Instructions For Use USD 2937(c) ScreenExpert RoboColumnu For High Throughput Chromatography Sorbent Screening and Optimization Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 3 3. Applications ........................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Advice on Handling ............................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Equipment ....................................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Sample Preparation ......................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Experimental Set Up......................................................................................................................... 4 4.4 Te-Chrom Wizard ............................................................................................................................ 4 2 5. Protocol ............................................................................................................................................... 6 6. Column Scale-Up ..................................................................................................................................10 7. Troubleshooting Guide ..........................................................................................................................10 8. Ordering Information .............................................................................................................................11 1. Introduction ScreenExpert RoboColumns are miniaturized chromatography columns prepacked with Pall chromatography sorbents. They are designed for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations with robotic liquid handling workstation such as Freedom EVOu workstation (Tecan) or Janus BioTx Pro Plus workstation (Perkin Elmer). ScreenExpert RoboColumns are packed with anion and cation exchange, mixed-mode or any other Pall chromatography sorbents upon request. The columns are packed by Atoll GmbH and are identical to Atoll MediaScoutu RoboColumns. Bed containment between two filter frits and professional packing with consideration to individual material compression requirements ensure high efficiency and peak symmetry similar to that of preparative and process separation columns. Up to 96 ScreenExpert RoboColumns can be individually and easily arranged onto a 96-well array plate. As a result of this modular design, ScreenExpert RoboColumns technology is used in a broad spectrum of applications, such as parallel screening and optimization of chromatographic conditions, scale-down experiments, sample preparation. ScreenExpert RoboColumns are supplied in a package of eight prepacked units with two removable silicon cover seals for proper storage. A 96-well array plate is available to arrange up to 96 ScreenExpert RoboColumn units. ScreenExpert RoboColumns are ready-to-use 96-well formatted chromatography columns prepacked with Pall chromatography sorbents. They are available in 200 μL and 600 μL sizes. Characteristics and available column geometries are detailed in Table 1. The chromatography sorbents used in ScreenExpert RoboColumns are also available in Pall PRC prepacked columns of 1 mL and 5 mL, for the performance of scale-up studies. 2. Characteristics Table 1 ScreenExpert RoboColumns Characteristics ScreenExpert RoboColumns Column volume Bed height Column inner diameter Column material Chemical stability Avoid Storage solution Recommended storage temperature Working temperature Maximum working pressure Flow rate Laser label 96-Well Array Plate Size Material Number of wells 200 μL 600 μL 10 mm 30 mm 5 mm Polypropylene All commonly used aqueous buffers, pH 1 to 14 Halogenated organic solvents, hexane 20% ethanol /1 M NaCl 2 to 8 °C 4 to 30 °C Up to 8.0 bar g (116 psi g) 16 to 1,000 cm/hr (1) Placed on every individual column body, and containing: Product number, sorbent name, column volume in μL 128.3 x 86.0 x 14.0 mm Polyoxymethylene copolymer 96 The Liquid Transfer menu of the Te-Chromu Wizard enables to set up the flow rate for each individual dispensing and chromatography step ( Liquid Transfer, Te-Chrom Wizard Software Manual, 396076, en, V1.0). Flow rate characteristics rely on the Freedom EVO workstation characteristics, not on the RoboColumns themselves. They may vary with another automated workstation. (1) 3 3. Applications ScreenExpert RoboColumns are suitable for a large variety of applications such as: l Parallel screening of chromatography sorbents l Parallel screening and optimization of chromatographic conditions in downstream process development (conductivity, pH) l Scale down experimental work l Determination of dynamic binding capacity l Determination of the optimal residence time l Optimization of the column regeneration procedure 4. Advice on Handling 4.1 Equipment ScreenExpert RoboColumns are designed for robotic handling. Table 2 on page 5 is a guide for the equipment required for robotic handling of ScreenExpert RoboColumns using the Tecan Freedom EVO workstation. NOTE: The workstation should hold a liquid handling (LiHa) arm equipped with stainless steel fixed tips. 4.2 Sample Preparation We recommend loading a clarified sample on ScreenExpert RoboColumns because unclarified sample may cause clogging of the top and bottom filter frits. Sample filtration through 0.2 μm membrane is recommended, i.e., using Pall Acrodisc® PF Syringe Filter with hydrophilic Supor® membrane, sterile, 0.8/0.2 μm 25 mm (part number 4187). 4.3 Experimental Set Up When using the high throughput process development approach for ScreenExpert RoboColumns, it is suggested to use Design of Experiments (DoE) criteria for the experimental set up. This enables to screen many different chromatographic parameters such as resin type, pH, conductivity/ionic strength, etc., efficiently and simultaneously. For experimental set-up and the configuration of the 96-well array plate, the Te-Chrom Wizard interface is recommended. 4.4 Te-Chrom Wizard The Te-Chrom Wizard is a dialog-based graphic user interface offered by Tecan and based on the Freedom EVOwareu software. The Te-Chrom Wizard was developed for the use of ScreenExpert RoboColumns units and provides the possibility to configure hardware, plate layout, and the chromatographic process as well as to set all process relevant chromatographic parameters, e.g., flow rate, volume without direct script writing. An overview of some of the Te-Chrom Wizard functions is shown in Figure 1. 4 Table 2 Recommended Equipment for Automated Handling of ScreenExpert RoboColumns Equipment Details Tips and Tricks 96-Well Array Plate Arrange up to 96 individual ScreenExpert RoboColumns onto the 96-well array plate according to application requirements. l Use the Te-Chrom module (A) to integrate the 96-well array plate onto the robotic worktable. The Te-Chrom module is height adjustable and contains a waste option (B). l Te-Chrom Shuttle Arrange up to 96 individual ScreenExpert RoboColumns onto the 96-well array plate according to application requirements. Use the robotic manipulator (RoMa) arm to transport the collection plate from a pre-defined transfer position to any destination on the robotic worktable, e.g., plate reader, hotels, auto sampler, etc., for further analysis, e.g., UV measurement, ELISA, HPLC, MS, etc. Te-Chrom Wizard Use the Te-Chrom Wizard to configure the chromatographic process and to set all process relevant parameters, e.g., volume, flow rate, etc. l Te-Chrom Module (A) B A (Courtesy of Tecan) l l l l Do not mix short (200 μL) and long (600 μL) ScreenExpert RoboColumns units. Make sure that ScreenExpert RoboColumns units are well clicked into the 96-well array plate before using them. Use the Te-Chrom module in combination with a plate stacker Te-Stacku for the optimized handling and storage of collection plates. Use the waste container to drain off, e.g., conditioning, regeneration solvents. Make sure that the 96-well array plate is in an appropriate distance to the collection plate before starting the experiment. Assign labels, e.g., sorbent name and column types by using the plate layout configurator. Use the neutralization option to adjust the pH of the fractions after the acidic elution of mAbs. NOTE: Confirm suitability for every specific application with Tecan Plate Reader Use an internal or external plate reader for data evaluation Determine the precise volume of fractions for subsequent data plotting. Reagent and Sample Reservoirs A broad spectrum of troughs, tubes and plates can be positioned onto the robotic worktable by using the appropriate Tecan carrier. Use an 8-, 48- or 96-deep well reservoir for buffer solution / preparation. Collection Plate Use any type of multi-well plate which matches the ANSI/SDS standard (UV- or non-UVreadable). l l l Use a half area 96-well microplate to collect fractions in a volume range from 25 to 175 μL. Use a standard 96-well microplate to collect fractions in a volume range from 75 to 340 μL. Use 96-deep well reservoirs to collect high volume fraction up to 2 mL. 5 Figure 1 Te-Chrom Wizard Functions Hardware configuration Plate layout Process step editor Liquid transfer Plate handling Reporting 5. Protocol This protocol is designed as a general guideline for working with ScreenExpert RoboColumns. Adjustment may be required depending on type of application, sample, chromatography sorbent type and ScreenExpert RoboColumn dimension. 1. Remove cover seals • Gently peel off the bottom seal and the row holder from the row of eight ScreenExpert RoboColumns. • Assemble the ScreenExpert RoboColumn units onto the 96-well array plate. Up to 12 rows of 8 units can be assembled. Do not mix different formats (200 and 600 μL) on the same array. • Gently peel off the top seal of each row of 8 RoboColumn units. 2. Remove excess storage solution • Remove remaining storage solution in the top part of the columns by blotting the RoboColumn arrays upside down on a soft paper tissue. 6 3. Te-Chrom – Adjusting the operating height D C C • Press and hold the fastener (C) to set the Te-Chrom to the required height of the Te-Chrom module scale (D). NOTE: Make sure that the ScreenExpert RoboColumn array is as close as possible to the collection plate before starting the experiment. 4. Te-Chrom – Loading the array plate containing ScreenExpert RoboColumns • Move the locking slider (E) to the left mechanical stop. F E • Load the ScreenExpert RoboColumn array (F). • Move the locking slider (E) to the right mechanical stop to lock the RoboColumn array. NOTE: Make sure that all RoboColumns are well fixed into the 96-well array plate before starting the experiment. 5. Te-Chrom Wizard – Experimental set up A. Hardware configuration • Select the appropriate configuration of the Te-Chrom. • Check if your Te-Chrom is equipped with a waste tray. • Define a transfer position for the collection plate. B. Plate layout Click load to import an existing plate layout. To create a new layout, follow the actions below: • Select the ScreenExpert RoboColumn labware. • Define the required RoboColumn matrix. • Select the RoboColumn dimension. • Set a desired label, e.g., resin name. • To import or export the plate layout, click the Save button. 7 C. Process configuration • Define the chromatographic workflow by setting a desired number of process steps. • Use the Continuous Fraction Collection option to collect fractions over multiple plates, without leaving gaps between plates pipetted in different process steps and to optimize the consumption of collection plates. Equilibration Load Post Load Wash Elution 1 Elution 2 Regeneration Storage D. Configure your process steps • Edit a process step name, e.g., Equilibration. • Check the Process Full Plate option accordingly: – When checked: The full ScreenExpert RoboColumn array will be processed. – When not checked: The RoboColumn array is processed column per column. • Set parameters for tip washing. • Set individual chromatographic parameters: – Select the source of liquid. – Set the dispensing volume. – Set the required liquid class for aspiration. – Set the required linear flow rate (cm/hr) or volumetric flow rate (μL/sec). NOTE: Calculate the required residence time (τ) by dividing the RoboColumn volume (CV) by the volumetric flow rate (uv). τ = CV/uv. CAUTION! Be sure to use the correct units for uv and CV: uv in mL/min and CV in mL, or uv in μL/min and CV in μL. • Check the waste option accordingly: – When checked: the waste tray will be engaged by the RoMa (Robotic Manipulator) / LiHa (Liquid Handling). – When not checked: the flow-through will be collected in a desired collection plate. • Check the Neutralization option to perform a pH adjustment after, e.g., acidic elution of mAbs. • Check the Data Collection option to evaluate the collection plate in a required reader device by, e.g., UV measurement. 8 • Select the number of fractions according to the given dispensing volume for the chromatography step if the waste option is not checked. • Repeat these steps to configure all chromatographic process steps. E. Plate handling • Add the required amount of source plates. • Add the required amount of destination plates. F. Reporting • Set output folder. • Select output format. After the experimental set-up, the Te-Chrom wizard will generate a chromatographic method in Freedom EVOware software automatically. 6. Run chromatographic method NOTE: Make sure that all required solvents and consumables, e.g., collection plates, are in the designated position on the robotic worktable, before running the chromatographic method. 7. Data evaluation • Determine the precise volume of the collected fractions by using an appropriate plate reader. • Determine the protein concentration by using UV measurement. • Plot the UV data against the fraction volume to create a pseudo-chromatogram. NOTE: Make sure that blank values of the used solvents are subtracted from the UV data before plotting. 14 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 12 10 ODλ = 280 nm 8. Data plotting 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 V (mL) 1.8 2.0 2.2 Elution Buffer (%) NOTE: Transfer the collection plate to any location on the robotic worktable or to secondary devices, e.g., auto sampler for further analysis, e.g., HPLC, MS, ELISA, CGE/SDS-PAGE after path length detection by using the RoMa. 2.4 2.6 2.8 9 9. Regeneration and storage • For appropriate regeneration of ScreenExpert RoboColumns, please refer to Pall recommendations for the corresponding chromatography sorbent. • For appropriate storage of ScreenExpert RoboColumns, please refer to Table 1. 6. Column Scale-Up All chromatography runs developed on ScreenExpert RoboColumns can be directly transferred onto PRC prepacked columns (1 or 5 mL). Make sure to maintain residence time constant during scale-up. 7. Troubleshooting Guide Fault Possible Cause ScreenExpert RoboColumns are clogged l The sample is too viscous. l Increase dilution of the cell paste before lysis, or dilute after the lysis. l There is too much cell debris in the sample. l Centrifuge and/or filter the sample if unclarified sample has been used. l The column has been regenerated and used too many cycles. l Reduce the number of cycles. l Columns are clogged. l See above. l The o-ring sealing is damaged. l Check the taught X- and Y coordinates for ScreenExpert RoboColumn labware for precision. l The insertion depth of the robotic needle is incorrect. l Check the insertion depth (16 mm from the top of the column) of the robotic needle. ScreenExpert RoboColumns are lifted up from the 96-well array plate during the pull out of the robotic needles l ScreenExpert RoboColumns are not well fixed into the 96-well array plate. l Make sure that all ScreenExpert RoboColumns are well fixed into the 96-well array plate before starting the experiment. Low protein recovery in the elution fraction(s) l The residence time for sample loading is too low. l Decrease the flow rate for sample loading. l The choice of the sorbent and/or process conditions is not appropriate. l Check and adapt if needed the sorbent and/or process conditions. ScreenExpert RoboColumns are leaking 10 Action 8. Ordering Information Description Part Number ScreenExpert RoboColumn MEP HyperCel 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn MEP HyperCel 600 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn HEA HyperCel 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn HEA HyperCel 600 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn PPA HyperCel 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn PPA HyperCel 600 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn HyperCel STAR AX 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn HyperCel STAR AX 600 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn CM Ceramic HyperD® F 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn CM Ceramic HyperD F 600 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn HyperCel STAR CEX 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn HyperCel STAR CEX 600 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn CMM HyperCel 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn CMM HyperCel 600 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn KANEKA KanCapAu 200 μL, row of 8 ScreenExpert RoboColumn KANEKA KanCapA 600 μL, row of 8 96-well RoboColumn array plate SR2MEP SR6MEP SR2HEA SR6HEA SR2PPA SR6PPA SR2STARAX SR6STARAX SR2CMCHDF SR6CMCHDF SR2STARCEX SR6STARCEX SR2CMM SR6CMM SR2KANCAPA SR6KANCAPA SR96WAP Complementary Products PRC Prepacked Columns PRC Column 5x50 MEP HyperCel, 1 mL PRC Column 8x100 MEP HyperCel, 5 mL PRC Column 5x50 HEA HyperCel, 1 mL PRC Column 8x100 HEA HyperCel, 5 mL PRC Column 5x50 PPA HyperCel, 1 mL PRC Column 8x100 PPA HyperCel, 5 mL PRC Column 5x50 HyperCel STAR AX, 1 mL PRC Column 8x100 HyperCel STAR AX, 5 mL PRC Column 5x50 Q Ceramic HyperD F, 1 mL PRC Column 5x50 CM Ceramic HyperD F, 1 mL PRC Column 5x50 HyperCel STAR CEX, 1 mL PRC Column 8x100 HyperCel STAR CEX, 5 mL PRC Column 5x50 CMM HyperCel, 1 mL PRC Column 8x100 CMM HyperCel, 5 mL PRC Column 5x50 KANEKA KanCapA, 1 mL PRC Column 8x100 KANEKA KanCapA, 5 mL PRC05X050MEPHCEL01 PRC08X100MEPHCEL01 PRC05X050HEAHCEL01 PRC08X100HEAHCEL01 PRC05X050PPAHCEL01 PRC08X100PPAHCEL01 PRCSTARAX1ML PRCSTARAX5ML PRC05X050QCHDF01 PRC05X050CMCHDF01 PRCSTARCEX1ML PRCSTARCEX5ML PRCCMMHCEL1ML PRCCMMHCEL5ML PRC05X050KANCAPA PRC08X100KANCAPA 11 8. Ordering Information (continued) Description Part Number AcroPrep™ ScreenExpert Plates MEP, HEA and PPA HyperCel Mixed-Mode Sorbents MEP HyperCel Mixed-Mode Sorbent HyperCel STAR AX Anion Exchange Sorbent 96WP3MIXM50 96WPMEP50 96WPSTARAX50 Multi-Well Plates AcroPrep Advance 96-Well Filter Plate 8129 AcroPrep Advance Filter Plate for Ultrafiltration 350 μL, Omega™ 3K MWCO (10/pkg) 350 μL, Omega 10K MWCO (10/pkg) 350 μL, Omega 30K MWCO (10/pkg) 350 μL, Omega 100K MWCO (10/pkg) 8033 8034 8035 8036 Syringe Filter Acrodisc PF Syringe Filter with hydrophilic Supor membrane, sterile, 0.8/0.2 μm 25 mm 4187 Visit us on the Web at E-mail us at Corporate Headquarters Port Washington, NY, USA +1 800 717 7255 toll free (USA) +1 516 484 5400 phone e-mail European Headquarters Fribourg, Switzerland +41 (0)26 350 53 00 phone e-mail Asia-Pacific Headquarters Singapore +65 6389 6500 phone e-mail International Offices Pall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the world in locations such as: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Venezuela. Distributors in all major industrial areas of the world. To locate the Pall office or distributor nearest you, visit The information provided in this literature was reviewed for accuracy at the time of publication. Product data may be subject to change without notice. For current information consult your local Pall distributor or contact Pall directly. © 2015, Pall Corporation. Pall, , Acrodisc, AcroPrep, HyperCel, HyperD, Omega and Supor are trademarks of Pall Corporation. Filtration.Separation.Solution. is a service mark of Pall Corporation. ® indicates a trademark registered in the USA and TM indicates a common law trademark. u MediaScout and RoboColumn are trademarks of Atoll GmbH. Freedom EVO, Freedom EVOware, Te-Chrom and Te-Stack are trademarks of Tecan Group. KANEKA KanCapA is a trademark of KANEKA Corporation. 1/16, GN16.9896 USD 2937(c)