2012 Fall Newsletter Learning & Information Technology UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - STOUT

Learning & Information Technology
2012 Fall
a variety of technical
systems including A/V,
IMAX/OMNIMAX projection systems, electronics,
radio and satellite communications and computers, launching his career
at Space Center Houston
in 1991. LIT Welcomes New Employees
Jessica Oliphant
Jessica Oliphant manages Keyserver, and creates the
student laptop images here on campus.
Bill Tribble
Prior to joining LTS, Melissa worked for the Office of
Research and Sponsored Programs at UW-Eau Claire
New employees in LIT (top)Jessica Oliphant, (lower left) Bill
Tribble, and (lower right) Melissa Castillo.
Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at www.uwstout.edu
Issue #009
Melissa Davey Castillo
joined the Learning Technology Services (LTS)
team in May 2012 for a
project to redesign the
LIT website. In July 2012,
she moved into a new
position as Academic
Technology Technician.
Her duties will include providing instructional technology
support and consultation to instructors in the College of
STEM. She also serves as one of the Learn@UW-Stout
(D2L) support team administrators.
Bill Tribble joined Learning
and Information Technologies in August of 2012 as
an Electronics TechnicianMedia serving in a classroom support role. Bill was
previously employed at
the Metropolitan Transit
Authority of Harris County
in Houston as an Electronic Communications Specialist working with various
communications systems present on all revenue vehicles
throughout the entire METRO fleet. He has worked with
Melissa Castillo
LIT Newsletter
She has enjoyed working with computers her whole life,
and continues to enjoy them more and more each day. In
her free time, she takes care of her critter menagerie currently consisting of dogs, cats, birds, a snake, and some
fish. Jessica runs her dogs in Agility, having the most fun
when her dogs are having a good time; she likes to take
pride in her dogs’ well-behaved chaos. Having now lived
most of her life in Wisconsin, she feels that one of her
biggest failures has been keeping her cacti alive. She
enjoys taking long walks on the beach, and sipping piña
coladas in the rain. Jessica’s phone extension is 5060,
her email is oliphantj@uwstout.edu, and she is located in
327 Millennium Hall.
Bill has also worked in
various technical roles
for companies such as
Universal Studios Hollywood, Luxor Hotel &
Casino, Baylor College of Medicine and the Museum
of Science in Boston, MA. He has a B.A. in RadioTelevision, an A.A in Business Administration, an FCC
General Radiotelephone Operators License with Radar
Endorsement and is certified in IMAX and Iwerks projection systems. One of Bill’s favorite mottos to live by is
“Git R Done!” Bill can
be reached by email:
LIT Newsletter
Issue #009
2012 Fall
as she pursued her
Master’s degree.
At that time, she
collaborated with
the LTS unit to pilot
new software for the
university, provided
technology support
for faculty forums,
planned major
events (Student
Research Day), and
served as a web/print publications editor.
From 2007-2009, Melissa provided program support for
University Communications and the Department of Art and
Design at UW-Stout. Prior to that, she worked for Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology. Melissa can be
reached at castillom@uwstout.edu or at ext. 2662, or 322
Millennium Hall.
Voicemail System Changes
Fall 2012 Laptop Distribution
Look for more details as they become available in the
coming weeks.
The annual fall laptop rollout was held in the Great Hall of
the Memorial Student Center. Over 4,000 student laptops
were refreshed or deployed to new or returning students.
New students attended a brief training session taught by
student technicians from the ASK5000 Technology Helpdesk. More information about the e-Scholar program, including this year’s informational video shown at the event,
can be found at:
Once again, our thanks go out to the volunteers, student
staff, offices and MSC staff who made the event a success!
The State of Wisconsin will be upgrading the voicemail
system later this fall semester.
Network Printer Information
Collection and Change
Student staff from Telecommunications and Networking have been visiting offices with networked printers to
record LP numbers, location and network information.
This data-gathering step, which includes printing a configuration page, is to prepare for an upgrade to the campus
printing environment. A print server environment is being
developed to facilitate easier installation of printers and
printer replacement.
A scanner solution is also being implemented to allow for
a secure and reliable scan-to-folder system utilizing the
Stout file sharing server (StoutFS).
Top: Collaborative, creative problem-solving at the All-LIT
Staff Retreat Day, August 8.
Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at www.uwstout.edu
Millennium Hall • Menomonie, WI 54751
ASK5000 Technology Helpdesk Stats
Ticket Totals for Academic Year 2011-2012
♦♦ Total Calls/Visits
♦♦ ASK5000 Phone
♦♦ Walk-up Help Desk
♦♦ Emails1,986
♦♦ Self-Service2,496
♦♦ Technician Work Area 3,664
UW-Stout provides three wireless network options on
campus for faculty, staff, students and guests:
• StoutSecure
This network is intended solely for use by faculty, staff, and
students. StoutSecure provides users with an encrypted,
secure, high speed internet access for laptops and other
personal devices.
While open Wi-Fi offers an exceptional degree of convenience, it’s important to realize that thieves are able to
intercept information being sent over the technology. The
college environment can lend itself to creating easy targets
for identity thieves.
Students, faculty and staff are discouraged from sending
any personal information, from credit/debit and banking information to social security numbers via open, unsecured
(...continued next page)
ASK5000 Technology Helpdesk
Location and Semester Hours
109 Millennium Hall - 121-10th Avenue East,
LIT Newsletter
UW-Stout will be hosting the Wisconsin Regional User
Group for Perceptive Software (ImageNow) in the Wisconsin area on Friday October 12, 2012. Attendees will
have the opportunity to connect with other users, and
share their insights on Perceptive Software processes,
products and solutions.
Campus Wireless Networks
♦♦ Sunday: Noon-10 PM
Issue #009
♦♦ Mondays-Thursdays: 7:30 AM - 10 PM
♦♦ Fridays: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
♦♦ Saturdays: Closed
ASK5000 closes at 4:30 pm
each day prior to breaks and
The Helpdesk is not open on
Phone: 232-5000
Staff and student employees assist with
walk-ins and provide remote assistance at
the Help Desk, located at 109 Millennium
2012 Fall
LIT Newsletter
Issue #009
• StoutGuest
This network is intended for university guests. It is an unsecured network with limited data rates and allows only
http and https protocols. This network will require users to
re-authentic every 4 hours. Guests accessing this network
will be required to accept the terms of agreement and also
provide a valid email address.
Note - This network is not intended for use by faculty, staff
and students.
EDUROAM is a secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and educational community. UW-Stout has joined the EDUROAM
consortium and supports the EDUROAM wireless network
service. This enables faculty, staff and students to access
the wireless network at participating EDUROAM institutions using their campus username and password. This
also enables network access on the UW-Stout network to
faculty, staff and students visiting from EDUROAM institutions.
EDUROAM When You Travel
If you are a UW-Stout faculty, student or staff member and
are traveling to an EDUROAM institution, you can use
your campus credentials to connect to their EDUROAM
network. For more information regarding EDUROAM and
their member institutions, visit
When your mobile device detects the EDUROAM network
when visiting a member institution, select the EDUROAM
wireless network and authenticate using your full campus
username (doej@uwstout.edu or doej@my.uwstout.edu
for students) and password. Connect and you’re all set.
It is strongly recommended that you test EDUROAM prior
to traveling by first connecting to EDUROAM on the UWStout network.
Enterprise Information Systems
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) has implemented a
number of projects in collaboration with the campus since
the publication of the last newsletter. One of the most notable of these projects has been the PeopleSoft Campus
Solutions (AccessStout) PeopleTools upgrade that
was completed during the spring semester. Whereas
EIS does a yearly PeopleTools upgrade, there are also
four software updates/bundles done yearly to fix issues,
add new functionality and to be in compliance with regulatory agencies. Many thanks to all of the project team
and administrative offices in their help with testing and
implementation tasks. These items need to be done on a
regular basis, but our user community is not always aware
of them.
Another project that provided efficiency and process improvement in the Financial Aid office was the integration
of ImageNow and AccessStout checklists. Financial
Aid documents that have been requested/required for
students to return are scanned into ImageNow. This is
recorded when it is received in AccessStout, eliminating
separate, manual entries. This was accomplished through
the use of ImageNow workflow, scripts and custom integration to AccessStout. Telecommunications and Networking ImageNow staff developed many items outside of this
AccessStout integration to make the total project efficient
and complete.
In order to comply with the State of Wisconsin voting
guidelines an online Voter Enrollment form was created
so that students living in the Menomonie community could
print out a document from AccessStout verifying their enrollment as a current student.
Current and Upcoming Projects for EIS
Redeployment of EMS event management system Currently only event scheduling and calendaring are being
utilized in EMS. To provide a single source of scheduling
for the campus an EMS classroom scheduling module
is being implemented with the Registration and Records
Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at www.uwstout.edu
Millennium Hall • Menomonie, WI 54751
office. All infrastructure will reside within Learning and
Information Technology. This project is being completed
with the collaboration of Student Life Services, Registration and Records, Telecommunications and Networking
(T&N) and Enterprise Information Services. A fall go-live
date is being planned for the campus in 2012.
UW-System Shared Financials System (SFS) upgrade
— It has been over 5 years since an upgrade has been
performed on SFS. SFS will be moving from PeopleSoft
v8.9 to v9.1 and PeopleTools v8.49 to v8.52. Also included is a review of the 411 customizations currently in
place for potential elimination. Co-project managers are
Kim Schulte-Shoberg and Kay Schnur along with team
members Sheri Olson, Brent Tilton, Sheila Williams, and
Leigh May. A fall of 2013 go live is being planned with
many fit-gap sessions in place, projected testing and training to occur.
The information is updated daily from external sources. Faculty and staff information is integrated from the new
Human Resource System (HRS). (Please contact the HR
department with any questions on faculty and staff information that is displayed.)
The student directory information is integrated from AccessStout. Students have the ability to update their
contact information via AccessStout. Student directory
information is displayed based on FERPA rules protecting
the privacy of confidential information. (Please contact
Registration and Records with any questions on student
information that is displayed.)
UW-Stout Website
The UW-Stout website has continued to evolve as several units — including our own, Learning and Information
Technology (LIT) — have completely redone their sites
to embrace the new design. Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) and the Office of Integrated Marketing staff
have assisted campus web authors by providing training
and information architecture recommendations, and by
creating new elements as needed to improve the appearance and functionality of the website. Basic training in
CommonSpot (our web content management system) is
required before web authors can gain access to their site.
Training and open lab schedules along with a training registration form and helpful resources can be found in the
CommonSpot help site at:
Issue #009
Left: WestCAP staff
person, Jessica
Stark, picks up donations made by LIT
staff for Operation:
Back to School in
August, 2012.
The online campus directory provides contact information
for students, faculty, staff and alumni. The directory link is
located on the home page of the UW-Stout website at
It has been nearly
five years since the
start of the our PeopleSoft Campus
Solutions projects
and the installation of the current
hardware. Now it
is time to replace
all of the current
Campus Online Directory
LIT Newsletter
The infrastructure is in place for our previous ERP system
— Datatel — to be decommissioned and surplused this
fall. The campus has been in production using the current
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions (AccessStout) for three full
academic years. Data from the Datatel system has been
archived for any future needs for historical and audit purposes. infrastructure and upgrade any other applicable software
as part of this project. EIS and TN are in the initial steps
of the replacement process and working with the PeopleSoft project team. A late fall 2012 go live date is being
LIT Newsletter
Issue #009
2012 Fall
The Web Publishing Standards have been recently updated on the Web Development site. These standards
help ensure UW-Stout identity is maintained throughout
the site, and that layout and navigation are consistent, to
help users quickly find what they are seeking. The Page
Standards area in particular has detailed information for
web authors on what should and should not be done when
creating and maintaining unit websites. The Web Publishing Standards can be found at:
Faculty members are exempt from the requirement for
CommonSpot training if they are only working on their personal website. Information on faculty websites, how to get
one, and how to complete a basic faculty profile can be
found in the Faculty pages area of Web Development at:
To request access to AccessStout (PeopleSoft Campus
Solutions) submit a security request at:
— your request will be reviewed and approved. As part of this request, users are required to acknowledge
a data usage agreement to protect student information in
accordance to FERPA guidelines, etc. Emails are generated throughout the process to communicate the status of
your request. Each module leader responsible for security
requests will supply approval, and then staff in EIS will
implement security access. If you are having an issue with your request or have difficulty logging in, please call the ASK5000 Help Desk (extension 5000).
If you have any questions or comments about the UWStout website, or if you need to report errors on the site,
you can email webmaster@uwstout.edu or complete the
contact form at:
Oracle Interactive Reporting (Hyperion)
Query/Reporting Tool
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) has updated their
webpages to include a section on Data Reporting at:
Please review this site for information on published queries, access and tools and troubleshooting. PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
If you have any questions please send a message to
PeopleSoftTechnicalSupport@uwstout.edu or contact
the ASK5000 Help Desk (extension 5000).
A PeopleTools upgrade to version 8.51.16 was completed
this spring, prior to end of the spring semester. Many
thanks to the PeopleSoft module leads and campus administrative offices with their testing and troubleshooting
of the upgraded software! Also, many thanks go to the
technical staff in Enterprise Information System for all the
time and effort they put in to make this upgrade successful. Kudos to all!
Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at www.uwstout.edu
Millennium Hall • Menomonie, WI 54751
Learning Technology Services Highlights • Workshops
• College Consultant Program
This Fall, Learning Technology Services (LTS) implemented the College Consultant program to offer support and
consultation to instructors in the selection, implementation
and use of instructional technology and serve as a primary point of contact for instructional technology projects.
Goals of the program include expanded use of instructional technology to enhance the learning experience,
and identification of professional development needs and
emerging technology implementation opportunities to support the Stout technology advantage.
Each College has been assigned a consultant:
♦♦ College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences –
Jamison Patrick
♦♦ College of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Math – Melissa Castillo
♦♦ College of Management – Sali Mounce
Consultants will:
1.Support instructors in the use of instructional technology;
4.Provide technical support and referrals to appropriate
campus resources; and
5.Meet with instructors individually and in small groups
to generate and identify instructional technology
• Teaching Tools integrated with
Learn@UWStout (D2L)
Tegrity — a lecture capture tool — and Turnitin — an
academic integrity tool — are two teaching tools that
have been integrated into the Learn@UWStout learning management system to assist instructors with their
teaching practice.
“Lecture Capture” is an umbrella term describing an instructional technology that allows instructors to record
what happens in their classrooms and make it available
digitally. The brand name of the tool we utilize is Tegrity.
For more information about the tool and instructional possibilities or training please contact lecturecap@uwstout.
Turnitin (Dropbox Originality Checking) enables
instructors to monitor Learn@UWStout(D2L)
dropbox folders and identify potential cases of
plagiarism by automatically comparing submissions to an
online database of original content. General questions
about how to use and incorporate Turnitin may be directed
to the Center for Applied Ethics.
Issue #009
3.Provide on-site development and training
sessions to assist with the integration and
implementation of instructional technologies;
In addition, upcoming workshop and tutorial information
can be found on the new LIT website under Services.
Ideas and suggestions for faculty development are always
2.Work with instructors to explore and experiment with
emerging technology including developing pilot projects, applying for funding opportunities;
LIT Newsletter
♦♦ College of Education, Health and Human Sciences –
Rich Berg
LTS and the Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center
hosted several faculty development workshops throughout
the summer and prior to the commencement of the fall
semester, 2012. These included the First Year Seminar
Instructor workshops, Program Assessment, New Instructor workshops, and Tom Angelo on Assessment. More
information about the programs can be found on the NTLC
2012 Fall
Instructor Support
LIT Newsletter
Issue #009
Monday–Friday: 8am-4:30 pm — learn@uwstout.edu
Appointments: 715-232-5002
Walk-In Support: 322A MLNM
♦♦ Monday/Wednesday: 9am-12pm & 1-3pm
♦♦ Tuesday/Thursday: 2:30-4:30pm
♦♦ Friday: 8am-12pm & 1-3pm
♦♦ AFTER HOURS: Contact the Learn@UW Help Desk
(in Madison) at 1-888-435-7589, option #3.
D2L Open Walk-In and Call-In Labs
The purpose of the on-campus open labs is to provide
direct, face-to-face support for those in need of D2L environment assistance.
The at-a-distance open labs allow us to provide direct,
real time support for those in need of D2L environment
New Process for
Classroom Technology Support
This fall, LIT is implementing a new process for Classroom Technology Support. Instructors experiencing instructional technology difficulties during class time should follow the following process
to request immediate assistance:
1.Email classroomsupport@uwstout.edu 2.Put in your subject line: Classroom Emergency, your
building and room number.
This support is available: Monday – Thursday, 7:30 am –
6 pm and Friday, 7:30 am – 5 pm
Instructors teaching on campus during weekend hours are
encouraged to contact the ASK5000 Technology Helpdesk
prior to their course meeting if they have any questions or
concerns about classroom usage.
Emerging Instructional Technology
This committee meets quarterly to provide insights, perspectives and a mechanism for open exchange and guidance to assist Learning and Information Technology to
strengthen programs and services; review strategic initiatives; improve responsiveness to instructional needs; and
improve communications and interaction with campus related to emerging instructional technologies.
The EITA Committee will:
►► Explore and evaluate technologies as they pertain to
teaching, communicating, efficiency, effectiveness and
engagement of students;
►► Provide recommendations for new technologies for classrooms, curriculum;
►► Provide idea generation for projects and pilots;
►► Provide recommendations on improved responsiveness
to instructional needs;
►► Provide external input on internal processes and priorities; and
►► Participate in site visits to businesses, peer institutions
and attend technology related conferences.
Representatives from the following colleges, schools and
divisions will be members of the EITA/C: Student Services
(James Kircher); CSTEM (Kitrina Carlson and Todd Zimmerman); CEHHS (Steve Terry); SOE (Urs Haltinner);
COM (Jim Keyes); School of Hospitality (to be determined); CAHSS (Mitch Ogden); School of Art and Design
(Dave Beck); Student Representatives (Justin Nelson and
Joshua Laskowski); and LIT (Dan Dunbar).
Jane Henderson and Doug Wahl will co-chair.
Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at www.uwstout.edu