A Spatially Explicit Assessment of Climate Change Genetic Risk to 200 Forest Tree Species Kevin M. Potter William W. Hargrove Frank H. Koch Genetic Resource Management Climate Change Workshop March 3, 2010 Overview 1) Outline the potential genetic impacts of climate change on forest tree species 2) Describe a US Forest Service project to identify species and populations most genetically at risk from climate change 3) Explain the range modeling tools we’re using to identify such species and populations 4) Present preliminary results from Eastern and Western species Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Plant responses to climate change 1) Toleration/adaptation 2) Shifting range 3) Population extirpation All could have negative genetic consequences Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Possible genetic consequences 1) Toleration/adaptation Strong selection could reduce genetic variation 2) Shifting range Founder effects, loss of trailing edge populations 3) Population extirpation Potential loss of unique genes and novel gene combinations Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Why do we care about genetics? Genetic variation = evolutionary potential to adapt to changing environmental conditions Genetic degradation may increase susceptibility to other stressors (pests, pathogens, changing climate, etc.) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Project background 2008: the Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) program identified climate change as a priority area FHM mission: determine status, changes and trends in indicators of forest health 2009: FHM sponsored an assessment of the genetic risk of climate change on North American forest tree species Cooperative agreement between NC State University and the Eastern Forest Environmental Health Assessment Center (EFETAC) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Project objectives 1) Forecast location and quality of habitat for ~200 North American forest tree species under multiple climate change scenarios 2) Identify existing populations most at risk from climate change, based on distance to future habitat 3) Assess susceptibility of species and their populations to genetic degradation, based on climate change impacts and species biology Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Project applications 1) Climate change monitoring efforts (species and populations to watch) 2) On-site and off-site gene conservation 3) Restoration efforts 4) Future refugia for conservation Collecting Fraser fir cones at Mount Rogers, Va., for ex situ gene conservation 5) Molecular marker studies for atrisk species Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 1) Future habitat prediction 1) Predict changes in appropriate habitat for a large number of species (~200 across North America) 2) Flexible data inputs on species occurrences (Forest Inventory and Analysis and other sources) 3) High-resolution (applicable at population level) 4) Global (doesn’t end at the border) 5) Incorporates pertinent environmental variables for determining plant distributions Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Clustering MSTC developed by Bill Hargrove of US Forest Service and Forrest Hoffman of ORNL Clusters each 4 km2 pixel across the globe into one of 30,000 unique “ecoregions” based on 16 spatial environmental variables (Hoffman et al. 2002) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Climate change predictions MSTC generates maps of current conditions, and expected conditions in 2050 and 2100 Four scenarios: Hadley and PCM, high and low emissions Using tree occurrences from FIA data (though can use other data) Predicts current ecoregions suitable for species, then compares future ecoregions to current ecoregions Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Environmental variables Soils Plant-available water capacity Bulk density of soil Kjeldahl soil nitrogen Organic matter in soil Precipitation Temperature In the coldest quarter In the warmest quarter Diurnal temperature difference Biotemperature Solar insolation Ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration Topography In the driest quarter In the wettest quarter In the warmest quarter In the coldest quarter Compound topographic index Growing season Length in integer months Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Current ecoregions 2050 ecoregions under Hadley B1 scenario 2100 ecoregions under Hadley B1 scenario Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Global range modeling Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Forest Inventory and Analysis data Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Forest Inventory and Analysis data Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Shumard oak Shumard oak (Quercus shumardii) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Shumard oak Current prediction Fundamental niche Realized niche Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Hadley B1, 2100 Table Mountain pine Table Mountain pine (Pinus pungens) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Table Mountain pine Current prediction Fundamental niche Realized niche Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Hadley B1, 2100 2) Population extirpation risk What portions of tree species ranges are most at risk of extirpation because of their distance to expected future habitat? Assumption: greater distance to the nearest future refuge = greater risk of population-level extirpation Measuring the straight-line Minimum Required Movement (MRM) distance From each 4 km2 pixel in current species niche to the nearest suitable habitat in the future Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. American sycamore American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Range comparison over time American sycamore Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 New habitat in 2100 Habitat overlap, now and 2100 Current habitat gone in 2100 Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat American sycamore Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping and new habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Tulip-poplar Tulip-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat Tulip-poplar Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping and new habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Sweetgum Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat Sweetgum Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping and new habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Loblolly pine Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat Loblolly pine Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping and new habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. American chestnut American chestnut (Castanea dentata), Pilot Mountain, N.C. Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat American chestnut Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Canyon live oak Canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat Canyon live oak Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping and new habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Sitka spruce Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) www.conifers.org Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat Sitka spruce Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping and new habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Mountain hemlock Mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Distance to future suitable habitat Mountain hemlock Current prediction Hadley B1, 2100 Overlapping and new habitat Short distance to 2100 habitat Moderate distance to 2100 habitat Long distance to 2100 habitat Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Availability of maps Niche maps, global Niche maps, continental U.S. Migration distance, continental U.S. Migration distance, global Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Still to come… Identifying “lifeboat” areas that preserve multiple species from broad regions Quantifying the suddenness of range shifting over time Identifying corridors of possible movement from current to future habitat Incorporating barriers to movement (urban areas, lakes, etc.) Quantifying uncertainty: consensus within and across species under different scenarios Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. + 3) Genetic risk assessments Risk of genetic degradation, given climate change and the biology of a species Population level Synthesize maps with knowledge about species biology, population structure, existing threats How much do we worry about at-risk areas on maps? Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Assessing the genetic implications Bayesian Belief Network approach incorporating expert opinion Population geneticists, ecologists, species specialists Case studies: ponderosa pine, eastern hemlock Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. We need your help… Suggesting tree species at climate change risk Identifying coordinate data for rare/non-U.S. locations Assessing the genetic implications of the results Understanding relationships among biological attributes and risk of genetic integrity loss Assessing results for individual species Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Thoughts? Please contact me: kevinpotter@fs.fed.us (919) 549-4071 Thanks to: EFETAC: Danny Lee, Bill Bechtold, Kurt Riitters USDA Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring Program: Borys Tkacz NC State: Barb Conkling, Fred Cubbage, Mark Ambrose ORNL: Forrest Hoffman Forest Health Monitoring Research Group, Research Triangle Park, N.C.