City of Cape Town Business Satisfaction Survey 2013/14 © TNS Introduction © TNS Background The City of Cape Town wishes to measure its performance over time in terms of service delivery to businesses in the City. The City of Cape Town also wishes to identify which services businesses consider to be priority areas for delivery. TNS has conducted this research in 2007/8, 2008/9, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14. The methodology employed in this study (TRI*M) allows the City to identify areas that businesses consider to be priority. The TRI*M methodology has been used by 80 of the Fortune 100 companies across all sectors of the economy (including the public sector). It is the world’s leading measure of delivery. © TNS 3 Project design Focus Groups Focus groups Residents Household survey Business Business survey Understand, investigate, probe Quantify, rate, score Quantify, rate, score Residents: 4 focus groups 05 December 2013 (x2) 09 December 2013 10 December 2013 Sample size: 3000 Sample size: 700 Business: 2 focus groups 02 December 2013 03 December 2013 Residents of 8 specified districts Face-to-face interviews In field from 3 October 2013 – 21 November 2013 Sourced list of registered businesses in Cape Town CATI (Computer Assisted Telephonic Interviews) In field from 31 October 2013 – 03 December 2013 TRI*M analysis to identify priority areas of future action for the City and to measure performance relative to previous year across a number of service areas © TNS The ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of the business survey Business perception and satisfaction survey Quantitative research design Telephonic survey (CATI) 37-minute questionnaire in English Evaluate the current level of service provided; understand the future needs of businesses; inform the development planning agenda for the City of Cape Town ? ? Who Businesses within the City of Cape Town Total sample 700 Precision at total level <5% Sufficient sub-bases for statistical analysis Sourced list of registered businesses in Cape Town Respondents randomly selected off lists Respondent required to be in a position to provide feedback on service delivery In field from 31 October 2013 – 03 December 2013 When © TNS 5 Statistics In statistics, a result is called statistically significant if it is unlikely to have occurred by chance. A 95% confidence interval has been used. SIGNIFICANT INCREASE FROM 2012/13 IS INDICATED BY: SIGNIFICANT DECREASE FROM 2012/13 IS INDICATED BY: SIGNIFICANT INCREASE FROM 2009/10 IS INDICATED BY: SIGNIFICANT DECREASE FROM 2009/10 IS INDICATED BY: © TNS 6 Sample © TNS Which businesses did we speak to? The response rate for the City of Cape Town was lower this year due to the survey duration. The survey duration was 40 minutes at the start of the research, and it was therefore shortened. The final average duration of the survey was 36.53 minutes. Annual Turnover All figures shown are percentages 2009/10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) Less than R1 million 19 13 9 12 8 R1 million - R3 million 18 11 10 11 7 R3 million - R10 million 15 12 16 15 16 R10 million and more 14 21 22 25 29 Refused 34 44 42 37 41 As with last three years, the sample was drawn from a sourced list of registered businesses in Cape Town. For the first year, the sample was drawn from the RSC Levy database. Business Size Small (10 employees or less) Medium (between 11 and 50 employees) Large (51 employees or more) 2009/10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 49 37 35 30 19 37 40 42 40 48 13 22 24 29 32 Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 8 Which businesses did we speak to? 2009/10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 2 2 3 2 2 11 13 8 13 19 Construction 9 10 9 9 10 Electricity, gas & water supply or utilities 2 2 3 2 3 Finance and business services 5 6 7 7 10 13 15 14 18 22 6 4 4 8 8 22 16 23 19 21 Mining and quarrying 0 0 0 0 0 Creative industries 4 4 3 3 1 IT 1 2 2 1 0 Hospitality 2 4 3 0 0 Property 2 2 1 1 0 Education 6 4 2 1 0 Engineering 2 1 3 1 1 Export/import 1 0 0 1 0 Health Legal 2 4 5 2 0 2 1 1 1 0 Motor industry 1 2 3 0 0 N/A N/A N/A 1 0 7 7 4 3 2 Figures shown are percentages Agriculture and utilities Community, social and personal services Manufacturing Transport, storage and communication Wholesale and retail trade Tourism Other Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 9 How long has the business been operating?* % 71 15 4 3 2 1 1 1 Under 2 years 2-5 years 2011/12 8 8 7 Over 15 years 90% of businesses surveyed had been in operation for over 10 years. Only 3% of businesses had started up in the last 5 years. 2013/14 n=701 * New question since 2011/12 © TNS 79 12 11 6-10 years 11-15 years 2012/13 76 Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 10 Ownership of business premises Do you own or rent the building your business is operating in?* % 47 50 More businesses in Cape Town who were interviewed own their premises rather than rent them. n=701 Rent Own 2 1 Don't know/refused Other n=700 *New question since 2011/12 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 11 Relocating of businesses Which area is your business most likely to relocate to?* Is your business considering relocating in the next year?* within the Western Cape but not Cape Town 15% area outside of SADC region 2% Don't know/ refused 4% No 88% Yes 8% n=700 within Cape Town 82% The vast majority of businesses in the city are not considering relocating in the next year. n=700 *New question since 2011/12 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 12 TRI*M Index and business segments © TNS Rating the overall performance of the City of Cape Town % 49 20 3 4 3 3 40 34 24 16 13 30 34 40 10 10 Fair 1 Good 2 2009 / 10 3.1 2010 / 11 3.2 45 4 2 Poor Mean rating: 46 44 Very good 3 2011 / 12 3.3 3.4 7 Excellent 4 2012 / 13 6 4 5 2013 / 14 9 There is a significant increase in businesses who rate the City’s overall performance as “very good” and “excellent”. The decline in ratings of “fair” are also indicative of improvements in the overall category. The overall mean score has also increased significantly since 2009/10 and since last year. 3.5 Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS 2014 Significant change from 2009/10 14 Trust in the City of Cape Town % 47 46 3 5 3 3 2 29 31 36 35 38 17 14 13 10 10 Not strong at all Not very strong 1 4 4 6 Fairly strong 2 2009 / 10 Mean rating: 42 41 38 3.1 2010 / 11 3.2 Very strong 3 2011 / 12 3.3 Extremely strong 4 5 2012 / 13 3.4 11 11 3.5 2013 / 14 There is a significant long term increase in businesses that rated their trust in the City as “very strong” and “extremely strong”. The declines in ratings of “not very strong” or “fairly strong” are also indicative of improved trust in the City. The “trust” mean score has also increased significantly since 2009/10 and since last year. Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS 2014 Significant change from 2009/10 15 The City of Cape Town’s fulfilment of its role as public service provider % 45 42 19 16 13 4 3 4 3 2 35 33 34 43 45 5 5 6 Fair Good 1 2 3 3.1 27 38 8 7 Poor 2009 / 10 Mean rating: 39 2010 / 11 3.2 2011 / 12 3.3 Very good 4 3.5 Excellent 5 2012 / 13 11 13 2013 / 14 There is also a significant increase in businesses who rate the City’s value to society as “very good” and “excellent” since 2009/10. The overall mean score has also increased significantly over the long and short term. 3.6 Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS 2014 Significant change from 2009/10 16 Rating of the City of Cape Town compared to other public service providers % 38 35 2 3 5 1 2 15 12 Poor 2 2009 / 10 3.4 27 33 37 34 40 37 12 14 5 8 Fair 1 Mean rating: 9 33 31 Good 3 2010 / 11 3.5 2011 / 12 3.5 Very good 4 23 Excellent 5 2012 / 13 3.8 19 27 There is a significant long term increase in businesses who rate the City in comparison to other public institutions as “excellent”. 2013 / 14 3.8 Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS 2014 Significant change from 2009/10 17 The TRI*M Index covers four dimensions of the City’s relationship with its citizens Overall performance Thinking about the different services provided by the City of Cape Town, how would you rate the overall performance of the City of Cape Town? Trust How strongly do you trust in the City of Cape Town? Value to society How well do you think the City of Cape Town is fulfilling its role as a provider of municipal services? Comparison How do you rate the services of the City of Cape Town compared to other public institutions such as National Government or Provincial Government? Excellent Extremely strong Excellent Excellent Very good Very strong Very good Very good Good Fairly strong Good Good Fair Not very strong Fair Fair Poor Not strong at all Poor Poor © TNS 18 The TRI*M scale explained On a typical 5-point scale, the neutral box usually shows a higher share of respondents. This is likely due to the fact that respondents select the neutral point when they would rather not make a decision. An additional drawback of a neutral point is that there is no way to know where these respondents would have been had they made a ‘decision’ – were they inclined to be positive or negative? Asymmetric verbal scales without a neutral box force the respondents to make a choice TRI*M IS THEREFORE COMMITTED TO THE USE OF ASYMMETRIC SCALES (UN-BALANCED SCALES) WITHOUT A NEUTRAL MID-POINT Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent The primary benefit is the action-ability of the results. Organisations want to know if their performance was positive or negative – so they can take action. When they have a very large percentage of respondents who are in the neutral category and some are not really neutral but may have been positively or negatively inclined, it is rather difficult to read and interpret the data to take actions on the results. © TNS 19 The TRI*M Index explained The TRI*M Index measures the strength of your relationships… Provides a single score that measures satisfaction and commitment Can be used as a benchmarking tool over time 85 Business satisfaction 90 78 69 62 70 49 51 50 30 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year © TNS 20 The TRI*M Index explained A one number score that measures the level of satisfaction and commitment The TRI*M Index measures the strength of your relationship with the business… total 71 Low service quality High service quality 40 TRI*M Benchmark Figures: 60 Bottom 10 % 80 Bottom 33 % Mean 100 Top 33 % Top 10 % SOURCE: Restaurants World BASE: 3024 © TNS 21 The TRI*M Index: Results for businesses in Cape Town The size of 4 of the businesses in the sample was not established. High Service Quality 70 59 65 62 55 51 50 41 60 47 42 62 52 50 46 62 61 52 48 47 36 35 30 10 Low Service Quality Base Overall Small company Medium company Large company 700* 137 338 221 * Sample base size in 2013/14 2009/10 © TNS 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 There have been steady improvements in the TRI*M Index since 2009/10, and this trend has continued in 2013/14 however large companies has dipped slightly. 2013/14 22 Performance for various service areas © TNS Overview of performance Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/ 11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) Average for essential services 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.5 Average for law enforcement 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.8 3.1 Average for town planning and building development 2.8 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.2 Average for transport 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.1 Average for billings and payments 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Average for emergency and fire and rescue services** n/a n/a n/a 3.5 3.7 Average for property valuation*** n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.5 Average for interacting with the City 3.0 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.2 Average for conduct of municipal councillors and staff* n/a n/a 3.2 3.2 3.4 All services performed significantly better than 2009/10. Emergency and fire and rescue services showed a short-term increase. * New section added in 2011/12 ** New section added in 2012/13 *** New section added in 2013/14 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 24 Essential services (1) Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent 2009/10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.5 Roads 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.5 Sufficient access to your business being provided by the road network 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.8 There being clear signage and line markings on the roads 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.6 Ensuring that the roads around where your business is located are regularly maintained and potholes are fixed 2.8 2.7 3.0 2.9 3.3 Street lights 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.6 There being sufficient street lighting in the vicinity of your business 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.7 Street lights being quickly fixed when they stop working 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.5 Refuse collection 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 Refuse being regularly removed from your business 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.9 4.1 The location of refuse drop-off sites in the vicinity of your business is being clearly communicated 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.3 Quickly attending to complaints and queries regarding refuse removal 3.1 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.5 Average for essential services Roads, street lights and refuse collection have all shown a significant short and long term improvement. Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 25 Essential services (2) Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.5 Water provision 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.8 Giving your business an uninterrupted water supply 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 Water restrictions being effectively managed 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.7 Complaints and queries regarding water are immediately attended to* n/a 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.6 Water costs being charged at reasonable rates 3.1 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.5 Sewerage and sanitation 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Effectively providing sewerage and sanitation services in the area that you work 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Immediately attending to sewerage and sanitation problems 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Stormwater 2.9 2.9 3.2 3.2 3.3 Stormwater flooding being prevented 2.9 2.9 3.2 3.2 3.3 Stormwater drains - these are the drain inlets at the side of the road - being regularly cleaned and kept blockage free in the vicinity of your business 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.3 Average for essential services Water provision, Sewerage and sanitation as well as Stormwater as a category have shown a significant improvement compared to 2009/10 and last year. * New question added in 2010/11 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 26 Essential services (3) Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.5 2.8 2.7 2.9 2.7 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.5 Electricity tariffs being affordable for your business 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.3 3.0 The City communicating schedules about load shedding effectively* 2.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a Collective services 2.6 2.5 2.7 2.6 3.0 Streets being regularly swept and litter controlled 2.9 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.3 There being public toilets in the vicinity of your business 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.5 Average for essential services Electricity Immediately attending equipment failures to electrical faults or Electricity and Collective services as a category have shown a significant improvement compared to 2009/10 and last year. * Question removed in 2010/11 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 27 Law enforcement Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12( n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) Average for law enforcement 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.8 3.1 Acting on complaints about noise and other disturbances 3.0 2.9 3.0 2.8 3.3 The safety of the environment in which your business operates 2.8 2.8 3.1 2.9 3.2 Controlling illegal street trading 2.7 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.1 There being a visible presence of traffic enforcement on roads 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.8 3.0 Adequate measures being in place to address corruption within the City of Cape Town 2.6 2.5 2.8 2.6 3.0 There being a visible presence of metro police in your area of business 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.8 There has been a significant increase in perceptions of law enforcement in general since 2009/10. Perceptions of law enforcement have increased significantly in the short term while controlling illegal street trading and visible presence of metro police have remained stable. Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 28 Town planning and building development Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent 2009/10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 2.8 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.2 Enforcing planning and building regulations 2.9 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.4 Approving building development & planning applications with minimal delays 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.1 Average for town planning and building development Ratings for town planning and building development have increased significantly since 2009/10 and since last year. Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 29 Transport 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) Average for transport 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.1 Access to public transport being easy from your business premises 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 Enabling and improving affordable public transport 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.1 Enabling and improving safe public transport 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.8 3.0 Reliable and punctual public transport is provided* n/a n/a 2.7 2.8 2.9 Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent There has been a significant improvement in the perception of the transport category compared to 2009/10. All perceptions have increased compared to those of last year with “access to public transport” remaining stable. * New question in 2011/12 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 30 Billings and payments 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Convenient payment options for municipal services, licences and fines 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 Regularly receiving your account from City of Cape Town 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.9 Accounts from City of Cape Town being clear and understandable 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Your accounts from City of Cape Town always being correct 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.5 Your enquiries via a call centre being efficiently dealt with 3.0 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.4 Rates being comparable with other cities 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.5 Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent Average for billings and payments All perceptions of billings and payments have increased compared to 2009/10. Most perceptions have increased in the short term apart from regularly receiving accounts and receiving corrects accounts remaining stable. Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 31 Emergency and fire and rescue services 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) n/a n/a n/a 3.5 3.7 Providing effective fire and rescue services to your business n/a n/a n/a 3.8 4.0 Regularly inspecting and carrying out maintenance on fire safety equipment and hydrants in business districts n/a n/a n/a 3.0 3.2 Fire and rescue personnel responding effectively to emergencies n/a n/a n/a 3.8 4.0 Average for emergency and fire and rescue services* Emergency and fire and rescue service received the highest scores in the entire survey * New section in 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 32 Property Valuations 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=463*) n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.5 Your property valuation being an accurate reflection of the market value as at the date of valuation n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.3 Your property value notice being clear and understandable n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.6 The quality of information provided on the valuation and objection processes, including that on the website and at public inspection venues n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.5 Average for property valuations** * This section was not answered by all businesses as some businesses that did not own the building they were occupying did not respond. ** New section in 2013/14 © TNS 33 Conduct of municipal councillors and staff 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) n/a n/a 3.2 3.2 3.4 Municipal councillors conducting themselves in an appropriate manner according to a code of conduct n/a n/a 3.2 3.2 3.4 Municipal staff conducting themselves in an appropriate manner according to a code of conduct n/a n/a 3.2 3.3 3.4 Average for conduct of municipal councillors and staff* * New section in 2011/12 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 34 Interacting with the City 2009/ 10 (n=701) 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) 3.0 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.2 The Mayor being effective at dealing with issues facing the City 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.5 The submission of forms and applications being simple and efficient 3.1 2.9 3.4 3.5 3.3 Staff friendly, motivated & determined to assist with your query/ complaint 3.0 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.3 Call centre operators who deal with queries or transfer to someone who can 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.7 3.2 Keeping you informed of initiatives and changes to services 2.9 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.1 Making you aware of the City's Integrated Development Plan or IDP 2.9 2.7 3.1 3.0 3.2 There being short queues and waiting times at its offices 2.7 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.0 Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5=Excellent Average for interacting with the City All perceptions of “interacting with the City” have shown significant increases since 2009/10. There has been a significant increase in the long term on perception of the submission of forms and applications being simple and efficient however this has decreased compared to last year. Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 35 Important successes and areas to prioritise for improvement © TNS The TRI*M Delta Grid explained Identification and prioritisation of performance improvement actions Performance Far above average High The TRI*M Delta Grid illustrates the relevant changes in performance (symbol) and importance/impact (position) of the quality elements. Hygienics Above average Motivators D01 Average Far below average Significant changes Impact/importance Performance (symbols) E01 Stated importance Below average E02 E05 G08 Low J01 Potentials?/Savers? Low Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality High © TNS 37 The TRI*M Delta Grid explained Changes in impact The arrow next to E05 shows that this element has a significantly higher impact on customer retention now. Hygienics Motivators D01 E01 Stated importance Changes in performance The symbol + next to E01 shows that this element has improved by one category. It used to be an ‘above average’ performance (white upward triangle and is now a ‘far above average’ performance (black upward triangle). High Examples E02 E05 G08 Changes in importance The arrow next to G08 shows that this element is significantly more important now. Low J01 Potentials?/Savers? Low Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality High © TNS 38 The TRI*M Grid – the Four Quadrants explained Each of the four quadrants has a specific relevance to the relationship that exists between a company and its stakeholders Motivators: This is the most important quadrant of the TRI*M Grid. Attributes here are both claimed to be important and are shown to have high impact on relationship strength. Average or below-average performance by a company here represents a priority for action. Hidden Opportunities: Attributes here are thought to be less important, but are shown in reality to have a high impact on relationship strength. These are prime opportunities for a company to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. Hygienics: Attributes that are rated as to be highly important, but for which an analysis shows less impact on relationship strength are called Hygienics. A company’s performance in this quadrant should be maintained, as attributes positioned here are typically the pre-requisites for a sound stakeholder relationship. Potentials? / Savers?: Maintenance is the maximum that is required here as over-performance may represent a waste of valuable resources. Investment in this area could be re-deployed by a company to improve weak performance in other more critical areas, such as the Motivators segment. © TNS 39 Legend RELATIVE STRENGTHS: RELATIVE WEAKNESSES: Performance Far above average Above average Average Below average Far below average Significant changes Impact/importance Performance (symbols) © TNS 40 TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Roads Hygienics Motivators A03. Sufficient access to your business being provided by the road networks Low Maintain current service levels, and continue to improve road maintenance, ensuring that potholes are fixed Stated importance A01. Ensuring that the roads around where your business is located are regularly maintained and potholes are fixed A02. There being clear signage and line markings on the roads A03 A02 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average A01 Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Street lights Hygienics Motivators Stated importance B01. There being sufficient street lighting in the vicinity of your business B02. Street lights being quickly fixed when they stop working Low Maintain current service levels B01 B02 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Refuse collection Hygienics Motivators C01. The location of refuse drop-off sites in the vicinity of your business is being clearly communicated C02. Quickly attending to complaints regarding refuse removal Stated importance C03. Refuse being regularly removed from your business Maintain current service levels C03 C02 Low C01 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Water provision Hygienics Motivators D01. Giving your business an uninterrupted water supply D02. Water costs being charged at reasonable rates D01 Stated importance D03. Complaints and queries regarding water being immediately attended to D04. Water restrictions being effectively managed Low Continue to improve the rate of attendance to complaints and queries regarding water, as well as focusing on improving perceptions of water costs D03 D02 D04 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Sewerage and sanitation Hygienics Motivators E01. Effectively providing sewerage and sanitation services in the area that you work E02. Immediately attending to sewerage and sanitation problems Stated importance E01 Low Maintain current service levels E02 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Stormwater Hygienics Motivators Stated importance F01. Stormwater drains - these are the drain inlets at the side of the road - being regularly cleaned and kept blockage free in the ... F02. Stormwater flooding being prevented Low Maintain current service levels F02 F01 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Electricity Hygienics Motivators G01. Electricity tariffs being affordable for your business G02. Immediately attending to electrical faults or equipment failures Stated importance G02 Low Continue to improve the rate of attending to electrical faults or equipment failures G01 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Collective services Hygienics Motivators H01. There being public toilets in the vicinity of your business Stated importance H02. Streets being regularly swept and litter controlled Maintain current service levels H02 Low H01 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High Suggestions for dealing with corruption (focus group) TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total • • • • • • SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Law enforcement Consequences (jail, fired, reported to media, lose bonus) Education Stricter hiring criteria Internal whistleblowers End nepotism More frequent audits Hygienics Motivators I01. There being a visible presence of traffic enforcement on roads I02. Acting on complaints about noise and other disturbances I06 I03. Controlling illegal street trading I05 Stated importance I04. There being a visible presence of metro police in your area of business I05. Adequate measures being in place to address corruption within the City of Cape Town I06. The safety of the environment in which your business operates I01 I03 I04 I02 Low Address perceptions of corruption in the City of Cape Town and improve safety of business environments Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Emergency and fire and rescue services Hygienics Motivators O01. Providing effective fire and rescue services to your business O02. Regularly inspecting and carrying out maintenance on fire safety equipment and hydrants in business districts O03. Fire and rescue personnel responding effectively to emergencies Stated importance O01 Low Improve frequency of inspecting and maintaining fire equipment and hydrants in business districts O03 O02 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Town planning and building development Hygienics Motivators J01. Enforcing planning and building regulations Stated importance J02. Approving building development and planning applications with minimal delays Low Need to improve speed of building development and planning applications processing J01 J02 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Transport Hygienics Motivators K01. Enabling and improving safe public transport K02. Enabling and improving affordable public transport Stated importance K03. Access to public transport being easy from your business premises K04. Reliable and punctual public transport is provided Low Improve access to, and safety of, public transport K04 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average K01 K03 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 K02 Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Billings and payment Hygienics Motivators L01. Your accounts from City of Cape Town being clear and understandable L02. Your accounts from City of Cape Town always being correct L04 L03. Your enquiries via a call centre being efficiently dealt with L05. There being convenient payment options for municipal services, licenses and fines L06. Rates being comparable with other cities L02 Stated importance L04. Regularly receiving your account from City of Cape Town Continue to improve the accuracy of accounts, the efficiency with which enquiries via the call centre are dealt with, and perceptions of the comparability of rates with other cities L05 L03 Low L01 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average © TNS Average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 L06 Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Property valuation Hygienics Motivators P03. The information provided on the valuation and objection processes, including that on the website and at public inspection venues Low Maintain current service levels Stated importance P01. Your property valuation is an accurate reflection of the market value as at the date of valuation P02. Your property valuation notice is clear and understandable P01 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 463 © TNS Below average Average Relevant Changes in Symbols P03 P02 Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Conduct of municipal councillors and municipal staff Hygienics Motivators N01. Municipal councillors conduct themselves in an appropriate manner according to a code of conduct N02. Municipal staff conduct themselves in an appropriate manner according to a code of conduct Low Continue to facilitate improved conduct on the part of municipal counsellors and staff, to ensure alignment with the code of conduct Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average © TNS Average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 N01 Stated importance N02 Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High TRI*M GRID TRI*M Delta Grid - Total SEGMENT: Total - WAVE: City of Cape Town - 2013 compared to City of Cape Town - 2012 High Interacting with the City of Cape Town Hygienics Motivators M01. There being call centre operators who can deal with your queries or transfer you to someone who can M02. There being short queues and waiting times at its offices M03. Keeping you informed of initiatives and changes to services M07. Making you aware of the Citys Integrated Development Plan or IDP Stated importance M04. Staff being friendly, motivated and determined to assist in resolving your query or complaint M05. The submission of forms and applications being simple and efficient M06. The Mayor being effective at dealing with issues facing the City M06 Low Improvements around communication with the City of Cape Town are key to improving overall service perceptions M05 M04 M02 M07 Potentials?/Savers? Low 62 59 TRI*M Index Unit for comparison Performance - Far below average Relevant Changes in Position Below average Relevant Changes in Symbols SOURCE: BASE City of Cape Town - 2013: 700 // BASE City of Cape Town - 2012: 701 © TNS Average M01 M03 Hidden Opportunities Impact on public service quality Above average Far above average High Priority analysis – Business survey Interacting with the City of Cape Town There being call centre operators who can deal with your queries or transfer you to someone who can 2 Law enforcement Adequate measures being in place to address corruption within the City of Cape Town 2 Emergency and fire rescue services Regularly inspecting and carrying out maintenance on fire safety equipment and hydrants in business districts 2 2 High 57 Corruption Awareness or experience of an inappropriate offer from a City employee Awareness of the City’s AntiCorruption and Fraud toll-free hotline or email The majority of respondents are not aware of or claim not to have experienced an No 93% (93%) No 52% (54%) Don't know/ refused Yes 4% 3% (4%) (3%) n=700 inappropriate offer from a City employee. Yes 48% (45%) Do you think the City’s AntiCorruption and Fraud toll-free hotline or email is effective in deterring corruption, fraud and other unethical behaviour?* n=700 Don't know / refused 33% (39%) Have you ever used the City’s AntiCorruption or Fraud toll-free hotline? 96% (97%) haven’t used the City’s Anti-Corruption toll-free hotline 4% (3%) have used the City’s Anti-Corruption toll-free hotline * New question added in 2011/12 ‘( )’ indicate scores from 2012/13 © TNS n=337 Yes 50% (48%) No 17% (12%) Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 58 Cape Town as a business tourist destination How would you rate Cape Town as a business tourist destination?* 394038 42 45 38 % 83% of businesses rated Cape Town as 18 “very good” or “excellent” in terms of the City as a business tourist 1514 destination, which confirms the 1 0 0 confidence that businesses have in the 3 2 2 1 1 1 City as a favourable place to do business. 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 * New question added in 2011/12 © TNS Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 59 Gaps in service delivery and accessing information © TNS Gaps in service delivery to businesses – spontaneous mentions Cleanliness of the urban environment and safety and security issues are at the top of the list for business owners. Almost one fifth of businesses say they do not see any gaps in the City’s service delivery - this is a significant decrease compared to last year. 19 19 17 Cleanliness of the urban environment Safety/security 17 2 6 Interacting with the city and accounts Transport Roads Water issues Other 15 14 3 4 15 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 13 12 16 10 12 2012/13 (n=701) 12 2013/14 (n=700) 7 13 9 10 9 7 10 5 7 17 6 19 Nothing Don't know 21 18 12 Electricity issues % 10 6 7 5 19 25 29 10 Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 61 Useful business information that the City of Cape Town could provide to make business decisions* % 10 9 Electricity and water issues General Information Any other comment Infrastructure Roads Crime/safety and security Transport Updates on any changes Nothing Don't know 6 3 27 21 24 24 General information, about any issue which may affect their businesses, is still top of 13 15 14 the list. Businesses are also concerned about electricity 9 and water issues, with 4 3 4 2 2 4 3 1 4 4 2 2 infrastructure being much 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 8 13 13 30 13 41 * New question added in 2011/12 © TNS less important than last year Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 62 Preferred method to receive business related information from the City* 70 60 59 63 50 40 % 30 2012/13 20 14 14 10 12 10 2013/14 9 8 3 4 3 2 SMS Other 0 Email Newsletter in the post City of Cape Town website Municipal account *Of the businesses that said they would like to receive business related information from the City, this is the preferred method to receive it. * New question in 2012/13 Significant change from 2012/13 © TNS Significant change from 2009/10 63 How could the City improve the business environment or climate of Cape Town?* % Infrastructure Crime/safety and security Service Cleanliness Transport Roads Staff Communication Electricity and water issues Employment Nothing / no comment Any other comment 25 23 20 10 8 13 12 6 9 9 9 6 6 2 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 7 8 4 7 8 3 3 2 1 15 14 17 8 13 10 * New question added in 2011/12 © TNS Businesses feel that infrastructure improvements would make the most impact. 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 64 What could the City improve for people working in commercial and business areas?* % Transport 34 Cleanliness Parking Traffic Nothing Any other comment Don't know 42 17 12 14 Crime/safety and security Roads 43 7 7 6 5 7 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 8 8 8 5 5 8 important issue to address. Businesses also felt that crime and safety was one of 2011/2012 the most important aspects of working life in commercial 2012/2013 and business areas that could be addressed. 2013/2014 15 19 15 * New question added in 2011/12 © TNS Transport remains the most Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 65 Interaction with the City of Cape Town’s website On average, how often do you use the City of Cape Town’s website? % Weekly Twice a month Once a month Every 3 months or quarterly Twice a year Less than twice a year Whenever the need arises Never 8 9 11 13 6 8 7 7 9 15 15 13 7 7 9 9 7 7 5 8 4 3 3 4 8 10 12 13 Not useful at all Don't know 3% 3% Not that useful 9% 2010/11 (n=700) 2011/12 (n=700) 2012/13 (n=701) 2013/14 (n=700) No significant differences from last year Somewhat useful 43% Very useful 42% n=472 (2013/14) 40 36 29 50 * New question added in 2010/11 © TNS How useful is this information to your business needs? 29% of respondents have never accessed the City’s website (significantly down from last year); of those who have used it, 85% say they found it very useful or somewhat useful. Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 66 Reason for not using City of Cape Town’s website Why have you never used the City of Cape Town’s website?* % 55 49 45 No need or never thought of it 15 13 Preference 23 Preference: I prefer contacting the call centre (12%) Account provides all the information I need (3%) Don’t deal with them directly (2%) 6 Any other comment 13 16 11 14 10 Awareness 9 10 Accessibility 4 Previous bad experience 1 0 0 n=205 * New question in 2011/12 © TNS 2011/2012 2012/2013 Respondents who have never used the City’s website typically say they have no need or have never thought of it. 2013/2014 Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 67 Social Media and the City of Cape Town Would you consider using social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Mxit etc. to stay in contact with the City of Cape Town on business issues?* Which forms of social media could the City of Cape Town use to communicate with your business?* % 67 Facebook 64 19 17 Apps (Smartphone) Yes, 43% (44%) 22 Twitter 22 LinkedIn No, 56% (55%) Don't know/ref used, 2% (1%) 8 Mxit 5 5 5 My Space 3 4 4 n=700 0 * New questions in 2011/12 © TNS 30 28 2011/2012 2012/2013 11 2013/2014 20 20 75 40 60 n=29880 Significant change from 2012/13 Significant change from 2009/10 68 Summary © TNS Summary The City of Cape Town’s overall performance mean rating has increased significantly in the long and short-term from 3.4 last year to 3.5 this year. The City has shown a significant long-term increase in ‘very good’ and ‘excellent’ ratings on three of the four key dimensions, including: Overall performance (54%*) Trust (49%*) And Public service provider role-fulfilment (58%*) Performance compared to other service providers (64%*) showed a significant long-term increase in the proportion of ‘excellent’ ratings. *Proportion of businesses that give a ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ rating to the City of Cape Town on a particular dimension © TNS 70 Summary The City of Cape Town’s overall TRI*M index score has increased by three points (from 59 to 62) since 2012/13. The City should focus on: Ensuring that call centre operators deal with queries, or transfer callers appropriately Implementing adequate measures to address corruption Regularly inspecting and maintaining fire safety equipment and hydrants Overall, TRI*M scores increased: Amongst small companies from 55 to 65 Amongst medium companies from 60 to 62 TRI*M scores decreased slightly: Amongst large companies from 62 to 61 © TNS 71 Summary In general, businesses are increasingly looking for information on: Electricity and water (27%) Infrastructure (9%) Crime/safety and security (4%) Businesses that have never used the City’s website have declined in the long and short-term from 36% to 29%. The majority of those who did not use the website indicated that they had: No need for the website (45%) Prefer the call centre (23%) Businesses increasingly indicated that they wished to communicate with the City via: LinkedIn (20%) and Smartphone apps (30%) © TNS 72