Jagetia Ganesh Chandra CURRICULUM VITAE Name Designation: Date of Birth: Nationality: Martial Status: Number of Children: Mailing Address: Dr. GANESH CHANDRA JAGETIA Professor and Head 17th August, 1952 Indian Married One Prof. Ganesh Chandra Jagetia Head, Department of Zoology School of Life Sciences Mizoram University, Tanhril, Aizawl-796 004 (India) Telephone (Office) 091-389-2330724 / 2330227 (Work) 091-389-2330219 (Residence) E-mail gc.jagetia@gmail.com Educational Qualifications Degree/s Institution B.Sc. Government College, Shahpura M. Sc. Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Ph. D. Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Certificate Department of Foreign Languages, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Diploma Department of Foreign Languages, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Title of the Doctoral Thesis Experience (May, 2014) a. Research b. Teaching 1. Undergraduate 2 Post graduate c. Management of Animal House d. Tissue Culture e. Ph. D. Supervisor f. Number of Ph. D. Students g. Use of Flow Cytometer h. Use of computer Subjects Biology Zoology, Radiation Biology (One full Semester) Science Class First First Year 1973 1975 Thesis 1980 German Language Credit 1979 German Language Passed 1980 Modification Through Chemical of the Radiation Induced Changes in the Structure and Function of the Thyroid of Mammal Thirty four years (post Ph.D.) One Year in Zoology, Eleven years in Radiobiology - BNMT (Bachelor in Nuclear Medicine Technology) and four years - BE (Biomedical Engineering). Five years - B.Sc. Biotechnology. Twenty-five years in Radiobiology - MD Radiotherapy & Oncology and Four years - M.Sc. Medical Physics, Eight years M.Sc. Zoology Thirty five years. Twenty five years Currently guiding eight students for their doctoral degree. Eighteen students have already received their Ph.D. degrees and are occupying responsible positions in India and abroad. Nineteen years Facstar, Facscan, Coulter. Word processors (Word Perfect and Word Star, MS Word for Windows), Lotus, Draw perfect, Harvard graphic, Microcal Origin, BMDP etc. SPECIAL SKILLS 1. Started the RADIOBIOLOGY Department in 1982 at the Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and developed animal house and Tissue Culture Facilities for the Department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, MANIPAL (India). 2. Undergone a fortnight's training in the "SAFETY ASPECTS OF THE APPLICATIONS OF IONIZING RADIATION IN RESEARCH" at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay (India) 1980. 3. Undergone one month’s training in the "RADIO- IMMUNOASSAY AND ITS CLINICAL APPLICATIONS" at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay (India) 1982. 4. Undergone one month's training in the "TISSUE CULTURE AND TUMOR TRANSPLANTATION" at the Cancer research Institute, Tata Memorial Centre, Bombay (India) 1984. Page 1 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 5. Set up the Postgraduate department of Zoology at the Mizoram University (Govt. of India), Aizawl, Mizoram. 6. One of the founding members of the Indian Society of Radiation Biology and Society for free Radical Research-India. Professional Experience S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Job title Research Associate Assistant Professor Reader Associate Professor Professor Head of the Department Head of the Department Dean, School of Life Sciences Head of the Department Professor Institution Department of Zoology, Rajasthan University, Jaipur (ICMR, New Delhi, India) Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India Mizoram University, Aizawl, India Mizoram University, Aizawl, India Duration Jan 1981-June 1982 Mizoram University, Aizawl, India Mizoram University, Aizawl, India July, 2012- July, 2015 Since 18th July, 2015 July 1982- Feb 1987 Mar.1987-Feb.1989 Mar. 1989-Feb.1991 Mar. 1991-May 2001 June 2001- Feb. 2007 Feb., 2007- July, 2009 July, 2009-July,2012 Editorial responsibilities Academic Editor: PLoS one, USA Associate Editor: ISRN Toxicology Organization of conferences/workshops 1. Co-organized the first international conference of Radiation Biology at the Kasturba Medical College, Manipal 27th -29th Nov., 1987 and was the treasure of this conference. 2. Organized the first Workshop on application for advanced techniques in biomedical research under the auspices of the Indian Society of Radiation Biology at the department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal from 23rd May to 4th June, 2005. Organization of Orientation/ Refresher courses 1. I orientation Course in Environment and Life Sciences (5th Oct. to 30th Oct. 2009). Coconvener CoChairman. 2. I refresher Course in Recent trend Life Sciences (9th Sept. to 1st Oct., 2010). Convener and Chairman. Research Projects Completed 1. Modification of radioresponse in Swiss albino mice to gamma radiation in the form of Research Associateship from the Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 2. Evaluation of radioresponse of radiosensitizers in conjunction with a radioprotector Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 3. Cytogenetic effect of Liv.52. Himalaya Drug Co., Bombay, India (One year). 4. Effect of diagnostic doses of X-rays and ultra sound on mice exposed in utero. Dr. T. M. A. Pai Research Foundation, Manipal, India (Three years). 5. Modification of tumor radiosensitivity by chemicals and hyperthermia. Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Bombay India (Three years). 6. Radiation induced clastogenesis in relation to Liv.52 treatment. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 7. Studies on the response of a mouse fibrosarcoma to radiation, radiosensitizers and anticancer drugs. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 8. Influence of anticancer agents in combination with radiation in transplantable tumors. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 9. The role of anticarcinogens in the induction of chromosome aberrations in the cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The Kasturba Medical College Trust, Manipal, India (One year). 10. Cytogenetic effects of certain aneugens alone or in combination with radiation. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 11. Effect of Guduchi extracts on HeLa cell line alone or in combination with radiation. Krüger Foundation, Switzerland (Two years). 12. Effect of certain antiviral agents on the modulation of radiosensitivity of HeLa cells in vitro. Indian Council Page 2 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 13. Effect of ascorbic acid in conjunction with radiation on wound healing of artificially wounded mouse. Defence Research and Development Organization, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 14. Evaluation of the antineoplastic and radiosensitizing activities of certain novel agents in various cell lines in vitro. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 15. Influence of Curcumin on the wound healing properties of artificially wounded mouse exposed to different doses of gamma radiation. Indian Council of Medical Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 16. Evaluation of the effect of topotecan in combination with radiation in cultured human fibroblasts. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 17. Screening of certain plant extracts for their antineoplastic and radiosensitizing activity. RVRR Biotech Ltd., Hyderabad, India (Two years). 18. Evaluation of anticancer property of certain plants in vitro. Arya Vysya Sangha, Chitradurga , India(Three years). 19. Investigation of the anticancer and radiosensitizing activities of Aphanamixis polystachya in the tumor bearing mice and cultured human cancer cells. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 20. Evaluation of the radiation sensitizing activity of berberine chloride in cultured HeLa cells. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Two years). 21. The evaluation of the chemopreventive, chemoprotective and radioprotective properties of naringin in mice. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India ((Three years). 22. Micronuclei and comet assay as a tool for radiation biodosimetry Atomic energy Regulatory Board, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. The Center of Excellence project (Three years). 23. Evaluation of the chemoprotective and radioprotective properties of Aegle marmelos (bael) in vivo and in vitro. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Two years). 24. Effect of long-term endosulfan exposure on male fertility. Indian Council of Medical Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi, India ((Three years). 25. Evaluation of the DNA damage in the cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes of head and neck and esophagus carcinomas as predictor of response of to radiotherapy. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India ((Three years). 26. Investigation of the wound healing activity of Nigella sativa in normal and irradiated wound in mice. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (Three years). 27. Evaluation of wound healing properties of hesperidin in the artificial wounded mouse exposed to gamma radiation. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India ((Three years). 28. Evaluation of wound healing properties of hesperidin in the artificially wounded mouse exposed to gamma radiation. Defence Research and Development Organization, Government of India, New Delhi, India (one Year). 29. Anticancer and radiosensitizing effect of plumbagin and its structural analogues: A preclinical study. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (2005-2008). 30. Investigation of the chemopreventive effect of shudda guggulu (Commiphora wightii) in multistage chemical carcinogenesis in Swiss albino mice. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (2006-2009). 31. The study of antineoplastic activity of the bioactive constituents of Sapthaparana, Alstonia scholaris in vivo and in vitro. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (2007-2009). Current 1. Evaluation of the radioprotective activity of Zingiber officinale rhizome in mice exposed to different doses of gamma radiation. Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India (2007-contd). 2. Anticancerous drug development from important ethnomedicinal plants of Mizoram, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi, India (2012-2015) A 75,00,000/-. 3. One Time UGC grant of A7,00,000/- to Senior Professors who produced a minimum of 15 Ph.D. students out of which 5 in the last five years (2012). Page 3 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra Foreign Visits: United States of America (April to May 1988) a. Visited Immunocytometry Division of the Becton Dickinson, Mountain View California for One week's training in Flow Cytometry and Its Applications. b. Visited Cancer Biology Radiation Biology Laboratory of the Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford California for one month and worked with Prof. J. M. Brown, where following studies were undertaken: 1. PLD repair in HT-1080, AT & AG cell lines using Sr-4233, with or without hypoxia. 2. Dose response curves for HT-1080, AT & AG cell lines using various concentrations of Sr-4233, with or without hypoxia and radiation. 3. Trained in suspension and spheroid cultures of EMT6, SCVII and a few other cell lines. c. Visited Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland for one week and worked with Prof. J. F. Weiss. Federal Republic of Germany (June 1 to July 31, 1988) Visited Institut für Medizinische und Strahlenbiologie, Universtatsklinikum Essen, Essen and worked with Prof. C. Streffer where following studies were undertaken: 1. Estimation of DNA and cell cycle analysis with FACScan and ICP Flow Cytometers using double labeling with monoclonal antibodies in various animal and human xenografted tumors in nude mice and a few cultured cell lines. 2. Single parameter analysis of DNA and RNA using FACScan and ICP Flow Cytometers. 3. Determination of cell proliferation kinetics using immunoperoxidase. 4. Isolation of two cell embryos. Germany (March 21 to Sept. 20th, 1994) Recipient of Marie Curie Fellowship from the Commission of European Communities, Belgium: 1. Worked with Prof. J. Kiefer at the Strahelenzentrum Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany. 2. Worked also with Prof. T. Chakraborty, Institut für Medical Microbiology, Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany, and was trained in molecular biology techniques including gene expression in mutant strains of bacteria, the recombinant DNA techniques like, preparation of plasmids, transformation of bacteria, cloning and sequencing of genes, DNA-DNA hybridization, PCR techniques etc. The Netherlands (June 1-7, 1994) 1. 2. Delivered a symposium lecture entitled “Liv. 52 treatment protects mice against clastogenic effects of radiation” at the joint meeting of the European Societies of Radiation Biology and Hyperthermic Oncology held at Amsterdam 1-4 June, 1994 and was one of the Young Scientists awardees. Visited Department of Chemical and Radiation Mutagenesis State University of Leiden. Germany (August to Dec., 1995) 1. 2. Presented a paper entitled “Radioprotective effect of (E) 4[4-N,N dimethylaminophenyl] but-3-en-2 one (DMAP) in mouse bone marrow” at the Tenth International Congress of Radiation Research, held at Wurzburg from 27th Aug-1st Sept., 1995 Recipient of Visiting Scientist award from the Gesselschaft für Forschung, Munich, Germany and worked with Prof. C. Streffer at the Institut für Medizinische und Strahlenbiologie, Universtatsklinikum Essen, Essen. France (17-22 Nov. 2003) Presented a paper entitled “Influence of ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Rosc) on the survival, glutathione and lipid peroxidation in mice whole body exposed to γ-radiation” at the International Conference on Polyphenols and Health held at Vichy, France from 18-21 Nov. 2003. Japan (July 1 –Sept. 30, 2004) 1. 2. Recipient of JSPS fellowship from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan and worked with Prof. S. Kawasaki, at the Okayama University, Okayama on the project entitled “Evaluation of the molecular mechanism of DNA damage and gene expression in various cell lines after heat and radiation treatment”. Presented a paper entitled “Mangiferin, a glucosylxanthone protects against the radiation-induced micronuclei formation in the cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes” at the 6th International Conference on High Levels of Natural Radiation and radon Areas” held at Osaka Japan from 6th to 10th Sept., 2004. (Oral presentation) Page 4 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra United States of America 1. 2. 3. Presented a paper entitled” Naringin Treatment Inhibits the Doxorubicin-Induced DNA Damage in Swiss Albino Mice” at the International Conference on "Frontiers of Pharmacology and Toxicology" held at, Chicago, USA from 28-31 August 2006. Recipient of Visiting Professorship from the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, University of Texas, Houston. From Sept., 1. 2006 to Jan., 2007. Recipient of Visiting Professorship from the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, University of Texas, Houston. Sept. 2013 to June 2014. Student Mentoring MD Radiation Oncology Theses guided 1. Estimation of DNA contents in patients with oral malignancies. Dr. Savitha Sanjiv K. 2. Evaluation of frequency of micronuclei in lymphocytes of peripheral blood as a response marker of radiotherapy in carcinoma of esophagus. Dr. Manoj Tayal. MDS dentistry Theses guided 1. Micronucleus assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes in cancer and radiotherapy. Dr. Amrita Jayakrishnan. 2. Cytotoxicity evaluation of two hybrid composite resins-an in vitro study. Dr. Jai Hans Agarwal. 3. Evaluation of the effect of folic acid and phenytoin on the activity of fibroblasts in vitro. Dr. Archana Singh 4. The attachment of V79 and human periodontal ligament fibroblasts to periodontally involved root surface in vitro following treatment with EDTA, citric acid and tetracycline HCl – A SEM study. Dr. R. Viswa Chandra. 5. Evaluation of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of recycled Ni-Cr base metal alloys. Dr. Sunil Chandra T. M. Pharm Theses Guided 1. Cytotoxic activity of buccal mucoadhesive tablets of methotrexate and cisplatin on KB cell line in vitro. Manish Kumar Gupta. 2. Cytotoxic activity of buccal mucoadhesive films and in situ gels containing methotrexate on KB cell line in vitro. A.P. Raghuram. M. Tech Biotechnology Theses Guided 1. Investigation of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on Swiss albino mice. Krishnamurthy Nayak. 2. Development of software for the identification of promotor codons. Mrs. Supreetha B.S. M.Sc. Theses Guided 1. Free radical scavenging by novel synthetic drug oltipraz. Miss Kironmoni Dihingia (2012). 2. Investigation of various phytoconstituents of Aporosa octandra and their antioxidant properties. Zosangliani. 3. Screening of phytochemicals constituents and free radicals scavaging activity of Elaeagnus caudate. Denis V. Lalhlimpuia (2012). 4. Phytochemical screening and analysis of antioxidant activity of Schima wallichi. Lalnuntluanga Stevenson (2012). 5. Effect of naringin on the doxorubicin induced changes in mouse bone marrow. . Ms. V. L. Hmingthazuali (2013). 6. The oltipraz alleviates the doxorubicin induced oxidative stress in the rat heart. Kanan Ramthianghlima (2013). 7. Effect of naringin on the doxorubicin-induced alteration in the antioxidant status of rat lung. . Ms. T. Lalrinpuii (2013). 8. Alteration of Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidant Status in the Liver of Albino Rat by Naringin. . Ms. Vanessa Lalnuntluangi (2013). 9. Effect of Cinth An Ayurvedic Formulation on The Deep Dermal Excision Wound of Mice. Shri Jeremy Malsawmhriatzuala (2014). 10. Effect of microwaved irradiated food on the antioxidant status in the kidney of mice. Ms.T. Lalenpuii (2014). 11. Mitigation of iron-induced toxicity in mouse liver by hesperidin. Ms. Lalthakimi Renthlei (2014). 12. Effect of Microwave Food Irradiation on Antioxidant Status in Mouse Liver. Ms. Lalduhzuali Zadeng (2014). 13. Influence of hesperidin on the iron-induced toxicity in mouse kidney.Ms. Lalramthari (2014). 14. Modulation of iron-induced toxicity by hesperidin in mouse heart. Ms.Linda K. Lalmawizuali (2014). 15. Phytochemical analysis and antioxodant activity of Mimosa pudica Linn in vitro. C. Lalhmangaihi (2015). 16. In vitro cytotoxic activity of different extracts of Mimosa pudica in cultured Dalton’s lymphoma cells. Ms. F. Vanlalhruaii (2015). 17. Influence of ethanol extract of mimosa pudica Linn on the healing of deep dermal excision wound in mice Rokin Lyngdoh (2015). Page 5 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 18. Biochemical profiling of deep dermal wound of Swiss albino mice treated with Mimosa pudica Linn. Bijoy Krishna Borah (2015). 19. Study of the antioxidant activty of Mimosa pudica in vivo. Ms. Rebek Vanlalroluahpuii (2015). M. Phil. theses guided 1. Alleviation of doxorubicin-induced cytogenetic damage in the bone marrow cells of mice by a citrus bioflavanoid naringin. Ms.C. Lalrinengi (2016). Ph.D. theses guided 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Modulation of clastogenic effects of radiation by Liv. 52 treatment in the mice bone marrow. Dr. N.G. Ganapathi (1994). Inhibition of clastogenic damage by a novel synthetic compound (E)4-(4-N,N-Dimethylaminophenyl) but-3-En-2-One (DMAP) in mice bone marrow exposed to various doses of gamma radiation. Dr. Preenu Sunil Jacob (1995). Studies on the effect of vinblastine and zinc asparate on the radiation induced changes on mouse spermatogenesis using flow cytometry. Dr. H. Krishnamurthy (1997). Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of certain anticancer drugs either alone or in combination with radiation on mouse spermatogenesis by flow cytometry. Dr. P. Jyothi (1997). Evaluation of the anticancer and radiosensitizing activity of Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in cultured HeLa cells. Dr. Vijayashree Nayak (1998). Effect of certain antineoplastic drugs in combination with radiation in vitro. Dr. Sathish Kumar Adiga (1999). The effect of anti-viral agents on the modulation of radiosensitivity of HeLa cells in vitro. Dr. R. Aruna (2000). Evaluation of the antineoplastic and radiosensitizing activities of sapthaparna (Alstonia scholaris) in vivo and in vitro. Dr. M.S. Baliga (2003). Investigation of the vulnerary effect of curcumin in artificially wounded mice exposed to various doses of gamma radiation. Dr. G.K. Rajanikant (2004). Phytochemical analysis of dichloromethane stem extract of Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers. Ex Hooks F & Thoms., Family: Menispermaceae) and assessment of its antineoplastic and radiosensitizing activities in vivo and in vitro. Dr. K. Shaival Rao (2005). Evaluation of the chemopreventive, chemoprotective and radioprotective properties of naringin. Dr. T Koti Reddy (2005). Investigation of antineoplastic and radiomodifying activities of the stem bark of Aphanamixis polystachya in vivo and in vitro. Dr. V.A. Venkatesha (2005). Evaluation of chemoprotective and radioprotective properties of Aegle Marmelos (Bael) in vivo and in vitro. Dr. P. Venkatesh (2006). Evaluation of radioprotective effect of Syzygium cumini (Jamun) on radiation induced mutagenesis in mice. Dr. Prakash Chandra Shetty (2008). Evaluation of wound healing properties of hesperidin in the artificial wounded mouse exposed to gamma radiation. Dr. K.V.N. Mallikarjuna Rao (2008). Investigation of the Chemopreventive effect of shudda guggulu (Commiphora wightii) in multistage chemical carcinogenesis in Swiss albino mice. Dr. M. Balachandra Rao Naidu (2009). The Study of Antineoplastic Activity of the Bioactive Constituents of Sapthaparna Alstonia scholaris in vitro and in vivo. Dr. D. Subba Reddy (2010). Wound healing potential of Nigella sativa in mice exposed to different doses of -radiation. Mr. P. B. Ravi Kiran (2014). Evaluation of the antineoplastic and radiosensitizing properties of Croton caudatus Geiseler in vitro and in vivo. Mrs. Longjam Shantabi (2015). Invited Talks Delivered 1. 2. 3. 4. Liv. 52 treatment protects mice against clastogenic effects of radiation” at the joint meeting of the European Societies of Radiation Biology and Hyperthermic Oncology held at Amsterdam 1-4 June, 1994. The frequency of micronuclei increases with increasing dose of teniposide in V79 cells. The 18th All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposia held at Lucknow, India from Feb 13-15, 1995. Flow cytometric evaluation of DNA contents in the patients suffering from the carcinoma of the oral cavity. The panel discussion on clinical applications of flow cytometry held at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India from Feb. 14-16, 1996. The micronuclei in assessing the radiation-induced damage. The All India Symposium on the Experimental Models in Radiation Medicine, held at Chandigarh, India on Nov. 15, 1997. Page 6 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 5. Radiobiology of fractionation The 19th Annual Conference and Continuing Medical Education of the Association of Radiation Oncologists of India at Indore, from Dec. 26-28, 1997. 6. Flow cytometry as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in cancer therapy. The Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, India. 7. The effect of ascorbic acid on the radiation-induced alteration in the activities of certain antioxidant enzymes in mice exposed to fractionated irradiation. The SFRR Conference held at Mumbai, India from 21-24 July. 2001. 8. Evaluation of genomic instability by micronucleus assay. The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Cancer Research held at New Delhi, India from March 14-16, 2002. 9. Micronuclei assay in pharmacogenomics. The Training Programme for Industry Professionals held at College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, India from June 10-15, 2002 (Resource person). 10. Cell culture techniques. The Training Programme for Industry Professionals held at College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, India from June 10-15, 2002. 11. Screening of biological products. The Workshop on Product Development, Pilot Plant Scale up and Marketing of New Pharmaceuticals held at College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal from October 7-20, 2002. 12. Radiation protection by Indian medicinal plants. The ISRB conference held at New Delhi, India from Nov. 12-15, 2002. 13. Radiation protection by medicinal plants. The conference on Medical Physics & Radiation Safety, AMPICON-2K2 held at Jaipur, India from Nov. 15-17, 2002. 14. The influence of lead cadmium and hydroquinone on the micronucleus induction in mice bone marrow. The 28th Annual conference of EMSI held at Kolkata from Feb. 14-16, 2003. 15. Radiation protection by certain dietary ingredients in vivo and in vitro. The AMPI Medical Physics Conference held at Patna from Nov. 7-9, 2003. 16. The micronucleus assay as a tool to evaluate genomic instability. The International Conference on Cancer Research, Prevention and Treatment held at Silchar, Assam, India from Dec. 2-4, 2003. 17. Free radical scavenging by certain natural products. The International Conference on Natural Products, Free Radicals and Radioprotectors in Health and III Annual Conference of SFRR- India held at Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India from Jan. 17-19, 2004. 18. Radiation protection by certain dietary ingredients in vivo and in vitro. The 29th Annual Conference on Environmental Pollution Genetic Risk and Impact on Global Health held at Hissar, Haryana, India from March 3-5, 2004. 19. Indian dietary ingredients protects against the deleterious effects of ionizing radiation. The National Conference on Recent Trends in Radiation Biology and Cancer Research held at Bikaner, India from Oct. 1719, 2004. 20. Effect of radiation in healing of wounds and its relevance in cancer therapy. The AMPI Conference held at Delhi, India from Oct. 28-31, 2004. 21. Ascorbic acid treatment reduces the radiation-induced delay in the skin excision wound of Swiss albino mice. The International Conference on Recent Trends in Radiation Biology and annual meeting on ISRB to be held at Mumbai, India from Dec. 1-3, 2004. 22. Chemopreventive effect of naringin on the benzo(a)pyrene induced forestomach carcinoma in mice. The International Conference on Antioxidants & Free Radicals in Health-Nutrition & Radio-Protectors and IV Annual Conference of Society for Free Radical Research in India (SFRR) held at Bangalore, India from Jan. 10-12, 2005. 23. Radiation Protection. Symposium on Radiation Biology and Cancer. The Manipal University, Manipal, India on 8th Feb. 2005. 24. Micronucleus assay as a tool to assess DNA damage. The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India 19th Oct., 2005. 25. Radiation protection by nutraceuticals, ginger and bael. Fifth Annual Conference of the SFRR-2006 -India, held at Kolakata, India from 16 Jan. to 18 Jan., 2006. 26. Protection of radiation-induced genomic damage by naringin, a natural product isolated from grape fruit. The National Conference on Recent Trends in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, held at Chidambaram, India from 24 Feb. to 26 Feb. 2006. 27. Genotoxic Effect of Lead. The workshop on “Lead exposure in children and adults in India: Sources, Evaluation and Prevention” held at Bangalore, India on 12th March 2006. 28. Food irradiation and its impact on human health. The National Symposium on Health Impact of Radiation: Current status & Future Prospects held at Rajasthan University, Jaipur, India on 9th Feb., 2008. 29. Micronucleus assay in radioprotection. The International Conference on Free radicals and Natural products in Health (FRNPH-2008 and seventh annual meeting of the Society of Free Radical Research-India held at Jaipur, India from 14th to 16th Feb., 2008. 30. The botanicals as non-toxic radioprotectors and their future perspective. The International Conference on Radiation Biology & Transnational Research in Radiation Oncology and 9th Biennial Meeting of Indian Page 7 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra Society for Radiation Biology (ISRB), held at Jaipur, India from 10-12 Nov., 2008. 31. Assessment of anticancer and radiosensitizing activities of saptaparna, Alstonia scholaris R. Br. in vitro and in vivo. National Conference on Natural Resources Management, held at Aizawl, Mizoram, India from 24-25 March 2009. 32. Bael, Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa an Indian medicinal plant protects against the deleterious effects of radiation. The International Conference on Recent Advances in Free radical Research, Natural Products, Antioxidants and Radioprotectors in Health and 9th Annual Conference of Society for Free Radical ResearchIndia (SFRR-India) held at Hyderabad, India from January 11 - 13, 2010. 33. Evaluation of Antineoplastic and Radiomodifying Activities of Sapthaparana, Alstonia scholaris R. Br. in Preclinical models. International Conference on Radiation Biology: Nanotechnology, Imaging and Stem Cell Research in Radiation Oncology (ICRB-NISRRO 2010) together with 10th Biennial meeting of the Society during November 15-17, 2010 held at Chennai, India 34. Drug Formulations and Testing Protocols on MAP’s. National Level Workshop cum Training Programme on Recent Advances in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (RAMAPs). April 11-25, 2011 35. Animal Cell Culture.” Application of Biotechnology in Animal Research” April 11-12, 2011, held at Department of Biotechnology, Mizoram University, Aizawl 36. PCR and its application. Workshop on Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker and its applications held at Mizoram University, Aizawl from 20-21 May, 2011. 37. Cancer Awareness In Context To Human Health. Emerging Trends in Biosciences and Future Prospects” on 29th to 30th November, 2011. Pachhunga University College, Aizawl. Keynote Address. 38. Ayurvedic Rasyan Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in the Treatment of Cancer. National Conference on Environment, Biodiversity, Veda and Traditional systems. Held at Mizoram University, Aizawl from 10-12 April, 2012. (Plenary Lecture). 39. The indigenous medicinal plant Alstonia scholaris R. Br. In preclinical models vitro and in vivo. National Seminar on Recent Advances in Natural Product Research" held during 29th November to 1st December, 2012. (Plenary Lecture). 40. Modulation of Iron Induced Oxidative Stress by Naringinin Vitro. National Seminar on Redox Biology, held at Manipur University, Manipur during 28-29th March, 2014. 41. Micronucleus assay as a tool to assess DNA damage. National Workshop on Biomedical Instruments & Technologies (NWBIT- 2015) March 13th 2015 held at Rajasthan University, Jaipur. 42. Radioprotection by Natural Products. National Conference on Herbal Medicine Current strategies and future prospects 20-24 Dec., 2015 held at Rajasthan University, Jaipur. Resource person for Orientation and Refresher Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Use of Flow Cytometry in Life Sciences, I Orientation Course in Environment and Life Sciences, Oct-5.- 30, 2009; MZU. Role of Environment in Cancer. Refresher Course in Environment Science. 26th July to 17th Aug.2010 Recent Trends in Bioinformatics. 26th July to 17th Aug.2010 The Cancer. I Refresher Course in Physical Sciences and Engineering Technology 18th Aug. to 9th Sept. 2010 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. I Refresher Course in Physical Sciences Aug. 2010 and The Cancer and Carcinogenesis. I Refresher Course in Life Sciences, 9th Sept., to 1st Oct., 2010. Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. I Refresher Course in Life Sciences, 9th Sept., to 1st Oct., 2010 Computer Aided Education: The Application of Internet. IV Orientation Course in Behavioural Sciences (27th Sept to. 2nd Oct., 2010). Cancer. Program for Science Camp Under INSPIRE scheme of Department of Science and Technology, Govt. India organized by Mizoram University ,Aizawl (May, 2011). Cancer and Health, 5th Orientation Programme. 7 June to 4 July, 2011, Academic Staff College, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. Cancer. 6th Orientation Programme. December, 2011, Academic Staff College, Mizoram University, Aizawl796004. Biological Effects of ionizing radiation. I Refresher Course in Life Science. 6th Feb. to 28th Feb. 2012. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. Cancer and Human Health. 7th Orientation Programme. 10 Feb to 8 March, 2012. Academic Staff College, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. Cancer Awareness. Refresher Course on Physical Sciences. 19th March to 8th April, 2013. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. Biological Effects of radiation. Refresher Course on Physical Sciences. 19th March to 8th April, 2013. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. Page 8 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 16. Radioactive tracer. Refresher Course on Physical Sciences. 19th March to 8th April, 2013. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 17. Safe Handling of Radioisotopes. Refresher Course on Physical Sciences. 19th March to 8th April, 2013. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 18. The Cancer. Refresher Course on Life Sciences. 26th March to 15th April, 2013. Mizoram University, Aizawl796004. 19. The Tissue Culture Technique. Refresher Course on Life Sciences. 26th March to 15th April, 2013. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 20. Molecular Mechanisms of Apoptosis induction. Refresher Course on Life Sciences. 26th March to 15th April, 2013. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 21. Cancer Induction and Human Health. Refresher Course on Life Sciences. 26th March to 15th April, 2014. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 22. Apoptosis as a death paradigm. Refresher Course on Life Sciences. 26th March to 15th April, 2014. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 23. Radioactive tracers in Biology and Medicine. Refresher Course on Life Sciences. 26th March to 15th April, 2014. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 24. Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Refresher Course on Life Sciences. 26th March to 15th April, 2014. Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 25. Cancer and Human Health. . 14th Orientation Programme. 19th June to 16th July, 2014. Academic Staff College, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. 26. Tobacco and Cancer. 14th Orientation Programme. 19th June to 16th July, 2014. Academic Staff College, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004. Sessional Chairman 1. Society of Nuclear Medicine Conference, Chandigarh, Nov. 16-18, 1997. 2. The International Conference on Cancer Research, Prevention and Treatment held at Silchar, Assam, India from Dec. 2-4, 2003. Indian dietary ingredients protects against the deleterious effects of ionizing radiation. The National Conference on Recent Trends in Radiation Biology and Cancer Research held at Bikaner, India from Oct. 17-19, 2004. The International Conference on Free radicals and Natural products in Health (FRNPH-2008 and seventh annual meeting of the Society of Free Radical Research-India held at Jaipur, India from 14th to 16th Feb., 2008. The International Conference on Radiation Biology & Transnational Research in Radiation Oncology and 9th Biennial Meeting of Indian Society for Radiation Biology (ISRB), held at Jaipur, India from 10-12 Nov., 2008. International Conference on Radiation Biology: Nanotechnology, Imaging and Stem Cell Research in Radiation Oncology (ICRB-NISRRO 2010) together with 10th Biennial meeting of the Society during November 15-17, 2010. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Biosciences and Future Prospects” on 29th to 30th November, 2011. Pachhunga University College, Aizawl. National Seminar on Recent Advances in Natural Product Research" 29th November to 1st December, 2012. National Conference on Herbal Medicine Current strategies and future prospects 20-24 Dec., 2015 held at Rajasthan University, Jaipur. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Life Memberships of Professional societies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Indian Society for Radiation Biology Indian Association for Radiation Protection Society of Nuclear Medicine, India Environmental and Mutagen Society of India Indian Society of Cell Biology Society for free Radical Research-India Association of Medical Physicists of India Distinctions Achieved 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page 9 of 21 Recipient of Research Associateship from the Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi, India in 1981. Recipient of Visiting Fellowship from Stanford University, Stanford USA in1988. Recipient of Visiting Fellowship from the Universtatsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany in 1988. Recipient of Young Scientist award from the European Societies of Radiation Biology and Hyperthermic Oncology in 1994. Recipient of Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship from the Commission of European Communities, Belgium, in 1994. Recipient of Visiting Scientist award by Gesselschaft für Forschung, Munich Germany in 1995. Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Page 10 of 21 Recipient of travel award from Tenth International Congress of Radiation Research, held at Wurzburg from 27th Aug-1st Sept., 1995 Recipient of Visiting Professorship from JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science). JulySept. 2004. Recipient of travel award from the 6th International Conference on High Levels of Natural Radiation and Radon Areas” held at Osaka, Japan in 2004. Recipient of Visiting Professorship from the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas, USA from Sept., 2006- Jan. 2007. Inclusion of biography in the World's Who's Who directory published by the American Biography Institute, U. S. A. Marquis Who’s WHO, USA, International Biography Association, England and also in the Indian directory published by Rifacemento International, Delhi. Conferred fellowship by the International Biography Association, England. Selected for the deputy Director General of the International Biography Association, England. Conferred International Man of the year award in 1998 by Global Laureates, India. Conferred International man of the year award by the International Biography Association, England. Recipient of 20th century award for achievement by the International Biography Association, England. Selected for the Lifetime fellowship by American Biography Institute, USA. Reviewer of manuscripts for Various, National and International Journals including: 1. Radiation Research 2. International Journal of Radiation Biology 3. Journal of Radiation Research (Japan) 4. Toxicology Letters 5. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 6. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 7. Archives of Medicine, 8. Pharmacology Research 9. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 10. Indian Journal of Radiation Research 11. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 12. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 13. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 14. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 15. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 16. Cell Biology and Toxicology 17. Food and Chemical Toxicology 18. BMC Genetics 19. BMC Chemistry 20. BMC Alternative Medicine 21. Journal of Medicinal Foods 22. African Journal of Biotechnology 23. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 24. Journal Philippine Agriculturist 25. Current Science 26. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 27. Human and Experimental Toxicology 28. Iranian Journal of Radiation Research 29. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences (JMAPS) 30. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 31. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 32. Journal of Medial Physics 33. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 34. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 35. International Journal of Microbiology 36. JSSEM 37. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 38. Radiation Protection Environment 39. Molecules 40. Radiation Oncology 41. Redox Reports Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Page 11 of 21 42. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 43. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 44. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 45. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 46. Journal of Botany 47. Journal of Biophysics 48. Phytotherapy Research 49. International Wound Journal 50. Journal of Toxicology 51. Journal of Neurosciences 52. Immunology Investigations 53. ISRN Toxicology 54. British Journal of Pharmacology. 55. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 56. Scientifica Treasurer of Indian Society for Radiation Biology (2004-2008). Vice President of Indian Society for Radiation Biology (2008-2010). Member of the Executive Committee of the Society for Free Radical Research-India. Member, Asian Association of Radiation Research. External Ph. D. examiner for Mumbai University, Maharishi Dayanand University, Ajmer, Kolkata University, Kolkata, Assam University, Silchar and Maharajaganga Singh University, Bikaner India Served as an external expert on the board of selection committee of scientists ‘E’ at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India. External PG examiner for Guwahati University, Guwahati; Assam University, Silchar. Member Board of studies of Biotechnology, Manipal University, Manipal (2004-2007). Chairman Board of studies in Zoology, Mizoram University, Aizawl (2007-2009). Member Board of studies in Biotechnology, Mizoram University, Aizawl (2007-12). Member Board of studies in Botany, Mizoram University, Aizawl Member Academic Council, Mizoram University, Aizawl , Since 2007. Member Life Sciences School board, Mizoram University, Aizawl (2007-2009) . Member Environment and Earth Sciences Board, Mizoram University, Aizawl (2007-2009). External expert Selection Committee, Mizoram Public Service Commission, Aizawl. Chairman Life Sciences School board, Mizoram University, Aizawl (2009-contd.). Member Library Standing Committee, Mizoram University, Aizawl (2007-contd.). Member Dean’s Committee, University, Aizawl (2009-2012). Member Life Sciences School board, Nagaland University, Nagaland. Chairman Animal Ethics Committee of Mizoram University Chairman Biosafety Committee of Mizoram University Director Mizoram University Employees’ Cooperative Society. President, Mizoram University Teacher’s Association (2012-2014). Jagetia Ganesh Chandra RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS OF Dr. G. C. JAGETIA Invited Book Chapters 21. Naringin, a citrus flavonone inhibits the benzo[a]pyrene (BaP)-induced forestomach carcinogenesis in mice. Edited by V.K. Gupta , Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India (in press). G. C. Jagetia 20. Indian medicinal plant jamun, Syzygium cumini exerts its radioprotective effect by reducing DNA damage in mice exposed γ-gamma radiation. Edited by V.K. Gupta and A. Kaul, Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India Vol. 3, PP 1-26. 2016. G. C. Jagetia. 19. Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officianale Rosc) protects mice whole body exposed to Different doses of γradiation. Utilization of Medicinal Plants. Edited by V.K. Gupta and A. Kaul, Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India. Vol. 3, PP 27-52. 2016. G. C. Jagetia 18. Anticancer Activity of Indian Medicinal Plant Bael, Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa in mice transplanted with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Volume 4. Edited by V.K. Gupta, G.D. Singh, S. Singh, A. Kaul, Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India, pp127-150 (2016). G. C. Jagetia ISSN 978-935124-704-3. 17. The Phytochemical analysis and free radical scavenging activity of Aprosa octandra (Buch.-Ham exD.Don) extracts. M. Vabeiryureilai, K. Lalrinzuali, G. C. Jagetia and R.Lalwmpuii. . Proceedings of International conference on drugs discovery & development from natural resources. (5-6th February, 2014)NE Books and Publishers, Silchar (India). Pp 61-69. M. Vabeiryureilai, K. Lalrinzuali, G. C. Jagetia and R.Lalwmpuii. 16. In Vitro antioxidant activity of different extracts of Oroxylum Indicum. Proceedings of International conference on drugs discovery & development from natural resources. (5-6th February, 2014)NE Books and Publishers, Silchar (India). 104-114.K. Lalrinzuali, M. Vabeiryureilai, G. C. Jagetia and R.Lalwmpuii. 15. Analysis of various phytochemical constituents, TLC and HPLC profiling of some traditionally used ethnomedicinal plants of Mizoram, India. Proceedings of International conference on drugs discovery & development from natural resources. (5-6th February, 2014) NE Books and Publishers, Silchar (India).70-83. L. Shantabi, G. C. Jagetia, M. Vabeiryureilai, K. Lalrinzuali, Victorai Sh. Devi and Tomcha Singh Thadoem. 14. The Indian Medicinal Plant Rohituka (Aphanamixis polystachya) exerts anticancer activity in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Transplanted Mice. Recent Advances in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (volume 1) Edited by A. C. Shukla (2014). G. C. Jagetia 13. Modulation of Iron Induced Oxidative Stress by Naringinin In Vitro. Current topic in Redox Biology. Editors, G. J. Sharma and R. N. Sharan. McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India. pp. 101-123 (2014). G. C. Jagetia 12. Antineoplastic Action of Rohituka (Aphanamixis polystachya) in Mice Transplanted with Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma. Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 3. Edited by V.K. Gupta, Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India, pp. 285-313 (2013). G. C. Jagetia. 11. Naringin, a citrus flavonoid protects mice against the Benzo(a)pyrene-induced forestomach carcinoma in mice. Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 3. Edited by V.K. Gupta , Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India, pp. 153- 177 (2013). G. C. Jagetia. 10. Preclinical Investigation of the Antineoplastic Activity of an Ayurvedic Rasayana Drug the Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) In Vivo. Traditonal and folk herbal medicine: Recent Researches Vol-2 Edited by V.K. Gupta, Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India, pp.115 -132 (2014). G. C. Jagetia. 9. Therapeutic potential of Saptaparna, Alstonia scholaris in the treatment of cancer: preclinical evaluation in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma model. Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 2. Edited by V.K. Gupta , Daya Publising House, New Delhi, India, pp.155-181 (2013). G. C. Jagetia. 8. Assessment of wound repair and regeneration in experimental wounds. Text Book of Woundology. Edited by Dr. P. Kumar, (in press). G. C. Jagetia, 2011. 7. The grape fruit flavanone, naringin reduces ferric ion induced oxidative stress in vitro, Bioactive Natural Products. Edited by V.K. Gupta and A.K. Verma, Studium Press LLC, Houston USA. pp. 133-155 (2010). G. C. Jagetia. ISBN-1-933699-54-X 5. Protection against the Doxorubicin-induced Genotoxicity by Bael (Aegle marmelos L. Correa) in Mice Bone Marrow. In Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values V. Edited by Govil J. N., Singh V.K. and Mishra S. K. Studium Press LLC, Houston USA. pp 369-387 (2009). G. C. Jagetia. ISBN 1-933699-132. 6. Micronucleus assay in radiation protection. Free radicals and natural products in human health. Ed. Ashok Page 12 of 21 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 4. 3. 2. 1. Kumar, Genius Publications, Jaipur India pp 183-203. 2008. G.C. Jagetia. ISSN No. 978-93-80311-142. Natural Agents That Can Sensitize Tumor Cells to Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy. Sensitization of cancer cells for chemo/immuno/radiotherapy. Edited by B. Bonavida. The Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ, USA. pp 211-242(2008). G. C. Jagetia, Sunil Krishnan, and Bharat B. Aggarwal. ISBN No. 978934115-474-2. Radiosensitizing activity of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers Ex h\Hook f & Thoms) in tumor bearing mice. In the Herbal Modulators in Medicine, Homeland Defence and Space. Edited by Rajesh Arora CABI, Oxfordshire, UK. pp. 287-304. G. C. Jagetia, 2008. 13-978-84593-395-1 Cardioprotection by Bael (Aegle Marmelos). Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants. Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic values. Vol. 20 Edited by Govil J. N., Singh V.K. and Mishra S.K. Studium Press LLC, Houston USA. pp. 147-162. G. C. Jagetia, 2008. ISBN 1-9336991-0-8 . Role of Some Dietary Ingredients in Radiation Protection. In: Herbal Drug A Twenty First Century Perspective. Eds. Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Rajesh Arora. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, India. pp 278-290. G. C. Jagetia, 2006. ISBN No. 81-8061-850-1. Research Publications 179. 178. 177. 176. 175. 174. 173. 172. 171. 170. 169. 168. 167. Jagetia G.C. and Venkatesha V.A. Determination of antineoplastic activity of rohituka, Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. N. Parker in HeLa cells: Correlation with clonogenicity and DNA damage. International Journal of Complementary & Alternative medicine (in press). Lalrinzuali, K. Vabeiryureilai, M., and Jagetia G.C. Investigation of The Antiinflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Ethanol Extract of Stem Bark of Sonapatha Oroxylum indicum In Vivo. International Journal of Inflammation, Volume 2016; Article ID 8247014, 8 pages. Lalrinzuali, K. Vabeiryureilai, M., and Jagetia G.C. The analysis of antioxidant activity and phenolic contents of selected medicinal plants of Mizoram. Genomics and Applied Biology, 2015, Vol.6, No.11 1-12. Jagetia G.C. and P. Venkatesh Alteration in the Doxorubicin-Induced DNA Damage in Cultured V79 Cells by Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa (Bael): A Comet Assay Study International Journal of Neurorehabilitation 2015; 2(5), 1:9. Jagetia G.C. and P. B. Ravikiran Acceleration of Wound Repair and Regeneration by Nigella Sativa in the Deep Dermal Excision Wound of Mice Whole Body Exposed to Different Doses of γ-radiation. American Research Journal of Medicine and Surgery, 2015; 1(3),1-17. Jagetia G. C. and S.K. Rao. The Indian Medicinal Plant Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia) induces Cytotoxic Effects by Damaging Cellular DNA in HeLa Cells: A Comet Assay Study. Trends in Green Chemistry, 2015; 1,1:6. Lalrinzuali, K. Vabeiryureilai, M., and Jagetia G.C. Ethnomedicinal Use and Phytochemical Analysis of Selected Medicinal Plants of Mizoram, India. Trends in Green Chemistry, 2015; 1, 1:8. Jagetia G. C. and Rao KVNM Hesperidin, A Citrus Bioflavonoid Reduces the Oxidative Stress in the Skin of Mouse Exposed to Partial Body γ-Radiation. Transcriptomics 2015; 3(2). Vabeiryureilai, M., Lalrinzuali, K. and Jagetia G.C. Determination of Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of a Citrus Bioflavanoid, Hesperidin in Mice. Immunochemistry & Immunopathology 2015, Lalrinzuali, K. Vabeiryureilai, M., and Jagetia G.C. Phytochemical and TLC profiling of Oroxylum indicum and Milletia pachycarpa. Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology 2015, 3:3. Rosangkima G. and Jagetia G.C. Cytotoxic potentials of alkaloid extract of Solanum khasianum berries against Dalton’s lymphoma, MCF-7 and HeLa cell lines in vitro. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(09), 891-904 ,, Rosangkima G. and Jagetia G.C. In vitro anticancer screening of medicinal plants of Mizoram state, India, against Dalton’s lymphoma, MCF-7 and HeLa cells. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research, August, 2015, 6(8), 5648-5653. Rosangkima G. and Jagetia G. C. Anticancer and antioxidant properties of alkaloid extract of Solanum khasianum berries. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2015,2(5), 431-447. 166. Page 13 of 21 Jagetia G. C. and Venkatesh P. An Indigenous plant Bael (Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa) Extract Protects Against the Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Mice. Biochem. 2.4 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 165. 164. 163. 162. 161. 160. 159. 158. 157. 156. 155. 154. 153. 152. 151. 150. 149. 148. 147. 146. Page 14 of 21 Physiol 2015, 4:3. Shantabi L, and Jagetia G.C. Phytochemical profiling of kam-sabut, Croton caudatus Geiseler. RRJ. Bot. Sci. May, 2015, 4 (1). Jagetia G. C. and Venkatesh P. Bael, Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa, an Indian medicinal plant protects V79 cells against the genotoxic effect of doxorubicin International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology, July 2015, 7 (5), 32-46. Rosangkima G, and Jagetia G.C. Anticancer activity of Solanum khasianum fruit extracts against Dalton’s lymphoma tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 4(3), 98-103. Lalrinzuali, K. Vabeiryureilai, M., Jagetia G.C., and Lalawmpuii P.C. Free radical scavenging and antioxidant potential of different extracts of Oroxylum indicum in vitro. Advances in Biomedicine Pharmacy 2:3 (2015) 120-130. Jagetia G. C. and S.K. Rao. Isoquinoline alkaloid berberine exerts its antineoplastic activity by inducing molecular DNA damage in HeLa cells: A comet assay study. Biology and Medicine 7(1) (2015). Jagetia G.C. and Rajanikant G.K. Curcumin Stimulates the Antioxidant Mechanisms in Mouse Skin Exposed to Fractionated γ -Irradiation. Antioxidants. 2015,4(1), 25-41. Zölzer F, Jagetia G, Streffer C G2-block after irradiation of cells with different p53 status. Strahlenther Onkol. 2014 Oct;190(11):1075-1079. Shantabi L Ganesh Chandra Jagetia, M.Ayub Ali, Thaodem Tomcha Singh and Sh. Victoria Devi. Antioxidant potential of Croton caudatus leaf extract in vitro. Translational Medicine and Biotechnology, 2014, 2 (6),1-15. Vabeiryureilai M., Lalrinzuali K, Jagetia G.C., Rosangkima G. Qualitative Phytochemical Analysis and Antioxidant Activity of Aporosa octandra (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Extracts. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 6(4):68-72 (2014). Shantabi L., Jagetia G.C., Vabeiryureilai M. and Lalrinzuali K. Phytochemical Screening of Certain Medicinal Plants of Mizoram, India and their Folklore Use. Journal Biodiversity, Bioprospecting and Development.1:4.(2014). Jagetia G.C. and Ravi Kiran P. B. Radioprotective Potential of Nigella Sativa Extract in Swiss Albino Mice Exposed to Whole Body γ-Radiation. Alternative & Integrative Medicine, 3:4(2014). Jagetia G.C. and T.K. Reddy. The grape fruit flavonone naringin protects mice against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Journal of Molecular Biochemistry (2014) 3, 34-49. Jagetia G. C. and Nayak V. Indian Medicinal Herb Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Meirs) Exerts its Radiosensitizing Activity by Accelerating Chromosome Damage in HeLa Cells Exposed to Different Doses of γ-Radiation. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 6(Special Issue 2): 52-62 (2012). Jagetia G. C. and Venkatesha V.A. Preclinical Determination of the Anticancer Activity of Rohituka (Aphanamixis polystachya) in Ehrlich Ascites Tumor-Bearing Mice. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 6(Special Issue 2):42-51 (2012). Jagetia G. C. and G. K. Rajanikant. Acceleration of wound repair by curcumin in the excision wound of mice exposed to different doses of fractionated γ-radiation. International Wound Journal 9(1):76-92 (2012 Feb.). Jagetia, G. C. P. C. Shetty and M.S. Vidyasagar. Inhibition of radiation-induced DNA damage by jamun, Syzygium cumini, in the cultured splenocytes of mice exposed to different doses of γ-radiation. Integrative Cancer Therapies 11(2):141-53. (2012 June). Jagetia G. C. and S.K. Rao. Assessment of radiation-induced DNA damage by comet assay in cultured HeLa cells treated with guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers) before exposure to different doses of -radiation. Research In Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3(7):93-103, (2011 July). Jagetia G.C. and T.K. Reddy. Alleviation of iron induced oxidative stress by the grape fruit flavanone narinign in vitro. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 190: 121–128 (2011, April). T.K. Reddy, P. Seshadri, K.K. Reddy, G.C. Jagetia, CD Reddy. Effect of Terminalia arjuna extract on adriamycin-induced DNA damage. Phytotherapy Research 22(9):11881194 (2008 Sept.). Jagetia G. C., P. C. Shetty and M.S. Vidyasagar. Treatment of mice with leaf extract of jamun (Syzygium cumini Linn. Skeels) protects against the radiation-induced damage in the intestinal mucosa of mice exposed to different doses of γ-radiation. Pharmacologyonline 1: 169-195 (2008). 2.914 0.349 1.35 1.427 1.506 2.457 1.746 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 145. 144. 143. 142. 141. 140. 139. 138. 137. 136. 135. 134. 133. 132. 131. 130. 129. 128. 127. 126. Page 15 of 21 Venkatesh P., Shantala B., G.C. Jagetia, Rao K.K., Baliga M.S. Modulation of doxorubicin-induced genotoxicity by Aegle marmelos in mouse bone marrow: a micronucleus study. Integrative Cancer Therapies 6(1):42-53 (2007 Mar). Jagetia G. C. Radioprotection and Radiosensitization by Curcumin. (Invited Review). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 595:301-320 (2007). Jagetia G.C. and Aggarwal B.B. Spicing Up" of the Immune System by Curcumin" (Invited review). Journal of Clinical Immunology 27(1):19-35 (2007 Jan). Jagetia A., Jagetia G.C.,. and Jha. S. Naringin, a grape fruit flavanone, protects V79 cells against the bleomycin-induced genotoxicity and decline in the survival. Journal of Applied Toxicology 27(2):122-32 (2007). Jagetia G. C., Rajanikant, G. K., Rao K. V. N. M. Ascorbic acid increases healing of excision wounds of mice whole body exposed to different doses of -radiation. Burns 33(4):484-94 (2007 Jun). Jagetia G. C. Radioprotective potential of plants and herbs against the effects of ionizing radiations (Invited Review). Journal Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 40(2):74-81 (2007). Matsuda K., S.Y. Nakagawa, T. Nakano, J-I Asaumi, Jagetia G.C., Kawasaki S. Effects of KNK437 on heat-induced methylation of histone H3 in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 22(8):729-35 (2006 Dec.). Jagetia G. C. and P. Venkatesh Inhibition of radiation-induced clastogenicity by Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa in mice bone marrow exposed to different doses of -radiation. Human and Experimental Toxicology 26(2):111-124 (2007 Feb). Jagetia G.C., Venkatesh P., Archana P., Krishnanand B.R., and Baliga M.S. Effects of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa on the peripheral blood and small intestine of mice exposed to gamma radiation. Journal of Environmental Pathology Toxicology and Oncology 25(4):611-624 (2006). S-y Nakagawa, K. Matsuda, T. Nakano, G. C. Jagetia, J-I Asaumi and S. Kawasaki. A benzylidene lactam, KNK-437 inhibits the expression of heat shock proteins in human oral cancer cell lines exposed to hyperthermia. Japanese Journal of Hyperthermic Oncology, 22, No.2, June, 71-81, (2006). Rao B.S.S., Shanbhoge R., Upadhya D., Jagetia G.C., Adiga S.K., Kumar P., Guruprasad K. and P Gayathri. Antioxidant, anticlastogenic and radioprotective effect of Coleus aromaticus on Chinese hamster fibroblast cells (V79) exposed to gamma radiation. Mutagenesis 21(4):237-242 (2006 Jul). Jagetia G.C., and Venkatesha V.A. Mangiferin protects human peripheral blood lymphocytes against radiation–induced DNA strand breaks: a fluorescence analysis of DNA unwinding assay. Nutrition Research 26:303–311 (2006). G.C. Jagetia, N. G. Ganapathi, P. Venkatesh, N. Rao and M. S. Baliga. Evaluation of the radioprotective effect of Liv 52 in mice. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 47(7), 490-502 (2006). G. C. Jagetia and S. K. Rao. Evaluation of cytotoxic effects of dichloromethane extract of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers Ex h\Hook f & Thoms) in cultured HeLa cells. Evidence based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine 3(2):267-272 (2006 Jun). G.C Jagetia and V. A. Venkatesha. Treatment of mice with stem bark extract of Aphanamixis polystachya reduces radiation-induced chromosome damage. International Journal of Radiation Biology 82(3):197-209 (2006). R.V. Chandra, G.C. Jagetia, and K.M. Bhat. The attachment of V79 and human periodontal ligament fibroblasts on periodontally involved root surfaces following treatment with EDTA, citric acid, or tetracycline HCL: an SEM in vitro study. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 7(1):44-59 (2006). G.C. Jagetia and S. K. Rao. Evaluation of the antineoplastic activity of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 29 (3): 460-466 (2006). G.C. Jagetia, and M. S. Baliga. Evaluation of anticancer activity of the alkaloid fraction of Alstonia scholaris (Sapthaparna) in vitro and in vivo. Phytotherapy Research 20(2):103-109 (2006 Jan). G. C. Jagetia and P. Venkatesh. Radioprotection by oral administration of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa in vivo. Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology 24(4):315-32. (2005). G.C. Jagetia, T. Koti Reddy, K. J. Malagi, B. S. Nayak, M. B. C. R. Naidu, P. B. 1.506 2.02 3.583 2.073 1.950 1.67 2.41 1.307 1.1 3.541 1.333 2.868 2.06 1.84 1.61 1.746 1.1 1.746 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 125. 124. 123. 122. 121. 120. 119. 118. 117. 116. 115. 114. 113. 112. 111. 110. 109. 108. 107. 106. Page 16 of 21 Ravikiran, Shobha U. Kamath, P. C. Shetty, and D. Subba Reddy. Antarth, a polyherbal preparation protects against the doxorubicin-induced toxicity without compromising its antineoplastic activity. Phytotherapy Research 19(9):772-778 Sep; (2005). V. Chandra, G.C. Jagetia and K.M. Bhat. Trypan blue exclusion principle in the evaluation of fibroblast attachment in vitro using V79 cells onto the conditioned root surface. Quintessence International 36(9):702-706 Oct.2005. G.C. Jagetia, M.S. Baliga, P. Venkatesh, J.N. Ulloor, S. K. Mantena, J. Genebriera and V. Mathuram. Evaluation of cytotoxic effect of the monoterpene indole alkaloid echitamine in vitro and in tumor bearing mice. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 57, 1213-1219 (2005). G.C. Jagetia and V.A. Venkatesha. Effect of mangiferin on radiation-induced micronucleus formation in cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 46, 12-21 (2005). G. C. Jagetia, and M. S. Baliga. Radioprotection by mangiferin in DBAxC57BL mice: a preliminary study. Phytomedicine 12(3):209-15 (2005 Mar). G. C. Jagetia and T. Koti Reddy. Modulation of radiation-induced alteration in the antioxidant status of mice by naringin. Life Sciences 77(7):780-94 (2005 Jul). G.C. Jagetia, M. S. Baliga and P. Venkatesh. Influence of seed extract of Syzygium cumini (jamun) on mice exposed to different doses of -radiation. Journal of Radiation Research (Tokyo). 46(1):59-65 (2005 Mar). G.C. Jagetia and G. K. Rajanikant. Curcumin treatment enhances the repair and regeneration of wounds in mice hemi-body exposed to -radiation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 115(2):515-528 (2005). G.C. Jagetia, P. Venkatesh and M. S. Baliga. Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa inhibits the proliferation of transplanted Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 28(1):58-64 (2005 Jan). G.C. Jagetia and V.A. Venkatesha. Enhancement of radiation effect by Aphanamixis polystachya in mice transplanted with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 28(1):69-77 (2005 Jan). G.C. Jagetia and V.A. Venkatesha. Mangiferin, a glucosylxanthone protects against the radiation-induced micronuclei formation in the cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes. International Congress Series, 1276, 195-196 (2005). G.C. Jagetia and M. S. Baliga. The effect of seasonal variation on the antineoplastic activity of Alstonia scholaris R. Br. in HeLa cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 96(1-2): 37-42 (2005). G.C. Jagetia and T. Koti Reddy. Chemopreventive effect of naringin on the benzo(a)pyrene-induced forestomach carcinoma in mice. International Journal of Cancer Prevention 1 (6):429-444, (2004). G.C. Jagetia, K J. Malagi, M. S. Baliga, P. Venkatesh and R. Reddy. Triphala, an Ayurvedic Rasayana Drug, Protects Mice Against Radiation-induced Lethality by FreeRadical Scavenging. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 10(6):971-978 (2004). M.S. Baliga, G.C. Jagetia, P. Venkatesh, R. Reddy and J. N. Ulloor. Radioprotective effect of Abana, a polyherbal drug following total body irradiation. British Journal of Radiology, 77, 1027-1035 (2004). G.C. Jagetia, P. Venkatesh and M. S. Baliga. Fruit extract of Aegle marmelos protects mice against radiation-induced lethality. Integrative Cancer Therapies 3(4):323-32 (2004). G.C. Jagetia. Response to the Letter to the Editor by Armen K. Nersesyan. Toxicology Letters 154(1-2):161 (2004). G.C. Jagetia, M.S. Baliga, and P. Venkatesh. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), a dietary supplement protects mice against the radiation-induced lethality: mechanism of action. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiophramaceuticals 19(4):422-435 (2004). G.C. Jagetia, Shaival K. Rao, M. S. Baliga and Kiran S. Babu. The evaluation of nitric oxide scavenging activity of certain herbal formulations in vitro: a preliminary study. Phytotherapy Research, 18(7):561-565 (2004). G.C. Jagetia, and M. S. Baliga. Polyherbal extract of septilin protects mice against whole body lethal dose of gamma radiation. Phytotherapy Research, 18(8):619-623 (2004). G.C. Jagetia and M. S. Baliga. The evaluation of nitric oxide scavenging activity of certain Indian medicinal plants in vitro: A preliminary study. Journal of Medicinal Food 7(3):343348 (2004). 0.64 1.742 2.868 2.174 2.560 2.03 2.743 1.61 1.61 2.322 1.69 2.11 1.506 3.479 1.443 1.746 1.746 1.39 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 105. 104. 103. 102. 101. 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 92. 91. 90. 89. 88. 87. 86. Page 17 of 21 G.C. Jagetia and M. S. Baliga. Evaluation of the radioprotective action of geriforte (a polyherbal formulation) in mice exposed to different doses of γ-radiation. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 32(4):551-567 (2004). G.C. Jagetia and M. S. Baliga. Effect of Alstonia scholaris in enhancing the anticancer activity of berberine in the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice. Journal of Medicinal Food 7(2):235-44 (2004). G.C. Jagetia, T, Koti Reddy, V. A. Venkatesha and R. Kedlaya. Influence of naringin on ferric iron induced oxidative damage in vitro. Clinica Chimica Acta 347: 189-197 (2004). G.C. Jagetia, G. K. Rajanikant, M. S. Baliga, K. V. N. Mallikarjun Rao and P. Kumar. Augmentation of wound healing by ascorbic acid treatment in mice exposed to gammaradiation. International Journal of Radiation Biology 80 (5): 347–354 (2004). M.S. Baliga, G.C. Jagetia, Jagadish N. Ulloor, M.P. Baliga, P. Venkatesh, R. Reddy, K.V.N.M. Rao, B. S. Baliga, Sulochana Devi, S.K. Raju, V. Veeresh, T.K. Reddy and K L. Bairy. The evaluation of the acute toxicity and long-term safety of hydroalcoholic extract of Sapthaparna (Alstonia scholaris) in mice and rats. Toxicology Letters 151(2):317-326 (2004 Jul 15). G.C. Jagetia and Rajanikant G.K. Role of curcumin, a naturally occurring phenolic compound of turmeric in accelerating the repair of excision wounds in mice whole-body exposed to various doses of -radiation. Journal of Surgical Research 120: 127-138 (July 2004). G.C. Jagetia, P. Venkatesh and M. S. Baliga. Evaluation of the radioprotective effect of bael leaf (Aegle marmelos) extract in mice. International Journal of Radiation Biology 80(4): 281-290 (2004). G.C. Jagetia and Rajanikant G. K. Effect of curcumin on the radiation-impaired healing of excision wound in mice: a preliminary study. Journal of Wound Care 13 (3), 107-109 (2004). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. The evaluation of the radioprotective effect of chyavanaprasha (an ayurvedic rasayana drug) in the mice exposed to lethal dose of radiation: a preliminary study. Phytotherapy Research, 18, 14-18 (2004). G.C. Jagetia, and M.S. Baliga. Treatment with Alstonia scholaris enhances radiosensitivity in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiophramaceuticals 18(6):917-929 (2003). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Induction of developmental toxicity in mice treated with Alstonia scholaris (Sapthaparna) in utero. Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology, 68 (6), 472-478, Dec. (2003). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Modulation of antineoplastic activity of cyclophosphamide by Alstonia scholaris in the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice. Journal Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology 3: 272-282 (2003). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga, P. Venkatesh and J.N. Ulloor. Influence of ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Rosc) on survival, glutathione and lipid peroxidation in mice after whole-body exposure to gamma radiation. Radiation Research 160(5):584-592 (Nov 2003). G.C. Jagetia, G. K. Rajanikant and K.V.N.M. Rao. Modulation of radiation-induced delay in the wound healing by ascorbic acid in mice hemi-body exposed to different doses of radiation. Wounds 15 (10):324–338 (2003). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Treatment of mice with a herbal preparation mentat protects against radiation-induced mortality. Phytotherapy Research 17: 876-881 (2003). G.C. Jagetia, A. Shirwaikar, S.K. Rao and P.M. Bhilegaonkar. Evaluation of the radioprotective effect of Ageratum conyzoides Linn. Extract in mice exposed to different doses of gamma radiation. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 55(8):1151-1158 (Aug 2003). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Evaluation of the radioprotective effect of the leaf extract of Syzygium cumini (Jamun) in the mice exposed to lethal dose of radiation. Nahrung/Food 47(3): 181-185, (2003). G.C. Jagetia, M.S. Baliga and P. Venkatesh. Effect of Sapthaparna (Alstonia scholaris. Linn) in modulating the benzo a pyrene - induced forestomach carcinogenesis in mice. Toxicology Letters 144: 183-193 (2003). K. L. Bairy, S, Sanath, G. C. Jagetia, S. N. Somayaji M. S. Vidyasagar and M. S. Baliga. Evaluation of intraperitoneal vincristine in malignant peritoneal effusion. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 47 (3): 270-278 (2003). M. S. Baliga, G.C. Jagetia, S.K. Rao and Kiran Babu S. The evaluation of nitric oxide scavenging activity of certain spices in vitro: a preliminary study. Nahrung 47 (4): 261-264 1.1 1.39 2.535 1.84 3.479 2.176 1.84 1.746 1.443 1.5 2.94 2.948 1.746 1.742 0.978 3.479 0.978 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 85. 84. 83. 82. 81. 80. 79. 78. 77. 76. 75. 74. 73. 72. 71. 70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. Page 18 of 21 (2003). G.C. Jagetia, P. Venkatesh and M.S. Baliga. Evaluation of radioprotective effect of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa in the cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to different doses of-radiation: a micronucleus study. Mutagenesis 18 (4): 387-93. (2003). G.C. Jagetia V. A. Venkatesha and T. K. Reddy. Naringin, a citrus flavonone, protects against chromosome damage in mouse bone marrow. Mutagenesis 18 (4): 337-343 (2003). G.C. Jagetia, G.K. Rajanikant, S.K. Rao and M.S. Baliga. Alteration in the glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxidation by ascorbic acid in the skin of mice exposed to fractionated -radiation. Clinica Chimica Acta 332(1-2): 111– 121(2003). G.C. Jagetia, M.S. Baliga, R. Aruna, G.K. Rajanikant and V. Jain. Effect of abana (a herbal preparation) on the radiation-induced mortality in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 86 (2-3): 159-165, (2003). G C. Jagetia, and R. Aruna. Correlation of micronuclei induction with the cell survival in HeLa cells treated with a base analogue, azidothymidine (AZT) before exposure to different doses of -radiation. Toxicology Letters 139(1):33-43 (Mar 20, 2003). G.C. Jagetia, G.K. Rajanikant, and S.K. Rao. Evaluation of the effect of ascorbic acid treatment in the artificially wounded mouse exposed to different doses of fractionated gamma radiation. Radiation Research 159: 371–380 (2003). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Cystone, an ayurvedic herbal drug imparts protection to the mice against the lethal effects of - radiation: a preliminary study. Nahrung/Food 46 (5): 332- 336 (2002). G.C. Jagetia and T. K. Reddy. The grapefruit flavanone naringin protects against the radiation-induced genomic instability in the mice bone marrow: a micronucleus study. Mutation Research 519: 37-48 (2002). G.C. Jagetia. Letter to the Editor. Response to letter by A.K. Nersesyan. Mutation Research 518(2):227-228 (Jul 2002). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Syzygium cumini (jamun) reduces the radiation-induced DNA damage in the cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes: a preliminary study. Toxicology Letters132 (1): 19-25 (2002). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Influence of the leaf extract of Mentha arvensis Linn. (mint) on the survival of mice exposed to different doses of gamma radiation. Strahlentherapie und Onkolgie. 178: 91-98 (2002). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga. Vincristine increases the genomic instability in irradiated cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Toxicology Letters 126 (3): 179-86 (2002 Feb. 7). G.C. Jagetia and M.S. Baliga, K. J. Malagi and M.S. Kamath. The evaluation of the radioprotective effect of Triphala (an Ayurvedic rejuvenating drug) in the mice exposed to -radiation. Phytomedicine 9(2): 99-108 (2002). P. Jyothi, G.C. Jagetia and H. Krishnamurthy. Evaluation of Teniposide (VM-26)-Induced Toxicity on Mouse Spermatogenesis by Flow Cytometry Toxicology 163: 163-174 (2001). G.C. Jagetia, V. Nayak and M.S. Vidhyasagar. Enhancement of radiation effect by guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in HeLa cells. Pharmaceutical Biology 40 (3): 179-188 (2002). R. Aruna and G.C. Jagetia. Azidothymidine induces dose dependent increase in the micronuclei formation in cultured HeLa cells. Die Pharmazie, 56:492-500 (2001). G.C. Jagetia, K.S. Lakshmy and V. Jain. Genotoxic effect of hydroquinone on the cultured mouse spleenocytes. Toxicology Letters 121 (1): 15-20 (2001). G.C. Jagetia, A. Jayakrishnan, D. Fernandes and M.S. Vidyasagar. Evaluation of micronuclei frequency in the cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes of cancer patients before and after radiation treatment. Mutation Research 491:(1-2):9-16 (2001). P. Kumar and G.C. Jagetia. Effect of topical atropine on wound contraction in Swiss albino mice: A preliminary report. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 33:86-89 (2000). G.C. Jagetia and V. Nayak. Effect of doxorubicin on cell survival and micronuclei formation in HeLa cells exposed to different doses of γ-radiation. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 176 (9): 422-428 (2000). G. C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. Effect of acyclovir on the radiation-induced micronucleiinduction and cell death. Mutation Research 469:9-21 (2000). G.C. Jagetia, R. Aruna and B. Shivananda. Effect of azidothymidine on the radiationinduced LDH release in HeLa cells. Die Pharmazie 55, 837-840 (2000). G. C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. Correlation between cell survival and micronuclei induction in 3.541 3.541 2.535 2.322 3.479 2.948 0.978 2.555 2.555 3.479 3.776 3.479 2.174 3.241 0.672 0.81 3.479 2.555 1.308 3.776 2.555 0.81 3.479 Jagetia Ganesh Chandra 62. 61. 60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. Page 19 of 21 HeLa cells treated with adriamycin after exposure to various doses of -radiation. Toxicology Letters 115:183-193 (2000). G. C. Jagetia, R. Aruna and B. Shivananda. Alteration in the radiation-induced LD release in HeLa cells by acyclovir. Clinica Chimica Acta 294 (1-2): 129-138 (2000). G.C. Jagetia and S.K. Adiga. Correlation between cell survival and micronuclei formation in V79 cells treated with vindesine before exposure to different doses of gamma radiation. Mutation Research 448 (1): 57-68 (2000). G.C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. Effect of various concentrations of acyclovir on cell survival and micronuclei-induction on cultured HeLa cells. Mutation Research 446:155- 165 (1999). S.K. Adiga and G.C. Jagetia. Effect of teniposide (VM-26) on the cell survival, micronuclei-induction and lactate dehydrogenase activity on V79 cells. Toxicology 138: 29-41 (1999). S.K. Adiga and G.C. Jagetia. Correlation between cell survival, micronuclei-induction, and LDH activity in V79 cells treated with teniposide (VM-26) before exposure to different doses of gamma radiation. Toxicology Letters 109: 31-41 (1999). G.C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. Teniposide (VM-26) treatment enhances the radiation-induced micronuclei in the bone marrow of mouse. Mutation Research 425 (1-2): 87-98 (1999). G.C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. Elevation of micronuclei frequency in mouse bone marrow treated with various doses of teniposide (VM-26). Toxicology Letters 104:203-210 (1999). P. Jyothi, G.C. Jagetia and H. Krishnamurthy. Influence of teniposide (VM-26) on radiation-induced damage to mouse spermatogenesis: a flow cytometric evaluation. Reproductive Toxicology 12 (6):601-611 (1998). G.C. Jagetia and S.K. Adiga. Influence of vindesine exposure on the micronucleus formation and cell survival in V79 cells. Mutation Research 421 (1): 55-63 (1998). G.C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. Effect of various concentrations of lead nitrate on the induction of micronuclei in mouse bone marrow. Mutation Research 415 (1-2): 131-137 (1998). G.C. Jagetia, V. Nayak and M.S. Vidyasagar. Evaluation of the antineoplastic activity of Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in cultured HeLa cells. Cancer Letters 127:71-82 (1998). G.C. Jagetia. Radiobiology of Fractionation. Proceedings of the Association of Radiation Oncologists of India and Indian College of Oncology, Dec. 26-28, 1997 (Eds., G. Kilara and R. S. Bilimagga) pp. 33-44. H. Krishnamurthy, G.C. Jagetia and P. Jyothi. Radioprotective effect of zinc aspartate on mouse spermatogenesis. Mutation Research 401 (1-2):111-120 (1998). G.C. Jagetia, P. Jyothi and H. Krishnamurthy. Effect of vindesine sulphate on the radiation-induced alteration in mouse spermatogenesis. Mutation Research 398 (1-2): 163174 (1998). G.C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. Hydroquinone increases the frequency of micronuclei in a dose dependent manner in mouse bone marrow. Toxicology Letters 93 (2-3), 205-213 (1997). G.C. Jagetia, P. Jyothi and H. Krishnamurthy. Flow cytometric evaluation of the effects of various doses of vindesine sulphate on mouse spermatogenesis. Reproductive Toxicology 11(6): 867-874 (1997). G.C. Jagetia and R. Aruna. The herbal preparation abana protects against the radiationinduced micronuclei in mouse bone marrow. Mutation Research 391 (1-2): 157-163 (1997). G.C. Jagetia and S. K. Adiga. Correlation between micronuclei-induction and cell survival in V79 cells exposed to paclitaxel (taxol) in conjunction with radiation. Mutation Research 377 (1):105-113 (1997). G.C. Jagetia and P. Jyothi. Enhancement of micronuclei frequency by vindesine in mouse bone marrow. 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