Document 10640367

4341 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix AZ 85040-8807 • 602-827-8217 • Fax: 602-827-8292 •
TO: Volunteer
RE: 2015 AZ Agricultural Literacy Days
Thank you so much for volunteering in the 2015 Arizona Agricultural Literacy Days! By giving of yourself, you’re not only
imparting factual information about our connection to agriculture, but you’re powerfully modeling what it truly means to be a
volunteer. THANK YOU!
Enclosed within the mailing are the following items and instructions on what to do with them.
1. Arizona Agriculture: Bee’s Amazing Adventure – read this book in preparation for your visit. Beginning on page 34,
you will find tips on how to make your reading more engaging for the students.
2. Papers to give to the teacher(s) upon entry into the classroom:
 A letter to the teacher(s) – ask that the teacher(s) read this while you and the students get situated
 People Present Form – ask that the teacher complete this and return it to you before you leave
If you registered to read to more than one class of students at this visit, then you were mailed enough materials for all of
teachers, each who should be present during your visit. If additional teachers are not present, please ask a present teacher to
complete the People Present Form on behalf of the absent teacher and to pass on the book with the other papers.
Before you leave, donate a copy of the book to the teacher(s), remind the teacher(s) to complete the
online Feedback Form, and collect the People Present Forms. This form is needed for your report.
If for some reason you do not have enough papers or books (sometimes the hosting teacher may invite other classes without
informing us), email me the teachers’ names and email addresses. I will mail them their own copy of the book. Have the
unaccounted for teachers record their present students on the back of one of the other People Present Forms.
I’m excited to hear how your visit goes via your Volunteer Report Form which is found on our webpage
( Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Brandon Moak
Program Coordinator, Sr.
Agriculture Literacy Program
4341 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix AZ 85040-8807 • 602-827-8217 • Fax: 602-827-8292 •
TO: Teacher
RE: 2015 AZ Agricultural Literacy Days
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve agreed to have a community volunteer come and visit your students in conjunction
with Arizona Agricultural Literacy Days. Every fall for the past 10 years, volunteers have read a book about
agriculture to students, and shared a little bit about where our food and clothing comes from – kids often think that
these things just come from the store. This year, volunteers will read the very first children’s book that is entirely
dedicated to Arizona’s agriculture. It is called Arizona Agriculture: Bee’s Amazing Adventure.
Along with this letter, the volunteer should have given you a People Present Form.
Please complete this during the visit and return it to the volunteer.
Before the volunteer leaves, s/he will leave a copy of the book to include in your class
library for years to come. As a courtesy, we ask that you complete the online feedback
form on our webpage.
After the volunteer leaves, you have the option to give your students a quiz that mirrors the state standards exam.
You can access the quiz at the bottom of our webpage (
Thank you for allowing us to share this book with your students about all the amazing things that are grown in our
wonderful state.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at
Brandon Moak
Program Coordinator, Sr.
Agriculture Literacy Program
People Present Form
White not of Hispanic
Black not of Hispanic
American Indian or
Alaskan Native
Hispanic or
Asian or
Pacific Islander
This form is to be given to the teacher before the reading begins.
While the volunteer is reading, as a courtesy, we ask that you record the above information for all
people present during the reading. This includes you, the volunteer, any additional adults, and all of
the students.
As a federal program, we are required to obtain the above information for statistical purposes. For
some people, race and/ethnicity can be a sensitive topic, especially when the provided categories do
not apply to all people. Furthermore, one cannot always accurately identify one’s race/ethnicity
simply by looking at physical characteristics.
Although we acknowledge the limitations of the above method, we appreciate your assistance in
providing the data. Your best guess in providing the data will be sufficient. Most importantly make
sure that the total numbers correspond to the total number of present. Thank you!