Dr. Uttam Kumar Sahoo Professor (Forestry)

Dr. Uttam Kumar Sahoo
Professor (Forestry)
----------------------------------------------------------------Department of Forestry
Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004(Mizoram)
Tel: 0091-389-2330394/ 2330534 (Off);
0389-2326492 (Res), Fax: 0389-2330844
Mob: 91-9436150944
Emails: uksahoo_2003@rediffmail.com;
uttamsahoo85@yahoo.com; uttams64@gmail.com
Professional experiences:
Teaching: 22 years (16 years at Post Graduate Level and
06 years at Undergraduate Level), Research: 22 years
Training attended: IIFM (Bhopal), IIM (Lucknow),
NAARM (Hyderbad), CIPHET (Ludhiana).
Positions held:
 Professor (Forestry), since March 2010
 Associate Professor (Forestry), March 2007 to Feb 2010
 Reader (Forestry), March 2004 to February 2007
 Senior Lecturer (Forestry), NEHU from April 2001 to Feb 2004
 Lecturer (Forestry), NEHU from April, 1997 to March, 2001t
 Lecturer (Botany), NEHU, 1991-92, PGT (Bio), 93-96 at NVS
Research Publications
No. of research papers published:
General articles/Technical Reports:
Conference/Seminar/Workshop attended:
Major Research Project Completed:
Books published:
Ph.D. students already supervised:
M.Sc. dissertation already supervised:
Abroad visit:
Nepal (1998), Myanmar ( 2007), Kenya (2009), UAE (2011),
Recognition in Editorial Board/as Reviewers:
 Assistant Editor-Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment
(Helsinki, Finland)
 Joint Editor- Journal of Current Science, Dumka
 Reviewer of papers for Springer publications, Current Sciences,
Seed Technology Journals
Member of Societies: National Institute of Ecology, Society of
Tree Scientists
Some selected research publications:
1. Sahoo, U.K. (2013). Allelopathic studies of understorey weeds
by Agroforestry trees in home gardens of Mizoram. Journal of
Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 1(4): 248257.
2. Sahoo, U.K. and Jeeceelee, L. (2013). Effect of Aqueous leaf
extracts of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. On germination and
seedling growth of five common agricultural crops. Journal of
Tropical Forestry, 29(I&II): 1-13.
3. Barbhuiya, A. and Sahoo, U.K. (2013). Traditional homegarden
Agroforestry: Structural diversity and functional dynamics in
Aizawl district of Mizoram, North-East India. In: Pandey, C.B.
& Chaturvedi, O.P (eds). Agroforestry Systems and Prospects,
New india Publishing Agency, New Delhi, pp.1-25.
4. Sahoo, U.K., Rocky,P. Vanlalhriatpuia, K. & Upadhaya, K.
(2011). Species composition, production and energetic
Professor U.K.Sahoo, M.Sc. (Botany)- Utkal University, 1988;
M.Phil (Botany)- Utkal University, 1989; Ph.D (Botany)- NorthEastern Hill University, Shillong, 1993.
Area of interest: Agroforestry, Forest Ecology, Seed Technology
Research interest: My current research interest involves around
livelihood improvement and empowerment of rural poor through
sustainable farming systems, homestead agroforestry, options on
sustainable use of potential non-timber forest products. Efforts are
being made on to find out alternative models for shifting
cultivators and providing some value-added products. An in-depth
investigation on homegardens as a possible source for biodiversity
conservation and carbon sequestration and food security.
sustainability of homegardens in the highlands of eastern
Mizoram, India. Tree and Forest Science and Biotechnology,5
(special issue):1-13.
5. Sahoo, U.K. & Lalfakawna (2010). Population dynamics of
Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth., Choicy in an undisturbed vs.
disturbed tropical forest stands of North-East India.
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Science,
36(2-3): 1-10
6. Sahoo, U.K., Jeeceelee, L., Vanlalhriatpuia, K. , Upadhyaya,
K. & . Lalremruati, J.H. (2010). Allelopathic effects of leaf
leachates of Mangifera indica L. on initial growth parameters of
few homegarden food crops. World Applied Sciences Journal,
10(12): 1438-1447.
7. Sahoo, U.K., Vanlalhriatpuia, K., Roy, S., Upadhayaya, K.
and Jeeceelee, L.. (2011). Effect of leaf extract of Areca catechu
L. on important food crops of Mizoram. Range Management &
Agroforestry, 32(1): 45-48.
8. Vanlalhluna, P.C. and Sahoo, U.K. (2011). Growth and yield of
maize under different agroforestry systems exposed to varying
cultural treatments in Mizoram, India. Science Vision, 11(1):
9. Sahoo, U.K., Vanlalhriatpuia, K., Upadhyaya, K. & Roy, S.
(2010).Effect of leaf extracts of common homegarden trees
on food crops. Allelopathy Journal, 28(1): 123-134.
10. Sahoo, U.K. (2009). Traditional home gardens and
livelihood security in North-East India. 665-670. Journal of
Food, Agriculture and Environment (Finland), 9: 7(2):
11. Upadhyaya, K., Sahoo, U.K. Vanlalhriatpuia, K. and Roy,
S. (2012). Decomposition Dynamics and Nutrient Release
Pattern from Leaf Litters of Five Commonly Occurring
Homegarden Tree Species in Mizoram, India. Journal of
Sustainable Forestry, 31:711–726.
12. Salam, Jekendra Singh,. Singh, P.K., Dutta, B.K. & Sahoo,
U.K. (2010). Effect of processing and cooking methods on
some anti-nutritive, toxic components and nutritional
composition in Parkia roxburghii G.Don seeds. Indian
Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 23(2): 97-102.
system of Mizoram. Indian Journal of Forestry, 32(2): 191194.
13. Pynskhem, Upadhyaya, K.
& Sahoo, U.K. (2010)
Aboveground biomass production and nutrient allocation of
Melocanna baccifera (Roxb) Nees in differently aged natural
stands. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan, 9(1&2): 91-99.
27. Salam, Jekendra Singh,. Singh, P.K., Dutta, B.K. & Sahoo,
U.K. (2009). Chemical composition and nutritive indices in
Parkia roxburghii G.Don, A leguminous plant of India.
Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 22(2): 87-93.
14. Sahoo, U.K., L. Jeeceelee, J.H. Lalremruati, J. Lalremruata,
C. Lalliankhuma and H.Lalramnghinglova (2010). Role of
NTFPs in the livelihood of communities in and around Dampa
Tiger Reserve in North-East India. The Bioscan, special
28. Thangjam, R. & Sahoo, U.K. (2009). Application of
biotechnological tools for the conservation, sustainable use
and genetic enhancement of bio-resources in the Indo-Burma
biodiversity hotspot. In: Singha, K (ed.) Village Development
in North-East India. Concept Publishing Company, New
15. Lalfakwma, Sahoo, U.K., Roy, S., Vanlalhriatpuia, K. &
Vanlalhluna, P.C. (2009). Community composition and tree
population structure in undisturbed and disturbed tropical
semi-evergreen forest stands of north-east India, Applied
Ecology and Environmental Research (Budapest), 2009:
7(4): 303-318.
Delhi, pg. 197-213.
29. Sahoo, U.K., Upadhyaya, K. and Tomar, JMS. (2008).
Phytosociological analysis of Pinus kesiya stands at Umiam
water shed exposed to varying intensities of disturbance.
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental
Sciences, 34(4): 307-317.
16. Sahoo, U.K., Lalremruata, J., Lalramnghinglova,H.
Lalremruati, J.H. & Lalliankhuma, C. (2010). Livelihood
generation through Non-timber forest products by rural poor in
and around Dampa Tiger Reserve in Mizoram Journal of
Non-timber Forest Products, 17(2): 147-161.
30. Sahoo, U.K., Upadhyaya , K. & Meitei , C.B. (2007).
Allelopathic effects of subabul and teak on germination and
growth of maize in Mizoram. Allelopathy Journal, 20(1):
17. Vanlalhluna, P.C. & Sahoo, U.K. (2010). Tree growth and
crop yield under Agroforestry practices in Mizoram, N.E.
India Journal of Tropical Forestry, 26 (II): 49-54.
31. Sahoo, U.K. (2007). Agroforestry Systems and Practices
prevailing in Mizoram. In: Puri, S. and Panwar, P. (eds)
Agroforestry Systems and Practices, New India Publishing
Agency, New Delhi, Pp. 367-384.
18. Lalchhandami, Sahoo , U.K. & Upadhyaya , K.(2010).
Growth and biomass production of Michelia champaca L.
and Toona ciliata M.Roem as affected by species mixture
and N,P, K application. Journal of Tropical Forestry, 27(1):
32. Upadhyaya, K., Sahoo, U.K. & Lalrempuia , H.(2007).
Effect of seed source and temperature on germination
behaviour and seedling vigour of Parkia roxburghii G. Don
in North-East India. Journal of Tropical Forestry, 23(II):
19. Sahoo, U.K., J. Lalremruata, L. Jeeceelee, J.H.Lalremruati,
C. Lalliankhuma and H. Lalramnghinglova (2010). Folk
utilization of non-timber forest product (NTFPs) by the tribal
communities in and around Dampa Tiger Reserve in
Mizoram. The Bioscan, special volume.1II:721-729.
33. Sahoo, U.K. (2007). Effect of seed pretreatments on
germination and seedling vigour of four different species of
Albizzia. Seed Research, 35(1): 124-128.
20. Vanlalhluna, P.C. and Sahoo, U.K. (2009). Growth and
biomass production of Melia azaderach (A. Juss) under
different crop
combination and mulch application in
Mizoram. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 4(1):
21. Sahoo, U.K. (2008). Effect of crop and mulching on the
growth and biomass production of Gmelina arborea (Linn.
Roxb.) seedling. The Bioscan, 3(4): 505-509.
22. Sahoo, U.K. and Vanlalhluna, P.C. (2008). Performance of
three multipurpose trees and associated crops in Mizoram.
Rangeland and Agroforestry Systems, 29(2): 100-103.
23. Sahoo, U.K., Rocky, P., Vanlalhriatpuia, K. &. Upadhaya,
K. (2010). Structural diversity and functional dynamism of
traditional home gardens of north-east India. The Bioscan,
special volume.1:159-171.
24. Vanlalhluna, P.C. and Sahoo, U.K. (2008). Management
effect on crop yield in a Gmelina arborea based agroforestry
system in humid tropic of India. Journal of Hill Research,
21(1): 13-19.
25. Sahoo, U.K., Upadhyaya , K. & Lalrempuia, H. (2009).
Effect of pretreatment and temperature on the germination
behavior of seeds of Parkia roxburghii G. Don. Forests,
Trees and Livelihoods (U.K.), 17: 345-350.
26. Vanlalhluna, P.C. & Sahoo, U.K. (2009). Performance of
multipurpose trees and the associated crops in agroforestry
34. Tawnenga, Sahoo, U.K. and Vanlalhluna, P.C. and
Upadhyaya, K. (2007). Analyzing shifting agriculture as a
component of village landscape and local livelihoods: A case
study of Ailawng village, Mizoram, India. In: Saxena, K.G.,
Lianga, Luohuia and Rerkasem, Kanok (eds): Shifting
agriculture in Asia: Implications for environmental
conservation and sustainable livelihood. Bishen Singh and
Mahedra Pal Singh , Dehradun, PP. 121-135
35. Sahoo, U.K. and Kharmalki, N.J.S. (2006). Effect of
different mulches on soil properties and yield of maize in
Mizoram. Journal of Current Science, 8(1): 121-130.
Sahoo, U.K., Vanlalhluna, P.C., Thapa, H.S. (2006).
Agribiodiversity and traditional cultivation practices in
Mizoram. In: Bhatt, B.P & Bujarbarua, K.M. (eds)
in North Eastern Himalayan India:
Opportunities and Challenges,, ICAR publication, Shillong,
36. Sahoo, U.K. & Rocky, P. (2006). Growth and biomass
production of Bambusa bamboos, a multipurpose
agroforestry species as affected by N & P application in
Mizoram. In: Bhatt, B.P & Bujarbarua, K.M. (eds)
in North Eastern Himalayan India:
Opportunities and Challenges,, ICAR publication, Shillong,
37. Rocky, P. & Sahoo, U.K. (2006). Social forestry – A viable
option for rural development in Manipur. In: Bhatt, B.P &
Bujarbarua, K.M. (eds) Agroforestry in North Eastern
Himalayan India: Opportunities and Challenges,, ICAR
publication, Shillong, 455-465.
38. Lalremruata, J., Sahoo, U.K. and Lalramnghinglova, H.
(2006) Inventory on Non-timber Forest Products of Mizoram
in North-East India. Journal of Non-timber Forest.Products,
14(3): 173-180
53. Sahoo, U.K. (1997). Species composition and dynamics of
viable soil seed bank under slash and burn and terrace
cultivation in Meghalaya. Indian Journal of Botanical
Society, 76: 1-6.
39. Sahoo, U.K., Vanlalhluna, P.C and Mohan, R. (2005). Effect
of different levels of N,P, K on the growth behaviour of
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit and yield of Zea mays
L. in Mizoram. Journal of Current Sciences, 7(II), 433-436.
54. Sahoo, U.K. & Jha, L.K. (1997). Effect of depth and duration
of burial on seed viability and dormancy of Bidens pilosa L.
and Richardsoina pilosa HBK, Seed Research, 23 (1): 36-45.
40. Sahoo, U.K., Mohan, R., Vanlahluna, P.C. and Sangma,
M.M. (2005). Effect of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de
Wit on the growth and yield of Zea mays L. in the humid
subtropics of Mizoram, India. Journal of Nature
Conservation, 17(1), 177-183.
41. Mohan, R., Sailo, R.L. and Sahoo, U.K. (2005). Effect of
subabul (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit spacing on
the growth and productivity of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) in
Mizoram, India. Journal of Nature Conservation, 17(1),
42. Rocky, P. Sahoo, U.K & Thapa, H.S. (2004). Livelihood
generation through tree bean (Parkia roxburghii G. Don) in
Imphal West district of Manipur. Journal of Non-timber
Forest Products (Dehra Dun),11(2): 135-139.
43. Sahoo, U.K. & Bhatt, B.P. (2003). Disaster management
with special reference to Mizoram in North East Region. In:
Rawat, S.S.S. (ed). Central Himalaya Environment &
Development (Potentials, Actions & Challenges), Vol. II,
pp. 595-604 . Transmedia Publishers, Srinagar Garwhal:
246174, Uttaranchal.
44. Sahoo, U.K., Rocky, P. & Harit, D.N. (2003). Present status
and management strategies for eco-restoration of Murlen
National Park. In: Verma, S.R. (ed) Protected Habitat and
Biodiversity, Nature Conservators, Publication-8, 133-144.
45. Thapa, H.S. & Sahoo, U.K. (2003). Weeds of Mizoram: An
investigation from ethnobotanical prospectives. International
Journal of Ecology, Environment and Conservation
(Karad), 9(4): 131-137.
46. Sahoo, U.K., Rocky, P. & Kharmujai, P. (2002).
Phytosociological analysis of weeds in a bamboo based
agroecosystem of Mizoram. Indian Journal of Hill
Farming, 15(1): 83-86.
47. Rocky, P. & Sahoo, U.K. (2002). Tree beans (Parkia
roxburghii G. Don): A promising NTFP of Manipur. MFP
News (Dehra Dun), XII (2), 4-5.
48. Sahoo, U.K. (2001).Dynamics of viable weed seed bank as
influenced by cultivation type, crop rotation and soil depth in
north-east India. Indian Journal of Botanical Society, 80:
49. Sahoo, U.K. (1998). Phytosociological analysis of weeds in
crop fields under ‘jhum’ and terrace cultivation. Indian
Journal of Weed Science, 30 (1&2), 5-8.
55. Sahoo, U.K., Tripathi, R.S., Pandey, H.N. & Misra, J.
(1995). Viable buried weed seed infestation as influenced by
farmyard manure application on hill agroecosystem of
Meghalaya. J. Indian Botanical Society, 75(1-2): 1-7.
56. Sahoo, U.K., Tripathi, R.S. & Pandey, H.N. (1995).
Dynamics of buried viable weed seed population in hill
agroecosystem of Meghalaya. In: Functioning and dynamics
of natural and perturbed ecosystem (D. Bellan, G. Bonin,
C.Emig eds) Techniques et Documentation, Lavoisier,
Intercept Ltd, France, pp.303-309.
57. Misra, J., Pandey, H.N., Tripathi, R.S. & Sahoo, U.K.
(1995). Dynamics of buried seed population and seedling
cohorts of two dominant weeds in a hill agroecosystem of the
humid subtropics of India. Researches on Population
Ecology (Japan), 37(1): 1-7.
58. Sahoo, U.K., Tripathi, R.S. & Pandey, H.N. (1995).
Dynamics of buried seed population of weeds as influenced
by conventional tillage and no-tillage in Meghalaya, India.
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (New Delhi),
65(1): 49-53.
59. Arunachalam, A., Pandiaraj, S. & Sahoo, U.K. (1995). Effect
of temperature, pH and light condition on primary
productivity of Hydrilla verticilata. Journal of Hill
Research (Sikkim), 8(1): 25-27.
60. Sahoo, U.K., Tripathi, R.S., Pandey, H.N. & Misra, J.
(1994). Population dynamics of buried weed seeds as
influenced by shifting and terrace cultivation in the humid
subtropics of India. Weed Research (U.K.), 34: 157-165.
61. Sahoo, U.K., Tripathi, R.S. & Pandey, H.N. (1993).
Dynamics of buried seed population of four annual weeds in
potato fields under slash and burn agriculture (jhum) and
terrace cultivation in north-east India. In: Dormancy and
barriers to germination (D.G.W. Edwards ed.) Proceedings
of International symposium, IUFRO Project Group PG04.00
(seed problems), Victoria British Columbia, Canada, April
23-26, 1991, Forestry Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre,
Victoria, B.C.
62. Misra, J., Pandey, H.N., Triapathi, R.S. & Sahoo, U.K.
(1992).Weed population dynamics under jhum (slash & burn
agriculture) and terrace cultivation in north-east India.
Netherlands), 41: 285-295.
Important Research Projects Completed:
Socio-cultural and political aspects of market and non-market
benefits of forest resources with special reference to NTFPs
and conservation in and around Dampa Tiger Reserve in
Mizoram” –MoEF, New Delhi.
51. Sahoo, U.K. (1997). The viable weed seed content of ‘jhum’
(shifting agriculture) and terrace agroecosystems of
Meghalaya. Seed Research, 25: 1-4.
Studies on structural diversity and functional dynamics of
traditional home gardens in relation to livelihood support in
undivided Aizawl district of Mizoram-CSIR, New Delhi.
52. Sahoo, U.K. (1997). Depletion of arable soil seed bank under
jhum and terrace cultivation in Meghalaya. Seed Research,
25: 1-4.
Inventory on NTFP resources and livelihood generation by
rural poor in Mizoram- GBPIHED, Almorah.
50. Sahoo, U.K. (1998). Effect of depth and duration of burial on
seed viability and dormancy of four annual weeds. Annals of
Agricultural Research, 19(3): 304-310.
Integrated farming system development and resource
management for shifting cultivators in Mizoram-DST, New
Study on the performance of field crops under different tree
species and soil conservation aspects under hilly terrain of
Mizoram-ICAR, New Delhi
Analyzing shifting agriculture as a component of village
landscape and local livelihoods: A case study in Ailawng
village of Mizoram in North-East- JNU-UNU collaborative
project, worked as a Co-investigator.
Livelihood improvement and empowerment of rural poor
through sustainable farming systems in North-East IndiaWorld Bank-ICAR Mega Project on National Agricultural
Innovation Project, Sustainable Rural Livelihood System