,. THE *SUPPORTS' DESIGN FOR A BLOCK IN THE ALAMO SQUARE AREA, SAN FRANCISCO By Jane jira Hongladaromp B.Arch., Chulalongkorn University,Bangkok, Thailand 1977 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Architecture in Advanced Studies at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June @ Jane jira 1979 Hongladaromp 1979 Signature of the Author Departmenit of AYchitecture Mav 10,1979 Certified by Anne Vernez-MoudonAssistant Professor of Architecture ,Thesis Supervisor Accepted by BeinartChairmiln Professor Jul. Departmental Committee for Graduate Students Rotcf I IUTE JASI!C"HUSETT OF TECHNOLOGY JUL ~31979 LIBRARIES Abstract THE 'SUPPORTS' DESIGN FOR A BLOCK IN THE ALAMO SQUARE AREASAN FRANCISCO. Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 10,1979, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture in Advanced Studies. This thesis is an attempt to use SAR methodologies as tools to formulate design guidelines for a housing development in the Alamo Square area, San Francisco. Design guidelines will deal with two levels; one is the block level ( or the way in which the new housing will fit within the existing fabric), second is the building or unit level ( or the way in which the dwellings will be de- guidelines. These rules are expressed in the form of an urban tissue model at the block level and of support principles at the building level. An analysis of user profiles within individual households has been carried out and households and house types have been correlated. This analysis leads to the development of behavioral norms and ,related housing needs which are used to evaluate sector groups in terms of their potential for housing different types of households. The final stage deals with the application of the units (supports) into the block (tissue model). signed within the buildings).Design rules derived from previous research made for this area regarding the existing character of the environment and its visual Thesis Supervisor: Anne Vernez-Moudon. Title: Assistant Professor of Architecture. quality will provide a basis for the 2 Acknowledgements This thesis comes into being with great input from many people.I would like to take this opportunity to thank my advisor; Assistant Professor Anne Vernez-Moudon, who inspired me and helped supervise my thesis.I had a chance to work with her on San Francisco project during Summer of 1978.By then I formed and developed the ideas for my thesis subject and goals. I would like to thank my thesis readers; Professor N. John Habraken and Associate Professor Sandra C. Howell in helping me for the input that help me achieve my thesis goals.They shared the constructive ideas and supporting ideas in the area of my interest in my thesis. English writing is rather difficult for foriegn student who does not have English as native language.I would like to thank Instructor Abelle Masonmy teacher in English who generously spent her time with me correcting my writing on some parts of my thesis. All people mentioned above shared the great contribution to me and my thesis. 3 Table of contents 1. PAST HISTORY 1.1 Housing design issues 7 1.2 SAR methodologies as tools to resolve the problem 9 2. PURPOSE 3. 11 ALAMO SQUARE AREA:SAN FRANCISCO AS A CASE STUDY 15 4. ANALYSIS 5. 6. 4.1 Existing immediate environment 18 4.2 User profiles of individual households 25 4.3 Correlating of household and house type 33 4.4 Correlating of household and location 34 DESIGN PROPOSAL:TISSUE LEVEL 5.1 Tissue model proposal for block # 822 38 5.2 Documents 47 5.3 Calculation of tissue model 76 DESIGN PROPOSAL: SUPPORT LEVEL 6.1 Support model proposal 79 6.2 Support system A 81 4 6.3 Support system B 6.4 Support system A + B 6.5 90 6.4.1 Type(A + B)1 103 6.4.2 Type(A + B)2 109 Comparison 7 SUPPORT APPLICATION IN TISSUE MODEL 8 PARTICIPATORY PROCESS:MANAGEMENT,DESIGN DECISIONS AND 117 119 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES. 127 CONCLUSION 131 10 APPENDIX AsSAR METHODOLOGY 135 11 APPENDIX B: SAN FRANCISCO HOUSE 155 FOOTNOTES 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY 190 9 5 1. PAST HISTORY 6 1.1 Housing design issues After World war II, the short- limits of time and money is distinguish age of houses was the critical problem household types and then group the same of housing. Both the private and public types together. Thus what we get is hous- housing projects had used the industial- ing for the elderly, housing for young ized building system to resolve these couples, for small families, for large issues, constructing as many buildings families, etc.. By surveying individual as possible. The uppermost thing in peo- needs and lifestyles, the designer can ple's minds was the quantity of housing base his plan on the average requirement. units. However the problem still cannot be solved Nowsdays, the emphasis is no thoroughly because people are different: longer that of quantity but the quality they have different tastes, different of housing in terms of form and function habits, different becomes the crucial issue. People cannot to their age, find the housing that suits their needs background. because in housing projects built for the architect masses of people it is impossible to information about the design dwellings that fulfil the require- so ments of all the potential dwellers. The to serve their specific requirements. we best that architects can do within their judge whether that architecture is good lifestyles according sex, occupation, and In the single house design, has to have all of this future occupants that he is able to design the space 7 or bad, by evaluating it in terms of func- tions and how well it can serve the requirements of the people who use it. Therefore since the specialists - the architects, the developers, the builders, etc. cannot know the individual user requirements they must limit their scopes. That is,they should provide the basic design structure of the dwellings, leave plan sufficiently flexible so that the dwellers can make decisions about space use for themselves. In this way, the dwellers, who will remain long after the planners have left, will have a say in their own living environment. 8 1.2 SAR methodologies as the tools to resolve the housing problem Since the sixteen months of way of understanding what people want. being a student in Housing Design and Within this description of the Related Method program in the depart- critical housing problemthis thesis is ment of architecture at M.I.T.,I have an attempt to develop a design proposal had an opportunity to study SAR philo- for housing that overcomes this difficul- 1 2 sophyits methodologies and some of its ty.It is based on the SAR philosophy and applications throughout many countries uses the SAR methods as a design evalua- in Europe.The philosophy and approach tion and more generally as a communication are based on the principle that the user tool. must participate in the housing design process.Its methods have been developed to introduce the dweller once more into the housing design process;to make participation of the dwellers possible.As I mentioned earlier,in housing process built for masses of people it is impossible to design dwellings that fulfill the requirements of all the potential dwellers. Therefore participation is an efficient 9 2. PURPOSE 10 2. Purpose The intention of this thesis - is to propose the design of a support: which is defined as the element of Public facade type How they changed overtime. The support will be designed dwelling which lies beyond the con- to enable the accommodation of different trol of the dweller and represents the types of dwellings of varying sizes and physical framework of professional de- configurations. Those are: 3 cision making power, within a chosen - Dwellings for young singles. tissue tissue for a specific site:block - Dwellings for young couples. # 822 Alamo square area, San francisco. - Dwellings for couples with young children. (fig. 1) The proposed support will have - Dwellings for middle age couples with teenage children. the relationship with its immediate environment in terms of the overall form - Dwellings for middle age couples with grown children. and its means of access. In order to do this, studies about San Francisco Victo- - Dwellings for elderly couples. rian setting have been made including: - Dwellings for elderly singles. - Victorian tissue - Lot subdivision be able to accommodate different types of - Victorian house dwellings are; The reasons the support should u L 1) LuL 1 - - - - I I JL ~3~~11>JF~ ~+~1 uiu~w iri L7iI~ ~ -~ I I t - SI -A ASS iF~ 77.4 __ -" 754 tovq~ J~ LI cii I 1/' Lu[J~i ~JLL -- . It Al ~! 777 2' Li: nin LE Alamo Square j:i aaiW i .1 1-1 VII LIf p -rLC .Aak. .... 221 PIP, WI W/ 4,su IWI* Fig. 1 12 - - To make the community lively with elderly when they need help from different activities of people the stronger people in the other of different ages and backgrounds. age groups, To locate each individual house- fire. hold type effectively for exam- - for example in case of To allow people within the communi- ple, the best location of the dwell- ty to talk and exchange their ings for the elderly and young cou- ideas with the others of different ples with young children is the ages. ground floor or the floor that - To assure benefit the young singles has direct access to the ground, and the young couples who are al- but the dwellings for middle age ways away from their units during couples with grown children and workdays. That is since some peo- young singles or young couples ple in other household types re- may be located on the upper floors, main at home and children always thus they can be set on top of the play nearby, it is difficult for units for the elderly or for the thief to operate. young couples with young children. - To benefit the children and the 13 3. THE ALAMO SQUARE AREA ,SAN FRANCISCO: A CASE STUDY 14 3. The Alamo Square area, San Francisco: a case study The Alamo Square area has been closely to the size of the lot and in a residential neighborhood in the north- relationship to the adjacent houses.The western portion of San Francisco building foundations on those lots va- for over 100 years.The vast majority ried according to the slope of the land, of streets are laid out in a grid ig- but the upper portions of the buildings noring the presence of hills.The basic tended to be standardized in their height block situated in this area is 412'-6" and bulk. by 275'-0",with the long dimension run- These factors and the creative ning in the east-west direction.Each abilities of San Francisco architects block was originally subdivided into and builders over the past centuryhave six large parcels of 137'-6" by 137'- led to the patterned beauty we now per- 6" each which were sold for further sub- ceive. division into lots whenever the demand Block # 822,one block in this for land was sufficient to warrant an area has been chosen as a tissue model increase in density.The most common lot and support model design case study for frontage dimensions were 25',27'-6" and these reasons: 9 30'.On the lotsvarious types of individual houses were built corresponding 1.It is an urban residential area.The buildings in the area are mostly 15 10 two to three-storey town houses which cisions in utilize the concept of supports and and support model.Most of the information SAR methodology.In addition,this area and the data on which this thesis is has an abundance of town house exam- based was done in plesall of which show a relationship for the arts funded study,"Urban Form between the building and the open space, And Change:San Francisco",carried out i.e. the front facades and the streets. in the department of Architecture at 2.It provides the desired context for a new housing proposal based the level of tissue model a national endowment M.I.T. under the direction of Assistant Professor Anne Vernez-Moudon. on the existing building prototype,i.e. attached house , with or without recess, semi-detached housewith or without recess. In additionmy personal experience of having done for several months the infilled projects for block # 823 (Alamo Square area) provides me the information and data about this area which are needed in order to make design de16 4. ANALYSIS 17 4.1 Analysis of existing surrounding blocks A general analysis of existing block tissue around the Alamo square was already presented in "Urban Form and Change: San Francisco". In this chapter a more specific analysis of the ALAMO SQUARE existing surrounding blocks of block #822 will be made because these surrounding blocks have undergone the least change and retain to-date the original Victorian -A characteristic of the city fabric. For L the most part , the general treatment of the existing block tissue can be used ------ for the new tissue model thus retaining its existing environment. However some characteristics such as the relationship between buildings, the typologies of public facades, and the heights of the buildings are fragile and need relation18 ship to its immediate environment.Therefore the specific analysis of the surrounding blocks is needed. This analysis will be presented as follows: 1. Location and shape of built elements in relation to open space. 2. Set back location. 3. Facade patterns in relation to side location of the buildings on the lot. 4. Heights of the buildings. 5. Roof line of the buildings. 19 1. Location and shape of built elements 803 in relation to open space. The existing surrounding HAYES blocks are mostly occupied by narrow, L 822 deep townhouses.These townhouses are developed singly from lot to lot. most of them expanded the whole width "ELL of the lot create the morphology of closed building block with private courtyard in the center.Light wells and recesses are located in the center of these buildings and along the For detailed study of housessee appendix B., sides of the houses.In considering pp. 157-163- the location of the building with the front lot line most of the buildings are located along the street without front yardexcept in some buildings in block # 823. 20 2. Set back location. _ There are three positions of i - - front facade in relation to the front lot linethese are: 1. On the lot line. 2. Maximum 5' 823 i set back from the L~~l~ lot line. 3. From 5' to 25' set back from the lot line. Most of the buildings in the intermediate location have setback of 5' For detailed study of set back location, see appendix B., p. 187, from the lot line (usually depth of the bay windows) except the ones in block # 823 have the setback of 25' from the front lot line.The corner buildings are emphasized by having no setback.The corner building of block # 823 which is the detached house has the setback of 25'. 21 3. Facade patterns in relation to side location of building on the lot. Most of the intermediate 803 ALAMO SQUARE buildings of the same block have the same setback.That is:the intermediate I~~~-oPOP buildings of of block # 827 have the same setback of 5',the same setback 823-1-- happen in block # 803 and block # 821, while the intermediate buildings of block # 823 have the same setback of 25'.This setback character com827 bines with the attached house type without recess mostly found in this For detailed study of facades, see appendix B., pp.179-1 86 existing surrounding blockcreate . the continuity of the facade along the street with a few opening of the recess. 22 4. Height of the buildings. The two to three-storey town- 803 houses are mostly found in the inter- ALAMO SQUARE LID mediate location.The corner location HAYES are emphasized by higher apartment buildings;i.e. one corner building 822 1 of block # 803 is six-storey apart- ment.The others are three-storey buildings.Only one corner building ~T T of block # 821 is one storey building and one corner building of block # 827 823 is two-storey detached house. one storey two storeys three storeys more than three storeys For detailed study of heights of the buildings see appendix B. , p. 173. 23 5. Roof line of the buildings. Buildings with different roof shapes and heights create the noncontinuity of the roof line.There are many combinations in building RATES heights and roof shapesthese are: - One-storey building with flat roof. - Two-storey building with flat roof. - Two-storey building with gable roof. - Three-storey building with gable roof. - Three-storey building with flat roof. - Six-storey building with flat roof. 24 I 4.2 User profiles of individual households In the support housingthe final floor plan will not be predetermined.Thus it is impossible to evaluate the design of a support by examining the dwelling unit plan.In order to evaluate the layout possibilities of a dwelling,the concept of basic variation has been developed.A basic variation is a notation of the positionin a specific sector groupof a certain group of functions which together form a housing program.Each sector group gives a great many possible basic-variations.The analysis of user profiles of individual household is to be used as a guideline to examine which basic variation of the sector groups matchs I with which household type.In other words, which household type is possible in that sector group according to this analysis. 25 is there; they tend to walk farther and climb more stairs to their units; they have less personal property to pack in and out. Young single They require a full measure of safety from theft during their extended absence. People in this group generally Young singles best fit into effi- are only moderately concerned with terri- ciency or one-bedroom units which can either tory. They are away from units during be integrated into interesting location workdays and fairly mobile on weekends. or clusters of larger house types - tops, They seek privacy in an environment that corners, above garages, etc. enhances social interaction, mostly privacy inside their unit. Identity is generally not a great concern since young single people are fairly mobile moving a lot and are not able to pay for the more unique physical amenities that give a housing environment strong identity. Inconvenience is generally acceptable if the trade-off in the form of lower rent 26 room or a study room. The one-bedroom unit, which need not be ground oriented one, has the same Young couple If both are working, the descrip- tion of young single generally applies. However, if one person remains at home, there is an increase in several of human needs. For the person at home the amenities of good orientation, daylighting, location adaptability as the young single unit. A unit may also have a full kitchen rather than a kitchenette because of the increasing tendencies of both members to cook together and also providing optional space for laundry equipment. It may be a small row house, town house, or maisonette. sunshine, view, are essential. While peer socialization is still very important, young couples need more time to be by themselves. For the most part young couples get along quite well in one-bedroom units. However if both are working and they can afford it , they may have a two-bedroom unit for the option of having a guest 27 on what the children are doing, but the children themselves prefer to play in the orbit of their mothers. An extra storage Couple with young children for children toys is needed. Couples with young children may With the transition of a two find their personal privacy and terri- generation family, attention is focused tory on the development and well being of children and thus require a minimum amount young children. The children's territory must be able to be limited and well defined with physical barriers such as fences, railings doors, gates, etc., when needed by some family life styles. Couples with young children should be provided with ground orientation and private outdoor play space. Play spaces in an out of doors should severely encroached upon by the of "adults only" space, at least during evening hours. If the site allows a percentage of single level housing, two or three bedroom patio houses would ideally accommodate these families. If not, they can also manage well in medium-sized row houses or town houses, again provided ground oriented amenities are accessible. be provided within sight of mother. Not only do the mothers like to keep an eye 28 of spaces for socializing a new space, the play or family room must be added. The living spaces are needed to be kept Middle age coupleteenage children open for use together or closed off into separate rooms so that the children can One difference between couples entertain their own friends separately. with young children and grown children Living spaces with good acoustical insu- is usually the number of bedrooms needed. lation are preferable or physically sepa- A private bedroom for each grown child rated and with separate entry. The is desirable and should not be near the rooms for parents and teenagers need parents, allowing privacy for all members separation and each proximate to bedrooms. of the family, because of frequency of Consequently units may require as many coming or going of teenagers and their as four bedrooms, a separate dining room, friends. Other space requirement increase a play or family room, a utility room. in proportion to the number and size of bath- The row house, town house and patio members; for example group space like house have to be large to accommodate so the dining and living rooms must allow many spaces. for more chairs, bigger tables, etc.. In response to the demand for diversity 29 bedroom or study. A third bedroom is a nice luxury for over night visitors. Choice of large living room and dining Middle age couple, grown children room will be good for the groups tend to entertain more frequently. The town house Middle and late middle age is is the most efficiency choice, but row, considered by many as the best time of maisonette, or terrace would also be life. Children are gone, housework are appropriate. less and free time is more plentiful. People are generally still physically active. Since territory does not have to be shared with children, couples can spread out a bit and have more privacy. Convenience is desirable so that leisure time can be enjoyed. With fewer family members less space is required. Most house types work well. Two bedrooms are about right: one for sleeping and one for 30 had before but enough to hold selected cherished possessions. Since stairs are difficult for the elderly to climb, they Elderly couple Elderly single must be ground oriented or in elevator buildings. People at this age have changes The elderly require a greater in the structure and functions of their sense of safety since they feel, and general- bodies which make them slowly react and ly are, less able to protect themselves lack of mobility. They require as much, from harm. Easy egress in case of fire or more floor area to carry on their are necessary. activities as would a young person carry- The elderly make greater use of ing on the same activities. On the other the bedroom than any other age group except hand, elderly people do require special babies. An efficient and commodious bed- design adaptation of spaces to account room is important for any household but for possible physical limitations. And for older people it is absolutely necessary. because of their limited strength and This is partly because of the need for stamina, convenience is also essential. rest periods but also, as people grow This means that the elderly require effi- older, many become more susceptible to ciently organized space, less than they illness and are bedridden more frequently 31 than younger people, and also bedroom types, they should not be located on phy- furniture is larger and more numerous. sically or socially isolated parcels of Privacy in the bedroom is important. land, so that they can enjoy the experience In the dwelling units containing two of watching children at play, people residents it is essential that one resi- passing by or doing simple outdoor acti- dent be able to carry on normal living vities, etc. activities (including entertaining visitors) without serious loss of privacy to the other person in the bedroom. This means no direct visual accessibility should exist between the sleeping area and the entry or exit, living and dining rooms. The circulation between the bedroom and the bathroom must be direct and close because of frequency of use at night and frequency vision problems at night. The elderly can cluster with their peers, but their units must be reasonably close to the other household 32 4.3 Correlating household and house type matrix HOUSEHOLD BEDROOM young single one young couple one row HOUSE TYPE patio town flat 0 maisonette terrace 0 0 two 0 0 couple, young children middle age couple, teenage children two three three four 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 middle age couple, grown children two three one two 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 elderly couple elderly single _ _ 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 one 33 4.4 Correlating of household and location within a building AS A GUIDELINE TO DETERMINE SECTOR GROUP OR GROUP OF SECTOR GROUP ON WHICH FLOOR IS SUITABLE TO EACH HOUSEHOLD. TWO STORIES WITH FLAT ROOF OR WITH ATTIC MAISONETTE ( young couple, middle age couple with teenage children, middle age couple with grown children. ... ... FLAT ( couple with young children, elderly couple, elderly single. ) FLAT ( young single , young couple. FLAT ( young single, . .. ... . . FLAT ( young couple, middle age couple with grown children.) couple with young children, elderly couple, elderly single. FLAT ( young single, young couple.) TOWN HOUSE (couple middle middle elderly with young children, age couple with teenage children, age couple with grown children, couple.) 34 THREE STORIES WITH FLAT ROOF OR WITH MAISONETTE ATTIC (young couple, middle age couple with teenage children, middle age couple with grown children.) FLAT (young single, young couple, middle age couple with grown children.) FLAT (couple with young children, elderly couple, elderly single.) MAISONETTE (young couple, middle age couple with teenage children, middle age couple with grown children. ) HOUSE (couple middle middle elderly with young children, age couple with teenage children, age couple with grown children, couple.) FLAT (young single, young couple.) FLAT ( young single, young couple, middle age couple with grown children.) FLAT ( couple with young children, elderly couple , elderly single.) 35 FLAT (young couple, young single.) FLAT (young single, young couple, middle age couple with grown children.) TOWN HOUSE (couple middle middle elderly with young children, age couple with teenage children, age couple with grown children, couple.) FLAT (young single, young couple.) MAISONETTE (young couple, middle age couple with teenage children, middle age couple with grown children. FLAT (couple with young children, elderly couple, elderly single.) 36 5. DESIGN PROPOSAL: TISSUE LEVEL 37 5.1 Tissue model proposal for block# 82Z Stages of design decision: 1. Tissue type stage. 2. Function model stage. 3. Tissue model stage. 1. Tissue type stage. The proposed tissue type for block # 822 is based on the tissue types developed for the Alamo Square area,San Francisco, TI J by Hans Christian Lischewski in his thesis submitted to the department of Architecture at M.I.T. in 1978. -- This proposed tissue type is a % combination of closed and open 7 iF Fig. 2 blocks with diagonal alley circulation conU 4, TISSUE TYPE built zone I ( - - -> building main street- vehicular circulation in two directions cross street- vehicular circulation in two directions alley - vehicular circulation in one direction. necting the two main streets (fig.2). The reasons for this proposal are as follows: 1. The morphology of the surrounding blocks is a closed building block with 38 803 closed corners.(fig.3 ) 2. While the Victorian buildings have depth' up to 60',the modern buildings have less 82 floor plan depth.Thus additional built ele- 821 822 ments may be located in the inner space of the block. 3. Fig. 3 llel to cross streets gain more open space It lb between the inner buildings and the buildtb -t I I *............................ The inner block buildings located para- . I ings along the cross streets than the open I. I. :1 space formed by the inner buildings and I **.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.~**:*.*.*~*: I I; the buildings along the cross streets when I ii, Fig 4 the inner buildings are located parallel (p I I I I I I 6 4, Fig. 5 lb I ~~ I I I I I to the main streets. (fig.4 ) 4. The alley connects the two main streets use less space than the alley connects the - two cross street because of the shorter dimension.(fig.5 ) 5. The alley will give access to the parking 39 lots in the courtyard for the corner locations. 6. The closed building block creates the greatest sense of communitylocation and privacy.It helps define territory and provides surveillance.The interior courtyard also increase social contact between residents witFig. 6 STRONG ENCLOSURE sense of community, location,protection,identity hin the block.(fig.6 ) 'I am in a courtyard' 7. The benefits of diagonal alley circulation are: - I . . .. I A feeling still remaining of one large closed block which is the dominant characteristic of the - I existing environment while pro- : viding access to parking in the 4 Fig. 7 courtyard.(fig.7 ) STRAIGHT ALLEY CIRCULATION feeling of dividing: two or three small blocks instead of one large block. - A reduction in the use of short cut because the outsider is not sure whether it is a through traffic 40 or a cul-de-sac alley,also the distance of the alley is greater than the distance of the cross street. - A signal to drivers to drive slowly within the block. 2. Function model stage. An analysis of San Francisco town houses shows that private gardens are situated in the courtyards and parking is located along the street and under the buildings with access from the street. In the proposed function model for block # 822,the parking for the intermediate location will be provided under the building (fig.8 ).This solution is proposed because 4, Fig.8 FUNCTION MODEL of the topography of the block:it is hilly with a 6 degree angle of slope on the long sideand a 7 degree angle of slope on the short side.To deal with this slope the build41 ing requires an element to act as the platform so that the main building can be placed upon it independently from the ground.The base would serve as this element.Using the base in this way wouldn't waste any valuable living space since it is very close to the public zonelthat is the street and the side walkand privacy would be difficult to achieve here and also it lacks light and ventilation. Therefore by allowing parking facilities we are utilizing otherwise wasted space.An additional benefit is that the parking lot area in the courtyard can be reduced(about 70%). For the corner locationthe parking lot will be provided in the courtyard because the corner location are danger for the car access. The function model selected for block # 822 will have a public green area 42 in the courtyard.This space will serve the people in the community.Children can use it as an outside meeting space since there are many units (units on the upper floors) do not have their own private yard. 3. Tissue model stage. The difference between tissue models based on one function model is caused mainly by the building height.The building height,i.e. the number of storeys on the block strongly influences the density of the tissue 12 model.However,the tissue models do not only vary in building heightsthe tissue elements will also have different dimensions in the horizontal plane such as streetsparking area and courtyards. All design decisions made in this tissue model stage regarding the position and 43 dimension of thematic buildinginon-thematic 1516 buildings,thematic space ,non-thematic space 17 and functions will mainly be based on the idea in retaining the characteristic of existing neighborhood. Because this neighborhood has been developed for over 100 years and has its own character, differs from other neighborhoods. It is worthy to be maintained. The proposed rules for the tissue model will be derived from 1. General characters of existing neighborhood. The characteristics of existing neighborhood such as the two to three-storey townhouses, setbacks of the buildings, the pattern of 25' to 35' building widths,etc.will be re- tained. 2. Specific characteristics of existing surrounding block buildings. 44 Although the general characteristics of the existing neighborhood will be used as the rules for the new tissue modelsome specific rules are needed when dealing with the specific sitesuch as the relationship between buildings,the typologies of the public facades. These characteristics are fragile and can create the strong visual impacts for the streetscapethus the elements of the surrounding block buildings must be considered. However preservation is not the sole objective of the design decision.The new tissue model must also fulfill the design criterias such as access of lightventilation and privacy.Therefore the proposed rules will also regulate the location and the dimension of the open space to fulfill such criterias while protecting the scale of existing neighborhood. These rules are derived from some textbooks 45 such as * Site Planning 'by Kevin Lynchindividual and group funded studiesi.e.' Change Without Loss'under the direction of Daniel Solomon, 'Spatial Structures'.Working paper, Housing and Settlement Series, by Anne Vernez-Moudon. 46 M F tb to ntb 3 7 nto 418 system of zoning, agreements with respect to the morphology of the thematic elements DOCUMENT 1+2 AGREEMENT SHEET I 01 01 AI L0i --5' 25' 2 21'2 A 26' 21' 139' 171' 21 21' -X 26' .- 16' 01 PI 0 0 4 J 0 G) Uj 0 4 U section B W.r~.. -v.. 26' 21' I sectionJ--.- - -- 88' - -f | 21'l 26' 121' I - 152'6" , . 121'| 26' | 47 Explanation. n The buildings at the corner location 5' II property line property line will have no setback or maximum setback of 5'. The building at the in- ..... ........ . ............. .............. ............ .... X. . ............ . ........ %V.. % e* . a, S termediate location will have minimum setback of 5' and maximum set- X. .......... back of 25' from the property line. oj Oi 0-I (a. CORNER Analysis of existing surrounding LOCATION blocks shows that most the corner 5 property line --- ------ 25' property line building have no setback, only one corner building of block # 823 which is the detached house has setback of INTERMEDIATE LOCATION 20' from the property line. The buildings in the intermediate location of the same block have the same setback, i.e.,the intermediate buildings of block # 827 have setback of 5' and the intermediate buildings of block # 823 have setback of 25'. 48 M F tb ij 5. to 2 6. ntb 3 7-- nto 4 8 DOCUMENT I EXPLANATION SHEET I explanation with respect to the morphology of the thematic building (baywindows excluded) 01 01 max 0t 402'6" 0 16' %-X % .- - A.--.:..-- B - -. .-..-.- .A 5' 26' 21' -. -5 26' 21 171' 139' -. .--.. -A Bt B 21 - 2fw 26' 16' -- 26' -5 min 150' 16 o 26 12r1 72' 121! 26'1 2r1 136'6" 12fI 26' 1 0) section 49 M tb to ntb nto F 2 6 3 7 I 8 4 8 DOCUMENT I EXPLANATION SHEET 2 explanation with respect to the morphology of the thematic building ( baywindows included) 01 01 16' z5' -- 5 26' 262f I- 2f - 139' U...... 0 (D 0 0r 16 ,26'121'v 21' 26' 26' -- 16! .-- 5~ U) PI 0 171' 72' 12Ti 26121 1~b7b 13'= b izY- zI W section B I ~ 26I' 122 section 21| 26' I 2f I 88' 152'6"' I 2r 26'I i so . m-- -116A.14- Explanation. n The minimum dimensions of B-zone;an area which always contain building, 5' ........... .... ....... for the corner location and the inter- .1 6' 6' X' 5' mediate location are 26' and the maximum dimensions are 52'. The minimum dimension of B-zone for the inner block location is dimension is 26' and the maximum 68'. 5I'I6 1 6d10' 5' c minimum living space While = maximum living space r=-i minimum service space rzzz=='i maximum service space cminimum living space C i 4 maximum the Victorian town houses have a very deep floor plan of up to 60' and provide minimum light for the rooms living space MINIMUM DEPTH OF THE BUILDINGS . MAXIMUM DEPTH OF THE BUILDINGS in the middle of the house by means of light well and recess which are about 8' to 4' respectively", these these cannot fulfil the requirement of privacy and optimum light for human's needs. Thus the new dimensions of B-zone have been chosen on the basis of criteria on privacy and light. 51 Explanation. n The minimum height of building at the corner location is three storeys and the maximum height is four storeys,exeluding base and roof storey. The minimum height of building at intermediate location is two storeys and the maximum height is three storeys, excluding base and roof storey. The maximum height of the inner block buildings is two storeys excluding base and roof. Analysis of the existing situation shows that the buildings in this area are mostly two to three-storey town houses and the corners are emphasized by higher apartment buildings. Thus to maintain the scale and the character of existing environment, the rule for the height of the building is regulated. 52 Explanations 04 corner location and the intermediate 01 ob location must not be shifted. For ob B : :- a Front facades of the buildings in the main street cross street the inner block buildings, the front facade may or may not be shifted. Analysis of existing surrounding ....... ...........-. . blocks shows that buildings with the CORNER AND INTERMEDIATE LOCATIONS same setback from the property line is the character of existing street- 02 ob B scape. Thus to maintain this charac- ob +:-:--:-.:-: : courtyard ter the rule regulates the position of the front facade has INNER been made. BLOCK LOCATION 53 Explanation: m Front facade and back facade of the building may or may not have bay win01 zone 20 dows. The bay window must remain with5 ob-margin in the ob-margin which is 5' deep. ..... ....... .. .. ................. . . ................ .. .......... .. ----------------------.......... ...... X .................. B zone Analysis of San francisco houses shows that bay window is the dominant morphological element of the streetscape. Its functions are not only providing extra light and view for residents but also enlarging the room. Therefore in the new tissue model, the rule for the application of bay window is included. 54 Explanation: m The minimum and the maximum depths of the I base are the same as the minimum and the 3t 3 maximum depths of B-zone. The base of the 0 0 corner building may extend further in the 3 C 0 0 a E front and in the back. In the front the i PQ ---------------------- ... - ............ dlllml 42' "' otI 21' the back the base may extend of about 21' CORNER LOCATION CL O base may extend to the property line. In from the back facade. The bases of the inI - termediate and the inner block buildings 3: 40 ID C. may extend in the front of about 5' from 3: 39 0* r ___ g 5' from the back facade. 42' 5 INTERMEDIATE the front facade and in the back of about 8 INNER BLOCK LOCATIONS -- n The maximum height of the base is 7'-6". To allow parking underneath the increment building , the base height must have enough headroom for cars. An average max. car height is 6'-3". The rule 7'-6" anticipates the structural depth of the above floor. base 6" ..'...:..:. s 55 Explanation: * The roof storey which is the gable parapet 4' hig roof must not be set back from the front facade. The roof storey which is the flat roof must be set back from the front facade of at least 10'. The roof storey of the corner 68'9" CORNER LOCATION CL location must be set back on both Ci 0. 0' 2' sides of at least 10'. parapet 4' high- ..................... ...................... The maximum height of the existing surrounding intermediate buildings -(D is three storeys with gable roof 25' 68 9" m10' Therefore if the roof storey with INTERM EDIATE .1 LOCATION flat roof is needed, it must be set back from the front facade from the visual line of the pedestrian on the opposite sidewalk . In addition to maintain the amount of light to the first floor of the opposite buildings. 56 Explanation: m Buildings with the gable roofs must .... :... have the gable roofs face the street2 Analysis of the existing surrounding block buildings shows that buildings with gable roof have the gable roofs faced the street. Thus to retain this existing streetscape the rule for the -:.gable roof in the new tissue model is regulated. 57 tb to ntb nto M |:2 3 4 F 5 6 7 8 DOCUMENT I EXPLANATION SHEET 3 explanation with respect to the morphology of the thematic building (corner location ) 01 W4 0 01 min-max-75' min-max-75 l U 165' 15' 26' 21 -A ~ . .... . . 139' 02-- .- --- :.-... -- - 171' .-- 'm N aNZ 211 2f' 26' :::S#266 16' L~mn-xnia7 0.- 0 *14 U 16, 6'121' ! 01 Qi C.) - nRn-max-75' 72' 12'1 26'1 21'| 136'6" 12f I 2'1 211 26'| 21 I 152'6" |2r U, section B t 26'| 21'Il section A 88' 26' 15 . .... . 58 M F tb 5 to 2 6ntb 3 7 nto 1418 DOCUMENT I EXPLANATION SHEET 4 explanation with respect to the morphology of the thematic building ( Intermediate location) 01 ----------............. 6' 2 ' 226 A4 A. 21' -3 -......... ........---- --. $$x ::::X..:::r + : x -X- -- - - . .. .. ... : ~~ ~ ~ w .-.-. 0 Q' W w - -..w- .. .:-o-- - - -w-::::.: ------... -.. . w 139' e- = 17f 2f __ 26' =V 26! 16' -5 26' 0 .0 440 section B 26' I 21l 88' I 2fl 26' ! 2f I 152'6" 2r1 26' 4"-Nxi section A . .--. - l 59 M F tb to ntb nto [81 2 6 3 7 4I 8 DOCUMENT I EXPLANATION SHEET 5 explanation with respect to the morphology of the thematic building (inner block location) 01 01 54 ~5 26' 21 16' -E 5' 26' A A, 211 B 139' 171' 2f - -j-W 26' 16' - 21' -5 01 Mi U 0 93 0 .r, 21' i 16, 26' 1 0 G)q 4-; section B 72' 136'6" 88' | 211 26' I 2f I I 21'1 26 16 - I A -.- ...... ,.... 26'21' 12r1 26'1 21'i 152'6" 12r1 26' I .---- section A 60 M F tb ntb nto to 3 7 48 5 e-6 DOCUMENT 2 EXPLANATION SHEET I explanation with respect to the morphology of the thematic space (maximum dimension) 01 01 .,..;***:;::;:: .:: I Ve. ...... -..-.- I A. . I . -. ---.-......- 26' 2f -A - 14ma 178' 6" ..xm max __l 139 S max max 130 8 194'6" ' ... 171 -- ..............:..........--.2 - 26' 21' 0 0i 0 -a , .16 72 2fl 26'12f!1 136'6" 12f 26'1 2f 1 152'6" 1 1 26' 16 ---. section B | 26'I21' sention A 1 .. ... ...--. 88' .-...--- ......... I 2r| 26'| 1 M F tb to 1 5 A e- ntb 3 7 nto 4 801n DOCUMENT 2 EXPLANATION SHEET 2 explanation with respect to the morphology of the thematic space ( minimum dimension ) 94 0 16' -S-5 21' - Z5' 26' 26' 2r 139' 171' 2f -~ 21' 26' -- 16' -5' 0, At 0 0 0 0 4~ ., U, section 26' 121 1 sectiont 88' 12fl 26' 12f I 152'6" 12r1 26' 5 62 The minimum dimension of courtyard Explanation: between the intermediate buildings and the inner block buildings is 72'. "The spacing between buildings has --. iI -an important effect not only on the Intermediate building 72 K.round inner block building left over for outdoor use but also on the livability of the interior rooms. Every room should have adequate light and air: a substantial piece of sky should be visible through the windows from normal standing positions in the room to ensure good daylight and prevent claustrophobia. A minimum standard may be that from each window, in principal rooms, the major part of the forward 60-degree cone of vision should be unobstructed by anything that is more than half as high above 22 the sill as its distance from window." 63 tb M F 1 5 to 2 o ntb " n o 3 7 4 DOCUMENT 5a AGREEMENT SHEET I agreements on position with respect to functions of the thematic building 8 01 01 V4 -5' 16 15' 26' . ......... .:... ..... . ... . ... ........... :.........-::.:..:.........................-.. -A B - 21 -X 139' O2 171' 21' ... Xx-x2 26' 16! Buildings in corner locations can contain commercial functions such as shops, offices , and social services. Buildings in intermediate and inner block locations must have only residential function. 136-6" 121'l 26 16 72' l21'l 26'l 21' 16g 26' i 21' i 0 0 .5 UI PI 94 -1! 0 0D in section B n 26' 21' sectionAL-.---.------ 88' 211 26' 12f 152'6" I 21' 26'l1 64 Explanations: N The intermediate building and the inner block building must be used only for residential purpose. The corner building may be used for residential, commercial purposes and social services. n The bases of the corner buildings may be used for both commercial and residential purposes. The bases of the intermediate and the inner block buildings must be used only for residential purpose. A combination of parking and living spaces is possible if the regulations of the San Francisco Municipal Code regarding light and ventilation are fulfilled. n The roof storey may be used for residential space in 23 every location. To achieve good living environment, the intermediate and the inner block buildings have only residential function while allows the commercial to occur in the corners. 65 M F tb to 2 6 ntb 3 7 nto 4 8 DOCUMENT 5 b AGREEMENT SHEET I agreements on dimensions with respect to functions of the thematic building 01 01 - 16' 5' 26' 21 ~5' 26' 2- 4 139' 17f 2f - 26' -- 5' 16' 0 0 U) 26' -~5 Qt 01 V4, U 21' 0 0 ' 6g, 2V Zri 'r - 02 72 ' 12r 26 1 2P 136'6" 26'12r I 88' 12fl 26'! 2f 16' - -. ... ex Isection B 12 I 26 152'6" I 21 26' 1 ---section A2. 66 tb to ntb nto M F 1 5. 2 t L43 ,71hS DOCUMENT 6 a AGREEMENT SHEET I agreements on position with respect to functions of the thematic space 01 16. ~-5' 26' A -5 26' 2 2f 21 139' 171' 2f 21' 6' 26'5 16! car circulation pedestrian circulation 0 0 0 16' , 26' 121' I *1-4 0 a) U, 72' I 2rI 26'1 21' - 5 private yard parking public green area 136-6- 26 2f1 26 16 0 a) U, section B S26'l 21'l .. .... section 88' 21', 26' 1 2f I tlx :r% 152'6" 221 26' 67 Explanation: n v~. :i::~i::::::l~ii~i1..:::.i1:.:i:::::::::.::..i:::. :::..... 150 The nearest side of the alley to the ..... mamn street nearest corner must not be less than 150' 0 : ::: ::: ..:.:.:.:: ..:. ::-.. :.: =:::::::: Street intersections should be a mi- nimum of 150' apart.4 68 tb to ntb nto M F 1 5 4 8E 2 -1 3 7 DOCUMENT 6b AGREEMENT SHEET agreement on dimensions with respect to functions of the thematic space I 01 QI --- I 61 I1 (5: 16' zz5@ 26' . . ............ .................. 6 . -- 21' ----- ---- -- - -- - :- -: : : ---- : .:. ... + ::.......--- .... ... .:X;: : 139' 17f ................ . . ..... ... .. .. ... . . .: 2f 21' - 26' --5' 16' 0 26' - -5- if private courtyards occur in location 1. then the ob-margins are unbuilt. if public green areas occur in location 2.,the max. dimensions of public green areas are 28' x 28' 0 1 167g,26 0) U) - U,4 r 72' |2rl 261 ZrI ' " 136 6 TT2 section B 26' I 21 1 88' I 2Ifj 26' 1 2f I 152'6" 12ri 26' 69 section ----- : Explanation: * The alley will have vehicular circulation in one direction. The maximum .... :.. ...... a ... '......6 .. I 3 width of the alley is 20' ( 12' for 0) driveway and 2 x 4' for the paths)2s Analysis of the existing surrounding block shows the dominance of closed building block character with a few k4' * 12' Ok4'N openings for access. Thus to retain this existing streetscape, the opening for an alley in the new tissue model must be narrow. 70 M F 1 5 tb to ntb nto 2 6 # 7 4T DOCUMENT 3 AGREEMENT SHEET I agreements with respect to the morphology of the non-thematic building 01 ,AM]Ln IA mn-ax U1 16' -5' 26' -5' 26' 2 2f 2f B "'U' 139' 171' .01 2f - 26' 5' 16' I 0 0 .F4 *~ 0 0 01 Qi mi- 0 0 0r kmin-max N 21' 26' _5' a 16' 26' 1 2ri 72' I 21 1 26' 12r1 26' 1 21 1 U, ..... Isection B 26'l21'l 88' I 21fl 26' 12f ac~~tnn A .............. 152'6" S1'l 26' 71 tb to ntb nto M F 1 5 2 6 [8I DOCUMENT 4 AGREEMENT SHEET I 3 7 agreements with respect to the morphology of the non-thematic space 01 01 V.4 0 A 16' =!V 26' 26' 2 21' 2f - 139' 171' 2f 21' 26' -5' 16' - 26' --. 5 path min 4' max 8' 0 , 0 0 -- w-w... .. section B 26'12r i 88' 12f 26' I 2f I 152'6" 12r 26' y 72 section Explanation: * Paths are the pedestrian circulation in the courtyard. The width of a path in the courtyard should be between 4' and 8'. If a path provides access to the street ,it will have a maximum width of 8,' Analysis of the existing surrounding block shows the dominance of closed building block character with a few openings for access. Path is an open space in the built area. Therefore to retain the existing streetscape, the opening for a path in the new tissue model must be narrow. 73 tb to ntb nto M F 1_ 5 2 6. 7a DOCUMENT AGREEMENT SHEET I agreements on position with respect to functions of the non-thematic building 3VT1 4 8 01 01 .' 1. .-.. A_ -X . - .. . :..: .. - -.- .. - - - ~ -~~~~ .:::-:.:::.:.:::--..... . -.- ::::::.e -- :::--:.:::.:2B 16' 116 26' :, : -:. . : - 5 261 21 B .. ..... . .. . .2 02 171' 139' os 02~ ..-. XX 26' t ~ ~ ~~~~~~...... functions~ ofnnteatcbidns.tlcto... 0 -In 4.' o0 e U, sos, fie~oi o1 21' ~2f evcs A0 4. o +, en 26' 121' I 88' 1211 26' 12f l 152'6" 121' 26' 74 section A .. M F tb to ntb nto [_2 i 6 K13 57 8a DOCUMENT AGREEMENT SHEET agreements on position with respect to functions of the non-thematic space I 01 01 max 140' min 80' -5'-5' -- MB 22 M 02: 139' - -i: -- 171' N 139_ poid edsrincicltin pah it teblc aeloae ady btee -.... - 26' adn 17f 2 26' pts i p 0 +a .14 0 ... .. ... H 26' 21' 88' 1 2fl 26' 21' 152'6" 12r1 26' 14 -A " section -. : 75 5.3 Calculations of tissue model AREA BLOCK (NET) 113,4375 SQ.FT TOTAL BUILT 237,727.5 SQ.FT, F.A.R 01 ~ 2.1 01 > TOTAL BUILT AT GROUND ~I* W W 8. -e U FP * 50,475 SQ.FT PRIVATE 35,397 SQ.FT SEMI PUBLIC 27,565.5 SQ.FT ( 50% of ob-margin will be built V, OPEN SPACE: 1W "r I I ft BUILDING *Uw I 44.5% COVERAGE NUMBER OF DWELLINGS wtg Or Ia urr @ 650 sq.ft 365 @ 850 sqft @ 1,100 sq.ft 0 1,250 sq.ft @ 1,400 sq.ft 279 216 190 AVERAGE SQ.FT PER DWELLING i,100 NUMBER OF DWELLINGS PER ACRE NET/GROSS Corner location : 169 82.9/56.9 NUMBER OF CARS PER DWELLING 4 storeys + base + roof storey. Intermediate location :3 storeys + base + roof storey. 365 279 216 190 169 dwellings Inner block location : 2 storeys + base + roof storey. .73 .95 1.2 1.4 1.6 76 AREA BLOCK (NET) 113,437.5 SOFT TOTAL BUILT 192,4725 SQ.FT F.A.R O- 17 01 TOTAL BUILT AT GROUND 50,475 SOFT PRIVATE 35,397 SQ.FT SEMI PUBLIC 27,565 SQ.FT ( 50% of ob-margin will be built) rM Fe OPEN SPACE: Wa BUILDING COVERAGE ii 44.5% NUMBER OF DWELLINGS I ~ ivii, t ISIWIV, ,,a, ,,, w~ .650 sq.ft 296 @ 850 sq.ft 226 1100 sq.ft 174 @ 1250 sq.ft O 1400 sq.ft 153 AVERAGE SQ.FT PER DWELLING 137 1,100 NUMBER OF DWELLING PER ACRE NET/GROSS Corner location : 3 storeys + base + roof storey Intermediate location 2 storeys + base + roof storey 296 226 IT4 153 Inner block location 2 storeys + base + roof storey .9 1.18 1.5 1.7 66.8/45.8 NUMBER OF CARS PER DWELUNG. 137 dwellings 1.9 77 6. DESIGN PROPOSAL: SUPPORT LEVEL 78 6.1 Support model proposal In the existing environment,most Analysis of existing immediate of the buildings are developed singly buildings also shows that the most common from lot to lotcreate the buildings house types are the attached type with- of different sizes according to the out recess and attached type with recess. sizes of the lots.Some lots are combined Therefore two support systems will be de- together created larger sizes of the veloped.One is the support system for buildings.However the most common lot shallow dwellingsthe other is the support frontage dimensions are 25',27'-6" and 30' system for deep dwellings.Each of these and the patterns of 25' to 35' two support systems can create buildings building widths are mostly found in this area. The support design proposal for a block in this area will retain this without recesses.And by combining these two support systemsdwellings with recesses will be derived. character.That is,it must provide visual Bay windows with different shapes division into narrow segments 25'(min.), and sizes are the dominant morphological 50'(max.) along the street facade by element of the streetscape in this area. means of steppingsetbackor separate They do not only provide extra light and structurewith each division having at view for residentsbut also enlarge the least one entrance. room by pushing out from the house.The 27 79 maximum depth of bay windows is 5'.In directions. The local existing Victorian order to respect the essential charm houses also allow two directional connec- and characteristics of this neighbor- tions in the floor plans!8 hoodbay windows with different shapes and sizes are an additional support material added to the support principles. The structure of these support systems is the wooden structure,which has been used locally since wood is available and lower cost than concrete. however the timber span available is limited up to 16*,beyond this is rare and expensive. One criteria for the support system is to provide two directional connections which will give more advantages in design flexibility than only one directional connection because the plan can expand in two 80 6.2 SUPPORT SYSTEM A The support system for shallow 5' o 10' dwellings. The zone distribution of this support system consists of: 6' alpha/gamma margin alpha zone a10, 5. alpha/alpha margin alpha zone 5' 10' 6' 10' alpha/delta margin 5' The alpha/gamma margin and the alpha/delta margin are the spaces for bay windows which can be built or not built from the front facade and the back facade. The dimensions of these two margins are based on the maximum dimension of San francisco bay windows. Zoning analysis in the next following page will show the relationship between functions and the zone distribution. 81 Zoning analysis r~i L le N, Bl, B2,B3 4 4 LOJv-e r W n i vi . X10' tA+ BLB BI, B32,B3 : C 10' 1- :- 10' :-1N10' BATHROOMS I I' II || STAIRCASES ~ I Ic:::*:*:: >:: 10' > ::::::::::- 10' WALLS 82 Sector B2 B5 KI K2 analysis ++- [ - DF so' EIL] fJ K 9 ...::::: 10 :... ''.. 10, X 10' - E/B2 E,/B3 %:JL . - -. ~F7I7l IZIZL 711111 13 0 0 13 I, r) I I L~. I fl-.~VIIII AI~I~I .................. ................... ..................... .................. .................... _____________________ 0 Oa ...................... ... ... ...... ............... .......... ...................... ...................... . ... .. I.... ... ..... ..................... ............... .................... .................... .... OC 10 83 Sector analysis ~u * . I L L/E .,I Ii L.~L--1 uJ,3 0 l lv I 0rI 0L[: I 0I 2LJ p IJL iO a K .1 S10' +L h221rV2J ~I1A7 I 62/BI -B-83/BI A20EV'21 ....... ..... ............... 4...... ..................... ............... ... . . . . .. . *-* ....* 9 K2 BI/KI B2/KI B3/KI -4- ... ...................... -.-.-... 9-4- *. - -- 20' U- ._____ .________________..___________-_____-_ I - -.-*.*-. - .- o.-. - I cc10 Ie I I- - 84 Increments of building From the support systemma* ..... I *..*.**.* ..... I I ........ . ......................... a .......... 5 10N 6' 15' 10' 0 15' 20' 20 a 10' ny different sizes of buildings can be defined according to sec- 5' 25' 30' type Al tor widths of 10',15' and 20'. 35' type A2 type A3 These increments of building from . ...... ................... 10' .......... 25' to 50' are based on existing 6' 20' 20' 15' 10 15' 15' 10' 15' building widths in this area. a 10 .... 5' 40' type A4-a 15' 40' type A4-b 10' 20' I ment of building type Al will be 51 further investigated in 0 20 15'10' 45' type A5-a I :: :a ::: I 1 15' 10 - a its sec- 10 10' tor groups(dwelling sizes) basic 5' variations and subvariations be- 50' type A6-a type A5-b i In this thesis the incre- 40' type A4-c 1' 1' 1 1 45' -..... -..... -. ' I I cause it * : 5' u , 10' is the most common build- ing width in this area. 6' 15' 10' 10' 15 ' : 10' 15' 15' 10' 15' 20' 15' : a 10' 5' 50' type A 6-b 50' type A6-c 50' type A6-d 85 SUPPORT SYSTEM Increment of building ......... A Al TYPE :.aO a 10'6' 25' Roof 3 : -- ^--- rdiroof --- ------ _ _ __-- 2 nd --- 1 st - - -- Base Variations 1 2 3 SCHEMATIC SECTION 86 Sector groups 1. first fi. 2. second f 1. 3. third fl. 4. roof storey S 25' 25 25' "25' - . - --- .. .. . .. .. . ... .. -- 10' ... 87 Sector groups 1. first f1. 2. second fl. 3. third f1. 4. roof storey 0: 10' (X 10, 25' " 25' 25' " 25' Cx 10' 01 10' ...- ..................................... ......... ............................... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .......... .............. ............... ........... . .......... ...... .... .......... ..... .......... ........... . . . . . ... .......0.,.7...::*,.*-*-*-'-*.,.*.*.*.*..,..*.*.....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-............. ............... ............... .. .............. . ............... ...................... ........................ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............. ....... ................ ....................... .............. ........................... X. ................ ............. ...... ........ ........... ........ .... -M--. 0- ................ (X 10 0 1 10 , 88 Basic variations and sub-variations K2 I 8 LL1 - KZ 8 82 bg3 D3-# ~ 81 DI 81 84 L 3 The basic variations of the sector group without bay window ( minimum size of dwelling) are shown here.Actually they are the same with the basic variations of the sector group with bay window because the bay window only enlarges the room,no additional room is possible. These basic variations are the ones of the town house for couple with young children.They are based on these criterias: - a I bathroom on ground floor should be near exit or entry. - Children's rooms should be placed near pa- U I -rT AD t I B3 ELt rents room. - Play spaces in and out of doors should be within sight of mother. 89 6.3 SUPPORT 5' a 10' 61 ~310' 61 a10' 5'1 SYSTEM B The support system for deep dwellings.The zone distribution of this support system consists of: - alpha/gamma margin 5' 10' - alpha zone alpha/beta margin - beta zone - alpha/beta margin 10' 6' - alpha zone 10' - 6' alpha/delta margin 5' The alpha/gamma margin and the - alpha/delta margin are the spaces for bay windows which can be built or not built from the front facade and the back facade.The dimensions of these two margins are based on the maximum dimension of San Francisco bay windows. Zoning analysis in the next following page will show the relationship between a function and a zone distribution. 90 Zoning analysis cc 10' 1310' a 10' c10' 810' 0[10' BATHROOMS STAIRCASES WALLS 91 Sector - 1 analysis K-I-.-! j-tj BI ...... *KI B3 U U I -- r-I (x 10' K2E _______________________________I~ vi kGTh1 ~- A I Fill] F KX 10' - ........... ................... ~nvui. ~ E Bl E/B2 E/B3 _______________________ I II ++ U L 1- ---- - ---- - --- : c 10' A A lHe-'-1I A II-e---i A 92 Sector analysis L/E 'J r 0 I r n 13 00 .......... .......... ........... cc 10 .......... 1 WI I I / 20' B2/I B3B F ~~ JI/- IBL/V J- IJ 4+- Bc 10' .... 20' PL21J.. ............ *........ ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... L~J ~22 .......... OC 10, .......... .......... .......... 93 Sector analysis a 10' (x 10' KI b : II+ t K2 b E) rl -10 I I ... .. .. ..... .. .. .. . , 94 Increments of building 5' From the support systemmany different sizes of buildings ..... : 6 ..:... . :: can be defined according to secc- .:..... 6' 10 15 10 20 15' .....:Za.10' 20' tor widths of 10',15' and 20'. These increments of building 35' 30' 25 type B3 type B2 type B1 from 25' to 50' are based on 5'1 51 1' A10' 6 20 15' 10 .... 5 10' existing building widths in this area. In this thesis the increment of building type B1 will 5 ---- ' ' 40' type B 4 ' 45' type B 5-a ty 45' peB 5-b -- 6' sector groups (dwelling sizes) 5' -:o 10' i 10' 15' 10' 15 15 . 50' type : 15 B 6- a 101 ' i 15' be further investigated in its 10' o----i 10' - 50' 50' type B 6-b type B 6-c 61 tions because it is the most com- 6' mon building width in this area. : a 10' 15' 1- basic variations and subvaria- - 5' 95 B SUPPORT SYSTEM Increment of building TYPE Bi 5' : 10' 6' 010' -........ .. ....I ...... 6' a10' 5' Roof 2 nd :_:4:.:______--;____--;._:_:_-_--_-_- B 1 Base Variations -- - 3rd/roof - _ ....................-a.e........ . ......... - - . . i$$1$$$$$ 1 2 3 4 5 SCHEMATIC 6 SECTION 96 - - - - 1. first Sector fi. groups 2. second fl. 3. third fl. 4. roof storey a lo' a 10' B 25' 25' I--M r~u~ B10' ~MA~ -Li cx1' c a~ 10' ~L~- 25' '4 25' IU I a io' I .-..:-g(X C 10' %Pw- * d~-1- I ~ F I --- VV B 10' 0C 10' ~)cK C 10' (E 10' - __j~I~iitT~~~ ~ ~ __ .:?~' . .__ __ _ h' 97 Sector 1. first fl. groups 2. second fl. 3. third fI. 4. roof storey - --- :--E a aa 11 10'. a 10' a 10' ___LEZIIV~iiikffi U -- I ~~~1~~ 25' 2 H -4 3 25' 25' i! 25' a10' CC10' B (X --- C10'. Bl1' ------------ ~wuwr.w~ ~! ------ I 3 L~QM 7a 10' s~1 M-A N5 -- 10' K . i lo 'N *1IF * A 98 Sector 1. first fl. 2. second fl. groups 3. third fl. 4. roof storey >cx a10, ( 10' a io' a. *. (x log 2 25' S FLIaw U 4 3 25 25' 25' a 10' B3 M10' UT C 10' a 01 2 C 10' - I - - - :::-a 10' : -... :. C 10' -. ........... ----- - 99 Basic variations and sub -variations .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. BI E'/3 .............. + W.. 4 -1-- ............ -X: E - - BI E'/83 K2 E L L ===.. 4- .. 83-+ ~I .a A MM '~ I -- _ ,~I,, _- ~10' r4-F ~ U Ut- ~4flZTT I :IiI~ an .............. I ............... .............. .............. f .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... .............. ............... ~X10' .... - I _K2 E L ,The basic variations indicate the position of a certain group of functions in a sector group without bay window (minimum size of dwelling) are shown here.Actually they are the same as the basic variations of the sector group with bay window because the bay window only enlarges the room,no additional function is possible. Since this is the sector group on the first floor.The positions of the functions in relation to each other are based on the criterias of lifestyle of the eldery.These are: - One or two bedrooms option is possible. - Direct and close circulation between bedroom and bathroom is possible. - Position of living room and kitchen with dining area are easily expanded to entertain family. 100 Basic variations and sub-variations The basic variations shown on the following page indicate the position of a certain function in the townhouse on the first and second floor.The possibility of the household types in this sector group is middle age couple with teenage children based on these criterias: - Bedrooms for grown children should not be near the parents' bedroom. - A play or family room must be added. - The bathrooms for parents and teenagers need separation and each proximate to bedrooms. 101 Basic variations and sub - variations .. .. -.. 91 b2 C 10' B3 IID Al E I f3 10' L 5Z st floor 2 bs 53 2 nd floor ax 10' F E' D KI EL E L B12 B31 b Bs B: BI BI b B2 B3l b B2 B3 BI b B3 B2. B3 b B1 B3 L BI B218 BI b B2 BI 0 J1 U____ ..... j m .... . L7< ............. a 10 I r.PM 810' .I L fl/I iA7 a I ---En +1L.IL rr7 Iii' ............... ................ .............. ............... ................ (X10, .............. .............. > ............. .... ............ ........... i 102 6.4 SUPPORT SYSTEM A+B 6.4.1 TYPE (A+B)1 By combining the support system A (support system for 5' shallow dwelling) and the sup- $ a 10' port system B (support system *::.:] // -/-6' ~ B ~:*:*: for deep dwelling),buildings , with recesses can be created. -tw..4.w.51 / _________20_ The drawing shown here is one possibility.It is the increment of building with 35' width. 5' a 10'~.......1 I 6' a 1op 5' 15' 103 SUPPORT SYSTEM Increment of building TYPE A+B (A+B) 5' :a 10' 5' a010' ,s. pl1o' 6' 6' 6' 10' .:a10 51 0_ 5 i 35' Roof : 3 rdiroof 2 nd aBase Variations : -.-.-.-.-.- - -. . . ..- .-. -.- E -.-.- - - -- - - -- -:''-- 1 2 3 4 SCHEMATIC SECTION 104 Sector groups 1. first ft. 2. second ft. 3. third ft. ,4. roof storey I-4. as 35 as E B- ". 3s' - - g - - OC Oc M - -I 105 Sector groups 1. first fl. 2. second fl. 3. third f 1. 4. roof storey 0C{ ccKcc i 35' 11 35 " 35' T rf - i 106 Basic variations and sub - variations The basic variations of the sector group without bay window (minimum size of dwelling) shown on the following page.Actually they are the same as the basic variations of the sector group with bay window because the bay window only enlarges the roomno additional room is possible. These basic variations indicate the position of a certain function of the flat on the first floor.The possibilities of the household types in this sector are; couple with young children (see page89),middle age couple with teenage children (see pagel0l), middle age couple with grown children. 107 Basic variations and sub -variations ~BI IBI B3 ILE d F -I- 2LE D B2 K K2 B3B E2 ~JE 2 B3 BI BI K21LE D E' F F IILjII B3 IL El B2 ILE: IL El B L B B I E'F 108 6.4.2 TYPE (A+B)Z By combining the support 5' a~- t. system A (support system for shallow dwelling) and the support system B (support system -- XX ... .... 6' -. a 1, s0 for deep dwelling),buildings with recesses can be created. The drawing shown here is one ...... .. possibility.It is the incre5 .... ... .. . . . .... ment of building with 25' width. . ..... 6' a 10' I I I Ii1 :. 5' 109 A+B- SUPPORT SYSTEM Increment of building (A +B)2 5' 5' * 10' : a ............. aO 6' 1 a 10' 51 a10 5' Roof- / 3 r d 1 s- t -: - 10' 6' 10' ........... ..... .... .. Variations TYPE - r o. ~ o~ -f~~~. ~ - ' ' ~:.:+..--~ -..-. ~ :.o.:: --- -- --- - - .. -- -- - -- --- Base~~~~~~... 1 2 3 -.-. . ... 4 - : : -- --- -..... - -.........-..-.- - --.- :.:.-- - ---- -----.-. !$$$$$$$$$$$ ............... $$$ $$ 5 SCHEMATIC 6 SECTION 110 Sector I. first fi. 2. second groups f 1. 3. third fl. 4. roof storey (X cc 0C cc is VAP 0C 'Doc 2 25' 3 25 2$' 25' cc or pis cc 3a - - - - - - 0C Cx ~.: . -.. B .... It J. or Do Ot D-.1--..- N a ..( - - cc NMI": v 0CB 0 ID" L~I 111 Sector I. firat fl. groups 2. second f 1. 3. third fl. 4. roof storey (X r - __ ccKO ~%.._ ______-_ 123 1 2S- 25w 25- 2$' a cc cc RB cx Do or -. 3 I. a -UA LJ'JLJ.y A cc Ot m J)B cc V - -- ulli:.L:2 a ()C 0C 112 Basic variations and sub-variations 4X. K'J,~ .4 BI B3/ L B3 E K2 BI K2 E BI/E K2 B3 L E 2 E' K2 B3I El L L E 83 E'K2 B2 L E B B3/ K2 L E BI/E' K2 B3 El L The basic variations indicate the position of a certain group of functions in a sector group without bay window (minimum size of dwelling) are shown here.Actually they are the same as the basic variations of the sector group with bay window because the bay window only enlarges the room,no additional function is possible. These basic variations indicate the position a certain function in the sector group on the of first floor.The possibilities of household type in this sector group are;couple with young children (see page89),elderly couple and elderly single (see page 10 113 ,The basic variations of the sec.q' tor group without bay window (minimum size of dwelling) shown on the following page.Actually they are the same as the basic variations of the sector group with bay window because the bay window only enlarges the roomno additional room is possible. These basic variations indicate the position of a certain function in the group of sector group on the first and second floor.The possibilities of household type in this sector group are ;couple with young children (see page 8 9 ), middle age couple with teenage children (see pagel0l). 114 Basic variations D ki 5 KI E' E' and sub -variations o 824 x 19 F 2nd f loor I st floor D dKI KI FF L EL gI BI 6B E~D E BIB3 83 B 8 /1 D It F KItD L ELE B132 BI B3 82 KI F /3 B1----1 B1/6B1 Bh t ...... 115 Sector groups, basic variations and sub-variations at corner L2 IKI BI B3 L2 IKI E B3 BI L2 IKI E B3 B2 BASIC VARIATIONS OF SECTOR GROUP A LE L LE L B K2 B3 K2 BI B3 K2 BlK BA SIC VARIATIONS OF SECTOR GROUP B The possibilities of household type in the sector group A are young couples, middle age couples with grown children. The possibilities of household type in the sector group B are young singles, young couples. 116 subs- -- --- 6.5 Comparison I I BASIC VARIATIONS 3 8 HOUSEHOLD TYPESI -couples with young -83- ..K2 EL BASIC VARIATIONS 2 2 E children. - elderly couples. B18 BI DK B3. 3 Bl.3 B B 'F + 8111 B2 K2 I3 - BI t F e I'"z FZ - COuples With young childre ' B EF o'F 2 -couples with young 3 2 43-- couples with grown children. Ff_KIKIle'DF__E'D_.- C~ b3b couples age children. with teen - 4. L+ B2BIIb81 8281B 81 BIrt B2 B3 81 achildren. E2 E LB3 LdLEE 2 BEI Kchildren. -couples with young D ...... -D KI KI £ 83E fL 83 I BEDROOMS DLa v B2B13l B2 D si sa si 3 -couples with gon children. HOUSEHOLD TYPES L -elderly singles. tI I I BEDROOMS F E3LE K KID F LLrE _ 83 4 F KI F L IIB 81B F-- -couples with young children. - 83 83 r/i 81/81 B2 e LL3 B2/BI D couples with 5 teenage I11children. 117 7. SUPPORT APPLICATION IN TISSUE MODEL 118 FELL 200 a.-i - b 195 FILLMORE i HAYES 119 HAYES SECTION 0 2 50 a-a 100' b-b SECTION 0 2' 5* 100' 120 V-4 FELL a -1\ I _____~1 rf ---r N 200 N * ,.., b 195 IN STEINER FILLMORE 190 k1 K 185 F'A OF LOPLA N-#M RS12 180 1 HAYES 0Y1 a_! KEY PLAN LJ1r1~F1 50' 20' 0 100' 122 pw LL r~ L -- - I II---41 ii ii II II 10 3 I- ':3 ~~~1 I - El BASE PLAN 123 PVP -I SECOND FL PLAN 0 o ' 25' 125 IV THIRD FL. PLAN "0 r25' 126 8. PARTICIPATORY PROCESS : MANAGEMENT , DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DECISION PROCEDURES 127 8. Participatory process: Management, Design decision and Construction Procedures Step 1 Developer searches for the architects to design the housing.The architects propose support housing and design support model for a given site. Step 2 Developer searches for future occupants by publication the policy.The advantages of this support housing project including support model drawings and options of types and dwelling sizes (sector LF-- group). Step 3 Developerarchitects and future occupants meet and discuss about new tissue model. ADDIrIoNAL SUPPORT MATERIALS Step 4 Architects develop documents and new tissue model. Step 5 Future occupants obtain documents and new tissue modellists of sector group,location map,possible types of dwelling and bay windowetc.,all informations needed for making decision of their own dwellings. Step 6 Occupants discuss with their families and make 128 decision with respect to the common rules they agreed upon and express in the plan of the tissue model.Occupants can discuss with the architects if they need. Step 7 Occupants inform the architects about their priorities set of requirement.The architects match the dwelling and arrange possible group in each building. Step 8 Architects meet with developer and future occupants and inform the result by means of architectural drawings which has been modified including engineering drawings if needed. Step 9 Developer search for the builder and support construction begins with supervision from architects and engineers. Step 10 During the support construction,occupants discuss with families and lay out their own dwellings.They can meet and discuss with the architect.During this period,occupants can change 129 the layout of their dwellings. Step 11 Support construction ends.Detaehble units infill begin. Step 12 Detachable units infill ends.The dwellers move in. ( The above steps listed,consider the fact that engineers work together with architects and provide engineering decisions as input for design.Those are Istructure, mechanicalelectrical,sanitary engineers.) 130 9. CONCLUSION 131 9. Conclusion This thesis serves as a design case study exercise by using SAR methodologies accompanied with design concepts which apply to the design. Architecture itself is unique. It has its own characteristics, influenced by the type of building, the users' needs and the environment, no matter what methodology in design is used. SAR methodology has its own uniqueness, resulting from the users' participation in the design concept. However, in participation in the design the users must balance their budget with their needs and aspirations. Otherwise the participation would not achieve their goals because of budget constraints. However,providing maximum flexibility for users' participation in the design must be accompanied by a framework or rules. The architects provide the framework in order to control the unity of architecture, comply with codes and regulations, and control the scale and proportion, which affect the urban tissue, as one single part should be subordinated to the whole.Besides the framework will provide 132 control for planning criterias, i.e. site plan. These framework or rules will define the degree or level of how much users will be able to design for themselves mostly to suit their behavioural patterns.This thesis,however,involves the behavioural study and the proposal then supplements the users to design for themselves. This design study is an attempt to apply the users' participation in design of SAR philosophy into the real design case study.Mostly it deals with the design issues by provision of rules or frameworks,as mentioed earlier, in design.Besides it also provides the design proposal in both tissue level and support level with the alternative types and sizes of dwellings to fulfill the requirements of all the potential dwellers.Also procedure in users' participation to correct their plans. Because of the time constraint,only the increments of buildings 25' and 35' have been investigated.In fact there are many sizes up to 50' which can be used in this area according to the width of the existing buildings. The matter study in structural details and methodo- 133 logy which require engineering consultants and make the decisions are not focused in this thesis. However they can be established as another study. 134 rl TT 819mm iy -o 10. cotMlo ki "vdool -. APPENDIX A SAR METHODOLOGY 135 THE SAR PHILOSOPHY As an alternative to mass housing, in 1964, nine Dutch architects and a representative of the Dutch Architects Association formally founded the SAR ( Stichting Architecten Research ) to investigate better ways to deal with the problems of the design and construction of mass housing. and servicing of the dwellings in the support structure. These element are industrially made products, durable consumer goods subject to change by decisions of the user. Each "sphere" has its own laws for production and planning. The dwelling is the result of detachable units being placed in the support structure. The hypothesis developed by SAR holds that large scale industrialization of the housing process can only be developed successfully if two distinct "spheres" for decision making, production and use are recognized. One sphere is represented by the "support structure" which is the building that holds a number of dwellings and constitutes an infrastructure for long term investment, as a result of system building and professional decision making. The other sphere is represented by the "detachable units" which are the elements for internal layout Note: All the materials used in this section are from 'Three R' for Housing' by NJ. Habraken, see bibliography. and 136 The philosophy of support housing are: 1."Living is an act that takes place in both spheres. A home connects the two spheres; A home is the environment of a family and is part of a communal environment; 10 T T A home has an interior and an exterior; Terminus of a series of communal services; Start of a personal enterprise. Living cannot take place exclusively in one sphere; Living exclusively in a communal sphere is tantamount to living in a barracks; Living exclusively in an individual sphere is tantamount to exile. A home must therefore be built in both spheres. It cannot be built in one sphere only. An individual who built his own house completes his home in the sphere of the community. A community that builds houses must allow them to be completed in the individual sphere. The individual must be allowed to complete them." M7 2."A home comes into being in two spheres. It cannot be made in one sphere alone. What, then, Should we produce in each sphere? In one sphere everything that is used collective- -o ly for housing. In the other, everything that is being used individually for housing. The product in the communal sphere we call the 'support' or 'framework for living'. The product in the individual sphere belongs to what we call the 'set of detachable units'. The 'framework for living' contains by definition everything that is used collectively. The 'set of detachable units' contains by definition everything which is used by the individual only." 138 3."A support is thus not a skeleton. The separation of support and set of detachable units is not made for technical reasons. It is made for reasons of harmonious use. The technical steps taken to separate structure and detached units appear to be the best way of arriving at harmony between technique and use. To achieve harmony between human beings and material. A framework of living is not a skeleton. A detached unit is not a finishing element. The separation: skeleton - finishing works we know, it is based on a technical possibility and no more. The separation: 'support' - set of detached units is based on the relationship between man and material. A support contains everything that is needed for communal use. Foundation,roof, outside galleries, staircases, piping systems, etc." 139 4."A detached unit is not a finishing element. A support is completed before the detached unit is placed in it. A0 A detached unit is put in position after the JO support has been built. The detached units serve to make a dwelling. A support is complete in itself. A detached unit is complete in itself. Together they form a home. A detached unit is the means of making a support habitable. A detached unit is a means of living. A means of living is not a technical component (such as a door-frame). A means of living is in itself recognizable and completesuch as a kitchen cupboard. Detached units serve to provide all requirements of the individual sphere. By definition: Also therefore sanitary equipment,division of space,separation from outdoors,heating elements, storage spaceetc." 140 5."A home is brought into being when support and ipp A M ADO AM JCP detached units meet. Therefore we do not make dwellings. We make supports and detachable units. We make completed and recognizable things, each belonging in its own sphere, created in accordance with its own pattern of relationship. We can only make objects, products, things. We cannot make homes. A home is not a thing. A home is an act. The dwelling is part of that act. The dwelling is an act. That is why you cannot make a home for someone else; (you can make 'a villa',or 'a bungalow',or 'a place', or 'a block of flats', but not a home). You can make supports or detachable units. You can provide opportunity for the creation of dwellings; provide the circumstances needed. You can produce the things with which and in which people can live. You can guide techique to produce the things with which people can really live. Because living somewhere is an act. Committing this act is a need (the elementary, essential need). You can make technical things which make the act 141 possible. You can translate this need into production of clearly recognizable things (such as supports and detachable units). You cannot make a home for someone else. You cannot make dwellings for unknown people." 6. "A support is real estate. A detachable unit is a durable consumer article. A support is put up on a given place, in a given situation, is built in all kinds of weather, is constructed from the ground up, from a foundation, L..a % """p PIP even when it is completely prefabricated and the prefabricated elements have been made industrially. A detachable unit is not made on the spot where it is to be used. It can be used in every support. It lends itself to mass production in a factory. It can be complicated and relatively fragile. Support+ set of detachable units- dwelling. Real estate+ consumer article = human function." 142 7." Real estate and consumer goods complement each other; they are complementary; they only have meaning when together. Production of cars demands road-building; Road+ car- mobility, car driving; support+ set of detachable units- dwelling. Individual expenditure requires communal investment. Industrial production requires building production. Building production accommodates industrial products." 8." Thus there are two means of producing: Production of real estate; Production of consumer goods. Building product. Industrial product. I2 Production in the collective relationship. Production in the individual relationship." 143 9-"Thus the role of industrial production is twofold. Supply of elements for building production: semifinished products ( parts of the support). L. and production of means of living for consumer; finished products (detachable units). This twofold role can only be distinguished in housing if we know the two spheres. Knowledge of the two spheres makes possible good application of our technical ability." ~0 10. "In the production of detachable units a direct relationship occurs with the individual consumer. In the same way as is the case with the production of other consumer goods. With all its inherent advantages. (Individual choice according to price, quality, taste, requirements). And with all inherent dangers (influencing the consumer for commercial purposes). Here the second type of individual relationship is at work. The individual is given responsibility. He is able to identify himself with his dwelling. One can recognize him in his dwelling.For good or for bad." 144 11. "In the production of supports is raised the question of relationship with the community. This relationship may coincide with one of the three collective types of relationship, but this need not be so. The support can be built of relationship, a form in which, as we know, the individual is in no way personally involved. A support is a communal in the seventh type provision. As is a street a canal, a tram line, an electric network. These are infrastructures. A support is an infrastructure." 12. " In every sphere a product has its own time of use and its own wear life. The support bridges a generation and connects generations. A community wants something which has a longer life than that of an individual. Because a community lives longer than an individual and changes gradually. A community takes over what is left behind from previous generations, uses it, changes it, passes it on to the following generations. Then the details have been filled in, the trees are fully grown." 145 13." A set of detachable units serves only one generation. Every generation is distinct from another. A detachable unit changes for many reasons: because it is quickly worn out; because fashion changes; because technique is further developed; because we do not want to take over all our parents' things; because our opinions change; because we only live once r 14. The relationship in one sphere also works with slower machinery than in another. The communal process of taking a decision is by nature slow. The individual process of taking a decision is by nature quicker, more implusive. Especially in a situation where there is a lot of choice, where personal identification is important." 146 THE SAR METHODOLOGY A new concept means a new decision making process. The design process is a decision making process. To design support structures and detachable units, a design method is needed that is compatible with the concept in which they belong. This method has two parts. The first part has to do with the position and dimensions of space. The second part has to do with the position and dimensions of material. Of course, material and space complement each other. For some problemsit is necessary to consider the dimensions,the positions and the properties of space. Some specialists are more occupied with the material side and others more with space. Anyone taking part in the decision making process that results in designs for human environments has to deal with the designer has to make decisions about the position and dimension of material without knowing the floor plans that eventually will be found in the support. This means he cannot make his decision about the material of the support on the basis of a floor plan. He has to work from possibilities of floor plans. To be able to do so, he must be able to make general statements about the possible distribution of spaces in the support. The concept of "zones" and "margins" has been developed to make general statements about the distribution of spaces in a support visible in a design. A zone is an area in a support to which rules are attached concerning the position and dimension of spaces and functions allowed for in the support. The principle ment each other. is as follows: First, classes of possible spaces or functions are determined. Second- Part One - Evaluation ly, zones are defined that give possible situations for spaces. Finally, rules are the fact that material and space comple- With the design of supports, formulated about the position of spaces 147 in the given zones. 3. In any given dwelling, three Utility spaces (e.g. storage rooms, bathrooms ). classes of spaces can be founds 1. General living space, --.0 2. Specific living spaces (e.g. bedrooms, kitchens, studies, etc.), These three kinds of spaces give some kind of hierarchy in each floor plan. Generally speaking, it might be said that utility spaces serve specific living spaces and that specific living spaces are distributed in relation to general living spaces. In supports, four zones can be : - 1K defined: 1. An alpha zone: Inside space for private use with relation to outside space, 2. A beta zone: Inside space for private 148 3. use without relation to outside space, A delta zone: Outside space for private use (balcony, garden, loggia), 4. A gamma zone: Space for public use (circulation) either inside or outside. the alpha and beta zones is called "alpha beta-margin". In every zone distribution three primary positions can be distinguished: Position 1: A place which overlaps the zone and ends in the adjacent margin. Position 2: A place which overlaps more than one zone and ends in a margin. Position 3: A place which begins and ends in the same margin. er777 In any kind of dwelling, in any kind of pro ject, these four zones can be found. In fact any type of dwelling can be defined by its particular arrangement of zones. The relation of an arrangement of zones, therefore, can be seen as the notation of a type of dwelling without giving floor plan. Between two zones will be a margin. The margin has the properties of the two ad jacent zones. It derives its name from these zones, e.g. the margin between :F:. 3 ------------------------------------.. .. As I9L I I I I 149 To make the relationship between a function and a zone distribution explicit, SAR carries out a zoning analysis. A ZONING ANALYSIS is an indication of how the functions can be located in a zone distribution. The dimensions of the zones must be related to the sizes of the spaces which are to be accommodated. P=PMI the width must also be taken into account. Structural components will often cut across zones. In analyzing various layout possibilities, the utility of that part of a zone between structural members has to be evaluated. This portion of a zone is called a sector. A SECTOR is part of a zone and its adjoining margins that is completely open and can be planned freely. The sectors in a support are the built spaces given to the dweller for further partitioning or combination into a specific dwelling. ....... ...... .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . Because zones are generally long strips they have only one fixed dimension, the width. When the size of the zone is determined, it sets only one dimension of spaces, the depth, but in designing spaces 150 A SECTOR ANALYSIS indicates the relationship between a sector and the functions that it can accommodate. These functions and combinations of functions can be noted using defined code. For clarification one or more typical layouts can be drawn for each of the combinations of same set of sectors. It might be said that a dwelling in a support can be seen as a sector group, or a combination of sectors. In principle, each group of adjacent sectors in a support can be a dwelling. A SECTOR GROUP is a combination of interconnecting sectors. functions. T14 00 If a given sector group can be A support in combination with a zone distribution can be considered as a series of sectors. The same sectors can be combined in many different ways, thus different supports can be created from the seen as an area for a dwelling, in this area, a great many possible floor plans can be expected. Even if one only considers the floor plans according to the rules on which the support is designed, in most cases, the number of possible variations is very great. To make orienta151 tion on the number of possible variations in a given sector group possible, the concept of the basic variation has been developed. A BASIC VARIATION indicates the position, in a specific sector group, of a certain group of functions, which together form a housing program. A A cated in that place. Such a notation in the area of one dwelling (sector group) gives a basic variant. For any given area in a support to be use for a dwelling, the series of possible basic variants can be written out. They give much information on the different living patterns possible in the given area. Each basic variant gives a great many possible sub-variants, that is, specific floor plans that all have the same function pattern. An analysis of the basic variants gives valuable information on the properties of a given support design. 83; %4 S.A k.5 5S V4 A A j S 53 W6 W A The different functions attached to the space can be coded. In the sectors, the codes for the space functions are notated. This notation does not give the dimension of the space required. It only states that this kind of space can be lo152 A SUB-VARIATION OF A BASIC VARIATION is a completed layout in which the positions of the functions are the same as in the basic variation. S3.I 6. ~.I S Note: The summary of the SAR methodology in this section is from Variations: The Systematic Design of Supports by NJ. Habraken et al. ,see bibliography. The illustrations used in this section are from 'Methodologies'. Techniques & Architecture, number 311. October-November 1976. 153 11. APPENDIX SAN B: FRANCISCO HOUSE 154 The summary of space allocation One criteria of the design has been used as a design guildline of proposal for housing in this thesis is people's lifestyles in this area and to maintain the characters of the exist- served as the space allocation model for ing environment. In order to do this, the proposed design. studies of existing environment cha- The summary of the 'parts of a racters have been made. This appendix house' and the 'inserts' is used as a de- is the summary of some articles from sign guildline for functional uses of each 'Urban Form and Change' by Anne Vernez- 'parts' and each 'inserts' of the house, Moudon, sponsored by the National Endow- i.e. the functions of bay window are not ment for the Arts (1976-79) which this only provide extra light and view for the thesis has used as a design guideline. residents but also enlarge the room. They are the summary of house types, The summary of typologies of space allocation, typologies of public public facades has been used as a classi- facades, the 'parts of a house' and the fication reference. This classification 'inserts', and the set back locations. has been used to determine the facade pat- The summary of house types has been used to determine the morpho- tern for the proposed design. The summary of set back locations logy and the pattern of the building has been used to determine the location in the proposed design. of the building in relationship to the street. 155 HOUSE ELEMENTS The topography of San Francisco is hilly when combines with a rectangular grid, using the wooden victorian construction system it requires substantial modifications to respond BOX .to the land configulation. This led to the need of dividing the building into two elements. The first eleBASE -- 9 - --the - -- ment, the base, is the element of the building which adapts to the topography and acts as a platform, high enough so that the second element which is the main building could be placed upon it independently from the ground. The second element, the box, is the element of the building which developed in reference to the grid. -tant These two elements of the house serve two separate features. The base acts functionally and literally as the support structure of the house, containing smaller and less imporfunctions such as garage. The box is the major living and circulation spaces. 156 VARIATIONS OF THE BOX Within the narrow width lots, there are many different ways of manipulating the "box". Each responds to the problems of maximizing both the size of the house and the light. There are three basic typical house models for the intermediate lot and one basic typical house model for the corner lot. The depth and width of these "box" models may vary according to the constraints of each site. The organization of internal spaces is so called the "railroad plan". The rooms are arranged along one side of the hall. Since the house is flanked on both side of the long axis by party walls, access view, daylighting, and natural ventilation almost come from the two narrow ends. 157 MODEL 1 1 A SMALL HOUSE WITHOUT AN ADDON 15' This type of the house is probably one of the purest adaptations of the basic "box". The "box's" width is slightly reduced, 6 i6 45'5' 15' creats a side yard or an alley and the light then can reach the middle room of the house. This model does not have rear addon, thus 15 25 eliminates the need for the hall to penetrate to the rear part of the house. This part of the hall can then be given over as usable living space. Combining with the rear room they can form either a single large room or two regular size rooms. oneltwo rooms 3 light kitchen,dining or bedroom .... . middle room 'less light' 2 dining,bedroom or parlor --- stairs ..... front & formal lots of light' 1 living room bay window 158 4' 81 13' MODEL la : A SMALL HOUSE WITH AN ADDON This type is 15' This box is placed on the site with space left over for a side yard or an alley. The difference is the inclusion of an addon, 60' 14'..14' which itself is set back in order to allow the light into the room at the rear of the 45 .............. very similar to MODEL 1. "box". This recess prevents the hall from .'7' 25.. ..... extending into the addon. The importance of this type is the stacking of rooms along the the hall maintaining their formality, while porch or stairs -.. -addons 4 kitcheni dining bedroom back room 'light' 3 kitchen or bedroom the addon becomes less formal because of the through circulation. This model is more common than MODEL 1 because the extra room from the addon make its use more feasible while the side alley which allows access to the rear, also allows for sufficient access to all parts of the site* middle room 'less light' 2 dining, bedroom or parlor front & formal 'lots of light' I living room 159 12' 13' MODEL 2 : FULL WIDTH OF SITE 6' ....... In this model the house fills the 5-23' s'porch entire lot width. For most 25 foot lots, the "box" usually needs to be set back in order to get light into the middle room. By reducing the width of the front room is another way to get the light into the middle room without setting back the whole "box", which 15' 15 45±5 15' occurs in this model. 41 c5 13 25 7 This model may or may not have the addon. If there is no addon, the end of the I porch or stairs optional addon 4. kitchen/ dining studyibedroom one/two rooms 3.*kitchen/dining or bedroom middle room 2 bedroom or . Iparlor hall is given over to the rear room to form either one large room or two small regular rooms. Bay windows or porches were then added on to the rear room or rooms. If an addon was included, it was of course set back and the hall would extend up to it. The plan would then be similar to all the other addon models, with formal rooms in the box and informal "through circulation" rooms in the rear addon. front and formal 1. living room 160 4 0-8 15 MODEL 2a : REAR RECESSES IN THE BOX In this model the house also fills 0-15' the entire width of the site, but there is a small recess in the rear room rather than 15 .. . . . the front room of the "box". A four foot notch provides light for the middle room, therefore allowing the front room to maintain its full width. Addon can be extended .1. ... 15 .. 45 ..1.. is, from the basic "box" and in this case it may or may not be set back. If the addon is not 4 set back, there will be two middle rooms with a small amount of light instead of one. 2s I~ 8' 25' -. In this case, the railroad plan probably exoptional addon tends to the length of the four rooms. If 4. kitchen/dining bedroom the addon is set back, this model will have the same characteristics of the other varia3. kitchen/bedroom tions of the "box" with addons. IiI~min-middle room 2. bedroom or parlor front and formal living room 1. 161 10 MODEL 3 : FULL WIDTH WITH A SHALLOW BOX 15 Again in this model the house fills the entire width of the lot. This position on the lot creates the need to manipulate the "box" in order to get the light into 6'1 .......... ............. .............. ............. .............. ............. .............. .............. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. .......... ................ ............... ................. - - *.......... .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. ................. .................. 15 the middle rooms. In the case shown here, the "box" is shortened to a depth of only 60! two rooms so that the light can get to them from the front and the rear facades respective- *4is ly. 17 porch or stairs addon: major recess 3. kitchen/dining back room 'light' bedroom,parlor or kitchen This type also has an addon which is set back as usual, and the rooms in it become less formal because of the through circulation pattern. Typically this is a small house and is similar in layout as model la except for the depth of the "box" and the lack of outside access to the rear. 2. MI- front and formal 1. living room 162 ! ! MODEL 4 : CORNER TYPE HOUSE 15 The nature of the site in the model 4 is that it provides exposure to the public zone for the two facades of the house which is 60' also receive a great amount of light, the house can be built across the entire lot. The result is no recesses are necessary. What occurs instead are the extensions of the "box" 15 15 from its side in the form of bay windows. In 4'1 the interior, the lack of recesses allows the hall or room pattern to extend to the full depth of the house. A special feature of the corner model is that all the rooms have a lot of light an all are accessible from the hall. back room 4. kitchen, ---..-. ----.-. bedroom L iZ - middle room kitchen/dining or bedroom 3. This allows each room to assume a level of formality. Simultaneously, this creates a potential for great flexibility in their use since their characters are all so similar. middle room - 2. dining,bedroo .... m or parlor - - front and formal 1.living room 163 SPACE ALLOCATION addon potential for kitchens, bedrooms,porches, etc. The nature of the railroad plan is that it allows for interchangeable functions between rooms and the expansions of rooms from one to the other. With the further accent of light at both the front and the rear of the house, the potential for importance rear room access to light kitchen, bedroom or dining middle room dining,parlor or bedroom front room formal and light living room or parlor of these rooms was established. In combining the "non-specificity" of the plan with the importance of different locations within the house and with additional potential for use in "addon", one could easily understand the level of juggling of functions that occured within the standard house types. But because these factors were basically similar from house to house, some standards can be drawn. 164 THE FRONT ROOM The front room was always used as the living room or parlor. This was probably because it was the room with the most light, the most public exposure, and also its locaFRONT ROOM tion at the front of the house next to the entrance. THE MIDDLE ROOM kitchen ............ .................. ................... ............... ................... ................... ............... .................. ........... ** ............. _..' .................. ... *.......... *... .................. ...... ....... -.*7.,t;j .......... ................... ..................... ....... ........... ....... .................. The middle room is the most flexible room in the "box". By using wide opening between rooms, the middle room can thus be associated with the living room as a parlor or with the rear room as the dining area. And since the middle room has its own small source of light, it is not necessary to be connected to another room. By closing itself off, it can also function as a bedroom or a study room. MIDDLE ROOM 165 THE REAR ROOM The rear room of the "box" has a similar potential for the impotance as the front room private backyard has, yet it lacks the formality. Because while it has the same potential for light, it lacks all the elements for specialness in a public sense. It is in the rear of the house, away from both the entrance and public street and because of the addon it does not always have as much light as the front room or as much outdoor space to look out into. Instead this rear room takes on a sort of private im- REAR ROOM portance with access to both light and the back yard which the middle room lacks. This makes it ideal for the uses such as kitchen, dining room, or even a major bedroom. When there is no addon and the hall is given over to form a room with the full width of the house, there is a potential for having a single room that functions as a kitchen and dining area with an abundance of light and a wonderful view of the back yard. 166 THE ADDON ROOMS Because of its through circulation as has been discussed earlier, the most common functions placed in the addon are the kitchen and the dining area of which their nature are busy and the center of a household's activity. Another major function which could also be placed here were the bedroom. This could occur only if they were the last room of the house, and access to the yard came before it. Occasionally, smaller functions such as bathroom and closet were tucked into the addon in a variety of ways, and this basically emphasizes their more random nature. closet 167 THE "PARTS OF A HOUSE" AND THE "INSERTS" The final level of decisions in the making of houses, occurs with the "parts of the house" and the "inserts". The "parts of the house" include smaller but important sections of the house, the hall and the addons, which are further divided up into smaller functions. The "inserts" are the things like bathrooms and bay windows which are placed into the "parts" or into the "box" itself. PARTS' OF A HOUSE INSERTS THE HALL The hall, as a major "part" of the "box",serves several important functions, as mentioned earlier. The separation of the hall and the rooms allowed the rooms to maintain a formal character, while their relative adjacency created the option of having the rooms open to each other, or to be closed off. ligh living space hal The hall is usually placed on the lot line, sacrificing its own potential for light in order to get more light into the living space. 168 The hall is an average of 7-8 feet wide for the entire depth of the box. These dimensions are more than adequate for circulation, thus the hall can accommodate several smaller functions within it such as bathroom and closet. Bathrooms can be squeezed in, leaving a hall width of 3 feet, adequate for walking. Usually the bathrooms would be placed in the middle of the house, just behind the stairs. Sometimes they will be inserted into the hall at the end of the "box", just before one would enter the addon. Closets can be placed whereever leftover space occurs and easily leave 4-5 feet of the hall space. The interior stairs are a standard item that are always inserted in the front of the hall near the entrance. 169 The final use of the hall occurs when it is no longer needed (like the back of the house in MODEL 1). This space which has lots of light, can then be given over to form a single room, or when combined with 1. . - the other rear room, can either be used to form one large room or two medium ones. Thus . . the hall which diagramatically appears to be - I I the hail in the generating box as a small room as two medium rooms one large room circulation space, becomes the building's core while allowing the rest of the "box" to remain uncluttered by these functions. 170 major setback addon ADDONS smaler set back Addons, like the hall, are a major 'part' of the house that will be further subdivided into several smaller functions. ADDON What addons do is, by increasing the "box's" square footage, they help it to use the site more efficiently. While their width is controlled by the need for a major setback to allow light into the "box", their potential for depth is unlimited within the site. This is characterized by the inclusion of many functions within its length which tend to both break down its interior while creating !. BASIC BOX the piecemeal exterior form. Addons though rarely extend 20 feet beyond the "box", yet still manage to include a variety of functions such as kitchens, bedrooms, stairs, porches, bathrooms, etc. 171 THE BAY WINDOW ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ....................................... ........... ..... ..... .................. .............. ................ ................. ................ ............... .............. ............. ............ ......... . queen enlarge the room because of the sizes which are extended four to five feet from the anne ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ...................................... ........... I........................... ...................................... ....................................... ...................................... ....................................... ...................................... ....................................... ...................................... Istick' style ............ .. .............. ............. Bay windows are the dominant morphological element in the San Francisco streetscape. Their functions are not only provide extra light and view for residents but also house. Besides that they act as a barrier between the public and the private zones. Eventhough there are certain types of bay window such as Queen Anne style, Italianate style, Stick style, their different sizes, proportions and ornaments which are the ele......................... . ......... ments of personal expression create an ex.......... .......... ........... pression of individuality from house to house, from period to period which adds up to be the unique character of San Francisco italianate style urban fabric. 172 HOUSE TYPE The most common house type in the Victorian development is the wooden townhouse with one or two main floors. As mentioned earlier that only the "base" has to deal with the topography, the "box" which goes on top of it would only have to respond to the needs of attaining both maximum floor area and light while dealing with the constraints of first floor of the box a 25 foot lot. Thus, in looking closely at the floor plans of the houses, very strong similarities arise between floors of the same house. Since they are independent of the ground, and they too must respond to the problems of a narrow site. The patterns of rooms are very similar between floors, just their uses are different. second floor of the box 173 The basic "living" function are at bath kitchen the first floor; these include living, dining, kitchen and bathroom. The second floor is devoted to bedrooms and bathroom facili- b ties, but the pattern of a hall with rooms along it is still there. The front room is dining usually the most special one, followed in importance by the rear and the middle rooms. living 2 nd floor 1 st floor This is the same as on the first floor where the front and the back rooms are the most formal ones. Since the townhouse has a lot of bedrooms, the need for a two story addon HOUSE bath kitchen/ dining bedroom I- is eliminated. The similarities of room layouts on both the first floor and the second floor allow for very easy conversion of a two story house into flats, merely by changing the use of the rooms so where a townhouse may have a master bedroom on the front of the second floor, this space could serve as a living living I st floor room in a flat. Similarly, the rear room that can be used as the bedroom can also serve 2 nd floor as kitchen and dining room by installing kitchen appliances. 2 FLATS 174 The other work is modify the entrance slightly. The work to be done consists of providing two entrance doors and of possibly building a wall in the middle of the hall INITIAL HOUSE TWO OUTSIDE ENTRANCES to provide separate entrance foyers, one with a stair for the second floor, the other a reduced version of the original entrance for the first floor. A variation of this method is to leave only one outside entrance into a foyer which then would have separate doors leading to the two units. ONE OUTSIDE ENTRANCE Of course exact duplications between floors cannot be excepted because factors such as access are different. One of the major differences between the layouts is created by the access stairs which, while starting in the front of the house on the first floor, come up the middle of the second floor. Because of this positioning of the stair, additional space in the front of the 175 house on the second floor is freed up and can be used as an additional room or it can be combined with the front room to create a more formal space. Both of these solutions are very efficient uses of the front facade and its available light. This use of unneeded hall area can occur in the back of the second floor as well as what occured in the two rooms or one back of the first floor before. The uses of an unneeded hall area for additional living spaces in the front and in the back of the second floor make the second floor a more efficient design in comparison to the first floor, because both facades and their available light are used to their fullest potential. two rooms or one light 176 ............. ............ ............. ... ................... ........ ............ ............. .................. ........ ... .... .... .. .... ... .... ... ............ .. .... .... .... ... . ...... ... .. .. ................... .... .... ........ ............ ............ ........ ............. ............. ........ ............ ............ ........ ............. ................... ........ ............ ............. ............ ........ ............ ................... ........ ***"* ............ ............. ........ ........ ................... ............ .................. . ..... .. .......... ......... .............. ............ ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ......... ... ............... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . ... .............. ......... .. .... The final difference come from the .... ... .. .. ... ........ . . ........ ............... ..... ...... ..... ... .............. ..... .. ........... ..... ... ..... ....... fact that the second floor is closer to the ....... ... .............. ........ source of direct skylight, thus by using .......... notches on the interior of the building, light ... ..... .... . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . ............. ...... ........... .... ... .. .... .... .... ...... ... . ... .. ....... ..... ...... ....... ...... ..... .... ........ ..... .... . ...... .......... ... .. ....... . .... ....... .... .. .. .. ..... ...... ..... .... .... ......... ... .... ... .. ...... ........... ....... .. .... ...... ........ .... ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... ...... ..... . ........ ... ........... .. ....... ...... .... ...... .... ............. ... ............ PLAN 2nd FL. . . .. ........... ...... ..... ...... .... ....... .. . . . . . . . .. .... ... ..... . .. ....... ..... ... . ...... .... ........... ..... . . . . . . . . . .............. .... .... ..... . .......... .. . .... ............. ..... ..... . ... ... .. .. ... . .. ............ .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ......... .. ........... SECTION can be given to the middle room of the "box", The same happens to the hall, the hall is often broken up in this manner in order to get light into it. And when the hall has natural light, the secondary rooms such as dining area then could occur next to these windows in the back of the hall space. 177 HEIGHTS OF THE FLOORS Most of the Victorian houses has an average ceiling height of 11 feet for the main floor, and a base height of 7 feet 6 inches. Historically, the high ceilings were more of a tradition of the Victorian period that reflected the extravagant attitudes of the times. These high ceiling benefited the AVERAGE CEILING HEIGHTS townhouses in San Francisco in several ways. Because of the narrow sites, large rooms were not possible, so high ceilings helped to create a feeling of speciousness. More light could also be attained because taller windows were possible . Finally the sense of formality of the rooms was enhanced, especially when com- --EM .......... ** ... ..... ..... ....... .... .. .. .......................... I.. .. .. ......................... ...... ..... ...... ...... ... ... .. ......................... 1010MENIE bined with . ....... ..... ...... .... .. .. ... ........................ ....................... ..... the large bay windows. ......... .. ... .8..... ..... ..... ...... .... . ...... ........... ........... ............. ............. ........ ........... ..... .......... ...... .... ......... .... ..... ........ ... ..... ....... ... .... ..... .... ... ... ..... .... ..... . ... ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .... ..... .... AVAILABLE LIGHT 178 TYPOLOGIES OF PUBLIC FACADES Considering the sizes and the locations of the lot, there are many possible ways to locate the houses within the lots. The houses may be attached, semi-detached, or detached, with or without recess. Some houses even have two recesses. These different locations of house created variety of public facade, which were more carefully designed and ornamented than the private ones. The design expression of publicness and privateness is a strong characteristic of 19 th century environments and of environments that have lived through time. The various types of public facade can be easily identified. 1. Attached type without recess 2. Attached type with recess 3. Semi-detached type 4. Detached type. 179 1. ATTACHED TYPE WITHOUT RECESS Intermediate lots INTERMEDIATE The public facade in this case expands the whole width of the lot, which varies normally between 25 feet and 30 feet. LOTS 25' 30' with bay windows in a repetitive way. without bay windows. ......... e..erio lot.. ne wthbay windos o with bay win ows on interior lot lined When these two attached houses are placed together, many different configurations can occur. First of all they may or may not have bay windows, they may be regularly set back from the street, or they may not. And whenever the bay windows are used, they may be ordered in a repetitive way, with bay windows extending or the same side of each of the houses. Bay windows may be located on the interior lot line, or on the exterior lot line. The houses may even have different kinds of bay windows. with different kinds of bay windows : Corner lots 100' 106'3" L.. _... .- L . - . . . . .- . . :::-.-..-. -.-::: " CORNER LOTS 25 K--27'6'3~ 30' There are, in this case, two public facades mapping around the lots. However the shorter facade is usually emphasized as more public than the other. The entrance located at the shorter facade. 180 2. ATTACHED TYPE WITH RECESS Intermediate lots The house expands over the whole width of the lot, but has a recess on the right or the left or both the right and the left sides of the lot between 3 feet and five feet. The depth of the recess varies from 8 feet to 30 feet ( depth of one or of two rooms). :: oo:::::I-::::oo S: . .. -.. There are two variations for treatment the recess as a public facade. If the recess is less than 3 feet wide or alternatively extremely deep, only the street facing side of the recess is treated as a public facade. This type is less common as the width of reverse location of recess on interior lot line. most the recesses is more than 3 feet. If the recess is more than 3 feet wide, the entire street facade of the recess is treated Ie same location of recess. as a public facade. Whenever part of the public facade is recessed, there are possibilities of groupi - - reverse location of recess on exterior lot line. ing the houses. Many different configurations can occur such as recesses with or without bay windows, in a repetitive way. Another is recesses with or without bay windows, reverse 181 locations of recess on interior lot line. The other is recesses with or without bay windows, reverse locations of recess on exterior lot line. : Corner lots There are very few of such cases because the corner location gives sufficient street orientation to permit the position of light for the rooms in the back of the house. 75' 100' 106'3 There are two variations in the treat- =-20' 25'5 --- ment of the public facade at the corner lots as well as at the intermediate lots. The principles used to consider the public facade of the recess are the same as the intermediate .. .ones. 75 100' 106'3" S 22 182 3. SEMI-DETACHED TYPE : .............. ............ ............ ............. .............. ............ ............. .............. ............ .......... . ............ .......... )5'! <51 ... .. ... the some location on the lot. .... I.... .... ... ... .. .. . .. . * varies from 25 feet to 50 feet. In this semi-detached house type, the street facade and part of the side yard facade are treated as public facades. There are two variations of the public facade. If the strip is very narrow l. on t ml... - ......-. .- In this case the house does not cover the entire lot and is situated on the right or the left hand side of the lot, leaving more than 5 feet strip on one side of the lot. The width of the larger strip can vary according to the width of the lot which ................ .............. ............. 18' 25 Intermediate lots ... . .. .. semi-detached type in a reverse position. or less than 5 feet, the public facade treatment will reach only the entrance or to a bay window, on the side yard. If the strip is wider than 5 feet, the entire side yard facade will be treated as public facade. When these two semi-detached houses are placed together, few different configurations occur when compared to the numbers of different configuration of the attached house types with or without recess. Those are semidetached houses in a repetitive way, semi- 1 detached houses in a reverse location of the side yard on the interior lot line and semidetached houses in a reverse location of the side yard on the exterior lot line. : Corner lots 75' 100' There are very few of such cases 106'3" because the corner location give sufficient .... - L . ._. .. _ U I-I I I 25' -< ..... .. L .. . . ..... . .. . -I>s' 75' 100' 106'3" street orientation to permit the light for the room in the back of the house. .. .. I.. . - There are two variations in the treatment of the public facade at the corner lots as well as at the intermediate lots. The principles used to consider the side yard facade as the public facade are the same as the intermediate ones. ------ . .. . .... ... .. .. .. L. . .. . . .. (.. .S 184 4. DETACHED TYPE : Intermediate lots In this case the house is situated away from the two side lot lines, at a distance of more than 5 feet on the one side and in most cases less than 5 feet on the s (5 other side from the lot line. Detached houses are only located on lots which are wider than 30 feet . The width of the lot can vary from 30 feet up to 75 feet. The width of the <'5 house itself is also different. There are two variations of the public facade. The facade facing the side yard which is less than 5 feet is not treated as the K1 Z25s'I 18.. .... 25.. .. . . i public facade, in this case the house has only two public facades. On the other hand, if the house is located on a very wide lot, leaving the distance of more than 5 feet to both side lot lines, the house may have three or four public facades. 185 : Corner lots -- --- - . . ... .. ...... .. I. . ...... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . .. .... .... .L . . .. . . i There are very few of such cases because the corner location gives sufficient street orientation to permit the position . of light for the rooms in the back of the house. Detached houses in the corner location also have four public facades. 186 THE SET BACK There are three general positions of the front facade relative to the street: Set-Back Location I Set- Back Location 3 Set-Back Location 2 :-:-:- 1. On the lot line (flat facade or bay window). 2. Maximum 5 feet set back from the ..... .. .. ... .. .. I ..:... 25' sthe lot line (usually depth of bay window). 3. From 5 feet to 25 feet set back from lot line. 187 FOOTNOTES 1. For a summary of the SAR philosophy, see appendix A, pp. 136-146. 2. For a summary of the principles used by the SAR methods, see appendix A , pp. 147-153. 3. NJ. Habraken et al. , VARIATIONS: The Systematic Design of Supports ( M.I.T. Laboratory of Architecture and Planning, 1976 ), p. 10 4. Anne Vernez-Moudon, Principal Investigator, "Urban Form and Change." Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts (1976-79). 5. Ibid. 6. For summary of house types as developed in "Urban Form and Change" see appendix B, pp. 156-178. 7. For summary of public facade types as developed in "Urban Form and Change" see appendix B, pp. 179-186. 8. Anne Vernez-Moudon, op. cit. 9. Ibid. 10. Ibid. 11. Christian Lischewski, An Application of SAR Tissue Method With A View To The Alamo Square Area ( San Francisco), M.Arch A.S. thesisM.I.T., Department of Architecture, 1978, pp. 109-122. 12. S.A.R.,Deciding on Density: An Investigation into High Density Allotment With A View To The Waldeck Area - The Hague, SAR publications , Eindhoven, Holland, 1977. Ms 13. Ibid., p. 43. 14. S.A.R., SAR 73: The Methodical Formulation of Agreements Concerning the Direct Dwelling Environment, SAR publications, Eindhoven, Holland, 1973, p. 3.5. 15. Ibid., p. 3.7. 16. Ibid., p. 3.5. 17. Ibid., p. 3.7. 18. Ibid., p. 3.5. 19. For summary of recesses as developed in "Urban Form and Change" see appendix B, pp. 181-182. 20. Christian lischewski, op. cit.,p 153. 21. Ibid., p. 148. 22. Kevin Lynch, Site Planning, M.I.T Press, Cambridge, Masssecond edition, 1971, p.153. 23. Christian Lischewski, op. cit., p.145. 24. Harvey M. Rubenstein, A Guide To Site and Environmental Planning, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1969, p. 52. 25. Christian Lischewski, op. cit., p. 128. 26. Christian lischewski, op. cit., p. 129. 27. For summary of bay windows as developed in "Urban Form and Change" see appendix B, p. 172. 28. For summary of floor plans as developed in "Urban Form and Change" see appendix B, p. 170, p. 176. 29. For summary of bay windows as developed in "Urban Form and Change" see appendix B, p. 172. 189 BIBLIOGRAPHY Works about SAR: Stichting Architecten Research. 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