Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 3 Issue: 1 ISSN: 2321-3388 DifferentialEffectsofCeO2andZnONanoparticles onChlorophyllandSecondaryMetabolitesin Alfalfa(Medicagosativa) SusmitaBandyopadhyay1,3,ArnabMukherjee1,3,CyrenM.Rico2,3,JoseR.PeraltaVidea1,2,3,andJorgeL.Gardea-Torresdey1,2,3,* 1 500WestUniversityAve.,ElPaso,TX79968USA 500WestUniversityAve.,ElPaso,TX79968USA UniversityofCaliforniaCenterforEnvironmentalImplicationsofNanotechnology(UCCEIN), E-mail:* Abstract—Littleisknownabouttheeffectsofengineerednanoparticles(ENPs)onplantmetabolites.Inthisstudy, alfalfa(Medicagosativa ENPs(n andn -1 . Atharvest,total leafchlorophyll, chlorophylla&b, carotenoids,and 750mgkg-1,n andn aby60%and40%,respectively,comparedtocontrol.Inaddition, -1 ,andby chlorophyllbwasreducedby64%,48%,and60%,respectively,withn -1 40%withn n at -1 -1 , n 500mgkg-1,butreducedby49%withn n n onsecondarymetabolites andchlorophyllproductioninalfalfaplant. Keyword: INTRODUCTION Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is widely used as forage crop and nutritional supplement in human diet owing to its high protein content [1]. In addition to protein, it also containscarbohydrates,vitamins,nutrients,andnumerous carotenoids[4],whichareofattentioninhumannutrition.It lavonoidsproducedbyrootsofalfalfa are signaling molecules for nodulation process, acting as chemoattractants [5–7]. Flavonoid and phenolics also inducenodgeneforthesymbioticRhizobiumassociationin contentswilldirectlyimpactalfalfa’snutritionalvalue,and willbedistressed. The widespread use of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) is of great concern due to the possibility of their environmentalreleaseandeffectsonecosystemcomponents. of food crops, like alfalfa. Interactions of ENPs with food cropsarewidelystudied[8-16]intermsofbioaccumulation – at lesser scale, trophic transfer [17] thatn andn –14], ButtheunderstandingofENP-plant interactionstowardscellularmetabolicprocesses,interms of secondary metabolites still in its rudimentary stage. The interaction of phenolic grainsize.Theoriginalsoiltypewasfoundtobesandyloam few studies have reported the interaction of ENPs with – et al radish(Raphanussativus n .Krishnarajetal. -1 of the medicinal plant Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Wettest preparedwithsoilamendedwithdesiredamountofn and n 750mgkg-1 treatedwithn (50seedsperpot).Threereplicateswerepreparedforeach treatment. . have beenreported on the interaction of n andn n metabolites. These metabolites play very important role by maintaining physiological functions that protect plants n e The above and below ground plant parts were carefully followed by washing with CaCl , andn metabolitecontents.Plantstreatedwithn forfurtheranalysis.Later,rootsandshootswereseparated and digested by microwave-assisted acid digestion with andn a,b,andtotal) microwaveaccelerationreactionsystem(CEM,Mathews,NC) accumulatedinrootandshoottissues.Leafchlorophylland (spinachleavesandpeachleavesNIST1547and1570)were MATERIALSANDMETHODS eO2 n n and n wereobtainedfromtheUniversityofCalifornia Center for EnvironmentalImplicationsofNanotechnology(UC-CEIN). TheseNPswerepreviouslycharacterizedandpublishedby Bandyopadhyayetal etal amountsofENPsweresuspendedinMilliporewater(MPW) -1 ofsoil. n andn aandbwereestimated etal. followingPorraetal. withsoil. Elevationof1144above sealevel,top10cm). Theplants total phenolic content was estimated as per Dewanto et al. etal. (Scotts,premiumpottingsoiltoenhance soilfertility)and 8 DifferentialEffectsofCeO2andZnONanoparticlesonChlorophyll hevarianceoftriplicatetreatments wascalculated with forthepairwisecomparisonofmeans,usingSPSSstatistical based ona probabilityofp chlorophyll and carotenoids. Four replicates were used to RESULTSANDDISCUSSION Zn e Figure1Ashowstheconcentrationofzincindryalfalfaroot 500,and750mgkg-1 n respectively.Incaseofn treatments,Celevelsincreased and 9 times more Ce than control, respectively (Fig. 1B). In green pea (Pisum sativum -1 of n -1 Fig.1:CeriumConcentration(Top)andZnConcentration (Bottom)inRootsandShootsofAlfalfaPlantsExposed to Either nCeO2 or nZnO at 0 (control) to 750 mg kg-1. Data are means ± Standard Error of Four Replicates and Bars with Different Symbol/ Letters Show p Respectively accumulation from n also accumulated higher Ce in roots compared to other plants[8,11].Translocationfactors(TF),calculatedthrough -1 -1 750 mg kg almost the same at all n -1 , respectively). The shows the chlorophyll content in leaves of alfalfa n andn withthephysiologicalfunctionsofbothelementsinplants. kg-1 functions, while there is no known function for Ce. Thus, chlorophyllawasreducedby40%and60%at750mgkg-1 of n with previously reported literature, where the majority of kg-1 n n n b , respectively, but remained the same in n theCespeciesaccumulatedinroots,comparedtostemand -1 that showed a 40% Raphanussativus to n andn at concentrations < than 500 mg kg-1, there was higherconcentrationofCeinleaves,comparedtoroots[19]. -1 9 n b n 750 mg kg-1 treatments, respectively. The effects of n andn -1 of n , n the photosyntheticapparatus andlight harvestingprocess n n didnotappeartoimpactchlorophyllthroughtheireffectson n substituted the central magnesium atom of chlorophyll decay and ultimately, interrupting the photosynthetic . followed by n to interrupt chlorophyll production are notwellunderstood.Wehypothesizethatsmallamountsof n might reduce the photosynthetic pigments Fig.2:(A)Chlorophylla,(B)Chlorophyllb,and(C)Total Chlorophyll Content in Leaves of Alfafa Plants Grown for 30 Days in Soil Amended with Either nCeO2 nZnO at 0 (control), 250, 500, and 750 mg/kg. Error Bars StandforStandardErrors(n=3)andBarswithDifferent p nZnO and nCeO2 Treatments are MutuallyIndependent Table 1: Total Leaf Carotenoids Represented as mg g-1 of Fresh Alfalfa Leaves from Plants Grown for 30DaysinSoilAmendedwithEithernCeO2ornZnOat0 (Control),250,500,and750mgkg-1.Dataaremeans± StandardErrorofThreeReplicates Treatments pigments. Control 250 mg kg-1 4.98a 1.45a 500 mg kg-1 750 mg kg-1 n n 4.98a nCeO2 6.81a nZn Phenolic an effectofn andn n -1 at500mgkg At500mgkg-1,n by86%,whileat750mgkg-1 mg kg-1 n by 77%, while at 750 mg kg-1 49%,comparedwithcontrol.Krishnarajetal. an increase in leaves, phenol content of Bacopa monnieri 10 DifferentialEffectsofCeO2andZnONanoparticlesonChlorophyll Oryza sativa)treatedwith500mgn kg-1sho high n n protectiveroleinmetalchelationandscavengingofreactive NPs might correlate to the increased enzymatic activities, suggesting ‘de novo’ ofalfalfawithincreasingdoseofn a negative effect in the nutritional value of alfalfa shoots. Additionally, it is hypothesized that there is a probability of increasing plant stress due to accumulation of reactive contentsuggeststhatalfalfaplantsareaffectedfromsevere stressconditionsimposedbyn andn Fig. 4: Changes in Flavonoid Content Expressed as µg catechin/g of Freeze Dried (A) Root and (B) Shoot of Alfalfa Plants Grown for 30 Days in Soil Amended with Either nCeO2 or nZnO at 0 (Control), 250, 500, and 750 mg/kg. Error Bars Stand for Standard Errors and Bars with Different TreatmentsareMutually Independent 2 CONCLUSION Thisstudyhasshownthatalfalfaabsorbsandtranslocates n and n a butn also affected chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll production. n n areaffected bysevere stressconditions imposedby n andn ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and the Environmental Protection Agency under Cooperative Agreement Number Fig.3:TotalPhenolicContent(RepresentedasµgGAE/g) in(A)Rootsand(B)ShootsofFreezeDriedAlfalfaPlant Grownfor30DaysinSoilAmendedwithEithernCeO2or nZnOat0(Control),250,500,and750mg/kg.ErrorBars Stand for Standard Errors and Bars with no Symbols GAE=GallicAcidEquivalent,n=3 11 of the National Science Foundation or the Environmental ProtectionAgency. ThisworkhasnotbeensubjectedtoEPA Coriandrum J.Agric.FoodChem. sativum laboratoryforspectroscopicmeasurements. 14. REFERENCES J. Agriculture”,Ind.Biotechnol, 15. 1. 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