Learning skills assessment questionnaire

Learning skills assessment questionnaire
Please complete this questionnaire and bring it with you to a consultation with your Learning Skills Adviser.
Tick () all that apply:
 Arts
 Art & Design
 Business & Economics
 Education
 Engineering
 IT
Other (please provide details):
I know where to find assistance for learning
I know where to find assistance for information research
I know where to find assistance with administrative issues (enrolment,
fees, etc.)
I know where to find help for personal issues
I use my unit guide…
I know where to find my course readings
I know what a Library Guide is
I know where to find a Library Guide for my subject/unit
I know where to find past exams
 Yes
 Yes
 No
 No
 Unsure
 Unsure
 Yes
 No
 Unsure
 Yes
 Rarely
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Unsure
 Often
 Unsure
 Unsure
 Unsure
 Unsure
I follow a study schedule
I am confused about what to study and how to begin
During the semester, I usually study (including contact time) for a total
per unit per week of…
I usually revise for each unit each week
I usually begin revising for exams
I am good at answering different types of exam questions
I am good at finding relevant sources using databases
I am good at assessing whether the sources I find are academically
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
 0 – 4 hrs
 5 – 9 hrs
 10 – 12 hrs
 13+ hrs
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Never
 The day/night before
 1 – 2 weeks before
 In Week 1 of semester
 Yes
 No
 Unsure
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 1 – 2 times
 2 – 3 times
 3+ times
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Sometimes
When I locate relevant material, I read it…
I read all the material I am supposed to read
I fully understand the material I read
I am good at skimming to locate relevant or important material in a
I am good at separating main ideas and supporting evidence in sources
I read
I am good at evaluating arguments and supporting evidence
I am good at evaluating qualifying language in a source
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Yes
 Yes
 No
 No
 Sometimes
 Sometimes
 Often
 Rarely
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Sometimes
 Never
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 Sometimes
 Unsure
 Unsure
 Unsure
 Sometimes
I record publication details and page numbers when I take notes
When I take notes, I highlight or copy sentences from sources
I am good at writing useful notes in my own words
I am good at synthesising material from a variety of sources
I know how to avoid plagiarism in my note taking
I paraphrase using my notes (not my sources)
Writing & The Assignment Process:
I usually work on each major assignment for…
I can identify key concepts, direction words and limiting words in the
assignment task
I understand which written genre to use for my response
I plan my argument before I outline a structure
I outline the structure of my writing before I write a draft
I write my draft using my plan and my notes (not my sources)
I am good at formal writing and using academic vocabulary
For assignments, I usually write…
I edit my draft for argument, structure, cohesion and logic
I proofread my draft for grammar, spelling, punctuation and layout
 < 1 week
 1 – 2 weeks
 2 – 3 weeks  3+ weeks
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
 Yes
 No
 Unsure
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
 Yes
 No
 Unsure
 1 draft
 2 drafts
 > 2 drafts
 Never
 In less than 1 day
 In 1 day  Over several days
 Never
 In less than 1 day
 In 1 day  Over several days
I know which referencing style to use for each unit I study
I know how to find the referencing rules for each style I use
I follow the rules for referencing in every detail
I check every in-text reference and every item in my Reference List
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 No
 No
 No
 No
Self Assessment Questions:
I get my best results in…
I am an active, independent learner
 Exams
 Yes
 Assignments
 No
Additional Details/Comments:
 Unsure
 Unsure
 Sometimes
 Sometimes
 Neither
 Unsure