Transfer of The Development Process and Project Organizational Systems Between Japan and the U.S. by HIDEO OBITSU B.Eng., Urban Engineering The University of Tokyo (1976) Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in City Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 1987 @ Hideo Obitsu 1987 The author hereby grants to MIT permission to produce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author 0 Department of Urban studies and Planning May 11, 1987 A-. Certified by ,. Bernard J. Frieden Professor, City Planning Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Phillip L. Clay Director fthe MCP Program MASSACHUSE TTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN o 8 1987 LIBRAR'Ir- FRdo Transfer of The Development Process and Project Organizational Systems Between Japan and the U.S. by Hideo Obitsu Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning on May 11, 1987 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in City Planning ABSTRACT The main subject of this thesis is the development project process and the differences in project organizational systems in different environments. Through the case study of the Toyota Kentucky (KY) Project and three other comparable projects, Nissan Smyrna (Tennessee), Toyota Tahara (Japan), and Fuji Gunma (Japan), the differences in project development systems between Japan and the U.S. are examined. It is found that the American development environment is more flexible and dynamic, especially because of the possibility of a fast-track program, than the Japanese environment. Specifically, differences and similarities in the project organizational systems, such as, traditional, design-build, and construction management, between the two countries are studied. A framework of the project organizational systems is built and used to analyze the project organizations in the four automotive plant projects as well as to define the differences and similarities between the two countries. The influence on the project organization of a fast-track program to achieve the shortest possible project duration time is examined in the Toyota KY Project. For the base of the analysis of the four project organizational systems, a theoretical model developed by Minden is used and its validity is simultaneously evaluated by the applicability to the projects. Additionally, the organizations of the client (Toyota Motor Corporation) and the design-builder (Ohbayashi Corporation) for the Toyota KY Project are analyzed. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Bernard J. Frieden Title: Professor of City Planning Acknowledgments I would hereby like to acknowledge the following people for their help and support with this thesis. The nature of my research has required the cooperation and assistance of professors, professionals in the field of building construction, and my family. Special thanks go to my thesis advisor, Professor Bernard Frieden, and the readers, Professor Henry Irwig and Michael Joroff, the Director of the Laboratory of Architecture and Planning. I would like to thank Dr. James Womack for his introduction to professors, professionals, and books regarding automotive industry, and Dr. Chris Sawyer-Lancanno for his careful English editing. Special thanks go to many professionals and managers in the Toyota KY Project for Ohbayashi Corporation, Mr. Ohba, Mr. Mizoguchi, Mr. Robert Jordan, Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Nagashima, Mr. Muro, Mr. Muramatsu, Mr. Kanai, Mr. Matsunaga, and many managers and engineers. I would like to thank Mr. Noma for the information on OHB in the U.S. and Mr. Robert Lefebvre for the information on Giffles Associates. I am especially grateful for the support of many managers and engineers from Ohbayashi Corporation in Japan, Mr. Tanabe, Mr. Sato, Mr. Osaki regarding the Toyota Tahara Project, Mr. Kuroki, Mr. Kujirai, Mr. Imagawa, regarding the Fuji Gunma Project, Mr. Hanzawa, Mr. Kataoka, Mr. Harada, Mr. Shouda, Mr. Aoyagi, and other managers and engineers who provided much information about Japanese construction. I am as well grateful to Dr. Koshizuka and Mr. Mizushima regarding information about local governments' incentives for corporations in Japan. Ohbayashi Corporation also deserves special thanks for its full financial support for our family's stay in Cambridge for two years. Finally, I am deeply indebted to my family, Hiromi, my wife, and Sayaka, our daughter, and our parents who arranged a comfortable and cheerful environment that is the real reason for completing this thesis. 3 IFigures and Project Summairies Lstf Tables, Tabes and Projects 2-3-1: Factories 2-3-'2: Outline of History 2-3: Subsidiaries 2-3-4: Outl ine 3-2. 2-1: Staties' -2-: Reouired Host if Differences 1-1: -actors Importarit of TMC TMC of the U.. of TMC in of Companies (roup Toyota for Incentives for Permissions Auto Japanese KY- in Projects Manufacturers IFiguresMarket Construction I-1: International 1-2: Where Top I -3: Japanese Contractors' 1-4: Major 1 -5: International 2-4-1-1-a: Schematic 2-4--1-1-b: Section 2-4-1-1: Development 2-4-1-2: Toyota Tahara Project 2-4-1-3: Outline of 2-4-1-4: TMC' s Organization 2-4-1-5: OH's Site 2-4-2-1-a: Schematic 2-4-2-1-b: Section of Assembling 2-4-2--i: Develtopment 2-4-2-2: Fuji 2-4- 2-: Outl ine of Tahara in of Tahara Toyota Tahara Tahara Toyota for Tahara Gunma Fuji Shop Chart Process Project Contractors Project Toyota of Toyota for Organization Proj Tahara Organization of 6 Schedule Project Plan Top Project Chart Process Contractors Japanese O-f Press Shop of Gunma of ects International Japanese Contracts Plan Proj Overseas For Market Contracts Foreign 250 Won in of Fuji Gunma G unma Fuji Schedule ect Organization 4 of Fuji Gunma Fi ur g an i z at i on C 2-4 2-4--4: E - sr OHb gar i z at i on 2-4-1 Scherati c 24-31: 2-4-3-2: 2-4 -3-3: 4: 2-4 Nissan 2-4-3-6: Schedule Project Schedule of Plan Schematic 3-1-c: KY Toyot a Toyota KY in of Drawing Perspective Smyrna 1987 Jan. Section of Main Shop 31 -b: KY Toyota Si te Plan of Toyota KY 3--d: Toyota KY Si te Plan of Toyota KY Project 2-1 : 3-2-2: Toyota Diagr am of of Merit Diagram of Saturn Outline of Project (2) Shop Pact Project Oroanization OHB's Organization Chart Flow Chart 4- 1--2: Outline of Framework 4-1-4: Minden's of for of Classification Toyota Organi zati Project in Deinition 5 KY Toyota KY Project Contractual Alternative of of for Toyota KY OHB's Site Organization Chart 4-1-1: KY Toyota Schedule Schedule Project KY (2) Process Chart Development 3-1- in Nissan Smyrna Nissan for Organization Toyota KY Project 3-1-a of Nissan Smyrna for Organization Daniel's (2) Organization Project of Outline Smyrna Ni ssan Smyrna Project Nissan Smyrna NMMC's of Process Chart Development a Gunma Fu.j i f or Gun Lu i Nissan Smyrna of Pl an f or the Systems Approach onal Framework Systems 4.-1 -5 1--- i : 4- c i ic L O rg a n i Zt Pr (-:- r eent i on a L Method St- DeF;i an o 1odel Four i Pro Var-i abI eE 52-1: C n 5-2-2-a: Application of the 5-2-2-b: Application of the Matrix for 5-2-2-c: ApDlication of the Matrix for Toyota Tahara 5-2-2-d: Appl i cati the Matri -for Fuj i 5-2- 3 iotnency Factors of ActLUal on -of and Optimal Four Pro a ctS ects in the Mat ri -For Toyota KY latrix Systems a-f Nissan Smyrna G unma the Projects in the Fr amewor k 15-2- Japanese Project Fr amewor k 5-3-1: Cost Mechanism Control Mintzbergr s Organizational Framework 5--: TMC 5-4-1: OHB's Organization -or in for Systems Toyota Organizational and Nissan's Organization Toyota Schematic IPIroject Summaries 2--4-1-1: 1K.Y Project Summary of Toyota Tahara 2-4-2-1: Project Summary of Fuji 2-4-3-1: Project Summary of Nissan Smyrna 3-1 Project Summary of Toyota Gunma KY for KY and the in Nissan SmVrna Analysis the Projects and Projects in Japan TARLE OF CONTENTS Aic know l edgments Li st of Tabl es. F gures and Proj ect SLmmar ies 1 I ntroduct i on 2 Back grouind 2-1 Trade Toyota Kentucky i nf ormationOf: 2-2 History of The Ohbayashi 2-4 Other 2-4-1 automotive 2-4-1-1 Project 2-4-1-2 Devel opment Project 2-4-2-2 Development Smyrna Outline of Ni ssan 9 P. 18 P. 33 Corporation P. 41 P. 52 F. 68 P. 32 Japan) and Organi zati on the U.P.) Motor Developmen t Proc ess Kentucky and organization (in U.S.iA. Manufact uring and Organi z ati Project on P. 102 summary Process and Schedule 3-2- 1 Pl anni ng /F'r e-desi gn 3 F. and the U.S. Japan) Corporation 3-2 Development 3-2-2 (in Project 2-4-3-2 Project Toyota Motor (in Proc ess Project suIMMarV 3-1 4 summary 2-4.-3-1 Toyota in constructions Process Project Gunma 2-4-2--1 2-4-3- P. Summary 2-4-3 Nissan 3 plant Tahara Project Toyota 2-4-2 Fuji Corporation the History of 2-3 Outline of investment, 3 (::ntractors international Japanese direct Japanese friction, Project F'. Design st age stage Procurement stagre 7 P. 109 3 --- 4 Con r"t uc t. i on- st ce SPr-oj ect 4 Procurement Alternative (includii-g4 Systems of Evaluation Proj ect 5--1 Proj ect (Organizational classi-fication of the Development Organizational Difff erences in construction Evaluation System of in systems for Japan and the four P. 167 automotive Process And the Toyota KY Tovotaa's P. 183 Project process and P. 186 an automotive plant the U.S. of the four automotive construction procurement 5-3 Anal ysi s of Project the development rganizational 5-2 Methods/ projects) pl ait 5 P. 159 aion rgaz. r plant P. 192 methods strategy for the Toyota KY P. 201 Proj ect 5-4 Analysis of Ohbavashi's strategy for the Toyota KY P .214 Project 6 Conc1 usi onEs and Further Research P. 222 Ref e r en c es P. 229 Bibli ography P. 235 1 P. 241 A-ppendi x 2 P. 249 Appendi P. 252 Appendix x A p p end i x P. 256 4 8 INTRODCTION The meeting of two different cultures is a significant character Project, (KY) of the Toyota Kentucky the first $800 million direct investment in the U.S. by Toyota Motor Corporation The (TMC/Toyota), the biggest Japanese automobile manufacturer. main subject of thesis is this and the differences in different leadership applying the Toyota with Japanese management plant, systems in organizational Toyota is trying to build a Toyota style auto- environments. Total the development project process Quality Control (TQC) system to the construction using a Japanese construction manager, Ohbayashi Corporation using American general and sub contractors in This thesis analyzes this examining 1) What are the differences in Japan and in What and the U.S. as a core case study the following questions: organizational 2) project (OHB), the development process and system for an automotive plant construction in the U.S.? kind of project organizational members' internal system (including project organization) do TMC and OHB build to cope- with uncertainties, such as many change orders caused by a fast-track program? 3) What kind of conceptual project organizational model and design methodology of systems should be used or developed for future projects? In addition to these main process in questions, TMC the new business environment, technology transfer in and OHB's learning and the difficulties the construction industry are 9 of cupple: I cent a Iy uncertai ntie in the new Ktky Project, i first the by the Toyota of one the project Lsino tLlrnkl::ev contract to eCla the fst-trac.k mi 125 ion Because the S out of i events . ab:::oL.t be wi :construction The y i -Far plant; with such as ca i cs a c:nstruction 4) the U.S. Corporation, manages the by manager more get Toyota than and or $900 for Ohbvasihi construc:tion of th of t h S.tud i ed of labor beginni ng i n the thei of of on of D)ecemriber s... in the ieSccr i pt. i on infli..enc:e the end conlstructio:4n. r el aion the t he ir as under on the 1abor . c. cat i on.s and KY Project still isvcigqned PA) i s- not proj cct i mpIrt ant the projiect ed the and TMC OHiB as.sociatedc w it h t.he pr oj ec t 4 ast--track manaement, Japanece cocntractors, AFL-CIO Toyota anli: c-Ocets for the proiject site,, CIO. r the labor rel nresceItc: those of f cuE New" are -From () into K.:entuc ki.y qovernment i aid i i complete the the Tovota in Toyota will the project off was :i mpact lthouLh the case, The Ohbavashi. 2) 3) is analyzes thhe "A man c ae to construction. though 1937. 198. the cr the This c thes January in agrcement durino HB inves.tment program wit h Toyota a project un:i on di rect Japanese Cengi reer Five seeveralc an, alyes follows: indi-vidual milion ar-id 200000 made the core Iotor Corooration; Bi g and by vIl of as are the thesis l environment. coharacteritics Special This F i na. empoyoed trategiec alternative 1) ned. e- eai' program, turnk:y and labor dcision c:ontract, reiations making 10 cost-plu-fe tate i ncenti ves thOsie wiith includino ystem , contract lon for AFL- t eI- m r el at ion ship between clients and contractors, and TQC program are unusual factors in the American construction industry. Comparative studies using the Nissan Smyrna Project, Toyota Tahara Project, and the Fuji find answers to the main questions. would be an ideal Gunma Project will the be done to The Toyota Tahara project comparable project in Japan with the Toyota KY Project because they have many common factors, such as building type, client, and prime contractor. Therefore, the difference between the U.S. and Japan's development process and organization will be extracted. special The Fuji Gunma Project will be used to check features of Toyota's methods for its construction by comparing the project with the Toyota Tahara Project. This comparison will be important to define the Japanese style of development process and organization for automotive plant construction. The Nissan Smyrna Project would be an comparison of the Toyota KY Project in differences between the TMC's risky projects. points: the clients, large direct order to examine the strategy and Nissan's in Toyota and Nissan, both projects are the investment in the U.S. by Toyota and Nissan; in Tennessee; Robert B. the project manager, in are the two largest car manufacturers; the location of each project is Ohbayashi regard to These two projects also have many similar Japanese international first ideal project for the the mid-South, Jordan, Toyota KY was the project manager Construction in the Nissan Smyrna Project. features or roles of Ohbayashi 11 in for Kentucky and working for Daniel Therefore, special the Toyota KY Project will be etr acte(j by the compar iso:r of Toy'ota KY with the Nissan 3Irvyrna Prjcl I ect Tabl e 1 -1 s umnmar i i mportant most es the factors. pro The ects di fferences; process a nd organi Zati on w i liie will be Thu1h T' traditional as organi zati on fast-track analvzed in for many factors seem to needs to analye dc ici on the i nC rea' the necesity of procram 5. c a oart its of w el l development the policy, Namely, of Further, and ost -pl cost of the -fle1xibility of a for rime.s c ontr ad i :tsi= TMC coS.t i nt.ensi ve s TQCU procgram, because to el i mi nate spare cont and beciusi:e the orders used use of or ystem to quiCk chancie or ders the the ast-track value eng i neer i no excessive us space during does not Moreover r. . in a OHB and r act manv pilan pln desig much decisiion :is not us-fee ffinal bae TMC change and as as the use of uSes a giroup probl ems, the c pajroicct TMC Japan wivth for marv to use STC orocess and such are undesirable the horiZontal be in and a cost-p-olus--fee contract stace. tends ngineering ect may const.ructi on the uncertai ntv TMC pro I plant decisions f inal e1t of the and the above 4 var ious factors- guarant factors sho..twn Chapter instant mak: i n .. b the double They conStruc:tion devel opment belov contradict con tractors. fast-track each Factors s pol i cy for rgram ceneral as nes. methods ossible., the li in Ie Iricc-s of the d i 4'ff be ep1 ai ned frai nl differences bet ween t hese i mportant dcuble horiz-ontal t he and . L.e o.fV the posi bsibility of future changes. TMc s short constructi urnc er t ai nty of the future c:'n schedul e, c omp act 12 c ar probab m11ar k et in v due to the the U. .. . creates TAB 1- PR O EC 1 PRO JECTC T 5 AND DI FFERENCES i-TYOT A KENTUCKY LOCAT 1IN 'Ol0ST OF NISSANr SMYRNfNA U. SU. I MF O RT ANT TOY OTA FU J I TAHARA GUNMA JAPAN JAAN NAT I ONAL~ Y CLIEN 1T, TYOTA JAPANESE YES AMEiR ICAN A NO JAPANESE YES PRIMEl fOH BA YASHI DAN IEL OHBAYASHI C'ONTRACTFOR, STAZF NOTIONALTY Ame.': FACTORS Jap. Ame. A E (OHBAYASHI) GIFFLES KAHN PROJ ECT SIZE (FLO:R AREA) 370, 000 SM 00, 1APANE NO OHBAYASHI Jap. Jap. TOYOTA (OHBAYASHI) C) SM 73 000 SM (FUJI) OHBAYASHI 30, 000 SM USI) SS ONSHIPS LONG TERM CLIENT &< CONTRACTOR! RELA' T (MONTH) CONTFUCTION CONE PERIOD (PLAN) 22 (FAST PROJ CT ORGA"C IZ(AT ION PHASED DES I GN- CT TYPE < PRM. CONT. METHED TO SELECT PRIME CONTRACTOR SELFE DERFORM BY F'RTK CONTRACTOR RELiATIONS TOTA QUALITY 6 TRADITIONAL Cc)nt r ac tor MlANAGE Const. TRD IT I ONAL DESIGN-UILD Mngt. (OWNER COS T PLUS FEE :NEGOTIATION NEGOTIATION NO S LUMP SUM SELECTIVE BIDDING Y YEYES (:TRUCTURAL MERI T SHOP TO YES TRiD I TIONAL 'A/E) COST PLUS FEE CLOSED (BUILDING) TRACK::) FRAME WORKS) LAPBD LONG TERM 11 TRACK<I) (FAST (TRUNKEY) CONT .L IE' LONG TERM (BUILDING) (20) METHOD PHASED -UCTION SHORT TERM SELECTIVE BIDDING YES (TEMFORARY WORKS) MFIT SHOPF MULTI--LAYER (OPEN SHOP) SB- SHOP LUMP SUM (TEMFORARY WORKS) MULTI--LAYER SUB- CONTFCT I NG CONTRACT I NG NO YES NO n.a. ni. CONT ~LD ( T QC) I N C 1STRUCT I ON INCE YTIVES CLI. EJ5 BY FOR STATES $125 mi $19 mil those undesirable unintentionally because the schedule factors requires the fast-track program, which needs the cost-plus-fee contract. The separation of the construction management function from the use of the company's own forces construction) is performance of OHB's decision based on the policy and capacity, but the decision basically fits turnkey contract with OHB. to many American trade friction (self TMC's strategy which employs a OHB tries to distribute the project contractors to avoid unnecessary blame for in the construction have enough Japanese staff industry, to use self new and OHB does not performance in addition to construction management. KY's incentives for TMC have influenced the strong reaction by the AFL-CIO they try workers' This is (construction union) to use local workers against TMC and OHB because (75"4 non-union) labor relations rather regardless of the than only union contractors. based on the local business conventions and probably is based on the best effort The difficulties Quality Control the difficulties base agreement of between TMC and KY. the implementation program on the American of American managers' of TMC's Total construction system, and associating with TMC's Japanese-style group decision process show the difference in business conventions and the potential difficulties for American contractor's entry to the Japanese construction market. There are many variables that affect and organization size in a development (physically or monetary), project; a development building type, construction schedule, 14 process project location, and contract type are important variables, participants in government, manager, a project, such as a client, an architect and engineer a general as are the contractor, a state or local (A/E), a construction subcontractors, and labor union. Environmental conditions around the project are important ,too, such as political, legal, economical, social conditions, and business conventions. To be more specific, differences and similarities of construction management or project procurement Japan arid the U.S. be studied. will methods between Despite many text books and articles about construction management, they do not have a rational general theory of the selection for an optimal procurement method, and each author sets his/her individual definition or terminology of alternative project management methods, Similarly, transfer process in such as construction management although there are many studies about technology of construction in the broad transfer of the context of the developing areas, no study about technology transfer of and design-build. development process in Construction Management is there is almost (including management systems) developed countries. popularity and explicitness, 1 the development Because of the Barrie and Paulson's Professional used as the text book to alternative construction management methodologies. define Based on B&<P's definition, the author develops a framework of project organizational For systems in a theoretical 38 model is employed a triangular framework, shape in Figure 4-1-3. Minden's procurement to define theoretically 15 optimal decision making project organizational systems of the four automotive plant projects because of this is probably the first and firm attempt to develop a theoretical procurement methodology. applying the decision making model projects, the validity of the model At the same time, for the four automotive will be evaluated. Additionally for a framework for organizational analysis of TMC and OHB for the Toyota KY Project, the concepts built by 9 Mintzberg, Bronfman Professor of Management Policy at McGill University is used. This theory provides a framework for the classification of organizations and for defining independent variables known as contingency factors, to change or formulate 27 organizational structure. Irwig's summary of Mintzberg's framework is used to show the results of the analysis of TMC and OHB's organization for the Toyota KY Project on Irwig's pentagon diagram after Mintzberg. Finally, the strategy of TMC and OHB for the project to cope with uncertainties is analyzed. actual Several alternatives of the strategy are examined. The thesis structure is Chapter 2: as follows: Background information of the project. includes four sections. The first section presents historical background on the economic and political the U.S. situation of Japan and The second section describes the history of OHB in the U.S. The third TMC. The last section presents an outline and the history of section describes three projects comparable with the Toyota KY Project: Smyrna, This chapter Toyota Tahara, Fuji are explained respectively. 16 Gunma, and Nissan Chapter 3: project Toyota Kentucky Project. summary, The project organization. used and development process and summary schedule section presents The project events. a detailed project important factors description process of events on of these reasoning describes the section organization and development The stage and the possible each development includes a schedule, presents outline. describe the project to This chapter organizational structure and contract types of the project, and Chapter 4: systems (including classification Alternative procurement methods/project organizational projects). A new presented. Alternative framework of of procurement Paulson's definition automotive the 5: methods systems is comparing Barrie and 38 and plant Minden's one project Evaluation organizational are explained here. organizations will The be classified process and Project are analyzed. the organizational about these points and Several studied. in OHB. possibly Chapter Gunma 6: the in projects, Conclusions between strategies Japan procurement using and the U.S. Further 17 to find by TMC methodology for TMC OHB to and Toyota Tahara, these answers. Research. and are examined the Nissan Smyrna, are used and the Toyota KY employed the new environment studies The development strategies employed by TMC and OHB are the optimal Comparative Fuji process and the project systems of Differences alternative manage uncertainties define of the development systems of the Toyota KY Project. project and organizational framework. Chapter to the four automotive plant project 1 four the project. of OHB's organization of explanation 2. Back groumd infatrnation of Toyota Kentucky Project This section includes on account of the general situation between Japan and the Toyota KY Projects. history of trade operations. The first part explains the brief and the U.S., Japanese and Japanese international contractors The next part describe the outline and history of the Ohbayashi of the U.S. in projects comparable with friction between Japan direct investment, economic Corp. in the U.S. the Toyota Motor Corp. will Then, an outline of the history be explained. Finally, three projects, Toyota Tahara, Fuji Gunma, and Nissan Smyrna, will described. These projects will Projects section in 2-1 Trade friction, be be compared with the Toyota KY four. Japanese direct investment, and Japanese inter-national contractors. Special of features of the study about transfer developed countries will thesis. of the current increase of relationship period was support the importance of is in the first 1976 to 1978; features of the a symbolic event in the context between the U.S. the project is and Japanese a symbol of the rapid engineering the U.S. friction between periods: process between the share by Japanese international companies Trade development definitely At the same time, construction Special of The Toyota KY Project industry. three the Toyota KY Project and the scarcity the U.S. period was the third and Japan is classified 1971 period to is 1972; 1981 into the second to date. the third period is the sophistication of the 18 items that cause the trade friction. In the first period, the textile industry was the major problem. period, the steel Then in the second industry was discussed. Now the items are expanded to automobiles, color televisions, semiconductors and financial services. Japanese direct friction. investment overseas is to trade The first period of the direct investment boom was 1972 to 1973. invested in At this time, mostly the manufacturing industry developing areas, Only trading and financial developed related countries. such as Asia and South America. service industries invested in In 1973, the investment yielded $3.5 billion due to the favorable environment for the direct investment because of the scarcity of the domestic (Japanese) labor supply and the strong yen created by the "Nixon shock." Backed up this environment, the textile electric manufacturers invested areas. But industry and some in South east Asia and other on the other hand, Japanese manufactures were not strong enough to go to developed countries, such as the U.S. and Europe. The second direct investment boom, begun since 1980, has been accelerated by the strong yen against U.S. dollar. Compared with the first period, the contents of the investment and the target areas are very different. electric, and mechanical The transport machine, industry have increased Especially, in VTRs, semi-conductors, computers, their share. and communication devices, which Japan has a technical increasing. advantage, are In the automobile industry, after Honda and Nissan, Toyota decided to invest in the U.S. 19 Mazda, Mitsubishi, Fuji, and ISuZu are following, Because of too. the slow economic growth Japan and the in economic slump in developing countries, the Japanese construction target industry has recently turned their by Japanese corporations investment U.S. in to the direct developed countries. market has become the most attractive for them. This total in 1984. Japanese contractors and their The total yen which was contract amount overseas in 1985 was 11 billion % more than The 10 includes direct contract by overseas subsidiaries. Contracts by the overseas subsidiaries have been increasing every year 8 since 1979. Figure 1-1 shows the market trend of the international and the share of Japanese contractors in construction market Figure These graphs indicate the declining market foreign contracts. North America. not still contractors won 1-2 shows where the Top 250 international of the Middle East it. and Asia, and the relatively steady market of The increasing share of Japanese contractors is but it appears stable compared with the big significant ups and downs of the whole market. Figure 1-3 shows overseas operations. 13 years trend of Japanese contractors' It shows rapid expansion of operations by Japanese contractors The regional in this decade. share of the contract is share of Asia has shrunk drastically, international changing. North America, While the Europe, Pacific region are increasing and occupy 46% of the total overseas contract. 1) The U.S. The top five countries are as follows: except Hawaii, 199 billion 20 yen; and - L- -..-.--- -- F~ C-.- .4.: - '11 Ii. R) - - -I LIJ . . .,.....* -- . 1 I * '1 -* F F" Ljq rl F IijI~i: .. I. ~, r- r7.- SOURCE: ENR TOP 250 INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTORS I I I ~*-, I :9.. -4K- 7. -r N) N)j S . . *- - * * * * -t ......- - * - - .. 1-.*,-1 ~. I~i A7-5CA r4 p Ft ..f , - - ':r T - .- *-*-.' *ThFh SOURCE: ENR TOP 250 TNTERNATTONA, CONTRAC'TORS F IONJFPE 1 ,J AF ~ "'4 F. J M-SE -T-.A.- f 'j1:§ Ff., E13 17 - I. I I r.. . r -/ I - r~~~ 'e 7:1- i ..e. elI lee". -z lo, ~1 .0 ei~ el de r - 1*~ .e...- ee I e- e I .-.. e .0.I .... e- 74 IOM t.1 :0 . 'I }.* el-eI ' 1e* :10 1i t ..... II r r :j FCc A ee I j -I re'1' i t LI.. I 11' - re. ell 1 1 II .. . err -j 7 I SOURCE: THE WHITE PAPER OF CONSTRUCTION JAPAN'S MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION l 2) Australia, 3) Hongkong, 4) Singapore, 86 billion yen; 5) Hawaii, Figure 176 billion yen; yen; 106 billion 77 billion yen. 1-4 shows the recent change of major market international for Japanese contractors. 1-5 shows the recent trend Figure of overseas operations by the Japanese Big Five contractors plus Kumagai-gumi. gumi Kumagai- has extended its business drastically, and the Big Five seem to be starting new steps in the international market. The Japan's ministry of Construction explains that the reason for the decline of contract contractors from 59% economy of ASEAN in 84 to 36% in '85 is due to the inactive (Association in South East Asian Nations) and The reason for the increase of the decrease of new projects. contract share of Asia for Japanese share in the U.S. and Australia for Japanese contractors is the increase of Japanese plants and offices in the U.S. 26 associated with the direct investment by Japanese corporations. Additionally, the rapid increase of real estate development by Japanese contractors in the U.S. and Australia is another reason for the increased share in these areas for Japanese contractors. The Ministry of Construction forecasts that the U.S. and Australia will continue to be major overseas markets for Japanese contractors. Reaction by the U.S. against the current Japanese contractors' gradually. operations in the U.S. Because of the imbalance in 24 increase of has begun to change contracts between [7i[ 1 ii '12 '-I 1-.!: N) -.7: 34 17A NORTH AMERICA -k : AUSTRALIA S, A MALAYSIA D SINGAPORE SOURCE: THE WHITE PAPER OF CONSTRUCTION P * 4.7:' 4 R) (3) Fi 5 [77 A OHBAYASHI ~I] KAJIMA 1 rx-r- r~i 5. SHIMIZU F TAISEI TAKENAKA SOURCE: KUMAGAI TOP 250 INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTORS Japanese contractors in Japan, the U.S. market, nothing in '85. and American contractors in government has asked Japan to open up its construction market. the U.S. the U.S. Japanese contractors got yen 280 billion in but on the other hand, American contractors got The Kansai International Airport Project is the first target by the U.S. government. Though there is little visible movement in the Japanese government, Japan has a new potential problem in the construction industry in 1986. Topics about Japanese contractors in the U.S. have recently appeared both in professional construction magazines such as Engineerinq News record and national newspapers in the U.S. Engineering News Record, Sep. 20, '84, reports the recent rush of Japanese contractors into the U.S. market comparing it with the 29 previous Canadian movements. It explains the attractiveness of the U.S. market as much space, political loose restriction. for The magazine describes the general Japanese international activities stability, relatively situation contractors and states their as contractor developers in the U.S. for Japanese contractors has become the first The U.S. in '84, market from the fifth in '83. In The New York Times, Bennet writes "Now, Japan Inc. Wears a Hard hat: Japanese builders are beginning to win some big 17 contracts in the U.S." The article begins with Ohbayashi Corp.'s tunnel construction for the I-10 highway in using the favorable comments for Ohbayashi the American joint venture partner Phoenix and concludes by Shank-Artukovich, of Ohbayashi for the project. Bennet explains the basic situation of the U.S. construction 27 market $4 the more than $100 of billion the ('86), "This year as no far- bellow the $5 billion by Bechtel, that "some John P. last year in domestic contracts won construction companies' In the reactions others are profiting." builders are bitter, American Boone, Companies, American contracts - in billion one of the nations top three builders." he states American article, companies may capture (Japanese) senior vice president of the Dallas based Vantage one of the nation's largest private developers, described briefly that "It is a two way street. While they are learning about doing business here, we can tap technology from Japan." This statement seems to point out the essential relationship between the U.S. and Japan's construction industry to date, though differences of building construction technology between these countries seem to be little. Though the drainage tunnels construction for the I-10 Japanese builder, work it is still an exceptional for Japanese contractors in Japanese clients or event in the U.S. terms of public construction done by a in industry construction a sensational is highway by Ohbayashi the U.S. case to date. comes from their Business leading Tokyo-based construction firm Inc., Information and expanding along with leading firms such as Ohbayashi Hann and Krizan summarize this that the bulk of the U.S. a says that medium-size Japanese contractors are now setting up subsidiaries in and offices A from development projects by themselves. report prepared by international and Kajima Corp. Most the U.S. Corp. report and say contracts have been for the factories of Japanese companies setting 28 up shops in the U.S. including 24 Toyota, Nissan, Cannon, and Nippon Denso. Bennet says that the Japanese construction companies have strong ties other Japanese corporations, because the traditional with Japanese way of doing business insures long-lived relationships between 17 Actually this is the main reason why builders and their clients. Corp. the Ohbayashi the Kentucky Project from got the Toyota important Toyota Motor Corporation, one of Ohbayashi's most clients. Supplementally the following part of this section presents the discussion about Japanese contractors' general structuring general they are trying capture overseas projects by Japanese investors, manufacturers and financial to such as auto- But competition among institutions. contractors is Japanese contractors and local unavoidable. Therefore cooperation with the local construction industry is President Ohbayashi to avoid new trade friction. contracts like the Toyota KY Project should be with the local construction actively used to ease friction 44 industry. joint Historically, popular method for and ventures have been a traditional Japanese engineering construction companies to Joint avoid or reduce business risks in unfamiliar countries. ventures are also very popular in the Japanese construction industry, from says venture with local contractors,or construction that a joint management As a a project organization especially in the U.S. policy of Japanese contractors, important strategy of though the emphasis of their the usual joint venture concept, 29 merits are quite different the distribution of business risks. popular Joint because it projects to small venture construction is a convenient or mid-size local in way to Japan is distribute public companies maintaining high quality guaranteed by the joint venture sponsor, This type of construction company. engineering very the a big joint venture is an effective way to transfer technology from a big and advanced or company to a small medium sized local construction companies. Another purpose of joint venture in Japan is coordination for construction companies by a client construction companies themselves. or sometimes by For instance, when a manufacturing company decides to rebuild its main factory, the company will choose some contractors who are usually building or maintaining the company's facilities. among contractors for much. If Historically, the share the manufacturing the rebuilding project manufacturing company may well is company does not unusually big, arrange vary so the a joint venture whose participating ratio will be similar to the historical distribution of much Through international demerits. factor of experience of Diversification of the joint venture important local purposes venture with between for of application international the U.S. and Japan, in it is one of contractors construction 30 risks is overseas construction business conventions a local Japan, Japanese its merits as well construction in the company. for venture in joint contractors are aware of Knowledge about difference the contractors despite the unusual contractors joint among contracts company. and their to an as important for Japanese Japan. the most structure Considering matured a the industry, construction business conventions companies without knowledge of in each country must get help to secure their operations in the new environment. from local sufficient The necessity for help companies reduces as a company accumulates the know- how of operations in the new market. Information about local trade or jurisdiction of the construction industry in the U.S. is very important to manage a project effectively and successfully. organization including subcontracting in a reasonable way is a key factor to achieve project goals. traditional Structuring project Either through a construction process or construction management style construction, the input of local construction conventions into design and procurement is critical Information about the local and not an easy task. construction industry in Japan is important, too, because even in open shop areas in the U.S., local It information is very important may not be appropriate to describe the labor Japan as open shop, however, Japanese labor relations unions, relations. relations in it has many similarities and the open shop in instance, the Japanese construction in including labor so trade or jurisdictional between the U.S. For industry has no industrial arrangement is not necessary Japan. Ohbayashi tool Corp. for American has used the joint construction business as well business risks since its first operation some examples in Kyoto Inn Hotel venture as a learning Ohbayashi's history in construction in 31 as avoiding some in the U.S. the U.S. There are such as the 1974 and the Evertrust office building in a joint to 1985. Ohbayashi did this venture with American avoid In construction by structuring contractors to learn business and some risks. the context of both the Japanese and American construction industry, a Japanese construction a greater reputation by doing construction management contracting as a sponsor of a joint the construction management for venture. gain than by This is because Japanese contractors is contracting style and challenging subject for them. risky for could company a new It is too unexperienced Japanese construction contractors who seeking for Japanese clients have come recently to the U.S. because of the difficulty of getting information and hiring good American managers. 32 2-2 Chatline and the history of Ohbayashi Corporation in the U.S. Ohbayashi Corp. has been in worked on relatively small Coast until 1982. the U.S. since projects in Hawaii 1966, having and on the West It has gradually undertaken bigger projects, primarily the building of factories and warehouses for Japanese 23 companies setting up operations in the U.S. Ohbayashi began to attach importance to the U.S. to get heavy construction in Though Ohbayashi recently in the U.S., Corp. it is market around 80 the U.S. began almost unknown except very has been famous as one of the Big Five engineering construction companies in is 1982 because it Japan. The outline of it as follows: 1) name; Ohbayashi corporation, 2) head office; 3, 2-chome, Kanda Tsukasa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Japan, 3) establishment; Jan. 25, 1892, 4) capital assets; 32.6 billion yen (Mar. 31, 1986) 5) employees; 9,915 (ave. 39.4 years old) (Mar. 31, 1986) 6) subsidiaries in the U.S. (1985) a. Ohbayashi America Corporation, California b. United Development Corporation, Washington c. J. E. Roberts-Ohbayashi Corporation, California d. Ohbayashi Hawaii Corporation, Hawaii e. Ohbayashi Associates Hawaii Inc., Hawaii f. Citadel Corporation, Georgia 7) Overseas office in the US. (1985) a. New York b. Los Angels c. San Francisco d. Chicago e. Atlanta f. Honolulu Important events of Ohbayashi Tokyo, corp. in the U.S. are as follows: 1966-1971; the first operation of Ohbayashi the Surfrider hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii. Corp. After in the U.S. was Ohbayashi got a negotiated contract from a Japanese overseas subsidiary, Kyouya, '33 Ohbayashi registered as a foreign corporation, and then received a contractor's licence in construction was in The completion of the 1967. In addition, Ohbayashi 1969. got an enlarging and remodeling construction contract for the PrincessKailua Hotel, and completed it in Ohbayashi started real construction in Hawaii. estate development as well Ohbayashi (SM) parcel in downtown Waikiki acquisition of overseas real Ohbayashi in 1971. This acquisition was set up its (Japan) regarding the estate for Japanese corporations. in local office opened its as acquired a 1600 square meters permit by the Ministry of Finance the first 1972; 1969. overseas subsidiary, Honolulu in Ohbayashi Hawaii 1971. Then, Corp., in it 1972. Ohbayashi started its operations in North America by setting up the overseas subsidiary, Ohbayashi America Corp. in Los Angels (L.A.). It received a licence of a general contractor in the U.S. in 1973. 1973; Ohbayashi set up the Department of Overseas Business in the Tokyo Head Office. opened a local Besides Ohbayashi America Corp., it office, which mainly dealt with heavy construction in Los Angeles. 1974-1975; After two years of market research, Ohbayashi started active operations on the West Coast. construction of Hotel The completion of Kyoto America It got the Inn from America Kintetsu Kougyou. the construction was in 1975. Ohbayashi chose J.E.Roberts Co. as the joint venture partner for the construction. Actually, Ohbayashi did not make a profit it gave too many incentives to the partner. 34 Since then, because Ohbayashi America has gotten many projects mainly from Japanese companies or their subsidiaries. construction by itself Ohbayashi did this with little profit, but it learned the construction business through these experiences. 1976-1977; Ohbayashi America expanded Angels to San Francisco (S.F.) project is located in network from Los and Seattle. took on a big project, America its Then, the Milcreak Project. a suburb of Seattle, Ohbayashi manage the project. project in America got which does not exist In with Adlian Wilson Co., a big American America's Consequently, it it for America's the first time company through competitive bidding with construction business. order Nov. 1976, in Ohbayashi America hooked up design firm, organization to manage constructed the L.A. the Japanese office and arranged a turnkey program. of American Komatsu by turnkey contract. Ohbayashi chose J.E.Roberts Co. as a strategic partner to expand Ohbayashi's operations into public facility construction because J.E.Roberts had much experience in field. to project from an American This event was a milestone in Ohbayashi construction bonds, 1978; Corporation 1988. from an American Ohbayashi and The corporation plans to complete the history because Ohbayashi Forklift, Tokyuu Group., Corp., Ohbayashi got the Koncho Building company. on facilities investors set up the United Development American This and developed about 3,200 private residents and various recreational 1,085 acres wilderness. Ohbayashi J.E.Roberts-Ohbayashi succeeded 35 in the getting a public in housing project in north San Ohbayashi Department. Francisco from the Federal began to manage the Wilshire Building this one of the Ohbayashi's properties, L.A., a sophisticated tunnel both in sensational Japan, Record, the U.S. came back to the U.S. Sep.20,1979, and Japan because of which once the U.S. from Japan. advanced had exported to Ohbayashi's portrait on topic about Ohbayashi Corp. public heavy tunnel project was the first because this its EngineerinQ News used the president, and wrote a special the cover, This project was construction method. engineering technology, civil year. Construction Method," proposing "Slurry Shield Tunnel Francisco, in got a sewage project of the City of San Ohbayashi 1979-1980; Housing construction project done by a Japanese contractor in the U.S. Ohbayashi 1982; was to get business purpose of opening the New York office especially for American information Soon after some efforts to Japan. information, The original opened the New York office. managers in the office companies that to get such kind of realized that someone who does not give anything cannot get anything in The first Ohbayashi success was the NEC contracted this the lump sum contract. Hawaii, Information's Boston factory. Doing the construction, its Ohbayashi using Ohbayashi began business relations. the head of the New York office, this relationship. Then, project with Turner Construction to get business information through Noma, business. began to get projects on the East Coast. the office managers in planned to go gave an example of When a typhoon destroyed Ohbayashi's hotel getting had difficulties 36 insurance money. An in the NEC project, of an underwriter introduced a construction for Ohbayashi. insurance specialized lawyer money from the insurance company than it Ohbayashi had not done business in N.Y., 80 Noma added. such an appropriate person, 1983; Ohbayashi Urban Renewal corp. asked to introduce which Ohbayashi at Hartford, inlLSUrance broker It received more had expected. If it would not have found got a public housing project from the L.A. Department. This was the first case for a Japanese It contractor to get a public building construction project. also got the Westside Pump Facility from the City of Francisco, and a condominium, Tokyo Villa in L.A., San through competitive bidding. 1984; Ohbayashi Corp. Ohbayashi got the drainage tunnel 17 It also got a big (324,000 SF) I-10 in Phoenix. Rothchild Realty Group, construction for high rise (17F) agreed to business cooperation with The office Ill. building from Evertrust, a subsidiary of Ever Line, in Jersey City, New Jersey, on just the other side of the river from Manhattan. This was the first case for a Japanese contractor to get a project from a non-Japanese company in the greater New York area. Ohbayashi chose Sordoni, in New Jersey ( about one tenth of joint venture partner. from Ohbayashi a medium size construction company Turner Turner Construction), as a Construction rejected the offer Corp. to be the joint venture partner though Turner had contracted the NEC Boston project with Ohbayashi. According to Noma, the head of the N.Y. office, because Ohbayashi tried to get involved in the construction and to learn the 37 business on the East Coast, lump sum contract with an American cautious enough it N.Y. in had not enough experience on Why Ohbayashi could not do construction in the East Coast. despite Ohbayashi was was afraid of unforseen problems during and the construction because it Jersey, contractor. to avoid doing construction individually At the same time, it after venture rather than chose joint it in doing construction individually New L.A., is that the concessions related construction business especially in construction union is one of the special features of the Noma explains that even construction business in Manhattan. Sordoni, A very strong extremely complicated. New York is greater the joint venture partner, cannot do business in Manhattan island. To do construction business in Manhattan, construction companies have to hire powerful project managers who 80 have much experience there and know who does what exactly. Though several for Japanese clients Japanese contractors do tenant construction in Manhattan, with American contractors, usually by lump sum contract Japanese contractors did not suffer from obstructions by the union or others until 1985. probably because the Japanese construction business is for the union or others to pay it special This is too small attention. One of the reason that Ohbayashi does not do construction independently on the East Coast its construction for its is that Ohbayashi Japanese clients. cannot fail in Even in the U.S.., failure of construction for Japanese clients causes a terrible influence on Ohbayashi's business in regard their Japan. contracts with Ohbayashi for 38 Japanese clients overseas projects as a their long term relationships with Ohbayashi. simple extension of Ohbayashi If a Japanese client in fails Japanese competitors will for the client. take some portion of Ohbayashi's share At worst, Ohbayashi for selective bidding of and may loose its reputation it may loose chances even advantage for the client; historical overseas, project the client's projects, which used to be automatically contracted with Ohbayashi by negotiation. Ohbayashi Corp. changed its operation system in the U.S. 1985; It has its first operation in the U.S. after 20 years after three main overseas offices in the U.S., N.Y., L.A., and S.F. It Ohbayashi added two other offices in Chicago and Atlanta. completed the first full-turnkey project as a Japanese contractor for the Sumitomo Kinzoku Kouzan's semi-conductor factory in Fremont. Corp. Ohbayashi set up Citadel the increasing Japanese investment necessity to set up an open is a closed (union) contract with open area; Atlanta, a key city The reason for setting up a new subsidiary in Sun Bel t. Belt is in (non-union) in the Sun there and the shop construction company. shop company the in the Sun Belt, so it Ohbayashi cannot shop companies which dominate the the contract between union and Ohbayashi prohibits to use non-union contractors in Ohbayashi Sun Belt is contracted areas. The very popular for Japanese corporations partly because it is largely non-union. Japanese management tries to avoid unfamiliar headaches which would be caused by labor unions. Labor unions exist in Japan, too, but most of them are individual unions within their corporations rather than interindustry or 39 craft is unions. Therefore, the concept of the labor union Ohbayashi the U.S. in from that different totally in Japan Corp. uses a so called "Double Breast Strategy," that means the strategy for an owner of construction companies to operational possess two different Most big American companies. in strategy closed and open shop construction companies use this the U.S. A special American. companies, feature of Citadel Corp. is that all management Noma explains that because excellent American is managers tend to avoid working under Japanese managers, Ohbayashi decided to hire an American president for its new subsidiary. Ohbayashi simply gives policy but does not try to control the operations of Citadel. Though Citadel has gotten only small 1986, the top management of Ohbayashi projects as of is looking for Citadel to get into the American construction market while Ohbayashi provides business for it. Management recognizes that the goal of its operations in the U.S. is to be able to get sufficient work from American clients in all areas in the U.S. At the end of Citadel 1985, Ohbayashi got the Toyota KY Project. did a good job for Ohbayashi to gather information regarding site selection or other project related matters, during the planning stage of the project for Toyota Motor Corp. Main reason for Ohbayashi's success in getting the project was the long-term relationships between Toyota and Ohbayashi but the contribution by Citadel 40 was significant for in Japan, Ohbayashi. 2-3 History of Toyota Motor Corporation This section has two parts: the first the second part the history of TMC; (T1C) part is a summary of a summary of the is historical relationship between TMC and Ohbayashi. world years. famous Toyoda) 1918 by Sakici (established in a from Toyoda independence Since the auto-manufacturer TMC produced 3.4 million 1937, Company TMC has grown to through ups and downs cars next to the top, during 50 GM's 5.7 1978 because its sales, and profit, both after financing and taxes, were the most. TMC has maintained the in Japanese industry since position prestigious then. TMC 11 factories in Aichi prefecture in employs 62,000 people and has Japan. in Loom TMC became the top Japanese manufacturing million cars in 1984. company in Automatic The products are automobiles, industrialized housing, industrial transporters, The outline of TMC Name; 2) Establishment; 3) Location; 4) Capital 5) Employees; parts. is as follows (1986): Corporation Toyota Motor 1) and 28,1937 Aug. I Toyota-Machi, Toyota City, Aichi Assets; Table 2-3-1 yen 133.2 billion 61,676 Prefecture, Japan (m.:56,117, f.:5,579) shows its factories. The Tahara factory, one of the comparable plants with the Toyota KY plant, is a relatively new factory, the tenth factory of TMC. oldest, of the dedication was Toyota Motor about one year after Industry Co. the TMC's plants in Japan. The Honsha factory is the Figure 2-3-1 the establishment shows the location of All factories are located in Aichi 41 Factor-i.esE Table r2--l o+ TooaMotor Cr. EMFL.OYEES- FLOOR NA~ME' DED I CA T' ION L AND TAHAR 1979 3930 61 C) H 1938 79C: 400 1959 1610 :,. ~73 1965 880 54 1966 1360 M I YOSH I 1968 0 1.40 TSUTSUMI 197C) 970 530 AKECH' 1973 30 140 AMA2 1.975 410 210 KOR 0MUR A 1978 820 230 TEIHCu 1986 320 90 MOTOMACHI K MI GU SHIMO 540) PRODUCT S 4800 FPASS. CAF:., SMALL TRUCK 2400 TRUCK,:I Bus. HOUS I NG 5200 PASS. CAR 3400 ENG INE, TRANSMISSION 5 100 F'ASS. CAR 1900 SUSPENS ION., SMALL PARTS 5800 PA SS. CAR 900 DIECAST PARTS 1600 ENGINE, ANTIPOLUT I ON DEV I CE 2300) TRANSMISSON, POWER TRAIN 1400 MACHINE, DI E 1985 AS OF DEC. SOURCE: TOYOTA 1986 BY 42 TMC LOcT PL-ANTS TM's OF ION 1. Location of Toyota City 2. Location of Takaoka Plant Sanko 1 Honda-cho t bn 0m ~10ko 3km 3Oka akaoka 67kma ar Toyota-shi Aichi-ken 6k 2k 2.5t 0565(52)1212 FIGURE 2-3-1 43 SOURCE: OUTLINE OF TAKAOKA PLAN' BY TMC, 1983 Layout of T akaoka Plant Monthly Production Land space 50,000 1,370,000m 2 (336 acres) 510 ,000m2 Floor space (5490,000 SF) I'. P oti te ce n Gate 3hop Shop SOURCE: OUTLINE OF TAKAOKA PLANT BY TMC, 1983 FIGURE 2-3-2 44 Prefecture and most of them are in TMC's plant shows a typical plants use structural layout steel Toyota City. Figure 2-3-2 (Takaoka Plant). Most TMC's and are one-story buildings. Table 2-3-2 gives a brief history of TMC. Sakichi Toyada a famous inventor of the Toyoda Automatic Loom in (1867-1930), He became Japan, is the founder of the parent company of TMC. interested in motor vehicles around Kiichirou eldest son, (1894-1952), graduation from the Mechanical 1910. study automobiles. After of Engineering Department Kiichirou entered his father's University, Then, he had his company. Tokyo Though Kiichirou got an excellent education, he was not willing to enter the automobile industry because the level of Japanese industry was far behind the Western countries at that time. reason for Kiichirou to enter father's personal wish, The main was his a new business field 2 so it was emotional rather than logical. After the independent establishment of Toyota Motor Co.(Toyota), built its overseas. factories Gradually, Toyota and set up sales companies both in Japan and It won the Deming Prize, an award for excellent companies for Total there were many ups and downs. industry quality control Quality Control in 1965. Toyota has developed system further after that event. '70s, Toyota has actively done social and cultural Since the activities including establishing the Toyota Foundation and the Toyota Industrial Institute. The merger of Toyota and Toyota Motor Sales was a big event in the '80s. 45 Another big its issue is the Table 2-3-2 Outline of Year 1933 1935 1937 1938 1950 1956 1957 1961 1962 1965 1966 1967 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1986 the History of Toyota Motor Corporation Events Set up Department of Automobile in Toyoda Automobile Loom Manufacturing Co. Prototype of Al car Establishment of Toyota Motor Industry Co. Start of Honsha Plant's operation Establishment of Toyota Jidousha Hanbai (Toyota Motor Sales) Company Establishment of Toyopet Shops (sales chain) Establishment of Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc. : Establishment of Toyota Publica shops (now, Toyota Corolla Shops) (sales chain) One million car production (accumulated total) Wining the Deming Prize :Business cooperation with Hino Motor Industry Co. Establishment of Toyota Auto Shops (sales chain); Business cooperation with Daihatsu Industry Co. Ten million car production (accumulated total) Establishment of Toyota Foundation Publication of Toyota Office (industrialized office building) 20 million car production (accumulated total) Publication of Toyota Home (industrialized housing) : 30 million car production (accumulated total); Establishment of Toyota Vista Shops (sales chain) Opening of Toyota Industrial Institute Merger of Toyota Motor Industry Co. and Toyota Motor Sales Co.; the new company name is Toyota Motor Corporation 40 million car production (accumulated total) Start of NUMMI's operation, joint venture of TMC and GM : 50 million car production (accumulated total); Toyota KY Project SOURCE: 46 TOYOTA 1986 BY TMC TMC set up New United Mortar Manufacturing, automobiles. with GM in (NUMMI) preparation especially about and Japan, between the U.S. trade friction order Inc. and a to ease the trade friction direct investment, the Toyota KY for the individual Project. TMC has 30 overseas manufacturing In and Canada. which was set up in of NUMMI Toyota Motor Inc. Sales, the U.S. TMC has two manufacturing companies: the U.S., and Toyota Auto Body NUMMI plants in also building manufacturing is It countries. 20 or assembling plants in Inc. of TMC invests 50 % California. 1984 and has 2,500 employees. U.S.A.,Inc. invests 100 % of Toyota Auto Body has 350 1964 and of California which was set up in emp Ioyees. TMC has 24 overseas subsidiaries around the world. are six subsidiaries in the subsidiaries in the U.S. the U.S. Toyota Motor Sales, as of Jan. U.S.A.,Inc. subsidiary of TMC whose business is Inc. Motor Distributors, Center-, U.S.A.,Inc. in Research, Inc. in Japan, overseas the import of TMC's cars and in one of four the U.S. Toyota Toyota distributors wholesale sales. main research automobiles in institute, which has 2000 employees. is a research and development in The Toyota Technical is a Research Laboratory for though TMC has its Ken, design is whose business is the U.S. the first of them to four distributors the distribution the U.S. is an outline of 1986: Table 2-3-3. shown in is There Higashi Fuji Calty Design company for car the U.S. TMC is the core of the Toyota 47 Group which has 13 companies 2 - Tabe NAME S Su~bsiddiaries cf OF RAT I I NvESTMENT CAP I TAL ASSETS (mi 1.$) TOYOA MOTOR TMC 100% TM1C in U. S. 55.00 1957 OPERAT IONS EMFLOYEES IMPORT & DI )TR IBUTE TMSUSA 100%/. TOYOTA TECHNICAL CENTER,USA,Inc. TMC 80% TMS,USA 10% AISHINSEIKI 5%, NIHONDENSOU 5"w CALTY DESIGN TMC 60% RESEARCH Inc. TMSUSA 20% YACHIDA INDSTRY. 20% TIS, USA TOYOT AAUTO BODY 100 7. Inc . ,OF CAL IFOR NEW UNITED MOTO MANUFACTURING, Inc. SHIMO:YiMA" the EST ABL I SHMENT S AIEE, USA, Inc. (TMS. USA) -rOYO~A MOTOR DISTR IBUTORS, Inc. - TMC 50% GM 50% 1975 1550-'.- - 5. 00 1958 WHOLESALES 630 1.80 1977 RESEARCH, LAB. ABOUT AUTO. 70 0.15 1973 R&D OF CAR DESIGN 30 5.00 1974 PFRODUCTION OF REARDECK OF HI-LUX 1984 PRODUCTION OF PASS.CAR 1600 200).OO 350 2500 A' OF FEB. 1986 SOURCE: TOYOTA 1.986 48 Table 2-3-4 summarizes and two business cooperation companies. the group member is Company the parent company of Toyota Group. It Loom Manufacturing the second oldest in TMC, the Most other group members' business is strongly is the second biggest company in Nihon-Denso is related with TMC. the group. Toyoda Automatic companies. also a world manufacturing famous electric company. Relationships between TMC and Ohbayashi have continued since the first plant construction in For venture of was the sponsor of the joint instance, Ohbayashi Toyota Tokyo Building Project, building since 1980 to 1982. has participated as the dormitories and in most plant constructions, as well offices. Ohbayashi 1937. B5F, 49,000 SM 19F, Doing maintenance and repair of most of TMC's plants and buildings, Ohbayashi completed the Third Body Shop of Tahara plant in 1986. in 1986, too. as well of Ohbayashi's competitors have done construction Takenaka Koumuten got its Around 1967, its first 1955 project around Kajima Construction began to participate in the construction business for TMC. Five Construction Ohbayashi. contract around first Shimizu Construction got from Toyota. the Big TMC and count more than 800 since the beginning. Several for TMC. has done maintenance and repair the contracts between as new construction, Ohbayashi 1965. Because Ohbayashi It got the Toyota KY Project Ohbayashi All Companies in has the longest of them are members of Japan as well as relationship with TMC. TMC usually use selective bidding to choose the prime contractor Because TMC has strict criteria of for a new project. 49 Table Outl i ne o-F NAMES TCYODA LOOtI! FSTABL I SHMENT A U TOMAT I C M ING CO. AICHI SEOK)V.OU (STEEL MANINUFC, ) TOYODA KOUKI (INDUSTRIAL MACHINES) TOYOTA BODY TOYCDA TSULUSHOU (TRADING) AISHIN SE:IKI (PRErISION MA CHINES) N I H[ N DENSOU (ELECTRIC MANIUFACTUR I NG) TYODA BOUSHOKU (TEX ISTILES) TOU-'A REAL ESTATE TOY DDA CENTRAL LA PORATORY 2-3-4 Tocyota Grou~p Compnies CAP ITAL AS SET S (BIL. YEN) BUS I NESS 1926 MANUFACTURING 8 S-ALES OF LOOM, CAR, I NDUSTRI AL TR ANSPOR TER EMPLOYEES 12.4 19-40 MANUFACTURING < 6.9 SALES OF SPECIAL STEEL & STEEL PARTS 4.1 1941 MANUFACTURING < SALES OF INDUSTRIAL MACHINES & AUTO PARTS 1945 MANUFACTURING 3.8 OF BODY 8< PARTS OF PASS. CAR, TRUCK Se SPECIAL CARS 1948 TRADE OF RAW 9. 6 MATERIALS 9.7 1949 MANUFACTURING & SALES OF AUTO INDUSTRIAL TOOLS. e MACHINES 1949 MANUF A CTUR ING 34. 9 SALES OF ELECTRIC PARTS, AVAC SYSTEM1, 8< ELECTRIC/GENERAL TOOLS, < MACHINES 3.6 1950 MANUFACTURING e SALES OF TEXISTILES. AOTO PARTS., & HOME GOODS 5.C-0 1953 REAL ESTATE MANAGEMANT., DE ALING, & RENTING 3.0 1960 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OF UNDAMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 1946 MANUFACTUR I NG OF AUTO BODY., PARTS, EQUIPMENTS OF HOUSING. & 1949 MANUFACTURING e SALES OF PLASTICS, RUBBER, 3< CORK GOODS 6 50 0C- 34 00 3900 1600 8200 3100.0oo 1100t 120 740 - KiAN~OU AUTOMA T IVE TOY DA GOUSE I 50 SOURCE: 5 70 4900 1985 AS OF DEC. TOYOTA 1986 BY TMC quality, cost, eliminates projects and contractors require and are more for TMC are contractors safety, with bad more management cost effective literally timeliness than for bidders, performance. on every usual Because TMC's phase projects, of construction, selected bidders selected and limited both in and subcontractors. 51 TMC general 2-4 Other Autanotive Plant Constructions The Toyota Tahara Smyrna Project of the projects, organization Toyota of differences between style of TQC with Fuji Gunma program method common big direct of the outline the of is towards Therefore, its process and without these projects. be used and also to define the Japanese organization with useful for automotive the Toyota Tahara to check special features construction. may well Project be the most the clients, TMC and Nissan, car manufacturers; investment in each project is the prime similar case KY Project because these two projects have points: location comparable with be extracted the comparison Japanese international first The and Japan's development Project will The Nissan Smyrna to the Toyota are construction. comparison The comparison Toyota's in the U.S. through Project. which development process construction and of the development process and system will it the section. such as building type, client, organizational The this F'roject, Tahara Project has many common factors with and confounding in Gunma are examined here. contractor, of are described the projects, Toyota KY Project, project the Fuji and some details KY Project The Toyota Project, the U.S. many are the Big Two both projects are the by TMC and Nissan; the in the mid-South, Kentucky and 73 Tennessee; in the project the Toyota Ky Project, Construction manager, Robert was the in the Nissan Smyrna these projects, the differences of 52 B. project Project. Jordan, working manager of for Daniel By the comparison both companies' OHB of strategies for developments in OHB from Daniel uncertain will environments, the differences of be studied. 2-4-1 Toyota Tahara Pr-oject This section and (in Japan). includes a project summary, and development process; and organization of the Toyota Tahara Project. the long term relationship between section 2 -3, an outline of TMC and OHB is the TMC's organization Though explained in for its facility construction and maintenance is additionally explained as well as the OHB's project organization, Most 86 83 section is provided by Tanabe, Sato, and information of this 82 Ohsaki who were OHB's project manager, and A/E here. manager for the project, 53 quality control respectively. officer, 2-4-1-1 Schematic Project Susasary. Project summary is as follows: 1) Project name; Toyota Motor Corporation The Third Body Shop Proj ect. 2)Project location; Prefecture, 3) Tahara town, Atsumi Architect/engineer, Corporation. Ohbayashi Corporation. Toyota Motor Time schedule; Start of building works, Completion , Site area; 983.5 acres (3,980,000 SM) Floor area; 774,413 SF (71,943 SM) (Total floor Registered Corporation and engineers. Architects 5) 6) Aichi Japan. organization; Project Owner, Toyota Motor General contractor, 4) (county), gun area in Jan.6, 1986. Oct.31,1986. the Tahara Plant is about 320,000 SF) press and welding. 7) Type of shops; 8) Building outline; a. b. c. 9) steel pile and spread footing. structural steel. -Autoclaved Lightweight Concrete panel water proofing. finish -Asrock, colored steel panel. capacity; 340,000 cars/year. Foundation Structure Roof d. Exterior Production -- -- (as of feb. 10) Products; 8< 1984) passenger cars: Soarer, Supra, Corona, Celica, Corolla, Sprinter, and HiLux (small truck). 54 sheet 11I) Sc-hema n .-it ic plA n of main and shops this project. N DERTH FIGURE 2-4-1-1-a 12) section of press shop. 15 1 E E 0m FIGURE 2-4-1-1-b 55 Development Process and Organization. The development process, schedule, and organization of the Toyota Tahara Project is described in this section. TMC usually does not hire an A/E because TMC has its own A/E department. does all the A/E's jobs by itself. Except TMC for TMC's roles of owner A/E, this project's development process and organization is a usual Japanese construction project. The construction method is a traditional sequential method because the Japanese building Code requires completed drawings and specs for building permits. and OHB is a lump sum; other The contract type between TMC contract types between clients general contractors for new buildings practically Japan. TMC used selective bidding to choose a general for the project. Though negotiated as competitive bidding in Japan, and do not exist in contractor contracts are popular as well TMC usually employ competitive bidding to select contractors or suppliers. OHB uses its own forces for mainly for temporary construction. construction work or does self-performance works as a usual practice in There are no strong national industry, its labor unions in general there are several contractor As a special construction, for For The number of layers varies by but usually from two to four. feature of TMC applies its its construction. labor. coordinators or brokers between a and workers. location and trades, Japanese relations are so-called "multi- layer-subcontracting," which has a hierarchy of example, the Japanese TMC's plant or building Total Quality Control (TQC) TMC has its own design-construction 56 program management that includes manual TMC's checking items and general contractor's checking items on each development stage. management Construction document control, scheduling, addition to this manual, in items are classified TMC also has many special formats, many kinds of report sheets, and a value engineering proposal right. Such inspection and sheet. shows the development process of the project. Figure 2-4-1-1 horizontal In and shop drawings. inspections, as a standard construction manual, The vertical such as, four, axis indicates the project participants and the axis means the progressive order from the left to the Important events from "Need for Facility" to Because the "Construction" are allocated in boxes in the chart. Tahara Project is an expansion of the plant, after the confirmation of checked the need for a new facility, TMC must have and adjusted the standard manual management of its for the new construction. a little advance almost all TMC has known the strategy are minimal. The Toyota Tahara Project is a quite usual so TMC uses the standard the construction of the Tahara Project. of the A/E and uses a traditional program, that is, in the important factors for the new project; TMC's work to set up construction, construction methods of management TMC does all sequential the construction starts TMC's plant for functions construction after the completion of all construction documents including work drawings and specifications. Accordingly, Japanese clients including TMC use only the lump sum contract with a prime contractor buildings. 57 for new MANAGING BLDG.& PRDL. EQUIP. INSTALATION TMC OHB SUBs STRUjCTURKL L FIGURE 2-4-1-1 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS CHART OF TOYOTA TAHARA At the design stage, asked OHB to do the structural TMC Though design for the Tahara Project by a unit price contract. cost of the design because of a OHB cannot cover even the direct very low unit price set by TMC, this cooperation does not affect the competitive bidding of sometimes the project, TMC at least formally. asks for some parts of design works from selected general contractors or building equipment companies. The type of the design cooperation varies, such as, only architectural drawings, structural drawings, structural drawings, M/E drawings, architectural drawings. work and all and At the procurement stage, TMC uses selective bidding to choose a prime contractor for general contractors as bidders, such as OHB, Shimizu, Taisei, TMC requires bidders to submit the Takenaka, Kajima, and Mitsui. following items: itemized estimates, work plan schedule, organization list, site construction planning, items, TMC selects six its projects. and value engineering proposals. TMC asked tenderers make more than 50 value engineering proposals for drawings and specs in for the Tahara Project. value engineering proposals is program for assurance quality to the original This heavy requirement a special feature of TMC's TOC its construction. Along with competitive bidding, TMC applies for a building permit to the local important government. permits among construction. Building permits are the most many regulations for owners to start Along with many local government during and after the construction, permit and fire safety permit inspections inspections for occupancy are the most important 59 the for general contractors and After a owners. building construction. is the reasons for One of no cost-plus-fee does not allow contractors to Japanese business tradition that For example, request explicit profit or fees from their clients. during asks the bidder to owner items, owner a bidder, and overhead reduce its cut or cut them even to or an between a negotiation Japanese not used in is A cost-plus-fee contract subcontractors. with contract price a unit lump sum and a OHB uses work. the forces perform own its and using subcontractors construction TMC, OHB starts the with sum contract lump usually the profit and all. TMC asks OHB to make more than 30 value engineering proposals during the in phase construction proposals at the bidding stage in the Project. own (QC) quality control OHB's engineers check the concrete placement. TMC the project. to R-bar OHB also Many items of the concrete works. TMC applies its requires reports during construction. inspection OHB to submit many example, program 50 to addition works and form works inspects the form works For before after inspections are required the to be quantitative. OHB also has construction which its own has three grades. by the importance of complex-ity different of quality control The grades are determined facilities, requirements by clients, size or the projects, and others. from the OHB's QC program. tries to make program during subcontractors TMC's Regarding inspect their work program inspectors, not so OHB and make reports, but in reality, OHB does most inspections itself. 60 is In the Tahara Project, OHB does many inspections of subcontractors jobs during construct ion. Figure 2-4-1-2 shows the Toyota Tahara Project schedule. The engineering and design was completed in Nov. 1985. TMC announced the tender on Nov. date was Dec. contractor 20,1985 to six contractors. 9 and TMC awarded OHB the contract as the general -for the project in Jan.6, 1986. The bid The structural finished at the end of June. completed at the end of Oct. building construction. steel work began in mid April and The building construction was It took ten months for the 1986. OHB does not contract most of M/E works TMC usually contracts or any production equipment works. production equipment The construction started late Dec. and installment with individual suppliers TMC often contracts building service equipment works, directly. such as HVAC, plumbing, and M/E, with special contractors of distributing building these works. Because TMC does A/E works, construction, building service equipment, and production contractors, equipment works to many different functions as "construction management" for TMC actually its construction in Japan. Figure 2-4-1-3 shows the outline of organization and contract types of the Toyota Tahara Project. is typical for TMC's in Japanese manufacturing in--house A/E. contract as well plant This organization construction except TMC contracts with OHB by a lump sum as a building service equipment contractor, many production equipment suppliers. 61 OHB contracts with many and Nov.20 Jan.6 Notice to Start Bidders Construction Apr.14 Sep.1 Nov.12 Start Structural Steel Start M/E Completion FIGURE 2-4-1-2 TOYOTA TAHARA PROJECT SCHEDULE CLIENT A/E LUMP SUM BUILDIG OHB GENERAL CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT CONTRACTORS LUMP SUM/ UNIT PRICE OWN FORCES1 SUBs FIGURE 2-4-1-3 OUTLINE OF PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND CONTRACT TYPE OF TOYOTA TAHARA 63 subcontractors by lump sum or unit self performance mainly for general Figure 2-4-1-4 shows the TMC's The Department Project. those of Facility a construction manager is Procurement organization The department of purchases including This department of progress payment application is for the Tahara Environment's roles are deals with progressive The flow of contractors during construction. for OHB does condition works. and A/E. all responsible for construction contracts. payment of price contracts. OHB's from the Tahara Project team in the A/E section, through the manager of the Department of Facility Environment, to the Department of Procurement that does not only clerical work but also checks the evaluations closely. This system is applied to the Toyota KY Project, too. The Department of Production Engineering inputs many requirements regarding production engineering during the design phase into the drawings and specs. The Department of Facility Environment coordinates various requirements from different sections of production engineering. Figure 2-4-1-5 shows the OHB's site organization for the Toyota Tahara Project. the work on pits for includes many civil the press machines, the machine foundations. with usual It engineers who did the slab on grade, Because the project is and big compared Japanese projects, the site has two managers and eight architects and engineers for shop drawings. Generally, Japanese A/E's drawings includes less details than American A/E's, so shop drawings by general contractors are important substantial portion of the general 64 and share the contractor's jobs. There are 3'RWECT ------ (HB L -J 0n }(TAH PROJECT) FIGURE 2-4-1-4: TMC'S ORGANIZATION FOR TAHARA PROJECT SAFETY GENERAL MNGR. FOR ALL TMC'S PROJECTS BY OHB SUBs L~. FIGURE 2-4-1-5 OHB'S SITE ORGANIZATION FOR TOYOTA TAHARA PROJECT two quality control the officers construction line. big project Although OHB sometimes assigns a QC officer to a implying how very strict TMC's OC program is. there are some peculiarities organization and for this apart from like this, but two OC officers were used for the Tahara Project, organization and one safety officer in the project in the OHB's site organization, this can be described as typical scale of project. 67 in Japanese construction 2-4-2 Fuji 6unma Project (in Japan) This section includes the project summary, the development process, and the organization of Fuji Gunma Project. Most of the information in this section is provided by the cooperation of 72 74 '75 who were OHB's A/E manager, deputy and Imagawa, Kujirai, Kuroki, project manager, respectively. and the head of Takasaki Project summary is Project Summary. 68 office presented in for the project 2-4-2-1 Schematic 2-4-2-1 Schematic Project Stummary. Project summary is as follows: 1) Project Name; Fuji Heavy Industry Co., Gunma Manufacturing Division, Yajima Plant, the Second Assemble and Paint Shops Project (Fuji Gunma Project). 2) Project Location; Ohta City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. 3) Project Organization; Owner, Fuji Heavy Industry Co. General Contractor, Ohbayashi Corp. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Architect/Engineer, Ohbayashi Corp. Time Schedule; Start of building works, Feb. Completion , Aug. Site Area; 134.6 acres (545,000 SM) Floor area; 318,973 SF (29,633 SM) Type of shops; Assemble and Paint shops. Building Outline; a. b. c. Foundation A-C pile and spread footing. Structure -structural steel. Roof -corrugated asbestos-cement corrugated metal roofing. d. Exterior 9) Products; 10) Schematic finish -- insulated metal passengers cars. plan of main shops and 25, 27, roof, 1980. 1980. and siding. this project. THE FUJI GUNMA PROJECT pr ess / //// padint FIGURE 2'4weldi assemble FIGURE 2-4-2-1-a 69 g 11) Section of Assembling Shop. E 25.0 m FIGURE 2-4-2-1-b 70 Development Process and (O-ganization. The development process, schedule, and organization of the Fuji Gunma Project is described in this section. Gunma Project through OHB as a design-builder of the Fuji selective bidding after is the Fuji's schematic design. Japan, a quite typical design-build in in contract. Fuji a traditional horizontal Important is Tahara Fuji OHB was a design and Fuji tries for to confirm the cost effectiveness time. shows the development process of the project. axis indicates the project participants and the axis the progressive order events from the boxes in an expansion of Project, "Need from the left the chart. Because the Fuji Gunma the original plant like of need for of the standard procedure of construction must have been minimal to the right. to "Construction" for facility" after the confirmation adjustment facility, type between uses selective bidding to choose a design-builder are allocated in Project method Though Fuji usually uses a negotiated contract with Figure 2-4-2-1 The vertical sequential The contract contract between the project so that Fuji of OHB this also the completion of the work drawings, a lump sum after though the first OHB, is the Toyota Tahara Project. and OHB is though a negotiated Japanese construction. The construction method like The project selective bidding is contract with a design-builder without popular Fuji selected the Toyota a new its and the project process was as usual. At the planning/pre-design stage, 71 Fuji planned to use OHB as ,BUILDING PERMITS |INSPECTION MANAGING BLDG.& PRDC. ~EQUIP. INSTALATION FUJ I (USUAL Q.C. 1- DESIGN CONTRACT OHB ROK DRAWINGS BIDD ING OUT LUMP SUMi CONTRACT SELF PERFORM (w/ FUJI), LUMP SUM/ UNIT PRICEI C N SUBs FIGURE 2-4-2-1 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS CHART OF FUJI GUNMA PROJECT C a design-builder for had built almost all Yaj i ma Plant. in Fuji the project through negotiation, because OHB buildings by a design-build contract at the But during Fuji's schematic design phase, someone proposed selective bidding for choosing a design builder cost efficiency to get the maximum for Finally, the project. Fuji decided to use selective bidding and sent notices to the bidders on Dec. 30, 1979. Figure 2-4-2-2 shows the project schedule. Japanese construction companies set its official Because all holidays at least between Dec.31 and Jan.3, the date of the notice and hard for bidders to bid on to the bidders is very unusual Jan. 7. Even in the usual is Therefore, the effects of Fuji's is too short business time, estimation questionable. for bidders to submit definite tenders. attempt to do selective bidding OHB may not have done do their seriously because of the unusual of only one week for an Fuji selected seven bidders including OHB, but the other contractors of domination factory the Yajima Plant construction. Fuji. short. in If estimate schedule of bidding and OHB's The design and construction schedule of extremely (Dec. 30) OHB completed the project the construction of only seven months after the A/E and the general a 300,000 SF the design build contract with contractor had been different, the schedule of construction would have been prolonged at one month because a roll work drawing phase is order to a steel almost is manufacturer impossible without least during a general contractor. Compared with other industrial 73 buildings, the construction CONSTRUCTION PILING FOUNDATION ROLL STRUCTURAL STEEL ROOF & WALL ORDER - ERECTION -- FABRICATOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DUs . 13u M13. 10 NOTICE TO BIDDERS m'iN.- 10 APPLY START PERMIT STRUCTURAL STEEL A!6 A JAN.10 FEB.28 JUN.10 AWARD BLDG. START PERMIT M/E AUG. 8 COMPLETION FIGURE 2-4-2-2: FUJI GUNMA PROJECT SCHEDULE SEP.1 START OPERATION period of about five engineering months, and two months for for a 300)C),000 SF factory months for the Toyota Tahara Plant project, a 150,000 SF, Paulson's Professional structural is the design and unusual. It took construction. steel, An example warehouse, Construction Management, ten in and Barrie takes eight months for the construction, though this duration might include I some slack. According to Barrie and Paulson's example, it takes 12 months by a sequential program and takes nine months by a phased program from the beginning of completion of the construction. construction design and Though the overlap of piling works the Project within seven months. machines had waited pile driving the permission on the construction site. There was no overlap of and procurement In (the beginning of the construction) actually started on the building permission day; significant design and is impossible in Japan, OHB had done the detail construction of the Project, detail design to the design and construction, were overlapped, advantages of and this however, design overlap was one of a design-build in the Japan. Figure 2--4-2-3 shows the outline of organization and contract type of Fuji Gunma. the same as that of placement of A/E provided all The structure of this project is the Toyota Tahara Project except the function. Fuji did the schematic design and production engineering for the project. Fuji also directly contracted with a building equipment contractor and with many production equipment suppliers who supplied and installed equipment. especially in Therefore, the later Fuji acted as a construction manager part of the construction, 75 as did Toyota. CLIENT------------ LUMP SUM A/E GENERAL CONTRACTOR (DESIGN-BUILDER) OHB BUILDING EQUIPMENT CONTRACTORS PRODL EQUII SUPPI LUMP SUM/ UNIT PRICE SUBs OWN FORCES FIGURE 2-4-2-3 OUTLINE OF PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND CONTRACT TYPE OF FUJI GUNMA 76 Figure 2-4-2-4 shows the organization project. The development of Fuji the organization process in the for as is fol1 Ows: Along 1) The Engineering Department forms a plan of a new shop. with the production equipment planning, it defines the building outline, such as plan, clearance height, and transportation. 2) The administrative manager and staff in the Facility Section checks the outline of the building defined by the Engineering (negotiated or bid). types Department Then, the Material is responsible for engineering decisions regarding the construction Section is building equipments, (production equipments), responsible for the building (shell, the Fuji Gunma Though OHB is the design builder for the project, OHB does not have a general for project manager who is responsible both One of the reasons for design and construction. a general project manager of the lack of as other design-build in OHB as well Japanese engineering contractors is due to almost independent design and construction work during the design phase in traditional sequential structure because their who practically a method. The four departments are parallel Branch and and finish). Figure 2-4-2-5 shows OHB's organization for Project. from the A/E, or suppliers. The Engineering Department the Facility and contract Purchase orders the design and the construction contractors, 3) the schedule, the costs with the budget, Department, supervisor is in the organization the head of the Tokyo does not manage the specific projects. 77 MATERIAL PURCHASE DEPT. A/E s ------ PLANT ADMI. DEPT. FACILITY SECTION ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER BUILDING EQUIPMENT (CONST. MNGR.) POWER EQUIPMENT PLANT MANAGER ASSEMBLY SHOP MNGR. PRDC. EQUIP. ENG. SECTION ENGINEERING DEPT. PAINT SHOP MNGR. PRDC. EQUIP. I.ENG. SECTION I FIGURE 2-4-2-4: FUJI'S ORGANIZATION FOR FUJI GUNMA PROJECT --- OHB DESIGN TEAM OHB SITE OFFICE KD FUJI-L-- -- CONST. SITE MNGR. OHB HEAD OFFICE BLDG. CONST. DEPT. 41 BLDG. CONST. ENG. DEPT. FIGURE 2-4-2-5: OHB'S ORGANIZATION FOR FUJI GUNMA PROJECT The A/E Departments documents, construction supervision of Department clients obtaining and terms managers are responsible for others. scheduling, for quality control, structuring planning, construction sites, and kind of project. project manager A of because of size of in construction engineering of of The of service large section the Fuji for is this the with the client, is the representative registered manager of short the building, during site steel and to 80 Site in stage. order to usual engineers this was assigned mange the pre- Manager obtain is organization schedule for construction phase design and cooperates construction building Construction the design structural is staff an A/E the construction the extremely for schedule design who corresponds design site project. purchase of and assistance chief the large number the beginning safety control, organization, the design of section design team, The structure for payroll, is short the extremely the construction except payment, Engineering architect for the application for with for responsible Department providing the number Project, manages the site the project others. Because of Gunma are They Construction of activities all The Building Construction responsible final OHB's standard. progressive for application the prices, and the contracts with clients. cost control, and estimation, negotiation with on subcontracting, permissions, The Building Construction is responsible for about contract completion of the building projects based after for for the construction. inspections of site are responsible several subcontractors at before the start of This overlap by advantage of an is contract especially for equipment that was managed schedule, advantages of design build as a its for The project project Project. Finally, their construction staff than Fuji. and very The the of production found to in the project. of a design build though Fuji choose a structure be similar 81 a short process quite is used selective design builder. OHB's organization those in for the in a client development to similar the organization is for drawings to organization and the of This project highlights construction, schematic are usual example Japan. in important coordination installation contract a design-build schedule construction bidding a good is project build short design and construction plant construction. industrial usual and directly by Fuji for the extremely this good is contract phase a design Another fast construction. a design-build of advantage important building construction, Except and the procurement the design phase of builder a design design, the construction. for the the Toyota of Fuji though TMC and Tahara TMC has more for 2-4-3 Nissan Smyrna Project (in This section the U.S.) includes the project summary, process, and the organization of section includes outline of Nissan also Corporation U.S.A. (NMMC). the development the Nissan Smyrna Most of the Motor Project. This Manufacturing information in this 73 section in is OHB for Daniel on provided by Robert Jordan, the Toyota KY Project the Nissan Smyrna Project, 41 in Tennessee by NMMC. 82 who is the project manager and was the project manager and is referred for from Nissan 2-4-3-1 Schemkatic Project Summeary Project summary is as -follows: name; the Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation 1) Project (NIssan Smyrna Project). project U.S.A. plant Tennessee. Smyrna, location; 2) Project organization; Project 3) (NMMC). Owner, Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation U.S.A. Daniel Construction Company. General contractor, Inc. Kahn Associates, Albert Architect/Engineer, February, 1981. Start of grading work, 1981. Start of building work, April, 1983. , April, Completion SM) (3,166,000 782 acres (315,864 SM) 3,400,000 SF 4) Time schedule; 5) 6) Site area; Floor area; 7) Types of shops in the project; Body, Frame, Paint Shop. Trim and 8) 10) 11) Shop. Chassis Shop. Building Outline; a. b. c. d. e. 9) Stamping Foundation -Structure --Roof Exterior finish spread footing. structural steel. roofing. metal deck, built-up -block & metal siding. -slab on grade. floor Production capacity; 100,000 cars & 140,000 light Products; passenger cars and light Schematic plan of main shops (next 85 trucks. page). trucks/year Test Track Training Center 0O Boiler House 0 Water Tower Yard Service Parts Warehouse Mf US41-70 Enon Springs Road Parking Parkin L&N Railroad Nissan Drive 1-24 North Smyrna N Fmeaortms~ enlunpiss4 moltretha 78 acres. malerIt ro'f, FIGURE 2-4-3-1-a: there is amn;ile stoce for amnt SOURCE: NISSAN TENNESSEE exp 1?nsum?. SCHEMATIC PLAN OF MAIN SHOPS IN NISSAN SMYRNA Outline of Nissan Motor- Manufacturing cor-por-ation U.S.A. strategy a includes This section the development for summary of NMMC as well as for (NP9IC). Nissan's and in the business the U.S. manufacturing truck strong family's before World and leadership the history of formation is corporations. Two. War which has close ties with the Ministry of formation of The as well development step This Therefore, responsible Motor this organization company the construction succeeded in become the president Aug. develop not latitude to American company of 1930. T. and He was given a Japanese company Japanese parentage. 85 Runyon, and assembly to in expected to the new plant. Company, NMMC intended of charge of of was Japanese parentage in officer body the U.S. was the of President Nissan's TMC. to be production engineering. Marvin inviting in that company has been operations except American for Nissan Vice for all from company manufacturing local for the the U.S. are unique and very different the subsidiary's localized. responsible the business in as for the new for of formation be Bank, Trade and International and Nissan's strategy NMMC Japanese corporations first Industrial (MITI), and the Ministry of Finance. Industry for of In addition to the dynamic company history, Nissan have been linked through the Japan and Hitachi the Toyoda Nissan's TMC, separation and merger to Contrary group-isms of in beginning of TMC since their the rival Nissan has been was the former operations of a chief Ford executive the widest possible in the U.S. Zaitsu, but a chief an executive officer of NMMC, explained that " Most Japanese companies with American subsidiaries have relied on Japanese We decided to try a different managers to run these enterprises. way; hire, we would hire the most experienced American manager we could and give him a free hand to build an American company with American leadership and American outlined four objectives for NMMC, Runyon hired four manufacturing, President for NMMC and gave Runyon the and the authority to achieve them. responsibility appointment, made up of including three Nissan executives and Runyon, four directors, 1980. The board, workers." finance, After the vice presidents for engineering, and human resources. Vice Alvin Folger, Engineering came from the Ford Motor Company in Jerry Benefiled, Vice President for Manufacturing joined from the Ford Motor Company in came to NMMC in 1981 from 1980, too. James Stewart Gulf+Western Manufacturing Company. Wayne Write, Vice President for Human Resources, joined NMMC in 1982 from Texas Instruments presidents came from Nissan: Incorporated. Shuichi The other two vice Yoshida for assurance and Masuo Kiyota for production quality design. All six vice presidents are responsible to Runyon. Accordingly, Nissan's control on the development was minimal. been It Zaitsu since the preliminary planning phase. construction, five NMMC. formed a so-called C-30 task force whose leader has individuals a small team of Japanese coordinators remained constant and During (C-30) of acted as consultants for In addition to Nissan's commitment to NMMC, NMMC also committed to Daniel Construction regarding 86 decision authority of orders. change or less items by did not $50,C)00 development including and a American A/E Timing of fast-track NMMC, of contract also requires At a uses only it so relatively fast-track is program the project organization, of A/E and factors in a general between a client one process. A factor that requires a and contractors complications operational is contractor, the development important is another program construction 1) the formation significant cost-plus-fee Some in a organization, though the selection the most NMMC's be very similar to that well contractor of project. the including group the new manufacturing American company, is an general project traditional of the construction NMMC Ford Motor's. used for its in this section. manage most Runyon to strategy might plant, the client's and time because of of process, the schedule, and the organization Nissan committed operations of decided change orders the Nissan Smyrna project is described Because of change orders. on Process and Organization. Development The TMC system. making decision NMMC KY Project, Toyota the Japan much $50, 000 decide representatives of In in to latitude making power spending $10,000, the items. head office TMC's than given Resident give OHB decision Moreover-, more was itself. than more decided of Daniel general during the design and stage. focal points the conceptual that is, of each planning development stage, is Runyon's strategy 87 stage the strategy important. is as follows: of Nissan and 2) At the planning/pre-design are major Runyon's previous association with Albert is Detroit, 3) a key factor in events. A/E in Kahn Associates, the project formation. At the engineering and design (Nissan's task force), selection and the site organization the project of structuring stage; stage; interaction between C-30 NMMC, Kahn, and Daniel is an interesting aspect. 4) At the procurement participants as well 5) stage; as labor relations At the construction stage; American style. are important topics. the construction is the quite usual Daniel's self performance, and the use of night and weekend shifts are early delivery of important factors in the success of the the facility. Figure 2-4-3-1 Smyrna Project. contract types between project shows the development process of the Nissan The vertical axis indicates the project participants and the horizontal the left to the right. axis the progressive order from Important events from "Need for Facility"to "Construction" are allocated in boxes in the chart. Arrows between boxes shows the relations of events. Among the project participants, TN means Tennessee government or the local government. Nissan, NMMC, AFL-CIO means the national Kahn, Daniel construction union. and subs are the members of the project organization. The first events in the development process is Nissan's confirmation of the need for preliminary survey 1970s. Like TMC, a new facility. for a plant site Nissan did political, 88 in Nissan did the U.S. market, in the the early industrial, and END START PROJECT PART ICIPANTS =L INCENTIVES .,ROAD CONST. TN FOR NISSAN PROJECT PERMISSIONS ETC. AFL-CIO INSPECTION [PRESSURE ON NMMC & DANIEL SELECTION NEED FOR NISSAN FACILITY SET UP TRATEG OF SI C-30's CONSULTING SLECTIOl\ COMMITMNETC TO NMMC STAFFING | SNMIIC NMCAPPOINT RUNONSELECTO LOF A/E to A. KAHN ~ONRAClrlrrT~~ E0 DANIEL FEE PRODUCTION ENG. APPLICATION [FOR PERMITS _ SELECTION ~OFG.C. MNITORING ENG. & DESIGN COST-PLUS- CONST. MNGT. EE CONTRACT SELF PERFRM f-'SUBCONTPACTING SUBs LUMP SUM/ UNIT PRICE] CONSTRUCTION FIGURE 2-4-3-1: DEVELOPMENT PROCESS CHART OF NISSAN SMYRNA analyses feasibility In 19 7 9 formed Nissan , the U.S. production the U.S. in in C-30 planning the company's the 1970s. team whose Probably, Nissan decided the necessity of head was Zaitsu. plant in for the new plant around this time. for the new manufacturing Although a new the initial plant was small trucks, even at this stage, Nissan presumably had a plan to change or expand the plant to produce compact cars in As described in the previous section, Nissan set up a unique Nissan decided that NMMC NMMC. new subsidiary, strategy for its the future. should be an American company and should hire an american president and give him/her the widest possible authority to structure and manage the new subsidiary. Nissan succeeded of the strategy, in responsibility of Nissan's set up inviting Runyon to NMMC as he assumed full NMMC, Soon after his joining the president. After the development project, becoming actively involved in the negotiation with the Tennessee government regarding the site selection, Kahn as A/E for the new and hiring construction. Though Nissan's site survey in the U.S. began in the early 1970s, in 1979. Since Nissan's first investigation team five In began after the intensive activities early 1980, of flat to the site, visit C-30 Nissan sent the times or more before Runyon joined NMMC. Nissan refined its requirements: land were required within fifty airport, readily accessible to a railroad highway; the site necessary utilities, the formation of miles of the Nashville and an must have an adequate water and its About 400 acres interstate supply and other subsurface foundation must be firm 90 and stable. Nissan officially manufacturing announced plant project the new pickup truck the U.S. in Nissan's negotiation with several incorporated in Aug. 1. design, July. 1980. April, During states including TN, NMMC was The president, Runyon started working on in Though his major work construction, in his contribution to the site and staffing, selection was important. the early months of NMMC was on Oct. incentives from TN. Finally, president of Nissan, announced 30, dollars in 19 million Nissan got about 1980, the Ishihara, the decision on the Smyrna site. Runyon's first major decision was his selection of Albert Kahn and Associates as A/E, a prestigious Detroit A/E having plenty of experience in auto plants. several Runyon and Folger had known members of the firm personally through some previous projects. Additionally, Shahan, Kahn's president, and his associates helped the plant-site selection process to get the project from NMMC. After the selection of Kahn, decision on the development, for the general Runyon made another Construction the selection of Daniel Though Daniel contractor in early 1981. had experience in automobile plant construction, skills and the manpower to manage the project. office was located in South Carolina and key it had not had enough Daniel's head its operations were world wide. Daniel Construction managed the fast-track program so well that NMMC could begin production two months ahead of the 5i2i schedule. Because Daniel is an open 91 shop contractor, it build a for the project. merit shop (self performance) widely for Daniel the shell 280 of performance, 60 staff OHB's about Jordan, worked Daniel's staff the construction peak. in construction to Because of the fast-track program. facilitate The figure is in the self at office the site very large compared with According to of the Nissan Smyrna Project, if the Toyota KY Project site. Daniel's project manager work,, own forces' used it Daniel had operated in a pure construction management mode, the staffing would probably have been in the range of 40 to 45 individuals. Daniel, one of the leading open-shop companies, built a merit shop for the project. As NMMC expected, the AFL-CIO attacked the project demanding that NMMC use only union construction workers in the project, though about 95'4 of construction in middle Tennessee Dec. 12, 1935). the is done by nonunion labor (ENR, For example, on the ground-breaking day, several Runyon hundred protestors came to interfere with the ceremony. kept a firm stance against the unions saying that the union's objectives did not match those of Alexander, TN and NMMC. supported Runyon's attitude Governor expressing embarrassment and disappointment that the hecklers had given such a rude reception. Despite continued pressure by the AFL-CIO, NMMC carried out the project Daniel keeping the merit shop. A fast-track program is an important factor in describing the design and construction stage. construction had Daniel start The overlap of design and construction without Kahn's detailed blueprints that would be provided as construction 92 and Because of the big size of the project and the short proceeded. schedule, were both Kahn and Daniel's staff hundred of Kahn's architects, engineers, large. More than one and draftsmen worked on More than 250 of Daniel's staff managed more than the design. 200 subcontractors which used nearly 4,000 construction workers at a peak on the site. kept construction going day and Daniel night with two ten-hour shifts working Monday through Thursday and a thirteen-hour shift working Friday through Sunday. Though Daniel and Kahn worked very hard with excellent proficiency, the most important factor for the success in the fast track-program is probably the good coordination between NMMC, and Daniel. Kahn, the plant Following Nissan's basic through the C-30 task force, NMMC working closely with Nissan's consulting engineers, combined the local ,Japanese data. information. Daniel built Finally plant following Kahn's construction documents. nature of a fast-track program, specific steps, instructions, team to deal experience with Kahn was the next party to make drawings according to the NMMC's projects. information for the Because of the there were far more decisions, facts and figures for the project with during construction than in traditional NMMC reacted promptly not to terminate the flow of construction. Nissan's delegation of authority to NMMC must be seen a key factor in facilitating the cooperation between the project participants. Figure 2-4-3-2 shows the outline of Project schedule. April 1981 From the start to the start of the Nissan Smyrna building construction in of the test production in 93 Feb. 1983, it 1980 1981 1982 1983 F'M A J14JJSNDlJFjAjMJjJAjSO~NDJF AHJJjAjSoNjDJFJ~JA CONCEPTUAL PLANNING -10/30 SIlE SELECTION PREDESIGN/ PLANNING PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT ENGINEERING & DESIGN -- III--- --111---- 9/15 DANIEL PROCUREMENT i (0 ! 0 1 f I i ! 1 SUBCONTRACTING GRADING -4-- f-,.- ; I CONSTRUCTION I BUILD.ING & I- - -~ -1- -I-- ~ - - - - 4- - - 4-4-4.-I - 4-1-4.--- I--I- lUIPMENTS .J.- I - J. - .L- I - .3.- I - .3.- I - I - 1.....1.- OPERATION & MAINTENANCE TEST 4OPERATION I . j j FIGURE 2-4-3-2: NISSAN SMYRNA PROJECT SCHEDULE took about 22 months. engineering in Apr. 15, on Sep. 1981. the building construction started 1980, This timing of design and construction is almost the same as the Toyota KY Project. decision on the plant make final the start of design and Seven months after the project in Apr. 1980. site The general schedule is Smyrna Project Nissan spent seven months to of after the announcement proportion of the Nissan similar to that of the Toyota KY Project though grading work is less than in the Toyota KY. Figure 2-4--3-3 shows the design and construction schedule of the project. NMMC contracted with Daniel breaking ceremony in construction. Mar. 1981. The weekend shift started started Feb. Compared with the traditional fast-track Mar. 1982. in Dec. These shifts of design and building construction. equipment installment coordination by Daniel 1981 and the continued until sequential program saved about seven months, production before the ground- Much work overlapped during the night shift 1983. in just which is The early start made for program, the the overlap of the complicated between building construction work and production engineering work. Figure 2-4-3-4 shows the outline contract types of organization is Chapter 4). of the organization the Nissan Smyrna Project. The project classified as a contractor mode CM A separate designer, appointed before the completion of work drawings, organization. typical; NMMC (explained the single general subcontractors are factors of a contractor first 95 in contractor and numerous mode CM project The process of the organization formation selected Kahn and because of its is also good reputation 1980 OND J F _____ _ 1981 1982 1983 JA S ON D J FIM A M J JA S ON D J F A DESIGN/ENG. GRADING BODY, TEST RUN ETIU FOLJNDAION~ STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAME, STAMPING & WALL -ROOF PRODUCTION E UIP. liii FOUNDATIOiN TEST M/E T U TURAL STEEL RCAFR& PAINT &AL L 0~' T STEEL STRU=CTURAL P.U PRODUCTION TEST ROOF.&-.,ALL TRIM & CHASSIS .M/E _ =R O. = - mm mmim m A 9/15 START DESIGN I m I QUP---. ii~~~riJ p 11 T1 P-OJE i = m MIU A 3/4 GROUND BRAKING A CONTRACT W/ DANIEL START WEEKEND SHIFT NTIL A rEB.'8 START FEB.8 NIGHT SHIFT FIGURE 2-4-3-3 NISSAN SMYRNA PROJECT SCHEDULE (2) (DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION) 2/14 START PRODUCTION CLIENT------- NISSAN COST-PLUS-AFIXED-FEE % FEE ----- A/E GENERAL CONTRACTOR LUMP SUM/ UNIT PRICE FIGURE 2-4-3-4 OUTLINE OF PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND CONTRACT TYPE OF NISSAN SMYRNA PROJECT 97 experience with NMMC' s executives; and previous work and clients the most fee contract, a percentage Because A/E. contracted with by a Daniel the of popular fast-track contract type program, NMMC cost-plus-fee contract, lump is also is the same which use basically contracts, price unit or sum which between Subcontracting used often in American construction industry. a members project NMMC contracts with Kahn by the U.S. project in as a development types between contract in unusual is Nothing contractor. the general as selected Daniel then NMMC rules as OHB in the Toyota KY Project. to Jordan, Daniel's project According manager, had Daniel and the authority to spend up to $5,000 without Nissan approval the spend to authority had up to Purchase up to $100,000 could be approved by the $50,000. manager manger construction Nissan site of Runyon's All engineering. for office approval, Runyon and presumably went to had the authority is totally This delegation of ultimate authority. the Toyota KY Project. from that of different expenditures over this level Figure 2-4-3-5 shows the organization of NMMC for the project. Former the final authority force acted engineering. and with NMMC seemed monitor NMMC regarding process staff and effective to have enoucgh the project Folger, Nissan's C-30 the construction. over and Runyon executives, and to correspond had task and tool with Kahn Daniel. Figure office Motor as a consultant to organization Ford for 2-4-3-6 shows the organization the Nissan Smyrna Project. 98 of Daniel's The heavy use of site Daniel's -- - VICE PRESIDENTS C30 TAST FORCE_ L(NISSAN) FIGURE 2-4-3-5: NMMC'S ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROJECT 99 j V V BODY FRAME & STAMPING PAINT BLDG. - PURE CM FUNCTION TOTAL 280 STAFF AT THE PEAK ADDITIONALLY, THERE WERE 17 WEEKEND STAFF IN THE SITE. FIGURE 2-4-3-6 ORGANIZATION CHART OF DANIEL'S SITE OFFICE FOR THE NISSAN SMYRNA PROJECT 100 own feature at the construction stage. own forces' Daniel's using its program, the Daniel's pure function of of the own responsibility work work to deal "construction management" forces work. According is Because of counted 280 at staff an interesting 235 to 240 of Daniel's staff with the fast-track the peak both to Jordan, for the supervision and direct the staff the range of 40 to 45; in of the flexibility for the pure construction management the Toyota KY Project was in of shell work forces for the btilding for taking OHB in the function the Nissan Project is allocated to general contractors and subcontractors in the Toyota 73 organization was almost self contained Daniel's site KY Project. as with medium or even large American 101 contractors organization. 3. Toyota Kentucky Project About automotive plant construction structural steel in site, of one year after the announcement January,1987. assembled (see figure 3-0-1) on Kentucky, the 1.300 The first 1987, the end of Jan. 46 the construction was completed. part of this important items of pictures. section (3-1) when summarizes the the project including some drawings and The second part (3-2) describes the development project organization (3-3) explains the The last part process and schedule in detail. Special acres The project has been The thesis covers the project until about 50% of most the U.S. and Japan since the planning stage. both in sensational Scott County, in have been frames TMC's $800 million including contract types. features of the project are as follows: 1) This is the first individual direct investment into the U.S. by TMC, 2) a construction manager 3) program as Ohbayashi manages the project using the fast-track TMC will by turnkey contract with TMC, get more than or equal to $125 million in aid from the Kentucky government, 4) TMC and Ohbayashi made a project agreement CIO, construction labor union, (PA) with the AFL- during the construction. 102 FIGURE 3-0-1: TOYOTA KY PROJECT IN JAN. 1987 The site diagrm identifies building name and location. Square footage for each is shown below. Te completed facility will cover approximately 1,400 acres. 1. Press & Welding (1,170,016) 2. Trim &Assemblv (1,054,878) 3. Paint (869,336) 4. Plastics (343,175) 5. Administratim (91,964) 6. Test Laboratory(57028) 7 Electrical Pbwerhouse (13,300) 8. Utility Building (66,377) 9. Training Center (46,400) 10. Wastetaer Pmtreatment (1Z252) SOURCE: OUTLINE, JAN. 1987 3-1 Schematic Project Summary as follows: summary is Project name; Toyota Automotive Manufacturing Project Scott County, Kentucky location; Project F'roject organization; USA,Inc. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Owner, Corp. Ohbayashi Construction manager, 1) 2) 3) facility Project Architect/Engineer, Giffles Associates Inc. Time schedule; Start of grading work, Mar.3,1986 Start of building work, Aug.4,1986 1988 Completion (plan) Site area; 1293.03 acres (5,232,763 SM) Floor area; 3,980,189.00 SF (369,760 SM) 4) 5) 6) 7) Area names and general contractors : Bldg.Area (SF) : General Contractor Area Name ----------------------.---- - - ---- - - - - - - - - - -- #100 Press & Welding #200 Paint #300 Trim & : : International 1,344,389 : Daniel 753,718 1,230,831 NIC Constructors : Blount Brothers Corp. Corp. Assembly #400 Plastics #500 Utility #600 : : Admi . Testlab #700 Site Works 8) d. e. 9) 10) Metric Const.,Inc. 3,980, 189 Outline; Building a. b. c. 153, 400 3,250 : Total James N Gray Const. Co.,Inc. Inc. : Beacon const. Co., 384,901 109,700 caisson & spread Foundation -steel -structural Structure metal deck & insulation Roof -- Exterior Floor -- Finish -- & built-up passenger roofing brick & block & insulated metal slab on grade, hardener Production capacity; Products; footing 200,000 cars per cars of year 2000cc class 104 siding 11) Scfhematic plan of main shops 436 176 PLA UNIT: 7 (m) PRESS & WELD PAINT - ASSEMBLY'- 240 546 176! PLAN FIGURE 3-1-a 12) Section of main building E EC) -O 00 SECTION C) 9,5 FIGURE 3-1-b 105 ~Z7-~ 4~ ~ 4 L -'4 - 4 4 FIGURE 3-1-c: PERSPECTIVE DRAWING OF TOYOTA AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING FACILITY BY GIFFLES ASSOCIATES INC. ZN . R c S- i3c A.- - - S FUTURE AREA - --1 -4--L - ~PRESS & WELDING,--- -7>!- ~ - AST[ RA1 PLANT PAINTASSMBLYUTItITY AREA: PARKING AH PARKING 300 FT.WIDBE BUF FEIR--74300FT.WIDIRO _IADMI 6 -WASTE TREATHENI PLANT FIGURE 3-1-d 107 S I E P LA N I EST TRUCK I /1' 664 m I! STORAGE AREA PROCESS BLDG. 504 ~505 OIL PUMP 0 #503 WAREHOUSE "v ''"% 1GAS & WATER TREATMENT i BLDG. C01,1 STORAGE' Li0 10 PAKIG 0Li00 0 0 f t BUFFER ZONE GA3 /I OADMINISTRAION 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 fB I cIRIcAL aa II# MATERS STATION PARKING GT NEW US62 N FIGURE 3-1-e TOYOTA AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING FACILITY 'SITE PLAN 2 3-2 Developent Process and Schedule The development Project is development process arid schedule of the Toyota KY described in this section. process and schedule, following the order of After the outline of will be explained details the development process from the conceptual planning stage through the construction stage. The timing of the formation of the project organization, which includes the selection of the construction manager and the architect and engineer the most important factors (A/E) is one of in the development process. The fast-track program is another important factor which has a critical organization and operational influence on the project complications throughout the design and construction stages. There are several focal On planning stage, the conceptual project is an points at each development stage. TMC's important issue as well relationship with OHB. strategy for the new as its long term Structuring the project organization and selecting the site are major events during the planning/preInteraction between TMC, OHB, and Giffles design stage. Associates (GIF) design stage. AFL-CIO during is an interesting aspect Labor relations at the engineering and including TMC, is unavoidable arid one of the most OHB, procedures on procurement will Implementation of the Total interaction among TMC, OHB, Quality Control GIF, and general main topics at the construction stage. 109 and the important factors the procurement and construction stages. and operational KY, Contract types be described here. (TCC) program and contractors are the Figure 3-2-1 shows the development axis indicates the project participants and The vertical horizontal right. process of the project. axis means the progressive order from the left "Need Important events from are allocated "Construction" for the chart. KY means the Kentucky government County government. union. and the Scott The AFL-CIO means the national KY and the AFL-CIO Arrows Among the project between boxes show the relations of events. participants, construction parties are the most influential outside of the project organization. to the to Facility" boxes in in the TMC, OHB, GIF, general contractors, and sub-contractors are the members of the project Slanting arrows among GIF, organization. contractors), and Subs GCs (general (subcontractors) mean the overlap of the design and construction. event of the development The first the new facility. individual TMC's need for marketing, This includes political, and feasibility industrial, process is analyses for the TMC's first direct investment for After the manufacturing plant. the confirmation of the need for the facility, TMC has to set up the strategy for the new automotive plant operation of including management, the facility, and construction. statement of TMC's policy for the Though there is no clear construction of the project, it could be described that TMC has tried to build a TMC-style plant in the U.S. using TMC's traditional construction management though using American involved in contractors. as much as possible, even Because TMC wants to be the construction but does not have any experience of 110 END START PROJECT PARTICIPANTS |::: KY INCENTIVES SITE & INFRA. FOR TMC DEVELOP.ETC. MONITOR. LOCAL INDST.& EMPLYMNT. PROJECT PERMISSIONS AFL-CIO INSPECTION PRESSURE ON -JAO------ TMC,OHB,& KY NEED FOR FACILITY TMC SET UP STRATEGY SELECTION OF APPLICATION SITE SELECTION OF DESIGN-BUILDER FOR PERMITS DESIGN-BUILD OHB E-1 CONTRACT PRODUCTION ENG. SELECTION HOF A/E SELECTION CONST.MNGT. KG.C.s ENR.& GIF 0 CPS-PUSFE CONTRACT----- G. C.s ICONTR--r E INVOLVEMENT PROJECT BIDDING OUT OSRCIN RT LUMP SUM/ IUNIT PRICE SUBs CONSTRUCTION FIGURE 3-2-1: DEVELOPMENT PROCESS CHART construction in the U.S., TMC decided to select a Japanese design-builder from the most reliable contractors who have had long term relationships with TMC. According to this strategy, TMC contracted with OHB by turnkey contract. site At the same time, TMC tried to select the construction after the public announcement of selected Finally, TMC the project. KY because of the favorable incentives, parts supply, market and some KY does the grading of the site, selection, incentives. as a part of the the site development around infrastructure quality, After TMC's site and others. closeness, labor KY checks and approves Along with this work, several building permissions, and monitors labor relations for the local construction industry and workers. After the design-build contract with TMC, OHB selected A/E, Giffles Associates (GIF), and got the approval defines itself as a design-manager in the project, deals with design and construction management the construction to six cost-plus-fee contract, without dealing general contractors with who are selected by negotiation. Consulting with TMC, OHB selects the type of labor merit shop, contractors. that is, favorable shop for the local shop contractor contractors, in relations as a OHB uses both union and non-union Talking with KY, selected general is, OHB that OHB assigns the operational with the construction directly. function of OHB from TMC. KY), OHB and TMC selects the most contractors and workers. All of the except for Gray Construction can contract union sub-contractors. 112 both (open with union and non- After job is, that the construction management, is OHB's main contractors, the general the selection of assistance for TMC's coordination between involvement into design and construction, A/E and contractors, monitoring the construction, labor etc. relations, public relations, Though union contractors have a chance to get contracts from open shop contractors dominate the OHB because of the merit shop, which enables them to offer area, this lower bids than union-contractors. to impose on the project an agreement The building trades tried to make the project union shop. from the beginning of in higher productivity contracts because of their The AFL-CIO put strong pressure the project on OHB, KY., and TMC. Finally, the AFL-CIO got the project agreement from TMC and about 50% of the construction was completed in OHEB after Though 1986. project is out of contractors' working the actual impact of the project agreement on the the scope of the thesis, the change in labor relations, conditions, will Dec. higher wage rate, the sub- and change of have about a three-month delay of the schedule. of Figure 3-2-2 shows the outline scope of the thesis is officially appeared announcement of in until the end of Jan. in the U.S. states offered proposals to invite TMC decided on the site 1987. The project public on July 23,1985 by TMC's the decision of direct manufacturing plant The the project schedule. in Scott design began at the beginning of 113 Soon investment the auto after the announcement the plant. County, 1986. in On Dec. Kentucky. 11, 31 1985, The schematic Grading work began in 1985 1986 1987 AFMA__JJA__O__ ANNDJFWA PREDESIGN/ PLANNING & DESIGN JJASONDJFMAWJJASO FA CONCEPTUAL PLANNING ENGINEERING 1988 SITE SELECTION PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT WORKING DESIGN S E vLIC GENERAL CONTRACTING SUBCONTRACTING PROCUREMENT PRODUCTION EQUIP. CONSTRUCTION GRADING -BUILD-NG TEST OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OPERAT ON A PROJECT AGREEMENT FIGURE 3-2-2 TOYOTA KENTUCKY PROJECT SCHEDULE (1)(OUTLINE) AS OF JAN. '87 first the produce TMC plans 1988. late (including design design 1986 took Jan. in began 1988. shows the design and construction schedule. Figure 3-2-3 The schematic or mid in The 1986. Aug. early in to be completed car in started construction is planned construction to Building 1.986 and Mar. to three months complete. The During the 1986. in Apr. construction documents phase began phase) that development phases, the A/E design development made schematic design and schematic drawings, outline specifications, and preliminary estimates of cost. During documents phase, the the construction documents. A/E made working drawings, specifications, and bid Grading began in Mar. actually began of beginning 4 because of on Aug. and the piling effects of the end of work steel shops began in Sep. obtaining the After the the construction Jan. 1987, when the planned to be completed been assembled, mechanical M/E work was in Jan. the end of but and and Assembling to 1987, most of and roof and (M/E) work begin in Oct. 1986 and is 1987. Mar. electrical planned begin mid Feb. shop began the Paint in steel frames have in the Press, Welding, 1986 and was finished in Jan.1987. Structural of work the project agreement with AFL-CIO have not appeared Structural As a delay in foundation work, went basically smoothly until Jun.20, the (EPA) permission. Protection Agency's Environmental yet. on building work was planned to start Though 1986. 1986 and was completed in Aug. in wall steel work have started, have not Dec.1986, 1987 after two and half 115 the structural but the started yet. work will months delay from the 1987 1986 J|FlM A M J J A S O NID J F MIA MiJ JIA SO N D SCHEMATIC I DESIGN/ENG. 1988 J F M Al i WORQR, ING DRAWINGS GR A ?ING PILING FOUNDATIPN STRUCTURAL STEEL I I ROOF & WALL ME PRESS & WELDING PFDC. EQL IP FOUNDATIONI STRUCTURAL STEEL PAINT RTi PRDC & WALL =-4.4T EQ IP. I/E ... 6- INGI ASSEMBLING 1 J | UE T4 TRH ELAY OF 4 -T1 5/5 GROUND BRAKING FOU NATION STRUCTURAL STEEL WALL R I PRIDC. EQUIP. E .5 mo. 2ELAY T BLDG .CONST . 6/20 PLANNED START BLDG. CONST. 2.5 Mo. DELAY u-11/25 PROJECT AGREEMENT 11/21 TERMINATION OF F1 3. m. STAR PUEI A-- BIDDING FOR ONE MONTH FIGURE 3-2-3 TOYOTA KENTUCKY PROJECT SCHEDULE 2 (DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION) PLANNED COMPLETION original schedule. one month This is after Nov.21, because OHB termination of the bidding, In Finally, installment of Mar.1988, due to it in Sep. 1987. which is the Project addition to the one month takes about one and half months to The Project Agreement became effective as of Dec. to start bidding for 1986 due to the negotiation about the project agreement with the AFL-CIO. do re-bidding. terminated 1, between TMC and the AFL-CIO 1986. the production equipment is planned OHB plans to complete the construction in a three-month Agreement delay from the original during 117 the construction. schedule 3-2-1 Planning/Pr-e-design Stage for "Need as such of Site,""Selection stage this is Process Chart. This 1977 of in main actor on decided to build its when Honda Motor cycle manufacturing plant in The A/E" 70s, begun in the late was stage of "Selection Design-Builder, "and TMC. probably around Strategy, ""Selection LP Facility,""Set the Development Figure 3-2-1, the planning/pre-design stage are during events Important motor- the U.S. Need for Facility: new manufacturing facility in 70s, and Nissan studied TMC the U.S. investment of direct the feasibility to confirm the necessity for the many factors TMC examined the U.S. into problems 13 The that time. Nissan at TMC and advantages for the late The but they decided to postpone the investment. exceeded the in advantages were as follows: 1) Price of energy and materials Aluminum and such as low due to the appreciated yen and the depreciated U.S. 2) 3) could avoid the U.S. 1) Though in TMC could problem due to the appreciation of suffer would certainly production 2) TMC by cars. as follows: long run, the protectionism government's reducing the excessive export of Japanese The disadvantages were dollar. and save shipping cost. TMC could avoid tariffs TMC glass was from cost solve the the yen, up the short run, in for cost inflation a TMC 240,000 car/year capacity plant. could not TMC had enjoyed in expect the similar suppliers' cooperation that Japan. Japanese suppliers 118 could produce high quai a. d proDcicts that TMC could doubtful it was j.n the U.S. 3) The labor wage o-f productivity control. continued This TMC the? In in - restri its for TMC in to cti for need the style, of that the do Japanese-style long- held which the UAW of more ware late in these above considering that the U.S. than profitable even 70s, i f yen the the and 1979, TIC also the 19'80' b:u i l d the But Apr.9, 1980, several even newspaper- p1 ant s U. S. after reported that it was import avoid tightening the TMC 119 government Japanese a had investment. direct announced into investment direct TMC's for the In the U.S. in 1itv new faci for considerations important most climate Fe:'b. ons. than to fear relations, management difficult the presents against the to U.S. Journa, to industrial Dec. the whi 1 e, pl analysis attitude negat ive the to due 1abor lower was 13 explains Japan was unfavorabl e, U. S. the Japanese, appreciate. the 70s, late to define to from the U.S. in produc.ti on System on reduced quality, and corporate had strong Center Research exports factors. of ., some cases. in Ni kkou Add t i onal 1 y Producti that was 1abor was it TMC strikes than wages labor Americ:an additionally Japanese; higher of system, management personnel is the of the Toyota appl y the differences of B ec.ause term the UAW -for TMC. constant I the yen. of appreciation quality of di ff erenc e the though 4) l ow c-, c:jt studying A fter a TMC had no of i mpor t WallI Street restrictions. reported desp i te thr announcement, sti11 production studied that eats the the feasibility newspapers possil reported that TMC negoti ated auto product ion joint ie venture and clearly emerged Jap anese the changed the by the Protectionism investment. the trade ease to order and appeared the Japanese for attitude its in investment direct government U. S. direct TMC's of Japan and U. S. the situation changed government corporaitions' between f r i ct i on trade 1981, Around agreement. not reach could they 1981, in continued negotiation the Though the U. S. in on a Motor Ford wi th several 1980, July In U.S. the in vehiles building 0f friction. the cancelation Motors, 200 . 000 s:ubcompact joint Manufacturing, Inc. I-1 a Corolla-type t he biggaest news about the auto Nissan Motor i rdustrv US1'1s Manuf+actur i ng, in new auto OLIS efough plant of t hough wa s month this The pla n NUMMI:'s 1984, odu c e Motor United 1 985 was reported, Mar. in car produc i ng May pr plant. New is venture (NUMMI). Fremont 1983. Feb. jointly would idl e GM's at In 1983. in TMC and GM cars/year new the of name that announced newspapers TMC venture with to GM' s the possibility of re p or ted newspapers manufacturing auto joint 82, Nov. In GM. Ford partner f r om possible st r at eg i c its TMC changed venture with Ford joint the planned of the project at Smyrna Te~neee. A the big b- an ::ei _ necesitv with ioint appr oach venture fc-4 TMC' s ooi ng rie Ei .j i at individual Tovoda first direct to had a avoid is cauti to the pol icy big investment. 120 risks U. G. that which Addi. tionally, for TMC Accordi ng to avoi d to venture joint might be Weeklv is a associated the Ministry of Inter national one as venture Trade of and Industry the strategies to TMC participated in government to ease import restrictions while 1985, stronger became government beginning of TMC might have plan to establish its announced the 1985. policy of change its had to the Around in the U.S., or with GM might be one calculated step for the collaborative effort TMC's final in plant individually building a new manufacturing 23, the pressure by on the contrary to TMC's expectation, but U.S. the trade friction. avoid economist, explained that TMC had expected the U.S. Kajiwara, an NUMMI, the joint advocated (MITI) the U.S. plant in TMC Finally, plant project on July new automotive manufacturing consideration. 1985, probably on the basis of political Set up Strategy: Along with facility, TMC the confirmation of the need through UAW Though TMC has established with industry including the auto manufacturing American experience its in the NUMMI, the production and sales still remained. automobile in situation important factors for TMC's the Especially U.S. 1989 is very manufacturers U.S.: Nissan plans 300,00) TMC because for plan to increase or car/year to in the future new plant. competitive plans venture one of the most is The expected automobile market condition in or joint problems related with GM in California, several market new up the strategy for the new manufacturing had set plant's management, operation, and construction. learned about the for produce 1988; start car the U.S. 121 and 1988 many Japanese car in production 120,000 car/year Mazda in in 1987; Mitsubishi the Honda plan to start production in 1987 or 1988. In addition to those Japanese companies' activities, GM also plans to 1989 by the Saturn the of a saturated market U.S. is the probably construction as the first Because has confidence in of small cars or reason for of priority Toyota's enhance the keen competition. main for TMC has many staff the plant production system, the U.S. methods as much management American in builders. as Then, well as much avoid risks in TMC's setting fast construction, possible TMC tries TMC even to build a construction experience in the design associated using only though to decided and TMC's policy for using TMC's traditional design-builder who has much can participate Japanese cars in the construction. the new construction may well be as follows: TMC-style plant in Hyundai's participation in the in the U.S. will automobile market Fear project. cars produce compact choose a Japanese so that TMC the U.S. and construction process as with projects in the new environment. Site Selection: Though TMC conduct asked three feasibility investigation in the new project 1980, The interaction :7'9 fol los: May, 1984; practical activities the first the Japanese companies to including studies, started with project on July 23, American and official of possible site site selection for of announcement the 1985. between TMC and KY can be summarized KY's Far-East regarding possible plant site. 122 office's contact as with TMC May, 1984; representatives of KY visited TMC. Jul. 1984; KY submitted basic information Mar. 1985; the Ministry of Foreign by the invitation of visited Japan Governor Collins Affairs. to TMC. about KY Yamamoto, vice met Collins director- of TMC. Jun. 1985; KY submitted for data industrial an site in Georgetown. Jul. 2, 1985; Nihon individual reported TMC's (Japan Economic Newspaper), Shinbun Keizai investment direct in the U.S. as the top news. Jul. 9, 1985; Wall Indiana, Jul. TMC sent TMC investment. officially the Kentucky, for the plant. as possible sites and Missouri 23,1985; mentioned Tennessee, Street Journal announced the individual questionnaires first to direct states governors. Oct. 1985; Oct. 15, TMC sent the second questionnaires to selected states. investigation team arrived at KY, and TMC's first 1985; stayed for two days. Oct. 25, 1985; president, Nov. 8, Collins met Toyoda, the president, Kusunoki, vice and others of TMC. 1985; TMC's second investigation team visited KY and stayed for nine days. Nov. 14, 1985; Kusunoki, Dec. 3, Tennessee, visited 1985; each Three of TMC's vice presidents, Tsuji, KY TMC team and stayed for sent a having two days. investigation team to KY and third 12 Kamio, and or 13 members. KY acquired the possible site near Georgetown at this stage. 123 finally KY and TMC had while TMC incentives, about negotiation-r a final seemed to do the same procedure with Tennessee. 8, Dec. the director of Mr.and Mrs.Toyoda, 1985; TMC, visited Lexington,KY and met Collins. in 1985; 11, Dec. announced the decision TMC officially K.*Y the largest such deal these offer to $25 ac qui sit ion fo r in workers at for legal is the possibly by the unions could be as interpreted excessive incentives for the might well reported f or 3 ,000 incenti ves from shown in Table 3-2-1. over direct investment incentives, investment tax credit strong opposition reaction against The AFLand the in the new against TMC, the possibly TMC. As TMC used three consultants for 1990, TMC and $47 almost $500 gain is the biggest. KY's against to biggest as the absolute amount also a industries. KY's incentives challenges training, news land on for milli $10 as employment as well related TMC to get law, expects in disqualification for tax The manufacturers as Japanese auto Though the percentage of CIO's employee for 20 yea rs the pl ant and more million for $10 preparation, site st ate the t ax es over not the highest, follows: constru ction. KY's i ncenti ves for TMC states to as $33 million that the s tate law 69 to Automotive News, the KY amended history. is incentive package, million According million hig hway Collins' co mment million KY's incentives. training fa cility million in the i ncentives contents of a $125 KY offered TMC, To invite is on the site use several 124 the feasibility study in consultants including OHB for TABLE STATE'INCENT IVES FOR i2APNES--E E-UC2--1 A&TOMOT IVE MANUF ACTURERS (BD) I NVESTMENT PROJECT COMPLETION IL ($ (A) CORPORATI ON & STATE (C) CAR/YEjAR (D) EMPLOYEE (E) INCEINTIVE MIL. ($ E /A (%/) TMC KENTUCKY 800) 19I8 20000000 MAZUIjDA, & FORD) MICHIGAN 450 1987 240000 3500 52 12 NI SSAN TENNESSEE 450 1983 1 200 0 2600 19 4 HONDA OHIO 25 0 1982 150000 2000 MITSUBISHICHRYSLER I L.L I NO I 50) 1 988 180000 2500 SOURCE: 125 00 125 0) 83 B3UNtGE I SUNJUU, DEC. 1986 BY TAKEO MIYAUCHI 17 decide labor, 1985. in evaluation site on As TMC's spokesmen said that sites, plant TMC would considering such factors as quality of TMC evaluated possible sites from parts proc.Irement, etc., many points. According to in evaluated items six OHB's site such areas, questionnaires counted the as evaluation sheet and industrial 1) These six areas could as follows: regulations; Administrative regulations, in transportation, site 84 the site. incentives for classified be further 97 classified administrative regulations, labor quality, welfare and amenity for living, conditions, for the project, building code, tax, labor environmental law, charge, efficiency of the welfare government. 2) Labor 3) quality; Welfare and labor, residents, wage rate. amenity recreation, medical 4) Industrial materials, for living; education and training, service, etc. transportation; Complete Knock Down Box, assembled accessibility cars, parts, raw to highway and railway. 5) Site other 6) conditions; building, public service, parcel, auto manufacturers' Incentives for education and location, industrial training climate, construction labor. investment; assistance, financial assistance assistance, in site development, etc. Having gotten the from selected states, team to several responses to TMC sent the first states in order to get 126 the second questionnaires and second investigation detailed information. At this industry conditions, public utilities, to agricultural the to change the zoning, been working site, in and the planning department of zone, industrial or his agent, of the project procedure usual the County had Scott of application for rezoning by a landlord from the rezoning begins zone next to the including that Though zone. industrial the development. and site was site The project geographical and geotechnical tracks, permissions, rezoning, discussed: were points following the stage, the area Scott County allowed the county to rezone rather than by the TMC's application. selection stage, TMC investigated the details At the site of policy, and environmental regulations regarding city planning, building and construction. The details are explained in the part of "project permissions" Selection at the design phase. of Design-Builder: Following the setup of TMC's it started strategy negotiation with several for the construction, general contractors including of the new OHB to select the design-builder Though it project. is not clear when TMC decided to choose OHB as the design-builder of the new facility, the OHB assisted design-build relationship among experience in site to gather TMC's Because contract. the competitors with U.S. construction, reasonable selection for TMC. TMC's in selection using its information, OHB site OHB TMC, was selection before has and the has probably 20 years the most Additionally, OHB's assistance for all American subsidiary, was probably the key point for OHB the turnkey contract with longest TMC. 127 Citadel, to get Contractor Agreement Form not probably is construction TMC's a choose to construction cost new who is Cost-plus-fee contract guarantee the cannot it among possible price competition nor utilize the for contractor reliable basically unfavorable for TMC because "Owner- TMC and OHB did A111, priority first the project process. responsible for all is standard form of Cost Plus Fee," because this use has a the AIA Though form. than design-build type have a because the AIA does riot the AIA form, contract form rather OHB use the AGC's turnkey contract TMC and prime contractors. the Because contract is is this Based project without the start definite completion with a kind this through the long term trust to proceeded fee, nor to make TMC and OHB mutual on the relationship, OHB has setting OHB's been Because the the cost-plus-fee contract. case for the first of contract. has is rarely used in building construction in cost-plus-fee contract Japan, contract turnkey contract, the nature of the AGC's the negotiated developed from design-build or design--build date of the construction. period Because the shortest construction cost effective price may well be TMC's goal and OHB confirmed the shortest schedule as the first priority. date because it The this reasonable or for the project, TMC on the best effort base set the exact completion to set the was unrealistic uncertainties at Selection did not They at date because of many stage. of A/E: first important task 128 of OHB after the design-build (A/E) , Nov. in design office. of 2) Location of main 3) Type of The follows: are as Location 1) OHB A/E, for the evaluation. them for about factors considerations important Inc. A ssoc i ates 4, candidate potential ten important gathered the 1985. identifying After Gi f fi1es cost of scheduling the on on decisions important selected OHB and engineer arch itect a.,n as as wel1 ding devel opmen t. bui l di ng (GIF) bui the o-f quality and o+ most the one of may be this sel c t i was the TMC w.i tI-h c nt.ratc t design works. firm; the and Engineer/Architect, Engineer. Architect/ Ar chi tect /Engi neer /Pl anner . Specialization 5) ElNR rank ing 6) Current mechani cal 7) load; on major backlog, dollars, in amount project total projects. projects yeaEirs, in main Experience 1C)) Proposed hourly of projects the past five years, in this five clients 9) with Japanese rate, an organized cost pluS process is manner cli automotive floor total number assembly; this in area of five years. ents. approach alternate list fee section; No selection in engi neer. engineer. industrial and architect, the staff; electrical engineer. structural work of classification aind engineer, Experience sum, plant. power building, manufacturing, 1984. manpower Current major 8) ir engineer., civil works; of 4) fee, as etc. but gathering foolproof, can provide 129 such a clearer image of information A/E lumo 57 c(andidat es for GI.F' s 1) /Es 2) Location MI, ou of Location 4) Type 5) Speci-fic ation of ENR to accor di ng i f-f leS Associ.ates off heiad and ice eval uati on OHB' s sheet is as MI, Troy, Inc. branches: Southfield, GA. 3) of e tin name; Atl1 ansta, 6) the client. design works; main the firm; West, and Southwest. Architect/Engineer. of ranking Midwest, the fTirm; in manufac tur 1984; 44th, ing 66%, power plant million dollars 46.3 15%. (design contract) 7) manpower Current architects, 40 Cu rren t 8 in past five (Hircshima 11) Fee, 1.2) Other on 24 maior million Ex--perien(ce Mazda 90 147 mechanical 1 oad; work Ex per i ence projects, 10) o-f engineers, staff; total structural 765, engineers, engineers, proj ects. main cli ents are Ford amounrt) (all classification and 54 125 83 industrial . erig ine 9) civil engineers, electri cal 8) and SF, and ect s proi (clients) 1658 General of mill ion (oro i ec:t Dynamics. automotive GMFord, VW, assembly; 22 and Nihondensou years). with Japanese plant). NEC clients; Nihondensou (Southfield), (GA). 3. 25% comments; the 1arqest A/E 130 among Detroit A'/Es. 3-2-2 Desi gn Stage: Important "Engineering the 3-2-1, during the and Design, " and Development stage is GIF. Jan. events 1986 design stage are those such as "Bui I ding Permi ssi ons, " Process Chart. The main The main jobs of engineering and finished in Jan. Figure actor on this and design 1987. issuing various permits regarding in began in KY is responsible for environmental city planning, policy, and construction. Engineering and Design: the After architectural contract schematic design through discussion Though GIF with with OHB, TMC has had much experience both in GIF started assisted by OHB. automotive plants and with Japanese clients, OHB's role as a bridge between TMC and GIF is important higher because involvement in of communication difficulties, and TMC's design than other Japanese clients. began at The schematic design phase 1986 and almost finished in late Feb. design, OHB started Feb. 27. in selection of 1986. of Jan. Using the schematic general contractors from Schematic design and design development phases finished late Mar. began and 1986. finished working drawings, drawings the the beginning total categories; mechanical, After that, the construction documents phase in During Jan. specifications, more than architecture, and 1987. 1500 bid documents. which are classified steel electrical. preliminary cost estimation. and this phase, GIF made GIF into five structure, does foundation, quantity GIF divided the bid Working survey documents into 47 to manage the design process for the fast track program. 131 and of One for the facility division In members. TMC division, the registered a has about which has engineering office, which has about 200 Bu), Kankyou (Shisetsu construction maintenance and including environment 100 staff. staff design and Because TMC has groups having sophisticated planning and facility has a large it that is TMC of pec:Lliarities the the knowledge and ability to do everything of an A/E's functions for its plants TMC's in Japan, the level of the plant design i s one of the heaviest among design is time, the same one of the reasons to select of Toyota KY plant a Japanese design-builder of building experience At GIF's clients. in the heavy involvement TMC's to cover the lack and requirements for involvement in development in the U.S. Though TMC is a competent company in engineering and design in the U.S. industrial clients client organization client corporate industrial classification of industrial ordinary representing the division engineering, plant requiring ordinary major be an According to the 76 the major Lefebvre, by has a planning group facility, a corporate the coordinator of the among the division, top management, for the Toyota KY Project may well be though TMC ordinary client, this the group, construction development of the project 35 situation TMC's and A/E. like may well it Japan, for the facilities in communicates through OHB with GIF. While TMC is famous for its Just-in-time production it is one of the leading companies which employ the Total Control program. TMC applies the 132 system, Quality TQC program to all phases of the company operations, procurement, such as and construction. management, production, sales, Feigenbaum argued rather programs should focus on defect prevention that QC than Though his proposals did not impress American inspection. corporations, his basic ideas were accepted and modified in some parts by many Japanese corporations including TMC. special features of for various steps in (VE) engineering the intensive use of value company's operations plant construction caused some stress between TMC including its and American the TQC program, Among many construction industry during the project. TMC's policy, applying the TOC program for its construction, Japanese automotive plant construction is unusual even in projects. TMC has developed the application of TOC for management of construction by long time association with selected general. contractors including OHB in selected general respond to TMC Jzpan. through long time experience with TMC's projects. TQC program for the construction works well the long term relationship with limited project general by contractors in the excessive application of the TUC program for the new in the U.S. This aspect will caused some stress among be discussed further Construction Stage. in in the project members. section 3-2-4, Even a Japanese contractor that has no prior experience of TMC's project would difficulties OHB and other contractors have developed their own programs to Because TMC's Japan, its certainly have some responding appropriately with TMC's requirements. GIF, supported by OHB, basically does its 133 design and engineering GIF's surprises in the association with Possible reasons for follows: TMC are as 1) GIF's lack of previous experience 2) TMC's lack of experience with projects. TMC's and program the fast-track Differences of business relationships of clients with the A/E between 4) of the U.S. in construction 3) things for interaction with TMC. its in GIF there are many surprising but certainly works well, Japan and the U.S. system including Japanese management system of Group decision TMC's. 5) program and mismatch stage. and design usual in Though program their flexibility a is costs it TMC understands traditional it has management space efficiency, auto manufacturers, tentative little) more the important have to items that some of are include items. conceptually, instance, the engineering Therefore the very detailed analysis for some undecided program change orders during construction (though the TMC and GIF, and GIF at OHB, program. drawings tentative than Many fast-track the TQC the fast-track VE with for TMC, generates some stress of as a part between buffer as a intensive of VE program. the fast-track though OHB works Even inherent intensive between Some conflicts had which has caused TMC for is a to drawings for design changes. 134 its adjusting For construction. goal typical lose flexibility In fast-tack in difficulties some style the of features special the Japanese for of fast-track program., of construction defining the building service equipment, easily into each shop, building layout designed during efficiency Therefore, of building the fast-track in VE on intensive program, that equipment service be will to get space TMC tried the shell construction. through plumbing, gives flexibility space that should have enough the connections for as HVAC, the building service equipment need to be as one system. connected such can be divided relatively Though the building shell and M/E. without begins shell building the stage of design. the early As a result, this caused costly joints of building equipment between buildings. The slow decision of commitment in the has many needs minimal delay of VE disadvantages than A/E. 1) 2) of process fast-track program by the excessive use more cause program, the client between at cultural the design and stage related to follows: process for information or Japanese clients' plant in construction the fast-track difficulties differences are as provide some inefficiency in the TQC V/E the process may well may cause some frustrations The complicated some advantages by VE. Some cause for cultural in but less and or the office from appropriate timing Besides the complexity difference Intensive use of change orders, decision TMC GIF creates and advantages in decision group and of procedure especially in the traditional development of to OHB authority fast-track program. framework that making the A/E to ask Japanese clients to to give permissions. unorganized 135 manner to request design c han g? e s. 3) Di fference of 4) Different For language. conceptions on the same words. OHB, TMC's policy of heavy involvement in the design and construction of the Toyota KY Project important than the most do the design and construction of OHB's goal new facility of satisfactory quality requirement. the within the budget and service that fulfills Coordination between TMC, GIF, general. contractors is be the most rather is to satisfy TMC by not only providing the schedule but also offering appropriate TMC's one of reasons to become the design-builder by itself to have Citadel project. is important a very complicated matter; factor and the this may well why OHB got the project from TMC. Project Per-missions: Kentucky state and Scott County governments are responsible for approving the project, checking various issues such as city planning, environmental policy, and building design and construction. Time and the complexity of obtaining permits are very important for a short--schedule project. selection stage, and OHB. all Assistance Even at the site permissions were studied carefully and some simplification of permission procedures by KY were considered as an important incentives for 1) by TMC part of TMC. City Planning Act: As explained in the site decided to rezone the project planning commission, selection stage, site Scott County area by itself. consisting of Scott County, 136 Actually, Georgetown, the and Stamping Sadieville, influence on has a direct (more (I-1) zone industrial size administers comprehensive building permits and others. zoning, for Ground, than or equal most 50 ".)., set back back), and Only the zoning ordinance includes such factors as minimum usages. and side, (at 25 feet for No serious obstacles exist in the zoning ordinance for the project. 2) Environmental Protection Act: Environmental protection for industrial regulations are complicated and building developments. time and complexity to obtain environmental selection stage, the site lot building coverage acres), (50 feet for front allowable facility very important the regulating the Toyota KY project; to five plan, the start Through regulation permits at of building construction was delayed by one and half months because of the delay of obtaining EPA permission. KY does not have a State Environmental which many other Impact Statement through the time-taking procedures hearing, etc.) (not Department Federal (EIS) (SEPA), TMC does not or to go (public announcement, which are required by SEPA KY requires developers to get 3-2-2 Therefore, states have legislated. need to make an Environmental Policy Act in some other states. the permissions shown in including those at the plant operation stage) of Environmental law, Protection such as the Clean Air Act, in KY. applications and of Waste Management, 157 Water from the Act, and The Division of Air and of Water issue permissions individually. table These are based on the Clean the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Pollution Control, public The evaluate Required Table 3-2-2 Permissions Regarding Environmental Construction Stage in KY :1. of Air Pollution: A. Control : Persmissions Administrative Division Comments source and Air pollution Construction : Permit Policy or : construction pollution of air control :2. : : : : Prevention of : Significant : Deterioration (PSD) Construction: : Permit : : facilities. Similar permission to the above. Some criteria are PSD different from 1. is applicable permission for facilities that prodece more than 250 ton/year pollution. B. :3. Hazardous Waste Sources of of Waste Management : : Generator Registration : C. of Water non-poison : waste 1 ton/month or poisonous waste i kg/ month. :5. Hazardous Waste Facility Permit : The following facilities' : construction and : : : a. b. c. Storage Treatment Disposal : operations. :1. : : : : Construction of waste water treatment facilities. : : Operation of waste water facilities. : Waste Water Facility Construction Permit Waste Water Facility Operating : Permi t :2. :4. Flood Plain Construction : Permit : Change of natural waterway or flood plain. Source: 138 OHB's internal paper. permit construction the most is (A-1) 3) permission for building foundation work. of TMC to obtain before the start important Construction Permissions: and the local state government The KY The applicable law is issue building permits. Building Code, the National achieve TMC's Electrical and government check the Kentucky To Code, and others. schedule, TMC and OHB studied short construction the time and complexity of obtaining building and construction permits as well of as the possibility phase,, GIF applies for permissions; Department at During the design or construction selection stage. the the site the fast-track program on the other hand, of building of the KY government is the responsible for issuing most permissions. A fast-track can get partial program is possible in permits according KY because developers The to the design progress. following six permits are needed for developers to get individually: 1) Foundation permit; foundation, fire This permit machine foundation, is for the building and foundation pile. Preliminary sprinkler plan drawings and plumbing drawings related to the foundation are required for regarding environmental necessary. Individual the application. permits regulations before the application is application for building foundation from the machine foundation, or individual building in Getting all one project that application for each has several buildings is possibletoo. Given that the Department of Building in 1;9 KY and GIF keep continuous and close contact, days after GIF's applications. permits within several 2) not Shell Permit; This permit is for the building shell that does such as structural works. finish include interior roof, steel, Improvement Further or exterior divided applications, are possible. wall, Permit. 3) Interior 4) HVAC Permit. 5) Fire Sprinkler Permit. 6) Electrical. Building does not do plan to check for The department of equipment or production electrical building service electrical Resident inspectors inspect and approve the equipment. works. electrical Another 'grading This the following permissions: applicable for condition is issue Building will the Department advantage for TMC is the non-requirement for a permit in KY, that is, site clearing, grading, and excavation can proceed without permission. KY appointed an officer clerical procedure for the project to facilitate the of permissions. KY also suggested that TMC submit applications to the local government government and the state simultaneously though usually developers submit applications only to the local government. This simultaneous application facilitated the permission procedure because approval by the state government is necessary for the local to government issue permits. Permissions for the installment of flexible. If production safety by OHB's KY judges the site 140 equipment is submission of machine laVoLIt has some past that certificate of Japanese the Department waste water the for examines drawings of scape work does not necessary; the state boilers, need government 141 the permissions for of and plumbing the Occupancy Permit; compressors, permission; design the production by obtaining before Occupancy Permit a the procedures during Protection TMC can start Japanese no problem. TMC needs Environmental drawings; Temporary or the site, or has the U.S. in is authority as follows: are construction occupancy permit. records permissions Other- important and the without at methods safety by the signs of can start installment equipment and and the retention sends all resident fuel tanks; pond KY land won't inspectors. be 3-2-3 Procurement Stage events during Important as (including labor relations) Contractors," "Selection of General On this GIF, GCs, and Subs, KY government and labor Process Chart. role in OHB assumes a very important stage, Out," "Bidding the Development Figure 3-2-1, relations shown in stage are those such the procurement coordinating negotiating with the AFL-CIO and the and in objectives of Different as an agent of TMC. TMC, and the AFL-CIO are a cause of a labor-management OHB, KY, battle. Selection of GCs: OHB selected six general contractors from contractors in late Mar. schematic design. 1986, after the finishing of the Before the selection of as a design-manager itself construction 13 as area general GCs, OHB defined who does not employ any hourly wage on its workers directly payroll. OHB also decided a hiring plan as the merit shop after the investigation of relations in KY. All labor selected GCs except for Gray Construction, All an open shop contractor in KY are merit shop contractors. contractors are capable of union workers in case of dealing with self-performance by non- troubles with the union. OHB contracts with the general with guaranteed maximum between cost. OHB and NIC, a general the AIA form. In overhead and profit; means site office contractors by cost-plus-fee Appendix 1 shows a contract contractor. the contract, This form is draft based on Schedule A means the contractor's Schedule B means personnel cost; Schedule C expenses. OHB uses a procedure manual 142 in contracts with general contractors. The procedure Manufacturing following Facility manual, Project "Toyota Procedure Automotive Manual," includes the items: 1) Scope and 2) Provided 3) Cost Procedures -Project Project Purchasing. Services. Code Requirements. 4) Planning and Scheduling. 5) Document 6) General 7) Accounting Control. Contractor Report Invoice and (Forms and Application for- Payment. Instructions for Submission of Monthly Progress Report). 8) Cash Forecasting. 9) Quality Control Procedure. 10) Contractor/Subcontractor 11) Site Security Scope and Advantages for OHB New-Hire Safety Orientation. Responsibilities. to select the six general contractors a re as follows: 1) it can reduce the risks contractor that might of losing control act freely, over in case of the a general single general contractor. 2) in the case of limit the damage unit 3) of area OHB can 4) of strike or a slow down and cope with it by the union, relatively easily OHB can because the smaller. reduce the contractors. number is a risk of collusion among The possibility of collusion general contractors Dividing the project is two or into six general will increase the three. areas, OHB could 143 if choose GCs fr om general 13 selected Because most contractors. that contractors could contract the whole project are closed shop contractors, merit shop contractors capable of contracting the whole project are very limited. OHB to The disadvantages for are 1) as contractors general follows: OHB's coordination work For necessary. between the general contractors is areas, between joints instance, need building service equipment, 2) six select especially of OHB's coordination. Redundancy of common information OHB areas appears. all for has to explain or provide the same information to six contractors. 3) in Increased difficulties became apparent relations getting a consensus regarding labor agreement with the AFL- at the project CIO during construction. OHB defined itself as a design-manager construction industry by cutting off the operational to American part of construction executional from the American attack avoid an unnecessary political to tried because it or contractors, and probably because OHB does not have enough Japanese managers, engineers, or own forces for organization is explained in the self performance. OHB's project Project Organization. section 3-3, Bidding Out: OHB set the procurement policy of all subcontracting rather than general the general contractors' Therefore most subcontracts are fixed price lump sum and unit price. Usual bidding 144 contractors as self perform. contracts such as process of the project is as follows: selects several contractor qualified bidders. 1) A general 2) The 3) OHB checks the evaluation and makes the report TMC. general evaluates the bids. contractor Japanese and most reports to TMC should be written in All the bid for of of them should have data or value engineering reports. 4) TMC approves the bidder. Report making work of amount of OHB's work. 3) above, As TMC's account for a substantial tradition competition of suppliers and contracts in in uses price it Japan, but every case, sometimes price competition principles do not work in a fasttrack program because general equal to two bidders in some cases, because of the strong linkages of several of contractors cannot get more than or some sequential contractor of and surprising Then, some future work that is part jobs. work may automatically be done by the the up front works. This kind of situation for TMC, so the phenomenon may well is new cause TMC's possible frustration. The basic principle to decide the bidder lowest price. original course, the But OHB's hiring plan was affected by the AFL-CIO, even before the project agreement the project is, of from a merit hiring (PA) in Nov. 1986 that changes shop to an almost union shop. The plan before the PA actually favors union participation by guaranteeing that 45 should be union contractors. at least 50 percent of bidders Labor Relations: A strong construction union is 145 a special feature of the construction American aspect of the Toyota important of the labor thesis, industry. of relations A labor-management covers from the beginning of this the negotiation between (PA) OHB and the AFL-CIO to the project agreement from a the project that changed to a closed shop in "merit shop" the the scope of out of is an Though the analysis KY Project. the project is battle Nov. 1986. TMC, OHB, KY., and the AFL-CIO have different objectives which relations of the project complicated. make the labor The "merit shop" a market where union and non-union reflects contractors work side be side. schematic structure of a merit Figure 3-2-3-1 81 shop. of As a background of the labor relations Nissan Smyrna Project, but the GM Saturn AFL-CIO that agreement." was built the the project, with a merit shop, Project signed a project agreement with the made the project practically a closed shop. Saturn project pact is tier shall Tennessee, shows the "all The execution contractors of whatever sign, accept and be bound by the terms of this project This includes agreeing the sole and exclusive bargaining "to recognize the union(s) as representative for all craft employees on the project" and using their hiring halls. Figure 3-2-3-2 shows the difference between a merit shop and 81 the Saturn project pact. Because non-union workers can register for the project work for in a union hiring hall, an open shop contractor in they have a chance to the project, but the open shop contractor has to use both union and non-union workers. Though union workers have a chance to work will be assigned to the jobs after 146 all in the project, they union workers are assigned SUBs -- LOWEST BIDDER --- BIDDERS NON-UNION CONTRACTOR UNION CONTRACTOR FIGURE 3-2-3-1: DIAGRAM OF MERIT SHOP 147 UNION HIRING HALL NEW APPLICANT 0 LIST 0OOO--- 0000--I, 2,3,'( ~~ 1 1,v- 1 00),0)1) 0 2c SATURN PROJECT PACT MERIT SHOP UNION WORKER O0 NON-UNION WORKER UNION CONTRACTOR NON-UNION CONTRACTOR FIGURE 3-2-3-2 DIAGRAM OF MERIT SHOP AND SATURN PROJECT PACT 148 workers share the top portion because union the waiting list For open shop contractors, they lose a chance in a hiring hall. workers, affiliate to hire their of but on the contrary, they have to use many union workers who have no previous experience or Open shop contractors also dislike to the companies. loyalty workers than the usual affiliate rate for their A higher wage workers being unionized. long term affiliate their open shop rate is another cause for the open shop contractors to hesitate to in participate the project. The nature of CIO is very similar beginning of a project agreement between OHB and the AFL- to that of the Saturn pact. From the the negotiation about the Toyota project pact, the union's policy was to use the contents of the Saturn pact for the Toyota pact. Finally, the AFL-CIO got it. As the Saturn project pact does not match the labor in middle Tennessee where about 95% of construction is 55 the Toyota pact does not contractors, shop performed by open situation match the labor situation of the Lexington, Kentucky, area where 75% of the construction work force is non-union now, up from 42 Some estimates indicate that open shop ago. about 30% a decade 1980, in 60% of the national total 12 compared with only 30% as recently as 1973; the national trend of construction accounted labor relations in for construction is similar to that in KY. Though many meetings have been held between OHB and the AFLCIO, and between other related parties, national publications regarding some important events or labor relations of the project from the beginning of the construction to the project agreement 149 are as follows: 1985; Dec. plan of OHB decided the hiring the project as a merit OHB made the decision after a careful shop. KY and also after several qualified labor in survey of the with KY and talks Building trades did not oppose the merit shop so much at TMC. this stage. 1986; May, Local union were going to sign OHB's proposed project free hiring of agreement that included non-strike, non-lockout, labor, no contesting employers' installment or suppliers' enforcement, permission for TMC of production equipments, and non- objection against prefabricated construction methods. other hand, the AFL--CIO sued the Budget legality of June, 1986; Director On the of KY about the state incentives for TMC on May 7. The Building and Construction Trades Department (BCTD) of the AFL-CIO rejected OHB's project agreement. decided a project boycott on June 19. Then, it Georgine, the president of In BCTD, sent appealing letters to the president and senators. KY, two building tradesmen the union's suit against KY. On the local unions proceeded to sign a revised local agreement that July, to allow them to petitioned the court the court about intervene in other hand, the 1986; included most BTCD's of OHB's proposals. objections against the local towards the agreement with OHB became active. with Georgine from July 2 to July 9, reach agreement. After the meeting with BCTD, continue the project with the merit with TMC, KY, however, and six area general 150 unions' movement OHB held meetings they failed to OHB decided to shop based on the agreement contractors. OHB issued a letter of ENR, July He trades a union are on works foundation 15. July On "Building trades target Toyota." the negative reactions He cited Georgine. and caisson Krizan reported 17, explained "local of intent local of building it against comment executive's contractor agreeable to unions merit that shop." According to the article, BCT's policy was that it would not give Toyota anything better than Saturn. the pact, the Saturn In union to refer workers to jobs only through union had the right halls. in The New York Times, on Sept. Rebirth Mired in Labor Dispute," 42 8. Industrial Noble reported the project as "Town's 1986; Sep. of differences He explained the basic between the objectives OHB and BCTD, though both parties express that their objectives are for the Labor members of House and Senate time, urged to 1986; and improve to the its business the Kentucky could image. workers mar Around this announced a Toyota products. buying smoothly progressed The construction of union effort the sheet metal against several article, his Committees Industry by Georgine, campaign national According complained that effort Kentuck:'s Oct. workers. Kentucky despite the continued pressure by the AFL-CIO. Nov. TMC's 1986; The union drew 500 for a rally policies labor Washington against on TMC challenges to KY's incentives in Nov. New in 17. TMC. also The union 21. waste water Kraker in the Japanese embassy of York on Nov. the plant's for front to protest OHB and drew The union demonstrate continues discharge permit reported 151 1,500 to the project legal by KY, progress and as union pact, " in "Tovyota plant plows ahead wit.h no sign of 31 had progressed project The Nov.27. Suddenly, a picture of assembled steel a Plant in (ABC), great deal structure frames. an agreement calling (except contracts 43 On The New York Times, Nov. 26, Noble Kentucky." Workers To Agrees on Union as "Toyota He cited a comment of executive vice president of the Associated Contractors plant for the project workers on Nov. 25. reported the agreement Construct states "Kentucky OHB and the AFL-CIO reached for the hiring of union already held), high pace regardless of some union despite boycott," workers on site, 1 10) as a comment with He state. the union's pressure on this has more than at a ENR, Bennet, Building and reporting that the agreement would create "a Three provisions of the agreement of discrimination." are as follows: 1) "makes It a strong commitment to the preference to employment of Kentucky residents." 2) "confirms that there will It be no discrimination on any basis with regard to applicants to employment." 3) "contains a unique three-member It one each from management to assure that and labor, employment review board, with an impartial chairman, will referral any questions regarding employment be resolved expeditiously and fairly." Dec. 1.986; Recio. Usui, flops, The project agreement was to take effect and Krizan wrote the agreement signs union pact at KY plant," reported Georgine's and OHB's comments sources' Dec.1. comments in Japan. in , as "Toyota flip--49 ENR, Dec.4. They ABC's comments, Krizan and Schwartz 152 and reported the i mpact of the PA stated "Kentucky former Secretary of that Project our The article reported chair Kentucky is the "We as follows: Corporation, project are very our reached between in spirit a Kentucky of representative and We Trades Department. and Construction continuing to would Dunl1op has been the Ohbayashi Manager, the Building to the accord understanding an stream." T. John Labor on comment TMC's mid have a ever board. review employment may be thei largest implemented and also new ground, " pact breaks "Toyota project agreement project happy as of look forward cooperation and 51 harmony." OHB's explanation of the union is as follows: support by afraid of possibly the local of Japanese shop the merit the labor disputes as trade friction the U.S. place of Finally, labor if in union's attack in the union of developing KY. into the construction OHB tried 50 shop had 153 against TMC or OHB would against have TMC/OHB had Additionally, OHB does not a political problem, industry between Japan to avoid KY's disputes. the gotten strong the U.S. attacks with workers, OHB was industry and corporations -theborder not expanded beyond want the the agreement for the merit construction an escalation other continued Though reason such and continuing to be the 3-2-4 Canstruction Stage program probably the is construction stage of simple relatively the fast-track and of change there is program, with order Smyrna and the American to get and frame, quality as of but control smoothly Jan. 1987. to use value engineering (VE) in every change efficiency, though in the cost of If many cases the decision on a VE case exceeds the cost down by the VE, TMC will from not workers, the subcontractors, contractors. This mechanism manufacturing than manufacturing is of loss cycles, the one time only also the bad effects caused by de-motivation of construction cost suffer in a very cost loss by VE. clearly construction. the cost savings by VE This multiplier 154- in automotive automotive production cycle, down by VE in most effect the general different Because repetitive time exceeds total is and the it loss time or waiting time due to the delay of but But system. is practically unable to apply VE. the cost in the TOC program, the fast-track construction the maximum cost many directions has progressed Project, easy to is steel cost control, some friction between TMC tries from structural The construction the Nissan construction The project are accessible orders, in complicated because is many contractors. is project aspect management the at Though this physical a one story is are complicated. comparison of buildings the structure management terms topic interesting the project. and because construct most the construction engineering, of in TOC program to the fast-track TMC's The application of in one even or case will of VE if the several exceed the is very rare in on c(nstructi and varies tremendouslV the with of subjects the VE. In emphasized construction and de-motivation to eliminate delay of of workers waiting for decisions. be different. may well execution stage, especially after decision automotive manufacturing During the construction the completion of work of supervisor's decision making may well the priority drawings, of The priority making on the production process between and construction instant decisions is importance of program, a fast-track be as follows: 1) (not quick and sufficient promptness of the decision; necessary to be the best). 2) avoiding rework; 3) safety, preventing from overdoing. high cost effective, supervisor's decision making 1) or the the lowest cost/quality, quality. In etc. any case, In construction sites, decisions guarantees cost savings and buildings because it promotes productivity construction workers. both in importance of to automotive manufactures never give priority promptness of decisions. sites be as follows: quality/cost. 3) safety, of may well the maximum cost efficiency; highest 2) of the auto-manufacturing priority On the other hand, etc. quality, the U.S. All most promptness good quality of and motivation of managers and engineers in and Japan will quick decisions in 155 certainly construction. construction agree on the Samelson and Borcherding's Construction imany study about "Motivating Foremen on Large 53 They summarizes after idea. Projects" supports this foremen bidding for any purchase, so general prefers contractors bid out most price contracts with and make lump sum or unit contractors have to negotiate the But general cost of change orders with out. problems for of pursuing maximum cost efficiency tradition subcontractors. important and rework. are waiting for decisions TMC's jobs, that the most interviews with foremen subcontractors rather than bidding Sometimes the costs of change orders counts for 50 '4 of original contract in the project. the Though the principle of VE and TQC is recently widely accepted by Japanese construction companies including OHB, it contractors. is not popular for American general Their unfamiliarity with VE and decision on VE cases may well VE by American TMC's slow cause a negative response against contractors and sometimes even by OHB. The differences of the Japanese quality control system from the American system cause some friction between TMC, OHB, and the general contractors. OHB does not try to use its QC program in the U.S. because OHB knows the differences between the QC system and the difficulties in applying the Japanese system for American subcontractors or general contractors. quality of the final inferior to that One of control American products in the U.S. If the were apparently in Japan, OHB would use its QC program actively. the special features of Japanese-style QC is process methods that require many checks during the production process rather than inspecting the final 156 products only. American general contractors do not accept Cor understand the concept of American process control. general for the subcontractors' unnecessrary responsibilities general contractors' of contractor inspections, be responsible for will subcontractor's system in of the setting of most work, construction. for anchor bolts For example, structural be checked by erectors before their work, if In Japan, done by another subcontractor. of inspection General accuracy steel columns will the bolt setting general is contractors are contractors should keep the record quantitatively in many cases. general contractors do statistical evaluate subcontractors and works anchor bolts before and after expected to check the setting of the concrete works. a subsequent job functions as a quality the former's American In the previous subcontractor's inspection of at the beginning of the general the jobs that the subsequent claim. definitely subcontractor will control contractor approves some defective jobs through the a subcontractor jobs by inspections on subcontractors jobs during a general If the tasks. to avoid contractors try Moreover, many big analysis of the data to to improve construction process using the Japanese QC program. In labs for the Toyota KY Project, structural steel. services are quite usual other subcontractors in OHB uses inspection firms or test geotechnical, and concrete. These because these works are not checked by the construction process, and they are a the legal requirement. OHB also provides basic survey 79 General contractors are responsible for other quality control. part of control work and OHB witnesses their 157 works. This system is quite usu:Al U.S. for gceneral contractors and a construction manager in But TMC tries to use its OC program construction. in the the construction process. For program the client satisfaction, OHB tries to use TMC's QC as much as possible requests). As expected, very negative. responding to 30"4 of TMC's the general This causes TMC's OHB to inspect several however, (maybe contractors reactions are frustration. Then, TMC asks works directly as OHB does in Japan, OHB does not do so by itself because it has to avoid unnecessary responsibility avoid disorder at by approving subcontractors jobs, the site. -158 and 3-3 Project Drganization This section explains the project organization including contract types. Three organizational used to explain the organizational project organization is explained showing the roles of each member. charts of structure. in the project Especially OHB's detailed organization charts Appendix 2 shows the operation charts at every project development stage. These charts summarize the interaction between TMC, GIF, GCs, and the AFL-CIO. OHB, Subs, Because the history of organizational 3 -2-3, Procurement stage, KY, formation including contract types is explained in 3-2-1, Planning design stage, and are /Pre- this section mainly describes the structure of the project organization and roles of the members in OHB. Figure 3-3-1 shows the outline of and contract types of of the definition in this General structure is either. systems is a design-build and design- because they basically do not use their A contract between TMC and OHB is a cost- plus-fee contract because of the fast-track program. contracts GIF by a percentage fee contract OHB with a fee-adjustment clause for the project cost changes by change orders. between OHB and general guaranteed Contracts contractors are a cost-plus-fee with maximum general by the general done contractors also have some functions of construction management own forces, structure Though detailed explanation of the project organizational section 4-1. manage type. the project. organizational contractors' cost. All subcontracts contractors are a lump sum or unit price contracts. -159 - - - CLIENT COST-PLUS-FEE --- DESIGN-MANAGER PERCENTAGE FEE COST-PLUS-FEE A/E - - - LUMP SUM/ UNIT PRICE FIGURE 3-3-1 OUTLINE OF PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND CONTRACT TYPE OF TOYOTA KY PROJECT 160 OHB and general reasonable contractors, OHB has passed management method, 1) in contract the case of price is above 2) calculation price unit the unit is percent is as follows: of minus the unit contractors, TMC's construction must payments of the orders change increase change orders, cost decrease change the base price less a fast- a in the new total quantity times 20 percent price. Because TMC has has a a total in fee adjustment a after price of cost example of the base price plus additional in the case of price For types are the usual subcontractors, in the U.S. track program between general GIF, and Contracts between OHB and and construction some portion of out with general them. tasks to contractors contract By the contracts contract. was the most design a cost-plus-fee documents), (without construction phase Because OHB and the schematic after just contracted contractors too. contract, by a cost-plus-fee contractors general with OHB contracts industry. the U.S. in good reputation its or obtain construction Japan's in keep to are motivation OHB's of factors Important the project. on money loses is, that cost, the project of of uncertainties takd:es no risks OHB never completion to TMC, responsible for the project OHB is Though the used a lump limited decreased the new total times quantity 20 price. lump experience of be orders, checking the project practically sum contract very detailed cost checking 161 its with sum contract for to cost the check of general system for general progress contractors. its during TMC construction, may not be able to apply cost checking to a cost- it however, checked in a cost-plus-fee contract much more large number Moreover, progress payments. is TMC. probably are a new experience for items to be The number of plus-fee contract during construction. In than that of of change orders Japanese construction, OHB sometimes accepts TMC's change orders without extra charge. But in OHB charges all project, this change orders to TMC. may be upset because of OHB's very It operations in different costs and cost changes of the U.S. conceptually understands this from that in though TMC Japan, mechanism. Figure 3-3-2 shows the organization structure of OHB for the important decision making functions of OHB project. All regarding the project are in has some staff in KY, of all large amount because TMC's the Tokyo office decision making functions are in manager but OHB's project organization TMC's Toyota City. projects by OHB in as a client for OHB in main office is located in Detroit, for the general the importance of TMC the long-term relationship. Detroit, to coordinate TMC and GIF. design staff OHB is Japan because of the TMC's orders and because of of important Because GIF's OHB has the design team in OHB also has the project a design department in the project in the Tokyo head office. Figure 3-3-3 shows the organizational site office. working in 1987. There were 21 Japanese and 36 American the Georgetown site According staff Jan. structure chart, the seems to be well 162 staff in and Lexington offices to the organizational Japanese and American structure of OHB's integrated. The TMC '----- OHE HEf - -- (JAPAN) (THE U.S.) L TTM,USA |-------- I /,' GENERAL MNGR. - GIF L(A/E) -- i FOR ALL TMC'S PRJCTS BY OHB AREA LG.C.s TOYOTA KY PROJECT TEAM IN TOKYO OFFICE SUBs L - - (JAPAN) (THE U.S.) FIGURE 3-3-2 OHB'S ORGANIZATION CHART FOR TOYOTA KY PROJECT (1) - -. (DETROIT) LEGEND SURVEYORS NSPECTORS GENERAL CONTRACTORS rizziziz o : E~]: O : : JAPANESE JAPANESE AMERICAN AMERICAN (AS OF JAN.1987) FIGURE 3-3-3 ORGANIZATION CHART OF OHB'S TOYOTA KY SITE OFFICE (2) organization basically the A/E, coordinates the client, that manager construction and the general or sub Because OHB has to adjust to the large gap between contractors. TMC and American contractors, substructures; OHB' s organization has two structure and the American the Japanese staff structure. staff as a works well The substructure of the Japanese staff mostly dealing with correspondence with TMC. is The other American staff substructure is mostly dealing with the management of general contractors and suppliers. The Engineering section, which has two Japanese engineering managers, could be described as the junction of the two substructures in OHB's organization. 81 The Project director, Ohba, seems to have two direct 77 the Deputy Project Mizoguchi, office; subordinates in the site 73 Mizoguchi is at the Manager, and Jordan, the Project Manager. top of of substructure and the Japanese staff the American staff. Because of the tendency of members' Jordan is communication the leader and difficulties following only a substructure, or simply because of the matter of their personality, some difficulties of cooperation between Area Managers and Area Engineers seem to be the weakest point of the organization. from On the other hand, learning experience for the Japanese staff, 78 79 Managers and Area Engineers are in an excellent the viewpoint of Engineering situation because of the necessity of cooperation with American Managers, and actually in Appendix OHB's site several areas they cooperate well. 3 describes the detailed roles of organization. Except for some managers the Area Engineers in the organization, the basic structure of OHB's organization in the 165 in To(:ota organization KY Project in is very the Nissan similar Smyrna 166 to that Project. of Daniel 's site 4 Alternative Procurement methods (including classification of the four automotive plant development lack of consensus or standards on terminology of Because of procurement methods, build, projects). such as construction management, and prefabrication systems, it design- necessary to define is it to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. the popularity and explicitness, Because of the author chooses 1 Barrie and Paulson's (B&P) construction management as the text book to define alternative in the author developed a Based on B&P's definition, methodologies. framework Construction Management Professional systems in of project organizational Figure 4-1-3. Because Minden's procurement a triangular shape 38 methodology is used to examine automotive plant construction projects in 5, his terminology is summarized here that the author mainly uses to classify section. After a brief Nissan Smyrna, in comparison Fuji with B&P's the four- projects in review of terminology, Toyota Tahara, Chapter this the Toyota KY, Gunma projects are classified according to the framework. The author does not intend to cover the detailed variation of the project organization but to present approaches. If we try to define alternate organizational structures of projects, chapter. simplified contractual For example, the description will easily overflow one Walker uses 42 alternatives including two clients, three types of design teams, and seven types of 14 contractor's appointment in Project Management in Construction. types of B&P uses six main types including a traditional, turnkey, an Owner-Builder, and two types of 167 two types of construction uses five major managi.7ement. Mirden traditional, design-construction-management, desi gn-bui l d , construc t i on -managemen t, such classification, contractor- and systems. project organization or Basic elements to classify procurement methods are project participants, between members, and as relationships timing of project members' participation. Project participants are those such as an owner, general contractor, a designer, a subcontractors, own forces work, a construction manager, design-builder, and a systems contractor (manufacturer). Important relationships between project participants are contractual rather than normative. Cost-plus contracts, an important construction contract, are further 4 according to J.P.Frein, as follows: classified plus a percentage fee. 1) Cost 2) Cost plus a fixed fee. 3) Cost 4) Cost plus a fixed fee with guaranteed 5) Target estimate with incentive fee and penalty. 6) Turnkey proposals 7) Construction management plus award fee. maximum. (variable conditions). Timing of the project contracts. members' participation important element to define procurement is another methods though B(P do not explicitly introduce this idea to their definition but rather treat the timing as a consequence of the procurement Minden uses this concept indirectly combining organizational Minden's definition of in his definition structure and its the traditional 168 phasing. method methods. by Especially is more explicit than method traditional members' completion very follows: of timing of important employed of -feature described as the the concept of is participation the traditional separation total If phases. construction is is the the because the Nissan well be classified method a prime documents by contractor the A/E. method will the and project of feature be method the traditional Smyrna Project as a traditional of the key explicitly, key feature of of the design the timing traditional an appointment construction between the of key feature the that B&P because he clearl-y states after the This concept organization is may the timing of if Daniel's participation is ignored. 1 BI3&P's definition of procurement methods is as follows: General Associate The Traditional Approach: Members of the advocated and have generally of America (AGC) contractors Here the owner employs a operated under the traditional method. or Engineers) who Architects/Engineers, designer (Architects, then exercises some prepares the plans and specifications, first during construction. or control monitoring, degree of inspection, general of a single the responsibility is Construction itself Much of the work may to the owner. under contract contractor under contractors trade be performed by individual actually Although the the general contractor. subcontract to of the owner's plans normally bid upon a portion subcontractors are relationships legal contractual their and specifications, is in turn, the latter, with the general contractor; directly which that including the work, the owner for all to responsible subcontracted. is Design-Construct or- Design-M4anage (Turnkey): Some authorities General and "turnkey." between "design-construct" differentiate method, all In this them interchangeably. treats usage, however, from concept through design and phases of a project, are handled by the same organization. construction, acts as a the constructor In the case of desion-construct, all of control single-firm with contractor general. some form of Usually, but not always, there is subcontractors. In the and owner. between design-constructor negotiated contract of a number by performed is construction design-manage, case of professional the to similar manner a in contractors independent design-construct Under either management concept. construction under a performed be readily can construction or design-manage, this duration. project minimize to program construction phased of the majority has been used for form of completing project 169 process--ori ented heavy industrial projects constructed in the Reference to E-nqineerin~q United States in the last few decades. of the 500 1argest designers shows that News--Record's annual list the design--contructors are heavily represented in the top 20. Professional construction Professional Construction Management: management unites a three party team consisting of owner, designer, and construction manager in a non-adversary provides the owner with an opportunity to relationship, and it is competitive It in the construction process. fully participate in overall design-construct time with a negotiated contract under method and with the turnkey (designthe traditional It usually features a number construct/design-build) approach. construction contracts which, of separate lump-sum or unit-price under certain circumstances, may prove more competitive than If either the general contract or the cost-plus-a--fee approach. phased construction under like phased construction is used, it, in other methods, involves the owner in some degree of risk overrunning budgets. of "The Owner-Builder" because (The author omits B4P's definition application in automotive plant construction.) of little 3e of procurement methods is A summary of Minden's definition as follows: Traditional Method; Typically this is the "default" method selected in the absence of unusual project requirements or market management capability, constraints by owners without significant adverse and/or required to they are risk if particularly competitively bid work. Construction Management (CM); At the very minimum, some degree of feed back construction cost estimating and contractibility management services are useful on almost any project where cost and time are significant constraint, even if a conventional if However, schedule and single responsibility contract is used. fast-track scheduling, work multiple packages or systems are used, some form of CM, either in-house or by an outside CM is generally called for. However to use CM in this way, the owner either has to be associated with multiple contracts prepared to accept most risk as with in-house or design-CM, or he must be able to directly, risk negotiate with the CM to avoid an inflated effectively In either premium as in contractor-CM with a guaranteed price. inmanagement capability case the owner should have sufficient If these conditions cannot be house to "manage the managers." met, the owner is limited to design-CM with a single general contractor, (which is essentially the responsibility method with enhanced value engineering), or, in some traditional cases, he may use design-build. Design-Build; The main contingency factor governing the decision to use design-build is the extent to which the project can be defined in terms of scope and generic standards, as opposed to without compromising quality or other prescriptive detail, the for/with Because the designer works directly requirements. 170 c:ontractor, not the owner, the owner must have the management capability and/or the negotiation power to ensure that the requirements meets technical project a fair at these If price. conditions are met, then design build may offer not only a means of obtaining an early, competitive, fixed price, single responsibility contract, but also optimal fast-track scheduling and value-engineering, owing to the high level of design and construction integration. (The author omits Minden's explanation of "Systems Methods" because of little application in automotive plant construction.) minor differences between Minden Though there are several and B&P's definition categories, regarding traditional, design-build construct/turnkey), defined. methods, three basic (design- and construction management, The concept of the traditional Because them. procurement are similarly method is common between of Minden's orientation to public agencies that need accountability, especially of design-build and contractor spending, his definition mode CM are relatively of narrow because of the emphasis of possible fixed price contracts in these methods. In this sense, B&P's definition is more flexible and easier to classifv various procurement Therefore, organizations than Minden's. employed in is this section, methods, Fuji order to classify four Procurement Figure 4-1-1, methods, uses different is automotive plant construction The first used. A/Es from the project will variations, Toyota Tahara, a Flow chart for the Classification especially in be a traditional its the appointed If the answer is method that has some contract types, 171 and of check is whether a single contractor after the completion of detailed design. positive, is with B&P's. such as the Toyota KY, Nissan Smyrna, Gunma, project B&P's definition supplementally Minden's definition and used to explain the relation In methods or project between an owner DIFFERENT A/E FROM A SINGLE G.C. APPOINTED AFTER THE COMPLETION OF DETAILED DESIGN? YES YES SINGLE FIRM RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION? YES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT YES NO FIGURE 4-1-1 FLOW CHART OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS 172 contractor. general an Ia question seccond c1assi f ed f±urther If wi 11 be a turn key /desi gn-build management construction Contractor mode. Though definitive classif ication, be be will have some to and mode of impression system can organizational project each an the as a classified give may chart this If Design/CM has two modes, that scme extent to adjustable the project is that gn-manage. or desi desi gn-bui ld as turnkey, not is ect proj pro.j ec t the t i ve posi is answer the construction. t e firm single and desig n for e responsiblf tradi tiona, not has a the pro-ject whether is is the proj ect I of characteristics systems. other 4-1-2 Figure organization B<P's project gives a simplified I each major of chart added expression, the owner--bui 1 der traditi between contract in popular to methods difference of form a to a Other and CM mode and it CM, the is enhance design constructi on program is The most timing an both distinctive of the appointment of a general to or integration important the most for possible still sum contract cost-plus-fee a appointment Early contractor. is a lump is contractor type-. contract methods are the Though methods. graphical and omitted model, confusinq a general and method similar fast-track constructi on build an owner these two methods of contractor most mode the traditior-al the general manage The the contractor in usual model) . contractor aid onal on onal ti the tradi comments has modified author (the approach aspect of the mode CM. confusing contractual desi gn-manage in approaches desi gn-buil d/turnkey. 173 may well If be design- a design- is * APPOINTED AFTER THE TRADITIONAL COMPLETION OF DETAILED DESIGN. (THE AUTHOR ADDS) TURNKEY/DESIGN-BUILD 1) DESIGN-BUILD 2) DESIGN-MANAGE ** OWNER _TI AEd x THE AUTHOR DEFINES THE AREA OF DESIGN-BUILDER. CM/G.C. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (CM) 1) DESIGN/CM MODE (AIA MODE) 2) CONTRACTOR MODE (AGC MODE) (POSSIBILITY OF GMP BY G.Q/CM) AFTER BARRIE & PAULSON FIGURE 4-1-2 BARRIE & PAULSON'S OUTLINE OF ALTERNATE CONTRACTUAL APPROACH 174 work:, builder acts as a constructor design-builder is. a design-manager its uses own major function because its rather a If of design and construction as be classified the firm will performance, as a manager it the construction phase. in or the prime contractor does not execute self if be design build because the design- the method will forces' phase is that perfarmance, bui1der does self the construction in can be said It than as a builder. that the design-build method corresponds to the contractor mode CM and that the design--manager a framework Figure 4-1-3, systems, of the project organizational gives the relationships of alternate procurement the author To construct the diagram, methods. idea of does design/CM mode CM. uses loosely the For the Mintzberg's contingency theory of organization. the simplification, the contract types and the timing of general are selected as contingency factors. contractor's participation The most conventional competitive bidding. is located at the top of Some variations, negotiated contract with a general on a general contractor will method downward. management method as a lump sum contract with a general the diagram after procurement pull contractor level because their such as design and construction possibility of a fast-track method upward, that exogenous factors, is, program, integration, are the common the location of approaching a traditional the necessity of a fast-track 175 and early decision and Construction advantages, The fixed price contract pulls such as a the location of a procurement Turnkey/design-build are located at the same contractor and the features. a turnkey or CM method. program or As INFLEXIBLE, ACCOUNTABLE, LESS CONTROLABLE BY OWNER AFTER THE CONTRACT, DIFFICULT TO MAKE CHANGE ORDERS / FIXED PRICE / / TRADITIONAL /\ DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION INTEGRATION EARLY DECISION OF G.C. BY NEGOTIATON FAST-TRACK COST-PLUS FIXED PRICE SINGLE CONTRACTOR GN MODE US MULTIPLE SUBs FIXED FEE COST-PLUS ( DESIGN-MANAGE) / \ DESIGN-BUILD VARIABLE FEE N VARIABLE FEE / FLEXIBLE, LESS ACCOUNTABLE, CONTROLABLE BY OWNER, EASY TO MAKE CHANGE ORDERS FIGURE 4-1-3 FRAMEWORK OF PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS: RELATIONSHIPS OF PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS 176 or 1d Desig n-ui part of less controllcable matke change mode and build the decision are CM management with mode CM contractor the two methods 4-1-4 Figure these rel of the and Tahara. f ramework pro.j e(ts. and Because on desicn-build is no explicit construction of in the program, industry are methods using of concept are projec:ts the four lack of classified Figure practically a lump 4-1-'5 shows practice in methods Japanese contract. AIctually, J3apaIese 177 on traditional construction the projects based limited to sum some Smyrna, contract cost-plus-fee Projects: construction plant automotive the procurement perform Therefore, Nissan Toyota KY, the previous part. though practice, have in--house A/E and management. at i ons. the of Gunma Fuji methods of no fast-track constructi methods presented the procurement purposes. the Four Autom tive Plant Development The p:rocurement royota gener al for strict of definition his contract, price be excessi vel y mav illustrates Classi-fication fixed a and are design-build methods alternative the most that think to tries presumably methods procurement and he may well applicable :i y the design- Because Minden areas. of model making of his and fix.ed price part the upper in located institutions, practical to difficult and build with design of construction build public accountable. C, orders. definition contractor in-flex,ible the contract, after by owner inden's for idicates systems of the diagram the higher Generally, on Management. Corstructi the in desi gn/constr ucti on 1 nt egrati orn requi r es a system highr there Japanese management in automotive manufacturers of functions in and Japan construction are located in the MINDEN'S DESIGN-BUILD - MINDEN'S CONSTRUCTION-CM ~ (WITH GMP) / TRODITIONAL /\\ Ai~ / / \ _ __ _ / / DESIGN-BUILD CONSTRUCTION \ MANAGEMENT / I (MINDEN'S DESIGN-CM) - - - - - - -.1 / FIGURE 4-1-4 MINDEN'S DEFINITION OF DESIGN-BUILD AND CONSTRUCTION-CM IN THE FRAMEWORK OF PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS 178 7TRADITIONAL * LUMP SUM CONTRACT AFTER COMPETITIVE BIDDING * LUMP SUM CONTRACT (TRADITIONAL)\ BEFORE THE START OF CONSTRUCTION OYOT AHAR\ FUJI HEAVY USE OF VE (IN-HOUSE DESIGN MODE CM) * OWNER'S DIRECT CONTRACT WITH (DESIGN-BUILD) BLDG. EQUIP. CONTRACTORS, & PRDC. EQUIP. SUPPLIERS IDESIGN-BUILDI CONSTRUCTION IMANAGEMENT ,-',> ISSA SMYRNA TOYOTA Y (DESIGN-MANAGE) (CONTRACTOR MODE CM) I SCOST -PLUS-A- FIXED -FEE L WITHOUT GMP - - * COST -PLUS-A-FIXED-FEE WITHOUT GMP FIGURE 4-1-5 PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS OF THE FOUR AUTOMOTIVE PLANT CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 179 tr ad i t i onal of or upper part desi gn--bui l d area. the project organizational Despite the differences in the Toyota KY and Nissan Smyrna projects, structures of their This means that the location in Figure 4-1-5 is adjacent. characteristics of the two project organizations are similar. Both projects are located in the lower part and near the border of design-build and CM in the diagram. Both projects have a contractor mode construction management function and cost-plusfee contracts between the owner and the design-builder or general The most influential contractor. (contingency factor) may well track program for Procurement Methods. Jan.1.987, time. this until Jan. 1987, Because the construction progressed On the other hand, to Figure 4-1-1, Nissan and Daniel its cost variance risks OHB had not taken the risks had taken business risks as a the Nissan Smyrna Project as contractor mode CM. classified is a be fixed during the construction and professional. According fee for for the Classification of TMC had taken most of cost variance though it contractor in TMC and OHB are under negotiation about a fixed fee and OHB's cost. about 50"4 in as design-manage classified The contract type between TMC and OHB is whose fee will As of phase. is the Flow Chart cost-plus-fee be the requirement of the fast- both projects. The Toyota KY Project Figure 4-1-1, independent variable The contract type between a cost--plus-a-fixed-fee. construction management is service is Though Daniel's fixed, the total fee associated with Daniel's own forces work varies because this 180 fee mechanism, without Daniel has the possibility risks. Regarding big OHB with program, track The Toyota Tahara Project Figure management Toyota Tahara has some Project mode though the general of OHB by a design. detailed management the upper over. 1ap with In the short, also has an the in right KY the contracts Fuii the of with directly the production area design-build equipment in the project the Figure 4-1- with some on management. constructi through and Nissan traditional. in-house construction of location the mode CM even the completion contracts and the classification automotive construction four Toyota after contractors Therefore, on contract because Fuji function suppliers. is Fuji equipment building 5 sum lump design a design-build. The Fuji Gunma Project is with is of organization of features the project and procurement the project Therefore, phase. construction equipment in-house A/E that performs the through value engineering intensive in with the directly the production TMC has an Additionally, suppliers. and contractors equipment building fast- in-house construction contracts because TMC function the is classified as traditional has some TMC though 4-1-1, a very is work shop workers. open of consists it and shop compared the complexity of handle to Daniel for arm effective work, forces' forces' Daniel's the Toyota KY because in own its a closed stance against a very strong takes Daniel use of the profit additional raise to Through this cost. the con'struction of part as a reqarded is Smyrna, projects, and between 181 of the project the similarity Toyota Tahara types of between and Fuji Gunma become clear in factors used to divide two groups procurement is the most significant a fast-track program. The methods of Toyota KY and Nissan Smyrna are very less accountable. flexible but projects (one of the most flexible construction) projects in One of Figure 4-1-5. are less flexible The Toyota Tahara and Fuji types in Gunma Japanese but more accountable than the two the U.S. 182 5. process and the organizational Evaluation of the development systems of the Toyota KY Project. In system of the Toyota KY Project are analyzed. organizational 1) are as follows: questions Critical the development project process and the chapter, this the development process and What are the differences in organizational systems for automotive plant construction in Japan and the U.S.? 2) What members' kind of project organizational do TMC and OHB build to cope with organization) internal (including project system uncertainties, such as many change orders caused by a fast-track program? 3) What kind of conceptual model project organizational and design methodology of systems should be used or developed for future projects? Several alternative strategies employed by TMC and OHB to manage uncertainties in the new environment optimal procurement possibly Comparative are examined to define methodology for TMC and OHB. studies using the Nissan Smyrna Project, Tahara Project, and Fuji Toyota Gunma Project are used to find these answers. Though there are many text books and articles construction management a rational or procurement theory of general methods, about they do not have the selection for an optimal for a theoretical framework, Minden's 38 procurement method decision making model is used because its procurement method. purpose fits this Then, chapter and probably this 183 is the first attempt to a build theory Although of methodology. application chapter this the main purpose of theory, procurement procurement and another not to build a is interpretation his theory including some recommendation to improve it will presented here. sector: A Case Study of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Planning and operations Project For Three Correctional Facilities," a case study of is based on (DCPO) Design-Build indicates, his theory public project management as well analysis of procurement methods. of his matrix as Therefore, the nature is relatively normative rather than predictive. analyze TMC's strategy for To similarities the Toyota KY Project, and differences between public agencies and as well be As his thesis title, "Design-Build in The Public Division of Capital logical of TMC will be examined as the comparison between TMC in the KY Project and Nissan in the Smyrna Project. a framework for organizational analysis of TMC and OHB, 9 by Henry Mintzberg, Bronfman Professor of the concepts built For Management Policy at McGill provides a framework University, This theory is used. for the classification of organizations and variables known as contingency factors, for defining independent to change or formulate organization structure. Henry Irwig's 27 summary of Mintzberg's framework is used to show the results of the analysis on the Irwig's pentagon diagram after The first section examines the differences in process and organizational construction in factors. Mintzberg. system for automotive Japan and the U.S. plant referring Minden's contingency The second part analyzes the four 184 development automotive plant development projects- based on Minden's Matrix (presented compared with Matrix. in Appendix 4). " the theoretically The third Toyota KY Project. Finally, examined. In project, their The actual optimal Method Design strategy -for the The project organization including contract for the Toyota KY Project are OHB's strategy for the Toyota KY Project the evaluation of Design methods are methods by the section analyzes TMC's types and the TMC's organization studied. "Procurement is TMC and OHB's strategy for the learning process in the new business environment and the difficulties of technology transfer in the construction industry are supplementally examined. 185 5-1 Differences in the development process and organizational Japan and the U.S. systems for automotive plant construction in The differences in organizational systems for automotive plant are examined in and the U.S. several parts of the thesis, Building Code, strong special constraints of the Japanese procedure regarding the preference for fixed price contracts requires the sequential construction method. strong construction practice) concept of industry though value engineering is Consequently, not well currently widely accepted the U.S. in the Japanese in clients service is construction management The construction environment and unilateral (caused mainly by constraints. are other the Japanese construction concept of and contractors relationships of stronger the historical in Limitation of independent subcontractors and the relatively relationships between clients Japan construction in As mentioned in section. this administrative inflexible and the owners' Code, the development process and is in the developed the Japan. more flexible allows more alternative procurement methods than in To extract the differences of project organizational Japan. systems between Japan and the U.S., Minden's framework of procurement 38 He summarizes the procurement methods formation is used here. method decision model organized variables in Figure 5-1-1, and covers most factors though which is well they should include factor in U.S. Because detailed analysis of Minden's decision model is out variables regarding labor relations, an important construction. of the scope of the thesis, only a brief explanation about 186 Procurement Method Decision Model Variables F Igure (CONTIGENCY FACTORS) (PROCUREMENT METHOD VARIABLES) INDEPENDENT VARIABLES INTERMEDIATE VARIABLES DEPENDENT VARIABLES PROJECT REQUIREMENTS *delivery time *size/ complexity/ environmental risk *cost SCHEDULING MANAGEMENT METHOD *sequential |*fast-track i *pre-engineering -design mode *management capability *bid/ negotiating constraints MARKET CONSTRAINTS *bidding climate *risk aversion *benefits of project disaggregation *systems CONTRACTOR SELECTION *bid *negotiate SYSTEMS APPLICATION *develop new system PRICING A *apply existing available systems system *aggregation potential *fixed *shared savings/ incentive *cost plus I- I A RATIONAL THEORY IN JAPAN INOT EXIST SOURCE: FIGURE 5-1-1: -contractor mode *design/build WORK PACKAGING *single responsibility *early work pkgs w/ transfer *multiple work packages OWNER ATTRIBUTES * *traditional A*CM MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT, I 1986 MINDEN'S PROCUREMENT METHOD DESIGN MODEL VARIABLES AND UNFAMILIAR VARIABLES FOR JAPANESE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 187 several He uses three factors, constraints, and market are further requirements, items. Japanese construction. aversion means the contractors' ability shop, merit relations as a variable labor Supplementally., explanation of 1) Shared savings/incentives; contracts where the contractor costs over or under 4 follows: is Fee = Using this x (2'P-C) formula, one of cost-plus-fee costs. where: for actual formula for sharing in A sample formula is P C x - as price target actual cost base percentage a contractor can get a higher fee in 188 the 4-2-1 are as follows: receives reimbursement target shop, (open some confusing terms in Figure this shop variables. costs plus compensation based on a special actual are projects respectively. to dependent procurement method variables in the patterns and aggregation potential also adding types of and closed shop) types prefabricated building systems. advocates adding local constraints and risk fixed price contracts. very large projects or small Available systems are related to of market reflected in case of in premiums constraints, to bear different Benefits of project disaggregation, The author These factors In project market This is notably cost risks. applied for attributes, and the economic and political logistic, risk owner includes factors such as unknown risk In of contractors' presented here. independent variables All conditions affecting a project. of risk, is as contingency factors. environmental weather, site, project requirements, divided into ten are applicable for expl anati on, than full rather terms, case of a the target 2) a and cost, lower of effects construction time, Work packaging; 4) a associated with actors. 5) work Early is using a the a packages compromise while of multiple separate package fast-track risk packages; management, applicable and/or an shared to attempt procurement for the owner's the owner's to throughout contracts use these packages may by desegreqating Among refers this work to minimizing and risk requirement. Multiple decision the requirements satisfy sometimes can approach fast--track management that responsibility; single to transfer with 6) The design contractor, and contractor CM with CM holding specialty contractors are main this owner an entire for general a traditional an usually construction the for guaranteed price or between a contract means responsible fixed work. packages. this example, For proiect. build, work contractor single and a and packages with work early responsibility, responsibility; Single design construction to primarily refers this and multiple transfer, of are usable. single are Variations as reduction such pre--engineering, of kind are available, systems "off-the-shelf" If some associated with is concept this application. systems 3) on cost based price. Pre-engineering; the a higher case of in fee lower be dictated the project. by the use competition enhance hold direct and manage the project. and savings/incentives, the Japanese construction fast-track. variables, development 189 cost-plus project. are not These of variables are the di-fferences exactly owners, some though as TMC provide some to capability such and of part between developed design mode and Japan in Japan, have the and A/E Fuji, cost control, contracting, as value engineering, not well is management C. I'onstruction U. the broadly methods, systems, process and organizational development the procurement in services CM and such quality control. procurement construction systems framework. methods procurement and the traditional applicable as no for fast-track image of the Japanese gives the graphical Figure 5-i-2 Because the in the project area of the combination is method, Japanese and methods his matrix construction no cost-plus. 190 organizational Japanese construction of Minden's is supposed with some design-build to be restrictions, such JAPANESE PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS CM D&B N / / / FIGURE 5-1-2 JAPANESE PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS IN THE PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM FRAMEWORK 191 the Four Automotive 5-2 Evaluation of Plant construction Procurement Methods. the four automotive plant The project organization of development Tahara, projects, and Fuji Gunma, Method is methods. of Massachusetts and the theoretical is After in the successful projects. matched results between the optimal in rather than a surgical operation the Toyota KY Project system is necessary to improve First, design matrix Design Matrix" is examined. is presented Figures 5-2-i method the and the actual of the project organizational it in the project. method design matrix is done, is applied Minden's whole in of the while applicability Appendix "Procurement Method 4. includes contingency factors of automotive plant projects. the four Figures 5-2-2-a contains the results the application for the Toyota KY Project. and 5-2-2-d, Consequently, a comparison between the optimal Then, methods and actual methods the suggest that only fine tuning Minden's procurement to the four projects. of the matched results with the actual method -c, the nature of his the validity for the projects, supported by the well methods employed of reasoning, is relatively normative rather than predictive. application of the matrix well developed is of design-build projects by DCPO based on the close examination matrix Toyota are analyzed here based on Minden's Because Minden's design matrix also examined. matrix Nissan Smyrna, The applicability of Minden's 38 Design Matrix" for automotive plant projects theoretically optimal "Procurement the Toyota KY, contain the results 192 Figure 5-2-2-b, of the application for the A: TOYOTA KY B: NISSAN SMYRNA C: TOYOTA TAHARA D: FUJI GUNMA *** Ln WEIGHT IS EVEN ON EACH VARIABLE. , Weight > O L Procurement Method Contioece. Factors Early Accelerated Delivery Required SOURCE: MINDEN, 1986 '1 delivery time Normal Sequencing Adequate, Deliver Time Not Critical > u n o 0 0:Z0 Project Large &/or Complex &/or High Risk &/or Poor Definition Project Moderate in Size &/or Complexity size/complexity/risk Project Simple, Straightforward, Governed by Generic Standards o0 o > (D Based on Scope/Quality/Time, Budget Appears Tight Owner has SophisticatedCapable & Extensive Management Resources Owner has Sophisticated but Limited Management Resources 0 cost manement 2 Owner lacks Management Resources & Know-how 0 > C) i:J LU 0 c' >WAble U) 00 CZ > LU > w 00 > 0 H-' C) CJ Type I Owner, Weak Negotiating Position, or Required to Bid Type i Owner, Strong Negotiating Position, No Bidding Restraints Requires Fixed Price Before Commiting to Bid to Bear Most Cost Risk bibbing/negotiating constraints 0 risk aversion Weak Competition, Limited Qualified Contractors Good Competition, Bidding Viable Qualified Contractors Unable -to Offer Fixed Price w/o High Premium Qualified Contractors Can Offer Fixed Price w/o Excessive Premium Competition May Be Improved or Risk Managed by Disaggregating Project No Significant Benefit by Disaggregating Project Building Systems Meeting Project Requirements Available Building Systems Not Available but Potential Market building systems availability or Aggregations Maiy Justify market potentitl U) contractor risk aversion advantages of disaggregation 0o C d Procurement Method Attributes Normal Seuential Design/ Bid/ Build Schedule - Accelerated Design &/or Construction Fast-Track Pre-Engineering Single Responsibility Contract F Early Work Packages w/ Transfer Multiple Work Packages Use Existing System Develop New Building System Use Open Systems or Conventional TechnologyO Traditional Method Design-CM Construction-CM (CM w/GMP) Design- Build t Systems T Bid Competitively+ Negotiate* Fixed or Unit Price* Shared Savings* Cost Plus* * Fr ovve// protxI. 1nt /XV speate wm-k pwkages Xx 0 X . v V X x / ..2 2 v V 1. 1Sv :2v ari/y LEGEND: POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION 0: RECOMMENDATION BY THE MATRIX Q: ACTUAL METHODS IN TOYOTA KY v: SOURCE: MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT, 1986 FIGURE 5-2-2-at:MINDEN'S PROCUREMENT METHOD DESIGN MATRIX (part c) AND ITS APPLICATION FOR TOYOTA KY PROJECT 194 C Procurement Method Attributes Normal Se-uential Design/ Sid/ Build Schedule Accelerated Design &/or Construction Fast-Track Pre-Engineering 1 Xx : V -1 Single Responsibility Contract Early Work Packages w/ TransferX. Multiple Work Packages 2 Use Existing System Develop New Building System Use Open Systems or Conventional Technology Traditional Method Design-CM 0 Construction-CM (CM w/GMP) Design-Build t Systems XX 0 - O06 3 0 Bid Competitively* Negotiate* Fixed or Unit Price* Shared Savings* c -2 2 Cost Plus* * Far overe// pro;t, wt nassxrily seperate umr* p~Xkap LEGEND: v: POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION 0: RECOMMENDATION BY THE MATRIX -: ACTUAL METHODS IN NISSAN SMYRNA SOURCE: MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT,1986 FIGURE 5-2-2-b: APPLICATION OF MINDEN'S MATRIX FOR NISSAN SMYRNA PROJECT 195 C Normal eouential Design/ Bid/ Build Schedulel 1 1,7 I v O| O Accelerated Design &/or Construction Fast-Track Pre-Engineering Single Responsibility Contract Early Work Pckages w/ Transfer Multiple Work Packages Use Existing System v Develop New Building System Use Open Systems or Conventional Technology Traditional Method * (CM w/GMP) 2 v -1 X X- -(x X 0o 3 v C t a1O 2 O - 3 Vv v Cost Plus* FAX ovra/ pro;gt, /7t seperate zrVk pks- v O 0 Negotiate* Fixed or Unit Price* Shared Savings* * XX- X Bid Competitively* d 1 1 Design-CM Construction-CM Design-Build Systems I ! j Procurement Method Attributes -1 d s:Sr//y LEGEND: v: POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION 0: RECOMMENDATION BY THE MATRIX Q: ACTUAL METHODS IN TOYOTA TAHARA SOURCE: MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT, 1986 FIGURE 5-2-2-c: APPLICATION OF MINDEN'S MATRIX FOR TOYOTA TAHARA PROJECT 196 C Procurement Method Attributes No.rmal Secuentia Design/ ;id/ Suild Scheduli Accelerated Design &/or Constr uction Single Responsibility Contract Early Work Packages w/ Transfer I Develop New Building System Use Open Systems or Conventional Technology I I d * Ftr over// proixt,rwt ntexssrly seertenzk pwxesLEGEND: v: 0: Q: POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION RECOMMENDATION BY THE MATRIX ACTUAL METHODS IN FUJI GUNMA SOURCE: MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT, FIGURE 5-2-2-dt: APPLICATION OF MINDEN'S MATRIX FOR FUJI GUNMA PROJECT 197 1986 Gunma projects Fuji Nissan Smyrna, 'Toyota Tahara, and respectively. The section of the project procurement of Construction-CM definition general Actually, methods in the framework or sub-optimal Design-CM in of Figure 5-2-3, but, methods is found to be seems to be favorable for uses Design-CM as a default- methods. alternative is without a Design-Build guaranteed project using a and maximum price, the as design-manage by B&P's definition. classified is project from the discrepancy of the optimal methods from the actual contract somewhat the Toyota KY and Nissan Smyrna cases, The Toyota KY Project cost-plus quite strict results seem to be different probably because Minden option for is results represented by the Minden's decision matrix very small. Minden's evaluated against these two methods. the optimal the actual to evaluate project and Design-Build so the optimal purposes, may be strictly model important the previous section, in As explained systems. for especially the figure is shown in method Minden's design-build does not contain the concept of designmanage that will Therefore, definition. recommendation Project. possible options or methods of the optimal it can be said that matches the actual Additionally, Contrary as design-CM according to his be classified method in the optimal the Toyota KY design-build and construction-CM are sub-optimal of the matrix. to the Toyota KY Project, the actual procurement the Nissan Smyrna Project seem to match perfectly with methods of the matrix, Minden's construction-CM (with GMP) 198 but the project because Daniel, is not exactly the A: / TOYOTA KY B: NISSAN SMYRNA C: TOYOTA TAHARA D: FUJI GUNMA TRAD ACTUAL SYSTEM /: OPTIMAL SYSTEM BY MINDEN'S MATRIX /0: MINDEN'S D&B MINDEN'S ---- D&B CONSTRUCTION CM CM /@ FIGURE 5-2-3 ACTUAL AND POSSIBLY OPTIMAL PROJECT SYSTEMS OF THE FOUR PROJECTS IN THE PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM FRAMEWORK 199 constructor-CM, of did not is best second In the Toyota KY in should be factors, as the Type Type 2 Owner as the as the Type classified the Nissan Smyrna factors contingency the same Nissan by this is very of be well, In factors, system or rather method automotive by If Nissan project system of CM than the matrix. actual of methods projects and the Smyrna projects may of the misjudgment the possibility exactly method of development the improvement of because the KY become actual the plant methods in Nissan possibility of organizational, considering with NMMC. and Toyota differences between the theoretically optimal suggest the quite certain, design mode this case, Though constraints. that Minden's theoretically optimal successful small the Nissan Smyrna Smyrna matches the optimal the four Daniel the the so certain not definition. only 1 Owner, the optimal will change. Considering cover Project is 1 Owner the strong negotiating position of is is the owner in his to between Project methods as a design-CM, classified tkhe difference constraints TMC's classification the actual accorcding and Nissan Smvrna bidding/negotiating Nissan's one Therefore, the matrix, contingency Project a GMF'. Project the Nissan Smyrna which set the the project's on the contingency improvement of his model. As predicted in actually, optimal in the methods perfec-tly. This the previous cases of by Toyota the matrix may well section Tahara and the support using Figure and Fuji actual the validity 5-1-2, Gunma, the methods coincide of his algorithm and suggest applicability for other public projects in the U.S. 200 of TMC's strategy for the Toyota KY Project. 5-3 Analysis project First, a brief overview of the TMC's studied. is project, strategy for the development project organization cost control Next, project is presented. the Toyota KY Project, of mechanism Smyrna Project. organization for the system and the TMC's organizational which contains the the Toyota KY Project, TMC's strategy for is comparing it studied, TMC's organization Then, the especially its with the Nissan for the KY Project is framework of organizational analysis for TMC, 27 9 Mintzberg's theory, summarized by Irwig, in his pentagon diagram For a analyzed. is Finally, alternative methods or possible employed. improvements for TMC for questions in Critical studied. a risky/large/complex project are section are as follows: this 1) How does TMC cope with uncertainties in the new environment? 2) What are the alternatives or possible improvements for project a risky like TMC for the Toyota KY Project? TMC's strategy for- the Toycyta KY Project: Though there are no clear strategy for the Toyota KY Project, strategy rather because it is statements by TMC about large, complex ,and and the strategy for the project. TMC' s general for the project The strategy seems to risky. general management of the new subsidiary, selection, must have set up a new than using a standard manual into three steps: be classified it its strategy for the the strategy for the site the design and construction of strateav may well be typical of ,Japanese corporations having overseas subsidiaries that rely on Japanese management to run the subsidiaries. 201 Though it is not about the degree of clear operations, the new subsidiary's autonomy the construction until TMC retains most control for its phase. TMC formed In order to choose the plant site, a site investigation team, though the team did not continue to the Through the intensive negotiation design and construction phase. TMC states, several a competitive environment of with KY in succeeded in getting $125 million in incentives from KY. For two of the most the plant construction, plant objectives are to make a Toyota style in Additional the shortest duration. involvement of cost and higher important TMC KY and to make it in requirements are reasonable construction management TMC in (especially technically) using TMC's methods as much as possible. Because of the large scale, complexity, and uncertainties of in the construction environment OHB as KY, a buffer against the risks. TMC must have decided to use TMC tries to be involved in the design and construction through OHB, so TMC contracted design-build with OHB by negotiation. By contracting design- build with OHB, TMC can avoid any possible contractual with American A/Es or contractors. troubles Through the negotiation with OHB, TMC contracts with OHB by a cost-plus contract because of the necessity of a fast-track program to achieve the shortest project duration. of the project (this enables to TMC to control to be involved heavily in many change orders, Presumably, TMC assumes the financial risks Consequently, the project) the project because of feature of a special TMC's intention in its 202 and the necessity of a fast-track. involvement in the project is ma in1y for quali t/ control but not cost control prefers competitive because TMC traditionally construction, during bidding and a l ump sum contr act. Because probably TMC did not expect the complexity necessity of large amount of track program, TMC did not intensive cost control problem of potential of TMC's program traditional in in change orders adjust its and caused by the fast- organization for the the KY Project. This causes a delay of the project because of the mismatch cost system with the fast-track control the KY Project. The Cost Control Mechanism in The Project O1rganization of the Toyota KY Project. As analyzed in chapter 4 especially shown in the project organizational Smyrna type of the Toyota KY and Nissan are very similar and classified flexible types, as one of the most but some potential friction between which did not exist between NMMC and Daniel, especially in the cost control. progressed smoothly and successfully in the similar contractual but in the different illustrates the mechanism of the cost control the Toyota KY and Nissan Smyrna projects. subcontracting, contracts, seems to exist of the cost control. Figure 5-3-1 system in TMC and OHB, Both projects generally have type between owners and contractors mechanism Figure 4-1-5, both projects use basically fixed price so the owners do not need to control Regarding assume cost variance risks costs after the subcontracts if no change orders. Different cost 203 control or the owners make mechanisms between the 1I CONTROL (RISK TAKING) DELEGATION (RISK PREMIUM) JAPAN THE U.S. LJil I I I L.L SUBs UNCERTAINTIES TRACK *FAST PROJECT *BIG UNFAMILIAR PLACE * LABOR RELATIONS * ETC. * FIGURE 5-3-1 DIAGRAM OF COST CONTROL MECHANISM IN THE TOYOTA KY AND NISSAN SMYRNA PROJECT 204 two projects .Y to TMC Project, OHB of a on change the flow of the nature As to quick decisions make TMC because system the project. for valve to as a safety is facilitate works by deciding emergency work without getting the TMC's approval function is OHB acts project, the actual is Japan. in cost control many Therefore, it seems to be difficult but the Toyota change orders of directly. required is TMC the traditional Just using any authority head office TMC's In change orders. the subsidiary program, orders, of delegate does not go to fast-track before the start informal. of Certainly, though this the works, TMC may feel uncomfortable to the after decision making individual approve OHB's work. the case TMC controls and change orders In in appear start of this Despite the very cooperative contract type between TMC and OHB, TMC has had to because of excessive distance keep unilateral the traditional from OHB perhaps relationships between them in Japan. the Nissan Smyrna In flexible than OHB position of Daniel Project, in the KY Project delegation use of its and Daniel, seems to cooperate well. for NMMC is less accountability work though, C-30 in forces. The done by Daniel's its task utilizing own learning force project much because management of forces. opportunities about TMC development 205 cost From are and Nissan One of the the development the American Compared with a in team, the of of decision making and permission formal own is more NMMC's Daniel's NMMC, Kahn, disadvantages effectiveness of the Nissan's viewpoint, limited only process. It through the has succeeded system fully. in each project, TMC has more for opportuni ties the project than has business through construction or general learn Ameri can to Japanese managers its Ni ssan. Though TMC's higher involvement OHB's informal advantages, in the project has certain function as a safety valve regarding of decision on urgent change orders suggests the possibility improvements of the project Regarding the organization. of the setting of GMP by OHB or Daniel, possibility is said that Daniel the owner than OHB because Daniel's formal associated with the owner's risks Coincidentally, optimal latitude can be it less risk a position to offer in some premium to and less cooperation with the project. analysis corresponds to the theoretically this that recommends method by the Decision Matrix construction-CM with GMP for the Nissan Smyrna Project. TMC's organization for the Toyota KY Project. Though TMC's total subject organizational of the thesis, his pentagon diagram, analysis is not the Mintzberg's theory summarized by is Irwig employed for the analysis of TMC's organization regarding the Toyota KY Project. Because of the strictly departments, configuration of TMC's functional a high demand for accountability of cost effectiveness, and highly standardized manual for operations in 11 most areas by the TOC program, TMC has many common characteristics with the public institute. size and old age, classified TMC's organization as a fairly Mintzberg's framework. Despite its large for the KY project is pure type of machine bureaucracy in For reference, 206 Nissan's organization in regardi ng total NMMC's because of form a di vi si onal. i zed f ied as cl assi is Smyrna Project the autonomy. 9 organizational for framework Mintzberg's 5-3-2 gives Figure 28 pure five Mintzberg's is this 2) The of authority of to professionals. this type. Machine The Bureaucracy; procedures activities. For and other Motors is The For based Because KY, TMC team, example, in a of control type. this is are which segments each For instance, Sloan's General addition have organization to which lines relatively is construction company system less is the to delegation project 207 using a type. this the consistent an inter-departmental for include -typically these groups within large manager project does not TMC's on heavily independent of has matrix this Coordination groups. field are type. this informal. firm type. relatively the headquarters. of Adhocracy; project has some this and market to and the coordination a this that This relies a mass--production Form; related strongly for example, The Divisionalized has departments functions. by their separated is a university instance, this is supervision Less direct For standardized 5) company owner-managed has considerable delegation this Bureaucracy; Professional strictly 4) small the are relatively type. character 3) operations Typical example, For undifferentiated. as follows: are organization has centralized authority that this supervision. executes direct of features Special types of The Simple Structure; 1) Irwig. by as summarized analysis, is removed subsidiary in project from the two direct supervision by Strategic apex SIMPLE STRUCTURE ) new firm, entreprene urship 0, 4*1s standardization of work processes by tecrinostructure 4 rationalization, external control complexity A mass production firm public bureaucracy andardized skills of professional ized operating core personal serviCe organization craf t enterprise MACHINE BUREAUCRACY 0 PROFESSIONAL BUREACRACY S *0 ,4 0 *00 too, o0 DIVISIONALIZED FORM I0 c' * ,t, . s conglomerate federation ADHOCRACY mammoth complexity, dynamism divisional interdependencies project reduced interdepencies across markets middle line balkanization, standardization of outputs support staff collaboration. through mutual adjustment after FIGURE 5-3-2: MINTZBERG (1979) MINTZBERG'S FRAMEWORK FOR ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS SUMMARIZED BY IRWIG 208 Figure projects arrow under TMC TMC's projects. risky for of movement dot The framework. the recommended gives for organization and Nissan's Mintzberg's in the U.S. type organizational TMC illustrates 5-3-3 in their actions. and prompt flexible, dvnamic, requires that project development and risky a big for adhocracy, and form divisionalized types, organizational more desirable for- TMC to a Risky Alterative Methods or Possible Improvements Project. Given that TMC there As studied Other alterative. feasible Maximum If responsibility. possible organization, TMC's organization team. project some delegating Because design-mange, actual who can Another the project by the about authority actual is limited, merits questionable. provide construction extremely project though 209 considerable inter-departmental actively OHB more utilize change orders. OHB of Because many as classified is TMC's using management there are to add more flexibility the to savings single to delegating design-build, the additional method is shared using structuring adjustment a set the Guaranteed are to or is are to adjustments the subsidiary to authority for Design-CM, Design-Manage, maintains the current TMC method actual transfer work packages with and early contract, variations unchanged, 5-2, the Construction-CM, (GMP), Price section as the same the almost is in is actual the though alternatives, works well. whose nature the strategy for the project be several will generally by 's design-CM Japanese services American in in companies the U.S. CMs, as are long as direct supervision by strategic apex SIMPLE STRUCTURE new firm. entreprene urship 'P 4.- q~No t standardization of work processes by technostructure 0 Complexity rationalization, external control ii..1 tandardized skills of prof essionalized operating core mass production firm public bureaucracy MACHINE craf BUREAUCRACY personal service or ganization enterprise PROFESSIONAL BUREACRACY 0 0 ) 0il 10 ? TMC 0 0o 0 NISOSAN DIVISIONALIZED FORM 4) conglomerate ADHOCRACY federation mammoth complexity, dynamism divisional interdependencies middle line balkanization. standardization of outputs ~projAct project reduced interdepencies across markets supoort staff collaboration. through mutual adjustme-it after MINTZBERG (1979) FIGURE 5-3-3: TMC AND NISSAN'S ORGANIZATION FOR THEIR PROJECTS IN THE U.S. IN THE MINTZBERG"S FRAMEWORK SUMMARIZED BY IRWIG 210 TMC ex-pects commurni cation alterative TMC If the development of experience learning construction management American project with about regarding alternatives associated with place, unfamiliar project, with the design-builder, from OHB GMP from TMC's familiar the of the GMP pulls change of and the In the in it to TMC because be similar 4-1-3, the to framework conceptual of the setting the traditional system toward the organizational labor invalid. for Figure reactions TMC had gotten the Even if system one. are mostly TMC to get the GMP be attractive systems organizational project and big and TMC's would have made the GMP will traditional methods very hard for is it changes the organizational action of be inconvenient as fast-track, relations, labor construction setting Nevertheless, the such it, scope changes various during relations may Because of the many without big risk premiums. OHB, CM style American procurement related to the setting of the GMP. uncertainties The CMs. the American may well it although TMC project. for the first Other with the CM, several opportunities provide good risky from this the actual for communication English the design-CM select can accepts with CM, 1language no benefit have practically will method. the Japanese in system. One of OHB or the most is the design-builder aqencies for proposals specifications design-build (RFP) is ways for practical the key and generic apply the to where TMC making point. an The RFP standards rather 211 to get methods excellent must than the GMP from used by public request for be performance prescriptive opti mal specifications to get any get a work monitoring becomes to project team for improve TMC's the owner's for the contract), "special formed a the design-build team)for a of the formulation certainly process will projects. and risky large for organization of Division which used the fixed development the entire the owner time, Massachusetts of process, the entire implement project the same (DCPO), after the owner's the design and construction. in (inter-departmental project unit" at the design the contract, at made institutions even builder To construction. the requirements (minimum in the project involvement the minimum but Planning and Operations design-build price with even The Commonwealth Because Capital contract after be involved loses the chance to lump sum some public This means, stage. development without design a with contract SLIm lump time duration, project the shortest delivery set before be should that builder design a after by the owner control and quality In 9 Mintzberg's framework, toward organization TMC's complex and risky U.S.A., because this Another based framework, orqanizational toward organization ef fective In for short, possible Project are the use of improvement prompt making. to form for the decision TMM, and In Mintzberg's TMC's pulls delegation the divisionalized overseas operati for the delegation decision this team pulls flexibility possible promotes adjustment the project facilitates is the project for organization TMC's has adhocracy that projects. a project of formulation the that is usually ons. alternatives for TMC to the Toyota KY the design-CM, design-build with the GMP, 212 the formati on of an the delegation of i nter-departmental proj ect team aLthority to the subsidiary. 213 i n TMC, and 5-4 Analysis of (JHB's strategy fOr the Toyota KY Project. examined summary and of OHB's strategy, 2) What are the a risky project like ThrouIgh the evaluation or project. the new in environment? OHB for improvements possible for the Toyota KY Project? strategy, of OHB's its technology transfer are supplementally industry the construction process in learning of and the difficulties the new environment in a risky the project, as follows: section are alternatives includes a for with uncertainties does OHB cope How organization to avoid OHB this in questions 1) for methods alterative Critical OHB s are organization section this 5-3, the previous section in studied. is Project the project of methods alternative Because the KY the Toyota for strategy OHB's examined. OH's strategy far- the Toyota KY Project: OHB got After as a itself strategy of design-manager the its client's OHB had the neqotiation choices of more systems than organizational Before for strategy operation and using Citadel, As a project Toyota The latitude to usEual style, itself as such the local with inherent greatly influenced KY Project is select with by not an project TMC was more OHB than a design-manager, as structuring in a is because OHB's subsidiary 214 is defined venture with joint with ease friction about the contract OHB defined or OHB the general following management the U.S. requirements. exception but in in industry construction contractor, the project in to actively from TMC, contract using construction contractors local a design-build the U.S. flexible usual. OHB had a joint venture The joint was venture plan impression on good and there TMC OHB's practical method than the joint from project an American TMC's in involvement project and determined OHB's direct also expected that OHB project American the big size would it manager who and the project of and the be able to manage OHB' s have of Japanese an hire reason, excellent because of the project network information the in participation addition to this In could OHB would construction rather than using Citadel. the the high requirements But the design language requirement and favorable manufacture, project. OHB that OHB had gotten If venture. automotive to manage the Citadel used more a much was a make venture partners. joint control using Citadel Moreover, did not style some possibility was to difficulties have had mi ght because this favorable not through Citadel. in succeeded OHB Based contract using thesis, of it project. with TMC proj ect. subcontractors) with is TMC of and K Y, 4 on the arid has Consequently, are limited the a cost-plus-fee a big out of to build a merit on this shop general to shop contractors 215 the kind and discussion possible merit focus of influence labor relations local OHB decided American and construction made is relations labor very important Based and to form. AGC's design-build analysis Though in and Nissan's with to programs fast-track OHB negotiated management, organization similar experience rich on Jordan's including construction, is This strategy manage the project. Runyon. OHB's site structuring in latitude possible Jordan and gave him the widest hiring for contractors the (not and open Because many large general shop contractors. contract this kind of decision of the merit general of market possible are union shop contractors, shop limits the availability problems of opportunities the selection the project divide labor disaggregation of of big project of the capable significantly. contractors OHB decided to risk contractors who can with general six for reduce the increase The contractors. also increased the contractors to areas unions and to capable general the project of to accountability TMC. CMB's organization for- the Toyota KY Project: Though scope of OHB's analysis is out of the 9 27 thesis, Mintzberg's theory summarized by Irwig in the total his pentagon diagram, organizational Project, of is used here as was the TMC's analysis. Because of as a organizational the almost total field autonomy this OHB's organization regarding divisionalized form like Nissan's for the KY project is classified regarding NMMC. overseas operations, OHB's organization is a In fairly pure divisionalized form because of engineering administrative departments, though OHB's operations or in organization project for Japan are because of manager the Toyota framework of Because low technical system. KY Project Irwig's of the less interaction with done through its matrix Figure and pentagon, large size requirements, 5-4--1 for its after of OHB's 216 relatively lines terms its main adhocratic the field using gives OHB's operations based organization in Japan in the Mintzberg. the project field and autonomy the relatively for -the project direct supervision by Strategic apex SIMPLE STRUCTURE new firm. entrepreneurship C=! 5& c**4# , standardization of work processes by technostructure standardized skills of professionalized operating core 00.. rationalizati on, external co ntrol comPlexity mass production firm public bureaucracy personal service organization craft enterprise PROFESSIONAL MACHINE BUREAUCRACY BUREACRACY 0 n j 0 04 * toa., 10 0/1 0e.' *,,, 5 J. 0I *. * . , FOR TOYOTA KY OHBi :OHB) DIVISIONALIZED FORM conglomerate IN JAPAN ADHOCRACY federation complexity, dynamism divisional interdependencies mammoth project reduced interdepencies across markets middle line balkanization. standardization of outouts supoort staff collaboration. through mutual adjustment after FIGURE 5-4-1: MINTZBERG (1979) OHB'S ORGANIZATION FOR THE TOYOTA KY PROJECT AND FOR ITS OPERATIONS IN JAPAN IN MINTZBERG'S FRAMEWORK SUMMARIZED BY IRWIG 217 be optimal certainly will maki ng. decision prefabricated But in case of may well As described in Project, KY projects technically-complex the full to utilize 3-3, Project Organization there are two subsystems Jordan's leadership, general controlling of OHB's and contractors TMC. corresponding with American and suppliers, especially organization This works and at provides Japanese engineers American construction an and managers learn in Japanese staff environment to is section. American and excellent by are integrated engineering the division of functional well two subsystems These the OHB's e in Ohba and Mizoguchi's leadership, OHB's Japanese staff the or form for OHB's divisionalized be inefficient section Thorough organization. is based and project quick OHB. of potential staff promote system buildings, overseas operations Toyota to especially extensively for about the business. -for OCB to a risky Alternate methods or possible improvements project: TMC's Many of overlap with those of Project are informed program similar and the TMC. closely owner's mode project suggestion TMC's latitude OHB. in As the U.S. analyzed in the complexity responsibi design-manage of In this respect, of organization. might well a roles project have been 5-3, 218 fast-track in Especially inter-departmental section and the Toyota KY OHB should have of 1 i ties OHB acts 5-3, section OHB because OHB's roles in to TMC more in explained alternatives, the team beneficial as a OHB's strong assuming for safety wide TMC and valve the decision process of change orders for informally regarding and i mportant and engineering management with agreement general and the change from the decision market opportunities between OHB's to the single package the project and off had OHB of coordination additional the contractors. focus of of analysis Though decision the union shop for Assessment OHB. shop at of of the beginning of the early benefit least, stage of disputes with the AFL-CIO. agreement on are very 219 cost of OHB" the project the labor the contracts stage. the project and but at merit a is the project of relations the procurement complicated, is decision at at labor the selection the thesis, important union value the project of result the strategic Actually the trade contractors general As a regarding shop. of between disaggregation depends on to might contractors construction, during contractors general merit shop to the union contract OHB. for the AFL-CIO coordinate six such as six to project the strategy be the optimal and program, functions, the control. quality disaggregation of The for TMC and OHB in fast-track the facilitate OHB's construction activate not to formally, project will This delegation improve the relationship between definitely the of some authority to decide permission. TMC's without change orders very the beginning at authorized OHB should have gotten is, that project, have been should is This function the sake o-f smooth project progress. shop The is of was a really of selection the alternative the alternative selection of could have The impacts of big. oLit the avoided the project The agreement made most of price contract invalid, and fixed the contractors GHB between in a change the and general conditions original the of the contracts. but relations, labor including it In participants. the management project by OHB's construction take. Though learn American program control differences possibility some American of research apart good institute good of American of Japanese of business conventions, to learn to industry a special and from the actual idea. Probably, some unit, site organization, too much of 220 some the QC program by the from details engineering including engineering there is to apply improve quality impossible because of is construction the not utilize aspect the to managers the OHB does transfer OHB could that for environment management, the direct American an option is team special on the GMP. of investigation American construction structuring of setting learn the engineering and the project the to adjustments, TMC does not make big sense for Japanese contractors for Then, OHB will after construction Though construction. stage. OHB can get the widest latitude OHB creates a opportunity to good contractors case, the technical Finally, the this If TMC. make will offer this scope changes, uncertainties have the general offer the GMP the during the construction be able to propose the GMP for be well may a considerable still is OHB may well be able to alternative. so many because of the project in unrealistic cost) maximum (not guaranteed the GMP Setting the program. OHB's its technical staff department From for may well a divisionalized the project, have been form of a OHB's organi Zation attempt. overseas for There+ore, operati collaborating research OHB's some shift of hinders the this organization kind of form of the on-s toward adhocracy by the overseas divi sion' s with other institute operations overseas and departments, the engineering overseas oper ati ons. 221 such as the technical department, may ameliorate 6. Conclusions and Further Resear-ch. Through the case study of the Toyota KY Project and the other three comparable projects, and Fuji development the American than the Japanese environment. can be in recognized program, fast-track as a part high-level coordination of design managed by the traditional alternative project A fast-track project in exist systems, that system is is the higher it conStruction management and best Another important integration of design a hybrid of design- can be said that Japanese systems are the residual all Japan. Japan and this the most flexible build and construction management, systems minus but not in Japan. such as has a design-mode exists in Because design-manage is project organizational exists system. the U.S. with a lump sum contract organizational A and construction that cannot be organizational advantage of the design-build All systems. program requires and construction management and construction. more dynamic Japan primarily because the system for short duration projects in American the American organizational and a construction-mode, is requires the traditional development process. Design-build of in sequential design-- r-manage is a dynamic phased construction process, Japanese Building Code strictly Some environment it Japanese project organizational construction but not American process and systems between Japan and the U.S., project organizational systerms Toyota Tahara, the differences of the development Gunma, found that Nissan Smyrna, construction of the all management type methods. types usually employ contracts that also do not exist practically 222 in Japanese building construct i on. Consi dering one of the most management construction with early associated lift off process of in management industry. the Japan on may are contractors a of special the sequential formal strong independent for the of projects. of the process the construction of Japanese skills of management use of limited choosing possibly financially methods. systems is to define the project organizational systems clearly the design of appropriate systems for various Using the framework systems presented in of owners and immaturity A framework of the project organizational and to facilitate development construction between deregulation resources by allowing the owners' developed the the Japanese c:onstruction reason project development of influences contractors and contribute to the effective optimal program fast-track relationships a potential advantages of facility, of for limitation and a requirements of promote the development may well of the elaboration management, construction of be beneficial Though sLAbcontractors the use is delivery strict important of Figure 4--I-3, the project organizational the project organization types the Toyota KY and Nissan Smyrna are found to be very similar because they are very flex,ible (controllable by owners) but less accountable systems despite the different configuration of project organizations. classified as traditional, In the framework, Toyota Tahara is with some owner's in-house construction management functions, classified their as a design-build with 225 and the Fuji a lump-sum, Gunma is also with some owiner' s i n-house In construct i on managqement order to figure out fuIcti ons. the theoretical ly optimal project organizational "Procurement systems or procurement methods, Minden''s 38 Method Design Matrix" is applied for the four automotive plant construction projects. the theoretically optimal methods employed in procurement the four matched results of methods with the actual successful projects support the validity of his design matrix, projects. Well Because his matrix at least for automotive plant is presumably made for public projects originally, his definition of design-build and construction-CM seems to be excessively strict purposes, however, if some project organizational useful systems is made, general the definition for the design matrix will be for many types of projects. Despite TMC's tendency its adjustment of for traditional Project, methods for (or presumably its its construction policy) in the project organization is unusual Japan to in for TMC. use the KY This implies that OHB's suggestion was implemented regarding the project organizational systems to achieve possibly the shortest project duration. Though the project organizational definitely be one of the optimal design matrix, many factors of methods analyzed in system will Minden's the development process and organization seem to be undesirable for TMC because instant decision making and many change orders during construction required by the fast-track construction management program contradict TMC's traditional methods. Further, contract does not guarantee the final 224 the cost-plus-fee project cost for TMC, and many for the in KY subsidiary decision certainly work addition, formation of may well be of big, but most TMC and is may well practical prefer ways for to OHB will In mechanism. project give some to team for the flexibility uncertainties associated with project. and risky which changes the type of the actual to in it on OHB's cost control a more procurement practical less delegation some extent orders to this to cope with comple., not (in to the TMC's delegation a good prescription the optimal not cost making process inter-departmental an system greatly oroanizational and To activate more, in Setting the GMP by OHB, Project Because of less delegation decision smoothly. oil motor TMC's organization kind TMC's on change making regarding as for change orders, TMC's headquarters function management construction probably and OHB. the development, regarding may not work change orders this TMC the project, change orders, OHB about make the orders implies between many framework) for Mintzberg's to TMC's machine bureaucratic organization Because of control. project TMC seems to hold excessive authority regarding in Japan to and cost-plus contract the to some adjustments of good valve for as a safety function some urgent change decision making on necessity informal OHB's but sake), its for flex.ible is is assumes cost variance risks TMC (though change orders many it because program fast-track cost. the final the KY Project systems in organizational The project of the uncertainties increase change orders this because TMC to get 225 method risky it inflexible is for project type, is the Toyota KY environment, accountable. One of the a reasonable GMP from OHB is appl y If TMC makes should and lump sum contract. In would have become it TMC had gotten the GMP from OHB, even if reality, a after the owner's control time without delivery quality optimal get be able to TMC will specifications, than prescriptive that (RFP) standards rather generic and specifications be performance desi gn-bui Id. for proposals for requirement excellent an agenci es by public: used the methods to agreement with the project invalid because of the AFL-CIO during construction that changed the original in are big uncertainties labor relations the Actually, conditions. the Toyota KY Project. the viewpoint From OHB provides organization of the higher involvement the design and surprising things, steps. manaqers between interactions rich American next good for Japanese business because of construction American is managers many encounter their for vital organization OHB's site learn to are in taking) risk higher they may well Though these experiences Especially, them because for environment (associated with construction. the project business, an excellent and TMC for experience learning the construction the American about of the and Japanese managers. The probably autonomy of American American and for and the of size to manage the requirements. into Japanese staff managers seems organization site the big low engineering relatively of of because OHB's two the general Japanese managers to well, and the project division The functional subsystems works well contractors correspond 226 work to with and TMC. suppliers for Al thoug~h 01-B the American indifferent construction Despite The methods, system, well it and ac:t i vel y seems to Toyota OHB having as construction control ect enough quality, provides good as American staff to study aspects, productivity, OHB has not formulated learns be relatively Project KY as well study engineering to management. proj business, engineering. to opportunities such manages the this and of kind quality study team. Though the Toyota KY Project may not be appropriate to study the engineering its phase because of quite simple structure, seems to have lost a good opportunity. Probably, OHB too its 9 divisionalized form (in overseas operations prevents consisting of shift of toward in OHB adhocracy by kind of would overseas operations and will technology between beneficial a study team Therefore, some the overseas division for improve OHB's contribute Japan for from divisionalized form between would be adjustment transfer systems collaboration departments structuring from non-overseas departments. OHB's organizational and other this staff framework) organizational Mintzberg's to and OHB. Hopefully, organization the promotion for of the U.S. Further- Research: This thesis development Toyota KY studies a very projects. Project, Even there are remaining, such as, the social and economic Theoretical organizational in aspect of project, for of systems or development 227 to site on define process in the topics the project methodology a real example, interesting engineering, impact of one several relations, development limited selection, the region. optimal in and various project conditions, firm and differences developing a Comparative general such projects, housing, developments urban and developments, Japan of renewal usual and for several sector the third projects, projects, center shopping and the systems. organizational the U.S. as public partnership) private (public between case studies and Japan, the U.S. project theory for understanding for both between similarities a theory. are necessary studies Extensive kinds of the general toward step as theory Minden's evaluate does thesis this though projects, building office out. should be carried 48 predicted Boyd Paulson concern may gather clouds" in approaching. commerce between benefits of countries the U.S. consumers and because of his research on "the that a storm of into participation are after 1979, construction, Japanese transportation contractors") in to protectionist the U.S. market;" of clouds of distant (Japanese "distant the and information A two-way flow and Japan is really necessary for the construction the presumable advantage. 228 industry existence of in both comparative the REFERENCES BOOKS 1. 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First 'High "Kentuckv General Assembly Receives Update Outlook., 1.3 January 1987. 47.Outline of the Takaoka Plant. Motor Corporation, 1983. Aichi 231 Prefecture, Japan: Toyota 48.PaulsonJr. Boyd C. Transportation No.240 in the Construction Institute Stanford University, Engineering, 49.Recio, Mari a flip-flops, Japan. Technical Report Department of Civil 1979. E., Naok.i Usui, and William G. signs union pact at KY plant." 4 december Record, in 1986. 50. "Regarding correspondence to the press after of the project agreement with AFL-CIO." Ohbayashi Corp., in 51. "Regarding correspondence to 52.Ritter, Toyota Motor corp., the publication unpublished paper 1987. January of the project agreement in Krizan. "Toyota Engineering News the press after with AFL-CIO." November the publication unpublished paper 1986. Henry L. "Nissan Motor: State-of--the-art-in Modern Steel Construction, Vol. XXVI Number Quarter, steel." 2/Second 1986. 53.Samelson, Nancy M., and John D. Borcherding. "Motivating Foremen on Large Construction Projects." Journal of Construction Division, March 1980. 54. Sato, Masaki. "Tovota' s the U.S." Nikkei decision Business, on Top International 16 July 57. "The Top International Top 21 59. "The open shop." Engineering News Contractors." Engineerinq News Record, Contractors. " Enqi neerinq News Record, Contractors." Engineering News Record, Contractors." Engineering News Record, 1982. International July Top in 1981. 15 July 53."The production 8 July 1985. 55. "atUrn project pact infuriates Record, 1.2 December 1985. 56."The independent the 1983. International 19 July 1984. 60. The World 61."Top _ofOhbayashi. International Tokyo: Ohbavashi Corp., 1986. Contractors." Ergineerinq News Record, 17 62. "Top International July 1985. Contractors." Engineering News Record, 18 63. "Top Contractors." Engineering News Record, 17 July 1930. International July 64.Tovota 1986. 1986. Toyota City: Toyota Motor 232 Corporation,1986. 65."Toyota Motor - Examines auto manufacturing facilities North America." Business_Japan, March 1986. Motor 66."Toyota the U.S., 67. "Toyota months 1986. - Studies details." feasibility Wall of vehicles building Street Journal, in 9 April in 1980. to begin car output at plant in early 1988 six ahead of schedule, KY. " Automotive News, 24 March 68."Toyota pacts is a plus." Courier Journal, 28 November 1986. 69."Toyota - Will get $125 mil in aid from Kentucky for $800 mil 200,0C)0 cars/year plant." Automotive News, 3 december 1985. 70. "Unions win, Kentucky loses L ediintp...n .Heral.d--Leader, in settlement 28 November 71.Usui, Naoki. "Japan trade mission finds Enqineerinq News, Record, 16 October 253 at Toyota." 1986. door 1986. still closed." In-terviees and Personal Carrespondences 773.Jordan, Robert B. Ohbayashi Corp. manager of Toyota Project Interview. KY: January 1987. Gunma, Corp. 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KY: of Director August 1986, Toyota for KY Project and January 1987. for New York: Ohbayashi Interview. A/E manager of Toyota Tahara Project 82.Ohsaki, Japan: February 1987. Letter Aichi, Corp. for Ohbayashi author. to 83.Sato, Quality Control Officer of Toyota Tahara Project for Ohbayas:hi Corp., Aichi, Japan: February 1987. Letter to author. 84.Shouda, Chief of Overseas Operations Section for to author. Tokyo: August 1986. Letter Corp. 85.Suzuki, Administrative Ohbaya shi Corp. KY: Ohbayashi for KY Project manager of toyota January 1987. Interview. 86. Tanabe, Proiect Aichi, Corp. Manager od Toyota Tahara Project to Japan: February 1987. Letter 87. Tanaka, Architect MI: Detroit, of Toyota KY Project Interview. January 1987. 234 for Ohbayashi for author. Ohbayashi Corp. BIELIDERAPHY BOOKS and Boyd C. Paulson, Jr. Professional Barrie, Donald S., Construction Man aement. New York: McGrow-Hi 11 Book Company, 1984. Cusmano, Michael A. 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Feigenbaum, A.V. "Total Quality Control." review 34.6:93-101, November-December For from of Entry To The U.S.A. Harvard 1956. Tokyo: Business Ohbayashi Corp., and William G. Krizan. "Japanese building Engireerin News Record, 30 January 1986. Information. Fremont, Cal.: New United Motor Manuf acturing, 1984. "Inside of Data; Nihon Keizai Irwig, Henry G. 10'4 up of Shinbun, overseas construction 10 August "Organizational Contractors. " MIT, contract." 1986. Structure of General 1980. Irwig, Henry G. "Project and Functional Managers in Construction: A Comparison Using a Critical Functional Approach. " Ohio: Case Western Reserve University. "Japan's contractors 20 September penetrate U.S." Engineerinq News Record, 1984. Jordan, Robert J. "Nissan Smyrna Project Organization." unpublished report in Ohbayashi Corp., 1936. Kraker, Jay. "Toyota plows ahead with no sign of Engineerinq news Record, 27 November 1986. 236 union pact." Kriz an, William ne2w ground." G., and James Schwartz. "Toyota pact EnQineerinq News Record, 11 December Krizranr, William G. "Building E!.ineer-inq News record., trades target breaks 1986. Toyota." 1986. 17 July Yajima Plant the Second Paint and Takao. "Fuji Kujirai, of Ohbayashi History on. " Company "s Assembly Shop constructi Corp. ,1.982. Lefebvre, Robert J. "Unlimited Opportunities ConsultIg inEqineer_, February 1983. CEs." for Maloney, William F., and James M. McFillen. "Research Needs in Construction Worker Performance. " The Journal of an George J. "Selecting Mann, Estate Development. Steven D. Minden, Vol. and Maneagment, Engineerinq Construction June 1983. The Architect." "Design-Build in Journal Public Sector: "Next man who produced Bungej Shunju, Japanese car News Ni ssan "The Takeo. the U.S." Record, plant planned 19 December Tennessee. Corporation December Kenneth a Plant Ohbayashi, Base for in B. movement into for Kentucky." Engineering Nissan Motor Manufacturing 1983. "Toyota Kentucky." Capital for 1986. MIT, 1986. Noble, Kenneth B. "Town's Industrial Rebirth Mired Dispute." The New York Times, 8 September 1986. Noble, real 1985. Tennessee: U.S.A., Toyota's of A Case Study of of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division Design-EBuild Project Planning and Operations (DCPO) Master's Thesis, Three Correctional Facilities," Miyauchi, No.2, 109, Agrees on Union The New York Workers Times, "Kentucky General Assembly Ohbayashi Corp. First Hand. " Outlook., 13 January 1987. of the Takaoka Plant. Outline Motor Corporation, 1983. Aichi 237 Prefecture, Labor To Construct 26 November to Establish Yoshirou. "Make Every Effort Recovery." Monthlv Ohbavashi_, November Georgetown "Construction in Ohbayashi Corp. Gear' . "Outlook., 30 september 1936. in now in 1986. a Firm 1986. "High Receives Update Japan: Toyota F'au1 son, Jr. Boyd C. Triasportat iJonaipnapan. Technical Report No.240 in the Construction Institute Department of Civil 1979. Stanford University, Engineering, Rec i0, Maria E., Naoki Usui, and Willi am G. +li p-flops, signs unsi on pact at KY plant. 4 december 1986. Record, "Regarding correspondence to press after te of the project agreement with AFL-CIO." in Ohbayashi Corp., January 1987. "Regarding correspondence to of the project agreement Toyota Motor in corp., Krizan. "Toyota " Engineering News the publication unpublished paper the press after with AFL-CIO." November the publication unpublished paper 1936. Ritter, Henry L. "Nissan Motor: State-of-the-art-in Modern Steel Construction, Vol. XXVI Number Quarter, steel." 2/Second 1986. Samelson, Nancy M., and John D. Borcherding. "Motivating Foremen on Large Constructi on Projects." Journal of Construction_Division, March 1930. SatoMasaki. the U.S." the "Toyota's decision on independent production Nikkei Business, a July 1985. "Saturn project pact infuriates Record, 12 December 1985. open shop." in Engineerinq News "The 'Top International 16 July 1981. Contractors." Enoineering News Record, "The Contractors." EnQineering News Record, Top International 15 July 1982. "The Top International 21 July 1983. Contractors. " Engineering News Record, "The Top International 19 July 1984. Contractors." The World of "Top Ohbavashi.. International July Tokyo: Ohbayashi Contractors." Corp., 1986. Engineerinq News Record , 17 Engi neering News Record, 18 Contractors. " Enqineerinq News__Record, 17 1980. "Top International Contractors." July 1935. "Top International July 196. Toyota Engineering News Record, 1986. Toyota City: Toyota Motor 238 Corporation,1986. "Toyota Motor -- Eamns res auto manLfact uri ng faci March 1986. North America. " Busi ness _Ja aaln. "Toyota Motor the U.S., "Toyota months - of Studies feasibility Wall details." Ii ties in vehicles building 9 Apri1 Street Journal, in 1980. 1988 six in early begin car output at plant to ahead of schedule, KY. " Automotive News, 24 March 1986. "Toyota pacts is a plus." Courier Journal 28 November 1986. "Toyota - Will get $125 mil in aid from Kentucky for $800 mil 200,000 cars/year plant." Automotive News, 3 December 1985. "Unions win, Kentucky loses in settlement Lexin.9ton-Herald-Leader., 28 November "Japan Naoki. Usui, EngineerinQ News mission finds -trade 16 October Record, 2S9 at Toyota." 1986. door 1986. still closed." Interviees and Personal Correspondences Imagawa, Head of Takasaki Office for Ohbayashi Japan: February 1987. Letter to author. Jordan, Robert B. Ohbayashi Corp. Corp. Gunma, Project manager of Toyota KY Project for KY: January 1987. Interview. KUjirai, Deputy Project Mainager of Fuji Gunma Project for Ohbayashi Corp. Gunma, Japan: February 1987. Letter to author. A/E manager of Fuji Gunma Project for Ohbayashi Kuroki, Tokyo: February 1987. Letter to author. Corp. Lefebvre, R.J., Project Manager of Toyota KY Project for Giffles Associates, Inc. Detroit, MI: January 1987. Interview. Deputy Project Director of Toyota KY Project for MiZOgUchi, Ohbayashi Corp. KY: August 1986, and January 1987. Interview. Muranatsu, Area Engineer of Toyota KY Project for Ohbayashi Corp. KY: August 1986, and January 1987. Interview Nagashima, Engineering Manager of Toyota KY Project for Ohbayas;hi Corp. KY: January 1937. Interview. Noma. Head of New York Office for Ohbayashi August 1986. Interview. Corp. New York: Ohba, Project Director of Toyota KY Project for Ohbayashi Corp. KY: August 1986, and January 1987. Interview. Ohsaki, A/E manager of Toyota Tahara Project for Ohbayashi Corp. Aichi, Japan: February 1987. Letter to author. Sato, Quality Control Officer of Toyota Tahara Project for Ohbayashi Corp., Aichi, Japan: February 1987. Letter to author. Shouda, Chief of Overseas Operations Section for Ohbayashi Corp. Tokyo: August 1986. Letter to author. Suzuki, Administrative KY: Ohbayash i Corp. manager of toyota KY Project for January 1937. Interview. Tanabe, Project Manager od Toyota Tahara Project for Ohbayashi Japan: February 1937. Letter to author. Corp. Aichi, Tanaka, Architect of Toyota KY Project for Detroit, MI: January 1987. Interview. 240 Ohbayashi Corp. 1 Appendix OliBAYASHI AGREEMENT BETWEEN COIPORATION CONTRACTOR AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR CONSTRUCTION Contract No. 200 Contract Date June 26, 1986 PROJECT: Toyota Automotive Manufacturing Facility LOCATION: Scott County, Kentucky CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Ohbayashi Corporation, a foreign corporation of Osaka, Japan - authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky with offices at Suite 200, 880 Corporate Drive, Lexington, Kentucky 40503-2749 For the Contract Price herein stated, CONTRACTOR agrees to perform and complete the work in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared or which shall be prepared by ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: Giffels Associates, Inc. Architects and Engineers 25200 Telegraph Road 48037 Southfield, MI Ernest R. McCamman, PE Arthur 0. Moran, Jr., AIA or such other or additional Architect/Engineer(s) as the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER may select. WORK TO BE COMMENCED: July WORK TO BE COMPLETED: August 30, THE CONTRACT PRICE: See Article 1, 1986 1987 (3) three. _ , by and day of THIS AGREEMENT made the between National Industrial Constructors, a corporation, having its principal offices at 1130 South 22nd Birmingham, Alabama 35201, hereinafter (P.O. Box 101), Street Ohbayashi Corporation, and the aforesaid called the "CONTRACTOR", hereinafter called the "CONSTRUCTION MANAGER." WITNESSETH, that the CONTRACTOR and the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, for the consideration hereinafter named, agree as follows: 241 ARTICLE 1 - SCOPE OF TIHE WORK The CONTRACTOR shall furnish or cause others approved by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER to furnish all of the materials arid perform or cause others approved by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER to perform all of the work shown on Drawings prepared by the Archior hereafter prepared by the Architect/Engineer and tect/Engineer furnished to the CONTRACTOR by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER with "the Work") at the building (hereinafter respect to the paint Project. The Work shall be completed in accordance with the directions of the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER with such changes, modifications, additions and corrections as the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER may hereafter impose; provided, however, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER presently anticipates the Work will generally be as follows: Paint Building (the "Work") Approximately 606,000 Sq. Tons Ft. floor structural area steel Cu. Yds. concrete and rock on both solid founded Ship is The Paint Dependent upon subsurface engineered soil-rock fill. spread will be foundations building conditions, The slab on grade is footings and/or drilled caissons. (8) inch thick unreinforced to be an eight anticipated The building structure is slab with surface hardening. a typical structural steel column, beam and truss conply built-up roofing The roof system is a struction. Sidewalls will installed on insulation and metal deck. be architectural profile insulated sandwich panels and masonry. The facility environment will be controlled by roof fired for be gas air handlers which will mounted circulating for coils cooling contain and heating handlers and roof The air chilled water for cooling. mounted substations will be enclosed within a continuous roof monitor, the areas between these units will be utilized to allow for infiltration of natural light. will The primary side of the roof mounted substations be cable fed, the secondary distribution will be by Internal to the means of both buss duct and cable. building will be fire walls as well as a mezzanine structure for support of future process air supply house(s). Lighting will be high pressure sodium vapor fixtures. Included within the Paint facility area will be a major process pit/equipment foundation x x depths 242 varyinj from process related and several smaller pits. The following process and utility headers will be preshigh pressure air, in the building: installed potable water, surized industrial waste, natural gas, deionized water, chilled water, steam, storm sewer and sanitary sewer. There will be several toilet facilities located within employee facilities. the area and other related The Paint Shop bay spacing is The facility will be fully sprinkled at a rate of The paint storage and mix area will have GPM/Sq. Ft. either CO or Halon space flooding in addition to being sprinkled. ARTICLE 2 - TIME OF COMPLETION: be commenced Agreement shall The Work to be performed under this be completed on or before August 30, 1986, and shall July 1, 1987, and during the period of construction the CONTRACTOR agrees to complete portions of the Work as follows: Completion Dates: of the Work: Portion Start Foundations 7/01/86 Start Equipment Pits & Foundations 7/01/86 Start Steel Erection 9/01/86 11/01/86 Start Roof Closure Mechanical & Electrical Installation 12/01/86 Building Closure Completed 1/01/87 Paint Shop Ready for Selected Process Installation 4/1/87 11/01/87 Equipment Trial Runs ARTICLE 3 - THE CONTRACT PRICE: The Contract Price shall be the sum of the following: (a) A lump sum fee of to cover the CONTRACTOR'S overhead and profit, which amount shall be (i) increased by of the amount by which the costs included in the Contract Price pursuant to subparagraph (d) of this Article 3 exceeds 243 the costs paragraph of the amount reduced by or (ii) included in the Contract Price pursuant (d) of this Article 3 are less than by which to sub- (b) Reimbursement for the CONTRACTOR'S "actual costs", as hereinafter defined, of such management and supervisory personnel in the employ of the CONTRACTOR as may be necessary to supervise the CONTRACTOR'S contractors and subcontractors if and only if such personnel have been approved in writing by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, which approval by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall riot be unreasonably withheld as long as the total of such "actual costs" pursuant to this subparagraph (b) does not exceed (c) Reimbursement of such general overhead items as detined in Schedule C to the bid submitted by the CONTRACTOR as the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER approves in writing, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld as long as the total cost pursuant to this subparagraph (c) does not exceed (d) defined, to the CONTRACThe "actual costs", as hereinafter TOR of completing the Work, with the exception of elements of "actual costs" included in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Article 3. Such "actual costs" of completing the include the "actual costs", as hereinafter Work shall defined, of all labor and materials necessary to complete the Work other than with respect to labor or materials for which the CONTRACTOR is to be compensated pursuant to subparagraph (a), (b) or (c) of this Article 3. Notwithstanding anything contained in this or any other agreement to the contrary, (i) such "actual costs" of completing the Work shall be included in the Contract Price only to the extent all elements of such "actual costs" of completing the Work, including, but not limited to, all contracts, subcontracts, and cost of materials and labor, have been approved in writing by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER and (ii) no amounts paid or payable to the CONTRACTOR, officers, directors or owned or employees of the CONTRACTOR or persons or entities controlled by or which own or control the CONTRACTOR shall be included in the Contract Price pursuant to this subparagraph (d) except to the extent such payment is specifically approved in a writing signed by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, which writing also acknowledges such relationship. Article 3 shall mean the The term "actual costs" as used in this aggregate amount of all expenditures actually paid with respect to labor, materials and supplies employed in the completion of the Work with the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER to receive the benefits of all discounts, credits, rebates, similar arrangements and other benefits, except as otherwise limited in this Agreement. The term "actual costs" shall, however, not include the following: (i) Compensation of the CONTRACTOR'S tive or administrative officers. 244 execu- (ii) (iii) Overhead or general expenses, of any kind, excupt any such expenses speci fically mentioned in subparagraphs 3. Article and (c) of this (b) Services and expenses of the CONTRACTOR'S executive, administrative, estimating, purchasing, cost, and accounting departments. (iv) Any and all costs of capital employed or money borrowed. (v) fees or costs of taxes, Any and all the CONTRACTOR on imposed charges relating to receipts, income, either net or gross, licenses or similar items. (vi) Any and all costs of insurance acquired except as otherwise by the CONTRACTOR, General the in specifically provided Conditions. (vii) No expenses or costs shall be included as "actual costs" to the extent paid more than once, thus, by way of illusa makes the CONTRACTOR if tration, Subcontractor, a to payment for or supplier Sub-subcontractor lien is services or materials and a by a filed subsequently Sub-subcontractor for an item included in such payment, the CONTRACTOR will be required to pay such Sub-subcontractor the amount due in order to release the and the expenses of such payment lien not be included as an item of shall "actual costs. " (viii) of expenses and costs all and Any in connection with attorneys and others any claims or litigation, reviewing of agreements, or similar matters relating to the Work except as otherwise provided in the General this Agreement or in Conditions. (ix) Any and all liability, cost or expense the Contractor might incur in connection with breach of or failure to perform or claimed breach of or failure to perform in accordance with this Agreement, the General Conditions or the Contract Documents described in the General 245 Conditions, whether warranty, breach other matter. relat 1 fig contract to or a any (x) Any costs and expenses incurred after the earlier of (A) the termination of the Agreement pursuant to Article 18 of the General Conditions, or (B) final payment as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. (xi) Any and all matters, costs and expenses which the General Conditions provide are to be borne by or at the expense of the CONTRACTOR, including, but not limited to those relating to uncovering, replacwork pursuant to ing and correcting Article 18 of the General Conditions. (xii) ARTICLE of 4 - Except to the extent the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER has otherwise agreed in writing, any and all payments, expenses and costs of or relating to any item, compensation or other matter in excess of the lowest amount specified for such item, compensation or other matter in either (A) the CONTRACTOR'S bid, including Schedules B written representa(B) and C thereto; between the tions and correspondence CONTRACTOR and CONSTRUCTION MANAGER; or (C) Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein. PROGRESS PAYMENTS AND FINAL PAYMENT: The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall make payments on account of the Contract as provided in the General Conditions. ARTICLE 5 - THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, the General Conditions attached hereto as Exhibit "C", reflecting a last revision date of June 12, 1986, and incorporated herein by reference, any supplementary or other Conditions added pursuant to the General Conditions or by agreement of the parties, such written construction procedures and guidelines as the CONSTRUCTION reasonably adopt, the Drawings, the SpeciMANAGER may hereafter fications, and all Addenda issued prior to and all Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, and all are as fully a Agreement as if hereto attached or herein repeated. part of this 246 ART ICLE 6 - CONDITIONS FOR UNION CONTRACTORS: Thu CONTRACTOR represents and warrants it has attached to this Agreement true and correct copies of any and all written agreemiients and a detailed summary of any and all non-written agreements or other obligations entered into between the CONTRACTOR and any union contractor the CONTRACTOR intends to involve in the Work and all unions which the CONTRACTOR or any such other contractor recognizes as bargaining agents for its employees on this project. In the event of a violation of any of the provisions of the attached agreement by a signatory union, the CONTRACTOR agrees to promptly and aggressively pursue all available legal remedies against the union. The CONTRACTOR agrees not to subcontract or allow any Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor to subcontract any portion of its work on this project to any other contractor who recognizes any union as the collective bargaining agent of its employees on this project who has not, prior to being assigned such work, entered into collective bargaining bargaining to the form of a collective agreements (a) identical agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "D" with all such recognized unions or (b) otherwise approved in writing by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. In the event the CONTRACTOR breaches the provisions of this paragraph, such breach shall be considered a substantial vioAgreement and of the Conditions of the provisions of this lation of the Contract and CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall have the rights and remedies provided for in paragraph 19.2.1 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 7 - PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND: request from the CONSTRUCTION The CONTRACTOR, upon written shall furnish and pay for bonds, in favor of the CONMANAGER, STRUCTION MANAGER, covering the faithful performance of all or such part of the Work as may be requested by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER and the CONTRACTOR'S and Subcontractors' and Sub-subcontractors' obligations under this Agreement and the Contract Documents and all obligations arising thereunder or otherwise relating thereto, for such amount as the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER in good faith estimates it will cost the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER to complete and pay for the portion of the Work with respect to which such bond or bonds are to be provided, and with such sureties as may be agreeable to the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. The CONTRACTOR shall, upon request from the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, promptly submit satisfactory evidence to the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER that such bonds have been issued. Subject to the limitations contained in Article 3 of this Agreement, the reasonable actual cost of such bonds required by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall be included as part of the Contract Price. 247 ARITICiL 8 - MIISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (a) In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of any other Contract Document(s), the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall control and be fully applicable. (b) Except to the extent inconsistent with this Agreement, the definitions contained in the General Conditions shall be applicable in interpreting this Agreement. (c) This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. (d) The titles and headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and should not be used in construction of this Agreement. (e) The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to assign, transfer or convey any of its rights or obligations pursuant to this Agreement without the prior written consent of the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTORS BY: ITS: CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: OHBAYASHI CORPORATION BY: ITS: 000:020 24A APPENDIX 2 :-PERAT;ON CHART OF THE TO#OTA Vi PROJECT LESEND DO AS: ASSIST/INFORM Ci: CHECK/REVIEW ik: BE INFORMED AF: APPROVE ') CONCEPTL-AL PLANNING STAGE OWNER TMC PRELIMIMARY FEASIBILITY STUDY * MARKETINS/POLITICAL ANALYSIS * DEFINE NEEDS S PRELIMIARY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS t EXAMININ6 JOINT VENTURE S EXAMINS C3NTSACT METHOD, S DEFINE &FERATING REQUIREMENTS t PROViDE BASIC INFORMATION OF SITE OHB CONSULTAN STATE GOV'T A. PREDESI/EtPLANNINS STAGE DO Do DO DO DO DO IN OWNER TMC A. SELECTION OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER B. SELEZTI1N OF A/E I PERSONNEL SELECTION OF CM t PERSONNEL SELECTION OF A/E SITE SELECTION t INVESTIE4TION OF ZONING REGULAT ON.ETC. t INVESTIEATION OF CLIMATE, GEOTECHO:CAL CONDITION, INFRASTFjCTURE, ETC. * INVESTI&TION OF ACQUISISION TERMS D. NEGOTIA~ION ABOUT INCENTIVES FOR SIT: SELECTION E. FRELIMI%.ARY ARCHITECTURAL PLAN t ARCH:TE:'-URAL DESIEN i STR:UTUGL DESIGN I BUILDINB EQUIPMENTS t PRODUsT::N ENGINEERiNG COST AN&'?SIS S. DEVELOFIENT PROCESS AND SCHEDULING (AS) AS (AS) (AS) IN IN DO OHB CONSULTAN STATE GOV'T A/E GIF DO AP CH CH DO IN AS DO AS AS AS IN DO AS £0 IN DO DO AS DC E0 AS AS DO DO DO DO DO AP AP DO CH CH DO DO AS DO AS AS A AS DO 249 oPERATiON CHART OF THE TOYOTA K PROJECT 3) ENSINEEIRNG &DESIGN STAGE A. MAKIN k ARRANIGIN6 DESIGN DZCLMETS t DRAWINES AND SPECS FOR PERMISSION I DRAWINaS AND SPECS FOR ESTIMATION I SPECS F3P CONSTRUCTION B. APPLICtaiON FOR PERMISSIONS t BUILDIKE PERMITS t FOUNDATION PERMITS I 3THER FERMITS COSTH.CC TROL/VALUE ENGINEEFING I REVIEW FINAL PLANS AND SPECS WITH COST ESTIMATES 4) FROCUREENT STAGE: OWNER TMC AP IN AP AP IN IN IN IN CH AP OWNER TMC A. BIDDINE & CONTRACT NEGOTIATION t NOTICE 7D BIDDERS * QUALIF*:sN & SELECTION OF SUBS * SID EV..-EATION Z.tTIONS z. LABC t FFOJEC AREEMFNT £ NEG:TIAluN ABOUT LABOR FELA T l STATE GOV'T AP AP IN t P. AP AP AlE GIF OHB CH DO CH CH IN DO 0 DO DO 9o DO Do Dc; DO AS CH AS AP AP AP IN IN A/E GIF KYILOCAL OHE GOV'T (CH) AS DO Do AS 4 CH (cH) DD1 CH DO DO IN IN 250 S.C.5 SUBS UNION DO IN DO AS DO IN IN IN IN ) IN CH CH CH CH DO DO ,,PERATION CHART OF THE GiOTA K FROJECT LESEND iL: DO AS: ASSIT/INFORM CH: CHECK/REVIEW IN: BE INFORMED AF: APPROVE 5) CONSTRICTION STABE: OWNER LOCAL TMC GO'I I A. CCNSTRUCTION I SCHIEDLIN 1 I QUALITY CONTROL * COST CONTROL S SAFETI CONTROL I DCCUMENT CONTROL S REVIEW -LANS & SPECS I PERSONNEL SELECTION I CONSTRUCTION METHODS * INSPEC: ON Z CNS-, PEFaiTIC* Do DO Dc. DC DO AS CH CH CH CH CON CH iN DO uNNER 'Mr. CH IN DO DO DO DO DO Do AS AS IN MAINTENECE AFTER THE SUARANTEED DO IN Dr IN DO AS SUBS AS DO B. INSPECTDN'AFTER ONE YEAR L. AS AS G.C.s AS TEST LAB AS AS GF VGUARANTEED AP AS AS UNION AS3 AS H*AE AS AS AS SUBs IN C4, D0 APD S.C.s IN CH AND MAINTENANCE STABE A. MAINTEha-'*EE DURINS FER . kA H B. C0R.DINATION CONSTRUCTION WITH PUBLIC A4ENCIES C. FURCHASINS IMATERIALS) D. FINAL IkiPECTIGN 6 A/E IF AS INDO PERIECD 251 AS Appendix 3 manager-s Roles of sam in (1B's site office in the Toyota KY (Ojhba): Project Director field and design 1) Responsible for all 2) Companies on and off 3) Organizing Ohbayashi's Toyota KY on site Responsible for all 2) Companies on site representative of the project. and off site office. (Mi zoguchi): Deputy Project Manager1) activities. activities. job site representative with owner, labor, vendors, and public. 3) In the absence of the Project Director, of the Project Director. responsibilities Project Manager assumes the (Jordan): 1) Promotes and maintains good relations with the client, A/E, and local community. 2) Provides the focal point for the coordination of the and achieves the required schedule, construction staff cost, and quality. 3) Is an integral part of the development of the overall project p1an. 4) Integrates the engineering, procurement, administration, and construction groups to a common goal. 5) Monitors the projects safety, security, and medical aid programs. project schedule and budget performance. 6) Monitors the overall 7) Promotes labor harmony. Engineer-ing Manager (Japanese): 252 Engineering Manager 1) Is (Japanese): responsible for procirement, flo :w with enineering manager (OHB) , A/E expertise (GIF aid coordinates information among and OHFB' TIMC), cliert deslign team), constructi on and area general contractors. 2) Provides bid package and recommendation bid pacikaqe, bid itself, 3) method of bid classifiction, (analy inq conterts o listing of bidders, etc.) Provides for the orderly flow of the construction effort, along with construction documents to the desion design documents to support the timely flow of firm for reviews and approval s. 4) Coordinates the economic equipment, utilization of and conistruction principals similar materials, with the design effort to obt ain op ti mum resultLs. 5) Provides r3rofessiolnal 6) Provides., master 7) foir techr-ical societies, crrespondence with the A/E., vendors., etc. monitors. and recommends changes to the project schedule plan. Provides the management level cost, capitalization and budget reporting. S) Controls the quality of soil, 9) Edits construction Area Manager 1) reports steel, (in and concrete quality. Japanese). (American): Manaqes and administers the contract with the Construction Manger/General Contractor with his assigned 253 area. _) with r egard Con xst r uct ti 3) to on Document and Engi neers to are met and Promotes Contractor's 5) safety project Advises regards insure and working among for the both and goals are maintained. Marager's/General a S.upervision on the security. and receives advise from planning Project programs by insuring construction and Managers Area the overall relationcShips and security awareness accordance with in the other enforces the Construction safety mai ntained overall cooperates with good and schedul e y., and t i ves cec obj P o r oject s. promote that or ex. ceds t h meet. qual it cost, C'ordinates Area 4) or Ens;uLr cs con tr uci Engineering the project and his Manager as individual area requ i rements. 6) and Monitors planning efforts directs to Area Engineer/Area 1) Is resoonsible 2) Needs direct Contractor General. achieve proj ect for deal engineeringc requireffierts. in TMC, his Needs close cooperation 4) Evaluates bids and recommends 5) Reviews and 6) Monitors negotiates approves (Japanese): assigned and A/E, with the following 3) and subcontractors' Contract Coordinator contact with to Cntractor's area. the Area General works. with Engineering award estimates for area budoets, Manager. contractors. change and orders. adjustmerts. to these budgets. ~7) With the General and provides for Contractor monitoring estabi and i shes short recommeindations 254 rang e for schedules corrective act i on, 8) Frovi. des conIStr-Uct i on pl anni ng 9) Monitors qned compliance for on work the constructi his area. to Project Standards.. QuaIity 1C) in Th r ough 1abor, f 1. i d tcours pr-ov ides equi pment., materials, 11) Coordinates ccnstrLc:ti and supplies 12) Provides construction of production on f-or and eff with machineries report written 255 uti Ii zati on of ces. servi pr-ocess ent the General the for in Contractor for setting Japanese to TMC. them. APPENDIX 4 MINDEN'S "PROCUREMENT METHOD DESIGN MATRIX" And Its Explanations Figure A General Procurement Method Decision Algorithm IDENTIFY CONTIGENCY FACTORS CHARACTERIZE AND WEIGH CONTIGENCY FACTORS BASED ON UUDGEMENT OF OWNER CORRELATE AND EVALUATE PROCUREMENT METHOD ATTRIBUTES WITH CONTIGENCY FACTORS TENTATIYELY IDENTIFY PREFERED PROCUREMENT METHOD ATTRIBUTES ARE PROCUREMENT METHOD ATTRIBUTES MUTUALLY COMPATIBLE NO IDENTIFY INCOMPATIBLE ATTRIBUTES AND REPLACE WITH NEXT PREFERABLE ALTERNATE ATTRIBUTE WHICH IS NOT INCOMPATIBLE YES DEFINE AND IMPLEMENT PROCUREMENT METHOD SOURCE: MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT, 1986 256 Instructions 1 Select contingency factors which apply 5 Tentatively select attribute in each category with highest score. 2 Weigh contingency factors in terms of relative importance, 6 Compare attributes on right matrix for incompatibility, denoted " X" If incompatibility detected, select alternate attribute(s) to eliminate incompatibilities while optimizing total score of all attributes. to project. 3 Compare each contingency factor with procurement method attributes as indicated on the left matrix. 4 Score each attribute according to correlation with weighted contingency factors. Example: Score design-build given: 0 0 Early Delivery 5 0 5 Complex Project 2 x -2 Tight Budget Sophisticated, limited mgmt Type i Owner 3 0 3 2 0 2 4 o Total Score to 12 SOURCE: 257 MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT, 1986 12, Weight N) (11 OD Procurement Method Contigence Factors Early Accelerated Deliver y Required Normal Sequencing Adequate, Delivery Time Not Critical Project Large &/or Complex &/or High Risk &/or Poor Definition Project Moderate in Size &/or Complexity size/complexity/risk Project Simple, Straightforward, Governed by Generic Standards Based on Scope/Quality/Time, Budget Appears Tight cost Owner has Sophisticated,Capable & Extensive Management Resources Owner has Sophisticated but Limited Management Resources delivery time 0T c (0 CX anement 2. Owner lacks Management Resources & Know-how Type I Owner, Weak Negotiating Position, or Required to Bid Type 1IOwner, Strong Negotiating Position, No Bidding Restraints Requires Fixed Price Before Commiting to Bid Able to Bear Most Cost Risk Weak Competition, Limited Qualified Contractors Good Competition, Bidding Viable Qualified Contractors Unable -toOffer Fixed Price w/o High Premium Qualified Contractors Can Offer Fixed Price v/o Excessive Premium bibbing/negotiating constraints 0 risk aversion bidding climate contractor risk aversion Competition May Be Improved or Risk Managed by Disaggregating Project No Significant Benefit by Disaggregating Project advantages of disaggregation Building Systems Meeting Project Requirements Available Building Systems Not Available but Potential Market Aggregations Mayq Justify building systems availability or market potential 27 a'~ x 0 0EEEEEEEEE o __ xEE0E o 1onEEEEEEE.0EE x~ 0 -X x~~~ 00 o I -0- - 1 0 om xEE00 o 1 x 10 0 SOURCE: 259 -i -0 1- EEE0EEE0 IX0 00 1 10' o ~10 0 0 _0BEEEEEEEE 010L xl I x X1 0o 0 - IoIx [xEMEEEEE 0 XO 01 1 0 olXI0O X010_ MINDEN'S THESIS AT MIT, 1986 1 Procurement Method Attributes I Normal Sejuential Design/ Bid/ Build Schedule Accelerated Design &/or Construction Fast-Track Pre-Engineering Single Responsibility Contract Early Work Packages w/ Transfer Multiple Work Packages Use Existing System Develop New Building System Use Open Systems or Conventional Technology Traditional Method Design-CM Construction-CM (CM w/GMP) Design-Build Systems Bid Competitively* Negotiate* Fixed or Unit Price* Shared Savings* Cost Plus* * Fsw o v// pr"i. rz' namseri .sepers~tew-k pataps- 260