• 1933 ISC Field House indoor 440 record of 51.7 (stood for 30 years) • Outdoor 440 record of 48.6 when world record was 47 47.4 4 • MS in nutrition from ISC • 1942 U U.S. S Army Sanitary Corps Corps. Nutrition research for troops. • ISC track 4 x 220 indoor world record C. R. Henderson Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) 3 1 • Elected member of the National Academy of Sciences • Renowned for “Henderson’s Mixed Model E Equations” ti ” and d work k on BLUP BLUP. • Professor at Cornell until 1976 • Returned to ISU after the war for Ph.D. with Jay Lush in animal breeding. C. R. Henderson • Dean H.H. Kildee visited in 1929 and convinced Henderson to come to Iowa State College College. • Page County Farm Bureau Picnic (12 and under under, 14 and under, 16 and under changed to 10-12, 13-14,, 15-16)) • Born April 1, 1911, in Coin, Iowa, in Page County – same county of birth as Jay Lush C. R. Henderson 4 2 L. D D. Van Vleck (1991) (1991). C C. R R. Henderson: • L Farm Boy, Athlete, and Scientist. Journal of Dairy Science. Science 74, 74 4082 4082-4096 4096. • L L. D D. Van Vleck (1998) (1998). Charles Roy Henderson, 1911-1989: a brief biography. Journal of Animal Science Science. 76, 76 2959 2959-2961 2961. Sources • David Harville (professor emeritus, D Department t t off St Statistics, ti ti ISU ISU, lilinear models expert) • Shayle Searle (who taught Henderson matrix algebra) Henderson’s Henderson s Ph.D. Students Included 7 5 Statistics New York: McGraw Statistics. McGraw-Hill Hill. Mood A. Mood, A M. M (1950). (1950) Introduction to the Theory of problem bl 23 on page 164 off We present here a variation of the original A problem that reportedly sparked Henderson’s Henderson s interest in BLUP 1. Study y methods of yyour predecessors. p 2. Work hard. 3. Do not fear to try y new ideas. 4. Discuss your ideas with others freely. 5. Be quick to admit errors. Progress comes by correcting mistakes. 6. Always be optimistic. Nature is benign. 7. Enjoy your scientific work. It can be a great joy. Henderson’s Henderson s Advice to Young Scientists 8 6 • If th the sample l mean off th the students' t d t ' ttestt scores was 100, 100 what is the best prediction of the IQ of a student who scored 130 on the test? • Suppose it is known that u2 / e2 = 9. • Given the IQ of a student, the test score for that student is normally distributed with a mean equal to the student's student s 2 IQ and a variance e and is independent of the test score of any other students. • Suppose intelligence quotients (IQs) for a population of students are normally distributed with a mean and variance u2. An IQ test was given to an i.i.d. sample of such students. 10 12 9 11 14 16 13 15 • If th the sample l mean off th the students' t d t ' ttestt scores was 100, 100 what is the best prediction of the IQ of a student who scored 130 on the test? • Suppose it is known that u2 / e2 = 9. • Given the IQ of a student, the test score for that student is normally distributed with a mean equal to the student's student s IQ and a variance e2 and is independent of the test score of any other students. • Suppose intelligence quotients (IQs) for a population of students are normally distributed with a mean and variance u2. An IQ test was given to an i.i.d. sample of such students. 19 17 20 18 22 24 21 23