KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards Step 1: Go to ZotPortal

KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Login
1. Enter your UCInetID
2. Enter your Password
3. Click “Login”
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 3: Locate Original
Approved PO
(Note: There are several
ways to find the PO)
• Option 1:
Subaward ID
• Option 2: PO
Click on the “Faculty & Staff” tab
Click on “KFS” subsection
Under “KFS Purchasing Accounts Payable”
Click on “Custom Document Search”
Under the “Custom Document Search” drop down list click on “Purchase Orders”
Subsection 3A: Finding the 8 digit subaward number and/or the PO number
1. Locate E-Synopsis from the email from received from Nina
Crow/Grace Park.
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 3 Continued
(Option 1: Subaward ID)
Option 1: Subaward ID
1. Under the “Subaward Information” section on the E-synopsis
2. Find “Subaward ID”
3. There, find the 8 digit subaward number
 Purchase Order Look up
1. Find the “Organization Document Number” field
 Enter in the 8 digit subaward number (ex: 2014-1234) provided
on the e-synopsis
2. Click “Search”
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 3 Continued
(Option 2: PO Number)
Option 2: PO Number
1. Under the “Subaward Information” section on the E-synopsis
2. Find “PO #”
3. There you will find the PO number
 Purchase Order Look up
1. Find the “Purchase Order #”field
 Enter in the PO Number (ex: 6060) provided on the e-synopsis
2. Click “Search”
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 3 Continued
1. Under “Purchase Order Status Description”
2. Status reads “OPEN”
3. Under “Document/Notification Id”
4. Click on the Document/Notification Id link to open the PO
(Keep in mind if there are multiple POs/POAs, click on the Purchase Order with the
Status Description “OPEN”).
Step 4: Amending a PO
1. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the PO
2. Click “Amend”
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 4 Continued
1. Provide a reason for the amend and be as specific as possible– i.e. List amendment
number, Continuation funding increase amount of $10,000, and/or NCTE extend
additional 6 months end 12/31/14, or etc.
NOTE: The POA in KFS should correspond with a subcontract amendment from our office.
2. When your are finished entering a reason, click “yes”
You can now edit the fields on the PO (all fields are now editable)
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 4 Continued
Step 5: Amending for
(Option 1) No Cost Time
Extension (NCTE),
(Option 2)
Continuation, and/or
(Option 3) Incremental
3. Under “Notes and Attachment” Section
4. “Reason for the Amendment” appears
Option 1: NCTE
1. Go to “Items” Section
2. Find the “Description” field
3. Change the Period of Performance (POP) to match the Subaward
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 5 Continued
Option 2: Continuation
A: For Line Item with object code 6500 (Maximum amount $25K)
*Within the 25K threshold
1. Go to “Items” Section
2. Under “description” field
3. Change the Period of Performance (POP) to match the Subaward
4. Under “Unit Cost” field,
5. Change the amount in accordance with the Subaward Amendment
 For changes in dollar amounts, do the math separately and
add to the line items (do not add more line items)
*If 25K threshold is met, continue to next section (B).
Option 3: Incremental Funding
A: For Line Item 6500 (Maximum amount $25K)
*Within the 25K threshold
1. Go to “Items” Section
2. Under “Unit Cost” field
3. Change the amount in accordance with the Subaward Amendment
 For changes in dollar amounts, do the math separately and
add to the line items (do not add more line items)
*If 25K threshold is met, continue to next section (B).
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 5 Continued
B: For Line Item with object code 6550 (In excess of $25K)
1. Go to “Items” field
2. Under “Add Item” subsection
3. “Item Type” category
4. Select “No Qty, nontaxable” from the drop down list
5. Under “Commodity Code” category
6. Type in “SUBAWARD”
*Note: “Subaward-Sponsored Projects” will appear under
7. Under “description” field
8. Add the Period of Performance (POP) to match the Subaward
Amendment and Line Item 1
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 5 Continued
9. Under “Unit Cost” field
10. Change the amount to match the Subaward Amendment-Excess of
the $25K from Line Item #1 (Line Item #1 and #2 should add up and
match the total amount on the Subaward Amendment)
 EXAMPLE: If Year 2 cumulative total is $100,000 (Year 2
amendment increases funds by $85,000) and $15,000 was
awarded for year one, then line item 1 “unit cost” is changed
to $25, 000 and line item 2 “unit cost” is changed to $75,000.
11. Under “Action” column
12. Click “Add”
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 6: Submitting a
completed POA
1. Once done, scroll all the way down the page and click “Save”
2. Then click “Calculate”
3. Then click “Submit”
 This will put the POA in workflow
*Note: If you are the initiator as well as the Fiscal Officer for the
department, you are next in workflow
Step 7: Checking the
Route Log
1. Then find the POA that was just submitted by entering either the
Subaward Number or PO number
2. Click “search”
3. Under Purchase Order Status Description
4. MUST read “Awaiting Purchasing Approval”
 Signifies that the POA was successfully submitted to SPA and waiting
for SPA “finalization”
5. Under “Document/Notification Id”
6. Click on the Document/Notification Id link to open the PO
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 7 Continued
7. Scroll all the way down to “Route Log” section
8. Click “show”
Here you can check status of the POA.
KFS Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for Subawards
Step 7 Continued
*Note: Once the POA has completed workflow, it will be routed to SPA for
finalization. The pending action request section will display “IN ACTION LIST
APPROVE” with the contract manager’s name.