COURSE AND INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Course Number: Course Title: Semester and Year: Time and Location: Instructor: Email Address: Office Hours: SOWO 501, Section 003 Confronting Oppression and Institutional Discrimination Spring 2016 Tuesdays, 9:00 – 11:50, Room 101 Laurie Selz Campbell, MSW, CPRP Mondays 12:00-1:00 p.m. or by appointment, Room 354 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines institutionalized oppression and its implications for social work practice at all levels, emphasizing the consequences of social inequality and the social worker’s responsibilities to fight oppression. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of prejudice and the impact of discrimination on individuals and groups, especially with regard to race, gender, disability, sexual identity, and ethnicity. Demonstrate knowledge of the historical and social forces that have worked for and against the exclusion of groups of people from opportunities and services at the institutional, community, and societal levels. Demonstrate knowledge of the roles played by advocacy groups in minimizing barriers to opportunities and services for populations who experience discrimination. Identify and consider ways of addressing institutional discrimination as it appears in social welfare policy and in the management and practice of human services. Demonstrate an ability to apply social work values and ethics to practice with diverse populations. Demonstrate knowledge of differential assessment and intervention skills needed to serve diverse populations. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of human diversity and family and community strengths. COURSE RATIONALE Evidence based practice is defined as the use of the best available evidence to make practice decisions. It involves integrating the preferences of clients and one’s own accrued practice expertise with current scientific information. Because “the evidence” is unlikely to ever be so robust as to fully inform practice with the diversity of human kind, the evidence must always be interpreted and, in some cases, extrapolated. It is in this crucial process that knowledge of the impact of discrimination and inequality on human behavior becomes paramount. The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) stipulates that one of the ethical principles that must guide social workers is that “Social workers challenge social injustice” (1999, p. 2). Specifically, the Code directs social workers to “pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people. Social workers’ social change efforts are focused primarily on issues of poverty, unemployment, discrimination, and other forms of social injustice” (NASW, 1999, p. 2). These activities are anchored to one of the fundamental missions of the social work profession, which is to “strive to end discrimination, oppression, poverty, and other forms of social injustice” (NASW, 1999, p. 1). The intent of this course is to prepare students to fulfill their responsibilities related to fighting injustice and oppression, as prescribed by the Code. All social workers have a responsibility to meet the needs of diverse client systems in our society. In addition to understanding clients systems’ rich heritage and contributions to society, social workers need to understand the structures, systems, and policies that create and maintain oppression. This course serves as a foundation for the understanding of the nature, character, and consequences of being excluded from many available opportunities and services. It explores the implications and connections of discrimination for oppressed groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, women, older persons, people with disabilities and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) people. Members of these groups have been affected by social, economic and legal biases and by institutional structures and social policies that maintain and perpetuate oppression. REQUIRED TEXTS Carlton-LaNey, I. (2005). African Americans aging in the rural south: Stories of faith, family and community. Durham, NC: Sourwood Press. Schwalbe, M. (2014). Rigging the game: How inequality is reproduced in everyday life (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Sue, D. W. (2010). Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. **Additional required readings will be posted on Sakai or available on the Internet or through UNC Libraries e-journals.** TEACHING METHODS AND EXPECTATIONS Teaching methods will include lecture and class discussion, as well as multimedia presentations, guest speakers, and experiential activities. We all have much to learn from one another. Full participation is essential to your learning process in the class, and will allow you to successfully apply the course material in a way that is personally and professionally meaningful. The course will ask you to reflect on and discuss difficult and complex issues and material that may not always be comfortable. We will develop a supportive learning environment, reflecting the values of the social work profession. This requires listening to the ideas and views of others, attempting to understand and appreciate a point of view which is different from your own, articulating clearly your point of view, and linking experience to readings and assignments. Most importantly be curious about why you think the way you do and why others think the way they do, ask genuine questions, explain your reasoning and intent, and test your assumptions and inferences. During the first class session, we will generate guidelines that will allow all of us to engage authentically, and to treat each other with respect, compassion, and honor. CLASS PREPARATION, ATTENDANCE, AND PARTICIPATION In order to fully participate in and benefit from each class session, students should complete required readings before class and come to class prepared to discuss them. Participation points will be based on attendance, participation in class activities and discussions, and tardiness. Attendance is critical to your learning, as well as to the atmosphere of inclusiveness and trust in the class. Therefore, attendance at all class sessions is expected, and an attendance sign-in sheet will be passed around at the beginning of each class. It is important to be on time as to not disrupt class. We will cover a great deal of information in each class session. I ask that you contact me, in advance, if you need to miss a class session due to illness or an emergency. It is your responsibility to obtain handouts, information about class content, and information about announcements, etc., from your classmates if you are unable to attend a class. USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM We are all invested in creating a learning environment of respect and engagement. Students may use laptops in class for taking notes or completing small group tasks. However, I ask that you use them only for relevant activities – not for checking email or surfing the Web. During class, cell phones and other devices should be silenced. I expect that we are all invested in creating an environment of respect and engagement. I welcome laptops or tablets for taking notes or for small group activities; however, I ask that you use them only for relevant activities – not for checking email or surfing the Web. Cell phones should be turned off or muted, and text messaging should not occur during class (please let me know in advance if there is a specific situation -- e.g. a sick child -- in which you need to be available by phone). Overall, please remember that your attention is an important sign of respect to your colleagues, just as it would be to your clients. Please do not have the mistaken assumption that others are unaware if you are disengaged! If distracting use of electronics is observed, I will need to strictly limit their use to specific times and activities. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students with disabilities or medical conditions that may impact their participation in the course and who may need accommodations should contact the Department of Accessibility Resources and Services (919-962-8300 or T-711 NC RELAY). Accessibility Resources and Services will notify the instructor regarding recommended accommodations. Instructors cannot provide accommodations to a student without communication from the Department of Accessibility Resources and Services HONOR CODE “The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has had a student-led honor system for over 100 years. Academic integrity is at the heart of Carolina and we all are responsible for upholding the ideals of honor and integrity. The student-led Honor System is responsible for adjudicating any suspected violations of the Honor Code and all suspected instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the honor system. Information, including your responsibilities as a student is outlined in the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance.” (From Your full participation and observance of the Honor Code is expected. The Honor Code can be found at Academic dishonesty is contrary to the ethics of the social work profession, unfair to other students, and will not be tolerated in any form. All written assignments should include the following signed pledge (please sign with your PID): “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in preparing this written work.” In keeping with the UNC Honor Code, if reason exists to believe that academic dishonesty has occurred, a referral will be made to the Office of the Student Attorney General for investigation and further action as required. Please refer to the APA Style Guide for information on attribution of quotes, plagiarism, and appropriate citation. The UNC Writing Center provides clear guidelines regarding what does and does not constitute plagiarism. LATE ASSIGNMENTS AND EXTENSIONS All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the day noted. Late assignments are strongly discouraged. To obtain permission to submit an assignment after the deadline, the student must seek approval from the instructor before the day that the product is due. If permission for late submission is not granted before breaking a deadline, the grade will automatically be reduced 5% for each day, including weekends. In case of an emergency, a late paper may be accepted without penalty at the discretion of the instructor provided sufficient explanation, and possibly, documentation of emergency. A grade of “Incomplete” will be given only in extenuating circumstances and in accordance with School of Social Work and University policy. ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES Written assignments should be typed and follow APA format as specified in the APA Publication Manual (6th edition). The School of Social Work offers a variety of helpful writing resources available at In addition, students can get help with their writing from the School of Social Work writing support team: Diane Wyant ( and Susan White ( Help with writing is also available through the UNC Writing Center: Additionally, here is a brief guideline for writing about persons with disabilities which is important to keep in mind: 0and%20Writing%20about%20People%20with%20Disabilities%207th%20Edition.pdf Assignments should be printed out and submitted in paper form, unless otherwise specified by the instructor. ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONS: Descriptions of the course assignments are presented below. Additional detail (for some) and scoring rubrics will be posted under Assignments on Sakai. Thoughtful Participation_____________________________________________________________ 10 points A critical component of learning and creating a learning environment is thoughtful participation in class discussion. This will require class attendance. If you are not in class (absent or late), you are not participating. You will start with a score of 10 points, in recognition of expectations around attendance, engagement, and informed participation. “Thoughtful participation” means that you have completed the readings and that your comments are focused and respectful. Points will be deducted if you miss class without notice, are repeatedly late or leave early, disappear for long periods on break, or are unprepared or obviously disengaged (see policy on electronic devices, above). Heritage Gallery Presentation________________________________________________________ Not Graded (toward participation points) Due January 19 (Class 2) Heritage is rich, deep, and ever-present in people’s lives and actions. It is often cherished and sacred, coming from those who have lived and died. Heritage names us and shapes us in profound ways. It is a piece of human essence. The ways we express our cultural heritage are numerous and varied. Heritage exists in food, clothes, art, music, and language. Heritage exists in rituals, symbols, festivals, and ceremonies. Heritage exists in technologies, architecture, gardens, and artifacts. Cultural heritage tells of our past and our futures. Bring an expression of your cultural heritage to share with the class. This can be an artifact, food, glossary of terms, tradition, performance, image, art form – anything that is an expression of your cultural heritage and identity. Briefly explain why you chose the particular piece and how this representation of social, familial, and/or cultural heritage continues to influence your life. Your presentation should be about 5-7 minutes. Reflection Paper: The Cycle of Socialization 20 points Due February 2 For this 3-4 page paper, you will use the Harro (2013) Cycle of Socialization article to examine your personal experiences, the messages that you have received, and how these have socialized how you think about race and racism. The purpose of this paper is to enable us to become more aware of socialized messages, how they affect our attitudes and behavior, and to become mindful of how to attend to social messages in challenging racism. We will go through the “cycle of socialization” in class and detailed instructions will be posted on Sakai for this paper. Group Presentation on Institutional Racism & Intersecting Oppressions_________________ 25 points Due February 23 Understanding institutional oppression and developing anti-oppressive policies, programs, and practices that promote social justice are among the goals of this course. For this assignment, you will select a social institution (for example, health/medical care, mental health care, child welfare, education (multiple levels), housing, employment/workplace, social service systems, religious/faith organizations). Focus your research and your presentation (~30-35 minutes) on structural/institutional racism as well as intersecting dimensions of oppression. As appropriate, after providing an overview, you can also choose to focus in on a particular subgroup of people – for example, after an overview of disproportionality and institutional discrimination in the child welfare system, you could choose to focus in on the experiences of American Indian children and families. As another example, after an overview of institutional racism in the education system, you could choose to focus in on the experiences of adolescent African American males in the school-to-prison pipeline. You are free to use PowerPoint or other media and group exercises to communicate your message to the class. If you are using power point slides, they should be formatted using APA style for citations and references. That is, you should provide citations at the bottom of slides containing information from scholarly sources, and include a complete list of references on the final slides, or as a handout. You do not need to make copies of your slides for the class, BUT you should submit a copy to the instructor (either hard copy or electronic) on the day before the presentation. These will be posted on Sakai so that students can have access to them. Your presentation will be evaluated by both peers and the instructor, and evaluation will focus on use of the scholarly literature, coverage of the topic, engagement of audience, professionalism and use of time, and other dimensions. A full rubric will be posted on Sakai under Assignments. Here are some more detailed questions to help in guiding your presentation: 1. Manifestations of racism and intersecting oppressions: What is the nature of the structural/institutional oppression in this social institution/system? What does it look like? How does it show up? How does it affect people? What are examples of specific oppressive or discriminatory practices within this social institution/system? 2. How did this come to be? What key historical developments led to this oppression? (Here is an opportunity to go back to the online oppression course.) What assumptions, beliefs, attributions, or cultural dynamics appear to drive the oppression – how are these embedded in the social institution/system? 3. What advocacy efforts or groups have or are currently responding to the oppression? Please identify a minimum of two examples of advocacy/resistance/empowerment work. In what ways have these groups been effective? In what ways do they struggle to achieve their aims? 4. Recommendations: What are direct practice and macro-level implications for social workers who work with or in this social institution/system? How can you work within what might be oppressive institutional structures to provide responsive services? How can you work towards institutional change, working with existing advocacy efforts or in other ways? Black and Blue Tour OR Community Meeting Reflection Paper__________________________ 20 points Due March 29 You have two options for this assignment. These are summarized below, with more details to be provided on Sakai: Option 1: UNC Chapel Hill Black and Blue Tour. This event is conducted by Professor Robert Porter from the African American and Diaspora Studies Department at UNC. It is a tour of various UNC landmarks (beginning with the Silent Sam statue) in the context of our university’s racial history and engagement in slavery. The tour typically occurs on Friday afternoons. After taking part in the tour, you will write a brief (~3-4 page) paper, addressing your personal responses as well as professional reflections on the roles and responsibilities of social workers who find themselves steeped in institutions with a history of condoning or participating in racist practices, incorporating course readings as appropriate. Option 2: Community Meeting or Event. Individuals often structure their lives within relatively insular social and cultural groups and communities in which they feel comfortable. An aim of this assignment is to deliberately step outside the familiar and have an experience with a community that you do not belong to. You should attend a meeting or event of a community or group other than your own. This could be a racial/ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious community. You should go to the meeting/event by yourself. After you attend the meeting/event, you will write a paper (~3-4 pages) in which you reflect on your learnings about experiences of difference and/or exclusion, and consider professional implications for social workers who often engage with people from marginalized and excluded groups, incorporating course readings as appropriate. Below are some campus resources that may be helpful in locating meetings and events. African Studies Center: American Indian Center: Asia Center: Center for Jewish Studies: Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations: Diversity and Multicultural Affairs: LGBTQ Center: Stone Center for Black Culture and History: Reflection Paper on Justice and Liberation____________________________________________ 25 points Due April 26 At the conclusion of this course, you will complete a paper (or more accurately, a series of brief essay responses) focused on liberation and moving forward in social justice. The following readings from the books Readings for Diversity and Social Justice (Adams et. al, 2013) and Overcoming our Racism : The Journey to Liberation (Sue, 2003) will provide the foundation for this assignment: Love (2013). Developing a liberatory consciousness (pp. 601-605) Harro (2013). The cycle of liberation (pp. 618-625) Johnson (2013). What can we do? (pp. 612-618) Pharr (2013). Reflections on liberation (pp. 594-601) Sue (2003). Personal responsibility for change (pp. 196-219) Your paper (~6-8 pages) should address the following questions: 1. Developing a Liberatory Consciousness (Love, 2013): In your own words, describe your understanding of the concept of liberation. 2. The Cycle of Liberation (Harro, 2013): Identify and discuss elements of the model where you feel that you have developed understanding, competence, and/or mastery. Identify and discuss elements of the model where you feel that you are less developed in terms of knowledge, skill, and/or experience. Discuss implications and plans for growth and development as a social worker regarding one of these areas for improvement. 3. What Can We Do? (Johnson, 2013): Drawing from the section on Little Risks: Do Something, give three specific examples of ways you have recently changed or plan to change your behavior in relation to systems of oppression. 4. Reflections on Liberation (Pharr, 2013): Identify a cross-cutting social problem (e.g. partner or community violence, access to healthcare, mass incarceration, achievement gaps in education, reproductive health and STI’s) that affects multiple, often marginalized, social groups. Briefly outline what a transformational solution to this social problem might look like. 5. Personal Responsibility for Change (Sue, 2003): Think about a group of people who differ significantly from you (based on any dimensions of difference that we have discussed in this course) with whom you are working or with whom you hope to work in the future. What attitudes, beliefs, or experiences might you bring to your work with a member of this group? Where in your own life might these have come from? Then, using the five learning principles presented by Sue (2003), consider how might you begin to confront any problematic attitudes or beliefs. What might be the most challenging of these in your quest to become an ally for members of the group? What personal work might you need to do in order to facilitate this process? GRADING SYSTEM: Points will be assigned as follows: Participation Cycle of Socialization Paper Institutional Racism Presentation/Handout Black & Blue Tour OR Community Meeting Paper Reflection Paper on Justice & Liberation Total 10 20 25 20 25 100 H P L F 100 – 94 93 – 80 79 – 70 69 or below Schedule of Classes & Readings January 12 Class 1: Introduction___________________________________________________________ Readings on Sakai: National Association of Social Work (2008). Code of Ethics. Washington, DC: Author. McIntosh (1990). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack (pp. 1-5). World Trust Education Services. (2012). Glossary of terms. January 19 Class 2: Diversity, Identity, Intersectionality, and Socialization______________________ Assignment Due: Heritage Gallery Presentation Readings on Sakai: African American Policy Forum (2008). A primer on intersectionality (pp. 1-11). Retrieved from Harro, B. (2013). The cycle of socialization. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (pp. 45-52). New York, NY: Routledge. Johnson, A. G. (2013). The social construction of difference. In In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (pp. 15-21). New York, NY: Routledge. Tatum, B. D. (1997). The complexity of identity: “Who am I?” In Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? (pp. 18-28). New York, NY: Basic Books. January 26 Class 3: Racism, Implicit Bias, and Microaggressions at the Individual Level____________ Text Readings: Note: This is a large bit of reading! Feel free to split it up between this week and next, when we will be continuing our explorations of these issues. Sue (2010): Chapter 1: The Manifestations of Racial, Gender, & Sexual Orientation Microaggressions (pp. 3-20) Chapter 2: Taxonomy of Microaggressions (pp. 20-40) Chapter 7: Racial/Ethnic Microaggressions and Racism (pp. 137-166) Chapter 11: Microaggressive Impact on Mental Health Practice (pp. 255-280) Readings on Sakai: McIntosh, P. (2009). White people facing race: Uncovering the myths that keep racism in place. St. Paul Foundation & SEED, Wellesley Centers for Women, February 2 Class 4: Seeing and Interpreting: Ackland Museum Assignment Due: Reflection on the Cycle of Socialization We will meet today at the Ackland Museum on campus, where Professor Mimi Chapman will guide us through an experience of seeing, interpreting, and reflecting on works of art as a way of beginning to understand our own perceptual lenses. Readings on Sakai: Dovidio, J., & Fiske, S. T. (2012). Under the radar: How unexamined biases in decision-making processes in clinical interactions can contribute to health care disparities. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 945-952. In addition, please explore the Project Implicit website, and take one of the IATs. Because of the small amount of reading for this week, please use the time to (a) finish up readings from last week, AND (b) begin next week’s readings. February 9 Class 5: Institutional Racism: Theoretical & Historical Perspectives Text Readings: Schwalbe (2014): Chapter 1: The Roots of Inequality (pp. 27-54) Chapter 4: Arresting the Imagination (pp. 113-158) Chapter 6: Regulating the Action (read pp. 186-193 & pp. 215-223) Sue (2010): Chapter 6: Microaggressive Perpetrators & Oppression (read pp. 110-120) Readings on Sakai: Miller, J., & Garran, A. M. (2007). The web of institutional racism. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 77(1), 33-67. Optional Readings from UNC Libraries: Feagin, J. R. (2013). The white racial frame : centuries of racial framing and counter-framing. New York: Routledge. (skim Chapter 1: The White Racial Frame & read Chapter 7: The Frame in Institutional Operation: Bureaucratization of Oppression) February 16 Class 6: Criminal Justice System and Racism_______________________________________ For everyone (on Sakai): Gay, R. (2013, July). Some thoughts on mercy. The Sun, 24-28. To be split up among students: Laub, J. H. (2014). Understanding inequality and the justice system response: Charting a new way forward (William T. Grant Foundation Inequality Paper). Retrieved from Lawrence, K. O. (Ed.). (2011). Race, crime, and punishment: Breaking the connection in America. Washington, DC: The Aspen Institute. (Read Introduction; Chapter 1. The New Jim Crow by Michele Alexander; and Chapter 2. Structural Racism and Crime Control by Ian Haney Lopez, pp.1-55). Retrieved from The Sentencing Project (2014). Race and punishment: Racial perceptions of crime and support for punitive policies. Retrieved from Morris, M.W. (2012). Race, gender and the school-to-prison pipeline: Expanding our discussion to include Black girls. African American Policy Forum, 1-19. February 23 Class 7: Manifestations of Institutional and Structural Oppression__ Assignment Due: Institutional Racism Group Presentations _________ March 1 Class 8: Ethnocentrism, Nativism, & Religious Oppression_____________________________ Readings on Sakai: Bender, S. W. (2010). Compassionate immigration reform. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 38(1), 107-128. DOJ Investigation of Alamance County Sheriff – Letter of Findings. (20012) Retrieved from Immigration Policy Center. (2010). Giving Facts a Fighting Change. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from nce_101210.pdf North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. (2008). North Carolina’s First People. Raleigh, NC: Author. Perry, B. (2014). Gendered Islamophobia: Hate crime against Muslim women. Social Identities: Journal For The Study Of Race, Nation And Culture, 20(1), 74-89. Yazdiha, H. (2014). Law as movement strategy: How the Islamophobia movement institutionalizes fear through legislation. Social Movement Studies, 13(2), 267-274. Recommended/Optional Readings: Bordewich (1996). We ain’t got feathers and beads. In Killing the White Man’s Indian (pp. 66-92). New York: Doubleday. McQueeney, K. (2014). Disrupting Islamophobia: Teaching the social construction of terrorism in the mass media. International Journal Of Teaching And Learning In Higher Education, 26(2), 297-309. March 8 Class 9: Oppressive Gender Roles, Sexism, Patriarchy, and Feminism__________________ Text Readings: Schwalbe (2014). Chapter 6: Regulating the Action (read pp. 206-215) Sue (2010). Chapter 8: Gender Microaggressions and Sexism (pp. 160-183). Readings on Sakai: Frye, M. (1983). Oppression. Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory. Berkeley, CA: Crossing Press. Hyde, C. (2008). Feminist Social Work Practice. Encyclopedia of Social Work. Retrieved from Krulwich, R. (November 30, 2013). Science reporter Emily Graslie reads her mail – and it’s not so nice. Recommended/Optional Readings: Bose & Whaley (2001). Sex segregation in the US labor force (197-205). Crossley, A.D., Taylor, V., Whittier, N., Pelak, C.F. (2011) Forever feminism: The persistence of the U.S. women’s movement. In Verta Taylor, Leila J. Rupp & Nancy Whittier (Eds.), Feminist frontiers (9th ed., pp. 498-516). New York: McGraw Hill. Williams, C. L. (2011). The glass escalator: Hidden advantages for men in the “female” professions. In T. E. Ore (Ed.), The social construction of difference & inequality: Race, class, gender, and sexuality (5th ed., pp. 389-400). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. March 15 No Class ~~ Happy Spring Break!_____________________________________________________ March 22 Class 10: Ableism____________________________________________________________________ Assignment Due: Black & Blue Tour or Community Meeting Reflection Paper Readings on Sakai: Keller, R.M. and Galgay, C.E. (2010) Microaggresive experiences of people with disabilities. in Sue, D.W. (Ed.) Microaggressions and marginality. Manifestation, dynamics and impact. (pp. 241-267). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (focus on pages 249-257). Mingus (2010). Changing the framework: Disability justice. Disability Justice Newsletter, November/December 2010, pp. 1-3. Retrieved from Peters et al., (2013). Recognizing ableist beliefs and practices and taking actions as an ally. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (pp. 532-534). New York, NY: Routledge. Rozalski, M., Katsiyannis, A., Ryan, J., Collins, T., & Stewart, A. (2010). Americans With Disabilities Act amendments of 2008. Journal Of Disability Policy Studies, 21(1), 22-28. Snow (2008). People first language. Retrieved from Wendell. (2013). The social construction of disability. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (pp. 481-485). New York, NY: Routledge. March 29 Class 11: Ageism_______________________________________________________________ Text Readings: Carlton-LaNey, I.B. (2005): Part 1 (read introduction & select stories) Part 2 (read introduction & select profiles) Part 3 Part 4 (read pp. 75-99). Readings on Sakai: Butler (2013). Ageism: Another form of bigotry. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (pp. 559-565). New York, NY: Routledge. Dennis, H., & Thomas, K. (2007). Ageism in the workplace. Generations, 31(1), 84-89. Larabee (2013). Elder liberation draft policy statement. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (pp. 571-576). New York, NY: Routledge. Markee (2013). What allies of elders can do. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, C. Castaneda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters, & X. Zuniga (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice (pp. 587588). New York, NY: Routledge. Nelson, T. D. (2005). Ageism: Prejudice against our feared future self. Journal Of Social Issues, 61(2), 207-221. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.2005.00402.x April 5 Class 12: Heterosexism and Genderism: LGBTIQ Affirmative Practice and Activism __ Text Readings: Sue (2010). Chapter 9: Sexual-Orientation Microaggressions and Heterosexism (pp. 184-206). Readings on Sakai: Burdge, B. (2007). Bending gender, ending gender: theoretical foundations for social work practice with the transgender community. Social Work, 52(3), 243-250 8p. doi:sw/52.3.243 Hernandez (1997). Holding my breath under water. In D. Atkins (Ed.). Looking queer : Body image and identity in lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender communities (pp. 199-204) New York: Haworth Press. April 12 Class 13: Classism and the Construction of Poverty & Privilege_________________________ Text Readings: Schwalbe (2014). Introduction (read pp. 8-18 – stop before The Story Chapters). Chapter 2: Rigging the Game (pp. 52-84). We will also split up readings from Chapter 3: the Valley of the Nine Families and Chapter 5: Smoke Screen April 19 Class 14: Working toward Justice and Alliance_________________________________________ Text Readings: Schwalbe (2014). Chapter 8: Escaping the Inequality Trap (pp. 267-311) Readings on Sakai: Goodman, L. A., Litwin, A., Bohlig, A., Walker, J., White, L., & Ryan, N. (2007). Feminist theory to community practice: A multilevel empowerment intervention for low-income women with depression. In E. Aldaronda (Ed.), Advancing social justice through clinical practice (pp. 265-290). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Sue (2003). Personal responsibility for change. In D. W. Sue, D. W. Overcoming our racism : the journey to liberation (1st ed.) (pp. 196-230). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Optional Readings from UNC Libraries: Feagin, J. R. (2013). The white racial frame : centuries of racial framing and counter-framing. New York: Routledge. (read Chapter 9: Toward a Truly Multiracial Democracy: Thinking and Acting Outside the White Frame) April 26 Class 15: Course Wrap-up Assignment Due: Reflection on Justice & Liberation Paper Additional Resources: Websites of Interest Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change Structural Racism and Community Building: Center for Assessment and Policy Development: Center for Social Inclusion: Everyday Democracy: The Frameworks Institute: Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society: National Association of City and County Health Organizations (NACCHO): Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project: Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity: