Author Index This index lists the page numbers on which authors are cited. Only the first author is listed when the reference was written by more than two authors. Aarefjord F. 97, 98 Abramowitz A. 448, 450 AcheforsH. 65 Adalsteinsson H. 231 Adamstone F.B. 205 AdcockJ.A. 6,11,45 Alatalo R.V. 137 Albrecht ML. 151 Alcaraz M. 341, 346, 347, 348, 358 AldrichJ.C. 440 AH A. 196, 213 Allan I.R.H. 151 Allan J.D. 357, 370, 377, 390 Allen K.R. 1, 23, 44, 45 Allen T. 355,356,357 Altmann J. 349 Ambler J.W. 344, 374, 375 Ambiihl H. 110, 112, 454, 455, 459 Amren H. 28 Anderson D.V. 96 Anderson F.S. 106 Anderson N.H. 2, 4, 145, 174, 178, 182, 183, 192, 193, 194, 197,211,216 Anderson R.O. 107 Anderson R.S. 374 Andrews J.D. 115 Androkovics S. 117 Anraku M. 343,352,353, 354, 374, 376, 379 Arashkevich Y.G. 367 Armitage K.B. 8, 446, 449 Armitage P.D. 113, 115 Armstrong F.A.J. 110, 111, 186 Arnold D.E. 345, 378, 390, 394 Aron W. 70, 74, 79 Arthur C.R. 365 Arthur J.W. 180, 219 Aston R.J. 8, 10 Badcock R.M. 149 Bagge P. 197 Baker J.H. 96, 102, 105 Bal A.K. 343 BamstedtV. 445 BanseK. 6, 7,8, 11,44 Barber W.E. 107,150 Barnes H. 429 Barnes J.R. 99, 107 Bartels H. 432 Barton D.R. 112 Baskerville G.L. 47, 232, 233 Baudouin M.F. 231,245 Bayless J.D. 108 Baylor E.R. 347, 376 Bayly I.A.E. 299, 300, 331 Beattie DM. 116 Beaver J.R. 252 Beers J.R. 69 Beeton A.M. 96, 97, 102 Bell R.K. 363, 367, 368, 394 Benjamin R.B. 360 Benke A.C. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 19, 42, 43,44,46,47,48,49, 137 Benke S.S. BergK. 47 423,447,451,452,459 Berman M.S. 357, 359 Berzins B. 119 Beyers R.J. 440 BigelowN.K. 115 BiochinoA.A. 118,119 BiochinoG.I. 118,119 Bird A.H. 99 Bishop J.E. 136, 141, 145 Bishop J.W. 454,456 Bisson P.A. 108 Blakar I.A. 94 Blazka P. 393 Blueweiss L. 353 Bobiatynska-Ksok E. 3 Boddington M.J. 107 Boerger H. 180, 182, 183, 189, 194, 218 Bogatova I.B. 345 Bogdan KG. 346, 364, 370, 375, 377, 383 Bohrer R. 345, 375 Bohrer R.N. 443, 454 Bond R.M. 366, 367 469 Author Index 470 Borkott H. 261 Borkowski T.V. 6 Borutsky E.V. 167, 187, 192, 197, 207 Bottger K. 216 Bottrell H.H. 8, 28, 37, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 79, 230, 234, 243. 244. 246, 250. 251. 252, 254 BouliereF. 70,79 Bownik-Dylinska L. BoxG.E.P. 252 290 Boyd CM. 343, 345, 375, 389 Boyle T.P. 164, 206 Brandl Z. 344, 346, 362, 363, 374, 375 Bretschko G. 99, 187, 192, 197, 209 Briggs R. 430 Bright P.L. 179 Brinkhurst R.O. 3, 8, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 102, 149, 150 Brock M.L. Brock T.D. 365 365 Brooks J.G. 134 Brown C.J.D. 152 Brownlee K.A. 232 Brundin L. 166, 207 Bryan J.R. 430 Bryant R.J 116 Brylinsky M. 4,9,10,11 Bryson R.A. 62 Buikema A.L. 454 Buikema A.L. Jr. 376 Bullock T.H. 449 Bulnheim HP. Bumpus D.F. 427 74, 76 Bunting D.L. 419, 421, 455, 458 Burgis M.J. 10, 38, 49, 50, 52, 53, 62, 231, 234 Burke M.V. 3 Burky A.J. 360 Burns C.W. 234. 245. 339, 343. 345. 346. 347, 348, 350, 360, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 370, 377, 386, 352, 367 Burton W. 89, 90, 149 Buscemi P.A. 354 Butler M.G. 173, 176, 214 Butorina L.G. 453 Cairns J. Jr. 96,99, 151 Calow P. 103, 112, 113, 115, 117, 392 Cannon H.G. 338, 339, 342, 344, 347, 348 Cantrell M.A. 197 Capblanq J. 62 Caperon J. 364 Carey F.G. 431 CarrilloR.J. 179,196,220 Carpenter G.F. 231,259,260 Carpenter J.H. 429 Carrit D.E. 429 Carter C.E. 93, 94, 102, 103 Caspers H. 196 Cassie R.M. 27, 256, 284 Caswell H. 31 CattaneoA. 119,374 Chambers M.R. 115,117 Chanut J.P. 358 Chapman M.A. 419, 422, 458 Charles W.N. 89,91,149 Chemical Rubber Company 432 Cheng L. 175, 213 Chesson J. 388, 389 Chisholm S.W. 369, 377 Chodorowski A. 61 ChutterF.M. 133,151,152,153 Ciborowski J.J.H. 143 Clark L.C. 430 Clarke E.B. 65 Clarke G.L. 1,74,76 demons R.M. 152 Clifford C.H. 91 Clifford H.F. 33, 143, 150 Cloutier L. Clutter R.I. 216 309,310,312 Cochran W.G. 112, 118, 266, 275, 277, 278, 287, 290, 298, 299, 300, 304, 306, 314, 324, 329, 330 Cock M.J.W. 388, 389 Coffman W.P. 179, 181, 221 Cole L.C. 281, 330 Coleman A. 371 Coleman M.J. 42, 136 Coleman N. 105 Colquhoun D. 229 Comita G.W. 231, 234, 245, 419, 421, 446, 449, 453, 458 Comita J.J. 76 Confer J.L. 76, 344. 374, 375 Conover R.J. 339, 346, 348, 355, 358, 359, 362, 363, 364, 367, 369, 376, 377, 383, 391, 392, 394, 449 Conover W.J. 299, 300 Cook K.Z. 143 Cook P.P. Jr. 176, 177, 215 Cooley J.M. 25, 33, 332 Coon T.G. 6, 7 Copping A.E. 364 173, 180, 191, 195, 210, 217 Corbet P.S. Corkum L.D. 143 Corner E.D.S. 350, 352, 355, 379 Coughlan V. 353 Coveney M.F. 231, 370 Cox D.R. 290 Crawford G.W. 1, 5, 42 Creeze M. 149 Cremer G.A. 456. 457 Crisman T.L. Crossman J.S. 252 151 Author Index 471 Crowley P.H. 352, 377 CubaT.R. 137 Cuff W. 105 CulpJ.M. 141 Cummins K.W. 131,253,339 DusogeX. 11,44,93,105 Duval W.S. 355, 357, 448, 455 Duxbury A.C. 82 CurlH.C. 352,378 Currie R.I. 76 Cushing D.H. 379 Cushman R.M. 1, 137 Czeczuga B. 3 Eckblad J.W. 5, 42, 44 Edmondson W.T. I, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38, 240, 245, 254, 255, 281, 346 Edmunds G.F. Jr. 109 Daflern J.R. 180, 186, 218 DaggM.J. 344,345,365,374,375 Daggett R.F. Dall P.C. 115 138 Danks H.V. Ekbohm G. Ekman S. Elliott J.M. 196 Davenport J. 425 David H.A. 294 Davies D.M. Edwards R.W. 196, 216 Davies I.J. 176, 183, 190, 193, 196, 197, 199,200,203,208,209,214 Davies R.W. 141 Davis C.C. 115 Davison W. 438, 443 Deason E.E. 355, 358, 359 deBernardiR. 79,231,346,378 DeBovee F. 150 DeCosta J. 6, 7, 8, 45 DeCosterW. 115 DeMott W.R. 231, 363, 364, 368, 378 167, 175, 182, 208, 213 231,234,378 DerasK.M. 110,111 DermottR.M. 3,4,9 Desai B.N. 96, 97, 102 9, 32, 38, 206, 210, 231 Egloff D.A. 343 Eichhorn R. 28 Ejsmont-Karabin J. 63, 74 231,232,233,234,243,245 89 89, 95, 103, 112, 140, 141, 143, 145, 150, 153, 198, 270, 274, 438, 443 Ellis D.V. 96,97,102 Elmgren R. 120 Elster H.J. 29, 62 Enfield M.A. 152 Epp R.W. 421,447,448,449 Eriksen C.H. 455 Eriksson L. 102 Eriksson S. 338, 343, 347, 348 Erman D.C. 94 Esaias W.E. 352,378 Etienne M. 375 Ettinger W.S. 176, 214, 375 Evans M.S. 62,119,120,231,245 Everitt D.A. 93 Dendy J.S. deNoyellesF. DeSilva P.K. 103, 112 Dickson K..L. 96, 99 Di Cola G. 231 Dillon P.J. 360 DimondJ.B. 145 Dodson S.I. 135, 143, 147, 336, 374, 375 Dollar A.M. 394 Donaghay P.L. 361 Donald G.L. 108 Doohan M. 231, 246, 250, 251, 375, 419, 421, 458 Downing J.A. 47, 88, 104, 106, 119, 120, 140, 273, 292, 349, 354, 364, 367, 368, 369, 372, 373, 376, 387 Drake CM. 95,112 Draper N. 314,330 Dries R.R. 420, 427, 429 Dumont H.J. 62, 230, 234, 240, 243, 244, 245, 250, 251 Duncan A. I, 4, 38, 44, 231, 260, 346, 355, 362, 377, 388, 447, 456, 457, 462 DunnettC.W. 305 Fahy E. 108 Fairchild G.W. 116 Farris R.A. 149 Fast A.W. 167, 182, 209 Fatt I. 431 Fedorenko A.Y. 344, 374, 375 Fee E.J. 203 Feig Y.S. 371 Feldmeth C.R. 427, 455 Fenchel T. 120, 252, 339, 375 Fenlon M.W. 4, 8 Fenn W.O. 433 Ferencz M. 99 Fernando C.H. 94, 102, 344, 346, 362, 363, 374, 375 Ferrante J.G. 358 Ferrari I. 64 Ferraris C. 103 Findley W.C. 244 Finlay B.J. 7, 8, 120, 252 Fisher R.A. 312 Flannagan J.F. 89, 90, 93, 94, 96, 102, 149, 150, 151. 154, 165. 191. 195, 196, 197. 208, 217 Fleminger A. 309,310,312 472 Author Index Fletcher C.R. 392 120, 371 Fliermans C.B. Flury J. 94 Force R.K. Forstner H. FouldsJ.B. Fox B.W. Fox H.M. Foxton P. Francis V. 430 431 422,459 368, 369 347, 376, 429, 452 76 362, 364, 383, 394 Frank G.H. 172,174,211 Frank P.W. 331 Franke U. 419, 420, 422, 449, 452, 455, 459 Frankenberg D. 391 Franklin W.R. 96 Fraser A.W. 33 Fremling C.R. 195 Frenzel P. 120 Frey D.G. 343, 344 Friedman M.M. 341, 343 Friesen M.K. 196, 197 Frolander H.F. 76 Frost B.W. 336, 344, 350, 352, 353, 358, 360, 361, 365, 374, 375, 379, 380 FrostS. 133,149,150 Fryer G. 338, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348 Fukuchi M. 385 Fuller J.L. 344 Furnass T.I. 244 Gak D.Z. 5, 44 Gale W.F. 93, 94, 96, 99, 102, 107, 110, 111, 112, 150, 151 Gallepp G.W. 146 GallucciV.F. 151 Gallup D.N. 344, 345, 352, 354, 365, 367, 377, 379 Ganf G.C. 393 Gannon F.A. 252 Gannon J.E. 252, 255, 344 Gannon S. 344 Gascon D. 113 Gaudy R. 352, 355 Gaufin A.R. 152 Gauld D.T. 337, 338, 339. 343, 344, 346, 350 Geen G.H. 354, 355, 357, 379, 448, 455 Gehringer J.W. Geller W. 70, 74, 79 343, 344, 346, 350, 352, 363, 365, 366, 367, 376, 377, 379 George D.G. 9, 11, 32, 38, 68, 69, 231 GerkingS.D. 115,117,152 GerritsonJ. 340,341,344,361 Giani N. 92, 94, 99, 102 Gibbs K.E. 151 Giguere L.A. 419, 447, 453 Gilbert J.J. 63, 346, 352, 364, 366, 367, 369, 375 GillespieD.M. Glass N.R. Gledhill T. GlimeJ.M. 19,43,137,152 446 194, 219 152 Gliwicz Z.M. 343, 344, 345, 353, 355, 360, 361, 370, 371, 377, 388 Gnaiger E. 416, 417, 420, 423, 428, 431, 432, 438, 443 Godbout L. 136 Goldman C.R. 231, 370 Golterman H.L. 3, 368, 391, 430 Gophen M. 231, 245, 363, 364, 458 Goss L.B. 419,421,455,458 Gostan J. 256 Goulder R. 99 Grabacka E. Grainger J.N. 119 443 Grandilewskaja-Decksbach M.L. Grant J.W.G. 299, 300, 331 166, 207 Gray F.R.S. 348 Green J. 33, 64 Green J.D. 419,422,458 Green M.B. 212 Green R.H. 103, 270 Griffiths F.B. 364 Grill D.W. 345, 375 Grygierek E. 344 Gulati R.D. 370 Gulliksen B. 110,111 Guyer G. 193, 207 GuziurJ. 91,113 Gyllenberg G. 423, 425, 427, 429, 439, 448 Haberer K. 368 Hairston N.G. 347, 376 Hakala I. 93, 94, 102, 150, 421, 429, 440, 443, 446, 448, 456, 459 Hakkari L. 8, 10 Halcrow K. 425 Hales D.C. 152 Hall D.J. 9, 10, 33, 38, 79, 336, 343, 355, 369, 372, 373, 376, 377 Hall T. 368 Hamburger K. 437, 463 Hamill S.E. 3, 5, 10, 44 Hamilton A.L. 42, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 99, 167, 181, 183, 192, 195, 208, 209, 219 Hamilton W.J. 349 Hammer V.T. 231,245 Haney J.F. 33, 76, 343, 355, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376, 377, 383, 386 Hanson J.M. 3 Harbison G.B. 355, 357, 358, 359 Harding J.P. 27 Hardy A.C. 78 Hargis J.R. 367, 370, 386 Author Index Hargrave B.T. 354, 379 Harkness W.J.K. 205 Harper F. 178, 196, 216, 218 Harper P.P. 216 Harris R.P. 350, 354, 377, 379 Harrison A.D. Hart D.D. Humphreys W.F. 413 Hutchinson G.E. 2 Hutson R. 193, 207 Hynes H.B.N. 8, 42, 112, 131, 136, 140, 141, 145, 147, 149 173, 186, 190, 196, 210, 218 146 Hartland-Rowe R. 133 HaslerA.D. 115,345 Hawkins B.E. 231,245 Hayward R.S. 344, 345, 352, 354, 365, 367, 377, 379 HeckyR.E. 252 Heinbokel J.F. 367, 375, 379 Heinle D.R. 38, 370 Heisey D. 376, 452 Hemmingsen A.M. 446 Henrickson L. Henson V. 473 IdeF.P. Ikeda T. 215,217 368 lilies J. 178,189,191,197,216,217 Infante A.G. 343, 344, 345, 352, 362, 377 Ishi H. 370, 385 Ivanova M.B. 51, 377, 447, 455, 459 Iverson T.M. 8 Ivlev V.S. 1 Ivleva I.V. 448, 449, 450 Iwao S. 270 152 65 Heron A.C. 72 Herricks E.E. 137 HerzigA. 231 Hibbert C.J. 3, 6 HigerA.L. 152 HiglerL.W.G. 152 Hildebrand S.G. 143, 145 Hildrew A.G. 147 HileyP.D. 112,115 Hillbricht-Ilkowska A. 9, 11, 370, 374, 376 Hilsenhoff W.L. 134 Hirayama K. 375, 379 Hitchman M.L. 431,432 Hobero R. 354 Hodgkiss I.J. 62, 64 Hokenstrom J.C. 42 Hollibaugh J.T. 363, 364, 365 HollingC.S. 336 Holme N.A. 87, 95, 97 Holopainen l.J. 93, 101, 103, 419, 420, 422, Jacobs J. 388, 389 JacobsenT.R. 231,234,245 Janicki A.J. 6, 7, 8, 45 Jassby A.D. 370 Jensen C.R. 439 Jepson W.F. 24 Jcrmolajev E.G. 62 Jesson J. 8 Johannes R.E. 336, 342, 365, 391 Johnson M.G. 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. 44 89 91, 203 Jonasson P.M. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 107, 149, 166, 186, 187, 190, 192, 193, 207, 423 Jones A.A. 96, 97, 102 Jergensen C.B. 376 Juday C. 65 Judd W.W. 173,209,217 Junk W.J. 116,117 Juul R.B. 103 440, 446, 449, 459 Holtby L.B. 368 Holterman W. 359 Hongve D. 92, 93 Horka J. 103 Horn H.S. 176,177,215 Home A.J. 231 Horton P.A. 346, 350, 351, 365, 376, 388 HoshiT. 376,452 Howard J.D. 94, 97, 99, 102 KaeslerR.L. 137 Kajak Z. 3, 11, 44, 87, 90, 92, 93, 94, 102, 105, 106, 107, 119, 149, 150, 151, 162, 173, 175, 194,208,212, 344,374,376 KahTJ. 119, 231, 315, 316, 317, 319, 321, 322,326, 327,364,374,381 Kamler E. 419, 420, 423, 425, 427, 429, 459 Kanwisher J. 440 Kaplan E.H. 97 Karabin A. 374, 376 Howard-Williams C. 113 Howmiller R.P. 108, 110, 149 Karlsson M. Hrabackova-Esslova M. Hrbacek J. 64, 65 Hughes DA. 141 Hulberg L.W. 141 Keller V.A. 141, 143 Kennedy J.R. 393 Kerfoot W.C. 375 Kersting K. 352, 359, 376, 419, 422, 425, Hultin L. 141 Humpesch U.H. 8 Humphries C.F. 179 346 150 446, 453, 454, 458 Keuls M. 305 Kevern N.R. 107, 150 Author Index 474 Kibby H.V. 352, 363, 367, 372, 377, 419, 422, 440, 443, 446, 458 Kimerle R.A. 2, 4, 174, 182, 183, 192, 193, 194,211 KingE.W. 93 King F.D. 444, 445 KirchnerW.B. 99 Kititsyna L.A. 8 Klekowski R.Z. 377, 427, 430, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 446, 447, 453, 455, 459 Kling H.J. 252 KlugMJ. 339 KnappR.J. 149,151,152 Knoechel R. 364, 368 Knowles S.C. 354, 357, 377, 379 Kobayashi K. 376 Koehl M.A.R. 340, 341, 347, 348 Kohler S.L. 143, 144, 146 Kolipinski M.C. 152 Konstantinov A.S. 452, 454 Korinek V. 51 KossR.W. 94 Kott P. 279, 294 Kovala P.E. 252 Kramer R.H. 145,152 Krause H.R. Krause I. Krey J. 368, 391 231 360 KrezoskiJ.R. 93,99 Kring R.L. 352, 376, 377 Krishnaswamy S. 440 Kritzler H. 97, 99 Kroger R.L. 145, 149 KruegerC.C. 42,137 Kuhry B. 327 KutkuhnJ.H. 291,312 Kutty M.K. 96,97, 102 Lasenby D.C. 376, 392, 422, 459 LatjaR. 231,253 Lautenschlager K.P. 358 Lavandier P. 5, 11 Lavigne D.M. 413,446 Laville H. 5, 8, 10, 189, 192, 196, 199, 203 Lawler G.H. 165, 191, 196, 208 LawtonJ.H. 113,375,413 Laybourn J.E.M. 252, 375 Laybourn-Parry J. Lean D.R.S. Learner M.A. 189, 191, 192, 193, 196 Lebour M.V. 344 Lebrasseur R.J. 350 Lechowicz M.J. LeCren E.D. 2 388 Lefevre M. 344, 390 LeggettW.C. 3,113 Legner E.F. 152 Lehman J. 216 Lehman J.T. 231,336 Lehmkuhl D.M. 145 Lei C. 33 LeimerothN. 419,421,458 Lemcke H.W. 231, 240, 344, 375, 414 Lenton G.M. 113 Lenz J. 355 Leonard J.W. 151 LeSage L. 173, 186, 190, 196, 210, 218 Leslie P.H. 31 Lewis W.M. 78, 374, 375,421,447, 448, 449 Likens G.E. 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 44, 62, 63, 231, 245.250,251, 255,429,432.456 LindebergB. 173,175,213 Lindcman R.L. 2 Lloyd M. 270 Lorenzen C.J. Levtrup S. 364 438 Lowndes A.J. Ladle M. 9 LairN. 231 Lam R.K. 336 LammersR. 173,210 Lamotte M. 70, 79 LampertW. 231,240,296,344,346,358, 448, 458 365, 393 338. 339, 342, 344, 346, 348, 388 Lucas C. Lucas C.E. 99 379 Lumer H. 347 Lund J.W. Lynch M. 256 336 362, 363. 364, 365. 369. 370. 375. 377, 390. 393. 394. 414. 415. 419. 442. 443. 454 Lane E.D. 152 Lane P.A. 120, 376 LangC. 112 Langeland A. 62, 64, 77 Langford R.R. 62, 68,293,294,392,422, 459 LangfordT.E. 180,186,218 Lapchin L. 11 La Row E.J. 453 La trance J.D. 252 Larsen P.F. Larsson P. 98 65, 67 Macan T.T. 112, 113, 115, 117, 131, 149, 150, 151, 152, 164, 193, 194, 206, 217, 219 Mackas D. 345, 374, 375 Mackay R.J. 146 MackeyA.P. 97,112,115,117,151 MackieG.L. 152 MaeseneerJ. 103 Magnin E. 178, 196, 216,218 Makland P.S. 102, 107 Makarewicz J.C. 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 44, 62, 231, 245.250.251,255,456 Author Index 475 Malicky H. 216 Malone B.J. 62 Monokov A.V. Mangum C. 450 Mood A.M. Momot W.T. Mann K.H. 3, 4, 9, 427 Marchant R. 8, 10, 11 Marcotte B.M. 344, 347, 348, 392, 393 Marcus L.F. 327 Marler P.R. 349 Marshall B.E. 91,96,99,102 Marshall S.M. 343, 344, 345, 352, 358, 362, 379, 381 Marsot P. 346, 360, 361 MartienR.F. 9,10,11,42 Martin F.B. 42, 137 Martin J.H. 358 Mason C.F. Mason J.C. 116 131,152 Mason W.T. Jr. Masteller E.C. 107 217 MathiasJ.A. 3, II Matuszek J.E. 11 May J.M. 306 Mayzaud O. 345 Mayzaud P. 345 McAlister V.L. 355, 357, 358, 359 McAllister CD. 352,379 McAllister D.E. 243 McCallum I.D. McCauley E. 255 231, 315, 316, 317, 319, 321, 322, 326, 327, 381 McCauley V.J.E. 115, 116, 174, 189, 192, 193,212 McGraw J.T. Jr. 260 McDiflett W.F. 448 McElhone M.J. 110 McGowan L.M. 99 Mclntyre A.D. 95, 97 McLachlan A.J. 99, 117, 197 McLachlan S.M. 99 McLaren I.A. 6 McMahon J.W. 339, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 352, 363, 365, 367, 376, 377, 379, 381 McNaught D.C. 4, 8, 364, 370, 377, 383 McNeil] J. 413 McQueen D.J. 62, 355, 370, 377 Meadows P.S. Mecom J.D. MenzieC.A. Merritt R.W. Messick C.F. Mettrick D.F. 99 10 42,137 131, 132, 136, 339 108 107 MikulskiJ.S. 4,5,7,11,44 Milbrink G. 89, 90, 93, 94, 102, 103, 149 Miller R.B. 164, 196, 205, 217 Miller R.B. 9,11 Minto M.L. 115, 116, 117, 152 Mires J.M. 231 6, 11 9 354 Moore J.W. 89 Morgan J.J. 439 Morgan K. 394 Morgan N.C. 1,162,164,176,177,182,185, 186, 189, 190, 193, 194, 196, 206, 210, 215 Mortimer C.H. 432 MosherS. 6,7,8,11,44 Moshiri G.A. 443, 452, 454, 459 Moshalenko B.K. 3 Motoda S. 78 Mozley S.C. 96, 103, 109, 121 Mulder M. 98 Mulla M.S. 175,213 Miiller H. 343, 344 Miiller K. 143 Mullin M. M. 350, 352, 365, 380, 381 Mundie J. H. 131, 149, 150, 151, 162, 163, 164, 166, 170, 174, 179, 181, 182, 185, 189, 190, 192, 194, 206, 208, 211, 217, 219, 220 Murray T.D. 89,91,149 Murtaugh P.A. 313, 344 Nadin-Hurley CM. Nagell B. 423, 427 Nalewajko C. 346, 355, 362, 377, 388 360 Naumann E. 338, 339, 342, 343, 347, 366, 367 Nauwerck A. 6,7,8,9,44,45,352, 353,354, 355, 363, 364, 366, 367, 370, 377, 383, 384 NeedhamJ.G. 161, 178,215 Needham P.R. 132, 133, 136, 151, 153 Nelson D.J. 136 Nevcau A. 11 Neves R.J. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 Newell R.C 446, 449 Newman D. 305 Nexo B.A. 437 Nicholls K.H. 360 Nichols F.H. 3 Niesiolowski S. 117, 118 Nilsson L.M. 422, 459 Nimi A.J. 426 Nival P. 343, 353, 358 Nival S. 343, 353, 358 Noble R.G. 153 Nordlie K..J. 180, 219 Northby J.A. 426 Northrop F.S.C. I, 12 Noven B. 231,246 Nowak K.W. 456 Obreshkove V. O'Brien F.I. 8 33. 421, 433, 448, 450, 459 Author Index 476 O'Brien W.J. 231,234,352,376,377 O'Connor J.F. 136 O'Conners H.B. 358 Ogawa S. 375, 379 O'Grady S.M. 69 Ohle W. 430 Olausson E. 149 Oliver D.R. 196 Oliver J.S. 141 Oliver R.L. 250 Omaly N. 70, 79 Oman M.D. 369 Omori M. 244 Omori M.O. 343, 374 Opdyke D.F. 164, 182, 183, 185, 196, 197, 205 Opitz E. 432 Orcutt J.D. Jr. 231, 234, 239, 244, 245, 246, 253, 345, 377, 378 Orr A.P. 345, 352, 358, 362, 379, 381 Oscarson H. 152 O'SullivanA. 112 Owen G.H. 68 Owens T.G. 444, 445 Paasivirta L. 213 Pacaud A. 366 PaceM.L. 231,234,239,244,245,246, 252, 253, 256 Packard T.T. 444, 445 Paflenhofer G.A. 341, 346, 347, 348, 350, 354, 355, 357, 377, 379 Palmen E. 166, 185, 187, 189, 190, 196, 208 Palmer D.S. 343 Paloheimo J.E. 29, 32, 36, 388 Pantin C.F.A. 344 Paquette R.G. 76, 83 Parker J.I. 358 Parsons T.R. 350, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360 Patalas K. 9, 64, 65, 68, 78, 80, 328, 330 Paterson C.G. 6, 8, 10, 11, 94, 102, 107, 108 Pearcy W.G. 456 Pearre S. Jr. 243 Pearson R.G. 97,98, 112, 151 Pearson W.D. 145, 152 Pechen G.A. 38 Peckarsky B.L. 145, 147 Pederson G.L. 134, 135, 140, 143, 144, 6, 7, 8, 9, 231 Peer D. 6, 8 Peet R.K. 137 Pennak R.W. 67 PersooneG. 115 Persson G. 231, 232, 233, 234, 243, 245 PeterkaJ.J. 115,117 Peters R.H. 42, 292, 293, 296, 307, 336, 345, 347, 354, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 370, 372, 387, 392, 393, 394 Petersen C.G.J. 94 Peterson B.J. 343, 356, 371, 377 PetrT. 116 Phear E.A. 452 Phillipson J. 457 Pidgaiko M.L. 8 Pieczynska E. 113, 116, 118 Pieczynski E. 116 Pielou C.E. 270 Pilarska J. 375, 419, 458 Pinel-Alloul B. 6, 9 Planck R.J. 243 Pointing P.J. 143 133 Pollard J.E. Pomeroy L.R. Ponyi J.E. 354, 455 370, 376, 377 Porter K.G. 231, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 347, 348, 353, 362, 371, 376, 377, 378, 379, 390, 452 Potter D.W.B. 189, 191, 192, 193, 196 Poulet S.A. 346, 352, 357, 358, 360, 361, 370 Pourriot R. 343, 344, 345, 375 Powers C.F. 91, 96, 97, 99, 102, 103 PrejsK. 94,99, 120 Prepas E.E. 29, 33, 64, 79, 301, 302, 343 Price C.A. 261 Prikhod'ko T.I. 9, 11 Prins R. 145 Pritchard G. 152 Priymachenko A.D. 3 Propp M.V. 426 ProsserC.L. 417,450 PrusT. 421,459 Przytocka-Jusiak M. 119, 120 Puffer J.H. 355 Qadri S.V. RabeniC.F. RadfordD.S. 152 151 133 Ragotzkie R.A. 62 Rainbow V. 250,251 Ranke-Rybickova B. 344, 374, 376 Ranta E. 103, 105, 106, 419, 420, 421, 422, 429, 440, 443, 446, 448, 449, 456, 459 Rao K.P. 449 Rapport D.J. 344, 346 Rassoulzadegan F. 256, 375 Ravera O. 231,245,449 Raymont J.E. 440 Redfield G.W. 231 Reisen W.K. 145 Author Index Resh V.H. 10, 101, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 139, 140, 143, 146, 147, 148, 153 Rey J. 62 RichmanS. 419,421,432,440,443,446, 453, 458 Ricker W.E. 24, 268, 267, 279, 325, 327 Riggs D.S. 39, 48 Rigler F.H. 25, 28, 29, 33, 64, 292, 293, 294, 296, 307, 336, 337, 339, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 358, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 372, 377, 379, 381, 386, 392, 393, 394 All Scholander P.F. 434 Schonborn W. 252 Schram M.D. 244, 245 Schroder R. 348 Schultz T.W. 393 Schwoerbel I. 29, 62 Schwoerbel J. 79, 87, 95, 254 Scott D.C. 136 Scott W. 164, 182, 183, 184, 196, 197, 205 Sebestyeii O. 115, 120 Selin P. 8, 10 Sell D.W. 62 RingelbergJ. 347 RinneJ.N. 96,102,105 Shapovalova I.M. Shcherbakoff A. P. Robertson A. 91, 96, 97, 99, 102, 103 Roff J.C. 422, 446, 449, 455, 456, 458, 459 Rogers J.N. 357, 385 RognerudS. 62,64,77,231 Sheldon R.W. 353, 355, 356, 357, 359 Shiozawa D.K. 99, 107 Shireman J.V. 103 Short R.A. 5,44 Shushkina E.A. 447 Siebeck O. 62 Siedler E. 343 Siefken M. 446,449 Siegel S. 300 Rohlf F.J. 32, 266. 284, 286, 290, 294, 299, 300, 304, 306, 308, 311,312, 314, 326, 327 Roman M.R. 353 Rosen R.A. 231,234,245 Rosenberg D.M. 101,134,169,185,186, 188. 199. 200. 202 115,116,118 419,433,449,458 Saionen K. 231, 253, 254 SandbergG. 192,196,199 448 Simmons G.M. 103, 150 Singh P.J. 344 Sivertsen B. 91,97,102 Skogheim O.K. 231 Slack H.D. 90 Slobodkin L.B. 336 Small L.F. 361,456 Smirnov N.N. 393 Smith D.F. 364 Smith F.E. 347, 376 Smith H. 314,330 Smith K.L. Jr. 94, 97, 99, 102 Smith P.E. 71, 72 Smith W. 95, 97 Smock L.A. 108,230 Sandrock F. 189, 195, 196, 216 Sapkarev J.A. 112 Smyly W.J.P. 9, 62, 115, 231, 374 Snedecor G.W. 266, 275, 278, 290, 298, Rosenberg G.G. 339, 346, 369 Rosenberg R. 10 Roth J.C. 231 RoweG.T. 91 Roy A. 446, 449 Rubenstein D.I. 340 Rublee P.A. 353 Ruggio D. 112 Runge J.A 359, 365 Ruttner-Kolisko A. 64, 68, 246, 247 RytherJ.H. 352,353,381 Saraceni C. 112 Sigmon C.F. 299, 300, 304, 306, 314, 324, 329, 330 SarkkaJ. 107,120 Sarvala J. 103, 105, 106 Satomi M. 342, 354, 391, 455 Saunders J.F. 78 SaundersJ.W. 355 Snow N.B. 231,245 Sokal R.R. 32, 266, 284, 286, 290, 294, 299, 300, 304, 306, 308, 311, 312, 314, 326, 327 Solem J.O. 89 Soltero R.A. 231 ScaviaD. 388,389,390 ScharfE.M. 427 Sorokin Y.I. Soszka G.J. Scheffe H. 300, 307, 308 ScherbaS. Jr. 151 Schiemer F. 447 Schindler D.W. 6. 7. 8, 9, 45. 62. 63, 65. 67. Southwood T RE. Speir J.A. 197 Spomer G.G. 336 Sprules W.G. 242 77, 231, 246, 352, 362, 367, 419, 421, 454, 459 Schmidt E.L. 120, 371 Schmitz E.A. 260 Sprules W.M. 189, 196, 216 Stanczykowska A. 119,120 Stanford J.A. 108 Starkweather P.L. 346, 352, 355, 358, 364, 366, 367, 369, 375, 377 Schober U. 370 9,362,363,384,441,442 115,117 24, 27, 87 Author Index 478 Steams S.C. Steel R.G.D. Stewart J.A. 347 232, 233, 240, 305 119,120 Stewart J.M. 375 Stock nerJ.G. 110,111 Storch O. 338 Strachan I.M. 448, 458 StraSkraba M. 381,456 Strathmann R.R. Strayer D.L. 9 Street M. 360 174, 212 Strickland J.D.H. 355, 429 Strickler J.R. 340, 341, 343, 347, 348 Stross R.G. 9, 38 Stuart A. 277 Stumm W. 439 Sublette J.E. 167, 175, 182, 208, 213 Sullivan B.K. 343, 344 Sushchenya L.M. 377, 446 Sutclifle D.W. 6,8,9,11,101 SwenbergJ.A. 109 Swift M.C. 231, 245, 344, 374, 419, 421, 434, 446, 459 Swiss J.J. 9 Uhlig G. 252 UlanoskiJ.T. 448 Ulfstrand S. Usinger R.L. 151 132, 133, 136, 151, 153 Utermohl H. 354 Uye S.-l. 6, 8 Vallentyne J.R. 196, 203 Van Arkel M.A. 98 Van der Leeuw W. 352, 376 Van der Leeuw-Leegwater C. 419, 422, 425, 446, 453, 454, 458 Vanderploeg H.A. 357, 358, 388, 389, 390 Van Winkle W. 450 Vargo S.L. 430 Verduin J. 440 VerolletG. 111,112 Viaud G. 347 VijverbergJ. 8,9,28,37 Vincent B. 96 Vlymen W.J. 447 Vollenweider R.A. 449 Vologdin M.P. 115, 116, 118 Voshell J.R. Jr. 103,150 Tachet H. 111,112 Taguchi S. 370, 385 Tailing J.F. 429 Waddell A.B. 189, 206, 210 Waide J.B. 42, 44, 46 TannerJ.T. WaiteS.W. Taylor T. P. 94 Teal J.M. 203, 425, 431, 440, 461 69,372 Walker K.F. 6,8, 10, 11, 107 Wallace J.B. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 42, 44, 339 Walton E.O. Jr. 143 Wang C.H. 369 Ward E.B. 115 Ward F.J. 363, 367, 368 Tezuka Y. 377 Thamdrup H.M. 97 Thayer G.W. 92, 102 Thiel H. 107 Thienemann A. 179 Thompson J.D. 93,94,99, 110,111,112,151 Threlkeld S.T. 32, 33, 231, 375. 415 Titmus G. 174, 212 Tonolli L. 3, 4 Tonolli V. 62, 67, 69, 75, 76, 78, 79, Ward J.V. 5, 44 Wartinbee D.C. 181, 221 Waters T.F. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 38, 42, 44, 45, 131, 143, 145, 149, 151, 152 Watson N.H.F. 231, 260 Watson S. 381 Wattiez C. 9, 62, 231 Webster K..W. 345, 347, 363, 364, 377 Wegleiiska T. 51 Welch H.E. 167, 169, 170, 189, 191, 192, 81-83, 348 Torrie J.H. 232, 233, 240, 305 196, 203, 209 Welch P.S. 90,95, 115, 117, 152 Townsend C.R. 147 Trama F.B. 419, 422, 446, 449, 459 Tranter D.J. 71,72 TrewD.O. 301,302 Werner E.E. 113 Westlake D.F. 118 Wetzel R.G. 117,429,432 Whittaker R.H. 137 Tschumi P.A. 430 Tseyev Y.Y. 11 Tudorancea C. 103 Wiebe P.H. Wiebe W.J. Tappa D.W. 136 355 Tash J.C. 108 Taub F.B. 394 Taylor L.R. 290,291,292 TukeyJ.W. 281,290 Tulletl P.A. 89 Turner V.J. 358 62 364 Wiederholm T. 89, 90, 93, 94, 102, 107, 108, 149 Wiens A. P. 185, 188, 199 Wiggins G.B. 110 Author Index Wightman J.A. 392, 432 Wigley R.L. 97, 102 Wildish D.J. 6, 8, 105 Wiley M.J. 143, 144, 146 Wilhm C. 103 Willen E. 354 Williams D.D. 3, 107, 108, 136, 179, 219, 220 Williams N.E. 107, 108 Williams W.D. 10,11 Williamson C.E. 346 Willis D.L. 369 Willoughby L.G. 9, 11 Wilson D.S. 336, 360, 377 113,179 Wilson R.S. Winberg G.G. 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 38, 44, 240, 245, 254, 255, 450 WingfieldCA. 429 Winkler L.W. 429 WinsorC.P. 118 Winterbourne M.J. 42 WiseEJ. 112 WisseloA.G. 430 Wissing T.E. 8, 9 Wohlschlag D. 164, 191, 197, 206 Wold J.L. 178, 216 Wolnomiejski N. 4, 5 Wood L.W. 479 99 Wotton R.S. 423, 440, 455, 459 Wright J.C. 38 Wrubleski D.W. 186 Wuycheck J.C. 253 Yentsch C.S. Yevich P.P. 76, 82 107 Yocum W.L. 69 Young S. 347 Zahner R. 455 Zaika V.E. 6 Zankai N.P. 370, 376, 377 Zar J.H. 266 Zaret R.E. 341 Zeiss F.R. Jr. 354, 455 Zelinka M. 3, 4, 7, 10 Zelt K.A. 150 Zeuthen E. 445, 446 Zimmerman M.L. 8, 9 Zimmerman U. 110, 112 Zndanova G.A. 11 Zwick P. 3,42,216 Zytkowicz R. 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 103 Taxonomic Index Acartia clausi A. tonsa 367 A. sp. 361 C. sp. 386 Amphipoda 109, 190, 459 Ancylus fluviatilis 113,452 Anisops sp. C. sp. 99, 197, 279, 374, 376 C. irivanatus 419, 421, 446, 447, 453, 459 Cheumatopsyche pettiti 133, 139 300, 331 Ankistrodesmus sp. Anuraeopsis sp. 367 Asellus aquatkus 144 144 B. vernus 454 237 Chironomus anthacinus B. longispina 244 C. sp. B. sp. 377, 379, 382-387, 391, 453, 456, 458-459 Clams 101 Cloeon dipterum 419, 423, 459 Clunio marinus 196 Collotheca sp. 248 77, 236 64, 235 Conocfuius sp. 247 Copepoda 7, 120, 236-237, 243, 341, 343. 236 78. 361, 367 345, 358, 363, 366, 377, 379, 391, 392, 456, Brachionus calyciflorus 367, 419, 421, 458 B. plicatus 246, 419, 420, 458 B. rubens 419, 458 B. sp. 458 Crane flies 162 Crayfish 101 Cricotopus sp. 195, 196 247 Bylhotrephes longimanus B. sp. 77 Cyclopoid copepods 119, 338, 346, 374 Cyclops abyssorum 11, 423 C. bicuspidatus 448, 451, 458 C. ieuckarti 419, 458 C. scutifer 236-237 C. spp. 67, 68 83 Caddisflies 10, 132, 146, 162, 191, 197 Calamoecia lucasi Calanoid copepods 107 Chlamydomonas sp. 352 Chlorella sp. 367, 453 Chydorus sphaericus 77, 236, 367 Ciliata 99, 120, 252, 256, 339, 346, 375 Cladocera 7, 119, 120, 234-236, 243, 338, 339, 346, 352, 357, 358, 363, 365, 366, 374, 67 B. obtusirostris 6,192 C. anlhracinus 451, 459 C.plumosa 192 Black fly larvae 117,423 Blue-green algae 345, 346, 378 Boeckella delicata 419, 422, 458 Bosmina coregoni 99, 108, 119, 120, 162, 182, 183, 186, 187, 189, 191, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 203, 276, 452 Chironomini 196 421, 459 Asplanchna brightwelli A. sp. 247 Asterionella sp. 367 Baetidae Baetis sp. Chironomidae 247 Arctodiaptomus spinosus Anemia sp. 375 Ascomorpha sp. 247 B. longirostris 367 Chaoborus flavicans 447, 452, 459 C. punctipennis 448, 451 419, 458 338, 339, 343, 352, 354, 357-359, 365, 374, 377, 379, 382-387 Calanus hyperboreus 367 C. sp. 344, 346, 360, 367, 379, 385 Calliopus laeviusculus 367 C. strenuus 237, 419, 458 C. vernalis 236 C. vicinus 237 C. viridis 237 Cyprinidae 190 Celithemis fasciata 46 Centropages sp. 367 Ceriodaphnia lacustris 244 C. quadrangula 235 C. reticulata 64, 235, 238-239, 241, 458 Damselflics 190 Daphnia ambigua 481 234 Taxonomk Index 482 D. D. D. D. D. D. D. cephaiata 300, 331 galeala 234, 452 galeata mendotae 32, 367, 452 hyaline, 32, 77, 234 iongiremis 361 longispina 234, 238, 241, 367, 458 magna 235, 345, 347, 359, 367, 419, 421, 422, 443, 446, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 458-459 D. obtusa 449 D.parvula 234,238,241,244 D. pulex 234-235, 244, 287-288, 296-297, 331, 351, 355, 367, 419, 421, 443, 446, 453, 454, 455, 458 D. retrocurva 234, 332 D. rosea 33, 292-293, 295-296, 305-309, 366, 367 D. schodleri 235, 367 D. sp. 65, 67, 78, 79, 243, 268-270, 272, 279, 280, 289, 313, 343, 346, 347, 359, 376, 377, 386, 432, 453 Diaphanosoma brachyurum D. leuchlenbergianum 64 77, 235 D. sp. 68, 78 Diaptomus ashlandi 313 D. gracilis 64, 236, 422, 446, 458 D. graciloides 458 D.ieptopus 8,67,419,421,458 D. minutus 67, 293-294, 297-299 D. oregonensis 293-294, 453, 458 D. pallidus D. sicilis Gammarids 101 Gammarus Jossarum 419,420,422,449, 452, 455, 459 G. pseudolimneaus 145 G. pulex 422,459 Gastropus sp. 248 Gerridae 132 Glyptotendipes paripes 192 G. sp. 186 Gymnodinium sp. 367 Gyrinid beetles 190 Halipid beetles 190 Harpacticoid copepods 119 Heterocope appendiculata H. saliens 237 237 H. sp. 83 Heterotrissocladius grimshawi H. marcidus Hexagenia sp. 195 Hexarthra sp. 248 Hirudinea 138-139 Holopedium gibberum H. sp. 192 192 67, 235, 243 367 Hydropsychidae 133 367 236, 238 239, 241. 419. 421, 458 68, 245, 346, 367, 377, 446, 449, 453, 460 Dicosmoecus gilvipes 1 46 Dinoflagellates 379 Diptera 134, 135, 136, 143, 162, 190, 203. 204, 459 Disparalona rostrata Dragonflies 236 190, 191 Ecdyonurus venosus Empididae 189 Ephemerella ignita Ephemeroptera E. intermedius Kellicottia longispina 67 K. sp. 248 Keratella cochlearis 28, 249 K. quadrata 248, 251 Ladona deplanata 454 109, 134, 135, 136, 143, Epilheca sp. 46-49 Euchlanis sp. 248 Eudiapiomus gracilis E. graciloides Ilyoctiptus sordidus 236 Ilyodrilus hammonensis 451 Isonychia sp. 447 Isoperla huresi 420, 423, 459 Isopoda 459 454, 459 144, 145, 162, 166, 179, 186, 194, 196, 459 Epischura nevadensis 304 E. vulgaris 248 236 D. siciloides D. sp. Filinia sp. 237, 367, 419, 448 L. sp. Leeches 138-139 Leptodora kindtii 67, 68, 77, 236, 376, 443, 451,452,454,459 L. sp. 65, 83, 374 455, 458 64 77 423 192 192 Limnocalanus macrurus 68, 237 Euphausiids 387 Eurytemora hirundoides 46 Lauierbornia coracina Limnocalanus sp. 376 Lillorina litlorina 449 Lumbriculus rivalis 451 361, 422, 446, 451, Taxonomic Index Macrocyclops albidus 447 Mayflies 4, 145, 162, 191, 423 Megaloptera 162 Mesocyclops brasilianus M.edax 237 449 M. hyalinus 64 M. leuckarti 77, 237, 245 Metazoans 120 Micropsectra contracta 192 Microtendipes sp. 192 Mites 190 Mixodiaptomus laciniatus 11 Mollusca 459 Mussels 7 Mysidacea 101,289,459 Mysis relicta 392, 421, 432, 443, 446, 457, 459 Mysis sp. 376 Protozoa 62, 64, 119, 120, 230, 240, 251-253, 255, 256, 257, 261, 339, 375 Pseudodiamesa arctica 192 Psilotanypus rujovittatus 192 Rhincalanus nasutus 367 Rhitrogena semicolorata 454 R. sp. 459 Rhodotorula sp. 293, 367, 386 Rotatoria 7, 8, 37, 63, 64, 119, 230, 240, 246-251, 255, 257, 261, 339, 346, 352, 375, 387, 456, 458 Saccaromyces sp. 367 Scapholeberis kingi 236 5. sp. 367 Scenedesmus sp. 367, 454 Scirpus sp. Nematoda 119 290, 313, 344 Orthocladiinae 196 Orthocladius spp. 192 Ostracods 119 Paratanytarsus austriacus Pelecypoda 106 Penilia smaekeri 192 294 Perlidae 143 Pisidium amnicum 419, 420, 422, 446, 449, 451 Plecoptera 134, 135, 136, 143, 162, 194, 459 Plectrus palustris 446, 453 Pleuromamma xiphias 367 Ploesoma sp. 249 Polyarthra sp. 249 P. vulgaris 67 Polyphemus pediculus Pompbolyx sp. 249 P. sp. 236, 453 83 192 451 Prorocentrum sp. 447, 452, 456, 459 Snails 10, 282-286 Sphagnum sp. 116 Spiders 190 Stenonema pulchellum 419, 422, 446, 451, 459 Stoneflies 132, 145, 162 Streptotheca sp. 367 Synchaeta sp. 249 Tanypodinae 192, 196 Tanytarsus inoperlus 192 T. lugens 192 T. sp. 459 Procladius choreus S. vetulus Simuliidae 191, 196, 216, 459 Skistodiaptomus oregonensis 25 Odagmia ormata 191 Odonata 162, 195 Oligochacta 99,110,119,120 Ponteporeia sp. 116 Sida crystallina 236, 367 Simocephalus exspinosus 421,459 Neomysis mercedis Nitzchia sp. 367 Notholca sp. 249 P. casertanum 483 192 Tardigrada 119 Testudinella sp. 249 Thais lameilosa 282-286 Thermocyclops hyalinus 49-54, 237 Tintinnidae 367, 375 Tobrilus gracilis 441 Tn'chocerca sp. 249 Trichoptera 109, 134, 135, 136, 143, 162, 179, 190, 194, 196, 197 Trissocladius sp. 192 Trout 23 Tubifiex barbatus 423, 451 Tubificids 108 Typha sp. 116 367 Protanypus forcipatus 192 Water striders 132 Subject Index Absolute accuracy, emergence sampling 190-193 Abundance 187, 191, 192, 197, 198, 199, 200, 228 Acclimation 449 Accuracy 4, 100, 270 emergence sampling see relative accuracy Artificial, streams substrates troughs Ash 392 190-193 rate measurement Age accuracy errors 190 Age analysis of embryos, value of 35 Age distribution, embryo population 32 of embryos, diurnal fluctuations 35 diurnal variation 33 effect on r 33 Age structure, variability 41 Aggregation, see spatial heterogeneity Alcohol 79, 108, 188, 189, 210 Algae, blue-green 166, 191, 345, 378 Allometric equation, algai growth 353 Altitude 240 Anaesthetization 343, 348, 372, 373 Analog-digital converter 242 Analysis, of covariance 332 of variance 292 general recommendations 302 nested one-way radiotracer techniques zooplankton 394 392 recommendations 394, 395 specific activity 393, 394 underestimates 393 use of unassimilable material retention 342 371 390 Associations 141, 147, 148 Autocorrelation 379 Average cohort method see size frequency method Average, mass 229 moving 281 running 281 Axis of variation 279 b see birth rate, instantaneous (i (beta) see finite birth rate 311 Balance sensitivity 300 245, 250 Basin morphometry 8, 199, 203 Beads and inorganic particles 360 ciliates 375 flavoured 360 glass beads 360 latex beads 360 Anatomical characteristics 32-33, 243 Anchoring techniques 169-170 ANOVA see analysis of variance Antenna, copepod 340 Aquaculture 3 Area measurement 23 Arithmetic probability paper 393 interpretation 394 limitations 391 338 11 393 incomplete labelling of food Algal community composition 336 Alkalinity 9 Allen curve method 23 Allochthonous, inputs 11, 205 materials 392 excretion of tracer fecal analysis 391 fecal pellets 391 6 mortality rate 390 394 assumptions direct 392 165, 206, 209, 215, 218, 219 Additivity 289, 290 Adult:exuviae ratios 141 Ash free dry weight 19, 392 Assimilation, definition 342 efficiency, definition 342 subsampling 279 Acridine orange 120, 375, 376 Acrylic sheet 143, 144, 146 101, 133, 134, 141, 142, 152 natural diatomite 360 plastic spheres 360 27, 283 485 Subject Index 486 Beads and inorganic particles—contd. problems and limitations 361 recommendations 361 sand 360 selection against 361 size distributions offered 361 size selection 361 surface charge 361 taste selection 361 Behavior, stream benthos 144, 14S, 146 Benthos, hard substrate 110-112, 161 macrophyte dwelling see phytomacrobenthos pond 10, 120 samplers, Benthos corer 94, 102, 136 bow wave effects 105, 220 box sampler 112, 132 corers 93-94,96,101,105,136 Ekman grab 89-93, 94, 96, 101, 103, 105, 149, 150 FBA corer 94 Franklin-Anderson 94 Gilson corer 94, 102 hard substrates 110-112 hydraulic 97,110,112 hydraulic closure 89 Kajak-type corers 105 Kajak-Brinkhurst corer Mackin corer 96 Marukawa 104 modifications 93.102.105 88-89 multiple corer 93,101-102,105 orange-peel grab 97 Petersen grab 94-96, 103 PONAR grab 94, 96, 97, 103 pressure wave effects 106 quadrats 112 redesign 121 relative accuracy see relative accuracy rock faces 110-112 Shipek 94,96 Shockwave 89 size 88,93,94,96,97,101, 104, 105,106 Smith-Mclntyre 94. 96. 97. 103 Benthos—contd. sampling, accuracy—contd. scuba divers 93,110,146,151 sediment depth 99 shallow water 89, 94 winter 93 sieving 97, 105 suspension feeding 339 Bias, ratios 134, 139, 389 Biological interactions, stream benthos 146, 147 Biomass 228, 229, 257 estimates, precision, 132, 133, 137, 147 229, 257, 258 estimation, comparison of techniques 260, 261 groups of species 259 integral 45 phytoplankton 9 relationship to production 5, 44-45 stream benthos 132, 133, 137, 147 Biovolumes 356 Birth rate 49 assumptions in measurement 32 conversion between finite and instantaneous 30-31 finite 29 instantaneous 27, 29, 30 example calculation 34-36 potential finite 34 recommended method of measuring 32-36 relative to population size 27 Blue-green algae 166, 191, 378 rejection of 345 Body, size 6, 7, 8, 42, 203 width 243 Brillouin's index 137 Bromophenol blue 253 Bubbling samples Budgets 4 C:N ratio 203 Cahn electrobalance substrate penetration see substrate penetration suction hose 112 Surber 112,132,133,134,148,149, 150, 151, 153 Camera lucida Carapace 339 Van Veen grab Carbon 19 Content 230, 253 91, 96, 97, 103, 104 sampling, accuracy 101-103, 107 and macrophytes 91 cobble bottoms 112 efficiency 105-106 precision 103-105,133,136,137,138,147 problems, remedy for regression estimation 120 112 253 245, 250 Caliper 242 Calorimetry 253 344 measurement 253 determination, accuracy 254 precision 254 sensitivity 253 Carbon dioxide 118, 253, 439-442 excretion 416, 439-442 145, Subject Index Carbon dioxide—contd. measurement Clutch size 8 Coefficient of determination 440-441 change in pH 440 infra-red analysis 440 radioisolope method 441 Carbonated water 343, 372, 373 Carnivores 8, 343 Carnivorous zooplankton 9 Carnoy fluid 110 Carrying capacity 6 Coefficient of variation 259 counting subsampling 353 360 Cellulose acetate butyrate 165, 168, 208 Census problem, zooplankton 59 266 density gradient 108, 250, 260-261 isopyenic gradient 250 Cephalothorax 243 Cerenkov radiation 368 Chambers, counting 255 sedimentation 255 Chemoreceptors 343 Chi-square lest 256, 270, 287, 289 goodness of fit 286, 287 homogeneity of samples 289 Chloral hydrate 348 Chlorophyll 386 Choice of sampler, benthos 87, 102, 120 emergent insects 162, 163, 197-199 general 12 stream benthos 147-148 zooplankton 60, 79 Choice of, transformation 291, 292 variable type 308 weighing technique 257-259 Cinematography, high speed 348 Clarke Bumpus sampler, improvements 76 instructions for use 81-83 see also zooplankton samplers Clearance rate see grazing rate 118 284 weight 245-246, 258, 259 Coefficients, orthogonal 304 Cohort 22, 228 identification 27, 46 population determination 24 production conversion to annual 24 44 Colonization, stream benthos 141 145, 148 Combining probabilities 312 Combustion, high temperature 253 Community structure, stream benthos 147 Comparative efficiency aw relative accuracy 163,206,211 Central tendency, indices of Centrifugation 62 256-257, 258 recognition Cell volume:dry weight conversion 229, 241, 257, 258, phytomacrobenthos see also electronic particle analysis Cell counts, skewed distribution 354 Cell fragments 358 Cell size modification 346 Celluloid 329 185, 199, 200, 201, 229, 254. 268, 279 biomass estimates Cartesian diver 421,435-438 Cell carbon:dry weight conversion 360 Cell chlorophyll:cell volume conversion 360 Cell count methods, agitation 353 algal growth 353 algal sedimentation 352 assumptions 350 counting algae 354 excretion by zooplankton problems 352 relative accuracy 382 rotifers, 375 487 Comparison of, means, important considerations 274 sample means and population means t-test 296 two independent means, t-test 297 two means, t-lest. heterogeneous variances 298 Comparisons, multiple planned multiple unplanned 303 of means 292 Compartmental analysis Competition 303 11, 336 stream benthos Composite samples, 439 146, 147 replicate 278 zooplankton 64 Compression, protozoans Computer packages Computer programs Cones 318 318 252 168, 169, 190,,212 213,214,217,219.220 Confidence interval 103, 133. 147. 153 245 250, 254, 271 on predicted values 239, 323 slope of a regression 322 Confidence limits 4, 272 Continuity correction 287 Control, use of II, 305 Converting subsamplcs to population estimates 280 Coprophagy 391 Correlation 140, 143. 327 and causation 314 coefficient 314. 328, 379 spearman rank 329 critical values 329 Cost effective aw efficiency Subject Index 488 Cost, emergence sampling 161. 163. 166, 168, 177, 197. 199, 216. 217 measurement of carbon 254 Coulter counter sec electronic particle 228 algae 354 cells, comparison 255 chambers 255 error 233 protozoans rotifers 255 samples 279 Dispersal 255 zooplankton 254 257 Covariance see analysis of covariancc Cross products 318 Crystal violet 343 Cumulative-weighing technique 251 141-145 267 see spatial heterogeneity Dissecting needle 244 Distribution, binomial 268 clumped 140, 147, 270 contagious 133, 140, 147, 270, 274, 279 determination of 140-141,283 homogeneous 255 horizontal, zooplankton 59 normal 268. 270, 271, 272, 273, 283, 297, 315 of difference data 301 of the data 268 Poisson 268. 270. 274, 289, 291, 292, 354. 358 random 255, 268, 279, 289 regular 292 Currency 2 Current velocity 10, 163 Curvilinear model 379 CV see coefficient of variation see also spatial heterogeneity skewed 267, 270 unknown Data, discontinuous Diversity 268 ranking 299 retrieval 243 smoothing 281 storage 243 transformation see transformation Death rate 49 instantaneous 27. 30 Defecation 342, 390 determination of 366 Density gradient centrifugation 108, 250 see also centrifugation Density, stream benthos 132. 138 139 Depth, 177. 183, 187.188, 197. 198. 199. 200. 201, 203, 209 Design, factorial 308. 309 mixed model 311 nested 308 paired data 301 see also sampling design 220, 221 Dry mass 19 ash-free 19 Dry weight 19, 230, 232-233. 244-245 Drying time 245 Drying zooplankton 245, 250 Dunnett's test 305 Duration of size classes see development time Dyes and stains 107 Eclosion 162, 187, 194, 195 Ecosystem stability 10 Effects, fixed 311 main 311 random 311 Efficiency, counting samples 229 emergence sampling 162. 172. 185, 190-195, 199 308 Detrilivores 8 Detritus 143 Development rate, feeding stages Difference data, distribution of 59 11, 132, 136-138, 147 Drift 134, 143-145, 152, 177, 179, 220 sampling 134, 143-145, 152, 177. 179, discrete 268 processing 243 in situ determination 51 variation with temperature Development time 42 egg 28-29 estimation 50-51 total 43 279 vertical, zooplanklon d see death rate, instantaneous two-way 246 Dispersion, indices analysis. Counting Digestion, differential 344 Dimensions, for volume estimation measurement of 240, 242-243 49. 51 see accuracy, relative accuracy see also sampling effort Egg development, rate and temperature 28-29 thermal statification 33 time, temperature 8, 50, 64 Egg, membranes 51 mortality 34-36 rotifers 37 50 301 population 32 Subject Index Egg, membranes—could. Emergence, arctic—contd. sampling, accuracy—contd. production 8, 10, 19 instantaneous rate 36 sac frequency of emptying 172,218,219 interpretation 169, 179, 187, 190, 197, 51 Egg ratio method 29 Electivity see food selectivity Electrical sorting 108 200, 202, 203 techniques Electrobalance 245, 250. 251 Electrode (oxygen), membrane covered 422, 425, 427, 428, 430-432 dropping mercury 423, 427, 430 Electron transport system activity, respiratory 416. 444. 445 Electronic digitizer 23 Electronic particle analysis 346, 352, 353, 355, 385 accuracy 357 advantages 356 apparent food selection 358 calibration 356 cell destruction 357 ciliates 345 computer simulation 359 data selection 359 fecal pellets 358 357 Embryos counting 33 Emergence, arctic 189. 195. 196 asynchronous 195 diel periodicity 196 diurnal variation 182.196,197 195-197 prediction of 203-205 sampling, accuracy 190-195, 198 arctic 184, 195, 196 bottle size 166, 184, 188 catch loss 172, 188, 195 debris 192 203 temperature 195, 196 162, 184, 188, 189, 190, trap saturation 184, 185 winter 170, 171 seasonal, computations 202, 203 studies, history 161, 190 importance of 161, 197, 205 design 197-203 synchronized 195, 196, 197 temperature 189, 190, 195, 196 traps, anchoring 169-170 176, 177, 179, 215 baffles 179,188,189.190,194, 206, 207, 208,211,212,213,217.218,219 163, 177, 215-217 box 177, 179, 182, 191, 193, 194, 206, 210-213,215,217-220 characteristics of sampling chamber 162, 188, 189, 190, 194 clogging 166, 184, 188, 191 cone see emergence traps, funnel construction 167-169,205-221 cost 161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 177, 197, 199,216.217 depth of placement 183, 184, 187, 190 209 32-36 patterns of 171, 189, 198, 200, 201, 202 163, 177 185, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202 162, 187, 188, 189. 190. 191, recommendations 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 194, 197, 198, 199 shallow water 172-177, 187. 197.200. cage 357 particle size modification 358 principle 355 recommendations 359 relative accuracy 382 sieves 359 sources of error 357 uncritical use 355 very small cells 356 Ellipses 251 Embryonic development 28 stages long-term mesh size precision predation at water's edge food selection experiments high cost 489 177. 179. 216, 220 depth of placement 187, 199, 200 example problem 199-203 exuviae 162. 163, 172, 173, 179, 181, 188, 190, 205-214, 217. 218, 220 float colonization 171,186,187 fluctuating water level 177. 218, 219 designs 163-181,205-221 entrance baffle 179, 188-190. 194. 206-208, 211-213. 217-319 floating 163,172.177,179,182,186, 193. 194, 196. 205-207. 211,212, 217-219 floats 171, 186, 187 flowing waters 177-181,215-221 for rocky shores 177 funnel *161, 166-169, 173, 182-194, 199, 200,207-209,211-214.217 greenhouse 177, 189. 195. 216, 217 hose 187, 209 ideal characteristics 162,163 lead weights 169 mesh size 163, 177, 179, 206, 215, 217, 219.221 opacity: efficiency 182, 183. 184 Subject Index 490 Emergence, arctic—contd. traps, anchoring—contd. pool 177, 179 preservatives in 188, 189, 190, 210 pyramid 163, 177, 179, 184, 185, 188, 191, 194, 205, 206, 209, 210, 216, 218-210 recovery of insects 163, 172. 173, 177, 187, 188, 189, 205-220 relative accuracy see relative accuracy riffle 177 selective 179 shallow water 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 209-215 size 166, 172, 184, 185, 199, 200 sources of error 181-191 stabilization 169, 170, 179, 208, 210, 214, 217, 219 staked 172,182,193,211,212,218 submerged 163, 166,167, 168, 172,182. 185-194, 196, 207-209, 213, 214 tent 161, 163, 177, 179, 188, 205, 210, 214-218 tilting 186 transparency turbulence 165, 166, 182-184. 194 217 Emergent vegetation 162, 172, 174, 209-211 Empirical relationship 182, 203-205 Energy 2, 3, 19, 342 336, 395 transfer Engineers F-tesl 300 Fashion, scientific 46 Fatigue in microscopy 242 Fecal, analysis 343 pellets 391 Feeding and grazing measurement, age of food 381 appendage movement 341, 347 behavioral studies 345 carbon content 360 cell counts 349, 374 change in food concentration chlorophyll 360 ciliates 375 2, 336, 395 121 348 comparison of methods 382, 383. 385. 386 crowding 379 dissections 343 dry weight 360 dyes and particles 347 electron microscopy 343 energy errors 360 379 ethology 349 experimental artifacts 379 fecal pellet 345 fluorescence analysis 345 gut contents 344 Enumeration see counting gut enzymes 345 Environmental impact gut passage time laboratory 349 Entomological aspirator 163, 206. 210 107, 137, 143, 148 Epifluorescence microscopy 120 Epilithic benthos 87 Equations, length:weight 232, 233. 234-237 see also length:weight conversion Equitability 137 Equivalent spherical diameter Excretion 342 Expected frequency distribution 288 23 145 285, 287. 361 342 342 photocells 348 recommendations rotifers Error 133, 136, 138 allowable 273 propagation 47,233,238-241,261 Evenness 137 Excess production hypotheses microscopical morphological regurgitation 356 Erwin loops 347 Estimates of produciion. improvement of Ethanol 79,118,368 349 cinematography 194 vandalism 163, 170 vents 163, 173, 214, 219, 220 weather 162, 163, 191, 196 Emergent insects, protection 162, 163, 179, 184. 188-190, 194, 205, 211. 216. now Experiments, stream benthos 140-141, 143-144, 147, 148 Exponential equations for population growth 30, 31 Extensive sampling 198 Exuviae 162, 163, 172, 173, 179, 181, 184. 188, 190, 205-214, 217, 218, 220 contribution to production 52 381, 387, 395 344 375 see also beads and inorganic particles see also cell count methods see also electronic particle analysis see also gut passage time see also predation rate see also radiotraccr techniques staining 343 starvation 379 stroboscope 348 survey of experimental conditions 381 Subject Index Feeding and grazing measurement—contd. utility of measures 395 vessel size 379, 383 videotape 348 Feeding and grazing rates browsing 374, 388 dipterous larvae 374 effect of, age 377 body-size 377, 387 container volume crowding 8, 376 387 food food food food light pH sex 387 cell size 377, 387 concentration 379, 387 quality 377,378,381 size 377. 378 376 oxygen 376 temperature 376, 387 egg-bearing animals 377 377 food availability 388 predaceous zooplankton 374 prediction 387 selectivity 388 taxonomic differences 383 Feeding, discontinuous 346 raptorial 339 rate, definition 337 statistics of 354 community 372 selective 344 zoobenthos 339 Field estimates of feeding and grazing apparatus 371 62-63 3 Fixed variables see variables Fixing see preservation Flight 184, 188, 197, 207 Float colonization 171,186 Floats 169,170-172,186,187,205,209-212, 2)5,217,218,220,221 winter 171, 172 Flow rate 10 Fluorescent, dyes 120 stains 120,371,375,376 Food availability 9, 49 Food, groove 339 preference 344 zooplankton 377 production 8 377 377 ephippiate animals Filtering rate see grazing rate Filtration rate see grazing rate Filtration, selective 259, 260 Filtration, zooplankton samples Fine hairs 251 Finite birth rate 31 usual measurement 31-32 Fish 3, 113, 162, 187, 188, 190 dynamics 3 production, prediction of stocks 336, 338 yield 3 387 experiment duration 491 quality 8, 9 selection 346, 357 selectivity, comparison of techniques disadvantages of indices recommended index zooplankton 388 389 size, zooplankton see feeding and grazing 370 rates supply 49 Forage ratio 389 electronic cell counts 370 fluorescent stains 371 Gliwicz's technique 371 Formaldehyde 33, 78-79, 108, 109, 118, 188, 189, 243, 252, 372 gut contents Formalin see formaldehyde Formulae, volume 247-249 Freezing benthos samples 108 Frequency-of-use, benthos samplers benthos samplers:sediment 99 374 Haney's technique 342, 372 importance of 370 limitations 372 littoral animals 372, 373 microscopic cell counts multiple foods 372 on bacteria 370 370 periphytic material 374 radiotracer techniques relative accuracy 386 370, 372 Film, photographic 144, 146, 347 Filter basket 339 Filter funnel, zooplankton 63 Filter-feeding, rarity of 337 Filtering, appendages 339, 340 chamber 339 currents 339 388 389 health hazard Fresh weight 109 87, 88 320 preserved weight differences 244 :dry weight conversion, rotifers 246 Functional relationship 314 Functional response Furcal rami 243 379 Gauld's equation 350 Gauze see zooplankton nets GeigerM tiller counter 363, 368 dual isotope experiments 369 Gelatinous sheaths 245 Subject Index 492 Generations see voltinism Geometric formulae 246, 251 Geometrical, approximations 246 Homogeneity of variance, Bartlett's test F-test maximum F-ratio test formulae 246 Glass fiber filter 259,260 Glucose 342 Glycerine 110,210 Glycerol 343 Gradient diver 437 Gradients, sampling 198, 278 Grazing, pressure 336 rate, as mortality of algae 390 definition efficiency of tests spatial variation Homogeneous variances 332 Homoscedasticity see variance homogeneity Horizontal gradients 198, 278 Human activity, effects of 4 Hynes method see size frequency method Hyperbolic curve 379 Hyporheic zone 136,150 Hypotheses 1,4, II, 12,46,336 350 IBP see International Biological Programme Ice 170-173, 183, 196 In situ studies (respiration) 456, 457 Incipient limiting food concentration 350, 351, 352 Independent tests of significance, 372 temporal variation 372 see also feeding see also suspension feeding species-specific rate 338 Growth 26,41-42 constant rate 37 curve 43 effect on production estimation combining 171 Infra-red gas analyzer 253, 419, 422, 440 26,41-42, exponential 26, 37 functions 45 Growth increment summation method 23, 37,43 assumption in 49 example 48 see also production calculation Growth rate 6, 8, 28, 37, 49 instantaneous 38 laboratory measurement 37 65, 68 Integration, numerical approximation Interaction terms 311 Interactions, first order 311 Habitat 366, 367 366 147, 161, 163, 172, 173, 177, 187, 195, 198, 199, 202, 205, 209, 240 Habits, stream benthos 147 Heat gun 169 Heat production 416, 417 Helmets 243 Herbivores 8, 243 Heteroscedasticity see variance, heterogeneous Hill's ratio 138 Histogram, frequency 283 Homogeneity of sampling variances 202 International Biological Programme 2, 19 Intersetule distance, irrelevance 341 Intuitive development of turnover method 344 366 temperature 350 see also feeding rate Insect samplers, terrestrial 161 Instantaneous growth rate method 37-38,137 see also production, calculation Instantaneous rate of change of population 27,30 Gut passage time 366 body size 366, 367 food concentration 366 taxonomic differences Ingestion rate 108 effect of food concentration Integrated samples 51 Gut contents, interpretation 312 Industrial banding 137, 139 techniques 293 295 337 effect of food concentration field application 338 rates, community 372 natural 295 293 39 Investigator differences, microscopy Isopropanol 108 Isotope cost 363 Isotopes see radiotracer techniques Ivlev model 379 Ivlev's index 389 Kahle's fluid 110 Killing see preservation Kolmogorov-Smirnov, statistic test, goodness of fit 286 Krogh's curve 292 32 450,451 Labor see efficiency Laboratory streams 143, 144, 146 242 Subject Index Labrum 339, 340 Latitude 171, 195, 196, 202, 240 Lead weights 89,169,171,172 Leaky sieve concept 343 Least significant difference (LSD) 240 Least squares estimation 314 linear fit see regression Length measurement 240, 242-243 precision 239, 240 Length:weight conversion 43, 47, 108, 230, 232-233, 234-237 benthos 47, 108, 230 see also equations, length:weight Life cycles, benthos 107 Life history 6,161,198 stream benthos 137, 139-140 Life-span 6 Light 182,188,205 Liquid scintillation counter Cerenkov radiation chemoluminescence 363, 373 368 368 digestion 368 tissue solubilizer 368 Literature survey, experimental conditions 381 weighing techniques 230 Littoral zone 7, 11, 197, 202, 203 Logarithmic, curve 379 mean 39,49 Lugol's iodine 252, 368 Macrophyte, articulation 118 beds 11 density 116,118,205 mass, relation to benthos density surface area 119 weight 119 Mallory's triple stain 344 Malthus 6 118 Management of aquatic resources 2, 3, 4 Mandibles 339 carinate 343 grinding 343 Mandibular palps, copepods 340, 341 Manipulation, stream benthos 140-141, 143-144, 147, 148 Mann-Whitney test Mass 299 233 see also weight Mastication 338 Material transfer 2, 395 Mating success 195 Maxillae 339, 340 Maxillipeds 339,340 Mean, arithmetic 266, 268, 272, 273, 289 geometric 232, 267 493 Mean, arithmetic—contd. harmonic 267 logarithmic 39, 49 population 274 weighted 275 Means, comparison of, see comparison Median 267 Meiobenthos see microbenthos Mercuric chloride 252 Mesh size, emergence traps 163, 177, 179, 206, 215, 217, 219, 221 see also sieve size zooplankton filtration 63 zooplankton samplers 77-78 Methyl cellulose 348 Methyl violet b 343 Mettler Microbalance 245, 250 Microbalance 246, 250, 253 Microbenthos, constituents 119 importance 120 samplers, grabs 120 size 120 small diameter corers 120 suction 119-120 sieve size 119-120 Microcomputer 242 Micrometer, stage 240 Microscope, compound 255 dissecting 240, 244, 255 inverted 255 inverted compound 240 Migrations, insects 191, 195, 197 Mineral cycling 336 Mode 267 Morphometry 11, 199, 203 Mortality 26, 38, 40. 41, 42, 43 algal 355 and production estimation 38, 44 curve 44 effect on production estimates 26 exponential 26 functions 45 increment 43 insects 187, 188, 189, 191, 195 summation 23 Mortality summation method, assumption in 49 Mouth parts, zooplankton Moving average MS 222 339 281 348 Multiple regression see regression Multivariate hypotheses, use of average experimental conditions 11, 381 Multivoltine see voltinism Narcotization 246, 252, 344, 366 comparison of techniques 344 Subject Index 494 Narcotization—contd. natural zooplankton 371 see also anaesthetization Percentage composition stream benthos 134 Newman-Keuls method Nitrogen 19 Non-randomness 256 Philosophers of science 1 Photomicrography 252 Non-normality Percentage data 305 77 291 Photosynthesis 289 Nonparametric, analysis of variance 300 correlation analysis 329 test 299 Normal distribution see distribution Number, of individuals 229 of samples 47,270,273 for given precision 133, 139-140, 153, 273 see also replicate samples Nylon net, adherence of zooplankton 64 203 Phototaxis, insects 182, 188 Physiology 7, 342 Phytomacrobenthos 87,112-119 samplers, aluminium drums efficiency 116 Gerking 115 Macan 115-116 macrophyte specific 118 McCauley 116 mesh bags 115 Minto nets 115 116 119 plastic bags Observation boxes, stream benthos 144, 145-146 Observation chambers, zooplankton 346, 347 Observation, stream benthos 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 Ocular micrometer 240 Open-flow respirometer 417, 419, 423, 426-429 Optimal foraging 336 Optimal sampling for stratified design 198, 199, 275 Ordination 146 Organic matter content, sediments 10 Outliers 267 Oxycaloric equivalents 438 Oxygen 8, 9 consumption 416-438 determination, ceriometric electrodes 430-432 430 photometric end-point detection Winkler method 429, 430 partial pressure 432 P/B 430 5-6, 7, 8 factors affecting 44 in estimating production method, limitations 44 prediction of 45 Paired comparisons, t-test 44 301 Paired tests, advantages 303 Parameters, difference between actual and estimated 267 Particle size modification 358 Particulate matter clogging nets 64 Patchiness see spatial heterogeneity Patterns of discrete variables 270 115, 119 plastic boxes 115 plastic chambers 119 pond net 113 quadrat 115 selectivity 115 Shapovalova & Vologdin size 116 116 special problems 116 tubes 115 sampling, accuracy 118-119 effort 118 macrophyte specific 118 regression technique 117 Phy tomicrobenthos 113-115 Phytoplankton, biomass 240, 260, 381 competition 388 production 203-205 succession 388 tube sampler 260 Pilot survey 273, 278 Pipette, automatic stempel 254, 255 254 Planimeter 23 Plankton chambers 255 Planned comparisons, multiple 303 Plastic foam 171, 186 Plastics 163, 165-168, 171, 182, 186, 206, 208-221 degradation by sunlight properties of 165, 167 Poisson distribution 258 see also distribution Poisson series 256 165, 168 Polarized light 344 Polarographic oxygen sensors Pollen 430-432 166 Pollution, detection of 2, 3-4 Polyethylene film 163, 182, 208, 209, 211, 213,216,218 Subject Index Polypropylene foam 171 Polystyrene 171, 186, 209, 218,221 Polyvinyl lactophenol 343 Pond net calibration 115 Pooled samples 277 Population, density 7 dynamics, benthos 107 estimates, inaccurate 87 growth 30-31 statistics 46 Power curve 379 Precision 100, 116, 273 biomass estimates rate, considerations 375 determination 374, 375 errors 375, 376 field measures 376 partial ingestion 375 saturation 195 Predator prey interactions 144, 145-146, 147, 336 Predators 143, 144, 145-146, 147, 189, 190 Prediction 314 number of replicate samples 106 of dry weight 232 of feeding rates 336, 387 of grazing rates 387 of insect emergence 203-205 use of regression 324 Predictions of feeding rales 387 Preliminary sampling, stream benthos 140, 147 Preliminary survey see pilot survey Preservation, algae for feeding experiments 354 benthos 108-110 concentration 107,244 destruction 252 distortion 33, 78, 109, 252, 343 egg bearing animals egg loss 78 freezing increment summation method 42, 43, 48 instantaneous growth method tracer loss 23, 38, 37-38 mortality summation method 23, 137 see also growth increment summation, size frequency method simplified methods 42 estimation, example for recognizable cohorts 46-49 for population in steady state, example 49-54 improvement of 23 required data 46, 47, 54 simplified methods 42, 46 insect 197 of eggs 19 of newborns 19 primary 9, 203 relationship to biomass 5, 44-45 secondary, definition 1, 19 importance of 2 principle of calculation 19-22 relation to alkalinity 9 relation to nutrient conditions 9 theoretical justification for research 2 stream benthos 132,136-137,138-139, 145, 146, 147, 148 to biomass ratio see P/B Profundal zone 197 enrichment 11 Programmable calculator 318 Prolate spheroids 251 Proportional data 291 Protandry 196 Protozoan biomass, accuracy and precision 252 Protozoans, concentration of 62 counting 256 mass determination 251-252 preservation 252-253 staining 253 448, 449 Qualitative studies 181, 182, 190, 198 Quartz combustion tube 253 244 368 weight loss 33, 108, 243, 244 zooplankton 78, 243-244, 252-253 328 calculation, for mixtures of species 42 from turnover in numbers 38-39 Q10 188, 189, 207, 210, 212, 214 time Product moment correlation coefficient Production 33 108, 244 in emergence traps Preservative, concentration of 109-110, 189, 252 Probabilities, combination of 312 Probability paper 27, 283 257-259 counting 256-257 necessary in counting 257-258 phytomacrobenthos samplers 119 stream benthos 133, 136, 137, 138, 147, 153 weight determination 233, 245-246, 251 Predation 10, 32, 33, 41 and emergence 162,187,188,189, 190-192 on egg bearing females 32, 33 495 r see correlation coefficient r see rate of population increase 496 Subject Index r-square see coefficient of determination Radiation, solar 10 Radioactive tracer, kinetics 39 Radiotracer techniques 352, 362 acclimation advantages 365 362 assimilation 364, 392 assumptions 362 calculations 362 choice of isotope 363 cost 363 counting precision disadvantages errors 364 362 365, 368 Geiger-M tiller vs. scintillation gut passage time 366 history 363 362 Regression 10, 23, 47, 314 alternatives to 325 assumptions of 315 and correlation 328 Bartlett's three-group method bias 47, 232, 379 calculations 318 coefficients 332 significance 320 comparison of 332 comparison of types 327 correction log: log 232 exponential decay 331 exponential growth 331 functional 118,325 geometric mean 325 graphical techniques 315 labelling food 364 labelling natural food 364 limitations 369 long-term 387 long-term vs. short-term 363 loss of tracer 368 multiple isotopes 363, 368, 374 precision 362 intercept relative accuracy nonlinear 382 removal of animals 365 respiration 441,442 rinsing animals 365 rotifers 375 safety 363, 364 see also liquid scintillation counting self-absorption 363 specific activity of food 364 stopping feeding 365 tracer excretion 363 washing food cells 365 Random distribution 254-255, 268 see also distribution Random number table Random sampling 270 136, 147, 198, 199, 270, 277 Randomized block design 303 Randomness in subsampling 256 Range 267 Rankit method 284 Raptorial selection 341 Rate of population increase 8 Ratio population estimates 278 Ratios, statistical problems 354, 389 Recommendations, assimilation rate measurement 394, 395 feeding and grazing measurement 381, 387, 395 lengthtweight regressions 240, 244 statistical analysis 333 weighing techniques 251 Rectilinear model 379 325, 326 318 intercept testing 323 length -weight 232-233, 234-237, 259 linear 36, 314 model 1 239, 314 model II multiple 315, 325 7,314,387 linear 330 331 polynomial 331 population estimates 278 precision 243 residual variation 319 slope 318 standard linear 314 use in prediction 232-233, 234-237, 243, 324 with common slope 332 Relative accuracy, benthic pyramid trap 194 benthos corer 94 benthos samplers 101 box traps 182, 189, 193, 194, 195 Clarke Bumpus sampler corers 76-77 94, 96, 101 Ekman grab 90, 96, 97, 101 emergence traps 182, 193-195 feeding and grazing measurement funnel traps Gilson corer 382 185, 187, 189, 193, 194 94 hard bottom samplers 112 hydraulic samplers 97 phytomacrobenthos samplers 119 PONAR grab 96, 97 Smith-Mclntyre grab 96, 97 stream emergence traps 194, 195 submerged traps 185, 187, 189, 193-195 surface traps 185,189,193-195 Van Veen grab 96, 97 weighing techniques 251 zooplankton bottles 64 zooplankton pump samplers 68 Subject Index Relative accuracy, benthic pyramid trap— contd. zooplankton samplers 60, 68 zooplankton traps 65 zooplankton tube samplers 68 Removal-summation method 23, 137 see also production, calculation Replicate samples 88,103,105.106,257, 268 benthos 88, 103, 105, 106 emergent insects 198, 199 non-normal distributions 274 number necessary 62, 106, 133, 147-148, 199 stratified random sampling 199, 276 stream benthos 133,139-140,153 too few 120, 273 too many 273 zooplankton 61-62, 257 Residual, mean square 232 variance 104 variation see regression Respiration 51 egg 51 Respiration rate 390 effects of activity 447 body-size 445-447 conversion factors 444 crowding and container size diel rhythms 447 food 453,454 hydrostatic pressure 456 light 454 455 oxygen tension 450-453 pH 455 temperature 448-450 water current 454-455 general 414, 415 interspecific comparisons transport 110 Sampler attraction, benthos 101 avoidance, benthos 101 zooplankton 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 72 Samplers see listing by fauna, e.g. benthos, emergent insects, stream benthos, phytomacrobenthos, zooplankton Samples, composite 278 pooled 277,278 Sampling, design 47, 270 effort, benthos 93, 106 effort see also efficiency intensity and population density 244 random 198, 270 ratio estimates 278 regression estimates 278 spatial gradients 278 strategies for insect emergence 197-203 stratified random 198, 199, 275 systematic 198,277 variability 62, 233 Scheffe's test 307 Scintillation see liquid scintillation counter Searching rate see grazing rate Sedgewick Rafter cell 255 processing 419, 457-460 in situ 456, 457 open-flow systems 426-429 oxygen consumption 417-438 432-435 105 very fluid 94 Sedimentation 62, 203 chamber 255 Sediments 87, 97-100, 110, 203 Selectivity, zooplankton food 388 zooplankton samplers 68 Self-purification 4 Separation of phytoplankton and zooplankton 259-261 Sestonic carbon 386 Setae 338, 339 guard 343 plumose 343 442, 443 Rhodamine b 107, 376 Rinsing zooplankton 245 Rotifer populations, production calculations 37 mass estimation 283 emergent insects 162, 198, 199 see also replicate samples weight determination 250, 251 Sample, storage 110 see also substrate choice of method 415 'closed bottle' vs. open-flow 424 closed systems 424-426 CO2 excretion 439-442 direct calorimetry 416.417 •divers' 435-438 volumetric Sample size, determination of distribution Sediment, compression 105 organic matter content 10 penetration 10, 99 measurement units 420, 444 RQ (respiratory quotient) Rheotaxis 68 497 246-251 spiny 343 Settling rale, zooplankton Setules 338 Sewage treatment 4 Sex ratio 268 Shannon indices 137 Shotgun approach 330 255 Subject Index 498 Sieve size, benthos sampling 107 microbenthos 119, 120 Sieving, benthos samples 105, 106-108 Simpson index 137 Size classes 288 arbitrary 43 Size of samples 273 Size structure, zooplankton 60 Size-frequency method 42, 137 history of debate 42 limitations of 43 Smoothing data 281 stream benthos Sorting, benthos samples see sieving samples stream benthos 148, 150 zooplankton 244, 260, 261 Spatial discontinuities see spatial heterogeneity Spatial distribution 64 benthos 47, 88, 103, 107 box drift grabs 133, 136, 139, 140-141, 147, 150 zooplankton 59, 62, 68, 76 Spatial variability see spatial heterogeneity Species richness 137 Specific, activity 393, 394 stains 120 Spheres 251 Square counting 23 Stability 10 Staining zooplankton 343, 344, 376 Standard deviation 267, 268, 272. 275, 276 301 of ratios 364 Standard error 47, 103, 274, 277, 304 difference between means 297 finite population correction 272 of differences 301 of the mean 271,272,298 weighted, finite population correction 275 weighted mean 275 Standing crop (biomass or numbers) 197, 203 stream benthos 132, 149 134, 140, 141, 147 corers 136, 149, 150, 151 Dendy 134 depth limitations 151 design 132, 147, 148 zooplankton 64 Spatial heterogeneity 336 benthos 88, 103, 117, 169, 185, 199, 200, 201, 202 indices 137-138 phytomacrobenthos 118 of differences 132, 133, 136-137, 144. 147 Starvation 344, 348 Statistical analysis, recommendations stream benthos 133,136-137 Statistical packages, use of 318 Statistics, descriptive 266 151 cages 33 stream benthos 136 zooplankton 64-65, 68 Stream-bed modifications 4 Stream benthos samplers, airlift Allan grab 149,151 bias 134, 139 utility 281 Sonification 107, 394 of eggs Steady state populations 23 production of 36 Stone size 112 Stones see benthos sampling, cobble bottoms STP (standard temperature and pressure), 420,444 Stratified sampling 112, 198, 199 benthos 112 333 Hess 134, 143-145, 152 149, 150, 151 149, 151 kick 133, 149, 151 mesh size 150 netted 133, 149, 150, 151, 152 shovel 149, 150 size 149, 150, 152 standardized travelling kick method (STKM) suction 151 Surber 133 132, 133, 134, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153 tapered mesh bags 141 variable penetration 136, 150, 151 Stream benthos sampling, backwash 143, 149, 150, 151 comparative 148 current 151, 152 disruption of substrate 149, 152, 221 in vegetation 152 interval 137, 139-140, 147 investigator differences 133, 148, 151 mesh size 139. 143, 147 methodology 132, 147-148 mixed substrate 151 objectives 147 precision program 133, 136, 137, 138, 147 132, 147-148 rules 147-148 sample size 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139-140, 147-148 SCUBA 146, 151 standardized 148 stony substrate 138-139,151 temperature transects washout 152 139, 140 149 Subject Index Streams, artificial 143, 144, 146 Student's t-test 233, 272, 273, 296, 298, 301,305,321,322,323 Studentized Newman-Keuls method Studentized range 306 30S Subsampling 254-255, 279 a subsample 256 accuracy 279 large organisms 279 Substrate, and sampler choice 97 habitable 138, 139 particle size 10 penetration, benthos samplers 97-100 corers 94 Ekman grab 90, 96 Peterson grab 96 quality 8, 10 see also sediment unconsolidated 87 variable penetration 97-99, 136, 138-139 Succession 2 Sugar flotation 107 Sugar-Formalin see preservation Sum of squares 267, 318 Surface area 11,138-139 Suspension feeding, contemporary view, 340 mechanism 338 see also grazing traditional view 338, 340 Swimming legs, copepods 499 Timing of emergence 195, 196, 197, 202 Toxic wastes 4 Transect sampling 198 Transformation 256, 270, 298 and zero values 291 angular 291 arcsine 291 Box and Cox method 290 checking 290 choice of 291,292 determination of 290 fourth root 292 logarithmic 291,292 of difference data 303 reason for 289 square-root 291,292 stream benthos 140 Taylor's method 290, 291 Tukey's method 290 unsuccessful 299 Traps, insect emergence see emergence traps Trends with time, smoothing 281 Trophic status 7-8, 42 Trophic-dynamics 2, 3, 4 Tungsten needles 251 Turnover of biomass 38 Turnover of numbers 38 Twin-flow respirometer 428 340 Swirling flask 254 Systematic sampling, disadvantages stream benthos 136, 139 277 Ultrasonic treatment 107 Ultraviolet illumination 120 Univoltine see voltinism Urosome 243 Taxonomy 7-8, 161, 198 Taylor's power law see transformation Technology, new Temperature Variability, insect emergence 261 8, 50, 240 and emergence sampling 162, 184, 188, 189, 190, 195, 196 combustion 253 cycles and production estimation 50 differential effect on embryonic stages 33 drying zooplankton 245, 250 Temporal patterns of emergence 195-197, 200, 201 Terminal claw 243 Theories ecological 259 general 336 of biological production 199, 200, 201. 202, 205 2, 4 Thermal pollution 3-4 Thermal stratification 33 Thigmoreceptors 343 Thoracic legs, copepods 340 Time-specific analysis 27-28 long-term 200, 201, 202 stream benthos samples 132-133, 148 Variable type, choice of 308 Variables, continuous dependent 314 discontinuous 268 fixed 308 268 independent 314 random 308 Variance 256, 267, 270, 273, 274, 289 benthos samples 88, 104 emergence samples 185, 198, 199, 200, 201,202 equal 275 estimated mean weight 233 grazing rate estimates 358 heterogeneity of 289 heterogeneous, consequences of 298 Subject Index 500 Variance—contd. homogeneity see also homogeneity homogeneous 292, 297, 315, 332 length 259 of weight estimates 232 stabilization 291 to mean ratio weighted 270, 289 298 weighted average 292, 298 zooplankton samples 62 Vegetation 162, 163, 172, 195, 198 see also macrophyte Vertical, distribution benthos 99, 203, 208 gradients 198, 278 Viscosity of water 340 Viscous media 343 Vitamin B 12 342 Voltinism 6, 43. 45, 46 Volume, calculations 243, 246, 252 determinations, for mass 247-249, 251 estimation 240, 247-249, 252 mass determination 251 Volume: fresh weight conversion 246 Volumes, calculation 252 Volumetric technique, accuracy and precision, 251 Water temperature and production estimation Wave action 50 162, 163, 169, 170, 172, 186, 187, 184, 199 Weighing, accuracy 245 counter-balance technique 245 for area measurement 23 pan weight 245 precision 245 zooplankton 244-245, 250-251 Weight, copepodites 51 determination, sample size 250, 251 eggs 51 estimates, precision increment 51 male 53 nauplii 51 preservation effects 233, 238-241, 258 243-244 see also mass Weight: length conversion Wind action 162, 169, 172, 196, 199, 218 Winter float 171 Zooplankton, as automata behaviour 347 biomass 381 constraint 346 counting 254-257 feeding, biased description browsing 346, 388 see also length:weight conversion Weight-specific respiration rate 445, 446, 458, 459 Weighted sampling, zooplankton 64-65, 68 Wet oxidation 253 Wet weight 230 Wet weight:dry weight conversion 230 Whipple disc 240 Wilcoxon rank sum test 299 Wilcoxon signed-rank test 303, 313 349 currents 347 detritus 355 direct interception 340 effect of crowding 354 electrostatic impaction 340 gravitational deposition 340 inertial impaction 340 motile particle deposition 340 scavenging 346 see also feeding selective observations 349 nets, characteristics of fabric 72 clogging 72, 74 filtration efficiency 72 flow meters 74 mesh size 72-74 selectivity 72 shape and structure 72 volume filtered by 74 observation, light conditions 347 prey selection 341 removal from water samples 62 samplers, Apstein net 70 avoidance 59-60, 260 bottles 61 Clarke Bumpus 64, 74 improvements 76 instructions for use 81-83 direction of approach 62 Friedinger bottle 64, 68, 78 Hardy 78 Henson net 70 high-speed 78 Juday net 68, 70 Motada 78 net hauls 230,233, 234-237 349 64, 259, 260 opaque 62 Patalas trap plankton nets 68-69 69-74 plankton traps 65 pumps 65-69 operation of 69 quick closure of 62 relative accuracy see relative accuracy Ruttner bottle 64, 68-69 Schindler trap 64, 65, 77-78 transparent 62 Subject Index Zooplankton, as automata—contd. samplers, Apstein net—contd. tube 65-69 77 vertical net hauls 64 sampling, and phytoplankton large lakes 69 Zooplankton, as automata—could. sampling, and phytoplankton—conid. shallow water Van Dorn bottle in rivers 501 64 small lakes sensing motion 79 taste 67 64 343 343 weighing see weighing Zooplanktophagology 395