide how many samples and what volume of sample to take. The requisite number of samples is determined by the precision re quired and the sampling variance (s2). Pre diction of s2 would allow efficient sampling design. Second, many researchers use para metric statistical methods because, these 1 A contribution to the Group d'Ecologie des Eaux Douces of PUniversite de Montreal. This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re search Council of Canada, and the Department of Ed ucation of the Province of Quebec (FCAR). methods are powerful, familiar, and widely available in computer packages. The vari ance ofraw population estimates varies with the population density, and data must be transformed to equalize variances, alleviate skewness, and increase the probability of additivity (Snedecor and Cochran 1967; Southwood 1966). Knowledge of the rela tive size of the variance and mean (m) of replicate zooplankton population estimates can allow effective power transformation of raw data (Taylor 1961). The purpose of this study is to assemble information on interreplicate variance in marine and freshwater zooplankton sam ples and to develop an equation to char acterize this variability. Further, we show how these analyses can be used to choose sample number and size and to choose proper transformations for zooplankton data. We thank H. Cyr, C. Plante, L. Rath, and three anonymous reviewers for criticism of the manuscript and B. Pinel-Alloul for help ful discussion. Data on m and s2 (n — 1 weighting) of replicate zooplankton population estimates were collected from the published literature. We tried to gather data covering a range of environments in many geographical areas, collected with a variety of sampling gear (Table 1). Population estimates were usu ally made at the genus or species level; 161 taxa were surveyed (Table 2). We collected 1,189 sets of replicate observations («'), covering a range of m from 5 x 10~7 to 674 Table 1. Notes Description of data on interreplicate variance in zooplankton population estimates, n' is the number of sets of replicate data found in each source. Location Source n' Sampler Freshwater Windermere, England (2 dates) Colebrook 1960 6 Pump Mary Lake, Minn. Donk Lake, Belgium (5 dates) Comita and Comita 1957 Dumont 1967 5 6 Clarke-Bumpus Plankton trap Reservoir in east Belgium Dumont 1968 27 (3 depths) Eglwys Nynydd res., Wales (ca. 42 dates, 3 depths) Four Norwegian lakes George 1974 272 Laneland and Rognerud 1974 Plankton trap Van Dorn 55 Schindler-Patalas, 14 Fnedinger Juday trap and Toronto Clarke-Bumpus, Algonquin Park lakes, Canada Langford 1953 Three Algonquin Park lakes (5 depths, 16 dates) Mirror Lake, N.H. Two south Ontario lakes (4 depths) Cultus Lake, B.C. Langford and Jermolajev 1966 trap 258 Juday trap Likens and Gilbert 1970 Malone and McQueen 1983 4 32 Van Dorn Ricker 1938 18 Pump, Juday trap, tow Schindler-Patalas, pump net Marine Firth of Clyde (3 dates, 4 depths) Port Nicholson, N.Z. Bay near Great Barrier I., N.Z. Port Nicholson, N.Z. Pacific Ocean, near Baja Calif. (4 series, 6 net diameters) Atlantic Ocean near Woods Hole, North Sea off Tynemouth, Barnes and Marshall 1951 Cassie 1959a Cassie 19596 Cassie 1960 McGowan and Fraundorf 1966 Winsor and Clarke 1940 20 Pump 6 15 12 405 Jars Pump Tow net 34 Tow net Pump England 1.6 x 103org liter-', s2 from 1 x 10~12to 3.2 x 106, number of replicate samples (n) from 2 to 400, and sampler volume (V) from 0.8 to 2 x 106 liters. The mean and median n were 11 and 4, the median sam pler volume was 10 liters, and the median number of organisms found per sample was 20. Sampler shape or towing configuration were not examined in this study although they have some effect on s1 (e.g. McGowan and Fraundorf 1966; Wiebe 1972). The ef fect of subsampling was also ignored be cause it should add little to intersample variance if it has been done properly (e.g. Winsor and Clarke 1940). Sampling cov erage was less complete for marine zoo plankton than freshwater. A full list of the data is available, at a nominal charge, from the Depository of Unpublished Data, CIS- TI, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S2. Sampling variability is usually well cor related with the density of organisms in samples. Interreplicate s2 usually rises as a power-function of m: s2 = amb (1) where a and b are constants fitted by leastsquares regression of log .s2 on log m (Taylor 1961). Equation 1 is often determined for individual species or taxa because Taylor (1965,1984) has suggested that b constitutes a "species characteristic." We obtained >3 sets of replicate population estimates for 104 freshwater and marine zooplankton taxa and thus could estimate b for many species. Fit ted b values for significant relationships ranged from 0.97 to 3.69. The frequency Notes 675 Table 2. Number of taxa (genera or species) of each group included in the analysis of interreplicate vari ance. Group Cephalopods Chaetognaths Cirripedes Cladocerans Copepods Euphausiids Fish larvae Gastropods Heteropoda Nudibranchia Thecosomata Lamellibranchs Polychaetes Rotatoria Tunicates Freshwater — Marine 7 — 1 — 2 12 20 — 1 19 11 48 — _ _ 14 2 13 1.2 1 — 8 — 2.0 24 SPECIES-SPECIFIC 1 _ 1 distribution of all significant species-specif ic b values has a median of 2 (Fig. 1). Taxon-specific s2: m relationships are quite similar, even though b values seem quite variable. When each of these speciesspecific relationships is plotted within the range of observed mean densities, individ ual relationships appear to cluster around a central s2: m axis (Fig. 2). The break in the data near m = 10~3 roughly represents den sity differences between marine and fresh water systems. The data for all taxa of zooplankton (Fig. 3) suggest that one common algorithm might describe the interreplicate variance of all types of zooplankton popu lations. This overall variance function («' = 1,189, r2 = 0.99, F= 110,500) is s2 = 0.296m1-849 1.6 2-8 3.2 "b" Fig. 1. Distribution of b values of species-specific relationships between s2 and m (Eq. 1). Data are only shown for significant (P < 0.05) relationships. Regres sions where all observations in all sets of replicates are isolated in one replicate are omitted. Frequencies were calculated for b intervals of 0.2 and rectangles are cen tered on the interval. The frequency centered on 3.2 includes all b values >3.1. samples, and the interreplicate s2 of most taxa (88-96%) tends to rise with the mean population density at a similar proportional rate. Some investigators (e.g. Taylor 1961; Southwood 1966; Elliott 1977) have pro posed that a in Eq. 1 is a characteristic of the sampler. Others (e.g. Downing 1979; Downing and Anderson 1985; Downing and (2) where m is the mean number of organisms liter"1. Simple /-tests for the difference of species-specific b values from the overall coefficient (b in Eq. 2) show that 91 of 104 taxa were not significantly different at P < 0.05 and 100 taxa were not significantly dif ferent at P < 0.01 (Table 3). A similar rarity of intertaxonomic difference in spatial vari ability was found for a more specific data set by Winsor and Clarke (1940). In addi tion, we found no significant (P < 0.05) difference between b for marine vs. fresh water zooplankton samples. Thus, Eq. 2 characterizes the s2 of most zooplankton -6-4-2 0 2 4 LOG MEAN ZOOPLANKTON DENSITY (liter'1) Fig. 2. Species-specific trends indicated by linear regression analysis (Eq. 1) of log s2 (n - 1 weighting) and log m (mean No. liter"1), calculated within 104 species and plotted within the observed range of m for that species. Notes 676 -6-4-2 0 2 4 LOG MEAN ZOOPLANKTON DENSITY (liter'1) Fig. 3. Relationship between the log s2 (n - 1 weighting) and log m (mean No. liter-') of replicate zooplankton population estimates. Observations are plotted for 1,189 sets of replicated estimates. Cyr 1985) have found that a varies system atically with the size of sampler used. There fore, we expect that s2 in zooplankton sam ples should vary as s2 = amhVc (3) where V is the sample volume in liters. We found that interreplicate sz of zooplankton samples follows the function s2 = 0.745m1-622 V-°-267 (4) («= 1,189, r2 > 0.99, F= 68,320), and the partial lvalues for both m and Kwere high ly significant (P <c 0.001). This relationship shows that zooplankton sampling s2 in creases with increased population density and decreases with increased sampler vol ume. MobergandYoung(1918,p. 265) not ed that, "In general, the more numerous the individuals of a species, the smaller the variations in their number." This is ex plained by Eq. 4 which shows that the coef ficient of variation (C.V.) of zooplankton samples (s/m) is generally proportional to m-o.i9 Analysis of the residuals of Eq. 4 (Draper and Smith 1981) showed no further significant trend in the data nor gave any indication of further curvilinearity or sig nificant differences in fit to various subgroups (e.g. freshwater vs. marine, sam pler type, vertebrate vs. invertebrate, etc.). Many of the marine data are from the research of McGowan and Fraundorf (1966) on the Pacific Ocean near Baja California. At least two reviewers have suggested that we demonstrate that Eq. 4 will make un biased predictions ofs2 in more recent stud ies of other marine environments. Unfor tunately, data on sampling variability in marine zooplankton are relatively rare. Fig ure 4 compares the predictions of Eq. 4 to independent observations of the spatial het erogeneity of copepods and euphausiids in oceanic waters off Ecuador (Wiebe 1972) Table 3. Taxa out of 104 possible taxon-specific s2: m relationships that showed b values (Eq. 1) that were significantly different [P < 0.01 and P < 0.05) from b of the overall s3: m relationship (Eq. 2). ri is the number of sets of replicate data collected for each taxon and t is the computed /-statistic for the difference in exponents. Taxon Group ri b 199 78 6 6 1.25 1.41 0.98 2.09 6 12 0.87 2.00 0.73 1.39 1.37 1.40 2.41 2.22 2.46 r P < 0.01* Cyclops vicinus Daphnia hyalina Microcalanus sp. Pomacentridaef Copepod Cladoceran Copepodite Fish larvae -9.14 -6.13 -26.32 5.83 P < 0.05* Atlanta fusca Gastropod Bosmina coregoni Cladoceran Cavolinia uncinata Creseis virgula Gastropod Gastropod Gastropod Cladoceran Fish larvae Fish larvae Fish larvae Desmopterus pacificus Diaphanosoma sp. Diaphus sp. Diogenichthys laternatus Symphurus spp. * Without correction Tor multiple comparisons. t Unidentified species. 5 12 6 30 5 6 10 -4.34 2.60 -5.77 -2.64 -4.72 -2.23 4.81 3.13 2.72 611 Notes Table 4. The number of zooplankton samples nec essary to obtain a precision of p = 0.2 (SE/m = 0.2). Predictions are from Eq. 6. Population (No. liter1) xlO"6 XlO"5 xlO"4 xlO"3 xlO"2 xlO-1 1.0 I xlO IxlO2 I xlO3 -10 -8 -6 OBSERVED -4 -2 Vol. of replicate sample (liters) i 10 too 1,000 3,453 1,446 606 254 107 1,867 782 1,009 423 177 546 229 96 40 45 19 8 4 2 328 137 58 24 10 5 2 2 75 31 13 6 3 2 2 17 7 3 2 2 2 10,000 100,000 296 124 52 22 9 4 2 160 2 2 2 2 2 2 67 28 12 5 3 2 0 LOG VARIANCE Fig. 4, Comparison of independent observations of s2 of marine zooplankton samples with the predictions of Eq. 4. Data represent the spatial heterogeneity of copepods and euphausiids in oceanic waters off Ec uador (Wiebe 1972—D) and swarms of calanoid copepods and other plankton in the northwestern North Pacific (Kawamura and Hirano 1985—A). The solid line represents a 1:1 relationship between observa tions and predictions. The data analyzed in this figure were not included in the original analysis. and swarms of calanoid copepods and other plankton in the northwestern Pacific (Ka wamura and Hirano 1985). Predictions fol low observations for most zooplankton. The available data suggest that Eq. 4 is an un biased predictor of the variance among es timates of replicate marine zooplankton populations. One of the most important and, to date, most arbitrary decisions made by zooplank ton ecologists is the choice of number of samples to be taken on each date at each sampling station. It is generally thought (e.g. L. R. Taylor 1984; R. A. J. Taylor 1981) that spatial heterogeneity is unpredictable, and proper choice of sample number must be fortuitous. An objective decision can be made if one can estimate the interreplicate variance to be encountered in the field (Cochran 1977; Elliott 1977). These esti mates have been obtained previously by presampling or assuming that zooplankton population estimates conform to either ran dom or negative binomial distributions (El liott 1977). Previous methods for estimat ing required sample number are impractical for zooplankton sampling. Presampling zooplankton is expensive and single esti mates of variance cannot be extrapolated in time or space because variance is highly sen sitive to variations in population density (Eq. 4). Although early population biolo gists assumed that plankton are randomly distributed (Winsor and Walford 1936; Ricker 1938), more recent research indi cates that most zooplankton distributions are nonrandom (Cassie 1960; Fasham 1978; Langford and Jermolajev 1966; Malone and McQueen 1983). The negative binomial distribution cannot be used to deduce s2 of nonrandom zooplankton populations be cause k of the negative binomial is sensitive to changes in the population density and sampler volume; k = {amb~2Vc - m~l)~x (Eq. 4). The interreplicate s2 of zooplankton sam ples can be predicted from Eq. 4; thus the required number of replicate samples can be forecast. The number of zooplankton samples («) necessary to obtain a required level of precision p (where p = SE/m, and SE = s/n°5) can be calculated: n = amh-2Vcp- (5) (Downing and Anderson 1985). For fresh water and marine zooplankton n = 0.745m-°-378 F-°-267/?-2. (6) Fewer replicate zooplankton samples are needed with increasing population density and sampler volume (Table 4). Relaxation of precision requirements decreases the re- 678 Notes quired number of samples. Equation 6 is a good way of estimating the required level of replication when specific information is not available. The residual <1% of varia tion in log,^2 in Eq. 4 is probably due to species differences or differences among en vironments. Researchers working in noto riously variable regions or on species known to possess extreme aggregative behavior would be advised to take more samples than Eq. 6 suggests. The general superiority of variance functions to techniques based on the Poisson or negative binomial distribu tions for making predictions of s2 and n has been demonstrated elsewhere (Downing 1979; Downing and Anderson 1985). The choice of optimal sampler volume and number depends on sampling and counting costs (Cochran 1977). Sampling cost probably increases rapidly with sam pler volume while counting cost also in creases or remains constant if subsampling can be used effectively. If the total cost of taking a sample (T= collection + counting costs) increases with sampler volume at an exponential rate of >0.26 (i.e. T oc V0-26 or greater), then small samples will be most ef ficient. If T is not related to V as a power function, then optimalities of intermediate sampler volumes might arise. Other studies (Downing and Anderson 1985; Downing and Cyr 1985) suggest that attention to interreplicate variance and sampling cost may afford up to 30-fold savings in the cost of sample extraction. We therefore suggest that zooplankton researchers keep careful track of sampling costs and use them in concert with Table 4, Eq. 6, or ecosystem-specific variance functions to choose optimal sam pling designs. Ecological data rarely lend themselves to parametric tests of hypotheses based on the normal distribution. One ofthe major prob lems is that s2 of zooplankton samples is unequal among populations or treatments. This fact is indicated in Fig. 3 where s2 in creases systematically with m. Many differ ent transformations have been suggested to alleviate this instability in s2 (see Venrick 1978). Unstable variance of sets of replicate samples can be alleviated by transformation of the original data (X) to X' before analysis such that A —A (/) where b is taken from Eq. 3 (Taylor 1961; Prepas 1984). Although this transformation often works, all transformations should be verified to see if they have corrected the problem (Prepas 1984). Following Eq. 7, a good general transfor mation for zooplankton population esti mates should be X' = X0-20 (8) because the exponent associated with m in Eq. 4 is 1.622. This transformation corre sponds closely to the power transform sug gested by Frontier (1972) and will lead to more frequent stability of variance than either the commonly used square-root or logarithmic transformations. Chang and Winnell (1981) and Downing (1981) cau tion researchers on the blind use of any sin gle transformation. Table 3 shows that species-specific b values vary in up to 12% of species, thus the A'02 transformation will not always stabilize the s2. Table 3 suggests that the log transformation may be better than Eq. 8 in up to 4% of the taxa examined. On the other hand, the log transformation will often overtransform the data where the general exponent in the s2: m relationship is <2, yielding unstable s2 where no prob lem may have existed before transforma tion (e.g. Downing 1981). We therefore rec ommend that data be transformed with Eq. 8 unless site- or taxon-specific data indicate a different power transformation. The interreplicate variability of zoo plankton has been a source of frustration and conflict for nearly 100 yr (Lussenhop 1974). The analysis presented here suggests a reason for the historical lack of agreement of ecologists regarding the spatial hetero geneity of zooplankton populations. The same population can appear random or ag gregated depending on the size of sample used. If, for example, a population of 10 organisms liter-' is sampled with a 1-liter bottle, s2 (31.2) would be greater than m and the population would appear highly clumped (C.V. = 0.56) (Eq. 4). If, on the other hand, the same population is sampled with a 50-m haul of a 0.5-m-diam Hensen net (9,817 liters), the s2 (2.7) would be less Notes than m and the population would appear randomly distributed (C.V. = 0.16). Our analysis ofpublished data suggests that much sampling variation can be accounted for by mean density of plankton and the size of the sampler used. Certainly many factors combine to determine the spatial distribu tion of zooplankton populations, but the empirical regularity expressed in Eq. 4 can be exploited to help in optimizing zooplank ton population estimation. John A. Downing Martin Perusse Yves Frenette Departement des Sciences Biologiques Universite de Montreal C.P. 6128, Succursale 'A' Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 References Barnes, H., and S. M. Marshall. 1951. 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