: Jay Prakash Singh
: July 10, 1978
: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Mizoram University
Tanhril – 796 004
Aizawl, Mizoram
Tel. No.
: (+91) 8974134152
: Indian
: Differential Geometry of Manifolds
Ph. D., December, 2006, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P., INDIA
Title of the Thesis
Thesis Supervisor
: Prof. R. H. Ojha, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P.,
M. Sc. (Mathematics)
: 2001, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P., INDIA
B. Sc. (Math. Hons.)
: 1999, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P., INDIA
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Mizoram
University, Aizawl, Mizoram, INDIA
Teaching B. Tech. and M. Sc. Students in Mizoram University, from 2nd February 2007
till date.
Paper Published/Accepted:
1. J.P. Singh and R. H. Ojha (2005), On Lorentzian Para Sasakian manifolds, Proc. Of
Math. Soc., B.H.U. Vol 21, 83-90. ISSN: 2070-3724.
2. J.P. Singh and R. H. Ojha (2005), Somehyper surfaces of almost Grayan manifolds, Prog.
Of Maths, Vol 39(1&2), 91-99, ISSN: 0555-4330.
3. J.P. Singh (2009), On an Einstein M-projective P-Sasakian manifolds, Bull. Cal. Math.
Soc. 101(2), 175-180, ISSN: 0008-0659.
4. J.P. Singh (2010), On a type of quarter-symmetric non metric connection on a kahler
manifold, The Assam Academy of Mathematics, Vol 1, 49-54, ISSN: 2229-3884.
5. J.P. Singh (2010), On a semi-symmetric metric non metric connection on a Riemannian
manifolds, Sci. Vis., 10(2), 62-65, ISSN: 0975-6175.
6. J.P. Singh (2011), On a type of Para-Sasakian manifold, Sci. vis. 11(4), 185-188, ISSN:
7. J.P. Singh (2012), An analytic study of certain conditions on Riemannian manifold, Int. J.
of Sci. & Engg. Appls, Vol 6(3)ISSN 0973-9424
8. J.P. Singh (2012), M-projective curvature tensor on LP-Sasakian manifolds, J. of Prog.
Sci. Vol. 3(1), 73-76.ISSN: 0976-4933.
9. J.P. Singh (2012), On m-projective Recurrent Riemannian manifolds, Int. J. of math.
Analysis, Vol. 6(240, 1173-1178.ISSN: 1312-8876.
10. J.P. Singh (2012), On a generalized almost contact metric normal manifold, Sci. Vis.
Vol. 12(4), 164-169.ISSN: 0975-6175.
11. J.P. Singh (2013), A quarter-symmetric metric connection on almost contact metric
manifold, J. of Prog. Sci. Vol. 4(2), 183-190. ISSN: 0976-4933.
12. J.P. Singh (2014), On an Einstein quarter symmetric metric F-connection, Int. J. of adv.
In Math. Vol. 1 (1), 1-8. ISSN:
13. J.P. Singh (2014)On generalized ߮ െrecurrent and generalized concircularly
߮ െrecurrent P-Sasakian manifolds, Novi Sad j. of Math. Vol. 44(1), 153-163.ISSN:
14. J.P. Singh (2014), Some properties of LP-Sasakian manifolds admitting a quarter
symmetric nonmetric connections, Tomsui Oxford J. of Inf. And Math. Sci., Vol 29(4),
505-517.ISSN: 2222-4424.
15. J.P. Singh and A. Singh (2014), Quarter symmetric non metric connection on LpSasakian manifolds, Int. J. of Appl. Math. Sc., Vol. 7(2), 113-122.ISSN: 0973-0176.
16. Rajesh Kumar, J.P. Singh and J. Chowdhury (2014), conformally flat generalized
߮ െrecurrent trans-Sasakian manifolds,Int. J. of Appl. Math. Sc., Vol. 7(3), 447-459.
ISSN: 0972-9828.
17. Rajesh Kumar, J.P. Singh and J. Chowdhury (2014), On semi- generalized recurrent LpSasakian manifolds, Int. J. of Math. And Stat. invention, Vol. 2(11), 63-66.ISSN: 23214759.
18. J.P. Singh (2015), On a type of LP-Sasakian manifolds admitting a quarter symmetric
non metric connection, The Mathematics Student, Vol. 84 (1&2).57-67: ISSN: 00255742.
19. Rajesh Kumar, J.P. Singh and J. Chowdhury (2015), On generalized Ricci- recurrent LPSasakian manifolds, J. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 14, 205210.ISSN:2008-949x.
20. J.P. Singh (2015),On LP-Sasakian manifold admitting a quarter symmetric non metric
connections,Tensor Society of India (accepted for publication).ISSN: 0974-2458.
21. J.P.Singh (2015), On the M-Projective curvature tensor of Sasakian manifolds, Sci. Vis.,
15(2), 76-79:ISSN: 0975-6175.
22. J.P.Singh and R. Zosangliani (2015), On an Einstein Quarter symmetric non metric
connection on a Riemannian manifold, Science and Technology Journal, Vol.2 No. I:
ISSN: 2321-3388.
23. J.P Singh (2015),Semi Symmetric Metric ξ Connection on an Almost Grayan Manifold, Science
and Technology Journal, Vol.2 No. I: ISSN: 2321-3388.
Book Published:
J.P. Singh, certain differentiable structures on manifolds, Scholar Press (Germany),
Project completed:
UGC Minor Research Project Rs. 1.4 Lac “Some differentiable structures on a
manifold” Feb 2011 to July 2012.
Research Guided:
• One student (Jagannath Chowdhury) got Ph.D. Degree under my supervision.
Invited Talks:
1. ASC, Mizoram University, Aizawl
2. National Workshop on Mathematical Analysis organized by Department of
Mathematics and computer Science, MZU on topic “An introduction to Tensor”
on March 7-8, 2013.
3. National Workshop on Dynamical System organized by Department of
Mathematics and computer Science, MZU on topic “An introduction to metric
spaces” on November 26-27, 2013.
Paper presentation:
1. 21st Annual Conference on The Mathematical Society, B.H.U. organized by Department
of Mathematics, BHU on topic “On Lorentzian Para Sasakian manifolds” on January 2324, 2006.
2. National Conference on Analysis and its applications organized by Department of
Mathematics, BHU, Varanasi on January 20-22, 2006.
3. 23rdAnnual Conference on The Mathematical Society, B.H.U. organized by Department
of Mathematics, BHU on topic “On an Einstein M-projective LP- Sasakian manifolds” on
December 29-30, 2007.
4. National Conference on Mathematical Science, MZU organized by Department of
Mathematics, Pachhunga University College, Aizawl on topic “A study of certain
curvature conditions on Riemannian manifolds” on November 24-25, 2011.
5. 78th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, held in the B.H.U., Varanasi
during January 22-25, 2013 on topic “On LP-Sasakian manifold admitting a quarter
symmetric non metric connections”.
UGC-ASC Orientation Course / Refresher Courses attended:
1. 46thOrientation Course sponsored by UGC-ASC, B.H.U., Varanasi-221105 from June 07
to July 04, 2007.
2. Refresher Course in Computer Science sponsored by UGC-ASC, University of Mumbai
from January 28 to February 17, 2010.
3. Refresher Course in Physical Science sponsored by UGC-ASC, Mizoram University
from March 19 to April 8, 2013.
Workshop/Training course/ research Methodology: attended/organized
Attended international workshop and conference on surface mapping class groups and
related topics, June 16-28, 2008 organized by Dept. of Mathematics, NEHU,
Attended workshop on Differential Geometry organized by DST-CIMS, B.H.U.
Varanasi, May 02-11, 2011.
Attended short Term course on Disaster Management organized by ASC, Mizoram
University, September 19-23, 2011.
Attended short Term course on computer Application organized by ASC, Mizoram
University, December 12-16, 2011.
Attended On week Workshop on Applied Statistics organized by ASC, Mizoram
University, July 23-28, 2012.
Attended ISI-MZU School on soft computing and applications organized by Dept. of
Mathematics & Comp. Sc., MZU, November 5-9, 2012.
Organized National Workshop on mathematical Analysis at Dept. of Mathematics &
Comp. Sc., MZU, March 7-8, 2013.
1. Prof. S.R. Singh
Department of Mathematics,
B.H.U. Varanasi, 221005
2. Prof. Naveen Kumar Singh
Department of Mathematics,
B.H.U. Varanasi, 221005
3. Prof. Akhilesh Prasad
Department of Applied Mathematics
Indian School of Mines,
Dhanbad, Jharkhand