Interview Assignment/Follow-up Letter

English 302 A. Rao Interview Assignment/Follow-up Letter Deliverables Interview: 50 points Follow­up Letter: 50 points Interview This is an oral assignment where you will have an interview with a potential employer (I will pose as one) for 15 minutes. The interview is for the job position you have created the job packet. The interview will test your persuasive nature, delivery, and readiness for the job. The questions for the interview can be categorized as follows: 1. résumé­based questions 2. situational questions 3. behavioral patterns Grading Rubric Criteria 1. Persuasiveness 2. Level of knowledge about the company/field 3. Level of knowledge about the job 4. Eye contact 5. Body Language 6. Response to topic shifts 7. Use of concrete examples 8. Enthusiasm 9. Control of time Points 10 6 6 4 6 4 6 4 4 Follow-up letter Follow­up letters are written to the interviewer after the interview. The letters serve the following purposes: 1. Friendly reminders: They remind the interviewer of the interview, especially the positive points 2. Solidarity builders: They fulfill the purpose of building another contact with the potential employer by thanking them for the interview and letting them know you appreciate their time 3. Persuasive documents: They persuade the employer to consider you for the job position and display professionalism. Grading Criteria is based on the inclusion of the following. Ø You­attitude Ø Audience benefits Ø Context of the interview: referring to things you saw and heard Ø Persuasive elements Ø Request for the job Ø Correct use of grammar, usage, and mechanics