Reputational Bargaining with Minimal Knowledge of Rationality Alexander Wolitzky Stanford University and Microsoft Research August 23, 2011 Abstract Two players announce bargaining postures to which they may become committed and then bargain over the division of a surplus. The share of the surplus that a player can guarantee herself under …rst-order knowledge of rationality is determined (as a function of her probability of becoming committed), as is the bargaining posture that she must announce in order to guarantee herself this much. This “maxmin” share of the surplus is large relative to the probability of becoming committed (e.g., it equals 30% if the commitment probability is 1 in 10, and equals 13% if the commitment probability is 1 in 1000), and the corresponding bargaining posture simply demands this share plus compensation for any delay in reaching agreement. Keywords: bargaining, knowledge of rationality, posturing, reputation I thank the editor, Philippe Jehiel, and three anonymous referees for helpful comments. I thank my advisors, Daron Acemoglu, Glenn Ellison, and Muhamet Yildiz, for extensive discussions and comments as well as continual advice and support. For additional helpful comments, I thank Sandeep Baliga, Abhijit Banerjee, Alessandro Bonatti, Je¤ Ely, Drew Fudenberg, Bob Gibbons, Michael Grubb, Peter Klibano¤, Anton Kolotilin, Mihai Manea, Parag Pathak, Jeroen Swinkels, Juuso Toikka, Iván Werning, and (especially) Gabriel Carroll, as well as many seminar audiences. I thank the NSF for …nancial support. 1 1 Introduction Economists have long been interested in how individuals split gains from trade. The division of surplus often determines not only equity, but also e¢ ciency, as it a¤ects individuals’ex ante incentives to make investments; this e¤ect of surplus division on e¢ ciency is a major theme of, for example, property rights theories of the …rm (Grossman and Hart, 1986), industrial organization models of cumulative innovation (Green and Scotchmer, 1995), and search-and-matching models of the labor market (Hosios, 1990). Recently, “reputational” models of bargaining have been developed that make sharp prediction about the division of the surplus independently of many details of the bargaining procedure (Myerson, 1991; Abreu and Gul, 2000; Kambe, 1999; Compte and Jehiel, 2002). In these models, players may be committed to a range of possible bargaining strategies, or “postures,”before the start of bargaining, and bargaining consists of each player attempting to convince her opponent that she is committed to a strong posture. These models assume that the probabilities with which the players are committed to various bargaining postures (either ex ante or after a stage where players strategically announce bargaining postures) are common knowledge, and that play constitutes a (sequential) equilibrium. In this paper, I study reputational bargaining while assuming only that the players know that each other is rational, and show that each player can guarantee herself a relatively large share of the surplus— even if her probability of being committed is small— by announcing the posture that simply demands this share plus compensation for any delay in reaching agreement. Furthermore, announcing any other posture does not guarantee as much. A key feature of my model is the existence of a positive number " such that, if a player announces any bargaining posture (i.e., any in…nite path of demands) at the beginning of the game, she then becomes committed to that posture with probability at least " (or, equivalently, she convinces her opponent that she is committed to that posture with probability at least "). I derive the highest payo¤ that a player can guarantee herself by announcing any posture, regardless of her opponent’s beliefs about her bargaining strategy, so long as her opponent is rational and believes that she is committed to her announced posture with probability at least ". More precisely, player 1’s “highest guaranteed,”or “maxmin,”payo¤ 2 is the highest payo¤ u1 with the property that there exists a corresponding posture (the “maxmin posture”) and bargaining strategy such that player 1 receives at least u1 whenever she announces this posture and follows this strategy and player 2 plays any best-response to any belief about player 1’s strategy that assigns probability at least " to player 1 following her announced posture. The main result of this paper characterizes the maxmin payo¤ and posture when only one player may become committed to her announced posture; as discussed below, a very similar characterization applies when both players may become committed. While the maxmin payo¤ may be very small when " is small in general two-person games, it is relatively large in my model: in particular, it equals 1= (1 log "). This equals 1 when " = 1 (i.e., when the player makes a take-it-or-leave-it o¤er) and, more interestingly, goes to 0 very slowly as " goes to 0 (more precisely, it goes to 0 at a logarithmic rate). For example, a bargainer can guarantee herself approximately 30% of the surplus if her commitment probability is 1 in ten; 13% if it is 1 in 1 thousand; and 7% if it is 1 in 1 million. The second part of the main result is that the unique bargaining posture that guarantees this share of the surplus simply demands this share in addition to compensation for any delay; that is, it demands a share of the surplus that increases at rate equal to the discount rate, r. This compensation amounts to the entire surplus after a long enough delay, so the unique maxmin posture demands min ert = (1 log ") ; 1 at every time t. This posture is depicted in Figure 1, for commitment probability " = 1=1000 and discount rate r = 1. The intuition for why the maxmin payo¤ is large relative to " is that, when player 1’s demand is small, player 2 must accept unless he believes that he will be rewarded with high probability for rejecting. In the latter case, if player 1 does not reward player 2 for rejecting, then player 2 quickly updates his belief toward player 1’s being committed to her announced posture (i.e., player 1 builds reputation quickly), and player 2 accepts when he becomes convinced that she is committed.1 Thus, player 1 is able to compensate for a small 1 This is related to the argument in the existing reputational bargaining literature that player 1 builds reputation more quickly in equilibrium when her demand is small, though my analysis is not based on equilibrium. 3 Demand 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time Figure 1: The Unique Maxmin Bargaining Posture for " = 1=1000 and r = 1 commitment probability by demanding (somewhat) less, thus avoiding a long delay before her demand is accepted. The intuition for why the unique maxmin posture demands compensation for delay involves two key ideas. First, as I have argued, player 1’s demand is accepted sooner when it is lower (when player 2’s beliefs are those that lead him to reject for as long as possible). Second, the maxmin posture can never make demands that would give player 1 less than her maxmin payo¤ if they were accepted, because otherwise player 2 could simply accept some such demand and give player 1 a payo¤ below her maxmin payo¤, which was supposed to be guaranteed to player 1 (though it must be veri…ed that such behavior by player 2 is rational). Combining these ideas implies that player 1 must always demand at least her maxmin level of utility (hence, compensation for delay), but no more. I also characterize the maxmin payo¤s and postures when both players may become committed to their announced postures. Each player’s maxmin posture is exactly the same as in the one-sided commitment model, and each player’s maxmin payo¤ is close to her maxmin payo¤ in the one-sided commitment model as long as her opponent’s commitment probability is small. Thus, the one-sided commitment analysis applies to each player separately. Three distinctive features of my approach are the timing of commitment (players freely choose which bargaining postures to announce, but may become bound by their announce4 ments), the range of bargaining postures players may announce (all possible paths of demands for the duration of bargaining), and the solution concept (…rst-order knowledge of rationality). The timing of commitment is appropriate if players are rational but may credibly announce bargaining postures. This assumption has many precedents in the literature, starting with Schelling (1956), who discusses observable factors that make announced postures more credible, corresponding to a higher value of " in my model.2 The assumption that a player may announce any path of demands and that all such announcements are equally credible seems unappealing a priori, because announcing a “simple” posture may be more credible than announcing a “complicated”posture. Fortunately, the unique maxmin posture is simply announcing, “I want a certain share of the surplus, and if you make me wait to get it then you must compensate me for the delay.”3 Thus, allowing players to credibly announce complicated postures ensures that my results do not depend on ad hoc restrictions on the range of credible postures, but my results would still apply if only “simple” postures were credible. I also provide a less explicit characterization of the maxmin payo¤ and posture in a more general model where credibility does vary across announcements (cf Section 5.5). A player’s maxmin payo¤ is her lowest payo¤ consistent with (…rst-order) knowledge of rationality (at the start of the game). In bargaining, a player cannot guarantee herself any positive payo¤ without knowledge of her opponent’s rationality, as, for example, she receives payo¤ 0 if her opponent always rejects her o¤er and demands the entire surplus. Thus, knowledge of rationality is the weakest solution concept consistent with positive guaranteed payo¤s. Furthermore, I show that any feasible payo¤ greater than the maxmin payo¤ is consistent with knowledge of rationality, which implies that the maxmin payo¤ and posture 2 For example, an announcement is more credible if the stakes in the current negotiation are small relative to the stakes in potential future negotiations; if the announcement is observable to a large number of third parties; if the bargainer can side-contract with third parties to bind herself to her announcement; if the bargainer may be acting as an agent for a third party and does not have independent authority to change her posture; or if the bargainer displays emotions that suggest an unwillingness to modify her posture. 3 To my knowledge, this is the …rst bargaining model that predicts that such a posture will be adopted, though it seems like a reasonable bargaining position to stake out. For example, in most U.S. states defendants must pay “prejudgment interest” on damages in torts cases, which amounts to plainti¤s demanding the initial damages in addition to compensation for any delay (e.g., Knoll, 1996); similarly, unions sometimes include payment for strike days among their demands. 5 are the key objects of interest under knowledge of rationality. Imposing only knowledge of rationality rather than a stronger solution concept, such as rationalizability or equilibrium, leads to more robust predictions. In particular, predictions under knowledge of rationality (such as the prediction that each player receives at least her maxmin payo¤) do not depend on each player’s beliefs about her opponent’s strategies— so long as each player believes that her opponent is playing a best-response to some belief about her own play— and also do not depend on unmodelled strategic considerations that do not a¤ect a player’s payo¤s or her beliefs about her opponent’s payo¤s, but may a¤ect higher-order beliefs about payo¤s. Such considerations arise naturally in bargaining: for example, a local union that strategically announces that it will strike until o¤ered a wage of at least $25 an hour may be concerned that the …rm’s management may believe that it is actually required by the national union to strike until o¤ered a wage of at least $20 an hour. The maxmin payo¤ and posture may also be viewed as the predicted payo¤ and posture of a positive theory of bargaining in which each player is either maximally pessimistic (in a Bayesian sense) about her opponent’s strategy or expects her opponent to play her “worstcase”strategy (in a maxmin sense), given her knowledge of her opponent’s rationality. These two approaches are equivalent in my model, though they di¤er in general games. The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 relates the paper to the literature. Section 3 presents the model and de…nes maxmin payo¤s and postures. Section 4 analyzes the baseline case with one-sided commitment and presents the main characterization of maxmin payo¤s and postures. Section 5 presents …ve brief extensions. Section 6 considers two-sided commitment. Section 7 concludes. Omitted proofs are in the appendix. A supplementary appendix shows that the main characterization is robust to details of the bargaining procedure such as the order and relative frequency of o¤ers (so long as o¤ers are frequent), as well as to strengthening the solution concept from knowledge of normal-form rationality to iterated conditional dominance.4 4 Rubinstein (1982) implies that the main result is not robust to simultaneously specifying a discrete-time bargaining procedure and strengthening the solution concept to iterated conditional dominance. supplementary appendix for details. 6 See the 2 Related Literature The seminal paper on reputational bargaining is Abreu and Gul (2000), which generalizes Myerson (1991).5 In their model, there is a vector of probabilities for each player corre- sponding to the probability that she is committed to each of a variety of behavioral types (which are analogous to bargaining postures in my model), and these vectors are common knowledge. In the (e¤ectively unique) sequential equilibrium, players randomize over mimicking di¤erent behavioral types, with mixing probabilities determined by the prior, and play proceeds according to a war of attrition, where each player hopes that her opponent will concede. A player’s equilibrium payo¤ is higher when she is more likely to be committed to strong behavioral types and when she is more patient. Thus, Abreu and Gul present a complete and elegant bargaining theory in which the bargaining procedure is unimportant and sharp predictions are driven by the vector of prior commitment probabilities. The main di¤erence between my analysis and Abreu and Gul’s is that I characterize maxmin payo¤s and postures rather than sequential equilibria. My approach entails weaker assumptions on knowledge of commitment probabilities (i.e., second-order knowledge that each player is committed to her announced posture with probability at least ", rather than common knowledge of a vector of commitment probabilities) and on behavior (i.e., …rstorder knowledge of rationality, rather than sequential equilibrium), and does not yield unique predictions about the division of surplus or about the details of how bargaining will proceed. One motivation for this complementary approach is that behavioral types are sometimes viewed as “perturbations”re‡ecting the fact that a player (or an outside observer) cannot be sure that the model captures all of the other player’s strategic considerations. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that players realize that their opponent’s type may be perturbed in some manner (e.g., that a rich set of types have positive prior weight), but assuming that the distribution over perturbations is common knowledge goes against the spirit of introducing perturbations. The paper most closely related to mine is Kambe (1999). In Kambe’s model, each player 5 Other important antecedents of Abreu and Gul include Kreps and Wilson (1982) and Milgrom and Roberts (1982), who pioneered the incomplete information approach to reputation-formation, and Chatterjee and Samuelson (1987, 1988), who study somewhat simpler reputational bargaining models. 7 …rst strategically announces a posture and then becomes committed to her announced posture with probability ", as in my model. of Abreu and Gul. Thus, Kambe endogenizes the behavioral types The structure of equilibrium and the determinants of the division of the surplus are similar to those in Abreu and Gul’s model. There are two di¤erences between Kambe’s model and mine. First, Kambe requires that players announce postures that demand a constant share of the surplus (as do Abreu and Gul), while I allow players to announce non-constant postures (and players do bene…t from announcing non-constant postures in my model). Second, and more fundamentally, Kambe studies sequential equilibria, while I study maxmin payo¤s and postures. These di¤erences lead my analysis and results to be quite di¤erent from Kambe’s, with the exception that Kambe’s calculation of bounds on the set of sequential equilibrium payo¤s resembles my calculation of the maxmin payo¤ in the special case where players can only announce constant postures (Section 5.1). There are also a number of earlier bargaining models in which players try to commit themselves to advantageous postures. Crawford (1982) studies a two-stage model in which players …rst announce demands and then learn their private costs of changing these demands, and shows that such a model can lead to impasse. Fershtman and Seidmann (1993) show that agreement is delayed until an exogenous deadline if each player is unable to accept an o¤er that she has previously rejected. Muthoo (1996) studies a two-stage model related to Crawford (1982), with the feature that making a larger change to one’s initial demand is more costly, and shows that a player’s equilibrium payo¤ is increasing in her marginal cost of changing her demand. Ellingsen and Miettinen (2008) point out that if commitment is costly in Crawford’s model then impasse not only can result, but must. These papers study equilibrium and do not involve reputation formation. This paper is also related to the literatures on bargaining with incomplete information either without common priors (Yildiz 2003, 2004; Feinberg and Skrzypacz, 2005) or with rationalizability rather than equilibrium (Cho, 1994; Watson, 1998), in that players may disagree about the distribution over outcomes of bargaining. Finally, this paper weakens the solution concept from equilibrium to knowledge of rationality in reputational bargaining models in the same way that Watson (1993) and Battigalli and Watson (1996) weaken the solution concept from equilibrium to knowledge of rationality 8 in Fudenberg and Levine’s (1989) model of reputation in repeated games. They …nd that Fudenberg and Levine’s equilibrium predictions also apply under knowledge of rationality, whereas my predictions di¤er dramatically from the existing reputational bargaining literature. The reason for this di¤erence is that in repeated games with one long-run player and one short-run player, or in bargaining where one player is in…nitely more patient than her opponent, the long-run or patient player receives close to her Stackelberg payo¤ (which in bargaining equals the entire surplus) under either knowledge of rationality or equilibrium. Thus, the predictions of Watson and Battigalli and Watson coincide with those of Fudenberg and Levine, just as my predictions coincide with those of Abreu and Gul (and others) in the special case where one player is in…nitely more patient than the other (Section 5.4).6 However, the main focus of this paper is on the case of equally (or at least comparably) patient players, where predictions under equilibrium and knowledge of rationality di¤er for both repeated games and bargaining.7 3 Model and Key De…nitions This section describes the model and de…nes maxmin payo¤s and postures, which are the main objects of analysis. 3.1 Model Two players (“she,” “he”) bargain over one unit of surplus in two phases: a “commitment phase”followed by a “bargaining phase.” I describe the bargaining phase …rst. It is intended to capture a continuous bargaining process where players can change their demands and accept their opponents’ demands at any time, but in order to avoid well-known technical issues that emerge when players can condition their play on “instantaneous” actions of 6 A potentially confusing point is that if only one player has commitment power in reputational bargaining then that player obtains the entire surplus in equilibrium regardless of the discount rates (Myerson, 1991). This result relies on equilibrium as well as on a contraction argument that does not apply in Fudenberg and Levine, Watson, Battigalli and Watson, or my paper. 7 Little is known about the role of reputation in repeated games with equally patient players under knowledge of rationality. I brie‡y discuss this in the conclusion. 9 their opponents (Simon and Stinchcombe, 1989; Bergin and MacLeod, 1993) I assume that players can revise their paths of demands only at integer times (while letting them accept their opponents’demands at any time).8 Time runs continuously from t = 0 to 1. At every integer time t 2 N (where N is the natural numbers), each player i 2 f1; 2g chooses a path of demands for the next length-1 period of time, uti : [t; t + 1) ! [0; 1], which is required to be the restriction to [t; t + 1) of a continuous function on [t; t + 1]. Let U t be the set of all such functions, and let (U t ) be the space of probability measures on the Borel -algebra of U t endowed with the product topology. The interpretation is that uti ( ) is the demand that player i makes at time (this is simply denoted by ui ( ) when t is understood; note that ui : R+ ! R+ can be discontinuous at integer times but is right-continuous everywhere9 ). Even though player i’s path of demands for [t; t + 1) is decided at t, player j only observes demands as they are made. Intuitively, each player i may accept her opponent’s demand uj (t) at any time t, which ends the game with payo¤s (e (throughout, j = rt (1 uj (t)) ; e rt uj (t)), where r > 0 is the common discount rate i). Formally, every instant of time t is divided into three dates, (t; 1), (t; 0), and (t; 1) (except for time 0, which is divided only into dates (0; 0) and (0; 1)), with the following timing:10 First, at date (t; 1), each player i announces accept or reject. If both players reject, the game continues; if only player i accepts, the game ends with payo¤s (e rt (1 lim "t uj ( )) ; e rt lim "t uj ( )); and if both players accept, the games ends with payo¤s determined by the average of the two demands, lim "t u1 ( ) and lim "t u2 ( ). Next, at date (t; 0), both players simultaneously announce their time-t demands (u1 (t) ; u2 (t)) (which were determined at the most recent integer time); if t is an integer, this is also the date where each player i chooses a path of demands for the next length-1 period, uti . Finally, 8 In this paper, working in continuous time not only allows the players more ‡exibility than does discrete time but also yields simpler results. In particular, the continuous-time maxmin posture demands exact compensation for delay and thus changes over time in a simple way, while I conjecture that the discrete-time maxmin posture demands approximate compensation for delay but that the details of the approximation are complicated and depend on the exact timing of o¤ers. 9 A function f : R ! R is right-continuous if, for every x 2 R and every 0 0 > 0, there exists that jf (x) f (x )j < for all x 2 (x; x + ). 10 This is similar to the notion of date introduced by Abreu and Pearce (2007). 10 > 0 such at date (t; 1), each player i again announces accept or reject. If both players reject, the game continues; if only player i accepts, the game ends with payo¤s (e rt (1 uj (t)) ; e rt uj (t)); and if both players accept, the game ends and the demands u1 (t) and u2 (t) are averaged. This timing ensures that there is a …rst and last date at which each player can accept each of her opponent’s demands. In particular, at integer time t, player i may accept either her opponent’s “left” demand, lim "t uj ( ), or her time-t demand, uj (t). I say that agreement is reached at time t if the game ends at time t (i.e., at date (t; 1) or (t; 1)). Both players receive payo¤ 0 if agreement is never reached. The public history up to time t excluding the time-t demands is denoted by ht <t , (u1 ( ) ; u2 ( )) = and the public history up to time t including the time-t demands is de- noted by ht+ = (u1 ( ) ; u2 ( )) t (with the convention that this corresponds to all o¤ers having been rejected, as otherwise the game would have ended). A generic time-t history is denoted by ht . Since lim "t ui (t) = ui (t) for non-integer t, I generally distinguish between ht and ht+ only for integer t. Formally, a bargaining phase (behavior) strategy for player i is a pair Fi (ht ) i = (Fi ; Gi ), where Fi is a map from histories ht into [0; 1] with the properties that 0 Fi ht 0 whenever ht is a successor of ht and Fi (ht+ ) is a right-continuous function of t; and Gi is a map from histories ht with t 2 N into (U t ). Let i be the set of player i’s bargaining phase strategies. The interpretation is that Fi (ht ) is the probability that player i accepts player j’s demand at or before date (t; 1), Fi (ht+ ) is the probability that player i accepts player j’s demand at or before date (t; 1), and Gi (ht ) is the probability distribution over paths of demands uti : [t; t + 1) ! [0; 1] chosen by player i at date (t; 0). This formalism implies that player i’s hazard rate of acceptance at history ht , fi (ht ) = (1 Fi (ht )), is well- de…ned at any time t at which the realized distribution function Fi admits a density fi ; and in addition player i’s probability of acceptance at history ht+ (resp., ht ), Fi (ht+ ) (resp., Fi (ht ) lim "t Fi (h )), is well-de…ned for all times t. Fi (ht ) However, so long as one bears in mind these formal de…nitions, it su¢ ces for the remainder of the paper to omit the notation (Fi ; Gi ) and instead simply view a (bargaining phase) strategy i 2 i as a function that maps every history ht to a hazard rate of acceptance, a discrete probability of acceptance, and (if ht = ht for t 2 N) a probability distribution over paths of demands uti . A pure bargaining phase strategy is a strategy 11 i such that Fi (ht ) 2 f0; 1g for all ht and Gi (ht ) is a degenerate distribution for all ht .11 At the beginning of the bargaining phase, player i has an initial belief behavior of her opponent. Formally, over j, so i i 2 Let supp ( i ) be the support of j strategy pro…le ( i ; i, j ), and let responses to belief i j ), ( i) i let ui ( i ; i) j i, about the the set of …nite-dimensional distributions is a …nite-dimensional distribution over behavior strategies alternatively be viewed as an element of belief ( i j; note that can by reducing lotteries over behavior strategies.12 let ui ( i ; j) be player i’s expected utility given be player i’s expected utility given strategy argmax i ui ( i ; i i) i and be the set of player i’s (normal-form) best- (which may be empty; see discussion below). I say that an action (accepting, rejecting, or choosing a demand path uti ) is optimal at history ht under belief if there exists a pure strategy i that prescribes that action at ht such that i 2 i i ( i ).13 At the beginning of the game (prior to time 0), player 1 (but not player 2) publicly announces a bargaining posture : [0; 1) ! [0; 1], which must be continuous at non- integer times t, be right-continuous everywhere, and have well-de…ned left limits everywhere. Slightly abusing notation, a posture mands is identi…ed with the strategy of player 1’s that de- (t) for all t 2 R+ and always rejects player 2’s demand; with this notation, 2 1. In other words, a posture is a pure bargaining phase strategy that does not condition on player 2’s play or accept player 2’s demand. After announcing posture , player 1 becomes committed to with some probability " > 0, meaning that she must play strategy bargaining phase. With probability 1 ", she is free to play any strategy in the bargaining phase. Whether or not player 1 becomes committed to 3.2 in the is observed only by player 1. De…ning the Maxmin Payo¤ and Posture This subsection de…nes player 1’s maxmin payo¤ and posture. Intuitively, player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is the highest payo¤ she can guarantee herself when all she knows about player 2 is that he is rational (i.e., maximizes his expected payo¤ given his belief about player 1’s behavior, 11 12 Thus, behavior strategies are primitives of the model and pure strategies are special behavior strategies. The assumption that i puts weight on only …nitely many behavior strategies is not very restrictive since the de…nition of behavior strategies allows for continuous mixing. 13 This is optimality under initial beliefs. For iterated conditional dominance, see the supplementary appendix. 12 and updates his belief according to Bayes’ rule when possible) and that he believes that player 1 follows her announced posture with probability at least ". Formally, that player 2 is rational and assigns probability at least " to player 1 following her announced posture means that his strategy satis…es the following condition: De…nition 1 A strategy 2 of player 2’s is rational given posture of player 2’s such that 2 ( ) 2 A belief 1 f 2 : 2 1 2 2 2 ( 2 ). of player 1’s is consistent with knowledge of rationality given posture if every strategy of beliefs " and if there exists a belief 2 2 supp ( 1 ) is rational given posture . In other words, the set that are consistent with knowledge of rationality given posture is 1 is rational given posture g. I assume that player 1’s belief is consistent with knowledge of rationality. here is that the set 2 ( 2 ) may be empty for some beliefs 2. A subtlety It is inevitable in bargaining models that players do not have best responses to all beliefs; for example, a player has no best response to the belief that her opponent will accept any strictly positive o¤er but will refuse an o¤er of 0. Thus, the assumption that player 2 plays a strategy some belief 2 2 2 2 ( 2 ) for is in fact a joint assumption on his belief and strategy. While the implied assumption on beliefs is certainly not without loss of generality, it is extremely natural and indeed fundamental, as it says precisely that player 2’s choice set is non-empty. It is also weaker than any equilibrium assumption, as players play best responses in equilibrium. Given that her belief is consistent with knowledge of rationality, the highest payo¤ that player 1 can guarantee herself after announcing posture is the following: De…nition 2 Player 1’s maxmin payo¤ given posture u1 ( ) sup inf u1 ( 1 ; 1 A strategy 1 12 is 1) . 1 ( ) of player 1’s is a maxmin strategy given posture 1 ( ) 2 argmax inf u1 ( 1 ; 1 12 13 1 1) . if Equivalently, u1 ( ) is the highest payo¤ player 1 can receive when she chooses a strategy 1 and then player 2 chooses a rational strategy u1 ( ) = sup 1 2: 2 2 that minimizes u1 ( 1 ; inf is rational given posture u1 ( 1 ; 2 ); that is, 2) . In particular, to guarantee herself a high payo¤, player 1 must play a strategy that does well against any rational strategy of player 2’s.14 Finally, I de…ne player 1’s maxmin payo¤, the highest payo¤ that player 1 can guarantee herself before announcing a posture, as well as the corresponding maxmin posture. De…nition 3 Player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is u1 A posture n (t) ! sup u1 ( ) . is a maxmin posture if there exists a sequence of postures f (t) for all t 2 R+ and u1 ( n) ng such that ! u1 . on " by writing u1 (") and I sometimes emphasize the dependence of u1 and Both the set of maxmin strategies given any posture 15 ". and the set of maxmin postures are non-empty, though at this point this is not obvious. The reason why is de…ned as a limit of postures f ng such that u1 ( n) ! u1 , rather than as an element of argmax u1 ( ), is that the latter set may be empty because of an openness problem that is standard in bargaining models. To see the problem, consider the ultimatum bargaining game, where player 1 makes a take-it-or-leave-it demand in [0; 1] to player 2. By knowledge of rationality, player 1 knows that any demand strictly below 1 will be accepted, but demanding 1 does not guarantee her a positive payo¤ because it is a best-response for player 2 to reject. De…nition 3 is analogous to specifying that in this game player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is 1 and her maxmin strategy is demanding 1. 14 A potential criticism of the concept of the maxmin payo¤ given posture is that it appears to neglect the fact that, in the event that player 1 does become committed to posture inf 12 1 u1 ( ; 1) in the bargaining phase, rather than sup 1 inf 12 Section 4.3 that these two numbers are actually identical in my model. 15 The notation ( ) is already taken by the time-t demand of posture 1 u1 ( 1; , she is guaranteed only 1 ). However, I show in . I apologize for abusing notation in writing u1 ( ) and u1 (") for di¤erent objects and hope that this will not cause confusion. 14 Note that De…nitions 2 and 3 are “non-Bayesian”in the sense that they characterize the largest payo¤ that player 1 can guarantee herself, rather than the maximum payo¤ that she can obtain given some belief. The following is the “Bayesian”version of these de…nitions: De…nition 4 Player 1’s pessimistic payo¤ given posture upess ( ) 1 Player 1’s pessimistic payo¤ is upess 1 inf sup u1 ( 1 ; 12 1 ( and upess 1 n) . ! upess 1 1) . 1 sup upess ( ). 1 posture if there exists a sequence of postures f is ng A posture such that n (t) ! pess is a pessimistic pess (t) for all t 2 R+ Player 1’s pessimistic payo¤ is the worst payo¤ she can receive by best-responding to a …xed rational strategy of player 2’s. Player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is weakly lower than her pessimistic payo¤, because in the de…nition of the pessimistic payo¤ player 1 “knows” the distribution over player 2’s strategies when she chooses her strategy, while in the de…nition of the maxmin payo¤ her strategy is evaluated with respect to the worst-case response of player 2’s. However, I show in Section 4.3 that these payo¤s are in fact identical in my model. For expositional consistency, I focus on maxmin payo¤s and strategies. Another reason for studying player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is that it determines the entire range of payo¤s that are consistent with knowledge of rationality, as shown by the following proposition. Proposition 1 For any posture 1 4 such that max 1 u1 ( 1 ; 1) and any payo¤ u1 2 [u1 ( ) ; 1), there exists a belief 1 2 = u1 . Characterization of the Maxmin Payo¤ and Posture This section states and proves Theorem 1, the main result of the paper, which solves for player 1’s maxmin payo¤ and posture. Section 4.1 states Theorem 1 and provides intuition, and Sections 4.2 through 4.4 provide the proof. The approach is as follows: In Section 4.2, I …x a posture best-response, and …nd a belief of player 2’s, 2 2 2 ( 2 ), 2 that minimize u1 ( ; 15 (satisfying 2 ), 2 ( ) "), and corresponding player 1’s payo¤ from mimicking in the bargaining phase; 2 and 2 are called the -o¤setting belief and -o¤setting strategy, respectively, and play a key role in the analysis. Section 4.3 shows that itself is a maxmin strategy given posture , for any , which implies that u1 ( ) = u1 ( ; for any posture . That is, player 1’s maxmin payo¤ given posture 2) is the payo¤ she receives from mimicking when her opponent follows his -o¤setting strategy. Section 4.4 maximizes u1 ( ; 2) over to prove Theorem 1. 4.1 Main Result The main result is the following: Theorem 1 Player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is u1 (") = 1= (1 and the unique maxmin posture " " log ") , is given by (t) = min ert = (1 log ") ; 1 for all t 2 R+ . A priori, one might have expected player 1’s maxmin payo¤ to be very small when " is small (because player 2’s beliefs and strategy may be chosen quite freely in the de…nition of the maxmin payo¤), and might have expected player 1’s maxmin posture to be complicated (as player 1 is not restricted to announcing monotone, continuous, or otherwise well-behaved postures). Theorem 1 shows that, on the contrary, player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is relatively high for even very small commitment probabilities ", as shown by Table 1, and that player 1’s unique maxmin posture is simply demanding the maxmin payo¤ plus compensation for any delay in reaching agreement.16 16 The importance of non-constant postures is a di¤erence between this paper and existing reputational bargaining models, where it is usually assumed that players may only be committed to strategies that demand a constant share of the surplus (as in Abreu and Gul (2000), Compte and Jehiel (2002), and Kambe (1999)). A notable exception is Abreu and Pearce (2007), where players may be committed to non-constant postures that can also condition their play on their opponents’behavior. However, Abreu and Pearce’s main result is that a particular posture that demands a constant share of the surplus is approximately optimal in their model, when commitment probabilities are small. 16 " u1 (") :25 :42 :1 :30 10 3 :13 10 6 :07 10 9 :05 Table 1: The Maxmin Payo¤ u1 (") for Di¤erent Commitment Probabilities " I …rst give intuition for why the maxmin posture demands the maxmin payo¤ plus compensation for delay, and then give intuition for why the maxmin payo¤ equals 1= (1 log "). The …rst step is determining the worst belief that player 2 can have after player 1 announces an arbitrary posture (the “ -o¤setting belief”). A preliminary observation is that itself is a maxmin strategy give posture (cf Section 4.3). This is because player 1 is not guaranteed a positive payo¤ at histories following a deviation from her announced posture, because at such histories player 2’s beliefs and strategy are unrestricted. It follows from this observation that the -o¤setting belief is whatever belief leads player 2 to rejects player 1’s demand for as long as possible, when player 1 mimics .17 What belief leads player 2 to reject for as long as possible? It is the belief that player 1 is committed to with the smallest possible probability (i.e., "), and that she concedes the entire surplus to him at the rate that makes him indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting. For if player 1 conceded more slowly, he would accept, and if player 1 conceded more quickly, she would build reputation more quickly when mimicking and would thus eventually have her demand accepted sooner.18 And what is this concession rate (call it (t))? For player 2, accepting yields ‡ow payo¤ r (1 17 This is not true if (t)), while rejecting yields ‡ow payo¤ (t) (t) 0 (t), ever increases so quickly that delay bene…ts player 1. For this intuitive discussion, consider instead the “typical” case where delay hurts player 1. 18 This point is clearest in the extreme case where player 2 thinks that player 1 will surely concede in one second. Then player 1 needs only mimic for two seconds to convince player 2 that she is committed. 17 and equalizing these ‡ow payo¤s gives (t) = r (1 (t)) + (t) 0 (t) .19 Thus, the -o¤setting belief is that player 1 is committed to the entire surplus at rate with probability " and concedes (t) (which depends on ). Note that (t) is greater when (t) is smaller; this formalizes the intuition from the introduction that player 1 builds reputation more quickly when her demand is smaller. Given this characterization of the -o¤setting belief, what posture 1’s payo¤? maximizes player Since player 1 builds reputation more quickly when her demand is smaller, she bene…ts from demanding as little as possible, subject to the constraint that she always demands at least her maxmin payo¤ plus compensation for delay (as otherwise player 2 might rationally accept at a time where she demands less than this, leaving her with less than her maxmin payo¤). This implies that the maxmin posture demands exactly the maxmin payo¤ plus compensation for delay, until player 1’s reputation reaches 1 (i.e., until player 2 becomes certain that she is committed to ).20 Furthermore, this time at which player 1’s reputation reaches 1 is exactly the time at which her demand reaches 1. To see this, note that the fact that player 1 demands compensation for delay until her reputation reaches 1 implies that her reputation reaches 1 weakly before her demand reaches 1 (as she cannot demand more than 1). And if player 1’s reputation reaches 1 strictly before her demand reaches 1, she could instead announce a posture that demands slightly more at every time and still be sure to receive her initial demand plus compensation for delay (as her reputation would still reach 1 strictly before her demand reaches 1, at which point player 2 would accept). Finally, player 1 must demand 1 forever once her demand reaches 1, as otherwise player 2 would wait and 19 Two remarks: assumes that First, the formal de…nition of is di¤erentiable and that r (1 rigorous derivation of (t) = order expansion in dt. 20 A subtlety is that some postures (t) > 0 (t) for some t and thus in the derivative term (t)) + 0 (t) 0, for example). Second, a slightly more (t) comes from considering the equation for player 2 to be indi¤erent between accepting at t and t + dt, 1 0 (t) is provided in Section 4.2 (the current de…nition 0 (t) dt + (1 (t) dt) (1 rdt) (1 (t + dt)), and taking a …rst- that always demand more than the maxmin posture (t) > may have (t) for some t. However, it can be shown that this advantage is always more than o¤set by the disadvantage in the level term over an interval, so that player 1’s reputation is always greater with posture 18 when integrating than with . accept a lower demand rather than accept when player 1’s demand is close to 1. It remains to describe why the maxmin payo¤ equals 1= (1 given by log "). Consider a posture (t) = min fert u1 ; 1g for all t 2 R+ , for arbitrary u1 2 R+ . As I have argued, the -o¤setting belief is that player 1 is committed to with probability " and concedes at rate (t) = until (t) reaches 1. r (1 (t)) + (t) 0 (t) = r ert u (1) 1 Now player 1’s reputation reaches 1 at the time T such that the probability that player 1 has not conceded by T equals ", since if player 1 does not concede by this time then she must be committed to by Z exp (as never concedes). This time T is given T (t) dt = ".21 0 Substituting for (t) using (1), this becomes T = log (1 + u1 log ") =r. 1 On the other hand, player 1’s demand reaches 1 at the time T 1 given by erT u1 = 1, or T1 = log (u1 ) =r. Now, so long as T < T 1 , player 1’s maxmin payo¤ given posture equals her initial demand, u1 , as in this case player 2 must accept at T , the time at which he becomes convinced that player 1 is committed to (which would not be the case if player 1 were demanding 1 when he becomes convinced, i.e., if T T 1 ). Clearly, T < T 1 if and only if u1 < 1= (1 Therefore, player 1 can guarantee herself any payo¤ less than 1= (1 that the maxmin payo¤ is at least 1= (1 more than 1= (1 log "). log "). log "), which implies And player 1 cannot guarantee herself log "), because it can be shown that any posture that guarantees close to 1= (1 log ") must be close to the maxmin posture 4.2 O¤setting Beliefs and Strategies . In this subsection, I …x an arbitrary posture for player 1, , and …nd a rational strategy of player 2’s, 21 2 (the “ -o¤setting strategy”), that minimizes player 1’s payo¤ when she A more general de…nition of T is provided in Section 4.2 19 announces posture and then mimics in the bargaining phase. That is, I solve the problem inf 2) . u1 ( ; (2) ( 2 ; 2 ): 2 ( ) "; 2 2 2 ( 2 ) The resulting strategy 2 always demands the entire surplus and rejects player 1’s demand until some time t , and accepts player 1’s smaller time-t demand, min flim (t )), if player 1 follows (henceforth denoted by from , then ( ) ; (t )g "t until time t . If player 1 ever deviates 2 (the “ - with probability ", and with probability 1 " plays rejects player 1’s demand forever. The corresponding belief 2 o¤setting belief”) is that player 1 plays a particular strategy ~ that mixes between mimicking and accepting player 2’s demand up until time t , and subsequently mimics . The key step in solving (2) is computing the smallest time T by which agreement must be reached under strategy pro…le ( ; mint T e rt 2 ). I then show that the value of (2) is simply (t), and that the time t at which the strategy T that minimizes e rt 2 accepts (t) is a time before (t) : Toward computing T , let v (t; 1) be the continuation value of player 2 from bestresponding to starting from date (t; 1) (for integer t), and let v (t) be the corresponding continuation value starting from date (t; 1) (for any t 2 R+ ): v (t; 1) max e r( t v (t) max 1 t) 1 ( ) , (t) ; sup e r( t) 1 , ( ) (3) >t where min flims" ( ) (s) ; ( )g. Thus, the di¤erence between v (t; 1) and v (t) is that only v (t; 1) gives player 2 the opportunity to accept the demand 1 particular, v (t; 1) = v (t) if (or v) is continuous at t. Note that max is well-de…ned because is lower semi-continuous and lim !1 e r( that v is continuous at all non-integer times t; let fs1 ; s2 ; : : :g t) S t e 1 lim r( t) "t ( ). In 1 ( ) ( ) = 0, and N be the set of discontinuity points of v. Finally, note that v can increase at rate no faster than r. That is, v (t) then v (t) e r(t0 t) e r( v (t0 ) for all t0 t) 1 t, because if v (t0 ) = e ( ) =e r(t0 t) r( t0 ) 1 ( ) for some t0 , v (t0 ). This implies that v is continuous but for 20 downward jumps,22 and that v is di¤erentiable almost everywhere.23 These are but two of the useful properties of the function v (which are not shared by ) that reward working with v rather than in the subsequent analysis. Next, I introduce two functions player 1 mixes between mimicking : R+ ! R+ and p : R+ ! R+ with the property that if and conceding the entire surplus to player 2, then (t) (resp., p (t)) is the smallest non-negative hazard rate (resp., discrete probability) at which player 1 must concede in order for player 2 to be willing to reject player 1’s time-t demand, (t). Let rv (t) v 0 (t) 1 v (t) if v is di¤erentiable at t and v (t) < 1, and let (t) = 0 otherwise; note that (4) (t) = (t) 0 for all t, because v cannot increase at rate faster than r. Also, let p (t) = v (t; 1) v (t) 1 v (t) (5) if v (t) < 1, and let p (t) = p (0) = 0 otherwise. To see intuitively why the aforementioned property holds, note that accepting player 1’s time-t demand gives player 2 ‡ow payo¤ rv (t), while rejecting gives player 2 ‡ow payo¤ (t) (1 v (t)) + v 0 (t), and equalizing these ‡ow payo¤s yields (4);24;25 similarly, accepting player 1’s demand at date (t; 1) gives player 2 payo¤ v (t; 1), while delaying acceptance until date (t; 1) gives player 2 payo¤ p (t) (1) + (1 p (t)) v (t), and equalizing these payo¤s yields (5). When player 2 expects player 1 to accept his demand at rate (resp., probability) p), he becomes convinced that player 1 is committed to posture 22 at the time T~ de…ned A function f : R !R is continuous but for downward jumps if lim inf fx"x (x) lim supx#x f (x) for all x 2 R. 23 Proof: Let f (t) = e rt v (t). (resp., f (x ) Then f is non-increasing, which implies that f is di¤erentiable almost everywhere (e.g., Royden, 1988, p. 100). Hence, v is di¤erentiable almost everywhere. 24 This intuition is correct when v (t) = 1 (t). When v (t) > 1 (t), player 2 prefers to reject player 1’s time-t demand even when player 1 concedes at rate 0. At these times, rv (t) = v 0 (t), which implies that (t) = 0. Hence, (t) is always the smallest non-negative hazard rate at which player 1 must concede in order for player 2 to be willing to reject (t). A similar caveat applies to the intuition for p. 25 If v 0 (t) = 0, then (t) becomes the concession rate that makes player 2 indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting the constant o¤er v (t), which is familiar from the literatures on wars of attrition and reputational bargaining. However, in these literatures (t) is the rate at which player 1 concedes in equilibrium, while here is the rate at which player 1 concedes according to player 2’s -o¤setting belief, as will become clear. 21 in the following lemma, which leads him to accept player 1’s demand no later than the time T de…ned in the lemma. In the lemma, and throughout the paper, maximization or minimization over times t should be read as taking place over t 2 R+ [ f1g (i.e., as allowing t = 1, with the convention that e r1 0 for all postures ). (1) Lemma 1 Let T~ sup and let 8 < : t : exp T Then, for any 2 Z such that Y t (s) ds 0 rt (1 (t)) if t = T~ rt 1 (t) if t > T~ " and any ( ) than time T under strategy pro…le ( ; (1 s2S\[0;t) 8 < e max argmax : e t T~ 2 9 = p (s)) > " , ; 2 2 ( 2 ), agreement is reached no later In particular, 2 ). inf 2 . u1 ( ; 2) min e t T ( 2 ; 2 ): 2 ( ) "; 2 2 2 ( 2 ) rt (t) . (6) Lemma 1 amounts to the statement that T~ is the latest time at which it is possible that agreement has not yet been reached and player 2 is not certain that player 1 is playing , when player 2’s initial belief is some for some 2 2 2 2 such that 2 ( ) ", under strategy pro…le ( ; 2) ( 2 ). The …rst step of the proof of Lemma 1 shows that, in computing this time, one can restrict attention to beliefs 2 that assign probability 1 to player 1’s accepting player 2’s demand whenever player 1 deviates from strategy , and to strategies 2 that always demand the entire surplus. This is because giving more surplus to player 2 in the event that player 1 deviates from makes player 2 more willing to reject player 1’s demand, without changing player 2’s beliefs about the probability that player 1 is playing at any history. The second step expresses the condition that agreement is not reached by a given time under strategy pro…le ( ; 2) in terms of player 1’s concession rate and probability. The …nal step shows that agreement is delayed for as long as possible when player 1’s concession rate and probability are given by and p. The remainder of this subsection is devoted to showing that (6) holds with equality, which proves that (2) equals mint T e rt (t). The idea is that player 2 may hold a belief 22 that leads him to demand the entire surplus until time t min argmint T e rt (t) and then accept player 1’s o¤er; this is the -o¤setting belief.26 I …rst de…ne the -o¤setting belief, and then show that (6) holds with equality. I begin by introducing a strategy, ~ , which is used in de…ning the -o¤setting belief.27 Let (t) = max let 8 < exp Rt 0 : exp 9 = (1 p (s)) " s2S\[0;t) ; 0 ; Q ; (s) ds (1 p (s)) s2S\[0;t) (s) ds Rt 0 ^ (t) = Q (7) (t) (t) (8) (t) > 0, and let ^ (t) = 0 otherwise; and let if p^ (t) = min if p (t) ;1 (t) (t) > 0, and let p^ (t) = 0 otherwise. Intuitively, (9) (t) is the posterior probability that player 2 assigns to player 1’s playing a strategy other than unconditional concession rate and probability are at time t when player 1’s (t) and p (t), and ^ (t) and p^ (t) are the conditional (on not playing ) concession rate and probability needed for the unconditional concession rate and probability to equal (t) and p (t). De…nition 5 ~ is the strategy that demands (t) at all t, accepts with hazard rate ^ (t) at all t < t , accepts with probability p^ (t) at date (t; 1) for all t < t , and rejects for all t t, for all histories ht . I now de…ne the -o¤setting belief. Throughout, a history ht (resp., ht+ ) is consistent with posture if u1 ( ) = ( ) for all < t (resp., De…nition 6 The -o¤setting belief, denoted The -o¤setting strategy, denoted 2, 2, t). is given by 2 ( ) = " and 2 (~ ) = 1 ". is the strategy that always demands 1 and accepts or rejects player 1’s demand as follows: 26 Note that min argmint T e rt (t) is well-de…ned, because equal 1, if T = 1). Note also that (t) is lower semi-continuous (though it may (t) > 0 for all t < t . This property of t makes it more convenient to de…ne the -o¤setting belief with reference to t , rather than some other element of argmint 27 This approach is related to a construction in Wolitzky (2011). 23 T e rt (t). 1. If ht is consistent with , then reject if t < t ; accept at date (t ; 1) if and only if lim (t ); accept at date (t ; 1) if and only if lim ( ) "t "t (t ); and ( ) > reject if t > t . 2. If ht is inconsistent with , then reject. Finally, I show that (6) holds with equality, and also that the -o¤setting (belief, strategy) pair ( 2; 2) is a solution to (2). If t = 1, then the following statement that agreement is reached at time t means that agreement is never reached. Lemma 2 Agreement is reached at time t under strategy pro…le ( ; In particular, the pair ( 2; 2) is a solution to (2), and u1 ( ; 2) 2 ), = mint and T e 2 rt 2 2 ( 2 ). (t). Proof. It is immediate from De…nition 6 that agreement is reached at t under strategy pro…le ( ; 2 ), (6). Since 2 which implies that u1 ( ; 2) equals mint T e rt (t), the right-hand side of ( ) ", it remains only to show that 2 2 2 ( 2 ). o n ~ and ht is consistent with , then, by construction of ~ , player 1 If t < min T ; t accepts player 2’s demand of 1 with unconditional hazard rate (t) and unconditional discrete probability p (t) under It is established in the proof of Lemma 1 that it is optimal for o n player 2 to demand u2 (t) = 1 and reject at any time t < min T~; t when player 1 accepts his demand of 1 at rate 2. and probability p until time T~; and that in addition if t < T~ then player 2 is indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting at time t when player 1 accepts with this rate and probability until time T~. Therefore, it is optimal for player 2 to demand u2 (t) = 1 and reject at time t when player 1 accepts with this rate and probability only until n o time min T~; t . h If t 2 T~; t and ht is consistent with , then under 2 player 2 is certain that player 1 is playing at ht . Since t T , this implies that it is optimal for player 2 to reject. If a history ht is not reached under strategy pro…le ( with 2; 2) (as is the case if ht is inconsistent or if t > t ), then any continuation strategy of player 2’s is optimal. see that accepting Finally, to (t ) (i.e., accepting at the more favorable of dates (t ; 1) and (t ; 1)) is optimal, note that the fact that t 2 argmint all t 2 [t ; T ]. Hence, t 2 argmaxt2[t ;T ] e rt 1 24 T e rt (t) implies that (t) (t) . Because ~ coincides with (t ) for after time t , it follows that, conditional on having reached time t , player 2 receives at most supt2(t ;T ] e rt 1 (t) if he rejects, and receives e weakly more. Therefore, 4.3 2 2 2 ( rt (t ) if he accepts, which is 1 2 ). Maxmin Strategies This subsection shows that ticular u1 ( ) = u1 ( ; 2) itself is a maxmin strategy given posture , and that in par- = mint T( ) e rt (t), where I have made the dependence of T on explicit. Lemma 3 For any posture , u1 ( ) = u1 ( ; Proof. By Lemma 2, ( 2; 2) 2 argmin u1 ( ; 12 she conforms to 2, = mint T( ) e rt (t). is a solution to (2), so 2 Under strategy 2) 1) . (10) 1 player 2 always demands 1 and only accepts player 1’s demand if through time t . Hence, sup 1 u1 ( 1 ; 2) =e rt (t ) = u1 ( ; 2 ), and therefore 2 argmax u1 ( 1 ; 2) . (11) 1 Now (10) and (11) imply the following chain of inequalities: sup inf u1 ( 1 ; 1 12 1) inf u1 ( ; 12 1 1) 1 = u1 ( ; 2) (by (10)) = max u1 ( 1 ; 1 2) max min u1 ( 1 ; 1 12 (by (11)) 1) . 1 This is possible only if both inequalities hold with equality (and the supremum and in…mum in the …rst line are attained at mint T( ) e rt and 2, respectively). Therefore, u1 ( ) = u1 ( ; 2) = (t). As an aside, a similar argument establishes the equivalence between the maxmin approach of De…nitions 2 and 3 and the Bayesian approach of De…nition 4. 25 = u1 , and ( ) = u1 ( ) for all , upess Corollary 1 upess 1 1 is a maxmin posture if and only if it is a pessimistic posture. Proof. (10) and (11) imply that inf 12 1 of inequalities that proves that sup 1 inf sup 1 u1 ( 1 ; 12 1 u1 ( 1 ; 1) 1) 2 ), = u1 ( ; = u1 ( ; by the same chain Hence, upess ( ) = 1 2 ). = u1 ( ) for all , and the remainder of the result follows from De…nition 4. u1 ( ; 2) 4.4 Proof of Theorem 1 I now sketch the remainder of the proof of Theorem 1. The details of the proof are deferred to the appendix. The …rst part of the proof is constructing a sequence of postures f log ") and f 1= (1 …ne n n (t)g converges to min fert = (1 (t) ng such that limn!1 u1 ( log ") ; 1g for all t 2 R+ . De- by Let Tn1 be the time where n ert ;1 1 log " n n+1 n (t) = min for all t 2 R+ . (t) reaches 1. It can be shown that Tn1 > T~ ( n) for all n 2 N, where T~ is de…ned as in Lemma 1 and I have emphasized the dependence of T~ on . This implies that n n (t) = n n+1 (t) is non-decreasing and T( n) = T~ ( n ). ert 1 log " n T~ ( for all t T~ ( n) n) = t T( = Therefore, limn!1 u1 ( n) = 1= (1 n < 1. Since n) that (t) log "). guarantees more than 1= (1 such that T 1 , where T 1 is the time at which (t), this implies that any posture must satisfy T~ ( ) n) 1 n n + 1 1 log " T~( n ) n 1 . n + 1 1 log " the crucial observation is that any posture T ( ) satis…es T~ ( ) rt n) The second part is showing that no posture rt T~ ( min t e n < 1, it follows from the de…nition of T ( min e = T( ) and that Thus, by Lemma 3, u1 ( mint n ), ert = (1 log ") for all t (t) reaches 1. Since u1 ( ) = that guarantees at least 1= (1 T 1 ; in particular, player 2 may reject 26 (t) log "). Here, log ") (t) until time T 1 . But receiving n) = the entire surplus at T 1 is worth only 1= (1 more than 1= (1 log "), so it follows that no posture guarantees log "). The appendix shows that in addition no sequence of postures f converging pointwise to any posture other than payo¤s fu1 ( 5 0 n )g converging to 1= (1 0 ng can correspond to a sequence of maxmin log "). Extensions This section presents …ve extensions of Theorem 1. Section 5.1 characterizes the maxmin payo¤ when player 1 can only announce constant postures; Section 5.2 extends Theorem 1 to general convex bargaining sets; Section 5.3 considers heterogeneous discounting; Section 5.4 extends Theorem 1 to higher-order knowledge of rationality; and Section 5.5 allows player 1’s credibility to vary with her announcement. 5.1 Constant Postures Theorem 1 shows that the unique maxmin posture is non-constant. In this subsection, I determine how much lower a player’s maxmin payo¤ is when she is required to announce a constant posture. The purpose of this study is, …rst, to establish that announcing nonconstant postures allows a player to guarantee herself a signi…cantly higher payo¤; second, to determine the share of the surplus that a player can guarantee herself in settings where announcing a non-constant posture might not be credible; and, third, to facilitate comparison with the existing reputational bargaining literature, in which typically players can only announce constant postures. A posture is constant if notation by writing constant posture (t) = (0) for all t. for the constant demand If is constant, I slightly abuse (t) in addition to the posture itself. The that maximizes u1 ( ) is the maxmin constant posture, denoted ,28 and the corresponding payo¤ is the maxmin constant payo¤, denoted u1 . These can be derived using Lemmas 1 through 3, leading to the following: 28 Such a posture exists for all " < 1, so there is no need for a limit de…nition like De…nition 3. When " = 1, such a de…nition would imply that the maxmin constant posture equals 1. 27 Proposition 2 For all " < 1, the unique maxmin constant posture is and the maxmin constant payo¤ is u1 (") = exp ( (1 Proposition 2 solves for " " )) " = 2 log " p (log ")2 4 log " , 2 ". and u1 ("), but it does not yield a clear relationship between the maxmin constant payo¤, u1 ("), and the (overall) maxmin payo¤, u1 ("). Therefore, I graph the ratio of u1 (") to u1 (") in Figure 2. In addition, the following analytical result regarding the ratio of u1 (") to u1 (") is straightforward: Corollary 2 u1 (") =u1 (") is decreasing in ", lim"!1 u1 (") =u1 (") = 1, and lim"!0 u1 (") =u1 (") = e. 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Figure 2: The Ratio u1 (") =u1 (") for " 2 [0; 1]. The most interesting part of Corollary 2 is that a player’s maxmin payo¤ is approximately e 2: 72 times greater when she can announce non-constant postures than when she can only announce constant postures, when her commitment probability is small. Thus, there is a large advantage to announcing non-constant postures. However, a player can still guarantee herself a substantial share of the surplus when she can only announce constant postures, and her maxmin payo¤ goes to 0 with " at the same rate in either case. 5.2 General Convex Bargaining Sets This subsection shows that the maxmin payo¤ derived in Theorem 1 is a lower bound on the maxmin payo¤ with general convex bargaining sets, normalized so that each player’s lowest 28 and highest feasible payo¤s are 0 and 1. More generally, taking a concave transformation of the Pareto frontier of the bargaining set weakly increases the maxmin payo¤. Formally, a decreasing function : [0; 1] ! [0; 1] is the Pareto frontier (of the bargaining rt set) if the game ends with payo¤s (e rt u1 (t) ; e 1’s demand u1 (t), and ends with payo¤s e rt 1 (u1 (t))) when player 2 accepts player (u2 (t)) ; e rt u2 (t) when player 1 accepts player 2’s demand u2 (t). Note that the de…nition of player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is valid for any bargaining set. The result is the following: Proposition 3 Suppose that (0) = 1 and satisfying (1) = 0, and that (0) = 0 and frontier is , and let u1 Then u1 : [0; 1] ! [0; 1] is a decreasing and concave function satisfying (1) = 1. : [0; 1] ! [0; 1] is an increasing and concave function Let u1 be player 1’s maxmin payo¤ when the Pareto be player 1’s maxmin payo¤ when the Pareto frontier is . u1 . Proposition 3 shows that taking any concave transformation of a Pareto frontier weakly increases player 1’s maxmin payo¤. The intuition is that any …xed demand of player 1’s leaves more for player 2 when the Pareto frontier is than when it is , which implies that player 2 must believe that player 1 is conceding more rapidly in order for him to reject player 1’s demand when the Pareto frontier is . This in turn lets player 1 build reputation more quickly and thus guarantee herself a higher payo¤. 5.3 Heterogeneous Discounting I have assumed that the players have the same discount rate. This simpli…ed notation and led to simple formulas for u1 (") and " in Theorem 1. However, it is straightforward to gen- eralize the model to the case where player i has discount rate ri and ri 6= rj ; one must only keep track of whose discount rate “r”stands for in the above analysis. Introducing heterogeneous discounting yields interesting comparative statics with respect to the players’relative patience, r1 =r2 (as will become clear, u1 depends on r1 and r2 only through r1 =r2 ). First, the standard result in the reputational bargaining literature (Abreu and Gul, 2000; Compte and Jehiel, 2002; Kambe, 1999) that player 1’s sequential equilibrium payo¤ converges to 1 as r1 =r2 converges to 0, and converges to 0 as r1 =r2 converges to 1, also applies to player 29 1’s maxmin payo¤. Thus, this important limit uniqueness result continues to hold under knowledge of rationality, and in particular does not rely on equilibrium. This is analogous to the …nding of Watson (1993) and Battigalli and Watson (1997) that the limit uniqueness result of Fudenberg and Levine (1989) holds under knowledge of rationality. However, I also derive player 1’s maxmin payo¤ for …xed r1 =r2 (rather than only in the limit). This leads to a second comparative static result, which indicates that a change in relative patience has a larger e¤ect on the maxmin payo¤ than a much larger change in commitment probability. An analogous result holds in equilibrium in existing reputational bargaining models. I …rst present the analog of Theorem 1 for heterogeneous discount rates, and then state the two comparative statics results as corollaries, omitting their proofs. Proposition 4 If player i’s discount rate is ri , then player 1’s maxmin payo¤, u1 ("), is the unique number u1 that solves u1 = 1 1 r1 r2 log " r1 r2 . (12) 1 log u1 Corollary 3 shows that the standard limit comparative statics on r1 =r2 in reputational bargaining models require only …rst-order knowledge of rationality. Corollary 3 limr1 =r2 !0 u1 (") = 1. If " < 1, then in addition limr1 =r2 !1 u1 (") = 0. Corollary 4 shows that the commitment probability " must decrease exponentially to (approximately) o¤set a geometric increase in relative patience (r1 =r2 ) 1 . stated for the case r1 =r2 The result is 1, where even an exponential decrease in " does not fully o¤set a geometric increase in (r1 =r2 ) 1 . If r1 =r2 > 1, then an exponential decrease in " can more than o¤set a geometric increase in (r1 =r2 ) 1 . Corollary 4 Suppose that r1 =r2 1 and that r1 =r2 and " both decrease while (r1 =r2 ) log " remains constant. Then u1 (") increases. 5.4 Rationalizability Theorem 1 derives the highest payo¤ that player 1 can guarantee herself under …rst-order knowledge of rationality, the weakest epistemic assumption consistent with the possibility 30 of reputation-building. I now show that player 1 cannot guarantee herself more than this under the much stronger assumption of normal-form rationalizability (or under any …niteorder knowledge of rationality), which reenforces Theorem 1 substantially. I consider the following de…nition of (normal-form) rationalizability: De…nition 7 A set of bargaining phase strategy pro…les under rational behavior given posture such that that 2 ( ) 1 2 1 ( 1 ); and for all 2 if for all 2 2 1 2 1 = 1 2 there exists some belief there exists some belief ", with strict inequality only if 2 1, 1 and 2 2 2 2 2 ( 1 2 is closed 1 2 ( 2) [ f g) such ( 2 ). The set of rationalizable strategies given posture is [ RAT ( ) f : is closed under rational behavior given posture g . Player 1’s rationalizable maxmin payo¤ given posture uRAT ( ) 1 sup 1 inf 22 RAT ( 2 ) is u1 ( 1 ; 2) . Player 1’s rationalizable maxmin payo¤ is uRAT 1 A posture f ng RAT such that sup uRAT ( ). 1 is a rationalizable maxmin posture if there exists a sequence of postures n (t) ! RAT ( (t) for all t 2 R+ and uRAT 1 n) . ! uRAT 1 The result is the following: Proposition 5 Player 1’s rationalizable maxmin payo¤ equals her maxmin payo¤, and the unique rationalizable maxmin posture is the unique maxmin posture. That is, uRAT = u1 , 1 and the unique rationalizable maxmin posture is Any rationalizable strategy given posture RAT = . is also rational given posture . Therefore, Lemma 1 applies under rationalizability. The only additional fact used in the proof of Theorem 1 is that u1 ( ) = mint T( ) e rt (t) for any posture (Lemma 3). Supposing that the analogous equation holds under rationalizability (i.e., that uRAT ( ) = mint 1 T( ) e rt (t)), the proof of Theorem 1 goes through as written. Hence, to prove Proposition 5 it su¢ ces to prove the following lemma, the proof of which shows that the -o¤setting belief and strategy are not only rational but rationalizable: 31 Lemma 4 For any posture , uRAT ( ) = mint 1 T( ) e rt (t). Proposition 5 shows that the characterization of the maxmin payo¤ and posture under …rst-order knowledge of normal-form rationality extends to normal-form rationalizability. A natural question is whether it also extends to various forms of knowledge of sequential rationality or extensive-form rationalizability (e.g., Pearce, 1984; Battigalli and Siniscalchi, 2003). I partially address this question in the supplementary appendix by showing that Theorem 1 extends at least to a simple notion of iterated conditional dominance. I summarize the argument here. The -o¤setting belief assigns positive probability to player 1’s accepting a demand of 1 at certain times, and this behavior is ruled out by iterated conditional dominance. Hence, the proof of Theorem 1 (or Proposition 5) does not extend to iterated conditional dominance. However, the -o¤setting belief can be approximated by a belief that replaces player 1’s accepting a demand of 1 with player 1’s quickly increasing her own demand to almost 1 and then quickly reducing it to almost 0. From player 2’s perspective, this is almost as good as her accepting a demand of 1, as he can accept when her demand is close to 0. In addition, this behavior of player 1’s is consistent with iterated conditional dominance, since it can be shown that almost any behavior at histories that are inconsistent with is consistent with iterated conditional dominance, and therefore player 1 may expect that player 2 will accept her demand when it is close to 1. Therefore, the approximating belief assigns positive probability only to strategies that are consistent with iterated conditional dominance, and one can prove that Theorem 1 applies under iterated conditional dominance by replacing the -o¤setting belief with the approximating belief. 5.5 Varying Credibility and “Exogenous” Postures I brie‡y discuss how the results would change if the credibility of player 1’s announcement depended on the posture she announced, or if player 1 was restricted to announcing one of an exogenously given vector of postures and the credibility of her announcement was determined by Bayesian updating on a vector of prior commitment probabilities (as in Abreu and Gul (2000)). The extension to varying credibility is straightforward. Let u1 ( ; ") be player 1’s maxmin 32 payo¤ given posture and credibility ", let T ( ; ") be the time T de…ned in Lemma 1 with the dependence on and " made explicit, and let " ( ) be the credibility of announcement (i.e., replace " by " ( ) in De…nition 1, leaving all other de…nitions unchanged). The following result is an immediate consequence of Lemma 3. Corollary 5 When player 1’s credibility varies with her announcement, her maxmin payo¤ is u1 = sup u1 ( ; " ( )) = sup min t T ( ;"( )) e rt (t) . Since u1 ( ; " ( )) is non-decreasing in " ( ), Corollary 5 captures a tradeo¤ between announcing a more credible posture and announcing a posture that guarantees a higher payo¤ for a given level of credibility. The model with an exogenous vector of postures can be thought of as a special case of varying credibility where " ( ) is determined endogenously. Formally, let there be a vector of postures ( k )K k=1 (assumed …nite for simplicity) with corresponding commitment probabilities ("k )K k=1 . Assume that player 2’s assessment of the probability that player 1 is committed to posture k after she announces such a posture is determined by Bayesian updating given his belief about the probability that she announces each posture, denoted (~ 2 ( k ))K k=1 . Thus, the resulting commitment probability is "k PK ~"k = "k + 1 k0 =1 De…ne player 1’s maxmin payo¤ to be ~2: PK inf k=1 ~ 2 ( k )=1 . "k 0 ~ 2 ( k ) max u1 ( k ; ~"k ) .29 k The analog of Corollary 5 for this model is the following. Corollary 6 In the model with exogenous postures, player 1’s maxmin payo¤ is u1 = 29 P inf ~2: K k=1 ~ 2 ( This de…nition is “minmax” over ~ 2 and max k )=1 k k min t T( "k ) k ;~ e rt k (t) . rather than “maxmin.” With a maxmin de…nition (i.e., reversing the order of the inf and max in the de…nition), player 1’s maxmin payo¤ would simply equal max k u1 ( k ; "k ), because the worst belief ~ 2 would always be that ~ 2 ( player 1 announced. 33 k) = 1 for whichever posture k I remark that the considerations that determine the “worst case”belief about player 1’s announcement, ~ 2 , are similar to those that determine the equilibrium distribution of player 1’s choice of posture in Abreu and Gul. In particular, it must be the case that u1 ( k ; ~"k ) = u1 ( "k 0 ) k0 ; ~ u1 ( k0 ; ") whenever k and k0 both receive positive weight under ~ 2 and u1 ( k ; ") and are strictly increasing in ", as otherwise transferring weight to whichever posture yields a higher maxmin payo¤ would reduce player 1’s (overall) maxmin payo¤. Similarly, in equilibrium player 1’s mixing probabilities are determined by the condition that any two postures she chooses with positive probability must yield the same payo¤ given player 2’s resulting posterior. 6 Two-Sided Commitment This section introduces the possibility that both players may announce— and become committed to— postures prior to the start of bargaining. I show that each player i’s maxmin payo¤ is close to that derived in Section 4 when her opponent’s commitment probability, "j , is small in absolute terms (even if "j is large relative to "i ). In addition, each player’s maxmin posture is exactly as in Section 4. This shows that the analysis of Section 4 provides a two-sided theory of reputational bargaining. The results of this section contrast with the existing reputational bargaining literature, which emphasizes that relative commitment probabilities are crucial for determining equilibrium behavior and payo¤s. Formally, modify the model of Section 3 by assuming that in the announcement stage players simultaneously announce postures ( 1 ; probabilities "1 and "2 , respectively.30 2 ), to which they become committed with The bargaining phase is unaltered. Thus, at the beginning of the bargaining phase, player i believes that player j is committed to posture with probability "j and is rational with probability 1 j "j (though this fact is not common knowledge). The following de…nitions are analogs of De…nitions 1 through 3 that allow for the fact that both players may become committed to the postures they announce: De…nition 8 A belief postures 30 i; j if i i j of player i’s is consistent with knowledge of rationality given "j ; i j > "j only if there exists j such that The events that player 1 and player 2 become committed need not be independent. 34 j ( i) "i and j 2 and j j ( j ); and, for all 2 j ( j ). Let j i; j 6= j, 2 supp ( i ) only if there exists j j such that j ( i) "i be the set of player i’s beliefs that are consistent with knowledge i of rationality given postures i; ui j . Player i’s maxmin payo¤ given postures i; j sup inf ; ui ( i ; i2 i i j i; j is i) . i Player i’s maxmin payo¤ is sup inf ui ui i A posture i such that n i; . j j is a maxmin posture (of player i’s) if there exists a sequence of postures f (t) ! i (t) for all t 2 R+ and inf j ui n; j ng ! ui . Note that if "j = 0 then all of these de…nitions (for player i) reduce to the corresponding Thus, writing ui ("i ; "j ) for player i’s de…nitions in the one-sided commitment model. maxmin payo¤ in the two-sided commitment model when the commitment probabilities are "i and "j , it follows that ui ("i ; 0) = ui ("i ), player i’s maxmin payo¤ in the one-sided commitment model. I now show that ui ("i ; "j ) is approximately equal to ui ("i ) whenever "j is small, and that the maxmin posture is exactly as in the one-sided commitment model. This is simply because player i cannot guarantee herself anything in the event that player j is committed (e.g., if player j’s announced posture always demands the entire surplus), which implies that player i guarantees herself as much as possible by conditioning on the event that player j is not committed. In this event, which occurs with probability 1 "j , player i can guarantee herself ui ("i ), and the only way she can guarantee herself this much is by announcing Theorem 2 Player i’s maxmin payo¤ is ui ("i ; "j ) = (1 maxmin posture is i;("i ;"j ) Proof. Let 0 j 0 for all Therefore, inf i. Next, let = i; j i "j ) ui ("i ), and player i’s unique "i . 0 j be the posture of player j’s given by j "i . ui i; j = 0 for all ("i ; "j ) be the set of beliefs (t) = 1 for all t. Note that ui i = that are consistent with knowledge of I claim that if 35 0 j i. rationality for commitment probabilities ("i ; "j ), and let the one-sided commitment model. i; i 2 i i ("i ) be the analogous set in i; j i ("i ; "j ), then there exists 0 i 2 i i ("i ) such that i puts probability 1 strategy . To see this, note that puts probability 1 i; j i ("i ; "j ), j "j on 0 i i "j on strategy j equals j ). and puts probability "j on 0 i "j , so there exists a strategy j such that i and puts probability "j on . Furthermore, by de…nition of 2 supp ( 0i ) only if there exists (whether or not 0 i such that j By de…nition of i i j ( i) "i and ("i ), this implies that 0 i j 2 2 i i j ( j) ("i ). Combining the above observations, i; inf ui j = inf sup j j = inf sup j i = sup i inf ; i ui ( i ; ("i ;"j ) inf (1 02 i i i ("i ) inf 02 i j i i2 i i i ("i ) (1 i) "j ) ui ( i ; "j ) ui ( i ; 0 i) 0 i) + "j u i i; j . + "j (0) "j ) u i ( i ) . = (1 Therefore, the de…nitions of ui ("i ; "j ) and ui ("i ) imply that ui ("i ; "j ) = sup i (1 (1 "j ) u i ( i ) = "j ) ui ("i ). Similarly, the de…nition of a maxmin posture in the one-sided commitment model implies that i;("i ;"j ) is a maxmin posture in the two-sided commitment model if and only if it is a maxmin posture in the one-sided commitment model with " = "i . Theorem 2 implies that the qualitative insights of Theorem 1 also apply with two-sided commitment. For example, …xing any "2 bounded away from 0, u1 ("1 ; "2 ) goes to 0 at a logarithmic rate in "1 . Thus, Theorem 2 says much more than that u1 ("1 ; "2 ) is continuous in "2 at "2 = 0. Table 2 displays the maxmin payo¤ for both the one-sided commitment model and the two-sided commitment model in the case where "1 = "2 = ". " ui (") (1 ") ui (") :25 :42 :31 :1 :30 :27 10 3 :13 :13 10 6 :07 :07 10 9 :05 :05 Table 2: The Maxmin Payo¤ for Di¤erent Commitment Probabilities " with One- and Two-Sided Commitment 36 Finally, note that the assumption that both players best-respond to beliefs that are consistent with knowledge of rationality does not determine how bargaining proceeds. However, it is interesting to compare a player’s opponent’s worst-case conjecture (i.e., o¤setting belief) about her strategy with her equilibrium strategy in the existing reputational bargaining literature, where players are restricted to announcing constant postures. Both in equilibrium and in her opponent’s worst-case conjecture, a player mixes between mimicking her announced posture and (in e¤ect) conceding. In the worst-case conjecture, a player concedes at the rate that makes her opponent indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting her demand when she follows her maxmin posture and he demands the entire surplus. In equilibrium, a player concedes at the rate that makes her opponent indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting her demand when both players make their equilibrium demands. There is no general way to order the concession rates in equilibrium and in the worst-case conjecture, because a player’s demand is often higher in equilibrium (implying a lower concession rate), while her opponent’s demand is always lower in equilibrium (implying a higher concession rate). Thus, a player’s concession rate in equilibrium and in her opponent’s worst-case conjecture are determined by similar indi¤erence conditions, but one cannot predict whether agreement will be reached sooner in equilibrium or under knowledge of rationality (for either the players’true strategies or for their opponents’worst-case conjectures). 7 Conclusion This paper analyzes a model of reputational bargaining in which players initially announce postures to which they may become committed and then bargain over a unit of surplus. It characterizes the highest payo¤ that a player can guarantee herself under …rst-order knowledge of rationality, along with the bargaining posture that she must announce in order to guarantee herself this much. A key step in the characterization is showing that this maxmin payo¤ is the payo¤ a player receives when her opponent holds the “o¤setting belief” that she mixes between following her announced posture and accepting her opponent’s demand at a speci…c rate. This intermediate result lets one evaluate a posture in terms of its performance against an opponent who holds the corresponding o¤setting belief, rather than having 37 to check its performance against every rational opposing strategy. I …nd that a player can guarantee herself a relatively high share of the surplus even if her probability of becoming committed is very small, and that the unique bargaining posture that guarantees this much is simply demanding this share of the surplus in addition to compensation for any delay in reaching agreement. These insights apply for one- or twosided commitment, for general bargaining sets, for heterogeneous discount factors, for any level of knowledge of rationality or iterated conditional dominance, and for any bargaining procedure with frequent o¤ers. In addition, if a player could only announce postures that always demand the same share of the surplus (as in most of the existing literature), her maxmin payo¤ would be approximately e times lower. These results are intended to complement the existing equilibrium analysis of reputational bargaining models. Consider the fundamental question, “What posture should a bargainer stake out?” In equilibrium analysis, the answer to this question depends on her opponent’s beliefs about her continuation play following every possible announcement. Yet it may be impossible for either the bargainer or an outside observer to learn these beliefs, especially when bargaining is one-shot. Hence, an appealing alternative approach is to look for a posture that guarantees a high payo¤ against any belief of one’s opponent, and for the highest payo¤ that each player can guarantee herself. This paper shows that this approach yields sharp and economically plausible results, while addressing important concerns about robustness. The results of this paper are particularly applicable in models where the division of the surplus is of primary importance (rather than the details of how bargaining proceeds, which depend on additional behavioral assumptions). A leading example is the class of models where two parties make costly ex ante investments and then bargain over the resulting surplus. It is a direct consequence of Theorem 2 that, if the players’commitment probabilities are small, both players bene…t from comparable increases in their commitment probabilities.31 Note that this is distinct from the idea that both players bene…t from reducing delay; 31 To see this somewhat more formally, recall that Theorem 2 states that player i’s maxmin pay- o¤ is ui ("i ; "j ) = lim"i !0 "i (1 1 "j 1 log "i . Therefore, log "i ) = 0, it follows that @ui ("i ;"j ) @"i 1 "j , "i (1 log "i )2 @ui ("i ;"j )=@"i lim"i !0 @u ("i ;"j )=@"j = i = 38 while 1. @ui ("i ;"j ) @"j = 1 1 log "i . Since In this sense, an increase in "i rather, both players bene…t because higher commitment probabilities reduce the scope for pessimism about how bargaining will proceed (which would not be possible in an equilibrium analysis). This implies that, for example, comparably increasing both players’commitment powers increases investments whenever investments are complementary. It seems likely that additional insights could be derived by further studying non-equilibrium models of bargaining both in this class of models and in other applied theory models involving bargaining. Finally, I discuss two additional issues for future research. First, an earlier version of this paper extends the model to multilateral bargaining, where n agree on the division of the surplus. 3 players must unanimously In such a model, player j may reject any proposal if he expects player k to do so as well, and vice versa. Hence, a player with commitment power cannot guarantee herself a positive payo¤ under knowledge of rationality. It therefore remains to be seen whether reputational models can make sharp and robust predictions in multilateral bargaining. Second, it would be interesting to analyze commitment and reputation-building under knowledge of rationality in dynamic games other than bargaining, noting that the de…nition of a player’s maxmin payo¤ and posture extends to general games. One intriguing observation is that the rate at which the reputation-builder’s maxmin payo¤ converges to her lowest feasible payo¤ as her commitment probability converges to 0 is slower in my model than in existing repeated game models. In particular, the reputation-builder’s (player 1’s) maxmin payo¤ converges to her minimum payo¤ of 0 at a logarithmic rate in " in my model, while in repeated game models this convergence is at a polynomial rate in ".32 To understand this di¤erence, recall from the proof of Proposition 2 that if player 1 announces a constant posture , then her maxmin payo¤ given posture equals " =(1 ) , which is polynomial in ". However, the maxmin constant posture is increasing in " (and goes to 0 as " ! 0), and Corollary 2 shows that player 1 can guarantee herself a payo¤ that goes to 0 at a logarithmic increases player i’s maxmin payo¤ by much more than an increase in "j decreases it. 32 Fudenberg and Levine (1989) show that if player 1 is committed to her Stackelberg action with probability " and player 2 is myopic, then player 1’s payo¤ in any Nash equilibrium is at least "r1 u ~1 + (1 some constant "r1 ) u1 , for > 0, where u ~1 is her Stackelberg payo¤ and u1 is her lowest feasible payo¤. This bound is the basis for most of the subsequent literature; for example, convergence to u1 is also polynomial in " in Schmidt (1993), Cripps, Schmidt, and Thomas (1996), and Evans and Thomas (1997). 39 rate in " by appropriately recalibrating her announced posture as " ! 0. Thus, roughly speaking, the reason why reputation bounds in the repeated games literature converge to 0 more quickly than in my model is that there is generally no way to continuously moderate one’s posture as one’s commitment probability decreases in repeated games. Appendix: Omitted Proofs Proof of Proposition 1. The proof uses results from Section 4, and therefore should not be read before reading Section 4. Fix a posture and payo¤ u1 2 [u1 ( ) ; 1). If u1 6= (0), then let ^ 2 be identical to the -o¤setting strategy de…ned in De…nition 6, with the modi…cation that player 1’s demand is accepted at any history ht at which player 1 has demanded u1 at all previous dates.33 If (0), then let ^ 2 be identical to the -o¤setting strategy de…ned in De…nition 6, with u1 = the modi…cation that player 1’s demand is accepted at date ( log (u1 ) =r; 1) if player 1 has demanded 1 at all previous dates. In either case, let that 2; 2 ( ) ". If u1 6= similarly, if u1 = 2 be as in De…nition 6, and note (0), no strategy under which u1 (0) = u1 is in the support of (0), no strategy under which u1 (0) = 1 is in the support of u1 < 1). Therefore, the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 2 shows that ^ 2 2 Hence, the belief ^ 1 given by ^ 1 (^ 2 ) = 1 is an element of 1. 2 (since 2 ( 2 ). Furthermore, under strategy ^ 2 , player 2 always demands 1 and only accepts player 1’s demand if player 1 has either conformed to u1 6= through time t (de…ned in Section 4.2) or has always demanded u1 (in the (0) case) or 1 (in the u1 = (0) case). Note that exp ( r ( log (u1 ) =r)) = u1 . Hence, in either case, u1 ( 1 ; ^ 1 ) 2 f0; u1 ( ) ; u1 g for every strategy strategy of player 1’s that always demands u1 (if u1 6= 1. Let ^ 1 be the (0)) or 1 (if u1 = (0)) and never accepts player 2’s demand. Then u1 (^ 1 ; ^ 1 ) = u1 = max 1 u1 ( 1 ; ^ 1 ), completing the proof. Proof of Lemma 1. I prove the result for pure strategies 2, which immediately implies the result for mixed strategies. Fix 33 2 such that 2 ( ) " and pure strategy 2 2 2 ( 2 ). The plan of the proof is to That is, modify the second part of De…nition 6 to include this contingency. 40 show that if agreement is not reached by T~ under strategy pro…le ( ; 2 2 2 then player 2 must at any time t > T~. This su¢ ces to prove the lemma, be certain that player 1 is playing because 2 ), ( 2 ) implies that player 2 accepts (t) no later than time t = T if at any time t > T~ agreement has not been reached and he is certain that player 1 is playing . ( I begin by introducing some notation. Let assigns to player 1 not playing 2; 2) (t) be the probability that player 2 at date (t; 1) when his initial belief is until date (t; 1) is given by player 1’s following strategy strategy 2; this is determined by Bayes’rule, because ( agreement is reached at time , let 2; 2) ( (t) = 2; 2) 1 if agreement is never reached under ( ; 2) t^( ; 2) ( sup t : 2; 2) 2 " > 0. By convention, if ( ) ( ) for all t > . Let t ( ; 2 )); 2) 2) with belief 2. 2) be the (with the convention that and let (t) > 0 , the latest time at which player 2 is not certain that player 1 is playing pro…le ( ; and play up and player 2’s following (pure) time at which agreement is reached under strategy pro…le ( ; t( ; 2 under strategy Let T^ t^( ; sup ( 2 ; 2 ): 2 ( ) "; 2 2 2 ( 2 );t( ; 2 ) t^( ; 2) . (13) 2) That is, T^ is the latest possible time t at which player 2 is not certain that player 1 is following and agreement is not reached by t. The remainder of the proof consists of showing that T^ = T~. There are three steps involved in showing that T^ = T~, that is, that the value of the program (13) is T~. Step 1 shows that in solving (13) one can restrict attention to a simple class of belief-strategy pairs ( 2 ; t( ; t^( ; 2) 2) 2 ). Step 2 reduces the constraints that 2 2 2 ( 2 ) and to an in…nite system of inequalities involving player 1’s concession rate and probability. Step 3 solves the reduced program. Step 1: ( 2; 2) In the de…nition of T^ it is without loss of generality to restrict attention to such that 2 always demands 1, any history ht+ at which u1 (t) 6= (t), and 2 puts probability 1 on player 1 conceding at 2 puts probability 0 on player 1 conceding at any history ht . That is, that the right-hand side of (13) continues to equal T^ when this additional constraint is imposed on ( 2 ; 2 ). 41 Proof. Suppose that ( 02 ; 0 2) constraints of (13)). Let 2 0 2 satis…es ( ) 0 2 ", 2 2 ( 02 ), and t ( ; be the belief under which player 1 demands accepts player 2’s demand at every history of the form ( ( ) ; 1) probability at which player 1 deviates from under strategy pro…le ( 02 ; there exists a strategy 2 t t^( ; 0 2) 0 2) (the (t) for all t 2 R+ ; at the same rate and at time t (i.e., at date (t; 1), (t; 0), or (t; 1)) 0 2 ); and rejects player 2’s demand at every other history. Clearly, 2 ( 2 ) that always demands 1 and that in addition rejects player 2 1’s demand whenever rejection is optimal under belief 2. Note that player 1’s rate and probability of deviating from at history ( ( ) ; 1) under strategy pro…le ( 02 ; and that player 2’s continuation payo¤ after such a deviation 0 2 ), t under belief is weakly higher in the former case. Recall that strategy 2 is the same as at time t never accepts player 2’s demand, so agreement is reached only if player 2 accepts player 1’s demand or if player 1 has deviated from . is optimal for all t < t ( ; ( ( ) ; 1) t 0 2 ), it follows that rejecting player 1’s demand is optimal under belief 2, for all t < t ( ; whenever it is optimal, this implies that t ( ; ( 02 ; 02 ) (t) for all t 2 R , so t^( ; ) = t^( ; + 2 2 2 ". Therefore, ( 2 ; ( ) 2) 0 2) (t) under strategy pro…le ( 02 ; Therefore, since rejecting player 1’s demand 0 2 ). Since 0 2 ). prescribes rejection 2 t( ; 0 2 ). Hence, t ( ; 2 t^( ; 2) 2; 2) ( Furthermore, 2) satis…es the constraints of (13), (t) at history (t) = Finally, 2 ). always demands u2 (t) = 1, puts probability 1 on player 1 conceding at any history ht+ at which u1 (t) 6= puts probability 0 on player 1 conceding at any history ht , and t^( ; t^( ; 2) (t), 0 2 ). 2 So the right-hand side of (13) continues to equal T^ when the additional constraint is imposed. Step 2 of the proof builds on Step 1 to further simplify the constraint set of (13). For any belief 2 satisfying the conditions of Step 1, let and probability of player 1 at history ( ( ) ; 1) t 2 (t) and p 2 (t) be the concession rate when her strategy is given by be the (countable) set of times s such that p 2 (s) > 0; and let t^( 2 ) t^( ; 0 2 ), 2; let S 2 0 2 is where the strategy that always demands 1 and always rejects player 1’s demand. Fixing a strategy 2 2 2 ( 2 ) that always demands 1 (which exists, by Step 1), note that ( ; induce the same path of play until time t ( ; but not under 0 2 ), and therefore t ( ; there exists a strategy 2 2 2 2) 2) t^( ; 2) and ( ; (at which point player 2 accepts under 2) if and only if t ( ; 2) ( 2 ) that always demands 1 and satis…es t ( ; 0 2) 2 t^( 2 ). Hence, 2) t^( ; 2) if and only if it is optimal for player 2 to reject player 1’s o¤er until time t^( 2 ) when he 42 always demands 1, player 1 plays , and his initial belief is 2. I now use this observation to simplify the constraints of (13). Step 2a: 2 2 2 For any belief 2 satisfying the conditions of Step 1, there exists a strategy ( 2 ) that always demands 1 and satis…es t ( ; 1 Z (t) t^( 2) exp r( t) Z 2 t t X + s2S 2\ + exp (t;t^( exp 2) r (s 0 (s) ds @ Z t) 2 t ) r t^( 2 ) s t Z t^( 2) 2 t for all t < t^( 2 ) . t^( ; 2) s2S Y 0 (q) dq @ ! B (s) ds @ s2S if and only if 1 (1 2 \(t; 0 2) ) q2S Y (1 2 \(t;s) Y 2\ p 2 (s))A (t;t^( (1 ) 2) 2 ( )d 1 p 2 (q))A p 2 (s) 1 C p 2 (s))A v t^( 2 ) (14) Proof. By the above discussion, it su¢ ces to show that (14) holds if and only if it is optimal for player 2 to reject player 1’s o¤er until time t^( 2 ) when he always demands 1, player 1 plays , and his initial belief is 2. The left-hand side of (14) is player 2’s payo¤ from accepting player 1’s demand at date (t; 1) when p 2 (t) = 0. The right-hand side of (14) is player 2’s continuation payo¤ from rejecting player 1’s demand until time t^( 2 ) when p 2 (t) = 0. Thus, (14) must hold if it is optimal for player 2 to reject until time t^( 2 ), and (14) implies that it is optimal for player 2 to reject at times before t^( 2 ) where p 2 (t) = 0. It remains to show that (14) implies that it is optimal for player 2 to reject at times before t^( 2 ) where p 2 (t) > 0. Suppose that p 2 (t) > 0. At date (t; 1), the fact that S lim "t 2 (1 is countable and (14) holds at all times before t that are not in S 2 implies that ( )) is weakly less than player 2’s continuation payo¤ from rejecting player 1’s demand until time t^( 2 ). Furthermore, the fact that player 1 concedes with probability 0 at date (t; 1) (as 2 satis…es the conditions of Step 1) implies that lim "t (1 ( )) is indeed player 2’s payo¤ from accepting at date (t; 1). Thus, rejecting is optimal at date (t; 1). At date (t; 1), player 2’s payo¤ from accepting is (1 p 2 (t) =2) (1 (t)) + (p 2 (t) =2) (1), while his continuation payo¤ from rejecting until time t^( 2 ) is 1 p 2 (t) times the right-hand side of (14) plus p 2 (t) (1). Hence, (14) implies that rejecting is optimal at date (t; 1) as 43 well. So (14) implies that it is optimal for player 2 to reject at times before t^( 2 ) where p 2 (t) > 0 (when he always demands 1, player 1 plays , and his initial belief is Step 2b: 2 2 2 For any belief 2 satisfying the conditions of Step 1, there exists a strategy ( 2 ) that always demands 1 and satis…es t ( ; v (t) Z t^( 2 ) exp r( Z t) + s2S 2 t t X 2\ exp (t;t^( 2) r (s 0 Z t) s 2 t t Z t^( 2) 2 t for all t < t^( 2 ) . t^( ; 2) (s) ds @ ) r t^( 2 ) + exp s2S Y 0 (q) dq @ ! B (s) ds @ s2S if and only if 1 (1 2 \(t; 0 2) ) q2S Y 2\ Y p 2 (s))A (1 2 \(t;s) (t;t^( (1 2) ) immediately implies (14) because v (t) Now v (t) > 1 v ( ; 1) = 1 ( )d 1 p 2 (q))A p 2 (s) 1 C p 2 (s))A v t^( 2 ) Note that (15) (t) for all t. For the converse, suppose that 1 (t) (as (14) and (15) are identical at t if v (t) = 1 (t) implies that v (t) = e ( ). 2 (15) Proof. By Step 2a, it su¢ ces to show that (14) is equivalent to (15). (14) holds, and that v (t) > 1 2 ). r( t) 1 ( ) for some (t)). > t such that Therefore, v ( ; 1) is weakly less than the limit as s " of the right-hand side of (15) evaluated at time s (with the convention that the right-hand side of (15) equals v (s) if s t^( 2 )). But the right-hand side of (15) at time t is at least e r( t) times as large as this limit, which implies that the right-hand side of (15) at time t is at least e r( t) v ( ; 1) = v (t). Hence, (15) holds. ( 2 ; 02 ) . By Step 1 and Step 2b (and the use of Bayes’rule to compute Let 2 (t) (t)), (13) may be rewritten as 8 9 Rt 2 Q 2 < = exp (s) ds (1 p (s)) " 2 s2S \[0;t) 0 2 ^ T = sup sup t : (t) = >0 . Rt 2 Q : ; 2 (s)) exp (s) ds (1 p 2 : 2 ( ) "; s2S 2 \[0;t) 0 2 (15) holds (16) The last step of the proof is solving this simpli…ed program. Steps 3a and 3b show that there exists some belief 2 that both attains the (outer) supremum in (16) (with the convention 44 that the supremum is attained at over all beliefs 2 2 2 if t^( 2 ) = T^ = 1) and also maximizes limt"T^ that attain the supremum (note that this limit exists for all 2, 2 (t) because (t) is non-increasing). I then show that (15) must hold with equality (at all t < T^) under any such belief 2, which implies that (16) may be solved under the additional constraint that (15) holds with equality. This …nal program is in fact solved as a step in the proof of Step 3a, and has value T~. Step 3a: There exists a belief 2 that attains the supremum in (16). Proof. The plan of the proof is as follows. I …rst construct a belief and (15) holds at all times t < T^ under 2. 2 such that 2 ( ) " I then show that if there exists a time t < T^ at which (15) holds with strict inequality under 2, 0 2 then there exists an alternative belief that attains the supremum in (16). Finally, I show that if (15) holds with equality at all times t < T^ under 2, n 2 Fix a sequence n 2 Note that then 2 itself attains the supremum in (16). such that t^( n 2) " T^, n 2 ( ) " for all n, and (15) holds for all n. (t) is non-increasing in t, for all n. Since the space of monotone functions from R+ to [0; 1] is sequentially compact (by Helly’s selection theorem; see, e.g., Billingsley (1995) m 2 Theorem 25.9), there exists a subsequence increasing) function Let 2 2 at rate 2 lim ( 2 1) 2 .34 Furthermore, be a belief such that (t) = 2 0 (t) 1 2 (t) if 2 2 ( ) 2 (0) that converges pointwise to some (non1 ", because m 2 1 " for all m. " and player 1 demands (t) for all t, concedes is di¤erentiable at t and 2 (t) > 0 and concedes at rate (t) = 0 otherwise, and concedes with discrete probability p 2 (t) = "t (0) lim (1 2( ) "t 2 (t)) lim "t 2 (t) 2( ) if (t) > 0 and concedes with probability p 2 (t) = 0 otherwise. Note that such a belief exists, because it can be easily veri…ed that for any belief corresponding to concession rate 34 Showing that the space of monotone functions from R+ ! [0; 1] is sequentially compact requires a slightly di¤erent version of Helly’s selection theorem than that in Billingsley (1995), so here is a direct proof: If ffn g is a sequence of monotone functions R+ ! [0; 1], then there exists a subsequence ffm g on Q+ to a monotone function f : Q+ ! [0; 1]. ffn g that converges Let f~ : R+ ! [0; 1] be given by f~ (x) = liml!1 f (xl ), 1 where fxl gl=1 " x and xl 2 Q+ for all l. Then f~ is monotone, which implies that there is a countable set S such that f~ is continuous on R+ nS. Since S is countable, there exists a sub-subsequence ffk g ffm g such that ffk g converges on S. Finally, let f^ (x) = f~ (x) if x 2 R+ nS and f^ (x) = limk!1 fk (x) if x 2 S. Then ffk g ! f^. 45 and probability 2 and p 2 , exp 2 (t) = Rt 2 0 exp (s) ds Rt 2 0 Q s2S (s) ds 2 \[0;t) Q p 2 (s)) (1 (1 2 (0)) for all t, 2 \[0;t) (1 s2S (17) p 2 (s)) and therefore player 1 never concedes with probability at least 1 2 " under any (0) belief with this concession rate and probability. Observe that (15) holds at all times t < T^ under m 2 exp (t) ! Z t 2 2. To see this, note that the fact that (t) for all t implies that m 2 (s) ds 0 s2S Y 1 p m 2 2 \[0;t) Z (s) ! exp t 2 (s) ds 0 s2S Y (1 2 \[0;t) for all t. Since for all t < T^, there exists M > 0 such that (15) holds at time t under all m > M , this implies that (15) holds at all times t < T^ under p 2 (s)) m 2 for 2. I now show that if there exists a time t < T^ at which (15) holds with strict inequality under belief 2, then there exists an alternative belief 0 2 that attains the supremum in (16). I claim that there then exists a time t1 < t^( 2 ) at which Rt + 2 (15) holds with strict inequality and in addition either t11 (s) ds > 0 for all > 0 or P 2 > 0. To see this, note that there must exist a time s2S 2 \[t1 ;t1 + ) p (s) > 0 for all R 0 t+ 2 t0 2 t; t^( 2 ) such that either t0 (s) ds > 0 for all > 0 or p 2 (t0 ) > 0 (because Suppose such a time t exists. otherwise (15) could not hold with strict inequality at t). Let t1 be the in…mum of such Rt + P 2 times t0 , and note that either t11 (s) ds > 0 for all > 0 or s2S 2 \[t1 ;t1 + ) p 2 (s) > 0 for all > 0. Then the fact that (15) holds with strict inequality at time t implies that Rt (15) holds with strict inequality at time t1 , because otherwise the fact that t 1 2 (s) ds = 0 and p 2 (t00 ) = 0 for all t00 2 [t; t1 ) would imply that (15) could not hold with strict inequality at time t. This proves the claim. Thus, let t0 < t^( 2 ) be such that (15) holds with strict inequality at time t0 and in Rt + P 2 addition t00 (s) ds > 0 for all > 0 (the case where s2S 2 \[t0 ;t0 + ) p 2 (s) > 0 is similar, and thus omitted). Since v is continuous but for downward jumps, there exist >0 and 2 (t) 2 (t) > 0 such that (15) holds with strict inequality at t for all t 2 [t0 ; t0 + is replaced by (1 ) for all t 2 = [t0 ; t0 + ) and 2 (t) for all t 2 [t0 ; t0 + 20 (t) (1 ) 46 2 ). De…ne 20 (t) by (t) for all t 2 [t0 ; t0 + ). ) when 20 (t) Next, I claim that at time t0 player 2’s continuation payo¤ from rejecting when player 1’s concessions are given by ( ( 20 1 (t) ; p 2 (t) ; p 2 (t)) than when they are given by (t)), where p 2 00 (t) is de…ned by p 2 00 (t) p 2 (t) for all t 6= t0 , and p 2 00 (t0 ) R t+ 2 (s) ds (1 p 2 (t0 )) > 0. This follows because the total probability t 2 00 exp with which player 1 concedes in the interval [t0 ; t0 + 20 and under ( t0 under ( 20 (t) ; p (t) ; p 2 00 2 00 (t)). concessions are given by ( p 2 00 20 (t0 ). ) is the same under ( 2 (t) ; p 2 (t)) (t)), and some probability mass of concession is moved earlier to Therefore, there exists t0 player 2’s continuation payo¤ from rejecting where p until t^( 2 ) is strictly lower (t) is de…ned by p 2 2 (0; p 2 00 (t0 )) such that at time until t^( 2 ) is the same when player 1’s 20 (t) ; p 2 (t)) and when they are given by ( 20 p 2 (t) for all t 6= t0 , and p (t) 20 (t0 ) p (t) ; p 2 00 20 (t0 ) (t)), < The fact that (15) holds at all t < T^ when player 1’s concessions are given by (t) ; p 2 (t)) now implies that (15) holds at all t < T^ when player 1’s concessions are R T^ 2 0 Q given by ( 2 0 (t) ; p 2 0 (t)). Furthermore, exp (t) dt p 2 0 (s)) > s2S 2 \[0;T^) (1 0 R T^ 2 Q 0 p 2 (s)) exp (t) dt ". Therefore, sup t : 2 (t) > 0 T^, s2S 2 \[0;T^) (1 0 0 so by the de…nition of T^ it must be that sup t : 2 (t) > 0 = T^. Thus, 02 attains the ( 2 supremum in (16). Finally, suppose that (15) holds with equality at all t < T^ under belief above). Then (15) holds with equality at all t < t^( 2 ) under belief (by de…nition of T^). 2, 2 (de…ned because t^( 2 ) Let t < t^( 2 ) be a time at which v is di¤erentiable. derivative of the right-hand side of (15) at t must exist and equal v 0 (t). T^ Then the This implies that p 2 (t) = 0, and, by Leibniz’s rule, the derivative of the right-hand side of (15) equals 2 (t) + (r + 2 (t)) v (t). Hence, 2 (t) = rv (t) v 0 (t) 35 . 1 v (t) Since v is di¤erentiable almost everywhere, this implies that Z Z 2 (s) ds = (s) ds for all < t^( 2 ) , 0 35 (18) 0 Note that v (t) = 1 is impossible. For v ( ) 2 [0; 1] implies that v 0 (t) = 0 if v 0 (t) exists and v (t) = 1. But then the equation v 0 (t) = 2 (t) + (r + 2 (t)) v (t) would reduce to 0 = r, violating the assumption that r > 0. 47 where is de…ned by (4). Similarly, if (15) holds with equality then the di¤erence between the limit as s " t of the right-hand side of (15) evaluated at s and the limit as s # t of the v (t), for all t < t^( 2 ). right-hand side of (15) evaluated at s must equal v (t; 1) inspection, this di¤erence equals p 2 (t) p 2 (t) = By p 2 (t) v (t). Hence, v (t; 1) v (t) 1 v (t) for all t < t^( 2 ) at which v is discontinuous, and p 2 (t) = 0 otherwise.36 Therefore, s2S for all Y (1 2 \[0; Y p 2 (s)) = (1 (19) p (s)) s2S\[0; ) ) < t^( 2 ), where S is the set of discontinuity points of v, and p is de…ned by (5). Combining (18) and (19), I conclude that if (15) holds with equality under belief 9 8 Z t = < Y ^ (s) ds (1 p (s)) > " , t ( 2 ) = sup t : exp ; : 0 2, then s2S\[0;t) which equals T~. In addition, 2 0 for all t > T~ (by (17), recalling that 1 (t) so T^ = T~ and the supremum in (16) is attained by Step 3b: limt"T^ 2 (t) over all beliefs satis…es limt"T^ 2 that attain the supremum in (16). 2 If = 0, then any belief 2 2 (t) = . Thus, suppose that (t) over all beliefs n 2g > 0. Let f n 2 (t) " (t) is non-increasing, so limt"T^ exists 2 (t) 2 m 2 (t) exists. Because T^ such that 2 (t0 ) < 2 2 for all m, so this implies that m 2 The above sequential m 2 g (t0 ) > m (t) > (t) for all t. 48 and a belief Furthermore, satis…es the constraints of (16), . And for all m > M . The fact that v cannot jump up rules out v (t) = 1. n 2g f 2 (t) < . Then there . Since limm!1 limt"T^ exists M > 0 such that, for all m > M , limt"T^ 36 (t) ! . Now suppose, toward a contradiction, that limt"T^ > 0 and t0 that attain the be a sequence of beliefs . compactness argument implies that there exists a subsequence f satisfying the constraints of (16) such that 2 that attains the supremum in (16) also that all attain the supremum in (16) such that limt"T^ limt"T^ "), 2. 2 [0; 1] be the supremum of limt"T^ supremum in (16). 2 (0) There exists a belief that both attains the supremum in (16) and maximizes Proof. Let 2 2 m 2 m 2 (t) = , there (t) is non-increasing Now m 2 (t0 ) ! 2 (t0 ) implies that 2 (t0 ) the fact that limt"T^ , a contradiction. Therefore, limt"T^ 2 (t) > 0 implies that 2 (t) = . Furthermore, attains the supremum in (16). 2 I now complete the proof of Lemma 1. If (15) holds with strict inequality at some time t < T^ under a belief 2 such that t^( 2 ) = T^, then the procedure for modifying 0 2 limt"T^ (t) > limt"T^ 2 such that t^( 02 ) = T^ and 0 2 in the …fth paragraph of the proof of Step 3a yields a belief This implies that the only beliefs (t). supremum in (16) and maximize limt"T^ 2 described 2 that both attain the 2 (t) (over all beliefs that attain the supremum in (16)) satisfy the additional constraint that (15) holds with equality. Since such a belief exists by Step 3b, the value of (16) equals the value of (16) under this additional constraint, which I have shown to equal T~ in the last paragraph of the proof of Step 3a. Let Proof of Theorem 1. converges pointwise to show that Tn1 > T~ ( Since 1 n n n+1 (t) = ert 1 log " n n+1 n) exp for all t Tn1 and n Note that f ng log "), it remains only to = 1= (1 1 r log n+1 n log ") . (1 is non-decreasing, it follows that v (t) = Tn1 . Therefore, Z Tn1 Z ! rv (t) v 0 (t) dt 1 v (t) Tn1 n+1 n r 0 n+1 n n+1 n = exp = exp = exp n) for all n 2 N. To see this, note that Tn1 = 0 = exp be de…ned as in Section 4.4. . To show that limn!1 u1 ( ert 1 log " for all t and n 1 (1 n (1 Y 1 s2S\[0;Tn1 ] log ") e (1 log ") 1 (1 log ") 1 e rt v (s; 1) 1 v (s) ! dt rTn1 n n+1 1 log " 1 log ") " < ". Hence, by the de…nition of T~ ( is strictly decreasing in 1 n ), Tn for all T~ ( n ). Furthermore, the fact that exp 2 [0; Tn1 ] implies that Tn1 > T~ ( To complete the proof of Theorem 1, I must show that if f tures converging pointwise to some posture satisfying u1 ( 49 n) n ). ng R 0 rv(t) v 0 (t) dt 1 v(t) is any sequence of pos- ! u1 1= (1 log "), then = .37 There are two steps. First, letting fvn g be the continuation value functions corre- sponding to the f n g, and letting v be the continuation value function corresponding to ert = (1 (that is, v (t) = max f1 Second, I show that this implies that Step 1a: For all supt T~( ) jv (t) T1 1= (1 rt min e Furthermore, if u1 ( ) 1= (1 I will show that, for all Fix T( ) e rt T~ ( ) that T~ ( ) (1 log ")) (1) = 1 log " 1 . ert (1= (1 (t) would be strictly less than 1= (1 > 0, there exists 2 (0; 1= (1 T ( ) and supt log ")). Then it must be that T~ ( ) , it must also be that (t) log ") ) for all t T~( ) jv (t) log ") ) log ") log ")) such that if . (t) v (t)j > , then T~ ( ) > T 1 log ")). This completes the proof of Step 1a. (1 > 0 and 2 (0; 1= (1 for all t T ( ) and supt v (t) ert (1= (1 1 rT~( ) e rT 1 + log (1 T ( ), for otherwise mint (1=r) log (1 , then log ") for some posture and some 2 (0; 1= (1 log ") (t) t T( ) < exp log ") 1= (1 log ")), for otherwise it would follow from T ( ) (1 u1 ( ) = ert (1= (1 > 0 such that if u1 ( ) log ") (which equals limn!1 Tn1 ). (1=r) log (1 for all t vn (t)j ! 0. (where v is the continuation value function corresponding to ). v (t)j (1=r) log (1 jv (t) . = > 0, there exists Proof. Suppose that u1 ( ) Let T 1 rt log ") ; 0g), I show that supt2R+ e log ") Z exp T~( ) T~( ) 0 log ")), and suppose that jv (t) v (t)j > . ert (1= (1 (t) log ") ) A straightforward implication is that T ( ). Also, if T~ ( ) is …nite then ! Y rv (t) v 0 (t) 1 v (s; 1) dt ". 1 v (t) 1 v (s) ~ s2S\[0;T ( )] ) for all t Thus, if T~ ( ) is …nite then it must be that inf v:R+ !R+ : 1 v(t) 1 ert ( 1 log ); " supt T~ ( ) jv (t) v(t)j> 37 exp Z 0 T~( ) ! rv (t) v 0 (t) dt 1 v (t) Technically, I must also show that u1 ( observation that T ( ) 1= (1 ) = 1 (which follows because Y s2S\[0;T~( )] log "). In fact, u1 ( (t) = 1 for all t 50 1 T~ ( v (s; 1) 1 v (s) ", (20) ) = 0, by Lemma 3 and the )). where T~ ( ) is viewed as a parameter and the in…mum is taken over all functions v : R+ ! R+ satisfying the constraints. I will show that if only if T~ ( ) > T 1 (1=r) log (1 (1 > 0 is su¢ ciently small then (20) can hold log ")). I …rst show that any attainable value of the program on the left-hand side of (20) can be arbitrarily closely approximated by the value attained by a continuous function v (t) satisfying the constraints of (20); hence, in calculating the in…mum over such values, attention may be restricted to continuous functions. To see this, …x [ S [s ; s] . s2S\[0;T~( )] De…ne the function v (t) by v (t) v (t) 1 t (s ) 2 (0; 1) and let v (t) for all t 2 = S , and v (s )+ t (s ) v (s) for all t 2 S . Observe that v is continuous, and that v satis…es the constraints of (20) if small.38 Furthermore, for all s 2 S, Z s v 0 (t) exp dt 1 v (t) s Also, since v (t) goes to 0 as 1 (1= (1 log ") ! 0, !0 Therefore, Z lim exp !0 0 Z = lim exp !0 Z 0 Proof: subset of T~( ) S rv (t) dt 1 v (t) ! rv (t) v 0 (t) dt exp 1 v (t) ! rv (t) v 0 (t) dt 1 v (t) The constraint v (t) R2+ . 1 ! rv (t) v 0 (t) dt 1 v (t) [0;T~( )]nS = exp 38 T~( ) v (s ) 1 v (s ) = . 1 v (s) 1 v (s) h i ) < 1 for all t 2 0; T~ ( ) , and the measure of S = Z lim exp 1 Y 1 s2S\[0;T~( )] ert 1 1 log " = 1. Z S rv (t) dt 1 v (t) v (s; 1) 1 v (s) s2S\[0;T~( )] 1 v (s ) 1 v (s) speci…es that the graph of v (t) lies in a convex Since the graph of v (t) lies in the convex hull of the graph of v (t), the graph of v (t) lies > 0). In addition, the fact that supt T~ ( ) Y . in any convex subset of R2+ that contains the graph of v (t). Hence, v (t) supt is su¢ ciently jv (t) v (t)j > T~ ( ) jv (t) v (t)j > for su¢ ciently small . 51 1 ert 1 1 log " (for all and v (t) ! v (t) for all t 2 R+ implies that Thus, the value of the program in (20) attained by any function v is arbitrarily closely approximately by the value attained by the continuous function v as small ! 0, and for su¢ ciently > 0 this function also satis…es the constraints of (20). I now derive a lower bound on the left-hand side (20) under the additional constraint that v is continuous. Using the fact that v (s; 1) = v (s) for all s when v is continuous and integrating the v 0 (t) = (1 v (t)) term, this constrained program may be rewritten as 1 !0 Z T~( ) rv (t) 1 v (0) A inf dt @ exp . v:R+ !R+ continuous: 1 v (t) ~ 0 1 v T ( ) 1 v(t) 1 ert ( 1 log ); " supt Since v (t) T~ ( ) jv (t) v(t)j> 0 for all t, the value of this program is bounded from below by the value of the program: inf v:R+ !R+ continuous: 1 v(t) 1 ert ( 1 log ); " supt T~ ( ) jv (t) v(t)j> Z exp T~( ) 0 ! rv (t) dt (1 1 v (t) v (0)) . (21) Note that the value of the program (21) is continuous and non-increasing in the parameter T~ ( ). Let T~ 0 if the value of the program (21) is less than " when T~ ( ) = 0, let T~ 1 if the value of the program is greater than " for all T~ ( ) 2 R+ , and otherwise let T~ be the value of the parameter T~ ( ) such that (21) equals " (which exists by the Intermediate Value Theorem). I will show that T~ > T 1 2 (0; 1= (1 (1=r) log (1 (1 log ")) for su¢ ciently small log ")). I …rst show that this inequality holds for = 0, that is, that T~0 > T 1 . To see this, h i note that (21) decreases whenever the value of v (t) is increased on a subset of 0; T~ ( ) of positive measure. Hence, the unique solution to the program (21) without the constraint supt T~( ) jv (t) v (t)j > is v (t) = 1 ert = (1 T~ ( ) (when log ") = v (t) for all t = 0). Using this observation, it is straightforward to check that the value of the parameter T~ ( ) such that the value of the program (21) without the constraint supt equals " is T 1 . Therefore, the constraint supt T~0 > T 1 . T~( ) jv (t) v (t)j > T~( ) jv (t) v (t)j > binds in (21), and Next, T~ is continuous in , by the Maximum Theorem (which implies that the value of (21) is continuous in , for …xed T~ ( )) and the Implicit Function Theorem. And T 1 52 as well. Hence, the fact that T~0 > T 1 implies log ")) is continuous in (1=r) log (1 (1 that T~ > T 1 (1=r) log (1 ert (1= (1 By (20), if (t) log ")) for some (1 2 (0; 1= (1 ) for all t log ") log ")). T ( ) and supt then T~ is a lower bound on T~ ( ). Thus, the fact that T~ > T 1 for some 2 (0; 1= (1 rt jv (t) jv (t) v (t)j > , (1=r) log (1 (1 log ")) log ")) completes the proof. Step 1b: For all supt2R+ e T~( ) > 0, there exists > 0 such that if u1 ( ) 1= (1 , then log ") . v (t)j Proof. Step 1a implies that, for any > 0 and K > 1, there exists (K) 2 (0; 1= (1 such that if u1 ( ) 1= (1 (K), then supt log ") 0 now argue that, for K su¢ ciently large, there exists 1= (1 0 log ") rt , then in addition supt>T~( ) e jv (t) K ! 1, T~ ( ) ! T 1 uniformly over all postures =K. Choose K > 1 such that e rT~( ) posture , and suppose that a posture e rt0 jv (t0 ) rt0 e v (t0 ) > + e max e rt rt1 , or equivalently (t1 ) 1 u1 ( ) = such that supt T~( ) Therefore, taking then supt supt2R+ e T~( ) rt e jv (t) Step 2: If 0, then = rt n 0 (t1 ) min e < e T~( ) rt e v (t)j v (t)j (t) ! rt ~ ) I v (t)j for any such =K but v (t)j ~ T~ ( ) v jv (t) erT ( jv (t) rt0 e erT ( ) ert0 , . v (t0 ) rT~( ) rT 1 ert1 . Hence, 1 rt 1 (t) e ~ er T ( ) =2 = 1= (1 rt1 i T~ ( ) ; T ( ) such that ert1 1 =e h rT~( ) log ") =2. min f (K ) ; =2g, it follows that if u1 ( ) jv (t) e T~ ( ) < =2 and v (t) t T( ) e =K. . To see this, note that as By the de…nition of T ( ), this implies that there exists t1 2 e v (t)j v (t0 ). Therefore, 1 t T~( ) jv (t) v (t)j is such that supt rt0 rt 2 (0; (K)) such that if u1 ( ) for some t0 > T~ ( ). Now v (t0 ) v (t0 )j > so it follows that e rT 1 e T~( ) log ")) =K and supt>T~( ) e rt jv (t) 1= (1 log ") 0 , and hence v (t)j . (t) for all t 2 R+ for some posture , and supt2R+ e . 53 rt jv (t) vn (t)j ! Proof. First, note that if such that vn (t) n (t) < 1 for all n > N . (t) (t) + (t) for some t 2 R+ , then there exist N > 0 and (t) < Since vn (t) It is more di¢ cult to rule out the possibility that Since and degenerate closed interval I0 the case that supt2R+ e rt n (t) for some t 2 R+ . Sup- (t) > are right-continuous, there exist R+ such that (t) > > 0 and a non- for all t 2 I0 . (t) + vn (t)j ! 0 would fail, so this is not possible.39 jv (t) 0 such that n1 (t1 ) + =2. Since (t1 ) < there exists a non-degenerate closed interval I1 all t 2 I1 . (t), this implies that If it were (t) + =2 for all t 2 I0 and n su¢ ciently large, then the condition (t) t1 2 I0 and n1 n for all n > N , a contradiction. = v (t) + pose that this is so. 1 >0 n1 and I0 such that Next, it cannot be the case that n Hence, there exists are right-continuous, n1 (t) + =2 for (t) < (t) + =2 for all t 2 I1 and (t) n > n1 (by the same argument as above), so there exists t2 2 I1 and n2 > n1 such that n2 (t2 ) < I1 such that I2 As above, this implies that there exists a non-degenerate closed (t2 ) + =2. n2 (t)+ =2 for all t 2 I2 . Proceeding in this manner yields an in…- (t) < nite sequence of non-degenerate closed intervals fIm g and integers fnm g such that Im+1 nm+1 > nm , and (t) + =2 for all t 2 Im and m 2 N. Let I (t) < nm empty set (possibly a single point), and …x t 2 I. Then nm Im , \m2N Im , a non- (t) + =2 for all m 2 N, (t) < and since nm+1 > nm for all m 2 N this contradicts the assumption that n (t) ! (t). Proof of Proposition 2. Lemmas 1 through 3 apply to any posture, whether or not it is constant. In addition, if is constant then T ( ) = T~ ( ). Thus, Lemma 3 implies that u1 ( ) = mint 39 T( ) e rt =e rT~( ) Proof: Suppose that supt2R+ e rt . Furthermore, jv (t) vn (t)j ! 0. Fix N > 0, suppose that for all t 2 I0 and n > N , and denote the length of I0 by 2 player 2 cannot receive a payo¤ above e when facing posture all n > N . vn (t0 + n for any n > N . )+ e r 1 (1 (t0 ) =2; 1 (t0 ) max 1 (t0 ) (1 (t0 ) (t0 ) 1 =2; e e r which contradicts the hypothesis that supt2R+ e r =2 rt (t) (t) + =2 and the midpoint of I0 by t0 . Then max 1 (t0 ) =2; e r vn (t0 + ) =2, there exists N 0 > 0 such that vn (t0 + (t0 ) < 1 =2) = 1 n =2) from accepting at any time t 2 [t0 ; t0 + Hence, vn (t0 ) In addition, noting that N 0 . Therefore, vn (t0 ) max 1 rt0 ) = and p (t) = 0 for all (t) = r (1 (t0 + )+ e (1 (t0 + = v (t0 ) jv (t) 54 r 1 (1 )) + 1 1 e vn (t)j ! 0. r (t0 ) e r (1 ] for ) < =2) for all n > (t0 ) =2) =2 for all n > max fN; N 0 g, t, so, by the de…nition of T~ ( ), exp r 1 T~ ( ) = ", or 1 r T~ ( ) = if < 1, and T~ ( ) = 1 if log " 1 = 1. Therefore, u1 = = max e rT~( ) 2[0;1] max exp log " 1 2[0;1) . (22) Note that (22) is concave in . Hence, the …rst-order condition 1= " (1 ") 2 (23) log ", which has a solution if " < 1, is both necessary and su¢ cient. equation yields " = 2 log " q (log ")2 4 log " 2 Finally, substituting (23) into (22) yields u1 = exp ( (1 " )) Solving this quadratic . ". Proof of Proposition 3. The proof of Theorem 1 goes through for any decreasing Pareto frontier , with the modi…cations that v (t; 1) now equals max than max t e r( t) log "). e ( ) rather Therefore, it su¢ ces to show that, for any u1 2 [0; 1], the posture Pareto frontier is (t), for all t, when the than when it is . Note that the set of times at which by (4) is the same for either Pareto frontier, because and t) (t) = min fert u1 ; 1g for a value of u1 that may di¤er (t) = min fert u1 ; 1g corresponds to a weakly higher concession rate Hence, since r( (t) (with the analogous modi…cation for v (t)), and that the 1 maxmin posture is now given by from 1= (1 t (t) is given (u) = 1 if and only if (u) = 1. are concave and thus di¤erentiable almost everywhere, it su¢ ces to show that 0 r ( (ert u1 )) 1 ( (ert u1 )) 0 (ert u1 ) rert u1 ( (ert u1 )) 55 r (ert u1 ) 1 0 (ert u1 ) rert u1 (ert u1 ) for all t 2 R+ and u1 2 [0; 1]; or, dividing both sides by r and writing u for ert u1 , 0 ( (u)) 1 0 ( (u)) ( (u)) (u) u 0 (u) 1 (u) u (u) for all u 2 [0; 1]. This inequality may be rearranged as ( (u)) (u) ((1 (u)) 0 ( (u)) (1 The maintained assumptions on imply that (x) all x 2 [0; 1], so 0 and (1 (u)) 0 ( (u)) 0 and u (u) (u) x and (1 0 0 ( (u)))) ( (u)) (u) u 0 x) (1 (24) 0. 1 (x) for ( (u))) 0. Since (x) 0, it follows that (24) holds. Lemmas 1 through 3 continue to hold, replacing r with r1 or Proof of Proposition 4. r2 as appropriate. In particular, (t) = r2 v(t) v 0 (t) , 1 v(t) and the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 1 implies that the unique maxmin posture (t) = min fer1 t u1 ; 1g, satis…es where u1 is the (unique) number such that the time at which (t) reaches 1 equals T~ ( ). r2 (1 er1 t u1 )+r1 er1 t u1 r t Thus, given posture , it follows that (t) = = r2 e u 1 + r1 r2 . Now er1 t u 1 Z exp T~( ) r2 e 0 ! r1 t u1 + r1 r2 dt 1 u1 = exp r2 r1 1 1 e r1 T~( ) r2 ) T~ ( ) . + (r1 Setting this equal to " and rearranging implies that T~ ( ) is given by e r1 T~( r1 u log " + r2 1 ) ~ Using the condition that er1 T ( ) r1 r2 1 u1 r1 T~ ( ) = 1. u1 = 1, this can be rearranged to yield (12). ~ there is a unique pair u1 ; T~ ( ) that satis…es both (25) and er1 T ( curve in u1 ; T~ ( ) ~ er1 T ( ) (25) ) Finally, u1 = 1, because the space de…ned by (25) is upward-sloping, while the curve de…ned by u1 = 1 is downward-sloping. Proof of Lemma 4. u1 ( ) = mint Let T_ T( ) e rt The fact that RAT 2 ( ) 1 immediately implies that uRAT ( ) 1 (t). Therefore, it su¢ ces to show that uRAT ( ) 1 min argmaxt e rt 1 mint T( ) e rt (t). (t) . Note that T_ is well-de…ned and …nite because (t) is lower semi-continuous and limt!1 e rt (t) = 0. Let _ 2 2 1 2 be the strategy that always demands 0, rejects up to time T_ , accepts at date T_ ; 1 if and only if lim T_ , and accepts at all dates T_ ; 1 and later (for all histories). Let _ 2 2 56 1 "T_ ( ) be identical to the -o¤setting belief 2 with the modi…cation that _ 2 always accepts demands of 0. Since p (0) = 0 for any posture , it follows that u1 ( _ 2 ; _ 2 ) = 1, and therefore _ 2 2 In addition, it is clear that u2 ( 2 2 2 ( 2) 2; 2) (by Lemma 2) and u2 ( it is clear that _ 2 2 2 ( ), and 2 u2 ( _ 2 ; 2; 1 ( 2) for all 2) 2 2 2, 1 ( _ 2 ). so the observations that imply that 2 ( _ 2 ). Finally, 2) = u2 ( _ 2 ; 2) by Lemma 3. Summarizing, I have established 2 2 that the arrows in the following diagram may be read as “is a best-response to”: ! Therefore, the set f ; _ 2 g f implies that f RAT 2 mint T( ) e rt 2; _ 2g 2; 2 " # . _2 _2 _ 2 g is closed under rational behavior given posture , which ( ). ( ) Hence, uRAT 1 sup 1 u1 ( 1 ; 2) = u1 ( ; 2) = (t). 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However, the characterization does not apply with both iterated conditional dominance and discrete-time bargaining, as the fact that (complete-information) discretetime bargaining is solvable by iterated conditional dominance implies that the predictions of the model with iterated conditional dominance and discrete-time bargaining depend on the order and relative frequency of o¤ers.40 Iterated Conditional Dominance This section shows that Theorem 1 continues to hold under a natural notion of iterated conditional dominance. Because the model has incomplete information and is not a multistage game with observed actions (as players do not observe each other’s choice of demand paths on the integers), no o¤-the-shelf version of iterated conditional dominance is applicable, and even the simplest version that is applicable requires some new notation. For integer t, let and history ht . btc ui 2 supp btc btc u1 ; u2 i i (ht ) be the element of I …rst introduce the idea that a triple btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 i at date (t; 0) is “ i -coherent” if hbtc and at ht the path of realized demands between btc and t coincides with . btc btc De…nition 9 A triple ht ; u1 ; u2 40 (U t ) prescribed by strategy is i -coherent btc if ui 2 supp i btc btc hbtc and u1 ( ) ; u2 ( ) = Informally, there is a race between the number of rounds of iterated conditional dominance and the frequency of o¤ers. I conjecture that, for any number of rounds of iterated conditional dominance, the maxmin payo¤ and posture in discrete-time bargaining converge (in the sense of Proposition 7) to the maxmin payo¤ and posture in continuous-time bargaining as o¤ers become frequent. This is consistent with Rubinstein bargaining, where the round at which any demand other than 0 or 1 is deleted goes to in…nity as the time between o¤ers vanishes (so that iterated conditional dominance has no “bite”in the continuous-time limit). I thank Je¤ Ely for helpful comments on this point. 61 2 [btc ; t], where ht = (u1 ( ) ; u2 ( )) (u1 ( ) ; u2 ( )) for all btc btc 2) btc btc btc such that ht ; u1 ; u2 if there exist demand paths u1 ; u2 For any strategy pro…le ( 1 ; btc t. is payo¤ under strategy pro…le ( i ; j) i -coherent i -coherent. btc and any triple ht ; u1 ; u2 btc such that u1 ( ) ; u2 ( ) = 2 [btc ; t], where ht = (u1 ( ) ; u2 ( )) (u1 ( ) ; u2 ( )) for all A history ht is t, each player i’s expected btc btc conditional on reaching the triple ht ; u1 ; u2 is well- de…ned, and is denoted ui I also write ui ( i ; t j jh ) i; btc btc t j jh ; u1 ; u2 . for player i’s expected payo¤ conditional on reaching ht at date (t; 0) for integer t. I now de…ne iterated conditional dominance. Informally, the idea is that a strategy is conditionally dominated if it is either strictly dominated or is “conditionally weakly dominated.” The di¤erence between the de…nition of iterated conditional dominance for the two players re‡ects the fact that player 1 is committed to strategy with probability ", and therefore that player 2 is restricted to assigning probability at least " to strategy histories that are consistent with . Note that the support of the -o¤setting belief at 2 in- cludes strategies that are iteratively conditionally dominated, as it is easy to verify that any strategy of player 1’s that ever accepts a demand of 1 is iteratively conditionally dominated. De…nition 10 For any posture 1 2, a strategy 1 2 1 and set of bargaining phase strategy pro…les = 1 2 is conditionally dominated with respect to ( ; ) if either of the following conditions hold 1. There exists a strategy 0 1 2 such that 1 u1 ( 01 ; for all beliefs 1 2 ( 2. There exists a strategy u1 for all some 1 -coherent 1 -coherent 1) > u1 ( 1 ; 1) 2 ). 0 1 2 0 1; 1 btc btc t 1 jh ; u1 ; u2 btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 btc such that btc ht ; u1 ; u2 u1 and all beliefs and some belief 62 btc btc t 1 jh ; u1 ; u2 1; 1 1 2 ( 2 ( 2 ), 2 ). with strict inequality for A strategy 2 2 2 is conditionally dominated with respect to ( ; ) if either of the following conditions hold 0 2 1. There exists a strategy 2 2 such that u2 ( 02 ; for all beliefs 2 2 2 ( 1 > u2 ( 2 ; [ f g) such that 2 2) " with strict inequality only if ( ) 1. 0 2 2. There exists a strategy u2 for all ( 2) with 2 such that btc btc t 2 jh ; u1 ; u2 0 2; btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 2 -coherent 1 ), 2 u2 2 2 ( 2 -coherent conditional dominance given posture if every = 1 2 i i not conditionally dominated) with respect to ( ; ). undominated strategies given posture ( ) [ f : and all beliefs btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 2 2 that is inconsistent 1 ). A set of bargaining phase strategy pro…les ICD btc btc t 2 jh ; u1 ; u2 that are inconsistent with with strict inequality for some and some belief 2; 2 1 2 is closed under is conditionally undominated (i.e., The set of iteratively conditionally is is closed under conditional dominance given posture g . Player 1’s maxmin payo¤ under iterated conditional dominance given posture uICD ( ) 1 sup 1 inf ICD ( 2 22 ) u1 ( 1 ; is 2) . Player 1’s maxmin payo¤ under iterated conditional dominance is uICD 1 A posture ICD ( ). sup uICD 1 is a maxmin posture under iterated conditional dominance if there exists a sequence of postures f ng such that n (t) ! ICD 63 (t) for all t 2 R+ and uICD ( 1 n) ! uICD . 1 This version of iterated conditional dominance is stronger than rationalizability, in that ICD ( ) RAT ( ) for any posture . This can be seen by noting that every set that is closed under conditional dominance is also closed under rationalizability, because rationalizability is equivalent to imposing only the …rst of the two conditions in the de…nition of conditional dominance (for both player 1 and player 2). An immediate consequence of this observation is that the maxmin payo¤ under iterated conditional dominance is weakly greater than the maxmin payo¤ (under …rst-order knowledge of rationality), that is, uICD 1 u1 . In fact, the two payo¤s are equal, as are the corresponding maxmin postures. Proposition 6 Player 1’s maxmin payo¤ under iterated conditional dominance equals her maxmin payo¤, and the unique maxmin posture under iterated conditional dominance is the = u1 , and the unique maxmin posture under iterated unique maxmin posture. That is, uICD 1 conditional dominance is ICD . = The rest of this section is devoted to proving Proposition 6. The proof builds on that of Proposition 5. This is because it can be shown that the set of iteratively conditionally undominated strategies and the set of rationalizable strategies are identical up to strategies that are “exceptional”in the following sense. De…nition 11 A strategy i 2 i is exceptional given posture if either of the following conditions hold: i 2 f1; 2g and i ever accepts a demand of 1, rejects a demand of 0, makes a demand of 0 or a path of demands converging to 0 (i.e., lim "t ui ( ) = 0), or makes a demand of 1 at every successor of some history ht . i = 1 and i ever accepts a demand u2 (t) consistent with with t history ht consistent with 1 e r(t t , rejects a demand u2 (t) with t t , or demands t) 1 (t ) > 0 at any history ht e r(t t) (t ) < 1 at any (t ) at any history ht consistent with . The relationship between iterated conditional dominance and rationalizability is formalized in the following lemma, which is a key step in the proof of Proposition 6. 64 Lemma 5 For any posture , every strategy that is rationalizable and non-exceptional given posture is also iteratively conditionally undominated given posture . The proof of the lemma uses the concept of a unique optimal action: an action (accepting, rejecting, or choosing a demand path for the next integer) is the unique optibtc btc mal action at a triple ht ; u1 ; u2 ui btc btc t i jh ; u1 ; u2 i; under a belief i if every strategy i that maximizes btc btc prescribes that action at history ht (where the arguments u1 ; u2 are omitted in the case of choosing a demand path for the next integer). Proof of Lemma 5. Fix a posture ; for the duration of the proof, I omit the modi…er “given posture .”To prove the lemma, I show that for every non-exceptional strategy every i -coherent and belief i btc and btc history ht that is inconsistent with , there exist demand paths u1 ; u2 with support on strategies that are rationalizable and non-exceptional such that ht ; u1 ; u2 btc is under belief 2. btc i i -coherent and i If i = 1, this conclusion also holds at consistent with . btc btc prescribes the unique optimal action at ht ; u1 ; u2 i -coherent histories that are This implies that the second of the two conditions in the de…nition of conditional dominance can never hold if i is non-exceptional, for i = 1; 2. Therefore, every non-exceptional strategy that is conditionally dominated is also strictly dominated, and hence every non-exceptional strategy that is rationalizable is also iteratively conditionally undominated. I start by establishing a statement with the important implication that, starting from a history that is inconsistent with , any continuation strategy is part of a rationalizable strategy. Step 1: Any strategy 1 2 1 history ht that is consistent with that demands (t) and rejects player 2’s demand at every is rationalizable. Any strategy 2 2 2 that demands 1 and accepts at (and not before) the more favorable of dates (t ; 1) and (t ; 1) if player 1 follows until time t is rationalizable. Proof. By the proof of Lemma 4, strategy _ 2 is rationalizable for player 1, and strategy 2 is rationalizable for player 2. Now if strategies 1 2 1 ( 2) and 2 2 2 ( _ 2 ), so 1 and Step 2: For i = 1; 2, if a strategy and inconsistent with i 2 1 and 2 are as in the statement, then are rationalizable as well. is non-exceptional and a history ht is , then there exist demand paths 65 btc btc u1 ; u2 i -coherent and a belief i with btc i -coherent and i prescribes the unique optimal action at Proof. Fix a non-exceptional strategy i btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 and a history ht that is btc ht ; u1 ; u2 support on strategies that are rationalizable and non-exceptional such that is under belief i -coherent i. and inconsistent with . Step 1 implies that any continuation strategy of player j’s is part of a rationalizable strategy. Hence, the restriction that i has support on strategies that are rationalizable and non-exceptional implies only that continuation strategies are non-exceptional. Suppose that i -coherent i accepts at ht . Then the fact that i is non-exceptional and ht is btc btc imply that ui (t) > 0 and uj (t) < 1. Let u1 ; u2 continue to demand ui (t) and uj (t) until dte, and let i specify that the players assign probability 1 to a rationalizable strategy under which at every successor history of ht player j demands 1+uj (t) 2 (after time dte) and rejects any strictly positive demand; such a strategy exists by the previous paragraph, and is clearly non-exceptional (in particular, player j always chooses demand paths that always make demands u2 ( ) 2 (0; 1)). Then it is clear that accepting at ht is the optimal btc btc action at ht ; u1 ; u2 Suppose that i under belief rejects at ht . 41 i. Then the fact that coherent imply that ui (t) > 0 and uj (t) > 0. Let i i is non-exceptional and ht is i- assign probability 1 to a rationalizable and non-exceptional strategy under which player j reduces his demand to uj (t) =2 by some time such that e r( t) 1 uj (t) 2 uj (t) , >1 subsequently demands uj (t) =2 forever, and rejects player i’s demand at every successor btc btc history of ht unless player i demands 0 (or let u1 ; u2 specify that player j’s demand btc btc follows such a path, in case there is no integer between t and ). Choose any u1 ; u2 btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 such that is i -coherent and player j’s demands follow such a path. Now rejecting until time and then accepting (while never demanding 0) is strictly better for player i under belief i btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 than is accepting at ht , so rejecting is the unique optimal action at under belief i. Finally, suppose that t is an integer and that fact that 41 i i chooses demand path uti at ht . is non-exceptional implies that uti ( ) > 0 for all The 2 [t; t + 1) and that Note that the possibility that player i could reject at ht but accept “immediately” after ht is ruled out by the assumption that the probability that a player accepts by date (t; 1) is right-continuous in t. 66 lim "t+1 uti ( ) > 0. Let i assign probability 1 to a rationalizable and non-exceptional r e strategy under which player j demands 1 lim "t+1 uti ( ) 2 at ht and at every successor his- tory of ht ; accepts at date (t + 1; 1) if ui ( ) = uti ( ) for all 2 [t; t + 1); and otherwise rejects any strictly positive demand at every successor history of ht . Now choosing demand path uti at ht and rejecting player j’s demand until time t + 1 yields payo¤ e under belief under belief i, i, r while every other continuation strategy yields payo¤ at most so choosing demand path uti lim e r "t+1 lim uti ( ) "t+1 uti ( ) 2 t is the unique optimal action at h under belief i. Step 3: If strategy 1 2 1 is non-exceptional and a history ht is btc btc consistent with , then there exist demand paths u1 ; u2 and a belief btc prescribes the unique optimal action at 1 btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 1 btc ht ; u1 ; u2 strategies that are rationalizable and non-exceptional such that and 1 -coherent under belief with support on is 1 -coherent 1. Proof. If t > t , then if player 2 plays a rationalizable and non-exceptional strategy accepts at time t under strategy pro…le ( ; 2) and 2 that (which exists), then player 2’s continuation play starting from ht is restricted only by the requirement that it is non-exceptional. Hence, the proof in this case is just like the proof of Step 2. I therefore assume that t Suppose that 1 accepts at ht . Then the fact that and consistent with , and t De…ne the strategy • 2 2 2 1 is non-exceptional, ht is t implies that u1 (t) > 0 and u2 (t) < 1 e t. 1 -coherent r(t t) (t ). as follows: If h is consistent with , then demand 1 until time dt + 1e, subsequently demand 21 , reject all positive demands until the more favorable of dates (t ; 1) and (t ; 1), and subsequently accept all demands of less than 1. If h is inconsistent with , then demand Note that • 2 2 Let 1 2 1+u2 (t) 2 ( ), so • 2 is rationalizable. In addition, • 2 is clearly non-exceptional. btc btc assign probability 1 to • 2 , and let u1 ; u2 ( ) for all btc btc btc rejects at ht ; u1 ; u2 btc btc specify that player 1 demands u1 ( ) = 2 [t; dte) and that player 2 continues to demand u2 (t) until dte. btc accepting at ht ; u1 ; u2 ht ; u1 ; u2 and reject all positive demands. yields payo¤ 1 yields strictly less. under belief u2 (t) under belief 1, Then while any strategy that So accepting is the unique optimal action at 1. 67 Suppose that rejects at ht . Then the fact that 1 and consistent with , and t •2, 1, btc btc and u1 ; u2 rather than 1+u2 (t) 2 t implies that u1 (t) > 0 and u2 (t) > 1 btc btc yields payo¤ e btc that rejects at ht ; u1 ; u2 at r(t t) under belief (t ). Let e r (t t) (t ) 2 (t ) under belief 1, while any strategy 1. 1 chooses demand path ut1 at ht . Since are continuous on [t; t + 1), there are three cases. 1. ut1 ( ) = ( ) for all 2. ut1 (t) = (t) but ut1 ( ) 6= 3. ut1 (t) 6= (t). Start with case 1. and t t) yields strictly less. So rejecting is the unique optimal action Finally, suppose that t is an integer and that ut1 and r(t e 1 -coherent at histories h that are inconsistent with .42 Then rejecting and following btc btc btc ht ; u1 ; u2 is non-exceptional, ht is be as above, with the modi…cation that • 2 demands 1 at ht ; u1 ; u2 strategy 1 2 [t; t + 1). ( ) for some Here, the fact that t implies that in fact t + 1 consistent with . Now for all non-exceptional strategy 2 2 [t; min ft + 1; t g). 1 is non-exceptional, ht is consistent with , t , as 1 never demands (t ) at a history ht > 0, Step 1 implies that there exists a rationalizable and that demands 1 at all times at (but not before) time t under strategy pro…le ( ; 2 ), such that e r( (t+1)) , accepts rejects all strictly positive demands at dates (t + 1; 1) and earlier, rejects all strictly positive demands at dates after (t + 1; 0) such that u1 ( ) 6= ( ) for some after (t + 1; 0) such that u1 ( ) = e r(t (t+1)) < t + 1, and accepts all demands less than 1 at dates ( ) for all < t + 1 but u1 (t + 1) 6= (t + 1). Since (t ) < 1 (which follows from the de…nition of t ), choosing demand path ut1 and then deviating from to a demand close to 1 at time t + 1 yields a strictly higher payo¤ under any belief that assigns probability 1 to such a strategy than does choosing any other demand path, for su¢ ciently small. For case 2, the fact that that t < t . Let 42 0 1 is non-exceptional, ht is consistent with , and t be the in…mum over times t implies 2 [t; min ft + 1; t g) such that ut1 ( ) 6= ( ). This modi…cation serves only to ensure that • 2 does not demand 1 forever after some history, and thus that • 2 is non-exceptional. 68 Now for all strategy 2 > 0, Step 1 implies that there exists a rationalizable and non-exceptional that demands 1 at all times such that e not before) time t under strategy pro…le ( ; histories that are inconsistent with either maxft+1;t g) , accepts at (but rejects all strictly positive demands at all n j k o t+1 0 t or u1 , and, for all k 2 0; 1; : : : ; 1 , 2 ), ) if u1 ( ) = ut1 ( ) for all 2 [t; 0 + k ], t+1 0 c if player 1’s demands are consistent and accepts at date (t + 1; 1) with probability b accepts at time 0 k r( + k with probability (1 with ut1 on [t; t + 1). Since ut1 is continuous, player 1 receives a strictly higher payo¤ from choosing ut1 and then rejecting until time t + 1 than from mimicking , under the belief that player 2 plays such a strategy for su¢ ciently small (as player 1 strictly prefers to have her demand accepted at any time prior to t than at t , by de…nition of t ). In addition, player 1 receives a strictly higher payo¤ from choosing ut1 than from choosing any demand path that coincides with ut1 until some time 2 [t; t + 1) and then diverges from ut1 . Therefore, choosing demand path ut1 is player 1’s unique optimal action at ht under the belief that player 2 plays such a strategy for su¢ ciently small . For case 3, Step 1 implies that for all exceptional strategy 2 > 0 there exists a rationalizable and non- that accepts at (but not before) time t under strategy pro…le ( ; t ), rejects all strictly positive demands at all histories that are inconsistent with , and, for n j k o 1 all k 2 0; 1; : : : ; 2 , with probability k (1 ) demands 1 until time t + k and 1 reduces its demand to by time t + (k + 1) , and with probability b c demands 1 until time t + 1 and reduces its demand to by time t + 1. Step 1 also implies that there exists a rationalizable and non-exceptional strategy that accepts at (but not before) time t under strategy pro…le ( ; t ), demands 1 e r lim "t+1 2 uti ( ) at ht and at every successor history of ht ; accepts at date (t + 1; 1) if ui ( ) = uti ( ) for all 2 [t; t + 1); and otherwise rejects any strictly positive demand at every successor history of ht (as in the last part of the proof of Step 2). Let 1 assign probability 1 …rst kind and assign probability claim that, for 1. to player 2’s playing a strategy of the to player 2’s playing a strategy of the second kind. I su¢ ciently small, ut1 is player 1’s unique optimal action at ht under belief To see this, …rst note that e r(t t) (t ) < 1 implies that choosing ut1 is strictly better than choosing any demand path that coincides with until time t , for su¢ ciently small. Finally, any strategy that chooses a demand path other than ut1 that diverges from 69 before time t does no better than choosing demand path ut1 and rejecting until time t + 1 in the event that player 2 plays a strategy of the …rst kind, and does strictly worse in the event that player 2 plays a strategy of the second kind. Therefore, choosing demand path ut1 is player 1’s unique optimal action at ht under belief I now complete the proof of the lemma. and Step 2, strategy strategy 0 2 2 1, for > 0 su¢ ciently small. By the de…nition of conditional dominance can be conditionally dominated (with respect to some ( ; )) by 0 2 only if either strictly dominates 2 (with respect to ( ; ); i.e., if the …rst condition in the de…nition of conditionally dominance with respect to ( ; ) holds) or agrees with 2 at all 2 -coherent histories that are inconsistent with . But, again by the de…nition of conditional dominance, if all 2 -coherent 0 2 0 2 conditionally dominates 0 2 histories that are inconsistent with , then 2 and agrees with 2 must strictly dominate at 2. The same argument applies for player 1, noting that Steps 2 and 3 imply that a strategy 1 0 1 can be conditionally dominated by a strategy agrees with 1 at all 1 -coherent 0 1 only if strictly dominates 1 or if histories ht , whether or not ht is consistent with 0 1 (which is needed for the argument given the di¤erence in the de…nitions of conditional dominance for players 1 and 2). Therefore, for i = 1; 2, if i is non-exceptional then it cannot be conditionally dominated unless it is also strictly dominated. Finally, if and non-exceptional, then it is not strictly dominated with respect to not conditionally dominated with respect to dominated with respect to the smaller set ; ICD ; RAT i is rationalizable ; RAT , hence , and hence also not conditionally . This proves that every rationalizable and non-exceptional strategy is iteratively conditionally undominated. I now prove Proposition 6. Proof of Proposition 6. uICD ( )= 1 belief 2 As was the case for Proposition 5, it su¢ ces to show that (t ) for every posture . The proof proceeds by approximating the -o¤setting with beliefs f 2 ( )g >0 that have support on rationalizable and non-exceptional strategies only (unlike the o¤setting belief itself, which assigns positive probability to 2 the exceptional strategy ~ ), and by approximating the -o¤setting strategy exceptional strategies f 2 ( )g then implies that the strategy >0 2 such that 2 ( ) 2 2 ( 2 ( )) for all > 0. 2 with nonLemma 5 ( ) is iteratively conditionally undominated for all 70 > 0. Finally, as ! 0, sup u1 ( 1 ; 2 1 which implies that uICD ( ) 1 ICD RAT ( ) ( )) ! u1 ( ) , Since uICD ( ) 1 u1 ( ). ( ), this shows that uICD ( ) = u1 ( ) = 1 u1 ( ) is immediate because (t ), completing the proof of the proposition. I now present an argument leading to the construction of the beliefs f strategies f 2 ( )g weight under belief >0 . 2 2 ( )g >0 and I start by de…ning the strategies of player 1’s that receive positive 2 0; 12 . Let ( ). Fix t 2 (0; t ) and 0 8 n o < min ; r(t t) ; (t ) if (t ) > 0 2 o n 3 , r(t t) : if (t ) = 0 min ; 3 and let ~ (t; ) be the strategy that demands u1 ( ) = u1 ( ) = t + 0 =r 0 =r ( ) for all t + 0 =r 0 =r (t) + 1 (1 2 [0; t); demands 0 ) 2 [t; t + 0 =r]; demands for all u1 ( ) = t + 2 0 =r 0 =r 0 (1 )+ 1 2 [t + 0 =r; t + 2 0 =r]; demands u1 ( ) = for all 0 if t + 2 0 =r 0 =r 0 > t + 2 0 =r; and accepts a demand of player 2’s if and only if it equals 0. Intuitively, ~ (t; ) mimics until time t and then quickly rises to almost one before quickly falling to almost zero, where “quickly”and “almost zero” are both measured by (the point of having 0 rather than in the formulas will become clear shortly). I claim that ~ (t; ) is iteratively conditionally undominated. To see this, observe that ~ (t; ) is a best response to any strategy 2 2 with the following properties: demands 1 and accepts at (and not before) date (t ; 1) if player 1 follows until time t . If h is inconsistent with if and only if but consistent with ~ (t; ), then t + 0 =r. 71 2 demands 1 and accepts If h is inconsistent with both and ~ (t; ), then 2 demands 1 and rejects player 1’s demand. This follows because playing ~ (t; ) against such a strategy 0 rt e 0 (1 2 yields payo¤ ), while the only other positive payo¤ that can be obtained against strategy e and e rt 0 (1 0 ) e rt rt 0 because (t ) min n e rt is , 1 r(t t) ; 3 2 o (as can be easily checked). Now, by Step 1 of the proof of Lemma 5, there exists a rationalizable strategy so ~ (t; ) is rationalizable. In addition, ~ (t; ) is non-exceptional, because t 2 [0; t ) (recalling the de…nition of 2 ) and ~ (t; ) always demands 0 6= 2 of this form, (t) > 0 for all (t ) at time t , so Lemma 5 implies that ~ (t; ) is iteratively conditionally undominated. I now introduce versions of some of the key objects of Section 4.2, indexed by . Let rv (t) 2 e 0 (1 (t; ) = if v is di¤erentiable at t and v (t) < e 2 p (t; ) = if v (t) < v (t; 1) e 2 0 0 (1 0 ^ (t; ) # Let ), and let (t; ) = 0 otherwise; and let v (t; 1) v (t) 0) e 2 0 (1 v (t) ), and let p (t; ) = 0 otherwise. De…ne T~ ( ), T ( ), t ( ), ^ (t; ), and p^ (t; ) as in Section 4.2, with de…nitions. Note that, as 0 (1 v 0 (t) 0) v (t) ! 0, (t; ) and p (t; ) replacing (t; ) # (t) and p (t) in the (t) and p (t; ) # p (t) for all t 2 R+ . Hence, (t), p^ (t; ) # p (t), T~ ( ) " T~, T ( ) " T , and t ( ) " t . ( ) be the belief that player 1 rejects all non-zero demands of player 2’s and that her path of demands begins by following (t) and then switches to following ~ (t; ) at time t with hazard rate ^ (t; ) and discrete probability p^ (t; ), for all t < t ( ).43 Let the belief that coincides with 43 1, ( ) be ( ) until date (t; 1) and subsequently coincides with the There is a technical problem here because it is not clear that distribution over ;t that is, as an element of ( 1 ). However, it should be clear that be approximated by a …nite-dimensional distribution over 72 ( ) can be written as a …nite-dimensional 1 ( ) can in turn in a way that su¢ ces for the proof. belief that player 1 follows . Let 1 " on strategy ;t ( ). Let 2 2 ( ) put probability " on strategy ( ) be some best response to 2 and put probability ( ) with the following properties: t and e rt 2 ( ) demands 1 at all times t such that t . 2 ( ) rejects player 1’s demand at those histories that are consistent with 2 ( ) where accepting and rejecting are both optimal actions. 2 ( ) rejects all positive demands at histories that are inconsistent with . 2 ( ) is non-exceptional. It is clear that such a strategy exists. Furthermore, any such strategy is rationalizable, by Step 1 of the proof of Lemma 5, and hence any such strategy is iteratively conditionally undominated, by Lemma 5. I claim that as ( ; 2 ! 0, the time at which agreement is reached under strategy pro…le ( )) converges to t , uniformly over possible choices of 2 ( ) satisfying the above properties. To see this, observe that, as in Section 4.2, if v (t) < e 2 0 0 (1 ) then (t; ) and p (t; ) are the rate and probability of player 1’s switching to ~ (t; ) that make player 2 indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting . And, under belief 2 ( ), player 2 believes that player 1 switches to ~ (t; ) with rate and probability (t; ) and p (t; ) if v (t) < e and t < t ( ). Furthermore, since 0 (1 0 ) (t) is positive and continuous on [0; t ), it follows that n lim inf t : v (t) e !0 Hence, for small 2 2 0 (1 0 o ) =t . player 2 is indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting to time min ft ; t ( )g, and therefore 2 until close ( ) speci…es that he rejects until close to time min ft ; t ( )g. Since t ( ) ! t , this shows that the time at which agreement is reached under strategy pro…le ( ; 2 ( )) converges to t . The proof is nearly complete. Strategy for all > 0. When facing strategy 2 2 ( ) is iteratively conditionally undominated ( ), the highest payo¤ that player 1 can receive when player 2 accepts at a history that is consistent with Furthermore, for any converges to (t ) as ! 0. > 0, the most player 2 accepts at a history that is inconsistent with 73 is 0 ; and the highest payo¤ player 1 can receive by accepting a demand of player 2’s is (since 2 ( ) demands 1 at all times t such that e uICD ( ) 1 lim sup u1 ( 1 ; !0 2 ( )) = max rt ). It follows that (t ) ; lim 0 ; lim !0 1 !0 = max (t ) ; 0; 0 = (t ) , completing the proof. Discrete-Time Bargaining with Frequent O¤ers This section shows that Theorem 1 continues to hold when the continuous-time bargaining protocol of the text is replaced by any discrete-time bargaining protocol with su¢ ciently frequent o¤ers. More precisely, for any sequence of discrete-time bargaining games that converges to continuous time (in that each player may make an o¤er close to any given time), the corresponding sequence of maxmin payo¤s and postures converges to the continuoustime maxmin payo¤ and posture given by Theorem 1. Abreu and Gul (2000) provide a similar independence-of-procedures result for sequential equilibrium outcomes of reputational bargaining. Because my result concerns maxmin payo¤s and postures rather than equilibria, my proof is very di¤erent from Abreu and Gul’s. Formally, replace the (continuous time) bargaining phase of Section 3 with the following procedure: There is a (commonly known) function g : R+ ! f0; 1; 2g that speci…es who makes an o¤er at each time. If g (t) = 0, no player takes an action at time t. If g (t) = i 2 f1; 2g, then player i makes a demand ui (t) 2 [0; 1] at time t, and player j immediately accepts or rejects. If player j accepts, the game ends with payo¤s (e rt ui (t) ; e rt (1 ui (t))); if player j rejects, the game continues. Let Iig = ft : g (t) = ig, and assume that Iig \ [0; t] is …nite for all t and that Iig is in…nite. The announcement phase is correspondingly modi…ed so that player 1 announces a posture posture : Iig ! [0; 1], and if player 1 becomes committed to (which continues to occur with probability "), she demands rejects all of player 2’s demands. (t) at time t and I refer to the function g as a discrete-time bargaining game. I now de…ne convergence to continuous time. This de…nition is very similar to that of Abreu and Gul (2000), as is the above model of discrete-time bargaining and the corresponding notation. 74 De…nition 12 A sequence of discrete-time bargaining games fgn g converges to continuous time if for all Iign \ [t; t + > 0, there exists N such that for all n N , t 2 R+ , and i 2 f1; 2g, ] 6= ;. The maxmin payo¤ and posture in a discrete-time bargaining game are de…ned exactly as in Section 3. Let u1;g be player 1’s maxmin payo¤ in discrete-time bargaining game g, and let u1;g ( ) be player 1’s maxmin payo¤ given posture in g. The independence-of- procedures result states that, for any sequence of discrete-time bargaining games converging to continuous time, the corresponding sequence of maxmin payo¤s fu1;gn g converges to u1 , and any corresponding sequence of postures f , where u1 and gn g such that u1;gn ( gn ) ! u1 “converges”to are the maxmin payo¤ and posture identi…ed in Theorem 1. The nature of the convergence of the sequence f gn g to is slightly delicate. For example, there may be (in…nitely many) times t 2 R+ such that limn!1 gn (t) exists and is greater than (t), because these demands may be “non-serious”(in that they are followed immediately by lower demands).44 Thus, rather than stating the convergence in terms of f gn g and , I state it in terms of the corresponding continuation values of player 2, which are the economically more important variables. Formally, given a posture gn in discrete-time bargaining game g n , let v gn (t) maxgn e r( t) (1 gn ( )) . t: 2I1 Let v (t) = max f1 ert = (1 log ") ; 0g, the continuation value corresponding to in the continuous-time model of Section 3. The independence-of-procedures result is as follows: Proposition 7 Let fgn g be a sequence of discrete-time bargaining games converging to con- tinuous time. Then u1;gn ! u1 , and if f gn and u1;gn ( gn gn g is a sequence of postures with gn a posture in ) ! u1 , then v gn (t) ! v (t) for all t 2 R+ . The key fact behind the proof of Proposition 7 is that for any sequence of discretetime postures f limn!1 u1 ( 44 gn gn g converging to some continuous-time posture ) (where u1 ( gn , limn!1 u1;gn ( ) is the maxmin payo¤ given a natural embedding of The reason this complication does not arise in Theorem 1 is that the assumption that at non-integer times rules out “non-serious” demands. 75 gn ) = gn in is continuous continuous time, de…ned formally in the proof). This fact is proved by constructing a belief gn that is similar to the -o¤setting belief in each discrete-time game gn and then showing that these beliefs converge to the -o¤setting belief in the limiting continuous-time game. Observe that a posture Proof of Proposition 7. in discrete-time bargaining game g induces a “continuous-time posture” ^ (i.e., a map from R+ ! [0; 1]) according to ^ (t) = (min f t: 2 Iig g). That is, ^ ’s time-t demand is simply ’s next demand in g. I henceforth refer to a posture in g as also being a continuous-time posture, with the understanding that I mean the posture ^ de…ned above. However, may not be a posture in the continuous-time bargaining game of Section 3, because it may be discontinuous at a non-integer time. To avoid this problem, I now introduce a modi…ed version of the continuous-time bargaining game of Section 3. Formally, let the continuous-time bargaining game g cts be de…ned as in Section 3, with the following modi…cations: Most importantly, omit the requirement that player i’s de- mand path uti : [t; t + 1) ! [0; 1] (which is still chosen at integer times t) is continuous. Second, specify that the payo¤s if player i accepts player j’s o¤er at date (t; 1) are (e rt (1 lim inf "t uj ( )) ; e rt lim inf "t uj ( )) (because lim Third, add a fourth date, (t; 2) to each instant of time t. "t uj ( ) may now fail to exist). At date (t; 2), each player i announces accept or reject, and, if player i accepts player j’s o¤er at date (t; 2), the game ends with payo¤s (e rt (1 lim inf #t uj ( )) ; e rt lim inf #t uj ( )). Adding the date (t; 2) ensures that each player has a well-de…ned best-response to her belief, even though uj (t) may now fail to be right-continuous. One can check that the analysis of Sections 3 and 4, including Lemmas 1 through 3 and Theorem 1, continue to apply to the game g cts , with the exception that in g cts the maxmin posture is not in fact unique; however, every maxmin posture corresponds to the continuation value function v (by the same argument as in Step 1 of the proof of Theorem 1).45 Because of this, for the remainder of the proof I slightly abuse notation by writing u1 ( ) for player 1’s maxmin payo¤ given posture 45 in the game The reason I did not use the game g cts in Sections 3 and 4 is that it is di¢ cult to interpret the assumption that player i can accept the demand lim inf made at time t for all #t uj ( ) at time t, since the demand uj ( ) has not yet been > t. Thus, I view the game g cts as a technical construct for analyzing the limit of discrete-time games, and not as an appealing model of continuous-time bargaining in its own right. 76 g cts , rather than in the model of Section 3. Importantly, u1 ( ) equals player 1’s maxmin in both g cts and in the model of Section 3 when payo¤ given of Section 3, but u1 ( ) is well-de…ned for all is a posture in the model : R+ ! [0; 1]. Similarly, I write u1 (v) for player 1’s maxmin payo¤ given continuation value function v : R+ ! [0; 1]. well-de…ned because u1 ( ) = mint T e rt (t) by Lemma 3, T depends on v (by Lemma 1), and it can be easily veri…ed that mint (and thus depends on T e rt (t) = mint This is only through T e rt (1 v (t)) only through v). A similar argument, which I omit, implies that one may write u1;gn (v gn ) for player 1’s maxmin payo¤ given continuation value function v gn in discrete-time bargaining game gn . I now establish two lemmas, from which Proposition 7 follows. Their proofs require some additional notation. Let g i be the set of player i’s strategies in g cts with the property that player i’s demand only changes at times t 2 Iig , player i only accepts player j’s o¤er at times 2 Iig [ Ijg . One t 2 Ijg , and player i’s action at time t only depends on past play at times can equivalently view g i as player i’s strategy set in g itself. Thus, any belief 2 in g may g i ). also be viewed as a belief in g cts (with supp ( 2 ) Lemma 6 For any sequence of discrete-time bargaining games converging to continuous time, fgn g, there exists a sequence of postures f gn 0 g with gn 0 a posture in gn and limn!1 u1;gn ( gn 0 ) u1 . gn 0 Proof. Let gn 0 be given by with the convention that max f …rst claim that limn!1 u1 ( gn 0 exp 0 46 T~( ) u1 .46 ) are non-decreasing, sup by Lemma 1, T~ ( Z 2 t: n n+1 I1gn g (max f t: 0 if the set f 2 I1gn g) for all t 2 R+ , 2 I1gn g is empty. I t: To show this, I …rst establish that T~ ( gn 0 ) 2 I1gn g for all n, where T 1 is de…ned as in the proof of Theorem 1. Since min f > T 1 : (and thus gn 0 (t) = gn 0 ) r gn 0 t e r( t) (1 gn 0 gn 0 ( )) = 1 (t). Therefore, ) satis…es n+1 n ! (max f t : 2 I1gn g) dt (max f t : 2 I1gn g) Theorem 1 implies that limn!1 u1 ( gn 0 ) t2I1gn \ Y [0;T~( ) gn 0 ) (max f < t : (t) u1 , so this inequality must hold with equality. the inequality is needed for the proof. 77 2 I1gn g) (26) But only ". Now Z exp T~( gn 0 ) n+1 n r 0 Z exp T~( gn 0 ) r (1 (t)) (t) 0 Z exp ! (max f t : 2 I1gn g) dt (max f t : 2 I1gn g) maxf <T~( gn 0 ): 2I1gn g ! dt max r (1 Observe that if T~ ( gn 0 1 ) > min f > T : < T~ ( 0 I1gn g 2 t2I1gn \[0;T~( (0) n (t)) + (t) 0 Y (t) gn 0 ) ! 2 I1gn : gn 0 that T ( gn 0 In addition, Since T~ ( ) = T~ ( gn 0 gn 0 then max limn!1 T~ ( gn 0 ) lim u1 ( gn 0 ) = lim n!1 gn 0 T 1 . In addition, limn!1 supt2R+ j min e n!1 t T~( rt gn 0 (t) lim (27) n < T~ ( gn ) u1 ( gn gn 0 Therefore, if gn ), then 1 2 gn ;g cts 1 1 2 gn ;g n 1 gn 1 (i.e., if 1 1 gn 1 ) = sup 12 gn 1 12 rt 12 gn and gn 2 gn 1 g cts 1 ; T~( gn 0 ) gn 2 e rt gn 0 (t). ( gn 1 12 = u1 gn ; = u1 ( gn ), gn ; gn (t) = u1 . in discrete-time bargaining ;gn 2 2 rt t T1 ( 2 ), then gn 1 ) 2 2 2 ( 2 ) as with a strategy outside . Now 1 ;gn u1 ( 1 ; inf g n ;g cts 1) u1 ( 1 ; 1) 1 gn is as in De…nition 6, and the second line follows because third line follows because u1 2 I1gn g min f > T 1 : ) min e (t) gn 0 ) and infgn sup where > T 1, is consistent with knowledge of rationality in gn ;g cts gn ;g n ; that is, u1;gn ( o (t)j = 0, so it follows that well (i.e., there is no bene…t to responding to a strategy in gn 2 ). I1gn 2 ): ) = mint (t) ) for any posture game g n . To see this, note that if supp ( 2 ) of gn 0 gn 0 (t) < 1 for all t, which implies min e n!1 t T~( gn 0 ) Next, I claim that u1;gn ( o 2 I1gn g for all n, and fgn g converges to continuous time, min f > T 1 : ) gn 0 (t) is non-decreasing and Therefore, by Lemma 3, u1 ( ). ) gn 0 ) = sup 12 g cts 1 inf 12 gn ;g cts gn ;g u1 ( 1 ; gn ;g cts n 1 1 1) ; the by Lemma 3, 1 and the fourth line follows by Lemma 3. Combining the above claims, it follows that limn!1 u1;gn ( 78 2 I1gn g) dt . and therefore (27) is less than ", which contradicts (26). Hence, T~ ( for all n. (max f < t : (t) gn 0 ) limn!1 u1 ( gn 0 ) u1 . Lemma 7 For any sequence of discrete-time bargaining games converging to continuous time, fgn g and any sequence of functions fv gn g such that v gn is a continuation value function in gn and limn!1 v gn (t) exists for all t 2 R+ , it follows that limn!1 u1;gn (v gn ) exists and equals limn!1 u1 (v gn ). Proof. Fix a sequence of continuation value functions fv gn g (with v gn a continuation value function in discrete-time game gn ) converging pointwise to some function v : R+ ! I have already shown that u1;gn ( [0; 1]. gn ) u1 ( gn gn ) for any posture in game gn , u1 (v gn ). This immediately implies that limn!1 u1;gn (v gn ) or equivalently u1;gn (v gn ) lim supn!1 u1 (v gn ) for every convergent subsequence of fu1;gn (v gn )g. Hence, I must show that limn!1 u1;gn (v gn ) lim inf n!1 u1 (v gn ) for every convergent subsequence of fu1;gn (v gn )g. I establish this inequality by assuming that there exists > 0 such that limn!1 u1;gn (v gn ) > for some convergent subsequence of fu1;gn (v gn )g and then deriving lim inf n!1 u1 (v gn ) + a contradiction. The approach is to …rst de…ne analogs of the continuous-time -o¤setting belief and the time T~ (de…ned in Section 4.2) for game gn , denoted and then show that T~n ! T~. n 2 2 I must introduce some additional notation before de…ning the belief min f > t : gn 2 n 2. and T~n 2 R+ , Let tnext gn (i) = 2 Iign g be the time of player i’s next demand at t. Given continuation value function v gn and any corresponding posture n gn (ht ) = demands f gn gn n gn accepts player 2’s demand at Second, f (ht ) for all t 2 I1gn . time t 2 I2gn with probability p^n (t) n n gn be de…ned as follows: First, f gn , let f pn (t) ;1 , n (t) min where pn (t) 2I1gn ; if pn (t) <t: 2 I1gn ; next gn er(t max <t: next (2)=t gn ) gn v 1 ( ) v gn (t) v gn (t) (2) = t is non-empty and v gn ( ) < 1 for all time 0 otherwise; and n (t) max ( ) (1 pn ( )) " ;0 . pn ( )) 2I2gn (1 <t: 2I2gn <t: 79 in this set, and Let T~n be the supremum over times t at which n n tnext ^n tnext tnext gn (2) p gn (2) = p gn (2) , and let Tn sup argmax e rt gn v (t) . t T~n : t2I1gn gn By an argument similar to the proof of Lemma 2, if exists a belief the demand 2 gn 2 gn 1 ) ( and strategy 2 gn 2 2 such that (t) is accepted under strategy pro…le ( gn 2 ; T n , then there for some t (t) < gn ( 2 ). ) ", 2 ;gn 2 2 In particular, ug1n ( ( 2 ), and gn ; 2) < Thus, by the hypothesis that limn!1 u1;gn (v gn ) > lim inf n!1 u1 (v gn ) + , there must . gn exist N > 0 such that T n and all n > N , and hence v gn (t) for all t (t) for 1 T n and all n > N . all t Let n 2 gn assign probability " to n 2 with the property that n gn , and …x " to f and probability 1 n 2 2 ;gn 2 ( n 2) always demands 1 and rejects player 1’s demand at any history gn at which player 1 has deviated from n 2 (which is possible because assigns probability 0 to such histories, except for terminal histories), as well as at any history at which player 2 n 2. is indi¤erent between accepting and rejecting player 1’s demand under belief gn is a best-response to n 2 in gn . This implies that u1;gn ( Thus, to show that limn!1 u1;gn (v gn ) it su¢ ces to show that limn!1 ug1n ( gn lim inf n!1 u1 (v gn ) + gn gn ; n 2) for all n. (the desired contradiction), lim inf n!1 u1 (v gn ) + . n 2) ; ug1n ( ) Note that Observe that pn (t) satis…es exp ( r (t for all t such that player 1’s demand (under belief mint T~ (v) T (v gn ) e rt )) (pn (t) (1) + (1 2 I1gn and at any time next gn pn (t)) v gn (t)) v gn ( ) (2) = t. Hence, it is optimal for player 2 to reject n at which next gn (2) p^n next gn (2) = pn next gn (2) n 2 ). Therefore, ug1n ( (1 v gn (t)), and limn!1 T~ (v gn ) = T~ (v). Hence, showing that limn!1 T~n = gn ; T~ would imply that limn!1 ug1n ( n 2) gn mint ; n 2) Tn e rt (1 v gn (t)). Now u1 (v gn ) = lim inf n!1 u1 (v gn ), yielding the desired contradiction. The remainder of the proof shows that limn!1 T~n = T~. To see that limn!1 T~n = T~, …rst …x t0 such that, for all t t t0 and all n T~ and note that for all N 0 , if gn (t) = 2 then min (if this set is non-empty). Next, since both e 80 rt v (t) and e > 0 there exists N 0 > 0 t: rt gn v 2 I1gn ; next gn (2) = t (t) are non-increasing (as is easily checked) and v gn (t) ! v (t) for all t 2 R+ , it follows that for all > 0 such that t 1 t0 and t) gn v ( ) > 0 there exists v (t; 1) < 0 . Since T~, combining these observations and letting S be the (countable) for all t v (t) ; t] implies that er( 2 [t 0 0 set of discontinuity points of v (t), for all some s 2 S \ [0; t0 ], and n lim n!1 > 0 there exists N 00 such that if t = snext gn (2) for N 00 , then pn (t) Y v(t; 1) v(t) 1 v(t) pn snext gn (2) 1 = s2S\[0;t0 ] < 0 .47 Hence, Y (1 (28) p (s)) s2S\[0;t0 ] T~, where p is as in Section 4.2. for all t0 Finally, I establish that whenever v is continuous on an interval [t0 ; t1 ] with t1 T~, Z t1 Z t1 Y rv (t) v 0 (t) n (1 p (t)) = exp dt = exp (t) dt , (29) lim n!1 1 v (t) t0 t0 gn t2I2 \[t0 ;t1 ] where is as in Section 4.2. I will prove this fact by showing that the limit as n ! 1 of a R t1 rv(t) v0 (t) Q …rst-order approximation of the logarithm of t2I gn \[t0 ;t1 ] (1 pn (t)) equals . 1 v(t) t0 2 = ft 2 [t0 ; t1 ] : pn (t) > 0g, with tk;gn < tk+1;gn for all k 2 Let t1;gn ; t2;gn ; : : : ; tK(n);gn f1; : : : ; K (n) 1g and all n 2 N, and let t0;gn = max : 2 I1gn ; next gn (2) = t1;gn . Note that K (n) is …nite because I2gn \[t0 ; t1 ] is …nite, and that in addition tnext k;gn (1) < tk+1;gn for all tnext k;gn ;gn (1) to avoid redundant notation). Furthermore, since e k (where tnext k;gn (1) r v gn ( ) is non-increasing, tnext k;gn (1) 2 2I1gn ; for all k 2 f0; 1; : : : ; K (n) K(n) Y (1 p (tk;gn )) = k=1 1g. Therefore, Y k=1 K(n) = Y k=1 0 = @ 47 K(n) 1 Y 1 k=1 1 1 2I1gn ; <tk;gn : next (2)=t k;gn gn er(tk;gn next e r(tk;gn (1) next er(tk+1;gn tk;gn (1)) v gn next e r(tk;gn (1) tk;gn ) v gn S is countable because e rt 1 min 1 min <tk;gn : 2I1gn ; next gn (2)=tk;gn ) v gn ( ) <tk+1;gn : next (2)=t k+1;gn gn K(n) n er(tk+1;gn argmax er(tk;gn ) v gn ( ) 1 v gn (tk;gn ) ) v gn ( ) tk ) gn v tnext k;gn (1) 1 next next tk;gn (1) 1 er(t1;gn t0;gn (1)) v gn tnext 0;gn (1) A (30). next r tK(n);g (1) tK(n);gn gn tnext tnext (1) n (1) 1 e v k;gn K(n);gn v (t) is non-increasing, and monotone functions have at most countably many discontinuities. Unlike in Section 4, S need not be a subset of N here. 81 Next, taking a …rst-order Taylor approximation of log (1 rx gn log (1 e v (t)) = log (1 v gn erx v gn (t)) at x = 0 yields rxv gn (t) + O x2 . g n 1 v (t) (t)) Therefore, a …rst-order approximation of the logarithm of (30) equals 0 1 K(n) 1 g next n X rv tk;gn (1) @ A (tk+1;gn tk;gn ) gn tnext (1) 1 v k;g n k=1 + log 1 er(t1;gn tnext 0;gn (1)) gn v tnext 0;gn (1) next e r(tK(n);gn (1) log 1 tK(n);gn ) gn v tnext K(n);gn (1) . I now show that K(n) 1 lim n!1 X tk;gn ) (tk+1;gn k=1 rv gn tnext k;gn (1) 1 v gn tnext k;gn (1) Z = t1 t0 rv (t) dt 1 v (t) (31) and lim log 1 er(t1;gn n!1 Z t1 v 0 (t) = dt, 1 v (t) t0 tnext 0;gn (1)) gn v tnext 0;gn (1) log 1 next e r(tK(n);gn (1) tK(n);gn ) gn v tnext K(n);gn (1) (32) which completes the proof of (29). Equation (32) is immediate, because, since v is continuous on [t0 ; t1 ], both the left- and right-hand sides equal log (1 v (t0 )) v (t1 )) . log (1 To establish (31), let f n (t) exp r f (t) exp r 1+ t rv gn (t) 1 v gn (t) t rv (t) . 1 v (t) and let 1+ For all n > N , it can be veri…ed that both f n (t) and f (t) are non-increasing on the interval [t0 ; t1 ], using the facts that e for all n > N and t t1 t 2 R+ , there exists N 000 rt gn v (t) and e T~. Fix rt v (t) are non-increasing and that v gn (t) > 0 and m 2 N. Because v gn (t) ! v (t) for all N such that, for all n > N 000 , jf n (t) f (t)j < set t0 ; (m 1) t0 + t1 (m ; m 82 1 2) t0 + 2t1 ; : : : ; t1 . m for all t in the Since both f n and f are non-increasing on [t0 ; t1 ], this implies that jf n (t) f (t)j < + max f k2f1;:::;K(n) 1g (m k) t0 + kt1 m (m f k 1) t0 + (k + 1) t1 m for all t 2 [t0 ; t1 ]. Since f is continuous on [t0 ; t1 ], taking m ! 1 implies that jf n (t) rv gn (t) 2 for all t 2 [t0 ; t1 ]. Therefore rv(t) 1 v(t) 1 v gn (t) 1+ 2 exp r f (t)j < t1 for all t 2 [t0 ; t1 ]. Hence, K(n) 1 lim n!1 X (tk+1;gn tk;gn ) k=1 K(n) 1 rv gn tnext k;gn (1) = v gn tnext k;gn (1) 1 X lim n!1 (tk+1;gn tk;gn ) (tk+1;gn tk;gn ) k=1 K(n) 1 = lim n!1 Z = X k=1 t1 PK(n) 1 k=1 (tk+1;gn v tnext k;gn (1) 1 rv (tk;gn ) 1 v (tk;gn ) rv (t) dt, 1 v (t) t0 where the …rst equality follows because rv tnext k;gn (1) tk;gn ) t1 t0 for all n 2 N, the second follows because tnext k;gn (1) 2 [tk;gn ; tk+1;gn ] and v is continuous on [t0 ; t1 ], and the third follows by de…nition of the (Riemann) integral. Combining (28) and (29), it follows that lim n!1 for all t Y (1 Z n p (s)) = exp Y t (s) ds 0 s2I2gn \[0;t] (1 p (s)) s2S\[0;t] T~. This implies that limn!1 T~n = T~, completing the proof of the lemma. I now complete the proof of Proposition 7. Let fgn g be a sequence of discrete-time bargaining games converging to continuous time. Recall that u1;gn = sup gn gn u1;gn ( gn ). Thus, there exists a sequence of postures f a posture in gn , such that limn!1 ju1;gn u1;gn ( gn gn g, with )j = 0. Let fv gn g be the correspond- ing sequence of continuation value functions. Because e rt gn v (t) is non-increasing and the space of monotone functions from R+ ! [0; 1] is sequentially compact (by Helly’s selection theorem or footnote 34), this sequence has a convergent subsequence fv gk g converging to some v on R+ . I claim that v = v . Toward a contradiction, suppose not. Since v is the unique maxmin continuation value function in g cts , there exists > 0 such that u1 > limk!1 u1 (v gk ) + . By Lemma 7, limk!1 u1;gk (v gk ) = limk!1 u1 (v gk ). Finally, by Lemma 6, there exists an 83 alternative sequence of postures f gk 0 g such that limk!1 u1;gk ( gk 0 observations implies that there exists K > 0 such that, for all k u1;gk ( gk 0 ) > u1 u1 . Combining these ) K, =3 > u1 (v gk ) + 2 =3 > u1;gk (v gk ) + =3, which contradicts the fact that limk!1 ju1;gk u1;gk ( gk )j = 0. Therefore, v = v . In addition, since this argument applies to any convergent subsequence of fv gn g, and every subsequence of fv gn g has a convergent sub-subsequence, this implies that v gn ! v pointwise. A similar contradiction argument shows that limk!1 u1;gk (v gk ) = u1 , for any convergent subsequence fv gk g fv gn g. Since limk!1 ju1;gk u1;gk ( gk )j = 0, it follows that u1;gk ! u1 . And, since this argument applies to any convergent subsequence of fv gn g, this implies that u1;gn ! u1 . 84